The attitude of a person to his health. The attitude of mankind to health in a historical aspect

Let's think and analyze how we treat our health? Do we love our body, do we take care of it?
How often do we visit doctors to check the condition of our body? How often do we routinely take tests, or do we go through any research?

Most often, we think about our health when it fails us. When a disease occurs, and we begin to deal with its treatment. And it often happens like this: if the disease does not greatly affect our lives, does not interfere much, then you can not pay attention to it at all. Until it becomes difficult to ignore the disease, and then you already have to remember about health and treat this disease.

Of course, not all people are so irresponsible about their health, but many are. And very often it turns out that if today you don’t have time, money, desire to take care of your health, then tomorrow you will have to find time and money, and in much more time. more in order to fight disease.

Many foreigners, seeing our attitude to their health, joke: “You, Slavs, weird people– start treatment five minutes before death. And we begin to be treated five years before the disease. Unfortunately, this is so. And not without reason we have a proverb: until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself.

But many diseases and severe conditions can be avoided by periodically checking the condition of your body, at least once a year necessary tests and undergoing a basic examination. You also need to strengthen your body, take care of it through a full healthy diet, moderate physical activity, hygiene, etc. Then it will give less failures, and the likelihood of diseases will be less. Of course, it is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases, and sometimes they occur, despite prevention. But a strong body, in any case, will be easier to deal with ailments.

But in real life, unfortunately, very often people turn to doctors after the onset of the disease, and not at an early stage, but in the "very height" of the disease, when it is much more difficult to treat it, and sometimes it is even difficult to do anything effective. And then the doctor becomes guilty, who allegedly is not able to cure the disease, knows nothing and is generally incompetent in matters of medicine.

Today it has become customary to blame the ecology, doctors, society, the state - anyone, but not yourself, for your illnesses. It's time to finally understand that our health depends only on us.
Let's start as early as possible to take care of our health, and not look for last minute superspecialists in superclinics who, no matter how hard they try, often can't change anything.

My attitude to health Essay
I believe that health should be treated with care. If a person has good health then he will be happy all his life.
Now everything more people start smoking and drinking childhood. And what happens to these people next? They grow up and achieve nothing in life. Such people have poor health, they spoiled it: they often get sick, weak immunity, and most often they do not live very long, there is a big risk of getting lung cancer. I have a friend, now she is twenty-six years old. She started smoking and drinking at school. She has achieved nothing in her life. She does not have permanent job, no home, no young man and she has no children either. It seems to me that she regrets that she ruined her life in her youth. All her friends have already started families, she is jealous of them. Her body is not at all perfect. Once upon a time she went to the ballet and was very beautiful, but now she has gained weight, her skin looks unhealthy, she often gets sick.
Nowadays it is fashionable to go to the gym, work out in the gym, eat right, observe the daily routine. People who follow a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle look beautiful and happy. But if you do not have enough money for a gym, what to do in this case? Some people get up early and go for a run or in the evening after work or school. You can practice at home, find a video tutorial on the Internet and do the exercise at home, the result is almost the same.
People who don't eat right are often obese. They eat fast food, a lot of sweets, drink sparkling water. All this affects their health and well-being. Such people have a high risk of developing diabetes. I have another friend who plays sports and eats well. She trains every day. She has a great figure, many friends and acquaintances, her soul is open to everyone. I have always admired her. She sets goals for herself and always achieves them. I think health should be protected from a young age. I try to keep myself in shape, eat right and follow the daily routine. I feel very good. I take care of my health and recommend it to everyone!
Gadzhikerimova Elmira, 9th grade, 2016

My attitude towards health
Every person at least once faced with health problems. Whether it's a common cold or some kind of fracture. When we are children, we do not pay special attention on health, but not all people, becoming adults, begin to take care of it.
Now there are a lot of people in the world: alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers, etc. Personally, I have always been negative about all this. I believe that you need to take care of your health, especially in your youth, so that later, in old age, there are no complications.
My understanding of the term "health" is a positive state of the human body. Yes, of course, I myself sometimes have a bad effect on my health, for example: I eat junk food I listen to music in headphones, I sit at the computer. But it is another matter to associate your life with bad habits - this is many times higher than Negative influence especially on internal organs.
It is very strange that someone is sick from birth (and there are a lot of chronic diseases), and someone who is completely healthy, but does not appreciate it and begins to destroy his body. But you shouldn't do it.
People realize their mistakes as adults and begin to think: “Should I have done this?”. From childhood to youth, from youth to adult, from adult to old. And in order to maintain your health, you do not need to repeat the mistakes of the past.
I have a good attitude towards my health and I think that everyone should do this, because we have one life and we should not shorten it. Everything is possible in moderation (except drugs).
A person should take care of health, because poor health affects not only the physical, but also the mental work as well as mood. I don't think that sick people can always have good mood unless they are on drugs of course.
Of course health individual person- his business, he is the master of his body and he has a mind. No wonder only a person has a mind, which an animal does not have.
Many people associate the health of the soul and body, they say, if you believe, pray, then everything will pass. I think that this is wrong and if there are health problems, it is better to go to the hospital than to believe in a cure.
It seems to me that in our modern world no one can stay perfectly healthy anymore because of the pollution of the planet, wars, etc. Despite the development of medicine, along with so goes the development of weapons and man destroys himself and other people. All this can lead to the inevitable end of not only health, but life in general. But all this can be avoided if each of us thinks about the health of ourselves and those around us.
Buranov Maxim, 10th grade, 2016

What is health?
What is health? How does it affect our life? How do we treat our health? These and other questions people often ask themselves.
Many scientists have conducted research, checking what affects human health. Thanks to this, we have become aware of many factors that affect the human body. For example, if friends and relatives often come to a sick person, he will recover faster. It also turned out that the pronunciation of prayers by a person improves his well-being, whatever it may be. Many people believe that their health depends on medicine or heredity, and this is true, but most of all, a person's health depends on his lifestyle. Doctors advise us to drink a glass of water every morning, do exercises, walk more in the fresh air, ventilate the rooms before going to bed. Sometimes it seems to us little things that you can ignore, but huge buildings are made up of small bricks. If we pay attention to such little things, our health will noticeably improve.
I have often been told of people who recovered only because of their diligence and perseverance, and also healthy lifestyle life. They did not feel sorry for themselves, experienced pain or any inconvenience, but they achieved their goal. People often feel sorry for themselves or their loved ones, harming their health. I heard a story that a man had a paralyzed arm. He developed it every day and after many failures, he was finally able to move his hand.
I believe that a person should take care of his health, but this does not mean that you need to take care of your body. By leading a healthy lifestyle, we protect our health and can recover from any disease. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I feel good and rarely go to hospitals.
Lumpova Maria, 9th grade, 2016

My attitude towards health
By health, I understand the state of a person, the work of immunity. For me, human health, including myself, is above all. After all bad condition can lead to other, more serious consequences.
I think you need to take care of your health. For example, I have never picked up a single cigarette in my life. I'm disgusted by people who smoke. You need to develop your diet and stick to it. It should maintain the daily norms of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and so on. Monitor sleep patterns.
In order to maintain my health, I bought a subscription to the gym and to the pool. Within three months I began to feel better. For example, when swimming in the pool, muscles relax and posture improves. I also believe that self-hypnosis also affects a person’s health. When suggesting to oneself the state “I am healthy” or “I feel good”, a person can forget about the pain that bothered him. This will make his recovery easier. Again I will give an example from my life: I suffer from the disease "chronic gastroduodenitis" or as it is called "gastritis". I have an exacerbation of this disease every spring and autumn. Because of the pain in my intestines, I can't properly focus on my goals. When I take my mind off it, the pain gradually goes away.
I appreciate the attitude of other people to their own health and understand their problems well. I strive to help a person with his health problems, of course, if he asks me about it and trusts me.
Sometimes it seems to me that all these diseases are brought out by the person himself, for example, if the order is not observed or as a result of malice. Or because of a failed experiment on a cure for other diseases. They can also enter the human body through non-sterilized syringes for injections or vaccinations, connecting with other diseases.
You also need to take care of your eyesight. Keep a distance between the eyes and the TV screen or computer monitor, read only in good lighting and without sudden movement (for example, do not read on the bus)
Thus, a person must take care of his own health and try to help other people, at least by putting money to help those who are sick with a particular disease. And as they say: "In healthy body healthy spirit!
Efremov Alexey, 10th grade, 2016

When I was little, I very rarely had colds. My immunity was so strong that even if one of my relatives fell ill, the disease bypassed the sword. This phenomenon continued until about eight years of age.
At the age of eight, when I was already a second-grader, various colds overtook me. I didn't betray it of great importance, the body still fought germs quickly and without consequences. Then there was a pause again. I didn't get seriously ill until sixth grade.
Sixth grade. I started playing sports athletics. Athletics is a sport in which physical training and human health comes first. Thus, starting to engage in this sport, I strengthened my health with every workout, every day. I breathed this sport. But, unfortunately, I completely forgot about my health. I ran and worked out even when I was sick. I loved this sport to the point of pain ... And I forgot about, perhaps, the most important thing in life - health. More recently, my recklessness has returned to me. I learned that it is contraindicated for me to exercise, and all because once, two years ago, in spite of everything, I went to training, contrary to my health.
Now I really regret that I did stupid things, going to training with a fever, or a headache, or a sore throat. However, I do athletics to this day. But I know for sure that you need to protect your health, no matter what. Health is our most important wealth in life. You can't buy it, let alone make it yourself. - But, unfortunately, modern youth absolutely forgets about their health. On the this moment It has become fashionable to buy and consume alcoholic beverages. Many believe that smoking is a salvation from nervousness, it is on the basis of anger and nerves that this bad habit arises. And some people think that their problems can be solved by "drinking" them with alcohol. All this negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and future father. Sometimes you can ask yourself the question: "How do you see the future of Russia, looking at today's youth?" I want to see that everyone takes care of their health. Some people, or rather disabled people from childhood, are ready to give their last, just to improve their health a little.
Of course, if you do not meet with a health problem, you will not understand that it needs to be protected. A person just needs to move a little and play sports. That is why I will never give up sports, despite the fact that it is contraindicated to engage in them, and that is why I have a negative and disgusting attitude towards people who have bad habits. Health is our main wealth in life, which should never be forgotten.
Vakhrusheva Daria, 9th grade, 2016

My attitude towards health
More than seven billion people live on planet Earth. This number changes every year. It can rise and fall. It depends on the state of our planet. It is sad to realize that in our time the Earth is very polluted, the ecology is spoiled, air and water are sometimes dangerous for humans. Bad ecology- one of the reasons for the extinction of people. Also, the planet is infected with viruses that grow and spread very quickly. Medicine does not have time to treat patients who subsequently infect others.
The topic of health has always been relevant for a person. In our time, medicine is developed very well. Of course, nothing is perfect. As with medicine. Our doctors are still able to cure far from all diseases. But science is moving forward, and perhaps our descendants will live longer than us, and the world's terrible viruses will cease to exist. Yes, this is possible, but no one can say with accuracy what awaits us in the future. Man is not a robot, for whom everything works smoothly and according to the program. Although the comparison is not entirely successful, since even machines have malfunctions, or they simply break down. But the fact is that human organs have their own time limits. We are not eternal and I do not believe that people will ever become immortal. Science, of course, is capable of much, but immortality is most likely simply impossible. But we can extend our own life, at least for a few years, because every minute of life is important and valuable. And for life to be longer, it is not necessary to shorten it. This is the most stupid occupation that does not bring you any benefit, but only takes precious seconds, minutes, days and years of your life from you. If you are an alcoholic, smoker or drug addict, do not expect a long, healthy and beautiful life. How much do you have to dislike yourself and how neglectful of your health in order to be addicted to smoking, alcohol and drugs? I worry about myself and my health, because it is important not only for me, but also for my loved ones around me and my future children.
It doesn't take much to be healthy. I think it's easy to be healthy because it's natural. Of course, people with congenital diseases. The greatest stupidity of a person is that he himself creates what kills him. Everyone should lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent viruses and diseases. A person should always remember that the state of his health affects not only himself, but also others, especially his future children.
Maintaining one's health is the most important responsibility of a person. Our condition and body are in our hands. It is only necessary that every person on Earth understand that his future depends only on him and take himself and his health into his own hands, and everyone who leads bad image life, began to lead a healthy. This is very important, although many turn a blind eye to certain diseases, which then turn into chronic or even fatal. You should never rely on medicine, because it is not omnipotent. It is better to protect yourself from various diseases in advance by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Health must be protected from a young age and remember that we will no longer have a second chance for life.Tikhonova Albina, 10th grade, 2016

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Institutes for the formation of attitudes towards health: the state.

An important criterion for the attitude of the state to the health of the population is the financial costs of health care. A characteristic trend in this indicator is that in last years the state is all in more shifts the costs of this budget item onto the shoulders of the population. Another indicator of the financial security of the health sector is the degree of development material base institutions of sports, recreation and leisure. Along with official pedagogy and healthcare, the science of health is developing. healthy person- valeology. "In the practice of modern Russian education appeared in its various links new item"valeology", which defines itself as the science of health and a healthy lifestyle. Its introduction, according to the valeologists themselves, is due to the current need to protect children from the influence of dysfunctional ecological environment, information overload and some other factors leading to the deterioration of physical and mental health, to nervous stress and negative emotions. Valeology curricula contain enough large volume provisions of occult mysticism, theosophy, anthroposophy, Agni Yoga, Krita Yoga, Dianetics. According to religious scholars, the science of valueology contains the provisions of the occult-mystical anti-Christian movement New Age (New Age; New Age), which unites various sects, occult and pseudoscientific mystical currents. The authors curricula according to valeology, religious denominations traditional for Russia, especially Orthodoxy, are extremely hostile, but various occult practices are advertised in large volumes. In valeological textbooks, one can also find sharp criticism directed at teachers who do not use the methods of non-traditional religions in their practice. For example, one of the main developers of valueology programs, Tatarnikova L.G., complaining that Ron Hubbard's Dianetics programs are not used in schools, accuses teachers of incompetence, arguing that "teachers continue to not understand or cannot understand that jeopardize the future of the country, its gene pool." AT " open letter"139 leading Russian scientists to the minister education Filippov V.M. concludes that "valueology is in many ways an exposition of the ideology of the New Age" ("New Age", "New Time", "Era of Aquarius", " New Age"), which unites various sects, occult and pseudo-scientific mystical currents". Scientists also pointed out that valeology is "an undisguised spiritual aggression against our country and carries a threat national security state". Thus, valeology, which is actively taking root today in the system of Russian education, purposefully covers all aspects human life: physical, mental, intellectual and moral - and in fact is an instrument of spiritual intervention, an information weapon aimed at destroying traditional national values and the creation of a society built according to occult-mystical schemes. In its content, methodology, goals and objectives, it remains alien to the principles and spirit of Russian pedagogy, which has always affirmed the need close connection education and moral education personality, was aimed at forming in a person responsibility for his every step and the ability to clearly distinguish between good and evil. Today there is indeed a dangerous trend of penetration into educational environment scientifically unfounded and occult teachings, pseudo-scientific "improving" programs and technologies that are destructive for the individual and society as a whole. There is a need for coordinated activities of representatives of science, practical pedagogy, medicine in the preservation, strengthening and formation of the physical and spiritual health the rising generation.

Throughout the history of human existence, his attitude to his health was determined in the ability to save life, to fulfill his biological and social destiny.

In the distant past, when man experienced defenselessness before the forces of nature, his physical state he associated with mystical ideas. So, in the primitive communal system, these ideas were deified in the form of amulets, and the health measures themselves were in the nature of religious rites. However, in the process of evolution, a person observed and drew conclusions, noted causal relationships between health, lifestyle, environmental factors, healing and healing properties of nature. Already at this stage of development, there was a direct relationship between the state of human health and physical activity which he had to fulfill in the course of his life, the life of his family and community.

AT slave system there is a gradual systematization of knowledge on the problems of preserving human health. It is noteworthy that even then the efforts of scientists were directed to the creation of health systems, such as the Chinese “Kong Fu” (about 2600 BC), the Indian “Ayur Veda” (about 1800 BC). .), “On a healthy lifestyle” by Hippocrates (about 400 BC). In particular, a well-ordered system of health improvement existed in Ancient Sparta where classes exercise were prescribed and strictly controlled by the state, being obligatory for all citizens. High level physical health Spartans still remains the standard for all subsequent generations.

Acquaintance with the main provisions of these systems shows that their main idea is not the treatment of diseases, but the formation, preservation and promotion of health, as well as the use of spare capacity body for recovery.

Consequently, the culture of physical and mental health, hygiene of food, housing, clothing, organization of measures to prevent diseases, the culture of reproductive behavior is one of ancient institutions human society. However, as property and social stratification people in slave-owning communities attitudes towards health gradually changed. Slave owners, indulging in excesses and comfort, paid less and less attention to their health and relied more and more on doctors and the treatment of painful conditions. This circumstance, apparently, contributed to the fact that medicine began to gradually lose its preventive purpose and began to focus on the treatment of diseases. However, luminaries medical science even in the Middle Ages, it was pointed out that the most effective way to longevity is the preservation of health, not the treatment of disease. An active preacher of this direction in medicine was Avicenna (980-1037), who in the "Canon of Medicine" devoted the entire first volume to the formation and preservation of health.

Lords ancient east paid their doctors only for the days they were healthy. It is well known that in ancient and modern traditional medicine of the East and South America numerous medicines from plants and animal organs not only for the treatment of diseases, but also for the preservation and improvement of health.

More on the topic The attitude of mankind to health in a historical aspect:

  2. Historical aspects of the problem of training officers-teachers
  3. Historical aspects of the ideology of continuous quality management in the production of services

It should be recognized that health and a healthy lifestyle are not always a value for a person, especially if he is 14-17 years old. During this period, a person cannot be focused on what he already possesses. During this period, other priorities dominate: active knowledge of the world around you and yourself in this world. Health is not an end in itself, but rather a means to an end: to become an independent person, a bright personality, a recognized authority and a successful professional.
Thus, it becomes obvious that important role plays "education" in each member of society attitude to health as one of the main human values.

Current trends in incidence in developed industrial societies actualized the idea of ​​"individual responsibility" of a person for the state of his health. By the second half of the 20th century, acute, mainly infectious diseases, they were replaced by much more complex in nature and difficult to treat chronic diseases. For example, doctor oriental medicine D. Chopra believes that “For modern man disease is not a matter of necessity, but of choice: nature does not impose on us bacteria or viruses that cause various diseases: diabetes, cancer, arthritis or osteochondrosis, they are the result of wrong actions and thoughts of a person.

An interesting fact is that in Russia progressive values ​​that affirm the primary role of the individual in shaping their health are not yet recognized by a significant part of the population. For example, the results of a mass survey conducted in St. Petersburg show that 54% of respondents tend to ascribe responsibility for their health mainly to external, independent of themselves, life circumstances. And only about 25% of the respondents answered the question: “What determines your state of health to a greater extent?” noted the decisive role of their own efforts in maintaining health.

The concept of “attitude to health” is still relatively new to psychological science. The study of the problem of attitude to health involves the definition of the very concept of "attitude to health". The attitude to health from the point of view of psychology is a system of individual, selective connections of the individual with various phenomena surrounding reality, contributing to or, conversely, threatening the health of people, as well as a certain assessment by the individual of his physical and mental state.

An experimentally proven fact: the value of health for women is higher than for men. Health in the value system of men is in third or fourth place. This may indicate, for example, that men are more inclined to sacrifice their health for the sake of a career.

Attitude towards health is one of the elements of self-preservation behavior. A person's attitude to his health contains three main components: cognitive, emotional and motivational-behavioral.
The cognitive component characterizes a person's knowledge of his health, understanding of the role of health in life, knowledge of the main factors that have both negative and positive influence on health.
The emotional component reflects the experiences and feelings of a person associated with the state of his health, as well as features emotional state caused by the deterioration of the physical or mental well-being of a person.
The motivational-behavioral component determines the place of health in the individual hierarchy of human values, the peculiarities of motivation in the field of a healthy lifestyle, and also characterizes the peculiarities of behavior in the field of health, the degree of commitment of a person to a healthy lifestyle, and the peculiarities of behavior in case of deterioration in health.

It should be especially noted that the nature of the attitude to the health of a modern person is paradoxical, namely:
- the need for health is updated, as a rule, in case of its loss or as it is lost;
- operation of mechanisms psychological protection whose purpose is to justify unhealthy behavior. For example, denial: "this can't be happening" or "I don't need to have a medical exam because I'm healthy." Rationalization is mainly manifested in the justification of one's inadequate attitude to health;
- installation on passive attitude to health;
- the influence of a person's past experience;
- features of the social micro- and macroenvironment;
- the effect of the reactivity theory: when people feel that their freedom to act as they wish in a “danger” is “infringed” (a ban is imposed), an unpleasant state of reactivity arises in a person, and you can get rid of it only by committing a forbidden act (for example, smoking) etc.
Thus, each of us should understand our “attitude towards health”, adequately assess it and behave accordingly.