Ideas for your business in a small town. Business ideas for a small town - an overview of the most profitable businesses

What is profitable to trade in a small town? What is the best business to do at home? How to open your own business with minimal investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves his familiar place - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for himself.

Good, the choice of directions for personal business is not limited by anything. The only problem is to find the kind of activity that will really reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you - an expert of the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial matters. In a new article, I will tell what business to do to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are the most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Do not switch - you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - stop work and start earn

There is an opinion that a successful businessman needs to be born. Like, this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they can't work for themselves. That their business will burn out. That they don't know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born into the world with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he is born, he already has a ready-made company - himself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this firm, its CEO and owner controlling stake shares.

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, they are not afraid of being fired, they themselves regulate their working day.

This does not mean that their life is a continuous euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than a hired worker. But all the disadvantages of "free swimming" outweigh the fat plus - you become the master of your life and your time set your own goals and prioritize.

And a few more benefits:

  • Huge range of business areas- if you want, teach everyone who wants to paint in your own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • income is unlimited– you yourself set the upper limit in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when they wanted- you independently manage your main asset - time;
  • you are not tied to the workplace- work where you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict rules and schedule.

If in one direction of business it was not possible to achieve results, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to a diametrically opposite one. The online business didn’t work out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma diner or get busy.

I have a friend who has dealt successively in: pet food, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, information products.

Not to say that in every type of activity he suffered a fiasco - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he understood that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw more broad perspectives in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with slovenliness, indifference and projectionism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. Money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persevere. Perhaps even more than in the office or at work. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions independently.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and multitasking.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to do. If you open an online store, you will have to buy goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - consumables and equipment require investments. But there are different options - to lease, rent, find investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, then capital is not required. All you have to do is waste your time. But time does not pay off immediately. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, ideally - undergo training.

Throw away the hope that after a couple of weeks or even months after starting a business, gold coins will fall into your wallet. Business, especially small business, is patience and painstaking work. Everything will be, but not immediately - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we offer to invest in a ready-made business - to purchase a franchise from a company. Co-owner of a network of restaurants of Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine - Alex Yanovsky, entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, owner own School"Business behind Glass".

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergey opened a business in the city of Maikop under this franchise - he launched a point in the "island" format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off in six months. So we can safely recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky on the benefits of a franchise:

2. 5 popular business directions

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths, along which thousands of novice businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's take a look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium business.

1) Resale of goods

The most public type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell in another place for a higher price.

Stable incomes are brought by those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. In the consumer goods market, there are billions of turnovers and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

Selecting your business profile focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people are not up to luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in a small town where the average salary is equal to half the cost of this same fountain pen.

In such settlements, it is worth choosing a more popular product.– for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the situation with trade in small towns more clearly:

Universal salvation for anyone modern trade- the Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods even to Moscow, even to Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Service provision

It is not necessary to sell material things. Professional Services no less in demand than clothing or food.

Many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of sites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • repair of bicycles or household appliances;
  • writing term papers, etc.

Any business that you understand or want to understand will do. Modern world- differentiated and owned narrow specialists. The family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in a crisis and sanctions domestic producers entered new markets.

They are in stable demand natural food. If we focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

More details about production activities can be found in the article "".

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have a solid start-up capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profit to owners of liquid housing. Earnings on rent, sales and other transactions with residential and non-residential premises are traditionally high.

5) Online business

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product, but your skills or services via the Internet.

But first you need to master at least one of the most sought-after professions - a website designer, SEO specialist, copywriter, social network administrator. Or earn on your website, affiliate programs.

This is not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed, read the great article on our website, which is called "".

3. What kind of business you can do - TOP 10 ideas for a novice businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

A dozen promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started her own soap making 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova, the demand for this product was almost zero.

Gradually, she improved the technology, accumulated client base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to author's soap, it is full of other exclusive and natural products. High price does not bother buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality, original performance and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, six-string guitar, school disciplines, other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Conducting corporate parties and holidays

An idea for people with organizational skills and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The ingredients for success are: constant practice, original scripts, competent design of the premises, constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, clearly understand how household appliances work, understand electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low margin of safety. Most people find it cheaper to fix their washing machine than to buy a new one. Meanwhile, the repair of one "washer" costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income will be enough not only for bread and butter, but also for annual vacation on Bali.

Minimal costs - tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If there is a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer's home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and vehicles, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Permits from the sanitary services are needed: the room must have ventilation, all the necessary communications, and employees must have sanitary books.

6) Cargo transportation

Are you a truck owner? Take care of the transportation of oversized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile goods, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel has over a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions of dollars in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • branded chip– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion- use professional methods.

Most Internet users are young people brought up on gadgets. They prefer to see once than to read long text That's why vlogging is so popular.

A small "educational program" from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. It will take professional equipment for shooting and equipment for printing photographs. And then work in the format that you prefer - a photo for documents, wedding photo-video shooting, albums proms, image processing and photomontage.

Already six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo chronicler. I don’t know why, but customers like her photographs even more than those of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and horticulture. One greenhouse will give you several crops a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study the competitive environment, price, read specialized literature and thematic sites.

Greenhouse is a great tool for your own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing of vegetables, sale of seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and sensible. If you want, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. A very cute idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, install a security system. Store here winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards in summer, bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc. in winter.

Not only residents of the metropolis want to earn good money. The inhabitants of the province also hold their own business in high esteem. For a small town, of course, there are not so many suitable ideas that help. However, there is always a way out. And you need to start by finding a business with low competition that will provide the right boost at the start.

A small town is characterized by a small number of inhabitants, usually from 15 to 60 thousand people. Such settlements retail trade is highly developed, there are small markets and small wholesale networks. The range of services provided by small organizations and private entrepreneurs occupies the bulk of all business areas.

Very often, a newly minted private entrepreneur who does not know which business is the most profitable in a small town and does not have his own clear plan, begins to test himself in a competitive area, which in many cases turns out to be a failure for his activities. To prevent this from happening, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of such a business, as well as identify an unpromoted, but profitable area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

Profitable business in a small town - your profitable plan

First, you must give objective assessment modern market. Which new product or service would like to see the residents of your city? What do consumers need and want? What weaknesses characterize your future competitors? And, of course, the main question: “What is the most profitable business in a small town?” Each locality may have its own, different answers, so to advise something specific in this case won't be quite right. A sparsely populated city is good because all its inhabitants are more or less familiar with each other, so finding out what your neighbors and acquaintances want and are willing to pay for innovations is the easiest thing. Can be held a little research: ask citizens about what is missing in the city and what they would like to see. Perhaps in this way they will give you an idea and open your eyes on how to choose a profitable business for a small town.

You cannot open a business if you are not familiar with the subject of its activities, if its specifics are far from your interests. As a rule, such enterprises never end in success. On bare enthusiasm far, as they say, you will not leave.

The main disadvantages of doing business in a small town

First of all, I would like to focus on the disadvantages that affect the potential and profitability of a working business. Perhaps, after reading them, you will get scared and lose interest in the topic “What is the most profitable business in a small town”, but do not rush, it is better to read the article to the end.

  • The main disadvantage of such a business, of course, is a small cross. So, if, for example, we take a more passable place in a city with a population of about 20 thousand people, then it will still have less efficiency than an ordinary ordinary place in a large settlement, for example, with a population of 150 thousand people. Therefore, the most passing places of a small town should be considered.
  • The second - no less significant minus - the small salary of the townspeople. It is no secret that the inhabitants of the provinces receive less for their work than their counterparts in larger settlements. Therefore, we can draw a fairly simple, but logical conclusion: the lower the salary of people, the less likely it is that part of the money earned will go to the purchase of your goods and services.
  • Do not forget about the competition, without it nowhere! The city is small, the lucrative areas offering essential goods are already packed, people who want to have good income, enough. And yet, on top of that, large regional and federal chains are everywhere climbing with their goods and ruining the lives of local merchants.
  • The last disadvantage is the widespread shortage of qualified personnel. Of course, professionals are everywhere and always, but their search can take a long time, and sometimes you even have to poach them, promising a higher salary.

...and pluses

Of course, there are a lot of minuses, but each drawback can be turned into an advantage if desired. If you are still wondering what business is better to open in a small town, then you are ready to fight for your place in the sun.

  • The main advantage, which in its importance takes the first place of honor, is quite low price behind square meter rented premises. A profitable business with minimal investment in a small town implies a reduction in costs entrepreneurial activity and, consequently, an increase in the potential income of the entrepreneur. And this plus just contributes to this alignment.
  • In order to turn competition into a big plus, you need to become a beginner in your business. Find a business area that is not yet in the city. No competitors - no headaches.
  • To make the working staff a plus, you need to determine which business (the most profitable in a small town) does not need professional staff. In fact, there are a huge number of niches that require conventional labor to operate. And usually cheap.
  • Finally, I would like to highlight a plus, which is quite difficult to get, but it is possible by providing the population with quality goods or services. This is the trust of citizens in your business. It is necessary to plan correctly and offer residents the optimal ratio of price to quality of goods and services provided. And laudatory folk reviews will not leave you without a good monthly income!

As mentioned above, a sparsely populated area is characterized by a minimum level of demand, a small average check amount, a limited number of potential buyers and a territory for business expansion. However, in such towns there is a stable demand for products and services of mass consumption.

You can start a business in any city. But in order to succeed, you must consider the following features:

  • Properly choose a niche for your business in a small town. Opportunities and implementation of the idea in the metropolis are more real. And what is lucrative in a large community may not be as profitable in a small town.
  • Approach correctly to planning your activities: optimize costs, let incomes develop.

The most important thing is to have a desire to work, to work tirelessly, without being distracted by various holidays and weekends, to learn to ignore various ridicule, especially in case of possible failures at the start. If your activity is focused on the population, then you can build profitable business in a small town. The main ideas will help you with this.

Business idea number 1. Private kindergarten

Today, in the current demographic situation, in small towns there are often problems with finding a kindergarten for a child. This is due to the fact that the number of open public institutions is extremely small, and some of them are also closed. Working parents will be happy to entrust their child to you if you offer them the best price tag and quality service. The amount of start-up capital here is quite large, and payback will take some time, however this project repeatedly proved its success. The main thing is to do your job with high quality, and reviews of a good private kindergarten will instantly spread around the city, you can be sure.

Business idea number 2. Solving small household problems

This idea can be safely attributed to the category "The best business ideas for a small town." After all, the opening of an agency called "Man for an hour" or "Wife for an hour" is a quickly paid off activity, the organization of which does not require big finance. The activities of such firms are related to solving household chores, for example, cooking, washing, assembling / disassembling furniture and other household chores. It is very convenient that for this business you do not need to rent a room and immediately hire staff. Enough at the first stage will buy necessary tools, register an IP and advertise so that as many people as possible learn about your service. In principle, you can get by with a financial investment of 25,000 rubles. It should also be noted that this business is ideal for people who love to work and are not afraid to do the work themselves, agree to a small but very stable income.

Business idea number 3. Bakery

Starting a small bakery business is another good business idea in a small town as quality bakery products are always in high demand. True, expensive equipment and required fee a whole package of permits can become a strong argument to make a choice in favor of another business project. But if you still decide to open your own bakery, then you will need start-up capital, the amount of which will be approximately 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, it should be expected that the project will pay for itself in full not earlier than in a year. If you correctly invest this amount in a bakery, you will achieve a truly high-quality line for the production of bakery products.

Business idea number 4. Organization for the repair and production of keys

In order to open such an organization, you do not need to be a great specialist. And all because the latest equipment in the form of a key cutting machine will do all your work on its own. You can work in the workshop yourself, besides, a small room is enough. This business allows you to save on wages employee, and on rent. If desired, you can engage in the production of keys at home. This will completely save you from the rental expense item. If you are more or less skilled at repairing things like irons, umbrellas, food processors, and other small things like that, then you might consider providing a repair service as well. This will increase the client flow and the amount of revenue received. The cost of opening a workshop will be approximately 70,000 rubles.

Business idea number 5. Online store of handmade goods

If you creative person and have good skills in sewing, knitting and other types of needlework, then you can easily answer the question of which profitable one your creative nature will tell you. After all, you can put your abilities to use and make good money on it. The problem of a small town in this situation lies in the small demand for the results of your creativity. But modern technology helps to solve such nuances. It is enough to create an online store where you will take orders for the manufacture of exclusive hand-made products and sell those that are in stock. Sending to other cities should be cash on delivery by mail, while the price tag for shipping must be included in the cost of the goods. The demand for quality and creative products is always high. All that is needed to organize an online business is a website, you can order it from a professional or take care of creating it yourself, if, of course, you have some skills. You should also pay due attention to the promotion of the resource in search engines to increase the number of customers. The required amount of starting capital in this case may be limited to 25,000 rubles.

Business idea #6: Opening courses (dance, martial arts, etc.)

Today, many parents are thinking about where to attach their child so that the child learns not only school curriculum but also further developed, gaining new knowledge and skills. This contributes to a fairly high demand for all kinds of courses. When choosing a direction, you should be guided by what you understand and what classes you can conduct on your own. Dance courses are very popular at all times. The initial capital for such a business project is highly dependent on the planned number of students and on your teaching abilities. For example, by agreeing on cooperation with the House of Culture, you can significantly reduce the cost of renting a room. You should also not neglect fashion trends, you need to teach current areas of dance. You should also develop a good advertising campaign to recruit required amount students that you can handle.

Summing up

As can be seen from the article, there are more than enough opportunities for active residents of small towns. And the above list of ideas is far from definitive. If you think about it, everyone is likely to find many more relevant entrepreneurial ideas that can solve the problem. Several of the project options given in this article have already proven their viability more than once. However, if you still haven't found a business you love, then there is a great opportunity to start your own business on the Internet. Here you can simply work, sell, enter into contracts with online customers. Besides, knowledge in English makes it possible for you to interact with citizens of other countries.

Perhaps your path lies a little different from the usual route. And it is you who will be able to open a different, unlike anything profitable business in a small town. New business ideas appear at an enviable rate. Who knows, maybe you can come up with something that no other person has thought of. Don't be afraid to step aside. And do not try to find a commercial component in every idea. Just start changing the reality around you. At first mentally, and over time in practice, and then it will become much more interesting and brighter, and your life will become richer. In all senses.

Thus, it is quite possible to find a profitable business idea and implement it in your small town. But in order for the idea to succeed, it is necessary to take into account the location of your settlement. And by making some effort and making an accurate calculation, you can benefit not only yourself, but also make life easier for your fellow countrymen.

The idea to stop working “for an uncle” and start your own business haunts millions of people. However, the desire to be called a businessman is not enough: for a business to be successful, you need to think through a lot of points even at the stage of developing an idea. Finding your niche is sometimes much more difficult than getting funds for the project. And in order to organize a business in a small city, you need to take into account that the specifics of entrepreneurship in small towns and in megacities are very different. What is in great demand in the “millionaire” will not always be in demand in district center. The reverse situation is also possible: in provincial towns, many niches are empty, not because there is no demand, but simply no one has guessed to occupy them yet. How to open a business in a small town, and what should be taken into account?

Features of business in small towns

A small town is considered to be a settlement with a population of about 50 thousand people. Medium-sized cities with up to 100 thousand inhabitants can also be classified as small in the context of business, since their specifics are quite far from the situation in megacities.

What are the features of the economic life of small towns?

  1. First of all, this is the low purchasing power of the population: the labor market is quite narrow, and wages are low. It may be a great idea to organize some exclusive goods and services, but in the realities of your city it is unlikely to “shoot” - simply because most people cannot afford it, and you will not work at a loss. Boutiques, vegetarian restaurants and car dealerships rarely open in small towns. The population is accustomed to buying consumer goods, going to inexpensive cafes, and for large purchases go to regional centers or capitals.
  2. On the other hand, in small towns there is often a shortage of even basic goods and services. For example, there are no “middle-class” chain brands, and people have to dress either in the market or go on “shopping tours” to shopping centers in nearby cities. See if there is at least one supermarket within walking distance, or do you need to go to the other end of the city? Is there a children's cafe in the village where you can go with your child to eat ice cream on weekends and organize a holiday with entertainment program? Think about what services your city lacks for you, your friends, neighbors - perhaps this information will help you decide on the direction of a profitable business in a small town.
  3. In small towns, it is difficult to achieve high turnover due to limited client flow. If you focus your business exclusively on the population of a particular city, you will quickly hit the "ceiling": do not forget to cover the residents of neighboring settlements and think about expansion options in the future.
  4. The advantages of small towns include a relatively low threshold for entering the business. This is due to the fact that the basic costs of an entrepreneur - renting a room, remuneration of staff, advertising - will generally be lower than that of a company opened in a large settlement.
  5. The competitive environment for businessmen of small towns is more favorable: it is easier for them to get state support starting your business. It is enough to draw up a business plan and receive a subsidy at the employment center or join a local business support program.
  6. The main method of business promotion in small towns is word of mouth. It's free, but it works both ways. Satisfied clients will instantly advertise your services to all colleagues and friends. But once you “damage” your reputation, the same people will dissuade their acquaintances from bringing money to your store.

Business in small towns: with and without investments

Traditionally the most popular species small business - trade and services. If you are interested in what kind of business you can open in a small town without investment, a store is not your option: in any case, significant funds will be required to purchase goods. It's easier if you know how to do something with your hands and do it well. For example, the services of hairdressers, manicurists, seamstresses, plumbers are in demand everywhere and always. By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to provide such services on a professional basis and earn absolutely legally.

Of course, it is unlikely that “golden hands” will bring you “mountains of gold”. But it is quite possible to count on a small but stable income, especially if you acquire a permanent clientele. When you can no longer manage on your own, you can think about finding helpers. The main idea of ​​​​such an entrepreneurship is to eventually transfer the business from the category of individual “semi-handicraft” services to a full-fledged public service enterprise: the presence of an office / premises, hired personnel, transfer of most of the clients into the hands of other employees and the transition to the status of a business owner. Most often, this is the path of many successful local entrepreneurs - owners, repair and auto repair shops, etc.

Another thing is if you are ready to make serious financial investments in your project. Here, the choice is richer: to purchase an already established business, buy a franchise of a well-known network, come up with and implement your own original idea, or open a simple but profitable business from scratch that requires initial costs.

For example, in order to organize a bakery, more than 1 million rubles need to be spent on the minimum necessary equipment. But if you have a room in mind in a good passable place, your familiar owners of grocery stores and cafes are ready to take your future products for sale, these investments will quickly pay off. Fresh bread with a crispy crust and fragrant pastries diverge with a bang in any locality, and the products of local bakeries made from gray flour and preservatives are not a competitor to them.

Traditionally, a profitable business in small towns is medicines, household goods, and catering. If you have the start-up capital to start a business, it might be worth considering the option of such a “down to earth”, reliable business, rather than building a bike trying to come up with a brilliant idea.

Business ideas for a small town

Consider, for example, a few simple business ideas for a small town:

  1. The Husband / Wife for an Hour agency is suitable for a “handy” man, a homely woman or a married couple. Paid help household chores: minor repairs, troubleshooting, repairing and assembling furniture, plumbing and electrical work, sawing firewood, one-time cleaning of premises, etc. In addition to the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur (about 1 thousand rubles), you will need a good set of tools (from 10 thousand rubles) and inexpensive advertising: advertisements in the local press, leaflets. If your services are in demand, you can think about expanding the range of services and staff.
  2. . If there are a lot of motorists in your city or a busy highway passes by the village, tire fitting will never be left without work. You will have to spend money on renting a garage / box / plot of land and special equipment. A sign and signs along the road with your address are also required. Initial costs - 200-250 thousand rubles. Consider the seasonality of the business: during the period of general “changing shoes”, hire assistants and think about what services you will “keep on” in the off-season.
  3. Workshop for making keys and minor repairs. People lose their keys whether they live in a small city or a big one. You need to buy a special machine that "stamps" the keys, a programmer for intercom keys, blanks and remove the "nook" in some shopping center. Costs - from 70 thousand rubles.
  4. . Despite the prefix "mini", the cost of opening this business cannot be called small. The premises for the bakery should not only be rented, but also brought into line with sanitary requirements. Buy furniture, commercial equipment, production equipment (dough mixing machines, proofers, bread machines) - a total of at least 1.5 million rubles.
  5. Handicraft and souvenir shop. Suitable for those who love needlework themselves or are ready to mediate in the sale of the creations of masters and craftswomen of their city. In small settlements, the production of original goods associated with the symbols of the city, local nature, and sights is often developed. All sorts of "hand-made" is now in fashion: many want to have original exclusive gizmos for sane money and are ready to pay for them. It is better to sell home-made products in a small shop - agree with the craftsmen on the supply of goods, rent a small room and decorate it "antique". But focus on online trading: create an online store and offer shipping to other cities. If you make the goods yourself or take them for sale, the costs will not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Many of the above ideas can be implemented without, but you need to remember that such entrepreneurship is illegal. The chance that tax and law enforcement agencies will be interested in your "underground" activities in a small city, where everything is in sight, is much more real than in a metropolis. If you really want to build a business, it’s worth starting with the formation of a company and choosing optimal mode taxation.

What you can open in a small town: weighing the pros and cons + 3 tips for choosing your own business + 40 business options in a small town.

Do you live in a small village or town and have a commercial background?

At the same time, you think what to discover in a small town?

Then this article is written for you.

Of course, there will be fewer potential buyers, but the cost of opening the project will also decrease (compared to the metropolis).

Competition in small towns and villages is usually low.

A small town is a settlement in which 50,000-100,000 people live.

There are more than 80% of such settlements, towns and villages in Russia.

Experts believe that it is more profitable to open a business in such towns than in megacities.

What to open in a small town: we take into account the pros and cons

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business in a small town:

Less investment than in a metropolis: lower rental costs, advertising costs.Low purchasing power, this reduces profits.
Lower wages for employees.It is difficult to find qualified specialists.
Word of mouth will reduce advertising costs.Word of mouth can quickly and ruin a reputation when "punctured". Also, a negative personal reputation can affect the business.
Cheap local raw materials.Expensive imported raw materials.
The competition is lower: it is easier to open something that is not yet in the locality.Higher competition for the main, traditional groups of goods.
With low competition, the demand for goods and services is higher.Fewer buyers means less profit.
Starting a business has fewer hurdles than in a metropolitan area. There are benefit programs.A narrower choice of ideas for business due to the conservatism of tastes. It is better to refuse exotic ideas.

Let's analyze the table and try to decide on the choice of case:

    Are there not many entrepreneurs in the city who sell basic consumer goods (food, clothes, shoes)?

    Choose this line of business.

    Under the main goods should be understood products that are indispensable in everyday life.

    There is always a demand for it.

    To occupy this niche is to ensure success for yourself.

    Let's say the niche of traditional goods and services is relatively occupied.

    Then you need to determine what is in demand, but what competitors do not yet have.

    You can offer these products to fellow countrymen, along the way expanding the range of consumer goods.

    The highest profit can be made by organizing a small factory or production using local raw materials.

    But it is worth immediately considering one very important point characteristic of.

    The main end consumer is not the residents of the city.

    Such an undertaking will bring profit in the manufacture of large batches of products focused on delivery by region.

    This is the most capital-intensive type of business in a small town.

Options for starting your own business in a small town

You are not the first to think about the question of what to open in a small town .

let's consider various projects, which have already been successfully implemented more than once in different settlements of Russia.

Maybe one of these business options will appeal to you, and will fit the area.

Own business in food and agriculture

"A person who is lucky is a person who has done what others were only about to do."
Jules Renard

Therefore, the sale of food products is an eternal business.

If you are near major city, can arrange shipments there.

Sell ​​surplus products in your village.

What business can you do?

    Harvest pickles, marinades, canned vegetables, fruits and berries.

    They are sold to factories, cafes, restaurants.

  • Engage in milk processing (cottage cheese, cheese, cream are in demand).
  • Open a small cheese making shop.

    Business in a small town can be easily positioned as an eco-farm.

    And this topic is now popular.

    Semi-finished products are also in demand today due to the total employment of people in large cities.

    Good quality minced meat, dumplings, chebureks, pancakes, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, dough is the key to your income.

    Start baking bread and baked goods.

    The service will definitely be in demand.

    Grandmothers are not what they used to be: working and not in a hurry to burden themselves with grandchildren, knitting and sitting at home.

    A young mother often has no one to entrust to look after the child.

    Service station with driving school services.

    This undertaking can be combined with an auto parts store, car resale services.

    Photo salon.

    Business can be combined with the organization of registration and holding of solemn events (video and photography, production of booklets, photo books, portraits, toastmaster for parties, corporate events);

    Studio of sewing and repair of clothes.

    Additionally, you can open the holding of paid training courses.

    Shoe workshop.

    An institution that in times of total price increases is only becoming more popular.

    Business can be combined with tailoring shoes.

    Creative activities for children.

    Fitness, yoga for kids, foreign languages, Painting.

    "Green tourism".

    If a small town is located in a picturesque place.

    Internet cafe.

    With the services of a photocopier, printouts of photographs and texts.

    Additionally, you can open a training on using a PC.

    Service for the repair of household appliances and appliances.

    Like a shoe shop, a business is sure to be in demand.

    Workshop for upholstery, repair and manufacture of furniture.

    Household service.

    An analogue of the “husband for an hour” business: chop wood for a client, dig a garden, hang a chandelier, fix a tap, an electrical outlet.

    The demand will be not only from single women, but also from pensioners, busy young people.


    This business can be done without any initial investment.

    It is only important to have sufficient qualifications.

    Vet clinic.

    It also requires a specialized education.

    A big plus if customers will be able to contact around the clock.

    Indeed, in small towns, few people have such a competitive advantage.

What kind of business to open in a small town in the field of trade?

Trading is a simple and sought-after line of business.

Often in small towns and villages, different segments of goods are presented in one store at the same time.

In this business niche you can open:

    Flower shop.

    In addition to the design of bouquets, they organize the sale of indoor plants, seeds, household and garden chemicals, tools, and related literature.

    The organization of banquets and celebrations can be combined with the services of a toastmaster.

    Shop for baby food and goods.

    In especially small towns, it is better to present this product segment in a regular store.

    Classic store (food or clothing, ).

    Online store.

    You can organize the delivery of large equipment and other goods, and the buyer will not need to go to another location to pick them up.

Your own handicraft business

You can try to make money on your hobby or skill, teach your craft.

But here the final consumer of the products will definitely be in large settlements.

You will have to participate in fairs, outdoor events.

This will incur shipping costs.

If you have no idea what to do, take a look at these ideas:

    Vine weaving.

    There is a prospect of expansion to the production of furniture.

    Demand, however, cannot be called high.


    You can present products not only at exhibitions and public events, but also in online stores.

    Blacksmith craft.

    A promising business that can be combined with welding work.

    On the this moment voluminous scarves - snoods are in trend.

    They are easy to manufacture, and the demand for the product is high.

    Making soap, candles.

    AT last years became especially popular.

    It implies the manufacture of original blankets, pillows, bags, patchwork panels.

    Making jewelry and bijouterie.

    They use the techniques of cold porcelain, quilling, soutache embroidery, wool felting, wood carving, beadwork, tatting, a traditional set of jewelry made of beads and stones.

    Leather production.

    Such products (saddles, harnesses, belts) are sold only to special categories of buyers.

    Finding outlets is not so easy, and this must be understood.

What else to do in a small town and how to generate business ideas,

explained in the video:

An example of what you can open in a small town: your own apiary

Capital investments (30 hives): 130,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 1 year.

Let's consider visually how to open your own business on the example of an apiary (for central Russia and to the south).

For starters, you can purchase 10 hives and work without helpers.

Such an apiary will allow you to get acquainted with the case, especially if you have never dealt with it.

You will pump out honey for yourself, and sell the surplus.

But in fact, such a volume of production is not yet a business, but only an additional income.

An apiary of 20-30 beehives is the minimum amount for self-employment status.

Such an enterprise can become the main source of your income.

Typically, this is a family affair.

Apiary staff

You can talk about, from 50-100 hives.

Such a business cannot be opened without additional labor.

You will need at least 2 people for every 20-30 hives in honey harvest season to look after them.

You need to organize shifts.

What tools will the business need?

  • overalls (gloves, suit, mask with mesh);
  • frames, wire;
  • foundation;
  • beekeeping chisel;
  • apiary knife;
  • smoker;
  • fork;
  • drinkers, mother liquors;
  • preparations for the treatment of bees;
  • honey extractor;
  • wax melter;
  • hives.

From the second season, the apiary is able to bring on average from 20% to 150% of net profit.

In the era of the Internet, create your own small business quite simply. This will require only courage, hard work and patience. And the main rule is to give up self-pity. That's when any small business will take off.

Culinary business

The main thing in this business is the ability to find customers plus recipes. It is also important to learn how to advertise yourself and your services, it is thanks to this that customers appear, and then the demand for services and, accordingly, profit. To begin with, you should choose a narrow specialization and develop and earn a name along with it.

cake baking

In order to establish yourself in the cake market, you need to pick up the most delicious and unusual toppings and cakes. In order for the buyer to choose, there must be at least three types of fillings, then expand the range. Cakes with mastic are in demand, in the form of figurines for weddings, cartoon characters for birthdays, etc.

First of all, you should register a company for yourself or register as an individual entrepreneur. And you should also follow all the documentation so as not to violate the law. Find suppliers of fresh products for baking and so that you can buy raw materials not at exorbitant prices.

To get started, develop in small steps, let friends and relatives become tasters and start growing like this in ascending order. Create a social group for yourself. networks and expose your achievements. With an honest attitude towards the client and a conscientious attitude towards baking, customers will appear quite quickly, and the business from scratch will quickly go uphill.

Making macaroons

This is a new demanded trend in business for beginners. Fashionable, relevant, not yet bored customers.

It is possible to learn how to cook macaroons from the second time. The main thing, in the language of confectioners, for a skirt to appear, there was a lot of “meat” inside, that is, pulp, and they did not fall apart. Over time, you will be able to pick up your special recipe.

Usually, There are a lot of customers for this type of cookies. In order for buyers to line up, you need to learn how to decorate macaroons beautifully and ensure delivery to the customer's door. It is also worth concluding agreements with flower shops and ensuring delivery there. Macaroons are placed in a box along with flowers.

Cookies with icing

Another field for creativity, which will allow you to relentlessly surprise and attract customers. To run this business, you will need a cookie cutter, pastry bags in order to make a pattern. For biscuits, piparkukas dough or gingerbread dough is usually used. And for the glaze, proteins and powdered sugar are used. Dyes are used to add color to the cookies.

In order to learn, you should watch how to make patterns on the youtube channel. Animal figurines are in demand. If Valentine's Day, the demand will be for hearts. Etc. In order to sell cookies beautifully, a decorative straw is placed in the box below, five decorated hearts are placed on top, possibly with inscriptions, with a declaration of love, close with a lid and pack with a beautiful ribbon.

The cost of the box will be from 1000 rubles, 200 rubles apiece. A cooperation agreement can also be concluded with flower shops, send offers to companies, as they often congratulate employees on holidays. There is a great demand for March 8 and New Year holidays.

Opening an online flower shop

Quite a new and complex business, buyers are still reluctant to take flowers on the Internet, but there are forecasts that this market will grow.

The first step is to open a web page. You can create it yourself on wordpress or using wix. When creating a site, you will need to spend money on buying a domain and links to promote the site, but this is not very expensive.

Next, open a company and register a bank card for transferring money through the site when the buyer makes a purchase. Look for flower suppliers. Let there be several of them, unnecessary ones will go away on their own over time.

How it works? The client orders flowers according to the picture on the site, for example, 101 roses and pays. You call all the suppliers and ask if they are available. If there is, pick up flowers and deliver to the client with your business card, if not, call the client back and offer another option. Possibly compose small business- a plan with a list of colors for the first time of sales.

To begin with, place on the site bouquets consisting of unmixed varieties of flowers, since there is no experience in making bouquets, over time, it is possible to place other bouquets and, with the growth of the company, hire new employees. In the same business, it is possible to use both hand made and cooking.

Big demand for flowers on February 14 and March 8. These months beat off revenue in fact for the entire year.

Opening an online store of children's toys

First, you negotiate with suppliers, not everyone agrees to supply goods one unit for sale, as a rule, toys are provided in bulk, but there are exceptions, so you should not stop and look for a person with whom you will work. For children's products must be certified.

The demand for goods is huge during the New Year holidays. You can organize a good demand yourself by placing ads on facebook, vk, twitter, instagram, etc. Create a group where you will advertise new items. Follow the fashion for toys in children, for example, paw patrol, peppa pig, robocar and others are fashionable now. With such goods in a small town, you will become the most sought after.


This is easy way earnings, suitable only for the initial stages of development. Since if you work on your own it brings quite small income. First you need to register on copyright exchanges, work and acquire skills, develop discipline.

The next step is to start looking for customers yourself by applying with job offers to websites, various companies. Move to another level, creation commercial offers and landing pages for creating advertising for companies. Typing achievement list customers may expand.

Copywriting will bring good income if you create your own team. To do this, create a page with a service offer and prices and recruit a team of responsible copywriters. Accordingly, register as an individual entrepreneur.

Creation of websites

In order to learn how to create websites, you will need to gain knowledge by reading many forums, watching videos on YouTube, you may need to find a mentor. Create a few websites yourself and get started. To get started, register on the exchanges,, Here you can find many customers for work, as well as see the work of professionals and learn something.

As soon as self-confidence appears, it is also possible to create a team and open an IP.


This is another line of business where, later on, you can also create your own team and reach the global level.

Knitten things

Knit unusual hats, scarves and mittens. To do this, look through fashion magazines, what patterns are in demand, what styles, pum-poms, develop your own chip.

Let it be mittens with a warm inner lining, a cartoon character pattern and small pompoms. For example, if you have chosen a niche with a focus on children. For starters, it should be narrow specialization that will bring its customers.

When there are too many orders, create a team of needlewomen, and you will receive interest and develop further, creating your own unique network of knitwear for children.


Learn this craft, perhaps on youtube. There are descriptions where you can learn from start to finish. For the book you will need: cardboard, fabric, glue, beautiful stickers, buttons, badges.

They make beautiful albums for photos (wedding, children, to remember significant events). Made in the form of a diary as a gift. Albums at the birth of a child are often in demand, where you can insert photos and inscriptions about the first steps.

The buyer should always have a choice, so create a site with a choice for a boy, a girl, parents, etc. In a small town, it is good to offer albums for newborns in the maternity hospital. When a large number customers, you can expand.

homemade toys

Now a new trend is fashionable, creation rag dolls in sneakers with only eyes on his face. Children are delighted with such toys, so they are in demand. This business will require a little sewing skills, although everything can be learned if desired.


This job is suitable for both girls and men. Male make-up artists, by the way, are valued more. Firstly, it is unusual, and secondly, a man is not afraid to experiment.

It is possible to fill your hand by training on permanent basis, for example, watching videos on YouTube, and practicing several times to learn how to apply the tone correctly, draw several types of eyebrows, and be able to apply shadows and lipstick at once. At first, cosmetics are used not the most expensive, but with the arrival of customers, they buy cosmetics more expensive.

How to develop, in addition to income from one-time customers? Make a portfolio, collaborate with aspiring photographers who need photos for a portfolio. Look for work in modeling agencies, but for a fee. Never agree to paint 20 models for free in a modeling agency for advertising, so you will pass for a free master. Free only with a photographer for a photo.

Gradually develop and open a studio, invite workers, get a percentage. Next step— start selling cosmetics in the studio.

Important to remember! In order to develop and grow, one should move step by step every day, one should not stop and feel sorry for oneself. In business, everything must be clear, only discipline and a step forward, no matter how much you want to turn back. If you have entered this path, fight and go to the end.

Fish breeding

This is great way earnings for those who live outside the city. This will require investing effort, but in the future it will be rewarded a hundredfold. First you need to dig a pond and start growing fish. Thanks to the breeding of fish it is possible to customize wholesale or have a trading place in the market.

As time goes by, there will be new and stable customers, and the business will bring a steady income.

The love of fishing can be turned into your favorite business and a good, steady income. The greatest demand among fish is carp and trout. It is easiest to grow carp, as it is unpretentious and lives in any water bodies. For trout, you will need a professional fisher-breeder, as carp is a more capricious fish.

A reservoir for trout requires at least 15 meters and a water temperature of 19 degrees; at a different temperature, the fish dies. Although, when sold, trout is more expensive. And also for the growth of fish, you need to know when and how much to feed it, since an overabundance of food stops growth.

Every detail matters in this business. For example, to determine the humidity and acidity, a specialist is called in to check. Start a business, perhaps from a small reservoir, even from a personal pond in the country, constantly expanding over time.

Dog food production

This is a great way to start producing feed. for their animals and for business. In order to start a home production business, you will need a feed formula, molds, as well as products for manufacturing.

If you make food for sale from natural products, then soon there will be a lot of customers, since all owners want only the best for their animals.

At first, it is possible to produce food to order, and in the future, it is possible to negotiate with wholesalers and pet stores. You should pick a good one recipe for making(in this case, this is half the success), so that it contains all the necessary trace elements for the animal, and further supplement the feed for improvement.

Tire fitting

If there are no initial funds, then you should do mobile tire service, that is, with a visit to the client, for example, on the track to fix a breakdown.

It is best to buy new wheel replacement tools, even if they are Chinese and cheap. After the first earnings are earned, invest in a stationary business. Buy a little bit of all the equipment for tire fitting. Absolutely everything is needed from the equipment: rolling, vulcanization, etc. Since this is an extra plus for earnings and cash.

This business will require an initial investment to purchase equipment, even the bare minimum. It is best to open this business, if you yourself are involved in it, you know how to change tires and have experience, then, accordingly, from the very beginning you will have your own regular customers.

As soon as the business begins to expand, it is possible to take additional people and start expanding, open other tire shops, buy more expensive equipment. If you work conscientiously, then the business will start pay off in four years and there will be regular customers.

Profits will begin to come in the first month. The flow of customers depends from the place, advertising, quality of work.

Transport services

If you have a lorry, it is possible to do cargo transportation, for example, a moving service from apartments.

As well as transport services, it is possible to provide shops, expeditions, having concluded an agreement with them. It is desirable that movers are attached to the provision of this service and accordingly calculate the price in advance. Expanding, perhaps buying a second car, etc.

If there is no car, may work as an intermediary. For example, to have in stock contacts of loaders and trucks, provide them with work, and take the percentage for themselves. It is possible to negotiate with large companies that you will provide clients and negotiate a percentage with them.

Courier services

Delivery of any goods to the specified address. Place an advertisement about the services offered, as well as call the company and offer courier services, having agreed on a price in advance and drawing up a contract.


If you have a car, it is possible to organize excursions for longer distances. If not, do hiking tours. It is important to stand out with an original idea, interesting stories in order to gain customers faster. This idea does not require investment at all in the presence of charisma, the ability to find and present interesting information.

Today, chicken meat is in greater demand than any other species. Meat is considered dietary and more healthy, which is why there is such a demand for it.

In order to organize this business, you will need initial investment for renting premises, raw materials, a freezer and paperwork. This is a relatively small amount.

Next, whole, chilled carcasses are purchased. You should not buy fresh ones, as it is much more difficult to cut them. The chicken is cut into legs, backs, legs, wings, drumsticks and minced meat. Butchering a chicken is beneficial, since it is not always possible to buy a whole chicken, and the remaining meat may always be marinated and sold on a barbecue. It is also possible to conclude agreements with restaurants and deliveries to shops or private traders.

IP is registered from the documentation. Health books should be made. Certificates for chicken carcasses are taken where they are purchased. There should be price tags, a seal. On sales, there must be a notification to Rospotrebnadzor. Register with the tax authorities and buy a cash register and a receipt book.

For starters, you should find suppliers and a place where trade will be carried out.

Video Ideas

7 Ideas for a Low-Cost Business Suitable for a Small Town - from Original Ideas vlog