Method "Subjective locus of control" Rotter. Which locus is “better”, more useful and why

Features of manifestation of egoism in people with different levels of subjective locus of control

1.3 Method "Subjective locus of control" Rotter

The concept of "locus of control" was introduced in practical psychology J. Rotter as a personal variable reflecting perception own actions and the surrounding influence on a person and his positioning in this system. Thus, there are external (external) and internal (internal) locus of control. Under the internal locus of control is meant the individual's expectations regarding his actions in a particular situation and the results obtained as a result of these actions. People with an external locus of control believe that the main cause of events in their lives is external causes that do not depend on their actions.

According to Rotter himself, to consider reinforcements as the only possible and most probable for certain type behavior does not make sense, since the purpose of the technique itself is, first of all, to determine the causal relationships between the appearance of reinforcement and the individual's own actions.

The desire of people to achieve their goals lies in their positive expectations of a favorable outcome of the measures taken, which, accordingly, implies their readiness and ability to control situations by their own actions. Otherwise, even if a person can actually directly influence the outcome of the case, but does not take any action, because he is sure of a negative outcome, relying on previous experience or faith in managing the events of his life by higher and independent forces.

The beginning of a thorough study of control began in the 50-60s of the last century by William James and E. Jerry Fares under the leadership of J. Rotter himself. The main hypotheses that scientists tried to test in their work were subjective assessments personality control. They have long noticed a tendency to abandon the actions of people who have received the expected results from actions, as well as the persistent attempts of other individuals to achieve what they want, even if there are several obstacles to achieving the goal. Thus, the reason for such actions is the person's confidence in the justification and ultimate reward of the efforts spent or the advance expectation of a bad result.

On the other hand, the same person may behave in different situations without respect general trend according to the established locus of control. If in one case he decided to take action and took some measures to implement them, then in another similar situation he decided to give up any effort. This behavior is predominantly characteristic of people who rely mostly on success and random events to achieve the desired result. Thus, the feeling of control of a person is influenced by his confidence in achieving success and the specifics of the situation itself.

The scale of external and internal control, created by J. Rotter, can be considered greatest success his career. This development is intended to determine the strength of the relationship between human actions and external influences and accidents, as well as the consequences of the measures taken. The scale consists of 29 statements, which are expressed in different variations: in terms of a person’s confidence in their ability to control specific situation and in terms of his lack of any abilities for the same situation.

Among these 29 statements, 6 are secondary and are not taken into account in the overall standings. Their presence in the questionnaire was planned by the developer himself to improve its accuracy and reliability, since insignificant statements distract the respondent's attention. On the other hand, Rotter's locus of control methodology can be viewed as pairs of statements designed to display:

a) consistency of behavior and its consequences;

b) competence in the implementation of these actions.

The first point confirms the subjectivity of the assessment of the expectation of positive results, and the second - the presence of necessary abilities and skills for the implementation of certain actions and the natural expectation of their success.

Also, the subjectivity of the results obtained on the test can be reflected in the assessment of one's capabilities that does not correspond to reality and confidence in a positive result. For example, a person has all the knowledge on a certain action and at the same time, relying on certain factors beyond his control, cannot take an action to achieve a result. On the other hand, a person who does not have such skills is ready to simply take responsibility for the implementation certain work and at the same time hope for a favorable outcome.

Thus, this technique suitable for assessing a person's readiness for certain actions based on confidence in their abilities. At the same time, you should not use the technique for predicting and predicting human behavior, since (it was shown above), this test does not give a clear definition of the patterns in the manifestation of activity by an individual even in similar situations.

In table. 2 shows the statements of Rotter's "Subjective Locus of Control" methodology. For ratio of response to internal or external type subjective control it is necessary to use a key that determines whether each of the above statements belongs to an external or internal influence to the actions taken.

Table 2. Method "Subjective locus of control" Rotter

Statement a)

Statement b)

Children get into trouble because their parents punish them too often.

Nowadays, troubles happen to children most often because parents are too soft on them.

One of the main reasons why immoral acts are committed is that others put up with them.

Immoral acts will always happen, no matter how hard others try to prevent them.

In the end, deserved recognition comes to people.

Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized.

The notion that teachers are unfair to students is wrong.

Many students don't realize that their grades can depend on random circumstances.

The success of a leader largely depends on a good combination of circumstances.

capable people who did not become leaders, did not use their opportunities themselves.

No matter how hard you try, some people will still not like you.

Anyone who has not managed to win the sympathy of others simply does not know how to get along with others.

Heredity plays leading role in shaping the character and behavior of a person.

Only life experience defines character and behavior.

I often noticed the truth of the saying: "What will be - that will not be avoided."

In my opinion, it is better to make a decision and act than to hope for fate.

For a good specialist even testing with partiality presents no difficulty.

Even a well-trained specialist usually does not stand up to scrutiny with prejudice.

Success is the result of hard work and little depends on luck.

To succeed, you need to seize the opportunity.

Every citizen can influence important government decisions.

Society is run by people who have been promoted to public office, and there is little that the average person can do.

When I make plans, I am generally convinced that I can carry them out.

It is not always prudent to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how things turn out.

There are people about whom it is safe to say; that they are bad.

There is something good in every person.

The fulfillment of my desires is not connected with luck.

When they don't know what to do, they flip a coin. In my opinion, in life you can often resort to this.

Leaders are often made by a happy coincidence.

To become a leader, you need to be able to manage people. Luck has nothing to do with it.

Most of us cannot influence world events in any significant way.

Taking Active participation in public life, people can control the events in the world.

Most people do not realize how much their life depends on random circumstances.

In fact, there is no such thing as luck.

You should always be able to admit your mistakes.

As a general rule, it's best not to highlight your mistakes.

It's hard to know if a person really likes you or not.

The number of your friends depends on how much you like others.

In the end, the troubles that happen to us are balanced by pleasant events.

Most failures are the result of lack of ability, ignorance, laziness, or all three reasons combined.

With enough effort, formalism and callousness can be eradicated.

There are things that are difficult to fight, so formalism and heartlessness cannot be eradicated.

Sometimes it's hard to know what leaders are basing themselves on when they nominate a person for promotion.

Rewards depend on how hard a person works.

A good leader expects subordinates to decide for themselves what they should do.

A good leader makes it clear what each subordinate's job is.

I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

I do not believe that chance or fate can play an important role in my life.

People are lonely because they do not show friendliness to others.

It is useless to try too hard to win people over: if they like you, then they like you.

The nature of a person depends mainly on his willpower.

The character of a person is formed mainly in the team.

What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

Sometimes I feel that my life is developing in a direction that is not dependent on my willpower.

I often can't understand why leaders do things the way they do.

After all, the people who work in the organization are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

Testing methodology - required reading to select two options for the same statement. Even if it seems that it is possible to accept both statements as true, it is necessary to make a choice in the direction of the more acceptable and probable for a particular situation.

The results are processed according to the following key (Table 3).

Table 3. Key to Rotter's Subjective Locus of Control

The transfer of the received amount of "raw" points is made using the following formula:

where: - the value of points for total amount external and internal locus of control;

The total number of matched positive and negative responses on the scale of external and internal locus of control.

People who can be classified as externals according to the Rotter method differ in the external orientation of protective behavior. The external wants to be involved in any external situation and at the same time he does not have 100% confidence in its favorable outcome. However, in the case of such, he will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate achievements to others. Any failures and impossibility to complete a task for people with this locus of control are the result of an unfavorable set of circumstances and the intervention of random factors. They rarely take responsibility for the impossibility of achieving the goal on themselves. At the same time, they are in dire need of constant “feeding” from those around them with sincere regret and sympathy for failures. If an external is successful, he may not always be able to remember the people who supported him before. this moment. In addition, without such support from the external, the quality of work and the desire to do it will constantly deteriorate.

The behavior of people with an internal locus of control indicates their orientation inward - all the actions that they perform have various consequences that depend solely on themselves. Moreover, if the internal did not even make a mistake, but some external factors intervened in the course of events that influenced the success end result work, he will look for additional features predict and prevent the occurrence of such factors in the future.

It can be said that internals are characterized by long-term reflection on actions and miscalculation of their consequences with a probability of success. At the same time, actions similar to externals (toss a coin, throw dice, ask a child, etc.) are absolutely unacceptable and meaningless. Detailed study problems, careful collection of information, lengthy preparation for making a decision - that's immutable attributes internal work. The external, as a rule, having made some decision and received the result, continues to work in the same mode. For an internal, failure after deep preparation can be fatal and cause serious consequences - depression, frustration and greater susceptibility to stress.

According to J. Rotter, R. Cattell and J. Digman, internals in real life responsible positions with serious obligations are more suitable. As practice shows, it is they who mainly occupy them. The lack of striving for set goals arises from optionality, irresponsibility, negligence or apathy. Moreover, the desire to achieve the desired is driven by orderliness, accuracy, responsibility, diligence, regularity and perseverance.

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    You are unable to find the connection between your actions and the consequences, so you usually wonder why fate punishes you so much and why other people are so heartless. And even if you manage to achieve success and make right choice, You will again begin to thank fate, God and other circumstances, in no way giving yourself recognition that you have done a lot for this result. You expect other people to notice you and be active. But you can wait like that for a very long time, entering into relationships only with those who pay attention to you, without realizing your interest in those who caused it. Sometimes you are so lack of initiative that you can put your life at risk, expecting, for example, that the disease will pass by itself, and without attempting to heal. You need to learn to take responsibility into your own hands and stop relying on chance, it's time to act. Check out the article, it will help you take the first steps.

    Well, what can I say, you know in which situations you can try to make an effort, and in which you can only wait. Usually you take on real and feasible tasks for you, so you rarely experience disappointment, and although you don’t count on the help of others, relying only on yourself, somewhere in the depths of your soul you still hope that you are lucky, and some unknown strength will protect or bring success. Trying to lead healthy lifestyle life, but sometimes you still follow the lead of bad habits for which you feel guilty and anxious. You are quite stable personality therefore, despite the difficulties, you will go to the last until you achieve your goal. Conflicts and disagreements do not frighten you, therefore you will not change your mind because of the fear of rejection or aggression, but all because you are mature and conscious personality capable of adapting to changing environment. The only way to save health negative consequences tension, I recommend mastering the relaxation techniques described in the article.

    You are too demanding directly to self . For each failure, blame only yourself and think not about how to fix the situation, but about the fact that you miscalculated, because you could foresee everything and do it right. But the problem is that you are not omnipotent, you should not take responsibility for absolutely everything that happens in your life. Sometimes things happen, whether we're prepared for them or not. And if someone does not consider it necessary to communicate with you - give him this right. You cannot force someone to love or respect you. And if you get sick, you should not punish yourself for it, and even more so consider that the recovery process is completely dependent on you. You just need to learn to distinguish where there is a share of your responsibility, and where you forcibly and unreasonably take it upon yourself. Make life easier for yourself by dropping the extra load that you are diligently pulling along, although, in fact, you do not need it. To make it easier to do, you only need to love yourself, start to feel sorry for yourself and occasionally indulge. Check out the article

The technique is a modified version of the questionnaire of the American psychologist J. Rotter. With its help, you can assess the level of subjective control over various situations, in other words, determine the degree of responsibility of a person for his actions and his life. People differ in how they explain the causes of significant events for themselves and where they localize control over them. Two polar types of such localization are possible: external (external locus) and internal ( internal locus). The first type manifests itself when a person believes that what is happening to him does not depend on him, but is the result of an action. external causes(for example, accidents or other people's interference). In the second case, a person interprets significant events as the result of his own efforts. Considering the two polar types of localization, it should be remembered that each person has his own level of subjective control over significant situations. Locus of control specific person more or less universal in relation to different types events that she has to face, both in case of successes and in case of failures.

In general, people with an external locus of control in more inherent conformal and compliant behavior, they prefer to work in a group, are more often passive, dependent, anxious and unsure of themselves. People with an internal locus are more active, independent, independent in work, they often have positive self-esteem, which is associated with a pronounced self-confidence and tolerance for other people. Thus, the degree of internality of each person is related to his attitude to his development and personal growth.

The USK questionnaire consists of 44 sentences-statements regarding externality-internality in interpersonal (industrial and family) relations, as well as in relation to one's own health.

Instruction: After reading each statement, decide for yourself whether you agree with it or not. If you agree, place next to serial number sentences sign "+" (you can do this on a separate sheet of paper). If you do not agree with this statement, then put a "-" sign next to the serial number. Be careful in doing this work and at the same time try not to linger for a long time and not think about a single statement.

USK Questionnaire

1. Promotion depends more on luck than on the ability and effort of a person.

2. Most divorces come from the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.

3. Illness is a matter of chance: if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.

4. People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.

5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.

6. It is useless to make efforts in order to win the sympathy of other people.

7. External circumstances - parents and well-being - affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.

8. I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

9. As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.

10. My grades in school depended on random circumstances (for example, the mood of the teacher) more than on my own efforts.

11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.

12. What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.

13. I think that correct image life can help health more than doctors and medicines.

14. If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try to establish family life, they still will not be able to do it.

15. The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.

16. Children grow up the way their parents raise them.

17. I think that chance or fate does not play important role in my life.

18. I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.

19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.

20. In family conflicts I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.

21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.

22. I prefer leadership where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.

23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.

24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.

25. In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

26. I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.

27. If I really want, I can win over almost anyone.

28. The younger generation is affected by so much different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often useless.

29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

30. A person who could not succeed in his work, most likely did not show enough effort.

31. It is difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.

32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.

33. In the troubles and failures that have been in my life, other people are most often to blame than myself.

34. A child can always be protected from colds if he is monitored and dressed correctly.

35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.

36. Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.

37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.

38. It is always difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others do not like me.

39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or on fate.

40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.

41. In family life there are times when it is impossible to solve problems even with the strongest desire.

42. Capable people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves for this.

43. Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.

44. Most of the failures in my life came from inability, ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

The processing of completed answers should be carried out according to the keys below, summing up the answers that match the key. The USK questionnaire is accompanied by seven keys corresponding to seven scales:

· Scale of general internality (Io).
High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them and, therefore, take responsibility for their life as a whole. A low score on the Io scale corresponds to a low level of subjective control. Such people do not see the connection between their actions and significant events, which they consider as the result of an accident or the actions of other people. To determine the USC on this scale, it must be remembered that the maximum value of the indicator on it is 44, and the minimum is 0.

· Scale of internality in the field of achievements (Id).
A high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotional positive developments. Such people believe that they have achieved all the best in their lives themselves and that they are able to successfully go towards their intended goal in the future. A low score on the Id scale indicates that a person associates his successes, achievements and joys with external circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people. Maximum value indicator on this scale is 12, the minimum is 0.

· Scale of internality in the field of failures (In).
A high score on this scale indicates developed sense subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in the tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and failures. A low score indicates that a person is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or consider them the results of bad luck. The maximum value of In is 12, the minimum is 0.

The scale of internality in family relationships(Is).
A high indicator of Is means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low IS indicates that the subject considers their partners to be the cause significant situations arising in his family. The maximum value of Is is 10, the minimum is 0.

Scale of internality in the area industrial relations(Yip).
A high Ip indicates that a person considers himself, his actions, an important factor in organizing his own production activities, in particular, in his promotion. A low Ip indicates a tendency to give more importance external circumstances - management, work colleagues, luck - bad luck. The maximum Ip is 8, the minimum is 0.

Scale of internality in the area interpersonal relationships(Them).
A high score on Them indicates that the person feels capable of commanding the respect and sympathy of others. Low Im indicates that the subject is not inclined to take responsibility for their relationships with others. The maximum value of Im is 4, the minimum is 0.

· Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (Iz).
A high I indicator indicates that a person considers himself largely responsible for his health and believes that recovery depends mainly on his actions. A person with low I considers health and illness to be the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, primarily doctors. The maximum value of Out is 4, the minimum is 0.

Introduction .. 3

Chapter 1 Locus of Control as psychological factor, characterizing the type of personality ... 6

1.1 The history of the emergence of methodology from the side of the theory of social learning by J. Rotter .. 6

1.2 Characteristics of personality types with different locus of control .. 10

1.3 Followers of J. Rotter and their methods .. 14

1.4 Conformity in the studies of Solomon Ash .. 17

Conclusion for chapter 1. . 21

Chapter 2 Empirical Determination of the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Conformity .... 22

2.1 Diagnostic methods and course of the study .. 22

2.2 Description of scales .. 22

2.3 The procedure for conducting the survey and processing the results .. 25

2.4 Determining the level of conformity .. 26

2.5 Handling and comparative analysis research results .. 30

Conclusion for chapter 2. . 36

Conclusion .. 37

Bibliographic list .. 38


Locus of control [ lat. locus - place, location, French. contrôle - check] - a quality that characterizes a person's tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of their activities external forces or their own abilities and efforts. This concept was proposed by the American psychologist J. Rotter. Starting from his works, many researchers, such as S.R. Pantileev, V.V. Stolin, E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, Etkind, and others showed interest in the personality paradigm associated with assessing whether an individual has an internal or external locus of control.

Measurement of the level of subjective control is widely used in our country in the psychology of motivation (method of cognitive orientation), in research human nature and its connection with behavior, with psychological selection in law enforcement agencies, in management psychology and other areas.

For the method of cognitive orientation, it is important that externals have a weaker motivation than internals, and hence the tendency to conformism and dependence. There is a positive correlation between internality and the definition of the meaning of life: the more the subject believes that everything in his life depends on his personal efforts and abilities, the more often he finds in own life meaning and sees its goals better.

For supporters of the behavioral theory and researchers of behavior, it is interesting that the analysis of the structure of the locus of control makes it possible to discover the orientation towards the performance of an action by an individual, the prediction of conditions that facilitate or hinder this, the dependence of behavior on reinforcements.

When working with antisocial groups, the technique can be used to identify anxious, maladjusted adolescents with an external locus of control. This will help to provide timely assistance to them, until the state of prolonged stress has led them to commit illegal acts or suicidal attempts. There is evidence of a greater propensity for externals to deceive and commit immoral acts. The relationship between the level of subjective control and the behavior of adolescents and young people in criminogenic and post-criminogenic situations is also considered.

In management psychology, differences between internal and external personalities can be used, they can be significant from the point of view of their professional activity. So, for example, externals are characterized by greater susceptibility to manipulation, they are more compliant and sensitive to the opinions and assessments of others. In general, external personalities turn out to be good performers, working effectively under the control of other people. Internals, unlike externals, work more productively not in a team, but alone. They are more active in the search for information. In addition, internal personalities are better at work that requires initiative. They are more decisive, self-confident, principled in interpersonal relationships, not afraid to take risks.

Internal and external personalities also differ in other features, such as self-esteem. People with an internal locus of control think of themselves as kind, outgoing, friendly, determined, unflappable, honest, independent individuals. And people with an external locus of control consider themselves dependent, irritable, dependent, selfish, indecisive, insecure, hostile to the environment.

The purpose of this study consists in determining the relationship between the locus of control and the degree of conformity.

To achieve this goal, we will try to solve the following tasks.

1. Explore the concept and features of the locus of personality control.

2. To identify the localization of subjective control in the subjects and the level of their conformity.

3. Determine if there is a relationship between the localization of a person's control and the level of his conformity in interpersonal relationships.

The object of the study were students of the Vyatka State humanitarian university aged 18 to 26 years, in the amount of 20 people.

The subject of the study is the degree of conformity among students with different levels of subjective control.

Let's put forward a research hypothesis. With an external locus of personality control, high conformity is observed, with an internal locus of control, its indicator is low.

To implement the study, we will use the following methods:

1. Theoretical analysis literature.

2. The following methods:

a. Test questionnaire developed by E.F. Bazhin and others, based on the J. Rotter locus of control scale (LSC);

b. Questionnaire T. Leary “Diagnostics of interpersonal relations” (DIR), adaptation by L.L. Sobchik.

The first test is necessary to determine the localization of control in the subjects, the second - to determine the predominance of conformal or non-conformal tendencies in interpersonal relationships.

Chapter 1. Locus of control as a psychological factor characterizing the type of personality

1 year ago

Theoretical concept"locus of control" appeared in psychology in the twentieth century. In 1954, this concept was introduced by the American social psychologist Julian Rotter. This concept helps to characterize personality traits that are focused on the manifestation of their successes or failures either only in internal or only in external factors.

If people attribute the results of their activities exclusively to external factors, then external factor(locus). And a person is inclined to attribute the results of activity only to internal factors - this is a manifestation of the internal locus. External is a type that attributes the result of an activity to external factors.

This manifests itself in a low level of subjective control (USC)]. In the opposite internal type, the results are associated with internal factors, that is, associated with increased level subjective control (USC)].

External (external) factor helps to determine the degree of activity of the individual, his independence and independence, and is also one of the most important personality traits. This type is found among those who place the entire measure of responsibility for everything that happens around them not on themselves, but on those around them or the prevailing circumstances.

Externals overreact to all unforeseen circumstances, perceiving circumstances with wariness or even fear. When planning great attention give to the past, put memories from the past into the plans. Planning itself for such individuals is conditional, because life can make its own adjustments.

Internal (internal) type of locus

This factor manifests itself in the ability to be independently responsible for one's life and the results of life reactions, and not to blame external circumstances for this.

People of this group believe that life depends only on themselves, consider difficult circumstances fleeting and easily react to them, and sometimes with irony. Internals often think about the future.

And their internal locus of personality control reveals a rich world of positive traits:

  • information awareness,
  • Psychological resistance to external pressure,
  • striving for self-improvement
  • Adequate self-assessment, etc.

Barriers to personal development are:

  • setting unrealistic goals
  • trying to change what can't be changed

The internal locus of control is more developed in advanced economies.

How to determine your own type of locus

Several indicators of the control scale help in determining the locus:

1. "Internality" is general (IO). The higher the percentage of the scale, the greater the person's belief that important events in life - a projection on the result of his actions. You can independently manage events and feel your responsibility for individual events, or life in general. If the indicator is low, then this indicates a difficult manifestation of the connection between actions and significant events life. Such a person has low confidence in the ability to control the development of events, he believes that this is a random phenomenon or external influence of other people.

2. "Internality" of achievements (ID). Those who have high level achievements, believes that everything that is achieved in life is due only to himself. People with low level believe that this is the result of life luck, a happy accident.

3. "Internality" of failures (IN). A high score indicates a tendency to self-blame for failures, troubles, and suffering. Low is associated with a preference for giving credit to events, people, or the outcome of bad luck.

4. "Internality" of family relations (IS). A high rate is typical for a person who considers himself responsible for his own family events. Low - indicates a renunciation of problems and lies in the removal of responsibility from oneself for relatives or family.

5. "Internality" of industrial relations (IP). With a high indicator, a person considers his own achievements the most important factor in the formation collective activity or relationships in a team, in one's professional advancement, etc. When low - it speaks of suspiciousness and dependence on external circumstances - the influence of management, colleagues, luck, failure.

6. Interpersonal internality (IM). A high indicator is manifested in the ability to evoke mutual respect and sympathy, etc. A low indicator is in the category of people who are unable to actively engage in social circles.

7. "Internality" in the field of health and the level of disease (IL). High score speaks of a greater degree of attention to his health: if he is sick, he blames himself and believes that his recovery will also depend on his decisions and actions. If it is low, it considers health or illness to be the result of an insured event and hopes that recovery depends entirely on the effectiveness of the actions of other people, primarily doctors.

Which locus is “better”, more useful and why

The internal locus of control (LC) is, by all accounts, more useful than the external locus of control, since it is an active lever of personality development. People with an internal LK in character show perseverance and consistency for the purpose, because they have self-confidence. In contrast to them, externals for the most part show uncertainty, imbalance and excessive suspicion. This contributes to a depressive state, psychopathy or even a manic-depressive attitude.

For the most part, internals are almost always successful. Firstly, they are more open, frank and show gullibility to others, in connection with which they themselves endear themselves. Secondly, they are always purposeful, consistent in goals and ready to protect own interests and principles. It should be noted that everyone has hope for external factors, and a certain amount of self-confidence.

How to develop an internal locus of control

The ideal option for each personality would be the uniform development of both internal and external loci. From here comes the desire to change, to become better. Changing the locus of control can only occur under the supervision of a psychotherapist, who will develop programs specifically designed to increase self-esteem.

For achievement internal balance without the help of psychotherapists it is necessary:

  • to control and not transfer their responsibility to others
  • be responsible for your actions and understand the degree of responsibility
  • admit your failures, guilt and self-impose punishment

If the internal locus predominates, then the intentions should be changed:

  1. There is no need to take everything at once, you should give in return. For example, mutually beneficial deals.
  2. Be observant. In the actions and reactions of others, one can find equivalent solutions to actions. There must be a connection between the act of a person and the reaction to it.
  3. Be correct in your behavior and communication.

If you are led (perhaps by a work team or acquaintances), change yourself:

  • Be confident in yourself, in your actions, words and actions.
  • Be receptive to group opinion
  • Show your opinion
  • Listen carefully to other people's opinions
  • Keep yourself together
  • As little negativity as possible.
  • Your own point of view about the information received.

Remember, that:

  1. A harmonious existence should be achievable and quite close to the current state.
  2. The person must put real goals in the process of moving towards the main goal.
  3. Daily work will help to achieve harmony.
  4. Education and self-education is a mutual process, often endless.

How parenting affects locus of control in adulthood

Types of people and locus of control are interrelated, and factors depend not only on the typology of the individual or the country as a whole, but also, for example, on the family. The foundation is laid in childhood.

Parents should teach the child to observe and control responsibility in their actions and allow them to accept independent solutions. This approach will help to educate a child with an internal responsibility. If you talk to a child about faith in fate, the more he will grow up inconsistent.

The influence of the locus on self-esteem

The structure of the external and internal locus of control of the personality are interchangeable. At certain category people internal or external factor is very clearly formed and expressed. But there are individuals in whom this property can be changeable and subject to circumstances. At home, an internal locus can manifest itself, and in society it can be a pronounced external locus.

In people, the predominant line of internal self-control is the following behavior:

  • they are prepared and take for what they say and do;
  • they have their own opinion;
  • they have a stable and stable self-esteem;
  • they are physically healthy, generally happy and successful.

Individuals with a pronounced external locus of control have distinctive features:

  • external circumstances cause failures;
  • faith in one's own abilities is dulled, low self-esteem appears;
  • in physical condition changes appear (powerlessness and hopelessness);
  • in need of help (helpless).

An increase in a person's self-esteem depends on the level of his subjective locus of control, which is part of the most important characteristics of self-consciousness. The level of development of self-esteem depends on the type of locus of control of an individual.