What types of biological rhythms have been identified in humans. The influence of biological rhythms on a person

biological rhythm- this is oscillatory process, leading to playback biological phenomenon or states biological system after about equal intervals time.

We consider it quite natural and are not at all surprised when, for example, we feel drowsy in the evening and go to sleep, obeying essentially our own thoughts. biological clock. Even more understandable and not requiring special explanation seems to us the appearance of a feeling of fatigue with the onset of darkness, which, in fact, causes drowsiness. But if a person stays for several weeks, doing nothing, in a semi-dark room where no sounds penetrate, then even then he will fall asleep and wake up approximately every 24 hours, as if measuring day after day.

In the life of plants and animals, in addition to sleep, there are many manifestations of other rhythms: more than 2400 years ago, Hippocrates wrote about the ups and downs inherent in the physical state of people, almost 300 years ago (1729) French mathematician and astronomer Jean-Jacques de Meran discovered 24-hour periodic activity in plants, later Christopher Hufeland (1797), considering fluctuations in body temperature in healthy and sick patients, suggested that there are "internal clocks" in the body, the course of which is determined by rotation of the earth around its axis. He first drew attention to the universality of rhythmic processes in biological objects and emphasized that our life obviously repeats itself in certain rhythms, and each day presents a small summary of our life.

The progressive development of the theory of biological rhythms led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary fundamental science- chronobiology, which studies the regularities of the implementation of the processes of vital activity of the organism in time. The doctrine of biological rhythms has become integral part chronobiology. However, to date, despite the introduction of chronobiology methods into other areas of the study of living systems and the formation of new areas in biomedical science (chronomedicine, chronopharmacology, chronopathology, etc.), scientists have not developed a single dictionary for new science, as a result of which the manifestations of chronobiological phenomena are often called differently, and the terms already fixed are used in a different sense or they try to revise more or less established terms. In the process of getting acquainted with the subject, we will consider these contradictions.

The concepts of chronobiology and biorhythmology are close, but not identical. According to the most universal definition adopted by the International Society for the Study of Biological Rhythms, chronobiology- a science that objectively investigates on a quantitative basis the mechanisms of the biological temporal structure, including the rhythmic manifestations of life at all levels of the organization of a living system. Indeed, although the study of the periodicity of life phenomena forms the basis of chronobiological approaches, it is not always taken into account that fluctuations are combined with slower changes that are not necessarily periodic.

Biorhythmology- a science that studies the conditions for the emergence, nature, patterns and significance of biological rhythms. A biorhythm is a fluctuation of a biological process (state) that occurs at approximately equal intervals of time when the process (state) returns to its original cycle. The repeatability of a state (for example, cell division) in rhythm is relative. In fact, each repetition cycle differs in its content from the previous one, but is reproduced according to the same patterns.

The concepts of "cycle" and "rhythm" are close, their use is determined by semantic shades, which depends on the context. By cyclicity, they mean only the repetition of events, using the term "rhythm", they usually mean that, in addition to the period, its other parameters are also known.

The intensity of the process during the cycle varies according to complex and different laws for different processes, so that the curves reflecting it (waveform) have a complex configuration, for example, the configuration of an electrocardiogram, which requires the use of theories of limit cycles and relaxation oscillations.

The simplest curve describing cycles (rhythms) is a sinusoid characterized by certain parameters used to describe the biological rhythm.

Classification of biorhythms

A manifestation and characteristic that allows one to judge the temporal organization of a person is his chronotype. Most often, this term is understood as the circadian dynamics of indicators characterizing general state organism. The chronotype of a person is individual, because. caused, on the one hand genetic mechanisms, and on the other hand, the interaction of the organism with the environment.

Most often, a person's chronotype is determined by the level of working capacity - the active phase of the biological rhythm "sleep-wakefulness". Differences in this rhythm made it possible to distribute people into "morning" groups ("larks"), "evening" groups ("owls") and "arrhythmic" groups ("pigeons"). "Owls" - fall asleep late and wake up late, the maximum daily biorhythms of activity and rest in them are shifted to later hours, unlike "larks", which wake up early and fall asleep early. In "pigeons" the peak of activity occurs approximately in the middle of the day period. Throughout life, the temporary organization of a person can change: with age, shift towards the "lark". This happens due to a change in the rate of secretion of hormones (in particular, the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the normal rhythmic course of the body's biological processes). It is from here that the tendency of the elderly to get up early and go to bed early, and for the young - to stay awake until late and sleep longer in the morning.

biological rhythms organism - these are changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes in the body, which have a certain periodicity. They are present in every living organism and are so accurate that they are even called " biological clock” or “internal clock”. In fact, it is the biorhythms that govern our lives, although we are not even aware of this. But if you think about it, the importance of human biological rhythms becomes obvious, because even the main organ - the heart, works in a certain rhythm, which is set by the very "internal clock". But what are these biological rhythms and what role do they play in human lives, what is their meaning? Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Types of biological rhythms

All biological rhythms are divided into certain types. At the same time, there are several different classifications based on different criteria. The most common, one might even say, the main classification, is the one in which the criterion is the length of the period of biological rhythms.

According to this classification, there are circadian, ultradian, infradian, circumlunar and lunar-monthly biological rhythms. Circadian rhythms have a periodicity of about twenty-four hours and are the most studied of all. Ultradian rhythms are about hourly. Infradian - rhythms whose frequency is more than twenty-four hours. The remaining two biological rhythms are associated with the lunar phases.

There is also a classification of biorhythms according to the source of origin. They are divided into physiological, geophysical and geosocial. Physiological are biorhythms internal organs person who does not depend on external factors. Geophysical biorhythms are already closely dependent on external factors environment. And geosocial rhythms are not innate, unlike the first two, and are formed under the influence of both environmental factors and under the influence of social factors.

The role of biological rhythms in human life

There is a very conditional, according to scientists chronobiologists, theory of three biorhythms. According to her, the state of a person is determined by three biorhythms: physical, intellectual and emotional. And there are days when some biorhythms are more active than others, since they all have varying degrees periodicity. That is why in certain days and certain time there are bursts, for example, physical activity at bad mood, or outliers positive emotions, and, perhaps, there is a huge desire to engage in some kind of mental activity.

That is, activity completely depends on biorhythms. human body and his condition. Therefore, do not "force" your body. On the contrary, you need to listen to it and use your own resources wisely.

For example, sleep and its meaning, like biological rhythm is perhaps one of the most important. That is why you can’t go to bed too late or sleep too little, because this implies a violation of absolutely all body biorhythms. In general, scientists have found that best sleep occurs between twenty-three hours and seven. And going to bed after midnight is very harmful for mental activity, that is, intellectual biorhythms.

We must not forget that a person is still part of nature, therefore, the phases of the moon also influence him. For example, many people feel low on the new moon and increased activity during the full moon.

Rhythmic changes in physiological functions inherent in living organisms. Rhythmic activity is inherent in any complex system consisting of many interacting elements. The latter also have rhythm, while the processes of all elements that make up the system are coordinated with each other in time - a certain rhythm of alternation of processes occurs and a change (increase or decrease) in the intensity of each of them.

As a result, a certain synchronization of various processes in the system is created. In its turn, this system interacts with the system higher order, which also has its own biorhythm.

There are several groups rhythmic processes in the body:

  • rhythms high frequency with a period from fractions of a second to 30 minutes ( electrical phenomena in the body, breathing, pulse, etc.);
  • rhythm of average frequency with a period of 30 minutes to 6 days (changes metabolic processes, biologically active substances of the blood and other processes associated with the change of activity and rest, sleep and wakefulness);
  • low-frequency rhythms with a period of fluctuation from 6 days to 1 year (ovarian-menstrual cycle, weekly, lunar, annual rhythm of hormone excretion, etc.).

AT balneology importance have seasonal or circadian - circadian rhythms(from lat. cirka - about and dies - day). They must be taken into account when sending patients and vacationers to a resort in contrasting climatic regions, when prescribing medical procedures.

To adapt to new environmental conditions when moving, a change is necessary biorhythms, development of chronophysiological adaptation. These issues are dealt with by the biorhythmology of movement - a science that objectively studies and quantifies the mechanisms of the biological temporal structure, including the rhythmic manifestations of life, the reaction of biorhythms to change geographical location organism (Matyukhin V.A., 2000).

Seasonal Rhythms determined by climate this region. The range of annual fluctuations in illumination depends on the geographical latitude of the area, as well as on a number of other geographical factors associated with the flow of forming processes (atmospheric circulation, etc.). Moving from north to south or from south to north, a person finds himself in new environmental conditions that differ from the previous ones in the nature of illumination and climatic and weather features. The most noticeable disruption of various processes during the transition from south to north in winter or summer, i.e. in conditions polar night or polar day. The timing of the seasons in different geographical latitudes do not coincide: when spring is already coming in the south, snow blizzards are still raging in the north; when a person falls into another season, the seasonal rhythm of metabolic processes and physiological functions, which was fixed in the process of development, is disturbed. For example, in winter period the sympathetic-adrenal system is stimulated, pulmonary ventilation increases, basal metabolism increases, its nature changes in the form of increased lipid metabolism, etc. summer time changes are often opposite character(Voronin N. M., 1986; Gavrilov N. N., Chkotua M. E., 1999).

circadian rhythms determined by the change of day and night, i.e., the nature of the illumination. They change when moving from north to south or from south to north (especially in winter and summer), and from west to east or from east to west. AT last case rapid movement (flight) always causes a more different reaction than in the first, from north to south.

In every biorhythm distinguish between: period - the time during which the changing value makes full cycle- the number of periods per unit of time; amplitude - the difference between the largest and the smallest values changing value (range); phase - the position of a certain point of the curve in relation to the time axis (acrophase - the time of the appearance of the largest value of the indicator). In violation of biorhythms, all these indicators change.

With the restructuring of the daily rhythm of a person, the development of pathological conditions is possible - desynchronosis. They arise as a result of a significant violation of the biorhythm caused by a mismatch between the physiological rhythms of the body and external time sensors.

Clinically desynchronosis are manifested by fatigue, weakness, decreased efficiency, sleep and wakefulness disturbance, digestive tract activity, etc. With significant violations of the daily stereotype, neurasthenic syndrome may develop.

Severity of changes biorhythms, the speed of their adaptation to new conditions depends on a number of factors. Other equal conditions when flying from west to east, when biorhythms should, as it were, “catch up” the local time, adaptation period longer than during flights from east to west, when human biorhythms, as it were, “ahead of events” and must “expect” when they “should be expected” when they are “caught up” by local time (G. S. Katinas, N. Moiseeva . I., 1999).

At the same time, the place of permanent residence of a person, the nature of the established biorhythm are of great importance. In these cases, when returning to normal conditions biorhythms rebuild faster than when moving to new conditions, regardless of the direction of movement. Thus, in Siberian residents, when flying to the Crimea, a new daily stereotype is established slowly, has a “loose” character, and after the flight back, it quickly collapses and the previous rhythm is restored. Quite a few important role play the distance that a person moves, the speed of movement. According to a number of authors, when crossing 2-3 time zones desynchronosis do not develop (Evuikhevich A.V., 1997), others noted the development desynchronosis with a shift of 2 hours (Stepanova S.I., 1995). Fast movement has a more pronounced effect on biorhythms than slow movement.

Changing biorhythms is a strong, stressful load not only for patients whose adaptive mechanisms are usually weakened, but also for healthy people. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures to accelerate chronophysiological adaptation, taking into account individual characteristics human biorhythms.

According to the position of the maximum activity, rhythms are distinguished from the morning (" larks"") and evening (" owls") temporary organization.

"Owls" somewhat easier than the "larks", they adapt to the delay of the time sensor of the flight to the west), since in this case the day lengthens and activity is required during the period corresponding to the evening hours according to local time.

"Larks" somewhat easier than "owls", they adapt to the advance of the time sensor (flight to the east). At the same time, the psychophysiological characteristics of a person are of no small importance. Persons with a predominance of parasympathetic autonomic tone nervous system, having stable rhythms, adapt worse than those with a predominance of the tone of the sympathetic part, the elderly are harder than the young (Matyukhin V.A., 2001).

Chronophysiological adaptation can be accelerated. So, for faster falling asleep, warm baths, soothing exercises and self-hypnosis, sleeping pills that do not cause aftereffects and do not violate the structure of sleep (eunoctin, quiadon) are recommended. Walking is recommended to stay energized. physical exercise. Moderate physical activity contributes to the normalization and synchronization of circadian rhythms, while hypokinesia leads to their flattening and shift to later hours.

Various adaptogens(ginseng, eleutherococcus, golden root, etc.). For a flight through 2-4 time zones, morning and afternoon hours are recommended, after 6-8 time zones - in the evening.

Throughout the period of chronophysiological adaptation, strict medical control is necessary.

Take account of biological rhythms necessary during treatment. Chronopharmacology how the branch of chronopathology and pharmacology explores the effect of influence medicinal substances depending on the time and application, as well as from the temporal (rhythmic) structure of the body under the influence of appropriate influences. It is also appropriate here to talk about chronotherapy, i.e. about such an application medical measures, which provides the most healing effect thanks to biorhythms.

Medical rehabilitation. / Ed. V. M. Bogolyubova. Book I
- M.: Binom, 2010. Chapter 4. Natural physical factors used for rehabilitation. - 4.1. Climatic factors. - Physiological mechanisms of climate influence on the body. - FROM.

The human body is not just a collection of cells. It is a complex, interdependent system physiological processes and connections. For this mechanism to work smoothly, a clear program and correct routine work. The function of this vital program is performed by human biological rhythms.

Scientists have proven that human biorhythms change significantly with age. For example, the biorhythmic cycle of infants is quite small. Their change of activity and relaxation occurs every 3-4 hours. Until about 7–8 years old, it will not work to understand the “lark” of the baby or the “owl”. How older child, the longer the cycles of biorhythms become. They become diurnal by the end of puberty.

What are biorhythms

By duration, all biological rhythms can be divided into several groups:

  • high-frequency, the interval of which is no more than 30 minutes;
  • mid-frequency, are longer, the interval varies from 30 minutes to 7 days;
  • low-frequency - from a week to a year.

Motility of the stomach, change emotional background and concentration of attention, sleep cycles, sexual activity are strictly fixed rhythms, their interval is 90 minutes.
Fact: the nature of the human rhythmic field is inherited.
Among the numerous biorhythms of the human body, the main ones are the following:

  1. One and a half hour. It is expressed in a change in the neuronal activity of the brain. Occurs both during sleep and while awake. Has an effect on fluctuations mental abilities. Thus, every 90 minutes there is low and high excitability, peace and anxiety.
  2. Diurnal - the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.
  3. Monthly. Until recently, only menstrual cycle women, however latest research showed that men are also subject to changes in performance and mood.
  4. Annual. Seasons affect hemoglobin and cholesterol levels. Spring and summer bring increased muscle excitability, as well as greater photosensitivity.

There is a theory that there are also rhythms with a cycle of 2, 3, 11 and 22 years. They are influenced by meteorological and heliogeographical processes.

People are social beings who have managed to long years adjust to the weekly rhythm.

Having long been accustomed to work 5-6 days of the week, and rest 1-2, their level of performance is constantly fluctuating. Moreover, Monday is characterized by a reduced craving for work, and the maximum rise occurs from Tuesday to Thursday.

Functions of biorhythms

Biological rhythms provide a huge impact on the vital activity of the organism, since they perform very important functions.

  1. Optimization of the vital activity of the organism. Any biological process cannot proceed all the time in the active phase; it needs regular recovery. Therefore, in order to save resources, there is a change in the minimum and maximum activation phases of the cycle.
  2. Time factor. This function affects the ability of the human body to function regardless of its consciousness. It helps you adapt to change. external environment, weather events.
  3. Regulatory. The normal functioning of the central nervous system is impossible without the appearance of the so-called dominant. It is a group united in one system. nerve cells, as a result of which an individual rhythm is created for each person.
  4. Unifying. This function, coupled with the principle of multiplicity, affects a person's ability to adapt their biorhythms to daily ones.

How to set the biological clock

In case of non-compliance with the sleep and rest regimen, stressful situations, changing time zones, irregular nutrition, the biological clock fails, which cannot but affect the well-being and performance of a person. In order to set them up, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • measured lifestyle;
  • eating and sleeping at the same time;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • avoidance of overwork;
  • phototherapy - to create additional lighting in daytime, especially in cloudy weather;
  • an excellent assistant to "tune in" will be the alarm clock, most importantly, do not be lazy;
  • sunrise naturally synchronizes its own biorhythms with natural ones.

Which organ is "responsible" for biorhythms

The main "clock" of the body is the hypothalamus. This tiny organ, consisting of 20,000 neurons, influences the functioning of all systems. Although, modern research did not give an answer to the question of how exactly this mechanism works, there is a theory that the main signal is sunlight.
Everyone has long known that getting up with the sun and lying down immediately after sunset is extremely beneficial for health and performance.

What is a "chronotype"

There are situations when you have to stay up all night. However, you should not abuse the resources of the body. During wakefulness, its main task is to process the accumulated nutrients. This process is necessary for good daytime performance.

At night, the production of growth hormone is activated. It starts anabolic processes. Regular lack of sleep causes a feeling of hunger. People are drawn to sweets and fats, their metabolism slows down, and this is a direct road to obesity!

At the same time, all people differ in chronotype. "Larks" are already on their feet from 6-7 in the morning, but by 21-22 hours their energy runs out. It is difficult for "owls" to get up in the morning, their performance increases only in the evening.

Modern researchers distinguish more "pigeons". These people are activated by the middle of the day.
Fact: statistics claim that in the world as many as 40% of "owls", a quarter of the population consider themselves "larks", the rest are "pigeons". But most often they are mixed species.

Which of the "feathered" is easier to live

Given the modern regimes of work and rest, it becomes clear that pigeons are the most fortunate. Indeed, their biorhythms allow them to better adapt to modern life.
Larks are healthier than owls and pigeons, but they have a harder time adapting to regime change.

Do not rush to feel sorry for owls. Yes, their efficiency is late and appears only at the end of the working day. However, by the age of 50, their health characteristics are much better than those of larks. This is due to their high adaptive capabilities. It is also believed that there are many optimists among owls, which cannot be said about larks.

It turns out that not only scientists are interested in chronotypes. European employers, when hiring employees, are asked to indicate their biorhythmic indicators. For example, night work fit better for owls, since their working capacity and productivity at this time will be higher than that of larks. Thus, the number of marriages and accidents becomes much less.

We are not as lucky as the Europeans. But there is hope that in the near future, each "feathered" will have its own schedule.

The influence of the daily cycle on the internal organs

It is important for each person to know when and how the work of internal organs is activated, because the choice of the optimal time for taking medications and carrying out cleansing procedures depends on this.

  1. Heart. Emotional and physical stress is best transferred to the daytime (from 11 am to 1 pm). Do not load the motor from 23:00 to 1:00 in the morning.
  2. Colon. The maximum working capacity of the body falls on the time from 5 to 7 hours, from 17 to 19 hours it is in the calm phase.
  3. Bladder. The accumulation of fluid occurs from 15 to 17 hours, from 3 to 5 in the morning - minimal activity.
  4. Lungs. Open the window from 3 to 5 in the morning, at this time it is important for the human body to “breathe”. The minimum activity falls on the time from 15 to 17 hours.
  5. Liver. Active regulation of blood and bile occurs from 1 to 3 hours, weak activity is observed at 13 - 15 hours.
  6. Vision. This information will be of interest to drivers. Driving at 2 am is especially difficult.
  7. Stomach. “Eat breakfast yourself…” – says a well-known proverb and for good reason! After all, the peak performance of the stomach falls on 7-9 o'clock in the morning. From 19 to 21 hours the stomach should be allowed to rest.
  8. Gallbladder. From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. there is an active production of bile, the minimum is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Interesting! The hardest time to deal with loneliness is between 20:00 and 22:00.
So what should be optimal mode biorhythms? We get up at 4 am, have breakfast at 5 o'clock, have lunch at 10 o'clock, have an afternoon snack at 15 o'clock, dinner at 19 o'clock. At 21 o'clock we go to bed!
The main thing is to listen to your biological clock and let it coincide with the biorhythms of nature!

biological rhythms

All life on our planet bears the imprint of the rhythmic pattern of events characteristic of our Earth. In a complex system of biorhythms, from short ones to molecular level- with a period of several seconds, up to global, associated with annual changes solar activity man also lives. Biological rhythm is one of the most important tools for studying the time factor in the activity of living systems and their temporal organization.

Biological rhythms or biorhythms are more or less regular changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes. The ability for such changes in vital activity is inherited and found in almost all living organisms. They can be observed in individual cells, tissues and organs, in whole organisms and in populations. [

We single out the following important achievements chronobiology:

1. Biological rhythms are found at all levels of organization of wildlife - from unicellular to the biosphere. This indicates that biorhythm is one of the most common properties living systems.

2. Biological rhythms are recognized essential mechanism regulation of body functions, providing homeostasis, dynamic balance and adaptation processes in biological systems.

3. It has been established that biological rhythms, on the one hand, have an endogenous nature and genetic regulation, on the other hand, their implementation is closely related to the modifying factor of the external environment, the so-called time sensors. This connection in the basis of the unity of the organism with the environment largely determines the ecological patterns.

4. Provisions are formulated on the temporary organization of living systems, including man - one of the basic principles biological organization. The development of these provisions is very important for the analysis of the pathological states of living systems.

5. Biological rhythms of the sensitivity of organisms to the action of chemical factors (among them medicines) and physical nature. This became the basis for the development of chronopharmacology, i.e. ways of using drugs, taking into account the dependence of their action on the phases of the biological rhythms of the functioning of the body and on the state of its temporal organization, which changes with the development of the disease.

6. Patterns of biological rhythms are taken into account in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological. Physiological rhythms, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, rhythms of pressure, heartbeats and blood pressure. There is data on the effect, for example, magnetic field Earth for the period and amplitude of the human encephalogram.

Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment. These include daily, seasonal (annual), tidal and lunar rhythms. Thanks to ecological rhythms, the body is oriented in time and prepares in advance for the expected conditions of existence. So, some flowers open shortly before dawn, as if knowing that soon the sun will rise. Many animals hibernate or migrate before the onset of cold weather. Thus, ecological rhythms serve the body as a biological clock.

Rhythm is generic property living systems. The processes of growth and development of the organism have a rhythmic character. Rhythmic changes may be subject to various indicators structures of biological objects: orientation of molecules, tertiary molecular structure, type of crystallization, form of growth, concentration of ions, etc. The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase of their development has been established. In the bark of young shoots of an apple tree, a daily rhythm of the content of the biologically active substance phloridzin was revealed, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing flowers and plants. Each plant "falls asleep" and "wakes up" at a strictly defined time of day. Early in the morning (at 4 o'clock) chicory and wild rose open their flowers, at 5 o'clock - poppy, at 6 o'clock - dandelion, field carnation, at 7 o'clock - bluebell, garden potatoes, at 8 o'clock marigolds and bindweed, at 9-10 o'clock - marigolds, coltsfoot. There are also flowers that open their corollas at night. At 20 o'clock fragrant tobacco flowers open, and at 21 o'clock - adonis and night violets. Also, at a strictly defined time, the flowers close: at noon - thistle field, at 13-14 o'clock - potatoes, at 14-15 o'clock - dandelion, at 15-16 o'clock - poppy, at 16-17 o'clock - marigolds, at 17 -18 o'clock coltsfoot, at 18-19 o'clock - buttercup, at 19-20 o'clock - wild rose. The opening and closing of flowers also depends on many conditions, for example, on the geographical location of the area or the time of sunrise and sunset.

There are rhythmic changes in the body's sensitivity to damaging environmental factors. In animal experiments, it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation injury fluctuates very noticeably during the day: at the same dose, the mortality of mice, depending on the time of day, varied from 0 to 10%

The most important external factor influencing the rhythms of the organism is photoperiodicity. In higher animals, it is assumed that there are two ways of photoperiodic regulation of biological rhythms: through the organs of vision and further through the rhythm motor activity body and by extrasensory perception of light. There are several concepts of endogenous regulation of biological rhythms: genetic regulation, regulation involving cell membranes. Most scientists are inclined to the opinion of polygenic control over rhythms. It is known that not only the nucleus, but also the cytoplasm of the cell takes part in the regulation of biological rhythms.

The central place among the rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm, which has highest value for the body. The concept of circadian (circadian) rhythm was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. The circadian rhythm is a modification of the daily rhythm with a period of 24 hours, proceeds under constant conditions and belongs to free-flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with a period not imposed by external conditions. They are congenital, endogenous, i.e. due to the properties of the organism itself. The period of circadian rhythms lasts 23-28 hours in plants and 23-25 ​​hours in animals. Since organisms are usually in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythms of organisms are drawn out by these changes and become diurnal.

Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization - from cellular pressure to interpersonal relationships. Numerous experiments on animals have established the presence of circadian rhythms of motor activity, body and skin temperature, pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure and diuresis. Contents were subject to diurnal fluctuations. various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc. In essence, all endocrine and hematological indicators, nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various tissues and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, the energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The sensitivity of the body to various factors environment and tolerance of functional loads. In total, about 500 functions and processes with circadian rhythms have been identified in humans so far.

The biorhythms of the body - daily, monthly, annual - have practically remained unchanged since primitive times and cannot keep up with the rhythms of modern life. Each person during the day clearly traces the peaks and declines of the most important life systems. The most important biorhythms can be recorded in chronograms. The main indicators in them are body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate at rest and other indicators that can only be determined with the help of specialists. Knowing the normal individual chronogram allows you to identify the dangers of the disease, organize your activities in accordance with the capabilities of the body, and avoid disruptions in its work.

The most strenuous work must be done during those hours when major systems organisms function at their maximum intensity. If a person is a "dove", then the peak of working capacity falls on three o'clock in the afternoon. If "lark" - then time most active body falls at noon. "Owls" are recommended to perform the most intense work at 5-6 pm.

Much has been said about the influence of the 11-year cycle of solar activity on the Earth's biosphere. But not everyone is aware of the close relationship that exists between the phase of the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of young people. Kyiv researchers conducted statistical analysis indicators of body weight and height of young men who came to the recruiting stations. It turns out that acceleration is highly susceptible solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronous with the period of "polarity reversal" of the magnetic field of the Sun (and this is a double 11-year cycle, i.e. 22 years). By the way, in the activity of the Sun more long periods spanning several centuries.

Important practical value also has a study of other multi-day (about monthly, annual, etc.) rhythms, the time indicator for which are such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles and etc.

AT last years The theory of "three rhythms" has gained wide popularity, which is based on the theory of the complete independence of these multi-day rhythms both from external factors and from age-related changes the organism itself. The trigger mechanism for these exceptional rhythms is only the moment of birth (according to other versions, the moment of conception) of a person. A man was born, and rhythms arose with a period of 23, 28 and 33 days, which determine the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. Graphic image of these rhythms is a sinusoid. The one-day periods in which the phases switch ("zero" points on the graph) and which are supposedly characterized by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity are called critical days. If the same "zero" point is crossed simultaneously by two or three sinusoids, then such "double" or "triple" critical days are especially dangerous.

Multiple studies conducted to test this hypothesis, however, did not confirm the existence of these super-unique biorhythms. Superunique because no similar rhythms have been found in animals; none known biorhythms do not fit into an ideal sinusoid; periods of biorhythms are not constant and depend both on external conditions, and from age-related changes; in nature, no phenomena have been found that would be synchronizers for all people and at the same time be "personally" dependent on the birthday of each person.

Special studies of fluctuations in the functional state of people have shown that they are in no way connected with the date of birth. Similar studies of athletes conducted in our country, in the USA and other countries did not confirm the relationship between the level of working capacity and sports results with the rhythms proposed in the hypothesis. The absence of any connection between various accidents at work, accidents and other traffic accidents with the critical days of the people responsible for these events is shown. Methods also tested statistical processing data that allegedly testified to the presence of three rhythms, and the fallacy of these methods was established. Thus, the hypothesis of "three biorhythms" does not find confirmation. However, its appearance and development have positive value because they drew attention to topical issue- the study of multi-day biorhythms, reflecting the influence of cosmic factors (the Sun, the Moon, other planets) on living organisms and playing an important role in human life and activity.