What level of English is considered intermediate. English for work and life

We continue our acquaintance with the levels of knowledge of English. When you are already in the process of learning a language, you want to have a clear idea at what stage you are, what you already know and what you should strive for in the future. Therefore, we continue to get acquainted with the levels of knowledge of English and offer you the next level of language proficiency (according to the CEFR system). Perhaps this is just your level! So, the hero of the occasion today is the B1 Intermediate level. Let's see what it's made of!

English Level Table
LEVELDescriptionCEFR level
beginner You don't speak English ;)
Elementary You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in "plain" English and understand the interlocutor in a familiar situation, but with difficulty A2
intermediate You can speak and understand speech quite well. Express your thoughts in simple sentences but have difficulty with more complex grammar and vocabulary B1
Upper Intermediate You speak and understand English well by ear, but still make mistakes B2
Advanced You speak English fluently and have a complete listening comprehension C1
Proficiency You speak English at the level of a native speaker C2

Intermediate level - what does it mean?

Today, this level of English proficiency is considered fairly confident. In fact, this is a kind of golden mean. On the one hand, there is no longer any fear to use the language in speech, as there is an established vocabulary and a good grammar base, and on the other hand, there is no limit to perfection, and, of course, there is something to strive for in the future (Profeciency?). But still, what does it mean English is not lower than Intermediate?

Students at the Intermediate level can take part in everyday conversation on familiar topics and exchange information. Often, it is from this level that fruitful preparation for the subsequent passing of international exams begins: FCE (proficiency test English language above average), IELTS ( international system assessment of English language proficiency), TOEFL (test of knowledge of English as a foreign language); if there is such a need.

Knowledge to be acquired at the Intermediate level
Skill your knowledge
Reading You understand the key information of articles and letters.
You can read adapted English-language literature.
Letter You can write a logically connected essay or essay on famous topic.
You can write an informal letter to a friend.
You can write a simple formal business letter.
Listening You understand the main topics of conversation of native speakers.
you fully understand adapted listening aurally.
speaking You can carry on a conversation in most situations that may arise while traveling in countries where English is spoken.
You can express own opinion familiar or personal interests and briefly explain why you hold this particular point of view.
You can describe your experiences, events, dreams, hopes and ambitions.
Vocabulary Your vocabulary is 1500-2000 English words.

The Intermediate level program includes the study of the following topics.

What does the course at the Intermediate level include?

The Intermediate English course is based on four elements: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and, finally, writing skills. This approach allows you to learn how to quickly formulate thoughts, improve phonetic skills, and also gain a sense of language. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • discuss personal and professional plans for the future;
  • pass an interview in English for a job in a foreign company;
  • talk about your attitude to television and your favorite television series;
  • justify your preferences in music;
  • talk about healthy way life and healthy habits;
  • visit restaurants, order food, take part in conversation at dinner and pay for the order;
  • Discuss rules of etiquette and advice on how to respond to inappropriate behavior.

The term of study to reach the Intermediate level

In fact, the duration of training depends entirely on the motivation and interest of the student, as well as the already existing foundation of knowledge. On average, the course takes about six months, based on two full lessons per week with a private English teacher. It should be understood that learning a language is a systematic process, which is based on the knowledge that you have received earlier. For this reason, if the student already has a thorough understanding of the lexico-grammatical aspects of the language, then learning will be much faster. If you realize that there are gaps in some topics, then, firstly, in no case be upset, and, secondly, try to fully master necessary material and after that feel free to move on to next level. With the second option, training may take a little longer, but as a result, the student will have a complete picture of the level of the language in all its manifestations.

Your goal as an Intermediate student is to surround yourself with the English language completely and completely. Wherein Special attention you can devote to those topics and aspects that are of interest to you or are directly related to your professional activities. Below are a few strategies that will improve your English language skills in the future:

  • change language settings devices, Email, accounts in in social networks into English. This way you will constantly use English in everyday life;
  • read as much as you can in English. For starters, you can choose modern magazines or news articles. If you study or work in the field of international relations, business and finance, gradually switch to the English version of the Financial Times or Wall Street Journal. Remember to take notes and pay attention to word combinations and turns of speech;
  • listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Focus on the version of English that you need: British, American or, for example, Australian;
  • if you listen to modern music, you can safely go to karaoke with friends or find the lyrics of your favorite English songs and sing them at home. Don't be shy!


Here we have discussed English level B1. Found out what lexical and grammar topics owned by a medium rare student. We also got acquainted with life hacks, learned how to maintain knowledge of the English language, and what should be done next. The Intermediate level is a great option for those who are going to travel frequently and stay up to date with the events of the modern world. Sign up for our English courses via Skype and achieve your goals with pleasure. You can do that!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

A - Elementary proficiencyB - Self OwnershipC - Fluency
A1A2B1 B2C1C2
Survival LevelPre-threshold levelthreshold level Threshold advanced levelProficiency LevelOwnership at the carrier level
, intermediate

Do you want to know if your knowledge corresponds to the Intermediate level? Take our course and get recommendations to help you improve your English.

Intermediate is the level required by most employers

Intermediate - what level is it? How to determine if your knowledge is appropriate for this level?

The level of English Intermediate, which is marked B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, comes next after Pre-Intermediate. The name of this step comes from the word intermediate, the translation of which is “medium”. So, Intermediate is the so-called "average" level of language proficiency, which allows you to speak English quite fluently, discuss many professional and everyday topics, and understand by ear almost everything said in English at a normal pace. B1 language proficiency level allows you to take entrance exams in Russian universities and on training courses abroad. However, the most important thing is that virtually all employers require that their potential or actual employees know English at a level not lower than Intermediate.

We recommend that you start learning English at the Intermediate level if you:

  • speak fluently, able to keep up the conversation, but choose your words, so you want to “talk”;
  • you have a good vocabulary, but it is not always easy to operate with it, you often have to check the dictionary;
  • correctly understand the questions of a foreign interlocutor and the English speech in the recording, but only if the speaker speaks clearly and measuredly;
  • you understand the basic grammar of the English language and operate with different tenses of English, but you feel insecure in more complex grammar;
  • studied English at this level for a long time, remember a lot and now you want to refresh your knowledge;
  • recently completed an English course at the Pre-Intermediate level.

Material that people with knowledge of English at the Intermediate level should know

How to determine that you know English at level B1? The table shows what knowledge a person with the Intermediate level should have.

Skillyour knowledge
You know all tenses of English: Present, Past and Future Simple; Present, Past and Future Continuous; Present, Past and Future Perfect; Present, Past and Future Perfect Continuous.

Do you know what the essence of the sentences I used to play football and I’m used to playing football (constructs used to do and to be used to doing).

When you talk about the future tense, you understand the difference between: I'm going to visit John (construct to be going to), I'm visiting John tomorrow at 5 o'clock (Present Continuous for future action) and I'll visit John next month (Future Simple).

You understand the difference between You mustn "t do exercises and You don" t have to do exercises (modal verbs).

Understand the difference between: I stopped to rest and I stopped resting (use of gerund and infinitive after the verb).

You know comparative degrees adjectives (hot-hotter-hottest).

You understand in what cases the words little/few and a little/a few (words denoting quantity in English) are used.

You see the difference between: If you come home, we'll go shopping, If you came home, we would go shopping and If you had come home, we would have gone shopping (first, second and third types of conditionals).

Can you correctly paraphrase the direct speech She asked: “ What are are you doing?” into the indirect She asked what I was doing.

You easily create questions to clarify something: You don’t like coffee, do you? (Question tags)

Your vocabulary is between 2000 and 3000 words and phrases.

You are familiar with some idioms and phrasal verbs.

You can communicate with business partners without delving into special business terminology (you know basic business vocabulary).

Actively use constructions neither ... nor, in addition to, as well as, apart from, due to, because of.

You speak clearly good pronunciation people around understand your speech.

You understand where to make logical pauses in sentences, in which part of the sentence to raise or lower your voice.

You speak quite fluently, do not make long pauses during a conversation.

You can describe appearance, talk about your education and work experience, express your opinion on various issues You can talk about almost any topic.

You use phrasal verbs and some idioms in speech.

You are not simplifying speech, you are using rather complex grammatical constructions: different types of conditional sentences, passive voice, various times, indirect speech.

You have a good understanding of the adapted literature of your level.

Do you understand the articles general topics on the Internet, newspapers and magazines, although you meet vocabulary unfamiliar to you.

You perfectly understand audio recordings adapted to your level.

You understand the meaning of non-adapted audio even if you don't know some of the words and the speaker speaks with an accent.

You distinguish the accent of native speakers from the accent of non-English speakers.

You watch movies and series in the original language with subtitles.

You can listen to simple original or adapted audiobooks for your level.

You construct sentences grammatically correctly.

You can write an informal or small formal letter.

If necessary, you can fill out official papers in English.

You can give a written description of any places, events, people, comment on the proposed text.

If you are not sure that you have all the knowledge required at this level, we recommend that you check if you have knowledge of the English language at the level.

The Intermediate level program involves the study of such topics in the curriculum

Grammar TopicsConversational Topics
  • Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  • action and state verbs
  • Past (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  • Future forms (to be going to, Present Continuous, will/shall)
  • Modal verbs (must, have to, should, may, might, can, could, to be able to)
  • Gerund and Infinitive
  • Comparative and superlative adjectives
  • Used to do something and to be used to doing something
  • Articles: a/an, the, no article
  • Quantifiers (any, some, few, a lot of, a piece of)
  • First, Second and Third Conditional, Future time clauses
  • Relative clauses: defining and non-defining
  • Reported Speech: statements, questions, commands
  • Passive Voice
  • Question tags
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Family and Personality
  • Describing people's appearance and character
  • Jobs, Money and Success
  • business
  • Education
  • Modern manners
  • Transport and Travel
  • Places to live
  • nature and environment
  • climate and natural disasters
  • communication
  • Television and Media
  • Cinema and Movies
  • Shopping
  • Food and Restaurants
  • lifestyle
  • Sport
  • Friendship
  • Challenges and Success
  • good and bad luck
  • Crime and Punishment

How will your speaking skills develop in the Intermediate course?

Intermediate level is kind of milestone, on which the student really begins to "get under way" in speaking skills (Speaking skills). At this stage, you become a "speaking" student. If you want to speak fluently, try to talk as much as possible in class. Do not be afraid to argue and express your point of view, try to use complex colloquial clichés.

Concerning vocabulary (Vocabulary), in addition to general vocabulary, at the Intermediate level you learn the so-called "general business" English - widely used words that are associated with communication in the business sphere. In addition, the "intermediate" level is rich in various phrases, idioms, turns of speech and set expressions. You memorize not just words, but whole phrases in context, learn to build new words using prefixes and suffixes. Much attention is paid to the ability to explain the meaning of a word in English, to name its synonyms and antonyms.

listening(listening) is still a problem for many students starting at the Intermediate level. Audio texts of this level are significantly longer texts for the Pre-Intermediate level, however, long tracks are divided into parts, to which different types of tasks are offered. An Intermediate student can understand factual information related to work, study and everyday life, distinguishing both general meaning and individual details; while speech can be with a slight accent.

Concerning reading(Reading), the Intermediate level allows you to understand quite complex, although still adapted texts, however, you can try to read non-adapted literature. At level B1, a simple retelling of the read text is no longer enough, you need to be able to give your assessment, express an opinion for or against, imagine yourself in the place of heroes, etc. All texts for reading the Intermediate level are a kind of “context” for consolidating and automating the use of the studied vocabulary and grammar.

Another aspect that receives a lot of attention is letter (Writing). You will learn how to write English sentences not only in colloquial but also in formal style. Level B1 usually includes the following writing assignments:

  • Describing a person
  • Telling a story
  • An informal letter
  • Describing a house or flat
  • Formal letter and CV
  • A film review
  • An article for a magazine

At the end of the level intermediate student will be able to use English quite successfully in a variety of standard situations, to clearly express his opinion. In addition, he will learn how to write letters, fill out declarations, questionnaires and other documents that require the provision of basic information about himself, take part in negotiations, make presentations and correspond with native speakers. Proficiency in English at the Intermediate level is good achievement and provides various possibilities, for example, an advantage in hiring. From this level, you can start preparing for exams and.

The term of study at the Intermediate level

The term for studying English at the Intermediate level may vary, it depends on the initial knowledge and personal characteristics of the student. On average, the training period is 6-9 months. It is the Intermediate level that is considered a strong base, the final stage in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. Further levels are the deepening and expansion of the active and passive vocabulary, immersion in the subtleties and shades of the language.

To finally make sure that this course of study is right for you, we recommend that you take our course, which tests basic English skills. And if you want to not only accurately know your level of knowledge of the English language, but also improve it, we suggest enrolling in our school. The teacher will determine your level, weaknesses and strengths and help you improve your knowledge.

Today we will continue to talk about levels in English. Level A1-A2 or Elementary - the second level of knowledge of English in the Common European CEFR system, a system for determining various language levels. IN everyday speech this level can be called basic. The term "Elementary" is official description level in CEFR. A student who has mastered a basic level of English can satisfy their basic communication needs. So, let's talk about everything one by one.

English Level Table
LEVELDescriptionCEFR level
beginner You don't speak English ;)
Elementary You can say and understand some words and phrases in English A1
Pre-Intermediate You can communicate in "plain" English and understand the interlocutor in a familiar situation, but with difficulty A2
intermediate You can speak and understand speech quite well. Express your thoughts in simple sentences but have difficulty with more complex grammar and vocabulary B1
Upper Intermediate You speak and understand English well by ear, but still make mistakes B2
Advanced You speak English fluently and have a complete listening comprehension C1
Proficiency You speak English at the level of a native speaker C2

What is the difference between Beginner level and Elementary level

Both levels are introductory. Both are designated by one letter in the European classification (CEFR): Beginner - A1, Elementary - A2. But what's the difference? The Beginner level is intended for those who have not studied English, i.e. didn't do it at all, never. At the same time, perhaps the "beginner" knows a couple of words (for example, hello, yes, no, my name is, but that's all). The Elementary level is for those who already have some kind of base, even if it’s a school one 20 years ago. Even if a person practically does not speak English at all, he already has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe language system.

  • have studied English a little or for a short time, received elementary knowledge;
  • almost do not speak English, although you know elementary grammar and about 300-500 words;
  • have a vague idea of ​​English grammar and would like to understand all tenses and constructions;
  • have basic knowledge, but do not understand English at all by ear;
  • completed the Beginner level in English courses or with a personal teacher.

There is also an Upper-Elementary level - the highest elementary level. You have knowledge of simple grammatical structures of the English language. You can keep up a conversation on a familiar topic, but, unfortunately, the number of familiar topics is very limited. you understand simple sentences and speech constructions, especially if they speak slowly and explain what was said with gestures. If you have this level, then you can safely continue your studies with Pre-Intermediate.

The Elementary level program includes the study of the following topics.

Topics to study in the Elementary level program
Grammar Topics Lexical Topics
- Verb To be in three tenses.
- Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect).
- Future Simple + be going to.
- past simple(Regular / Irregular verbs).
- Imperative mood.
- Word order in questions.
- Demonstrative pronouns.
- Object pronouns(Object Pronouns).
- Adjectives.
- Possessive Case (ownership expression).
- Articles.
- Singular and plural nouns.
- Countable and uncountable.
- Adverbs of frequency.
- Adverbs of manner of action.
- Prepositions.
- Modal verbs (can, can't, should).
- K-construction like / hate / love + V-ing.
- There is / are construction.
- Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- About myself and my family.
- Countries and nationalities.
- Personal preferences (likes/dislikes).
- Job.
- Schedule.
- Holidays.
- Weather.
- Food and drinks.
- Sports and fitness.
- Cinema and music.
- Houses and furniture.
- City and attractions.
- Transport.
- In shops.
- Dates and numbers.
- Description of a person.

What does the language course at the Elementary level include?

In the Elementary course, as in the other levels, you will work on the 4 core skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. You will get acquainted with simple grammatical constructions of the English language, replenish your vocabulary with the most necessary words and phrases, you will work out correct pronunciation and correct intonation. At the end of the level you will be able to:

  • talk about the events of your life;
  • describe your past, giving details of the most important milestones;
  • discuss your vacation plans and tell friends and colleagues about it afterwards;
  • talk about nature and travel;
  • talk about favorite movies and choose some to watch with friends;
  • discuss the topic of clothing;
  • take part in conversations at work, talk about familiar topics at meetings;
  • evaluate the work of a colleague;
  • participate in easy business negotiations greeting guests and attending common events:
  • understand and express the main business proposals in their area of ​​expertise.

Term of study at the Elementary level

The term of studying English for Elementary level, like any other level, depends on individual features student and his knowledge base. Average duration The duration of the course is 4 to 6 months. Even though this is one of the first levels of language proficiency, it covers quite a lot of material that will allow you to express yourself in the most typical situations of daily communication. At this level, you will receive basic knowledge, which is why it is important to lay a solid foundation that will allow you to subsequently achieve high levels of English proficiency.

To achieve good results, do not limit yourself to only attending regular classes and doing homework. Try something new.

  • Don't forget to speak English than more themes better. If you have absolutely no one to talk to, start a conversation with your cat or dog, but believe me, in our time it is not so difficult to find an interlocutor who is eager to communicate in English. On the Internet, on forums dedicated to learning English, there are a large number of topics dedicated to the search for interlocutors on Skype. You can try to teach a person mother tongue in exchange for knowledge of English. In addition, in social networks dedicated to learning English, there is the possibility of both audio and text communication in English.
  • Create a conversation club with friends or colleagues. This will give you the opportunity to meet more often and discuss sensitive topics. Or come to our classes at the Conversation Club.
  • Watch movies, news and TV shows in English with English subtitles. Start with cartoons, where the vocabulary is usually easier and the visual accompaniment is very accurate, which will allow you to understand the meaning of what is happening as well as possible.
  • Keep a personal diary where you can write down your thoughts in English. It is not necessary to immediately create entire stories or essays; at first, a few sentences will be enough. And remember, the more time you devote to English, the better the results will be.


So we met with another basic level of English. At this level, you begin to take the initiative in using the language, you begin to feel it and not just speak, but communicate. It is at this level that you can fall in love with English and turn your learning from a necessity into a hobby. Learn English, don't give up and you will reach your goal!

Have a great English and study with pleasure!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

Today, almost everyone strives or simply dreams of becoming fluent in a foreign language. It is for this reason that there are many courses, lessons on learning. If you still decide to use the help of specialists, then, first of all, you need to determine your level of knowledge. For what?

Know English proficiency levels very important. Based on the existing skills and abilities, you can choose the appropriate group so that the learning process is interesting, brings new knowledge, and you did not spend money on courses in vain. Specially designed tests to check the level of English cover its main aspects. The results are very useful and interesting for you. How? To choose directions, a group, set goals and determine the desired results - this is what each of you needs a knowledge test for.

What is it?

Like any test, You are given a task and several possible answers. It may include:

— determination of the temporary form;
- insert a semantic or grammatical construction;
- complete the sentence
- find a mistake, etc.

By using textbooks and reference books during the test, you are doing yourself a disservice. This result, whatever it is, no one except you will know. Therefore, use only existing knowledge.

Language proficiency levels can be divided into several groups. The first of these is Russified classification, which only gives general idea about existing knowledge:

1. Initial
2. Medium
3. High.

The second one is more extended. Such a classification involves 4 levels and more fully helps to reveal the existing knowledge. It is often used when filling out various forms, for example, in a marriage agency, when applying for a visa. But, nevertheless, this method of definition is still not ideal.

1. With dictionary;
2. Conversational level;
3. Intermediate level;
4. Free use.

In this regard, the most the best classification counts international. Let us consider in more detail all levels of knowledge of the English language, which allow us to most fully determine the available skills and abilities.

1. Beginner (A1 or Beginner) the level speaks of understanding the basics of the language, alphabet, sounds, the ability to read the simplest sentences and words. At this stage, it is very difficult to perceive foreign speech by ear.

2. Elementary (A2 or Elementary) .

With this level, an English learner can easily read small texts and understand the main points. The same is true of listening to speech. Oral speech: implies the ability to briefly talk about yourself, about others, talk on everyday topics, while presenting your speech and thoughts logically. It is important to note the phonetic side: not perfect pronunciation, but acceptable to be understood. Writing: the ability to write a request, notice, write a brief description of something in simple phrases.

3. Weak average level (B1 or Lower (Pre) Intermediate).

Understanding the main idea and meaning of the text, reading simple works. Oral speech: clear pronunciation, the ability to easily communicate on personal and non-personal topics, understand the question and answer accordingly, clearly express one's feelings, desires and intentions. Written speech of this level assumes that the student knows how to describe a situation, a person, a place, express his opinion, write a formal letter or request, construct a sentence grammatically correctly.

4. Intermediate level (Intermediate) gives a secondary school and assumes the ability to read books, watch films, write, while observing phonetic and grammatical norms language. It is quite easy to perceive foreign speech by ear. The basics of vocabulary help to build communication not only at the level of a question of an answer, but also to express a personal attitude, one's own opinion, to distinguish the general meaning of foreigners' speech, to distinguish official information from unofficial.

5. Above average (B2 or Upper Intermediate) This level assumes the presence of some knowledge, which helps to feel confident when communicating. Knowledge grammar rules, norms, the ability to easily perceive information aloud from the first listening, distinguish between accents, talk on the phone, read magazines and books in a foreign language. Oral speech is built on the use of idioms, phrasal verbs, colloquial and formal lexical items. Some mistakes are allowed.

6. Advanced (C1 or Advanced 1): excellent command of the language, free communication on any topic, easy speech perception, knowledge of the intricacies of grammar.

7. Perfection (C2 or Advanced 2 (Proficiency)) It is not enough to say - to communicate freely. This stage assumes knowledge of English, almost like a native.

After considering all levels of English, determine yours. But remember that this is only a conditional description. It is still better to test your knowledge in a test that can be taken online.

A - Elementary proficiencyB - Self OwnershipC - Fluency
A1A2B1B2C1 C2
Survival LevelPre-threshold levelthreshold levelThreshold advanced levelProficiency Level Ownership at the carrier level

Do you want to know if your knowledge is at the Advanced level? Take our course and get recommendations to help you improve your English.

Advanced is the level of fluency in English

Advanced is an advanced level of English proficiency, which has been awarded the C1 mark under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Advanced is the penultimate level of knowledge of English, above which only English proficiency at the native level is Proficiency.

This is a serious level, because graduates of the philological faculties of higher educational institutions of our country must speak English at the Advanced level. That is, most of the teachers who teach you English as a foreign language speak it at an advanced level.

It would seem that at the previous stage of Upper-Intermediate you have already learned to speak on almost any topic, understand English well by ear, read literature in the original, watch films and TV shows in English. So what will you be taught at the Advanced level if you already know everything?

If in the previous steps you were taught to talk about the most common topics, now you will be taught to talk about everything, even if you do not understand the subject of the conversation. That is, you will be taught live spontaneous fluent and literate speech.

Upon completion of the Advanced course, you can take the CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) exam. The certificate of this exam is required for people who want to prove that they are able to use spoken and written English in everyday life (at work or school) at an advanced level. Also, upon reaching the Advanced level, you can take IELTS exam by 7-7.5 points or TOEFL by 96-109 points.

We advise you to start learning English from the Advanced level if you:

  • Speak competently and fluently on almost any topic, but “stumble” when you need to go into details, clearly express your point of view, using a variety of synonyms correctly and paraphrasing your speech if necessary;
  • you know English grammar well, but would like to learn more complex aspects so that your speech is lively, similar to the speech of native speakers;
  • you understand well the speech of native speakers by ear, watch movies and TV shows, but periodically resort to the help of subtitles;
  • once already studied English at this level, but managed to forget the material;
  • studied at language university, reached high level English proficiency and want to maintain and improve their knowledge;
  • are going to take an exam to get a CAE, IELTS or TOEFL certificate;
  • recently completed their studies at the Upper-Intermediate level.

Material you need to know at the Advanced level

The following table shows what knowledge a person at level C1 should have.

Skillyour knowledge
You understand all aspects of English tenses: Present, Past and Future Simple; Present, Past and Future Continuous; Present, Past and Future Perfect; Present, Past and Future Perfect Continuous.

You understand and use modal verbs with the perfect infinitive in your speech (all groups of modal verbs): must have done, should have done, for example: You must have lost my book. You should have read this amazing book.

You understand how word formation works, and you can understand the meaning of a word by decomposing it into its components: on-look-er / eyewitness (compound nouns).

You know what inversion is and use it in your speech, for example: Never have I read such a wonderful book.

You know how and why to use inversion in conditional sentences, for example: If he weren’t so boring, I would go there with him to paraphrase Were he not so boring, I would go there with him; If I had bought that computer, I would have been happy to paraphrase Had I bought that computer, I would have been happy.

Do you know about mixed types conditional sentences, for example: If he had bought that book, he would be amused; If he were more careful, he would not have made so many mistakes in his life; If he bought a cake, he won't bake cookies.

You use complex linking words in speech, such as with a view to, in fear of, supposing, admittedly, henceforth, etc.

You know introductory constructions, such as What I like about this film is ...; Why I went there was because... etc.

You understand the difference between the constructions he was to do smth, he was about to do smth, he happened to do smth, he was set to do smth.

Knowing the rules of classical grammar, you understand when and in what sentence you can omit some words in colloquial speech, so that it is not considered an error (ellipsis): – Are you ready yet? – Yes. Ready now.

Your vocabulary ranges from 4000 to 6000 words and phrases.

You know and use idioms, set expressions, abbreviations, and phrasal verbs in English.

You are well versed in the combination of words and choose them correctly to each other.

You can communicate freely with business partners (formal communication style in English).

You can keep up a conversation in English on any topic.

You speak coherently complex sentences With introductory words and complex alliances.

You can several different ways express the same idea.

In a conversation, you use complex grammatical constructions, operate with all tenses, conditional sentences, phrases in the passive and active voice, and inversion.

You are not lost when the interlocutor asks you diverse questions, you can keep up the conversation even on a topic unknown to you.

You read literature of any genre in the original.

You read and understand medium-level academic and technical texts, articles in popular English-language publications such as the BBC, The Times, The Guardian, and other Internet sources.

You understand everything that your interlocutor says in English, regardless of his rate of speech, accent, pronunciation, etc.

You watch films and series of any genre in English without subtitles, although you may not understand 10-15% of the words the first time.

You listen to audiobooks in English, although you may not catch 10-15% of the information after the first listening.

You construct sentences correctly, use different times and designs complex expressions and serious vocabulary.

You can perform various types of written work, including writing business letters, reports, etc.

You can write an essay of the required length on any topic, supporting any of your arguments with clear arguments.

If you are not sure that you are fluent in the above material, we advise you to check if your knowledge may correspond to the level.

The Advanced level program includes the study of such topics in the curriculum

Grammar TopicsConversational Topics
  • All English tenses (active/passive voice)
  • All groups of modal verbs
  • impersonal constructions
  • compound nouns
  • Mixed Conditionals
  • inversion
  • cleft sentences
  • Discourse markers
  • Ellipsis
  • Personality
  • Sounds and human voice
  • Work and working place
  • Emotions and Feelings
  • Health and Sport
  • Politics and Law
  • Technology and Progress
  • Education and Ways of learning
  • Environment
  • Medicine
  • Conflict and Warfare
  • Traveling and Leisure time
  • Books and Films
  • Preparing food

How will your speaking skills improve in the Advanced course?

At the level English Advanced you already spontaneously (that is, without prior preparation) and freely can verbally express one's opinion (Speaking) on any topic, including narrowly focused ones. At the same time, you actively use complex grammatical constructions, word synonyms, phrasal verbs and idioms in your speech. You can clearly argue any of your thoughts, easily give examples to support your point of view. You can speak for at least 4-6 minutes on any topic, from global warming and the US education system to the positive and negative impact of the Internet on the psyche of children.

Despite the fact that you have already received a solid lexicon (Vocabulary), the Advanced course will give a new round to the process of improving the English language. The most significant difference from the previous steps, which you will really feel, will be the choice of topics for learning new words. The lesson materials will be full of words, expressions and idioms that you need to know in order to free communication and to make your speech natural.

Concerning listening comprehension (listening), then at the level of English proficiency advanced language you will be able to understand native speakers fluently, even if they speak with an accent and at a fairly fast pace. The world of various TV programs, films and serials in English will be opened for you. If unfamiliar words are encountered, then their number will be insignificant, and in any case this will not interfere common understanding English speech.

At an advanced level of English, you will easily read(Reading) unadapted literature, you will not need to constantly look into the dictionary to look up a new word. Moreover, you can read texts both artistic and journalistic. You will also be able to analyze the material you read, that is, draw conclusions, compare different ideas, highlight the main thing, etc.

Writing(Writing) essays will also not cause difficulties, because at this level you will receive all the necessary knowledge for the successful writing of an essay, article, report, letter (formal and informal), feedback, etc. You will know how to compose and format the text correctly, you will be able write with confidence different topics, using neutral and special stylistically colored vocabulary (metaphors, comparisons, colorful epithets, idioms, etc.).

At the advanced level grammar(Grammar) is basically a consolidation of all the topics studied at the previous levels. The difference is that the examples will be complex and all grammatical constructions will be used "mixed". That is, in fact, there is a repetition of the grammar of all previous levels within 9-12 months in a compressed form for difficult examples. As a rule, at this stage of learning, there is a complete understanding and ordering of all the grammar studied earlier. In addition, in the Advanced course you will learn to express your thoughts more sophisticatedly, and for this you will need a variety of complex grammatical structures that you have not encountered before. Examples of constructions that you will study at this level can be seen in the first table in the Grammar section.

Term of study at the Advanced level

The term for studying English at the C1 Advanced level depends on the individual characteristics of the student and the regularity of classes. The average duration of training on the Advanced course is 6-9 months.

Advanced level is the result that everyone who learns English should strive for. It will be required not only for admission to foreign universities or to get a job, but in general will serve as the basis for self-development and successful implementation yourself professionally. If you think you've already reached the Advanced level, check out ours to make sure.

If the Advanced level is a dream for you, then we offer to make it come true with our teachers at. Experienced teacher help you achieve freehold English language.