Popular English inscriptions on T-shirts. Beautiful phrases in English with translation


CHAPTER 1. Theoretical part………………………………………….…....3

1.1 History of inscriptions on clothes………………..……………………………..3

1.2 Who first invented the T-shirt?……………….……………………. four

1.3 Functions of inscriptions………………………………………..………………...4

CHAPTER 2 Research work……………………...………….………5

2.1 Research methodology...……….……….…………………...5

2.2 Student survey results ………………….……….…………………..6

2.3 Conclusions. Analysis of the collected material…………………………………..8





Clothes speak without words. They are greeted by clothes. Assessing a person, we note how the clothes correspond to age, social status, fashion. Some people have a desire to look like those who are significant in clothes, while others have a desire to stand out. Psychologists have established that in 40 seconds we evaluate a person, and he evaluates us, and then we reluctantly deviate from the prevailing opinion. The stronger the impression of clothes equipped with different kind fashionable now inscriptions. Our attention was drawn inscriptions on clothes English language.

Idea the study of sociolinguistic problems on the material of English-language inscriptions arose as a result of personal experience, communication with peers, observations on the streets and at school.

However, do the owners of things understand the meaning of the inscriptions on the clothes, especially if they are written in a foreign language, most often in English? Or are things worn because they are fashionable, beautiful, or for some other reason?

Our study aims to find answers to these questions.

Object of study are English-language inscriptions on the clothes of students of our school

Subject of research we determine the information that the inscriptions on the clothes carry.

Objective - establishing the dependence of the semantic load of inscriptions on clothes on the level of English proficiency of its owners

Research objectives:

1) collect a certain number of inscriptions on clothes;

2) translate the inscriptions into Russian;

3) identify age, the main reasons for buying things;

4) summarize the data obtained, come to a definite conclusion.

Practical value research is to use research materials directly in the process of teaching English. We are far from the idea of ​​using often primitive texts "printed" on clothes as teaching aids for language learning. However, when we encounter English-language inscriptions everywhere, we cannot but react to their content from the point of view of people who are interested in the English language. Encountered samples often amaze with complete senselessness, bordering on stupidity, occasionally outright vulgarity, reaching indecent, sometimes curious absurdities, leading to awkward situations. truly deserving and interesting inscriptions not so frequent. Blindly following fashion makes people different ages, professions, social groups put on clothes “decorated” with inscriptions they do not understand.

During the study, we used two methods : search and analytical.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical part

1.1 History of inscriptions

Inscriptions on clothes existed many centuries ago. The earliest known to us Ancient Greece. Already there we find embroideries on belts that tell us about the names of the owners, or we find names on jewelry. On many Italian and German portraits of the late 15th and 16th centuries, you see inscriptions that are woven into the ornament of men's shirts, into corsages women's dresses, where the mottos of a noble family are usually written in Latin, or the names of these owners, these portraits or outfits. Inscriptions of a very provocative nature have always been found on women's garters. Very often, inscriptions were in fashion, which were part of the ornament. For example, at the beginning of the second millennium, embroidery used gothic fonts. King Otto's capes, which are in the Bolberg Museum in Germany, are very famous. There, in the antiquity store of the cathedral, there are amazing things with Gothic or Romanesque letters - as part of the ornament of these ancient embroideries. They date back to 10-11 centuries AD. We can find a lot of ornaments in jewelry, where letters and phrases are woven into the pattern.

At first, the inscriptions adorned only the uniforms of the workers, indicating their status at the workplace, then they began to show what designer or what company this thing was, and after that, inscriptions began to appear that, in fact, carry meaning. It is not known who first came up with writing inscriptions on clothes.

1.2 Who first came up with the T-shirt?

Already in ancient egypt, and then later, in a person’s wardrobe, one could find items of clothing that resembled T-shirts. For example, in England at the end of the 18th century, a type of T-shirt was developed, which was made from cotton and was used by men as underwear.

The T-shirt gained popularity among civilians after the July 1942 cover of the July issue of LIF E featured a photograph of a soldier wearing a T-shirt with the words "Air Force Weapons School" written on it.

The T-shirt arrived in Hollywood in 1939. The signature t-shi rt was part of the Wizard of Oz ad campaign. But unfortunately, they were not popular with the audience.

Today, the T-shirt is used not only as a publicity stunt, but also as a way to express your opinion to the whole world without saying a single word.

1.3 Functions of inscriptions

The inscriptions are very different. They can tell us a lot about a person, in particular, that this person does not understand what is written on his clothes. The inscriptions change with the age of the person. For a child, these are just some phrases or funny phrases, for a teenager, these are inscriptions containing all kinds of phrases, starting with what kind of person he is and ending with the number of the team or street. Adult people, realizing that something not for their age or something obscene, may be written on clothes, they try to choose clothes without inscriptions - this the right decision, unlike teenagers who only look at the beautiful style and funny letters.

CHAPTER 2. Research work

2.1 Research methodology

Our study was structured as follows:

1) We found students at school dressed in T-shirts, sweaters, jeans, caps containing inscriptions in English

2) Rewrote or photographed the most interesting inscriptions and asked questions of the following nature:

Carrier age

Whether he knows the meaning of what is written on the clothes or not

Reason for purchasing this item

3) Translated the inscriptions into Russian, entered the data into the table

2.2 Student survey results

We recorded the answers of 43 students, 20 of which were presented in the following table:


The inscription in the original


Carrier age

Does he know the meaning or not?




Hello kitty!

Hello Kitty!



Adidas (company name)






Nike (company name)















misspelled word WORLD

(gr. error)











young woman








New York






Great Britain

Great Britain





2.3 Conclusions. Analysis of the collected material

According to our research, the majority of students have clothes containing inscriptions. If you sort out the wardrobe of a schoolboy, you can identify at least seven things that hang in everyone's closet. young man- both boys and girls - jeans, caps, knitted jackets (sweatshirts), skirts, shirts, sneakers, and, of course, T-shirts.

Poll results:

1. “When you buy clothes, are you attracted to the labels on them?”

50% answered positively, 35% - sometimes, 15% - no.

2. "Do you wear clothes with inscriptions in English?"

65% - yes; 30% - sometimes; 5% - no.

3. If you do, do you know the translation?

50% - yes; 35% understand sometimes; 15% - no.

4. Do you like what is written in English on your clothes?

70% - yes, 20% - sometimes; 10% - no.

Most of of the respondents as the main reason for buying clothes with inscriptions calls “it is comfortable in these clothes”. 10% answered "Fashionable" and "Cool".

The study also showed that the older the students, the more more attention they draw on the meaning of the inscriptions. How younger age of the studied schoolchildren, the less they know what is written on their clothes. However, our study was able to bring to the surface this problem and invite teenagers to think before buying another fashion item with incomprehensible text.


Undoubtedly, it is a personal matter of each person to dress in what he likes. However, the fact that the vast majority of people who prefer inscriptions on clothes do not suspect what texts they go out with seems abnormal.

Nowadays, English is found everywhere: on goods and shop signs, on electrical equipment, clothing, on the Internet. It is studied in schools, universities, in specialized courses. But what is the easiest and fastest way to learn English? Inscriptions in English can become the very express way that will help you quickly, cheaply and effectively replenish your vocabulary.

Most teenagers do not attach much importance to the inscriptions on their clothes, which in turn may contain obscene and offensive meaning, grammatical and spelling errors. Sometimes they can just contain a set of meaningless words and phrases, sometimes offensive and obscene language, and sometimes actually filled with meaning and good humor phrase.

Extremely relevant and important is the fact that we are responsible for the information that we carry on ourselves, we are in some sense in solidarity with it, we become its carriers to the masses, and it is extremely imprudent to hope that everyone around does not know foreign language and do not understand what is written on your clothes.

The analysis of the collected material showed that the level of English proficiency, which was determined by the age of the surveyed school student, allows one to navigate the inscriptions and correctly use the written information.

Conclusion: there is an inextricable link between the language level and the culture of the person himself.

We need to know German

Well, at least forty-five words.

So that on their "Wie geht es Ihnen?"

« Danke, gut! us to answer.

We need to know French

Well, so words from the strength of five.

So that if they tell us "Bonjour!",

Us " Salut!" say in response.

And you need to know English

At least five thousand words!

After all, in any country you have to

Talk about it anyway!


1. English-Russian Dictionary of American Slang // Pod general ed. Tuzovsky - M .: Book Garden, 1993.

2. English - Russian Dictionary of American Slang // Translation and compilation by T. Rotenberg and V Ivanova - M .: Infoserv, 1994

    Tony Thorne Bloomsbury Dictionary of Modern Slang ( dictionary of modern slang) // M.: Veche-Persey, 1996

4. Burova, E.A. Lexical gallicisms in modern Russian [Text] / E. A. Burova - Rostov-on-Don: State Economic University, 2004

5. Breiter, M. A. Anglicisms in Russian: history and prospects [Text] / M. A. Breiter-Vladivostok: Dialogue, 1995

6..Dyakov, A.I. Reasons for the intensive borrowing of anglicisms in modern Russian. [Text] / A. I. Dyakov-Novosibirsk: Language and Culture, 2003

7. Krysin, L. P. foreign words in modern Russian [Text] / L. P. Krysin .- M .: Education, 1968.

8. Internet resources

Attachment (survey photo)

Currently, tattoos made in the form of a phrase in English are very popular. This trend is not accidental, because the English language has rich history, unique features and features, and it is also common and understandable anywhere in the world.

Modern English was formed over 1000 years ago by the fusion of two languages ​​(ancient Anglo-Saxon and Norman French). Over the past millennium, this language has conquered the whole world. Now it is used as a native or second language by about 700 million people on earth, it is also official in 67 countries. It is impossible to imagine any corner of the planet where an English-speaking person could remain misunderstood.

Without a doubt, people who choose phrases in English for tattoos are bright and open personalities boldly proclaiming their beliefs and principles to the world.

The meaning and meaning of tattoos made in English

Today, English is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, with approximately 800,000 words, four times as many as Russian.

An incredible number of synonyms makes this language very informative, allowing you to fit your favorite philosophical thought or life credo in a very precise and capacious phrase. However, you need to be careful when choosing an inscription for a tattoo; when translating an expression, it is best to turn to reliable and trusted sources.

feature English speech is a large number of ambiguous words, an incorrectly chosen translation of which can radically change the original meaning of a favorite phrase.

It is interesting! by the most polysemantic word in English is the word "set", it can be used as a noun, adjective and verb and has more than 50 meanings, depending on the context and form of use.

Themes for inscriptions in English

The living and plastic English language is constantly in development, having been born many centuries ago, it has absorbed the styles and forms of each lived era.

Having set the goal of choosing a phrase in English with a translation, you can easily find your favorite beautiful saying, feathered Shakespeare or Winston Churchill's sarcastic thought, John Lennon's call to peace or Tim Burton's dark film aphorism. The choice of topics and styles of statements is endless, everyone can find something that reflects exactly his inner world.

Did you know? William Shakespeare coined many words used in everyday speech to this day. The words "addiction" (dependence), "eventful" (filled with events), "cold-blooded" (cold-blooded) belong to the writer's fantasy. In addition, the word "eyeball" (eyeball) has become anatomical term and is actively used in modern medicine.

Tattoo styles in English

Large selection of phrases and expressions, belonging to people from different countries, eras, estates related to various areas science, politics, culture, art and pop, opens up inexhaustible possibilities for the stylistic design of a tattoo.

Fancy monograms or simple graceful lines, good old gothic or simple typographic type, sophisticated floral ornaments or modern graffiti. Which style to use, the selected phrase in English will best tell.

You can come up with your own philosophical thought, and a professional tattoo artist will help you choose a font and decorative design, you can use ready-made templates from the catalog, you can supplement the saying with any image.

The location of the tattoo-inscription on the body

The location of the tattoo primarily depends on the desire of the customer himself. Some people like to have tattoo images on the most visible and open places: on the forearm, wrist, neck, chest. Others prefer to apply the image in such a way that, if desired, it can always be hidden under clothing: on the shoulder blades, on the back, feet, in the lumbar region.

It happens that the application of any inscription in English is more of a sacred meaning, in this case, people choose images that are small in size and place them on the body in such a way that the tattoos are invisible even in open summer clothes. Before starting to apply a tattoo, its stylistic decision, volume and location are discussed with the master. A professional in his field will always select and prompt best option accommodation.

A tattoo on the body is a very important and responsible decision. A beautiful and high-quality image will delight its owner for many years, while an unsuccessfully made tattoo is very difficult to remove from the body. achieve best result and excellent image quality will help compliance with some rules.

Subject to all the above rules, your favorite phrase in English will please the eye for a long time deep meaning and good quality execution.

Inscriptions on clothes have not gone out of fashion for many years. The topic is relevant, since clothes with inscriptions in a foreign language are in demand among young people and are a fashionable youth style. English texts on clothes are becoming more and more popular, but it should be noted that many people do not understand the meaning. foreign words and phrases, which can sometimes contain rude words, misspelled words, or just a nonsensical jumble of letters. At the same time, inscriptions really help to show your individuality, originality, so clothes with inscriptions will always be in fashion.

Object of study are English inscriptions on t-shirts for teenagers.

Subject of research is the definition of the information carried by the inscriptions on the clothes of adolescents.

The purpose of this work is a study English texts on t-shirts for teenagers.

Hypothesis: we believe that teenagers do not know the translation of the inscriptions on the clothes they wear and do not think about the meaning of the inscriptions.


1. explore theoretical material on this issue;

2. conduct a survey, a survey among students in the class;

3. conduct a linguistic examination of the inscriptions and compile their classification;

4. analyze the features of English-language inscriptions on clothes;

5. summarize the data obtained, draw a conclusion.

In our work, we used the following methods:

Theoretical analysis of literature;

Observation, questioning, description;

Analytical: comparison, analysis, study and generalization.

In the course of the study, the works of the following authors were used: Blokhin V. " The World History costume, fashion and style”, Vasiliev A. “The history of the inscription onclothes." The study participants were 70 students in grades 7B and 7B, of which 32 were boys and 38 were girls. The age of the survey participants is 13-14 years old.

This topic has a theoretical and practical value, because the research materials can be used in the lessons of English, Russian, in extracurricular activities.The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used, an appendix.The introduction reveals the relevance, novelty, object, subject, purpose, objectives and methods of research, theoretical and practical significance work.The first chapter deals with foreign inscriptions on clothes, the history of the appearance of the first inscriptions, analyzes the reasons for the popularity of such things, and gives a classification.The second chapter presents the materials of the survey and survey.In conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

1.1. The history of inscriptions on clothes

The very first inscriptions on clothes appeared in ancient Greece. Already there we find embroideries on belts that tell us about the names of the owner, or we find names on jewelry. In Italian and German portraits of the late 15th and 16th centuries, we see inscriptions that are woven into the ornament of men's shirts, into the corsages of women's dresses, where either the mottos of a noble family, or the names of the owners of these portraits or outfits are usually written in Latin. Very often, inscriptions were in fashion, which were part of the ornament. For example, at the beginning of the second millennium, Gothic fonts were used in embroidery.The capes of King Otto, which are in the Bol Berg Museum in Germany, are very famous. There, in the antiquity store of the cathedral, there are amazing things with Gothic or Romanesque letters - as part of the ornament of these ancient embroideries. They are they date back to 10-11 centuries AD. We can find a lot of ornaments in jewelry, where letters and phrases are woven into the pattern. At first, the inscriptions adorned only the uniforms of the workers, indicating their status at the workplace, then they began to show what designer or what company this thing was, and after that, inscriptions began to appear that, in fact, carry meaning. It is not known who first came up with writing inscriptions on clothes. Nowadays, many venerable Couturiers use a variety of inscriptions in their work. The most famous among them are: Dolce and Gabbana, Mostino, Christian Dior, etc.

1.2. First T-shirts

1.3. Functions of inscriptions on clothes

The main functions of inscriptions on clothes are as follows:

1. The epistemological function is associated with the accumulation and broadcast social experience . This function realizes itself in the sensory-contemplative (associated with psychological side fashion and satisfies the affective need of the subject, i.e. reproduction of life activity in the forms of a "fashion story".

2. The heuristic function acts as a presentation of a specific program (heuristics) social action which is to ensure the future viability of the team through transfer of socially significant information(although this program may be empty like “The new generation chooses Pepsi”).

3. Communicative function, allowing people to communicate with each other, creating a primary communicative field, which has a psychological and sign-symbolic side.

4. Regulatory-value function - a set of samples, forms and rules of action in various social situations - given through prescription and prohibition.

So, the sociocultural function of inscriptions on clothes is the storage and transmission of socially significant information (“ cultural content») primarily:

Certain personal qualities within the framework of the "social order";

The totality of the views and beliefs of a person and his place and role in the universal universal connection of objects and processes of reality.

1.4. Classification of inscriptions

There are many classifications of inscriptions on T-shirts, they carry differentstyle and character: sports, paramilitary, funny, patriotic, anti-glamour, etc. T-shirts are for children, for teenagers, for adults. On T-shirts for young children, comic book characters, anime characters, puppet faces are depicted. AT childhood Babies usually don't really care what they wear. Parents are in charge of buying children's clothes and choosing them. Teenagers are more demanding on their appearance. Their clothes are judged by their peers, they are met by friends at school. Youth fashion has its own trends and follows its own rules. A t-shirt is considered fashionable, which to some extent reflects the sphere of interests of its owner. Making an inscription on a T-shirt is easy and simple. In a special workshop, you can write whatever you want and where you want. Teenagers often make inscriptions on T-shirts on their slogan. In general, the inscriptions on clothing should be treated with caution. Adults, realizing that something not for their age or something obscene may be written on clothes, try to choose clothes without inscriptions - this is the right decision, unlike teenagers who only look at the beautiful style and foreign words . The inscriptions change depending on the age of the person. For a child, these are just some phrases or funny phrases, for a teenager, these are inscriptions containing all kinds of phrases and expressions.

CHAPTER 2 Practical part

2.1. Research methodology

We started our study with a survey of 70 students in grades 7B and 7C. The age of the survey participants is 13-14 years old.

Study plan

I. Student survey

Questionnaire Questions

1. Surname, name, patronymic of the respondent.

2. Age.

3. Do you wear English t-shirts?

4. Do you know the translation of the text on your T-shirts?

5. Write down the text presented on your T-shirts.

6. Do you like what is written in English on your clothes?

7. Reason for purchasing this item

II. Collection of information based on the results of the survey, translation of English inscriptions into Russian

III. Classification of inscriptions by topic

IV. Analysis of the results

V. Conclusions.

2.2. Student survey results

We analyzed the responses of about 70 students, including 32 boys (46%) and 38 girls (54%). The data obtained is reflected in pivot table. (See Appendix 1). In the course of the work, the translation of English inscriptions was made, then all the inscriptions were classified by topic: "Ecology", "Cities and countries", "Romance", "Fashion and sportswear brands", "Credo", "Call", "Sport" , " Miscellaneous". (See Appendix 3).

Based on the results of the survey, we made the following conclusions.

1. As a result of the study, we found that students aged 13-14 have at least two things with foreign inscriptions. Among the students of our school, clothes with English inscriptions are popular.

3. Most students know the translation of the inscriptions on the clothes they wear. The remaining 29% do not know what information they carry on themselves. Moreover, out of these 29% (or 20 people of students): 16% of students (or 11 people) are those who incorrectly

understand what information they have on their clothes, and the remaining 12% (9 people) do not try itunderstand. (See Appendix 2). Between misunderstood inscriptions and not those who know the percentage the difference is small, so you need to take the purchase of clothes with inscriptions more seriously, as things reflect the hobbies, interests of a person and his

culture. Extremely relevant and important is the fact that we are responsible for the information that we carry on ourselves, we, in a sense, become in solidarity with it, become its carriers to the masses, and it is extremely imprudent to hope that everyone around does not know a foreign language. language and do not understand what is written on your clothes. Thus, there is a connection between the language level of a person and his culture.

4. When asked why you bought a thing with an inscription in a foreign language, students answered differently. Most of the students answered that it is fashionable and creative to have clothes with inscriptions in English. Others, also paying tribute to fashion, bought things with foreign inscriptions and did not pay attention to their content and translation. These students made up the percentage of those who did not know (29%). After testing, the question was asked whether teenagers would now pay attention to the meaning of the text on clothes. The students answered that now when buying things they would be interested in the meaning and content of the inscriptions. We must not forget that judge not of men and things at first sight "they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds."


In the course of working on the topic "English inscriptions on teenagers' T-shirts", we successfully solved the research tasks:

explored various sources receiving information,

conducted a survey of students, linguistic expertise, made a classification of inscriptions, analyzed the features of English-language inscriptions on clothes.

1. In the wardrobe of every teenager there is not one, but even several T-shirts containing inscriptions in English. Sometimes, such inscriptions can simply be meaningless phrases or sometimes contain offensive and obscene language. Of course, young people want to have their own individual style and thus attract attention. main reason selection of t-shirts by teenagersEnglish lettering is to be fashionable, creative and follow fashion.

2. However, often teenagers who are fond of inscriptions on clothes do notsuspect with what texts they are published. Many teenagers are not

attach special importance to the inscriptions on their clothes, which in turn may contain grammatical and spelling errors or simply rude expressions. Thus, when buying clothes with inscriptions in English, one should take into account the meaning of these inscriptions.

3. The research work done, related to the study of the question whether teenagers know the meaning of the inscriptions on their clothes, made it possible to conclude that there is an inextricable connection language level with the culture of the individual.

Shumatova Svetlana

This project is dedicated to identifying the level of understanding by students of our school of the meaning foreign inscriptions on clothes.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic comprehensive school№5"

Municipal Formation "Buguruslan City"

English inscriptions on T-shirts

City Research Conference

"Small step - big science"


6th grade student B

MBOU secondary school №5

Shumatova Svetlana


English teacher

MBOU secondary school №5

Parankina Angelina Valerievna

Buguruslan, 2017

Introduction ………………………………………………………………. …… 3

Chapter I. Theoretical part of the study………………………………… 5

1.1 The history of the appearance of foreign inscriptions on clothes…………….. 5

1.2 Is it a stylish element or a provocation? .............................................. ..6

1.3 The importance of understanding the meaning of foreign words on our clothes 7

Chapter II. Practical part of the study………………………………. eight

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 10


Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………… 13

Annex 2………………………………………………………………… 15


This project is dedicated to identifying the level of understanding by students of our school of the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes.

The choice of topic is confirmed by her relevance , since at present various inscriptions on the clothes of young people serve as the most important attribute. They can tell us a lot about a person, about the level of knowledge of the English language, about the range of interests of its owners. And quite a few young people do not fully understand the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes. However, they buy and wear because they are fashionable, beautiful, or there may be other reasons for doing so. Most students do not pay special attention on the inscriptions on clothes, which, in turn, may contain rude words, grammatical and spelling errors.

I would like to tell you about different foreign inscriptions found on the clothes of young people: on shirts, caps, skirts, T-shirts and other things. The following question immediately arises: Do all the owners of things understand the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes?

My research is aimed at finding an answer to this question. object study are inscriptions in English on the clothes of students of our school.

Subject research of my work is the information that the inscriptions on clothes carry.

Objective - revealing the level of understanding by students of our school of the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solveseveral tasks:

  • Study the history of inscriptions.
  • Find a certain number of inscriptions on the clothes of our school students.
  • Translate into Russian the meaning of the inscriptions.
  • Conduct a survey among students to identify the reasons for buying these things.

Hypothesis: the level of English proficiency allows our students to correctly understand the meaning of foreign inscriptions.

The work was carried out step by step:

1) At the first stage, the main information work.

2) At the second stage, I analyzed the meanings of foreign inscriptions and compared them with different points vision.

3) At the third stage, conclusions were formulated, the results of the work were formalized.

During the study, we usedthe following methods:

  • theoretical
  • research
  • empirical (questionnaire)

My materials research work can be useful in English lessons, both when studying the topic "Clothes", and in class hours.


1.1 The history of the appearance of foreign inscriptions on clothes

A T-shirt is a piece of clothing that lacks buttons, a collar, and pockets. This garment appeared for the first time in North America, surprisingly, during the First World War, when American soldiers I needed light cotton underwear.

The word t-shirt itself is exclusively Russian, and the original name of this wardrobe item is T-shirt, which in literal translation sounds like a "t-shirt". In the USSR, the word "t-shirt" came as the definition of the upper part of the form of a football player.

Inscriptions on clothes existed many centuries ago. And the earliest ones are known to us from Ancient Greece, where there were embroideries on belts that tell us about the names of the owners. Very often, inscriptions were in fashion, which were part of the ornament. As for modern inscriptions, it all started very simply: at first, the inscriptions adorned only the uniforms of workers, indicating their status at the workplace, then they began to show what designer or what company this thing was, and after that, inscriptions began to appear that, in fact, they make sense. It is not known who first came up with the inscriptions on clothes. The inscriptions are very different. They can be combined into several groups according to themes: romance, sports, creed or life position, appeal, music, cities, designers, ecology, religion, miscellaneous. Separate group these are inscriptions from grammatical errors and inscriptions that may contain obscene meanings. They can tell us a lot about a person, in particular about the age, about the sphere of interests of the owner, they can express their attitude towards the world around them. The inscriptions also indicate the level of English proficiency and the fact that a person does not always understand what is written on clothes. The inscriptions change with the age of the person. For a child, these are just some phrases or funny phrases, for a teenager, these are inscriptions containing all kinds of phrases. Now, T-shirts are an indispensable attribute of youth wardrobe.

In 1960, various inscriptions and images began to be applied to T-shirts. This fashion was promoted by hippies with inscriptions: “Shit Happens” or “I`m with Stupid”, “Beatles”, etc. Gradually, through T-shirts, people tried to stand out from the gray crowd and be original.

1.2 Is it a stylish element or a provocation?

Previously, the appearance on the street of a person in clothes with an incomprehensible inscription in English meant in the eyes of the public nothing more than a provocation and a challenge. In Russia, during the Soviet era, as Lara Khasaeva writes in her blog 4 , the author of many articles on fashion, only from the beginning of the 50s did the “doors of the West” begin to open, from where fashion trends began to seep. During this period, the so-called dudes began to appear, surprising in appearance. Further more.

Already in the 60s, images were printed on T-shirts and various inscriptions were made. A print was created on T-shirts to express a free spirit, T-shirts became a distributor of political slogans and personal convictions.

Today, most people use T-shirts with slogans, increasingly in foreign languages, to, for example, make a birthday surprise. Modern technologies allow you to give an item with the desired inscription, be it a mug, clothes with a company logo, with a favorite quote from a poet, interior items, etc.

Both children, and young, and not so young people wear clothes with foreign-language inscriptions, use now fashionable photo workshops to create such T-shirts, where inscriptions are perceived by them more often as a stylish element of decoration, especially if they look bright, bold and eye-catching.

1.3 The importance of understanding the meaning of foreign words on our clothes

When the children haven't reached transitional age, their wardrobe is completely taken care of by their parents. At this age, babies usually do not really care how they are dressed. However, the older they get, the more attention they pay to their appearance. If the inscription on the T-shirt at least to some extent reflects the sphere of interests of its owner, then everything is in order. In general, the inscriptions on clothing should be treated with caution. People around perceive them often as words spoken aloud by the owner of fashionable clothes. If you do not support the words written on your clothes, why did you put them on yourself? Not so long ago, a whole international scandal flared up on this occasion, affecting Germany and China.

An innocent, it would seem, joke failed and turned into an international scandal.

Over the past couple of years, almost two dozen cases have been recorded when, for incomprehensible inscriptions on T-shirts made on Arabic, or understandable, in English, but with "jokes" about the bombs, the security guards did not let the carriers of such clothes on the plane. Thus, paraphrasing famous phrase, it can be argued that we are responsible for what is written on our clothes.


Questions were tested among the students of our school. The data of 30 students were recorded and analyzed, which are reflected in the table (see. Attachment 1 ).

the age of the carrier;

whether he wears T-shirts with inscriptions in English;

whether he knows about the meaning of the text on the clothes or not;

information about possible grammatical and spelling errors in the inscriptions.

Questionnaire (Annex 2):
1) Surname, name, patronymic of the respondent.
2) Age, gender, education.
3) Do you wear English t-shirts?
4) Do you know the translation of the text on your T-shirts?
5) Write down the text presented on your T-shirts.

The survey results are reflected graphically in the table, based on the survey data

total number of respondents


wear t-shirts with inscriptions in English



know the translation of these inscriptions

can write this

We divided the results of the survey of school students into groups by topic:

1. Romance

2. Ecology

3. Cities and countries

4. Brands

5. Miscellaneous


According to our study, the majority of students in their wardrobe have items of clothing containing inscriptions in English. Of the 30 respondents, only 63% of students know the translation of the inscription that they have on their clothes, they also noted that they pay attention to the inscription when buying things. The remaining 37% found it difficult to translate their inscriptions, after these inscriptions were translated for them, they admitted that they never thought about the meaning of what is written on them, but now they are interested and will translate everything that is written on their clothes.

Thus, it can be stated that a minority of students do not attach much importance to the inscriptions on their clothes, although they know or guess about the meaning, which in turn may contain obscene and offensive meaning, grammatical and spelling errors. However, our study managed to bring this problem to the surface and invite teenagers to think before buying another fashion item with incomprehensible text, as well as to think about their knowledge of current English.


So, answering the question posed in the introduction: do adolescents take into account semantic load the inscriptions in English that they have on their clothes, it can be stated that, following fashion, young people strive to keep up with it.

During the study, it turned out that only 63% of the students surveyed paid attention to the translation when buying a thing. English phrases. However, some of them noted that difficulties in translation do not stop them from buying the clothes they like, students do not pay attention to the translation of the inscriptions and perceive them as an adornment of their clothes, that is, this is a kind of tribute to the modern fashion of teenagers, a kind of "dress code", not deciphered by them.

The analysis of the collected material showed that the level of English proficiency, which was determined by the age of the surveyed school student, allows one to navigate the inscriptions and correctly use the written information. The study also showed the inextricable link between the language level and the culture of the person himself.

In the course of working on the topic, using the example of school No. 5, we successfully solved the setresearch objectives:

We studied the scientific and popular literature on the topic,

Conducted a survey among students to find out the most popular lettering on T-shirts worn by students of secondary school No. 5,

We translated into Russian the English-language inscriptions on the T-shirts of the students of our school,

The age of the owner of the English-language inscription on the T-shirt was revealed.

Undoubtedly, it is a personal matter of each person what to wear. However, the fact that the vast majority of people who prefer inscriptions on clothes do not suspect what texts they go out with seems abnormal.

Nowadays, English is found everywhere: on goods and shop signs, on electrical equipment, clothing, on the Internet. It is studied in schools, universities, courses. Inscriptions in English can become the very express way that will help you quickly, cheaply and effectively replenish your vocabulary.

As the study showed, a minority of teenagers in our school do not attach much importance to the inscriptions on their clothes, which in turn can contain obscene and offensive meaning, grammatical and spelling errors. In the wardrobe of everyone there is not even one thing containing an inscription in English. Sometimes it may contain just a set of meaningless words and phrases, sometimes offensive and obscene language, and sometimes a phrase that is actually filled with meaning and good humor.

Extremely relevant and important is the fact that we are responsible for the information that we carry on ourselves, we, in a sense, with it, become its carriers to the masses, and it is extremely imprudent to hope that everyone around us does not know a foreign language and do not understand what is written on your clothes.


1. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1 %81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%D0%B0 free encyclopedia

2. Mertsalov M.N. Costume history. - M., 1972.

3. http://www.urokiistorii.ru/media/col/2978 History of slogans (wikimedia.org, vedomosti.ru, photomark.org, top.photo.co.uk)

4. http://www.sundayupmarket.ru/node/688 L.Khasaeva , the lessons of the history of the twentieth century

5. http://vk.com/club48531783 M.Mikhailova , History of inscriptions

6. http://rupor.sampo.ru/topic/34311 website shout "What do the inscriptions on T-shirts mean"

7. http://www.s-cont.ru/newscalendar/view/0/0/7999 - site "Service of the Continents", news

Attachment 1


The inscription in the original





Eternal love



4.All you need is love

All you need is love

5.Just for you

Only for you


6. Respect the nature and the animals

Respect wildlife and animals

3.Cities and countries











15 London


4.Designers and sportswear brands

16 Burburry

17. Nike

18. Dior

19. D&G

20. Adidas

5. Miscellaneous

21. Megadance

Mega dance

22. Baby




24. Morning Star

Morning Star


Summer time

26. Home sweet

Sweet home

27. Darling


6. Credo

28. Born to be free

Born to be free

29. Best friends 37. Donotcopyme

Don't copy me

38. Don't read my T-shirt

Don't read off my t-shirt

39. Wanted


40. Meltmyheart

Melt my heart

41. No parking

Do not park

42. Catch me if you can

Catch Me If You Can

43. All you need is rock and roll

All you need is rock and roll

Do you know the translation of the text on your T-shirts? slide 2

I would like to tell you about different foreign inscriptions found on the clothes of young people: on shirts, caps, skirts, T-shirts and other things. The following question immediately arises: Do all the owners of things understand the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes? My research is aimed at finding an answer to this question.

The object of study is the inscriptions in English on the clothes of students of our school. The subject of the study of my work is the information that the inscriptions on clothes carry. The purpose of the work is to identify the level of understanding by students of our school of the meaning of foreign inscriptions on clothes. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve several problems: To study the history of the appearance of inscriptions. Find a certain number of inscriptions on the clothes of students of our school. Translate them into Russian. Conduct a survey among students to identify the reasons for buying these things.

Hypothesis: the level of English proficiency allows our students to correctly understand the meaning of foreign inscriptions. The work was carried out in stages: At the first stage, the main information work was carried out. At the second stage, I analyzed the meanings of foreign inscriptions and compared them from carved points of view. At the third stage, conclusions were formulated, the results of the work were formalized. When performing the study, the following methods were used: Theoretical Research Empirical (questionnaire)

A T-shirt is a piece of clothing that has no buttons, a collar and pockets.

The T-shirt appeared for the first time in North America, surprisingly, during the First World War, when American soldiers needed light Underwear from cotton.

The inscriptions can be combined into several groups according to themes: romance, sports, credo or life position, appeal, music, cities, designers, ecology, religion, and other.

Today, most people use T-shirts with slogans, increasingly in foreign languages, to, for example, make a birthday surprise. Modern technologies make it possible to present an object with the desired inscription, be it mugs, clothes with a company logo, with a poet's favorite quote, interior items, etc.

Over the past couple of years, almost two dozen cases have been recorded when, for incomprehensible inscriptions on T-shirts made in Arabic, or understandable in English, but with “jokes” about bombs, the security guards did not allow wearers of such clothes to board the plane. Thus, paraphrasing the phrase, it can be argued that we are responsible for what is written on our clothes.

Questions were tested among the students of our school. Total number of respondents 30 100% Wear T-shirts with inscriptions in English 27 90% Boys 7 23% Girls 23 77% Know the translation of these inscriptions 19 63% Can write this inscription 19 63%

So, answering the question posed in the introduction: do teenagers take into account the semantic meaning of the inscription in English that they have on their clothes, we can state that, following fashion, young people strive to keep up with it. The analysis of the collected material showed that the level of knowledge of the English language, which was determined by the age of the respondent at the most frequent school, allows one to navigate in the inscriptions and correctly use the written information. The study also showed the inextricable link between the language level and the culture of the person himself.