Supporting notes in the Russian language

Trubinova Nadezhda,

256 gr.

Synopsis of the lesson in Russian

Class: 6

Textbook: Russian language for grade 6. M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova scientific. ed. N.M. Shansky. 30th ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

Subject:Native Russian and borrowed words

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: To form the concept of native Russian and borrowed vocabulary of the Russian language.

Tasks: 1. To introduce students to native Russian and borrowed vocabulary.

2. Restore knowledge about antonyms and synonyms.

3. Learn to work with explanatory dictionaries.

4. Broaden your horizons and vocabulary students.

5. Raise love and respect for the Russian language.

Equipment: textbook, presentation (MM), explanatory dictionaries.

Lesson plan.

    Org.moment. - one

    Orientation-motivational stage (preparation for new topic) - 7

    Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. - 5

    Learning new material. – 17

    Strengthening exercises. - 7

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection. - 4

    Homework. - 2

    Post ratings. - 2

During the classes.


The stage of the lesson and the method of its application

Organization techniques

Target this stage


Hello guys! Sit down! Let's start the Russian lesson.

teacher's word

Organize students for class

    Orientation-motivational stage

Today, guys, we have an unusual lesson. We will go on a journey. Our plane will land in different countries of the world. Check if you are ready to travel? Do you have everything with you: notebooks, pens, textbooks, dictionaries?

But before we get on the plane, we need to get a ticket. And we will get the ticket as follows: open the textbooks on page 42, read the topic of today's lesson.

So what is the topic of today's lesson?

D: Native Russian and borrowed words.

Let's write it down in notebooks.

September thirtieth.

Originally Russian and borrowed words.

Let's read the rule, which is called borrowed words.

Words that entered the Russian language from other languages ​​are called borrowed.

teacher's word

Independent work of students

To orient students to the lesson, to interest them in the work

    Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

So the topic of today's lesson is primordially Russian and borrowed words.

We have said that the vocabulary is replenished with more and more new words, but where do these new words come from.

Read the epigraph to our lesson

"All nations exchange words"

IN AND. Belinsky

How do you understand this statement?

D: What people take with words along with objects from other peoples, from other countries, thereby enriching the vocabulary.

Correctly! And today we will see what languages ​​we borrow words from.

Let's hit the road!

teacher's word

Inform the topic and purpose of the lesson, prepare students for the lesson.

develop speech and communication skills and students' oral response skills.

    Learning new material

And the first country we will visit is Russia.

All the words that we will meet here are primordially Russian words.

And in order to walk around the country, you need to complete the task: look at the picture and write down the word in your notebook.

Write the following entry in your notebook:

1. Russia: samovar, butterfly, basket, sock, puppy, bast shoes, duck, bagel, pot, horse.

Let's remember these words. They are native Russians.

Students' written work

To form the concept of native Russian and borrowed vocabulary, introduce students to native Russian and borrowed vocabulary, develop students' speech and communication skills in oral responses, monitor written work students

The next country where we will stop is the country with which the Great Patriotic War.

D: Germany.

To see the sights, we need to find synonyms for German words.

First, let's remember what synonyms are.

D: Synonyms are words that are the same in meaning, but different in spelling and sound.

Write down these words with the synonyms you have chosen.

2. Germany: fair - market, sandwich - bread (with butter), huntsman - forester, paragraph - red line, soil - soil, landscape - design, view, church - cathedral, temple.

Restore knowledge of synonyms,

Well done! Completed the task. And now let's go to the country of fashion. What country is this?

D: France

Correctly! And now we will visit France. To visit these beautiful places, you need to make proposals with French words that we see on the slide.

3. France: fireworks, highway, driver, car, shop, coat, passenger, alley, ticket, luggage.

We will read your suggestions.

Vocabulary work with students spelling work

Expand students' horizons and vocabulary.

And now let's rest a little, we will spend a physical minute.

The student on duty conducts a physical minute

Now let's visit Greece. From this country we will bring new words, but in order to tell about them at home, we will find them lexical meanings in dictionary.

In which dictionary will we look for the interpretation of words?

D: In the explanatory dictionary

4. Greece: Cosmonaut, ship, hero, horizon, bed, phone, notebook, metal, school, cucumber.

Choose 2 words, find the interpretation of these words in the dictionary and write them down in your notebooks.

Working with explanatory dictionaries

Develop skills and abilities to work with explanatory dictionaries

This is where our journey ended. We have not visited England, Holland, where many borrowed words came from.

Linguists have noticed that almost all the words of the Russian language that begin with the letter "A" are borrowed. Nouns of Russian origin starting with "A" in modern speech very few - these are the words of the alphabet, az, as.

teacher's word

Expand students' horizons and vocabulary.

Now let's do a little quiz. I will read the assignment to you, and you will answer the questions. Let's see how attentive you are.

1. In Latin the word "vetus" (root vet-) meant "old". What borrowed word with this root is called old participants in wars, revolutions, people with great work experience?

D: veteran

2. The word "ventus" (root vent-) in Latin is called the wind. What is a borrowed word for a device designed to ventilate rooms?

D: Fan

3. Aqua in Latin means "water". In what borrowed words does this stem occur?

D: aquarium, watercolor, water park

4. In Latin there is a word fons, which means "source" (spring). In which borrowed word does a part of this word occur?

D: Fountain

Quiz (question - answer)

Expand students' horizons and vocabulary.

V. Outcome

Guys, how is this lesson useful for us?

What have you learned?

What words are called native Russian and borrowed?

Summarize the lesson, develop the communication skills of students with oral answers


- We will end this lesson in this way. Finish the sentence: “This lesson….”

Student work

Summarize the lesson, identify the mood of the students

At home, you will draw a picture that depicts how borrowed words replenish vocabulary Russian language.

Read paragraph 21 and do exercise 96, you will need to bring synonyms to borrowed words from the modern Russian language from words for reference.

teacher's word


Grades for the lesson received ... .. For ...

teacher's word

Assess student work

Lesson summary

in Russian in the 2nd grade

on the topic: "General idea of ​​parts of speech"

Target– formation educational competencies(informational, communicative, reflective, creative) students of the 2nd grade in the subject area "Russian language" on the topic "General idea of ​​parts of speech".

Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal results learning:

    formation respectful attitude to a different opinion;

    development of skills of cooperation with adults;

    formation of the need to correctly use the words of the native language;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

    formation of individual educational and cognitive motives.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta subject results learning:

    experience formation individual activities in accordance with the assigned role;

    developing the ability to work with various types information (text, table)

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives learning activities, search for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    the formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

    active use speech means and means of information and communication technologies to solve communicative and cognitive tasks;

    mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

Learning objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes:

    development of the ability to write words and sentences under dictation according to the rules of the Russian language;

    formation general idea about parts of speech;

    extension vocabulary students;

    formation of the ability to recognize parts of speech on questions and common sense;


textbook "Russian language", part 2 by V.P. Kanakin, language, colored pencils, sheets with an individual task, electronic presentation, electronic manual to the textbook.

Fairy tales make a person kinder.

A.S. Pushkin

1. Organizing time.

Target– checking the readiness for the lesson, creating positive attitude.

Guys, are you ready for the lesson? .(Yes)

I hope for you, my friends.

We are cheerful friendly form

Everything will work out for us.

We will try to make our good mood kept for the whole lesson.

I really want this lesson of the Russian language to be interesting and informative for you.

Look at the blackboard and read the statement by A.S. Pushkin.

How do you understand it?

This statement will be the epigraph to our lesson today, and the fairy tale that we read in class literary reading will help us to repeat and consolidate the material covered and discover new secrets of the Russian language.

2. Calligraphy

Target- the ability to correlate their activities with the model.

Let's open the notebooks. Let's write down the number Classwork and this is the statement. which will be our minute of a beautiful letter. ( Review the rules of writing)

3 Updating knowledge

Target - student reproduction necessary knowledge and methods of activity for the discovery of "new" knowledge.

What is the big topic we have studied? ( Studied the topic "Sounds and Letters")

What did we study in this topic? ( We studied the spelling of the Russian language).

Which? ( Children list the studied spellings).

What did you learn? ( Learned to write words in accordance with the rules of the Russian language).

Let's check ourselves. Let's apply the acquired knowledge. Let's write down the words under dictation, highlighting

studied spellings.( One student works on the blackboard)

Writer, Russian, lives, Pushkin, eternal.

Look at the words, think on what basis these words can be divided into groups? ( children's statements)

Words - names

So, a word is not only a set of sounds and letters, but also the name of an object. sign of the object, the action of the object. Let's repeat what questions the words of each group answer. (Choral reading of questions).

4 Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity

-Target- formation of the ability to recognize parts of speech on questions and general meaning;

Studying the words of our language, scientists have noticed that the names of objects, features and actions respond to different questions and mean different things. Then scientists on these two features of words

1. what question is being answered

2. what they mean - combined them into large groups which are called parts of speech. But the question arose. What are these groups called?

Everything has a name -

And the beast and the object

There are a lot of things around.

And there are no nameless ones.

The words. Which denote something that can be touched, seen, heard and even thought of as something existing and denoting an object. Scientists agreed to call them nouns.

What question do nouns answer?

Words that can be “applied”, attached to a noun and that indicate a sign of an object are called adjectives.

What question do adjectives answer?

Words that like to talk about the action of an object, or, as they used to say in the old days, “to rant”, about what nouns like to do, scientists called verbs.

What questions does the verb answer?

Today you have learned only about three parts of speech, but in fact there are many more. With what we will get acquainted in primary school, and you will learn about some in high school.

Words - names




In Russian, it is customary to abbreviate parts of speech in writing

Noun - noun.

Adjective - adj.

Verb - Ch.

Let's turn to the textbook page 40. Let's read the information about the language that the wise owl wants to tell us.

Read the text of the rule.

What is the function of each part of speech? (read out)

What are the names of each part of speech? ( read out)

5. Primary check of understanding of new material.

Target - verbal fixation of new knowledge.

Listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin

An old man lived with his old woman

At the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was fishing with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

What story are these lines from?


Look at the screen. Read the words from this story.

Help the moose down to the ground. Distribute the bags correctly among the baskets.

In order not to be mistaken what part of speech this or that word is, we will act according to the algorithm.

1. Ask a question to the word.

2. Determine what the word means.

3. Name the part of speech to which this word refers.

Guys, we helped not only the calves, but also ourselves. What have we learned?

(learned to recognize parts of speech)

6 . The game "Silent dictation"

Target - Students' awareness of the degree of mastery of concepts and the application of the acquired knowledge

Let's see how you got it.

What am I holding in my hand? (pencil)

What question does this word answer?

What does it mean?

What is the name of this part of speech that denotes an object?

Choose an adjective for this noun.

What question does the adjective answer?

Now choose a verb for it?

Well, now take the sheets with individual tasks and find task number 1.

Now there will be a "silent dictation"

I show you the subject. You write down the name of this subject in the necessary column and select the appropriate adjective and verb according to the model.

(The teacher shows the items: mirror, apple, squirrel, swan)

At the end of the dictation, the teacher conducts a frontal survey and corrects the students' answers.

7. Physical education minute.

8. Independent work with sample self-test.

Target- Inclusion in the system of knowledge and consolidation.

We continue to work on the sheets. Let's do task number 2.

Read the assignment.

(In each column of words, cross out the extra word that is not related to this part of speech).

9. Working with text.

Target - development of the ability to write off sentences according to the rules of the Russian language;

    the formation of the ability to correlate words-names (objects, signs, actions), the questions they answer, with parts of speech;

Read task #3 on your sheets.

(Read. Insert the appropriate words from the references. Identify their parts of speech and write them down in your notebook)

Can these sentences be called text?

Determine the topic of the text?

10. The result of the lesson.

Target- Reflection on your accomplishments

What new did you learn at the lesson today and what did you learn?

(Learn to identify what part of speech a word is.

Learn to recognize parts of speech

What algorithm of actions should you remember to determine the part of speech?

11. Reflection.

Target- Examination emotional state.

And now sum up the lesson each to himself ( Final test on sheets. Task number 4)

12 Homework.

Phrase. Simple sentence.

Punctuation marks at the end

and inside a simple sentence

Goals: to systematize knowledge about the phrase and a simple sentence; develop the skills of isolating phrases from sentences.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

I I . Checking homework

The teacher checks exercise 20.

One of the students lists all nouns in the first paragraph, indicating their declension and case, the other - the highlighted adjectives, indicating their gender and case, the third - verbs in the second paragraph, indicating their form and conjugation.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation.

- What is a phrase?(This is a combination of words related in meaning, one of which is subordinate to the other. That is, one word is the main one, and the other is dependent)


- What is an offer?(This is a combination of two or more words, interconnected in meaning and grammatically, and representing a complete thought. In a sentence, unlike a phrase, there must be main members.)

- What groups are the proposals divided into?(For simple and complex.)

- What is a simple sentence?(This is a sentence with only one subject and one predicate.)

- What groups are simple sentences divided into?(On narrative, interrogative and exclamatory.)

- What is the basis for this division?(This division depends on which punctuation mark is placed at the end of the sentence and with what intonation this sentence is read. If a period is put, then this declarative sentence. If a question mark- interrogative. And if Exclamation point, which means it's an exclamation point.)

2. Performing exercise 31.

- Do you know what is homogeneous members suggestions? (These are members of the sentence that refer to one) and the same word and characterize it on the one hand.)

Member of the proposal

Part of speech


noun, pronoun, adjective in the meaning of a noun


verb, short adjective






adverb, noun with preposition

I V . Test dictation

The teacher dictates the text. Students write it down in their notebooks and then complete the tasks.

Each person has their own favorite time of the year. Many people love summer when you can relax, swim, sunbathe. Most of all, children love summer, because it is in the summer that the weather is beautiful and sunny. We all love to relax in the country. After all, only there you can go to the garden and pick fragrant, sweet, tasty strawberries. There are also beautiful flowers growing there. delicious berries. And the air is so fresh clean that you don’t want to return to the city at all!


1. Write out phrases from this text. Find in them the main word and the dependent.

2. Write out simple sentences. Underline in them the main members and minor ones. Indicate what parts of speech are the members of sentences. Find homogeneous members of the sentence. Underline them.

This assignment is graded. At the end of the lesson, the teacher collects the notebooks for review.

V . Lesson summary

- What is a phrase?(This is a combination of words related in meaning, one of which is subordinate to the other.)

- How is it different from a proposal?(The fact that the proposal must necessarily have the main members.)

- What is an offer?(This is a combination of two or more words, related in meaning and grammatically, and representing a complete thought.)

Homework: exercises 28 and 30.

How to write a summary of a Russian lesson

  • Main the principle of work on the outline of the lesson like this: there will be bones - the meat will grow. If you have a rigid structure that will not allow you to miss anything, the material for the lesson will be selected by itself. The skill of the teacher lies in creating the most effective structure.
  • First of all, you need to determine for yourself what you will do during school year why you will do it, how, in what order and why in that order. Without strategic planning it is impossible to build each specific occupation. For example, you are teaching eighth grade and you need to start learning syntax. You can choose one of the strategies: 1) follow the textbook, because the most important thing is that children can move from school to school without problems, 2) study the program of grades 8 and 9 in the eighth so that in the ninth they can completely immerse themselves in preparing for the OGE, 3) study first difficult sentence, and then simple, in order to constantly repeat the complex, studying the simple in detail. In any case, you determine the logic of class movement depending on your ideas about what you should do in the lessons, what is important, what is not important, where you have to start, etc.
  • When general logic movement is clear, go to formulating tasks, subtasks and building a chain of actions. For example, you can plan like this: we learn to find a basis in order to see the boundaries of sentences. To do this, we consider the subject (one lesson is enough), then the predicate (two lessons), then one-part and incomplete + one-part and incomplete as part of a complex one (three lessons), then we separate simple uncomplicated sentences (2 lessons), then you can move on to SPP. Everything is logical, and it is clear why the topics are arranged in this way. But you are afraid that during these 8 lessons the children will completely forget the spelling. So we need to build parallel line repetition of the rules and dictionary words. Depending on the readiness of the class, this may be a daily survey and a short vocabulary dictation or doing some exercises different rules. By estimating how long it will take you to repeat the spelling, you can easily redistribute the hours. Now your plan for getting to know simple sentence took not 8, but, say, 12 lessons. And you also decided for yourself that every seventh lesson you will devote to development writing. We wedge these classes, we get 13 - 14 hours per section. And so with everything annual plan. The network is ready. There are bones, we begin to build up meat.
  • Now any lesson is already built into the curriculum and you do not need to determine its place in the plan for the year. It remains to write down the summary in detail, select the texts, decide what order is better to do. The procedure is not universal. It is determined by your pedagogical principles and looks. For example, you have planned that lesson number 10 should be devoted to one-part sentences. If you are a fan of developmental teaching methods, then, for sure, first offer the children language material so that they themselves discover offers with unusual foundations, and even better - they built a classification of such proposals, then you can give a lecture and compare generally accepted classification with the one that the groups got (of course, in this case, the children will work in groups). If you are for traditional approach, then do the opposite: give a lecture on one-components, and then give exercises to determine the types of one-components and check if the children understood you. In the first case, you will work on the development of thinking, in the second, you will immediately teach "how it is right and how it should be." Which is better is debatable. The main thing is that you yourself understand why the lesson is structured the way it is.
  • We carefully prescribe lesson plan outline:
  1. Lesson topic.
  2. Topic place in training course(this is already defined).
  3. Goals and objectives of the lesson (separately for the teacher, separately for the students). For the teacher, teaching, developmental and educational aspects are usually distinguished.
  4. Lesson progress (scenario):
    1. a) Organizational moment (2 min.)
      b) Discussion of homework (5 min.)
      c) Spelling revision (15 min.: survey, dictation of 10 words, card check).
      d) Repetition of punctuation (5 minutes to put punctuation marks in the given text).
      e) Introduction to the topic of the lesson (2 min.)
      f) Explanation of the material (7 - 10 min.)
      g) Assignment on the topic of the lesson (5 - 7 min.)
      h) Homework (previously written on the board and in the electronic diary).
  • in front of you finished abstract lesson. But cards, which you plan to issue for repeating punctuation, vocabulary dictation, lecture presentation All of this still exists only in your imagination. You have to take the time to find or create these materials and complete the abstract. At this stage, it will not be superfluous to look into our section Handouts.
  • And one more tip for those who decide to share lesson notes with others. To make it pleasant for people to look at your material, take care of the design of the text. If you format text with spaces, it will not display correctly when copied to the site. Number paragraphs automatically, not by hand (for the same reason). After you have added the material, be sure to go into it again and check if there are any extra indents, different types of selections, etc. After the material is enabled by the administrator, editing will not be possible.