Read personal examples of developing self-discipline. What is Self-Discipline? Overcoming new small changes leads to huge results

Do you do things that you don't need to do when important things are waiting for you? Do you find it difficult to focus on your core business? Me too ... Yes, probably, many people feel this way, except for really strong-willed people. Fortunately, a person is an amazing creature, and nothing special is needed for his own upgrade, only desire, intention and a little effort.

What is Self-Discipline?

It is the ability to do what is needed, when needed. A small tautology, but I wanted to be brief. In general, this article is more even for myself, because. I am actively working on the problem of self-discipline. Here are 6 things you can work on to improve your focus and be more effective. Of course, the number 6 is conditional; it was possible to write 7, 10, 108 - this is not important; some key points are important to help us take the right steps in the direction we need. Okay, let's go...

What will it give us?

If the benefits of self-organization are not yet obvious to you, then here are some points:

  • Focus on the essentials
  • Great productivity
  • Efficiency in terms of time use
  • Improving the quality of work
  • Developing a Stronger Will
  • More satisfaction from life

How to Develop Self-Discipline

1. Understand yourself

It's not me 🙁

Just like in Eastern philosophy: "start understanding the world with yourself"- well, or something like that. True, this is not a joke at all: when we understand our shortcomings, our weaknesses, we can work on them, becoming a more successful and happier person.

There are two points here:

1) Understand in what “places” our discipline suffers

2) Recognize emotional factor"correctness" of what we do

Let's start with the first point. It's not that complicated here: figure out what you need to do and what you don't like to do, so you always put it off until later. If the work needs to be done, but it constantly hangs with you, then it is in this area that you need to “pull up” the discipline. The thought of postponing an unpleasant activity until later, in fact, gives only the illusion of relief, simply by postponing unpleasant job for the time when you are tired, there is no energy and enthusiasm, the mind has lost its freshness, etc. Now, put these factors together, and imagine how painful the unpleasant activity burdened by these factors will be? Why harm yourself like that? It is better to do something unpleasant, but necessary at the very beginning of the day, when there is strength, freshness of thoughts, in order to deal with this work faster and better. As a result, you will complete it faster, and after that you will experience a feeling of relief and satisfaction. And the rest of the things will be done faster and easier than usual. A simple psychological trick with great results.

Second point. Everything is more subtle here, and it depends a lot on how much you are used to “deceiving” yourself. By cheating, I mean putting off unpleasant things for later, instead doing things that are pleasant but unnecessary. If we deceive ourselves too often, then our sensitivity, our "conscience", so to speak, is sleeping sweetly, and we are unlikely to hear it. However, it also happens when doing the wrong things, we, somewhere inside ourselves, still hear the voice of conscience, “dripping on our brains”, that now we should not be doing this! This feeling is the emotional factor. It can be called conscience, intuition, or something else. From my own experience, I can say that with some practice, this factor can become quite a strong assistant in life, because. you begin to literally feel what is worth doing and what is not. But this comes with practice if we learn to listen to it, comparing it with reality (to distinguish the urges of conscience from the urges of our own mind).

So the essence of the first key moment- in identifying their weaknesses and working to eliminate them.

2. Long term

The ability to set long-term goals and work to achieve them is one of the characteristic features successful people. It is not simple beautiful phrase- this is reality. If you remember your significant goals in life, you will not waste time on any bullshit (life will not wait; you will not have time to wake up, as the years fly by).

I know for myself that it is difficult to constantly maintain concentration on the main thing. But I have such a feature: I try to turn important things into a habit. Here I am for many years: morning and evening. Yes, now it is for me the same importance as food and sleep. But it was not always so. I didn’t always have a desire to do exercises, yoga asanas, pranayama first thing in the morning ... At first, I also overcame laziness. But I just decided to turn this activity, important for my health, into a habit, i.e. I started doing yoga without waiting something special, like it's just something you do every day, like brushing your teeth, for example. We do not expect dazzling whiteness every time after we squeeze the paste onto the brush and start brushing our teeth. Yes, it would be great, of course, but we already understand that we need to brush our teeth, otherwise the distance in communication between us and other people will gradually begin to increase over time. It's the same here: if you have to do something regularly, but don't like it, just try to turn it into a habit. You know what is most interesting here: that after a while, as you stop worrying about your “new” habit, when the unpleasant activity becomes common for you, those around you will point out the BENEFITS of this activity! How? They will notice a change in you better side, while for you it will be something natural. So you can “imperceptibly” or gain muscle mass, get rid of many health problems, start studying better or doing more. Just turn the necessary, but unpleasant, into your habit.

3. Save time

Making a schedule and sticking to it means you won't waste your life. Sounds too pretentious? And you try to put together all those small periods of time spent on all sorts of nonsense, instead of something worthwhile, and see how many months, or even YEARS, you lost irrevocably, without really achieving anything! Time is an interesting factor that we are not able to conquer (at least not now), it operates always and everywhere, regardless of our desire. Ignoring or treating it casually is just stupid. You won't go back...

4. Just do it!

Nike has adopted a great slogan "Just do it!" You can prepare a lot for something, analyze, plan, calculate, but without starting, we will never really achieve anything. Of course, this does not cancel the preparatory actions, but practical use- this is the main thing. Often, people learn and understand more by starting to do, and not just by theorizing. I studied Hindi at the university for 5 years (well, of course, I was not the most diligent student :)), but when I came to India, I learned and learned more in a year than in 5 years at the university! Yes, there, at the university, I received a foundation, a base - I do not deny this; but practical side showed me how the effect of the study, and the result may differ from the "theoretical" training. I met in Allahabad (Prayag) a man who was fluent in Hindi, but at the same time completely unaware of its grammar, according to which I once wrote term papers, but in fact I could hardly connect two words ...

If you need to do something, don't procrastinate by looking for an excuse or a reason to do it; just do it - it will give confidence, ability and satisfaction.

5. Self-reward

Did you do what you need to do? Excellent. Secure the result with something pleasant for you. What for? Any activity, event, experience in our life leaves a thin, invisible trace in our mind, which in yoga is called samskara(Sanskrit). From such “traces” a picture of our worldview, our desires, fears, resentments and hostility is formed. We may not understand why we like this and dislike this; however, behind all this, according to the philosophy of yoga and the Vedas, is the experience accumulated over many of our past lives. This is how yoga and the Vedas explain why someone is born talented and someone is not: just a "talented" person made a lot of effort to study and practice something in his past or past lives, and now we are amazed by him or her musical ability"from birth" or powerful intellect, i.d. It’s just that this personality didn’t “kick the bullshit” in the past, and now it just continues its development from where it stopped. That's all.

Now, when we do what we should, but what we did not like, we need to somehow reward ourselves, do something pleasant in order to ASSOCIATE with the necessary, but unpleasant activity. positive emotions. This will help in the future to EASIER and MORE EFFICIENTLY do unpleasant work (it will just not seem so unpleasant anymore).

That's the whole point.

6. Support

There is a phrase, I do not remember where: “A person is the sum of the 5 closest people to him”. Its essence is that our environment renders strong impact on us. AT Vedic astrology, when calculating a person’s horoscope at birth (to determine his character, qualities and inclinations), many factors are taken into account, the most important of which is his communication, especially in the first years of life. A sinner in the company of saints can become a saint; a saint in the company of sinners can become a sinner. Such is the power of the environment.

To achieve success in work and life, choose the right communication and society of people. This is not a narrow view, and it is not a propaganda of the ideas of alienation; it's a practical principle successful life and building a healthy society. We are not surprised when people communicate according to their interests: musicians with musicians, artists with artists, nuclear physicists in a pub with nuclear physicists, and so on. If we want to develop certain qualities and abilities, we just need to find people who already have these qualities and associate with them. After some time, these qualities will appear in us.

This is the essence of support from others. Of course, there is also emotional support, but it can be attributed to the previous point, because not only we ourselves, but also others can encourage ourselves by seeing our successes.

Well, here are my thoughts on how to learn self-discipline. There are all sorts of trainings on this topic, books on self-discipline, but the development of self-discipline is subject to everyone without any special costs. These points are based on practical observation in life; yours may be slightly different. The main thing is to take what works for you and just do it. Then the result will come.

How to develop willpower and why it is so important to do it - you will find answers to all these questions in this article. There are many definitions for willpower. My definition is the following. Willpower is a measure of a person's ability to translate their intentions into reality, dictated by considerations of reasonable planning, despite momentary impulses (desires, habits, weaknesses, emotions, fears, etc.).

For a task development of willpower ideally suited, those methods that in their main purpose serve completely different purposes, but sideways contribute to the development of the above-mentioned quality.

This may seem like a complicated, cumbersome definition, but, in fact, if we turn to concrete examples, it becomes clear what I'm talking about.


What is willpower for?

But I used to eat meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and could not imagine a different order of things.

I'm not a passionate animal advocate or a fanatical preacher. healthy lifestyle life. I do not eat meat, because it is easy for me to do it, it is not difficult for me to deny myself this pleasure, for the sake of healthy eating principles and just for the sake of experiment. Because I have trained myself to say “no” to my body and to say “yes” to my mind.

The pleasure of eating meat is not a significant criterion for me in favor of eating it if I pursue any long-term goals. It is easy for me to refuse the pleasure that alcohol brings, I can get up early and exercise, no matter how much I like it. For me, this is not a big problem, my body obeys me.

Are the desires of our body so important?

To some of you reading this article right now, it may seem incredibly difficult to deny yourself some pleasure every day. This is not true. In order to refute this belief, I described my experience.

Now, for many of you, the little pleasures of the body may seem big and big. You may think that you cannot live without your habits. I assure you, this is an illusion.
As a child, I thought that it was very difficult to drive a car and, at the same time, navigate the city. Now I can easily drive a car and know where to go and where to turn.

As soon as you educate your body, all its desires will no longer be so significant and important. Do not think that I am preaching some kind of monastic lifestyle, calling to get rid of attachment to the body and become a pure spirit. It's impossible. I just want you to become masters of your body, not its slaves.

This is great happiness and freedom, I assure you.


Willpower is like a muscle, in order to develop it, it is necessary to subject it to regular loads. Every time you act contrary to your momentary desires, this muscle grows and becomes stronger. Once you stop doing this, the muscle becomes flabby and weak.

Start Small

This is the motto of my site - "start small." If this is your first time going to the gym, then you will not lift a heavy barbell, because in this case you will overstrain and abandon this sport.

It is better to start with light exercises. The muscles should slowly get used to the load, if you have not particularly loaded them before. No need to strive to achieve everything at once. Start with something easy.

The following tips will help you move in the right direction.

Do not try to immediately implement all the recommendations that you will see below! It is very difficult for an unprepared person to do this. Therefore, adequately evaluate your own capabilities.

Implement these principles in your life gradually, start with one thing. For example, include morning exercises in your daily routine, for starters. Try to meditate every day for at least 10 minutes. Then move on to doing the other tips when you're ready.

Organize your daily routine

Start getting up early

You don't have to sleep all the way. Try to get up at the same time every day. Your day begins with awakening, if you go on about your body and sleep further, then the will muscle is not set in motion, it is not warmed up.

If upon awakening you start to be lazy, then later, throughout the day, it is much more difficult to force yourself to do something.

But if you make an effort on yourself and force yourself to rise, even if your body is desperately resisting, you will use your will, knead this “muscle” at the very beginning of the day. In this, any of your activities on this day will become easier and more productive. Physical activity goes much easier if you have stretched all the muscles in the morning. The same thing happens with willpower. You need to tone this muscle.

The mode of sleep and wakefulness is not only an element of discipline, it is very beneficial for health.

Plan your affairs and follow the plan

Train yourself to stick to your plan. Set yourself daily, weekly, monthly, or perpetual goals and stick to them. For example: write a 3,000 word article on self-development today, read this book to the end, read one book a month, wash the dishes after every meal, clean up your hard drive every month, etc.

So that you are not tempted to come up with a reason for not doing something, then make it a rule that the thing must be done anyway and the plan must not be violated.
For example, if you have planned to go jogging three times a week, you can distribute classes by day as you like, the only requirement is that the plan must be completed by the end of the week.

If you have never run today, and today is Sunday, then you will have to run three times that day.

Don't put it off for "later"

If you don't have any objective reasons in order not to do what you promised yourself to do - do it. Even if you are lazy and don’t feel like it, keep your promise anyway, learn to step over your “I don’t want to”. Develop your willpower muscle.

It is better to do something while there is an opportunity now. Who knows what will happen next? We cannot see into the future. Suddenly there will be a lot of things, and then we will not have time for anything at all? If you do everything on time, life becomes much more comfortable and the load of unfinished business does not put pressure on the psyche. This I know for myself.

go in for sports

Sport perfectly disciplines and develops the will, because physical exercises it is a constant overcoming of laziness and resistance of the body. During each session, you have to step over yourself, through muscle fatigue and discomfort.

Many people do not go in for sports: because they lack willpower. But this is a self-contained process. To lift the barbell 100 times in a row, you need physical strength, but if you lift this bar every day, then your strength will grow and sooner or later you will do 100 lifts.

If you are not yet involved in sports, then start doing simple exercises in the morning. These exercises should follow a routine, such as exercising 5 times a week.

Exercise in the morning is able to charge the “muscle of will” with a tone. If you do exercises, then later, all day, it will be easier for you to fight temptations and do what you have planned.

Do less bullshit

Limit the amount of time you spend on mindless, mind-numbing activities like watching TV series or working in . Read more fiction and educational literature, spend time outdoors. Develop, improve your skills, learn new things from books and from other sources.

Make promises to yourself and keep them

Turn "should" into "I give you my word." For example, you think, "I need to clean the house." Has it often happened to you that things did not go beyond this thought? All day long you suffered from nonsense, and you didn’t put the house in order, despite the fact that you thought it would be nice to do it. Therefore, turn "must" into "I give my word" or "I promise." “I promise to clean up the apartment by the end of the day!” Let the fulfillment of the promise be a matter of honor for you. Promises help maintain self-discipline.

Turn any of your intentions into a promise. Have you decided that you spend a lot of time in front of the computer? Stop beating yourself up about it! Better promise yourself not to surf the Internet in the evening at home after work!

Maintain hygiene and keep order around you

Hygiene is also an element of discipline, which is subject to a strict routine. Brush your teeth twice a day, wash your face, bathe and shave regularly. (I hope everyone does this, I wrote this just in case)

Keep order at home and at work. Get out, wash the dishes, clean the furniture. Organize your desk drawers and your computer hard drive. Delete unnecessary files from folders, get rid of inactive contacts in the QIP or Skype list, clean your email from spam. Create a logical directory structure on your computer.

Restrain your gastronomic weaknesses

Eat less fast food. Learn to cook. Eat more healthy food. Try to prepare a nutritious and tasty meal for dinner without the use of meat, at least once a week. This experience may be new and interesting for you.

Eliminate, at least partially, from the diet of sausages and other muck. Read articles about healthy eating and try to follow the recommendations given there.

If you eat a lot and have problems with overweight, eat less. Learn to tolerate mild hunger. In this case, organize a diet and follow it. Eat three meals a day and don't eat anything in between.

Work on breaking bad habits

Smoke less, or better yet, quit altogether. Every cigarette, every bottle of beer is a little weakness. These weaknesses lead to the degradation of the will and the triumph of lower needs over our mind.

Practice meditation

With meditation, you can begin the development of willpower. Incorporate this practice into your daily routine. Meditation helps to relax, put your thoughts in order. With practice, you can learn to control your emotions and your body.

It was meditation that gave a significant impetus to my personal development. When I first started meditating, I drank, I smoked, I didn't exercise, I couldn't plan my affairs and see things through. All this came later, but it all started with meditation.

This practice is very disciplined, as the classes imply a strict schedule: you must meditate twice a day to achieve the desired effect. You should put aside all your affairs and sit in one position until the end of the session and try to keep your attention with one thing. If your attention wanders, you bring it back to starting point. This is a great workout for willpower.

Kelly McGonigal's book says that Scientific research found that meditation increased the content gray matter in the prefrontal cortex. It is this area of ​​the brain that is responsible for willpower, while impulsive decisions are led by its central part.

“Over time, their [those who meditate] the brain begins to work like a well-oiled volitional machine,” says the author of the book. And indeed it is. It was regular meditation that helped me strengthen my willpower when I lacked it so much. For me, it all started with this practice, and only then everything else followed: sports, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, and discipline. Meditation has made me, a lazy and disorganized person, a more collected and disciplined person.

Even one single meditation session can charge you with a “reserve of willpower” for the rest of the day. I noticed that if I didn’t meditate in the morning, my “willpower muscle” would not be in good shape. Then things will go hard and with resistance, it will be difficult for me to overcome temptations and temptations. But when I meditate and do exercises in the morning, I transfer my willpower into tone and full readiness. Things are going smoothly, and plans are being fulfilled!

It's far from the best difficult exercise but extremely effective. In my opinion, meditation is the best and most effective way to develop willpower. I recommend starting with it. You can learn about that from the article at the link.

Don't delay, start acting tomorrow!

Start working on the development of willpower right tomorrow: get up half an hour early and do exercises! After that, tell yourself that from now on you will get up half an hour earlier every morning and do the exercises. After that, go to the bookstore and buy yourself a good, informative book, start reading it.

Let this be your first step towards developing willpower.

I read somewhere that walking on two legs is a very difficult task for the brain. When you walk you are in a permanently controlled fall, your brain sends great amount signals to keep your body in balance.

That is why it is so difficult to teach a robot to move on two legs, while, as far as I know, this is an impossible task for science. This problem has long been solved by nature.

Also, willpower protects you from falling into the abyss of depravity and laziness. While you are awake, thousands of small desires attack your brain, and you run the risk of deviating from the intended course, falling halfway: “sleep more”, “do it later”, “you can’t, it’s very hard”, “stop and rest, work is not will leave”, etc.

Moving towards the goal is a constant controlled fall. The less you fall, the sooner you achieve what you want. But as soon as you start to constantly fall off your feet, your fragile balance will turn into an eternal fall to no one knows where ...

Self-discipline is the ability to live with strict adherence to own rules. The most valuable skill in our world full of temptations, isn't it? A skill that very few people are proficient in, but it is they who, as a rule, achieve the greatest success in life. CEOs of major companies famous writers, brilliant actors, prominent politicians - the path to fame of each of them consisted of daily work which was carried out no matter what.

It is no secret that the ability to sacrifice the blessings in the present for the sake of even greater blessings in the future requires willpower, indestructible and faith in own forces. Is it possible to learn self-discipline, or is this ability the lot of the “chosen ones”? Look for the answer in the stories of our heroines.

Ekaterina Koerman,26 years:

Some people are born with a sense of self-discipline. Others have to work on themselves. I belong to the second category. When I turned 25, I realized that by this age I had not achieved what I dreamed of. This means that you need to change something in your life. And I began to cultivate a sense of self-discipline:

1. I remembered my personal ambitions. It is most important. Only they give us motivation. Nothing can be achieved without motivation. I constantly compared myself with my peers and especially with people who are 5-6 years younger than me, but who have achieved more in life than me.

2. I wrote on a piece of paper everything that I have achieved over the past 7 years: salary, awards, achievements, and I became scared. I realized that if I continue in the same spirit, then in 7 years a similar result awaits me.

4. It is very important to develop perseverance, to learn to concentrate your attention on one thing. For example, before I could not sit for ten minutes in one place, read a book or do some work. I was constantly doing something at the same time. She checked social media, made tea, or filed her nails. This is how I wasted my time and my life. When I realized this, I began to divide time into intervals, starting with small ones. I set a stopwatch and timed 10 minutes, during which I had no right to be distracted. Gradually increased this interval. Now I can work for 45 minutes without being distracted by anything.

When I learned self-discipline, then in just a couple of months, success came to me. I got my dream job and a scholarship to study abroad. In addition, I lost 15 kg and became happier.

Now I know for sure that happiness begins with self-discipline.

Olga Markova, 29 years old:

I am human creative profession, freelance designer. I used to have reigned creative chaos both at home and in my head. Self-discipline for me was a kind of restriction of freedom. But after I missed the deadline and I lost an important project, a project that I dreamed of, I realized that without self-discipline I would not be able to achieve my goals.

It is important to understand that self-discipline does not limit your freedom. It helps to correctly allocate time, achieve goals. Moreover, self-discipline is the only way to freedom in your desires.

The first step to self-discipline is to create a daily schedule that includes time for both work and play. You will be surprised how much more you will be able to do with such a schedule.

The second step is understanding that you are the owner own life. And while you cannot organize yourself, someone achieves what you dream of. How is your day? Are you always unable to do everything? No work, no sleep, no time with friends? So your problem is self-discipline. Once you learn how to properly allocate your time and not think about 1000 things at the same time, you will see how much free time you have left. Again, you can use this time to your advantage.

I'm on my way to self-discipline. But now I feel more free and independent from external factors. I am my own boss and I set my own deadlines. I have time for both work and leisure. And I feel like my life is striving for order and harmony.

Maria Aleshina, 30 years old:

I decided to develop the habit of self-discipline, because I constantly did not have time to do my work during the working day, and I had to stay late at the office. I was the only one to blame. I was constantly distracted by social networks, searching for a recipe for dinner, talking with friends, etc. Once I realized that I simply did not control my life, and I took up self-education and self-discipline.

In order to discipline yourself, it is important to develop habits of discipline and daily routine. Because I needed self-discipline for the sake of effective work I taught myself not to be distracted while I work. You can be distracted once every 2 hours for 15 minutes. The first 10-15 days were difficult for me. I literally forced myself to work and felt miserable. But gradually I had to make less and less effort for this, and I immersed myself in work. In the end, such a scheme of work became a habit for me - like brushing my teeth or preparing a delicious dinner, and I received a long-awaited promotion.

For me, self-discipline is now a way of life that leads to successful achievement results.

Irina Pegova, 28 years old:

Yoga has become my guide on the path to the discipline of body and mind. Yoga is a daily ritual that is carried out regardless of mood, well-being and desires. And this ritual develops self-discipline in a person in everything. The very teaching of yoga disciplines the body and mind.

In order to learn self-discipline, it is very important to properly set up your The biological clock. I've been working on it for a long time. I used to sleep from 0 to 14 hours a day. It is not right. In both cases, the body feels tired and exhausted. You need to start with self-discipline sleep. You need to sleep 7-8 hours every day. This is quite enough to sleep. Learn to set an alarm even on weekends. Go to bed no later than 23:00. Even if you don't want to sleep! You will soon get used to this daily routine. This will be your small step towards self-discipline. I'm on own example I was convinced that a properly built biological clock allows you to do much more in a day and feel much better. When you get up at the same time all the time, you lose the feeling of eternal lack of sleep. You begin to feel more alert and energetic. And discipline is also important on vacation, you need to plan everything. Then you can enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

I was convinced by my own example that self-discipline as a lifestyle makes the world around us kinder, brighter and more grateful.

Elena Porechenkova, 35 years old:

Self-discipline is like a muscle that needs to be constantly trained and developed. Self-discipline is important in all areas of life. So, if we are not able to control the amount of food or alcohol consumed, we will not be healthy. If we are unable to control our negative emotions we can't build happy family. If we regularly miss deadlines in work, succumbing to fatigue or laziness, we will not advance in our careers.

I didn't have a sense of self-discipline in my youth. But one day I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I didn’t want to live like this. I don't want to be in the grip of momentary desires. I started organizing my life bit by bit. I dictated the rules to myself and appointed punishments for misconduct. For example, ate a piece of cake at night - run to the gym instead of watching the series. I was distracted by a conversation with a friend in in social networks during work, it means that you will have to stay at work and miss a meeting with friends.

Self-discipline has changed my life and made me happy. I look great, I lost weight and got prettier. I have loving husband with whom I managed to build a harmonious relationship, and I opened my own business. If I still traded for momentary pleasures and emotions, I would not have achieved what I have now.

Lyudmila Boldyreva, psychologist:

Self-discipline is inseparably linked with motivation, that is, with the answer to the question: “Why do I need this?” It is necessary to clearly define what you want to achieve or acquire, define your goals and vision. The most frequent request which I hear in my practice: “I don’t have time for anything, but I want to do everything. Help me learn self-discipline." One of the answers to the question: “Why do you need it?” — “I will not delay the terms of work, respectively, I will have more premium and I can move up the career ladder faster.”

AT this case One way to teach yourself self-discipline is to make the proverbial to-do list. This is really effective because you remember exactly what needs to be done. In addition, it is pleasant to cross out the done things. However, when a lot of points accumulate, it is important to determine the most important things. For example, out of 10 that need to be done, select 3 that need to be done exactly. Then you will not be nervous because there are a lot of things to do and you need to grab onto everything. When designating priorities, it will be clear what exactly needs to be taken on right away, and what can be postponed “for later”.

It is also better to break down big things into steps that need to be done. And keep in mind the good things that will happen when you finally finish this business. This positive image will just be your motivation.

Therefore, before simply accustoming yourself to self-discipline without explanation, ask yourself the question: “What will I get from this?” And after receiving the answer, get down to business.

Recorded by Anna Korytina

It has long been known that motivation will not go far. In addition to the desire to start doing something, it is necessary to develop these undertakings. Below are simple but effective techniques strengthening self-discipline in 21 days.

Start taking care of yourself

For 21 days, watch yourself: what you do, how you stand, how you talk, what you are distracted by, how you walk and dress. Control yourself completely. Do not pick anywhere, watch your posture, the position of your arms and legs. Mark the moments when you start to unravel. Even when you are alone, be collected.

No matter where you are: in the country, at work or in the gym - you should look 100 percent and radiate positive and confident. Create your own for comfort reasons, stick to it.

The more you think about personal charm, the more you will have it. Imagine that every day you are under the guns of cameras and you can’t look bad, you need to be on top all the time so that you don’t blush in front of the audience later.

A simple exercise for every day will help you learn to control yourself - stand Marine. You approach the wall, press against it with your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of your head and elbows. In this position, you need to stand for at least 10 minutes daily. After a few days, you will notice that your back begins to straighten.

This small complex helps to develop, as you train yourself to control your behavior and not be lax. Remember, you are doing this for yourself, not for others.

Create a morning ritual

Our productivity and composure depend entirely on how we get up in the morning. You can hardly get out from under the covers after the eighth alarm signal and think only about how to quickly get back to bed at the end of the day. You can get up just before leaving the house, fussily get ready, stuffing some kind of sandwich into yourself, and jump out into the street, not understanding what is happening around and in your head. But it is best to prepare yourself in advance for, to feel your biorhythm and the breath of a new day.

You must come up with a morning ritual that will set you up for the start of a new day.

Here's a simple option: get up on the first alarm, charge with a little physical activity, contrast shower, healthy breakfast, reading. The whole thing will take you about an hour. And 21 days is enough for it to become a habit.

Set yourself challenging tasks

Choose one really challenging task per week and do each no matter what. Weather, circumstances, mood do not matter.

Are you doing 50 push ups a day? Go to 80, 90 or even 100 - there is no limit. Writing one article in a couple of days? Write two. Are you spending a lot of money? generally for at least a few days. Weak?

If you didn’t calculate your strength and chose a task that you simply can’t cope with, imagine that this is an order, like in a war! You must do it, there is no other way.

Can't make it through the day? Postpone other tasks until you have done everything necessary.

This task is difficult, because you can not let yourself down in any case. When you complete it, you will be overwhelmed with confidence that you can do a lot - if not all - on the shoulder. After all, the limits are only in your head.

Focus on the result

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but here you choose a goal, make a plan, and calculate the time and resources needed to complete your plan.

Try to achieve something in 21 days: create a website, write a book chapter, lose 3 kilos, finish big project… Almost immediately you will realize that people, circumstances, mood, entertainment, the Internet and much more prevent you from meeting deadlines. But don't despair.

You must be on your goal, see it at the end of the path, think about it, not about distractions.

Use smart phone or computer reminders so you don't forget what you need to do to achieve the result.

No need to start from existing opportunities: so you, like most people, will never believe in yourself and begin to move towards success. Look to the future, attract it.

Remember that formation takes time and effort, but then they will lead you to your dream through any obstacles.