Stalin is a hero of socialist labor. Title of Hero of Socialist Labor

On December 27, 1938, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the highest degree of distinction in the field of economic and cultural construction - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to people who showed labor heroism or, through their particularly outstanding innovative activity, made a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of social production, contributed to the rise National economy, science, culture, the growth of the power and glory of the USSR.

Ten years later, on December 27, 1938, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Now the recipient, in addition to the diploma, was awarded the Order of Lenin, as well as the Hero Soviet Union. Sign special distinction- the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle" - was established by Decree of May 22, 1940.

Golden medal The Hammer and Sickle is five-pointed star with smooth dihedral rays on the front side. In the center of the medal there are relief hammer and sickle. On the reverse side in the center of the medal there is an inscription in raised letters "Hero of Socialist Labor". The medal is made of 950 gold. The total weight is approximately 30 grams.
The author of the medal project is the artist A. Pomansky.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 14, 1973, the restriction on the number of repeated awards with the Hammer and Sickle medal, which existed since 1940 (no more than 3 times in total), was lifted, but this step remained unused: no one became Hero of Socialist Labor four times.

In 1988, the awarding of the Order of Lenin during the second presentation of the Hammer and Sickle medal was canceled, which was last change Regulations on the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Three years later, in 1991, this title was permanently abolished along with the award system of the USSR.

The first Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of GTS took place on December 20, 1939. By this decree, the title of GTS was awarded to the Secretary General Central Committee All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Stalin I.V. With the establishment of the Hammer and Sickle medal, he was awarded this insignia No. 1.

Last awarded high rank Hero of Socialist Labor in the history of the USSR was the soloist of the Kazakh State Opera academic theater them. Abaya Bibigul Akhmetovna Tulegenova. She was awarded this award by Decree of the President of the USSR No. UP-3122 of December 21, 1991 "for huge contribution in the development of musical art.

In total, in the entire history of the existence of the USSR, more than 19 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
Over 160 people were awarded the Hammer and Sickle medal twice.
Sixteen people became three times Heroes of Socialist Labor.

Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor

Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal of the Hero of Socialist Laborstate award USSR, established as special sign honors to the title of "Hero of Socialist Labor".

It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 22, 1940 in order to distinguish citizens awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 27, 1938, as the highest degree of distinction in the field of economic and cultural construction.

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 14, 1973 approved the Regulations on the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in a new edition.


The title of Hero of Socialist Labor (GTS) is the highest degree of distinction for merit in the field of economic and socio-cultural construction, which was awarded to persons who showed labor heroism, who, through their especially outstanding innovative activity, made a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of social production, contributed to the rise of the national economy, science , culture, the growth of the power and glory of the USSR.

The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded:

The highest award of the USSR - the Order of Lenin,

Sign of special distinction - Gold medal "Hammer and Sickle",

Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Hero of Socialist Labor for new outstanding achievements in the field of economic and socio-cultural construction, no less than those for which he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, is awarded the Order of Lenin and the second Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle", and in commemoration of his labor exploits, a bronze bust A hero with a corresponding inscription, installed in his homeland, which is recorded in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the award.

The Hero of Socialist Labor, who was awarded two Gold Medals "Hammer and Sickle", for new outstanding services in the field of economic and socio-cultural construction, in terms of its significance, could be no less than the previous ones. awarded the order Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

When the Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal, he was simultaneously presented with a letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR along with the order and medal.

In the event that the Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, then, in commemoration of his labor and heroic deeds, a bronze bust of the Hero was erected with the appropriate inscription, installed in his homeland, which is recorded in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Heroes of Socialist Labor enjoy the benefits established by law.

The Hammer and Sickle gold medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor is worn on the left side of the chest above orders and medals of the USSR.

Deprivation of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor could only be done by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.


Golden Medal "Hammer and Sickle" of the Hero of Socialist Labor

The medal is a gold five-pointed star with smooth dihedral rays on the front side. In the center of the medal there are relief hammer and sickle. The distance from the center of the star to the top of the beam is 15 mm, the diameter of the circumscribed circle of the star is 33.5 mm. Hammer and sickle size from handle to top point respectively - 14 and 13 mm.

The reverse side of the medal has a smooth surface and is limited along the contour by a protruding thin rim. In the center of the reverse side of the medal there is an inscription in raised letters "HERO OF SOCIALIST LABOR". The size of the letters in the words "Hero" and "Labor" - 2 by 1 mm, in the word "Socialist" - 1.5 by 0.75 mm. In the upper beam is the number of the medal with a height of 1 mm.

The medal is connected with an eyelet and a ring to a gilded metal block, which is a rectangular plate 15 mm high and 19.5 mm wide, with frames at the top and lower parts. There are slits along the base of the block, its inner part is covered with a red silk moiré ribbon 20 mm wide. The block has a threaded pin with a nut on the reverse side for attaching the medal to clothing.

The medal is made of 950 gold. The medallion is made of silver. As of September 18, 1975, the gold content in the medal is 14.583 ± 0.903 g, silver content– 12.03±0.927 g. Weight of the medal without block – 15.25 g. Total weight of the medal – 28.014±1.5 g.


The title of Hero of Socialist Labor is the highest distinction of the USSR, like the Title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and in many respects similar to it. Both titles had similar Regulations, similar insignia, presentation and award procedures, as well as a list of benefits. However, unlike the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was not awarded to citizens of foreign countries.

The term "hero of labor" appeared in 1921, when hundreds of the best workers of Petrograd and Moscow were named that way. This term was found in newspapers and was affixed to certificates of honor awarded to advanced workers. In 1922, the phrase "Hero of Labor" was placed on the badge of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR.

Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Soviet People's Commissariats On July 27, 1927, the USSR established the title "Hero of Labor", which could be awarded to "persons with special merits" and who had been employed for at least 35 years. This title was awarded by the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR or union republic, who presented the awarded with a special diploma of the CEC.

Ten years later, on December 27, 1938, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Now, along with the diploma, the recipient was awarded the Order of Lenin, as well as the Hero of the Soviet Union. The sign of special distinction - the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal - was established by Decree of May 22, 1940.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 14, 1973, the restriction on the number of repeated awards with the Hammer and Sickle medal, which existed since 1940 (no more than 3 times in total), was lifted, but this step remained unused: no one became Hero of Socialist Labor four times.

In 1988, the awarding of the Order of Lenin during the second presentation of the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal was canceled, which was the last change in the Regulations on the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Three years later, in 1991, this title was permanently abolished along with the award system of the USSR.

The first Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of GTS took place on December 20, 1939. By this decree, the title of GTS was awarded to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) I.V. Stalin. With the establishment of the Hammer and Sickle medal, he was awarded this insignia No. 1.

For almost 10 years, this award was awarded solely for merit in the creation and implementation of new types of weapons or for labor heroism during the war years.

The second GTS in the USSR was the well-known designer of small arms V.A. Degtyarev. This title was awarded to him by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 2, 1940. V.A. Degtyarev was awarded the insignia No. 2.

The next award of the GTS title was awarded to aircraft designers N.N. Polikarpov, A.S. Yakovlev, designer small arms F.V. Tokarev, aircraft armament designer B.G. Shpitalny, designers of artillery pieces V.G. Grabin, M.Ya. Krupchatnikov, I.I. Ivanov, designers of aircraft engines A.A. Mikulin, M.Ya. Klimov (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 28, 1940).

The next assignment took place during the war. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 1, 1941, the Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle" was awarded to Academician S.A. Chaplygin, one of the founders of aerodynamics and the organizer of combat aircraft testing.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War GST titles were among the first to be awarded People's Commissar aviation industry A.I. Shakhurin, his deputies P.V. Dementiev and P.A. Voronin, director of the aviation plant in Kuibyshev, which produced the Il-2 attack aircraft, A.T. Tretyakov (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 8, 1941), designer of the KV tanks Zh.Ya. Kotin, director of the Kirov plant in Leningrad I.M. Zaltsman (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 19, 1941) and aircraft designer S.V. Ilyushin (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 25, 1941).

In 1942, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to the People's Commissar for Armaments D.F. Ustinov (later awarded another Hammer and Sickle medal and the Gold Star medal in 1961 and 1978, respectively), Commissar of Ammunition B.L. Vannikov (in the future three times Hero of Socialist Labor - 1942, 1949, 1954), as well as one of the creators of the T-34 tank A.A. Morozov and aircraft engine designer A.D. Shvetsov.

In 1943, the Hammer and Sickle medals were awarded to a group of state and party leaders. Among those awarded were the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a member State Committee Defense (GKO) G.N. Malenkov, members of the GKO People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria and a member of the committee for the restoration of the national economy A.I. Mikoyan. In addition, the members of the military council of the front L.M. became Heroes. Kaganovich, People's Commissar of Ferrous Metallurgy I.V. Tevosyan, People's Commissar of the Coal Industry V.V. Vakhrushev, director of the plant Uralmash B.G. Muzrukov, director of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant Yu.E. Maskarev, fighter designer S.A. Lavochkin (future twice HTS).

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 5, 1943, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was immediately awarded to 127 railway workers and military personnel. railway troops. Such mass awarding of the highest degree of distinction of the state was made for the first time. This Decree named the names of the first women in history who were awarded the Gold Medal "Hammer and Sickle": the engine driver E.M. Chukhnyuk, station attendant A.P. Zharkova and switchman A.N. Alexandrova.

In 1944, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, People's Commissar for the Tank Industry V.A. Malyshev, People's Commissar oil industry I.K. Sedin, the creator of the world's most powerful howitzers F.F. Petrov, as well as Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin.

In June 1945, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to the creator of the famous PPSh assault rifle G.S. Shpagin, mortar designer B.I. Shavyrin, lieutenant general engineer M.V. Khrunichev (since 1946 - Minister of the Aviation Industry of the USSR), director of the Kovrov Arms Plant V.I. Fomin, aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev and the designer of tanks and self-propelled guns N.L. Dukhov (the last two became later three times GTS).

At the same time, the Hammer and Sickle medals were awarded to a large group of scientists. Physicians A.I. Abrikosov and L.A. Orbeli, metallurgists I.P. Bardin, I.M. Vinogradov, an outstanding organic chemist N.D. Zalinsky, agronomists D.I. Pryanishnikov and T.D. Lysenko, as well as archaeologist and linguist I.I. Meshchaninov.

Only for pre-war period and during the Great Patriotic War, 201 people were awarded the title of GTS.

In 1947, the Hammer and Sickle medals were first awarded to a large group of collective farmers and collective farmers for high performance in harvesting, including P.N. Angelina, the organizer of the first women's tractor brigades before the start of the war.

In 1949, the gold medals of the Hero of Socialist Labor for the first and last time handed over to schoolchildren: Tajik pioneer Tursunali Matkazilov for harvesting a record cotton harvest (90 centners per hectare) and Georgian pioneer Natella Chelebadze for growing and collecting 6 tons of tea leaves.

In the summer of 1949, the USSR successfully tested its first atomic bomb, and a group of its creators, including I.V. Kurchatov, Ya.B. Zeldovich, Yu.B. Khariton, K.I. Shchelkin. For the same test, the first ever awarding of the second Hammer and Sickle medal took place. Twice Heroes of Socialist Labor became the organizers of the Soviet " nuclear project» former People's Commissar for Armaments of the USSR B.L. Vannikov and former designer of heavy tanks N.L. Spirits. All listed persons later became three times Heroes of Socialist Labor. It happened on January 4, 1954 for successful test the world's first hydrogen bomb. At the same time, together with them, A.D. received his first medal "Hammer and Sickle" (out of the future three). Sakharov. Later, by Decree of January 8, 1980, Academician A.D. Sakharov was stripped of the title of laureate of the Lenin and State Prize, all awards, including the title of Three Times Hero of Socialist Labor. All awards and medals "Hammer and Sickle" were returned to him only during the "perestroika".

The first collective farmers - Heroes of Socialist Labor, awarded the second medal "Hammer and Sickle" by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 17, 1950, were women cotton growers B.M. Bagirov and Sh.M. Hasanova Shamama Mahmudali.

In 1964, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was first awarded to a cultural figure - sculptor S.T. Konenkov.

In 1961, the Hammer and Sickle medals were awarded to the creators of the Vostok rocket and space system. Twice Heroes were Chief Designer S.P. Korolev and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR D.F. Ustinov, who oversaw rocket science. became heroes large group designers, engineers, technicians and workers who participated in the preparation and implementation of the first manned flight into space, as well as party leaders who were involved in the launch of Vostok. Among the latter was L.I. Brezhnev (future General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and four times Hero of the Soviet Union).

ideological inspirer space program, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev had three stars of the Hero of Socialist Labor. In 1964, for his seventieth birthday, he also received golden star Hero of the Soviet Union.

Under L.I. Brezhnev, six people became GTS three times: President of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. Keldysh (1971), who replaced M.V. Keldysha A.P. Alexandrov (1973), aircraft designers A.N. Tupolev (1972) and S.V. Ilyushin (1974), chairman of the cotton-growing collective farm "Star of the East" from Uzbekistan Kh. Tursunkulov (1973), first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan D.A. Kunaev. In 1984, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU K.U. Chernenko.

The medal was also awarded to the military: the commander of the Belarusian Military District, General of the Army I.M. Tretyak and the commander of the anti-missile and anti-space defense forces, Colonel-General Yu.V. Votintsev.

The medal was received by the popular actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov for the role of intelligence agent Isaev (Standartenführer Stirlitz) in the film Seventeen Moments of Spring. This is an almost unique case of awarding one of the highest awards of the USSR to a person who wore the uniform of an SS officer throughout the film.

Under M.S. Gorbachev, the Hammer and Sickle medal was received by the famous artist Yu.V. Nikulin (1990).

The total number of three times Heroes of Socialist Labor reached 16 people. They were Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences K.I. Shchelkin, Academicians A.P. Alexandrov (1954, 1960, 1973), M.V. Keldysh (1953, 1961, 1971), Ya.B. Zeldovich, I.V. Kurchatov (1949, 1951, 1954), A.D. Sakharov (1953, 1956, 1962), Yu.B. Khariton, designer of heavy tanks N.L. Spirits (1945, 1949, 1954), aircraft designers S.V. Ilyushin (1941, 1957, 1974) and A.N. Tupolev (1945, 1957, 1972), People's Commissar of Ammunition and 1st Deputy Minister of Medium Machine Building B.L. Vannikov (1942, 1949, 1954), 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan D.A. Kunaev (1972, 1976, 1982), Minister of Medium Machine Building E.P. Slavsky (1949, 1954, 1962), chairman of the Uzbek collective farm H. Tursunkulov (1948, 1951, 1957), 1st secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N.S. Khrushchev (1954, 1957, 1964), General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU K.U. Chernenko (1976, 1981, 1984).

The titles of Hero of Socialist Labor and Hero of the Soviet Union were awarded to 11 people: I.V. Stalin, L.I. Brezhnev, N.S. Khrushchev, D.F. Ustinov, K.E. Voroshilov, the famous pilot V.S. Grizodubova, Army General I.M. Tretyak, 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus P.M. Masherov, chairman of the collective farm K.P. Orlovsky, director of the state farm V.I. Golovchenko, mechanic P.A. Trainin.

The title of Hero of Socialist Labor in the postwar years was awarded to eight full cavaliers Order of Glory: M.K. Velichko, P.A. Litvinenko, A.A. Martynenko, V.I. Peller, H.A. Sultanov, S.V. Fedorov, V.T. Khristenko and M.S. Yarovoy.

By June 1, 1976, 4,019 industrial workers, 7,066 collective farmers, 4,162 state farm workers, 863 builders, 726 transport and communications workers, 226 scientists, 94 teachers, 85 health workers became GTS.

As of June 1, 1976, 17,974 people were awarded the Hammer and Sickle medal (including 4,793 women).

It is interesting to trace the distribution of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor among the republics of the Soviet Union. As of 1988, a total of 20,370 people were awarded the high title in the USSR. Of these, the RSFSR accounted for 9,760 people, the Ukrainian SSR - 3,651, the BSSR - 549, Uzbek SSR- 922, Kazakh SSR - 1 803, Georgian SSR – 1 301, Azerbaijan SSR- 577, Lithuanian SSR - 163, Moldavian SSR - 199, Latvian SSR- 165, Kirghiz SSR - 275, Tajik SSR- 410, the Armenian SSR - 225, the Turkmen SSR - 323 and the Estonian SSR - 137.

One of the last in the history of the USSR Hero of Socialist Labor was the chairman of the agricultural company of the collective farm named after. Kirov, Balashikha District, Moscow Region D.A. Storozhen (Decree of the President of the USSR of November 28, 1991).

The last person awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor in the history of the USSR was the soloist of the opera of the Kazakh State Academic Theater. Abaya B.A. Tulegenov. She was awarded this award by Decree of the President of the USSR No. UP-3122 of December 21, 1991 "for her great contribution to the development of musical art."

In general, over the entire history of the existence of the USSR, more than 19,000 people have been awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Over 160 people were awarded the medal twice. Three times Heroes of Socialist Labor became 16 people.

HERO OF SOCIALIST LABOR - honorary title, one of three higher degrees distinctions in the USSR for assigning to individuals (along with the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union and Mother Hero).

Uch-re-zh-de-no Decree Pre-zi-diu-ma of the USSR Armed Forces of December 27, 1938. He was preceded by the honorary title of Ge-roy Tru-da, in the 1920-1930s with-pile-vav-neck for special services pe-re-do-vi-kam and but-va-to-ram pro-from-water-st-va, first-at-first-but - at separate enterprises, in pre- de-lah of the city-ro-yes, district-she, region-las-ti, re-public-ki (in each case, su-sche-st-vo-va-li- vi-la conferring one's own rank), since 1927 - at the general-with-s-uz-level (on-stand-new-le-tion of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 27.07.1927) . The title of Ge-roy Tru-da in 1928-1938 in Lu-chi-li 1014 people.

The title of the Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to the pile-wa-elk for “for-services in the field of host-st-ven-no-go and so-qi-al-no-kul-tour- no-go builder-tel-st-va "as right-vi-lo for labor-do-howling hero-ism, out-of-se-nie especially-bo you-give-sche-scha-no-va-tor -sky activity-tel-no-stu means. contribution to the higher efficiency of social production, the rise of the national economy, science, culture. Since the mid-1950s, the title has become attached to major party and state figures, also for you-serving years or in connection with various anniversaries -mi and celebrating-no-ka-mi, that from-hours-reduce-zi-lo av-to-ri-tet-to-grad-dy. Decisions about conferring a rank or depriving it of being given a Pre-zi-diu-mom of the USSR Armed Forces (since March 1990 - Pre-zi- den-tom of the USSR). When conferring the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, I handed over: Gra-mo-ta Pre-zi-diu-ma of the USSR Armed Forces, Le-ni-on-or-den, since 1940 - the same " Sickle and Mo-lot "medal. Since 1973, in the case of conferring a title for new services, a diploma, an order and a medal have been awarded a second time; person, two-zh-dy awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, or this title and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, on the ro-di -not mustache-ta-nav-whether-val-sya armored bust. On-sta-new-le-ni-em Pre-zi-diu-ma of the USSR Armed Forces dated 22.8.1988, for the second time, the award of the title of Hero of Socialist Labor is excellent. Since 1992, for labor-for-services at-pile-va-et-sya the title of Hero of the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion.

The first Heroes of Socialist Labor - I.V. Stalin (1939; medal "Sickle and Mo-lot" No. 1), V.A. Deg-tya-roar (1940). The total title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to over 20.5 thousand people. Two-way title of Hero of Socialist Labor in-lu-chi-li over 190 people (first - B.L. Van-nikov, 1949), three-way - 16 people (per- you-mi - Van-ni-kov, N. L. Du-khov, I. V. Kur-cha-tov, Y. B. Kha-ri-ton, K. I. Shchel-kin, all - in 1954 year).

Or-ga-ni-za-tions, o-e-di-nya-ing awards for honorary ranks: Russian inter-regional fund Ge- ro-ev of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion; Russian Association of Ge-ro-ev.

Hero of Socialist Labor - honorary title, which was awarded in the Soviet Union, was considered the highest in the USSR from 1938 to 1991. So they celebrated merits for work, contribution specific person in the development of science or any particular area of ​​industry or economy. In this article, we will focus on the most famous personalities who received this title. Most of them received this award three times.

Anatoly Alexandrov first became a Hero of Socialist Labor in 1954. Twice more he was awarded the honorary title in 1960 and 1973. It's famous Soviet physicist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Alexandrov is considered one of the founders of the domestic nuclear power industry. His main works are written in physics solids, nuclear physics and polymer physics. Immediately after the Great Patriotic War, he was appointed director of the Institute of Physical Problems at the Academy of Sciences - in this post he replaced Kapitsa, who at that time fell into disgrace.

It was Alexandrov who participated in the creation of projects and construction power plants, which were used on the famous Soviet nuclear icebreakers - "Arktika", "Lenin", "Siberia". It was he who presented to Stalin the new kind submarines - a submarine with a nuclear power plant.

The decision was made, the submarine was built, the serial production- so the USSR became the world's largest center of nuclear submarine shipbuilding.

Alexandrov was a fan of nuclear energy, and when the accident happened at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, admitted that for him she became a personal tragedy. He died in 1994 at 91.

Hero of Socialist Labor Boris Vannikov is considered one of the first to receive this award three times. He received it in 1942, 1949 and 1954. Vannikov was an active statesman.

During the Great Patriotic War, organized the provision of ammunition navy and the Red Army. Already in 1943, their production in the USSR tripled compared to 1941. Besides Soviet engineers made them cheaper, without losing quality and even improving the ballistic characteristics of shells. It played certain role in final victory over fascism.

Immediately after the war, he led the First Directorate under the Council People's Commissars, supervised production issues nuclear weapons. In fact, he was one of the creators of the atomic project, and of the entire nuclear industry in the Soviet Union. If Kurchatov was responsible for the decision scientific tasks, then Vannikov - for the prompt execution of orders and coordination of all work. In this regard, he was an indispensable leader.

He died in 1962 when he was 64 years old.

Hero of Socialist Labor Yakov Zeldovich was a Soviet chemist and physicist. He is one of the creators of the atomic and hydrogen bombs. He received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1949, 1954 and 1956. Among scientists, his works on detonation, nuclear physics, physics of explosion combustion and cosmology are known.

His works on the theory of combustion are still considered classics today. It was Zel'dovich, together with Dering and Neumann, who proposed a model for the propagation of a detonation wave in a gaseous medium.

Thanks to numerous discoveries made in the field of physics, his name is deservedly included in the list of Heroes of Socialist Labor.

He died in 1987 at the age of 73.

Sergei Ilyushin is one of the most famous aircraft designers in the country. It was his merit that the mass production of the Il-2 attack aircraft, named after the creator, became. Thanks to Ilyushin, the country began to recognize and remember the names of the Heroes of Socialist Labor. The aircraft designer received the award in 1841, 1957 and 1974.

Even before the war, he designed experimental bombers. One of them set the first Soviet aviation world record for the height of cargo lifting in 1936. Exactly at design office Ilyushin, Il-4 bombers were created, which already in 1941, when the Germans bombed the territory of the Soviet Union with might and main, made raids on Berlin.

But his main merit is the IL-2, a massive aircraft that participated in that war. Interestingly, after the war, the aircraft designer concentrated on the production of passenger aircraft, which were also made on the basis of Il.

Ilyushin died in 1977, he was 82 years old.

The Order of the Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded three times to the Soviet scientist Mstislav Keldysh, one of the main ideologists of the Soviet space program, in 1956, 1961 and 1971.

After the Great Patriotic War, Keldysh developed a thermonuclear bomb, establishing a special calculation bureau for this. It was for this work that he received his first star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

In the mid-1950s, he became a member of the Council of Designers, which was headed by Korolev, and began to develop projects for space exploration and rocket design. Then he carried out still only theoretical calculations of the probability of flying into the orbit of the Earth, to the Moon and other planets of the solar system.

Was among the leaders of the council for the launch of the first artificial satellite Earth, did a lot for the implementation of manned flights. He was one of the Soviet scientists who collaborated with other countries under the Intercosmos program.

It is with Keldysh that the development of computational mathematics in the Soviet Union is associated. He died in 1978 at the age of 67.

In the list of Heroes of Socialist Labor, this name is known to everyone without exception - Igor Kurchatov. Behind the scenes, he is called "the father of the Soviet atomic bomb." He was awarded the honorary title in 1949, 1951 and 1954.

Kurchatov supervised the Soviet nuclear project from the very beginning in 1942 until his death in 1960, when he was only 57 years old. At first, these works were mainly research and theoretical. At the same time, he called the authorities increased attention: they were closely watched by Stalin's people.

Since 1943, Kurchatov began to return prominent scientists from the front, which he needed to achieve an early result. In the Special Committee on GKO, main task which was the development of the nuclear industry in the country, Kurchatov was responsible for the scientific part, and all organizational issues fell on the shoulders of Vannikov.

In 1946, Kurchatov met with Stalin, which resulted in the signing of several dozen documents that made the nuclear industry a priority in the country.

Talking about the Heroes of Socialist Labor of the USSR, it is necessary to mention Academician Sakharov. He is the only one of those who was three times the owner of this title, and then deprived of them. Sakharov is a major Russian theoretical physicist, one of the main creators of the Soviet hydrogen bomb.

In fact, he worked on this project from 1948 to 1968, at the same time he conducted research on a controlled thermonuclear reaction, unique for that time.

At the same time, Academician Sakharov is no less famous for his human rights activities. He is the author of the draft Constitution of the so-called Union Soviet republics Europe and Asia. For his human rights work in 1975, the Nobel Committee awarded Sakharov the Peace Prize.

In 1980, the authorities considered his activities anti-Soviet, expelled from Moscow and stripped him of all awards. Together with his wife, Sakharov lived in Nizhny Novgorod until Mikhail Gorbachev allowed him to return from exile in 1986.

The academician died in 1989, he died at the age of 68.

Yefim Slavsky

Another head of the Soviet nuclear industry, Yefim Slavsky, received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1949, 1954 and 1962.

He participated in the creation of the atomic and then the hydrogen bomb. In the mid-1950s he was Minister of Mechanical Engineering. His merit is the creation of the so-called nuclear cities - Ozersk in Chelyabinsk region, Aktau, Zelenogorsk and Zheleznogorsk.

It was he who made the decision to build the Siberian Nuclear Power Plant, and in the early 1960s he supported the program of "peaceful atomic explosions."

He died in 1991, when he was 93 years old.

Andrei Tupolev received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1945, 1957 and 1972. He is primarily known as Soviet aircraft designer. Directly under his leadership, several dozen various types aircraft, 70 of which were put into mass production as a result.

It is Andrei Tupolev who is responsible for the production of the famous Tu aircraft of various modifications, which are still successfully used in domestic civil and military aviation.

Tupolev died in 1972 at the age of 84.

It is noteworthy that many awards were received not only by physicists and aircraft designers, but also by leading workers. Agriculture. So, twice the Hero of Socialist Labor was the chairman of the collective farm "40 years of October", which was based in the Panfilov district of the Alma-Ata region, Nikolai Nikitich Golovatsky.

Being a native of the Volyn province, from the city of Zhytomyr, Golovatsky went to Kazakhstan in the late 30s. At first, he was entrusted with the Krasny Vostok collective farm, and during the Great Patriotic War, he led the farms.

Golovatsky became the chairman of the legendary by Soviet standards collective farm "40 years of October" in 1950, worked in it until 1992 and only at the age of 80 he retired.

All this time, the collective farm was one of the most advanced, favorably differing from many other farms in the Soviet Union. In 1990, Golovatsky's achievements were even filmed documentary under the name "Union of owners of the earth".

He died in 1996 at the age of 84.

Immediately 11 people in the history of the country at the same time were the heroes of the Soviet Union and the heroes of Socialist labor. Among them are military leaders, statesmen, employees of state security agencies.

These are Leonid Brezhnev, Kliment Voroshilov, Vasily Golovchenko, Valentina Grizodubova, Pyotr Masherov, Joseph Stalin, Pyotr Trainin, Ivan Tretyak, Dmitry Ustinov, Nikita Khrushchev.

Kirill Orlovsky deserves special mention, whose name is not as well known as most of those listed above. He worked in the NKVD, was one of the key leaders partisan movement in Belarus.

At the same time, he repeatedly inspired writers and directors to create works of art. So, it is Orlovsky who is the prototype of the protagonist of the drama Alexei Saltykov "Chairman", which was released in 1964.

Presumably, Orlovsky is the prototype of Robert Jordan, the protagonist of Ernest Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. It is known that during the war he illegally crossed at least 70 times state border and the front line.

More than 200 thousand citizens of the USSR have been awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor since the appearance of this award in the country. The 1st medal, called the Hammer and Sickle, was awarded to I.V. Stalin in 1939. The second recipient in 1940 was V. A. Degtyarev, a renowned designer who developed small arms. The topic of the article is three times Heroes of Socialist Labor, a list and brief information about them.

About the atomic project of the USSR

In May 1940, a decree was issued on the possibility of receiving the Hero of Socialist Labor award twice and even three times. In 1973, the restrictions were lifted, which gave a hypothetical opportunity for the most honored figures in science and industry to receive a medal for the fourth time. However, during the period of validity of the award, no one was awarded such an honor.

In the course of work on the atomic project in the USSR, a nuclear bomb, after which in 1953 five scientists, production organizers and designers, for the first time in history, became three times Heroes of Socialist Labor. Let's list them:

  • IV Kurchatov, project leader. Today the name of the scientist-physicist has been given scientific center which he founded. Until his death in 1960, he headed the Institute atomic energy.
  • Yu. B. Khariton. He was the chief designer. The scientist lived long life, until the age of 92 he headed KB-11 (Sarov), created at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, at Laboratory No. 2.
  • K. I. Shchelkin, First Deputy of Yu. B. Khariton. Kirill Ivanovich passed away at the age of 57, in 1968. He went down in history as the first scientific director nuclear center, known as "Chelyabinsk-70".
  • Ya. B. Zel'dovich, physicist who headed the theoretical department. Yakov Borisovich passed away in 1987. He headed an enterprise engaged in the development of a "nuclear shield" for the country.
  • another deputy Yu. B. Khariton. The lieutenant general was a nuclear weapons designer, but he is also known as a designer of heavy tanks. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor Nikolai Leonidovich since 1941 was engaged in the production of KV tanks on the basis of ChTZ (Chelyabinsk Tractor). From 1943 to 1948, he served as chief designer, setting up their assembly line production. Among his developments are the following modifications: IS, KV-1s, KV-85. The scientist passed away in 1964 at the age of 59.

It is curious that the fact of awarding the participants of the nuclear project long time was classified, so officially the first three times Hero of Socialist Labor was an Uzbek cotton grower.

Figures of the CPSU and agricultural production

Hamrakul Tursunkulov received the 3rd medal in 1957. He headed the cotton-growing collective farm, whose name - "Star of the East" - thundered throughout the country. After the death of Khamrakul in 1965, his name was given to the collective farm.

Three leaders of the CPSU in the list of three times Heroes of Socialist Labor. All of them are quite famous:

  • N. S. Khrushchev, who received the medal in 1961. 1st Secretary of the Central Committee 3 years later also received the star of the Hero of the USSR.
  • D. A. Kunaev, party leader in Kazakhstan. He was awarded a third medal in 1981.
  • K. U. Chernenko, Secretary General of the CPSU, who received an award for his 73rd birthday.

Statesmen and aircraft designers

It is curious that for a long time it belonged to medium engineering, therefore, in the list of three times Heroes of Socialist Labor, you can see the minister and his deputy, who were the heads of the development of nuclear weapons. These are Slavsky E.P., who received the last medal in 1962, and Vannikov B.L., who was awarded the award almost simultaneously with scientists - in 1954.

In the 70s, the most eminent aircraft designers joined the ranks of those awarded three times:

  • A. N. Tupolev, head of OKB-156. Andrei Nikolayevich, who brought up a whole galaxy of scientists and aircraft designers, passed away in 1972 at the age of 84.
  • S. V. Ilyushin, founder of the design bureau of his own name and developer of the famous Il-2. The designer passed away in 1977 at the age of 82.


It remains to name three more scientists, one of whom is associated with space exploration and two with nuclear power. Thrice Heroes of Socialist Labor:

  • specialist in the field applied mathematics, who is part of the team of S. Korolev and did a lot for the flight of both an artificial Earth satellite and a manned spacecraft. He passed away in 1978 at the age of 67.
  • A.P. Alexandrov, who headed the SIC after the death of the great scientist. He died at the age of 91 in 1994.
  • one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb, became the youngest among scientists who received the third medal called the Hammer and Sickle. This happened in 1861, when the theoretical physicist was only 40.

In 1980, Andrei Dmitrievich was stripped of all awards and expelled from Moscow for his participation in human rights activities. Therefore, it is officially considered that three times awarded with a medal"Sickle and Hammer" only 15 people.