How to become a whole person. What is Personal Integrity

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Often we accept some parts of our personality and reject others. For example, we accept kindness and reject anger. Or vice versa, we consider ourselves a businesslike and purposeful person, displacing our sensitivity, vulnerability, tenderness from consciousness. This prevents us from fully using our energy, since we spend a significant part of it on isolating unwanted feelings or qualities. However, it is in our power to restore integrity and release our energy.

Natalie Rogers, creator's daughter humanistic psychotherapy Carl Rogers and author own method- expressive arts therapy - offers several exercises that will help us become familiar with the contents of our unconscious and achieve greater integrity and awareness.

“For us to become whole, fully actualized and fulfilled, our journey must include an exploration of the unconscious, discovering those aspects of our “Self” that have been discarded or hidden by us, ignored or suppressed, she writes in her book. The first step is always awareness. Without this, we have no opportunity. Awareness of fear, shame, guilt, anger, pain, light, sensitivity, or creativity is the first move towards accepting every aspect of yourself for who it is. Personal integration is part of natural development events when using symbolic and expressive means. As soon as we discover the unknown, the process then launched creates an opportunity for each of these parts to find its rightful place in our psyche” 1 .

These exercises can be done with a friend or girlfriend who shares your interest in self-discovery and inspires confidence in you. But you can explore the contents of your unconscious and alone. It is helpful to write down and post in a prominent place a plan that you can follow. The entire sequence of steps takes 2-3 hours to complete. Be sure to allow time for rest at the end of the exercises so that the return to your normal daily activities is as smooth and gradual as possible. Ideally, these exercises are done on a free day when your work or household chores are reduced to a minimum. Prepare a room where you can move freely and sound freely. Disable funds external communications so that nothing distracts you.


Make a list of opposites you know, such as:

love and hatred;

fear and self-confidence;

passivity and aggression;

playfulness and seriousness;

joy and sadness;

attraction and rejection...

continue the list on your own for 10-15 minutes.


Sit in silence for a few minutes with your eyes closed. Breathe deeply and let all these words float in your mind. Then determine which pair of opposites is now attracting your attention. It will be a topic for further research.


Take a large sheet of paper (for example, you can take A2 drawing paper: 42x56 cm). Listen to yourself: do you want to depict each of the pair of opposites on one page or on different ones? If different, prepare a second sheet. Get your paints or pencils ready. Use your non-dominant hand (left for right-handers, right for left-handers) when choosing colors and while drawing. Depict each opposite by expressing your feelings. Don't worry about how the drawing looks. While drawing, try to close your eyes.


Write on each part of your drawing (or on each of two drawings) five sentences that begin with the word "I".

Movement and sound

Look at the first drawing and at the same time let your body move in time with the lines, rhythms and colors you see. Allow yourself to make a variety of sounds that express your feelings as you move. In doing so, remember that you have space above and below, a wide space and a narrow space. You can move slowly or quickly. Your movements may be angular or fluid. Experiment with sounds as you move. Continue until you feel that you have fully expressed the content of the drawing through movement and sound. Take a break and do the same, looking at the second drawing.

free letter

For 10 minutes, write down everything that comes to your mind and everything that your hand wants to write. Don't censor yourself, don't stop. You can write a dialogue between two poles of opposites.


Now quickly draw the third drawing. Use both hands at the same time. Let everything happen. What words come to mind when you look at this picture?


Consider what you have done. Close your eyes, breathe deeply. Release everything. What do you feel now? What do you understand about yourself and your internal conflicts?

The result of this exercise is the acquisition of greater integrity, the feeling that you are getting closer to yourself, to your own essence. It may not occur immediately, so do not worry if you do not come to clear conclusions immediately after completing the exercise, or if you have a question: “What should I do with all this now?” Spend a few days watching the changes taking place in you, listening to your feelings. Trust your intuition, which will be able to tell you which direction to move on.

1 N. Rogers “Creative connection. The Healing Power of the Expressive Arts (Mann, Ivanov & Ferber, 2015).

The integrity of a person is such a combination of its parts that creates a strong and harmonious integrity. One can speak of the external or general integrity of a person, meaning the harmonious unity of her bodily, mental, spiritual and moral life. If a person teaches during the day healthy lifestyle life and moral values, and at night and until the morning he "buzzes" in a nightclub, filming girls of easy virtue, it is difficult to talk about the integrity of such a person. The integrity of the personality implies the conformity of the content inner life man and his external activities. Thus, it can be difficult for a believer to serve in the army, killing people: this destroys his integrity.

In psychology, they often talk about the internal integrity of the personality, meaning the ability of a person to critical situations keep your life strategy to remain committed to their life positions and value orientations. This person is both autonomous and open to people and life.

Personal integrity is spoken of when a person has the courage to look at things realistically, draw his own conclusions and, if necessary, speak about it, including resisting external pressure. This is a person who has sustainable outlook and value system. This is a person who is not tormented by contradictions, who has peace and confidence inside.

The antipode of the concept of "holistic personality" is the concept of "fragmentary personality", i.e. a personality whose elements are in conflict with each other.

Where does the integrity of the personality come from or how is it formed? The integrity of the individual is not given from birth, but is formed primarily under the influence of the external environment or in interaction with external environment. Depending on the specific environment and internal predisposition, the integrity of the personality can be formed according to two main models: according to the power model and the model inner harmony.

In the power model, the integrity of the individual is supported by rigid beliefs and the ability to defend these beliefs directly and open conflict. Such a person can break down completely, but she will not bend and "surrender" her convictions. The more stable the values ​​of the individual, the firmer his convictions, principles, ideals, the more clearly his integrity is manifested. Note that a person with a low level of personality development, "stubborn" in his views, will be called "stubborn", and not integral.

Integrity is spoken of in relation to people already with a certain level of development, where in their beliefs there is not only the reproduction of everyday stereotypes, but also high morality, especially the idea of ​​spirituality. A person living under the star of his ideals and values ​​is ready, without internal doubts, to sacrifice himself and his life to his convictions. It can be said that this developed personality on the path of service.

The power model of personality integrity is more typical for men and is brought up within the framework of male culture. It's hard for a man to accept external requirements and external control, he must accept these demands within himself, really agree with them. But if he accepted them, he would look after them himself. He became like that.

Metaphorically, it is a rubber structure that can be compressed, stretched, and bent, but once the pressure is released, everything is restored. The model of internal harmony is more typical for women and is brought up within the framework of women's culture.

In the model of internal harmony, the integrity of the personality is supported by two circumstances: harmony within and internal flexibility. When relations with the environment develop successfully, that is, a person accepts the environment, and she accepts him, then a healthy, normal, internally consistent - whole personality is formed.

Harmony within, which is sometimes described as the union of consciousness and subconsciousness, as the absence of conflicts between internal parts personality, more often it is the assimilation of socially acceptable beliefs and a POSITIVE WORLD PERCEPTION, when a person understands both those around him and himself, notes in himself and those around him, first of all, positive and strengths and not prone to self-blame. Soft movements, warm intonations and natural kindness complete the image of such a person.

With regard to internal flexibility, this is the ability to temporarily adapt to strict requirements internal environment, while using every opportunity for self-healing, to return to its original state.

You must be a member of this group to be able to communicate in it

Ludmila Burkina

The integrity of the personality is manifested in its versatility. A person should be like the purest crystal that refracts the surrounding reality. We often see in the images a meditating person sitting in a lotus position. Smooth posture, looking inward, energy stability. This is a portrait of a yogi who has found internal balance. I think integrity is about balance. Let's turn to nature. Is she holistic? If it were unstable, chaotic, then we would deal with chaos, and then we would hardly be able to communicate in positivity and build our own logical reasoning. Nature finds its integrity in harmony. We, people, are looking for ways to understand its phenomena, we are trying to find with it real contact. Destroying it, we will not find integrity. Only by understanding its beauty, comprehending perfection through it, we will gain unity with it, interacting with nature in a single organism in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. We are looking for teachers, but he is very close. Go to the forest, find a forest lake, touch a mossy carpet, breathe in the air of perfection, learn to speak the language of nature, listen to its sounds. You will learn a lot from this wise teacher who is always waiting for his students to tell his secrets.

The question can be heard from people who want to become better, fulfill themselves, live happily.

Holistic personality. Description

And one who is firmly confident in himself, knows what he wants, and accepts everything around him as it is, and does not try to resist fate, can call himself such a special person. A person respects the choice of everyone, including his own. It can be said of such a person that he looks at things with a real look and draws appropriate conclusions, even if they contradict external pressure. This is a person who is in harmony with the outside. Self-confidence and peace of mind accompany him in life.

The material and spiritual flows are in balance with each other. When a personality is whole, it is guided by its inner compass-truth. Man is a part of the Universe, feels unity with the world. It is being filled life energy. He shows interest in the world, talents are realized and activated. The personality is filled with vital energy thanks to energy channels.


The holistic education of the personality occurs due to the fact that a clear awareness of everything that happens comes. Each lesson brings something necessary for development into a person's life. This person also allows herself to experience any emotions and accepts everything, and even dark sides her character, with the certainty that all this will teach her something. Such people know how to enjoy every moment in life, feel inner freedom because they look at the world from the position of God. And you can say with firm confidence that these individuals lack excitement and experience.

They open up opportunities for continuous development, learning everything new, and life itself becomes a great adventure. The person radiates external world such energy as joy, warmth and light. He wants to share all this with the surrounding society.

When does formation begin?

The formation of a holistic personality occurs only when a person thinks that something in his life does not suit him. It also happens if inner voice tells him that he is going the wrong way. Perhaps a person does not even suspect that the point is integrity and that one should pay attention to one's inner world.

Often, such a person does not take into account all the components of his essence, mainly only appearance, character or physical form. At the same time, she forgets that a person is a combination of mental, energy and physical processes.

Defense mechanisms

First of all, a holistic personality is considered from the standpoint of such a science as psychology. Here the person herself is the main object of study in this area. Personality is considered social side, her behavior in society, the presence of individual properties and qualities of character. It is formed under certain beliefs and principles, realized by the person himself. Holistic psychology personality implies a certain defensive reaction. There are several such mechanisms in nature, and they work when something threatens a person. To defensive reaction some personality traits can be attributed, such as:

  • substitution, when the aggression received from someone on a person from it automatically transfers to another person;
  • repression - a person forbids herself to perceive those thoughts and feelings from which there were sufferings, forgetting or not knowing that all this remains in the subconscious, which is not good for herself;
  • projection - when one imposes his irrational thoughts on another or several people, thus shifting his shortcomings or flaws onto others.

Man personally chooses and adheres to them. Through integrity, he acquires psychological stability on the high level when there is a choice between the achievement of goals and the values ​​offered. Not everyone is given the status of a holistic person. It all depends on the characteristics of upbringing, on relationships in the family where a person grew up, on interaction with the environment and on its influence. A whole person is not born. Its formation depends on the interaction and influence of the external environment.

Force development model

Personality can develop according to two models: power and internal harmony models. In the first case rigid beliefs, and they are defended in open conflict. Moreover, the person is not going to “give up their positions”. As a result, the personality breaks entirely, which cannot be said about the model of harmony. Where there are not only beliefs, but also morality, spiritual values. A person is ready to sacrifice himself and his life to his beliefs.

The power model can be attributed to more to a man. It's hard for him to accept external laws and control requirements. Although the main thing for him is to agree with them. After this happens, the man monitors all this himself. He came to this.

Model of inner harmony

The holistic personality that is in the model is also supported by internal flexibility. That is, when a person safely accepts the environment as it is, and she accepts him.

The presence of harmony within can be described as the absence of conflict between the internal parts of the personality, as well as only positive attitude. A person realizes and accepts that understanding of others and himself should be in the first place. Moreover, he himself strives to notice only strong and positive aspects. Such people do not engage in self-blame. Internal flexibility helps to adapt to tough requirements for a while external environment, allowing you to use any opportunity to return to original state. This model is mainly characteristic of the fair sex.

Incomplete personality. Description

If a person does not have goals, constantly contradicts both everyone and himself, does not know how to make decisions, or shifts them to others so as not to be responsible for them, then such a person can hardly be called integral. For these people there is no guideline in life, their companions are self-doubt and low self-esteem. The consequences of all this constant change personal convictions and disappointment in everything.

Why is this happening? It is possible that upbringing or the surrounding society played a role here, which introduced limits. Or maybe situations that caused pain and influenced a person’s rejection of himself. Then the feelings are forbidden in order to avoid suffering in the future. The connection with the soul is lost, and the mind takes responsibility. Surely many have been in a situation where betrayal, disappointment, stress or intense grief led to a loss of integrity.

But not everyone, being in critical conditions, retain their qualities of a holistic personality and remain unchanged in relation to their life positions. It all depends on the temperament and type of person. A person who does not want to recognize her talents, wants to be successful, but does not take any steps for this, sees only shortcomings in herself and others, feels more self-hatred than love, the definition of "holistic personality" does not fit. A whole person understands his purpose. He follows internal leadership in one situation or another.

A person who is not in integrity cannot see his true state, it is difficult for him to do this. To do this, you need to look into the soul, ask yourself what is needed for the integral development of the personality to come into his life.

Reconnect with inner world, open to the light and all positive energies. You need to strive for this and sincerely want it. When a person establishes contact with his soul, in his life come necessary circumstances, bright people and opportunities. The main thing is to notice all this and be grateful for everything. Usually a teacher comes into life, a mentor who brings him to the level of awareness.

When everything that comes into life is accepted as something that was planned by the soul, as some kind of experience or game, then unity with the world is restored. To come to a complete revival of integrity will help cleansing thin bodies, work with all indoor units. The highest source of energy will bring all aspects into harmony with each other with the help of powerful vibrations into a single whole. Also, this state can be reached in a different way.

A person must express himself in creativity. Taking responsibility for your life, trusting the world, and turning your attention inward will also help restore the integrity of a person. Readiness and desire to feel this state must be present. Don't contradict anything or anyone. Everything should happen easily and naturally. Meditation will help to achieve unity and correct breathing. After that, the person himself will be able to freely enter the common flow with higher energies. The entrance to the state of integrity has no boundaries, there is a process of unification with the Universe, nature and the right energies.


Only when a person firmly knows and understands that in order to be in harmony with himself and the world he needs to develop, realize himself in the necessary aspects for a further happy and bright life, the formation of a holistic personality takes place. Slowly it is revealed internal potential which he probably didn't even know about. Everything goes to the fact that the person finds his "I". In fact, the development of personality is the formation and filling of spiritual and physical forces, leading it to the realization of understanding its essence and role in nature.

| In passing |

In most cases, this is exactly what a person does who knows how to analyze, see different solutions, is able to make a choice and implement it. Basis - actions should not contradict the mind or consciousness.

There is another option when a person acts according to the stimulus-response principle or reproduces completely unreasonable actions when he talks about one thing, thinks about another, wants a third, and does a fourth. This is not an act of a reasonable person. But we are not talking about that now.

And how does a whole person act?

To understand what a whole person relies on, you must first understand who a whole person is.

Here is how it describes whole person Alexander Men:

"Whole, one person- this is a person whose will, thoughts and actions are in harmony. If this is not achieved and not strived for, then many things will lose their beauty, taste, value and meaning, our personal relationships: love, family relationships, relationships at work, relationships with friends. We will have to be in rift with ourselves all the time. One will be on the tongue, another on the mind, the third on the heart...

You say: "How to achieve this?" The whole chain needs to work. "Chain" in what sense? No matter how perfect the device is, if “electricity” is turned off somewhere, then nothing will work: the circuit will open. If you have wonderful, humane ideas in your head, but this does not go to the will and the will, in turn, does not control actions, then it is like a de-energized machine. Without electricity, the most perfect machine will stand like scrap metal..

We can say that a holistic person is a person who performs actions that are consistent neither for the heart, nor for the mind, nor for the body, in contrast to the reasonable, for whom it is important that actions do not contradict, first of all, his mind.

For clarity, let's use the eastern allegory about the wagon, horse, coachman and gentleman. Where the wagon represents our body, the horse represents our emotions, and the coachman represents our mind or consciousness.

Imagine that you, as a master, suddenly wanted to travel around the world.

The first option is that you are a reasonable person.

The horse neighed with joy in anticipation of the adventure. You instruct the coachman (mind) to fulfill your desire.

What does the coachman do? He declares himself in charge and begins to convince the master, that is, you, that this task is almost impossible to complete. And he gives a lot of arguments in favor of why this cannot be done: “What stupid dreams have come to you! Where will you get so much money? You have a lot of things to do at the dacha, and you world tour dreaming! Stop doing nonsense, think about your daily bread, and not about your stupid dreams. As a result, the coachman takes the gentleman where he considers it right. What is left for Mr. Submit and periodically grumble, expressing your displeasure. This is how everything happens in life - the mind decides what needs to be done, but there is no happiness for a person. And why? Yes, because the mind is lazy to strain to fulfill the desire of the master, he considers himself the main one.

The second option is that you are a whole person.

Everything is the same - the horse is delighted with the upcoming adventure, and you, as a master, instruct the coachman to fulfill his desire. Dictate your condition: to ensure a comfortable and safe journey, so that the horse does not drive and the cart survives. The coachman (mind) in this situation is just the executor of your decision.

But how to do it effectively, not contradictory and according to the rules of society - this is already the task of the coachman (reason or developed consciousness).

In other words, for a reasonable person, the mind is the master, he also makes choices, evaluates and makes decisions. And for a holistic one, the mind is a servant, but the essence makes a choice, evaluates and makes a decision.

Life of a reasonable man goes from "correct", "should", "accepted", "should". And for a whole person - from “I want”, from an impulse.

But there is very important point, which is necessary to understand that “I want” not because it’s right to want, it’s supposed to want, or everyone should want it, “I want” is the essential desire of a person, which may not be correct from the point of view of society. The essence wants not because it is supposed to be so, not because it is right to want it, not because someone said that it should be so, etc. Essence - she feels and knows that if her desire is fulfilled, then the person as a whole will have energy.

Can we fulfill all our desires? If we are a reasonable person, then not everything, but if we are integral, then everything. Because essence is not so much needed, basically all our desires are personal, induced.

If our mind is not able to fulfill our desire, then the first thing we need to do is to deal with what is in our mind:

  • what restrictions prevent the fulfillment of the plan;
  • what beliefs close the door to the flow of energy.

And figure out what we're missing:

  • what knowledge is not enough to get what you want;
  • what skills, etc.

Let's see what it looks like in practice.

Suppose we are not satisfied with our work, it is not a joy, it does not give us energy at all, but only takes it away. And we decided to change jobs. But we are well aware that we have no guarantee that new job will suit us. Therefore, the first thing we do is work with our consciousness.

  1. We find out what specifically does not suit us for old work(make a list).
  2. We make a list of what suits us.
  3. The following is a list of what we would like.

Making a list of what we wanted, we will definitely come across restrictions, why we cannot choose the job that suits us.

Further, the mind under our guidance needs to work with these limitations (as practice shows, it is best to do this with a coach or mentor, since the mind will resist and prove that these limitations are reasonable).

The next step is to determine what knowledge and skills you need to acquire. And again, we remind our mind that it is not a master, but a servant who must satisfy the "want" most effectively and efficiently.

At first glance, the work does not seem difficult, but remember how many of your “wants” have not been realized. How many arguments did your mind give why it is impossible to fulfill this or that “I want”. Starting such work, you can determine whether you are a reasonable person or a holistic one.

In this way, any desire can be processed. Do you want to live easily and joyfully? Stop for a minute, listen to your mind. What is he saying now? Are you ready to obey him in order to leave everything as it is, or are you ready to go to a different state?

History to understand:

One person asks another:

- Can you play the trumpet?

- No I do not know how to.

- Have you tried it?

- Not.

"Then how do you know that you can't?"

The fact is that when we do something from the core state, our energy grows, everything adds up. the best way for us, we fall into right situations, in Right place, are necessary people and the task of the mind is to trace and use all this. This state is sometimes referred to as "getting into the flow."

As soon as we leave the essential state, from our wholeness, the energy begins to fall, all kinds of obstacles arise that the mind is not able to overcome.

If we do not feel the energy, this indicates that the mind has taken control of the person into its own hands and is blocking this flow of energy with the settings and restrictions that it is guided by.

If we want our energy not to be blocked, then we need to understand and assimilate that the main purpose of consciousness or mind is to figure out what needs to be done so that we can realize the total “I want” according to social laws without prejudice to others, effectively and efficiently. Do not block energy with prohibitions and explanations why it is impossible, but look for ways to realize this “I want”.

The wider our consciousness, the more ways we can find realizations, the narrower the consciousness, the less.

But everyone has a choice - to stay reasonable person or learn to be whole. And whatever you choose, it will be right for you.

So who do you consider yourself to be - a reasonable person or a holistic one?

Sincerely, Tatyana Ushakova.

I invite you to the author's course With feedback from the host "Development of Conscious Attention" that can change your life. The course is being run remotely. Course information and reviews can be found here.

You can send a pre-application to [email protected] with the name of the course in the header of the letter, ask questions that interest you.

You can also apply for distance course“Master of your mood”, where we will analyze in detail and work out the mood management algorithm.

The course starts as soon as the group is recruited. Course information and reviews at Send pre-orders to [email protected] with the name of the course in the header of the letter.


other articles of the author in the group:
  • Self improvement. Correct what the Creator created or learn to use what is given?
  • I don't know what I want or where our personal desires disappear
  • Led or leader? Or what is important for us: to speak out or to hear?
  • “I can’t find a common language with him” or how to enter into a dialogue
  • Three motives for which we turn to specialists, teachers and masters
  • The power of assessments or the nature of a sense of self-worth and importance - 2
  • The power of evaluations or the nature of self-importance - 1
  • Life for goals and life without a goal. Combine incompatible - 2
  • Life for goals and life without a goal. Combine incompatible - 1


Self-sufficiency is a sign of the integrity of nature. If there is no integrity, a person does not live full life regularly exhibiting symptoms of insufficient self-love. He categorically lacks - love, attention, support, confidence, other necessary and important things. He lives in a situation of total deficit of what can make him happy. And, of course, he does not feel happy.

How to achieve wholeness, what is needed for this? First of all, the acceptance of everything that we find in ourselves, whatever it may be. Without accepting even one insignificant quality, we no longer accept the whole. Therefore, acceptance must be complete and unconditional. If we sit down and make a list of what we don't like about ourselves, we can work on it. You see a set of qualities that can conditionally be divided into acceptable and unacceptable, i.e., those that you categorically refuse to accept in yourself. And here it is important to think about the fact that we will never get better. These qualities that spoil our impression of ourselves - they were, are and will always be. Rejecting them, we deny ourselves wholeness, which means that we cannot be self-sufficient, which means that we will always depend on someone else's opinion and behavior, and not we, but someone else, someone else will determine how we feel and how to treat ourselves - and always will be.

At the thought of such a prospect, someone will open up new opportunities in acceptance. And then you need to think about this. A person is not a set of qualities, each of which is separate. A person is a whole person, a fusion of thoughts and principles, qualities and habits, and a fusion is not the same as a set. In a set, each element by itself, you can remove one, replace it with another, in an alloy everything is one and indivisible under any circumstances, because at the moment of connection there was an interweaving and interpenetration of one into another, and a third, and a tenth, and everything together formed the unique character that we are now. You can accept what you do not like, and then it will be possible to somehow change it. But first - acceptance, and only then - changes. You can not accept and suffer from the separation of nature, dissatisfaction and your own imperfection. Perfection is not that everything is perfect and flawless. Perfection is what perceived like perfection. There's a difference between being and counting, right?

And this is not self-deception, this is the same love for yourself. It is easy for us to love our children, forgiving them what we do not forgive ourselves under any sauce. The same qualities in ourselves and in others sometimes evoke different reactions, and these reactions are far from always in our favor. Yes, usually never. We measure ourselves with the harshest yardstick. Why? Yes, because this is someone else's measure, we look at ourselves with someone else's eyes, believing that this is how others evaluate us. Look at your home - sweet, dear, so cozy and comfortable. A place where you feel better than anywhere else. Everything is fine in your house, right? Minor flaws do not prevent you from loving him and enjoying peace in him. Now look at your home through the eyes of a strict inspector who came to evaluate it in terms of convenience and comfort. This is a completely different look, and under it the house no longer seems cozy or cute, all its flaws immediately become too big. So it is with ourselves - through the eyes of others, we always get imperfect grades. And why are they needed, ideal? For what purpose?

The key is to accept your wholeness. You can see individual qualities, but you need to perceive yourself as a whole. Any quality you don't like about yourself is part of the whole. An inseparable part. It's not something that can be singled out and something done about it. And this wholeness also needs to be accepted. That is, acceptance must begin with the acceptance of the idea of ​​one's own wholeness. And then, when wholeness is accepted, one can consider individual qualities and already think what to do with them. The concept of wholeness also includes our past - what happened to us and what brought us experience, whatever it may be. Experience also needs to be accepted - totally and unconditionally.

And when everything in oneself is accepted, self-sufficiency will manifest itself in full measure - this is when we need quite a bit from the world in order to feel satisfied with everything. We are comfortable in our body, with our principles and memories, we agree with all our qualities and everything that is around. Everything is just there, and we agree with that. We do not need to prove anything and try on other people's standards for our lives, we do not need measurements at all - why? Everything that we have, and how much of it is, is a given. How much easier it is to accept a given without measurements and evaluations.

This is theory, but there is practice, which, when systems approach gives a different - integral and independent - view of oneself and one's world. You can learn this in a few weeks, and we understand that we have become different, that “self-sufficiency” is now about us too, that it is no longer necessary to agree so that no one is offended, that criticism is not offensive or painful at all that there is no longer an urgent need for support, and much more miraculously suddenly changes. And it is not clear - how could it have been otherwise before?))

With love,
Julia Solomonova