Independent solution of a large number of problems. How to solve any problems

A factory that produces tomatoes and potatoes on an industrial scale. Urban industrial production of vegetables. The first industrial-scale vertical farm opened in the city (Singapore), with the aim of reducing dependence on food. In fact, such a decision seems quite logical, locals appreciated the freshness and quality of the home-grown product. Unlike a commodity, where it is difficult to monitor the safety of the growing technology, in the case of a vertical farm, it is only sunlight and water, and no pesticides. this has made them hugely popular with local consumers, and they sell out very quickly. As a result, the company produces two tons of vegetables per day. The rainwater stored in the upper sections, when flowing down, rotates the platforms, so that they constantly change their orientation in space and achieve uniform distribution sunlight. At the same time, the yield is 5–10 times higher than with traditional cultivation of land on a similar plot. The concept of vertical farms is the only way to feed the population of the future, Singapore has pioneered and I'm sure many cities will follow suit, because the idea is worth it. So, a hybrid of tomato and potato is an independent plant, on which the British company Thompson & Morgan has been working for 15 years. Instead of tops, tomatoes grow on it, and potatoes instead of roots. Representatives of the company claim that more than 500 tomatoes can be harvested from above, which are sweeter than any other varieties. At the same time, wonderful white potato tubers will grow in the ground, which is suitable for boiling, frying and making chips. The new plant bears the patented name TomTato. The British claim that TomTato is not the result of genetic modification, but a natural and safe product.
How to grow them? For this, an enclosed space is suitable, and open air. Maybe even in a pot. TomTato loves compost and is afraid of frost, tomatoes can be harvested from July to October. But there will be only one potato crop - you can dig it out after the tomatoes run out. Production in vertical greenhouses, in the city. In about 50 years, 80% of the world's population will live in cities. And to the current 7-plus billion, another 3 billion will be added. In order to feed them all, agriculture should be moved to cities, the specific architecture of the farm in a high-rise building may vary, production food products unaffected by the vagaries of the weather. Such a farm will produce several crops a year. Another advantage is that isolated plants will be protected from infections affecting the fields. The same is true for pests, the farm is able to provide nutritious food for 10 thousand people, inside the building it is much more convenient to organize the care of plants and animals, harvesting, control over the quality and biological safety of products. And this is with the current level of technology. Why "drag" the farm to the city and fence dozens of floors? Seemingly more advanced systems Agriculture it is quite possible to develop outside the city limits, and there are still lands free from fields. But Firstly, the cost of transportation: fuel, spare parts for machinery and fertilizers from industrial centers to remote agricultural areas and harvest back, "to the center" - this is not only the cost of transportation, but also fuel for cars, emissions harmful substances. And the additional growth of forests around cities will give the city an opportunity to breathe. Hydroponics, high-tech farms - all this is already there. People only need to take the next logical step - to condense such industries, "growing" them to high-rise buildings, expand the list of plants that will be grown, supplement them with animals and move farms directly to where consumers are concentrated, that is, to megacities.

Known for their wisdom, Buddhist monks say about problems in a person’s life: “Who can know what is bad luck and what is luck?”

If for a few minutes we digress from the string of affairs and worries and look around, we can see that in our environment there are always two categories of people. Some succeed in everything, no matter what they undertake, while others are constantly preoccupied with how to solve a problem that arises in one or another area of ​​their life.

A problem is a message from the universe

We dream of the day when there will be no problems left in our lives. From their number, it seems, you can go crazy. Problems in the family, in business, with children, health problems ... Where to find a way out of this carousel, how to deal with the vicissitudes of life that fate sends?

And there is no need to fight at all, as well as to avoid such situations. Everything that happens in our life does not just happen. In this form, the Universe sends us coded signs that are designed for us to ask ourselves:

  • What part of my life was affected by this situation?
  • What my actions could be the root of these troubles?
  • About my thoughts?
  • About my lifestyle?
  • About alternative way which would be worth going?
The most important thing that you should never do if you need to find a way out of a difficult situation is not to feel sorry for yourself and not give up. If you do, then you'll miss the one important message which is exclusively for you.

We write "problem" - we mean "opportunities"

Do you want to know how problems are solved? strong people? They believe in themselves and look for opportunities in any situation, and believe me, they are always there.

My friend was in a very difficult position when her common-law husband left her. The situation is banal to disgrace: the rival turned out to be more attractive than a bored woman who devoted herself entirely to the family and their two common children.

Elena was left without money, without a profession, without the slightest prospects even for tomorrow. The only thing that helped her not go crazy was that the children demanded attention and care. It was even impossible to cry in front of them, because then quiet tears turned into a friendly choir of sobbing soloists.

Telling herself that every problem is just an opportunity, Elena found a way out of the predicament.

She reflected on her life and realized: in her family, and in the family of her parents, she always had to be dependent. She was constantly told what she should do and how she should act in this or that situation.

The soft and indecisive Elena had a very low self-esteem. She promised herself that for the sake of the children she would definitely stand firmly on her feet and gain self-confidence.

During the forced stay at home, even in that “former” life, Elena learned to make flower arrangements of amazing beauty, marked by impeccable taste. Friends and acquaintances always asked her to help with the design family holidays.

Now Lena decided to get a job as a simple worker in a flower shop. In parallel, she persistently worked on her views on life, on self-esteem. Now my friend is the owner of a small but well-established flower business, and her design skills are used not only at home holidays and are very well paid.

Happiness in his personal life was not long in coming, Elena's husband is a very kind and kind-hearted person, mutual understanding reigns in their family. Now my friend gives advice on how strong people solve problems.

Who managed to overcome the problem

Famous American explorer powers of the brain John Kehoe gives in his books an example of how to use for good difficult situations different people:
  • US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, unable to do without a wheelchair, led the country out of the "Great Depression". He could not even sit on his own, as he suffered from paraplegia.
  • Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who served four terms in office, had previously been forced to struggle with alcohol addiction.
  • Champion Olympic Games Wilma Rudolph, not only was she born into a very poor Negro family, she also suffered from polio at the age of 10. It seemed to Vilma that she was going crazy, so much reality turned out to be unfair to her. Faith in the best and optimism took their toll, and the girl won three Olympic gold medals.
  • The famous 90s runner Gail Devers, a few weeks before her performance at the Olympics in Barcelona, ​​suddenly became covered with terrible ulcers from head to toe. After a long search for the cause, it turned out that this was a rare disease that threatened the girl with amputation of her feet.

    Gayle decided to fight to the end, and a couple of days before the scheduled operation, the disease suddenly receded. The girl won the 100-meter race at the games in Spain, and four years later she became the Olympic champion in Atlanta.

In all these examples of how strong people solve problems, there is one thing in common. They all believed that these troubles only made them stronger and, in some ways, even better than they could be.

If you think carefully, then everyone can find many such examples in their family or in their immediate environment, among colleagues and acquaintances.

How to find the root cause of the problem

It is not at all difficult to go crazy from the problems that have piled up, as they say, "a bad deed is not a tricky one." Here's to finding a way out difficult situation, you can find the cause of failures if you use a certain search algorithm.
  1. Everything has already happened and the problem is obvious.
  2. Ask yourself about what preceded this, what events happened shortly before its appearance, remember your thoughts and words.

    Do you know that thoughts, this product of our mind, can include a situation of failure not only in your own life but also in the lives of people close to you? Negative emotions and thoughts, even carefully disguised, attract Negative consequences.

    If inside your mind there are only harmonious thoughts that your world takes care of you, you love it, and the power next to you will always protect you from unwanted influences, this will be the best protection from troubles.

  3. Ask yourself if this is the first time a problem has occurred in this area of ​​your life. If such troubles have already arisen, it means that the Universe is persistently trying to get through to you, aggravating the situation and offering more and more difficult options each time. There is only one way out - to react, to look for a solution to the problem.
  4. Try to understand what is common in all these situations, what unites them. If you are losing money all the time, then the problem is your wrong attitude towards them. If you constantly do not get along with women (colleagues, relatives, friends), then it's all about your attitude towards them.
  5. Remember that during such problematic situations, people say things about you that you do not like. These words are the very root of the problem that you need to find. No one suggests that you go crazy and trustingly listen to your opponents. But, if you are outraged, shift the blame on someone else, then all the words said by others are true.
  6. Ask yourself what you should understand for yourself from this situation, in what way you do not accept people, the world and perhaps even himself.
And when everything clears up, it remains only to change the attitude of your mind-mind to some things, look at the world from a different angle, and try to get off the beaten track, turning

“A problem well defined is a problem half solved”
Japanese proverb

"The end product of a leader is decisions and actions"
Peter Drucker

“The importance of decision-making in management is not questioned. However, the discussion tends to focus on problem solving—i.e. getting answers to your questions. This is the wrong approach. One of the most common causes of managerial errors is the desire to find the right answer, not the right solution.
Peter Drucker

However, there is a clear line between problem solving and decision making. First of all, it comes from the fact that at present the concept of “development management decisions”is divided into two components: “decision-making” (“decision-making”) and “problem-solving” (“problem-solving”). However, the difficulty of correctly identifying these concepts (defining the very clear boundary between them) has led to the fact that in scientific and practical literature there is either an identification of these terms, or their extreme opposition. Accordingly, it seems necessary to sort out the existing confusion.

So, first of all, it is worth formulating the problem itself. " Clear wording problem is prerequisite its solutions ... In the case of an erroneous definition, not a single decision can be correct and will not help either eliminate difficulties in the organization or prevent their reappearance ”(Perlyaki I., 1983). You can express this idea in another way: right decisions eliminate problems."

The formulation of problems has both objective and subjective difficulties in its understanding.

The subjective difficulty is the refusal of the existence of the problem due to the unwillingness to face the problem itself, the inability to correctly identify it. In addition, many people associate the term "problem" with something negative and defeatist. An example of such a relationship is the following dialogue:

Employee: Peter, I have a problem.
Manager: No, no, you have the opportunity.
Employee: Well, I have one irresistible opportunity.

An objective difficulty is the ambiguity of the definition of the term "problem". The fact is that at present in the scientific and educational literature there are a lot of interpretations this concept, which does not contribute to the improvement of the current situation in the understanding that there is a "problem".

Let's give examples.

  • A problem is a perceived difficulty. (J. Dewey).
  • The problem is the difference between what you want and what you have (E. de Bono).
  • A problem is a deviation from a desired standard (Kepner and Tregow).
  • A problem is an unsatisfactory state of affairs. (N. Rysev).
  • The problem arises when a person has a goal but does not know how to achieve it (Dunker, 1945).
  • The problem is the main contradiction in the situation, the resolution of which brings the situation closer to the goal (S.N. Chudnovskaya).
  • Dual understanding. On the one hand, the problem is understood as a discrepancy between the actual and the desired, with unknown ways to overcome this discrepancy. On the other hand, a problem means a discrepancy between the actual and the potentially possible. (O.A. Kulagin, 2001), etc.

The common features of all definitions are the perception of a problem as some kind of difficulty, a contradiction that must be overcome, and the lack of finished version solutions.

The concept of "solution" is also ambiguous and can be considered as a process of finding a way out of a situation (the one that is designated as a "problem"), and as a result of choosing one or another way to settle existing problem. A decision as a process implies the presence of a time interval during which it is developed, adopted and implemented. The decision as a result of the choice is represented by an act of will, focused on the availability of options for solving the problem, related goals and motives for the behavior of the decision maker.

The complexity and diversity of problems causes difficulties in their classification. This matter is extremely complex, given the uniqueness of each individual situation and the accompanying conditions in which it arises, and, consequently, when we are burning about the classification of problems, then we are talking about the characteristics of the conditions in which this problem will be solved. It follows that the characteristics of the problem itself become characteristics of the techniques, methods and technologies used in solving problems. Scientists have different approaches to the classification of problems. One thing is clear that “the categories of problems should not be focused around the difficulties, deviations, dissatisfaction of the decision maker current position affairs, but around the goals pursued by the decision maker. Deviation from this principle may result in the search scope possible solutions will be unjustifiably narrowed, and the proposed options for action will come into conflict with the goals of the decision maker.

Based on the fact that the formulation of the problem must necessarily contain the goal (or goals) to be achieved, three categories of problems are considered:

  • Stabilization problems(problems of naturally occurring changes). The occurrence of problems of this type associated with the presence of deviations from the "normal parameters" of the functioning of the business, while maintaining these "normal" parameters would be quite consistent external conditions and management goals.
  • Problems of adaptation(optimization problems). They arise in situations where the business operates without obvious violations, but the requirements of the environment for the results of activities change.
  • Problems of innovation(problems of intentional (targeted) changes). The presence of this type of problems is associated with the need to ensure not only survival, but also business development by creating something completely new, which did not exist before.

The inclusion of the goal in the formulation of the problem also requires the clarity and clarity of its definition. And although goal-setting is not the prerogative of the theory of managerial decision-making, the importance of goal formulation is indisputable for ensuring the adequacy of the future solution in the context of the problem being solved.

Achieving such a setting is often both difficult and difficult. In conditions of limited time, various distortions of the wording may occur, leading to a distortion of the development and decision-making process itself.

First of all, quite often the goal statement is seen as a choice between two options ("What should I do in this situation - choose option 1 or option 2?"), although it would be correct to ask the question "What would you like to achieve by taking this decision?». It's about about separating the issue related to the decision and the purpose of the decision. Such a distortion arises from the versatility and complexity of the decisions themselves, because each decision is associated with many goals, requirements, doubts and different problems. But if all these points are included in the formulation of the goal, then it will become too vague. To be specific, the goal statement must focus on one dimension. But even then, the wording may be distorted due to the fact that the goal turns out to be too narrow. The goal should be general enough, broad enough so that it does not limit the options for solutions and is related to the vision of the future development of the business. practical recommendation there will be use in the formulations of specific verbs of the action "to achieve, develop, receive, use ...". A good starting point is to ask the decision “Why is this important?” and repeat it until a goal is found that represents the root cause for which there is an interest in the solution. Do not forget about personal goals. Often the interests of decision makers and business are in conflict or are so closely intertwined that it is quite difficult to separate them from each other. However, when defining the main goal, such a separation is essential. It is best to align personal and business goals. If such a process is not possible, it is usually recommended to choose one thing.

A good help when dealing with problems is the use of a structured approach and its tools: cause-and-effect diagrams, concept and thought maps, a problem graph, listing, and other tools.

More general in relation to the concept of "problem" is the concept of " problem situation” because it is a problem in combination with the specific conditions for its occurrence. The description of the problem situation contains:

  • The formulation of the problem, understood not as a symptom, but as a source, the cause of an unsatisfactory state of affairs. A "problem" should not be the result of other problems. For example, if it is only known that there is a “fall in sales”, then the problem is not clear, since the drop in sales is the result of some problems in design, production, marketing, external environment firms, etc. At the same time, the need to expand the business is a challenge as does not need to be justified by others.
  • Decision maker expectations, which are ideas about the solution, specific to such an extent that they allow assessing the admissibility and comparing attractiveness various options solutions. So, if the decision maker is not satisfied with the current sales volumes, then "expectations" include his ideas about how much volume is satisfactory in this situation. Such representations may not exist.
  • Possible ways problem solving, representing specific options actions that need not be invented, invented, etc., but only evaluated and compared for compliance with expectations. For example, it could be specific offer to change the design of the product, aimed at changing its attractiveness and increasing sales. Such options may or may not be available.

Based on the condition of the presence or absence of one of the terms, the problem situation is classified into the following types.

Classification of types of problem situation

PS typeProblemexpectationsSolutions
A taskKnownknownknown
Structured problemKnownknownNot known
Unstructured problemunknownknownNot known
Structured field of opportunityKnownNot knownknown
Unstructured field of opportunityKnownNot knownNot known
Solutions looking for applicationsunknownNot knownknown
Search for ideasunknownknownknown
Uncertain PossibilitiesunknownNot knownNot known

If a task arises before a decision maker (DM), he is required to make a decision. If there are uncertain possibilities before him, then the decision maker is required to solve problems. Other types of problem situations are located on a continuum between these concepts.

A lot has been written about the classification of problems, about the methodology for solving them, various algorithms for "problem solving" are painted and painted, but nothing really changes. If there are problems, then there are ways to solve them.

A lot has been written about the classification of problems, about the methodology for solving them, various algorithms for "problem solving" are painted and painted, but nothing really changes. Since there are problems, it means that there are methods for solving them, well, it cannot be that humanity has not encountered problems since its inception. There were a lot of them and somehow they were solved. Now we have no problems with the fact that a saber-toothed tiger that wants to eat us does not allow us to leave the cave for food. Problems are being solved.

The first thing you need to know (and many people already know this, but I will just remind you) is that if a person himself does not want to solve his problem or problems, then they will not be solved. A person can only be helped to solve it. And this statement has been tried - tried, tested and rechecked, but the fact remains: if a person (or a group of people) does not want to solve a problem, then it will not be solved and no one will help solve it. There is, of course, an even more difficult case when a person or a group of people are not at all aware that they have real problems and accordingly they will sit in them, and they (problems) will spoil their lives. Therefore, in order to be able to solve a problem or problems, it is first necessary to recognize them, to discover them.

And here is a method, call it an exercise or whatever, but it works:

  • The first thing to do is to take a piece of paper and a pen and write down a list of problems that you or your field of work have, whether you think it is one that can be solved or one that cannot be solved, just write it down. .
  • Second: choose from the entire list the problem that you are most easily aware of, that is, the problem that seems to you or is perceived by you as the smallest. People often make the mistake of trying to do something about their biggest problem.
  • Third: you have chosen such a problem (if you want, mark it somehow in the entire list or write down its wording below the entire list), and now write down (of course, you will need to think about it) what you can do to solve this problem . So really, what can you do to solve this problem.
  • And fourth: do it!!! That is, solve it, this little problem.

Let's run through this quickly:

  1. You make a list of problems (for example, you have 5 of them):
    - a problem with the teeth, I have to go to the dentist, but I'm afraid;
    - Apartment without repair 15 years;
    - no one can take out the bin, the kitchen stinks;
    - No additional source earnings, but want more more money;
    - the son does not want to study and there is nothing we can do about it.
  2. You see that the trash bin worries you the least of all (and you don’t need to include here “son of a fool, not only doesn’t want to study, he also doesn’t take out the trash, doesn’t understand that the trash needs to be taken out” - you now stink, not him - you have a problem). So write down this problem as the smallest one or mark it on your list.
  3. Write down what you can do with it. You, not an idiot. And write "Take it out into the yard in a dumpster" (or a domestic garbage chute, or somewhere else where normal people garbage is thrown away, and not to a neighbor under the apartment, as this will be another problem).
  4. Easily, or with a creak, gritting your teeth, you take out this bucket of garbage and bring it home without garbage and possibly wash it (if something stinks there). And one less problem and then you don’t chase your son for it - it doesn’t exist.

And here's the math here: let's take and designate one problem as a unit, a unit of your nerves, attention, time, strength, mental activity, worries, energy and other things. In our example, there are 5 problems, that is, 5 units. Due to the fact that you have them, they do not add up to one another, but rather multiply, since all this is yours. And we get 5 (units) problems multiplied by 5 problems (units) and get 25 units negative emotions, nerves and so on and the feeling that you have not 5 separate problems, but 25! And it all weighs on you and rather you have the feeling that everything is a problem and there is no way out of it.

And so you wanted to deal with the biggest one - where do you get the strength from, if you have, in essence, 25 problems that are pressing on you with all their might?

And then you took out the trash can and now you have 4 problems, and 4 times 4 will be 16, that is, 9 units of negativity or tension less. These are the 9 units that are now yours, and which you can now use to solve the next problem from the list and some other, more constructive or useful and pleasant things.

Then we look at the list further. And you find that next problem the one that is easiest for you to look at is that you need to get your teeth in order and you write down what can be done with it and then go to the dentist (perhaps having quickly learned where the most human dentist in the world is) and bring your teeth into order. Now you have 3 problems, and 3 multiplied by 3 will be 9 units, that is, even less by 7 units. And so on down the list: find the easiest one from the list, write what you can do with it, and now you have 2 problems or in total 4 units (and the rest of the original 25 are released and give you more possibilities something to do and more courage to solve other problems arises and the like). And then you are left with one problem, which most likely will not be a problem, but will be a task that needs to be completed.

There is one caveat here: as the number of problems decreases, you may want to abandon all the others. Don't do it right - solve them. Naturally, when the units "locked" in problems are released, A New Look for life and you reschedule something in your life and something will simply cease to be your problem (for example, a hurricane in the USA will cease to care for you or you will find out that your son knows what he wants and is interested in him specialized training and now the goal will appear - to find those people or institutions that will help your son develop his abilities and talents in the field of activity for which he has a craving).

Take these 4 steps, they help a lot and it is natural that it may take several minutes to take out the trash can, and it will most likely take more time to create and promote your business (or another one).

If problems start to stick, just do these 4 steps.

As for solving problems that do not concern you personally, but, for example, the team (staff, countries, and so on), here, on the contrary, you need to eliminate the biggest blockages together, but this is a separate issue.

You will succeed!

Descartes square

An ideal method for solving any problems that scare you. The fact is that we too often get stuck on one single question: “What will happen if this happens?” This makes it difficult to find a solution, because you look at the problem from only one side. Descartes' square is the simplest technique that allows you to find a solution in a matter of minutes. So, draw a square on a piece of paper. Divide it into four parts. Write a question for each section.

What will happen if this happens?

What happens if this does NOT happen?

What will NOT happen if this happens?

What will NOT happen if this does NOT happen?

Answer all four questions, and the solution to the problems will come by itself. Simply because you will consider the situation from four sides.

automatic writing

A method that will require you time and patience, but the results can overwhelm you. The essence of the method is very simple: you just need to take a pen, paper (a lot of paper!) and start writing. There is no need to pre-formulate the questions to be answered. The essence of automatic writing is to turn off the consciousness and allow the subconscious to come out. So you need to be alone in calm environment. Grab a pen and paper and start writing whatever comes to your mind. Do not stop. You will need a lot of time - from 20 minutes to an hour. At some point, you will really start to write completely automatically, that is, you will stop thinking about what exactly you are writing. Then all you have to do is read what you have written. Most likely, you will find the answer to all your questions. But the truth is, it might surprise you.

Focus change

It is impossible to objectively consider the problem, being inside. Asking outside observers for advice is also pointless, because they have not been inside the problem and have no idea what it really is. Actually, there is only one way out - you yourself need to become an "outsider". There is only one way to do this, literally running away from the problem. Feet. The next step is to relax! The thing is, if you just walk away, you won't stop thinking about the difficult situation. Time can help here (which you most likely do not have) or strong impressions - better positive ones, of course. You need to repress your emotions. After you have removed yourself from the problem both physically and emotionally for a while, you can return to it as an “outside observer”. This will help to look at the situation with different eyes and find ways to solve problems.

Contacting a specialist

If you are completely confused, relatives will most likely suggest that you contact a psychologist. And you probably won't go to him. Because who knows how to look for it a good specialist. And then, it takes time and money, which also may not be available. What is really important to understand is this: you need to look at the problem through someone else's eyes. That is why a friend who knows about the problem will not help you; mother who knows you perfectly will not help; and even more so, the person who is inside the same problem will not help. There is no need to be afraid of psychologists. No need to look for the best specialist in the world - it is likely that you will only need a couple of sessions. And you need to be prepared for the fact that the specialist will not give you any advice, but this is not necessary. The very opportunity to state the essence of the problem to an outsider helps to look at it as if through the eyes of others.


The good old way of solving problems - you probably turned to it more than once. “Consult a friend” is it. But in fact, the more "brains" will be involved, the better. You need a group of people willing to help you, a place where you can gather, and time to go through all the options. This method is not very suitable for solving deeply personal problems. But if it's a situation where you feel stuck, the collective brainstorm is the ideal method. Because none of your friends will offer you a suitable solution right away. It will be born by itself, in the process.

mammoth eating

“You can even eat a mammoth if you eat it in parts” - this is, in fact, the whole essence of the method. You don’t even need to butcher this “mammoth”, because you will be mired in new problem- how best to do it. Imagine that you are a predator, in front of you is the carcass of a mammoth. Come and bite. That is, do not look for some single right way to solve the problem, try to approach it with different parties and "bite off" little by little. That is, to make a small effort, one that does not strain you too much and does not frighten you. In this way, you will feel the problem from all sides - this is the first thing. And secondly, an understanding will gradually come, from which side it is still better to solve it.