Sometimes life opens up new horizons for us. Opening new horizons

July 14 past Pluto at a speed of about 50,000 km / h "whistled" the American spacecraft (SC) "New Horizons". It seemed like a big deal! People have long been accustomed to the fact that spacecraft, like ants, have already climbed almost the entire solar system. We visited all its planets, either flying around them, or sitting down (Mars, Venus, not counting the Moon, which, strictly speaking, is not a planet) on their surface, or even riding on it.

The “trifle” did not bypass the spacecraft as well. Flybys of the dwarf planet Ceres and largest asteroid Vesta, landings on asteroids, delivery of asteroid samples to Earth, encounters with comets, ramming of one comet, flyby and landing on another. All this is no more surprising, and from a philistine point of view, no more difficult than sending another meteorological probe into the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, the mission of New Horizons is special. She put an end to the end of one chapter space research and started at the same time new section this endless book of knowledge of the solar system, and with it the universe.

Now we've been everywhere"

NASA could have said so, and with it all of humanity, after New Horizons passed Pluto. In total, the spacecraft of the USSR, the USA, Europe, Japan, India and China have now been visited by all known planets revolving around the sun. In general, Pluto has also been not a planet for almost 10 years, but this is for scientists, and for the general public, it is still the owner of a proud planetary status.

In this way, New Horizons helped humanity overcome an important psychological barrier. Thanks to the success of this mission, there are practically no more “poles of inaccessibility” left for people in the solar system. Of course, this does not mean that the automatic messengers of our civilization have visited all the remote corners of our solar home.

After all, beyond the orbit of Neptune, the “Kuiper Belt” begins, followed by the “scattered disk” and, finally, the “Oort Cloud”. All these regions of space, related to the solar system and differing in a number of characteristics, are inhabited by the so-called trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), that is, those located beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Pluto is now one of them. To better imagine the distance from Pluto to the boundaries of the solar system, indicated by the hypothetical “Oort Cloud”, it is enough to know that if light travels from the Earth to Pluto at the present time for four and a half hours, then from the Earth to the “Oort Cloud” - whole year.

Pluto to New Horizons...

This planet, or, as it is now commonly called, a plutoid, is located very far from the Sun and, accordingly, from the Earth. Due to its strongly elliptical orbit, it sometimes approaches the Sun at a distance of 30 astronomical units(I remind you that one AU is the distance from the Sun to the Earth, which is 150 million kilometers), then it moves away from it by 50 AU. But even such "distances huge size” did not prevent the Hubble Space Telescope from seeing a lot of interesting things on Pluto.

For example, he told us about the presence of ice on Pluto from methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The resulting images also made it possible to estimate the density of Pluto. Scientists have suggested that it may be half composed of rocks, and half - from ice, including water. Possibly the presence of the ocean liquid water below its surface. New Horizons also confirmed the version that the surface of Hydra, one of Pluto's satellites, is covered with water ice.

But for dessert, Hubble gave the academic community, and indeed all those who do not want to feel alone in the universe, a real gift. He saw traces of complex hydrocarbons on Pluto. This gave grounds to put forward the assumption that there may exist simple shapes life.

…and after them

Most of the discoveries of New Horizons are associated with appearance Pluto and its five moons. The spacecraft saw canyons and gorges, as well as a flat, crater-free plain, under which geological processes can still take place. It also turned out that the atmosphere of Pluto wraps it in a thicker, albeit very loose, “blanket” stretching up to 1600 kilometers upwards.

The lenses of New Horizons saw ice-covered mountains rising up to 3,500 meters on Pluto. Their age is no more than 100 million years, which makes them "babies" compared to similar formations on other celestial bodies in the solar system. It is curious that the geological processes inside Pluto cannot be stimulated by the gravitational influence of other planets, such as Neptune or Uranus. So, they have their own autonomous “engine”. What - scientists have yet to figure out. Mountains were discovered largest satellite Pluto Charone.

New Horizons failed to restore Pluto's status as a planet, but it returned the title of the largest TNO to it. For a time, the Eris plutoid, located twice as far from Earth (100 AU) as Pluto, was thought to be slightly larger. After measurements made using New Horizons, it turned out that the diameter of Eris is 2,326 kilometers, and Pluto is 2,370, although Eris is still 27% heavier than it.

But be that as it may, both Pluto and Eris are “babies”. The moon is almost one and a half times the size of each of them. Its diameter reaches 3,475 kilometers.

And finally, the most beautiful discovery. It turned out that Pluto has ... a tail. sunny wind blows its atmosphere into space, which stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers behind the planet. Every hour, 500 tons of atmosphere are blown off Pluto into space. For comparison: Mars loses only one ton in the same period of time. Thus, if Pluto were closer to the Sun, it would decorate the night sky with the view of a tailed comet constantly hanging among the stars.

New Horizons for New Horizons

Pluto is important to scientists, but it is neither finite nor the main objective toy scientific mission, which materialized in New Horizons. Having visited this planet, the spacecraft began the process of exploring the Kuiper Belt. “The reason why we are so interested in exploring this belt is that it opens up a window in time through which we can see what the solar system was like 4.6 billion years ago,” said in an interview with the Washington Post. ” Harold Weaver, New Horizons scientist.

Weaver compared the Kuiper Belt to a refrigerator, where, due to the very low temperatures primordial materials can be preserved unchanged, from which the solar system was later formed.

Question of questions: where to fly after Pluto? Hubble came to the aid of New Horizons. Last year, he spent 45 days inspecting the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe starry sky where New Horizons is located, looking for suitable “post-Pluto” targets for the spacecraft. And I found five of them.

Of these, two were selected. The first is 2014 MT69, heavenly body about 60 kilometers in diameter. It is 44.3 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. “New Horizons” should approach her on the eve of the New Year, 2019. From 2014 MT69 is located just three months of flight another object - 2014 MT70.

The final choice of target will depend on who - engineers or scientists - will prevail. If the former, then New Horizons will travel to 2014 MT69, as it takes less propellant to get to it, which can be useful for subsequent spacecraft maneuvers. After all, New Horizons is expected to last until 2039.

However, if the last word it will still remain for scientists that the spacecraft will head towards 2014 MT70, because this object is brighter and larger. Its diameter is about 70 kilometers, so it can contain a larger volume interesting information for researchers. But in any case, in the world history of space exploration, a new chapter, the name for which is “Kuiper Belt”.

Ecology of knowledge. Work spacecraft New Horizons continues. After a historic flyby of Pluto on July 14 this year, NASA has selected a new potential destination for its unmanned aircraft. space probe. This place is the planetoid 2014 MU69, located 1.5 billion kilometers from the orbit of Pluto.

The work of the New Horizons spacecraft continues. After a historic flyby of Pluto on July 14 this year, the NASA aerospace agency has chosen a new potential destination for its unmanned space probe. This place is the planetoid 2014 MU69, located 1.5 billion kilometers from the orbit of Pluto. To get to that ice rep early history The solar system at the probe will take more than three years.

Located in the Kuiper Belt, 2014 MU69 has been nicknamed "PT1" or "Potential Target 1" by the New Horizons team. According to NASA, the diameter of this cosmic body is less than 45 kilometers, but it is about 10 times larger and 1000 times heavier than an ordinary asteroid. The small size of this object makes it interesting for scientists who believe that PT1 is a remnant." building material» The solar system, which found itself in the outskirts of the dark, cold, deep space and has not changed much over the past 4.6 billion years.

PT1 turned out to be one of several potential targets that were considered by the New Horizons team after extensive research into the issue in 2011. Ground telescopes could not select other candidates with sufficient efficiency, so the Hubble Space Telescope stepped in. He found five suitable targets, after which their number was reduced to two. And now the choice is finally made.

Even though New Horizons won't reach PT1 until January 1, 2019, the team had to choose a target in a bit of a hurry because the probe needs to make four orbital course corrections in late October and early November to get going. At any other time, the vehicle would have to use much more fuel to make the next mission successful.

After a 2007 maneuver using gravitational forces Jupiter "New Horizons" reached a speed of 83,600 km / h. And only on July 14 of this year, after nine and a half years space travel through deep space, the device flew past Pluto at a distance of 12,500 kilometers from the planet at a speed of 14 km / s, which allowed him to examine in detail this mysterious for scientists world. AT this moment the probe is 4.9 billion kilometers from Earth and will be transmitting information about its flight home over the next 15 months.

As is the case with most space missions NASA's Deep Space Exploration Agency, New Horizons was planned and developed with additional missions in mind after completing its primary mission. It has additional hydrosine fuel tanks, its nuclear generator is designed to run continuously for many years, its communication systems designed to take into account the distances behind the orbit of Pluto, and for its operation scientific instruments it takes even less light than reaches Pluto.

NASA indicates that the decision to visit PT1 is still preliminary and requires formal approval before the probe proceeds with orbital maneuvers. To next year the New Horizons team is to prepare a proposal that will be reviewed by an independent team of experts. If the project gets green light, then the probe team will begin preparations for a new scientific mission.

“The 2014 MU69 is an excellent choice. First, it belongs to the most ancient space objects in the Kuiper belt, and secondly, the flight to this planetoid fits into NASA's ten-year Decadal Survey program,” says Alan Stern, head of the New Horizons project from the Southwestern Research Institute (USA, Texas).

The path of New Horizons to its new goal

“Moreover, flying to this Kuiper belt object will require much less fuel (compared to other candidates). There will be enough fuel both to fly past the planetoid and to spend Scientific research, and there will also be enough fuel for the foreseen circumstances. published

Like many of us, NASA and the New Horizons mission began New Year with ambitious plans... for the next new year!

On January 1, 2019, the New Horizons spacecraft (which we have written about many times) will fly through one of the most "primitive" and remote objects that have ever been explored. It is part of the Kuiper belt called 2014 MU69, whose orbit is a billion kilometers farther from the Sun than Pluto's. "New Horizons" will receive an approximate image of the primary "brick" solar system and explores its environment.

The Kuiper belt was discovered very recently - only 25 years ago in 1992. Until the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft flew through the Kuiper belt, no one even knew it existed. According to project leader Alan Stern, “The flyby [through] MU69 on January 1, 2019 will be a continuation of historical research Pluto when our spacecraft flew over it in 2015… it will be an unprecedented event!”

Like many other similar objects in the field of icy bodies, MU69 is shrouded in mystery. All that is known about him comes down to the results of observations. space telescope Hubble, thanks to which MU69 was discovered in 2014, and research performed at an observatory in Argentina. The New Horizons team collected data on MU69 during a so-called occultation, during which it passed between the star and the telescope. Another coverage was observed by the satellite of the European Space Agency Gaia.

Based on these data, astrophysicists suggest that MU69 is either an object with a satellite, or a highly elongated body, or even a pair of bodies. The size of MU69 should not exceed 30 kilometers if it is a single body, and 15–20 kilometers if there are two of them.

New Horizons will approach MU69 at a distance of about 3500 kilometers, that is, three times closer than when it flew past Pluto. Thanks to this, the spacecraft's cameras will be able to obtain a detailed image of the object's surface. By comparing the images with information about the composition and environment MU69, we will get a lot of valuable information about the objects from which dwarf planets Pluto type.

The "post-plutonian" part of the New Horizons mission includes collecting information on several dozen other Kuiper belt objects, as well as measurements of the plasma and dust that make up the "atmosphere" of the belt.

AT this moment the device is in hibernation. On June 4, it will "wake up" to check systems and instruments for serviceability, and in mid-August, it will begin rendezvous with MU69 and make the first observations so that the team can control its course. A great reason to look forward to the next new year!

Opening new horizons

or life gets better.

The morning was surprisingly...calm. No one knocked on the door of the cabin, no one was eager to kidnap me, no one demanded to immediately explain what was happening. It was quiet and calm.

The sun shone with sharp rays through the porthole, penetrating into the interior of the cabin. A cozy and warm bed, with soft sheets and fluffy pillows, a fresh and clean smell hovers in the air, as if someone opened a window to the spring street. I felt rested and happy.

As I stretched, I felt a smile bloom on my face. What else is needed for happiness? I am safe, alive and even quite healthy! And, judging by the fact that no one disturbs me, I was given a chance to rest and sleep. Why such generosity? It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that I can sleep for a couple more hours…

Yawning sweetly, I rolled over onto my side, only to widen my eyes in surprise a second later. What the heck?! Reingar was sleeping peacefully nearby, calmly throwing his arm over me in a possessive gesture. I wanted to be indignant, scream from the heart, throw out the tension of yesterday, but he got ahead of me:

Don't move," Raingar said sleepily. – if you try to leave, then the dock guarding under the door with Chris will beat you right away. So shut up and you can kiss your hero.

It would also be nice for the hero to keep quiet, - I responded without malice, smiling.

Reingar's laughter answered me, pulling me even closer to him, burying his face in my hair. I found myself pressed against his heaving chest, and deciding not to resist, I lowered my head onto the pillow.

What happened yesterday?

Is it really that hard to keep quiet? Reingar asked in feigned desperation, opening his eyes. Well, yes, the poor fellow had no choice anyway. - Good morning.

Good, - I whispered, peering into his bright blue eyes, filled with ... joy? Tenderness? He smiled, looking straight into my eyes, and I saw how dark he was. how great is that! Feel healthy full of energy and beloved. He gently stroked my back, pressing harder. - so how did you find me?

Beacon, - surrendering, he answered. I put a beacon on you. - And catching my surprised look, he explained. - Even at our first meeting, I realized that you would bring us a lot, including problems. Before that, I read your dossier, marveling at what I have already done, what I have achieved. I expected to see in front of me a prudent, unscrupulous and somewhat cruel girl, capable of trampling other people's feelings. But ... you turned out to be different, emotional, quick-tempered, not finding yourself in anything other than a career. You are an excellent specialist, but deeply unhappy in real life, as if confused. It seemed to me that in such stressful situation you will behave inappropriately. To prevent this, I hung a beacon on you.

Why didn't I notice this? I asked grimly, diverting the subject from my personality. Certainly I good man, and this…analyst should not climb into my soul. Otherwise, I can also delve into his head. And he definitely won't like the lobotomy.

it the new kind beacon,” Reingar replied. - the latest development of Victoria. It is not noticeable, has practically no weight, smell. Perfect fit for you. You wouldn't be able to find it even if you were looking for the beacon. To do this, you would need a special technique, so hanging it on you, I did not even worry.

And when did you have time? I snorted, looking at him thoughtfully. And he's a good guy, he works so fast.

And just something? He raised an eyebrow in surprise. - And I was already expecting a detailed speech on the topic of what I am bad person. Are you not even angry?

Why would? I was genuinely surprised. - Thanks to this beacon, I'm still alive, so I'm even grateful to him. Well, and you, respectively. What happened next?

Finding blood, an unlocked door, an abandoned sensor, it was concluded that the worst. I tore and metal, literally bringing the staff to friendly hysteria and crawling at my feet. he shrugged. - He raised the whole city to his ears, personally promising to deal with everyone who approached the hotel. Frightened staff in a panic began to try to call the police, but there was no sense from them. After a couple of minutes, everyone from the team was on the spot, and even more than that, the Emperor Hispansharo decided to pay a visit. And I'm not surprised by this fact, otherwise he would have been sent to the interrogation room as a possible suspect.

Emperor? I asked in shock. - As a suspect?

Niccoleta Grace Rivera, acting analyst under the Emperor Victoria in the direction of the BST of the Investigation Department, was abducted. A Commonwealth agent assigned to Hispancharo as part of an investigation. Reingar chuckled, touching my face. “Not just a girl from the street. The Emperor might well have had a motive, so he fussed to avert suspicion.

And then? I asked excitedly, leaning forward.

The search began, - Reingar sighed. - it turned out that the baby called security to the room, which, by some absurd accident, did not come. Here you are smiling, - Reingar chuckled. And the guards weren't laughing. They begged not to be killed on the spot. Then, Chris found your sensor, of course with the voice recorder on. Based on this discovery, we checked the cameras, and, as it turned out, the main ones in the corridor were turned off, but those intended for personal use were activated. By the way, well done to you for doing this.

It's not the first time they've been kidnapped," I chuckled. – you certainly should know.

Do you want to talk about it? Reingar asked in a tone that sent goosebumps through his body. Rather, they run away from the body out of harm's way.

I want to hear the story of my heroic rescue. I smiled sweetly, returning Reingar's thoughts to a peaceful course. Otherwise, it will definitely kill.

We divided into two groups. Reinger continued. “Commonwealth agents have gone looking for a scapegoat, and the Slayers are with us, after you. Finding the ship of these freaks was not difficult. In the place where the beacon indicated your presence, there was a ship that was not registered in the Commonwealth system. we needed help, but we could not waste time, so we decided to connect the tunnel. While he was connecting, help arrived, and we went to storm the TO (Terrorist Organization) ship ...

Carriers, - for some reason I corrected. - that's what they call themselves.

Where are you from…

I know? I continued to interrupt Reingar. – An interesting fact: when psychos think they will definitely kill you, they say strange and honest things. It remains only to remember and take revenge in the near future. Speaking of revenge, can I attend the interrogation?

What else do you know? Reingar asked gloomily, avoiding a topic that was painful for him. Nothing, we'll get back to the question of interrogations. I should get at least some benefit from this story.

About terrorists, or so, from general erudition? I ask, brazenly ignoring his furious gaze. Wow, it's really scary when he looks like that. So it seems that now you will be rolled with a thin pancake on the ground. If he were his subordinate, she would have quit such a boss at the very first working day. And, damn it, I'm his subordinate. I forgot.

By the way, it would be nice to get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely beat me. O! I will do so. I just need to take a shower. Wait a minute...


The scream is quite justified, because I suddenly realized that I was quite clean, changed clothes, and my hair was also a little damp. Here's the bastard! Disband Winston, and promote Reingar to the honorary title of asshole! Why? He undressed me and washed me, in addition!

Apparently, the impudent bastard understood what it was about, and hurried to cover his head with a pillow, giggling vilely. I'll kill the bastard! Actually, that's what I thought the whole moment when I hit him right on the head with a pillow. He will pay me, he will pay me so much for this ... what a bastard! I would understand if the doc did it, he is a doctor, he would need to wash me of dirt and blood in order to examine me for injuries, but this one!

About half an hour later, when I was brazenly bitten on the heel, and a pillow flew into his ear, we finally went berserk and calmed down. Of course not! It was just a feint to crack his pillow in the forehead. He got caught, so I calmed down right after that.

I will kill you, Reingar, if you do this again. Clear?! I finally yelled into this impudent and completely undisturbed muzzle.

And sitting comfortably, she began to tell everything that she had learned yesterday. There was a lot to be said. Reingar listened in silence, not interrupting or interjecting with caustic remarks, as I would have done. In the end, he thought, leaned back on the pillow and thought about something for a long time.

Can you identify that psycho? he finally said. By this time, I had already managed to go to the shower, evaluate the drying in his cabin, and get clothes by asking Chris to drag them to Reingar. I don’t even know what Christophe was more happy about. The fact that I am alive and capable of dialogue, or the fact that I slept at Reingar's. Damn pimp!

Yes, I shrugged. - I don't think it will be a problem.

That's great," Reingar nodded. - but we'll deal with it later when we get back from the mission.

What task? I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

We're flying to La'Daniero. Reingar condescended to explain. “Something tells me we’re going to be there for a long time.”

Was I against it? And how can a person like me be against the resort? And even though it is full of brainwashed psychos, it will not remove clean, golden sand, it will not dry up the blue and salty sea, and it will not cut off palm trees. And psychos... I'm surrounded by them on the ship! Therefore, I just smiled happily, looking forward to vacation.

To be continued…

If you have any comments about the book, I'm happy to answer them. Please send your letters to my mail [email protected]) so that I can know what to consider next time, what shortcomings to eliminate and what to add.

More than two years ago, the department social development Tyumen region became the authorized body for work with socially oriented non-profit organizations (SONCO). During this time, an infrastructure for supporting NGOs has been formed in the region, and non-profit organizations themselves have entered the social services market on a par with state organizations.

Today, the Tyumen Region is one of the leaders in the Russian Federation in terms of providing phased access for SO NPOs to budget funds. These non-profit organizations "live" and act among us, doing a lot of good and useful things for the community. We offer you to get acquainted with one of them - the Tyumen center for the correction of autism "New Horizons".

About how the public initiative opened access to the social services market for special organizations - SO NPOs and became one of the few centers in Tyumen involved in the correction and development of children with autism spectrum disorders, as well as with mental developmental disabilities, tells its head Natalia Sitova.

The starting point for launching the project was the shock state of the Sitov family, when they realized that something was wrong with their one and a half year old child: the daughter stopped responding to the name, looking into the eyes.

We heard that there is such a disease - autism, but we were sure that it would not affect us, - says Natalia Yuryevna. - Pregnancy went well healthy lifestyle life. Mashenka was born on time healthy child. This is what distinguishes autism spectrum disorder from other diseases that doctors can diagnose immediately after the birth of a child.

The Sitov family devoted several years to finding the best rehabilitation or a doctor who would definitely cure the child. changed medical institutions and diagnoses, and the state of health only worsened. It was difficult to communicate with the child, it was difficult to be in in public places, she was unsettled various states incomprehensible to adults at that time.

At the age of three, Mashenka was diagnosed with autism, says the mother of a special child. - It became a little easier, as we understood where to move on to help our daughter: she is in more than medicinal, needed intensive pedagogical assistance.

In a family with special child life is changing dramatically, and it is very difficult, - continues Natalia Yurievna. - You do not belong to yourself, the constant dependence on the child, one might say, is exhausting. Many families break up, and then all the hardships of raising and rehabilitating a child fall on the shoulders of a single mother. The child's disability pension and the payment for caring for him - that's the whole family income.

Fortunately we have full family, - says Natalia Sitova. - Husband supports in all endeavors. My son is growing up as a healthy, cheerful boy, this year he became a first-grader.

From the need for education - to SO NCOs

Marusya was constantly undergoing rehabilitation in state social and medical institutions, but this was not enough.

I became an active participant in many Internet forums, talked with parents who faced the same problems in raising a special child, Natalia Yuryevna recalls. - This is how parents gradually found each other, ready to move mountains for their child, just to improve the quality of his life. I received additional education- a specialist in applied behavior analysis, or ABA therapy (a special technique that is used for the development and education of children with autism and mental developmental disorders), also became a TOMATIS consultant, in 2019 I will receive a diploma in psychology. She mastered all these professions as a plus to her philological education.

On the own experience a talented teacher realized that autistic children can be taught a lot of things that healthy children take from life themselves. For example, wash your hands and dry them with a towel, hold a spoon, eat.

Three years ago, Marusya went to a special correctional school and my mother got free time. She undertook to help three children with autism. Then the fourth and fifth appeared, today there are more than forty of them. So, naturally, the need for the development and education of special children grew into SO NPOs - into regional center an autonomous non-profit organization "Autism Correction Center "New Horizons" appeared.

First steps

My initiative - to create a SO NPO - was supported by my husband, grandparents, - says Natalia Sitova. - My husband's parents helped with the premises for the center. The emphasis in the non-profit organization was not on entertainment programs, but for the organization individual programs development of autistic children, children with mental disorders.

The center diagnoses their initial skills, identifies gaps, sets goals and educates. Children who cannot speak are taught how to use the alternative communication system using PECS cards.

Advisory assistance in the preparation of all necessary information and documentation on the creation of a non-profit organization were provided by the Department of Social Development and the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, as well as TOGIRRO (Tyumen Regional state institute regional development of education), - notes the head of the non-profit organization. - They are our partners today. Besides,
government agencies constantly involve our families in their various projects.

Main difficulties

The first difficulty encountered new organization, - frames.

It's no secret that many teachers tried to work, and they were excellent specialists, but after the very first lesson they realized that this was not for them, - recalls Natalia Yuryevna. - Not everyone can work with special children. They can pinch, scratch, and sometimes hit.

Today we have Friendly team, it includes Ekaterina Ivleva, Marina Litt, yesterday's graduate of Tyumen College of Education, Daria Kochurina is finishing her studies there. Teacher primary school Nina Strelina conducts classes using elements of preparation for school.

We are already accustomed to our children and love them so much that we rejoice in common successes, miss them as if they were our own, - says Ekaterina Ivleva, speech therapist and specialist in applied behavior analysis. It is worth noting that Ekaterina, a former techie with honors, had a prestigious job. But love for children won - received new profession and came to work in the center.

The second difficulty is funding.

We have participated in various competitions before, applied to charitable organizations, - says the head of the center. - We were thanked for participation and politely refused financial support. When did you find out about the competition? presidential grants decided to try their luck. Luck smiled at us - we became winners!

Grant support allowed for free of charge conduct classes for 45 children with autism and mental developmental disabilities for almost a year! The project "I can do it myself!", aimed at socializing and teaching children with autism everyday skills, elementary academic skills, was presented at the first regional exhibition-forum "Growing the Future" of industry institutions " Social politics» of the Tyumen region, having a positive experience in working with families and children, and became the winner in the nomination "The right to be equal."

We, the parents of special children, are very pleased that we additionally visit the New Horizons center free of charge, - says Tatyana Popova. - This is our happy lottery ticket. We hope that by joint efforts the children will socialize and we will be able to lead them into an adult, as independent life as possible.

Special Organization Plans

All classes in the center are held in the presence of parents, they also have to control the situation, as well as study - without their complicity, great results cannot be achieved. Therefore, the emphasis in new program grantees do on training parents as well as professionals preschool institutions, elementary school teachers.

At the annual August educational forum "Starting Quarter", where Natalia Sitova presented a workshop on working with unwanted behavior of children with developmental disabilities, teachers and leaders of preschool institutions who were present at the seminar noted that they lacked knowledge in working with children, which "lame" behavior.

The methods and technologies that we use in the course of classes work well on healthy children, - the talented teacher notes. - Today we are closely cooperating with the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region, as well as with the Department of Social Development. We actively share our knowledge and experience, we are always open to communication. We participate in various conferences and forums to keep abreast of relevant methods for effective assistance our children.