Learning skills of independent work and their improvement. The main features of the development of independent work skills of younger students

I would like to consider organization independent work in mathematics lessons, as I believe that it contributes to a better assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities to apply this knowledge, and increases the level of student activity. It disciplines, gives rise to schoolchildren's faith in themselves, in their strengths and capabilities. In the process of teaching mathematics, the teacher's task is not only to provide solid knowledge provided by the program, but also to develop students' independence and active thinking. Therefore, independent work of students is one of the most effective forms of learning.

AT learning activities it is important that students learn not just to memorize what the teacher says, not just learn what the teacher explains to them, but they themselves, on their own, can gain knowledge, it is important how independent the student is in mastering knowledge and developing skills.

The conscious choice of this or that action characterizes the active mental activity students, and its implementation is decisiveness. Without independence in learning, deep assimilation of knowledge is unthinkable. Independence is inextricably linked with activity, which is driving force in the process of learning. Insufficiency of independence makes the student passive, hinders the development of his thinking and ultimately makes him incapable of applying the acquired knowledge. To successfully graduate from school, students must show a high level of mastery of the subjects of the course of general education disciplines, incl. mathematics, so the task of the teacher is to find the student individual approach, support it. So it is necessary to do studying proccess maximally feasible, but at the same time meeting all the requirements of the content of education.

My students differ in character, temperament, abilities, different pace work. One of effective ways accounting in training individual differences, from my point of view, is a differentiated approach. It is also important in terms of the development of cognitive independence, and the formation of students' desire for self-education.

Teaching independent work. Their meaning is self-fulfillment schoolchildren given tasks by the teacher in the course of explaining new material. The purpose of such work is to develop interest in the material being studied, to involve each student in the work in the lesson. At the first lessons of the formation of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities, most of the exercises are educational in nature, they are conducted under the guidance of a teacher. However, the degree of teacher intervention in practical activities students will be determined individual abilities student in acquiring knowledge.

Training independent work mainly consists of tasks of the same type, containing essential features and properties this definition, regulations. Such work allows you to develop basic skills and abilities, thereby creating a basis for further study of the material. When performing training independent work, the help of a teacher is necessary.

As a rule, the monotony of any work reduces the interest of students in it. But in the course of mathematics there are often topics whose study requires a solution. a large number tasks of the same type, without which it is impossible to develop stable knowledge and skills. The tasks proposed for independent work should arouse the interest of students. It can be achieved by the unusual content of tasks. Helps to keep students' attention tasks with an entertaining plot.

Rapid growth scientific information required some reorientation of student learning. All greater value acquires a focus on the development of students by creating conditions for a deep analysis of phenomena, on instilling the skills of independent work on the ability to learn for yourself. Any teacher who starts solving this problem naturally raises the question: “How to educate students in independent work skills and where to start developing them?” . To do this, we first consider what is independent work?

Independent work is usually understood as work performed without active assistance"from the outside", when the person performing the work to achieve the set goal himself determines the sequence of his actions, the causes of the difficulties that arise in this case and the ways to eliminate them. If in the work under the guidance of the teacher, on his part, he constantly monitors the correctness of the student’s actions and organizes assistance in eliminating the difficulties that arise for the student, regardless, perhaps, of whether he realized the causes of the difficulties that have arisen, then

in independent work, the student himself is aware of the nature of the work performed, he himself determines and finds ways to overcome the difficulties that arise. To perform independent work, students must make certain efforts, expressing the results of their actions in one form or another. Without independent work, the process of mastering knowledge on various stages lesson, both when learning new material and consolidating it. In theory and practice, the following approaches to the classification of independent works are most common:

for didactic purposes

The level of independence of students,

The degree of individualization

By source and method of acquiring knowledge

· By execution form,

· At the place of execution.

Independent work in the didactic direction can be divided into: teaching and controlling.

Teaching independent work. Their meaning lies in the independent fulfillment by students of the tasks given by the teacher in the course of explaining new material. The purpose of such work is the development of interest in the material being studied, the involvement of each student in the work in the lesson. When performing this type of work, the student immediately sees what is not clear to him, and he can ask for additional explanation of this part of the material. The teacher also draws up a scheme for further explanation of the material. Also this species independent work helps to identify gaps in the knowledge of past material among schoolchildren. Independent work on the formation of knowledge is carried out at the stage of preparation for the introduction of new content, also with the direct introduction of new material, with the primary consolidation of knowledge, i.e. immediately after the explanation of the new, when the students' knowledge is not yet strong. Since independent training work is carried out when explaining new material or immediately after the explanation, then their immediate verification is necessary. It creates a clear picture of what is happening in the lesson, what is the degree of understanding by students of new material, at the very early stage of learning. The purpose of these works is not control, but training, so they should be given enough time in the lesson. Controlling independent work will be considered a little later.

We now turn to the consideration of the classification of works according to the degree of independence.

Depending on the level of preparation of students, they can be offered:

· Independent work on the model,

· Reconstructive and variable works,

· Partial search works (heuristic),

· Research independent work.

When performing work according to the model, students do not go beyond the scope of reproducing activities aimed at mastering basic knowledge. At the same time, the proposed tasks are performed according to the samples and algorithms presented by the teacher or described in the textbook. They are playing important role during the primary consolidation of what has been learned, as they contribute to the creation of conditions for the transition of students to the performance of tasks that require a higher level of independence.

Independent work of a reconstructive-variative type usually contains tasks, under the conditions of which students have to analyze situations that are new to them, reformulate them, choose from known ways the most rational. They differ from the previous type of work in that when they are performed, it is necessary to convert the initial data, i.e. demonstrate a higher level of independence. Students show an even higher level of independence when performing partial search (heuristic) work that requires the transfer of knowledge and skills to unusual, problematic situations. The highest degree of independence is manifested in the performance of independent research work. Here, using the accumulated knowledge and skills in the performance of previous types of independent work, putting forward and testing their own hypotheses and judgments, they learn to discover new information about the objects under study.

From the point of view of classification according to the degree of individualization, independent work can be:

Ш frontal - students perform the same task;

III group - to complete the task, students are divided into small groups (3-5 people each);

Ш steam room - for example, when conducting experiments, performing various constructions, designing models;

Ш individual - each student performs a separate task.

Considering independent activity as cognitive, four varieties of it are distinguished in the learning process:

The student determines the purpose and plan of work with the help of the teacher.

The student determines the goal with the help of the teacher, and the plan independently.

The student determines the goal and plan independently, but the task is given by the teacher.

· Without the help of a teacher, the student himself determines the content, purpose, plan of work and independently performs it.

The first variety is the simplest, and with it the teacher should begin preparing the children for more complex stages of independent work. Then gradually, moving from stage to stage, the student gets the opportunity to fully demonstrate his knowledge, initiative, personal qualities and individual characteristics. Independent work is organized with the help of individual forms of education. The student works independently at home when doing homework, writing essays. Individual form involves the student's activity to perform tasks common to the entire class without contact with classmates, at the same pace for all. It is mainly used in the consolidation of knowledge, the formation of skills, knowledge control. Individual work in the classroom requires careful preparation from the teacher, a large expenditure of time and effort. However, this form of organization cognitive activity does not always create conditions for complete independent activity of students. She is a good remedy organizing the activities of conscious students. But it is often possible to observe a picture in the lessons when poorly performing students or do nothing, because they cannot cope with the task on their own. In this case, the teacher should act as a consultant, guiding the thinking of a poorly performing child. To organize greater independence of schoolchildren, an individualized form of education is used. Nowadays, differentiated independent work is being used more and more. In practice, up to four options are usually used. multi-level tasks. This form implies such an organization of work in which each student performs his own task, different from others, taking into account learning opportunities.

However, when implementing any of the considered approaches, one has to overcome certain difficulties associated both with checking a large number options for independent work, and with the organization of a discussion of the results of its implementation. The solution of the problems posed is facilitated by the use of independent work, in which only the assistance provided to students is differentiated. The basis of such work is the same tasks, only the system of instructions for groups of students with different levels readiness.

The most diverse types of independent work are classified according to the source and method of acquiring knowledge. The most common are:

Working with a book

・Decision and task formulation,

· Laboratory and practical work,

· Preparation of reports and abstracts.

According to the form of execution, oral and written independent work is distinguished, and according to the place of execution - classroom and homework.

The successful completion of independent work by students is facilitated by clear instructions from the teacher about its purpose, content, methods of implementation, forms of expression of the results obtained. They can be presented in the form of memos that give recommendations on working with a mathematical text, solving problems, performing laboratory and practical work, writing reports and abstracts. At the same time, it is impossible to let the process of forming written and oral speech students. It should be systematic when performing both oral and written works to accustom fully, clearly, reasonedly express their thoughts.

Practical experience shows that:

1. Systematically conducted independent work (with a textbook on solving problems, performing observations and experiments), with its proper organization, helps students to obtain deeper and more solid knowledge compared to those that they acquire when the teacher communicates ready-made knowledge.

2. The organization of the implementation by students of a variety of didactic goals and content of independent work contributes to the development of their cognitive and creativity, the development of thinking.

3. With a carefully thought-out methodology for conducting independent work, the pace of formation of practical skills and abilities in students is accelerated, and this, in turn, has positive influence for the formation cognitive skills and skills.

Over time, with the systematic organization of independent work in the classroom and its combination with various types homework in the subject, students develop stable skills for independent work. As a result, students spend significantly less time to perform work of approximately the same volume and degree of difficulty compared to students in classes in which independent work is practically not organized or is carried out irregularly. This allows you to gradually increase the pace of studying program material, increase the time for solving problems, experimental work and other types of creative work.

When addressing the problem of developing skills for independent work in the learning process, it seems necessary to address a number of issues - issues related to the activity of students in the process of independent work, problems of the effectiveness of independent work, etc.

Undoubtedly, independent work brings to the fore the activity of students, and the student himself as an active creative person is the creator of its culture, erudition and future activities. Student personality activity manifests itself in setting goals for independent work, planning it, determining methods, self-mobilization and self-control, and evaluating results. Independent work of students requires intensive thinking, solving various cognitive problems, keeping records, comprehension and memorization educational information etc.

Independent work is an important factor theoretical and practical training students to upcoming activities, formation necessary knowledge, skills, moral and mental qualities. AT modern conditions the importance of the responsibility of the student himself, both for his educational activities and for the development of his horizons, knowledge, both of specific subject content and general content, has increased. It is the desire for self-acquisition of knowledge that should be encouraged in every way in all education systems.

Of great importance in the process of developing independent work skills is its efficiency. The effectiveness of independent work depends on many external and internal factors- on the content and complexity of its tasks, guidance from senior comrades, the level of knowledge and general development students, their intellectual knowledge and skills, motives and attitudes, methods and techniques of educational activities, etc. Central condition The effectiveness of independent work of students is a deep awareness of its goals and methods, consciousness of oneself as a person who herself directs, organizes and controls the learning process, etc.

Let us dwell in more detail on the levels of development of students' independent work skills.

  • 1. Copying actions of students according to a given model, identification of objects and phenomena, their recognition by comparison with a known model. At this level, students are prepared for independent activity.
  • 2. Reproductive activity for the reproduction of educational information, which, as a rule, does not go beyond the level of memory. At this level, there is a generalization of techniques and methods of cognitive activity, their transfer to the solution of more complex, but still typical tasks.
  • 3. productive activity independent application acquired knowledge to solve problems that go beyond the typical. At this stage, independent activity requires the student to be able to make inductive and deductive conclusions, as well as elements of creativity.
  • 4. Independent activity for the transfer of knowledge when solving problems in completely new situations, conditions for compiling new decision-making programs, developing hypothetical analog and dialectical thinking.

These stages of forming the skill of independent work focus only on the general course of this process. In relation to each type of independent work, purely individual aspects will be taken into account. specific type activities. For more case study Let us dwell in more detail on the formation of such a skill of independent work as independent work with a textbook.

Essence independent work with textbook lies in the fact that the acquisition of new knowledge is carried out independently by each student through a thoughtful study of the material from the textbook and awareness of the facts placed in it, examples and the theoretical conclusions arising from them. The main characteristics of this type of independent work are the students' independent mastery of the material and the formation of the students' ability to work with a book. The formation of the skill of independent work with a textbook is a rather complicated activity. It can only be possible under certain conditions. Let us dwell in more detail on the process of developing the skill of independent work with a textbook.

  • 1. Essential for the formation of the skill of independent work with the textbook is, first of all, the choice of a topic for self-study. As you know, not all topics can be learned by students without preliminary work and a detailed explanation by the teacher. The teacher can choose only those topics for independent work that students are able to learn on their own (without the help of a teacher).
  • 2. Independent work with the textbook should be preceded by a detailed conversation of the teacher. In this conversation, the teacher must, first of all, accurately identify the topic of the material, give general idea about the content, draw students' attention to the issues that they need to learn, and also offer tips for independent work.
  • 3. In the process of independent work, the teacher must constantly monitor its progress, control this process.
  • 4. The teacher should pay serious attention to developing the ability of students to independently comprehend and acquire new knowledge in the process of independent work. So, the whole process of developing independent work skills, according to the famous scientist B.P. Esipov, should begin with independent reading small works of art, then popular science articles, followed by a retelling or students' answers to questions.
  • 5. Often, independent work of students may be preceded by a demonstration of experiments and visual materials in order to create problem situation for a deeper understanding of the studied materials.
  • 6. Independent work of students can be carried out with accompanying selective reading of some particularly difficult moments for perception.
  • 7. In the process of developing the skill of independent work with a textbook, there is a need to turn to repeating the topics studied earlier. Such a renewal in memory is one of the conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of the skill of independent work.

This is just one example of the formation of the skill of one of the types of independent work in training. This example can be used to draw conclusions not only about general course activities for the formation of such skills, but also about the complexity of this process for the development and education of children.

    The essence of independent work of students (SIW)

    The main directions of the organization of independent work

    Factors of successful functioning of independent work of students

    Activation of the CPC

Independent work of students (SIW), along with classroom work, is one of the forms of the educational process and is an essential part of it. For its successful implementation, planning and control by teachers are necessary, as well as planning the amount of independent work in the curricula of specialties by the main departments, the educational unit, methodological services educational institution.

Independent work is the planned work of students, performed on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

The SIW is designed not only to master each discipline, but also to form the skills of independent work in general, in educational, scientific, professional activities, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve the problem, find constructive solutions, get out of crisis situation etc. The importance of CPC goes far beyond a separate subject, in connection with which the graduating departments should develop a strategy for the formation of a system of skills and abilities of independent work. In this case, one should proceed from the level of independence of applicants and the requirements for the level of independence of graduates so that the desired level is achieved during the period of study.

According to the new educational paradigm, regardless of the specialization and nature of the work, any novice specialist must have fundamental knowledge, professional skills and skills in their field, experience in creative and research activities to solve new problems, and experience in social evaluation activities. The last two components of education are formed in the process of independent work of students. In addition, the task of the departments is to develop differentiated criteria for independence depending on the specialty and type of activity (researcher, designer, designer, technologist, repairman, manager, etc.).

The higher school differs from the secondary specialization, but mainly in the methodology academic work and the degree of autonomy of the trainees. The teacher only organizes the cognitive activity of students. The student himself carries out knowledge. Independent work completes the tasks of all types of educational work. No knowledge that is not backed up by independent activity can become the true property of a person. In addition, independent work has an educational value: it forms independence not only as a set of skills and abilities, but also as a character trait that plays essential role in the personality structure of a modern highly qualified specialist. Therefore, in each university, in each course, material is carefully selected for independent work of students under the guidance of teachers. Its forms are diverse - these are different types of homework. Universities draw up schedules of independent work for the semester with the application of semester curricula and curricula. Schedules stimulate, organize, make rational use of time. The work should be systematically supervised by teachers. The basis of independent work is a scientific and theoretical course, a complex of knowledge gained by students. When distributing tasks, students receive instructions for their implementation, guidelines, manuals, a list of necessary literature.

In the university there are various types of individual independent work - preparation for lectures, seminars, laboratory work, tests, exams, the implementation of abstracts, assignments, term papers and projects, and at the final stage - the completion of a graduation project. Independent work is more effective if it is in pairs or 3 people participate in it. group work enhances the factor of motivation and mutual intellectual activity, increases the efficiency of students' cognitive activity due to mutual control.

The participation of a partner significantly restructures the student's psychology. In the case of individual training, the student subjectively evaluates his activity as complete and complete, but such an assessment may be erroneous. In group individual work, a group self-examination takes place, followed by correction by the teacher. This second link of independent learning activity ensures the effectiveness of the work as a whole. With a sufficiently high level of independent work, the student himself can perform an individual part of the work and demonstrate it to a fellow student partner.

The ratio of time allotted for classroom and independent work is 1:3.5 all over the world. This ratio is based on the huge didactic potential of this type of educational activity of students. Independent work contributes to:

Deepening and expanding knowledge;

Formation of interest in cognitive activity;

Mastering the methods of the process of cognition;

The development of cognitive abilities.

That is why it becomes the main reserve for increasing the efficiency of training specialists.

The main directions of the organization of independent work

Consider the leading pedagogical aspects and the main directions of the organization of independent work. The existing educational forms of students' learning activities at the university - lectures, practical, laboratory classes, seminars - determine the forms of independent work and types of homework. The control system also lays the foundation for its orientation.

At the lecture, the teacher recommends literature to students and explains the methods of working with the textbook and primary sources. In this regard, introductory and orientation lectures provide special opportunities, which reveal the problems of the topic, the logic of mastering it, give a description of the list of references, and highlight sections for independent study.

Seminar and project assignments should be designed to improve the skills of finding the best answers, calculations, solutions.

Independent work is carried out using supporting didactic materials designed to correct the work of students and improve its quality.

The teams of the departments are developing:

1. The system of tasks for independent work.

2. Themes of abstracts and reports.

3. Instructions and guidelines for implementation laboratory work, training exercises, homework, etc.

4. Themes term papers, course and diploma projects.

5. Lists of mandatory and additional literature.

Independent work is of an activity nature, and therefore, in its structure, it is possible to distinguish components characteristic of activity as such: motivational links, setting a specific task, choosing methods of implementation, performing link, control. In this regard, we can highlight the conditions that ensure the successful implementation of independent work:

1. Motivation of the educational task (for what, what does it contribute to).

2. A clear statement of cognitive tasks.

3. Algorithm, method of doing work, student's knowledge of how to do it.

4. A clear definition by the teacher of reporting forms, the amount of work, the timing of its submission.

5. Determining the types of consulting assistance (consultations - installation, thematic, problematic).

6. Criteria for evaluation, reporting, etc.

7. Types and forms of control (workshop, tests, tests, seminar, etc.).

Independent work includes reproducing and creative processes in the student's activity. Depending on this, three levels of independent activity of students are distinguished:

1. Reproductive (training) level.

2. Reconstructive level.

3. Creative, search.

1. Training independent work is performed according to the model: solving problems, filling in tables, diagrams, etc. Cognitive activity of a student is manifested in recognition, comprehension, memorization. The purpose of this kind of work is the consolidation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities.

2. Reconstructive independent work.

In the course of such work, decisions are restructured, a plan, theses, and annotations are drawn up. Abstracts can be performed at this level.

3. Creative independent work requires an analysis of the problem situation, obtaining new information. The student must independently make a choice of means and methods of solution (training and research assignments, course and diploma projects).

Factors of successful functioning of independent work of students

For the organization and successful functioning of independent work of students, it is necessary:

1. An integrated approach to the organization of the IWS in all forms of classroom work.

2. Combination of all levels (types) of CPC.

3. Ensuring control over the quality of implementation (requirements, consultations).

4. Forms of control.

To do this, teachers should introduce students to the main provisions of the qualification characteristics of graduates and explain to them how the entire educational process and each individual discipline contribute to the development of professional and personal qualities of a specialist included in this characteristic. Since independent work is the most important form of the educational process, students should focus on its direct influence on the formation of such parameters of a qualification characteristic as mobility, the ability to predict the situation and actively influence it, independence of assessments, etc., so that students see the positive results of their work and that the success they experience in learning contributes to the transformation of mediated interest into interest direct. The formation of such motivation is facilitated by the sincere interest of teachers in the success of students (students feel this very well). Consciousness in learning is also of paramount importance. You cannot teach without paying attention to whether the students understand the material or not. If a baseline students are lower than expected, adjustment of the program and assignments for the SIW is necessary as well. So, the teacher must know the initial level of knowledge and skills of students and acquaint them with the goals of learning, the means to achieve them and the means of control. Consciousness of the implementation of the SRS provides the following characteristics:

Methodological meaningfulness of the material selected for independent work;

The complexity of knowledge corresponding to the "zone of proximal development" (according to L. S. Vygotsky) of students, i.e. feasibility of implementation;

The sequence of presentation of the material, taking into account the logic of the subject and the psychology of assimilation;

Dosage of material for independent work, corresponding to the educational capabilities of students;

Activity orientation of independent work. Focusing on the four components of the content of education - knowledge, the ability to solve traditional problems, the experience of creative activity, the experience of emotional and evaluative activity - it is advisable for each discipline to make a very careful selection of the fundamental core of knowledge and special tasks for practical exercises, to highlight in this material a range of problems and assignments for independent work.

For example, in technical university it should be remembered that the future engineer must have the ability to design new machines and mechanisms, create new technologies, be able to fruitfully interact with people of other professions associated with him in a single production. In addition, the level of efficiency of his work depends on the level common culture. The higher he is, the wider his horizons and ability to think associatively, the more real the opportunity to clearly formulate and solve the problem. High level culture determines the stock of knowledge that is not needed today, but tomorrow a specialist may need it in his professional activity.

When developing tasks for independent work, teachers should be guided by the requirement of profiling their discipline in accordance with the engineering specialty. The engineer's approach is always phenomenological; he is guided by the elementary-system concept. For him, the system and its elements, the connections between them are important. Engineering work is based on the synthesis of knowledge, including ecology, economics, ergonomics, etc. Engineering research and design transform ideas into mental models and then into design models. The main thing for an engineer is not in-depth knowledge, but the generation of something new on the basis of knowledge. After all, the very word "ingenieur" in literal translation from French means "inventor".

All these principles should be laid down in the development of tasks for independent work of students. The profiling of tasks, therefore, provides equally for their applied nature, associated with the specifics of the future profession, and methodological features associated with the formation of "engineering thinking".

All of the above allows us to formulate a number of clear requirements for the professional orientation of the discipline at the university:

The selection and presentation of material must ensure the achievement of the objectives set out in the qualification profile and the understanding applied value this discipline for their profession;

The material of tasks should be methodological, conscious and serve as a means of developing generalized skills;

In the theoretical part of any discipline, a fundamental core of knowledge must be singled out; identification and demonstration of multiple connections between the "cores" will help to create in the minds of students a scientific picture of the world and a modern methodology of knowledge;

When compiling tasks and assignments, one should formulate their content in the context of the specialty, as well as teach students to form a mental model of an object and justify the choice of a calculation scheme.

Speaking about the individualization of training, and consequently, the development of individual tasks for SIW, one must proceed from the diversity of the intellectual qualities of people. There are "slow-thinkers", people with "fast brains", "generators of ideas" and people who perfectly bring these ideas to the end. Some prefer individual work, others - collective. Obviously, different characters, complementing each other, harmonize society. When performing SRS, one should also help students overcome or stop character flaws. The following recommendations will help teachers find an individual approach to students with different characterological data:

Classroom classes should be conducted in such a way as to ensure the unconditional fulfillment of a certain minimum of independent work by all students and provide for complicated tasks for students,

better prepared;

Regular monitoring (machine and machineless) of the success of the SIW and individual consultations of the teacher is necessary. Here, personal pedagogical communication between the teacher and the student is of fundamental importance;

For the success of the CDS, clear guidelines for its implementation are needed. At the beginning of the semester, the teacher at the very first lesson should familiarize students with the goals, means, labor intensity, deadlines, forms of control and self-control of the SIW. Self-study schedules are required for undergraduate, for seniors - students need to be taught to plan their own work;

The homework package for practical classes in any discipline should contain: all types of problems, the methods for solving which students must master in order to successful completion control; a list of concepts, facts, laws and methods, the knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the planned skills, indicating what you need to know by heart;

It is advisable to issue a package of tasks at the beginning of the semester, specifying deadlines for submission;

When studying any discipline, it is desirable to carry out "input control", best of all using AOS. Such control will help to identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge;

Tasks for IWS can contain two parts - mandatory and optional, designed for more advanced students in this discipline, the implementation of which is taken into account in the final control;

On the practical exercises it is easy to identify students who successfully and quickly cope with tasks. They can be given complicated individual tasks, offered to participate in NIRS and consult weaker students, conducting additional classes with "consultants".

Activation of the CPC

AT pedagogical literature various techniques for activating the SRS are described and applied in practice. Here are the most effective ones.

1. Teaching students the methods of independent work: time guidelines for the implementation of the IWS to develop the skills of time budget planning; communication of reflective knowledge necessary for introspection and self-assessment.

2. A convincing demonstration of the need to master the proposed educational material for the upcoming educational and professional activities in introductory lectures, guidelines and manuals.

3. Problem statement material that reproduces the typical ways of real reasoning used in science and technology.

4. Application of operational formulations of laws and definitions in order to establish an unambiguous connection between theory and practice.

5. Application of active learning methods (analysis specific situations, discussions, group and pair work, collective discussion difficult questions, business games).

6. Development and familiarization of students with the structural-logical scheme of the discipline and its elements; video application.

7. Issuance of guidelines to junior students containing a detailed algorithm, gradually reducing the explanatory part from course to course in order to accustom students to greater independence.

8. Development of comprehensive teaching aids for independent work, combining theoretical material, guidelines and tasks for solving.

9. Development of teaching aids of an interdisciplinary nature.

10. Individualization of homework and laboratory work, and in group work - its clear distribution among group members.

11. Introducing difficulties into typical tasks, issuing tasks with redundant data.

12. test questions lecture flow after each lecture.

13. Students reading a fragment of a lecture (15-20 minutes) with the preliminary preparation of it with the help of a teacher.

14. Assigning the status of "student consultants" to the most advanced and capable students, providing them with all kinds of assistance.

15. Development and implementation of collective teaching methods, group, pair work.

16. Use of AOS for self-control of students.

Ways to further improve CPC

The leading scientists and teachers of Russian universities see the way out to a new quality of training in the reorientation of curricula to the widespread use of independent work, including in junior courses. Consideration should be given to constructive proposals such as:

Organization of individual training plans with the involvement of students in research and development work and, if possible, in real design on the orders of enterprises;

Inclusion of the CPC in academic plan and schedule of classes with the organization of individual consultations at the departments;

Creation of a complex of educational and teaching aids for the implementation of the CDS;

Development of a system of integrated inter-departmental assignments;

Orientation lecture courses for independent work;

Collegial relations of teachers and students;

Development of tasks involving non-standard solutions;

Individual consultations of the teacher and recalculation of his teaching load, taking into account the SIW;

Conducting forms of lectures such as lecture-conversations, lectures-discussions, where the speakers and co-speakers are the students themselves, and the teacher acts as a leader. Such classes involve a preliminary independent study of each specific topic by the students speaking on teaching aids, consultations with the teacher and the use of additional literature.

In general, the orientation of the educational process towards independent work and increasing its effectiveness involves:

Increasing the number of hours on SRS;

Organization of permanent consultations and advisory service, issuance of a set of assignments for the SIW immediately or in stages;

Creation of educational-methodical and material-technical base in universities (textbooks, teaching aids, computer classes), which allows one to independently master the discipline;

Availability of laboratories and workshops (for independent implementation of a laboratory workshop);

Cancellation of most of the established forms of practical and laboratory classes in order to free up time for independent work and maintenance of consultation centers.