Road plans of the Leningrad region. A bypass road will be built in Leningradskaya

The construction of a bypass road around the village of Leningradskaya may begin in 2018. The regional administration is ready to allocate about 5 billion rubles for the implementation of the project. The regional Ministry of Transport notes that upon completion of construction, the bypass will become part of the most shortcut to the Taman Peninsula. Experts emphasize the benefit of the project for Leningradskaya, whose local roads can be spared from the passage of heavy vehicles.

The construction of the bypass of the village of Leningradskaya will begin in 2018. This was reported to Kommersant-Kuban by the vice-governor of the region Andrei Alekseenko. According to the deputy head of the region, the project is of federal significance. Its implementation will make it possible to direct the traffic flow towards Taman and the Crimea from the European part of Russia past the village of Leningradskaya. According to the planning department road works ministries of transport and roads Krasnodar Territory, after the construction is completed, the section of the bypass road around the village of Leningradskaya will become part of one of the shortest routes to the transport crossing through Kerch Strait. Travel on it will be shorter than the existing route on roads federal significance for 60 km. In 2035, the planned traffic intensity on the bypass will be up to 7.5 thousand transport units per day.

According to the press service of the regional administration, for the construction of the site total length 19 km from the regional budget is planned to allocate about 5 billion rubles. In this case, the final cost of the work will be known after the selection of the contractor. A source in the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Krasnodar Territory does not exclude that part Money will come from the federal road fund, which is formed, among other things, at the expense of the Platon system. According to the department, the delivery of project documentation is scheduled for the end of 2017. The design of the bypass road has been underway since 2016. According to the documents, the construction of the bypass of the village of Leningradskaya will be carried out in one stage over three years, starting in 2018.

According to Vladimir Nekipelov, head of the Capital Construction Department of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Leningrad District, the cost of developing the project is about 200 million rubles. The four-lane bypass road will have four multi-level interchanges. As the interlocutor of Kommersant-Kuban noted, new site route will reduce travel time by 20-30 minutes. Currently, the duration of the passage of transit vehicles on the roads of the village is 30-40 minutes. “Either go through the village - we have a lot of traffic lights, intersections, or along the bypass. Now the street is constantly overloaded. As a result, residents complain and the road is destroyed. For the district, the construction of the bypass will great benefit. Heavy vehicles will no longer go through the village. For transit public transport the travel time will also be reduced,” Mr. Nekipelov said.

The federal and regional governments decided to take the issue of development seriously transport infrastructure 47 regions. It is planned that the Transport Development Council should help in this. transport hub Petersburg and Leningrad region, created in the spring of this year. At the last meeting of the council, the government of the region, together with the administration northern capital put forward their proposals as to which routes and highways need to be reconstructed in the first place. 47News got acquainted with these proposals. First of all, we are talking about five federal roads.

Thus, it is proposed to carry out the reconstruction of the Scandinavia highway on the Beloostrov-Vyborg section

As noted, at present, the implementation of this project is already partially carried out. The average daily reduced traffic intensity is more than 23 thousand cars per day. Last year, a reconstructed section of the road from km 196 to the Torfyanovka customs checkpoint, from km 198 to 200, was put into operation on this road.

In this regard, the government proposes to consider the possibility of reconstructing the federal highway A-181 "Scandinavia" along the entire length from the border of the city of St. transport system Russia" until 2015.

Reconstruction of the M-20 highway "St. Petersburg - Pskov - Pustoshka - Nevel to the border with the Republic of Belarus" (Kiev highway)

As you know, this road is important from the point of view of providing interregional and international relations cities and regions. The reconstruction is already included in the Federal target program"Development of the transport system of Russia".

At the first stage, construction and installation work is almost completed - this is the reconstruction of the section from the road to Pushkin to the village of Doni within the administrative boundaries of St. Petersburg with the construction of a dedicated public transport lane in the direction of the city of Gatchina.

The regional government proposes to make a decision on the second stage, which provides for work on the site from the village of Doni to the city of Gatchina. The average daily reduced traffic intensity on the reconstructed section is more than 90 thousand cars per day. The estimated cost of construction and installation works will be more than 17 billion rubles. 2.3 billion rubles are planned for 2012.

Modernization of the Ring Road around St. Petersburg in the section from the Gorskaya station to the Kola highway

The modernization of this section of the ring road, as officials say, is caused by the heavy workload of the eastern half-ring of the Ring Road. In their opinion, it is necessary to consider the possibility of allocating funding for the modernization of the ring road around St. Petersburg in the section from st. Gorskaya to the Kola highway (about 24 km) with bringing to the design parameters and construction of two additional interchanges on the Ring Road (with the continuation of Irinovsky Prospect and the continuation of Dybenko St.) in 2012-2014.

Construction of a bypass of Krasnoye Selo on the territory Leningrad region from the Ring Road to the highway "Narva"

Within the framework of this project, it is proposed to consider the option of laying a route bypassing Krasnoe Selo from the existing transport interchange to the Ring Road in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Novoselye with a bypass of the settlement of Annino in the direction of the settlement of Telezi with access to the federal highway M-11 "Narva".

If the project is approved, it is necessary to consider the issue of including a chord connection from the Ring Road to the M-11 Narva highway with the construction of a Krasnoe Selo bypass in the list of federal highways. At the same time, it is proposed to plan for next year conducting engineering surveys and consider the possibility of allocating funding for the design and construction of this chord connection with the construction of a bypass around Krasnoye Selo in 2013-2015.

As for the network of regional roads, one of the proposals is to transfer the Vyborgskoye Highway from the border of St. Petersburg to Scandinavia into federal ownership.

The regional government notes that the federal road "Scandinavia" ends in the Leningrad region and does not have its continuation towards St. Petersburg. Concerning, the only way out out of town for freight transport is the regional road "Pargolovo - Ogonki", connecting the Ring Road with the Federal Highway "Scandinavia". Today this road is on its own technical parameters unable to provide the required volume of freight traffic. The average daily reduced traffic intensity is more than 31 thousand vehicles per day.

In this regard, the regional authorities are asking to transfer the section of the road from the Ring Road to the intersection with the federal road "Scandinavia" to federal ownership. This, in their opinion, will allow continuous freight transportation from the border to federal roads"Scandinavia", Ring Road and further with access to other federal roads.

Reconstruction of the highway "St. Petersburg - Koltushi" on the section "Ring road - Koltushi"

Currently, the constructed ring road is working at the limit of its capabilities, representatives of the regional authorities believe. It is necessary to develop entrance highways, and in particular, the reconstruction of the St. Petersburg - Koltushi highway on the section "KAD - Koltushi". The traffic intensity is about 16 thousand cars per day, by 2020 more than 22 thousand cars per day are predicted.

Last year, a project for the reconstruction of the KAD-Koltushi section was developed and passed an examination, taking into account the prospects for construction in the future northern bypass the village of Koltushi. At present, the project documentation is ready. It is necessary to finance the reconstruction in the amount of about 3.4 billion rubles, in connection with which the regional authorities are turning to the federal authorities with a request to consider the possibility of allocating federal co-financing.

Construction of an entrance to the city of Vsevolozhsk (bypassing the village of Koltushi on the St. Petersburg-Koltushi highway)

Design documentation for the construction of an entrance to the city of Vsevolozhsk from Koltushskoe highway near the village of Yanino-1 to the junction with the highway "St. Sverdlov - Vsevolozhsk "is almost ready.

The regional government proposed to consider the possibility of co-financing from the federal budget for 2012-2013 the construction of an entrance to the city of Vsevolozhsk (bypassing the village of Koltushi on the highway "St. Petersburg - Koltushi").

Reconstruction of the bridge across the Moika River at the 47th kilometer of the St. Petersburg - Kirovsk highway

The highway "St. Petersburg - Kirovsk" runs along the left bank of the Neva from St. Petersburg to Shlisselburg. On the section of the road passing through the territory of the region, the traffic intensity is up to 14 thousand cars per day. At the intersection of the road with the Moika River, which flows into the Neva River, a bridge was built in 1954, the size of the carriageway of which does not correspond to the category of the road. Existing defects lead to a traffic hazard road transport and pedestrians.

Project documentation for the facility is ready (examination passed). Funding is required in 2012 for the reconstruction of the bridge in the amount of about 308 million rubles, in connection with which the regional government asks to consider the possibility of co-financing the reconstruction project from the federal budget.

A single list of proposals from the governments of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region will be considered by a special working group created by solution Coordinating Council. It will determine the priority objects, the financing of which will begin in 2012-2013.

The government will spend on repairs road network Krasnodar, two billion, will transfer part of the route going to the Crimea to federal ownership and begin designing previously proposed infrastructure projects. Kuban vice-governor Andrei Alekseenko told about this at a press conference held on February 9, where FederalPress visited.

Krasnodar in priority

Andrey Alekseenko noted that this year the road industry of the region will receive an additional impetus due to the implementation of the program integrated development transport infrastructure of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration. So, according to the vice-governor, only in current year it is planned to allocate a total of 2 billion rubles for the repair of roads in Krasnodar. At the same time, half of the amount will be money sent from the federal budget. Another 900 million rubles will be directed from the funds of the region, and the remaining 100 million will be taken from the municipal budget of Krasnodar.

“We have this year thanks to federal program in the city of Krasnodar, it is planned to bring about 75 km of roads to the standard state. And that's just for joint program(despite the fact that part of the work will be carried out only at the expense of the city. I am sure that this year the citizens will see a qualitative change in the road network of the Kuban capital,” the vice-governor noted, adding that in a few previous years no more than 20 km of roads were repaired in the municipality.

At the same time, according to the regional authorities, the money will be used to repair Novorossiyskaya Street from Severnaya Street to Shevchenko, as well as the entrance to the Industrialny village. In addition, it will start overhaul Turgenev Street (the section from Severnaya Street to Montazhnikov Street), as well as the reconstruction of Vostochno-Kulikovskaya Street.

“Today, a strategy for the development of road infrastructure in Krasnodar continues to be worked out,” Andrey Alekseenko shared. – We all perfectly understand the urgent need to build a highway that will connect the East-Kruglikovsky microdistrict with Eastern Bypass(Komsomolsky microdistrict), which will significantly relieve central part cities. In addition, a number of other projects are being worked out. For example, crossing the railway line of Solnechnaya Street, through the Rostov highway. These are the strategic directions that have been worked out for a long time. I think that this year we will start designing them.”

At the same time, since there are currently no necessary funds for a large-scale reconstruction of the region's road network, the authorities plan that the repair of the roadway in the region will be carried out to the best of their ability.

“From 2012 to 2015, only 1,880 km of regional roads were repaired, which is three times less than required by the standard,” Andrey Alekseenko noted. - For comparison, the regulatory need for financing road works last year was 38.2 billion rubles, but in fact only 13 billion rubles were allocated. Under the current conditions, it is not possible to carry out the necessary amount of work not only for construction and reconstruction, but also for major repairs.”

According to the regional administration, due to many years of chronic underfunding of the road industry in the Krasnodar Territory, at present, 60% (5,400 km) of the length of roads regional significance not repaired for over ten years. At the same time, the rules prescribe major repairs at least once every 10-12 years. In addition, 216 bridges, which were built in the 60-70s of the last century, are in an unsatisfactory condition on the territory of the Kuban.

Future interchanges for today's congestion

Of course, the construction of already implemented transport infrastructure facilities will continue in the region, Alekseenko assured. In addition to the planned repair of existing roads, the authorities intend to develop transport bypasses of settlements. So, back in 2016, work began on designing a bypass for the village of Leningradskaya, which the authorities plan to complete in 2017. The length of this bypass is 19 km, and the cost of construction is about 5 billion rubles. To implement the project, it will be necessary to build four traffic interchanges in different levels. It is planned that after the development of design estimates, despite the difficult financial situation, the road builders will begin the phased implementation of this project by the end of 2017.

In addition, according to the vice-governor, this year the region plans to start designing a bypass around the city of Timashevsk, where there are kilometer-long traffic jams in the area of ​​the railway crossing. It raises complaints like local residents as well as motorists.

“It is possible to completely solve the problem of the Timashevsk transport hub only through the construction of a 15 km long northern bypass. The estimated cost of the facility is about 8 billion rubles,” said Andrey Alekseenko. As the deputy head of the regional administration notes, the bypass will require the construction of three transport interchanges at different levels, two viaducts across the railway, a bridge across the river with a length of 150 m and another viaduct to connect disparate territories.


Crimean perspective

According to the vice-governor, one of the busiest transport directions today is the Crimean one. Even now, administration officials predict that after commissioning Kerch bridge the congestion of the road network here will increase significantly. The authorities of Krasnodar are now thinking about how to put in order the transport routes leading to the peninsula.

“There are several access routes to the bridge under construction in the region, cars move along them as to ferry crossing, as well as to construction sites on Taman Peninsula- said Andrey Alekseenko. - The optimal route Krasnodar - Slavyansk-on-Kuban - Temryuk - Bely farm. This route is 50 km shorter and one hour faster than the federal roads through Abinsk and Krymsk. It runs on three tracks common use of regional importance and its length is 173.6 km. But this area needs to be renovated. And since the amount of funding exceeds the capabilities of the regional budget, the issue of transferring the regional route to federal ownership has now been agreed. It will happen before the end of this year.”

In addition, to ensure the continuity of the route to the transport crossing and connect it to the M-4 Don highway, it is necessary to build a 37.5 km Far North-Western bypass of the city of Krasnodar, the regional administration believes. At the same time, the cost of the facility may be about 25 billion rubles. In accordance with the information of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the state company "Russian Highways" plans to implement the project, Andrey Alekseenko notes.

Toll roads waiting for investors

The regional authorities do not lose hope to solve the problem of traffic jams with the help of toll highways, which will become backups of the currently loaded roads. In particular, now the authorities have updated the project of a toll tunnel on the Maykop-Tuapse highway in the area of ​​​​the Shahumyan Pass (proposed back in 2000). According to the Lieutenant Governor, this project could seriously unload the road towards Sochi.

“No matter how wide the road is, it cannot be the only one,” notes Andrei Alekseenko, vice-governor of the Kuban. – But in order to start construction again, it is necessary to re-develop design estimates. The residual cost of completing the construction of the tunnel is about 4 billion rubles.”

In addition, the vice-governor stressed that any such project requires “packaging” – a detailed development, business plan, traffic flow calculation, approvals in the relevant departments. “For example, for the city of Krasnodar, such a package was estimated at 1 billion rubles. With this money you can repair a large number of roads," he added.

However, the regional authorities do not lose hope to attract investors to such projects. In particular, a new toll road to Sochi via Dagomys, as well as the Krasnodar-Abinsk-Kabardinka highway, may appear in the future.

Highway M-4 "Don" connects Central Russia and southern regions countries. The enjoyment of the road and rest can be spoiled by many kilometers of traffic jams on the highway. Every year this topic is very relevant at any time of the year. Although bottlenecks have significantly decreased this year, they still exist. Therefore, it is so important to know the detour routes, the status of detours and the coverage of the main route.

We take as a basis a traveler departing from the capital region.

The M-4 highway, at the present time, is a wide highway with paid sites. I would like to immediately say to lovers of savings. You should not bypass these roads. alternative way. This will take a lot of time and nerves. This road goes through settlements with many speed bumps and a speed limit of 30 km/h.

Therefore, it is better not to save on this, but to move quickly, saving the undercarriage from the terrible recumbent hillocks, on which even trucks completely stop. And so you drove through several regions, passed several sections with repair work and speed limits, drove into Voronezh region. This is the first bottleneck on your path where you will need to make a detour.

Detour of Losevo village, Voronezh region

The entire length of the section from this village to the city of Pavlovsk is a single-lane road, on which repair roads have been underway for many years, without improving the traffic situation. This is especially noticeable in summer time. Many kilometers of traffic jams gather here, in which people stand for several hours. The most unfortunate motorists can get stuck here for 5-6 hours. This year, July's traffic growth figures are already well above those of August last year. Although August is considered the month of the largest number vehicles heading south. State company Avtodor recommends several ways to bypass this bottleneck:

  • If the traffic jam starts close to the village, motorists have only one detour option. Having reached the sign for the 595th kilometer, we leave the highway in the direction of the city of Bobrov, we pass the village of Buturlinovka. Further, there are 2 options for further movement. If, in Yandex - traffic jams, you see information about the continuation of the traffic jam in the city of Pavlovsk, you should continue to detour and get off at M-4 already near the city of Boguchar at 740 km of the highway. If there is no traffic jam in Pavlovsk, then you should go to the main road at km 671. After Pavlovsk, traffic goes along a modern highway with two-lane traffic in one direction, so you should leave here to save time.
  • If the navigator showed the presence of a traffic jam, and you just passed Voronezh, you should turn around at the turn towards the city of Liski. Then we move towards the town of Boguchar, pass Kamenka, Rossosh and exit to the DON highway at the sign 740 km, already 37 km to the border with the Rostov region.
  • The option of the longest congestion bypass, if the first 2 options are also crowded with cars avoiding trouble. Near Voronezh, at the sign "492 km" we leave towards the city, along the ring road, we reach the direction indicator towards Kursk. We pass Patriots Avenue and exit onto the E-38 road. Follow the sign for Ostrogozhsk. Then we move along route 2 and return to the main route after Boguchar, passing places with slow traffic.

Having stopped at Rostov region, we intersect it along the longest part. road to good condition, with minor repairs. But that doesn't slow things down a bit. Sections of the track with a large rut are dangerous for cars with low ground clearance. But the traffic is slowed down by heavy vehicles that do not want to go along the “floated” right lane and go to the left side.

Generally incomprehensible situation. Every year, the track is patched up and the rutting is removed. And every year, in the midst of the holiday season, there are difficulties in traffic. The road workers promise to prepare the roads for the World Cup, but seeing the state of the M-4 highway, you doubt the veracity of these promises.

And okay, foreign brands of long vehicles, but when a loaded KAMAZ crawls into the left lane, here you have to slow down and violate the established traffic schedule. But even more it will be broken at the entrance to the Platov airport under construction. The traffic jam can stretch for more than 20 km. And the time spent in traffic jam stretches for more than 4-5 hours.

Back in the spring of 2017, Avtodor promised to carry out repair work on the M-4 section from Novocherkassk to Rostov in spring and autumn. At the same time, the uninterrupted passage of vehicles during the holidays had to be ensured. But the work was not completed on time, and on this site and near the airport under construction, cars move at a speed of no more than 5 km / h.

Road workers claim the duration of traffic jams is no more than 7 km, but the actual duration of these places can reach more than 20 km. Many motorists place the blame for this on heavy truck drivers. But the wide roadside and very hurrying drivers moving along it and the nearby dirt road are to blame. The boors, in columns, slip through the place of the traffic jam and brazenly wedged into the row.

And the number of cars is very large and forced rest stretches for many hours. The road builders are silent about the completion of the work, so it is necessary to know the detours. Many advise moving through Aksai or Zukerovaya beam. Yes, this way you can reduce the time spent in a traffic jam, but it will take time to get to these exit points, and the winning distance is small.

Another option is advised when traveling to the Crimea. Again Aksai, Leninavan, the road to Azov and Kerch. But this path can lead to a traffic jam at the entrance to Rostov from Taganrog or in the city itself, when driving during rush hours.

There are 2 earlier exits from the track. This is the way through Novocherkassk, then we move towards Bolshoy Log and Aksai and we go onto the highway after the traffic jam.

The second way seems a bit better to me. At the turn to Novoshakhtinsk, we leave the highway, drive into the city, move through the village of Krasny, Radionovo - Nesvetai and exit to the northern bypass of Rostov. The road is good, there are small sections with a bad road, but without potholes and big bumps. We are moving towards Shchepkin village, following the signs to Moscow. Here the road is new, wide enough. Behind the village of Shchepkin we leave for the highway.

Traffic jams are unlikely here, so you can calm down and move at the speed allowed by the rules. Small areas with repair work, do not cause big problems. They appear a little later. If you are going to the Crimea and have not passed electronic registration you have to stand in line. There are no detours in this case. But problems may arise even at the entrance to the Kerch crossing.

This is the city of Timashevsk and its railways. This may cause crisis situations. They advise the way through the city, but this is not the best option. There are more convenient route. Without stopping in the city, we move to the station. Konevskaya, then we leave for Grechannaya Balka and Slavinsk - on - Kuban. It should be bypassed on the bypass road. It turns out a detour of more than 17 km, but you do not need to stand in the heat with the air conditioner turned on, lose gasoline with frequent gas changes and nerves from road troubles.

If you are heading to Tuapse, Sochi and further along the Black Sea coast, you can move through Goryachiy Klyuch and Dzhubga. But large traffic jams can form from the Goryachiy Klyuch to Defonovka and to the entrance to Dzhubga. Some hotheads offer routes through ravines with river crossings. We won't even discuss them.

We do not recommend leaving for the Hot Key in the direction of the village of Shaumyan. Such a detour can lead to a visit to the workshop and repair of the chassis. A broken gravel road, for 40 km, will not so much reduce the time spent in a traffic jam, as it will increase the time for repairs and money costs.

The best alternative to the Don highway on this stretch would be to drive through the Shahumyan Pass. But here it is worth making a reservation. If the weather is very damp, especially after heavy rains, only drivers with four-wheel drive can decide on this path. Dry weather will allow cars with low ground clearance to pass in this place.

We turn to st. Saratovskaya, a small section with a bad road, will allow you to move towards the goal at a speed of no more than 20 km / h. We move towards Apsheronsk, then we advance to Khadyzhensk, passing it, we pass through the pass and leave for Tuapse . What next moving to favorite places Black Sea coast Caucasus and Abkhazia.

These tips from experienced autotourists will help you avoid many troubles along the way and find ways to bypass traffic jams:

But the main rule is that when setting off on a journey, be sure to study the map of traffic jams and areas with difficult traffic and take a navigator on the road with new maps downloaded and the speed system. And connect the mobile Internet on your phone. This equipment will help you avoid unwanted encounters with traffic police officers and tell you places of difficult traffic and ways to detour them.

In conclusion, we note

When setting out on a long journey, prepare your car for the journey. Buy or rent a navigator with fresh maps, be sure to pay for the mobile Internet of your smartphone. This technique will help you find the correct detour route and warn you in time of traffic jams.

When choosing ways to bypass traffic jams, choose the most best option taking into account the quality of roads and mileage. Do not be too lazy to report on the forum of motorists new information about detours and share your impressions of driving along the old routes.

Good luck on the roads. No nail, no wand. And fewer post-vacation chain letters in your inbox.

The Acting Governor discussed with the public of the Leningrad region the prospects for the development of the municipality. Opening the conversation, Veniamin Kondratyev focused on the main achievements and problems of the region. According to a comprehensive assessment of socio-economic development, over the past few years Leningradsky district moved from a group of territories with a level of development below the average to a group of strong middle peasants, the acting governor emphasized. The economy of the municipality is based on agriculture and industrial production, 90% of which is food industry as well as retail. Positive dynamics above the average regional level is observed in industrial production, agriculture and housing commissioning. Profit of profitable enterprises increased three times. “But there are also problems. The income level of the population, regardless of the economic growth, falls. Medium wage in the district is 21,906 rubles - 25% lower than the regional average, - emphasized Veniamin Kondratiev. - Compared to last year, tax and non-tax revenues have decreased. In order for the well-being of people to grow, it is necessary to use the agricultural potential of the municipality to the maximum, to reach those high performance, which the region was once famous for, and develop processing, the head of the region is sure. – Agriculture gives good harvest grain, but the grain goes to the ports. But you can also recycle at home. There should be economic dividends. If grain is exported, why is it exported? Why do we work the old fashioned way? - noted in his speech the acting head of the Kuban. Great prospects, according to the head of the region, also exist in the development of vegetable growing and animal husbandry. According to the minister Agriculture Andrey Korobka, there is a significant bias towards crop production in the district, almost all farm and personal subsidiary farms municipality. There is a significant decrease in the number of cattle - almost 40 percent, the head of the regional Ministry of Agriculture cited the data. Veniamin Kondratiev instructed to develop a strategy for the development of the municipality for the next five years, taking into account the characteristics of the region. In addition, the meeting discussed the problems of housing and communal services and landscaping. Residents of the district are concerned about gasification, water supply, construction treatment facilities, construction of sports grounds in settlements. Residents paid special attention to the problem of building a road to bypass the village of Leningradskaya. The solution to this issue has been up in the air for several years. The participation of the municipality in the federal program is necessary, however, for this it is necessary to prepare a project worth 200 million rubles. The Acting Governor instructed to find opportunities to start design work as soon as possible. This issue should be under the personal control of the head of the district, Vladimir Gukalov, Veniamin Kondratyev is quoted by the press service of the head of the administration (governor) of the Krasnodar Territory. __________________________________________ Attorney Ulyanov R.B. 8-918-45-111-99