Transliteration of names. How to write Russian names in English letters? Important note: transliteration when issuing passports

We continue to study the tenses of the English language. Consider past time Simple - past indefinite time in English. Before reading the table past simple, it is desirable to learn how to use In addition to the structure of the sentence and the cases of using this tense, I will draw your attention in this article to the shortcomings of students, and Past Simple table will help us with this.

Past Simple time is used:

    to express an action that happened sometime in the past and is not related to the present. In this case, the moment of the action is either indicated with the help of marker words, or implied. For example: We bought a flat (yesterday). We bought an apartment (yesterday).

    to describe a series of successive actions in the past. For example: He woke up, cleaned his teeth, had breakfast and walked to school.

    to express an action that took place in the past certain period time (it is indicated by the words for and during). For example: She didn't speak for an hour.

marker words(read more about marker words in the article) for Past Simple: yesterday, last week (month, year, autumn), in 2013, 3 days ago. Also, indicators of the past tense in English are the words when (when) and where (where)- an indication of some time in the past. Therefore, the Past Simple table is useful to you, in particular, for questions that begin with When? and where? For example: Where did you go?

Conventions for the table Past Simple (The Past Indefinite Tense):
V- verb - verb
S- subject - subject (who? what?)
Ved- a regular verb with an ending - ed ("correct" is called verbs that form the affirmative form of The Past Indefinite Tense according to the rule - by adding the ending -ed to the main form of the verb e.g. I work - I work ed(I work - I worked))
V2- “irregular” verb in the second form (“irregular” is called verbs that form the affirmative form of The Past Indefinite Tense not according to the rule (by adding the ending -ed to the main form of the verb), but by changing the main form. To do this, use the verb, standing in the second column of the table of irregular verbs, e.g. I go - I went (I go - I went).To determine whether this verb is correct or incorrect, you just need to learn everything Irregular Verbs:) (their in English language 218, of which 190-195 are widely used). Then, when forming a statement in the past indefinite tense, you can confidently add ending -ed to those verbs that are not in the table of irregular verbs.


past indefinite tense

affirmative form


You(you you)



He(is he)

She(she is)

It(he, she, it is about animals and objects)

Examples Translation

I lived in a big city.

I lived in a big city.

We listened to music.

We listened to music.

They went to England.

They went to England.

He swam in the swimming pool.

He swam in the pool.

Sheliked the movie.

She liked the movie.

Itstarted in the morning.

I hope everything is clear with the statement in the past tense. The situation is more complicated with questions - general and special. In the video below, it is accessible and easy to talk about how to compose questions in Past Indefinite Tense.

Interrogative form


you(you you)



he(is he)

she(she is)


It is important not to deliver the ending -ed, which has gone to Do+ed = Did

Examples Translation

– Did you cook yesterday?
– Yes, I did. (No, I didn't.)

– Did you cook food yesterday?
- Yes. (Not.)

Did they swim last night?
- No, they didn't. (Yes, they did.)

Did they swim last night?
- Not. (Yes.)

Did he enjoy the party?
– Yes, he did. (No, he didn't.)

Did he enjoy the party?
- Yes. (Not.)

Did is an auxiliary verb - it only helps to form a question and a negative, but is not translated. It is important to use only did (didn't) in short answers. Saying “Yes, I cooked” or “Yes, I swam” is a mistake!

Special questions

(begin with special words)


How many (much, far…)

you(you you)



he(is he)

she(she is)


Examples Translation

What did they do at the weekend?

What did they do on the weekend?

It is important to understand that "did" is not translated, but only shows that this sentence is in the Past Simple. Due to this, the word “do” is translated “did” (and not “do”).

Where did your friend play tennis?

Why did she like ballet?

Why did she love ballet?

How much did it cost?

negative form


You(you you)



He(is he)

She(she is)


did not (didn't)

Examples Translation

I didn't like Spanish.

I didn't like Spanish.

(I didn’t like - I didn’t like, not “me not liked”)

You didn't understand Spanish.

You (you) did not understand Spanish.

We didn't teach Spanish.

We didn't teach Spanish.

They didn't know Spanish.

They didn't know Spanish.

He didn't speak Spanish.

He didn't speak Spanish.

She didn't learn Spanish.

She did not study Spanish.

Note that none semantic verb in negation it does not stand in the second form and does not have the ending -ed - know, speak, like ...

Interrogative-negative form
(colloquial speech)

Schematically the structure of a sentence in past simple can be shown like this:



Wh + did + S + V?

S + didn't + V

? –
Didn't + S + V?

Such a diagram can be printed out and, together with others, pasted into notebook, for example, - a ready-made cheat sheet, where everything is short and concise.

The past indefinite tense of the English language is usually easy for students - some have heard about irregular verbs and already before the start of studying this tense they managed to learn the well-known “three columns”, and someone is attracted by the presence of only one auxiliary verb did when constructing a question and a negative. Sometimes, however, students forget about the ending - ed in the affirmative form. Table Past Simple (The Past Indefinite Tense) is simple and will be understandable to anyone, the main thing is to immediately understand and not delay with practice.

The Past simple tense is the simple past tense of a verb in English. This is one of the main tenses that you need to know on basic level learning English and it belongs to the group of simple tenses - Simple Tenses ( present simple, past simple, Future Simple). The English usually use this tense when talking about the past, that is, when the action verb answers the question: what have you been doing?

From this article you will learn:

When to use the Past Simple in a sentence about the past:

So, as mentioned above Past Simple Tense (Past Simple) used in a sentence that refers to the past. But let's see what the past is. Past tense is grammatical category, and the past is a philosophical concept, and in order not to get confused, there are hint words in English that indicate the past. These are the words - yesterday, past, back(for example, a year ago), and actually past year(e.g. 1970). Rule 1 below will help you remember these hints.

The Past Simple Tense (rules for beginners from the book "English Grammar: Simply About Complex")

Here are ten more simple rules from my book, which will help you avoid basic mistakes when learning this tense of the verb.

one. " yesterday, ago, last, when( - past simple then"

2. "in past simple assistant did , end of action ed »

3. “if the verb is correct - ed add if wrong D 2 remember"

4. In negative sentence appears didn't(after D.L.),
and D2 changes to D or see rule #5

5. In exercises on Past Simple « see not, write didn't»

6. "where did, No ed and there is no second form D2".

7. Questions. the offer appears did
and D2 changes to D or see rule #8

8. "if you want to past simple did write and D 2 on the D change.

nine. " be don't need any did, nor ed".

10. “be polite you were- Do not forget » .

Commentary on the rules:

Rule 1 « Yesterday, ago, last, when( - past simple then" indicates that the sentence should use the simple past tense - The Past Simple Tense, if it contains a temporary expression (hints):

  • yesterday- yesterday
  • ago- back, that is, in phrases like:
  1. a week ago
  2. a month ago
  3. a year ago
  • last- past, that is, in phrases like:
  1. last week - last week
  2. last month - last month
  3. last year - last year, etc.
  • When(question word) - that is, in questions starting with When ...? - When?

Conclusion: If the sentence contains " yesterday, ago, last, when( » , then 100% it is necessary to use Past Simple Tense in it.

Rule 2“In Past Simple, the assistant did, the ending is with the action ed» means that for most verbs (they are called regular) the past tense is formed by adding the ending -ed to the main form (they are called the first).

watch - watch (first form)
watch ed- see l(second form)

Adding an ending -ed to regular verb, we will put it in the second form.

Rule 3 “If the verb is correct –ed, add, if the verb is incorrect, remember D2”, says that there are still irregular verbs to which it is IMPOSSIBLE to add the ending of the past tense -ed.

sleep - sleep (first form)

sleptslept(second form)

So, we have dismantled three rules for the simple past tense - Past Simpe Tense and will stop there for now. 'Cause now it's time to know How to write Past Simple Tense sentences.

How to make sentences in Past Simple Tense

Now look at these diagrams and read again rules 4-8.

Rule 4 Appears in a negative sentence didn't(after D.L.),
and D2 changes to D or see rule #5

Rule 5 In the exercises for Past Simple « see not, write didn't'that the negative particle « not" translates to English language not not, a didn't.

EXAMPLE. He didn't. — He didn't do.

Rule 6"where did, No ed and there is no second form D2"

Rule 7 Appears in an interrogative sentence did(before D.L., but after,
and D2 changes to D or see rule #8

Rule 8"if you want to past simple ask a question before actor Do not forget did write and D 2 on the D change.

Let's leave two rules for later, but for now, answer the questions.

Test yourself and answer the questions:

  1. When should you use The Past Simple Tense in a sentence?
  2. What tense expressions indicate the simple past tense?
  3. What is the form of the verb in the simple past tense?
  4. How is affirmative, negative, interrogative sentence in Past Simple Tense? Draw diagrams of times.
  5. What rules do you remember?

Now let's figure it out how to read the ending -ed in Past Simple.

If you remember well eight rules for Past Simple, then you have to do

So, you registered on Aliexpress or on any other foreign online store, spent a lot of time figuring out how to shop correctly, choose a product and a reliable seller. And now, the moment of the first order has come, but to complete the checkout process you need to write the delivery address with Latin letters.

But how to do it right? You are used to writing the address only in Russian, but here you need to somehow write in English. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in filling in the address. Everything is very simple. The most important thing is to write the index correctly. It is at the specified index that the parcel will arrive at your post office, and already there the postal employees will need your address in order to send you a notice of the parcel. Therefore, the address must be written in such a way that they can understand it at the post office.

If you write the index incorrectly, then your package will make a short trip. First, she will come to another post office using the wrong index, and already there the postal workers will read your address, understand that you made a mistake, edit the index and send your package to the correct post office.

If you made a mistake in writing the address, but the index was correct, then you just need to track the package from Aliexpress by the track number. As soon as it arrives in your mail, immediately take your passport with you (to confirm your identity and that the package is intended for you) and go get it before it goes back to the sender due to the wrong address.

Instructions on how to write an address in Latin (English) letters

1)County- here we write the country. The country needs to be translated into English
State/Province/Region- area.
city- City.
Google translator will help you translate the country and city
2) The subsequent address is written for the employee on your mail, so you need to write it in such a way that it is clear to him.
The address is written using the Latin alphabet. You don't need to translate the words. Otherwise, your postman will not understand anything
Street Address - here we write down the street, house number, building, apartment

Zip / Postal Code - index (post office number). The index will help to find you, even if you have errors in the address. The index can be specified on the Russian Post website.

Write the address in Russian letters to convert them to latin spelling
color:#0C3A45; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#F2F2F2;">

We also write abbreviations in Latin letters:
boulevard - boulevard
village - der.
house - d. or dom
name - im.
quarter - quarter
apartment - kv
region - obl.
lane - per.
village - pos.

Address example:
292397 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, ul. Esenina, dom 8-2, kv 14

Don't forget to include phone numbers:
Tel - landline phone number. You need to write only numbers (without brackets and dashes). We start with the country code. (7 - code of Russia). Then the area code and then your number.
Mobile is yours mobile phone. We write in the same way with a code with a country code. (7 - for Russia) then the operator code and your number.
Phone numbers are needed so that postal workers can contact you in case of any problems.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or contact the chat

English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, so the need to translate names arises quite often.

Registration of documents, visas, moving abroad, delivery international exams, resume writing, studying in foreign educational institutions- these and other events force citizens to choose Russian names in English.

Correctly transmitted names and surnames are especially important in the field of business, the world economy, and tourism. That is why the US State Department has developed a table for the correct correspondence of Cyrillic letters to Latin letters.

Why do you need to translate names

The main goal of the translator when transferring proper names of one language by means of another is to preserve semantic load, which will be understood by native speakers of a foreign language.

The most difficult thing is to leave the original meaning when translating works of art, where the names not only name the character, but also carry the features of his character. For example, the translation of diminutive names of Russian heroes folk tales always lose that color. Ivanushka the Fool is translated into English as Ivan the Fool, the hero loses the easy attitude of readers and positive coloring.

The need to translate Russian names arises when conducting business meetings, communicating with foreigners, attending classes with a teacher. At the same time, the translation into different situations communication may vary. If in class english girl named Julia becomes Julia, then when buying a ticket, the option indicated in the passport is indicated, and this is usually Yulia or Yuliya.

Rules for writing Russian names in English

Judging by the examples given, there are several ways to write a name and surname in English: the actual translation, the selection of a similar-sounding name (such words usually have a consonant root), transliteration. Translators, businessmen, tourists use various methods transferring names depending on the communication situation:

  1. Usually "flower" and "edifying" names are translated. The Russian woman Rosa becomes Rose, and Vera becomes Faith. Many difficulties arise with the translation of the names of the heroes of Russian handicrafts. Thus, the Serpent Gorynych becomes simply (the) Dragon or Lizard and loses its uniqueness. Other translators put more effort into impersonating the character and he becomes Gorynych Snake.
  2. In English lessons, for a deeper immersion in foreign reality, similar names from the English language are selected for students. So, Masha becomes Mary, Katya becomes Kate, Sasha becomes Alex, Mikhail becomes Michael, and Misha becomes Mike.
  3. The transliteration method is especially in demand for formal business style communication, however, for some names, several options are possible at once. So, for example, the name Eugene can be translated as Evgenia, Yevgenia, Yevgeniya. In each case, it all depends on the person who selected the translation. government agency. Russian surnames are usually translated into English in this way.

Transliteration of Russian names into Latin

Transliteration of Russian names is the most common phenomenon in the transfer of the first name, last name and, of course, patronymic, which is extremely rarely indicated in official papers. Letters are transmitted in accordance with the requirements of the US State Department. Some of them are not difficult:

Others denote two letters at once:

How to spell the letter E English manner clear to everyone - E. Transliteration does not lend itself to b and b signs. An apostrophe ` can be used to soften a consonant.

You can translate patronymic only by translating the Cyrillic alphabet into the Latin alphabet. The table shows the most popular Russian patronymics in English, some of them can be transliterated in different ways.

Russian patronymics in English

















About how to write Russian patronymic in English, prompt tables of correspondence of Russian and English letters.

Russian surnames in English - translation features

Surnames in Latin letters are also transliterated, for example:

  • the name of the Russian poetess Tsvetaeva can be transliterated in several ways at once - Tsvetaeva, Tsvetaeva, Cvetaeva;
  • Dzhumaev - Djumayev, Dzhumayev, Jumayev;
  • Kuznetsov - Kuznetsov;
  • Chistovich - Chistovich;
  • Tatishchev - Tatishev;
  • Khasymov - Hasymov;
  • Lifting - Podyomny.

Most of the difficulties arise with the Russian combination J, which is transferred to English as J, DJ, DZH. As for the translation of the Russian combination KS into English, it is better not to use X, but to write KS. Correct translation surnames from Russian into English online available at the link: online transliteration.

Correspondence of Russian names to foreign ones

Since many Russian names were borrowed from Romanesque and Germanic languages you can even find a match in English. But it will still be perfect different names. They are suitable for friendly correspondence or communication with relatives, but they will not be useful at all when applying for visas or other documents.

The classic example is Russian name Elena, which in English sounds like Helen. The name Andrei in Latin is written as Andrew, Stepan - Steve, Ivan - John, Anna - Anne, Anya - Annie, Peter - Peter, Boris - Bob and others.

Russian names in English

Consider examples of translating a full name into English:

Full name in Russian

Name translation into English

Hvorostovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich

Konstantin Edouardovich Tsiolkovskii

Karnitskaya Evelina Alekseevna

Karnitskaya Evelina Alekseevna







Thus, it can be seen that the translation of Russian names into English depends on the situation of communication. Patronymic names are placed between the given name and surname and are transliterated. How to write a surname in English can be clarified on special sites. But each subsequent time, the full name in English should be written the same way so that there are no difficulties when crossing the border and other serious events.

The writing of the Russian language is based on the Cyrillic script. However, most of the world's languages ​​use the Latin alphabet for this. Later in the article we will tell you how to write in Latin letters correctly. This is a very important skill that can come in handy in any situation. As an example, you need to be able to write your name correctly in Latin when foreign trips.

History of the Latin alphabet

Historically, the Latin alphabet is divided into archaic and classical. The first one is very similar to Greek from which it probably originated.

The composition of the original alphabet included 27 letters, some of which were practically not used. The composition of the same classical alphabet included 23 letters. Latin was official language in Ancient Rome, and due to Roman expansion, this alphabet became widespread. During historical development a few more letters were added to the Latin alphabet, and in this moment The "basic Latin alphabet" has 26 letters and is identical to modern English.

However, almost every language that uses the Latin alphabet today has its own additional Latin characters, such as the letter "thorn" (Þ), which is used in Icelandic. And there are many examples of such expansion of the Latin alphabet.

And how to write uppercase Latin letters that are included in the "basic Latin alphabet"? There are several rules. And according to them, some capital letters are reduced copies of capital letters, some of the letters are slightly different.

Russian Latin

The very first cases of using the Latin alphabet for writing East Slavic languages belong to the period of the XVI-XVII centuries, when the Latin alphabet appeared in the documents of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth.

Later on the territory Russian state the question of changing the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet was repeatedly raised. At first, this idea appeared in Peter I, who, against the background economic transformation European bias conceived and language reform. However, Peter never fulfilled his desire.

Calls for a change in the alphabet intensified even more in the 19th century. Representatives of the “Westernizers” movement especially advocated for this. And again, there was no change in the alphabet. After all, the opponents of the Latin alphabet had many supporters. Including Minister Uvarov, the author of the theory of official nationality. The introduction of the Latin alphabet, according to opponents of the transition, would mean the loss of cultural uniqueness.

After October revolution the Bolsheviks planned to translate all nationalities into the Latin alphabet. Several options for the Russian language have been proposed. However, the period of "Latinization" quickly ended, and the leadership of the USSR began, on the contrary, to translate all languages ​​into Cyrillic. After that, the issue of changing the alphabet in the USSR was closed.

After the fall of the communist regime, the issue of parallel walking was also repeatedly raised. Cyrillic alphabet with Latin, as in the same Uzbekistan, but the public blocked such proposals. Despite all the ambiguity of this issue, the introduction of the Latin alphabet could be useful for the Russian language. This would make it open to further cultural expansion. But the introduction of the Latin alphabet in Russian has a small minus - it will be difficult for the older generation to understand how to write in Latin letters.

Transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin

unified rules for transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin does not exist. However, at present in Russian Federation a certain standard is used, which is followed by employees of the Federal Migration Service.

It is periodically criticized, but accepted as official. It replaces with phrases letters that are not in the Latin alphabet: E, Sh, Shch, Yu, Zh, C, Ch, Ya. The rest of the letters are actually identical to their Latin counterparts.

How to write a last name and first name

Usually this procedure must be carried out upon receipt foreign passport or visa. All documents that require transliteration are filled out according to the ISO 9 rule, which is followed by the Federal Migration Service. According to this rule, surnames are translated into Latin. We offer you a transliteration scale.

Thanks to this table, any word written in Cyrillic can be written in Latin. For example, Ivanovich in Latin will be Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.


Disputes about which alphabet the Russian language needs do not subside for a long time. Each of the opinions has its own advantages and disadvantages. Discussions have been going on in our country for centuries, and there is no end in sight yet. However, to be able to write in Latin letters is enough important skill. It can be useful when obtaining a foreign passport, visa, paperwork in other states.

In this article, we showed how to write your first and last name in Latin letters correctly. But that's not all. Using the table given here, you can write any Cyrillic word in Latin. We hope that after reading this article you have understood how to write in Latin letters.