Fibonacci spiral clock. Fibonacci spiral - an encrypted law of nature

Fibonacci numbers - a numerical sequence, where each subsequent member of the series is equal to the sum the previous two, that is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368,.. 75025,.. 3478759200, 5628750625,.. 260993908980000,.. 422297015649625,.. amazing properties numbers of the Fibonacci series were engaged in a variety of professional scientists and amateurs of mathematics.

In 1997, several strange features of the series were described by the researcher Vladimir Mikhailov, who was convinced that Nature (including Man) develops according to the laws that are laid down in this numerical sequence.

Remarkable property number series Fibonacci is that as the numbers of the series increase, the ratio of two neighboring members of this series asymptotically approaches the exact proportion of the Golden Section (1: 1.618) - the basis of beauty and harmony in the nature around us, including in human relations.

Note that Fibonacci himself discovered his famous series, reflecting on the problem of the number of rabbits that should be born from one pair within one year. It turned out that in each subsequent month after the second, the number of pairs of rabbits exactly follows the digital series, which now bears his name. Therefore, it is no coincidence that man himself is arranged according to the Fibonacci series. Each organ is arranged according to internal or external duality.

Fibonacci numbers have attracted mathematicians because of their ability to appear in the most unexpected places. It has been noticed, for example, that the ratios of Fibonacci numbers, taken through one, correspond to the angle between adjacent leaves on the stem of plants, more precisely, they say what proportion of the turn this angle is: 1/2 - for elm and linden, 1/3 - for beech, 2/5 - for oak and apple, 3/8 - for poplar and rose, 5/13 - for willow and almond, etc. You will find the same numbers when counting seeds in sunflower spirals, in the number of rays reflected from two mirrors, in the number of options for crawling bees from one cell to another, in many mathematical games and tricks.

What is the difference between the Golden Ratio Spirals and the Fibonacci Spiral? The golden ratio spiral is perfect. It corresponds to the Primary source of harmony. This spiral has neither beginning nor end. She is endless. The Fibonacci spiral has a beginning, from which it starts “unwinding”. This is a very important property. It allows Nature, after the next closed cycle, to carry out the construction of a new spiral from “zero”.

It should be said that the Fibonacci spiral can be double. Exist numerous examples those double helixes that are everywhere. So, sunflower spirals always correlate with the Fibonacci series. Even in an ordinary pinecone, you can see this double Fibonacci spiral. The first spiral goes in one direction, the second - in the other. If we count the number of scales in a spiral rotating in one direction and the number of scales in the other spiral, we can see that these are always two consecutive numbers of the Fibonacci series. The number of these spirals is 8 and 13. There are pairs of spirals in sunflowers: 13 and 21, 21 and 34, 34 and 55, 55 and 89. And there are no deviations from these pairs!..

In Man, in the set of chromosomes of a somatic cell (there are 23 pairs of them), the source of hereditary diseases are 8, 13 and 21 pairs of chromosomes ...

But why does this series play a decisive role in Nature? The concept of triplicity, which determines the conditions for its self-preservation, can give an exhaustive answer to this question. If the "balance of interests" of the triad is violated by one of its "partners", the "opinions" of the other two "partners" must be corrected. The concept of triplicity is especially evident in physics, where “almost” everything is built from quarks. elementary particles. If we recall that the ratios of fractional charges of quark particles make up a series, and these are the first members of the Fibonacci series, which are necessary for the formation of other elementary particles.

It is possible that the Fibonacci spiral can also play a decisive role in the formation of the pattern of limitedness and closedness of hierarchical spaces. Indeed, imagine that at some stage of evolution, the Fibonacci spiral has reached perfection (it has become indistinguishable from the golden section spiral) and for this reason the particle must be transformed into the next “category”.

These facts once again confirm that the law of duality gives not only qualitative but also quantitative results. They make us think that the Macrocosm and the Microcosm around us evolve according to the same laws - the laws of hierarchy, and that these laws are the same for living and inanimate matter.

All this indicates that a series of Fibonacci numbers is a kind of encrypted law of nature.

The digital code for the development of civilization can be determined using various methods in numerology. For example, by converting complex numbers to single digits (for example, 15 is 1+5=6, etc.). Carrying out a similar addition procedure with all the complex numbers of the Fibonacci series, Mikhailov received the following series of these numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 8, 1, 9, then everything repeats 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 4, 8, 8, .. and repeats again and again... This series also has the properties of the Fibonacci series, each infinitely subsequent term is equal to the sum of the previous ones. For example, the sum of the 13th and 14th terms is 15, i.e. 8 and 8=16, 16=1+6=7. It turns out that this series is periodic, with a period of 24 terms, after which the whole order of numbers is repeated. Having received this period, Mikhailov put forward an interesting assumption - Isn't a set of 24 digits a kind of digital code for the development of civilization? published by

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Each trader explores the Forex market according to his own method, in particular, many speculators use conventional technical analysis, someone tries to look for wave structures, but the so-called Fibonacci spiral raises the most questions.

As it already becomes clear, this structure is built on the basis of fibo-relations, which were named after the medieval mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known under the pseudonym Fibonacci. Today it seems a little strange, since the foreign exchange market appeared only in the 70s of the last century, but such details only fuel interest in this non-standard technique.

Historical background and general theory

It all started in the 12th century in medieval Italy, when Father Leonardo (a merchant) decided to introduce his son to his craft and began to take him on trips. It was this event that became Starting point to unlock the potential of the future legend, since in Algeria the young man began to receive education from Arab teachers (at that time in Europe knowledge was available only to members of the nobility and noble families).

Over time, when Leonardo learned the basic nuances of the exact sciences, he became interested in the works of ancient Greek and Egyptian mathematicians, in which he saw some interesting patterns. In short, the essence of the Fibonacci discovery is described by the “rabbit problem”.

The condition of the problem can be formulated as follows - in an isolated pen (i.e., a closed system, if expressed mathematical language) one pair of rabbits was placed. It is necessary to calculate how many rabbits will be born in a year. Diseases and food shortages are neglected.

Solution - rabbits are very prolific, so in a month the pair will give birth to another pair, i.e. there will be four animals in the corral. On the other hand, since the young "eared" do not begin to give birth immediately, but only after 30 days, by the third month there will be three pairs in the aviary:

  1. one initial;
  2. the second from the first offspring (they did not have children, since it takes 30 days to get stronger);
  3. and another young twin born to the first sexually mature couple.

We will not describe the further sequence, but the essence is clear - every month the livestock will increase rapidly, but the rate of this growth has nothing to do with geometric progression, since young rabbits bring offspring with a lag of one month. In general, population growth is described by the following model:

Thus, if we exclude hunger, disease and other negative factors, by the end of the year there will be 233 rabbits in the aviary. At first glance, it seems that this task is for students elementary school(and there is some truth in this, since Leonardo formulated it for tournaments), but it opened a window into a completely different area of ​​\u200b\u200bresearch.

It turned out that the ratio of each new member of this series to the previous one tends to 1.618. Yes, the proportion is not perfect, especially on the first few knees, but as the row scales up, it becomes more and more obvious. Everyone can verify this for themselves.

The fact is that the number 1.618 was known long before the birth of Leonardo of Pisa and it was called FI. In the literature, this proportion is also known under the term "golden section", which in the future was studied up and down by the famous namesake of Fibonacci, Leonardo da Vinci.

But it was small digression, so let's get back to the FI number. At present, in the popular literature on financial markets there is often confusion, as some authors credit Fibonacci as the discoverer of this "divine proportion". In fact, given coefficient named after the ancient Greek architect Phidias, who actively used it in the construction of structures.

But these are not all mysteries, apparently, Phidias himself only borrowed knowledge from more ancient sources. This hypothesis suggests itself, since similar proportions are found in Egyptian pyramids ah on the Giza plateau, which were built long before the advent of Greek "scientific" thought.

How is the Fibonacci spiral related to the Forex market?

Of course, the story is very fascinating and informative, but a natural question arises - why this theory? Everything is very simple, as we have just seen, Fibonacci experimentally came across an interesting phenomenon - the "golden ratio" is not just a "fiction" of mathematicians of the past, by no means, it takes place in biological and evolutionary processes.

As we have already noted, in the future Da Vinci began to develop this idea, and after him the works of Leonardo from medieval Pisa acquired an almost “sacred” meaning for many mathematicians - many outstanding minds sought to find an explanation for these patterns, but there were more questions than answers.

As a result, similar patterns were found almost everywhere, i.e. in space, geology and biology, but for us the most interesting will be the ideal shell of a mollusk, the ratios of which are subject to the proportions of the Fibonacci series.

The above figure schematically shows the ratio of the areas of individual sections of the shell. Of course, the shellfish this case just became a household name (like rabbits), i.e. the researchers saw more definite patterns here, after which they compiled a model of the Fibonacci spiral, which later found application in a wide variety of areas, including Forex.

fibo spiral indicator

Unfortunately, the developers of the MetaTrader4 terminal decided not to add the corresponding instrument to the standard set, therefore, to build a formation of the same name, traders are forced to use custom developments - special programs and indicators.

The chart above shows an example of the markup created by the FX5_FiboSpiral indicator. It should be noted that the author of this algorithm has done a tremendous job, since in MetaTrader4 a spiral can be built in only one way - by connecting many small segments.

Partly for this reason (because of technical features terminal) the Fibonacci spiral sometimes turns out to be a little crooked and angular, but this circumstance practically does not have a negative impact on the result of the analysis, since the conclusions are in any case approximate and indicative.

As for the FX5_FiboSpiral settings, it is not recommended to change them, since the author set the optimal combination by default, but if the basic markup seems unsatisfactory, the result of the construction can be influenced by adjusting three variables - radius, goldenSpiralCycle and accurity.

The variable radius is responsible for the width of the first turn of the Fibonacci spiral. By default, it is 5, and it is from this number that the model takes on the correct shape. If we set any value less than 5 in the field of the same name, we get the following result.

With the help of the second parameter (goldenSpiralCycle), the user influences the speed of rotation of the spiral, in particular, the higher this indicator, the narrower the range between turns will be. Accordingly, by optimizing the specified variable, it is possible to find key points for cycles of different orders without changing the timeframe.

And the last variable (accuracy) is purely technical in nature, i.e. it has no effect on cycles/radii and is only used to set the length of connecting lines. To make it clear what we are talking about, we will increase it from 0.2 to 1.0. As you can see, the spiral has become "angular".

Construction and interpretation of the Fibonacci spiral

Despite the fact that fibo numbers are widely used in trading, the spiral still raises many questions, in particular, traders have not yet unambiguously decided from which extremums it should start counting, so in different strategies you can find absolutely opposite points vision (and all of them have the right to life, since no one has yet conducted serious full-fledged studies).

However, in recent times a technique has become widespread, in which the initial turn of the spiral is tied to the last pronounced extrema. Proponents of this method adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  • At the first stage, a standard ZigZag indicator is attached to the chart;
  • The last confirmed extremums are assigned sequential numbers;
  • The blue rectangle stretches from the point of the beginning of the wave to its last extremum.

The chart above shows an example of a Fibonacci spiral based on the last wave. Accordingly, if there is a need to evaluate older cycles, it is necessary to perform the above actions for a different set of extremes.

The question remains - how to use the spiral in practical trading? Observations show that this formation is a cross between arcs and Fibonacci time zones, therefore, under certain conditions, coils can be used as support / resistance.

In the above example, we see how the price slowed down next to the spiral, so this extremum should be considered as an exit point from the position. Special attention should also be paid to the fact that only the first coil, built immediately after the confirmation of the wave to which the Fibonacci spiral is attached, has practical value.

The FX5_FiboSpiral indicator is much more useful when searching for points where a local extremum can presumably form, i.e. exactly the same principle works here as when plotting Fibonacci time zones on the chart.

In the figure above, the vertical lines schematically show where to wait for the formation of the next maximum or minimum. Yes, there is no mistake here - we do not know exactly which extremum will appear, so the spiral must be combined with other methods, for example, cyclical analysis.

The essence of such a combination is as follows - cyclic analysis allows us to in general terms estimate with what probability the price of an asset will rise or fall, but since the start and end points of such seasonal surges are constantly shifting every year, the Fibonacci spiral helps to approximately calculate the day to exit the position, i.e. it makes reference to a real trend, and not to long-term historical patterns.

In addition, according to a similar principle, spirals are used in the wave analysis of Ralph Elliott, or rather, some supporters of this technique (our contemporaries) successfully use FX5_FiboSpiral to search for potential tops of "fours" and "fives", and also predict the duration of corrective zigzags with their help.

As part of today's review, we again made sure that some "universal" patterns are manifested not only in natural processes, but also in financial markets. Of course, Leonardo of Pisa could not have imagined that in hundreds of years his works would be used for speculative transactions, but this is not surprising.

The fact is that Forex quotes are formed by real people, i.e. prices are determined by the reaction of all traders and investors to ongoing events, and the behavior of the crowd, as sociologists have repeatedly established, can also be described using waves and the golden ratio.

Apparently, the causes of this phenomenon should be sought in the biological plane, since the human society is, first of all, a population, i.e. one person may behave strangely and unpredictably, but on the scale of the planet or country, the behavior of the population is subject to certain laws. This hypothesis yet to be thoroughly tested.

Concerning practical side question, then in this regard, it is reasonable to use the Fibonacci spiral as an additional filter, and not as an independent signal generator, in particular, it does a good job of finding points where local price extremes may form in the future.

I would also like to note a few words about the FX5_FiboSpiral indicator. Today it is the only correct free spiral algorithm for MetaTrader4, so you have to put up with some inaccuracies and excesses that appear in the process of marking it up.


Ronald Holt

Research Director
Organization "Flower of Life"

Living Sacred Geometry
without her intellectual understanding

Despite the fact that the Golden Mean Spiral is described primarily in terms of mathematics, it is surprising that this mathematical spiral has other additional features that can be felt by people on deep level that does not require an intellectual understanding of mathematical principles. I would like to explore the phenomenon that links the mathematical spiral with the sensible spiral. Practically they are one and the same. However, the absurd at first sight statement that in the simplest way the Golden Mean Spiral can be felt as a deep feeling of Love, will require explanation.

The Golden Section Spiral is a portal that connects the ethereal and material dimensions. In other words, I would say that God left us a door to a deep mystery - the Golden Mean Spiral or the path of Love. In this article, we will look at how the Golden Mean Spiral is actually an expression of the basic energy of Creation, which we call Love.

Those who have completed the Flower of Life workshop have spent a lot of time learning the Mer-Ka-Ba through the 17-breath meditation taught in this course. Until now, at its core, material about the meaning of the Golden Mean Spiral and how it relates to the Mer-Ka-Ba has not been deeply explored, although their relationship is a complex interweaving. In order to experience the love vibrations of the Mer-Ka-Ba, one must direct the spiral and know how to activate it. In order to simplify the initial steps towards understanding how the Golden Mean Spiral and Mer-Ka-Ba are interconnected and interdependent, we need to consider some general provisions and several models that play the role of building blocks. These building blocks will expand our perception, opening up to us much more broad perspective. These tentatively considered models and provisions include the following:

Section 1. A bit of philosophical reasoning on the topic of sacred geometry.

Section 2. General philosophy of the relationship between the Fibonacci Spiral and the Golden Ratio.

Section 3. The magic of the sphere.

Section 4. "The seed within the seed" of the sphere.

Section 5. Exercises for feeling the Spiral of the Golden Section.

Section 6. Spiral of the golden ratio in prayers and singing.

Section 7. Rotation of tetrahedral fields and amplification of presence
Spirals of the Golden Section.

Section 8. Ancient temples and the Golden Section.

Section 9. Mer-Ka-Ba and the 32 degree tilt.

When we look at these nine models, we can see the amazing perfection of the spiral of life, which contains the structure of Creation and dynamically increases the effectiveness of the Mer-Ka-Ba and the opening of the heart.

1. A little philosophical reasoning
on sacred geometry.

Everyone can draw some geometric figure, which is just geometry; but when you connect with it the Great Spirit or consciousness and an open heart, then you create Sacred Geometry. Hence, Sacred Geometry is concerned with how to open the heart and develop consciousness through geometric patterns. These models, as in a mirror, reflect your own consciousness. The main role of Sacred Geometry is the creation of Light/Consciousness. When you see how the geometric forms flow into each other, you will understand how they go beyond and move towards the structure of a higher level of development. When you understand this, you will be able to relate Sacred Geometry to the heart. And the spiral is the most important key.

Sacred Geometry is the study of geometric shapes ah and their imaginative relationship with human evolution; the doctrine of smooth, fluid evolutionary changes in the mind, emotions, spirit and consciousness, reflected in the sequential transition from one form of Sacred Geometry or state of consciousness to another.

True Sacred Geometric forms are never rigidly fixed. On the contrary, they are in a constant state of smooth transition and change (evolutionary or regressive) from one geometric form to another at their own speed or frequency.

When we consciously activate a series of primal or Sacred Geometric shapes around the body, such as the tetrahedron (or any of the Platonic solids), we are attuning our own personal frequencies to coordinate and act in harmony with the dominant harmonic.

Then imagine that at every point in the body where energy is transmitted or received, living, changing three- and four-dimensional geometric mandalas are constantly being created. Mandalas can also be in a state of constant, fluid transition, evolving into a variety of concentric geometric structures.

Every thought we take into our minds turns into a cascade of geometric mandalas similar to those pictured above. The same occurs for every emotional reality that we create with our feelings. These structures tend to form ever-changing and overlapping geometries around us. Later, in Section 5, we will see how activating one set of sacred shapes (geometric configurations) around the body will activate the Golden Mean Spiral, which will help the heart expand and open.

2. General philosophy of relations between
Fibonacci Spiral and Golden Ratio.

General Philosophy of the Golden Proportion.

In a general sense, due to the fact that the golden ratio has neither beginning nor end, it becomes a pretty good metaphor for the spirit in material reality. One can observe the golden ratio (or Spirit), but it cannot be limited either at its beginning or at its end. The Golden Mean Spiral has an additional aspect that requires closer consideration. This property, when we think about it, makes us think deeply.

One of characteristic features The Golden Mean Spiral is that it continues into ever-decreasing coils. This spiral soon becomes so infinitesimal that, theoretically, it could break through the plane of one dimension and enter another. Once it has done this, it could repeat it again by entering another dimension as a relatively large spiral, working its way to decrease again, until it breaks through this plane too and goes out into another, and so further to infinity. Even though it is only a linear model, it is sufficient to show the main idea.

From another point of view, which is held by Dan Winter, the Golden Mean Spirals, infinitely decreasing, break through the plane of the third dimension. This time, however, the Golden Mean Spiral enters the dimension with frequencies comparable to the speed of light and even exceeding it.

If we consider the universe in its natural, non-linear state, which includes all dimensions and frequencies, then when we break through the plane of the third dimension, we enter back into the space of all frequencies or eternal transcendence. In non-physical dimensions, everything is in perpetual change and occupies all frequencies - both the speed of light and above.

When golden ratio enters the third dimension from this more high state frequencies, it enters the dimension limited by time. As the spiral (within the third dimension) coils endlessly to break the plane of the third dimension, it re-enters the dimension of higher frequencies and eternal transcendence. On the other side of this third dimension of ours are more high frequencies and beyond.

Then the Golden Proportion can be used as a symbol or as an analogy of the Spirit in materiality, as well as an analogy of a thread that links together the material and ethereal dimensions. It is like a vine giving birth to a vine branch (an oblong sphere) which in turn contains many grapes of various sizes. Parallel dimensions can be likened to bunches of grapes (elongated spherical octaves) that grow from the powerful vine of the Golden Proportion.

Each sentient being with an open heart has numerous spiral vines emanating from the heart, which, in turn, create many parallel realities coexisting in many dimensional planes. These multiple realities coexist, overlapping with the reality of other people. Together they create a coherent and coherent spectrum of realities and possibilities that form the structure of infinity.

General Philosophy of the Fibonacci Spiral.

In contrast to the Golden Ratio (having no beginning or end), the Fibonacci Spiral has a definite beginning, but not necessarily an end. Once started, the Fibonacci Spiral can continue, going to infinity.

The Fibonacci sequence has a unique property. Unlike the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci Series starts at zero or one, but quickly approaches the Golden Ratio with ever-increasing precision. It seems that the Fibonacci sequence is getting closer and closer to the Golden Mean sequence (to the ratio of phi) and has an approximate value of phi (1.6180339...). This accuracy increases until it asymptotically reaches its limits. At this point, it is impossible to tell the difference between the two spirals, except at or near the starting points. Understanding this property of the Fibonacci Spiral is crucial.

This characterization of the Fibonacci Spiral (the constant attempt to approach the Golden Ratio with increasing precision) can be used as a metaphor for our human condition to help us look deeper into the nature of spirituality.

If the Golden Mean is used as a metaphor for the spirit, and the Fibonacci Series as a metaphor for physical incarnation (the spirit incarnated in physical body and trying to improve himself, approaching the kidideal), then our physical incarnation metaphorically begins as a life form of the Fibonacci Series.

Without a complete memory of wholeness and a complete picture of the universe, we begin our young lives with a completely misidentified self as a purely physical being, finite and mortal. Gaining experience and wisdom through physical incarnation, we begin to feel and open our Spirit. Thus, the process of identifying ourselves with our Higher Self begins. Our desire to become closer to God is similar to the desire of the Fibonacci Spiral to approach the Golden Section.

As we grow, there is an ever closer connection with the ideal (Spirit or the Golden Mean), and we can begin to feel an increase in energy and renewal. This renewal can stimulate the intention and motivation of the physical being to do their best to feel even more energy and get closer to the ideal or the Golden Proportion. The physical being (Fibonacci Series) then feels an overwhelming urge to continue on the path that leads to getting closer to Spirit. This often manifests itself in the purification of the mind, emotions and desires in order to create a pure inner temple that will allow the mind and body to become the best receivers for the ideal or Spirit. This is also similar to the approximation of the Fibonacci series to the Golden Ratio.

Sometimes the thoughts, emotions and desires of a physical being come very close to the ideal. At this point, the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio are in such close proximity that there is something like a bridge between the Spirit and the physical being. The limited scope of physical existence expands, and the realization of such unlimited possibilities as human beings in physical form can manifest.

3. The magic of the sphere.

The sphere represents the most amazing, powerful and magical form in creation. In order to begin to understand and appreciate the potential of the sphere, it is necessary to be able to see and understand the components of the building blocks contained within the sphere, and understand how to get to them. Hiding within the sphere are 5+1 building blocks of sacred creation and one sacred (or less understood) entity.

This intangible entity within the sphere can be thought of as "a seed within a seed" and lies at the core of the sphere. It can be called an intangible entity because it takes all geometric shapes beyond their boundaries or provides them with a way to do so. I could also call it an intangible entity because it comes from a more high plan and cannot be limited.

These 5+1 building blocks inside the sphere are called the Platonic solids. They are geometric shapes known as the tetrahedron, star tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron. The “seed within a seed” entity at the core of the sphere is called the Golden Sacred Spiral. To see these elements inside the sphere, we need a template to help extract them from the sphere. An archaeologist uses a shovel, brush and mesh to sift and sort artifacts from dust. For our tasks, we will use a template called a polar graph, using it as a grid, to extract these geometric shapes (and the spiral) from the sphere. In addition, we will use the Binary Circular Pattern to highlight the holographic fractality of the sphere.

It is important to understand deeply and clearly that once you have approached one single sphere, you enter the many dimensions of holographic fractality that are contained in each sphere. This holographic fractality links all life and all possibilities to each other. A sphere, like all forms with faces, is created at the very moment when you have a Golden Spiral. This means that as soon as you begin to experience unconditional Love, you feel an inner connection with everything that is in Creation.

To see how spirals and Platonic solids fit into a sphere, we need an additional tool. This tool will give us an understanding of the holographic nature of the sphere and reality. In order to see the holographic fractality of a sphere and its geometry, an additional "sifting" tool is required, known as a binary template, which we will discuss later in this section.

Let's go back to the polar graph. It is understood that each sphere can be represented as a polar graph. Let's start by building the simplest geometric shape called a tetrahedron. First, let's start building a triangle on a polar graph. This can be done by connecting the 0-120-240-degree marks (see Fig. 2) to each other, as well as connecting the points at 0, 120 and 240 degrees with radial lines to the center of the polar graph. Let's highlight these lines.

We have outlined a tetrahedron (see Fig. 3). Once this tetrahedron is complete, connect the 60, 180, and 300 degree marks on the same polar graph as the tetrahedron and extract their radial lines, creating a downward tetrahedron superimposed on an upward tetrahedron. This will outline the Star Tetrahedron (see fig. 4). You can continue this process to get all the remaining Platonic Solids (see Figure 5-9).

Rice. #one

Rice. #2

Rice. #3

Rice. # four

Rice. # 5

Rice. #6

Rice. #7

Rice. # eight

Rice. # 9








An additional template used to outline the Platonic Solids is the Binary Circular Template, which is a configuration of the X-Y-Z axes (see figs. 11 and 12). You can also use an X-Y-Z configuration of circles to outline all five Platonic solids, as well as a holographic fractal pattern.

Rice. #ten

Rice. # eleven

Rice. # 12

Rice. # 13

Rice. #10 - 7 concentric circles

Rice. #11 - X-Y-Z axes formed by adding half circles smaller

Rice. #12 - X-Y-Z axes without the original 7 full size outer circles

Rice. #13 - 5 nested Platonic solids, formed by the compound all centers by lines

By looking at how each of the Platonic solids is created using the X-Y-Z axes of the Binary Circular Pattern, you can see that once you get even one Platonic solid, you actually have all five Platonic solids.








From the above drawings, we can see the fractal and holographic nature of the sphere and the associated Platonic solids. If you approach any individual sphere, you will find that fractally and holographically, an infinite number of spheres and Platonic solids are nested inside it.

It has been previously stated that once someone enters the spiral (or the feelings of Love), he/she acquires an infinite number of fractals, where all the geometric building blocks of reality exist both holographically and regularly distributed on a binary scale. it good example how geometry can demonstrate the existence of our spirit in a continuum fractally and holographically. Because we have the Golden Mean Spiral at the core of our heart, we exist in many dimensions through our infinite holographic and fractal characteristics. This means that we all exist within every individual, animal, plant, star, planet, species, and so on, throughout Creation and on all planes of existence.

4. The "seed within the seed" of the sphere.

The "seed within the seed" of the sphere is a spiral. The essence of this spiral opens access to this reality and beyond. All geometric forms are governed by this spiral, and with this spiral, geometry changes its past and present forms.

To see how this spiral is woven into the sphere and the 5+1 Platonic solids, we need to use the polar graph. Understanding how the Fibonacci and Golden Mean Spirals are located on the polar graph will open the door to deeper understanding.

Fibonacci spiral .

Take the polar graph and direct the zero line so that it looks up the page.

The figure below shows the Fibonacci Spiral on a polar graph.

Fibonacci spiral

The initial parts of the Fibonacci Spiral are irregular, which means the attempts of the Fibonacci Series to approach the phi ratio (1.61803…). The Fibonacci spiral fluctuates wide range in its early stages (the first three steps), adjusting closer to the phi ratio as it unfolds. It is very important to understand this characteristic of the Fibonacci series.

By following the pattern above, you will find that the Fibonacci Spiral traverses the polar graph at the following points.

1) at a radius of 0 degrees and at the first (1.0)
circles from the center.

2) on a radius of 120 degrees and on the second (2.0)
circles from the center.

3) at a radius of 190 degrees and at the third (3.0)
circles from the center.

4) on a radius of 280 degrees and on the fifth (5.0)
circles from the center.

5) on a radius of 360 degrees and on the eighth (8.0)
circles from the center.

In contrast to the Fibonacci Spiral, a Golden Mean Spiral superimposed on a polar graph would look like the following figure.

Golden Section Spiral

If you were to superimpose these two graphs (see below), labeled "Fibonacci Spiral - "A" and "Golden Mean Spiral -" B "", then they would look like fig. "B". Both spirals would match each other very exactly except that the Golden Mean Spiral continues towards the center.

We have already seen in section 3 (figs. 2 and 3) that the selection of lines passing through the marks at 0, 120 and 240 degrees outlines the tetrahedron. When we superimpose these two components (spirals and tetrahedron) on the polar graph, we can see the alignment of the polar graph, spirals and tetrahedron (see below).

This is the first step towards understanding the basics of this important and profound symbol. If a spiral is an essential component within a tetrahedron, then as soon as you create a tetrahedron, you will automatically have an enclosing sphere, several types of spirals, as well as all five Platonic solids.

Let's expand on the conclusions from the previous example. As soon as you feel the spiral of Love, you find with it (fractally and holographically) endless rows of spheres, tetrahedra and all five Platonic solids. This means that once you experience the spiral of Love, you have all the necessary building blocks for Creation.

Since the spiral creates all the Platonic solids, any configuration of the Platonic solids, created around the human body in sacred proportions, will allow you to access and feel the Golden Mean Spiral.

In the case of our example using a tetrahedron, there is an inscribed spiral (Fibonacci) that tries to approximate a perfect spiral called the Golden Mean Spiral. Next, you can see how a fixed material object (such as a tetrahedron) contains open access to its very core, which is created by the Spiral of the Golden Section. The Fibonacci Spiral in its incessant movement (development) will always try to completely merge with the Golden Section Spiral.

For our purposes, the Golden Mean Spiral can be felt and experienced for a while if a simple geometric shape is established around the individual. Once you activate the sacred proportions around the individual, the Golden Spiral will make its presence recognizable and can be felt in a tangible way. We will do this in the next section. It is this exercise that will allow you to practically learn how the heart is tuned in unison with the Golden Section Spiral.

5. Feeling exercises
Spirals of the Golden Section.


Stage 1:Have one person stand in the middle of three people with their arms extended straight out so that a triangle is formed. Each of these people, with their outstretched arms, creates one of the sides of a triangle, horizontally located around the central person. (See diagram below).

Location of people to feel
Spirals of the Golden Section

The one in the center should close his eyes and relax, breathing a little deeper than usual. Let the mind stop the inner chatter. Try to pay close attention to feelings and heart.

Three people outside should keep their arms up for about 5 minutes or until they get tired. At this moment, they can lower their arms along the body, since the intention has already been created to activate the sacred proportions around the person in the center. The people on the fringes should project as much love onto him as they can.

It is very likely that in a few moments the person standing in the center will begin to wobble, whirl or move back and forth as he begins to tune into or resonate with the rhythmic movement of the Golden Spiral.

Golden Spiral Activated by Stimulation
sacred proportions around the one who stands in the center

When we recreate this tetrahedron around the person standing in the center, the energy of the Golden Mean Spiral is created almost immediately, and as a result, it can be felt and felt.

I see this spiral as loving, golden and unconditional because when you feel the spiral or undulation while standing between three people, it has a profound effect on the heart that brings tears of joy and love to many participants. As you experience this wonderful feeling in depth, it will lead you into a deep, seemingly alive, golden and unconditional spiral of Love.

Note:Focusing on the Golden Spiral (and your ability to sense, feel and remain in resonance with it) will allow you to manipulate the past or transcend the limited forms of the geometric stages of matter, energy or consciousness. The Golden Spiral is a thread or vine passing through all dimensions (material or ethereal), which cannot be limited. In short, if you are experiencing a limiting or restraining influence associated with any geometric field or form, then you can go beyond this state by attuning to the Golden Spiral. (Per more information see the section on 32-degree tilt for more on this).

Please note: At this stage, no fields rotate around the body, and therefore it does not matter what the orientation of the tetrahedron is in relation to the person standing in the center. You will feel the spiral the same no matter what position you are in.

The Next Stage of the Feeling Exercise
Spirals of the Golden Section.

In the next exercise, we concentrate the liquid golden light within the person's personality and open all the chakras. This will require the assistance of at least 13 people.

As in the previous exercise, place four people in a golden spiral configuration. Now form two more of the same triangles of four people each. Please make sure that these three triangles form one big triangle (see picture below).

Note:unlike the picture below, have three people standing in the center facing each other.

When you have placed twelve people in this way, choose the thirteenth person and let him/her be temporarily outside this group. The thirteenth person should maintain a state of meditation and try to reach the same frequency of vibration as others. Those who form the sides of the triangles should continue to concentrate unconditional Love on the person in the center.

Stage 2:Those at the centers of the triangles should now expand the unconditional golden Spiral to create a sphere of golden light that, concentrating, grows within them. The presence of the Golden Spiral will itself continue to concentrate within the sphere until the Golden Spiral of Love becomes fluid. At this point, the sphere will continue to grow and encompass all four people in the group. This is the second stage. At this moment, each person standing in the center can begin the process of opening all of their chakras, if they are not already opened.

Stage 3:We will expand the golden sphere from each person in the center until it covers the entire group of twelve people. When all three people standing in the centers have enclosed a group of four people in a sphere of golden light, each of them should then focus the feeling of Love on two other people standing in the centers of the other two triangles, and completely merge with the golden spheres in the centers of their hearts. This will require many concessions, compassion and acceptance from them. Usually all of this is present when you are saturated with liquid golden light. Liquid golden light is required condition for pure compassion, concessions, acceptance and complete merging.

(For more on merging, see R. Holt's article "Meditation and the Art of Merging").

When the people standing in the centers successfully merge with each other with the help of unconditional love They will feel full and completely balanced. Just at this moment, each of those standing in the center can begin the process of opening all the chakras, if they are not already open.

Stage 4:We are now ready to place the thirteenth person in the center of the three groups (see diagram below).

The three in the centers will now envelop the thirteenth person with their fields of liquid light, allowing him to raise the frequency at his own speed. It is important. Each person has his own rate of vibration rise. They cannot be forced to rise faster by force with external pressure. At this stage, the key is patience.

When the thirteenth person has fully raised their vibrational frequency to the level of golden liquid light, then he / she can now send his heart to three other people standing in the centers of the triangles. This invitation to open up and merge can be easily felt by the other three without a single spoken word. With the combined support of these three people focusing the golden light on the thirteenth person, this last person becomes the gate and must hold the frequency to enable the three people in the centers (and the rest of the team) to move to an even higher frequency of vibration.

When the thirteenth person has completely merged with the other three people in the centers and feels completely embraced and stabilized by unconditional Love, then it is time for him to take the place of one of the others who were not yet in the centers.

Repeat this process until everyone is completely merged, engulfed and stabilized within the golden liquid light and each other.

When all participants are fully merged and stabilized within the golden light, the next stage is ready. For this next stage, have one member of the group stand face to face with the one in 13th position. All other participants will focus their liquid light around the two people in the center.

Stage 5:These two people, standing in the 13th position, will begin the process of manifesting their insecurity, compassion and bestowal at the deepest internal level hearts, while at the same time exchanging a breath of golden liquid light with each other.

Breathing: Two people standing in the 13th position begin to inhale concentrated liquid golden light through the lungs directly into the center of the heart. At the end of the inhalation, hold your breath, increase the amount of liquid light, collecting it (as if hugging it with your lungs) and adding your deepest unconditional Love and joy to it. Then exhale this light directly into the heart of the second person who begins to inhale it. Joy is a very significant emotion for the moment of emission and acceleration of liquid golden light.

These two people will send light for some time and watch the frequency of vibrations rise. The heart will open very wide. When this level is reached, the two will be ready to look for the open door to each other's heart center. Using the same merging process, a person will enter through this door into the heart of another person.

Repeat this procedure for each participant (two by two) until all participants have passed through the door into the hearts of other people.

Note:Following the successful experience of experiencing the golden liquid light in the previous exercise, it is strongly suggested that during the fourteenth breath of the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, sufficient time be taken to fill and surround oneself with the golden liquid light. After that, it is required to complete the process by directly merging and identifying oneself with the golden liquid light before proceeding with additional breaths. This is how the fourteenth breath should be done. Only in this way will we get a 32-degree tilt of the head (see section 9) and automatic orientation of the tetrahedra to the axis of the fourth dimension.

6. Spiral of the golden section in prayers and singing.

As we saw earlier, the golden ratio can be felt in the most tangible way. However, this is just one of the ways that you can feel this spiral, once you have known this feeling. Remembering this feeling makes it easier to identify this spiral while praying and chanting or reciting the mantra OM.

Referring to the work of David Osborne, we see in Fig. 1 (see below) Hindu prayer. After giving numerical values ​​to the words of this prayer, the results shown in Fig. 2 (see below). These results show that the prayer culminates at the value of pi, which is also expressed irrational number, which we have already seen with the relation phi. This prayer goes into a spiral with no beginning and no end. This irrational spiral, which has neither beginning nor end, is the language of God.

gopi bhagya madhuvrata

Srngiso dadhi sandhiga

Khala jivita khatava

Gala hala rasandhara

Oh Lord (Krishna),

Smeared with yoghurt of thrush worship,

Oh savior of the fallen

Oh teacher of Shiva, please protect me

Rice . #one


Ka ta pa ya = 1

Kha tha pha ra = 2

Ga da ba la = 3

Gha dha bha va = 4

Gna na ma sa = 5

Ca ta sa = 6

Cha tha sa = 7

Ja da ha = 8

Jha dha = 9

Rice . #2

If you have ever had the good fortune to perform spiritual prayers, especially the most ancient ones, while in a group, then you may have noticed how the harmonics of singing create a sound and the impression of a spiral in space. This has a profound effect on uniting people and strengthening the presence of the Spirit within the individual and in the whole environment.

7. Rotation of tetrahedral fields and amplification of presence
Spirals of the Golden Section.

While the true or original (original) geometry remains in eternal transcendence and exists under light and superluminal speeds, Sacred Geometry - a reflection of the geometry of the Spirit or the first cause - contains in its core, like a grain, the matrix of the Spirit or the root cause. Dimensional-limited Spirit or geometry strives for the freedom of the first cause, which exists outside the limitations of dimensionality.

Spirit, like Sacred Geometry, desires to fulfill itself by increasing its access to higher vibrational potentials/frequencies and accelerating the stages of transcendence. This can go on as long as there are still potentials and frequencies to merge with.

As we saw in section 4, the helix, tetrahedron, and sphere are integral to each other. The question arises: “Does the speed of rotation of the Golden Mean Spiral increase if you increase the speed of rotation of the tetrahedron?”.

Of course, there are several ways to consider this issue. Let us suppose that the helix is ​​firmly fixed and attached to the tetrahedron. When we rotate the tetrahedron, we will rotate the spiral at the same time. Rotating the tetrahedron, and therefore the spiral, as the speed increases, will increase the flow (in or out, depending on the direction of rotation) in or out of the golden ratio portal (zero point?).

In the case of the Mer-Ka-Ba, there are three complete star tetrahedra made up of bioplasmic energy (the same material as the golden ratio). Two of these three complete star tetrahedra are used for rotation. We have one star tetrahedron rotating to the left, and the other - at the same time rotating to the right. In this situation, we have two spirals spinning in two different directions at the same time. This can be seen as follows: the flow of the golden spiral creates both inflow and outflow through the golden spiral portal or zero point. It is transmission and reception.

Increasing the speed of rotation increases the potential volume or active presence of the golden realities coming and going through the spiral gate. zero point or unconditional love. However, there remains another factor that determines whether an individual feels an additional need for this Love.

Reaching these gates is not only a consequence of the mental rotation of the fields alone. On the contrary, the individual must create a spiral in his heart and use geometry as a tool in order to pass through this gate. This is everyone's personal choice.

For example, if we use clean water as an analogue of Love, and if we have a glass of water, a puddle, a pool, a pond, a river, a lake or an ocean at our disposal, there is a choice of how much water we use. It is our choice how much water we use or drink. It's the same with Love. It is our choice how open we are to the full spectrum of Love vibrations.

Another example is mindfulness. The eye of reason may see star tetrahedrons rotating at almost the speed of light or faster, but the heart at this moment may not be able to feel the Love and joy that comes at the moment of destroying barriers and experiencing higher octaves of vibrations.

Or the heart may feel the presence of higher frequencies that come with the experience of entering the speed of light and beyond, but the mind rejects this experience and silences the heart.

Reason and heart must be united (married) in order to enter into new sensations or realities and maintain them. The spiral and the tetrahedron (as well as all Platonic solids) must be joined together (married) by your own personal choice of joining mind and heart.

If the heart and mind are at odds, then reality is torn apart. If geometry and helix are separated, they will offer very little of the possibilities they contain. All the building blocks of creation are closely related to the spiral of Love (spiral, sphere, Platonic solids and others). Love, therefore, is the most conscious and creative force in the universe! Figuratively speaking, Love is a thread that binds and supports all living things and all Creation.

8. Ancient temples and the Golden Section.

Imagine that the local administration asks you to build a temple that would allow people to come together and feel unity and harmony with each other, with the Great Spirit of Mother Earth and with the Great Spirit of Creation. Allowing this to happen, you are told, will result in the reign of grace bestowed upon the Earth, all beings, and all of Creation.

With the knowledge of Sacred Geometry, living spirals and natural vortices that you have, you decide to create a temple that takes advantage of as many of these potentialities as possible. This will ensure that many people will be able to experience the golden unifying spiral of unconditional Love and through this increase the power and effectiveness of the sacred ceremony of restoring harmony and vitality.

You decide that the site where you plan to build will be most effective if it is located on the line of natural energy network good quality. You think this is a good start, and you begin to consider whether the male or female network line or energy vortex is the most appropriate for your tasks. You decide that having both masculine and feminine network lines or energy vortices would be optimal, if such can be found.

If you cut these stone blocks in proportions of the Golden Section, then inside the stone you would set a spiral. And if the whole temple were built of such stones with spirals introduced, it would appear as if a conglomeration of spirals.

By using several techniques to orient the spirals towards the dominant harmonic, and thus acting in unison, you could create a powerful field effect at this point. Using this temple and sacred ceremonies, each participant would much more easily acquire the ability to integrate higher vibrations and maintain a sense of merging with God.

That was the intention of the builders of the ancient temples of the Earth. If we look at some of the ancient structures in terms of this understanding, we can appreciate the intent, craftsmanship, and labor that went into these marvelous monuments.

Colossal structures, such as the Parthenon in Athens, the pyramids in Giza and Mexico, many temples in the Nile Valley, cathedrals in Europe and other ancient buildings around the globe, were built with these sacred principles in mind.

There are other ways to lay a spiral in a stone or building. A few Kauna elders occasionally shared stories of the past with some of us archaeologists in Hawaii. It was a very rare and great honor. In one such case, two of us who worked as archaeologists at the Bishop Museum were on a project in Kauai, Hawaii. Ray was in charge and I was the cartographer. Our task was to map four hand-cut tunnels through solid basalt near Princeville and determine who made them. Since there was no record of who or why created these tunnels, the Bishop Museum determined that they were quite old.

When we were archaeologists in Hawaii, the Kahuna elders used to tell some of us different stories about the past from time to time. This happens very rarely and is a great honor. On one such occasion, two of us, archaeologists at the Bishop's Museum, were assigned a project in Kaui, Hawaii. Ray was the leader and I was the cartographer for this project. One of the tasks was to map and determine who built four hand-cut tunnels through hard basalt near Princeville. The Bishop's Museum believed that they were very ancient, since there was no information about who and when created them.

Ray and I decided to consult with the Hawaiian elders who lived in the area, who could give at least some hints of a clue. It is very difficult to get access to elders in Hawaii, so we had to ask permission from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. We told the employee of this Office what we were looking for and why. She listened to us very carefully and asked us to come the next day, saying that she would see what could be done. When we returned the next day, the clerk's eyes sparkled and she calmly began to tell us all about us. The woman knew things about us that were not in any documents. It was obvious that she had done a lot of work at home. Having finished detailed description each of us, the employee said we were approved and would meet with an elder on Sunday. She then gave us the meeting point (in the park) and the time we were supposed to be there for a private meeting.

Since the mapping part of the project was completed, Ray asked me to return to Honolulu on Friday and he would make sure to talk to the elder. Ray was going to meet me on Oahu on Monday to finish all the work on the report.

On Monday, Ray came to see me and looked visibly agitated. He began by explaining that at first he couldn't even make it to the meeting with the elder. Instead, he was forced to go "through the ranks" of verbal teasing from other Hawaiians who watched his reaction. This reaction determined whether Ray would be allowed to see the elder. “Apparently I passed with a bang and they said the elder was waiting for me on the way to the forest,” he said, Ray continued, “I entered the forest and saw an elder sitting on the ground. He smiled at me and rose to his feet. The elder asked us to follow him, and we began to go deeper into the forest.” Then, Ray said that they talked about many things, and at one point the elder stopped at the entrance to a Hawaiian spiritual sanctuary called “Heyo.” Such Heios were composed primarily of hundreds of thousands of lava-derived boulders of various shapes and sizes. The elder asked, “How do you think we built these shrines?”

Ray is an academic archaeologist, so he replied that obviously the builders had to use a whole array of ramps, levers, rollers and ropes to move the large boulders and careful laying techniques for the smaller ones. The elder started laughing and said, “See that big boulder in the middle of Heyo? Go and tap it with your knuckles." Ray noticed that while doing this, he injured his knuckles. A few seconds after Ray stopped pounding, the elder mumbled something unintelligible, then pulled out a conical shell and began blowing into it, making a sharp, loud sound. At that moment, Ray felt a quick, sharp jolt through his stomach and solar plexus. At the moment of feeling the push, he also experienced slight dizziness, nausea, and felt weightless, as if floating on a cloud.

Then the elder said to Ray, "Go and knock on the boulder again."

I looked at Ray. Now he looked even more excited and animated.

“Ron, when I tapped the boulder after the elder blew into the sink, the boulder seemed hollow like a cardboard box,” Ray continued.

The elder smiled at me and said, “This is how we move such heavy objects.”

In the beginning, each sanctuary is seen spiritually. Sacred ceremonies are held to bring this vision to earth and manifest it on a special day. The ceremony is held for all those who will take part in the construction. They form a human chain, sometimes hundreds of people, to move the boulders from the stone quarries so that the construction of the sanctuary can be started and completed in 24 hours.

Special prayers are introduced into each boulder. Each person in the chain places their hands on the boulder and prays. So the boulder is passed from one person to another. These originally introduced prayers are strengthened and revived every year during every sacred ceremony in this place.

One only has to enter these beautiful ancient sanctuaries to feel the male and female spiral vortices that exist to this day. You feel in each stone the powerful results of carefully introduced prayers.

energy spiral,
enclosed in common prayer.

In Bali, Indonesia, high on the slopes of Mount Agung, there is a temple called Besaki. A very famous powerful monk started the construction of this temple about nine hundred years ago.

This monk lived on the island of Java, and there he had an amazing vision. The monk was shown that he had to build a grandiose temple. He will find a place for this temple when he sees a huge column of white light falling from heaven to earth. The monk traveled all over Java, but nowhere did he find such a light from heaven.

Then he decided to put artisans, builders, monks on ships and go to many islands of Indonesia to find a place where a light pillar would fall and build a grandiose temple there.

When the ships arrived in Bali, it was here, high on the slopes of Mount Agung, that the monk finally found a pillar of light falling from heaven. Only he alone could see this pillar. The monk gathered around him a large group of Balinese who supported the monk's vision and built the grandiose "Mother Temple" of Bali.

The Mother Temple includes many temples which are the majestic temple structures in Bali. Throughout the year, the people of Bali attend a number of special sacred ceremonies held at the Mother Temple.

Representatives of all the great temples come to these ceremonies in the Temple of the Mother, bringing richly decorated and beautiful gifts to God.

Each representative, as well as each individual temple in the main temple complexes of Bali, re-unites and merges into the presence of the Spirit. Simply put, people, earth, temples are re-animated and harmonized in the presence of the Great Spirit with the help of joint prayer done in a certain way at sacred intervals, before the Spirit begins to enter the earth, the ether and into themselves.

These ceremonies and prayers at sacred intervals are very similar to breathing in, which brings oxygen and prana, which are important for maintaining life. In this case, this joint ceremony is life-supporting, purifying and uniting with the Great Spirit. The exhalation symbolizes the exit and return of the great essence of the Spirit that you received in the ceremony, to Earth, to the people around you, to your work and your world.

When the main ceremonies at the Temple of the Mother are completed, the representatives return to their own temples and perform ceremonies there more frequently. Thus, the process of unification is constantly ongoing, enriching all living things on numerous planes of existence with the presence of the Spirit and the possibilities of rapprochement with God.

This creates a strong and enriched shell of high vibrations that envelops everything in Bali. This high vibration sheath is the most spiritual sheath I have ever felt in the entire world. As soon as you arrive in Bali, you literally bathe in the presence of the Great Spirit.

This story is an attempt to identify and understand the importance of the spiral as a key that opens the heart and human possibilities. Once you understand and feel the feeling of the spiral, it will become clear to you how important natural places of power and created vortexes are to reconnect with the Great Spirit.

However, there is something more important. Every person who learns to feel the spiral will find a lot of useful things in it. However, even more can be achieved by gathering in large groups at a strictly defined time. These groups may spend the whole day together to take part in joint ceremonies of spiritual connection with God. This would enable them to take responsibility for creating and caring for the sheath of high vibrations in our world.

Our world and all living things would undergo an incredible change. Everything we additionally seek for life in the area of ​​our worn out bodies, Spirit and emotions would be filled with renewal and inspiration received from a sincere reconnection with the Great Spirit.

9. Mer -TO a -B and a 32-degree tilt.

The star tetrahedron is a hexagonal (6-sided) configuration. As shown in the previous sections, the Platonic solids are embedded in a sphere, they are fractal, holographic and directly, intimately connected with the spiral.








Dan Winter's research has shown how hexagonal configurations, Mer-Ka-Ba star tetrahedra naturally contain energy. These star tetrahedra will release this energy if the star tetrahedron is tilted back slightly towards the 32 degree position. (This can be achieved when the person's head is slightly tilted back.) This will highlight the cubic configuration at the center of the star tetrahedron.

This 32-degree tilt of the star tetrahedron to the plane of the cube, in turn, will allow the star tetrahedron to punctuate the dodecahedron (pentagonal 5-sided base). The cube inside the star tetrahedron will then be angled to its fourth axis of rotation (or axis of the fourth dimension).

This new edge of rotation of the dodecahedron is 0.618… from the 1.0 edge of the cube, which causes the built-in energy (pressure) to emerge and funnel in the original configuration of the stellar tetrahedron to begin its convergence towards the Golden Mean Spiral. As a 5-sided configuration, the energy previously contained within the 6-sided star tetrahedron configuration is released in the form of the Golden Mean Spiral. Personality and the golden ratio begin to become one in each other at an ever-increasing rate. This is the moment of Love (or explosion) caused by merging with the feeling of the spiral.

There is a general tendency in the study of Mer-Ka-Ba meditation to focus a little too much on the geometric shape of the star tetrahedron and the characteristics of its rotation.If you concentrate too much on the star tetrahedron, you can become a box filled with your own focus. It was never intended that the star tetrahedron could be a containment box or an obstacle for any student.

There is a balance of energy and attention to the geometrical regularity of the star tetrahedron in the Mer-Ka-Be, as well as a balance of increasing and decreasing attention to one's own feelings in the spiral.

Drunvalo often argued in seminars that the effectiveness of the Mer-Ka-Ba is linked to the heart, when he said, "The extent to which you can open your heart, the extent to which you will experience the depths and potentials of the Mer-Ka-Ba."

Since the true or root cause Sacred Geometry is created from the fabric of the Spirit, it is always in fluid transitions and transcendence, freely evolving from one geometric structure to another. Geometric shapes with fixed angles are actually (as long as they are not frozen in physical forms) are temporary stages in the ongoing fluid development of geometric forms that reflect consciousness and its development.

The spiral is a living matrix or glue for the evolution of geometric structures. When the heart reaches the great depths of Love, Love (or the spiral) then naturally tilts the head back to the 32-degree position. That same Love, as it grows, will be the driving motivation to initiate your entry into or beyond the 4th axis of rotation (dimension).

In short, the helix knows what to do and when with constant angle geometry. However, fixed angle geometry structures themselves need a leader, a guiding matrix, to follow. The golden spiral (Love) is a magical guide for geometric shapes with fixed angles, just as a flower or fruit needs a vine or stem.

If the heart and mind are at odds, reality is torn apart. Accordingly, if the geometry and helix are completely separated, they will show very little of their potential. Closely related to the spiral of Love, the spiral, the sphere and the Platonic Solids are the building blocks of Creation. Thus, Love is the most reasonable and creative force in the Universe! She is literally the vine that binds and holds together all Life and Creation.

Ronald Holt

Director of the Research Organization "Flower of Life"


Ronald Holt is the director of the International Research Organization "Flower of Life" (Phoenix, Arizona, USA). He started his work as a facilitator of the Flower of Life workshop in 1993. and was the first to bring the teachings of Drunvalo to Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Africa and Australia. Prior to that, he was engaged in conducting marine and land archaeological surveys in Hawaii and Guam. In 1997 Drunvalo Melchizedek Appointed Ron as DirectorInternational organization Flower of Life, transferring to it the rights to conduct this stream on a global scale and prepare the presenters of this seminar for different countries of the world.

Currently, Ron and the Flower of Life team continue to purposefully develop this knowledge into the new millennium and, based on the principles of the Flower of Life, offer new approaches, in particular, how to open the heart and find your true self.

Nature always solves problems in the simplest and most elegant way it can think of. The golden ratio, or, in other words, the Fibonacci spiral, is a clear reflection of the genius of these solutions.

Traces of this proportion are found in ancient buildings and great paintings, the human body and celestial objects. For several centuries, the Golden Ratio and the Phi coefficient have been under the scrutiny of scientists. various areas.

"Son of the Lucky Man"

That is how, according to scientists, Leonardo of Pisa, nicknamed Fibonacci, can be called. This nickname means that he is the son of Bonacci ("Bonacci" translates as "lucky"). Very fun fact, considering how many people he made happy indirectly, contributing to the development of mathematics, economics and other fields of knowledge in which his discovery is now widely used.

This medieval Italian contributed so much huge contribution into development modern science that it is very difficult to overestimate it. Everyday everything large quantity scientific research only confirms the principle, which he clearly showed to the whole world in the form of numbers.

Leonardo of Pisa is famous for presenting his sequential series of numbers, which constantly tends to the golden ratio.

golden ratio

This is a proportion that can be graphically depicted as a segment divided by a point into two parts. The most important rule of division: the entire segment is related to its larger part in the same way as the larger part is related to the smaller one.

That is, the point will divide the segment in such a way that if we divide the entire length (the sum of parts) by the value of the larger part, we get the same number as when dividing the larger part by the smaller one.

As a result of division, the same result is always obtained - 1.618. It is called the Phi coefficient.

Fibonacci numbers

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 and beyond - these numbers have been playing a huge role in science for several centuries now.

They were called "Fibonacci series" or "Fibonacci numbers". The most important property of a sequence is that each new number is equal to the sum of the previous two. The so-called golden spiral of Fibonacci became a reflection of this particular sequence. It was she who brought him great fame.

But few people know that the contribution of the scientist did not end on the Fibonacci spiral alone. This medieval mathematician taught Europe to use Arabic numerals in mathematics, which greatly accelerated the development of science. Surprisingly, before he wrote a treatise on Arabic numerals, all of Europe used the Roman system exclusively.

Who knows how science would develop if it were not for his bright mind.

Coefficient "Phi"

The most important number in the golden ratio is 1.618. It is also present in the Fibonacci sequence. It is to this coefficient that the ratio of each next number to the previous one tends. That is why the discovery of the Fibonacci series has had such an impact on the entire scientific community. With the advent of mathematical exact expression, mankind has received a way to apply one of the most important laws environment in new inventions and research.

This is the perfect number golden mean and an ingenious solution that nature itself uses everywhere.

Popularity Through the Ages

The first mention of the principle of the golden ratio appeared in the time of Pythagoras. Since then, scientists have always observed this proportion, studied it and built different kind conjectures and assumptions.

In the modern world, this phenomenon has received wide publicity after the release of the film The Da Vinci Code. In this picture, the filmmakers drew the attention of a wide audience to the fact that the golden ratio is used and found everywhere. It was mentioned there that proportion is observed everywhere, even in the human body. And naturally, a lot of people immediately became interested in this topic. Interest in the golden ratio, which arose thanks to this film, has not subsided so far. The Internet has filled a huge number of "live" Fibonacci spirals in the photo: waves, cyclones, plants, mollusks ... All these pictures over and over again show the beauty of one of the most important laws of nature.

How to draw a Fibonacci spiral

It is quite logical that having learned so much about this wonderful "curl", someone will probably want to create its analogue with their own hands.

To do this is quite simple. It is enough to have on hand a compass and a notebook in a box or graph paper (or a ruler that will help you build symmetrical, neat squares).

You need to start building the Fibonacci spiral from the image of two identical squares with a side length of one unit of length. The arc connecting the two opposite corners of the first square will become the beginning of the golden spiral. As the latter unwinds, an increasing number of proportional figures join it, until it reaches right size spirals. The most important thing is to follow the rule where the length of the side of each next square is always equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides of the two previous ones.

golden rectangle

Ideal, from the point of view of the Fibonacci spiral, a rectangle has sides whose length is proportional to each other precisely by the phi coefficient. In other words, when dividing one side by the other, you must necessarily get 1.618 or 0.618 (the reciprocal of the phi coefficient).

Such rectangles are quite common in architecture and composition. It is also interesting that they are what most people consider "ideal" or "correct" with visual point vision. In other words, a person intuitively perceives these proportions as more beautiful and natural, pleasing to the eye. Even if it's about geometric shapes.

In art

If you mark the main elements in the paintings with dots or lines and divide the canvas into many small Fibonacci rectangles, you will notice an interesting fact. On the huge number works of art figures are placed in such a way that clear contrasts and important elements will certainly be located on the edges of the rectangles or located directly on the Fibonacci spiral itself.

Moreover, self-respecting modern architects and designers are also true to this principle. And there is nothing surprising in this. The spiral reflects the law of nature itself, and she is a brilliant creator.

Some amazing and interesting facts

  • Most recently in in social networks there was even a certain fashion for pictures of girls tossing their hair in the water, getting lots of beautiful splashes in the shape of a Fibonacci spiral.
  • Many traders consider the principle very significant, based on the numbers of the Fibonacci series of strategies for selling and buying currencies.
  • The ratio of the peaks of the cardiogram also falls under the golden section.
  • It has long been known in metallurgy that alloys of different metals have better resistance properties if the specific gravity of the elements is related to each other according to the Phi coefficient.
  • Proportions various substances in hemoglobin are subject to this law.
  • There is even an officially registered Golden Ratio Institute.
  • In addition to the direct coefficient phi, there is also an inversely proportional number 0.618, which is also often used in various calculations.

All fundamental knowledge mankind received by observing the world around. Over and over again, people have noted patterns in the change of seasons, found the relationship between thunder and lightning, studied the stars and created calendars.

The law of the golden section is quite on the surface. And the Fibonacci spirals in nature, as a reflection of the principle to which all living things correspond, are found in a huge number of phenomena, in the plant and animal worlds.

This is how, according to the principle of the golden section, living organisms develop most harmoniously. Each the next step- only the sum of the previous two. Each next turn of the spiral grows gradually, opening up more and more, but repeating the general direction.

This is one of the greatest laws of the universe.

The famous Russian scientist, academician E.N. Ecumenical, in his book “The Mystery of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx Revealed”, states that “on our planet there is whole system energy-informational sacral points, created to feed the planetary crystal lattices consciousness at different levels. According to him, this system, in particular, includes the pyramids of Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, Crimea, China, ancient megalithic structures, temples of all religions, mandalas - labyrinth matrices and some natural formations. All these structures are located in strictly certain places all over the globe.

One of the most important planetary energy-informational crystal lattices of the network of the unified consciousness of humanity is the so-called Christ Consciousness lattice. It is located at an altitude of about 110 kilometers above the surface of the planet. Its construction began about 13 thousand years ago under the leadership of Thoth, Ra and Araragat, who oversee the development of the Earth. This is stated in the book ancient secret Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

In the Subtle Plan, a network of 84,000 special structures was created on the planet, which are located in the nodes of the energy matrix.

This matrix is ​​a system of Golden Section spirals.

Therefore, all sacred points on our planet are located either on the Golden Section spirals or on the Fibonacci spirals, which, however, when unwinding, quickly approach the Golden Section Spirals.

A characteristic feature of the location of these sacred points is that, having the coordinates of two adjacentpoints, it is possible to extrapolate the position of the next and previous points.

It is known that the pyramid complex on the Giza Plateau in Egypt was built along the Golden Section spiral, which comes from the point "0", located about a kilometer from it. From the same point, according to Academician E.N. Universal, 9 more spirals come out, which unwind clockwise. This point is the center of the male Planetary Grid of Christ Consciousness. If Egypt is the masculine (positive or Yang) aspect of the grid, then the Central and South America, is her feminine (negative or Yin) aspect, centered on the complex of seven major temples at Uxmal in the Yucatan Peninsula, which are also located on the Fibonacci spiral.

There is also a middle (neutral or Dan) aspect of the grid, located at an angle of 90 degrees to the plane of the Yin and Yang spirals. It passes through the sacred places of India and Indonesia, as well as through the recently discovered Crimean pyramids, which were built billions of years ago. This reflects the trinity of our Universe, the trinity of the Holy Trinity, determined by three aspects: female - the Sun - MOTHER, male - the Moon - FATHER and neutral - the Earth - Their Creation. The entire system of spirals of the female, male and middle aspects is oriented to the North Star, through which axis of our universe. This system has the form of a three-dimensional cross, and the Earth with planetary system pyramids has the shape of a voluminous heart and resembles an apple, which is a symbol of the fruit of the knowledge of the Universe.

More detailed information about the work of energy spirals is given in "Book 3" of the EXODUS series. It says that in November 1997, an energy snail was launched over St. Petersburg, which, like all space structures that carry an important functional load, connected three pyramids and seven Temples in a Fibonacci spiral. Two points coincided with the Savior-on-Blood and the Kazan Cathedral, the third point - the pyramid over the House of the Book on Nevsky, and further: the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church of St. Nicholas of the Sea, the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the Shuvalov Church and the chapel of Xenia the Blessed. "Spiral over St. Petersburg is working<...>collecting and transforming the cosmic and earth energy, the energy of the Orthodox egregor, which feeds the seven Temples and is distributed not only in the northwest, but also in the center of the Earth.<…>This is one of the energy spirals operating on the planet and, in particular, in Russia. This spiral bears its load and contributes to the salvation of the Earth during the pole shift. And not only. Its task is multifunctional. Here, churches and pyramids are directly involved in the work, the past and present are meeting now to create a powerful Egregor of the One GOD,” the book says.

At the beginning of December 1997, there were already 8 working snails over Russia, which, while rotating, collected energy into one common dome. Energy snails have also been launched in other parts of the planet. Their task is the interchange and synchronization of the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth, the old and the New Earth, as well as the synchronization energy processes on the planet.

EXODUS Book 3 also says that the snail working in St. Petersburg “transforms the light, the energy that surrounds the city, he bathes in it. The energy transformed after passing through the pyramids is a source of nutrition and influence on people who fall into the snail's sphere of action. The transformed energy, which has crystalline light in its composition, affects the crystalline structure of people, introducing new information into it. It contains the program of the Light of the ONE. This way high waves the energies surrounding the Earth come to people in a form accessible to them and, transformed, change the structure of fields, bodies, atoms that make up a person. This is how changes occur with people already on the physical plane.

As already noted, all the temples on the planet are located on local Fibonacci spirals, which are part of the system of global energy spirals as components. The temples of all major religions are actually energy pyramids that work to receive and return energy, identical to real pyramids. The book "The Birth of Atlantis" by V. Kuznetsova says: "The purpose of the pyramids is the connection of the planet with the divine energies that enter the top of the pyramid, fill it, and then spread around the planet." It can be assumed that the destruction of temples, their use for other purposes in the years Soviet power influenced the interchange of energies with the Thin plane, the receipt of divine energies by the physical plane. going to last years the process of restoring destroyed temples and building new ones, the opening of monasteries, restores and harmonizes this energy interchange.

Completion of the work of all cosmic spirals is expected in 2013, by the time of the Transition.

At this time, all the great events associated with the constellations that have a great influence on our planet should end: solar system, Sirius, the constellation of the Pleiades and the constellation of Orion.
Time, moving along the Fibonacci spiral, accelerating and curtailing, will eventually unite at the Point and with the curled up space, in which the Transition will take place. And then a new spiral will begin to unfold from this Point - a spiral of new Life, a new Manvantara with a duration of 7.5 billion years, but only those who will correspond to high quality new Life.

The spiral is a symbol of life force , the center, the beginning of the beginnings, from where the movement of life begins.

This center concentrates the energy that provides movement. It is a great creative force, a hidden fire. The spiral is also associated with water, with the Great Mother, who controls life and death. It is a symbol of time, cyclicity, development, continuity, centripetal and centrifugal movement.

AT Hinduism the spiral is associated with the day and night of Brahma - Manvantara and Pralaya, when the Universe either “wakes up” or “falls asleep”.

AT Ancient Egypt she was a magical symbol reflecting the journey to the center, where enlightenment, wisdom and intuition will be found. Hieroglyph spiral meant space forms in move. Interestingly, God Thoth was depicted with a large spiral on his head.

In China, the "precious pearl" was sometimes depicted in the form of a spiral. Like the tornado, it was associated with the descending dragon. The double helix is ​​also present in the yin-yang symbol, which is two curved truncated spirals. This symbol expresses the relationship between two opposite principles, being a perfect figure that has neither beginning nor end.

sacred spirals

Sacred Geometry explores two types of logarithmic spirals: the Golden Ratio spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. The golden section spiral is ideal: it has no beginning and no end, it continues indefinitely. Unlike it, the Fibonacci spiral has a beginning. All natural spirals are Fibonacci spirals, and works of art use both spirals, sometimes at the same time.
The Fibonacci Spiral is a graphical display of an amazing sequence of numbers, which is called a "series", or "Fibonacci numbers". This sequence looks like: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377... and so on ad infinitum. Here, each subsequent number is the sum of two previous numbers, and the ratio of any larger number to the smaller one nearby is approximately 1.618 ...
Leonardo da Vinci called this proportion the “golden ratio” or the “golden ratio”.

About Fibonacci - merchant and mathematician

Leonardo of Pisa (c. 1170 - c. 1250) - the largest European mathematician of the Middle Ages. He went down in history under the nickname Fibonacci.
Fibonacci wrote several mathematical treatises, which became an outstanding phenomenon of medieval Western European science. In 1202, he publishes his first and most famous "Book of Calculations". It became the mathematical encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. In it, Fibonacci introduced one of the greatest discoveries of his time, the decimal number system, which included the position of zero as the first digit of a series of numbers known as the Hindu-Arabic number system. This system over time replaced the inconvenient when working with big numbers Roman system. In 1220, Fibonacci published the book Practical Geometry, later the Book of Quadratures. From these books, which surpassed Arabic and medieval writings in their level, mathematics was taught in Europe until the time of Descartes.
The Book of the Abacus, republished by an Italian in 1228, is interesting because, among other problems, it contains the famous problem “How many pairs of rabbits will be born from one pair in one year?” In it, as a solution, the author gives a sequence known since then as the Fibonacci sequence (or numbers).

golden ratio

In fact, Fibonacci is not the discoverer of the sequence named after him. They knew about it and the "golden section" millennia before it, in China, India, Babylon and ancient Egypt.
The proportions of the golden section were used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. In the secret school of Pythagoras, the mystical essence of the "golden section" was studied, and Euclid used it to create his geometry. The famous ancient Greek sculptor Phidias created his immortal sculptures using the golden ratio. Plato believed that the universe is arranged according to the "golden section", and Aristotle found a correspondence to his ethical law.
Observing the phenomena occurring in nature, scientists have made amazing conclusions that the whole sequence of events occurring in life in waves is the matrix on the basis of which all life on our planet is built, the laws and waves of development on the stock and currency markets, cycles family life, the structure of our body, the structure of the smallest virus and huge spiral galaxies - everything obeys a strictly calculated mathematical sequence. Patterns described by Fibonacci ratios have been found in architecture and fine arts, music and poetry, physics and astronomy, in biology.
Angel de Coitiers writes: “A strange, mysterious, inexplicable thing: this divine proportion mystically accompanies all living things. Inanimate nature does not know what the "golden ratio" is. But you will certainly see this proportion in the curves of sea shells, and in the form of flowers, and in the form of beetles, and in a beautiful human body. Everything living and everything beautiful - everything obeys the divine law, whose name is the "golden section". So what is the "golden section"?.. What is this ideal, divine combination? Maybe it's the law of beauty? Or is it still a mystical secret? Scientific phenomenon or ethical principle? The answer is still unknown. More precisely - no, it is known. The "golden section" is both that, and another, and the third. Only not separately, but at the same time ... And this is his true mystery, his great secret.