What is beauty and why is it deified. Report: What is beauty and why people deify it

“... what is beauty, And why do people deify it? Is she a vessel, in which there is emptiness, Or fire, flickering in a vessel? Nikolay Zabolotsky

Indeed, we all want to be beautiful. All without exception - both men and women. Especially, of course, women. Everything on the altar of beauty - and time, and, and often ...

But what is it really?
How many people, so many opinions? Or are we influenced by a certain standard? Public opinion? Spells of glossy magazines? A television? Dazzling fireworks of fashion shows of famous fashion houses?

Maybe both, and another, and the third ... But the concept of beauty did not appear today. It has always existed. Ancient artists left us samples rock art- also his own, but the perception of beauty. So let's listen to the voices of bygone centuries...

They probably never did without canons. Famous sculptor Ancient Hellas Lysippus he took the height of the head as the basis of the ideal, which fit eight times along the height of the entire figure. By the canons of Greek beauty a face with a straight nose, large eyes with a wide slit between the eyelids and arched edges of the eyelids was considered beautiful.

Georg Ebers, 19th century Egyptologist writer, describing the beauty of an ancient Egyptian, writes: “... a swarthy skin tone and a dark, fresh, even blush, intermediate between golden yellow and brownish-bronze. A straight nose, a noble forehead, smooth but coarse raven hair, and graceful arms and legs adorned with bracelets.

And how many writers burned incense to the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra! And although modern scientists have discovered that Cleopatra was not a beauty at all, we tend to believe those who argued the opposite. Indeed, if she were ugly, how could she have managed to get the Great Caesar and Mark Antony?! In favor of our doubts is evidenced by the statement about Cleopatra 4th-century Roman historian Aurelius Victor: "... and possessed such beauty that many men paid with their death for the possession of it for one night" ("Oh famous people"). So, modern scientists either rushed to conclusions, or have a different view of beauty.

Until now, they are still popular Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Her baths with the addition of honey and milk. or cream Egyptian queen, which will make your skin soft and velvety, smooth any and relieve tension. The cream is quite easy to make. All you need is 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, a tablespoon of water, 2 tablespoons. Mix all the components thoroughly, put the mixture in a water bath and carefully add 100 g of fresh lard into it. Transfer the finished cream to a jar and store in the refrigerator. Once a day, apply it on the face and neck in a thin layer for 10-15 minutes, remove the rest with a napkin.

However, there is still an opinion Plutarch about Cleopatra: “The beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and strikes at first sight, but her appeal was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rare persuasiveness of speeches, with great charm that was seen in every word, in every movement , firmly cut into the soul. AT literal translation: "left his sting." Further ancient historian writes about the queen: “The very sounds of her voice caressed and delighted the ear, and the language was like a multi-stringed instrument, easily tuned to any tune, to any dialect ...”

From the 16th century, an interesting formula of beauty has come down to us, in which the “troika” rules the ball. According to this formula, a beauty should have:
Three white ones - teeth, hands.
Three black ones - eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes.
Three red ones - lips, cheeks, nails.
Three long ones - body, hair, arms.
Three wide - rib cage, forehead and distance between the eyebrows.
Three small ones - teeth, ears, nails.
Three narrow ones - mouth, shoulder, foot.
Three rounded - arms, torso, hips.
Three thin ones - fingers, hair, lips.

But the voice of the East - the great classic of Persian-Tajik poetry Omar Khayyam:
"I will not get tired in the wrong theater of shadows
Perfection to seek until the end of his days.
I affirm: your face is brighter than the sun,
I affirm: your cypress camp is slimmer.

Italian Renaissance writer Agnolo Firenzuole clearly would not like modern standards of beauty ... In his treatise "On the Beauty of Women" he writes: "The physique should be large, strong, but at the same time noble ... White color the skin is not beautiful, for this means that it is too pale; the skin should be slightly "reddish" from the circulation..."

Probably in different eras at different peoples there was a different ideal of beauty.
Narrow-hips, like a boy, Nefertiti and the puffy beauty from the painting by Rubens are noticeably different from each other. And yet we are captivated by their beauty. Maybe it's all about harmony? It seems to me that beauty given by nature is like a beautiful expensive frame. Yes, she is gorgeous, who argues. But what is she without a picture? Framing the void?
The canvas is ours own soul- we write all our lives from birth to the last breath. The palette depends on us... Someone prefers light colors, someone generously puts black blots, someone timidly paints with gray paint, and someone needs all the colors of the rainbow. Most of us also strive to correct someone else's picture in our own way ... And yet ... You may have noticed that a beautiful picture captivates even in a simple frame, or even without it at all ...

Once I was on a crowded bus. Crush, angry faces. My gaze accidentally fell on the face of a woman who was holding tightly to her little boy. I was amazed at how ugly this woman is. Well, just a rare beauty. And suddenly the boy said something to his mother. Exactly what, I couldn't figure out. But the woman smiled. And a miracle happened! Her face instantly became beautiful! So beautiful that it was impossible to take your eyes off it! I literally froze in awe. I forgot about the crush, about stuffiness! About everything in the world! I contemplated beauty beyond words. It was something incredible. I don’t know what transformed the woman so much - was it a smile, was it her love for her child? But the miracle happened. None correct features, no graceful nose could outshine her at this time. Perhaps I was lucky enough to see the essence of her soul? The same "fire flickering in a vessel"?

And I still can't help but remember my school friend. Or rather, her mother.
This woman had no hint of conventional beauty. Wrong facial features, funny shoe nose, big mouth, hair that did not differ in splendor, and at the same time a proud fit of the head, straightened shoulders, high chest, open calm look created the complete illusion that you have an enchanted Princess in front of you. Princess with capital letter. Ugly? Perhaps… But stunningly attractive! My girlfriend was an exact copy her mother, with the same manners, self-confident, in her undeniable value of the “frog princess”. Well, she had more boyfriends than the first beauties of the class.

So, beauty is, first of all, content? Soul? And why not ... After all, we appreciate our ugly, but devoted friends and will not agree to exchange them for written handsome men. And yet the heart asks for harmony. I think that every woman, if she wants to, can be beautiful. Required condition She must consider herself as such.


  • to form the ability to analyze texts, compare them;
  • promote enrichment vocabulary and improve the speech skills of students;
  • improve writing skills;
  • to educate students in an aesthetic attitude to the world around them.


  • Personal Computer,
  • multimedia projector,
  • presentation disk,
  • music disc,
  • Handout,
  • illustrations,
  • explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. The word of the teacher.

Guys, today we are devoting a lesson to preparing for the municipal exam, which we have to take at the end of the school year.

What are the goals of our lesson?

But first, let's pay attention to the beauty that surrounds us.

September ... a wonderful time. First month of autumn. The time when nature appears before us in her wonderful dress. And, perhaps, it is no coincidence that this month celebrates such holidays as

Beauty… World… What could be better? Most people strive for harmony, beauty, peace, mutual understanding. The great Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky once said: "Beauty will save the world." It is these words that we will take as an epigraph to our lesson (remember the rule for writing an epigraph!), But I will ask you to formulate the topic of the statement yourself. Perhaps the lines from the poem “Ugly Girl” will help you.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

2. Conversation on questions.

What is beauty?

Where can you meet beauty?

(Everywhere: in nature, in art, in everyday life, in relation to each other, in the ability to beautifully, with dignity to get out of an unsightly situation ...)

Composing kennings: source of inspiration

meaning of life

desire for peace

heart of art...

Individual work

a) morphemic parsing words:

spiritual beauty is infinitely more beautiful than all others

(If you look closely, you can read the statement about beauty, which belongs to Edwards.)

b) parsing Suggestions (chart building): Kras about that dost a influences est e tic and morality nn oh nasl a waiting.

Recording of Edwards's statement, as well as the most successful explanation of the word beauty.

(Beauty is all that is beautiful on Earth: people, nature, buildings. Beauty should be a source of light, goodness, peace. It should not destroy, but, on the contrary, save and help, inspire for something good.)

Let's turn to explanatory dictionary Russian language, edited by S.I. Ozhegov.

So we can talk about the beauty of nature, the beauty native land, the beauty and richness of the Russian language, the beauty of the soul, the human face, the deed. Usually, everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.

I think you will agree with me that everything in this world is changing (one fashion trend is being replaced by another), but beauty remains an unchanged, eternal human value.

1. Reading and comprehension of the 1st text.

State the keyword.

What does V. Soloukhin say about beauty?

(About the beauty of nature, namely: the beauty of the sea, a bright stream, a sunset sky with beautiful clouds.)

What is the secret of comprehension of beauty?

(In admiring, and unhurried, there is a secret of comprehending beauty.)

What needs to be done to see beauty? Prove with lines from the text, write down, explain the rules for writing words and punctuation marks.

What conclusion can be reached?

(Admiring beauty brings joy. It can heal the soul.)

Pay attention to the perfective verbs in sentence 8, which also speak of the power of beauty.

(Fill, cleanse, refine)

Determine the conjugation of these verbs.

Why are there commas between them?

Explain the placement of the dash in this sentence.

Thesis, evidence, conclusion - these are all components of what type of speech?

Indeed, the author talks about the secret of comprehending beauty. He does this through narration, that is, a coherent story about an event that happened to European tourists in Japan. This means that the type of speech of this text is a narrative with elements of reasoning.

What style of speech can be attributed to this text? Why?

(Publicistic; impact on the reader, listener)

So, this text talks about the beauty of nature, the beauty of the sea. This beauty cannot but excite us, disturb us, delight us. The author helps us learn not only to see, but also to admire it.

I hope that our conversation will help you in answering some questions of the test and I wish you good luck.

2. Test execution.

I understand that you would like to know the results today and therefore I will ask some of my colleagues present at our lesson to help me.

Dear colleagues! Some of you have a dove nestled behind your back ( a symbol of peace). It was he who chose you to be my assistant. Since there are 7 tasks in the test, then maximum amount points - 7.

They say that flowers of amazing beauty, edelweiss, grow high in the mountains. Of course, not all people can see them with their own eyes, but this will not make them any less beautiful.

Around us, guys, there is also a lot of beauty. We must be able to enjoy beauty, because it surrounds us, it is near, you just need to see it.

I suggest looking at the beauty of native places.

(to the music)

The beauty of poetry, music, art in general, of course, attracts. And how much beauty is in human faces! But not all beauty is welcoming. Cold, impregnable beauty repels. Such people are far from others. Remember the story of the narcissist!

Think about the words of N.A. Zabolotsky, sounded at the beginning of the lesson.

3. Reading and understanding the 2nd text.

What do the texts have in common?

(The general theme of the speech. It's about about beauty.)

What distinguishes given text from the previous one?

Which word in this poem is completely unfamiliar to you?

Let's turn to the dictionary and find out the interpretation of this word.

1. architecturally designed entrance to the building.

2. The kind of frame separating the theater stage from the auditorium.

3. Structure in the form of a frame - part of a large machine, machine tool, crane.

Is this word single-valued or multi-valued?

How is it used in the poem?

N. A. Zabolotsky?

Are all human faces, according to the poet, beautiful?

What artistic technique does the author use to show people's faces differently?


How does a comparative turnover stand out in a letter?

Find epithets in the text.

What is an anaphora?

Do we encounter this technique in this poem?

Yes, there are different faces.

And what kind of person does the poet prefer? Prove it with text.

(“There are faces - the likeness of jubilant songs…”)

Guys, it is no coincidence that Zabolotsky called this poem “On the beauty of human faces”.

I remember lines from a poem by Evgeny Vinokurov.

How much charm there is in human faces!
Everyone would look at them and look endlessly ...
Take care of the human face.
As if from the lake, from the surface of the face
Do not frighten away the expression of childishness and purity.

I sincerely wish you the same. We can all be beautiful: we can take care of our appearance, do beautiful things, we can communicate beautifully with each other.

But if you act beautifully, that is, do not offend, do not offend, then this is the world!

So, Dostoevsky was right when he said that beauty will save the world.

They say that simplicity is sweeter in beauty...

what beauty without kindness dies unclaimed...

what what is beautiful is natural...

what beauty needs no decorations...

Perhaps these statements will help you with your homework.

4. Conclusion. Announcement of grades.

Do you think we have achieved the goals that we set at the beginning of the lesson?

5. Homework.

Group 1: write a miniature essay on the topic “What is beauty?”

Group 2: write an essay on the key word. (The teacher offers a sample task.)

Group 3: publishing a newspaper in the wake of the lesson.

The question is certainly interesting. What is beauty? Well I do not know. It’s more likely that something attracts attention, if we take the terms in geometry, with their perfect, regular forms, for example, since childhood I remember in the kindergarten a crumpled candy foil you put on the table and smooth it with a fingernail and the mint foil becomes almost perfectly even and smooth, like a mirror, it shines, objects are reflected in it and you proudly show everyone, look how smooth and beautiful I have. With age, things change. It can be anything beautiful in the right shape. gem etc. One thing is for sure, you want to have a beautiful thing. Beauty is an object of envy and admiration. Be it an object, be it a person. If we talk about a person, then many aspects of beauty. But judging by the observations, the external beauty of a person is determined mainly by his appearance, and if you drop deeper, then this is the proportionality of the physique (for example, long, even (non-crooked) female legs, etc.) and the correctness of the shape of the face (straight nose and etc.). If you go with beautiful girl, passing by other guys despite the beauty (i.e. Her face is beautiful (not slanting, the same size) eyes, pretty (not crooked, proportional to other parts of the body) nose, beautiful with earrings (Not different size) ears, narrow waist, long, beautiful (non-crooked) legs) girls, the guys may have a feeling of envy (and see which words beauty goes), conclusion, the external beauty of a person is perfection, correctness, proportionality, symmetry of body parts. Man strives for perfection. But one should not lose sight of the inner beauty of a person. It seems to me that the inner beauty of a person cannot be seen from a distance. The forms of inner beauty can only be "seen" and felt by spending some time watching the person. Most likely, this is the perfection of deeds. Perhaps the inner beauty is determined by the actions of a person. For example, a guy is walking in his yard, and behind him ten steps behind him is a friend, a wok ...

More important inner beauty, that is, fire in a vessel, but this is my opinion. In general, beauty is a feeling, it is both strength and weakness, or rather strength in weakness, both in love and in a woman. This is something that is difficult to explain, beauty must be seen and felt. After all, sometimes an ordinary blade of grass, which you can’t help but pay attention to, falling under a ray of the Sun or under a drop of rain, becomes beautiful. Or a human smile, natural, can beautify any face. The line between inconspicuousness and beauty is very thin, sometimes you just need to peer into something or someone to notice beauty. It is for this elusiveness that beauty is worth loving. And yet with fragility, which is sometimes so easy to destroy.

Beauty is a concept that does not have a specific definition (like love). It is impossible to "verify harmony with algebra". Beauty is a subjective concept, moreover, it is changeable in time and changeable in a person even during life. This is a certain image that gives us aesthetic pleasure. In society, they can exist in different time different stereotypes of beauty, which are formed depending on the impact of art, literature. maybe just art (pictorial) represents visually the concept of beauty, which in this moment accepted by this society. Most likely they mutually influence each other. The concept of beautiful will be different even in different strata of society.

"Beauty will save the world" Dostoevsky's words. I think it makes sense if people begin to live both internally and externally agreeing with beauty (this feeling is intuitively and figuratively laid down in us by God as opposed to logic and reason), then this will save the world, since we are connected with each other and with all nature on earth , but we continue to destroy this harmony. The sense of beauty inherent in us makes life amazing and interesting and helps us choose good way. But we also have a lot that confuses us as in the "kingdom of mirrors".

But "Ryazan expanse" Shirad Yesenina will not replace! And Shagane's love will not drown out the memories of the northern cold beauty of the girl left in Russia. From two beautiful worlds, Yesenin chooses "his own land? Dear" - the beauty of the Motherland. The land of his ancestors is so dear to him, who knows how to see more beauty in it than in any other corner of the world ... Like Blok, Yesenin loves Russia, identifying it with a beauty in a patterned scarf ... But not even one native land- the whole world, everything beautiful in it is praised by Yesenin!

Beauty is determined by the soul. Inner essence. And how touchingly Natasha Rostova is described in the finale of the novel, despite the fact that she “gained weight”, “lost weight” ... The beauty of her soul is timeless, like real beauty. And time kills external beauty...

Napoleon in "War and Peace" is shown as a short little man, completely ordinary, nothing outstanding from the outside. Kutuzov - fat, heavy, decrepit ... but he is beautiful in his patriotic impulse - and repels Napoleon, eats up ambition, torments unlimited power and sole domination, ready to shed oceans of blood for this and destroy the world with war.

When we talk about beauty, we usually mean not only appearance, Beautiful face, but also the ability to control your body, the ability to move beautifully. In a word, the main component of our attractiveness is a good posture, which is achieved only by systematic sports. For beauty and health active movements are simply necessary, namely they are not enough modern man. Therefore, you need to fill this need of the body daily. physical work and active exercise. It has been proven that sports exceptional value and to prevent disease. Speaking of physical health, do not forget about the health of the spirit. After all, a calm, balanced person lives more happy life. No wonder they say that our greatest wealth is health, and to mental health this applies doubly. Many diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, skin and other organs are caused by stress - a violation peace of mind. This also affects the behavior of a person in society. In a word, taking care of your health, improving physical and state of mind we care about beauty too. After all good looks and good health is not only a gift of nature - they are achieved by self-control and purposeful efforts of the person himself.

Shiny... and tight skin... hair, clear clean eyes... lips are direct indicators general health, they indicate ... Beautiful ... posture ... shoulders, an attentive look, a high head position - these are signs ... Large and widely spaced eyes are beautiful, because ... Than more eyes, the ... the better the vision. The more ..., the more stereoscopic vision, the depth of plans. Beautiful level, close-set teeth, bent in a regular arch, because ... beautiful long eyelashes, because they are better ... They seem to us more elegant if ... in this case they do not close and do not freeze. Beautiful thick and not very wide eyebrows because they... A woman is more developed... This is a reserve in case of sudden hunger during the bearing and feeding of a child. Reserve food serves at the same time ... for the developing child. A long, flexible neck adds to the beauty of a woman, as by her ancient nature, a woman is ... More ... a man's neck provides strong support for the head in combat or when carrying heavy loads.

Composition on the topic: "... What is beauty and why do people deify it?"

(According to the works of Russian literature)

Does humanity have a single true religion, which moves every particle of the universe? A force capable of rising above time and decay, inspiring a musician's bow, an artist's brush, a poet's lyre?

Yes, there is... and always will be. Nobody, nothing will stand; front mysteriously-magnificent attraction. She alone was given power over the most beautiful feelings human souls. This power is beauty.

Excites, excites the imagination the labyrinth of regular and torn lines, the range of sounds, the palette of colors ... Everything that the universe consists of is seen by everyone through the prism of his inner world, refracted uniquely, like Sunbeam in intricately cut crystal; but it is human nature to strive for beauty, for what seems perfect to him, for beauty that can be seen, heard, felt. Let there be infinitely many people on earth, let each of them understand beauty in his own way, - all of them, without exception, are united by one thing: the infinite, unlimited power of the beautiful, the deity of generations.

In search of perfection, a person spends his whole life. How many great ones admired the wisdom of nature, the beauty of the surrounding space, the timeless harmony! Why did Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky paint their landscapes so carefully? Because they knew the connection between nature and the human inner world! In each of them, nature is involved, in action, in the plot, it is inseparable from the mood of the character. Boyishly rejoices Arkady spring clear sky driving with his father on the estate; with his arms outstretched, the mortally wounded Andrei Bolkonsky lies under the sky of Austerlitz overturned into eternity; Rodion Raskolnikov is suffocating under the oppressive, stuffy, yellow, dusty sky of St. Petersburg ... The human subconscious is drawn to the beautiful - to the May, clean, clear, to the fact that the hero himself will be cleaner, drive away doubts, calm, envelop with warmth and spring bliss ... People in love into beauty, looking for salvation from their sorrows, dissolving with a glance in the infinity of the horizon, thinking about the enduring natural harmony - Nature is beautiful, because everything in it is eternal and natural. Tyutchev said this in his poem:

All your children in turn

Performing their feat useless,

She still greets her

An all-consuming and peaceful abyss.

Precisely according to their laws, according to special rules nature lives, beautiful and free… Her irregular lines, not geometrically verified, but calculated and predetermined from the age, are true already because they are natural. The triumph of this naturalness over the mind and strength of man is the idea of ​​Zamyatin's novel "We" ... The Green Wall, buildings made of glass and concrete, the ideal geometric correctness of structures, life calculated and painted by the minute, the same slender ranks of "numbers" harmoniously marching along a linearly straight avenue - all this violence against nature is ugly! Ugly - subject to all the laws of geometry and impeccably correct form! It seems that everything is correct, verified, checked, calculated, people are happy - but something still breaks the harmony ... Beauty is not necessarily and not only perfection. Beauty is something that touches the soul. What is missing in the kingdom of the Benefactor, and if it appears suddenly, due to an oversight, is it immediately amputated, excised, like a cancerous tumor? Soul!

So, beauty, in no way spiritualized and soulless, repels? And soulless correctness bows perfect forms before the inexplicable, illogical, free life? Beauty must have a fantasy, it must have a soul, there must be a lot more so that millions of people prostrate themselves in front of all this beauty ... Probably, beauty is the most relative of all concepts.

The magnificent Helen Kuragina, the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", appears in high society - and all those present are breathtaking with admiration! Is her face pretty? Incomparably! She really beautiful woman, everyone admits it. But then why is Natasha Rostova more successful at the ball? Natasha Rostova, yesterday ugly duck, with the wrong mouth and prune eyes? Tolstoy explains why Natasha is one of his favorite heroines: in Natasha there is no beauty of features, no perfection of forms, as in Helen, but she is endowed with an abundance of other beauty - spiritual. Her liveliness, mind, grace, charm, infectious laughter captivate Prince Andrei, Pierre ... Again the triumph of spiritualized beauty! Natasha, natural, direct, it is impossible not to fall in love ... and people are drawn to her, because she is the embodiment of that true beauty that captivates, attracts, awakens feelings. Her beauty is charm, charm, sincerity. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov - ... You can’t call them handsome. But each of them is beautiful in its naturalness, inner freedom, simplicity, openness. Clumsy Pierre evokes sympathy, likes it; the short Prince Andrei seems to be an irresistible, brilliant officer ... they are such thanks to their spiritual beauty. For Tolstoy, the inside is more important than the outside! PI his favorite characters attract the reader with their qualities, virtues of the spirit, and not appearance.

Napoleon in "War and Peace" is shown as a short man, completely ordinary, nothing outstanding in appearance. Kutuzov - overweight, heavy, decrepit ... but he is beautiful in his patriotic impulse - and repels Napoleon, devoured by ambition, hungry for unlimited power and sole domination, ready to shed oceans of blood for this and destroy the world with war.

Beauty is determined by the soul. Inner entity. And how touchingly Natasha Rostova is described at the end of the novel, despite the fact that she has “became stout”, “became ugly”… The beauty of her soul is timeless, like any true beauty. And external beauty time kills ...

Of course, spiritual beauty is higher than external. But on the other hand, isn't it for the glory external beauty, not in the name of beautiful faces were the creations of geniuses created? People deify the beauty of their loved ones - those who, thanks to whom their soul came to life, who inspire them with just their glance, word, gesture, just by their presence, fill their life with meaning.

The brightest, inspiring, creative feeling on earth is love... but what is love? Admiration for beauty, admiration for the beauty of the body and soul. We love those whose spiritual and physical beauty we consider the standard. Intelligence? And this is beauty - the beauty of the mind. People who deify love cannot remain indifferent to beauty, because love is a hymn to it!

Alexander Blok. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" ... Beautiful! - here it is, admiration ... Divinely inaccessible image, tremblingly kept, seeming infallible, sacred. For one smile beautiful lady the knight will give his life without hesitation, inscribed with blood on the shield her initials... the poet will weave a wreath of words, immortal, shining like a halo, to put at the foot of her throne... why? None of them are able to understand it intellectually.

Was in the shield Your face miraculous

Shine forever...

Mayakovsky, in contrast to Blok, sang not classic beauty Beautiful Lady - gypsies and actresses, not a languid Stranger, not Izora - no, his ideal of female beauty was different ... The times of "geniuses pure beauty» gone! - Mayakovsky proclaimed, asserting a new ideal, idolized by him:

I sing you

made up,

The brightness of colors, sharpness, courage, liveliness of the image ... In a nutshell - so much! He also “crowned” and “burned out the blossoming soul with love,” but in a different way. He glorified the beauty that brings him bursts of despair, jealousy, rage, insomnia ...

A crown has been prepared for you for centuries, and in the crown my words are a rainbow of convulsions.

Ragged rhythms, uneven lines, the highest tension of the nerves. And pain, and bitterness, and a jump of nerves around the room, as in "A Cloud in Pants", - this is due to the beauty of his beloved ... She, who seemed to him a celestial, she, whom he loved, cursing, are dedicated to him the best works that enriched art, history, humanity! Beauty inspires even more beautiful and eternal - even when it hurts. Sergei Yesenin in " Persian motifs» made the world admire: transported by the imagination into an exotic, almost fairyland, to Persia ... The mysterious, mystical beauty of the East intoxicates, the aromas of saffron turn your head, the rustle of soft carpets under your feet. Women in Persia are beautiful, flexible and tender... and a look from under the veil silently promises something...

Month yellow charms Pours over the chestnuts to lie down ... Lale leaning on the shalvars, I will hide under the veil ...

But "Ryazan expanses" Shirad Yesenina will not replace! And Shagane's love will not drown out the memories of the northern cold beauty of the girl left in Russia. Of the two beautiful worlds, Yesenin chooses "his dear land" - the beauty of the Motherland. The land of his ancestors is so dear to him, who knows how to see more beauty in it than in any other corner of the world ... Like Blok, Yesenin loves Russia, identifying it with a beauty in a patterned scarf ... But not even one native land - the whole world, everything beautiful in it praise Yesenin!

How beautiful

Earth and man on it!

Beauty for Yesenin is peace and harmony, nature and love for the Motherland, tenderness for the beloved. Beauty is everything that gives happiness ...

Beauty will always be. People will never be able to overcome the feeling of beauty in themselves. The world will change endlessly, but what pleases the eye and excites the soul will remain. People will, fading with delight, listen to eternal music born of inspiration, read poetry, admire the paintings of artists ... And love, worship, get carried away, be attracted like iron to a magnet, dreaming of someone near and far, unique, unpredictable, mysterious and beautiful.

Tender than tender

your face,

Whiter than white

Your hand

From the whole world

You are far away

And all yours

From the inevitable.

From the inevitable

Your sadness

And fingers

never cooling down,

And a quiet sound


And the distance of your eyes.

(O. Mandelstam)

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Beauty is a rather subjective concept. In different eras, different peoples had their own standards of beauty, and each of us has our own concept of beauty. As the Russian proverb says: "There are no comrades for the taste and color." There is external beauty: catchy, bright, it can be seen and heard; but there is another - internal: hidden beauty, the beauty of the human soul. In my opinion, it is this second one that is the main one, but not everyone can see it. The fairy from the extravaganza of Maurice Maeterlinck speaks about it this way: “One must be brave, one must be able to distinguish even what is not in front of our eyes! .. These people are a strange people! ..”

But as soon as a person begins to see beauty in the ordinary, he becomes kinder, more tolerant and sincere, these are precisely the qualities that are so lacking. modern society. Although it is so easy to see beauty! Need only from the very beginning early childhood to teach a child to see not just the first snow, but "... hundreds of tons broken glass scattered on white sheets ... "; or not just fog, but “... in this vast white world, like spilled milk...”; sad autumn time you can also see in a special beautiful way "... groves and gardens are burning with fire, forests in red and gold dressed ...". And so in everything you just need to be more attentive to the environment.

So what is beauty? No matter how much we argue, we will not find a single answer to this question, and therefore we will not be able to explain this phenomenon. But that's why we can answer the second part of the question. Since ancient times, people have deified what they could not find an explanation for: thunder, lightning, volcanic eruption, for example. More than one hundred years passed before scientists were able to unravel these mysteries of nature. Perhaps a few more hundred years will pass, and future generations will come to a single definition of beauty, but for now you need to learn to see the beauty around you.