Silicon world. forgotten reality

In 1998, Russian scientist Albert Bokovikov made a sensational statement about his discovery new form life.

An extensive article on this subject, supported by convincing color photographs, was published by the researcher in the journal Consciousness and physical reality”, No. 6 for 1998.

It turns out that on Earth, and maybe on other Earth-like planets of the Universe, simultaneously with the protein form, the silicon form of life lives and flourishes. A. Bokovikov called her cray.

The scientist drew attention to the fact that in the world there is no method by which it is possible to prove that it is alive or inanimate. Therefore, he proposed his original method - the combination of similar features of protein and silicon life forms. This, first of all, refers to such a basic sign of life as reproduction.

It is known that there are several million forms of biological living beings (species) on Earth, and the number of silicon forms, according to A. Bokovikov, cannot be specified.

The silicon form of life in the research of the scientist is represented by agates, which are well-known to everyone and quite common in nature. Over a long period of work on the example of this mineral, the team of A. Bokovikov discovered a number of signs of silicon life, similar to biological forms.

(Agate - a mineral, a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. It is a fine-fibred aggregate of chalcedony with a layered texture and a banded color distribution).

How vegetable form silicon organisms, agate is not immortal, even though it lives for millions of years. For the organism of agate, represented in the studies by samples of different ages,well-defined anatomy: skin (spiral, multi-layered); crystalline body; striatum; a bottom-mirror (an organ whose purpose the scientist could not establish; perhaps it is some kind of analogue of a visual analyzer). Agates have skin that sheds and can even regenerate. The mineral, like all living things, gets sick and heals wounds (chips and cracks).

During their long, albeit not stormy, life, agates feed, capture new living spaces, and in dynamics retain their complex forms.

But the most interesting thing is that agate, it turns out, is bisexual: the striped body is the male body, the crystalline body is the female body. They also have genes - crystals of the female body.

Minerals can reproduce in several ways, in particular, by propagation by seeds (the nucleation of seeds in the parent agate body; the exit of seeds from the parent body). In addition, A. Bokovikov proved on specific samples that agates can also multiply by budding, division with the formation of separating centers, cloning and the method of mosaic division.

The scientist traced the reproduction of agate by cryotes (embryos) in basalt. At the same time, he singled out the following processes: the origin of cryotes in basalt; embryonic development; the birth of the baby agate; transformation of cryotes into organisms; the formation of spherical structures around the embryos; death of cryotes in basalt (zygotes and cryotes are round).

The birth of a cryota is shown in the photographs below.

While collecting and studying agates, A. Bokovikov discovered an amazing fact. It turned out that many stones (not agates) also have seeds!

Vladimir Streletsky

"Alien Tower" V. B. Ivanov

The possibility of silicon life is recognized even by official scientists. Silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. The most commonly encountered silicon compound is its SiO2-silica. In nature, it forms the mineral quartz and its varieties: rock crystal, amethyst, agate, opal, jasper, chalcedony, carnelian. Silicon dioxide is also sand. The second type of natural silicon compounds are silicates. These include granite, clay, mica.

Why silicon can be the basis of life?

Silicon forms branched compounds like hydrocarbons, that is, silicon is a source of diversity. Silicon powder burns in oxygen, that is, silicon is a source of energy. Based on the semiconductor properties of silicon, microcircuits and, accordingly, computers were created - that is, silicon can be the basis of the mind.

Could there have been silicon life on our planet in the past?

She could very well.

Trunks and branches of stone trees were found. Some of them are precious. The finds are numerous all over the world. In some places there are so many trees that it can only be called a forest. Stone trees have preserved the structure of wood.

There are fossil stone bones of animals, including those made of precious stones. The finds preserved the structure of the bone. In the opal jaw of the animal, teeth and tooth sockets are structured.

Many mountains resemble the stumps of huge stone trees.

In the steppes lie in in large numbers stone shells - ammonites.

In general, there are many examples of fossil silicon creatures. If someone is satisfied with the official explanation of the process of replacing carbon with silicon in fossil finds due to the irrigation of a tree or bone with mineral water with further transformation into a precious stone, do not read further this article.

Suppose for ourselves that silicon life is a fact. And it predated carbon life on our planet. Then next question: how did she look?

Like the carbon life form, the silicon life form must be structured from the simplest single-celled forms to evolutionarily (or divinely, whichever you prefer) complex and sentient forms. Complex life forms are made up of organs and tissues. Everything is like now. Rather naive are the notions of silicon life as a monolithic piece of granite endowed with the spirit of God. It's like a living puddle of oil or a living lump of coal.

The set of organs is universal for any creatures, both carbon and silicon. This control ( nervous system), nutrition, release of toxins, carcass (bones, etc.), protection from external environment(skin), reproduction, etc.

Animal tissues are made up of different cells and look different. Bone, muscle, epidermis, etc.

The fabrics are made up of different substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. In tissues, there is a different content of various substances from carbon to metals.

All this economy visible to the eye functions according to physical and chemical laws. The laws are common to a living organism, a computer, a car.

Let's go further: something happens and silicon life perishes. Carbon life thrives on its ruins none. A logical question: where are the bodies of dead silicon animals, plants, fish, etc.? Stumps and stone trees have already been mentioned. Suitable, but not enough quantity and variety. I would like to see a complex form of life, consisting of various organs and fabrics. For example, like an animal. With the skin, with the muscles, with the liver, with the blood vessels and the heart.

So: the silicon giant died. Time has passed. What will we see?

Let's draw an analogy: a mammoth died. What will we find in many, many years? Usually the frame (bones), less often the skin, less often the muscles. The brain and parenchymal organs are extremely rare.

And now let's look for silicon frameworks in the surrounding world. They are scattered all over the world.

These are antique and colonial buildings!

I propose to pause and calmly analyze the difference between a certain building and a static organism such as a coral or fungus on a silicon basis.

Bricks, beams, blocks, ceilings are the structural units of the frame tissue such as the bones of modern animals or the shell of turtles. They are well preserved. Skin - walls with plaster. Sewerage is an excretory system. Heating pipes - circulatory system. Fireplace system - food. Belfry with a bell - the organ of speech or vestibular apparatus. Metal fittings or wiring - the nervous system.

Under the roof was the brain. Recall the expression "the roof went." The brain has rotted from time to time along with the internal organs that were in indoor areas. And all this dust in the form of clay covers antique and colonial buildings up to the first floor. Highlight structural unit(cell) of soft tissues is no longer possible.

In summary: structurally, any building corresponds to the functions of a living being. There is a frame, nutrition, excretion, etc. This will be confirmed by plumbers and chairmen of housing and communal services.

Any building materials and devices can be synthesized by a living organism. iron and stone pipes, cables, roofing iron, glass, all these construction details many times easier devices living organism. Living organisms use any trace elements and their compounds available on the planet. And they synthesize devices of any purpose, complexity and composition. If only it was necessary.

Locks, lamps, electric shockers, aircrafts, submarines. That is, pistils, stamens, fireflies, electric rays, birds, fish. It's all nature.

Any man-made device is not an exclusive creation of the engineer's brain, but is a copy of a natural device. And vice versa. Accordingly, the composition of roofing iron, the shape of a stable and spacious silicon structure in the form of a house, is not a monopoly of man. Solutions are universal for nature and for the engineer.

Ancient buildings, they are silicon creatures, multiplied, and then grew in the same way as modern plants and animals. Cells divided, differentiated into specialized tissues in the form of walls, roofs, ceilings, and reinforcement. And from embryos like dolmens they turned into St. Isaac's cathedrals.

I will not dwell on the physiology, including the methods of reproduction of silicon creatures, due to the complexity of the topic. There was a substance analogous to water in carbon life. For example, sulphuric acid. There were silicon analogs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There was an oxidizing agent like oxygen. For example, chlorine. There was a silicon Krebs cycle.

The picture turns out to be interesting, it looks like a mixture of Christian hell and the movie "Alien". All this life seethed under a certain, apparently high temperature. And it turned into monuments of ancient and colonial architecture.

Can you say that ancient buildings correspond to the physiological needs of man? Of course not.

More ancient (according to official history) such as pyramids or Greek temples in general do not correlate with people either in size or in function. Why did the ancient Greeks need them? For religious cult? Funny. No, it can be done if there is already a finished building. But to build these gigantic colossus with bare hands and tunics?

Buildings for the unknown to modern science technological process? Also doubtful.

Later buildings, such as Colonial St. Petersburg, can be adapted for housing. But with the sizes of windows and doors, it was also not very good. They say they built for giants.

In Paris, St. Petersburg and other cities there are no distinct traces of its builders and the construction process from the design stage to delivery to the contractor. All these colonial buildings came out of nowhere. All these colonial buildings are located all over the world, including in places where there was no distinct industry at all.

The technology of working with granite is absolutely incomprehensible. More or less intelligible explanations are: alien superlasers from LAists or granite casting. Both are beyond the capabilities of modern civilization.

The structure of monolithic granite products is heterogeneous. Something like plaster from the same, but denser granite falls off monolithic columns. How the skin peels off. Alexandria pillar through filters looks prefabricated. Or maybe it's something like growth rings in the course of growth?

Antique and colonial buildings are the skeletons of dead silicon life form creatures. People settled in them. We studied the golden proportions of ancient creatures, engineering schemes. Later, the composition of the materials was dismantled. Learned how to make copies. This is how construction was born.

Naturally, not all old buildings are silicon creatures. The boundary is quite clear - there should not be a tree as load-bearing structures, floors. Well, wooden doors were brought into the already existing silicon frame, window frames and the floor is quite comfortable.

Houses in colonial cities like St. Petersburg are all different. An absolute variety in terms of the size of the houses themselves, the height of the floors, the shape of the facade. At the same time, there is no gap between the houses on the streets, they stand wall to wall. In the general planning of cities there is a soft natural harmony. All this resembles a colony of living beings. Maybe like corals, or mushrooms. Cathedrals - well, just poured mushrooms.

Statues in ancient buildings

The statues are a late human remake stuffed into prehistoric skeletons. The statues are structureless. It is a monolithic array of material with an external shape copied from humans and nonhumans. And living beings are structural, as noted earlier. Also structural and finds of fossils. That is, in petrified trees, rings are visible on the cut. Found stone jaws with teeth and bones are inside the body. They themselves are a structural element.

Could silicon animals and silicon people be similar to modern ones. Undoubtedly. Finds of animal bones (including jaws) and tree trunks allegedly petrified to the state of precious stones confirm this probability.

I will return to holding a religious cult in ancient and colonial temples. You noticed that according to all the data previously, the effectiveness of all cults was significantly higher. Now, in my opinion, it has dropped to zero, except for self-zombie. Most likely, the matter is as follows. After the death of a silicon being, its ethereal, astral, etc. the shells leave the dead physical body not right away. Just like the carbon beings. The energy of these shells was used by the clergy for their rituals, settling inside the corpse. Now, apparently forty days by the standards of silicon life have passed. There is no more magic. I hope everyone goes to heaven.

When did the silicon era end?

Probably according to the calendar. Nonche 7525 year from the creation of the world. Can silicon cores last 7525 years? Why not? We didn't see them 7525 years ago. And accordingly we do not represent original quality. Nothing bad has really happened in the last 200 years.

How long was the silicon era?

The silicon era is the crust of the earth. The earth's crust is made up of rocks, the main element of which is silicon. The thickness of the crust is 5-30 kilometers. And the silicon creatures accumulated these kilometers with their vital activity. Just as now carbonic beings are working on fertile soil. So far we have gained 3 meters. Feel the difference.

Sunset of the silicon age

When immersed in the soil of the silicon world, that is, the earth's crust, the temperature rises. The bowels of the earth are warming. At a depth of 10 kilometers, it is about 200 degrees. This must have been the climate in the silicon world. Accordingly, the materials had other physical and Chemical properties, than now. Over time, the crust thickened as a consequence of the accumulation of silicon biomass (soil). The surface moved away from the hot bowels of the earth and its temperature dropped. On the this moment the heat from the interior of the earth does not reach the surface. The only source of heat is the sun. global cooling surface of the earth's crust made the conditions of existence for the silicon world unacceptable. The end of the silicon world has come. All died from the cold.

Where did the rest of the creatures go?

On the basis of silicon, nature synthesizes a bunch of precious and semi-precious stones. Flint life did just that. Highly organized silicon beings were made up of highly organized silicon in the form of gems. And common sand, granite and clay - construction material, the basis of life.

After the end of the silicon world, precious and semi-precious raw materials (that is, the corpses of highly organized silicon creatures) were savagely looted. Remained unnecessary sand, granite and clay. Traces of robbery are everywhere. See the topic “Earth is a big quarry”.

Silicon world and Eastern philosophy

AT Eastern religions describes the process of the descent of spirit into matter. The embodied spirit passes through the world of stones, plants, animals, people through reincarnation and finally becomes a god. If you're lucky. There is something harmonious and fair in this. But I suspect that the world of stones is not modern cobblestones, but the world of silicon creatures. The planet was a large garden of living rocks. And the task of the silicon world was to create the foundation of life - earth's crust with a wealth of minerals.

The next world to emerge up the ladder of progress is the carbon world. And this is the world of plants. And it doesn't matter that according to the local classification modern science plants are a biological kingdom multicellular organisms whose cells contain chlorophyll. It does not matter that Vasya or John do not have the process of photosynthesis. carbon life- the second from the bottom step on the path of development. In a global philosophical sense, we are all just plants. And the planet is a big plantation. The task of a plantation is to create biomass, to be food for animals and people. The fact that elusive creatures in every sense actively feed on us is an unpleasant, but quite realistic conspiracy idea.

Why are beings elusive, invisible? Because we are static, slow on a universal scale. We are plants. We do not have time to see the animals that eat us, coming from the next worlds in terms of development.

The so-called man is the main thing useful plant on the planet. It should be cultivated. But, judging by the state of affairs in the world, our planet-plantation was left without human owners, and is actively plundered by wild animals from higher worlds. Barbarians are everywhere, even among the gods.

The bark is gutted for many kilometers. Former level the earth's crust is the peak of the Himalayas. normal people almost completely replaced by genetically modified ones, multiplied up to seven billion, and ethereal energy (gawah) is being downloaded from them. Under the guise of local and global wars there is a literal consumption of people.

In general, may the savior-agronomist come!

What was the silicon world like? Probably less harmonious than ours. After all, we are the next step in development. Current state affairs on the planet is not indicative. The planet is infected and seriously ill.

Can we get over the disease? It will be very difficult. I repeat, the entire basis of life, the wealth of the subsoil, the heritage of silicon creatures have been plundered to a depth of several kilometers. All gems and metals are selected. We've been left without a past. We are sitting on a pile of rubble in the middle of a flooded quarry.

Precious stones and metals have magical properties. All the magic was seized with the buckets of huge bucket-wheel excavators. Witchcraft and magic from everyday practice have become a fairy tale. BUT human society began to resemble a colony of hornets.

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams.

"Alien Tower" V. B. Ivanov

The possibility of silicon life is recognized even by official scientists. Silicon is the second most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. The most commonly encountered silicon compound is its SiO2-silica. In nature, it forms the mineral quartz and its varieties: rock crystal, amethyst, agate, opal, jasper, chalcedony, carnelian. Silicon dioxide is also sand. The second type of natural silicon compounds are silicates. These include granite, clay, mica.

Why silicon can be the basis of life?

Silicon forms branched compounds like hydrocarbons, that is, silicon is a source of diversity. Silicon powder burns in oxygen, that is, silicon is a source of energy. Based on the semiconductor properties of silicon, microcircuits and, accordingly, computers were created - that is, silicon can be the basis of the mind.

Could there have been silicon life on our planet in the past?

She could very well.

Trunks and branches of stone trees were found. Some of them are precious. The finds are numerous all over the world. In some places there are so many trees that it can only be called a forest. Stone trees have preserved the structure of wood.

There are fossil stone bones of animals, including those made of precious stones. The finds preserved the structure of the bone. In the opal jaw of the animal, teeth and tooth sockets are structured.

Many mountains resemble the stumps of huge stone trees.

In the steppes, stone shells, ammonites, lie in large numbers.

In general, there are many examples of fossil silicon creatures. If someone is satisfied with the official explanation of the process of replacing carbon with silicon in fossil finds due to the irrigation of a tree or bone with mineral water with further transformation into a precious stone, do not read further this article.

Suppose for ourselves that silicon life is a fact. And it predated carbon life on our planet. Then the next question is: what did she look like?

Like the carbon life form, the silicon life form must be structured from the simplest single-celled forms to evolutionarily (or divinely, whichever you prefer) complex and sentient forms. Complex life forms are made up of organs and tissues. Everything is like now. Rather naive are the notions of silicon life as a monolithic piece of granite endowed with the spirit of God. It's like a living puddle of oil or a living lump of coal.

The set of organs is universal for any creatures, both carbon and silicon. These are control (nervous system), nutrition, release of toxins, frame (bones, etc.), protection from the external environment (skin), reproduction, etc.

Animal tissues are made up of different cells and look different. Bone, muscle, epidermis, etc.

Tissues are made up of different substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. In tissues, there is a different content of various substances from carbon to metals.

All this economy visible to the eye functions according to physical and chemical laws. The laws are common to a living organism, a computer, a car.

Let's go further: something happens and silicon life perishes. Carbon life thrives on its ruins none. A logical question: where are the bodies of dead silicon animals, plants, fish, etc.? Stumps and stone trees have already been mentioned. Suitable, but not enough quantity and variety. I would like to see a complex form of life, consisting of different organs and tissues. For example, like an animal. With the skin, with the muscles, with the liver, with the blood vessels and the heart.

So: the silicon giant died. Time has passed. What will we see?

Let's draw an analogy: a mammoth died. What will we find in many, many years? Usually the frame (bones), less often the skin, less often the muscles. The brain and parenchymal organs are extremely rare.

And now let's look for silicon frameworks in the surrounding world. They are scattered all over the world.

These are antique and colonial buildings!

I propose to pause and calmly analyze the difference between a certain building and a static organism such as a coral or fungus on a silicon basis.

Bricks, beams, blocks, ceilings are the structural units of the frame tissue such as the bones of modern animals or the shell of turtles. They are well preserved. Skin - walls with plaster. Sewerage is an excretory system. Heating pipes are the circulatory system. Fireplace system - food. The bell tower with a bell is the organ of speech or the vestibular apparatus. Metal fittings or wiring - the nervous system.

Under the roof was the brain. Recall the expression "the roof went." The brain rotted from time to time along with the internal organs that were in the interior. And all this dust in the form of clay covers antique and colonial buildings up to the first floor. It is no longer possible to isolate the structural unit (cell) of soft tissues.

In summary: structurally, any building corresponds to the functions of a living being. There is a frame, nutrition, excretion, etc. This will be confirmed by plumbers and chairmen of housing and communal services.

Any building materials and devices can be synthesized by a living organism. Iron and stone pipes, cables, roofing iron, glass, all these construction details are many times simpler than the devices of a living organism. Living organisms use any trace elements and their compounds available on the planet. And they synthesize devices of any purpose, complexity and composition. If only it was necessary.

Locks, lamps, electric shockers, aircraft, submarines. That is, pistils, stamens, fireflies, electric rays, birds, fish. It's all nature.

Any man-made device is not an exclusive creation of the engineer's brain, but is a copy of a natural device. And vice versa. Accordingly, the composition of roofing iron, the shape of a stable and spacious silicon structure in the form of a house, is not a monopoly of man. Solutions are universal for nature and for the engineer.

Antique buildings, they are silicon creatures, multiplied and then grew in the same way as modern plants and animals. Cells divided, differentiated into specialized tissues in the form of walls, roofs, ceilings, and reinforcement. And from embryos like dolmens they turned into St. Isaac's cathedrals.

I will not dwell on the physiology, including the methods of reproduction of silicon creatures, due to the complexity of the topic. There was a substance analogous to water in carbon life. For example, sulfuric acid. There were silicon analogs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There was an oxidizing agent like oxygen. For example, chlorine. There was a silicon Krebs cycle.

The picture turns out to be interesting, it looks like a mixture of Christian hell and the movie "Alien". All this life seethed at a certain, apparently high temperature. And it turned into monuments of ancient and colonial architecture.

Can you say that ancient buildings correspond to the physiological needs of man? Of course not.

More ancient (according to official history) such as pyramids or Greek temples generally do not correlate with people either in size or in function. Why did the ancient Greeks need them? For religious worship? Funny. No, it can be done if there is already a finished building. But to build these giant colossus with bare hands and in tunics?

Buildings for a technological process unknown to modern science? Also doubtful.

Later buildings, such as Colonial St. Petersburg, can be adapted for housing. But with the sizes of windows and doors, it was also not very good. They say they built for giants.

In Paris, St. Petersburg and other cities there are no distinct traces of its builders and the construction process from the design stage to delivery to the contractor. All these colonial buildings came out of nowhere. All these colonial buildings are located all over the world, including in places where there was no distinct industry at all.

The technology of working with granite is absolutely incomprehensible. More or less intelligible explanations are: alien superlasers from LAists or granite casting. Both are beyond the capabilities of modern civilization.

The structure of monolithic granite products is heterogeneous. Something like plaster from the same, but denser granite falls off monolithic columns. How the skin peels off. The Pillar of Alexandria looks like a composite through filters. Or maybe it's something like growth rings in the course of growth?

Antique and colonial buildings are the skeletons of dead silicon life form creatures. People settled in them. We studied the golden proportions of ancient creatures, engineering schemes. Later, the composition of the materials was dismantled. Learned how to make copies. This is how construction was born.

Naturally, not all old buildings are silicon creatures. The boundary is quite clear - there should not be a tree as load-bearing structures, floors. Well, wooden doors, window frames and the floor were brought into the already existing silicon frame quite comfortably.

Houses in colonial cities like St. Petersburg are all different. An absolute variety in terms of the size of the houses themselves, the height of the floors, the shape of the facade. At the same time, there is no gap between the houses on the streets, they stand wall to wall. In the general planning of cities there is a soft natural harmony. All this resembles a colony of living beings. Maybe like corals, or mushrooms. Cathedrals - well, just poured mushrooms.

Statues in ancient buildings

The statues are a late human remake stuffed into prehistoric skeletons. The statues are structureless. It is a monolithic array of material with an external shape copied from humans and nonhumans. And living beings are structural, as noted earlier. Also structural and finds of fossils. That is, in petrified trees, rings are visible on the cut. Found stone jaws with teeth and bones are inside the body. They themselves are a structural element.

Could silicon animals and silicon people be similar to modern ones. Undoubtedly. Finds of animal bones (including jaws) and tree trunks allegedly petrified to the state of precious stones confirm this probability.

I will return to holding a religious cult in ancient and colonial temples. You noticed that according to all the data previously, the effectiveness of all cults was significantly higher. Now, in my opinion, it has dropped to zero, except for self-zombie. Most likely, the matter is as follows. After the death of a silicon being, its ethereal, astral, etc. the shells do not leave the dead physical body immediately. Just like the carbon beings. The energy of these shells was used by the clergy for their rituals, settling inside the corpse. Now, apparently forty days by the standards of silicon life have passed. There is no more magic. I hope everyone goes to heaven.

When did the silicon era end?

Probably according to the calendar. Nonche 7525 year from the creation of the world. Can silicon cores last 7525 years? Why not? We didn't see them 7525 years ago. And accordingly we do not represent the original quality. Nothing bad has really happened in the last 200 years.

How long was the silicon era?

The silicon era is the crust of the earth. The earth's crust is made up of rocks, the main element of which is silicon. The thickness of the crust is 5-30 kilometers. And the silicon creatures accumulated these kilometers with their vital activity. Just as now carbonic beings are working on fertile soil. So far we have gained 3 meters. Feel the difference.

Sunset of the silicon age

When immersed in the soil of the silicon world, that is, the earth's crust, the temperature rises. The bowels of the earth are warming. At a depth of 10 kilometers, it is about 200 degrees. This must have been the climate in the silicon world. Accordingly, the materials had different physical and chemical properties than now. Over time, the crust thickened as a consequence of the accumulation of silicon biomass (soil). The surface moved away from the hot bowels of the earth and its temperature dropped. At the moment, the heat of the bowels of the earth does not reach the surface. The only source of heat is the sun. The global cooling of the surface of the earth's crust has made the conditions of existence for the silicon world unacceptable. The end of the silicon world has come. All died from the cold.

Where did the rest of the creatures go?

On the basis of silicon, nature synthesizes a bunch of precious and semi-precious stones. Flint life did just that. Highly organized silicon beings were made up of highly organized silicon in the form of gems. And common sand, granite and clay are building material, the basis of life.

After the end of the silicon world, precious and semi-precious raw materials (that is, the corpses of highly organized silicon creatures) were savagely looted. Remained unnecessary sand, granite and clay. Traces of robbery are everywhere. See the topic “Earth is a big quarry”.

Silicon world and Eastern philosophy

In Eastern religions, the process of the descent of spirit into matter is described. The embodied spirit passes through the world of stones, plants, animals, people through reincarnation and finally becomes a god. If you're lucky. There is something harmonious and fair in this. But I suspect that the world of stones is not modern cobblestones, but the world of silicon creatures. The planet was a large garden of living rocks. And the task of the silicon world was to create the foundation of life - the earth's crust with a mass of minerals.

The next world to emerge up the ladder of progress is the carbon world. And this is the world of plants. And it does not matter that according to the local classification of modern science, plants are the biological kingdom of multicellular organisms whose cells contain chlorophyll. It does not matter that Vasya or John do not have the process of photosynthesis. Carbon life is the second step from the bottom on the path of development. In a global philosophical sense, we are all just plants. And the planet is a big plantation. The task of a plantation is to create biomass, to be food for animals and people. The fact that elusive creatures in every sense actively feed on us is an unpleasant, but quite realistic conspiracy idea.

Why are beings elusive, invisible? Because we are static, slow on a universal scale. We are plants. We do not have time to see the animals that eat us, coming from the next worlds in terms of development.

The so-called man is the main useful plant on the planet. It should be cultivated. But, judging by the state of affairs in the world, our planet-plantation was left without human owners, and is actively plundered by wild animals from higher worlds. Barbarians are everywhere, even among the gods.

The bark is gutted for many kilometers. The former level of the earth's crust is the peak of the Himalayas. Normal people have been almost completely replaced with genetically modified ones, they have multiplied up to seven billion and they are downloading ethereal energy (gawah). Under the guise of local and global wars, there is a literal consumption of people.

In general, may the savior-agronomist come!

What was the silicon world like? Probably less harmonious than ours. After all, we are the next step in development. The current state of affairs on the planet is not indicative. The planet is infected and seriously ill.

Can we get over the disease? It will be very difficult. I repeat, the entire basis of life, the wealth of the subsoil, the heritage of silicon creatures have been plundered to a depth of several kilometers. All gems and metals are selected. We've been left without a past. We are sitting on a pile of rubble in the middle of a flooded quarry.

Precious stones and metals have magical properties. All the magic was seized with the buckets of huge bucket-wheel excavators. Witchcraft and magic from everyday practice have become a fairy tale. And human society began to resemble a colony of hornets.

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams.

On planet Earth, simultaneously with the protein form, a silicon life form lives and flourishes, which I called cray.

As you know, there is no method in the world by which you can prove that it is alive or inanimate. My method is a combination of similar features of protein and silicon life forms. This, first of all, refers to such a basic sign of life as reproduction.

The conducted study does not claim to cover all types of cream, all its features that are compatible with protein forms. It is known that there are several million forms of biological living beings (species) on Earth, and the number of silicon forms cannot be specified.

The task of this study was to prove new forms of life - a new phenomenon of nature, previously unknown. Silicon life form this study represent only agates. Over a long period of research, we have discovered a number of signs of silicon life that are compatible with biological forms:
- plant form of silicon organisms, which we called kro;
- capture living space;
- variety of species;
- well-defined cro anatomy: skin (spiral, multilayer), crystalline body, striatum, bottom-mirror;
- way of eating;
- skin shedding;
- skin regeneration;
- healing of wounds, chips, cracks;
- the presence of sexes. Agates are bisexual organisms: the striatum is a male body, the crystalline body is a female body;
- crystals of the female body - agate genes;
- reproduction by seeds (the origin of seeds in the parent agate body; the exit of seeds from the parent body);
- cave method of seed generation; complex in structure structure of caves-wells; channel - a road that forms a path for the exit of seeds;
- propagation of agate by budding;
- reproduction by division; the formation of dividing centers;
- mosaic division of agate;
- reproduction by natural cloning;
- reproduction by cryotes (embryos) in basalt: origin of cryotes in basalt; development of embryos (embryos have no seeds, no budding occurs, there is no bottom-mirror); the birth of the baby agate; transformation of cryotes into organisms; the formation of spherical structures around the embryos; death of cryotes in basalt (zygotes and cryotes are round);
- the presence of left and right in cro;
- development and preservation in dynamics complex shapes;
- agate diseases and their control.

Agate has a distinct anatomy: visible skin, striatum, crystalline body ( photo 1-3), and on photo 4 you can see the bottom-mirror.

Photo 1

Photo 2

All living beings from unicellular organisms and ending with a person, have an outer shell. All the variety of shells can be called one term - skin.

Photo 3

Photo 4

We also called the shell of silicon organisms the skin. Cro absorbs all the necessary substances from the earth, but not by the roots, but by the entire surface of the skin. To increase the nutritional area on the surface of the skin of some cros, there are clearly defined dimples: some are small, others are large, and others are combined, i.e. very large, in which there are small ( photo 5, a, c, d).
Nutrition of the body with the entire surface is the oldest and most primitive way of nutrition.

Photo 5

The skin of most agates ( photo 1) has a constructional oddity. It is arranged in such a way that it begins with a thin layer on the left side and gradually increases in thickness and in the number of layers in a spiral fashion towards the right edge. The spiral structure is characteristic of the shells of living organisms. Like protein organisms, the skin of the cro is thin, thick, multi-layered ( photo 1-3, 5).

Photo 6

Some protein organisms during life they shed - they shed old hair or skin. Some cro also shed, gradually shedding old skin, from under which young, shiny, with clearly visible dimples is clearly visible ( photo 5, b). When agate is propagated by seeds, part of the mass leaves with the seeds. Indentations remain at the seed exit site, on the surface of which skin regeneration gradually occurs ( photo 5, c).

A very interesting sample, on the chip of which a piece of skin appeared ( photo 6, a).
Agates heal chipped wounds in much the same way as pine, spruce fill wounds with resin; the chips in cro are, as it were, melted by a crystalline striped body, the entire surface is melted, the chips are tightened, and the skin with characteristic dimples is restored in this place.

Photo 7

An interesting sample with a crack all around and with a chip ( photo 7). This crack has tightened, and the agate is a single whole. How bones are fused in living organisms.

Photo 8

Photo 9

Some types of cro have a strange and inexplicable formation of a bottom-mirror. In the embryonic state, such a bottom is absent, and even at the stage of the "organism-baby" there is no bottom ( photo 8-11). The bottom-mirror is clearly visible in individuals who have left the parental body and lived on their own for some time ( photo 12).

Photo 10

Photo 11

The presence of sexes in biological beings is beyond doubt. The presence of sexes in the cree was determined by me with sufficient certainty. Agates are bisexual organisms and reproduce in two ways - by seeds and budding, similarly to plants, and by the emergence and development of an embryo inside a silicon organism, similarly to animals. But there is a method of propagation of agates, which has no analogue in biology: the emergence and development of the embryo occurs outside the agate, in monolithic basalt.

Photo 12

Based on the fact that the emergence and development of agate embryos occurs only in a crystalline body and never in a striped one, the author came to the conclusion that the crystalline body is a female body, and the striped body is a male body, which implies that cro are bisexual organisms.

Photo 13

It is assumed that around the egg, like other biological structures, there is a biofield. One of the varieties of the biofield is a laser field that can emit not only light, but also sound. The cell superimposes genetic information on acoustic vibrations, which can carry out parthenogenesis.

Photo 14

Nothing but transfer genetic information sound cannot explain the appearance of embryos of silicon organisms inside an integral and monolithic piece of basalt.

Photo 15

Silicon organisms reproduce by seeds ( photo 12-17, 18, b). The shape, size and color of the seeds are wide range. Seeds arise mainly in a crystalline body, but sometimes in a striped one. The most amazing thing is that the seed is born inside the parent body ( photo 13, a) and comes to the surface through the channel natural origin (photo 12,13, b).

The origin of agate seeds in agates is clearly visible in photo 14- grains began to take shape in independent formations. At the moment, the grain-crystal has been freed from the parent body by 70%, and next to it by 40%, and it is clear that they form a single whole with the parent body, and are not inclusions, as some scientists say.

Photo 16

Photo 17

Consider the origin of seeds ( photo 13-17). In most agates, the seeds are born just under the surface or flush with the surface. All this can be seen in cross sections ( photo 16, c, d). The nucleation of a grain began at the very surface and formed a hemisphere, the surface of which tends downward to close the sphere. A grain will ripen in this sphere. Two hexagonal grains are visible on the surface of agate. On the photo 16, a a cross section of one of the grains is visible. On the photo 17, g it can be seen that one of the grains is ripe and will soon leave the parent body. The grains are clearly marked on the surface, and in the photo 16, d you can see that they are already ready to exit the parent body. On the photo 17, in mature grains exit the channel in diametrically opposite directions.

Photo 18

Basically, there is a disorderly output of seeds, i.e. from different places, from different depths. But there is also an ordered release of seeds from one place. The author called such an exit "cave". In this case, the grains are formed side by side, one to one, at a depth equal to the thickness of their body. After maturation, they leave the parent body. This continues for a long time, and, in the end, a "cave" is formed ( photo 18, b).

On the photo 13, b a "well" lined with a four-layer "log" is clearly visible in the crystalline body. This "log" is a waste product of agate. The ordered arrangement of crystals around the "well" is clearly visible. All of them are located strictly perpendicular to the radius of curvature and the walls of the "well". It can be assumed that the "well" system and the crystalline part around it work according to the principle of peristalsis, i.e. they push and push the grain out.

The origin of seeds is interesting, but the origin is also interesting, the formation of a "road" - a way out for seeds. Seeds are born at different depths from the surface of agate. In order to mature, to leave the parent body, the seed itself creates a path for exit. Depending on the profile of the grain, an exit of the same profile is formed (for example, a grain of a triangular profile forms a triangular exit). On the photo 19, a the flare shape of the exit for grain is clearly visible. It can be assumed that the grain has a certain biofield and this biofield carries information to create a "road" of the corresponding profile.

Photo 19

An interesting sample photo 18, b. Clearly visible from outside how the process of division proceeds. A groove-constriction is formed, which over time will pull the agate so much that there will be a minimal connection of the child agate with the parent body and soon there will be a chipping - separation. Amazingly interesting samples (see. photos 2 and 18, and), on the longitudinal sections of which the division process is fully visible.

On the photo 18, a at the top, on the surface of the agate, an unremarkable groove is visible, but inside, under the groove, dividing centers are formed. A dark brown oblong dividing center is clearly visible, and below it are two round ones, which will subsequently merge with the top one and continue to separate the child forms. In photo 20, the formation of separating centers is visible on the surface of the agates, from them to the center of the cut there is a separating groove ( photo 20, a-c). The dynamics of separation is clearly traced. The separation process is an ancient process and has an analogue in biological organisms.

Photo 20

The process of budding presented in Fig. photo 2. The crystalline (female) body in a wave, similar to a sinusoid, flows into the daughter agate, in which the striped (male) body is already located. Dividing grooves-constrictions were formed from the sides.

In the photographs not included in this publication, you can see that two daughter agates have grown in the parent body - one, having matured, has broken off, the other is ripening. The sequence of developed twins is a remarkable property of cro. In a number of cases, one can observe how some daughter organisms begin to break off - cracks are visible between the daughter cro and the parent cro, from which they budded, i.e. child cro broke off.

Mosaic agate (from Godovikov's book "Agathas"), having reached maturity, begins to divide into many agatics by the appearance along the borders of agatics of many dividing centers, which are hollow tubes, which, appearing next to each other, form dividing planes that cut the parent crown into many child forms.
It can be assumed that these cuts are made according to the genetic program.
Reproduction by intralithic development of embryos

The amazing phenomenon of the birth, development and birth of an agathic baby can be seen on photo 3, b, 19, a. These are the most amazing specimens for demonstrating the birth and development of a new organism inside the parent body and the storage of genetic information. On the photo 19, b it is clearly seen how a new young agate has developed in the center of an adult cro
Photo 3- an excellent example for showing the cro developed inside the parent body to maturity, next to it is the younger embryo, which does not yet have a crystalline body.

On the photo 19, b the birth of an agate-baby from the parental body is visible.
Origin outer shell- the skin goes on the faces of the crystal and at first looks like pointed peaks placed side by side ( photo 3). At this stage of development, the skin has one layer ( photo 6- the same agate, only with reverse side). Two developing embryos are visible different ages. The older one's skin is already multi-layered, has three layers. The sharp peaks are already smoothing out. In all specimens, it can be seen that the crystal structure inside the perimeter of the skin consists of small crystals, while on the outside of the skin there are large crystals.

A feature of the nucleation and development of nuclei in silicon organisms is that several nuclei can be located in one cro. different stages developed.

It is known that a fertilized ovum-zygote repeatedly divides, forming a blastula and gaining mass up to a certain limit, after which the laying of various organs and systems begins: internal organs, skin, fins, etc.
A very similar process occurs in cryota. A small crystal that has taken on life and turned into a cryote begins to grow, sucking everything it needs out of the basalt, increasing its mass and volume, and creating pressure around itself. After a cryota has reached a critical size - 2-5 mm in diameter, its life can go one of two ways. The first way is the emergence of a new organism ( photo 4, 8, 9, 11, a, b). If a cryota reaches 3-5 mm in diameter, while being close to the surface of a stone or rock, it creates pressure that leads to the appearance of a crack. Water, air, light propagate through these cracks, without which there is no life, both protein and silicon. Cryota, having received water, air, light, begins to turn into an organism ( photo 9, Mr.), skin, striatum, crystalline body appear - a silicon organism appears.

The second way leads to the death of the embryo ( photo 10, 11, c). If a cryota has reached 3-5 mm in diameter and was far from the surface of a stone or rock, and pressure has arisen in it that has not led to the creation of cracks, then it dies.

During the development of cryotes in basalt, a new phenomenon, previously unknown, was discovered - a spherical structure ( photo 10, a-c; 11, a-c). AT initial stage During the development of cryotes, these structures are not revealed; they arise after the death of cryotes and in cryotes that have completed their embryonic development.

It can be assumed that agate creates a mediator for itself - a spherical structure that surrounds it from all sides. The outer area of ​​the spherical structure is several times more area agate germ, which makes it possible to increase the flow of necessary substances for the growth of acro ( photo 10, 11, a-c).

Cryotes and embryos do not bud ( photo 4, 8-12).

It is known that the bodies of living organisms (protein) consist of cells. Each cell contains a set of genes that build the entire organism. Artificial cloning is known. In some agates, the entire surface consists of developing embryos (there is a photo in the author's collection, not presented in the article). Having filled the entire surface of the skin and continuing to grow, increasing in volume, the embryos are squeezed out of the parent body, rebound, exposing the crystalline body.
Preservation in the dynamics of complex forms of cro.

Photo 21

It is practically impossible to trace the development of a particular cro from the embryo to adulthood in dynamics, since this development lasts perhaps more than one million years. But we managed to collect samples of the same species at different age stages.
For clarity, so as not to be confused with any other species, the author chose the type of "hump" complex external form, which has three humps - two horizontal and one vertical. On the photos 21 and 22 dynamics developed from infancy to mature. Cro species "humps" have a feature that other species do not have - they are left and right.

Photo 22

But Cray does not have absolute immortality.

During reproduction, the entire crop is spent either on seeds, or on babies, or simply divides, and divides during budding. In this way, the cro avoids the natural death of aging.

Death occurs if the cro is attacked incurable disease which he cannot defeat. The attack of microbes or viruses sometimes occurs over the entire surface, the manifestation of the disease and death begin from the periphery. There are samples in the author’s collection, where it is clear that there are no signs of crystals along the edges of the cro, one continuous dense mass, then there is a layer of small crystals and only in the center there are large crystals - the "island" of life.

It is known that conjoined twins are sometimes born in humans. Cray also sometimes has a similar phenomenon. The author's collection contains one sample of fused embryos.

It is impossible to say how many types of krei. A small fraction of various agates presented in the collection gives an idea of ​​the diversity of the world of silicon life forms.

Krey also has a plant life form, but that's more of a term. More precisely, this life can be called "stationary". This property coincides with immobile, mostly plant life.

Photo 23

If agates, originating in basalt or in the parent agate body, eventually emerge from them, then the motionless form, like trees, tends only to capture the living space - signs inherent in all living things. Picture on photo 23, indeed, very similar to a tree - there is a trunk, branches. The rest of the species are not similar to trees, but the desire to capture living space is clearly visible ( photo 24).

Photo 24

When collecting and studying agates, an amazing fact was discovered. It turned out that many stones, not agates, also have seeds.
The author is far from thinking that all these stones are alive, but considers them to be something like a patch of land on which everything grows, in particular, the seeds of other living stones grow on it.

More and more I come to the conclusion that "official science", or as I call it "office" science, is the same made-up religion. And geologists, volcanologists, historians, and others, these are its priests, who, protecting their capital and fearing losing their flock, will defend their dogmas built on lies with all their might. Since the biblical gibberish of terms is no different from official science, then I assume that these two religions, allegedly conflicting with each other, were stamped in one office (just like Poroshenko created the "party of regions" and the "opposition" in order to always remain in the win and so that there was a way to split a single people into warring parties). What is trying to hide the "official religion" invented by God, bearing the name "Vulcan", is large forests"flint era". That most of the stone around us is not at all soulless objects, these are pieces from a large living once growing organism. But not all stones are a dead organism. Some of them are young and still growing. Most of you are already aware of the growing and multiplying stones called Trovants. //There will be a post about them tomorrow// And the news was sensational. In general, stones grow on the planet, perhaps even more than humanity remembers itself, and here is a sensation - MOST OF HUMANITY did not know about growing stones. Why? Because they don't like to talk about it. Then you have to admit that EVERYTHING around is either alive or dead. Questions will arise - where did it go? It will become clear - it was buried in the ground, so that we would extract it in the form of "minerals". Who did it? Then the "herd" will guess - those who are silent on government and scientific level. This means that the dogmas of a religious official will immediately collapse, like a house of cards, even despite the fact that we are being programmed with kindergarten and schools. And we are being programmed to fulfill the program laid down in us - serving the interests of those who rule humanity. The Trojans are lucky. Contrary to the desires of the priests and Pharisees, they grow anywhere and even in places that are far away from flint stumps and waste heaps, therefore it was difficult to call it a "volcanic formation". Yes, and the Trovants begin to grow and multiply from the rain - a lie will be too obvious. Trovants were lucky, but Geodes were not so lucky, like basalts and other stone life forms. They are attributed to "volcanic formation", therefore they will not actually let them grow - this is a soulless stone, supposedly it is more useful in decoration than in the fact that it lies! For example, a description from priests and programmed people: "Among the semi-precious stones, there are absolutely special place occupies a geode stone. This is the same amethyst familiar to everyone, only grown on a chalcedony or opal substrate. Amethyst geodes are of volcanic origin and are over 130 million years old. Amethyst crystals grew inside a closed cavity, which was formed due to the fact that gas bubbles in lava, rising to the surface, left behind voids. These voids in the basalt layer filled the amethyst geodes. Industrial production of geodes is carried out in Brazil, the Urals, Uruguay, Madagascar, Ceylon - on all continents. In the basalt layers, amethyst geodes are mined in a horizontal direction. When heavy equipment cannot cope, simple and hard labour miners. Having found a geode, workers determine its prospects and manually cut it from basalt, the process is long and must be worked carefully. Geodes are fragile and can break if not cut properly. Their weight is from one kilogram to the whole cave, where a person can freely enter. In the cut, the geodes look like pieces of ripe and juicy figs. "From such gibberish, such a big curtain over the eyes. Only you can open these curtains easily if you see what it looks like and start thinking individually, without holding anyone in authority.