How to open a music school. Business from scratch: music school

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    in your region. Today, everyone is used to it, they are not surprised and see nothing innovative in the fact that everyone educational services are paid. Kindergartens, schools, universities - everywhere you need money, and besides, a lot of it. On the equal rights with state, private similar establishments are constantly opening. This article will tell you how to open your own private music school, in particular about what needs to be considered, what to pay attention to.

    So what needs to be done to music school opening at the beginning? The first thing you should focus your efforts on is finding a suitable room where your school will be located. Suitable in every sense of the word - both in terms of location and functionality of the premises, as well as the cost of renting it. Here, the fact that since the institution to be opened will be a general education institution, it will be possible to rent the premises on acceptable preferential terms is at hand. For example, the cost of a room with an area of ​​​​somewhere 130-140 m2 will cost approximately one thousand USD. per month.

    You also need to know that the state practices the issuance of cash subsidies and can also provide preferential taxation conditions. This will make it possible to compensate for about 20 percent of all your expenses. That is, in this regard, and taking into account such "advantages", a private music school can be considered a very profitable business.

    However, as in any other business, you should not forget about the initial investment that needs to be made. This includes the same rental of premises, and the purchase of various musical instruments and furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). Add to this the payment of salaries to administrators, as well as to all teachers in your school.

    As for the personnel, the formulation of this issue should also be approached very competently and seriously. The team must be selected not only qualified, but also, of course, patient, since teaching music to children is a diligent and painstaking process that takes a lot of strength, energy and, of course, nerves. You must remember that it is from teaching staff in general and each teacher individually and the reputation of your school will depend!

    Another important point that you should pay attention to when opening such a business is the location of the music school. Make every effort so that it is located, firstly, if not in a prestigious, then at least in a decent and quiet area of ​​the city, and secondly, far from similar public or private music schools. It is clear that you will absolutely not need excessive and unnecessary competition. Perfect option- locate your school nearby secondary school or kindergarten, which will help to quickly attract the first customers.

    If we talk about income from such a business, then know that the amount of profit received will be directly proportional to the number of students in the school. Of course, this indicator will also be affected by its prestige and reputation.

    Plus, by taking up this business, you can combine the development and prosperity of creativity with making a solid profit and recognizing the satisfied parents of your students.

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    The owner and teacher of the pop vocal school, Larisa Kudryavtseva, told the magazineFoodikaabout her principles of teaching, plans for the future and gave several useful tips budding vocalists.

    Larisa, tell us about how you got involved in vocals?

    I started singing at the age of 12. I found out that my friend goes to a vocal group, and I wanted the same. I just went to an audition with her one day and they accepted me.

    Why did you decide to do teaching activities what was the first project?

    Initially, I did not plan to engage in teaching activities, because I wanted to be a singer. But at the age of 15, doctors diagnosed me with knots on the ligaments. I had to reconsider a lot - what to do now, where to move on. The doctors said that I needed to look for other professions, and I long time I couldn't decide what I want out of life now. This went on until my teacher suggested that I start teaching on my own. I began to lead junior group children in a variety studio. But she set a condition for me: to enter a university and get a musical education. Before applying to the institute, four years after my first diagnosis, I again went to the phoniator. The doctor, having checked me, said that I can safely enter the vocal class. I joyfully called Gnesinka, found out when the audition was there, and arrived at the appointed time. I was listening to my future teacher Khachaturov Vladimir Khristoforovich, who was shocked by me in good sense. To celebrate, I sang everything that I could sing at that time: arias from operettas, and jazz, and romances, and hard rock. And some songs of my own. She sang several phrases from different compositions. They took me. Immediately to the second year of Gnesinka.

    How did the idea of ​​creating a vocal school come about? What was the first step?

    At first I worked with children, I gave it 12 years. But at one point I disbanded the team. For a long time I could not find a place for myself, and nine months later I had the idea to start teaching vocals to adults. Initially, I did not plan to physically create a “school”. At the beginning, one class and gave an announcement: "I accept students." The first to come to me were those with whom I had worked before. Then they began to recommend me to their friends. next step was the creation of the site and the search for their own premises. Then the number of students allowed to pay for it. And of course, I could no longer deal with everyone myself, so I began to look for other teachers.

    Where are you looking for vocal coaches? It seems that there are not enough of them on the market.

    I first looked for teachers through my teacher, who taught me at the university. She recommended her students to me. When the school grew, people who were looking for work began to send me resumes. And I have already looked, studied the applications. And if I saw that a person suits me, I invited me for an interview. But this process is very difficult: there seem to be many vocal teachers, but there are few those who really want to be hired. Finding a good teacher is not easy.

    What principles do you follow in teaching?

    Since I was diagnosed with knots on ligaments, I have one main principle- do no harm!! And I try to teach singing in such a way that a person rationally uses his data, and vocal cords did not suffer. This is a difficult technical part of the work. ruin talented person very easy. Quite often people come to me who have already had training experience, they could sing well, but they do it terribly, because they were not taught correctly. For example, for some reason it is believed that everyone needs to sing high notes.

    Yes, it's good to have a wide range, but it's important that each note sounds easy and beautiful. And this is a long one painstaking work both teacher and student.

    In my work it is important not to spoil the voice. That's why I don't teach online lessons. On Skype, many of the nuances are difficult to explain and hear. When I am next to a student, I immerse myself in him, and at the level of each of my cells I can tell which part of his body is clamped or feel what the problem is. Voice is energy, and you feel it better when you are next to a person, and not through a monitor.

    Can talk a lot beautiful words, but sometimes it's better to show with your feelings how to do it right. And when a student repeats your exercises, you more clearly understand what he is doing wrong, and accordingly, you can correct it and do it better.

    You immediately wanted to learn ordinary people or sought to raise stars?

    When a student grows up, starts singing great, people give compliments, I see how the public accepts him, I feel great pride. I wish all my students to succeed and realize their goals. creative possibilities, his vocal talent. Yes, I want the maximum number of my students to become successful, but I work with everyone who is ready to work. It's just that everyone has their own path.

    Tell us about your students, among them are famous names? How did you meet Kirill Andreev?

    Yes, I have worked with many famous artists: Olesya Zheleznyak, Galina Bob, Andrey Sokolov. My student Daria Pobedonostseva has been a soloist of the Demo group for several years now. Of course, Kirill Andreev. We met him somewhere else in 1996, when Ivanushki just released the first video for the song "Clouds". We met in Gnesinka, in the audience of my teacher Vladimir Khristoforovich, who then also studied with Kirill. I remember Kirill demonstrating how well he can hold his breath. And a few years later, fate brought us together again, and we worked together on a solo album by Kirill Andreev. Basically, he didn’t come to my school, but I went to his studio to record. The disc turned out to be excellent, Kirill has excellent data, and if he had found more time for vocal lessons in his tour schedule, the result would have been even better!

    The school is nine years old this year. Let's try to sum up some results: have you achieved what you were originally striving for?

    Nine years is a long time. And not all schools live so long.

    In this market, we are one of the elders. Basically, have I achieved what I was striving for? Can not say! I did not set a goal to create a school, it was important for me to teach. It so happened that as soon as I started teaching, so many students reached out to me that the school became a necessity. I alone would not be physically able to accept everyone.

    Now I want to develop further. I see the result: we released a lot of good students, many of which regularly participate in the TV show "Voice" and achieve good positions. And it says that we are doing the right thing. Many people who couldn't sing or had corrupted voices are now performing well, showing off their skills. It is always important to see the result of your work, and I am proud of what we do ...

    What are your plans for the future?

    Plans - to actively develop a professional direction. My employees have been pushing me to take it to the next level for a long time, and I thought, why not. Life always pushes me and gives me direction to move on. I myself do one thing: I try to work well!

    How is your typical day?

    If it's a work day, I wake up, have a cup of coffee, watch the news, cook my family's meals for the day, and go to work. I return home at 10 pm, and I only have enough strength to go to bed. And in my free days I like to be in nature and try to go to the gym.

    Larisa, you are not only a theoretical teacher, you are a practitioner. Sing yourself. Do you continue to study? If yes, then who?

    I continue to sing, and recently there was a concert in which I performed with my students Gulshat Khamurzina and Daria Letichevskaya. But I'm learning more as a teacher. As a singer, I would love to work out, because the singer, like the athlete, all professional activity need to train. And the best of the best! You do not always hear yourself correctly, you cannot correctly assess what and how you are doing. But the problem is that my beloved teacher Lyudmila Vladislavovna Lvova is now retired and is more engaged in her grandchildren, and I have not yet found a replacement for her.

    Tell us about your idols? And why are they authorities for you?

    I don't have any idols and never have. But I could always appreciate professionals, so there are artists who are interesting to me. Previously loved Ella Fitzgerald, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Norah Jones. Now there are no obvious priorities, I listen to different music, and I find many interesting vocalists. But of our stars, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva remains the brightest for me. She is a brilliant master vocal art, despite the fact that she has her own mannerisms. But she has a right to it. In any case, Pugacheva brilliantly owns the profession, for which at one time she had to work hard. Which gives me great respect.

    What advice can you give to aspiring vocalists and those who dream of opening their own vocal school in the future? What do you think are the most common mistakes in this area and how to avoid them?

    There are so many schools now that people don't know where to go. Here quantity, unfortunately, does not always translate into quality. And even I myself understand that today, perhaps, I would not open a vocal school, since it requires a lot of strength.

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    In this material:

    Some varieties commercial training are just starting to develop. One of them is classes in music schools. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are thinking about opening such an institution. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with all the organizational and financial aspects, after which you need to draw up a business plan for the future music school.

    What should a music school business plan include?

    When developing a business plan for a music school, the following points should be considered:

    1. Marketing analysis and determination of the target audience. In the process of drawing up a marketing plan, it is necessary to monitor the market and identify the target audience, its volume and the demand for specific musical directions. In addition, you need to look at the number of similar schools in the city. This will help determine which areas of music are in the greatest demand, as well as make a SWOT analysis of competing companies.
    2. Site selection and building rental. It is best if your school is located near a general education institution that has rental benefits and subsidies. In addition, the location directly affects its attendance. The room for a music school should be as spacious as possible (at least 200-250 sq. m.), so that at least 4 classes, a teacher's room, a bathroom, a utility room, a performance hall and a small hall (20-23 sq. m.) can be easily accommodated there . With regard to the cost of renting a room, in big cities it fluctuates within 100 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, and in small ones - within 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.
    3. Musical instruments and furniture. Special attention when drawing up a business plan for a music school, one should pay attention to the selection of quality musical instruments - they must be in excellent condition and of a good brand. To get started, 3 pianos, 5 violins, 2 saxophones, 3 guitars and 2 button accordions will be enough. Despite the fact that the cost of musical instruments is the main item of expenditure, they do not significant influence on the return on investment in the project. Another important point is the purchase of furniture: 35 chairs, a table and a sofa in the hall.
    4. State. High-quality education is impossible without highly qualified employees who will ensure the stable operation of the music school. The selection of excellent staff is the most important task, so this issue should be approached with all responsibility. The list of specialists should consist of teachers, the head teacher, a methodologist, 2 administrators, a financier and a cleaner.

    Music school advertising is an important part of business

    Any music school needs advertising. It's about not only about standard tricks, including the distribution of leaflets, advertisements, advertisements on radio and television, but also about other methods. An excellent option would be to organize a concert on the occasion of the opening of a creative educational institution, during which your teachers will perform and show what potential students can learn. You can also create a personal website and create pages in social networks. In order for the whole country to know about you, it is recommended to record the performances of your students on video and upload these videos to the network.

    If you think that starting this type of business from scratch is too difficult, there is another solution. Try to purchase a music school franchise that will solve many pressing issues:

    • you will get the opportunity to work under a well-known brand;
    • you will constantly exchange experience with other network partners;
    • the level of knowledge of your employees will constantly increase through training and receiving modern teaching aids;
    • you will have a functional website with a user-friendly interface;
    • you will receive a set of documents regulating the work of the music school;
    • a CRM system will become available to you, which will greatly facilitate the maintenance of the student database.

    The financial side of the business

    The financial component of the business will be influenced by the training program at your music school. This is an indicative list and the number of classes. The size of the room, the list of necessary musical instruments, furniture and staff will depend on this. planning entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to provide not only registration and organizational issues, but also to calculate the possibility of obtaining the maximum benefit from the available resources.

    The cost of opening and maintaining a music school

    To open a private music school in the regional region of the country, where it is planned to train about 60-80 students, you will have to spend money on the purchase of:

    • musical instruments;
    • teaching material;
    • furniture and office equipment.

    It is also necessary to take into account the costs of registration and licensing and advertising. total amount the required initial capital will be about 615 thousand rubles. As for the current costs of maintaining a music school, this includes:

    • rental of premises;
    • communal payments;
    • payment for advertising services;
    • the salary.


    When calculating the future income of a music school, it should be taken into account that during the first 2-3 years your educational institution will be filled no more than 70%. The annual volume of sales of services of such institutions can reach 10 thousand classes, but this is provided that the music school is located in one of largest cities countries. Most music schools have a 2-shift system of education. There are about 10 lessons per day in 6 grades, that is, 1800 hours per month. Training is held 3 times a week and lasts 1.5 hours. Considering average salary at 5 thousand rubles, the monthly revenue will be 450 thousand rubles, while the net profit will be equal to 130 thousand rubles.

    Business payback period

    In this scenario, the business will pay off in 3-5 months, and the amount of profit that the organization will receive will be 600 thousand rubles. Using this indicator, it is possible to determine that investments in the discovery private school music can pay off in 1-1.5 years of work. As you can see, by opening such a creative educational institution, you will become the owner of a highly promising business that brings a decent profit.

    To succeed in such a difficult undertaking, it is important to develop competent program training, which will include unique techniques classes and individual approach to every student.

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    School of Music "Virtuosi" is unique. It was founded in St. Petersburg in 2009. From the first day of work, the school "Virtuosos" adopted its own rules, which are based on an individual approach to each student. For those who want to discover the world of music, experienced and talented teachers are promised here; effective methods learning, classical and innovative; as well as personal training schedule. Music lessons"Virtuosi" schools can be held in an equipped studio, at the student's home or at the teacher's home.

    Music school "Virtuosos" organizes lessons for all music lovers and does not recognize age restrictions. Those wishing to join musical art guarantee free check musical ability and the most effective training program for them.

    School "Virtuosi" teaches everyone who wants to enter the world of music, learn how to sing songs, independently arrange classical compositions, master the piano or violin, please others by playing the guitar, saxophone or others musical instruments. Today, the Virtuosi music school has hundreds of students studying guitar, violin, piano, button accordion, saxophone, percussion and flute, as well as taking vocal lessons.

    In 2011, the music school for children and adults "Virtuosos" launches a franchise program. And today we have opened 15 schools throughout Russia. Here we are ready to help partners at all stages of development, share experience and methods of teaching music, help with attracting the first students and recruiting teachers, decorating a studio for classes and organizing the classes themselves.

    Do you want to open a music studio in your region?

    Music school for everyone profitable business solution because people strive for self-expression regardless of age, social status and city of residence.

    Opening of the music school "Virtuosos" in your city will be especially relevant now, when modern technologies more and more penetrating into our lives, but do not give the joy and delight that only music lessons are capable of. From our franchise partners, we expect the desire to create the best music school in your city or region, to put your soul into a new business for yourself, to develop and help our students develop.

    We offer to open a franchise school. Why franchise?

    Franchising is a modern and effective method open your business without unnecessary risks. By purchasing a franchise, you get all the experience of your partner - after all, he already knows his business, target audience, possible difficulties, promotion in the market. In addition, the well-known trademark, which consumers know, and the support of the business owner in all your endeavors.

    Why franchise with Virtuosi?

    This is a great opportunity to open a business even for those who have never been engaged in entrepreneurial activity;

    You are getting ready business a company that has already created its positive image and earned the trust of customers. You save time and effort on the formation of a business structure;

    We will acquaint you and your employees with all the nuances of the work, we will help you to fully realize the potential of the company.

    By purchasing the Virtuosi music school franchise, you get:

    Online consultations on organizational issues through Personal Area.

    Providing ready-made design solutions "BRANDBOOK"

    Own CMS-system for managing your region on our website

    Provision of all documentation regulating the work of the school.

    CRM client flow management system - a program in which work with students, finances and calculations is automated wages.

    Interactive learning. Training programs for employees, the possibility of receiving full-time weekly training for your employees (managers and methodologists)

    Teaching aids from our the best teachers (lesson plans) to conduct lessons on the most popular musical directions schools.

    Exclusive right to a representative office in your city

    Training and online support at all stages of development, through a personal account. Web-conferences with the participation of school directors in the regions, exchange of experience, consultations of the leadership of the "Virtuosi" of St. Petersburg are always in time. Regular brand book updates. Interactive training of methodologists and managers of our partners, as well as the possibility of full-time weekly training in St. Petersburg for you or your employees.

    Our offer compares favorably with others. "Virtuosi" is a fast payback business with minimal investment. Musical education - Now there is practically a free niche in the market for the provision of services. You do not need multimillion-dollar investments, any special knowledge or skills. All you need is enthusiasm and love for what you do. We will provide support at all stages of development: from preparation to opening and further development.