Country latvia interesting facts about the country. Interesting facts about Latvia through the eyes of a Russian

If you believe the Russian media, then Latvia today is vicious nationalists, Russophobic politicians and the Russian-speaking population that has been deprived of their rights. Fortunately, we don't believe the propaganda babble. And we went to Latvia, not really imagining what awaits us, which means with great interest.
The country did not disappoint, people aroused great respect, something really surprised me. To be honest, it would not be so, I would hardly have taken up the post. About Poland and Vietnam, for example, I just can’t: splashing bile on entire peoples I don’t understand is not at all interesting.
And Latvia is not only an elegant country, but also an ideal object for observations and notes. After all absolute majority she speaks and understands Russian. And, unlike Lithuania, for example, we communicated a lot there, getting first-hand information.
So, facts.


Compatriot Yuri. Living in Latvia, he knows how to equip Russia.

Russian roots in Latvia sprouted everywhere: in culture, economy, psychology of the layman and even language. Latvians swear in Russian. On the street, in in public places, in the service industry, you are more likely to be answered in Russian with a cute accent than in English. The exception is the very young citizens of free Latvia, who have grown up at the present time. They don't understand Russian.

Six out of ten (62%) of the country's inhabitants are Latvians. Every third resident is Russian (27%, 2011 data). There are a pinch of Belarusians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jews and other nationalities.
The official language is Latvian. It is taught in schools. But there is also public Schools with instruction in Russian and other minority languages.

The people of the country have different status: citizens of Latvia (83.6%), non-citizens of Latvia, citizens of the Russian Federation. Their passports are different, but the rights and obligations are virtually the same. Everyone (including citizens of the Russian Federation) can freely cross the Schengen borders, travel or work in the EU countries. (The exception is England and Ireland, where non-citizens and Russians are not allowed to enter without a visa.) According to one Russian, Latvian non-citizens are not hired for civil service, education and medicine. According to another, this is a myth: everything depends on the person, his level of education, qualifications, knowledge of the language. In the Latvian passport of Russians, for example, it is printed: "Without restrictions on employment."

The status of “non-citizen of Latvia” is given to citizens of the USSR who lived in Latvia and refused to take (or failed) the Latvian language exam. ( Key moment to obtain citizenship.) Among them are not only Soviet old people, but also their children of 40-50 years old. More than once I have heard that supposedly "the exam is difficult, they fail on purpose." Meanwhile, the exam national language three-stage; highest, most complex degree knowledge is required only for lawyers. For working specialties, the first is enough, the simplest form language proficiency.

Russians in conversations scold Latvia, the government and the European Union, which, in their opinion, ruined the country's economy. “The factories were closed, the fleet was cut into scrap metal, the Baltic fish were stolen to Norway,” something like that. They remember the USSR, they sympathize with Russia and its current course. A reasonable question: “Why don’t you leave for the Russian Federation, if it’s good there, but here it’s so bad for you?” - confuses them. They begin to fidget, stutter, shift their eyes and make up reasons as they go. None of Latvia's critics is eager to visit their native birch trees. And it's not just about inertia.

Russian pensioners in Latvia receive 70% of the Russian pension. 30% is taken by the native (RF) state. Those that work, part of the taxes are paid by the Russian Federation, part - by Latvia.

Every fifth Latvian is over 60 years old. The population is aging and shrinking despite high birth rates in last years. Young people leave for work and / or permanent residence in neighboring countries EU, as in Latvia unemployment (15%).

There are more women than men. Average duration men's lives - 77 years, women - 82 years.

Not in Latvia state religion. The majority of believers are Lutherans, Orthodox and Catholics. They have their own churches, associations, parishes - tolerant to each other.


Serfdom in Latvia was abolished half a century earlier than in Russia.

The main source of budget revenue (70%) of the country is the service sector.

80% of the cost of cigarettes goes to the bins of the state (tax). The cost of a pack of cigarettes is 2-3 euros. And it is much cheaper than in Western Europe.

Latvia does not have its own resources: oil and gas, but wind farms are being built with might and main. There are dozens of them, it's very popular. Diligent farmers and farmers often have their own mini-station and electricity.

Latvia was knocked down by the world economic crisis(2007-2008). In 2008, one in four (26%) in Latvia was recognized as poor. The same number of people teetered on the brink of poverty. In 2009, the state's GDP fell by 17.8% - the worst figure in the world.

On January 13, 2009, mass unrest took place in Riga. Soon the government was dissolved, its head resigned.

According to the report of the International Monetary Bank, anti-crisis measures and financial aid The EU led to the recovery of the Latvian economy. In 2012, GDP growth was 6.8%.


Bread and buns, cheese curds and yoghurts are delicious in Latvia - better than in Lithuania. The assortment and the imagination of the bakers are astonishing. Baking in Latvia is an art form.

On the streets, in the yards of cities, in villages, on highways, everything is amazingly clean. Order is based on tradition high culture Latvians and large fines. domestic life governed by local laws. The lion's share of responsibility for everything that happens in the city, village, is borne by citizens, and not by an abstract state.

Owners of houses, including apartment buildings, are required to keep order in the entrance, courtyard and even on the sidewalk next to the house. In the autumn - remove the leaves, in the winter - snow, and always - garbage. (True, no one litters.) Waste containers are clean, always covered with lids, never overfilled.

Any repairs, including major ones, of facades and roofs - at the expense of the owners-residents. Often for this they have to take long-term loans.

Public transport(mainly new trams, European buses) - comfortable, air-conditioned; runs right on schedule. There is a timetable at every stop - both in cities and on rural roads. In transport - self-service, there are no conductors. Composters - at each door; they stamp the date and time on the travel card. Travel cards are variable: one trip or more; for a day or more. Sold everywhere in kiosks and shops. The driver's ticket costs twice as much. Occasionally there are controllers. There have never been any incidents and hares with us.

On public holidays, owners are required to fly the Latvian flag. (If there is no flag, a fine.)

Cyclists under the age of 16 are required to pass an exam and obtain a cycling license.

AT dark time 24 hours cyclists, pedestrians on rural roads should be in reflective clothing (sold in stores).

In Latvia, the only Baltic countries— there is a circus (in Riga). Mobile menageries are prohibited under the Animal Welfare Act.

Latvians are forbidden to keep dogs of fighting breeds.

In public places, owners must keep their dogs on a leash. In muzzles - according to the circumstances (if the owner is not sure of safe behavior pet). If the yard is guarded by a dog, there should be a warning sign on the door.

There are almost no homeless dogs on the streets of cities. According to citizens, they are taken to shelters (contained at the expense of the municipality). After two weeks, if the dog has not found the owner, he is euthanized.

Hundreds of free cats live in the cities of Latvia. In each residential yard, at the temple, in an abandoned house, in the gateway, there is a company of seals. For the most part - sterilized (castrated). Tailed animals are caught, sterilized and returned to where they came from, public organizations and volunteers. Operations - at the expense of the state.

Not all Latvians love cats and enjoy the neighborhood of meows. But they tolerate it - under the pressure of humanists and the fear of criminal liability. The law on the protection of animals in Latvia is in force. Inhuman treatment of animals is punishable.

Johan took 15 house cats for sterilization and is now taking care of them.

In the yards of residential buildings, places are organized for feeding cats (a patch with plates) and rest (windows to the basements are open). We had a case when a resident of the first floor welded a window into the basement under his apartment: the cats bothered him. The neighbors immediately cut a hole in the grate: the animals should not freeze on the street.


Little Latvia is “washed” by 12 thousand rivers, almost 3 thousand lakes and, of course, the Baltic Sea. The longest river is the Daugava. The deepest lake is Dridzis. It is located in the eastern part of the country, near the border with Belarus, in the Land of Blue Lakes.

The climate is humid, cool and windy. Coastal cities such as Liepaja are blown through by burning winds, and in autumn and winter they are uncomfortable. The sunniest and driest month is May. The average temperature in January is -3 degrees, in July - +20.

In winter, the Gulf of Riga is covered with ice.

Latvia is one of the greenest, ecologically clean countries Europe, the cleanest among the Baltic republics. It is in 4th place in the EU in terms of forested area. On average, there are hundreds of times more forests per person than in Europe. Renewable water sources- 10 times more.

It is very comfortable for birds (2300 species). Rare, "zoo" birds such as the white-tailed eagle or stork in Latvia live freely, comfortably, with many children.

The water areas of Latvia cannot boast of a variety of fauna; total 29 species of fish. Of the commercial markets, judging by the range of markets, there are sprat, herring, herring, pike, cod, burbot, catfish. Red fish - import from Norway.

Latvian republic- state in Northern Europe where just under two million people live. Capital - Riga- Founded in 1201. The official language is Latvian. The monetary unit is the euro. The progenitors of the Latvians are the Baltic tribes who occupied this territory in the 1st century BC.
Latvians throughout history fought for independence and all the time were vassals of stronger neighbors - either Poland or Russia. Sweden, then Denmark, then Germany enjoyed pieces of its territory.
De jure became independent in 1918, de facto - only in modern times, in 1991, when it escaped from the tenacious embrace of the USSR.

All photos were taken in a seaside town.

Alexey writes: “I myself am from Riga (at least this moment I study in England), and despite the fact that the rubric is called "The Eyes of a Russian", I still decided to write 90 facts about Latvia and please other readers of Faktrum. Moreover, I have been following updates for quite a long time, but there is still no Latvia. Therefore, so to speak, I decided to take the bull by the horns and write to you. I hope you and other readers enjoy it.”

The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world. The first mention of it appeared in the XIII century.

2. Official official language- Latvian.
3. Only Lithuanian is related to the Latvian language.
4. On the territory of Eastern Latvia, in Latgale, the Latgalian dialect is widespread.
5. In communication with foreigners, it is most often used English language. German and French are spoken less frequently.

6. The national stone of Latvia is amber, the bird is the white wagtail.

7. The crane is also the symbol of Latvia.
8. There are 109 regions in Latvia and only 9 republican cities.

9. The population of Latvia is 63% Latvians, 27% Russians, 3% Belarusians, as well as Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews.
10. Since 1999, Latvia has been a member of the WTO, since 2004 a member of NATO and European Union, and since 2007 a member of the Schengen Agreement.
11. In 2014, Latvia switched to the euro.

12. Riga is the most Big City the Baltic countries.
13. There is no subway in Riga, although the construction was planned in Soviet times.
14. National currency - lat. For a long time was one of the most expensive currencies in the world. 1 lats = $0.5 or €0.7. Banknotes started from five lats, less only in coins.

15. There is a category of citizens in Latvia called stateless persons. And there is even such a passport (alien's passport).
16. In Latvian seven cases and two genders, and the stress in most Latvian words falls on the first syllable.
17. In 1999, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the first woman president in Latvia, became the president of Latvia. Eastern Europe.

18. Public transport costs €0.60. You can buy for several trips, then the fare will be cheaper. Public transport is air-conditioned and runs on schedule. Each stop has a traffic pattern and timetable.

19. Old Riga is included in the list of cultural sights of UNESCO.
21. In Latvia, just like in Estonia, they pay the so-called parental salary - how much you earned before going on maternity leave, that's how much you will be paid a year and a half after the birth of a child.
22. Latvia has a professional army, it has only about six thousand servicemen.
23. Latvia celebrates Independence Day on November 18th.

24. Riga is the birthplace of one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe.
25. Latvia has a long tradition of brewing. The brewery in Cēsis is considered one of the oldest in Northern Europe. The first mentions date back to 1590.
26. Many films were filmed in Riga: “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, “ Long road in the Dunes", "Shield and Sword", "Prisoner of If Castle", "Purely English Murder" and many others.
27. The most popular and famous resort in Latvia - Jurmala - the venue for such concerts as " New wave”,“ Vocal KiViN ”,“ Jurmalina ”.

28. Most Old city Latvia - Ludza. The first chronicles date back to 1177.
29. Latvia is located in Northern Europe, and not in Eastern Europe, as is commonly believed.

30. Most high building in Latvia - "Z-Towers", 135 meters. The tallest building in Latvia and the third tallest in Europe is the Riga TV and Radio Tower (368.5 meters).
31. Latvia (in the 17th century Principality of Courland) had colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.
32. In 2003, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Riga.
33. In 2006, Latvia became the first post-Soviet state to host a NATO summit.
34. The 2006 Ice Hockey World Championship was held in Riga.

35. The Riga Central Market is the largest in the Baltics and one of the largest in Europe, its area is 72,000 m2. It is also listed as a UNESCO Cultural Landmark.
36. The pavilions of the central market are former hangars for airships.
37. One of the most popular holidays among Latvians - Ligo - is celebrated on June 23-24 on the day of the summer solstice and is accompanied by folk festivals. By tradition, the most short night in the year you need to spend by the fire, awake, singing songs and enjoying traditional dishes - cheese with cumin and beer. During the holiday period in Latvia, 5% of the total beer consumption per year is drunk.

38. There are a lot of types of beer in Latvia, there is simply no tasteless beer here.
39. Alcohol can be bought in stores only until 22:00.

40. Ventas rumba (Kuldyga) - the widest waterfall in Europe. (249 meters)
41. Forests occupy almost 50% of the entire territory of the country.
42. Three stars on the coat of arms of Latvia and in the hands of the woman-Freedom symbolize the three regions of Latvia - Kurzeme-Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale.

43. The flag of Latvia is often confused with the flag of Austria.
44. In Latvia, there are two students per capita - this is one of the most high performance in the world.
45. Latvia is the only one of the Baltic republics that has a circus.
46. ​​There are exemplary art nouveau buildings in Riga.
47. The company "Dartz Motorz" from Riga produces the world's most expensive armored off-road vehicles under the brand name "Prombron".
48. There are more women in Latvia than men.
49. Russia in Latvia is called Krievia from the name of the Krivichi tribe.

50. Gray peas with bacon - this is, of course, the most important Latvian dish, among the curiosities - herring with cottage cheese and sour cream.
51. In the Latvian calendar memorable days more than holidays.
52. Airport "Riga" - the largest in the Baltics.
53. Latvia is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of Internet connection speed

54. There is no official religion in the country, but the majority of the believing population are Lutherans.
55. 99.9% of the country's territory is covered by a GSM network. About 80% - 4G network, and the fee is quite small. Everything is unlimited, connection to all networks costs about €10–15 per month.
56. Latvia has a smoke-free law in public places that prohibits smoking within ten meters of a public place.
57. The tax on tobacco products is 80% of their value.
58. By environmental safety Latvia ranks second in the world.

59. The country is very high level adult literacy: 99.8% completed secondary education.
60. The average life expectancy for men is about 77 years and for women it is 82 years.

61. Riga is home to SSE (Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics), one of the top 20 universities in Europe in the field of economics and finance, according to the Financial Times.
62. Latvia boasts large deposits natural resources- limestone, peat, dolomite and amber.
63. One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the Baltics is located in Latvia.
64. There are more than a million songs in Latvian folklore - they are called dains.
65. One of the oldest museums Latvia - the Museum of Nature, one of the five best technical museums in Europe - the Riga Motor Museum, the only Porcelain Museum and the Aviation Museum in the Baltic States. And the only Museum of the Sun in the world.
66. Janis and Liga are traditional Latvian names.
67. Valentine's Day and Halloween are very popular in Latvia.
68. In 2015, Riga will host Euro Pride, a parade of European sexual minorities.
69. Latvians were the first to make flights to wind tunnel a whole unique show, deserving world attention thanks to participation in the closing Olympic Games in Turin.
70. In 2012, Jackie Chan filmed his film in this wind tunnel.
71. The world's first Christmas tree was installed in Riga on the main market square in 1510. Strasbourg is considered to be the birthplace of the New Year tree, but in Riga they began to install a festive tree 95 years earlier.
72. Sigulda has the only bobsleigh track in Eastern Europe.

73. Most famous musical group from Latvia - "Brainstorm" (in the homeland of "Prāta Vētra"), founded back in 1989.
74. The famous dreamer Carl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen - actually a real man born in Germany, but most living in Latvia of his life.
75. Black, plain and with different fillings, as well as sweet and sour bread, sprats, and generally canned fish, chocolate, marshmallows and various other sweets and sweets from the Laima factory, Karums chocolate cheeses, Dzintars melted cheese ”, cheese with cumin - this is an incomplete list of product names that are still recognizable and associated with Latvia.
76. Laima Vaikule, Valdis Pelsh, Raymond Pauls, Mikhail Zadornov - all come from Latvia.

77. Latvia is the only country in the Baltics that hosts the World Motocross Championship in the MX1 class.
78. There is a law in Latvia prohibiting the possession of fighting dogs.

79. The world's first portable mini-camera was invented back in 1937 by a Latvian, Walter Zapp. And the first cinema to start broadcasting sound films throughout the Baltics was the cinema "Riga".
80. Christmas tree it is not necessary to buy, you can cut down the one you like in the forest, but there are restrictions on the height and diameter of the spruce trunk.
81. On the day public holiday a flag must be hung on each building, if there is none, then a fine is issued.

82. Secondary education in Latvian schools lasts 12 years.
83. In Latvia you can find the most rare language in Europe - Liv, it is now spoken by about 200 citizens of Latvia.
84. Riga is the only city in Europe where five different religions coexist with their temples.
85. In Latvia, it is possible to take an exam for driving a manual and automatic transmission separately.
86. In Latvia, you must pass on the category "moped" with any engine size.
87. In Latvia, children under 16 must apply for a bicycle license.
88. In Latvia, drunk driving is imprisoned (up to 15 days), driving license is taken away (up to two years) and a fine is issued (up to €2,000), and the car is impounded until the fine is paid.

89. Latvia has a municipal police force.
90. The most popular surname in Latvia is Berzins, the name is Janis.

1. The national flag of Latvia is considered to be one of the oldest in the world. So, the first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. Very often the Latvian flag is confused with the national flag of Austria.

2. The state language of the country is Latvian, which in its origin is related and similar only to the neighboring Lithuanian language.

3. The national stone of Latvia is amber, the bird is the white wagtail. Another symbol of the country is the crane.

4. Ethnic composition population Baltic Latvia is as follows: 63% - Latvians, 27% - Russians, 3% - Belarusians, the rest are Lithuanians, Poles, Ukrainians and Jews.

5. Since 2014, national monetary unit Latvia is the euro, which replaced the lats.

6. The Latvian capital - the city of Riga - is the largest in terms of population in the entire Baltic.

7. The old part of Riga is on the list of cultural attractions international organization UNESCO.

8. One of the oldest and still operating pharmacies is located in Riga.

9. Latvia boasts a centuries-old tradition of brewing craftsmanship. Thus, the brewery located in Cesis is rightfully considered one of the oldest in all of Northern Europe, since the first mention of it in history dates back to around 1590.

10. In the Latvian capital, many famous and beloved films were shot by the Soviet audience. Among them are the following film masterpieces: "17 Moments of Spring", "Shield and Sword", "Prisoner of If Castle", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", "Purely English Murder", "Long Road in the Dunes" and many others.

11. Ludza is the oldest city in Latvia. The first mention of it in history dates back to 1177.

12. The tallest building in the country is the 135-meter Z-Towers. The tallest non-residential building in the country and the 3rd tallest in all of Europe is the building of the Riga TV and radio tower with a height of 368.5 m.

13. Previously called the Principality of Courland, Latvia in the 17th century had its own colonies in the Caribbean and even in Africa.

14. The year 2003 was marked for the metropolitan Riga by holding the continental song contest Eurovision, and already 3 years later the world ice hockey championship was successfully held here.

15. The central market of the Latvian capital is the largest in the entire Baltic - its area is 72,000 square meters. m. For this reason, it is one of the largest in all of Europe. It is also listed in the world cultural heritage organizations of UNESCO.

16. The most popular holiday among the inhabitants of Latvia is Ligo. It is traditionally celebrated in the period from June 23 to 24 on the day of the summer solstice and is invariably accompanied by mass folk festivals and events. According to local traditions, this shortest night of the year is spent around a burning campfire, accompanied by songs and traditional Latvian dishes - we are talking about cheese with caraway seeds and beer. For 2 days of incomplete days of the holiday, approximately 5% of the annual volume of intoxicating drink consumed in the country is drunk. It is worth noting that in this country there are a lot of different types of beer, among which you can even great desire you can hardly find anything tasteless.

17. In Latvian stores, alcoholic beverages can only be bought before 22:00.

18. The widest waterfall in all of Europe - Ventas rumba (Kuldyga). In width, it reaches 249 meters.

19. Almost half of the country's area is occupied by forests.

20. Within the boundaries of the Latvian capital, you can find buildings typical of the Art Nouveau style.

21. The main national Latvian dish is gray peas with lard. One of the strangest local dishes, in our opinion, is herring, accompanied by sour cream and cottage cheese.

22. The largest airport in Latvia and the entire Baltic States is considered to be the airport "Riga".

23. Small in size and population, Latvia is in the world's top 10 countries in terms of network connection speed.

24. On the territory of Latvia is valid strict law banning smoking less than 10 meters from a public place.

25. In terms of environmental safety, Latvia is in the honorable 2nd place in the world.

26. Average life expectancy for men and women in Latvia is 77 and 82 years respectively.

27. Latvian folklore has over 1 million folk songs, which are called as "dains".

28 The traditional and most common names for Latvia are Liga and Janis.

29. The inhabitants of Latvia were the first in the world to make a real show of flying in a wind tunnel, thereby deserving world attention and recognition. Famous Hong Kong film actor Jackie Chan subsequently used this pipe in one of his films in 2012.

30. In 1510, the world's first Christmas tree was installed on the main market square of Riga. Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that French Strasbourg is considered the birthplace of the New Year tree, nevertheless, in the Latvian capital they began to put it almost 95 years earlier. It is not necessary to buy on the territory of the country conifer tree in the festive markets, it is enough to cut down the copy you like in the forest. However, at the same time, it must comply with the restrictions existing in the country in terms of height and diameter of the trunk.

31. The only bobsleigh track in all of Eastern Europe is located in the city of Sigulda.

32. The world-famous inventor and visionary Karl Friedrich Jerome von Munchausen, who really existed, was born in Germany, but lived most of his life in the territory of present-day Latvia.

33. While on vacation in Latvia, you should definitely try local black and sweet and sour bread with various fillings, sprats and various canned fish, marshmallows, chocolate, sweets and sweets from Laima, chocolate curds "Karums", cheese with cumin, processed cheese "Dzintars" - this is not a complete list of what is worth trying in this country.

34. Latvia is the birthplace of such famous people like Raymond Pauls, Laima Vaikule, Valdis Pelsh, Mikhail Zadornov.

35. Latvia is the only country in the entire Baltic where motocross competitions are held in the MX1 class.

36. In 1937, the Latvian Walter Zapp invented the world's first portable mini-video camera. Cinema "Riga" at one time became the first cinema in the entire Baltic region, where the first sound films began to be broadcast.

37. On public holidays, every house and building in without fail should be posted national flags. In the absence of such, a fine is issued.

38. Riga is the only city in all of Europe where 5 different religious beliefs coexist peacefully at once with their temples.

39. The most popular given name and surname in Latvia are Janis and Berzins, respectively.

Where you can find already more than 20 countries. Today reader Aleksey will share his vision of a country like Latvia.

1. The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world. The first mention of it appeared in the XIII century.

2. The official state language is Latvian.

3. Only Lithuanian is related to the Latvian language.

4. On the territory of Eastern Latvia, in Latgale, the Latgalian dialect is widespread.

5. In communication with foreigners, English is most often used. German and French are spoken less frequently.

6. The national stone of Latvia is amber

7. The crane is also the symbol of Latvia.

8. There are 109 regions in Latvia and only 9 republican cities.

9. The population of Latvia is 63% Latvians, 27% Russians, 3% Belarusians, as well as Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Jews.

10. Latvia has been a member of NATO since 2004, a member of the European Union since May 1, 2004, and a member of the Schengen Agreement since 2007. Latvia is a member of the WTO.

11. In 2014, Latvia switched to the euro.

12. Riga is the largest city in the Baltic States.

13. There is no subway in Riga, although the construction was planned in Soviet times.

14. National currency - lat. For a long time it was one of the most expensive currencies in the world. 1 lats = $0.5 or €0.7. Banknotes started from five lats, less only in coins.

16. Latvian has seven cases and two genders, and most Latvian words are stressed on the first syllable.

17. In 1999, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the first female president in Eastern Europe, became the President of Latvia.

18. Public transport costs €0.60. You can buy for several trips, then the fare will be cheaper. Public transport is air-conditioned and runs on schedule. Each stop has a traffic pattern and timetable.

19. Old Riga is included in the list of cultural sights of UNESCO.

21. In Latvia, just like in Estonia, they pay the so-called parental salary - how much you earned before going on maternity leave, that's how much you will be paid a year and a half after the birth of a child.

22. Latvia has a professional army, it has only about six thousand servicemen.

24. Riga is the birthplace of one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe. Her date of birth is 1357.

25. Latvia has a long tradition of brewing. The brewery in Cēsis is considered one of the oldest in Northern Europe. The first mentions date back to 1590.

26. A lot of films were filmed in Riga: “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, “Long Road in the Dunes”, “Shield and Sword”, “Prisoner of If Castle”, “Purely English Murder” and many others.

27. The most popular and famous resort in Latvia - Jurmala - the venue for such concerts as "New Wave", "Voicing KiViN", "Jurmala".

28. The oldest city in Latvia is Ludza. The first chronicles date back to 1177.

29. Latvia is located in Northern Europe, and not in Eastern Europe, as is commonly believed.

30. The tallest building in Latvia - "Z-Towers", 135 meters. The tallest building in Latvia and the third tallest in Europe is the Riga TV and Radio Tower (368.5 meters).

31. Latvia (in the 17th century the Principality of Courland) had colonies in Africa and the Caribbean.

32. In 2003, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Riga.

33. In 2006, Latvia became the first post-Soviet state to host a NATO summit.

34. The 2006 Ice Hockey World Championship was held in Riga.

35. The Riga Central Market is the largest in the Baltics and one of the largest in Europe, its area is 72,000 m². It is also listed as a UNESCO Cultural Landmark.

36. The pavilions of the central market are former hangars for airships.

37. One of the most popular holidays among Latvians - Ligo - is celebrated on June 23-24 on the day of the summer solstice and is accompanied by folk festivals. According to tradition, the shortest night of the year should be spent by the fire, awake, singing songs and enjoying traditional dishes - cheese with cumin and beer. During the holiday period in Latvia, 5% of the total beer consumption per year is drunk.

38. There are a lot of types of beer in Latvia, there is simply no tasteless beer here.

39. Alcohol can be bought in stores only until 22:00.

40. Ventas rumba (Kuldyga) - Latvia has the widest waterfall in Europe - Ventas Rumba waterfall (near the city of Kuldiga, in the west of the country), its width is 249 m, height is 2.5 m.

41. Forests occupy almost 50% of the entire territory of the country.

42. Three stars on the coat of arms of Latvia and in the hands of the woman-Freedom symbolize the three regions of Latvia - Kurzeme-Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale.

43. The flag of Latvia is often confused with the flag of Austria. The Latvian flag is one of the oldest in the world. The first mention of it appeared in the 13th century.

44. In Latvia, there are two students per capita - this is one of the highest rates in the world.

45. Latvia is the only one of the Baltic republics that has a circus.

46. ​​Some of the most exemplary Art Nouveau buildings in the world are located in Riga, on Elizabetes Street.

47. The company "Dartz Motorz" from Riga produces the world's most expensive armored off-road vehicles under the brand name "Prombron".

48. There are more women in Latvia than men.

49. The name of the country Russia in Latvian - Krievija - comes from the name of the one who lived in the upper reaches of the Daugava River Slavic tribe Krivichi.

50. Gray peas with bacon - this is, of course, the most important Latvian dish, among the curiosities - herring with cottage cheese and sour cream.

51. There are more memorable days in the Latvian calendar than holidays.

52. Airport "Riga" - the largest in the Baltics.

53. Latvia is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms of Internet connection speed.

54. There is no state religion in Latvia, but the predominant number of believers are Lutherans; Catholicism is widespread in the east. There is a large Orthodox community in Latvia, and a large Old Believer community. In general, society is tolerant of various religious movements, and the church does not have a significant impact on public life.

55. 99.9% of the country's territory is covered by a GSM network. About 80% - 4G network, and the fee is quite small. Everything is unlimited, connection to all networks costs about €10–15 per month.

56. Latvia has a smoke-free law in public places that prohibits smoking within ten meters of a public place.

57. The tax on tobacco products is 80% of their value.

58. In terms of environmental safety, Latvia ranks second in the world.

59. The country has a very high adult literacy rate: 99.8% have completed secondary education.

60. The average life expectancy for men is about 77 years and for women it is 82 years.

61. Riga is home to SSE (Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics), one of the top 20 universities in Europe in the field of economics and finance, according to the Financial Times.

62. Latvia boasts large deposits of natural resources - limestone, peat, dolomite and amber.

63. One of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the Baltics is located in Latvia.

64. The number of Latvian folk songs (dayn) is over a million. Every five years, the All-Latvian Song and Dance Festival is held, which has been held since 1873 and is included in the UNESCO list of the verbal and intangible cultural heritage of mankind. In 2013, more than 40,000 people took part in it.

65. Riga is home to one of the oldest museums in Latvia - the Museum of Nature, one of the five best technical museums in Europe - the Riga Motor Museum, the only Porcelain Museum and the Aviation Museum in the Baltic States. And the only Museum of the Sun in the world.

66. Janis and Liga are traditional Latvian names.

67. Valentine's Day and Halloween are very popular in Latvia.

68. In 2015, Riga will host Euro Pride, a parade of European sexual minorities.

69. The Latvians were the first to make a unique show out of wind tunnel flights, deserving world attention thanks to their participation in the closing of the Olympic Games in Turin.

70. In 2012, Jackie Chan filmed his film in this wind tunnel.

71. The world's first Christmas tree was installed in Riga - on the main market square in 1510. Strasbourg is considered to be the birthplace of the New Year tree - but in Riga they began to install a festive tree 95 years earlier!

72. Sigulda has the only bobsleigh track in Eastern Europe.

73. The most famous musical group from Latvia is “Brainstorm” (in the homeland of “Prāta Vētra”), founded back in 1989.

74. The famous dreamer Carl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen is actually a real person who was born in Germany, but lived most of his life in Latvia.

75. Black, plain and with different fillings, as well as sweet and sour bread, sprats, and generally canned fish, chocolate, marshmallows and various other sweets and sweets from the Laima factory, Karums chocolate cheeses, Dzintars melted cheese ”, cheese with cumin - this is an incomplete list of product names that are still recognizable and associated with Latvia.

76. Laima Vaikule, Valdis Pelsh, Raymond Pauls, Mikhail Zadornov - all come from Latvia.

77. Latvia is the only country in the Baltics that hosts the World Motocross Championship in the MX1 class.

78. There is a law in Latvia prohibiting the possession of fighting dogs.

79. The world's first portable mini-camera was invented back in 1937 by a Latvian, Walter Zapp. And the first cinema to start broadcasting sound films throughout the Baltics was the cinema "Riga".

Cinema "Riga"

80. It is not necessary to buy a Christmas tree, you can cut down the one you like in the forest, but there are restrictions on the height and diameter of the spruce trunk.

81. On the day of a public holiday, a flag must hang on each building, if there is none, then a fine is issued.

82. Secondary education in Latvian schools lasts 12 years.

83. In Latvia you can find the rarest language in Europe - Liv, it is now spoken by about 200 citizens of Latvia.

84. Riga is the only city in Europe where five different religions coexist with their temples.

85. In Latvia, it is possible to take an exam for driving a manual and automatic transmission separately.

86. In Latvia, you must pass on the category "moped" with any engine size.

87. In Latvia, children under 16 must apply for a bicycle license.

88. In Latvia, drunk driving is imprisoned (up to 15 days), driving license is taken away (up to two years) and a fine is issued (up to €2,000), and the car is impounded until the fine is paid.

89. Latvia has a municipal police force.

91. In 1960, the International Council for the Protection of Birds proclaimed the white wagtail the national bird of Latvia. The crane is also a symbol of Latvia, a wedge of nine cranes is depicted on Latvian passports

92. Despite the close proximity, the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian languages ​​are not similar to each other, so the Balts communicate with each other through Russian or English.

93. How separate state Latvia appeared on the map in 1918.

94. Most popular species sports are hockey and basketball.

95. The majority of the population is employed in the service sector. In addition, this sector of the economy accounts for 70% of the country's GDP.

96. The Australian hunter Arvids Blumentals, Latvian by origin, became the prototype of the protagonist of the film trilogy about Crocodile Dundee.

97. In the 17th century, one of the Caribbean islands, Tobago, was a colony of the Duchy of Courland, which was located on the territory of modern Latvia

98. There were 1,200 millionaires in Latvia in 2008.

99. All elevators in the Riga TV tower are inclined.

100. In Liepaja, at 24 Kungu Street, the “Peter's house” has been preserved, where the young Russian Tsar used to stop and drink. The bill for his stay was later found in the archives of the city hall, since the royal revelry had to be paid for from the city treasury.

101. In Russia, the first record factory was organized by the English joint-stock company Gramophone in 1901-02 in Riga. Among the first Russian artists who recorded on records were I.V. Tartakov, M.G. Savina, F.I. Chaliapin, A.D. Vyaltseva, V. F. Komissarzhevskaya and others.


Let me remind you something else about Latvia: look here The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

In November 2018, Latvia celebrates the 25th anniversary of independence. This is a great opportunity to visit the country. In the meantime, you can learn something very interesting about her.

1. Latvians love their capital

2. There are 3,000 lakes and 12,000 rivers in Latvia

3. And 530 kilometers of sandy beaches

4. There is a waterfall here, the width of which reaches 270 meters

5. A friendly rival of the country - Estonia, which Latvia wanted to bypass in terms of the highest hill (312 meters, sorry 318) by building a tower on top

6. The country is famous for its palaces - one of them featured in the British TV series War and Peace

7. Jeans were born here

8. Latvia is one of the greenest countries in Europe: half of the territory is occupied by forests inhabited by wildlife

9. XX century - very difficult period for the country: countless victims in the war, repression and camps

10. In the 17th century, the country owned part of the Caribbean

11. Latvia is the birthplace of many photo models of the world

12. Riga balm (alcoholic) - an effective cure for colds

13. The Internet is incredibly fast here - its speed is faster than in France, the UK and the USA

14. The flag of the country is one of the oldest in the world - it has been used since 1280

15. Latvia is the birthplace of Crocodile Dundee

16. Dishes that Latvians love - sorrel soup, rye bread, pies with onion and bacon

17. And one of my favorite drinks is beer.

18. You can go to prison of your own free will - on a tour

19. The tallest basketball player in the world Uliana Semenova was born and raised here (her height is 2 m 18 cm)

20. Latvian Alexanders Laime discovered the highest waterfall in the world - Angel

21. Latvia takes care of the nature of the country (a fifth of the country is occupied by protected areas)

22. The famous airline airBaltic is the first to offer passengers to design their own lunch

23. The white wagtail bird has become a symbol of the country

24. The capital of Latvia is one of the shortest in the world

25. There are 2 objects in the country world heritage UNESCO (Struve arc and the historical center of Riga)

Certainly listed interesting information about Latvia interested you. We are sure that this amazing country will surprise you even more.