An extraordinary case. The most unusual cases of exposure of changes

We bring you incredible matches as well as incredible stories that happened to people in different times, in different places of the world, just incredible! These incredible coincidences are sometimes so incredible that no one could have imagined. common man, not a single science fiction writer. Science fiction writers, most likely, would not have dared to write such a thing, being afraid of reproaches from readers for defiant implausibility.

Only life itself has the right to intertwine the threads of human destinies so bizarrely and incredibly, by the way, no one has the right to accuse it of lying. We offer you the most incredible stories and coincidences, from real life that happened with different people in different historical times, in different places of our planet.

There are coincidences in life

In 1848, the tradesman Nikifor Nikitin "for seditious speeches about flying to the moon" was exiled not just anywhere, but to the distant settlement of Baikonur! There are coincidences in life.

hello from the moon

When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the moon, the first thing he said was: "I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!". As a child, Armstrong accidentally overheard neighbors quarreling - married couple named Gorsky. Mrs. Gorsky scolded her husband: “It’s more likely that a neighbor’s boy flies to the moon than you satisfy a woman!”

And no secrets

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all code names covert operation on the landing of allied troops in Normandy. Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". But the compiler of the crossword was an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than the military.

twins are twins

Two foster families who adopted twins, not knowing about each other's plans, named the boys - James. The brothers grew up unaware of the existence of each other, both received legal education, married women named Linda, both had sons. They learned about each other only in 40 years.

If you want to get pregnant - get a job here

In one of the supermarkets in the English county of Cheshire, as soon as a cashier sits at the checkout at number 15, she becomes pregnant in a few weeks. The result is 24 pregnant women and 30 children born.

His name was Hugh Williams

Forgotten Scenario

Actor Anthony Hopkins got the lead role in the film "Girls from Petrovka". But in no bookstore in London, the book on which the script was written was not found. And on the way home in the subway, he saw on a bench this particular book, forgotten by someone, with notes in the margins. A year and a half later, on the set, Hopkins met the author of the novel, who complained that he had sent his last author's copy with remarks in the margins to the director, but he lost it on the subway ...

Air combat from the past

Muscovite Pankratov in 1972 read a book while flying on a scheduled plane. The book was about dogfights during the Great Patriotic War, and after the phrase "The shell hit the first engine ...", the right engine on the Il-18 aircraft suddenly really began to smoke. The flight had to be cut short...

plum pudding

As a child, the poet Emile Deschamps was treated to a new dish for the French - plum pudding - a certain Forgibu who had just returned from England. After 10 years, Deschamps, passing by the restaurant, saw that a dish he remembered was being cooked there, but the waiter complained to him that another gentleman had already ordered the whole pudding and pointed to ... Forgiby. A few years later, being in a house where plum pudding was served for guests, the poet amused the audience with a story that he had eaten this dish only twice in his life and at the same time had seen Forgiby only twice in his life. The guests vied with each other to joke that now ... And the doorbell rang! Of course, it was Forgibu, who, having arrived in Orleans, was invited to visit by one of the neighbors, but ... mixed up the apartments!

fish day

This is what happened once famous psychologist Carl Jung, within 24 hours. It began with the fact that he had fish for dinner. Sitting at the table, he saw a fish wagon drive by. Then a friend of his at dinner suddenly started talking about the custom of "making April fish" (that is how April Fools' jokes are called). Suddenly, a former patient came and brought, as a token of gratitude, a picture in which, again, a large fish was depicted. A lady appeared who asked the doctor to decipher her dream, in which she herself appeared in the form of a mermaid and a flock of fish swimming after her. And when Jung went to the shore of the lake to calmly think over the whole chain of events (which, according to his calculations, did not fit into the usual random chain of events), next to him he found a small fish thrown ashore.

An unexpected scenario

Residents of a Scottish village watched the film "Around the World in 80 Days" at the local cinema. At the moment when the movie characters got into the basket of the balloon and chopped off the rope, a strange crack was heard. It turned out that he fell on the roof of the cinematograph ... exactly the same as in the cinema, Balloon! And that was in 1965.
hello from the moon

Like snow on your head

In the 30s of the last century, Joseph Figlock, a resident of the city of Detroit, walked down the street, and, as they say, did not touch anyone. Suddenly, from the window of a multi-storey building in literally a one-year-old child fell on Joseph's head. Both participants in the incident escaped with a slight fright. Later it turned out that the young and careless mother simply forgot to close the window, and the curious child climbed onto the windowsill and, instead of dying, ended up in the hands of her stunned involuntary savior. Miracle, you say? What do you call what happened exactly one year later? Joseph was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and suddenly from the window of a multi-storey building, literally, the same child fell on his head! Both participants in the incident again escaped with a slight fright. What's this? Miracle? Coincidence?

prophetic song

Once, in the midst of a noisy friendly feast, Marcello Mastroianni sang an old song “The house where I was so happy was burned down ...”. Before he could finish singing the verse, he was informed about the fire in his mansion.

Debt good turn deserves another

In 1966, four-year-old Roger Losier almost drowned in the sea near American city Salem. Luckily, he was saved by a woman named Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, repaid a favor for a favor - at the same place he saved a drowning man who turned out to be ... Alice Blaze's husband.

Continuation of incredible coincidences and stories

sinister book

In 1898, writer Morgan Robertson described the death of giant ship"Titan" after a collision with an iceberg on its first voyage ... In 1912, 14 years later, Great Britain launched the ship "Titanic", and in the luggage of one passenger (of course, quite by accident) was the book "Futility" about the death of "Titan" ". Everything written in the book came true, literally all the details of the disaster coincided: an unimaginable hype in the press was raised around both ships even before they went to sea because of their huge size.

Both of the supposedly unsinkable ships hit the ice mountain in April with a host of celebrities on board. And in both cases, the accident very quickly escalated into a catastrophe due to the captain's indiscipline and lack of rescue equipment ... The book "Futility" with detailed description ship sank with him.

Sinister book 2

On an April night in 1935, sailor William Reeves was on watch at the bow of the English steamer Titanian bound for Canada. It was deep midnight, Reeves, under the impression of the novel "Futility" he had just read, suddenly realized that there was a shocking similarity between the Titanic disaster and a fictional event. Then the thought flashed through the sailor that his ship was in this moment crosses the ocean where both the Titan and the Titanic found their eternal rest.

Reeves then remembered that his birthday coincides with exact date dives of the Titanic under water - April 14, 1912. At this thought, the sailor was seized with indescribable horror. It seemed to him that fate was preparing something unexpected for him.

Strongly impressed, Reeves gave a danger signal, and the steamer's engines immediately stopped. Crew members ran out onto the deck: everyone wanted to know the reason for such a sudden stop. What was the astonishment of the sailors when they saw an iceberg emerging from night darkness and stopped right in front of the ship.

One fate for two

The most famous copy people who lived at the same time are Hitler and Roosevelt. Of course, they were very different in appearance, moreover, they were enemies, but their biographies were in many ways similar. In 1933, both received power with a difference of only one day.

President Roosevelt's inauguration day coincided with the German Reichstag giving Hitler dictatorial powers. Roosevelt and Hitler took their countries out of a deep crisis for exactly six years, then each of them led the country to prosperity (in their understanding). Both died in April 1945 with a difference of 18 days, being in a state of irreconcilable war with each other ...

prophecy letter

Writer Yevgeny Petrov had a strange and rare hobby: all his life he collected envelopes ... from his own letters! He did it this way - he sent a letter to some country. Everything except the name of the state, he invented - the city, street, house number, name of the addressee, so after a month and a half the envelope returned to Petrov, but already decorated with multi-colored foreign stamps, the main one of which was: "The addressee is incorrect." But in April 1939, the writer decided to disturb the New Zealand Post Office. He came up with a city called "Hydebirdville", "Rightbeach" street, "7" house and the addressee "Merrill Augene Weisley".

In the letter itself, Petrov wrote in English: “Dear Merrill! Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of Uncle Pete. Brace yourself, old man. Forgive me for not writing for a long time. I hope Ingrid is all right. Kiss my daughter for me. She's probably quite big. Your Eugene. More than two months have passed, but the letter with the appropriate mark has not been returned. Deciding that it was lost, Evgeny Petrov began to forget about it. But then August came, and he waited ... for a response letter. At first, Petrov decided that someone had played a joke on him in his own spirit. But when he read the return address, he was in no mood for jokes. The envelope said: "New Zealand, Hydebirdville, Wrightbeach 7, Merrill Augene Weisley."

And all this was confirmed by a blue postmark "New Zealand, Hydebirdville Post". The text of the letter read: “Dear Eugene! Thank you for your condolences. The ridiculous death of Uncle Pete knocked us out of the rut for six months. I hope you will forgive the delay in writing. Ingrid and I often think back to those two days you were with us. Gloria is very big and will go to the 2nd grade in the fall. She still keeps the bear you brought her from Russia.” Petrov never went to New Zealand, and therefore he was all the more amazed when he saw a man in a photograph of a strong build who was hugging ... himself, Petrov! On the reverse side the picture was written: "October 9, 1938."

Here the writer almost became ill - after all, it was on that day that he was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state with severe pneumonia. Then, for several days, doctors fought for his life, not hiding from his relatives that he had almost no chance of surviving. To deal with these misunderstandings, or mysticism, Petrov wrote another letter to New Zealand, but he did not wait for an answer: the second World War. E. Petrov from the first days of the war became a war correspondent for Pravda and the Information Bureau. Colleagues did not recognize him - he became withdrawn, thoughtful, and stopped joking altogether.

prophecy letter

In 1942, the plane on which he flew to the combat area disappeared, most likely, was shot down over enemy territory. And on the day the news of the plane's disappearance was received, Petrov's Moscow address received a letter from Merrill Weisley. Weisley admired courage Soviet people and expressed concern for the life of Eugene himself. In particular, he wrote: “I got scared when you started swimming in the lake. The water was very cold. But you said you were destined to crash your plane, not drown. I beg you, be careful - fly as little as possible.

deja vu

On December 5, 1664, a passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers were killed, except for one. The lucky one was named Hugh Williams. More than a century later, on December 5, 1785, another ship was wrecked on the same spot. And once again, the only person saved by the name of ... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again on the fifth of December, a fishing schooner sank here. Only one fisherman survived. And his name was Hugh Williams!

You can't escape fate

Louis XVI was predicted to die on the 21st. The frightened king on the 21st day of each month sat locked in his bedroom, did not receive anyone, did not appoint any business. But the precautions were in vain! On June 21, 1791, Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were arrested. On September 21, 1792, a republic was proclaimed in France and royal power was abolished. And on January 21, 1793, Louis XVI was executed.

Unhappy marriage

In 1867, Duke d'Aosta, heir to the Italian crown, married Princess Maria del Pozzodella Cisterna. A few days later, the princess' maid hanged herself. The gatekeeper then slit his own throat. The royal secretary was killed by falling from his horse. Duke's friend died sunstroke... Of course, after such a monstrous coincidence, the life of the newlyweds did not work out!

Sinister book 3

Edgar Allan Poe wrote a chilling story about how shipwrecked and starved sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. In 1884, the horror story came to life. The schooner "Lace" was wrecked, and the sailors, distraught with hunger, ate the cabin boy, whose name was ... Richard Parker.

An opportunity to thank

A resident of Texas, USA, Allan Folby had an accident and damaged an artery in his leg. He probably would have died from blood loss if it were not for Alfred Smith, who was passing by, who put a bandage on the victim and called an ambulance. Five years later, Folby witnessed a car accident: the driver of the crashed car was lying unconscious, with a torn artery in his leg. It was... Alfred Smith.

Gave away secrets

In 1944, the Daily Telegraph published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names for the secret Allied landings in Normandy. The words were encrypted in the crossword: "Neptune", "Utah", "Omaha", "Jupiter". Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". But the compiler of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence no less than military personnel.

Terrible date for ufologists

By a strange and frightening coincidence, many ufologists died on the same day - June 24, however, in different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book "Behind the Scenes of Flying Saucers" Frank Scully died. On June 24, 1965, film actor and ufologist George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two UFO researchers, Richard Chen and Frank Edwards, left for another world at once.

Let the car die

Famed actor James Dean died in a horrific car accident in September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the death of the actor, some kind of evil fate began to haunt the car and everyone who touched it. Judge for yourself: Shortly after the accident, the car was taken away from the scene. At that moment, when the car was brought to the garage, its engine mysteriously fell out of the body, crushing the legs of the mechanic. The motor was acquired by a certain doctor who placed it in his car.

Soon he died during a racing race. James Dean's car was later fixed, but the garage where it was repaired burned down. The car was exhibited as a landmark in Sacramento, fell off the podium and crushed the thigh of a passing teenager. To top it off, in 1959, the car mysteriously (and completely on its own) fell apart into 11 pieces.

bullet fool

Henry Siegland was sure that he could circle fate around his finger. In 1883, he broke with his beloved, who, unable to bear the separation, committed suicide. The girl's brother, beside himself with grief, grabbed a gun, tried to kill Henry, and believing that the bullet had hit its mark, he shot himself. However, Henry survived: the bullet only slightly grazed his face and entered the trunk of a tree. A few years later, Henry decided to cut down the ill-fated tree, but the trunk was too large, and the task seemed impossible. Then Siegland decided to blow up the tree with a few sticks of dynamite. From the explosion, the bullet, which was still sitting in the trunk of the tree, broke free and hit ... right in the head of Henry, killing him on the spot.


Stories about twins are always impressive, especially this one about two twin brothers from Ohio. Their parents died when the babies were only a few weeks old. They were adopted different families and separated the twins in infancy. This is where the line starts incredible coincidences. Let's start with the fact that both foster families, without consulting and unaware of each other's plans, called the boys the same name - James.

The brothers grew up unaware of the existence of each other, but both received a law degree, both were excellent draftsmen and carpenters, and both married women with the same name Linda. Each of the brothers had sons. One brother named his son James Alan, and the second - James Allan. Both brothers then left their wives and remarried women...with the same name Betty! Each of them was the owner of a dog with the name Toy ... you can continue endlessly. At the age of 40, they learned about each other, met and were amazed that all the time of forced separation they lived one life for two.

One destiny

In 2002, seventy-year-old twin brothers died an hour apart in two unrelated traffic accidents on the same highway in northern Finland! Police representatives claim that there have been no accidents on this section of the road for a long time, so the message of two accidents on the same day with an hour difference was already a shock for them, and when it turned out that twin brothers were the victims, the police officers could not explain what had happened nothing but an incredible coincidence.

Monk Savior

The famous nineteenth-century Austrian portrait painter Joseph Aigner attempted suicide several times. The first time he tried to hang himself at the age of 18, however, he was suddenly stopped by a capuchin monk who appeared out of nowhere. At 22, he tried again, and was again saved by the same mysterious monk. Eight years later, the artist was sentenced to the gallows for his political activity, however, the timely intervention of the same monk helped to mitigate the sentence.

At the age of 68, the artist nevertheless committed suicide (shot from a pistol in the temple). The funeral service was held by the same monk - a man whose name no one ever knew. The reasons for such a reverent attitude of the Capuchin monk to the Austrian artist remained unclear.

Sad meeting

In 1858, poker player Robert Fallon was shot dead by a losing opponent who claimed that Robert was a cheat and had won $600 by cheating. Fallon's place at the table was vacated, the winnings remained nearby, and none of the players wanted to take the "unfortunate place". However, the game had to be continued, and the rivals, after conferring, went out of the saloon into the street and soon returned with a young man who happened to be passing by. The newcomer was seated at the table and handed him $600 (Robert's winnings) as his starting bet.

Arriving at the scene of the crime, the police discovered that the recent killers are playing poker with passion, and the winner is ... a newcomer who managed to turn the $600 initial bet into a $2,200 win! After sorting out the situation and arresting the main suspects in the murder of Robert Fallon, the police ordered the transfer of $ 600 won by the deceased to his next of kin, who turned out to be the same lucky young player who had not seen his father for more than 7 years!

Arrived on a comet

The famous writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day when Halley's comet flew near the Earth, and died in 1910 on the day of its next appearance near the earth's orbit. The writer foresaw and himself predicted his death back in 1909: “I came into this world with Halley's comet, and in next year I will leave him with her."

sinister taxi

In 1973, in Bermuda, a taxi hit two brothers who were rolling down the road in violation of the rules. The blow was not strong, the brothers recovered, and the lesson did not go well for them. Exactly 2 years later, on the same street on the same moped, they again fell under a taxi. The police found that in both cases the same passenger was driving the taxi, but completely ruled out any version of a deliberate hit-and-run.

Favorite book

In 1920, the American writer Anne Parrish, who was on holiday in Paris at the time, came across her favorite children's book, Jack Frost and Other Stories, in a second-hand bookshop. Ann bought the book and showed it to her husband, talking about how she loved this book as a child. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and found on the title page the inscription: "Anne Parrish, 209H Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was the same book that had once belonged to Ann herself!

One destiny for two

King Umberto I of Italy once went to a small restaurant in the city of Monza to have lunch. The owner of the establishment respectfully accepted the order from His Majesty. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king suddenly realized that in front of him was his exact copy. The owner of the restaurant both in face and physique looked a lot like His Majesty. The men got to talking and discovered other similarities: both the king and the owner of the restaurant were born on the same day and year (March 14, 1844).

They were born in the same city. Both are married to women named Margarita. The owner of the restaurant opened his restaurant on the day of the coronation of Umberto I. But the coincidences did not end there. In 1900, King Umberto was informed that the owner of a restaurant where the king liked to visit from time to time had died in an accident from a gunshot. Before the king had time to express his condolences, he himself was shot dead by an anarchist from the crowd surrounding the carriage.

happy place

In one of the supermarkets in the English county of Cheshire, for 5 years now, there have been inexplicable miracles. As soon as the cashier at number 15 sits down at the cash register, she becomes pregnant in a few weeks. Everything is repeated with enviable constancy, the result is 24 pregnant women. 30 children born. After several “successful” control experiments, during which the researchers seated volunteers at the checkout, scientific findings none followed.

The way home

The famous American actor Charles Coglen, who died in 1899, was buried not in his homeland, but in the city of Galveston (Texas), where death accidentally caught a touring troupe. A year later, a hurricane of unprecedented strength hit this city, washing away several streets and a cemetery. The sealed coffin with Coglen's body floated in the Atlantic for at least 6000 km in 9 years, until finally the current washed him ashore right in front of the house where he was born on Prince Edward Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

Loser Thief

A tragicomic incident recently took place in Sofia. The thief Milko Stoyanov, having successfully robbed the apartment of a wealthy citizen and neatly put the "trophies" in his backpack, decided to go down the stairs for speed. drainpipe from a window overlooking a deserted street. When Milko was at the level of the second floor, the whistles of the police were heard. Confused, he released the pipe from his hands and flew down. Just at that moment, a guy was walking along the sidewalk, and Milko fell right on top of him.

The police arrived in time to handcuff both of them and took them to the station. It turned out that the guy Milko fell on was a burglar who, after many unsuccessful attempts, was finally tracked down. Interestingly, the second thief was also called Milko Stoyanov.

Unlucky date

Can you explain coincidence tragic fate American presidents, elected in a year that ends in zero?

Lincoln (1860), Garfield (1880), McKinley (1900), Kennedy (1960) were killed, Garrison (1840) died of pneumonia, Roosevelt (1940) - of polio, Harding (1920) suffered a severe heart attack. An attempt was also made on Reagan (1980).

Last call

Can the documented episode be considered an accident: Pope Paul VI's favorite alarm clock, which had been ringing regularly at 6 am for 55 years, suddenly went off at 9 pm when the pope died...

Continuation of incredible coincidences and stories - will be, because we live!

Sam is a small ten-year-old boy who could not solve one, very serious problem. Loneliness ... Nobody wanted to be friends with him.
But one is very interesting case completely changed his life...
One day, returning home from school, he noticed a small toy dog ​​on the road. Picking it up, examined it, and decided to take it. He put the toy in the pocket of his backpack and completely forgot about it.
In the evening, standing at the window, I began to feel sad again, and thought to myself: “If only I had at least one friend who would always be there and never leave me…” And then he went to sleep.
The next morning he got up as usual, began to dress ... and suddenly he hears some kind of barking, quiet, as if from afar. He thought that it seemed to him, without paying attention to it, he went to wash. Sam had breakfast and went to school. On the way he heard the soft barking of the dog again. I looked around, but there was no dog in sight. Again he ignored it and moved on. After classes at school, he returned home and began to do his homework ... and suddenly, he hears barking again, but this time he realized that it didn’t seem to him. The dog didn't stop barking... Sam listened and realized that the sound was coming from the backpack. He opened a pocket ... and from there stuck out the head of a very small dog, which was the size of a cockchafer. Sam is at a loss, and cannot understand how this is possible. He put the dog in his palm, began to look at it and remembered that this was the same toy that he had found on the road the other day, but now it was alive. The dog began to run all over the palm and lick his fingers. Sam did not dwell on what he saw, and began to think about what to do next. He named the dog Bully.
His parents didn't let him keep animals in the house, but Bully is a different story, and besides, he doesn't even need to be hidden. Sam didn't tell anyone about the dog...
Bully made itself felt ... and began to bark, Sam realized that the dog must be hungry. He cut off a small piece from the tip of the sausage and gave it to him. He ate it and was full all day. Then Sam began to figure out what to make a house for Buli, a bowl for food and water, as well as a tray ... Matchbox. He put a small handkerchief into the jar so that the dog would not be cold, another piece of sausage in one bowl, another piece of water, and some sand was poured into the tray. He put all this, including Buli, in a box from under children's shoes, and until the evening did not leave her, watching the life of a small animal. He was very happy, because before he had not a single animal, and Bully was a very unusual animal.
Morning next day... Sam was going to school, and began to think what to do with Bully, because if he leaves him at home, something might happen to him. But the worst thing is that the dog can be found by his mother, who will surely go crazy if she sees him, and even of this size ... Sam decided to take the box with him to school.
And so, he is at school... Wherever he went, he carried this box with him everywhere. And one day at the lesson, his desk mate, a boy named Gary, asked: “Listen, why are you dragging around with this box? What do you have there? “. Sam lifted the lid of the box and said, “Look, don't be scared! “. Looking into the box, and seeing a tiny dog, Gary, surprised, opened his mouth, and only said - “Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! “.
After school, Sam and Gary went home together. They talked all the way. Sam told how he found a toy dog ​​and how it somehow came to life. Having reached the house, Sam invited Gary to visit for the weekend and he gladly agreed, and then went home. He lived close to Sam, so every morning they met and went to school together. From that day on, they became very close friends, began to visit each other, and even became friends with their families. But they decided not to tell anyone about the dog. When leaving for school, Sam first hid the puppy in a box until he returned.
And then, one day, returning with his best friend since school, Sam noticed a small toy dog ​​on the road. Picking up a toy from the ground, he realized that it was his Buli. The guys looked at each other and said: But, we became friends!

1994 - Mauro Prosperi from Italy was discovered in the Sahara desert. Incredibly, the man spent nine days amid the debilitating heat, but survived. Mauro Prosperi took part in the marathon race. Due to a sandstorm, he lost his way and got lost. Two days later he ran out of water. Miro decided to open the veins and, but he did not succeed: due to the lack of water in the body, the blood began to clot very quickly. Nine days later, the athlete was found by a nomad family; by this point, the marathon runner was practically unconscious and had lost 18 kg.

Nine o'clock at the bottom

The owner of the pleasure yacht, 32-year-old Roy Levin, his girlfriend, his cousin Ken, and most importantly, Ken's wife, 25-year-old Susan. They all survived.
The yacht was calmly drifting under sail in the waters of the Gulf of California, when clear sky a sudden storm came up. The yacht capsized. Susan, who was in the cabin at that time, went down with the boat. It happened not far from the coast, but in a deserted place, and there were no eyewitnesses.

"It's unbelievable that the ship sank without any damage," says lifeguard Bill Hutchison. And another accident: while sinking, the yacht turned over again, so that it lay on the bottom in a “normal” position. The "swimmers" who were overboard did not have life jackets and belts. But they were able to stay on the water for two hours until they were picked up by a passing boat. Boat owners contacted coast guard, a group of scuba divers was immediately sent to the crash site.

A few more hours passed.
“We knew that one passenger remained on board, but we did not hope to find her alive,” continues Bill. “One could only hope for a miracle.”

The portholes were tightly battened down, the saloon door was hermetically sealed, but the water still seeped in, thereby displacing the air. With the last of her strength, the woman kept her head above the water - there was still an air layer under the very ceiling ...

“Leaning into the window, I saw Susan's face as white as chalk,” says Bill. Almost 8 hours have passed since the disaster!

It was not possible to free the unfortunate a simple matter. The yacht was at a depth of twenty meters, and handing her aqualung would have meant letting water inside. Something had to be done urgently. Bill went upstairs for an oxygen tank. His colleagues signaled to Susan that she should hold her breath and open the salon door. She understood. But it turned out differently. The door opened, but a lifeless body in a fancy cocktail dress floated out. She still took water into her lungs. The count went by seconds. Bill picked up the woman and rushed to the surface. And did it! The doctor on the boat literally pulled Susan from the other world.

Wing mechanic

1995, May 27 - during tactical maneuvers, the MiG-17, leaving the runway, got stuck in the mud, ground service mechanic Pyotr Gorbanev, along with his comrades, rushed to the rescue.
By joint efforts, the plane was able to push to the GDP. Freed from the dirt, the MiG began to quickly pick up speed and a minute later took to the air, "grabbing" the mechanic, who was bent around the front of the wing by the air flow.

While climbing, the fighter pilot felt that the plane was behaving strangely. Looking around, he saw a foreign object on the wing. The flight took place at night, and therefore it was not possible to consider it. From the ground they gave advice to shake off the "foreign object" by maneuvering.

At this time, the silhouette on the wing seemed very human-like to the pilot, so he requested permission to land. The plane landed at 23:27, having been in the air for about half an hour.
All this time, Gorbanev was conscious on the wing of a fighter - he was firmly held by the oncoming air flow. After landing, they found out that the mechanic got off with a strong fright and a fracture of two ribs.

In the arms of a tornado

Rene Truta survived after a terrible hurricane lifted her 240 m into the air and 12 minutes later lowered her 18 km from home. As a result of an incredible adventure, the unfortunate woman lost one ear, broke her arm, lost all her hair and received many minor wounds.

“Everything happened so quickly that it seems to me that it was a dream,” Rene said after being discharged from the hospital on May 27, 1997. I was posing for the camera, and then something picked me up like a dry leaf. There was a noise like from a freight train. I found myself in the air. Dirt, debris, sticks hit my body, and I felt a sharp pain in my right ear. I was lifted higher and higher, and I lost consciousness.

When René Truta woke up, she was lying on top of a hill 18 km from home. From above, a freshly plowed strip of land sixty meters wide was visible - this was the tornado "worked".
Police said no one else in the area was hurt by the tornado. As it turned out, similar cases have already been. 1984 - near Frankfurt am Main (Germany), a tornado lifted 64 schoolchildren (!) into the air and lowered them unharmed 100 meters from the take-off site.

great hover

The yogi hung on eight hooks, hooked to the skin of his back and legs, for a whole 87 days - for a normal workout.
Bhopal yogi Ravi Varanasi hung himself quite deliberately, right in front of an astonished audience. And when, three months later, he moved from a hanging position to a standing position, he began to perform a set of physical exercises as if nothing had happened.

During the "great hover" Ravi Varanasi was one meter above the ground. To increase the effect, the students pierced the skin on his hands and tongue with needles. All this time, the yogi ate quite moderately - a handful of rice and a cup of water during the day. It hung in a structure resembling a tent - during rain, a tarpaulin was thrown over a wooden frame. Ravi willingly communicated with the public and was under the supervision of the German doctor Horst Groning.

“After hovering, he remained in excellent physical form, - says Dr. Groning. “It is a pity that science still does not know the methodology of self-hypnosis, which is used by yoga to stop bleeding and relieve pain.”

Girl - night lamp

Nguyen Thi Nga is a resident of the small village of Anthong, Hoan An County, in Binh Dinh Province (Vietnam). Until recently, both the village itself and Nguyen did not differ in anything special - the village is like a village, a girl is like a girl - she went to school, helped her parents, picked oranges and lemons with her friends on the surrounding plantations.

But 3 years ago, when Nguyen went to bed, her body began to glow brightly, as if phosphorescent. A huge halo enveloped the head, and golden-yellow rays began to emanate from the arms, legs and torso. In the morning they took the girl to the healers. They did some manipulations - but nothing helped. Then the parents took their daughter to Saigon, to the hospital. Nguyen was taken for examination, but no abnormalities were found in his health.

It is not known how this story could have ended if Nguyen had not been examined by the well-known healer Thang in those parts. He asked if the glow bothered her. She replied that no, but only the incomprehensible fact that happened on the second day of the new year according to the lunar calendar worries.

“The most favorable time for the grace of the Almighty,” the healer reassured her. - At this time, God rewards according to merit. And if you haven’t earned anything yet, then you still deserve it.”
Returned to Nguyen peace of mind. But the glow remains...

Giantess from Krasnokutsk

Giants are rare in the world: for 1,000 people there are 3-5 with a height of more than 190 centimeters. The growth of Liza Lysko, who lived in the last century, goes far beyond this limit ...
Lisa's parents - residents of the provincial town of Krasnokutsk, Bogodukhovsky district, Kharkov province - were of small stature. The family had 7 children. No one, except Lisa, was no different from her peers. Until the age of three, she grew an ordinary child, but on the fourth it began to grow, one might say, by leaps and bounds. At the age of seven, she competed with adult women in weight and height, and by the age of 16 she was 226.2 cm tall and weighed 128 kg.

For a giantess, it would seem that more food is needed, and other requirements compared to ordinary person she has others. But Lisa did not observe anything of the kind. She had a moderate appetite, sleep and behavior - the same as in ordinary people.
The uncle, who replaced Liza's deceased father, began to travel with her around Russia and other countries, demonstrating her as a miracle of nature. Lisa was beautiful, smart and quite developed. During her travels, she learned to speak German and English, and received her secondary education. In Germany, it was examined by the famous professor Rudolf Virchow. He predicted that she should grow another 13 inches (57.2 cm)! Further fate Liza Lysko is unknown. Was the professor's prediction justified?

living microscope

When conducting an experiment, a piece of meat and a leaf of a plant were placed in front of 29-year-old artist Jody Ostroit. Next to it was an ordinary electron microscope. Jody looked at the objects with the naked eye for a couple of minutes, then took a sheet of paper and depicted them internal structure. Then the researchers could approach the microscope and make sure that the artist zoomed in, but did not distort the essence of the depicted in any way.

“It didn’t come to me right away,” Jody says. - At first, for some reason, I began to scrupulously draw the texture different items- trees, furniture, animals. After that, I began to notice that I see much smaller details that are elusive to the ordinary eye. Skeptics say I use a microscope. But where can I get an electron microscope?!”.

Jody Ostroit sees the smallest cells of matter, photographs them, as it were, and then transfers them to paper with ultra-thin brushes and a pencil. And here is a thin “photo” of a rabbit spleen or eucalyptus cytoplasm in front of you ...
“It would be better if my gift went to some scientist. Why is he to me? So far, my pictures are being sold out, but the fashion for them will pass. Although I see deeper than any professor, but only in the literal sense of the word ... ".

Hair in the stomach

Tammy Melhouse, 22, was taken to a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona with severe abdominal pain. Barely had time, a little more - and the girl would have died. And then the surgeons removed a huge ... hair ball from the digestive tract.
Tammy admitted that when she is nervous, she chews her hair: “I didn’t even notice how I did it, I just automatically bit off and swallowed. Gradually they accumulated in the stomach. I lost my appetite a long time ago, and then wild pains began. ”
X-ray showed the presence of some large figurative education. The operation to remove the ball lasted 4 hours, and a few days later Tammy was discharged home.

Captain behind the windshield

June 10, 1990 - Tim Lancaster, captain of a BAC 1-11 Series 528FL airliner, survived after a long stay outside his aircraft at an altitude of about 5,000 m.
Wearing a seat belt is important not only for car drivers: British Airways BAC 1-11 commander Tim Lancaster will probably remember this forever elementary rule security after June 10, 1990.
Driving the liner at an altitude of 5,273 m, Tim Lancaster relaxed his seat belt. Shortly after that, the windshield of the airliner burst. The captain immediately flew out through the opening, and was pressed with his back to the fuselage of the aircraft from the outside.

The pilot's legs got stuck between the yoke and control panel, and the cockpit door torn off by the airflow landed on the radio and navigation panel, shattering it.
Flight attendant Nigel Ogden, who was in the cockpit, did not lose his head and firmly grabbed the captain by the legs. The co-pilot managed to land the plane only after 22 minutes, all this time the captain of the plane was outside.

The flight attendant holding Lancaster believed that he was dead, but did not let go, as he was afraid that the body would get into the engine and it would burn out, reducing the aircraft's chances of a safe landing.
After landing, it was found out that Tim was alive, the doctors diagnosed him with bruises, as well as fractures. right hand, finger on the left hand and right wrist. After 5 months, Lancaster again sat at the helm.
Steward Nigel Ogden escaped with a dislocated shoulder, frostbite on his face and left eye.

Stories and memories of a hunter about different hunts Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich



In addition to tales of strange incidents on the hunt, I will relate an incident which at first seemed to me to be some kind of dream or magic. While still a very young hunter, I rode at the end of July, with my whole family, to the sulfuric waters of Sergius; thirty-five versts from our estate was and now is the rich village of Krotkovo, known to everyone as Krotovka. Having passed the village, we stopped at the very outskirts to spend the night on a beautiful spring river flowing in high banks. The sun was setting; I went with a gun up the river. I had not gone even a hundred steps, when suddenly a pair of Vityutins, flying in from somewhere in the field, sat down on the opposite bank, on a tall alder tree that grew below by the river and whose top was just at the same height as my head; The terrain did not allow close approach, and at fifty paces I shot a small snipe. For such a fraction, the distance was far; both vitiutins flew away, and a peasant girl fell from a tree ... Everyone can imagine my situation: at the first moment I lost consciousness and was in transition state between dream and reality, when the objects of both worlds are confused. Fortunately, after a few seconds, the girl, with a large beetroot in her hands, jumped to her feet and began to run down the river to the village ... I will not go into the description of my fright and amazement. Pale as a sheet, I returned to the place of our lodging for the night, told the incident, and we sent to Krotovka to inquire about this wonderful event; half an hour later they brought a girl with her mother to us. By the grace of God, she was perfectly well; about thirty snipe pellets scratched her arm, shoulder and face, but, fortunately, not a single one hit her eyes or even entered under her skin. The matter was explained as follows: a twelve-year-old peasant girl left the factory quietly ahead of time and ran with a beetroot to get bird cherry, which grew along the river; she climbed a tree for berries and, seeing gentleman with a gun, got frightened, sat down on a thick branch and pressed so tightly against the trunk of a tall bird cherry that even the vitiyutins did not notice her and sat down on an alder that grew almost next to the bird cherry, a little in front. A wide-spread charge touched the girl with one edge of its circle. Of course, her fear was great, but mine was no less. Of course, the mother and daughter left us, very pleased with this incident.

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Greetings to regular readers and guests! I hope that this real and unusual case from life will be of interest to you. A story about how sometimes life itself puts everything in its place.

Consequences of a holiday romance

Galina did not notice how the night had come. The landscapes outside the window had long since turned into solid darkness, through which the stingy lights of lanterns or windows of other people's houses occasionally broke through. One of her neighbors turned off the light, and the compartment became dark.

The girl sat on a clean bed, leaning her cheek against the cool windowpane, listening to the sound of wheels and mentally going through all the possible versions of the story she should tell her parents tomorrow morning. You need to come up with some unusual case from life. History must be!

At first I wanted to think that the father of her child was in the army. Got a secret mission and disappeared. Still not responding. But then they will start asking about his parents, asking for an address. Even if he says that he died, the same row will appear logical questions which she cannot answer.

The truth? Not! Never! Her family is too conservative for that kind of truth. Oh God, if she told her parents that she got pregnant at the time with one blue-eyed brown-haired man, whom she didn’t even ask for a parting phone number, because she left her own.

After all, she was sure that he would certainly find her. That it was her first real, most passionate, and perhaps even the only love. That she completely succumbed to her feelings and sensations, not wanting to think about the consequences, enjoyed every minute spent with her beloved.

No, her parents will not forgive her for such a truth until the end of her life. It will be a great shame for their family! I can't even imagine my mother's reaction. And the father?.. They raised their daughter so strictly, believed in her decency.


Provincial idiot! Maybe so. And yet she had, albeit fragile, but real happiness. And the child is the fruit of this happiness. So I didn't even think about it. She remembers how several of her university friends resorted to such a sin and then repented very strongly.

Almost every night they dreamed of unborn children with bloody eyes, as if begging for salvation. No, it's not for her.

She decided not to tell anyone until she came up with a suitable story. Or, eventually, until the belly grows. I didn’t tell the company’s boss, or my colleagues, or my friend Marina, with whom she had rented housing in Rostov for several years.

She smiled sadly at the darkness. Marina always taunted her friend, called her an “old maid” since she herself, once breaking away from her parents, went on a spree in the city, as she said, “on full power».

Galina has long lost count of her gentlemen. Silently, she was surprised: how can she change men with such frivolity? How is she not disgusted by herself? ..

And here's a surprise for you! Marina immediately understood everything, since the changes that were happening to Galina were obvious. She asked for all the details for a long time, then “in a friendly way” suggested to Galya to look for “that bastard” and take her to the registry office by force.

But the girl flatly refused. She was not even sure that Maxim was the real name of the father of her child. After all, no one promised anything to anyone. They were just fine together. It was a period, an episode he may have forgotten about. But she can't. Never.

Carriage neighbors

She gently stroked her tummy. I felt light jolts from within. She realized how much she loves the one who lives in it. It seemed that she was about to burst into tears from her love. Cautiously, she got up and left the compartment.

Involuntarily, she looked into the next door, which was open. I saw there two guys in camouflage, a bottle of vodka on the table and ... crutches, which lay as a bridge between the two lower shelves.

She tossed and turned in her temporary bed for a long time, trying to find a comfortable position, but she could not fall asleep. It was cramped - both to the body and to the thoughts. She could not come up with a story for her parents, and the time before meeting them was inexorably decreasing. The sound of the wheels reminded of this, like the movement of a clock's pendulum.

There was a fallback - a story about rape. But it's so humiliating! They will ask why she did not immediately apply, did not inform them, they will begin to ask about various details. Mom will lose her senses, and dad ... No, it's better not to think about it at all. Her parents will never be able to love a child from some maniac.

Night talk

Again it was tempting to get out. Near the toilet I ran into one of the soldiers. He stood at open window and smoked. He looks about thirty years old, very thin, with an unshaven face and tired eyes.
“Please,” he politely stepped back in front of Galina.

She just nodded instead of "thank you." When she left, the guy spoke:

- Who are you waiting for?

The doctor says it's a girl.

- This is good.

She said nothing. But she was in no hurry to go to her compartment either. I felt the need to talk to this stranger. It could distract her - at least for a while - from her problems. The guy silently smoked his cigarette and threw the cigarette butt out the window.

- How long have you been in service?

“Almost seven months. Apparently, as much as your pregnancy.

Galina was instantly embarrassed in front of the guy.

- Are you coming home?

No, I'm escorting a friend.

- Was he injured?

- If the place where the leg used to be can be called a wound, then yes.

She felt a lump rise up in her throat. I didn’t know what else to ask in order to keep this random night companion near me, but nothing on the road came to mind. Finally the guy spoke up.

- You can live without a leg. And live without two. But for my friend it is great tragedy. He lay in the hospital for a month and a half, after being wounded in hot spot During this time, he tried to commit suicide three times.

His parents do not know that he went as a volunteer to Luhansk to help the militias. He always told them that he was working: "Everything is in order, alive and well." I want to take him home with me. Maybe you can find a psychologist to give him back the will to live. Well, in the meantime, I “save” him with vodka, although I know how dubious this medicine is.

- Does he have a girlfriend?

- Once upon a time there was. Don't stand at the open window for a long time, you might catch a cold. You must take care of yourself and your child.

After these words, the guy gallantly opened the doors to the compartment in front of Galina.

crazy thoughts

Galya returned to her place and again tried to sleep. But she couldn't do it. Thoughts doubled. Now she was thinking about that guy without a leg who was sleeping right next to her.

Her problem compared to his tragedy is simply ridiculous. It's embarrassing to even compare. Who knows, maybe he was wounded so that he lost not only his leg, but also the opportunity to be with a woman, to be a father. Therefore, he sees no point in living on. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon.

And suddenly - like a flash - Galina was overshadowed by one crazy woman, devoid of any common sense, idea. To offer that guy ... well, how would it be more correct to say, a hand and a heart, or what? .. And why not? So she will save both herself and the guy. If only he hadn't left before she did.

But what will it look like? A pregnant woman will enter the compartment in the morning, wake up the soldier and say: "Please, become a father to my child." No, she's still really crazy, even if she admits such a thought.

Is the fear of parents really so strong that she is ready to connect her fate with the first person she has come across, whom she has not even seen before? How will she live all her life with an unloved, and even disabled?

Yes, it's true, he's a hero. But not her hero. Because she doesn't love him. Because he continues to love “that bastard”, who, perhaps, after their romance, changed more than a dozen girls. Is it worth making such sacrifices? Here's the crazy one. Rave!

It's better to tell your parents that you were raped. It would be better on her own, without a husband. The main thing is that she will give birth soon and no one will be able to take away this sacred right from her - to be a mother, to give life, to enjoy a new life, to love her child limitlessly. pure love.

Station "Morning"

We'll be arriving in half an hour! Rent out the bed, wash up, I'll close the toilet soon!

The girl quickly got out of bed, grabbed a towel, ran out into the corridor and ... almost fainted. Toward, leaning on a crutch, her Maxim jumped on one leg.

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