Use of the phenomenon for scientific purposes of the lunar eclipse. Interesting facts about the lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipses 2019, 2020, 2021 - 2025

Scientific Definition of a Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse is the moment when the Earth is on the same line, between the Sun and the Moon. At this time, the brightness of the lunar disk decreases significantly as the Moon sinks into a cone of shadow from the Earth.

During lunar eclipses, the Moon seems to hide from the Sun in the shadow of the Earth. In this moment, earth atmosphere scatters the rays of the sun that fall on the surface of the moon, and we see how our nearest satellite turns red. This is a unique astronomical phenomenon.

Lunar eclipses occur during full moon periods. In fact, we observe a total lunar eclipse from anywhere on our planet, it begins and ends at the same time for everyone geographic points Earth, however the local time lunar eclipse in different points The earth will be different.

Classification of Lunar Eclipses

  • Partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the space of the Earth's shadow partially, while the second part of the Moon's disk remains illuminated by the Sun.
  • Penumbral lunar eclipse- this is the moment when the Moon falls into the region of the penumbral space, but does not finally enter the region of the Earth's shadow.
  • During a penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the brightness of the Moon decreases somewhat, in practice this can only be observed using astronomical instruments.

The influence of the lunar eclipse on the fate of man

Lunar eclipses 2017 - 2025

Moon - in Chinese Metaphysics, it is called the Great Yin, 太阴 Tai Yin. Great Yin, has female energy, these Energies give attachment to magic, help develop intuition, reveal secrets, secrets and hidden plans, give new ideas, inspiration and insight.

The energy of the moon affects our subconscious and intuition, our mental and emotional state.

During periods of a lunar eclipse, the energies of the moon are not stable, their balance is disturbed, and therefore our peace of mind, it is also violated, emotions get out of control and become uncontrollable, it becomes difficult for us to keep calm and restraint, especially in conflict and difficult life situations.

Our subconscious and intuition weaken, which entails mistakes and not reasonable decisions. During the periods of the Lunar eclipse, the Energy-information field is not stable. Everything secret becomes clear, while acquiring gossip, rumors, information becomes unreliable, erroneous.

That is why you should not take during periods of lunar eclipses important decisions, conclude contracts, make large transactions and conduct financial transactions! Our emotional outbursts can do us a disservice. It is better to postpone making decisions and wait for the end of the Lunar Eclipse, i.е. the moment when the Energies enter their channel and stabilize.

It is better to devote the time of the influence of the Lunar Eclipse to rest, spiritual practices, meditation, this will help keep emotions under control, avoid conflicts and mistakes in decision-making.

Energetic Influence of the Lunar Eclipse

The moon, our closest satellite, and quite naturally it has a significant Energy impact not only on natural phenomena but also for our lives.

And even more so, at the moments of Lunar and Solar eclipses, when in fact all three luminaries are in one straight line, this influence only increases, becomes more pronounced and less controllable.

Since the fluctuations of the Energies become stronger during the Lunar Eclipse, we may feel health problems, especially for people who are dependent and sensitive to the action of the Energies. And these are, as a rule, people with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, during periods of eclipse, try to reduce physical exercise on your body, slow down at work, and take care of your health.

Please note that at this time, not only the eclipse of the Moon or the Sun occurs, the eclipse also occurs in our heads. rises emotional background, the feeling of anxiety intensifies, there is a tendency to unpredictable actions, actions, etc. Emotions overwhelm, the brain turns off.

That is why we can feel our true nature, feel our innermost desires, access our subconscious fears and problems, feel our intuition and its clues.

That is why it is better to stay at home during the Lunar and Solar eclipses, do not drive, do not jump with a parachute))) and do not engage in extreme sports.

Time of influence of the lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipses 2017 - 2025

In a lunar eclipse, as in a solar eclipse, there are periods of the eclipse orbit, which last for 7-10 days before the eclipse begins and the same number after the eclipse. During these periods of the eclipse orbit, you are already beginning to experience the influence of the Energy of the Lunar or Solar Eclipse!

Therefore, this period is more suitable for summing up, for completing previously started cases and repaying debts. You can make new plans and plan your future, but during this period, do not take serious actions, wait until it ends.

Lunar eclipses always occur on a full moon. At this time, the space is filled with energies, they seethe and require release. How this period affects a person depends on his spiritual level(someone rages and quarrels from an excess of energies, sometimes not even realizing what is happening to him, and someone consciously directs a surge of energies into creativity, creation, meditation ...).

How to act during a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse is a period of karmic checks and examinations for the maturity of the Spirit. Practically, our whole life consists of karmic connections, tasks, tests and tests, but during periods of eclipses, special tests are sent to us, it is like an exam, a test of strength and maturity of the spirit.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn Special attention, on the events taking place during this period of life. Keep in mind that events can unfold completely unexpectedly, forcing us to act drastically and decisively, if necessary, forcing us to take responsibility for ourselves, not expecting someone to solve this problem for us!

The influence of the lunar eclipse is very peculiar, so far in astrology the day of a total lunar eclipse is classified as very dangerous.

The moon is something mystical, mysterious and not known, it is our Karma and Subconsciousness, in Vedic astrology The moon is responsible for the mind, emotions, psychological components of a person. Therefore, the upcoming eclipse, first of all, will affect our spiritual and emotional state.

The vibrations of this period are very strong and their influence is negative. Therefore, try to control yourself: do not enter into conflicts, even if you are provoked. How we behave at this time, what we think and say, will certainly be reflected in our future.

It is best to direct energy during this period to fight with your shortcomings and awareness of your mistakes, do spiritual practices and take care of your peace of mind.

Meditation during a lunar eclipse helps to get rid of the internal negative energy destroying us from the inside and preventing us from living in peace.

How to benefit from a lunar eclipse.

Astrologers believe that during lunar eclipses it is better not to start important matters, but to spend time in calm environment. Refrain from traveling, planning or performing surgeries. The operation during this period can contribute to the destruction of personal ties and serve as an obstacle to the creation and expansion of new ties in the future.

It is desirable to create a positive environment around you. information environment, motivate yourself to a worthy goal. Nothing in this sense compares to the silence and natural surroundings…

A lunar eclipse is a rare and energetically powerful influence of the Universe. It is better not to ignore this phenomenon, be extremely careful and use it energy force for your own benefit and in accordance with the laws of the Universe, then you will be able to change your life for the better!

The energies of the Universe are strong and constantly influence our Life, our task is to study the laws of their movement and influence and act accordingly. It will make our life much easier

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will free up our time and our Energy, which we can use for creation, for the benefit of our lives, and not for a useless and hopeless struggle with the Energy of the Universe!

You can study the Laws of movement and influence of Energies on our Life, use the Energies of the Universe to achieve your goals and solve your tasks, to fulfill your dreams, you can here:

Do's and Don'ts

during Lunar Eclipses!

During the period of the Lunar Eclipse, try to control the emotions that are trying to break out, control your words and actions, look for a compromise in resolving issues and in the current situations. Otherwise, the conflicts that arose during this eclipse run the risk of dragging on for a long time and becoming an unresolved problem in your life!

On eclipse days, you can not:

  • start new business; get angry, annoyed, start conflicts;
  • perform any medical intervention.

During eclipses, you can:

  • part with the past (throw away old things, go on a diet aimed at weight loss, get rid of bad habits);
  • cleanse the body (starve, arrange fasting days, cleanse itself of toxins), and dwelling (carry out general cleaning, fumigate the house with incense, bypass with candles or holy water);
  • dream and visualize what you want (it is very important to present the most detailed pictures of what you want, as if it has already happened - the eclipse will give the desire a strong impetus to action).

Do not forget, what decisions taken during a lunar eclipse, completed cases give a stable result. This is the most favorable time to get rid of bad habits.

Most often, emotional, uncontrolled discharges occur during lunar eclipses, therefore, it is very important to live this period consciously with an understanding of what is happening.

Best during Eclipse consciously find an outlet for your accumulated negative emotions, for example, write a “Letter of grievances” for a person to whom you have accumulated a lot of claims, grievances, etc.

Thus, you will throw out your negative emotions, avoid unpleasant conversation, which can drag you into a long-term conflict, and by burning this letter, you part with negative emotions leaving them in the past.

Moreover, during periods of Eclipses, such techniques work much stronger, given that emotions literally go off scale, reaching a boiling point.

The most important thing, don't forget that conscious attitude to any external phenomena allows each of us to use even the most stressful situations for the benefit of ourselves, our spiritual growth and development!

The influence of solar and lunar eclipses on the fate of man!

The influence of eclipses on the fate of man

About how the solar and lunar eclipse affects the fate of a person. How do solar and lunar eclipses affect human health. How do solar and lunar eclipses affect the human psyche. What to do during solar and lunar eclipses. What not to do during periods of solar and lunar eclipses. What are dangerous periods of solar and lunar eclipses. How to behave during periods of solar and lunar eclipses. How to benefit from solar and lunar eclipses. How to make a wish during an eclipse.

solar eclipses

About how a solar eclipse affects the fate of a person. How does a solar eclipse affect human health. How does a solar eclipse affect the human psyche. What to do during a solar eclipse. What not to do during a solar eclipse. What are dangerous periods of a solar eclipse. How to behave during a solar eclipse. How to benefit from a solar eclipse. How to make a wish during an eclipse. Solar eclipses 2017-2025. Solar Eclipses in the Signs of the Zodiac.

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Solar and Lunar Eclipses 2019

Solar Eclipses 2019

Solar Eclipses 2019. Recommendations for behavior during periods of influence of the Energies of Eclipses.
Solar Eclipses 2019. Partial Solar Eclipse January 06, 2019. Total Solar Eclipse July 2, 2019. Annular Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019. What are the features of the influence of Solar Eclipses in 2019. How to direct the Energy of Solar Eclipses to fulfill your desires.
Details here!

> Lunar eclipse

What moon eclipse: characteristics of the phenomenon and its essence, formation scheme, lunar eclipse calendar, full, partial, penumbral with photo, how to observe.

In fact, an eclipse is the complete or partial obscuration of one object in the sky by another. Thus, moon eclipse- this is the immersion of the moon in the cone of the earth's shadow. In this case, our planet is located on a line between the center of the Moon and the center of the Sun. The phenomenon occurs with a serious decrease in the brightness of the moon's disk.

Objects in space are moving, so shadow displacement lunar surface creates the phases of the moon during an eclipse. It is customary to distinguish penumbral (the Moon plunges only into the penumbra of the Earth), partial (at the peak of the eclipse, only part of the lunar disk plunges into the Earth's shadow) and total (the lunar disk completely enters the Earth's shadow) lunar eclipses. That is, by understanding the level of the Moon's immersion in the Earth's shadow, you can understand what kind of lunar eclipse you are looking at. Observations of such phenomena can be carried out in any corner of the world where the Moon is located above the horizon. Average duration eclipse - a few hours.

As stated above, lunar eclipses only occur on a full moon. If we imagine that the Moon revolves around our planet in the same plane in which the Earth revolves around the Sun, then observers could admire lunar eclipses every full moon. However, the plane of the lunar orbit is at an angle of 5˚ to the plane of the ecliptic, so moon eclipse occurs only if the moon approaches the nodes of its orbit. The entry of the full moon and new moon into the zone of the lunar nodes makes lunar and solar eclipses related.

Lunar eclipse calendar

Lunar eclipse calendar indicates the dates and year of future lunar eclipse events. You can see which will be the most best area visibility on Earth indicating the point of maximum phase and the area of ​​distribution of the lunar eclipse. In addition, you can see the dates of past and future lunar eclipses, where the frequency and interval between eclipses is noticeable.

Lunar eclipses 2014

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2014

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Australia, Pacific Ocean, America
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 35 minutes


Lunar eclipses 2015

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2015

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific, America
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 29 minutes


East Pacific, America, Europe, Africa, West Side Asia
Eclipse duration: 3 hours 20 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2016

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2016

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific, Americas West


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Western Pacific

Lunar eclipses 2017

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2017

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


America, Europe, Africa, Asia


Partial lunar eclipse

Eclipse duration: 1 hour 55 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2018

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2018

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Asia, Australia, Pacific Ocean, northwestern part America
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 16 minutes


South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 43 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2019

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2019

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Pacific Ocean, America, Europe, Africa
Eclipse duration: 1 hour 02 minutes


Partial lunar eclipse

South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia
Eclipse duration: 2 hours 58 minutes

Lunar eclipses 2020

the date

Eclipse Peak


Type of lunar eclipse 2020

Area of ​​the best
visibility of the eclipse.


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia


America, southeastern part Europe, Africa


Asia, Australia, Pacific, America

Lunar eclipse: basic concepts

Incredibly beautiful space phenomenon, which is observed a large number of people, but in the description there may be not entirely clear terms and phases familiar to astronomy. Let's study them carefully. Also remember what conditions are needed for the onset of a lunar eclipse when blood moon and how this is affected by the distance of the satellite from the Earth.

Occurs at the moment when the moon is completely immersed in shadow space. The total phase of the eclipse lasts up to 1.5 hours, then the edge of the Moon appears again in the field of view.

An eclipse occurs at the moment when the moon is immersed in the shadow of only one edge, and part of its surface remains illuminated.

Around the cone of the Earth's shadow there is a space where the Earth only partially obscures the Sun. In the event that the Moon crosses the penumbra region, but does not plunge into the shadow, a penumbral eclipse is noted. At this point, the moon's brightness slightly weakens. It is almost impossible to notice it with the naked eye. And only during the period when the Moon approaches the cone of full shadow under conditions clear sky you can see a slight darkening from one edge of the moon.

The moment of greatest eclipse is an event characterized by the shortest distance between the axis of the Moon's shadow cone and the center of our planet. Point of greatest eclipse - area earth's surface, where you can observe the maximum phase of the eclipse at the time of the greatest eclipse.

The essence of the lunar eclipse

The minimum distance from the surface of our planet to the Moon is about 363 thousand kilometers. At the same time, the size of the shadow that the Earth is capable of creating at such a distance is approximately 2.5 times larger than the diameter of the Moon itself. Therefore, it is able to completely close the moon. An eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of the Earth's shadow. If the shadow completely covers the lunar disk, a total lunar eclipse occurs. This process is clearly demonstrated by the diagram of a lunar eclipse.

In that part of the earth's surface where the Moon is above the horizon, it is possible to observe a lunar eclipse, and from any point its appearance will be the same. From the other half the globe the eclipse is not visible. Scientists have calculated that the maximum duration of one total lunar eclipse can be 108 minutes. Eclipses like this don't happen very often. Latest prolonged eclipses were observed on 08/13/1859 and 07/16/2000.

The degree of shadow coverage of the lunar surface at each moment of time is called the phase of the lunar eclipse. Zero phase is calculated as the ratio from the center of the moon to the center of the shadow cast by the earth. The astronomical values ​​of zero and phase are calculated for each moment of a lunar eclipse.

When the shadow of the Earth partially covers the Moon, it is called a partial eclipse. At the same time, part of the lunar surface is covered with a shadow, and part is illuminated by the sun's rays or remains in partial shade.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bspace where our planet does not completely obscure the sun's rays, located along the perimeter of the cone of the cast shadow, is called penumbra. If the Moon does not go into shadow, but only falls into the penumbra region, then this phenomenon is called a penumbral eclipse. At the same time, the brightness of the Moon slightly decreases, which is almost imperceptible to the naked eye. Only at the moment of the passage of the Moon near the main cone of total shadow, there is a slight darkening on one side of the lunar disk. A penumbral eclipse can be observed using special instruments.

Since at the moment of a total eclipse the Moon is illuminated exclusively by rays that have passed through the upper layer of the atmosphere, depending on its state, the lunar disk becomes reddish or brownish in color. The difference in color can be traced by comparing pictures of lunar eclipses from different years.

For example, during the eclipse of 07/06/1982, the Moon had a reddish hue, and during the eclipse of 01/01/2000 it was slightly brownish. There are no blue or green solar eclipses because the Earth's atmosphere has the property of more scatter the red light.

Total lunar eclipses can vary in both color and brightness. To determine it, a special scale has been developed, which was named after the famous French astronomer Andre Danjon. The gradation of this scale has 5 divisions:

  • zero division means the darkest eclipse, when the Moon is barely visible in the sky;
  • one means a dark gray eclipse, when some details become visible on the lunar surface;
  • a deuce indicates a grayish eclipse with a brownish tint;
  • a light reddish-brown eclipse is indicated by a three;
  • at the last brightest fourth type of eclipse, the moon becomes copper-red, during it, with the naked eye, you can see all the main details on the surface of the lunar disk.

If the Moon's orbit were in the plane of the ecliptic, then lunar eclipses, as well as solar eclipses, would be observed monthly. But, due to the fact that large quantity The time the Moon spends above or below the plane of the Earth's orbit, it falls into the shadow only twice a year. The angle of inclination of the plane of the lunar orbit with respect to the orbit of our planet is 5 degrees. Therefore, at the moments when the Moon is located in a straight line between the Earth and the Sun, an eclipse occurs. At the new moon, the moon covers sunlight, and on a full moon, it falls into the shadow of the Earth.

It happens that the interval between solar and lunar eclipses is small. At least 2 lunar eclipses can occur every year. Due to the fact that the lunar and earth orbits are in different planes, the phases of eclipses may differ. Moreover, eclipses of the same phase are repeated with a certain periodicity. This period is called saros and is 6585⅓ days (18 years 11 days and 8 hours). Thus, knowing the time of the previous eclipse, it is possible to determine with an accuracy of up to a minute when exactly the same next eclipse will occur in a particular area.

Such cyclicity is often used when determining the date and time of certain historical events described in old sources. The first total eclipse was described in ancient Chinese chronicles. Having made certain calculations, scientists managed to find out that it dates back to 01/29/1136 BC. Information about three more eclipses is contained in the Almagest by Claudius Ptolemy and is dated 04/19/721 BC, 04/08/720 about AD. and 09/01/720 BC

AT historical annals Lunar eclipses are often mentioned. For example, famous military leader Athenians Nicias was afraid of a lunar eclipse, a panic began in his army, because of which the Athenians were defeated. After some calculations, it was possible to establish the exact date this event (27.08.413 BC).

famous enough historical fact is the total lunar eclipse of 1504, which came to the aid of the expedition of Christopher Columbus. At that time they were in Jamaica and experienced difficulties with food and drinking water. Attempts to get hold of provisions from local Indians were unsuccessful. But Columbus knew for sure that on the night of March 1, a lunar eclipse would occur. He warned the leaders that if they did not deign to deliver travelers to the ship drinking water and food, he will steal the moon from the sky. With the onset of darkness, when the moon disappeared, the poorly educated Indians became very frightened and delivered everything they needed to the travelers. They begged for their return heavenly body to which Columbus agreed. So the expedition managed to avoid starvation.

How to watch a lunar eclipse

The characteristics of lunar eclipses have already become available to you, but why are they so interesting to researchers? By observing lunar eclipses, one can extract a certain scientific benefit. Scientists collect and record materials on the state of the structure of the Earth's shadow and the upper layers of the atmosphere. Amateur astronomers often photograph eclipses, make sketches of them, describing changes in the brightness of objects located on the lunar surface. The moments of the moon touching the shadow and those when it leaves its limits are accurately recorded. There are also moments of contact of the shadow with the most large objects on the lunar surface. Observations can be made with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is clear that the technique helps to more accurately record the results of observations.

In order to make the most accurate observations, you need to set your telescope to the maximum magnification, pointing it directly at the touch points of the shadow and the lunar surface. This must be done in advance, a few minutes before the expected eclipse. Usually, all results are recorded in a special journal of observations of lunar eclipses.

The same exposure meter

If an amateur astronomer has at his disposal a photo exposure meter ( special device, which allows you to measure the brightness of an object), he can independently plot the change in the brightness of the Moon's disk throughout the eclipse. To do this correctly, you must install the device in such a way that it sensing element was directed to the center of the lunar disk.

and Venus) on the disk of the Sun.

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    A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of shadow cast by the Earth. The diameter of the spot of the Earth's shadow at a distance of 363,000 km ( minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon can be obscured.

    Solar eclipse

    A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the observer and the Sun, and blocks it. Since the moon before the eclipse is facing us with its unlit side, there is always a new moon before the eclipse, that is, the moon is not visible. It seems that the Sun is covered by a black disk; an observer from Earth sees this phenomenon as a solar eclipse. The longest solar eclipse occurred on January 15, 2010 at South-East Asia and lasted over 11 minutes.

    Frequency of lunar and solar eclipses

    Currently, there are mathematical models that accurately describe the motion of the Moon, Earth and planets. Thanks to them, with the help of computers, the location of any observed objects in the sky can be calculated with high accuracy for thousands of years in the past and in the future. But even before the advent of modern computing and mathematical models scientists were able to predict solar and lunar eclipses. By historical information, Middle Eastern and Chinese scientists did this a few thousand years ago. Eclipses were also successfully predicted in antiquity.

    Saros was known to the astronomers of ancient Egypt and Babylon. Thanks to the saros, ancient astronomers predicted eclipses quite accurately, having neither a clear understanding of celestial mechanics nor computing devices. Indeed, in order to predict the date and time of an eclipse, it is enough to have a list of the last eclipses that have occurred and add an integer number of saros to the date and time of each of them. Predicting lunar eclipses is not difficult at all. With solar eclipses, everything is somewhat more complicated, since you need to take into account that when the eclipse repeats through the saros, its band will pass in a different place, and be able to calculate this place. To facilitate the calculation of solar eclipses, ancient scientists used triple saros or exeligmos - a period equal to 19,755.9 days, which differs significantly less from an integer number of days.

    Saros eclipse predictions give an acceptable accuracy within plus or minus 300 years, at more distant times failures begin due to the accumulation of errors.

    Other types of eclipses

    In addition to lunar and solar eclipses, eclipses of other bodies occur in the sky. For example, planets can outshine stars. Such phenomena are called coatings.

    Artificial solar eclipses were obtained in space when a spacecraft covered the sun, for example, the 1975 experiment during the Soyuz-Apollo flight. [ ]

    The role of eclipses in the culture and science of mankind

    Since ancient times, solar and lunar eclipses, as well as other rare astronomical phenomena, such as the appearance of comets, have been perceived as negative events. People were very afraid of eclipses, as they occur rarely and are unusual and frightening natural phenomena. In many cultures, eclipses were considered harbingers of misfortune and catastrophes (this was especially true of lunar eclipses, apparently due to the red color of the shadowed Moon, associated with blood). In mythology, eclipses were associated with the struggle higher powers, one of which wants to disrupt the established order in the world (“extinguish” or “eat” the Sun, “kill” or “bleed” the Moon), and the other - to save it. The beliefs of some peoples demanded complete silence and inaction during eclipses, while others, on the contrary, required active witchcraft to help. light forces". To some extent, this attitude towards eclipses persisted until modern times, despite the fact that the mechanism of eclipses had long been studied and well known.

    Eclipses have provided rich material for science. In ancient times, observations of eclipses helped to study celestial mechanics and understand the structure solar system. Observation of the Earth's shadow on the Moon gave the first "cosmic" evidence of the fact that our planet is spherical. Aristotle first pointed out that the shape of the earth's shadow during lunar eclipses is always rounded, which proves the sphericity of the Earth. Solar eclipses made it possible to start studying the corona of the Sun, which cannot be observed in regular time. During solar eclipses, the phenomena of gravitational curvature of the course of light rays near a significant mass were recorded for the first time, which was one of the first experimental evidence conclusions of the general theory relativity. important role in the study inner planets The solar system was played by observations of their passages through solar disk. So, Lomonosov, observing the passage of Venus across the solar disk in 1761, for the first time (30 years before Schroeter and Herschel) discovered the Venusian atmosphere, discovering refraction sun rays during the entry and exit of Venus from the solar disk.

    Lunar eclipses are one of the most significant astronomical phenomena observed by people since ancient times. In scale, they are second only to total solar eclipses. At the same time, each lunar eclipse is visible from a significant part of the Earth's surface, and therefore, at any single point on our planet, lunar eclipses are observed more often than even partial solar eclipses, not to mention total ones. This led to a large number of references to lunar eclipses in historical documents and chronicles.

    The appearance of the Moon during an eclipse is already unpredictable during partial phases. This is another difference from solar eclipses, where the picture cannot be accurately described in advance only in short moments of the total phase. Sharp variations in the brightness of the moon and its red color when immersed in the earth's shadow became the cause panic fear people linking eclipses with wars, epidemics, cataclysms. It was believed that the moon during the eclipse sheds blood.

    Lunar eclipses have a more complex geometry and optical scheme compared to solar eclipses. Even in ancient times, it was easy to understand that the Sun was eclipsed by the Moon. And in order to restore the correct scheme of the lunar eclipse, it was necessary to establish that the Moon shines only by reflected sunlight, and also the fact that the Earth has a spherical shape, casting a cone of shadow into space. Even more difficult was the question of the reasons for the fuzzy boundary of the shadow and glow of the Moon, even in full phase eclipse. The answer to this question was given only a few centuries ago with the development of atmospheric optics.

    Manifold optical effects, observed during a lunar eclipse, and the relationship of these effects with the Earth's atmosphere indicate the possibility of studying the atmosphere itself based on the analysis of lunar eclipses. The geometry of the eclipse is in many ways similar to the scheme space missions for the study of the atmosphere, the role spacecraft in this case, the Moon plays, and the role of the radiation source is the Sun. Before the beginning space age lunar eclipses were the only means of studying different layers atmosphere at a distance of several thousand kilometers from the observation point. All this predetermined great attention scientists to these phenomena for many centuries.

    Walkthrough ASC

    The passage of planets on the natal Ascendant is special case ingression, which, nevertheless, is so interesting that it should be singled out in a separate group. The fact is that all the planets pass at the same time from the Twelfth House to the First. That is, there is a symbolic embodiment in character traits and personality qualities (First House) of previously hidden, non-embodied karma, unconscious messages and meditative images (Twelfth House).

    This is a universal moment for the formation of new qualities or properties of a particular planet, as well as for strengthening its influence in our lives. In a sense, this is a textbook moment for applying transformational techniques. Everything is fully relevant here - both a short-term landmark event and a sharp transition to a new quality.

    For any planet and technology, the procedure should include two stages associated with the respective Rulers of the Houses - Neptune and Mars. You will be surprised how many rituals include this algorithm - the transition from peace and meditation to action. Essentially, the passage through the ASC is the symbolism of sleep and awakening. The first part should include a meditative attunement to the desired quality or property, the second - the first symbolic steps in a new capacity, embodied in actions.

    But it must be warned that here, as in the case of planetary revolutions, the same limitations apply. If there are major aspects of planets to ASC in the natal chart, then all ASC transits will include this natal aspect. This must be taken into account. And if this aspect is tense, then it may be worth using this technique in a limited way or abandoning it altogether. After all, this is not the only technique of transformational astrology.

    The use of the astronomical phenomenon of eclipses of the Luminaries for the purposes of transformation is a kind of visiting card of astromagic methods in general. Anyway, this is a technique that many people who have nothing to do with astrology know about. Its efficiency is very high. At all the seminars at which I spoke about it, people came up to me and told me real miracles (sometimes you can’t say otherwise) caused by its use. And the situation with this technique is generally very indicative, since only a dozen and a half years ago the situation was different. For example, when I received a description of this technique "from hand to hand" from my Teacher in 1991, there were no publications on this topic in Russian yet. Then a description of this technique was published by Pavel Globa, and there were noticeable discrepancies with what I got. However, by that time I already had experience successful application"his" version, and I allowed myself to doubt. And in subsequent years, I read at least a dozen descriptions of this technique with very significant differences, and not only in details.

    The procedure for using eclipses includes technologies that have already been described here (fasting, affirmations, etc.) in a single ritual complex. If we remove all discrepancies and focus on the main thing, relying on the basic principles of astromagic, we get the following scheme.

    So, a few days, traditionally three days before the eclipse, fasting is observed - the restriction concerns gross animal food, squandering energy in empty communication. The goal is the same as in all Lever techniques - to accumulate energy, to accumulate intrinsic motivation. On the right day, closer to the time of the eclipse, you need to provide yourself with silence and solitude for two hours. An hour before the eclipse, we take a contrast shower from hot and cold water and keep silent. It does not matter in principle which water to start with and which one to finish dousing, since both versions exist. In the version I received, you need to start and finish hot water for a solar eclipse and a cold one for a lunar one. But there should be at least three water changes, traditionally five, and the cycles should be "open", that is, we start and finish pouring water at the same temperature. It is better not to wipe the water completely, it should dry on the body. Clothing should be loose, fresh after washing, or fumigated with smoke. We take a relaxed position of the body, preferably lying down, and better head to the East. We stop any thoughts except one - the one for which all this was started. It must be "held" with maximum intensity of attention and maximum relaxation of the body for about an hour around the exact moment of the eclipse. Falling asleep is not recommended, although the condition may be very similar to conscious dream. All the same rules that were described above in the Affirmations and Visualizations section are valid here. But there is also additional terms. Firstly, the desire we affirm should not refer directly to another person, it is better to directly formulate the intention on our own behalf, although it is not necessary to do this in verbal form. Secondly, it is necessary to focus on the result, and not on the process of achieving the goal. If we turn on the process, that is, assume when, where and how our desire can be realized, then the price of such realization can be very high. Thirdly, the goal must be formulated and visualized as specifically and realistically as possible. General life-affirming statements classical type, such as "every day my life gets better and better in every way", are good for daily use as an affirmation, but not at all suitable for a powerful Eclipse procedure. It is necessary to take what is happening very seriously - we are forming an intention that will be supported by the strongest astrological factors. The exit from the procedure is made approximately one hour after the eclipse, also through a contrast shower. From this point on, you can talk, but after completion, you need to maintain a state of peace and quiet inside for a few more hours so that the new program that has been laid down can "strengthen". Discussing what we just did is highly discouraged at this time.

    There is a difference in the use of Lunar and Solar eclipses. Lunar eclipses are recommended to attract into your life wealth and to improve health. Solar eclipses are used to correct qualities of character, to change behavior, habits and abilities, and to correct relationships. However, you need to be more careful with topics that concern other people. The fact is that the formulation of desire should come from the first person - that is, from us. If we ask for someone, then at best nothing will come of it. In addition, there is a series unpleasant questions ethical nature.

    Act new program starts differently. Sometimes - just a few hours or days after the eclipse. The ancients believed that the influence of a solar eclipse lasts as many years as the number of hours the eclipse lasts; The influence of a lunar eclipse lasts as many months as the number of hours the eclipse lasts. However, in practice, much more often the period is measured in weeks and months. In this case, it is considered that visual visibility is not essential. If, for example, the eclipse is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere, it can still be used by the inhabitants northern hemisphere. In my opinion, this is too bold a statement. Apparently, it is worth bearing in mind which transit houses an eclipse occurs. So, if the eclipse is visible, then its effect more falls on the upper hemisphere of houses associated with society and social realization. If the eclipse occurs "under the ground", then its effect will be less pronounced character and will be related to other themes of the Houses, which may be worth considering for a more successful practice.

    The effect of eclipses is due to the fact that short moment the two main astrological significators of our spiritual energy - the Sun and the Moon - enter into a strong interaction with each other and with the axis of the Lunar Nodes. This is the moment when our will and our feelings can create almost irreversible changes. As elsewhere in astrology, we pay attention to how the eclipse aspects natal chart and in which Houses it falls. It is in these areas that the impact will subsequently be most noticeable. There is one more nuance: astronomically, an eclipse is such a situation that no astrologer will take into account because of the orbs. For example, it is considered acceptable if the conjunction of the Sun with Lunar Node during an eclipse exceeds 12 degrees in an orb (sometimes more), and it is even possible that at the same time the Sun and the Node are in different signs Zodiac. From my point of view, the effectiveness of such eclipses for our purposes is very low. It will be more reliable to rely on situations where the orb with Nodes does not exceed 8 degrees, and all three significators are in the same sign.