Message about how to obtain geographic information. Sources of geographic information and methods for obtaining it

2. What source of geographic information are you most interested in? Why?

Geographic maps are of particular interest. As a source of geographic information, they are unique. With the help of geographical maps, it is possible to compile a sufficient detailed description of any territory on the Earth. They give an idea of ​​the placement of geographic features and the distribution of geographic phenomena. Thus, geographical maps are the main source of geographic information.

3. Analyze any newspaper or magazine. Write down the terms, names, related, in your opinion, to the geography course that you are to study.

In newspapers and magazines, the following terms are most often found, which can be attributed to the course of geography: country, state, territory, border, population, weather, military conflicts, transport, city, industry.

4. Continue definition

Map projections are mathematical methods of depicting the surface of the globe (ellipsoid) on a plane.

5. Why do map projections display the earth's surface in a distorted form?

Map projections are an image earth's surface on surface. It is impossible to transfer a spherical surface to a plane without distortion.

6. Complete the scheme

7. What determines the choice of map projection

The choice of cartographic projection depends on the purpose of the map, on the size of the area being depicted and the latitude at which it is located.

8. Give examples of the use of specific map projections for the image: a) polar regions; b) the territory of Russia; c) continents and oceans; d) peace. To do this, use the text of §3 in the textbook.

A) polar regions - azimuthal projection;

b) the territory of Russia - a conic projection;

c) continents and oceans - conical or cylindrical projection;

d) the world is a cylindrical projection.

The photo shows a modern city. The perspective of the photograph speaks of its considerable size. Of the characteristic features, one can note the predominance of medium-rise buildings. high rise buildings characteristic only for business center. The spiral-shaped swirling tower shown in the picture is a feature of modern large cities in developed countries Oh. The sparse vegetation among the sands speaks of the dryness of the climate.

10. Carefully study figure 3 in the textbook. Choose any map in the atlas for grade 7 and indicate which image methods were used to create it.

Physical map of the world - high-quality background, linear signs, off-scale signs.

11. Analyze the maps in the atlas, select from them:

a) general geographical - a physical map of the world, physical maps of the continents;

b) thematic - a map of the structure of the earth's crust, geological maps, climatic maps of the world and continents, soil maps, maps of natural zones, political maps, maps of population density and peoples.

How do maps in an atlas differ in scale?

The atlas contains small-scale and medium-scale maps.

13. Map projection is:

1. drawing of any territory;

3. graticule

2. mathematical methods of image on the plane of the earth's surface;

14. Choose the correct statement:

1. Map projections display the earth's surface without distortion.

3. Cylindrical projection is used to depict the polar regions.

2. Linear signs on the map show roads, rivers, borders.

15. Territories that are homogeneous in some way are distinguished;

1. isolines;

2. linear signs;

3. quality background;

4. off-scale signs.

3. quality background.

Importance in conducting research and writing a research paper, they acquire the volume and quality of socio-geographic information, which is a “body of knowledge and a data system that reflects the features and patterns of the territorial organization of society, the functioning and development of TOS”.

Among the main requirements that can be presented to socio-geographical information are:

- modernity, i.e. it must correspond to the time interval of the study. However, this condition may not be met when conducting a retrospective analysis of the development of the object of study;

– targeting, i.e. information should be tied not only to time, but also to a certain territory. In the study of a real object (process or phenomenon) in the spatial aspect, the geographical individuality of the study is realized;

- the dynamism of information means its constant change, movement in time and space. evolutionary development the object of study is determined by the complication of its structure, the attraction of new functional properties, and the increase in the number of factors of its development. This information should not escape the geographer's field of vision;

- compliance of the information received with the research topic, and, consequently, with the goal. Its relevance and timeliness are of great importance;

– objectivity (reliability) of information ensures the reliability of the findings and recommendations proposed for implementation;

– verifiability. Part of the published socio-geographical information may be questioned in its reliability (correctness), therefore, it is necessary to take a critical approach to the choice of information sources and verify (clarify, verify) the data obtained through other sources. A researcher should be especially selective in approaching materials published on the Internet.

Given the vastness of socio-geographic research, a significant amount of information resources can serve as a source of necessary information, including:

– scientific and literary sources, including scientific and popular science publications, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, ongoing periodicals and collections of scientific papers, dissertations for scientific degrees, encyclopedic dictionaries etc.;

– legal sources, including any legal acts of international, state, regional and local significance;

– cartographic or graphical information representing complex processes in a simplified form for perception;

– results of independent field (field) research and observations;

- statistical sources containing data on the course of a particular process, the "behavior" of the object of study;

– archival and stock materials;

– electronic sources;

– results of sociological research;

– data from monitoring studies.

None of the above sources can become "self-sufficient" for conducting socio-geographical research. In the process of work, a complex of theoretical and applied developments (research) of previous researchers is used, as well as data obtained independently during field work, opinion polls, collection of statistical information, work in archives, etc.

At the same time, information cannot simply be entered into the work. It must be analyzed, verified and interpreted in relation to this study. To perform these operations, a student (undergraduate) must use the time allotted for production and research practices. The extended goal of conducting an internship is to formulate and solve one's own research problem, to develop skills in applying knowledge in the field of economic, social and political geography to solve applied problems. That is why the production practice should have a clearly defined goal and objectives that correspond to the theme of the selected original scientific research in every course of study.

During the period industrial practices students (undergraduates) collect and process primary information - statistical data, maps graphic materials, graphic-analytical constructions, historical and geographical information, sociological information, develop a methodology for original research and determine a set of indicators for the purpose of deeper and comprehensive study object and subject of observation, etc. The main places of accumulation and storage of geographic information are libraries, scientific institutions, archives, the territorial department of the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, regional and municipal authorities, the employment center, various organizations and departments.

The theoretical substantiation of the conducted researches can be obtained by a student (undergraduate) from printed sources of geographical information, which are quite diverse both in content and in scope. Particular attention should be paid to monographs both in social geography and in related disciplines: physical geography, economics, sociology, political science, resource science, ecology, cultural studies, tourism research, etc. Conceptual ideas, important theoretical provisions and practical (applied) data are contained in other sources, including collections of scientific papers, materials of conferences of various levels, scientific reports etc. The electronic catalog of printed publications that make up the scientific library of Perm National Research University is available free of charge on the website Here you can also get acquainted with new acquisitions, with scientific journals in foreign languages, access the websites of the Library of Congress, the Russian State Library (Moscow), the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and technical information(Moscow), etc.

A special source of geographical information is the abstract journal "Geography". It contains abstracts scientific publications on various directions geographical science, secondary information materials(bibliographic descriptions, annotations, literature reviews) in conjunction with the reference and search apparatus. More than two thousand various sources, Russian and foreign. Each issue includes approximately 1500 abstracts. Abstract journal "Geography" has been published annually since 1952 (12 issues per year).

Numbers for 1998 - 1999 and since 2009 they have been in the reading room of the Faculty of Geography, the rest - in the scientific and bibliographic department of the PSNIU library.

Another important literary source of geographical information is dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science. The list of dissertations and the dissertations themselves in the specialty 25.00.24 (until 2005 - 11.00.02) - Economic, social and political geography, defended at our university, are stored in the periodical literature department of the PSNIU library. To work with them, it is necessary to draw up a letter certified by the head of the department where the student (undergraduate) is studying.

In any work, new scientific categories, concepts, terms fall into the field of view of a young researcher. In this case, a great help is a variety of scientific and bibliographic literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, glossaries contained in textbooks and teaching aids. Among them, first of all, it is necessary to name the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the Great Geographical Dictionary, toponymic dictionaries, etc.

An important source of information is the most popular scientific geographic journals, collections of scientific papers periodically published by scientific and educational institutions. They publish innovative articles of a theoretical, methodological and applied nature. For many years, collections of scientific papers from Tartu, Perm, Tyumen and other universities have been published annually. World famous geographical journals: “Izvestiya RAN. Geographic Series (Moscow), Proceedings of the Russian Geographical Society (St. Petersburg), Geography and Natural resources"(Irkutsk, journal of the Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences), "Geography at School", "USA and Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture", "Japan", "Asia and Africa Today" (published by the Institute of Asia and Africa of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and etc. No less popular are geographical journals published in the leading universities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Perm, Smolensk, Bashkir, Udmurt, etc.

Important information is contained in periodicals on related sciences: economics, sociology, political science, ecology: "World Economy and International Relations" (published by MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), "Russian Economic Journal", "Bulletin of Economics", "Polis" ( "Political Research"), "Sotsis" ("Sociological Research"), "Expert" and others. 2.1.

With the support of federal ministries and departments, journals are published on individual industries economics: "Oil, gas and business", "Coal", "Automotive industry", etc. In them, the researcher can get information about the latest technical and technological developments of domestic and foreign scientists. It also contains some data on production, consumption, cost, export-import of goods and services.

When writing papers on regional studies, the magazines GEO, Vokrug Sveta, National Geographic Russia, Tourism, Picturesque Russia, etc., can provide assistance, containing a large amount of popular science information on individual regions of Russia and the world. .

It is important to note that the latest issue of most journals lists all materials published during the calendar year. Some of these journals are located in the reading room of the Faculty of Geography of Perm State National Research University.

Another type of periodical press - newspapers - may also include information of interest to the geographer - the so-called current information. Particularly noteworthy in this regard is the newspaper Geography, which is a methodological publication for teachers of geography, ecology and natural history (published since 1992). Among the central newspapers stands out " Russian newspaper"- the official printed publication of the Kremlin (Government of the Russian Federation). It reflects the events of both domestic and international life. Quite informative are the special editions of the newspaper dedicated to certain regions, countries or types of economic activity. When conducting geographical research at the micro-, topo- and nanolevels, local newspapers published by municipal authorities can be of great importance. They cover the entire spectrum of life activities of the population in a clearly localized territory, and in this respect they are indispensable.

A specific type of information is regulatory and legislative documents, including:

– international legal acts (Convention on Human Rights, Kyoto Protocol, UN Maritime Convention, Antarctica Treaty, etc.);

- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions and charters of the regions - subjects of the Russian Federation; constitutions of specific countries;

– interstate pacts;

– declarations, federal treaty;

– codes, federal laws, laws of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities;

- acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

– annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly;

- acts, laws, resolutions of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

- acts of representative and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government;

- charters of municipalities, etc.

With everyone listed species normative documents students and undergraduates can get acquainted with the help of the "ConsultantPlus" program, access to which is available in the reading room, computer class of the Faculty of Geography and in the departments.

The importance of using legislative and legal literature in socio-geographical research is explained by the need to establish a legal framework for scientific research, to determine the official status of a real-life object, an official assessment of a particular process. Socio-geographic research is based on legal norms and follows them. However, research results can serve an important factor making changes (additions), improving, improving the standards and their implementation in practice in the national, regional or municipal development.

In addition to literary sources in research works on economic and social geography cartographic and graphic materials are of great importance.

The latter, in a concise, easy-to-read form, can contain a large amount of geographic information.

The advantage of cartographic material over text is that the map is a visual (generalized) model of the territory. It is concise and informative. The map displays links between geographical objects, phenomena, processes in dynamics or statics. Text Information cannot give the researcher Moreover what is written in it. A map, on the other hand, can illustrate causal relationships and territorial differences. Cartographic materials allow the most complete diagnosis of social, environmental, economic, planning, service, political, environmental phenomena and processes. This information is used in the process of visual and measuring analysis of maps, decoding and removal of information data. That is why such materials are usually included in literary sources. However, some maps or charts that have thematic homogeneity may be published in the form of atlases or thematic collections. For example, “National Atlas of Russia” (vols. 1–3), “Socio-economic geography of the world” (author: V.N. Kholina, A.S. Naumov, I.A. Rodionova. M., 2006), "Regions of Russia" (author: A.L. Chepalyga, I.V. Chepalyga. M., 2006).

A large number of anamorphosis maps, which clearly show the disproportions of world development, are placed on the website in free access (in English).

Graphic materials also carry important information reflecting the statics and dynamics of socio-economic processes. Graphs and diagrams provide a visual representation of the state and trends in the functioning of territorial systems and can be considered as sources for diagnosing and predicting their future development.

Cartographic and graphic materials can serve as a starting point for research, an impulse for scientific research. Having in its methodological research arsenal the necessary approaches and methods, information resources and general knowledge about the course of a process or the nature of a phenomenon, a specialist in the field of social economic geography is able to correctly assess and identify development trends, to see the prospective state of the object. The result of these studies may also be a map or a series of maps with a detailed decoding of the encoded information.

Conducting research work is impossible without the use of statistical data characterizing the quantitative patterns of life of territorial communities of people in all their diversity (economic, social, political, spiritual, cultural development, natural environment) in close connection with their qualitative content.

Global studies widely use international statistics published by the UN and its specialized organizations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Resources Institute, the World Trade Organization, Eurostat, and others. World Population” (published by the United Nations Population Fund), “World Development Report”, “World Development Indicators”, “Economic and Social Survey” (World Bank), “Report on the World Social Situation” (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development ), "World Resources" (World Resources Institute), "State of Food and Agriculture" (FAO) and so on. These and other reports are available free of charge on the UN website (Russian version) -

A large amount of statistical information, updated annually on more than 100 indicators, is contained on the official website of the US CIA - in the "Factbook" section (in English). Classification of countries according to the level of social economic development is published annually on the website of the International Monetary Fund - in the "World Economic Outlook" section. The financial indicators of the development of the countries of the world are reflected on the website of the World Bank ( in the annual reports of Global Development Finance. Statistical data on international trade relations are updated annually on the website of the World Trade Organization ( in the "Resources" section.

Among the Russian research institutes that are engaged in the study of international issues and publish some statistical data, it is necessary to name scientific organizations members of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Institute of the USA and Canada, Institute of Europe, Institute of Latin America, Institute Far East, Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population, Council for the Study of Productive Forces (SOPS), etc.

When studying the processes of development and territorial organization of the Russian Federation and its regions, information from statistical collections is widely used: "Russian Statistical Yearbook", "Regions of Russia", "Russia in Figures" (issued annually), "The Socio-Economic Situation of Russia" (issued monthly, in the country as a whole and in individual federal districts) and etc.

Industry-specific statistical information published by the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (information site - is contained in the collections "Transport in Russia", "Tourism in Russia", "Healthcare in Russia", "Small Business in Russia", etc. .

Geographical studies of the population, geodemographic situation, settlement systems, conditions and living standards of people are usually based on statistical information contained in reports published after the All-Russian population censuses (VPN website 2002 -, VPN website 2010 - www, statistical collections such as "Demographic Yearbook of Russia", the electronic version of the journal "Population and Society" - "Demoscope-Weekly" (available on the Internet -, etc.

The Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation also prepares collections concerning the relationship between Russia and its partners, for example: "Russia and the CIS countries", "Group of Eight in Figures", as well as collections on federal districts.

Regional studies use statistical data published in the annual statistical collections of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The territorial body of the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory (information site - annually publishes the following statistical collections: "Statistical Yearbook of the Perm Territory", "Economic and Social Situation of the Perm Territory". In addition, the collections “Municipal formations of the Perm Territory. Key socio-economic indicators”, “Industrial production of the Perm Territory” (published annually), “Perm Territory: socio-economic results” (published monthly), etc.

Statistical data on the state of the environment natural environment and measures aimed at maintaining a favorable environmental situation can be gleaned from the annual reports “State and Environmental Protection of the Perm Territory”, “State and Environmental Protection of the City of Perm” (since 2000 available on the website “Nature of the Perm Territory” - www

Statistical information of a sectoral nature is also contained in the annual reports on the activities of industrial and transport enterprises posted on the websites of companies.

When conducting microgeographic studies, statistical information can be obtained using field (empirical) studies. The most common are expeditionary studies, during which primary "field" observations and the collection of primary information about the processes of functioning of territorial systems take place. They are carried out in the study of the geography of the population, agricultural production, the construction industry, transport, the service sector, recreational systems, etc. To conduct such studies, the staff of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography developed a special methodology, which has not lost its significance in modern conditions. Statistical information in this case can be obtained directly from the enterprise, organization, local registry offices, house administrations, municipalities, or through self-observation.

The researcher can obtain subjective information during sociological surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. Sociological methods make it possible to obtain and analyze the opinion of respondents who are local residents (the so-called first-hand information). This is qualitative information, which, however, cannot be considered objective, because. depends on a large number of factors directly affecting it (primarily related to human individuality).

However, the data of opinion polls and questionnaires is an important source of information in recreational, tourist, medical, behavioral, social, and electoral geography. They are indispensable in research that cannot be measured quantitatively (for example, in studies of the way of life, the image of a territory, the way of life of peoples and ethnic groups, etc.), in the construction of cognitive and mental maps.

Questioning involves the presence of a ready-made questionnaire, which the respondents fill out on their own. Therefore, the formulated questions should be understandable to the population. At the same time, they should correspond to the topic of the study, and the answers should give full information about the phenomenon or process being studied. Therefore, the wording of the questions should be concise, extremely clear and convenient for coding data for the purpose of their analysis. You should also pay attention to the composition of the questionnaire and the layout of the questions. The sample of respondents should be representative, i.e. correspond to the population of the area, its sex and age, professional, educational composition.

Conducting an interview requires special training of the researcher, who should not impose his own opinion and express his opinions. At the same time, attention should be paid to the environment in which the conversation takes place, as well as to the state of the interlocutor. Interviews are often repeated in order to determine a change in the situation or position of the interlocutor.

It is important to note that some studies can be built on the comparison and opposition of quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (survey data) information. Such surveys are aimed at identifying inconsistencies real situation the one described in official sources. In this case, the revealed facts themselves serve as a source of geographic information about the state and development of TOS or its individual structural elements.

Another source of empirical information is hiking and travel, during which one gets acquainted with different countries, regions, national heritage, etc.

Archival and stock materials serve as an indispensable source of historical and geographical information. In the archives, one can find information about the socio-economic, political-administrative, demographic, cultural state of a particular territory for a certain historical period.

The State Archives of the Perm Territory (GAPC, website is a repository of more than 1 million various documents on paper, photographs and electronic media related to the economy, social relations, demographic features of the development of the Perm region since the XVIII century. up to our time. GAPC stores cartographic and topographic materials. Data on the history, economy and life of the population of the region in the 20th century. can be obtained from the Perm State Archives recent history(PGANI, website Work in state archives subject to certain rules, which you must familiarize yourself with before visiting the institution. The quantity and quality of information received depends on the correct execution of requests. Partial information about the documents stored in the archives is posted on the official web pages. More complete information can be obtained from thematic collections with a list of documents in the archives themselves. Work with documents, as a rule, is allowed only the next day after the request is made.

Stock materials are kept in archives, scientific institutions, as well as in personal libraries scientists, travelers, local historians, etc. These can be scientific reports, field diaries, dissertations, theses, manuscripts of research articles, etc.

Diploma works, final qualifying works of bachelors and master's theses, defended at the Department of Socio-Economic Geography since 2007, are issued for use by students (undergraduates) after a corresponding request. The use of this source of geographic information is advisable at the very beginning of the study in order to get acquainted with the existing developments in the research field, to clearly define the spatio-temporal boundaries of independent scientific research for any other information. In this case, in the text of the research work, it is necessary to refer to the stock materials of the department.

New information opportunities are provided by the computerization of the research process, which became possible due to the development of information and communication technologies. The intellectualization of human labor, the transformation of information into an object of instant transmission, long-term storage and active practical use give rise to a demand for the creation of electronic sources of information.

Among the latter, the global information network Internet stands out, which makes it possible to obtain the necessary information in the shortest time period. Search engine engine (multi-language: Google, Yahoo!, Inktomi, AltaVista, Alltheweb, Bing, DuckDuckGo; Russian-language: Yandex,, Rambler, Aport, Nigma,, Guénon; English-language and international: AskJeeves, Teoma, MSN , TinEye, Ask.Com, MyWay, AOL, About.Com, EarthLink, etc.) provides the opening of a large number of pages of different posting times in different languages. The uniqueness of the search for information on the Internet is due to its immediacy, volume and specific focus. At the same time, it is important to take into account that obtaining the most accurate information about a phenomenon (object or process) is determined by the correct formulation of the search query. At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the shortcomings of Internet publications: one should beware of redundancy of information, its bias, and therefore it is necessary to select it, check it against official sources.

Among the many information possibilities of the Internet, it is necessary to name Internet encyclopedias, in which any of the users can be not only a reader, but also the creator of new articles. The unique multilingual universal online encyclopedia "Wikipedia" ( contains more than 450 thousand pages in Russian in all areas of knowledge (including other languages ​​- more than 13 million articles). Another popular electronic encyclopedia is Krugosvet (

The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (BEKM) is the most authoritative multimedia encyclopedia in Russia, created with the participation of leading Russian scientists: academicians, doctors of sciences and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Fundamentality, completeness of content, breadth of coverage and versatility of materials made BECM the leader of the domestic market of information and reference literature.

The multimedia format provides fundamentally new level presentation of material: a combination of text, photographs, interactive tables, three-dimensional models, diagrams, audio and video clips makes encyclopedia articles visual, multidimensional and exciting.

The list of the most popular and useful sites in socio-geographical research is given in Appendix. 2.2.

Electronic sources of information are not limited to Internet publications. They can also include databases of geographic information systems (GIS), maps created with their help, electronic catalogs and atlases. The latter have gained popularity and widespread use in recent decades. GIS technologies make it possible to perform various manipulations with data, combine various indicators with each other and build corresponding maps. Electronic sources of geographic information are mobile. Among the popular electronic atlases, we will name the Social Atlas of Russian Regions, which contains extensive analytical information and cartographic materials on a wide range of socio-economic problems in Russia and its regions, various integral indices of social and economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation (developed by the Independent Institute for Social Policy, www.atlas

AT last years information from monitoring observations began to be widely used. In many regions there are constant monitoring of the environmental, social and political profile. Monitoring information is most often stored in regional geographic information systems. This information is characterized by dynamic properties, since collected regularly, processed and stored for a long time. dynamic series information makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the phenomenon under study not only for a certain date, but also for a long time period, and therefore, to identify development trends and predict future changes.

Modern sources of information significantly expand the possibilities of socio-geographic research and stimulate scientific research in all areas of science.

The combination of various geographic data makes it possible to expand the research problem, conduct complex surveys, most reliably diagnose the current geosituation in any territory and spread development trends in the near future. At the same time, a significant amount of available information confronts the researcher with the problem of responsibility for the choice of data used, and, consequently, the final results of scientific research. The solution to this problem can be found in the creation of national databases of geoinformation, the active use of geoinformation technologies and the increase in motivation for research work.

Basic concepts and terms on the topic: economic and social geography of the world, geographic information system, geographic map, cartographic generalization, statistics, GPS (Global Positional System).

Topic study plan (list of questions to be studied):

1. Geography as a science.

2. Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

3. Geographic map - a special source of geographic information.

4. Statistical materials as a source of geographic information.

5. Other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information.

Geoinformation systems

Brief summary of theoretical issues:

1. Geography is a spatial discipline. This means that geographers are interested not only in the objects themselves, but also in how, where, and why these objects are placed in space. Economic and social geography of the world- it's public geographical science which studies the territorial organization of human society.

2. Obtaining geographic information is of real practical importance. The surrounding world today is permeated with a huge number of information, transport, social and economic ties, ignorance of which inevitably leads to your own isolation. Modern young professionals, getting into the global political or economic environment, must have a set of knowledge about the countries of the world, their culture and way of life. Geography uses different methods research: traditional- cartographic, sociological, statistical, mathematical historical, comparative, modern− aerospace, geoinformation, geographic forecast, etc.

3. Maps are the main tools of the geographer. Maps exist for every type of information relating to our planet (and not only). Geographic map (first year was created in ancient Greece about 2500 years ago by the scientist Anaximander) - a reduced mathematically defined, generalized, figurative-sign image of the Earth's surface on a plane, showing the location, state and relationships of natural and social phenomena. When the scale is reduced, the generalization of the objects plotted on the map, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics occurs.

Helps here cartographic generalization- selection and generalization of objects and phenomena depicted on the map in accordance with the purpose and scale of the map. To depict various objects on a map, a wide variety of methods of cartographic representation are used: methods of high-quality background, areas, signs of movement, isolines, localized diagrams, icons, scatter. According to the content of the card are divided into: general geographical and thematic.

The former include topographic maps (M 1:200,000 and larger), survey-topographic (M from 1:200,000 to 1:1,000,000), survey (M smaller than 1:1,000,000). General geographic maps show all elements of topographic content ( settlements, individual buildings, roads, industrial, agricultural and socio-cultural facilities, hydrography, relief, vegetation, etc..), i.e. everything that "lies" on the ground and can serve as a guide.

Unlike general geographic maps, thematic maps usually reveal one subject (soil, geological structure population, vegetation, etc.). All thematic maps are divided into two sections - maps of nature (physical-geographical, geological, climatic, etc.) and maps of social phenomena (political, population, historical, economic, etc.).

4. Statistical materials are one of the main sources of geographic information. Statistics is a science that studies various phenomena and processes in order to take into account and identify the patterns of their development using statistical indicators. In the course of geographical research, statistics decides the following scientific tasks: collection of statistical data, processing collected information, analysis and interpretation of data, presentation of statistical information in textual, tabular, graphic or cartographic form. Statistical information includes absolute and relative values, as well as various coefficients.

5. K modern sources geographic information also includes aerospace and geoinformation sources: aerial photography, space photography, remote sensing, satellite monitoring. A modern satellite system for high-precision determination of the coordinates of static and moving objects is called GPS (Global Positional System).

It was developed by the US Department of Defense. The project started in 1978 and the final commissioning of GPS took place in 1995. A fundamentally new approach to working with spatial data is associated with the emergence Geographic Information Systems10 (GIS) is a system of hardware for collecting, storing and processing spatial data. It can be said that GIS is a complex computer program. GIS features: quick search the necessary information, the cartographic ability of GIS, the ability to model phenomena on the earth's surface.

Lesson #1

Subject: Introduction. Sources of geographic information.

Questions to study

1. Economic and social geography as a science.

2.Traditional and new methods of geographical research.

3. Types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

5. A geographical map is a special source of information about reality. Statistical materials. Other ways and forms of obtaining geographic information: the use of satellite images, modeling.

1. Economic and social geography as a science, its place in the system of geographical sciences.

Geography is one of ancient sciences on Earth and takes pride of place among the beloved school disciplines. The course of economic and social geography of the world is the final stage of the study of geography in the framework of the school curriculum. The subject of study of economic and social geography is the study development of the economy and the distribution of the population in the world as a whole, in certain regions and countries. Economic geography combines elements of geography, economics and sociology; it widely uses not only economic, but also sociological research methods. You know that sociology is the science of society and human behavior, while economics and social inequality are closely interconnected, therefore it is impossible to consider the economy without people - the main production force, without the human factor. Thus, by putting man at the center of attention, economic geography became related to social geography. Main stream modern stage development is the strengthening of the social, political, environmental focus of research. The main direction is rational use and transformation of the natural environment. The long development of geography has led to a deepening of its internal differentiation. In economic geography: geography of population, industry Agriculture, transport, services and services. Today, geography has turned from a descriptive and cognitive science into a constructive science.

AT modern geography various methods of geographical research are known. The most popular are traditional geographical research methods:

I.Traditional methods-

a) descriptive - the study and description of any territory is carried out according to a specific plan. The description can be either single-element (when only one component is considered, for example, the hydrological network, relief, landscapes), or complex (when the entire territorial complex is considered: nature - population - economy).

b) comparative- when studying various territories and geographical objects, it is often used comparative analysis. The objects of study can be located close to each other (for example, the coasts of the Black and Azov Seas) or remote (for example, the mountain systems of the Cenozoic folding regions of South America and Europe) and similar features are analyzed. As a result, elements of similarity and differences are highlighted and appropriate conclusions are drawn.

c) cartographic- special maps or a series of thematic maps are created for the study area in order to understand a certain phenomenon. Certain elements of the territory under consideration (relief, climate elements, landscapes, etc.) are applied to the cartographic base with the help of certain conventional signs developed in advance. The cartographic method is usually used with other research methods: interpretation of aerial photographs, mathematical methods, etc.

d) retrospective (historical approach). The study of any geographical object, territory: its landscapes, its individual components, natural and social phenomena- is considered in time, which allows you to make a forecast for the future.

e) typological - According to the selected criteria, reference sites (key) are allocated in the study area in order to further disseminate the findings to other sites.

II. Modern methods of geographical research:

a) Geographic forecast– prediction of the future state of geosystems. b) Geoinformatics. We live in an era of "information explosion", when the amount of scientific knowledge and the number of sources of information are growing very rapidly. Informatics allows you to apply economic and mathematical modeling. The development of geoinformatics led to the creation GeoInformation Systems (GIS). GIS is an information system that provides the collection, storage, processing, analysis and display of spatial data and related non-spatial data, as well as obtaining information and knowledge about geographic space based on them.

It is believed that geographic or spatial data make up more than half of all circulating information used by organizations involved in different types activities in which it is necessary to take into account the spatial distribution of objects. GIS is focused on providing the possibility of making optimal management decisions based on the analysis of spatial data.

The introduction of GIS technologies in geography has affected many industries and, first of all, pictography. (Example: world electronic maps have already been created, differing in character and language. National electronic atlases: USA, Canada, Japan, Sweden, China, etc.)

in) Space methods research of our planet, these are climatic and space resources - the resources of the future.

Types of geographic information

Geographic information (GI) includes any information related to objects, phenomena and processes localized in geographic space. A significant proportion of geographic information is found in sources that are not maps. Examples of this are addresses in phone books, road mile markers in incident reports, place names in a gazetteer, Internet portals. The completeness of the information presented on cartographic works is determined by the set of map sheets with relatively simple themes - thematic cartographic layers linked to one base map. To depict various objects, there is a special system of geographical symbols. Consider the most used:
Linear signs– borders, roads, rivers, etc. . Contours- connection of points with the same parameters (isobars - Atmosphere pressure, air isotherms t 0) Areals- areas of distribution of certain phenomena. traffic signs are traffic flows sea ​​currents, winds, etc. Quality background- used to display the national and religious composition (without quantitative indicators) Cartogram– different intensity of phenomena within territorial units. Cartogram- a map with a certain territorial division and diagrammatic figures corresponding to these divisions. Schematic map– a schematic map without a precise basis (map of travel routes, etc.) Mapping data is currently received via satellites. Thus, there is a real opportunity to present geographical information of any volume and complexity, and for people's lives the role of GI is enormous. This is the most accurate and prompt receipt of information about the weather forecast, the degree of development of various extreme events, as well as obtaining special information, for example, the thickness of the snow cover (this is important for agriculture), the degree of coverage of cereal crops by insect pests, the degree of aridity of the region, the degree of deforestation plantings, etc.

Sources of geographic information.

1. Maps, atlases, topographic plans.

2. Geographic descriptions different territories.

3. Encyclopedias, reference books, statistical materials, etc.

4. Space and aerial photographs.

5. Geographic information systems (GIS). Currently, all of the listed sources of information can be digitized and translated from paper into electronic form, GIS example.

A geographical map is a special source of information about reality.

general geographic maps display various elements of the earth's surface - relief, vegetation, rivers, settlements, transport network and etc.

Thematic maps characterize geographical objects and phenomena on a specific topic: vegetation, relief, industry.

For example, a political map will first of all give an idea of ​​the location of countries, their borders, etc.


1. Show parts of the world and continents on a contour map.

2. Indicate the role of economic and social geography as a science, its place in the system of geographical sciences.

3. Determine the types of geographic information, its role and use in people's lives.

4. Geoinformation systems as a means of obtaining, processing and presenting spatially coordinated geographic data.

5. Study the geographical map as a special source of information about reality and statistical materials. Learn the features of the legend ( symbols) on the political map peace. Specify other methods and forms of obtaining geographic information: the use of satellite images, modeling.

Independent work

Lesson #2 A political map of the World

Questions to study

1.Countries on the modern political map of the world. Their grouping by area, by population, elements of the political map of the world.

2. Quantitative and qualitative changes on the world map.

3. The main periods of formation of the political map of the world.

4. Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

The political map of the world is a geographical map that reflects countries peace , as well as form of government and state structure . The political map of the world reflects the main political and geographical changes: the formation of new independent states, changing their status, merging and separating states, losing or acquiring sovereignty, changing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bstates, replacing their capitals, changing the names of states and capitals, changing forms of government and forms of government. The political map of the world has characteristic elements by which it can be determined, this is

State borders

State territories

Territories with international regime

Mixed territories

Sovereign States

· Non-Self-Governing Territories

Forms of government

What is usually denoted in the economic geography of the world by the terms: State, Country, Territory? The concept of the state refers primarily to the political system of power established in a certain territory, while the concept of the country rather refers to cultural, geographic (community of territory) and other factors. The concept of a country is less official than the concept of a state. Territory or trust territories- dependent territories included as a result of the Second World War in international system UN guardianship. These are mainly colonies of Germany and its allies in Africa (Cameroon, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Tanzania, South West Africa) and islands in pacific ocean(Western Samoa, Nauru, New Guinea, Mariana, Marshall and Caroline) with a population of about 20 million people. Their management, by agreement with the UN and under the control of its Council of Trustees, was given to the former colonial powers - Great Britain, Belgium, France. By 1997, almost all territories became independent states. Before modern states were formed on the planet, there was a long period of formation of the political map of the world.

The main periods of the formation of the political map of the world

1. ancient period(until the 5th century AD)

2. Medieval period (V-XV centuries)

3. New period (the turn of the XV-XVI centuries - 1914)

4. The newest period (from 1914 to the present)

First stage (from 1914 to 1945)

Second stage (1945-1990)

Third stage (from 1990 to the present)

In the world by different sources(November 2015) there are 230 territories, including:

193 independent states (recognized by the UN)

14 unrecognized states

3 Territories with undetermined status

1 quasi-state formation Order of Malta - has observer status at the UN.)

62 dependencies

The process of the birth and disappearance of states is endless, this process is called changes on the political map of the world. There are changes on the political map quantitative(accession to the state of newly discovered lands, territorial gains and losses after wars, unification or disintegration of states, exchange of territories by states, etc.) and quality(the acquisition of sovereignty, a change in the form of government and state structure, the formation of interstate unions, etc.). Currently, quantitative changes are declining and mainly qualitative changes are taking place on the political map of the world.

At present, taking into account the level and nature of the socio-economic and political development, allocate the following groups of countries in the world:
The countries of the world are grouped by different features . For example, sovereign independent countries and dependent countries and territories. Dependent countries and territories may wear different names: possessions - the term "colonies" has not been used since 1971 (there are very few of them left), overseas departments and territories, self-governing territories. So, Gibraltar is a possession of Great Britain; Guiana's country South America- Department of France; the island nation of Puerto Rico has been declared a "state freely affiliated with the United States."

Grouping countries by area:

VERY LARGE COUNTRIES: (area over 3 million sq. km): Russia (17.1 million sq. km), Canada (10 million sq. km), China (9.6 million sq. km), USA (9.4 million sq. km), Brazil (8.5 million sq. km), Australia (7.7 million sq. km), India (3.3 million sq. km)

MICRO STATES: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican. They also include Singapore and the island states of the Caribbean and Oceania.


In terms of population, 10 largest countries of the world are distinguished: China (1318 million people), India (1132 million people), USA (302 million people), Indonesia (232 million people), Brazil (189 million people). people), Pakistan (169 million people), Bangladesh (149 million people), Russia (146 million people from the Crimean River Nigeria (144 million people), Japan (128 million people) (data for 2014-2015)

THE SMALLEST POPULATION COUNTRIES - microstates. For example, 1,000 people live in the Vatican.

ECONOMICLY HIGHLY DEVELOPED STATES BUT characterized by a mature level of development of market relations. Their role in world politics and the economy is great, they have a powerful scientific and technical potential. They differ from each other in the scale and level of economic development, population. USA, UK, Japan, etc.

POOR COUNTRIES - Primarily former colonies which, having gained political independence, fell into economic dependence on their former metropolises. These are most of the countries of Africa south of the Sahara, countries such as Angola, Ghana, Zambia, as well as the Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. They are very far behind developed world for all major socio-economic indicators. (see list at the end of the topic)

State forms board.

The form of state government characterizes the organization of state power, the system of higher state bodies. There are two forms of government: republican and monarchicalRepublic form of government in which the highest legislature belongs to the elected representative body of the parliament, and the executive - to the government. Republics are divided into parliamentary and presidential. AT presidential republics, the president is endowed with very large rights, he heads the government. (USA, Iran, Argentina, etc.) AT parliamentary the main figure is the head of government. (Germany, Italy, Israel, etc.) monarchical form of government A government in which the monarch is the head of state. This sovereignty is hereditary. Monarchies are divided into absolute, constitutional, theocratic .

Absolute monarchy - the power of the monarch is practically unlimited (Bhutan, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc.)

Theocratic monarchy - The monarch simultaneously represents secular and spiritual power. (Vatican, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain).

A constitutional monarchy The power of the monarch is limited by Parliament. On the modern political map, 30 countries of the world have a monarchical form of government.

Forms of administrative-territorial structure

Countries subdivided into unitary (in which the country has a single legislative and executive power ). Federated - in which, along with uniform laws, there are separate self-governing territorial units that have their own legislative, executive and judiciary authorities.


1. Give a brief description of the state (of your own choice in any form).

2. Using reference materials, maps, fill in the table, marking the countries

world with a federal administrative-territorial structure. Explain what

is the difference between unitary and federal forms of administrative

territorial device.

Lesson #3

Subject: Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

Questions to study

1. Differences in the countries of the modern world in terms of territory, population, population characteristics, geographical location.

2. Types of countries. Economically developed and developing countries (main; highly developed countries of Western Europe; countries of the resettlement type; key countries; countries of outward-oriented development; new industrial countries and other groups).

3. The UN and its main structural units

The political map of the world is represented by individual countries and regions. For a complete study of the country, it is customary to consider it from different points vision: by the size of the territory, geographic location, the nature of the social system, the level of socio-economic development, historical and geographical areas, etc. GDP is used to rank countries by socio-economic development. Gross domestic product is one of the great inventions of the 20th century, almost equal in importance to the automobile. GDP - the sum of all goods produced in the territory of a given country for the year, and GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP) - the volume of goods produced according to the national principle: GDP minus the profits of foreign companies transferred abroad and wages foreign workers, plus similar receipts from abroad. The countries of the world use different methods for calculating GDP and GNP, so the data provided by national and international statistics are almost always different. In order to enable cross-country comparisons, in international statistics, data on GDP is given in a single monetary measurement - US dollars. They are calculated by UN experts using special methods - at official exchange rates or at purchasing power parities of currencies. Therefore, these data, depending on the calculation method, differ significantly from each other.

There is a classification adopted by the UN - the division of the countries of the world into "industrialized", "developing" and countries with a "centrally planned economy". But at the same time, this division unites extremely different countries. Obviously, such countries as, for example, the United States and Switzerland, classified as "economically developed countries", or Kuwait and Papua New Guinea (falling into the group of developing countries) certainly have common features, but there are even more differences between them. The group of industrialized countries includes about 30 states. They are distinguished by a high level of economic development, the predominance of manufacturing and service industries in GDP, and a high quality and standard of living of the population. These countries create the bulk of world industrial production. They account for more than 70% of the world foreign trade turnover, including about 90% of exports of machinery and equipment.

The economically developed countries are approximately 60 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and Oceania. All of them are characterized by a higher level of economic and social development and, accordingly, GDP per capita. However, this group of countries is characterized by rather significant internal heterogeneity and four subgroups can be distinguished in its composition.

G7 countries "Big Seven" (GDP per capita 20-30 thousand dollars) - Japan, USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada.

Privileged highly developed countries of Western Europe: Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, etc.
Countries of "settlement" capitalism: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel.

Nafta countries USA, Canada, Mexico.

"IMF" in the number of developed countries includes Western Europe, including the EU. The unification of the EU causes a lot of controversy, the second and third wave of countries that joined the EU gives rise to many doubts. Simply put, all the countries that are members of the European Union, although they are independent, are subject to the same rules: they have the same rules for education, health care, pension, judicial system, etc. In a word, EU laws are valid in all EU countries.

For 2013: there are 28 countries in the European Union.

  • Austria (1995)
  • Belgium (1957)
  • Bulgaria (2007)
  • UK (1973)
  • Hungary (2004)
  • Germany (1957)
  • Greece (1981)
  • Denmark (1973)
  • Ireland (1973)
  • Spain (1986)
  • Italy (1957)
  • Cyprus (2004)
  • Latvia (2004)
  • Lithuania (2004)
  • Luxembourg (1957)
  • Malta (2004)
  • Netherlands (1957)
  • Poland (2004)
  • Slovakia (2004)
  • Slovenia (2004)
  • Portugal (1986)
  • Romania (2007)
  • Finland (1995)
  • France (1957)
  • Croatia (2013)
  • Czech Republic (2004)
  • Sweden (1995)
  • Estonia (2004)

Candidates Iceland

  • Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Turkey
  • Montenegro

All of them are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

To the group developing countries included the largest number of states in the world (about 150). These countries are extremely different - this group includes Brazil and Tuvalu, India and South Korea, Somalia and Burkina Faso, etc. However, all of them have such common features of socio-economic development as: raw material specialization of the economy.

Features of participation in the international division of labor; unequal position in the world economy, dependence on foreign capital; huge external debt; the presence of the most acute problems - demographic, environmental and food, as well as the low standard of living of the majority of the population and others. Nevertheless, among the developing countries there are countries and territories that, in terms of socio-economic development, have already approached the level of industrialized ones. Consider in detail the major economic associations:

1. Countries with "transitional economies" (post-socialist) and socialist countries. This group includes the countries of the Center, and the East. Europe (including all the republics of the former USSR) and Mongolia are "countries with economies in transition"; as well as the socialist countries - Cuba, China,

2. Key countries: Mexico, Argentina, India, China, Brazil
3. " Newly industrialized countries or "Yellow Tigers": Singapore, Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, as well as R/V "second wave" - ​​Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Their economic performance is largely in line with that of industrialized countries, but there are also features common to all developing countries.
4. " Oil exporting countries» or OPEC ( Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE Algeria, Venezuela, Gabon, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Qatar, Libya, Nigeria, Ecuador)

5. BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

6. SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

SCO Member States





Poor countries- Mostly former colonies, which, having gained political independence, became economically dependent on their former metropolises. This is most of the countries of Africa south of the Sahara, countries such as Angola, Ghana, Zambia. As well as the Asian countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and others. They are very far behind the developed world in all major socio-economic indicators.

Poor country GDP per capita (2015 data)

1 Malawi $226.50

2 Burundi $267.10

3 Central African Republic $333.20

4 Niger $415.40

5 Liberia $454.30

6 Madagascar $463.00

7 Congo $484.20

8 Gambia $488.60

9 Ethiopia $505.00

10 Guinea $523.10

UN structure.

For self-study:

Typology of the countries of the world:

“Typology of countries - the allocation of groups of countries of the world similar in level, nature and type of socio-economic and historical development.

The first step in any typology is classification of countries according to a set of demographic, economic, social and other indicators of development.

Second phase identification of typological features of countries with a similar level of development and their grouping. The typologies of developing countries of B. M. Bolotin, V. L. Sheinis, V. V. Velsky, Ya. G. Mashbits and other geographers and economists are widely known.

Country, state - the main object of the political map of the world. The total number of countries on this map during the 20th century. increased noticeably. First of all, as a result of changes associated with the results of the First World War. Secondly, as a result of the changes that followed the Second World War, expressed in the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism, when during the years 1945-1993. 102 countries have achieved political independence. Third, in the early 1990s as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia. There are about 230 countries on the modern political map. Behind it quantitative growth important qualitative changes follow. This is manifested in the fact that out of 230 states, 193 are sovereign states. The rest falls on the so-called non-self-governing territories.

With such a large number of countries, it becomes necessary to group them, which is carried out primarily on the basis of different quantitative criteria. The most common grouping of countries according to the size of their territory and population. Often used grouping of countries according to the peculiarities of their geographical location.1. Grouping of countries according to the size of the territory - the largest countries (territory more than 3 million km 2) These include states of different regions. Half of the dozen participants, delegated New World, four countries are located in Eurasia, one - in Africa. At the same time, only Russia can be considered European country. 2. Grouping by the prevalence of means of communication. The most widely spoken language in largest countries world - English. It is spoken in the USA, Canada, Australia and some in India. The Russian language is widely used in Russia and Kazakhstan. The top ten is dominated by multinational countries. The country with the most diverse ethnic composition is India. More than 500 peoples, nationalities and tribes live here. Many ethnic groups live on the territory of Sudan, Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, China, and the USA. But the population of Argentina, Brazil and Australia mainly belongs to the same ethnic group.2. Grouping according to the state system, forms of government and the administrative-territorial structure of the countries of the world. The countries of the world also differ in the forms of government and in the forms of territorial and state structure. Allocate two main forms government: a republic where legislative power is usually vested in parliament and executive power is usually vested in the government. Another form is a monarchy, where power belongs to the monarch and is inherited. Most countries in the world have a republican form of government. In the republics, the highest state power belongs to an elected representative body; the head of state is elected by the people of the country. There are presidential republics, where the president heads the government and has great powers (USA, Guinea, Argentina, etc.) and parliamentary republics, where the role of the president is less, and the prime minister appointed by the president is the head of executive power. There are currently 30 monarchies. Among the monarchies are constitutional and absolute. At constitutional monarchy the power of the monarch is limited by the constitution and the activities of parliament: the real legislative power usually belongs to the parliament, and the executive - to the government. The monarch at the same time "reigns, but does not rule", although his political influence is quite large. Such monarchies include Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, etc. Under an absolute monarchy, the power of the ruler is not limited in any way. There are only six states in the world with this form of government: Brunei, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United United Arab Emirates, Vatican. The so-called theocratic monarchies, i.e., countries where the head of state is also its religious head (Vatican and Saudi Arabia), are especially singled out. There are countries that have a specific form of government. These include states that are members of the so-called Commonwealth (until 1947 it was called the "British Commonwealth of Nations"). The Commonwealth is an association of countries that includes Great Britain and many of its former colonies, dominions and dependent territories (a total of 50 states). It was originally created by Great Britain to preserve its economic and military-political positions in previously owned territories and countries. In 16 Commonwealth countries, the British Queen is formally considered the head of state. "The largest of them include Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In them, the head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General, and the legislature is Parliament. 3. According to the forms of government distinguish between unitary and federal countries.In a unitary state there is a single constitution, a single executive and legislative power, and administrative-territorial units are endowed with minor powers and report directly to the central government (France, Hungary).In a federal state, along with uniform laws and authorities, there are others state formations - republics, states, provinces, etc., which adopt their own laws, have their own authorities, i.e. members of the federation have a certain political and economic independence.But their activities should not contradict federal laws (India, Russia, USA). Most countries of the world are unitary, there are now a little more than 20 federal states in the world. The federal form of the state is characteristic of both multinational (Pakistan, Russia) countries, and countries with a relatively homogeneous national composition population (Germany). 4. By population of the world by population China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, and Pakistan Russia.

4. By geographical location.

Maritime countries;



Archipelago countries;

Countries occupying an inland position. In other words, when grouping countries by geographic location, they usually distinguish countries that do not have access to the sea (Chad, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, etc. - a total of 42 countries of the world) and coastal ones (India, Colombia). Among the seaside, there are island (Sri Lanka), peninsular (Spain) and archipelago countries (Japan, Indonesia) ”about the grouping of countries into subgroups and their role in the world economy.

Until the beginning of the 90s. all countries of the world were divided into three types: socialist, developed capitalist and developing. After the actual collapse of the world socialist system, this typology was replaced by others. One of them, also three-term, divides all countries of the world into economically developed, developing and countries with economies in transition, i.e. carrying out the transition from a planned-centralized to a market economy. A two-term typology is widely used with the subdivision of all countries into economically developed and developing ones. The main criterion for such a typology is the level of socio-economic development of the state, expressed through the indicator of gross domestic product per capita.

Lesson number 4


Questions for preparation:

1. What is usually denoted in the economic geography of the world by the terms: State, Country, Territory?

2.Countries on the modern political map of the world.

3. Orient yourself and know the main periods of the formation of the political map of the world

4. Know the number of countries on the political map of the world.

5.Quantitative and qualitative changes on the world map.

6. Grouping countries by various characteristics and signs.

7. Typology of the countries of the world. Political system. Forms of government.

8. Forms of administrative-territorial structure

9.Historical and geographical regions of the world

10. Understand the abbreviation of GDP and NVP

11. Be able to find economically developed countries on the map.

12. Know the member states of the European Union

13. Know the member states of the G7 Political Club, Privileged highly developed countries of Western Europe, Countries of “settlement” capitalism,

To their location relative to..."



(approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of 09.12.2003 N 359-st)

Official terminology. 2012 .

See what "Geographic information" is in other dictionaries:

    geographical information- 4.1 geographic information: Information about objects and phenomena containing, explicitly or implicitly, an indication of their location relative to the Earth. Source: GOST R ISO 19105 2003: Geographic information. Compliance and Testing…

    GOST R ISO 19105-2003: Geographic information. Compliance and testing- Terminology GOST R ISO 19105 2003: Geographic information. Compliance and testing original document: 4.1 geographic information: Information about objects and phenomena, containing, explicitly or implicitly, an indication of their location ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Information- Is it desirable to improve this article?: Find and arrange in the form of footnotes links to authoritative sources confirming what has been written. Add illustrations. Add information for other countries and regions ... Wikipedia

    Geographic map- This term has other meanings, see Map. Physical map of the world. Geographic ... Wikipedia

    Geographic map- Fig.1. Tourist topographic map. The Psysh Valley in the Caucasus A geographic map is one of the types of information carriers about the area. To study the entrances to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhiking, climbing or other outdoor activities, suitable and ... ... Tourist Encyclopedia

    geographic information system- (GIS), 1) an information system designed to collect, store, process, display and distribute spatially coordinated data. 2) A software tool (shell) that implements the above GIS functions, including ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Additional Information- 29. Additional information E. Auxiliary information Information generated by receiving recording equipment, auxiliary telemetry and other ground means and used in the processing and presentation of results ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    examination- 2.9 verification [audit]: A systematic and objective activity to assess compliance with specified requirements, carried out by a person (expert) or a group of persons who are independent in decision-making.