Demo version of exam in geography. Online test exam in geography

The exam in geography is somewhat different from classic version, which provides for a detailed story and work with a map. But, despite this, schoolchildren pass the exam in geography quite successfully. apparently test variant makes the task easier, and finding the right answers is much easier. But do not rely on this conditional lightness. The USE in geography still remains the final exam, on which the place at the institute depends. So don't be lenient on him. It is necessary to prepare for it as carefully as for other exams. After all, even one ball can deprive you of budget place in the selected .

Trial online USE test in geography on the site

The site is located on the educational portal trial options online exam tests. Anyone can try their hand at one or another subject. On our site there are no restrictions on the time and number of times you pass tests. Each visitor to the site can test their knowledge and use the trial online USE test in geography to prepare for the real exam. After all, this does not require registration or SMS. And this distinguishes our educational portal, from other services that provide their services only to registered users.

Benefits of online USE tests

Every workout improves. final result, and online USE tests will contribute to the successful writing of the final exam. Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy say that the exam is a huge stress. And it is stress that worsens the results in the exam. But frequent training USE format help to get used to the situation and reduce the level of stress at the final exam. And this has a positive effect on the points received. So anyone can practice free time. It doesn't even take a lot of effort to do this. Just take the test and test your knowledge. Moreover, it is possible to identify weak sides and forgotten material, who will allow timely elimination of gaps in knowledge. Such control of your knowledge does not take much time, but it has a positive effect on the results.

In the main USE period in Geography (May 29, 2017) 13,095 graduates took part, representing a little about 2% of all graduates educational organizations Russia.

Such a small number of participants in the exam is primarily due to the small number of universities that require USE results by geography.

The exam made it possible to objectively assess the quality of training of graduates and differentiate them by the level of training for competitive selection in institutions of secondary and higher vocational education.

Average USE test score 2017 in geography

Information source document from the official website of FIPI - METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of USE participants in 2017 in geography

Shares USE participants 2017 test scores in the 41-60 and 61-80 ranges increased by 6.6% compared to the same period in 2015, while the proportion of participants with a low test score in the 0-40 range decreased by approximately 1.1% . At the same time, the share of high scorers (81–100 TB) decreased by approximately 1.6%.

The number of 100 points also decreased (from 90 to 18 people). Minor changes in the examination paper did not affect the level of its complexity and the results of the exam participants, however, they affected average percentage fulfillment individual tasks. So the average percentage of completing tasks 3, 11, 14 and 15 increased by an average of 15, maximum score for their implementation was increased to 2 points, and the average percentage of completing tasks 9, 12, 13, 19 decreased by 15.

The share of graduates who did not score minimum quantity points, amounted to 9.13%, i.е. decreased by almost 4% compared to 2016, which can be explained by the purposeful work of educational organizations with graduates from the “risk group” based on recommendations and teaching aids, developed by FIPI specialists based on the results of exams of previous years.

Average test score increased by 1.2 to (55.15). Although such values ​​indicate that, in comparison with 2016, in general, the results of the USE in 2017 in geography are somewhat higher, they do not indicate a trend towards an increase in the level geographical education, because GPA increased by more successful implementation relatively simple typical tasks, and the level of performance of non-standard tasks requiring creative application knowledge was somewhat lower.

In 2017, graduates with an unsatisfactory level of training accounted for 9.3% of total number USE participants in geography. These graduates did not demonstrate the achievement of any of the requirements of the FC GOS, tested at the Unified State Examination in Geography. This does not mean that none of the graduates of this group has any geographical knowledge, but their knowledge is fragmentary, has no system, and is based on everyday ideas.

control measuring materials
for holding the unified state exam in 2017
by geography

1. Appointment of KIM USE

The Unified State Examination (USE) is a form objective evaluation the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of the secondary general education, using tasks of a standardized form (control measuring materials).

The exam is held in accordance with federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in geography, basic and profile levels.

The results of the unified state exam in geography are recognized educational organizations higher professional education as results entrance examinations by geography.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM USE

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The content and structure of control measuring materials in geography are determined by the need to achieve the goal of the unified state exam: an objective assessment of the quality of training of persons who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education, for their differentiation in terms of the level of training and competitive selection in institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

The content of the KIM USE in geography is determined by the requirements for the level of preparation of graduates, fixed in the Federal component state standards basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography. The selection of the content to be checked in the exam paper of the USE 2017 is carried out in accordance with the section "Mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs» Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography. This document highlights the main sections school course geography, which are taken as the basis for the allocation of blocks of content to be verified in the exam.

Sources of geographic information

Earth nature and man

world population

world economy

Nature management and geoecology

Regions and countries of the world

Geography of Russia

The work checks both the knowledge of geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres and geographical features nature of the population and economy separate territories and the ability to analyze geographical information presented in various forms, the ability to apply what they learned at school geographical knowledge to explain various events and phenomena in everyday life.

The number of tasks that test knowledge of individual sections of the school geography course is determined taking into account the significance of individual elements of the content and the need to fully cover the requirements for the level of graduates' preparation.

Questions used in the exam different types, the forms of which ensure their adequacy to the tested skills.

4. The structure of KIM USE

Each version of the examination paper consists of 2 parts and includes 34 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 contains 27 short answer tasks. (18 tasks basic level difficulty, 8 tasks advanced level difficulty and 1 task high level difficulties).

The exam paper contains the following types of tasks with a short answer:

1) tasks that require writing down the answer as a number;

2) tasks that require writing down the answer in the form of a word;

3) assignments for establishing compliance geographical objects and their characteristics;

4) tasks requiring to enter answers from the proposed list in the text at the place of gaps;

5) tasks with the choice of several correct answers from the proposed list;

6) tasks to establish the correct sequence.

The answers to the tasks of part 1 are a number, a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase).

Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer, in the first of which the answer must be a drawing, and in the rest it is required to write down a complete and reasonable answer to the question posed (2 tasks of an increased level of complexity and 5 tasks of a high level of complexity).

The distribution of tasks in parts of the examination paper, indicating primary points presented in table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of tasks of the examination work by parts of the work

5. Distribution of KIM USE tasks by content, types of skills and methods of action

Examination work provides for checking the level of preparation of graduates in accordance with the requirements for it.

Since the achievement of a number of requirements in various options examination work can be checked on the content of various sections of the school geography course, the distribution of tasks for the main blocks of content may differ slightly from the approximate distribution shown in table 2.

Table 2. Distribution of tasks according to the main content sections (topics) of the geography course

USE 2017 Geography Model test tasks Drums

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

Typical test tasks in geography contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all latest changes and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM 2017 in geography, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the assignments are leading scientists who are the developers of the USE 2017. The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, examples of forms used in the exam for recording answers and decisions are given. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the geography exam, as well as for high school students for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

The size: 13.2 MB


Introduction 4
Work instructions 7
Option 1
Part 1 10
Part 2 19
Option 2
Part 1 22
Part 2 30
Option 3
Part 1 33
Part 2 41
Option 4
Part 1 44
Part 2 52
Option 5
Part 1 55
Part 2 63
Option 6
Part 1 66
Part 2 74
Option 7
Part 1 77
Part 2 86
Option 8
Part 1 89
Part 2 98
Option 9
Part 1 101
Part 2 109
Approximate option examination work with analysis of tasks
Part 1 114
Part 2 124
Answers to option number 1 128
Answers to option number 2 129
Answers to option number 3 130
Answers to option number 4 132
Answers to option number 5 133
Answers to option number 6 134
Answers to option number 7 136
Answers to option number 8 137
Answers to option number 9 138

This manual is intended to prepare for the unified state exam in geography.
The manual presents ten variants of the examination paper, similar to those that will be used to test knowledge and skills in the USE in geography in 2017. These options are training. In order to maximize the effectiveness of training, the options include tasks that test most of the elements of the content of school geography that cause the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. All questions and assignments have been answered.
Each option contains 34 tasks. They test knowledge of all sections of the mandatory minimum content of school geographical education:
1. Sources of geographic information.
2. Nature of the Earth and man.
3. The population of the world.
4. World economy.
5. Nature management and geoecology.
6. Regional studies.
7. Geography of Russia.
Training Options compiled to give an idea of ​​what geographical knowledge from each topic school geography are checked in the exam (facts, geographical nomenclature, spatial and space-time representations, causal relationships, etc.). The questions for each of the tasks will focus your attention on a particular important aspects preparation.
It is definitely recommended that you familiarize yourself with the demo version and the specification of KIM in geography 2017 on the official website of FIPI.
When completing tasks, pay attention to the instructions for completing each of them. This will get you used to correct design answers.
Exam USE work in geography consist of two parts, differing in the types and levels of complexity of tasks.

USE 2017 Geography Typical test tasks Drums

M.: 2017. - 144 p.

Typical test tasks in geography contain 10 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the latest changes and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2017. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM 2017 in geography, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the assignments are leading scientists who are the developers of the USE 2017. The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, examples of forms used in the exam for recording answers and decisions are given. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the geography exam, as well as for high school students for self-training and self-control.

Format: pdf

The size: 13.2 MB


Introduction 4
Work instructions 7
Option 1
Part 1 10
Part 2 19
Option 2
Part 1 22
Part 2 30
Option 3
Part 1 33
Part 2 41
Option 4
Part 1 44
Part 2 52
Option 5
Part 1 55
Part 2 63
Option 6
Part 1 66
Part 2 74
Option 7
Part 1 77
Part 2 86
Option 8
Part 1 89
Part 2 98
Option 9
Part 1 101
Part 2 109
An exemplary version of the examination paper with the analysis of tasks
Part 1 114
Part 2 124
Answers to option number 1 128
Answers to option number 2 129
Answers to option number 3 130
Answers to option number 4 132
Answers to option number 5 133
Answers to option number 6 134
Answers to option number 7 136
Answers to option number 8 137
Answers to option number 9 138

This manual is intended to prepare for the unified state exam in geography.
The manual presents ten variants of the examination paper, similar to those that will be used to test knowledge and skills in the USE in geography in 2017. These options are training. In order to maximize the effectiveness of training, the options include tasks that test most of the elements of the content of school geography that cause the greatest difficulties for schoolchildren. All questions and assignments have been answered.
Each option contains 34 tasks. They test knowledge of all sections of the mandatory minimum content of school geographical education:
1. Sources of geographic information.
2. Nature of the Earth and man.
3. The population of the world.
4. World economy.
5. Nature management and geoecology.
6. Regional studies.
7. Geography of Russia.
The training options are designed to give an idea of ​​what geographical knowledge from each topic of school geography is tested in the USE (facts, geographical nomenclature, spatial and spatio-temporal representations, causal relationships, etc.). The questions for each of the tasks will focus your attention on especially important aspects of preparation.
It is definitely recommended that you familiarize yourself with the demo version and the specification of KIM in geography 2017 on the official website of FIPI.
When completing tasks, pay attention to the instructions for completing each of them. This will allow you to get used to the correct formatting of the answers.
Exam papers The exam in geography consists of two parts, differing in the types and levels of difficulty of tasks.