Poverty and wealth as psychological problems. Passion for easy money

Smart and rich without money(proverb)

If necessary, he will always get them, and if he doesn’t have them, then he already has everything that others are only trying to buy for money.

Domestic and foreign experts in the field of economics and psychology have set themselves the task of answering the question “How much money is needed for happiness?”, “Why do some people succeed, while others, despite all their attempts, do not”, “What is the secret of the rich with point of view of psychology?" "And what features of people do not allow them to get rich?", "What can money buy and what can not?" These and other questions already have unequivocal answers, confirmed by scientific research.

Among the most significant postulates of the psychology of wealth and poverty is that money is not just a medium of exchange, a "transit point" to specific values, but also carries a hidden deep meaning. In the pursuit of financial well-being, people tend to forget the fact that money either dominates its owner or serves him...

Parable "Choice".
Conversing with the hermit, the merchant claimed that, thanks to wealth, he was spared the need to indulge someone's desires or tastes.
- That's how! he exclaimed. - Well, when you chose a parking place for your caravan today, what was more important: the beauty of the area or the availability of food for pack animals?
- Of course, the abundance of herbs decided my choice, - the merchant replied.
“It turns out that even though you are rich, you live in such a way that the cattle would like it,” the hermit remarked.

How are incomes and expenses distributed among wealthy people, the middle class and the poor?

Upper-middle-income people are most likely to use a get-and-spend strategy Money- the “norm”, which assumes that a person really determines his capabilities and needs, earns as much as he plans, spends as much as necessary and makes savings.

People with an average level of income most often use the “flat” strategy, which is characterized by the fact that a person earns exactly as much as he plans, and spends everything without a trace. This strategy deprives a person of any movement forward: accumulation, development, growth of his financial well-being.

Lower-middle-income people are more likely to use the pit strategy. Such a strategy is used by a person who makes big plans for the money he earns, earns little and spends too much. The inability and unwillingness to earn money turns over time into constant material subordination, the ability to blindly obey and fulfill all the requirements of the person on whom he is dependent.

The researcher and scientist Tang, using the questionnaire he developed to measure attitudes towards money (Money Ethics Scale), found that people with high incomes are more likely to see the connection between money and achievements than people with low incomes.

As income increases, the value of money increases and then decreases, i.e. highest value money reaches people with average incomes. As income increases, people's tendency to hide their income increases.

The attitude of a person to the following factors does not depend on income: power, prestige, quality, distrust, anxiety. In other words, the level of happiness and the amount of money are not directly related. The thing is that there are other, more significant . The researchers found that leisure allows you to feel satisfaction with life by 42%, family - by 39%, work - by 38%, quality of life by 38%, friends - by 37%, personal life - by 34%, health - by 25%.

The attitude towards money can express various unsatisfied needs of a person and determine his behavior in the sphere of economic relations.

What is the attitude towards money?

  • Taboo money. AT modern society the topic of money is even more taboo than intimacy. The question "How much do you earn?" most often unacceptable.
  • Age, gender. Men are more rational in spending money; for women, the inability to spend money brings more grief. Those who “know the value of money” spend more rationally.
  • Personal characteristics, such as self-esteem. The lower, the greater value given to money.

The attitude to money is formed under the influence of:

  • experiences early childhood(deprivation, need, poverty, misery)
  • Intergroup rivalry, due to the division of people into rich and poor
  • The requirements of morality, ethics, religious beliefs.
  • Relationships with parents' money.

Most people have a habitual “financial corridor” in which they unconsciously strive to be.

A person unconsciously seeks and notices only those facts and circumstances that confirm his beliefs, and ignores information that contradicts it. If you want to succeed, do something that you did not allow yourself before - get out of your comfort zone, which has become a prison.

Good, but not solving the problem itself, reasons to get rich are the need for love, security, power and freedom. Many people believe that their failure to meet these needs is due to a lack of money. So they redouble their efforts to earn even more, but often fail. Because they don't realize that they true purpose sounds quite different – ​​the solution of an existential problem.

"Money can buy a bed, but not sleep; food, but not appetite; medicines, but not health; a building, but not home; books, but not the mind; ornaments, but not beauty; luxury, but not culture; entertainment, but not happiness; religion, but not salvation"...

The most popular myths about money:

  • the omnipotence of money (in fact, in this case, the problem with the meaning of life is not solved).
  • money is the criterion social adaptation a person, the more money, the more they value, respect, love, etc.
  • money is evil, it spoils a person (in fact, financial well-being enhances the qualities that prevail in a person: it makes the greedy stingy, the evil one aggressive, the kind one generous, and the brave one a hero!).
  • you can’t honestly earn big money, every person must work hard for a modest salary until the end of his days.

Reasons for wanting money:

Safety: Often the desire for wealth is nothing more than a need for emotional security. The desire for wealth among self-made businessmen is often associated with psychological trauma childhood. For them, wealth is a compensatory mechanism that allows them to regain a sense of security. Money in this case is used as a way to overcome anxiety.

There are 4 types of people for whom money is a symbol of security:

  • Miser. For them, saving money is a value in itself.
  • Ascetic. They delight in self-denial and ostentatious poverty.
  • Bargain Hunter: Does not part with money until the situation is the most advantageous, and then happily spends it. The feeling of triumph often atones for the irrationality of the acquired thing.
  • Fanatic Collector. Possession of objects replaces for him communication with people and a feeling of deep affection for a loved one.

Power: Money and the power it gives can be seen as an attempt to return to infantile fantasies of omnipotence. Power seekers are very aggressive in pursuing their financial ambitions.

  • Manipulator. Uses money to manipulate and control people by taking advantage of their vanity and greed.
  • Empire Builder. Independent and self-confident. Denying their dependence on others, they try to make others dependent on themselves.
  • Godfather. Uses money for bribes and control, buying loyalty and allegiance.

Freedom: Money here acts as a means to get rid of the routine, giving the opportunity to manage your life and freely fulfill your dreams and desires. In itself, such motivation is commendable, the main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion.

  • Freedom Buyer. Similar people strive, first of all, for freedom, their self-sufficiency is not always clear to close people.
  • Freedom fighter. Among them are many political radicals who reject money as the result of the enslavement of other people.

Love: There is a common type of people who consider spending a condition for receiving the love and devotion of others. We will conditionally call this type “Buyer of love”. Giving gifts to others, a person tries to buy their love, pleasing others with his generosity. In addition, the presence of money in the pockets gives a feeling of attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Thus, many people make the mistake of confusing non-financial goals with financial goals. For example, in order to realize your old dream and become an artist, you do not need special expenses: you need a minimum income to “maintain your pants” and paint.

Psychological portrait of a poor person.

In order to psychologically justify their poverty, many people form their own attitudes, internally reconciling with the lack of money.

  • External locus of control - the search for the guilty, lack of responsibility for oneself, mechanical decision-making, stereotypical thinking.
  • Low self-esteem, low ambitions. Such people agree to see the source of poverty in themselves. They are often tormented by guilt. Deep inside they had the idea that a person who does not have money is worthy of contempt, even if he is smart and talented, but to waste time on painstaking work they see it as a waste of time. In their understanding, wealth is the ability to spend. They admit that they should change, but at the same time they constantly complain about their own extravagance and laziness, which do not allow them to get out of the financial hole.
  • Failure avoidance strategy. Still others directly admit their surrender, claiming that they are unable to change their financial situation. They try to treat money philosophically, readily recognizing the primordial injustice of the world around them, where money comes not from work, but from parents or as a result of shameful fraud. There will always be "big people" who from time immemorial determine the level of prices and profit from the labor of ordinary workers. They treat work as a necessity guaranteed by the state, and not as a zone of personal responsibility for their future fate.
  • Weak self-control, self-management: inability to put off current pleasure for greater satisfaction a little later. They dream about what they will do when they have a lot of money, but they are spending money now, as if they had Rockefeller income. Constantly do not get out of debt, illiterate in financial matters, do not try to analyze their previous mistakes and draw useful conclusions for themselves.

What is the secret of the rich, successful and happy?

People who own a lot of money are not engaged in earning it, but in the realization of their passion for some kind of activity. By creating and producing something in demand, you are guaranteed to be able to exchange it for money. If you did something useful and it brought you income - do it again!

It is unscrupulous to think that you cannot achieve everything that the great masters have achieved. Masters are people, and you are a person too. If you know that you can become just like them, you are already on your way to it.Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Master Ittei said: “Confucius became a sage because he had been pursuing learning from the age of fifteen, not because he had studied in his old age.” This is reminiscent of the Buddhist saying: "There is intention, there will be insight."

formula for financial success.

  • A person who wants to get rich must have a passionate desire to achieve his goal.
  • Wealth is not achieved by hard work, but by active desire.
  • It is necessary to think in terms of success, look not for limitations, but for opportunities.
  • A person moving towards his goal has an unbending will and perceives mistakes as lessons that give new experience.
  • The goals and ways to achieve them in successful people are moral and contribute to increasing the world and the well-being of people.
  • On the way to success, you should always find enough time for rest and sports.
  • Help to those in need, love, friendship, creativity - an uninterrupted and stable source of energy.

When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him. Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Scientists in again proved that success is achieved by one who knows exactly what he wants. The study was conducted among senior students. They were asked, “Do you have clear, written goals for the future?”

It turned out that only 3% of the respondents had such goals written down, 13% had goals, but did not write them down, 84% had no specific goals other than to graduate. Ten years later, these same people were interviewed again. It was found that the 13% who had goals earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals. The most interesting thing is that those 3% of students who recorded their goals in writing earned 10 times more than all the rest combined.

Write down your goals - now is the time! And your dreams will come true, sooner or later!!

There are several main common reasons for such human behavior, in which access to wealth is blocked for him. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Let low-paid, but stable job
A person with the psychology of the poor, as a rule, chooses a low-paying, but stable job. In state institutions. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to commercial organization, that is, the risks of staying on the street after a while.
A person absolutely does not believe in his own strength and that his experience and knowledge will be in demand. In the end, this is what happens. He goes to a tedious, boring job, stops learning new things, turns sour and becomes useless to anyone. Instead of growing and developing.

Fear of change
Again, for the reason of being useless, a person with the psychology of the poor is afraid of change. The motto is better to have a little than to risk and possibly lose everything. People with the psychology of poverty will never open their own business, will not develop new market segments, will not go to get a second higher education at 40 and will never move to another city in search of a new life at 50!

Low self-esteem
A characteristic feature of people with the psychology of poverty. Yes and where to get high self-esteem, if a person does not live, but vegetates - a gray uninteresting job, which is also scary to lose, the lack of vivid impressions in life, changes of places and reasonable risks. These are the factors that make you respect yourself for your efforts and opportunities.
A person with a poor mentality does not understand that wealth and good prospects reveal themselves to active people who are not afraid to take risks and start all over again.

Reluctance to be active
Obviously, in order to achieve something and get good result, it is necessary to constantly make efforts in this direction. For example, to consider offers of an interesting and highly paid job with a wider range of responsibilities compared to the previous place. And thus grow all the time.

A person with the psychology of poverty does not want and is not able (because he has never tried) to be active - he is afraid to seek new job, because he already thinks in advance that he will not cope, he does not earn extra money, because he is sure that nothing will work out and there will still be no money. Man is passive, and therefore poor.

Everyone should
A person with the psychology of the poor is convinced that he should be adequately paid. Just because he does a good job. And his salary should be such that it is enough for everyday life, and for rest, and for children, and for himself. Forgetting at the same time that he himself agreed to work with low pay. And now he blames the mean-chef.

A person shifts responsibility from himself to others. What is the point of moving if nothing depends on me anyway? Do it - don't do it, but the result is the same - I won't get anything.

It's easier to be frugal
The poor spend their energy not on attracting, but on keeping. They spend hours shopping, comparing prices and shopping where it's cheaper. They write and go to various authorities, seeking a meager reduction in payment for utilities or disposable social assistance, which is hardly enough for one trip to the store. Instead of spending the same efforts effectively on earning money or finding a good job.

Take a look at yourself. Do you have any of the above qualities? And get rid of it urgently if something similar is found. Remember that your life and your well-being are only in your hands!

The psychology of wealth

All and sundry write about the psychology of wealth. There are millions of books. Popular authors all over the world - Brian Tracy, Klaus Joel, John Kehoe, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale - and their scribes organize trainings and seminars around the world, on which, in fact, millions are worked out. In the States, the psychology of wealth has been known for fifty years. Maybe that's why there are much more millionaires than anywhere else on the planet. And anyone can become one. Many have made the journey from zero to millions in the account.

Readers of inspiring books on the psychology of wealth will confirm that all authors talk about the same thing in different words. And there is absolutely nothing strange about this.

We are accustomed to go to the doctor with health-related problems, and with domestic troubles - to friends and girlfriends who will provide a vest and always comfort, and some even help. good advice. Often we want to decide psychological problems themselves without the help of a professional, reading books and articles on practical psychology and think long and hard about the situation. Our mind and soul are not much different from other human organs, such as the liver or heart. Therefore, they should be treated by a professional. Not everyone has come to this in Russia yet. But let's not digress from the topic.

So what is the psychology of wealth?
John Kehoe is one of famous authors- lived in a poor shack, ate what he had to and did not even have one extra cent. During this period of poor life, he came up with his psychology of wealth. And his first step changed later life. The secret is simple: he tried to consciously see abundance in everything. I have just a lot. It should get stuck in your head. He counted the wild grapes he ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Many in his place would suffer and whine from their meager lunch. It turns out that he had not enough food, but on the contrary, many, many grapes. He had not few dollars, but many cents.

The key point here is gratitude ! What can you thank the universe for? Just start noticing the wealth that you already have, even when it seems to you that everything is not enough and there is nothing to say thank you for. Since you are reading this article, you definitely have a computer, a roof over your head and access to global network. This is much more than John had at the time. Yes, millionaire John Kehoe at one time only dreamed of what you already have.

After recognizing abundance in your life, start using the image of a millionaire. It's a fun game, you have to act every day like you're already a millionaire. You don't think about debts and loans, you read the menu in a restaurant from left to right, and not vice versa, you don't start complaining about inflation. You are already rich, so there is no need to worry.

Budgeting is important. It should not have a place for black holes. If you have a debt, then something is not organized correctly.

We bring to your attention a few exercises from the books:

Esther and Jerry Hicks suggest the next game. Get a notebook and write on the first page: "Today I received 30,000 rubles." Below, with pleasure, "spend" this amount, describing in detail what you are buying and at what cost. Every next day, increase the amount received by 30,000 rubles. When you mentally sort out all the current expenses and household needs, you will earn a fantasy that will help you feel like a truly rich person.

Joel practices another exercise: he carries a fiat hundred dollars in his wallet, and, passing by shops and cafes, mentally spends this money again and again. During the day, in this way, you can "spend" several thousand dollars, after which your subconscious will breathe a sigh of relief: well, finally you are a truly rich person!

Remember the weakness of the Buddha. "We are what we think." Think about money and it will come. Read financial newspapers, study investing and economics, think about ways to increase income and find additional source. And the opportunities will start to appear. This scheme has been running for centuries.

Skeptics will say: "If it all works and everything is so simple, why are there so many poor people in the world?" Perhaps the answer is obvious. Of the numerous audience of readers, only a few are actually engaged in own development. After all, this is not magic or witchcraft, but work on oneself and the attitudes of the subconscious.

Purposefulness, control over thoughts and words, permanent job over yourself - these are the components of success.

What is the difference between the mindset of a poor person and the mindset of a rich man?

Most people are unhappy with their financial position and would like to improve it. It is clear that this does not work for everyone. Although almost all people, with the exception of the oligarchs, consider themselves not rich - there is always someone to compare themselves with in terms of wealth and feel their inferiority.

First, let's look at how each of the representatives of the poor and the rich evaluates themselves.

1. How much is your time worth?
A poor man never knows the value of his time. In fact, it's worth nothing to him. Therefore, he, without hesitation, spends it on various completely useless things for him.

So, for example, in Soviet times When almost the entire population was poor, it was customary to meet and see off visiting relatives. People dodged, asked for time off from work (the salary goes anyway) and fulfilled their voluntary duties.

Then times changed, relatives might not be so poor, but the habit of meeting and seeing them off (especially if you have a car) remained. It doesn't matter how much time you spend on it, it's important to help people.

This is how poor people behave. And the rich either send their driver to meet them, or offer the guest to take a taxi and come. You can only go somewhere and meet people in person special categories- beloved woman, parents.

Here is another example. Perhaps you are very focused on discounts, trying to buy everything as cheaply as possible. Today, various discount systems on the Internet have greatly enriched themselves on this tendency of the psychologically poor - they meet the needs of poor people to buy everything at a discount.

In principle, rich people also love discounts (more precisely, they love money and are very reluctant to part with it. Especially if they feel a discrepancy between price and quality).

The difference between the poor and the rich is that the poor person does not consider the cost of his time required to receive a discount. He can watch for months when the goods he needs can be bought cheaper. Then he is ready to go to the other end of the city for a purchase, and sincerely rejoice that he bought something for a hundred (one thousand or three thousand) rubles cheaper.
It practically turns out that he earned this money by spending his time.

And now you need to divide the amount of the discount received by the time spent on receiving it. And you will find out how much money you earn per hour is really joyful for you.

If you are a pensioner and you have more than enough free time, then almost any amount will be pleasant for you. And if you work somewhere, and sell your labor for a salary, have you increased or decreased your cost per hour, chasing discounts?

Let's explain this idea with numbers.

Let's say you work at an enterprise and receive an average of 35,000 rubles per month (in your hands). To get this money, you spend 8 hours x 24 working days per month = 192 hours of working time. This means that you once valued yourself at 35,000 rubles a month, or 35,000: 192 = 182 rubles, or about $5.3 per hour.

Naturally, you think that you should receive more. This is at the level of your claims. And what do you really value yourself for, how much money are you willing to spend your time chasing discounts?

Let's count. Let's say you spent about 8 hours looking for the product you need with an average cost of 12,000 rubles (something from devices). You looked at prices on the Internet, then you did a price research in stores, then you went to one store and bought the item you needed for 11,000 rubles.

That is, in the end, for 8 hours of intense searching, you "earned" 1000 rubles. We divide these 1000 by 8 hours of searching and get 125 rubles. That is, you lowered your "value" by 32%! Theoretically, you think you're worth well over $5 an hour. In practice, you are sincerely happy when your efforts brought you $3.6 an hour.

This is your true price. Or even lower, if next time you spend a lot of time to get a discount of as much as 200 rubles.

This is the behavior of a poor person who is ready to spend his time for any amount.

Now take a rich person with an average monthly income of $20,000. He usually does not know the "cost" of his hour either. But he intuitively feels where he should put his time and look for a discount. And where is it worth immediately paying the requested price, and not wasting time and effort looking for a cheaper item, while winning an insignificant amount for yourself.

It is clear that the poor will say: "Give me 20 thousand a month, and I will also throw money."
But in this world no one gives, you have to take everything yourself. But you will not take more, even if the opportunity to earn more presents itself, if you sincerely rejoice at such small financial achievements.

Most likely, you simply will not see such an opportunity, since your inner gaze will always be turned towards getting little money.

Now let's talk about what kind of future the poor and the rich unconsciously choose.

Where is the ceiling of my income?
Imagine a situation - you have planned to buy a car. Or a bicycle, Or a summer cottage.
You have a certain amount of money that allows you to make a purchase that you can afford.
You like a car (bike, land) that costs a little more than the money you have.

What will you choose to buy?
The vast majority of people unconsciously choose safety. That is, the purchase "affordable".

That is, they squeeze their needs into the available income. They do not believe that incomes can increase, so they do not want to create for themselves additional complexities. And this is with an external declaration that you want to be richer.

That is, a person is afraid of an unknown future, he conditionally looks inside himself into the past and down. He does not look to the future he would like to achieve.

What does a person who really strives to be better off do? He also lives on the income that he really has today. But he always seeks to expand the boundaries of his capabilities. It is dangerous, requires a lot of effort and does not guarantee results. But then look forward and upward, to new heights.

His Subconscious, seeing the danger ahead, gives the body an additional energy impulse, helping it overcome the danger. And in this excitement, he easily finds an opportunity to earn the money that he lacked for the purchase.

You can even use this approach to increase your income. That is, to acquire those things that are a little (!!!) more expensive than your savings. As a result, you will have to strain a little, but you will still find an opportunity to earn the missing money. Do the same next time, and gradually you will move into the zone of more expensive things and more income.

So pay attention to your thoughts and actions when shopping. If you are always looking to save money and stay within your income (comfort zone), then you have a poor man's set of beliefs.

Once upon a time, specialists in the field of psychology and economics faced the task of answering questions about how much money is needed for happiness, why someone succeeds and someone does not, and, finally, how the psychology of a rich person differs from a poor one. To date, a clear understanding has been formed that wealth is primarily work on oneself, and without psychological aspect it is impossible. Let's see what the psychology of poverty and wealth is.

Income distribution

In people with different levels income distribution cash flows happens differently.

Wealthy people in receiving and spending money often adhere to the "norm" strategy. They realistically assess their needs and opportunities, earn as much as planned, spend as much as necessary, make savings.

Middle-income people tend to live in a "plain" strategy. They earn exactly as much as they plan to spend. With such a strategy, a person is deprived of any financial development. He always has a need to cover his expenses and no time for growth. Accordingly, there is no question of accumulating funds.

And finally, people whose income is below average usually follow the “pit” strategy. They make big plans for their money, while earning little and spending a lot. Over time, the inability and unwillingness to earn money leads to the fact that a person is constantly in material subordination. He blindly fulfills the requirements of the one on whom his material condition depends.

Attitude towards money

One scientist and researcher found that people with high incomes are more likely to notice the connection between money and achievement than everyone else. As income increases, the role of money in a person's life first increases and then decreases. Such is entertaining psychology. Money is most needed by those who have average level prosperity. It was also noted that as income increases, a person's tendency to conceal the amount of his earnings increases.

Studies show that a person's attitude to such factors as power, quality, prestige, anxiety and distrust does not depend on the amount of money. In other words, the level of happiness is not directly related to the level of income. There are much stronger sources of happiness: leisure makes us 42% happier; family - by 39%; work (as a way to realize one's potential) - by 38%; friends - by 37%; relationships with the opposite sex - by 34%; and, finally, health - by 34%. The attitude towards money expresses the unsatisfied needs of a person and determines the model of his behavior in the sphere of social and economic relations.

Attitude towards money reflects such factors:

  1. Taboo money. To date, talk of intimate relationships less forbidden than about the money and income level of the interlocutor. Questions about the level of earnings are considered bad form.
  2. Age and gender. Men are more rational than women when it comes to spending money. When there is no opportunity to buy something, it is the girls who are more upset. The older a person is, the better he knows the value of money.
  3. Personal characteristics, in particular, self-esteem. The lower it is, the more people attaches importance to money.

Attitude to material wealth formed under the influence of such factors:

  1. Experiences of early childhood.
  2. Intergroup rivalry.
  3. Beliefs.
  4. Parental attitude towards money.

Each of us has a certain “financial corridor”, and we unconsciously strive to be in it. On the unconscious level a person sees and notices only those circumstances and facts that correspond to his personal beliefs, ignoring information that does not correspond to his picture of the world. To expand your capabilities, you need to get out of your comfort zone, learn to admit your mistakes and constantly try new things. The psychology of poverty rejects development and very strongly prevents it from reaching its potential.

Common myths about money

  1. Money is omnipotent. To assert that everything is bought and sold can only be a person who has not decided on the meaning of his life. It is interesting to note that it is the psychology of poverty that presupposes such a worldview. Rich people know they don't
  2. Money is a criterion for social adaptation of a person. In other words, the more a person has them, the more he is valued, loved and respected. You can't buy sincere respect.
  3. Money spoils a person. The poor man, whose psychology is blocking development, as a rule, believes that money is evil, and it spoils people. In fact, financial well-being only enhances those personality traits that prevail. This is how money makes good man generous, brave - heroic, evil - aggressive, and greedy - stingy.
  4. Big money cannot be earned honestly. A very common excuse for poor people. To date great amount people achieves financial well-being in an honest way. Those whose picture of the world is corrected by the psychology of poverty fail to understand that many wealthy people fundamentally conduct their business in an honest way. In this regard, one cannot call successful, for example, an official who built his fortune through bribes. He is rich, but not successful, and most importantly - unhappy. Moreover, if you dig deeper, he is not even rich, since his well-being does not depend on skills and professionalism, but on a temporary post.

Why do people want money?

In the pursuit of wealth, a person often tries to secure security, power, freedom, or love. Let's analyze each of the factors separately:

  • Safety. Often a person's need for emotional security causes a desire for prosperity and a fear of poverty. The psychology of such people is formed in connection with childhood traumas. An increase in income brings back the same sense of security that was felt in childhood. Money helps overcome anxiety. From this point of view, people can be divided into 4 categories:
  1. Miser. Such people find the main meaning of financial activity in saving.
  2. Ascetic. The people of this group take great pleasure in ostentatious poverty and self-denial.
  3. Bargain hunter. This person will not spend money until he is in the maximum advantageous position. Discouraged by the prospect of acquiring something at an unreasonably low price, he may spend his savings irrationally, acquiring unnecessary things. And the prospect of acquiring something more expensive in a person dulls the fear of poverty. The psychology of poverty often manifests itself in the pursuit of profit. More details about the attitude to discounts will be discussed below.
  4. Fanatic collector. Such people are prone to erecting things in a cult that can even replace relationships with loved ones.
  • Power. Money, and the prospect of the power it opens up, is often seen as an attempt to return to infantile fantasies of omnipotence. Those who seek power from money are often quite aggressive in pursuing their ambitions. From the point of view of the desire for power, people are divided into the following groups:
  1. Manipulator. Such a person manipulates others through money, taking advantage of their greed and vanity.
  2. Empire Builder. Such people are always confident in their abilities. They deny their dependence on anyone and try to make others dependent on them.
  3. Godfather. This type of person buys the loyalty and devotion of others with money, often resorting to bribes.
  • Freedom. From the point of view of freedom, money acts as a panacea for routine, opening up the opportunity to manage your time and fulfill your desires and dreams without any obstacles. In itself, the desire for freedom as a motivation for making money is very commendable, the main thing is that a person should feel the measure. From the point of view of freedom, people are divided into the following groups:
  1. Freedom Buyer. These people position their self-sufficiency as main goal in life. Not always they can enlist the support of loved ones.
  2. Freedom fighter. A prominent representative of this group is a radical politician who in every possible way rejects money as a result of the enslavement of people.
  • Love. Many people think that by increasing their income, they will receive the devotion and love of others. Such people can be conditionally called "buyers of love." They give gifts to others in the hope of gaining their favor. Often, having money gives a person the feeling that he is more attractive to the opposite sex.

Many without realizing that the main task consists in solving an existential problem, trying headlong to earn more money, and as a result they do not become happier. Here, as an example, we can recall the saying that money can buy a bed, but not sleep; medicines, but not health; home, but not comfort; ornaments, but not beauty; entertainment, but not happiness, and so on.

Thus, often completely non-financial goals become financial tasks for a person, which, of course, is big mistake and does not affect such a problem as poverty syndrome. The psychology of self-preservation distances a person from solving his problem. As a rule, to realize an old dream, a person needs quite a bit of money. And sometimes they are not needed at all.

Psychological portrait of a poor person

To justify themselves and their poverty, people form certain attitudes in their worldview. Let's find out which psychological barriers do not allow a person to get out of poverty, which prevents him from gaining financial independence.

Complaints about life

Perhaps this is the first distinguishing feature a person whose mind is dominated by the psychology of poverty. Very often people complain about their country, relatives, bad time, external flaws and so on. All this testifies to reactive thinking, which assumes that a person adapts to the environment. Successful people preach projective thinking, changing the environment that does not suit them. This is the difference between poverty and wealth. The psychology of decision is inherent in the rich and successful. The poor prefer only to discuss their problems. The psychology of a leader is based on the same principle. Radislav Gandapas - the most titled business coach in Russia - says: "If the environment does not suit you, leave it, change it or die in it ... just don't complain!" Thus, the first thing to note when answering the question of how to get rid of the psychology of poverty is the fact that you need to stop complaining. And not only to others, but also to yourself.

"Everyone owes me"

Psychologically poor people are often sure that everyone owes them (country, employer, parents, children, wife / husband, and so on). Thus, people shift their responsibility to others. Successful person I'm used to doing everything myself. He is fully responsible for his life and will never say that someone owes him.

Unloved and low-paid, but stable job

Another very common manifestation of the psychology of poverty. People are ready to give all their time unloved job, which consistently brings them income. They can hate their manager and colleagues, get very tired, live with constant dreams of Friday and a salary, but at the same time do not change anything. People are afraid to quit, because it means a certain unknown and uncertainty, which is rejected by the psychology of poverty. A successful person will not get hung up on one job. He is confident in his abilities and ready to knock on any door. In addition, he is always looking for additional ones and tries to monetize his hobby.

Fear of change

Man, by nature, strives for peace and stability. But often, in order to achieve success, including financial success, you need to be ready for change. It can be a job change, moving, starting your own business, and so on. And if a person is poor and does not change anything, then how will he become rich? The one who refuses to open up to everything new inevitably develops a psychology of poverty. How to fix this problem? Just start doing things that are atypical for yourself - and soon you will begin to get excitement and energy from this.

Low self-esteem

Not all people who can be called poor complain about life. Many of them understand everything, but consider themselves unworthy of more. Of course, if a person has not achieved anything and he has nothing to be proud of, then self-esteem has nowhere to come from. However, the lack of achievement should encourage action, not self-flagellation.


As a rule, people with the psychology of poverty are inactive. This manifests itself both in relationships with others and in Everyday life. This is due, again, to the reluctance to learn something unknown and take risks, as well as the fear of failure. After all, if you do nothing, then there is nowhere to make mistakes. Therefore, getting rid of the psychology of poverty involves active action, continuous development and looking for opportunities.


A very unpleasant sign of the psychology of poverty. If a person openly or secretly envies the one whose life is better, he is doomed to poverty. Of course, in rare cases envy can be a motivator, but it's more of a rivalry than envy. If a person has a desire to compete, then this is not quite the psychology of poverty. Signs of poverty should be eradicated comprehensively, but envy should be eliminated first. Instead of envying someone, you need to ask yourself what efforts have been made to be better. And it makes no sense to compare yourself with anyone, because everyone has their own life.


It is worth mentioning that greed and frugality are not the same thing. Greedy man bets money top priority, he denies himself everything and does not live the way he wants. A frugal person, in turn, does what he wants, but at the same time plans his budget wisely. However, both of these traits are not characteristic of rich people, but if frugality helps in some cases, then greed destroys us from the inside. Greed should be eradicated, because it will never lead to success.

"All at once"

People with the psychology of poverty often dream of getting everything at once, while, of course, doing nothing. Of course, that doesn't happen. To achieve financial well-being, you need to understand how hard money gets. Otherwise, a person will not be able to cope with them. People with the psychology of poverty to the question "What will you do if you get a million?" they usually answer that they will spend it on some kind of entertainment. A person with the psychology of wealth will say that he will invest this million in a business that will bring him income. Having achieved success, he will definitely return that same million back.

Passion for easy money

This sign is somewhat similar to the previous one. All poor people love discounts and easy money. or savings - it does not matter. It is important that the passion for easy money is a feature of an unsuccessful and poor person. When a person is self-sufficient, he perceives the offer to save money as a threat and a catch. The successful person doesn't like discounts because they know they can afford to pay full price. Wherever there is a choice between "pay" or "not pay", he pays. For example, why are there no discounts in the salons of premium car brands? Not because potential buyers do not count money, but because they are afraid of discounts. This can also include bribery, blasphemy, and so on. That is why not every He is rich in a wallet, but poor in outlook.

"Take", not "give"

One of the most enduring signs of a truly rich person is service. Agree, it sounds paradoxical. Let's figure it out. What is the dream of the poor man? It's usually a good car good house, rest and other attributes of wealth. Moreover, as a rule, to the question “What else?” he answers something like: "Well ... a car, and you can do better." A rich person rarely thinks about his needs. His mission is to make the lives of those around him better. First it spreads to the family, then to the city, and then to the country. That's why many successful people give a lot of money to charity. The poor will say: "Sins atone for!" And what else can he say if he thinks in terms of “take”, and not “give”, and does not understand how you can give someone the money earned with sweat and blood.

Service is a huge source of motivation and vital energy. This is the strongest thing that is incomprehensible to people with the psychology of poverty. Service can be identified with the psychologies of a leader, father, and God.

Formation of the goal

Scientists have proven that success is most often achieved by those who clearly know what they want. In one of the most prestigious universities the world conducted a survey with one simple question: "Do you have clear, written goals for the future?" The result showed that 3% of those surveyed write down their goals, 13% know what they want but do not write it down, and the remaining 84% do not have any clear goals other than to graduate. Ten years later, these same people were asked about their income levels. It was found that respondents who had goals, but did not write them down, earn twice as much as those who did not set goals. But the most interesting thing is that the same 3% of survey participants who wrote down their goals earn ten times more than everyone else. Here, perhaps, there is nothing to add.

How to overcome the psychology of poverty?

So, summarizing what has been said, we conclude. How to get rid of the psychology of poverty? For this you need:

  1. Stop complaining!
  2. Understand that no one owes anything to anyone!
  3. Stop holding on to the job you hate!
  4. Love change and action!
  5. Take action to increase your self-esteem!
  6. Do not waste time on inappropriate actions!
  7. Get rid of jealousy!
  8. Don't expect quick results!
  9. Eradicate your passion for easy money!
  10. Motivate yourself for success through service!
  11. Write down your goals!


Today we figured out what the psychology of poverty and wealth is. It is surprising that in our time, when there are so many conditions and opportunities for financial well-being, as well as tools to ensure it (books, trainings, etc.), many suffer from a lack of money. Definitely, the reason for everything is not external factors and the psychology of poverty. book about success financial well-being is unlikely to help someone who is poor in his thoughts or is simply afraid to change something. Therefore, first of all, you need to work on yourself and your worldview!

The beginning of everything is in the mind. This is what some people think psychological schools. In their opinion, first of all, how a person will live depends on the thinking of a person. And now it is especially fashionable to assert that the psychology of a poor and a rich person is very different. This is true. But it is inappropriate to say that it is enough just to change the way of thinking in order to turn from poor into rich at once. Everything is somewhat more complicated and requires detailed consideration.

The Relationship Between Wealth, Poverty and Psychology

The main impasse in which those who want to change their financial condition due to the correction of psychology, is associated with a misunderstanding of cause-and-effect relationships. A common mistake: "what a person thinks, such is the size of his bank account." In fact, cause and effect are “arranged” in reverse: first, wealth (or poverty) appears, and then the personality is finally formed. The poor man develops habits that suit his social position. Like a rich person, he develops his own special outlook on life, supported by a good financial situation.

But does this mean that psychological features do not affect human well-being? No. They are of course important. Just do not hope that you will instantly get rich by changing own psychology. You still have to figure out how to use the new principles of thinking for the benefit of your wallet.

The psychology of the poor man: the main problems

How is the psychology of a poor person formed? First, it depends on the not-so-pleasant financial position. But, in addition, the very psychology is influenced by the way of life, the sphere of employment and the surrounding society (since the environment in which the poor person "rotates" is also usually not particularly well-off). These factors form a view of the world and lifestyle in general. What are its main differences? These are the features of the psychology of a poor person.

  1. Passivity. Most poor people are representatives of the so-called social swamp. Nothing ever happens in it. In it, people are born, live and die according to long-established rules and under constant pressure people just like themselves. The slogan of poverty: "we did not write these rules, it is not for us to change them." Standard life plan: school, institute (college), wedding, unloved (most often) work, children, grandchildren, death. Everything is scheduled from the first day to the last. The poor man will not change anything.
  2. Fear of minor changes. This feature of the psychology of the poor is directly related to the previously presented one. Here the problem, most likely, is that even the smallest money is too hard for poor people to get. And it is quite understandable that they are afraid of losing this, albeit very modest, but stable source of income. And you can't blame them for that. After all, it was the poor people who came up with the proverb “the best is the enemy of the good.”
  3. Envy of the rich. It must be admitted that poor people are for the most part envious. But how to live differently if there are people nearby who have much more possibilities? They have a beautiful (as it seems) life. They have much more fun. Representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to them, and so on. In addition to envy, there is another tendency - to blame the rich for the fact that they got the money necessarily illegally.
  4. Love for bright things (and cult brands). It has been noticed that a poor person, like a magpie, is “led” to everything bright, shiny, and hyped. A common feature of the domestic province: women cannot even leave the apartment for the nearest store without cosmetics and smart clothes. We will ride in a minibus and stay up to our ears in loans, but with the latest iPhone. This is exactly what the poor do, or those who have recently become rich. Make an impression to envy others, their favorite pastime.
  5. Emphasized and exaggerated indifference to money. Although the poor man is envious of the rich man, he tries to keep his face and dignity. Because of this, a contempt for money becomes a feature of his psychology, however, only ostentatious. There is no money, but they, it seems, are “not needed”. This attitude helps to maintain self-esteem, at least for a relatively high level. Let real reasons are not available for this.
  6. Complaints. Perhaps this is generally a Russian national tradition - to constantly complain about everything. Complain to friends, colleagues, relatives, God... Moreover, these complaints are absolutely unproductive. Instead of looking for the real source of problems, a person tries to attribute their causes to "fate", "haters", "America" ​​and so on. And here comes another one interesting feature the poor.
  7. Lack of responsibility for oneself. With a poor person, "others" are always to blame for his own problems. It is the "others" that do not allow you to earn much."Others" do not allow you to become valuable and professional worker. And also the ephemeral "others" make him an alcoholic, add a fatty layer and so on. The source of disasters always remains somewhere “outside”, and not inside the person himself.

This is the most important features psychology of the poor. Actually, there are a lot more of them. But the listed ones are observed with one or another severity almost always. But what about the psychology of the rich? It is not necessary that they will have a completely different outlook on life. Some features are very similar.

Psychology of a rich person: differences and similarities

As has already been pointed out earlier, a rich person in terms of psychology is not always very different from a poor one. The point here is that many of the rich were once poor too. And because of this, they retained the same habits. But, of course, not in all areas. What are the characteristics of the psychology of the rich?

  1. Less waiting, more action. Passivity of rich people is very rare. And this is understandable, since "water does not flow under a lying stone." To earn really big money, you have to be active. If you just sit and dream that someday the money will come into your hands, then the poor will have to die. In addition, there is no place for "templates" in the psychology of the rich. School-institute-work - this sequence does not necessarily lead to money. And the rich understand this from the very beginning. Even before they accumulate capital.
  2. Failure is just experience. It is extremely rare to become rich on the first try - by investing in something or starting your own business. Usually, you first have to endure the blows of fate - bankruptcy, lack of demand, and so on. A common person give up, but a person with the psychology of the rich will draw conclusions and try again. Only now he will try not to make the same mistakes.
  3. Focus on yourself, not on others. To some extent, this can be called selfishness. Yes, the rich think of themselves first. For this reason, such people work with great difficulty and negativism for someone else. They agree to work as partners. But the relationship "boss-subordinate", where they themselves play the role of the second, is completely unacceptable. On the other hand, when focusing on oneself, responsibility for actions appears and the habit of blaming someone else for failures disappears.
  4. Continuous improvement and deepening in the chosen area. A person who has the psychology of the rich does not spread himself in several directions. He devotes a significant part of his time (more precisely, the main one) to the area that he has chosen for himself. And, as experience shows, this business as a result begins to bring a lot of income, and then wealth.
  5. Craving for acquisitiveness. There are a lot of stingy people among the rich. Especially if the money was acquired by labor, and not by inheritance. Wealth comes from knowing the value of money. He understands what they can spend money on and what not. The time for crimson jackets and gold chains is over. Now people who have made a fortune on their own do not put their wealth on display. They don't prove anything to anyone. They live with dignity and even luxuriously, but they don’t wave money stoves in front of everyone’s eyes.
  6. The psychology of the rich suggests that a person gets down to business only on condition of high profitability. Such people value their time and their work. They will not work just to buy food. And this is not greed, but self-respect. People with the psychology of the poor just do not have the latter.
  7. Love for comfort. A significant part of the life of rich people is occupied with pleasure. Including, feature is the love of comfort. A person who has the psychology of the rich (even if he does not yet have big money), will not live in a dilapidated apartment without repair. He will buy expensive, but high-quality things, even if there is not much wealth yet. And here, again, the reason comes down to self-respect and high self-esteem. This is not an attempt to humiliate others, but the desire to please oneself - two completely different motives.

After listing these features, it is worth recalling that we are talking about people who have the psychology of potentially rich people. That is, in this moment they cannot have a large fortune. But when a person has such traits, the chance of becoming rich in reality is much higher.

From the psychology of the poor to the psychology of the rich

The human personality is a very complex education. And, no doubt, it can change. Only for this you need to work. Sometimes it is society that makes the difference. But for such a “re-education”, you first need to get into the right environment. If the environment does not allow to educate the psychology of the rich, you will have to work on yourself on your own. Madame Georgette hopes you have benefited in some way. Be rich - materially and spiritually. After all, absolutely everyone deserves it.

The order of studying the topic:

To study the topic, 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of independent work are allocated.


1) lecture on the topic: "Psychology of wealth and poverty";

2) independent work of students in the forms:

- preparation for lectures;

- study of additional literature.

Topic questions:

4.1. The problem of poverty and wealth

4.2. The problem of poverty in psychology.

4.3. Personal characteristics of the poor.

4.4. Psychological causes of poverty.

4.5. Problems of the psychology of wealth.

Guidelines for the study of issues of the topic

In preparation for the lecture, read:

1. Deineka O.S. Economic psychology: textbook. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. un-ta, 2000.

2. Malakhov S.V. Fundamentals of economic psychology: textbook. allowance / Ed. Zadorozhnyuk I.V. - M., 1992.

3. Fundamentals of economic psychology: textbook. allowance / Ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. V.M. Sokolinsky. – M.: FA, 1999.

4.1. The problem of wealth and poverty(Economic psychology / Under the editorship of I.V. Andreeva. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.)

Inequality in society attracted the attention of scientists long before Adam Smith. The main criterion of inequality is wealth, money. The rest - power, prestige, reputation, privileges, control of resources - are closely related to it. Due to inequality, the relations of people in society have always been in a state of precarious balance, which was disturbed in the event of a deterioration in the life of the poor, increased pressure on them. Roman Caesars fed the plebs. The desire for equality, which was accompanied by "pulling up" the life of the poor, but without the destruction of the rich, tried to justify the egalitarians of the XIX century. It was only in the 20th century that social policy began to be implemented on a massive scale.

The financial situation of a person affects his image in the eyes of other people. Wealthy people are perceived as happy, healthy, fit. The poor are unhappy and unadapted, lazy. They make up the majority of the world's population. The poverty threshold is considered to be the ability to spend less than $ 4 per day. The range of attitudes towards the poor starts from complete contempt, failure to provide any assistance to pulling their position up to quite acceptable living standards (social programs, funds, charity). Moreover, they tend to use social programs, for the most part, rich countries and rich people. In poor countries with a large number of nouveau riche, the attitude towards the poor is contemptuous and merciless.

Of course, the poor man to the poor man - strife. should be distinguished from total mass poor people of a certain mental make-up: they have no needs either for things, or for beauty, or for furnishing, they are lazy, they have no desire to work, to do anything. When they are given freedom, they gladly lie down on the sofa. If they work, it is only for the sake of earning, often one-day. For the sake of preserving their position and psychology, in essence, a homeless person, they are ready to destroy the civilized world.

Another type of personality is a master of his craft, who are paid too little by society for their work. In conditions of closedness, such a situation in society can exist for quite a long time. But in open societies there is inevitably a "washout" of specialists. A person knows his own worth and wants to earn according to his qualifications. Here the rule comes into play - there is no money, there are no masters. It is not for nothing that talented musicians leave Russia (their training and then their labor are actually very expensive, but in our country, as in Soviet power, and now, an opera singer receives 10 times less fee than a stage performer working "under plywood"). Scientists leave, especially young ones, not necessarily outstanding ones, but those who can, for a while or forever.

Walter Eucken put forward the concept of a socially justified economic policy. For most of the members of society, it is important to achieve a fair distribution, carried out according to the marginal productivity of the factors of production. Since the 1930s, this problem has become the nerve center of economic regulation. The main point here is not the interest in absolute equality, but the principle of "live and let live." Each person and social group has a finite limit of needs (or a slowly growing one, which is equivalent in developing society). It is enough to satisfy them for a feeling of equality.

In the process of development of society, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the balance between them is almost never achieved. Social programs should be as flexible and adaptable as possible national characteristics countries.

4.2. The problem of poverty in psychology(Deineka O.S. Economic psychology: study guide. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2000. - 160 p. Module 5. Economic and psychological adaptation)

The problem of poverty in the economic psychology of the West is considered as an independent problem 34 .

Poverty defined as the inability to maintain a minimum standard of living. There are various theoretical approaches to poverty. When analyzing attitudes towards poverty, three groups of its causes are distinguished:

Individualistic (responsibility for poverty lies with the behavior and personality traits of the poor);

Structural (responsibility lies with the extremist society and economic forces);

Fatalistic (the cause of poverty is luck and fate).

It is the study of the personality of poor people, according to scientists, that is one of the main contributions of psychology to alleviate the severity of the problem of poverty. Personal theories of poverty provide contradictory material, however, the authors of individual publications and reviews still identify some "constants" of the psychological portrait of people that demonstrate objective or subjectively experienced poverty (a person perceives himself as poor). Consider these enduring characteristics of the poor.