Delegation of authority: learning to distribute tasks. Stimulate participation and discussion

Whether you are an executive director of a company, a manager retail sales or as a stay-at-home parent, the ability to delegate is one of the most important skills to get the most out of your business. However, delegation is tricky business- you must be firm, but at the same time trust the person to whom you have delegated your duties. This article will help you overcome any anxieties that may arise during the delegation process and will guide you through the delegation process with tact and respect.


Part 1

Think right

    Put your ego aside. A big psychological brake on delegation is the judgment that "If you want things done right, then do it yourself." You are not the only person in the world who can do this right. You "may" be the only person to do it right in this moment but if you take the time to teach someone then they will probably be able to do it right too. Who knows - they could do it faster or better than you (dream!), and you should not only accept it, but also welcome it.

    • Think logically and realistically - can you do this job yourself? Will you have to work by yourself all your life? Do you need to balance your work and your normal responsibilities? If so, then you should probably be prepared to delegate some of your work. Don't feel ashamed or incompetent about needing help to get things done - you actually become a "more" efficient worker by getting help when you need it.
  1. Stop waiting for voluntary help from people. If you don't want to delegate your work, then you may have rare case martyr syndrome - you are probably overwhelmed and you often wonder why people never offer to help me. Be honest with yourself - when other people offer help, do you turn it down just to be polite? Are you wondering why they don't "insist"? Do you feel that if you were in the opposite situation, then you would probably help with a great zeal of heart? If you answered “yes”, then you need to “take control” of your situation. "Get" the help you need - don't wait for it to come to you because it might not.

    • Many people don't pay attention to what others are doing and there isn't much that can be done to change them. Put aside any frustrations if someone doesn't lend a helping hand, remember that communicating your needs to them is ultimately your responsibility.
  2. Do not take negatively requests for help. Many people feel uncomfortable when asking for help. You may feel guilty about burdening others or feel ashamed because you think (for some reason) that you should be able to handle all the work on your own. You can just be proud of your efforts and see it as proof that you noble man(another manifestation of the martyr syndrome). If you think that asking for help is a form of weakness, then you need to get rid of this thought "without delay." In fact, the opposite is true: trying to do everything yourself is a sign of weakness, in the sense that it indicates that you do not have a realistic view of your abilities.

    Learn to trust others. If you're afraid of delegation because you don't think anyone else can do the job as well as you, remember two things: first, that almost anyone can learn something with enough practice, and, second, second, that you are probably not as universally talented as you think you are. When you delegate work, you don't just free up time for yourself - you also give your helper a chance to learn new skills or tackle new types of tasks. Be patient - given enough time, your assistant will probably be able to complete delegated work just as well as you. If the work you plan to delegate is not "very" important, then your assistant may learn to do it well over time. If the work is "very important", think twice before delegating it!

    • Even if you are the best at doing the work you are going to delegate, realize that delegating the work will allow you to do other things at the same time. If you are the best worker in the office doing the relatively monotonous task of assembling hard drives, but you have an important presentation to prepare, it would be logical to assign the task to an intern. It's much better for you to prioritize difficult, complex tasks - feel free to delegate simple, repetitive tasks when you have more important things to do.

    Part 2

    Effective Delegation
    1. Get off the ground. The first step is the most difficult, but it is the most important. You should get over yourself and ask someone to help you (or, if you are the boss, "order" someone to help you.) Feel free to do this - as long as you are polite, kind and tactful, no one will be rude to you just for asking (or order) for help. Try to be tactful and considerate while maintaining the seriousness of your request.

      • If you're not sure how to ask someone to do some work for you, try to keep your thoughts short and sweet. Say something like, “Hey, can I have a minute? Could you help me collect the big stack of hard drives we just received. I can't do this because I won't be at the office today. Can you help me?" Don't pressure your helper, but make sure he/she recognizes that his or her help is "needed".
      • Ask and you (probably) will receive. Don't be afraid to delegate for fear of looking rude and pushy. Look at it the other way - how would you feel if people asked you to do something? Would you be offended and offended? Or are you (usually) happy to help? Probably the last one!
    2. Don't take rejection personally. Sometimes people are not able to help you - it's sad, but it's true. It may be by different reasons- the most common is that the person you are asking is very busy with his or her own work. Don't take it too personally - just because someone can't (or won't) do something for you at the moment doesn't mean he/she is treating you badly. It usually just means that he/she is either busy or lazy - nothing more.

      • If you are denied, consider different variants- you can usually politely but firmly insist that you really need this person's help (this applies especially if you are a boss or have other authority), you can try to ask someone else, or you can do the work yourself. If you really need help, don't be afraid to try options one and/or two!
    3. Delegate the goal, not the way. This is key point not to become a nanny or a micro-manager. Set clear metrics for the results you expect, show the person how you're doing it, but tell them they can get the job done any way they want, as long as it's done well and completed on time. Give them enough time not only to learn, but to experiment and innovate. Don't train them like robots; train them as individuals who can learn and improve the process.

      • This is also smart, as it eases your time and calms your nerves. You want to use the time you free up for something more important, without constantly worrying about how your assistant is progressing. Remember that you delegated this work to be "less" stressed, not "more".
    4. Be prepared to train your assistant. You should almost always set aside some time to teach your helper how to complete the task you've delegated to him or her, even if it's quite simple. Remember that processes that seem straight forward and simple to you may not be so simple to those who have never dealt with it before. Be prepared not only to brief your assistant on the matter you have delegated to him or her, but also to patiently answer any questions he/she is likely to have.

      • Consider the time spent training a helper as a sensible long-term investment. By taking a little time to train a helper to do a task correctly, you save time for the future that would otherwise be spent correcting his/her mistakes.
    5. Allocate the necessary resources to complete the task. You may have the necessary resources to complete a task, but the person assigned the task may not have access to them. For example, password-protected data, specialized equipment, and certain tools can be vital to this task, so make sure your helper has everything he/she needs to complete the task.

      Realize that your assistant can only do one thing at a time. When your assistant is helping you, he/she is not performing his/her normal duties. Don't forget that, like you, your helper probably has busy schedule. Ask yourself – what work will “they” delay or delegate to get your task done? Make sure you know the answer to this question when you delegate a task to someone else.

    6. Be patient. The person you have delegated to will “make” mistakes as long as he/she learns to new task. This is part of the learning process. Prepare for this ahead of time. Don't delegate a task by assuming the person will do it perfectly until they've gained experience. If a project isn't going the way you'd like it to because your partner isn't able to complete the "perfect" new task you've delegated to him/her, it's your fault, not his or hers. Be a mentor to your assistant, and delegated work can be a rewarding experience for him or her, rather than something to be feared.

      • When you teach someone how to do something, you are making an investment. This will slow you down at first, but in long term this will boost productivity by leaps and bounds, so approach the whole process on a positive and realistic note.
    7. Be prepared for possible difficulties. Make a backup plan and be ready to use it if something goes wrong. Know what will happen if work is not completed on time or to standards. Obstacles and unexpected problems can pop up at any time, whether you're at work or at home - even appliances sometimes fail. Let your delegate know that if something happens, you will understand and help him or her meet the deadline - not just throw them under the wheels of a car at the first sign of trouble.

      • This is also reasonable in a selfish sense - if your delegate fears that he/she will be blamed for mistakes, much more time will be spent covering his or her rear than real completion tasks.
    8. Express gratitude to your assistant when he deserves it. Delegating tasks to someone else is necessary if you need to take on more and more responsibility. However, it's counterproductive if you delegate a task, leave your assistant to work hard on it, and then take all the credit for it. Express appreciation and praise for the efforts of others on your behalf.

      • Whenever you are praised for a job you have been helped to do, remember to include the name of your helper.
    9. Say "Thank you." When someone does something for you, it's important to thank him or her, acknowledge the importance of his or her help, and let the helper know that he/she is appreciated. Otherwise, you will seem ungrateful, even if you are not. Remember that people cannot read your mind. People are more likely to help you again if they feel appreciated.

      • Be kind. A simple sincere statement such as "I couldn't have done this without you!" is worth a lot. If the work that person has done for you has been significant, you can even treat him or her to food, drink, a thank you card, or buy a small gift.
    • Create a list of tasks that you would like to delegate to someone else. Don't fix anything on your wish list. Put everything down on paper and decide later what can and cannot be implemented. You will be amazed at how much you can do on your own that someone else can help you.


    • Don't dismiss unpleasant tasks by pretending you're doing them a favor. If for them there is no real benefit don't claim otherwise. It is best to do this "after" the completion of one or more tasks with one command. This will allow you to honestly say, "Walt, this is a thankless job, but I really need your help," or "Lori, I promise that if something comes out of this positive effect I will do my best to make you feel it. I know it's not a great job, but it needs to be done, and I know I can trust you to do it." There are many unpleasant, thankless jobs to be done; the way to do them is that when the cream jobs come up, you don't forget the person who is your good right hand.

Delegation - transfer of authority, assignments to subordinates or colleagues. At the same time, the process itself consists not only in the translation of cases, but also in monitoring their proper execution. Not everyone knows how to competently delegate tasks that someone else can do: lack of self-confidence, false modesty interferes, fear of refusal from the one to whom the request can be addressed, there is no trust. To learn how to boldly hand things over to others while doing more productive things at this time, it is important to know a few psychological secrets.

False myths about the inappropriate delegation

Myth #1. If you want to do well - do it yourself. Such stereotypes are infected with many perfectionist leaders who are firmly convinced that no one in the company will do anything better and faster than them. Such mistakes are fraught with a loss of trust on the part of the team, the slow development of the company and the transformation of employees into a non-initiative "office plankton".

Myth No. 2. The value of an employee is higher, the more he works.. Delays at work after the end of the working day, work from home, on weekends - indicators of illiterate time management in the company, stupid placement of personnel. The professionalism of an employee consists not only of the components of a high-quality work, but also the ability to competently plan your day so as not to slip into rush jobs and irregular schedules. Each employee should have a good rest in their free time from their main work in order to always be in excellent condition. physical form. Otherwise syndrome emotional burnout will not keep you waiting. It is important to avoid a common practice called "Whoever is lucky - they go on that."

Myth #3. Someone to entrust important things. A dangerous point of view fraught with overestimation own forces. There will always be a person in the team who can be entrusted with a part of a big deal, who over time can easily replace the leader in negotiations or other important events. At the same time, the boss will have time to develop strategies and tactics for promoting the company on the market.

Myth number 4. If I learn it, they will remove it. The fear of such a leader is often justified, but this only speaks of his lack of confidence in himself, in his professionalism. This fear prevents the leader himself from climbing career ladder. The question of trust in subordinates, the correct alignment of communications with them is the question of the moral growth of the manager-chief.

What is delegation of authority

Delegating some things is not just giving a command to carry them out, or signing an order, shifting responsibility for execution to another. It is important to set the deadlines for the implementation of the task, provide all the materials and resources necessary for this, and control the execution of the task. Purpose of Delegation- creation of an effective workflow, as a result of which all employees work as a single mechanism, and the tasks assigned to them are performed efficiently and quickly.

The division of labor was invented smart person at the dawn of the industrialization of society, so the efficiency of work has grown significantly, it became possible rapid development companies. Interchangeability must be in any team, otherwise, under force majeure circumstances, or a planned vacation of a responsible employee, work in the company will be paralyzed.

Learning to delegate authority means taking responsibility for any result of the work of your employees, being prepared for the fact that at first they may not be able to do the work as well as a specialist. However, experience comes with practice.

Do subordinates know current tasks of the company and its field of activity as well as the manager, in order to be able to replace him in the event of a long business trip, illness or vacation? Does he spend part of his working time on routine work that subordinates can easily perform? Is there such a person in the company who can quickly mobilize if necessary and take on part of the work? Does the leader have enough time for serious social work?

The future of the company, its tomorrow: either flourishing or decline depends on the answers to all these questions. Well-built time management is a part of business processes, one of the main components of a company's prosperity, and smart delegation takes the most important place here.

Learning to delegate authority

The very first step before the manager decides to delegate part of the tasks will be building trust with subordinates. To do this, you can first entrust some minor work, unusual this employee, and check its implementation. Before this, it is necessary to accurately formulate the purpose of delegation, discuss the necessary resources and set realistic, clear deadlines. This is how parents give their children the opportunity to grow up: step by step, they entrust them with some new housework for them, taking care of animals.

The next step will be choice of artist. The success of the assigned work depends on how accurately the employee is selected. A wise leader probably knows who from the team takes the initiative and is ready for career growth. Another criterion for selecting a performer is the workload of all employees: you cannot entrust an important or urgent matter to those who already have enough daily work.

After an employee is endowed with certain rights to carry out an assignment or work, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to express all his conjectures, fears, doubts, clarifications about this issue. This is how a climate of trust is cultivated in the team, a team is formed.

Throwing newcomers into the loophole, testing them for professionalism, testing their internal reserves, is short-sighted: any person needs time to adapt to new working conditions. To avoid reproaches in the cultivation of "favorites", it is better to delegate parts of the work to different subordinates, setting deadlines for them and giving them needed help. If the team does not have those employees who could complete the task, it is necessary to look for outsourcing specialists, contact business partners.

Example from my practice. The need to train new staff in the formation of the sales department has long been ripe for a company providing website building services. The staff was recruited, but the work went neither shaky nor rolls. Deputy Marketing Director CEO the task was to give newcomers product training and teach sales techniques. Because the deputy the director did not have the skills to conduct trainings and train staff, two months of study ended in complete failure: the company was slowly sinking, sales were weak, irregular, office rent, employee salaries and taxes ate up all the profits.

The Director delegated the authority to train personnel to a professional business coach under a paid services agreement. For three months, the team was trained in negotiation practices, stages and secrets of sales, thoroughly studied a complex product. A year has passed since then. Today it is a leading company in the local market for the construction of sites and their promotion on the Internet. Everyone must do their job.

The help of independent consultants may be appropriate when the company does not have a specialist of a narrow profile, when Objective assessment activities, when long-term planning takes place, when time, money and other resources are saved for a more important task.

As soon as an employee or an independent expert is selected, it is necessary to very clearly set a task for him, specifying the boundaries of authority and trust, time and remuneration, types and terms of control, criteria for a specific result by which you can evaluate goal achieved. All agreements must certainly be written down: the spoken word tends to distort information.

After the task is delegated, it is important to give time for its completion, without pulling the employee over trifles, without replacing him with different stages task, providing adequate support in case of emergency. Smart leader is important final result, not the process itself. You can agree in advance with the employee on what issues and at what time he can consult with the manager. In addition, the employee must be provided with everything necessary: financial and temporary, technical, transport and logistics resources to complete the task.

Necessary motivate an employee to fulfill challenging task morally and financially. If the task is unnecessary and empty, the employee may feel worthless. One female manager constantly assigned her driver to walk her pet dog. From such a “task”, the employee developed a complex of a “slave”, a domestic servant.

As soon as the task is completed, it is necessary to conduct a review of the work done, which is usually evaluated together with the employee. It is important to understand how fully and efficiently the work was done, what gave the delegation to the employee, in what ways he achieved his goals, whether he met the deadlines. If the assigned work is done perfectly, you should definitely express gratitude to the employee, note his success and professional growth. You can compare his achievements with accepted internal corporate standards, encourage him to general meeting, express recognition among other subordinates, apply for remuneration to higher management. Any victory must be secured.

If the work is not done as it should be, you need to understand the reasons for the failure, without harsh criticism and insults. Most likely this strategic mistake leader in choosing a performer. We need to work together to develop a plan of action to eliminate undesirable consequences from bad work.

Another disadvantage is the return of delegation, this is the name of the situation in which an employee who has failed to complete the task tries to return his tasks to the manager. It is necessary to suppress such attempts openly, to provide all possible assistance to the subordinate, but not to do his work for him. Help to see the problem unsolvable problem breaking down the whole process into its components. However, everyone must do their own work.

Delegation skills and the growth of trust in subordinates develop with experience, in practice, from simple to complex. Giving tasks to his subordinates in stages, the leader grows with them, becomes a professional manager.

Benefits of delegation

    Employees begin to show initiative, a single team is formed, which is not afraid of any serious tasks.

    An atmosphere of trust is cultivated between the leader and subordinates.

    All goals begin to be achieved in more comfortable conditions.

    Increased savings in the expenditure of human resources due to the interchangeability of employees.

    The manager frees up time to solve global problems.

Not everything can be delegated to your subordinates: all issues that relate to the internal and foreign policy company, its strategic goals, personnel management, pay issues, employee motivation, tasks of special importance or secrecy on which the future of the company depends, those tasks that will take longer to explain than to independent execution, cannot be delegated.

Rush, routine blockages in work, the eternal employment of the leader, who remains for many years without a vacation, the fear of leaving the team without a “head” are symptoms of a serious office illness called time pressure. Behind all this lies inept time management, or rather, his complete absence. There can be only one recipe for recovery - to learn to delegate part of the work, to trust your employees more. After all, why were they hired?

revitalize psychological climate in a team, having learned to competently and clearly set tasks for your subordinates, you can delegate some of your own powers to them and by all means do a “debriefing” after the completion of work.

Delegating work in business is essential. This is the most important skill for any businessman. Without this key skill, it is impossible to build a growing business. In this article, we will consider 3 options for delegation.

When I started the first steps in delegation, I ran into a problem. I did not know to whom it would be better to entrust my task, how to do it correctly and what price to charge for it.

Therefore, let's now analyze to whom we can delegate our work:

1. Delegation to freelancers. If your business is on the Internet, then freelancers are indispensable. You can delegate any task to them, especially a technical one: make a website, landing page, banner, articles, etc. Freelancers can be found on various specialized services such as , for example. Personally, I am satisfied with this service and I advise you to use it.

2. Delegation to companies. For example, a Call Center may take on the responsibility of answering incoming calls. There are companies that set up contextual advertising, targeting advertising, etc. There are also great bookkeeping services, for example. This is a wonderful service that will relieve you of all sorts of tedious accounting matters and will save you up to 200,000 rubles.

3. Hiring your own staff. If you have already grown up in business and have a stable income, then it may be your best option to create your own staff, i.e. hire workers. Moreover, it is not necessary to rent an office, especially if your business is on the Internet. You can take remote workers, put them on a salary and everything will be fine.

Now let's see how to delegate correctly in each case:

1. Even a schoolboy can delegate to freelancers. Of course, you need to choose the right person who will do your job. Here are some tips on how to choose a good freelancer:

  • If you have enough difficult task, for example, setting up contextual advertising, then pay attention to the experience of a freelancer. Choose someone who specializes in setting up such advertising, and not in everything.
  • Pay attention to reviews left by other employers.
  • If the task is simple, for example, to find something on the Internet, submit a certain number of ads, leave comments somewhere, etc., then you can also delegate it to an inexperienced freelancer. It will be cheaper and will not affect the quality.

2. Delegating to companies is even easier than to freelancers. But just like with freelancers, you need to pay attention to reviews and recommendations. Also good option there will be recommendations from your friends who have already used the services of a company.

3. Delegation to your staff. Recruit your employees permanent basis, a little more complicated than in the previous cases. Start small. For starters, you can delegate calls by phone, for example. You will gain experience, understand how to draw up contracts, what documents need to be sent to Pension Fund etc. Then, having taken into account all your mistakes, you can start hiring the next workers. The topic of creating your own staff of workers is quite extensive and multifaceted, so now we will not go into detail on this issue.

What price to pay:

1. Freelancers are easy. This is the most budgetary workforce, especially if you have a newbie freelancer. Beginners can even work for free, for a review. In other cases, see average price on the market and put a little less :) And may the nice freelancers forgive me.

2. It's even easier with companies. They set their own prices for their services. Your task is to choose the most suitable option.

3. With delegation to your staff, you can assign a percentage salary or a fixed salary. For beginners, the first option is perfect. For example, you hired a person to call customers who ordered something from you. You can pay your employee 15% of paid applications. So he will be motivated to work well. Sold - earned money, not sold - no money. Everything is very simple:)

So, today we talked about how to delegate work. I hope you understand that it is not so difficult. In addition, delegation is the most important skill for personal effectiveness of any businessman. Without it, you will NOT build a scalable business that will not only stand stable, but also develop.

P.S. Write in the comments if you have experience in delegation.

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Delegation is one of the core skills of personal effectiveness. Without this skill, your business will NOT be able to scale and grow. But it's not obligatory...

What can be delegated and what cannot? To whom can I delegate and to whom is it better to delegate? How to do it in such a way as not to doubt the result? Should responsibility be delegated? What methods of control are most effective with the least amount of time and effort? Are there any delegation rules that are suitable "for all occasions"?

These questions are of interest to every manager - from the head of the department to the president of the company. You are interested in the answers to these questions for two reasons:
- firstly, you also have subordinates;
- secondly, you very often find yourself "between two fires" when conflict situations between leader and subordinates. Moreover, most often it is about the failure of subordinates to fulfill any tasks or assignments.

So let's first look at the sequence of steps in the delegation process:

Step 1:
Definition of the goal (what I want to get as a result) and tasks (what exactly should be done for this?). It is also desirable to preliminarily determine the "issue price" - the amount of resources that I must / agree to invest;

Step 2: Determination of the performer - the one who can cope with the task;

Step 3:
Setting a SMART task for the contractor, including the definition of methods, forms and deadlines for reporting;

Step 4: Obtaining confirmation from the performer that the task, its degree of importance and priority, and the requirements for the result are understood correctly;

Step 5: Coordination with the executor of the required / allocated resources and deadlines. If necessary, adjust resources and timing. Obtaining consent from the performer (it is desirable to clarify whether his "yes" means that he "will try to do" or that he "guarantees to do" by a given date). It is advisable to make sure that the performer writes down (best in his weekly planner) the date of execution;

Step 6: Allocation of necessary resources and delegation of necessary powers;

Step 7: Ensuring motivation / stimulation of the performer;

Step 8: Monitoring / control of intermediate results (sometimes, if required - process control);

Step 9: If required, coaching / training of the performer or assistance in performance. AT exceptional cases- shift (in advance) of the deadlines for completing the task or adjusting the requirements for the result;

Step 10: Measurement of the final result;

Step 11: Providing feedback to the performer on the result. Joint determination of the reasons for the discrepancy between the result and the requirements-expectations, analysis of the difficulties in the implementation process, identification of factors that hindered or helped in the process. Deciding together what will be done differently (and how) next time;

Step 12: Encouragement of the performer for compliance with requirements/expectations;

And now briefly but clearly answer a number of questions that arise in the process of performing these steps.

1. Who should delegate?
Any person who has such an opportunity, i.e. have subordinates. A good manager/leader is a person who successfully “distributes” tasks to subordinates and creates conditions conducive to their implementation;

2. To whom can/should the task be delegated?
A subordinate who has the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, that is, will be able to cope with the task. Very often, tasks are delegated to a performer with insufficient knowledge, experience, and ability to complete the task, so that the performer develops and raises his level. In such a case, more intermediate checkpoints, more frequent monitoring and possibly assistance or advice from the manager will be required.

The more confident you are in the abilities and experience of the performer (especially the experience of performing exactly the same tasks before), the less time you will have to spend explaining the task and the requirements for the result, explaining or discussing / agreeing on how the task will be performed.

3. How to choose the right performer for the delegated task?
There are two options - passive and active. With passive, you select a subordinate with a relevant previous experience, presence necessary knowledge and skills. With an active approach, you choose a subordinate who is most motivated to perform given task regardless of experience or knowledge and skills. In any case, it is always desirable to delegate the task to a “thinking” subordinate, that is, a subordinate who is able to see the task in a complex way, understand why it is being performed, how it will affect other processes in the company. Such a subordinate will always be able to accept the right decision for the occurrence of alternatives during the execution of the task.

To make sure you choose the right person for a very complex and responsible/important task, you can give him/her a preliminary "pilot task" - an equally or less difficult less important task. If/when he or she completes the task, you will be able to verify the correct choice or change your choice.

In some cases, you should ask the subordinate about how he plans to carry out the task, in order to make sure that he correctly understood the task and will be able to complete it.

4. What can and what should be delegated?
EVERYTHING can and should be delegated! And first of all, those tasks with which a subordinate can cope better than you or at a lower cost.

5. What cannot be delegated?
It is easier to list what cannot be delegated: rewarding and punishing other subordinates, unpleasant and delicate assignments, assignments for which the subordinate does not have enough resources or authority.

6. Delegated? So, what is next? - Monitoring the execution of the task.
The most common mistake made by managers is to assume that the delegation process has ended at the time of setting the task. In fact a few more steps need to be taken to ensure compliance:

Provide the necessary resources, including information, including assistants if required;

Provide the necessary to complete the task powers;

Provide motivation to the fulfillment of the task, that is, to make the fulfillment of the task and the achievement of the result desirable and important for the subordinate;

Get agreement subordinate, that is, make sure that he has committed himself to complete the task and achieve the result by the agreed date and guarantee the fulfillment of this obligation;

In some cases it may be necessary clarification at the subordinate Are deadlines realistic? taking into account the current and future workload, are there “windows” in the plans for the unforeseen and whether possible “force majeure” that may interfere is taken into account;

- to control fulfillment of the task - achievement of intermediate results (in case a complex long-term task is set);

- to give feedback results and analyze together with the subordinate, these results (both in the case of fulfilling all requirements-obligations, and in case of non-fulfillment - a particularly difficult long-term task).

The "density" of control over the execution of the task depends very much on the experience of the subordinate, on the clarity of the task and on the motivation of the performer. If everything is in order with these factors, you can basically delegate control to the performer himself and the manager should exercise minimal control. If one of the factors is not all right, control is required more active and frequent. In any of the cases, both for self-control and for control, it is necessary to determine several intermediate results with clear dates for reporting them. In this case, you will be able to identify problems with the task in advance and take action in time.

7. Motivation and incentives for delegation.
It is very important for us not only to entrust someone with a task, but also to be sure that it will be completed, that we do not need to be reminded, worried, constantly monitored. For this, it is necessary that the executor himself be interested in the implementation of the delegated task and in achieving this specific result.

You can be interested as process:
interesting task,
- communication with interesting people,
- creative work,
- adding variety to work
- greater autonomy is provided for the performance of this task, the degree of responsibility increases (although in some cases the degree of responsibility may also be a demotivator!);
- the possibility of acquiring new experience and knowledge, connections, reputation,
- an opportunity to try your hand,

so result:
- the importance of the result for the company and colleagues,
- importance for the future of the most subordinate,
- reward in case of achievement,
- fine/punishment in case of non-compliance,
- career as a result of performing one task or a series of tasks, etc.

In fact, in order to ensure interest in the result, you delegate responsibility (both positive and negative) for this result.

8. Reasons for not completing a delegated task

Task not completed. Sometimes it happens. Now the most important thing is to analyze the reasons for non-compliance and take them into account for the future.

The execution of the delegated task depends on the leader no less than on the subordinate. Therefore, do not rush to scold the subordinate ...

It is believed that in order for the task to be completed, it is important to ensure the following when setting it:

A clear understanding of the role of the performer: what is expected of him/her, what should be done and how, in what time frame, with what resources and powers, what should be the result and what requirements are imposed on it;

The ability of the subordinate to fulfill this role, that is, the availability of the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, physical and mental capacity Finally, powers;

The motivation to fulfill this role is the desire to perform given task and achieve results. Motivation can be provided both by the task itself and by additional stimulation;

Necessary "working conditions" - equipment, computers, consumables, technology, information, time ...

If the task is not completed, feel free to look for the reason in one of the listed items. Or, most likely, several at once ...

And finally, ten rules, which do not claim to be complete, which must be taken into account in the process of delegation:

1) Delegate everything possible! Don't be afraid to delegate everything. The role of the modern manager is precisely to delegate everything and ensure best conditions fulfillment of these tasks;

2) Never delegate authority without responsibility for the results of their use. Never delegate responsibility for a result without the authority necessary and sufficient to influence it;

3) Always help the subordinate understand what is required of him, what are the requirements for the result, what are the restrictions, how best to complete the task, etc. After all, it is important for you not only to GIVE an order, but it is even more important that it be TAKEN and PERFORMED!

4) Develop subordinates, give them more complex and responsible tasks each time. Develop them in order to gradually reduce the intensity of control and simplify the explanations and the delegation process itself;

5) The subordinate very often KNOWS much better than you how best to complete the task, but it is much more difficult for him to determine WHAT should be done;

6) It is always better to know about problems, mistakes, non-compliance, missed deadlines in advance - when it is not too late to take corrective steps. To do this, identify the key intermediate results which the subordinate must report and which you must control;

7) Fuzzy statement of the task - the first step towards its non-fulfillment;

8) Always give subordinates the opportunity to ask again or ask a clarification question in the course of the task - this will help save a lot of time and resources;

9) Forget the phrase "it's faster to do it yourself than to explain to someone." By explaining once and thus spending more time, you will save your time for the future - when subordinates will do it themselves without explanation;

10) Better Control– self-control of the interested person!

Analyze your delegation practice in accordance with the proposed algorithm, rules, recommendations and answers to pressing questions. Don't get upset if something is wrong. The main thing is to make at least a few concrete steps to improve the situation given what you have just read...