Essay on the topic: "Creative personality in modern society" on the subject of philosophy. Write an essay on the topic "I am a person

People often think and talk about what a person is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all people and we live among people. Yes, everyone different professions, occupations and positions, all perform different tasks. But whoever one of us is, he is, first of all, a person, and only then a carrier of some public function. What is a personality? What are her qualities?

To be a person means to retain the ability to navigate in a variety of knowledge and situations and be responsible for one's choice, to preserve one's unique "I". The richer the world and the more difficult life situations, topics more urgent problem freedom to choose one's own life position. A person can preserve his originality, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by remaining an individual.

Feels free and at ease modern life one who constantly learns to navigate in it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules human communication. A person has enormous opportunities for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become a person, each person must constantly develop, engage in self-education. And everyone knows this and tries to understand himself, to understand himself, to comprehend himself, to comprehend his inner world. We try to compare ourselves with those around us, correlate personal life with social life, our interest in the world with its interest in ourselves, in order to answer the main of the main questions: what am I? how and why do I live? Have I discovered everything in myself? Each person must educate himself. No one will come and abolish in him malevolence, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty.

The main thing in the spiritual culture of the individual can be considered active, creative attitude to life: nature, society, other people, oneself. We, entering into life, need to know that human culture should not be reduced only to erudition, erudition, although this is very important. Human culture is not difficult to evaluate. Only the active can master culture, active person who discovered all its riches. Art and literature, traditions and customs are very instructive and their knowledge makes life easier.

But there is a sign of the spiritual culture of the individual, which is very important - a person's readiness for self-giving and self-sacrifice. Caring for people and striving to help them should become not only kind words, but also good deeds. Throughout life, you need to form and develop in yourself best qualities and overcome those that hinder the disclosure of personality, its self-affirmation in the team. Unfortunately, many believe that individual freedom is the freedom not to adhere to the laws and order established in society. But such behavior instead of benefit brings only harm, and not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him.

Everything happens in life. It is impossible to turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, hardships. Each of us has to be disappointed, suffer, lose faith in ourselves, suffer remorse, be guilty and offended for no reason. But you need to learn how to overcome the pain of resentment and injustice and learn from the experience. In overcoming difficulties, character is tempered, acquired life experience. If a person masters all this, he will be able to choose the right life position, will distinguish the main from the secondary, will bring up willpower in himself.

Never forget the enduring values. And it is also very important to learn self-demanding, devotion to work, following duty, loyalty to friendship and opposition to evil, respect for elders and serving one's country. To become a person, everyone needs to carefully peer into themselves and into life. It is very important to cultivate the unity of word and deed in oneself, not to forget that any situation is a kind of school of behavior in life.

Help write an essay on the topic "I am a person."

  • Who is such a person? Not every person can be called that. It is necessary to have a certain set of character traits and spiritual qualities in order to have the right to be called one. You can often hear the phrase " outstanding personality» at the expense of a famous person. But this concept is measured not only by fame. In my opinion, a person is a sincere, whole person who lives according to his calling. He was able to identify his inclinations, reveal his talents, overcome his shortcomings and, thanks to this, achieve success in life and be happy. At the same time, he treats others with respect, does not allow himself a contemptuous and superficial attitude towards them. Sometimes they say "strong personality", but strength does not mean rigidity. In my opinion, a person needs strength especially in order to be kind, sympathetic, even to be able to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of another person. famous people then for me a prime example personality is Grigory Skovoroda. This a wise man not only understood important truths about life, but he himself lived according to his views. He was who he wanted to be without humiliating others, and he taught us to do so, because this is the only way to be happy. I believe that among us there are millions of people worthy of the title of personality. Let us know nothing about them. These are people who live a simple life, do what they love, even if not prestigious, who love and respect their loved ones, who do not offend anyone. As for me, I hope that I am on the right way in the development of my personality. I'm trying more attention to devote to what I can do, to develop my abilities. It doesn't always work out, but I strive to be more tolerant of the people around me. It seems to me, Golden Rule“Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you” works in every area of ​​life and helps you stay on track. Therefore, in order to form your personality, you need to constantly develop and improve yourself, look for what brings joy, be sincere and respect others.
  • The more worthy you bring to other people as a free and independent person especially since you are a person. If a person has inner rod already formed - and this can be said about almost any adult person, then for a psychologist, personality is the originality of the features and characteristics of a person. For a psychologist, a criminal is a person. Personality with its own unique, unique set traits and features. And you differ from the criminal only in a different set ... - this is not bad, although you want more.
    But if an ethicist speaks of personality, he speaks of personality with capital letter, and that's about something else. An ethicist calls a person with a capital letter not those who are special and unique in some way, but those who bring real value to the lives of those around them. We can say this: the more worthy you bring to other people as a free and independent person, the more you are a Personality. How much will you bring to people with your whole life?

    And it's already good question to himself: “How much of a person am I?” Personality is not a given, but a given. I will propose to see in a person not a given, but a given. Not what we already have, not past merits and sins, but what a person has to do, the task that a person needs to do. Situation: you passed psychological testing and reliably recognized their personality traits and features. According to the results, you are not very free, not very independent, very lazy, often cowardly and often vengeful subject with advanced logic. Comparing this with the history of your failures in life, adding the opinion of your boss and neighbors here, you logically came to the conclusion that you are definitely not a Personality and this by all indications does not shine for you. So, what is next? Do what with it?

    You are not born a person, you become a person

    Make yourself a person. Because a person is a project, not a story. Individuals are not born, individuals are made. Okay, but will there be a moment when we can confidently say, “We did it! All! Mission accomplished!"? Let's be realistic. It is perfectly normal if an accomplished, adult and successful man feels like a worthy person. Even without tests, he knows that he is decent and hardworking, creative and responsible, he is a personality! If being a person is a reward, but there must be rewarded

People often think and talk about what a person is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all people and we live among people. Yes, everyone has different professions, occupations and positions, everyone performs different tasks. But whoever one of us is, he is, first of all, a person, and only then the bearer of some social function. What is a personality? What are her qualities?

Be a person- means to maintain the ability to navigate in a variety of knowledge and situations and be responsible for one's choice, to preserve one's unique "I". The richer the world and the more complex life situations, the more urgent the problem of freedom of choice of one's own life position. A person can preserve his originality, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by remaining an individual.

Free and one who constantly learns to navigate in it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules of human communication, feels at ease in modern life. A person has enormous opportunities for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become a person, each person must constantly develop, engage in self-education. And everyone knows this and tries to understand himself, to understand himself, to comprehend himself, to comprehend his inner world. We try to compare ourselves with those around us, correlate personal life with social life, our interest in the world with its interest in ourselves, in order to answer the main of the main questions: what am I? how and why do I live? Have I discovered everything in myself? Each person must educate himself. No one will come and abolish in him malevolence, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty.

Chief in spiritual culture personality can be considered an active, creative attitude to life: nature, society, other people, oneself. We, entering into life, need to know that human culture should not be reduced only to erudition, erudition, although this is very important. Human culture is not difficult to evaluate. Only an active, active person who has discovered all its riches can master culture. Art and literature, traditions and customs are very instructive and their knowledge makes life easier.

But there is a sign of the spiritual culture of the individual, which is very important - a person's readiness for self-giving and self-sacrifice. Caring for people and striving to help them should become not only kind words, but also good deeds. Throughout life, you need to form and develop the best qualities in yourself and overcome those that hinder the disclosure of personality, its self-assertion in the team. Unfortunately, many believe that individual freedom is the freedom not to adhere to the laws and order established in society. But such behavior instead of benefit brings only harm, and not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him.

Everything happens in life. It is impossible to turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, hardships. Each of us has to be disappointed, suffer, lose faith in ourselves, suffer remorse, be guilty and offended for no reason. But you need to learn how to overcome the pain of resentment and injustice and learn from the experience. In overcoming difficulties, character is tempered, life experience is acquired. If a person masters all this, he will be able to choose the right position in life, he will distinguish the main from the secondary, he will cultivate willpower in himself.

Never we must not forget about enduring values. And it is also very important to learn self-demanding, devotion to work, following duty, loyalty to friendship and opposition to evil, respect for elders and serving one's country. To become a person, everyone needs to carefully peer into themselves and into life. It is very important to cultivate the unity of word and deed in oneself, not to forget that any situation is a kind of school of behavior in life.

Essay on the topic of:
« Creative person in modern society"
on the subject of philosophy

I believe that I am a creative person. I have my own views on life, and I live dancing and enjoying life, no matter what. I respect the society around me, I treat everything that happens around me with understanding, but at the same time most my life, I try to somehow improve the environment around me, embellish our gray and boring life, to bring into it something new, something extraordinary, to open people's eyes to completely unremarkable things that can mean a lot in our cycle of life. I have always been interested in life in all its manifestations, its new discoveries and perspectives. Going through life, I try to improve myself and never lose heart. I'm trying to temper my willpower, train my memory and somehow be different from the "bedside table that stands next to my bed." After all, a person is simply obliged to go forward and not stop, to improve everything around him and to improve himself, because then there is no meaning in life, there is no meaning for existence.

What is a personality in general? What is this person? Every person can be a person. A person who knows how to preserve his originality, to remain himself in the most the most difficult situations, all this describes the qualities of a person. A person can feel free and at ease in modern life, adapt to any living conditions to find new and interesting solutions one problem or another. A person who becomes a person is constantly engaged in self-improvement and self-education. His spiritual world very organic and contrasting. This person never sits in one place, he is looking for something new and interesting in life.

A creative person is a person, first of all, with certain ideals, his own views on life. This person can not always be taken for a normal, adequate. Creative individuals think extraordinary, always have their own point of view and adhere to it to the last. Creative person- very vulnerable and sentimental, his concept of life is different from others. Most often, a creative person is a person who is to some extent obsessed with one of the types of creativity. It could be musical art, choreography, acting, etc. I am also obsessed with choreography, I live this type of activity from the very early childhood. And using the example of myself, I will explain what it is like for a creative person to live in modern society.

At the age of 5, my mother gave me to a choreographic group, where I studied for almost 13 years. All these years, the choreography has been for me like the air that I constantly breathe. I couldn't go a day without training and rehearsals. Even when I was sick high temperature went to performances, to concerts. It seemed to me that if I missed even one class or concert, I would miss half my life. In the choreographic sphere, everything always worked out well for me, I confidently went to the final exams in the team. But this was only one side of my life, which amused me and allowed me to rest my soul.

The other side of my life was school environment in which I was large quantity time and where I got very great experience communication with people of different character and outlook on life. At school, I learned not only what the program of the Ministry of Education gave us, but also how to survive in an ordinary environment, where a person with a difficult mindset and a special interest in something is not understood, they are considered a “black sheep”. Most of my classmates, my peers, never understood me and thought that I was too arrogant and "starry". That if I constantly dance and take part in various amateur art competitions, then I have no place in their circle of friends.

I never refused anything to anyone, I could help anyone, I was always sincere and open with everyone, sympathetic and understanding to everyone, but, alas, most of my peers only used it. I never understood why they are all with me like that, why no one wants to be friends with me. I suffered so much for several years, it was especially difficult in the 8th-9th grade, when everyone had already begun to show a core, some kind of character, their own point of view. I then suffered, my classmates almost every day tried to somehow hurt me, prick me
"More painful." I endured for a long time, endured, but then broke. I did not want to go to school, I had apathy and misunderstanding. Mom explained to me that I wouldn’t do it better for anyone, that I need to go to school, at least finish the 9th grade, and there I was going to go to school so as not to endure all this anymore. And so I finished my 9th grade.

After graduating from the 9th grade, when I came to pick up the documents, to the director of the school, the director asked me to stay, she wanted to talk to me about something. And that's when I realized a lot. The director said only a couple of phrases to me, but they became a turning point for me. She said: “Most of your peers, since childhood, do nothing, walk around the area and just lead a boring life, they have not achieved anything in their lives, and you are a Personality, you are a creative person, you are a person who is not like anyone , you have been dancing since childhood, you somehow fulfill yourself, but they all don’t have such an opportunity, that’s why most of them try, by humiliating you, like “injections” more painfully, to become taller than you. But they will never be taller than you, because almost all of them are just a gray mass. Teenagers often, envying others, try to somehow suppress this person. And only strong personalities without giving up, in the future they become real people, people with a capital letter. So just believe in yourself, be above all of them, live and enjoy life, and you'll see, life will punish all your offenders for you.
After these words, I understood a lot, the director opened my eyes, because she was really right. I stayed at school, studied for another 10th and 11th grade, and you know, following the director's advice, I really felt happy life full of colors and energy.

After that conversation, I became more confident in myself, began to win competitions different levels creativity, began to actively manifest itself not only in the art of dance, but also in other forms of art. And I realized one thing, if I ever have to face such a situation that I had, my child or my pupil will have such a situation, I will definitely do the same. I'll explain it in time little man who he is and what he should do, I will make him believe in himself, just as I once made me believe in myself, experienced teacher and the principal of my favorite school.

So, a creative person coexists in modern society. The main thing is that in difficult moments of life, next to such a person, in my opinion, right person which will help you cope with the difficulties life path and direct all energy into right direction. And that's exactly why I chose Pedagogical University. I want to become the same wonderful teacher, so that someday I can also help a little person in life's troubles.

People often think and talk about what a person is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all people and we live among people. Yes, everyone has different professions, occupations and positions, everyone performs different tasks. But whoever one of us is, he is, first of all, a person, and only then the bearer of some social function. What is a personality? What are her qualities? To be a person means to retain the ability to navigate in a variety of knowledge and situations and be responsible for one's choice, to preserve one's unique "I". The richer the world and the more complex life situations, the more urgent the problem of freedom of choice of one's own life position. A person can preserve his originality, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by remaining an individual. The one who constantly learns to navigate in it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules of human communication, feels free and at ease in modern life. A person has enormous opportunities for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become a person, each person must constantly develop, engage in self-education. And everyone knows this and tries to understand himself, to understand himself, to comprehend himself, to comprehend his inner world. We try to compare ourselves with those around us, correlate personal life with social life, our interest in the world with its interest in ourselves, in order to answer the main of the main questions: what am I? how and why do I live? Have I discovered everything in myself? Each person must educate himself. No one will come and abolish in him malevolence, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty. The main thing in the spiritual culture of the individual can be considered an active, creative attitude to life: nature, society, other people, oneself. We, entering into life, need to know that human culture should not be reduced only to erudition, erudition, although this is very important. Human culture is not difficult to evaluate. Only an active, active person who has discovered all its riches can master culture. Art and literature, traditions and customs are very instructive and their knowledge makes life easier. But there is a sign of the spiritual culture of the individual, which is very important - a person's readiness for self-giving and self-sacrifice. Caring for people and striving to help them should become not only kind words, but also good deeds. Throughout life, you need to form and develop the best qualities in yourself and overcome those that hinder the disclosure of personality, its self-assertion in the team. Unfortunately, many believe that individual freedom is the freedom not to adhere to the laws and order established in society. But such behavior instead of benefit brings only harm, and not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him. Everything happens in life. It is impossible to turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, hardships. Each of us has to be disappointed, suffer, lose faith in ourselves, suffer remorse, be guilty and offended for no reason. But you need to learn how to overcome the pain of resentment and injustice and learn from the experience. In overcoming difficulties, character is tempered, life experience is acquired. If a person masters all this, he will be able to choose the right position in life, he will distinguish the main from the secondary, he will cultivate willpower in himself.