International Book Fair. Presentations of future productions and series

Moscow International Book Fair 2017 opens at VDNKh

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

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The exhibition pavilion at VDNKh turned into a world of books for five days. Here you can not only find everything related to books - the latest news, masterpieces of book publishing for all ages, rare books, regional products. But also meet with popular authors from Russia and abroad, with children's writers, participate in various discussions, round tables, watch concerts and go to tastings, compete in intellectual quizzes and win prizes.

This year, the Moscow International Book Fair 2017 is attended by publishers from 39 countries. Russian book publishing will be represented by publishing houses from 60 regions of our country.

Do not miss!

The MIBF program is rich in events. We offer the most interesting.

13.00 - 14.00 - Pavilion "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Members of the Komsomolskaya Pravda expeditions, columnist Ramil Farzutdinov and special correspondent Evgeny Sazonov, will talk about rafting on taiga rivers, filming films about Russian pioneers, the secrets of the Chara basin, traveling along the Kuriles and the mystery of the fall Tunguska meteorite. Stand F2.

13.15 - 13.45 - puppet show "Uncle Misha" based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev. Masterclass space.

14.00 - 15.00 - public interview with Soviet and Russian poet Victor Pelenyagre. Booth D13 - E18.

10.00 - 11.00 - writer Dmitry Miropolsky claims that the secret of the three Russian rulers - Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Emperor Paul, which he writes about in his bestseller, is the engine of world history. Readers are in for an interesting discussion around the bestseller "The Secret of the Three Sovereigns", published by Komsomolskaya Pravda and which became a book - a sensation in 2017. Main stage.

13.00 - 14.00 - meeting with the writer Anna Nikolskaya. A quiz on her books, which will be held by the writer herself, reading by roles of the most interesting fragments of books.

Children's scene

14.00 - 15.00 - Elena Magnenan. Presentation of the book "The Triumph of Pies". Culinary master class. literary cuisine.

14.00 - 15.00 - creative meeting with Denis Dragunsky, presentation of the books "Heart of Stone" and "Almost Relatives". Main stage.

16.30 - 17.15 - meeting with Masha Traub and presentation of the book "Second Time in First Class". Stand C1 - D2.

11.00 - 12.00 - KP journalists Nikolai and Natalya Varsegovs will present the e-book "The Processions of Russia", compiled by Sergey Ponomarev, and share their personal impressions of participating in Velikoretsky procession on Vyatka. Stand F2.

11.30 - 12.00 - Julia Gippenreiter presents her books. Guests of the exhibition-fair will have the opportunity to ask questions to the most famous child psychologist. Stand D1 - E2.

14.00 - 15.00 - Viktor Baranets, military journalist, retired colonel, military observer of Komsomolskaya Pravda, presents the book "The Honor of the Uniform".

15.30 - 16.00 - Ekaterina Vilmont. Meeting with the author, presentation of the novel "Spy Waffles". Stand D1 - E2.

16.00 - 17.00 - Daria Dontsova. Meeting with the author, presentation of the book "Who lives in a suitcase?". Stand C1 - D2.

16.00 - 17.30 - Victoria Tokareva will meet with readers, talk about new works she is working on, answer questions and sign copies of books. Booth D7 - E10.

16.00 - 17.00 - Zakhar Prilepin "Unlike Poets"; Sergei Shargunov "The Pursuit of Eternal Spring". Stand F1 - G2.

17.30 - 18.00 - Edvard Radzinsky will present a new book "Women's Kingdom", dedicated to prominent women in history.

Stand D1 - E2.

12.00 - 13.00 - Ilya Reznik. "Tyapa doesn't want to be a clown." Main stage.

12.30 - 13.00 - Mikhail Gorbachev. The ex-President of the USSR will present his book of memoirs. Stand D1 - E2.

13.00 - 14.00 - the famous singer Leonid Agutin wrote the children's book "I am an elephant". She appeared in the AnimalBooks series. Entertaining zoology for children. Main stage.

13.15 - 14.00 - Andrey Dementiev: "Poetry is a way of life." Creative meeting with the author. Stand C1 - D2.

14.00 - 15.00 - Boris Messerer. "Bella's Promilk" is an extensive memoir that covers the second half of the 20th - early 21st century.

14.00 - 15.00 - meeting with prose writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

16.00 - 16.45 - Dmitry Bykov. "Hostage of eternity" and "Was there Gorky?". Stand F1 - G2.

16.00 - 17.00 - Dr. Bubnovsky. Presentation of the book "Bubnovsky's Motivator". literary cuisine.

16.15 - 17.00 - Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya. Presentation of the book "Mirror". Stand C1 - D2.

16.30 - 17.00 - well-known TV presenter Alexander Lyubimov and his colleagues present the book "Look at the VIEW". Stand D1 - E2.

16.30 - 17.00 - Vyacheslav Zaitsev. Presentation of the book “Fashion. My house". Stand D1 - E2.


With 6 to 10 September at the Moscow International Exhibition-Fair, a subscription point for Komsomolskaya Pravda will operate.

There it will be possible to subscribe for the first half of 2018 at special - holiday - prices. In addition, each subscriber will receive a gift - a book from the My Wonderful Dacha collection.

Where to find us: Media area (at the entrance to Hall A), Komsomolskaya Pravda counter.

Opening hours: daily, 10.00 - 20.00.

VDNH, m. "VDNH",

Pavilion No. 75.

Ticket price: 100 - 200 rub.

From 7 to 11 September 2016, the 29th Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) will be held in Pavilion No. 75 of VDNKh. More than 500 publishing houses of Russia and countries of near and far abroad will gather in one place. Guests will be able to listen to performances by their favorite authors, purchase their books and get autographs. Among the participants of the MIBF are Ludmila Ulitskaya, Tatyana Ustinova, Daria Dontsova, Elka, Iosif Kobzon, Leonid Agutin, Efim Shifrin, Nikolay Valuev, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya and many others.

The Moscow International Book Fair has established itself as a unique platform for interaction and communication between literature lovers, authors and book publishers different countries and continents. In total, more than 800 events are planned.


The Eksmo publishing house will present a new book by Viktor Pelevin "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons". Vladimir Markin (booth C1-D2, Eksmo publishing house, September 7, 14:00) will present a book by the investigative committee on the most notorious crimes of the 21st century in Russia. Famous director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov will meet with readers to discuss the book "Besogon" (stand C1-D2, Eksmo publishing house, September 9, 16:00). Science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko will present his novel about zombies KvaZi to readers (stand D1-E2, AST publishing house, September 8, 17:00). The publishing house "Molodaya Gvardiya" will demonstrate the novelties of the series "ZhZL: Great People of Russia", in which another three-volume book in gift design - "Guys from Our Yard" was released. It includes books by Vladimir Novikov "Vysotsky", Lev Danilkin "Yuri Gagarin", Maxim Makarychev "Alexander Maltsev" (stand F1-G2, Young Guard publishing house, September 7, 15:00)

Honored Guest - Hellenic Republic

Thousands of books from foreign publishers

Book publishers from 37 countries will try to reveal the culture and traditions of their country through literature and art. The Chinese delegation is represented by 48 publishing companies, which will bring more than 1,000 books of fiction and educational literature. As part of the Cross Year of Russian Media in China People's Republic and Year of Chinese Media in Russian Federation master classes will take place Chinese for students. Iran will present the Persian translation of the collection of stories by Fazil Iskander (booth A73, Iranian Institute of Cultural Fairs, September 11, 12:00). The Cuban Republic will hold events in honor of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Fidel Castro, unique photographs and interesting facts from the life of a revolutionary will be presented at the booth. Armenia will present Bryusov's anthology "Poetry of Armenia from ancient times to the present day". Guests will be able to get acquainted with Armenian photography at the presentation of the album-catalog “Armenia according to Mandelstam. Armenian Photography 1878-1920s”. Other countries have also prepared entertaining program dedicated to literary novelties.

To the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth Independent States a special exposition and a program of events are planned. In honor of the anniversary, stands of the CIS member states will be organized at the exhibition, events of the Interstate Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member states will be held - in particular, presentations of books both published by the fund and published in different countries of the Commonwealth. By tradition, the winners of the International Competition of the CIS Member States "The Art of the Book" will be honored at the MIBF (conference hall No. 1)

Media exposition "Book Moscow"

The Government of Moscow will present a separate media exposition "Book Moscow". The topics of the books of the city publishing program are diverse: the history of the capital, historical and memorable places cities; city ​​in literature, art and architecture, guidebooks, album books, encyclopedic editions, life of famous Muscovites, memories of Moscow. The main difference of the program as a whole is that all books are connected with Moscow, whether they are folios written by the classics of Russian literature, or creations contemporary authors.

This year MIBF is attended by book publishers from St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Smolensk, Belgorod, Saratov, Obninsk, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Cheboksary, Sevastopol, Omsk, Kazan, Ufa, Arkhangelsk, Makhachkala, Ivanovo and Samara, who present various regional programs and projects to support books and reading. Separately, the "Region in Focus" will be presented - the winner of last year's contest "The Most Reading Region of Russia" - Ulyanovsk region(conference room No. 102, September 9, 16:00).

Awarding the winner in the competition "Book of the Year"

MIBF traditionally opens a new book season and sums up the results of the past. Thus, within the framework of the exhibition-fair, one of the expected events in the literary environment will take place - the awarding of the winners of the annual national competition "Book of the Year". The MIBF will also honor the winners of the All-Russian Competition of Regional and Local History Literature "Small Motherland" (Conference Hall No. 1, September 8, 11:00), All-Russian Book Illustration Competition "The Image of a Book" (Conference Hall No. 1, September 10, 14 :00), open competition professional excellence"Inspector" (TV studio, September 8, 15:00).

Copyright Conference

A feature of the 29th Moscow International Book Fair will be the integration of literature into cinema. During the Year of Russian Cinema, the exhibition will host a conference on copyright, where authors, lawyers, agents and representatives of the film industry will discuss various aspects related to the use of intellectual property. Writers and book publishers present to directors and producers their the best works for further screening.

The central stage in the pavilion of hall "A"

The stage in hall "A" will become the central venue of the MIBF. About 20 events will be held here, including performances famous authors, media persons, guests of honor, presentations and screenings of films.
A series of entertaining zoology for children will be presented by Andrey Makarevich, Valery Syutkin, Elka, Leonid Agutin, Dmitry Bykov, Tatyana Ustinova, Maya Kucherskaya, Alexander Arkhangelsky, Elizaveta Alexandrova-Zorina, Tatyana Vedeneeva. Pop stars such as Dmitry Krylov, Efim Shifrin, Stanislav Sadalsky, Tatyana Lazereva, Iosif Kobzon (September 10, 13:00), who acted as its authors, tried on the role of an animal and told about his life as if from the inside.

Candidate economic sciences and writer Vladimir Kokorev will present the project "Megastegos of Europe" - a unique book about the architecture of the largest palace complexes. The book talks about the buildings of the official royal and imperial palaces of Europe as a special type of architecture.

Famous composer Alexander Zhurbin will present his new book "About time, about music and about myself" (September 8, 16:00). The author will read excerpts from the book, hold an autograph and photo session, and guests will be able to hear new and old songs, see fragments from performances and films.

Children's literature

Perhaps the most lively and vibrant at the MIBF will be the platform for children's literature. It will bring together the most famous children's authors who will tell their readers fascinating stories about the exciting adventures of their favorite characters. In total, the site will host more than 40 events for children and their parents. Everyone will find something to their liking at this site: kids can watch a selection of animated films and filmstrips from the unique digitized collection of the Russian State Children's Library, older children will take part in master classes and quizzes of the Read! Be smart! Live brightly! ”, And parents will be able to pick up new children's literature or book classics proven by generations in their home library.
MIBF, opening the academic year, makes it bright together with the writer and primary school teacher Ekaterina Timashpolskaya. She will tell about the adventures of her hero Mitya Timkin from the books "Mitya Timkin, Second Grader" and "Mitya Timkin: The Adventure Continues" (Children's Scene, September 7, 16:00). Artur Givargizov will share with his readers the best poems and stories from the books "Notes of an outstanding loser" and "Dima, Dima and Dima" (Children's scene, September 10, 18:00). Julia Shkolnik will present a new book "Entertaining Science", and then hold educational quiz with prizes (Children's Stage, September 11, 16:00).

Students will be able to practice shooting films on their smartphones. Younger children will see how cartoons are drawn and try to create their own.

Business program

The MIBF program includes about 100 business events, including round tables, congresses, discussion platforms and various conferences. One of the key ones will be the round table “The Art of Literary Diplomacy. Russian Literature on the Way to a Foreign Reader”, which will take place on the opening day of the MIBF (Conference Hall No. 215, September 7, 15:00). Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Press and mass communications Vladimir Grigoriev, President of the Frankfurt book fair Jurgen Boos, Director of the General Directorate of International Exhibitions and Fairs Sergey Kaikin, Vice President of the Russian Book Union Oleg Novikov, as well as other representatives of the book business will discuss the potential of Russian literature in the international book market, ways to promote Russian authors to the foreign market and programs to support translations of Russian literature.

The traditional industry conference "Book Market of Russia - 2016" will be held on the second day of the exhibition-fair (Conference Hall No. 1, September 8, 14:00). Participants will discuss the results of the book industry for the first half of 2016 and forecasts for its further development, market trends e-book in Russia, prospects for the development of independent bookstores and other problems.

Book: space of professions

Almost 30 events dedicated to the issues of education, advanced training and professions of the book market will unite at the “Book: space of professions” platform. At specialized seminars, marketers and specialists from leading publications will tell the participants how to work effectively with publishing houses and printing houses, tell all the intricacies of promoting and selling books, and also present various technological innovations used in modern book publishing. At various seminars, discussions, publishers will discuss the state of the modern book market, the development of e-books.
During the days of the fair, there will be conferences “Are Website Blocking Effective and How to Change Anti-Piracy Legislation” (Conference Hall No. 102, September 7, 13:00) and “Legislative Initiatives and Legal Regulation of Russian Book Publishing” (Conference Hall No. 102, September 7 , 15:00). An expanded meeting of the Boards of Directors of book chambers and book fairs of the CIS will be held, where they will discuss the vectors for the development of the book industry and inter-union cooperation within the framework of book exhibitions and fairs.

Every day there will be a job fair for leading publishers and booksellers on the site. There will be a presentation of the results of the LitRes: Library project: 3,000 connected libraries throughout Russia.


Following current trends, the MIBF hosted the “Knigabyte” space dedicated to new technologies in the book industry. More than 20 events are planned in the program of the site.
At an interactive presentation of the brightest domestic projects using augmented reality technology in book publishing, guests will be shown “reviving” fairy tales, virtual rarities and museum exhibits.
This is where the summing up will take place. next stage crowdsourcing project on literature “Reading country. Reading Bunin”, which was created to help express their unique understanding of poetry and encourage people to discern unknown, non-obvious meanings in it.

The famous TV presenter Fekla Tolstaya presents the project “All Tolstoy in One Click” (Knigobyte, September 7, 17:00) - a coupon electronic version of the 90-volume collected works of Leo Tolstoy, which contains not only famous works writer, but also rare stories, novellas, diaries and letters.

Literary Lounge

40 events will take place in the "Literary Lounge" in an informal atmosphere - these are meetings with authors, presentations of books, and discussion of new literary trends.
Poet, writer, screenwriter, producer, founder of the new literary genre "neo-esoteric fiction" Karina Sarsenova (Literary Lounge, September 10, 13:00) will hold creative meeting with readers and present new compilation poems, plays and screenplay "Happiness in spite of".

Director of the Cultural Center of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Simona Bolivar, Senora Maria Gabriela presents the book "Francisco de Miranda in the Russian Empire". Francisco de Miranda - national hero Venezuelan independence fighter Spanish colonies South America traveled to Russia during the reign of Catherine II.
At the Literary Lounge site, visitors will be able to chat and get an autograph from Alexander Gordon, Vika Tsyganova, Yuri Polyakov, Andrey Dementiev, Vlad Malenko, Natalia Vorobieva, Sergey Esin, Elena Kotova, Lev Danilkin, Evgeny Lesin, Valeria Pustova and other authors.

Literary cuisine

AT unusual shape the site of the "Literary Kitchen" is presented - among the many books there is a real kitchen designed for the presentation of non-fiction literature. More than 60 events are planned in the rich program. There will be presented books of various directions, such as: art and culture, society and humanitarian sciences, cooking and medicine, fashion and hobbies, sports and much more. Cooking master classes will be held every day in the makeshift kitchen.

Gayane Breiova (September 8, 10:00) will reveal the secret of the Armenian breakfast, Irina Chadeeva (September 9, 15:15) will help you prepare the perfect pie, and Artem Knyazev (September 10, 16:45) will turn little book lovers into chefs. Participants of the "Literary Kitchen" will be Nikolai Valuev (September 7, 13:45), Oscar Kuchera (September 10, 13:00), Svetlana Rutskaya (September 8, 11:30), Artem Knyazev (September 10, 16:45), Pavel Globa (September 11, 13:45), Vladimir Voinovich (September 8, 15:15) and others.

First microphone

More than 40 meetings with authors writing on acute social topics will take place at the First Microphone site for MIBF guests.
Lyudmila Ulitskaya will meet with readers and present the novel Jacob's Ladder (First Microphone, September 7, 15:00), based on letters from the writer's personal archive.

As part of the Big Book Hour, a meeting will be held between a famous philologist, writer and laureate of the " The big Book» Evgeny Vodolazkina with readers (“First Microphone”, September 7, 12:00). Guests will be able to ask the author questions and discuss it new novel"Aviator" and other works.

An open discussion will be held by Natalya Gromova with her book "Pilgrim" and Denis Dragunsky with the publication "A Matter of Principle" ("First Microphone", September 7, 16:00).

Alexander Lapin is presenting his novel The Russian Cross (First Microphone, September 8, 12:00), where a rethinking of a difficult historical period for Russia takes place - when Soviet Union ceased to exist, and Russia took the first steps towards its formation.

TV studio

On the second floor of the pavilion, a large interactive platform will be organized, which will house a studio that will operate the Mayak, Radio Russia - Culture, Radio Russia and Vesti FM radio stations, as well as an open MMKF TV studio. Participants and guests of the exhibition will talk about the most interesting and striking events of the day, so that TV viewers and radio listeners will feel the atmosphere of the book holiday.
On the first day of the MIBF, the television studio will host a discussion “Why Greece? Tactics, institutions, challenges” (September 7, 14:00). Greek Ambassador to Moscow Andreas Frigans and Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Aristidis Baltas will take part in the conversation.

The bright guests of the studio will be the son of Nikita Khrushchev, honorary professor at Brown University in the USA Sergei Khrushchev and former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov with presentations of their books. Musician, producer and leader of the group "Megapolis" Oleg Nesterov presents the book "Heavenly Stockholm" (September 9, 16:00). Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Evstafiev, Mikhail Nyankovsky, Evgeny Bazhanov, Michael Paskevich, Sasha Cherny and others will also talk about their new books.

Open air

The Moscow International Book Fair expands its borders and goes beyond the pavilion. Thus, several dozen concert programs, theatrical performances and performances by artists.

All five days of the exhibition-fair on the stage in front of the VDNKh pavilion No. 75, guests are waiting for bright performances and memorable artistic images. A bright original musical program will be presented by groups from different countries. For example, guests will be able to see the pride of Kazakhstan - the best ethno-folk group Turan and the ethno-jazz duet ST brothers (September 8, 18:00).

The presentation of the autobiographical book “Jackie Chan. I'm happy". Instructors and students of the Shaolin Qigong and Kung Fu School of Master Shi Yanbing will demonstrate the skills of Shaolin Kung Fu (September 10, 17:00).

Renowned Greek composer and musician Evantia Rebutsika (September 9, 18:00) will present her favorite musical compositions and music from films such as "Constantinople Kitchen", "South Wind", as well as from theatrical productions of "The Third Marriage" and "Cyrano".

The famous Russian opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya will give a concert on the stage in front of the pavilion. Romance and jazz performer, Honored Artist of Russia Nina Shatskaya presents her new book "Lust for Life" (September 8, 12:00). Notes on amazing travels grew into a book in which Shatskaya talks about the beauty and fragility of the Earth: it contains portraits of people and animals, landscapes, legends told by guides, and fairy tales composed by the author.

Presentation "Radio Culture"

MIBF visitors will get acquainted with the fascinating project "Radio Culture", where artists and famous people read radio shows of classical and modern literature. It will be possible to enjoy poetic creativity within the framework of the "Hour of Poetry" from the Russian Union of Writers.

MIBF and City Day

The exhibition-fair is not only an important event among book publishers, but also a bright accent in cultural life capital Cities. This year the fair coincides with the celebration of the City Day of Moscow. In this regard, a parallel educational program consisting of more than 400 events will be held outside VDNKh as part of the MIBF.

One of the brightest events held within the framework of the fair will be the presentation of the only Russian Prize behind best translation works of Russian literature into foreign languages ​​"Read Russia/Read Russia", the winners of which were translators from eight countries. A State literary museum will conduct a series of excursions free of charge in the house-museum of M. Yu. Lermontov, the house-museum of A. I. Herzen, the museum-apartment of F. M. Dostoevsky, the house-museum of A.P. N. Tolstoy, the house of I. S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki, the house-museum of M. M. Prishvin in Dunino and the house-museum of B. L. Pasternak in Peredelkino. The Institute of Translation organizes the IV International Congress of Literary Literature Translators “Literary Translation as a Means of Cultural Diplomacy”. About 400 translators from Europe, USA, Argentina, China, countries of the Middle and Far East will take part in the event.

Grand opening ceremony: September 7, 2016 at 12:00

Solemn opening ceremony of the 29th Moscow international exhibition-fair will take place on the site in front of pavilion No. 75, which will continue with a concert and performances by artists. The ceremony will be attended by Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinsky, Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Aristidis Baltas and President of the Russian Book Union Sergei Stepashin. The Orpheus radio team will continue Grand opening MIBF with a concert of classical music.

PLACE: Pavilion No. 75.
TIME: The official opening of the Moscow International Book Fair will take place on September 7, 2016 at 12:00 on the stage in front of the VDNKh pavilion No. 75. The entrance for visitors will open from 13:00. On other days, the fair is open from 10:00 to 20:00. On September 11, 2016 MIBF will be open until 19:00.
PRICE: the cost of an entrance ticket at the box office of pavilion No. 75 is 150 rubles. E-tickets can be purchased on the MIBF website at a reduced price - 125 rubles, and a subscription for September 10 and 11 - 200 rubles.

ORGANISERS: The Moscow International Book Fair is organized by the General Directorate of International Book Exhibitions and Fairs with the support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications, the Government of Moscow and the Russian Book Union.

From the 6th (beginning at 13:00) to September 10 (until 17:00) 2017, the Moscow International Book Fair will be held in EXPO Pavilion No. 75. For five days, the exhibition pavilion will turn into a world of books! MIBF is special in that it is not only a holiday for book lovers, but also a business platform for publishers, authors, artists, printers and other representatives of the book business.

anniversary year

This year is special for the Moscow International Book Fair. The MIBF is celebrating a double anniversary: ​​the thirtieth anniversary of the exhibition and the fortieth anniversary of the first fair. The fair has been held since 1977 and is the largest book forum in our country, which traditionally presents all the best that is published by Russian book publishers during the year. The anniversary MIBF calendar coincides with the celebration of the City Day of Moscow and will be integrated into its program of events, which this year promises to be rich and large-scale.

international scope

In addition, this is the only book event of this magnitude that takes place on an international scale. Both private foreign publishing houses and delegations from different countries come to present their best products to the Russian reader. This year the MIBF will host publishers from 39 countries of the world: from neighboring countries to distant sunny Cuba. Russian book publishing will be represented by publishers from 60 regions our country.

700 events at 12 thematic venues

More than 700 events will be held over five days of the fair- presentations of books, creative meetings of popular authors with readers, round tables, lectures and discussions on the most pressing topics of modern literature and the book publishing business - at 12 thematic venues, including"Literary Living Room", "Literary Kitchen", "Children's Literature", "First Microphone", "BookByte", "Book: Professions Space", "TV Studio", "Business Space", "Main Stage". For quick and comfortable orientation in the abundance of books in the pavilion, convenient navigation has been organized, which will allow you to easily select the desired stand and get to the presentation of your favorite author.

Outstanding writers

Guests are waiting for heated discussions, brilliant conversations of connoisseurs and meetings with outstanding figures of modern domestic and foreign literature: Dmitry Bykov, Roman Senchin, Olga Breininger, Narine Abgaryan, Andrey Rubanov, Victoria Tokareva, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Ekaterina Vilmont, Mikhail Veller, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Pavel Basinsky, Edward Radzinsky, Oleg Roy, Igor Prokopenko, Roma Bilyk (leader of the Beasts group), Daria Dontsova, Andrey Dementiev, Larisa Rubalskaya, Alexandra Marinina, Tatyana Vedenskaya, Nikolai Starikov, Ivan Okhlobystin, Ekaterina Gamova, Svetlana Khorkina, Viktor Gusev, Evgeny Satanovsky, Masha Traub, Tatyana Polyakova, Vera Kamsha, Roman Zlotnikov, Vadim Panov, Nick Perumov, Maria Metlitskaya, Andrey Kolesnikov, Pavel Astakhov , Sergey Litvinov, Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, Sergey Bubnovsky and foreign Kate Hamer, Callia Papadaki, Robert Wegner and others.

Festival of Culture of Small Nations

This year, the status of the guest of honor of the fair was received by the festival "National Literature of the Peoples of Russia". Representatives of small nationalities of our country will come to Moscow to acquaint the guests with their original culture and languages. The festival program includes: Udmurt rap, Even throat singing, Nanai dances with a tambourine, master classes in Khakass takhpakhs and tastings national dishes. Visitors will be presented with a unique Anthology of Children's Literature of the Peoples of Russia, which will include literary translations into Russian of poetic and prose works (including author's transcriptions of folklore) written for children under 12 in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia.

Forum of Slavic Cultures

The fair will feature several book expositions and a number of events, where the main topics will be literary life modern Slavic Europe, the future of the book, the ecology of culture, the ecology of communication between peoples and their relationships. Today the forum brings together 300 million Slavs from ten participating countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro - and three observer countries: Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Macedonian Minister of Culture and publisher to visit special exhibition Robert Alagyozovsky, director of the National Library of Serbia, writer Laszlo Blascovic, professor at the University of Ljubljana Bozidar Jezernik, writers Nada Gashic(Croatia), Jani Virk(Slovenia), Marko Sosic(Slovenia - Italy) and others.

Exhibition "Press-1917" on the anniversary of the revolution

This year the MIBF will host an exhibition "Press-1917" dedicated to the anniversary of the Russian revolution. Within five days, everyone will be able to get acquainted with newspapers and magazines that were published a hundred years ago. In addition, on the first day of the MIBF, visitors will enjoy open lectures by leading experts from Russian universities on such topics as “The Russian Press on the Eve of War and Social Upheavals (1914–1917)”; "Satirical magazines of the early twentieth century"; "The catastrophe in the caricature of 1917"; " February Revolution and women's press"; " Patriotic photography in late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. and etc.

Presentations of future productions and series

The project will continue this year. “The market is right. Books for theater and cinema». There will be presentations of works that authors and publishers consider worthy of adaptation. The works will be evaluated by an expert council of representatives of the film industry.

An evening program will be held on the main stage of the Moscow International Film Festival WORK-in-PROGRESS for the guests of the fair. It will present theatrical projects, films and series of the upcoming season, created on the basis of texts by contemporary authors, whose premieres will take place in autumn 2017 - spring 2018:

  • Pavel Rudnev, a member of the expert council (representative of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov) will present the play "Green pastures", which was staged by Yulia Aug based on the stories of last year's winner Anna Starobinets.
  • Producer of the film studio "Gamma Production" and author Tatyana Ogorodnikova will present the pilot of the series "Say Something Good".
  • Producer of the Third Rome studio Asya Temnikova and author Valery Bylinskiy will present a full-length film based on the story July Morning.
  • Film studios "Zebra" and "Lumiere Production" will present to the audience a multicultural project "Slave of Love. The context of the era”, which includes books, scientific research and lectures by experts, exhibitions, theater and film performances.

Charity event "Give a child a book"

MIBF for all five days will become a place where every caring person can help children. At the stand of the Russian State Children's Library as part of All-Russian charitable action "Give a child a book!" will accept books as donations in order to send them to the library to them. Yu.F. Tretyakov, Voronezh region.

Another charity event will become "Books teach kindness" in support of children's hospice"House with a Lighthouse" As part of the action, publishers formed a charitable assortment of books, choosing their best books and donated them to the charity stand of the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse". Thus, at the stand of the children's hospice "House with a lighthouse" (G-84) a kind of short list of the exhibition will be presented, and each of the visitors of the fair can purchase a book for a donation, thereby supporting the children's hospice.

main stage

The grand opening of the anniversary Moscow International Book Fair will take place on the main stage on September 6 at 12:00. And it is this platform that will become the concentration of the most interesting and bright events different orientation.

Here solemnly opens Festival "Read! Be smart! Live bright!", which during all five days at the site of children's master classes will delight children with master classes, meetings with authors, contests and gifts.

This year there are several musical surprises for the guests of the fair. Performing on the first day group "Bravo". Bandleader, guitarist and songwriter Evgeny Khavtan presents the first book-biography of the Russian rock band. Singer Leonid Agutin will present a new book from the beloved AnimalBooks series - “I am an elephant”. Musical critic Vladimir Marochkin presents his book "Legends of Russian Rock". People's Artist of Russia Evgeny Knyazev and theater and film actor Mikhail Politseymako they will read their favorite lines from the works of Samuil Marshak. A well-known songwriter Ilya Reznik will tell about funny stories from the collection "Tyapa does not want to be a clown", which he wrote with humor and love to his young readers.

Festival of National Literature of the Peoples of Russia

The National Youth Theater of the Republic of Bashkortostan named after A.I. Mustai Karim, whose actors will show the performance in the Kabardian language "The Joy of Our Home" based on the story of Mustai Karim. In addition, original performances, prepared especially for the audience of the fair, will be presented by troupes from the Costume and Plastic Theater of the Kalmyk State Philharmonic, as well as the Buryat State Academic Drama Theater. Khotsa Namsaraeva. On Saturday evening, Alexei Pikulev and Bogdan Anfinogenov, rap artists from Udmutria, promise an incendiary performance that will merge tradition and modernity.

The theme of small nationalities of our great Motherland will be supported by the project of the Russian State Children's Library "Hello neighbor!". On the weekend they will gather all inquisitive children to tell them about the culture and traditions of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, as well as introduce them to the literature of these peoples.

Forum "KnigaByte"

On the main stage within the framework of the forum, acute and exciting questions. The transformation of the language under the influence of emoji will be discussed by the head of the Department of New Media of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Ivan Zasursky, contemporary artist Pavel Pepperstein, blogger Dmitry Chernyshev, designer of the Shakespearean Passion project Evgeny Zorin. Journalist, radio and TV presenter, director Fekla Tolstaya discuss with the writer and screenwriter Alexey Slapovsky, what is a modern series and whether it can be called a novel of the XXI century. A music critic will discuss rap as a new Russian poetry Alexander Kushnir, poet Dmitry Vodennikov and rap artist KRESTALL. And of course, we will talk about the possibilities electronic textbook: the Estonian publishing house AVITA will bring its developments in the field e-learning and share them with the guests of the fair. And anyone can, together with the TV presenter MTV Likoy Dlugach play hopscotch and create a book in 60 minutes.

Space "Children's Literature"

Traditionally, a program has been prepared for little bookworms, which is in no way inferior in terms of the number of events to “adult” spaces. Interactive competitions, master classes, meetings, games and all sorts of surprises await young lovers of literature. There will be a presentation of collections of fairy tales about the cat Baton Tatyana Edel, environmental quiz for the whole family, an interactive competition based on books from the Disney series. Brave" about Princess Merida. With young readers will meet Marina Druzhinina, Dmitry Emets, Marietta Chudakova, Anna Nikolskaya, Arthur Givargizov, Anastasia Orlova, Vadim Levin, Anna Goncharova, Natalia Volkova, a storyteller from England Holly Webb other. In the meantime, the children will have fun, parents will be able to take part in discussions about the methods of raising a love of literature, the importance family reading and much more.

Children and their parents will be shown cartoons that took part in the 22nd Open Russian Animated Film Festival in Suzdal.

Mikhail Wiesel will present his translations of the world bestsellers for children "Chu Panda Day" by Neil Gaiman, "My Name is Bob" by James Bowen, "What's the Problem with Penguins" by Jory John and Lane Smith.

Fairytale Living Room with Baby Willy Winky by theater "Bridge", quiz "Guess the Disney character", poetry reading by the winners of the contest "Living Classic", the famous Brazilian children's comics "Monica's Group", an interactive presentation about culture modern Japan, a Japanese language master class from the Bene-Dictus school and a story about the work of the famous animator Hayao Miyazaki, German Children's University Kinderuni- such an extravaganza of types and forms of entertainment awaits young visitors to the MIBF. There will be no time to be bored, we promise our little guests!

Non-fiction space: literary cuisine

Kitchen for Russian man is a territory of trust, a place where you can not only eat, but also have intimate conversations, share your wildest thoughts and fantasies. So on the territory of the MIBF there will be such a kitchen: a space equipped with a real set, appliances and all the items necessary for cooking. There will be culinary master classes that will bring together like-minded people on any issue.

Want to know hundreds of breakfast recipes from Olesya Kuprin, learn how to cook truffles with Baileys liqueur with Anastasia Zurabova, to see how real ajvar is prepared from Nasty Monday, as well as remember your favorite treats from childhood with Irina Chadeeva and taste whiskey along with a guide to the world of this drink Evgeny Sules? All this and much more you can do during the five days of the exhibition. All lovers of non-fiction, please do not pass by!

Doctor of Historical Sciences Yuri Zhukov presents a series of books about the Stalin era "Unknown Archives of the USSR", the Center for Cultural Development and Human Improvement will help readers find new approach I understand myself and my children, but a historian, analyst, academician of the International Academy of Sciences Andrey Fursov will present his new work "The Struggle of Questions in Russian History".

Round table dedicated to the centenary October revolution, modern pedagogy with a distinguished teacher Evgeny Yamburg, mysteries of the brain from a neurophysiologist and academician Svyatoslav Medvedev, answers to questions about health Sergei Bubnovsky and much more.

Space "Fiction": literary living room

The team of authors from Literaturnaya Gazeta will present their new project "Literezerv", where young and talented authors are published. They will simply tell you about the difficult at the presentation of the Academclass book series from the Nauka publishing house, and you will learn about Russian inventors and their creations from Timofey Skorenko, chief editor of the portal

The living room will bring together many foreign authors who will introduce Russian reader with his national literature. Everyone will have a chance to meet a South Korean writer Cho Haejin, celebrate the 125th anniversary of the birth of the greatest Serbian writer Ivo Andrić, hear the reading of fragments from the Anthology of Modern Greek Literature. Greek writer Callia Papadaki, laureate Literary Prize European Union - 2017, will talk with a Russian writer Alisa Ganieva about how the language of a work affects its perception by a foreign reader.

Guests of the fair this year will find many lectures and stories on the history of literature. To the 125th anniversary of Marina Tsvetaeva Natalya Gromova prepared public speaking titled "The soul that knows no measure." Culturologist and journalist will tell about Russian literary emigration Yuri Bezelyansky. There will be a meeting dedicated to the legacy of the Tarkovskys, which will be attended by Marina Tarkovskaya(daughter and sister), the famous acting couple of Tatyana Bronzova and Boris Shcherbakov, will tell about the equally famous acting family Knipper-Chekhov, presenting the two-volume edition “Two Olga Chekhovs. Two destinies”, illustrated with rare photographs from the archive of the Moscow Art Theater Museum.

It is difficult to imagine a living room without poetry and without politics, and therefore there will be both. Eduard Limonov will talk about the Russian revolution of 1917, about the current political situation and present a new book “2017. In the crown of thorns of revolutions. Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydkoi and Ukrainian philologist and critic Lesya Mudrak will talk about the poetic almanac "Terra Poetica". The authors of the collection will recite poems in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian to the delight of the listeners.

And for dessert, the audience is waiting movie"In the eyes - a dream" co-production of Russia, Germany and Switzerland about the journey of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salome to Russia in 1900.

"First microphone" (entrance to hall C)

The sharpest, controversial and non-standard performances of the MIBF guests will be met at the First Microphone site. Politician and historian Vladimir Ryzhkov will present a non-political book about his long-term travels in Altai, Viktor Shenderovich presents fiction prose "Savelyev", and a specialist in the work of Mikhail Bulgakov Marietta Chudakova will hold a creative meeting with readers.

Visitors to the exhibition can expect several exclusive materials. Among them are useful tips for communicating with the stars from Vovan and Lexus (the stars of the "Russian intellectual prank" Vladimir Kuznetsov(Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov(Lexus)), an anthology of the satirical and humorous magazine "Beach", a conversation about lives and hagiographies, artisans and creators, Slavophiles and Westerners with Evgeny Vodolazkin and a story about the most successful startups from a TV journalist Elena Nikolaeva.

They will talk about history and its most odious personalities: on "Amateur Readings" will discuss the topic of the latest issue - about Churchill, a famous writer, critic Lev Danilkin will present his new book about the leader of the world proletariat "Lenin: Pantocrator of solar motes", and the IKAR publishing house offers to discuss the civil war at the presentation of the book Oleg Trushin"Reds and Whites".

Writer and MP State Duma Sergey Shargunov will meet with readers and talk about his book "The Pursuit of Eternal Spring", which is dedicated to Soviet writer Valentin Kataev. Renowned writer and presenter Dmitry Bykov will tell about his work on books about the great Russian literary creators.

Political issues were not spared either. Journalist Armen Gasparyan will reveal the myths about the Second World War, the politician Nikolai Kabanov will reveal the details of the public and behind-the-scenes activity of representatives of the Latvian authorities and the opposition in 2002-2006, and an expert in many socio-political programs on television Vladimir Kornilov will talk about his book “Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic. A shattered dream."

Business program

Every year MIBF brings together Russian book industry professionals, as well as colleagues from abroad. They sum up the year of their work, discuss problems, look for ways to solve them, share ideas and plans, and also form new tasks for the future. Almost the entire business program will take place in the comfortable conference halls of the pavilion during the first three days of the exhibition.

At the annual industry conference "Book market - 2017" the participants will meet to discuss the state and development prospects of the Russian book market. With representatives of the Frankfurt Book Fair, they will discuss ways and technologies for promoting Russian literature to foreign readers.

Specialists are waiting for a unique event - a discussion of strategies for leading the book infrastructure and attracting reader flows into the book space and culture with live from London. James Dont, manager of Europe's largest bookstore chain Waterstones, will share his experience of anti-crisis management.

One of the key topics of the business program will be digital technology theme in the printing business, in the book business. A number of round tables and conferences will be devoted to it. For example, the development of cultural integration between Russia and the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of international electronic formats will be discussed.

The Russian State Children's Library will bring together industry experts to discuss development prospects interdepartmental cooperation to promote children's and youth reading.

Among other things, participants will be invited to attend a series of meetings dedicated to bibliography, legislative initiatives in the field of the book business and book retail distribution.

"BookByte. The Future of the Book"

Events dedicated to the future of the book, new technologies and trends in the book industry will be held in the KnigaByte. The future of the book. Representatives of various expert and professional communities during the five days of the forum will try to form their own hypothesis of the book future, present advanced products and solutions that determine the main vectors for the development of the book environment.

Part of the program, designed for a wide audience, will take place on the main stage, and the business program will gather listeners in conference rooms.

Ilya Fomenko, content marketing expert at MyBook, and Dmitry Shchukin, Internet marketer at the Russian School of Management, will lead a seminar on using Internet marketing tools to promote publishing projects.

Former editor-in-chief of KinoPoisk Mikhail Klochkov, head of the project Marta Raicis and CEO ReadRate Anastasia Khanina will discuss the problem of information overload modern man and try to answer the question: "How to find your book?"

There will be round tables dedicated to the audiobook market and its prospects, the possibilities of online publishing houses, as well as self-publishing.

Daria Mitina, blogger, member of the jury, will tell MIBF participants about the origin and prospects of the booktrailer format all-Russian competition book trailers, and Konstantin Milchin, editor-in-chief of the Gorky Media portal. There will be a show and discussion of the best domestic and foreign examples of the genre.

"Book: the space of professions" (hall C)

The platform will bring together events dedicated to education, advanced training and book market professions. Book industry specialists will hold seminars, talk about technological innovations, and discuss with the participants the intricacies of marketing the book business. Dmitry Vernik, Head of the Center technological education, will hold a meeting on career guidance, its main problems and their solutions. The seminars will discuss methods for promoting an author's book in Russia and abroad. Book experts will share their knowledge, advice and vision of the industry at the presentation of the Gutenberg People: Professions from Cover to Cover project. At the meeting, they will sum up the results of past cycles, sort out book and career prospects, discuss working trends and set the vectors for the development of the project.

The main organizer of the site is graduate School printing and media industry of the Moscow Poly - the main book university of the CIS. The organizer prepared a series of seminars for publishing specialists. They will become part of the course of additional education in the field of the media industry. At the end of the course, participants will receive certificates and certificates.

Every day there will be a job fair for leading publishers and booksellers, admissions committees specialized colleges and Moscow Polytechnic University will present their educational programs.

Self-publishing (Hall A)

The digital book publishing platform, organized by the Ridero publishing platform, will present books by Russian independent authors and copyright imprints.

Ridero's mission is to help any author find their reader. And for book market professionals, the platform makes it possible to publish books without any economic barriers.

Here, MIBF visitors will be able to get acquainted with the capabilities of the platform and learn how to publish own book or create your own publishing house without investing in circulation, distribution and storage costs.

There will be a presentation of the imprint Roman Senchina and its authors Andrey Rubanov (“Plant and it will grow”), Dmitry Danilov (“Horizontal position”) and Alisa Ganina (“Salam to you, Dalgat!”).

In the lecture hall, writers will learn how to attract readers to their book, writing safety, trends in book illustration and cover design, and how to get into the literary community.

Attention! Changes and additions are possible in the program of events!
The full program of events for all five days of the exhibition is published on the official website

PLACE: pavilion №75 EXPO.
TIME: September 6: 13:00-20:00, September 7-9: 10:00-20:00, September 10: 10:00-17:00.
PRICE: tickets to the fair can be purchased online for 130 rubles. At the box office of VDNKh, the ticket price will be 150 rubles. There are also tickets for preferential categories citizens, the list of which can be found on the website of the fair.

Book lovers are waiting for the largest event in the cultural life of Moscow and Russia - from September 7 to 11, the 29th Moscow International Book Fair will be held in Pavilion No. 75 at VDNKh.

It will bring together about 500 participants from 35 countries. Of these, more than 400 are publishing houses in Russia, near and far abroad. This is the only exhibition project in Russia that presents all modern literary genres and trends. For five days, eminent writers, theater and film actors, cultural figures, art, politics, science and sports will present the latest in modern literature and book publishing. More than 100,000 people are expected to visit the exhibition.

At the stands of the participants of the exhibition-fair there will be meetings with famous authors, as well as presentations of their new books. For example, Viktor Pelevin will present the novel "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons." Vladimir Markin, head of the department for interaction with the media of the Investigative Committee, will present a book about the most high-profile crimes of the 21st century in Russia. Director Nikita Mikhalkov will discuss the book Besogon with readers. Science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko will present his novel about zombies "KvaZi" to readers.

Book publishers from 37 countries will try to reveal the culture and traditions of their country through literature and art. The Chinese delegation is represented by 48 publishing companies, which will bring more than 1,000 art and educational publications. Iran will present the Persian translation of the collection of stories by Fazil Iskander. The Republic of Cuba will hold events in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Fidel Castro. Armenia presents the anthology of Valery Bryusov "Poetry of Armenia from ancient times to the present day."

The Hellenic Republic will become an honorary participant of the MIBF, presenting well-known children's authors, poets and prose writers in Greece and abroad, as well as a selection of Greek cinema.

In honor of the Year of Russian Cinema, the exhibition will host a conference on copyright, where authors, lawyers, agents and representatives of the film industry will discuss various aspects related to the use of intellectual property. Writers and book publishers will offer directors and producers their best works for film adaptation.

The MIBF program includes about 100 business events: conferences, round tables, congresses, discussion platforms. One of the key ones will be the round table “The Art of Literary Diplomacy. Russian Literature on the Way to a Foreign Reader”, which will take place on the opening day of the exhibition-fair on September 7th.

On the second day of work, the industry conference "Book Market of Russia - 2016", which has already become traditional, will be held.

A special atmosphere of the holiday of the book will be created by various author's platforms - "Literary Lounge", "Literary Kitchen", "Children's Space", "First Microphone", "Knigabyte", "Book: Professions Space", "TV Studio", "Business Space". About 20 meetings with famous writers and guests of honor as well as presentations and film screenings.

More than 40 events for children and their parents will be held at the children's literature site. Everyone will find something to their liking: kids will be able to watch a selection of cartoons and filmstrips from the digitized collection of the Russian State Children's Library, older children will take part in master classes and quizzes of the Read! Be smart! Live brightly! ”, and parents will be able to pick up new children's literature or book classics that have been tested by generations for their home library.

In the open space in front of Pavilion No. 75, dozens of concert programs, theatrical performances and performances by artists will be held. All five days of the exhibition-fair, bright performances and memorable artistic images await guests. For example, guests will be able to see the pride of Kazakhstan - the best ethno-folk group Turan and the ethno-jazz duo ST Brothers.

Within the framework of the MIBF, one of the most anticipated events in the literary environment will take place - the awarding of the winners of the annual national competition "Book of the Year".

Entrance ticket price:

150 rubles - a general ticket for a one-time pass for one person;

125 rubles - a general ticket for a one-time pass for one person, purchased through the exhibition website;

250 rubles - a family ticket for a one-time pass for two adults and any number of children together with them;

200 rubles - weekend ticket for one person for any number of visits to the exhibition on Saturday and Sunday;

75 rubles - for students, pensioners, disabled people of the third group (50 percent discount);

Free - for children, schoolchildren, disabled people of the first and second groups, participants in the Great Patriotic War.

MOSCOW, 6 September. /TASS/. The jubilee 30th Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) opened on Wednesday at VDNH, more than 600 publishing houses from forty countries take part in its work.

“For six months in 2017, about 60 thousand book titles were published in our country, with a total circulation of 254 million copies. This circulation is 20% more than it was in the same period in 2016,” said Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of Rospechat. - About 400 events will take place within the framework of this fair. This is a jubilee year - the centenary of the October Revolution, and each of you can read what was written in newspapers and magazines a hundred years ago.

"30 years for the modern history of Russia is the life of a whole generation. And for 30 years the favorite forum, the MIBF, has been operating," said Vladimir Tolstoy, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on culture.

The Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece Lydia Koniordou took part in the opening of the MIBF. "The exhibition is distinguished by its quality, its level in the field of copyright exchange and ensured a strong interaction of the city with the book exhibition in Thessaloniki," the minister said. She also recalled that Athens was declared the International Book Capital of UNESCO in 2018.

Member of the Federation Council from Moscow Zinaida Dragunkina noted that humanity has not come up with the best gift than a book. "I'm convinced that no digital age can be better than the feeling we get when picking up a book," she said.

Representatives of the book industry about MIBF

Oleg Novikov, president of the Eksmo-AST publishing group, told TASS that " important feature MIBF-2017 is a combination of a rich professional and cultural and entertainment program." "The days of its holding coincide with the celebration of the Day of the City of Moscow. It is very important that the book is part of this holiday," he said.

Novikov also said that the publishing group has thoroughly approached the preparation of its own sites. "More than 200 events will be held at six venues, where about 100 leading Russian authors will present their novelties to the public. Dmitry Bykov, Roman Senchin, Denis Dragunsky, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Evgeny Satanovsky, Nikolai Starikov, Andrey Dementiev, Larisa Rubalskaya - in their number," he said.

In turn, Marina Abramova, Chairman of the Regional Development Committee of the Russian Book Union, stressed to TASS the importance of this cultural event for the book industry.

"The MIBF is certainly the central autumn event for the book industry: every year the exhibition-fair holds hundreds of events for both readers and professional community, - she said. - The exhibition opens a new book season, for which all publishers prepare novelties and present the best of them. The work of the booth of the Russian Book Union at MIBF-2017 includes both major cultural and business events."

Abramova recalled that the industry conference "Book Market of Russia" will be held on Wednesday, where the largest publishers and book market players will sum up the preliminary results of 2017.

About the exhibition

The Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF) takes place in Moscow at VDNKh from 6 to 10 September. This year, the MIBF is celebrating two anniversaries at once: the thirtieth anniversary of the exhibition and the fortieth anniversary of the first fair. The holding of the MIBF calendar coincides with the celebration of the City Day of Moscow (September 9).

The Moscow International Book Fair has been held since 1977 and is the largest book forum in Russia. Around 100,000 people visit the fair every year.