Self conviction. Positive and negative human beliefs

The reasons why something as simple as a belief is so powerful would fill volumes. So this book is just the beginning. In the previous section, we described belief as more than just belief that does not need facts. Moreover, persuasion is not agreement or compromise, but something beyond them. For the purpose of this book, let's define belief as an experience that happens both in our mind and in our body. To be more precise, we can say that belief is the acceptance of what we believe to be true at the level of the mind, coupled with what we feel is true at the level of the heart.

Belief Code #13: Conviction can be defined as the confidence that comes from accepting what we believe to be true at the level of the mind, coupled with what we feel to be true at the level of the heart.

Belief is a universal experience that we can understand, share, and develop into a powerful agent of change. On the basis of characterizing what a belief is and how one can use one's beliefs as an effective domestic technology, are the following points.

* Persuasion is a language. But not just any language. Both ancient traditions and modern science define belief as the key to the very "stuff" from which our universe is formed. Without any words or external expression, the seemingly helpless experience that we define as "belief" is the language that comes into contact with quantum matter our bodies in our own world. In the face of our deepest convictions, the limitations of biology, physics, time and space known today become a thing of the past.

* Belief is a personal experience. Everyone is convinced of something, and everyone has convictions. But everyone relates to or experiences a belief differently. In the realm of beliefs, there are no right or wrong paths, just as there are no prescriptions for what we should and should not. There are no ancient secret postures that our body must assume, and there are no sacred signs that need to be created with the fingers. If there were, then only a few would have the power of conviction - those who would completely control their bodies. Belief is more than we imagine or think. It Moreover, what books, rituals or research conducted by other people tell you to be true. Persuasion is our acceptance what we have seen, experienced and know about ourselves.

* Persuasion is a personal power. Beliefs hold all the power we need to bring about the changes we have chosen: the power to communicate healing commands to our immune system, stem cells and DNA; the power to end violence in our homes and communities, or even entire geographic regions; the power to heal your deepest spiritual wounds, fill own life greatest joy and literally create everyday reality with capital letter. In the form of beliefs, we have been given the gift of the most powerful power in the universe - the power to change our lives, our bodies, and our world through choice.

To understand the power of beliefs, we need to understand beliefs themselves at the basic level: how exactly they are formed and where they reside within us. Since beliefs are closely related to feelings, they fall under their special category, slightly different from the category simple feelings like anger or joy. When we identify this subtle, but nevertheless cardinal difference, we will understand how we can change our beliefs if we no longer need them.

Anatomy of Persuasion

In order for beliefs to have an impact on the world around us, two things are necessary. First, there must be something by which our beliefs are transferred outside the body. Second: beliefs must have the power to produce some action in physical world. In other words, in order for something to happen or happen, beliefs must be able to redistribute the atoms that make up the world. New discoveries show beyond any doubt that our beliefs are capable of both.

No matter how we call the space between us and the objects of the world around us, and no matter how science and spiritual traditions define it, this space (which we considered empty in the past) is not empty at all. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, Albert Einstein mentioned a mysterious force that, in his opinion, exists in space that fills everything that we see around us as the Universe. “Nature only shows us the lion's tail,” Einstein wrote, suggesting that reality is something more than what we see. Thanks to the beauty and expressiveness that is typical of Einstein's views of the universe, he created his own metaphor for the cosmos: "I have no doubt that it [the tail] belongs to a lion, although he cannot reveal himself all at once because of his huge size."

As discussed in Chapter 1, new discoveries suggest that Einstein's "lion" is the force that the physicist Max Planck called the matrix that fills "empty" space and connects everything to everything. This matrix is ​​the same channel or link between our inner beliefs and the world around us. modern science refined our understanding of the Planck Matrix by describing it as a field of energy that has been everywhere ever since big bang. The existence of such a field implies three principles that directly affect the strength of beliefs in our lives. While these principles may conflict with many well-established scientific and spiritual tenets, they also offer an amazing perspective that allows us to look at the world and life in a different way.

1. The first principle is that since everything exists inside The Divine Matrix means that everything is interconnected. If so, our actions in one place must influence what happens elsewhere. Such an impact may be large or small, depending on the factors described in this book. The main thing is that our inner experience in one place has the power to affect the world somewhere else. And this force is capable of creating physical effects.

2. Second principle: Divine Matrix is a hologram - in the sense that any part of the field contains the entire field. This means that when we sit in our living room and convinced that the recovery of a loved one is already almost settled, since we think about his healing, as if it had already taken place, then the quintessence of our conviction is immediately transferred to this person. In other words, the changes that we are starting within ourselves are already present throughout the Matrix in the form of a blueprint or plan. Therefore, our task is not so much to send our good wishes to where the other person is, but to breathe life into the possibilities that we create as our beliefs.

“Good,” you say. - Let's say there is a field of energy that holds everything together, and we are part of this field. The fact that it links everything together seems quite logical and reasonable at the level of intuition, but the very fact of its existence does not yet explain why how exactly this connection is made.

This is where it comes in handy scientific discoveries the last hundred years, shedding light on why our beliefs are indeed able to influence the world. At the heart of this impact are energy patterns, that is, the patterns of behavior of the very energy from which everything is formed. When we reduce the everyday world to these energetic blueprints, or templates, it suddenly turns out that our ability to change reality truly makes sense, and sense huge.

Hello dear readers! Today we are considering the topic “Convictions”, which is extremely important for the development and life of every person. I received many letters on my email with questions about how to properly work with your beliefs. But first, let's look at the basics: what are human beliefs? what is their meaning? what are they? Other questions.

Let's start with definitions and understanding the meaning of beliefs.

What is Persuasion

belief system - a person's worldview, knowledge recorded in his consciousness and subconscious in the form of life attitudes (programs) and ideas (images). Beliefs (representations about the world, about oneself, etc.) are information that is implemented and presented in a person in the form of mental structures (living and working installations).

In other words, beliefs- this is knowledge turned into representations (attitudes, images and sensations), which are the main for a person to make all his life decisions.

In fact, person's beliefs - this is its core, what a person believes in relation to himself, in relation to the world around him and to his fate, what he relies on in life, which determines all his decisions, actions and results in fate.

Strong positive beliefs give a person a strong core, making him successful, efficient, etc. Weak, inadequate beliefs make the core rotten, and the person, accordingly, weak and infirm.

The fundamental directions in which you need to form your positive beliefs! What beliefs make up your Core:

More plain language beliefs are responses to basic life questions which constitute the human mindset.

  1. Attitude towards the environment: what world is it? bad, terrible, dangerous? or, the world is different and it has everything, but it is beautiful, and it gives a person thousands of opportunities for knowledge, happiness and success? and everyone, sooner or later, gets what he deserves, or Good and Evil - no, and any evil can get away with it?
  2. Perception of oneself, attitude towards oneself: answers to the questions - who am I and why do I live? Am I an animal, just a body controlled by instincts? or am I a divine, bright and strong Soul with a huge potential?
  3. Attitude towards life and destiny: I was born to suffer, to be a scapegoat and nothing depends on me? or I was born for great goals and accomplishments, and everything depends on my choice and I can achieve everything that my soul desires?
  4. Attitude towards other people: they are all bastards, they wish me harm, and my task is to strike first? or are all people different, there are worthy ones, there are scoundrels, and I myself choose with whom to communicate and bind my fate, and who should not be allowed near me at all?
  5. Attitude towards society: society is filth, decay, and there is nothing good in it, therefore, “I hate”? or, in society at all times there was both a lot of good and bad, and my goal is to increase, Good, making society more worthy and perfect?
  6. Other.

From such answers and appropriate justifications, not only the worldview of a person is built. Such beliefs are the basis of all personal qualities of a person and his principles: which determines - he is deceitful or honest, responsible or irresponsible, brave or cowardly, strong-willed and will or spineless and weak, etc. AT all qualities and life principles of a person are built on fundamental beliefs (representations and attitudes).

In the mind, these beliefs are recorded in the form of direct programs, answers to questions:

  • “I am worthy, strong, I can do anything” or “I am a nonentity, spineless schmuck and incapable of anything.”
  • “I am a mortal and diseased body, a chewing organism” or “I am immortal soul in physical body and I have limitless potential.”
  • “The world is terrible, cruel and unfair” or “the world is beautiful and amazing, and it has everything for growth, happiness and success.”
  • “Life is a continuous punishment, it is pain and suffering” or “life is a gift of Fate, unique opportunity for development, creation and struggle”.

Such beliefs can be called fundamental or pivotal.

You can check for yourself what attitudes on these issues are recorded in your subconscious, positive or negative, strong or weak:

To do this, simply say to yourself or aloud the beginning of the installation, for example: “the world is ...” and listen to yourself, your subconscious, what thoughts will follow the beginning of the phrase. What definition of the world will give your subconscious? Write down all the answers that will be born inside you. And, if you were sincere to yourself, you will see the front of the work ahead - how much is good and how much is negative, and what will need to be worked on.

Conscious and subconscious beliefs

Conscious Beliefs - those that live (recorded) in the human head (in the intellect). subconscious beliefs - those that are implemented in a person's life, and work at the level of his qualities, emotions, reactions and habits. It is much more difficult to change subconscious beliefs. But it is they who determine almost everything, 90% of what happens in a person’s life and his destiny.

How it works? You have probably met people who consciously everyone knows and understands how to live correctly, what is right to believe in, what needs to be done in order to be happy, successful, joyful, strong, rich, kind, courageous, etc. And they are excellent and fluent about everything, if you ask them. But in their lives they cannot actually realize anything, remaining outwardly poor, inside unhappy and weak.

Why is this happening? Because, in the head of such people, some beliefs are recorded, and completely different, often opposite, are realized in the subconscious. for example, a person perfectly understands that it is good to be brave, knows what courage is and says “yes, I want it that way”, but convictions and fears live in his subconscious, and these fears make him weak, unreliable and cowardly in life. So a lot of contradictions are born in a person between him and. And until a person changes his subconscious beliefs, until he removes negative attitudes and will not form positive ones, nothing will qualitatively change in his life and in himself, he will continue to praise courage and courage, while remaining a coward and a weakling.

Or, a person knows and understands that it is not good to deceive, that lies do not lead to anything good, but he himself lies all the time in life and has been branded as a liar. It often happens that people with such an addiction simply cannot help themselves, because the beliefs underlying their deceit are realized in the subconscious at the level of habits and reactions: as they say, “first I lied, and only then I realized what I had said ".

The same applies to all other qualities, beliefs, habits. for example, qualities such as . Responsibility- this is the ability of a person to keep his word to other people and to himself, the principle of "it is said - it is done." And in his head he knows what responsibility is, and he really wants to be responsible, he wants to keep his word, but in his subconscious there are many settings that fuel him: “today I’m reluctant, I’ll do it tomorrow”, “that’s okay if I’m late for a day” , “I will say that force majeure happened”, and other excuses why it is not necessary to keep your word.

It's the same with emotions. Emotions are also based on nothing more than the subconscious beliefs of a person. Positive beliefs also give rise to sensations (warmth, good nature, joy, etc.), negative beliefs- (irritation, anger, resentment, etc.).

So, at the heart of emotion "resentment" there are subconscious beliefs that feed it, justify it, justify it. for example explaining - why the other person is such a scoundrel, how he was wrong in relation to you, and why you are so innocent and unjustly suffering. To remove a negative emotion and replace it with a positive one, you need to determine the attitudes that underlie it (based on resentment), and replace them with positive attitudes, which are the main forgiveness and kindness. This is called reprogramming your subconscious.

Positive and negative beliefs

Positive or adequate beliefs - representations (knowledge) and attitudes corresponding to Spiritual Laws (Ideals). Such representations give a person the maximum joy(state of happiness) force(confidence, energy) success(effectiveness, positive results) and positive consequences by fate(gratitude and love of other people, spiritual and material rewards, the growth of bright feelings, favorable opportunities for fate, etc.).

positive beliefs – strong, complete and adequate answers to the most important questions of life. Answers that give the Soul joy and a surge of positive forces, remove restrictions, suffering, pain, and maximize the potential inherent in it.

Negative Beliefs – delusions, inadequate ideas and attitudes that do not correspond to the Spiritual Laws. Inadequate ideas - lead to loss of joy in the heart (to pain and suffering), to loss of strength (to weakness, to loss of energy), to failure, to negative emotions and sensations, and as a result, to the destruction of fate (collapse of goals, suffering, illness, death).

Negative beliefs, inadequate representations always lead to the same inadequate decisions and erroneous actions, which in turn lead to negative results and consequences: stole - went to jail, lied - lost trust and relationships, etc.

  • If a person lives in the negative - in his life beliefs a lot of mistakes.
  • If he does, tries, but there are no results, there are errors in his beliefs.
  • If there is a lot of suffering, it is the result of errors in subconscious beliefs.
  • Constantly ill, in pain - errors in beliefs, and in large volumes.
  • If he cannot get out of poverty - errors in beliefs in the field of money.
  • If you are alone and there are no relationships - errors of belief in relationships.
  • Etc.

What to do with it? Work on yourself! How? Read more in the following articles:

In order to learn how to work with your beliefs, you can turn to Spiritual Guide. For this - .

Good luck to you and the constant growth of the Positive!

Concept, theory, etc. U. does not coincide with either the truth or faith, devoid of any clear grounds ("blind faith"). When a proposition is true, what it describes actually exists. But if the statement is someone's U., this does not mean that something corresponds to it in reality. In contrast to pure faith, which can serve as the basis of itself, U. presupposes a certain. The latter may be completely fantastic or even self-contradictory, but it must exist nonetheless.
U. - one of the central categories human life and activity, and at the same time complex, contradictory, difficult to analyze. Millions of people can be convinced that they are called to build a "new beautiful", and they, living in poverty and making incredible sacrifices, will see the sprouts of this world everywhere. On the other hand, there are people who cannot be convinced of the simplest mathematical truths. So, A. Schopenhauer called the Pythagorean theorems "a mousetrap" and refused to accept it; T. Hobbes, after reading this proof, exclaimed: “God, but this is impossible!”; I. Newton, on the contrary, reading in student years geometry of Euclid, skipped the proofs of theorems, considering them obvious and therefore redundant.
U. include not only ideas about reality (its description), but also its assessments, ideals, norms, plans, etc. A person acts on the basis of his U., they are entailed by a change in his behavior.
Among the many sciences that study U. (psychology, logic, linguistics, rhetoric, etc.), it is closest to philosophy. She explores the ways of substantiating and refuting U., these methods from the audience and the problem under discussion, the originality of justification in different areas thinking and activity, etc.
The grounds for accepting statements and turning them into U. can be very different. Some statements are accepted because they seem to be accurate descriptions. real situation cases, etc. are accepted as useful tips or warnings, still others as effective assessments or norms, and so on. It is impossible to create a complete list of grounds for accepting statements or their groups. There is also no K.-L., even a preliminary, classification of such grounds. At the same time, there are certain techniques that allow, with varying probability, to induce a person to accept some statements and reject others. Among these are good well-known tricks- reference to empirical data, to existing logical evidence, on certain methodological considerations, on a particularly penetrating intuition, on or taste, on a causal or connection between ends and means, etc. The theory of argumentation does not say anything about why certain people or groups of people share some - reasonable or, on the contrary, absurd - U. Its task is to explore and systematize those techniques, or methods of reasoning, with which you can try to convince individual person or a group of people in the need or expediency of making some statements.

Philosophy: encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004 .


Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


See what "BELIEF" is in other dictionaries:

    CONVINCING, CONVINCING Old Slavonicisms occupy the main place in the system of abstract vocabulary of Russian literary language. All the basic concepts related to intellectual sphere, are expressed by words of Old Slavonic origin, for example, ... ... History of words

    See faith to endure a conviction, to receive a conviction, to come to a conviction... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. persuasion, persuasion, assurance, assurance, persuasion, persuasion; Vera; … Synonym dictionary

    Belief- Belief ♦ Croyance Means less than knowledge and less than faith, and covers both. To be convinced of something is to believe in the truth of it, without having absolutely no evidence for it. For example, I am convinced that tomorrow will be ... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    Persuasion is an element (quality) of a worldview that gives personality or social group confidence in their views on the world, knowledge and assessments of reality. Beliefs guide behavior and volitional actions. Higher (absolute) ... ... Wikipedia

    belief- BELIEF is a concept that has three main meanings. 1. The worldview principle of the individual is political, ethical, religious, philosophical, in the correctness of which he believes and on the basis of which he acts. U, says K. Marx, these are bonds, ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    belief- a method of verbal (verbal) influence, which includes a system of arguments built according to the laws formal logic and substantiating the thesis put forward by the individual. Successful U. leads to the adoption and subsequent inclusion of new information in ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Techniques for effectively communicating one person's point of view to others... Glossary of Crisis Management Terms

    BELIEF, beliefs, cf. 1. only units Action under ch. convince convince. Words of Persuasion. Act by persuasion. It's easy to be convinced. 2. only units State according to Ch. make sure make sure. I am completely convinced that this is... Dictionary Ushakov

    BELIEF, I, cf. 1. see convince, xia. 2. A well-established opinion, confident look on what n., point of view. political beliefs. Stand up for your beliefs. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    English belief/conviction/persuasion; German Uberzeugung. one. Firm confidence in ch. l., based on a certain idea, worldview. 2. Maintenance form public discipline 3. The process of conveying moral ideas to an individual or ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

Last update: 23/05/2014

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of persuasion? Someone remembers advertising, someone - the election campaign of a politician. Persuasion is a powerful force in Everyday life, and on society as a whole it has big influence. Politics, news and advertising influence our decisions and our choices.
Sometimes we would like to believe that we are immune from belief. That we, of course, are able to see the commercial component anywhere, find the true meaning of the situation and come to correct conclusions on one's own. In some cases this is true, but the persuasion is not always as obvious as in the case of a pushy salesman or a TV commercial. A belief may be subtle, and how we respond to it may depend on a number of factors.
By the way, persuasion can be used not only for selfish purposes, but also as positive force. An example of this is a public service announcement that encourages people to recycle garbage or quit smoking.

What is persuasion?

According to Richard M. Perloff (2003), persuasion can be defined as “…a symbolic process in which participants in a communication attempt to induce each other to change their attitude or behavior regarding a particular issue through the transmission of messages in an atmosphere free choice». Key elements of this definition are that, according to it:

  • belief is symbolic, it uses words, images, sounds, etc.;
  • it includes the conscious attempt to influence others;
  • self-persuasion is key factor; people are not forced, they are free in their choice;
  • Persuasive messaging can take place in various forms- through television, radio, the Internet or in person.

What is special about conviction today?

Even though the science and art of persuasion were of interest to the ancient Greeks, there are significant differences between how persuasion works today and how it was done in the past.
In his book The Dynamics of Persuasion: Communication and Attitude in the 21st Century, Richard M. Perloff lays out five key differences modern process beliefs:

  • The number of messages has increased several times. Think for a moment about how many ads you see daily. According to various studies, the average American perceives from 300 to more than 3000 advertisements per day.
  • Communication that aims at persuasion has spread much faster. Television, radio and the Internet help spread such messages very quickly.
  • Persuasion is big business. In addition to companies that are in business purely for persuasion (such as advertising agencies, marketing firms, or public relations companies), companies that seek to sell their products and services depend on persuasion.
  • Modern persuasion is much more subtle.. Of course, there are many ads that use obvious persuasion strategies, but most of the messages are much more subtle. For example, businesses sometimes carefully work out specific image, destining it as an appeal to buy products or services - hinting that in this way consumers will be able to achieve such a lifestyle.
  • Persuasion wears and more complex nature . Consumers are diverse and have more wide range tastes and opinions, so marketers need to be smarter when it comes to choosing media and persuasion messages.

"Our beliefs provide a huge impact on our behaviour.
It is generally accepted that if a person truly believes that he can
do something, he will definitely do it. But if he is convinced
impossibility of this, no forces are enough to convince him of
reverse. Beliefs such as "It's too late", "Nothing
what can you do, here I am powerless", "I am a victim of circumstances", "Since
my share has fallen, you can’t get anywhere "-- can often be a stone
stumbling blocks that prevent a person from fully using
the full potential of their natural resources and unconscious
competences (unconscious competence). Our beliefs about
themselves and their capabilities in the world around them invariably and in
significantly affect daily activities. Everyone has
beliefs that serve as a resource, and along with this - beliefs that
holding back progress."

Robert Dilts. "Changing Beliefs with".

beliefs as they are.

In my opinion, the most authoritative expert on working with beliefs is Robert Dilts. He defines beliefs as " A belief is a generalization of some relationship between various manifestations of life experience.".

But this belief is still quite strict and scientific. I would try to define beliefs a little differently.

Man has his own idea of ​​the world, his map. Beliefs are the skeleton of his map around which it is built. Beliefs are the biggest determinant inner world person. A person either does something for the sake of his beliefs, or does nothing. If you are reading this article, you must have a belief that would support this desire of yours. Like what " understanding yourself is important" or " gotta do something to take the time".

Belief structure.

Beliefs can be expressed using a long sentence, and they can be lead to something like this:

X = Y (X corresponds to Y) or X => Y (From X follows Y)

  1. If a person has Love in his life, then he lived it not in vain.
    (Love = lived not in vain).
  2. If you try, you can achieve happiness in life
    (Try => Happiness)
  3. If I have Good job then I can get out of a difficult situation
    (Good job => get out of difficult situation).
  4. If I would be interesting enough, then I would find myself a Beloved Husband.
    (Be interesting => find a Beloved Husband).

More examples:

  1. I am an Interesting Person.
  2. A married person is not free.
  3. Love is good.
  4. If I do everything well, it means that I am talented.
  5. If I work hard, I will become a rich man.

Internal representation.

The beliefs themselves inside a person are most often represented not by words, but by feelings, images that carry this meaning. Trying to formulate a belief is just a selection of the most appropriate words. And when you try to formulate a belief, there can be a problem with the accuracy of the transfer. Very similar phrases can describe quite different beliefs.

I can change.

I can change.

The two beliefs are quite similar in sound, but very different in meaning.

Types of beliefs.

Robert Dilts suggests breaking down beliefs into three types:

  1. Possibility beliefs.

That is, beliefs about what a person can and cannot:

  • I'm completely incapable of thinking fast.
  • In order to sleep, I need 4-5 hours a day.
  • Well, I can't leave my family.
  • Beliefs about personality.
  • Who am I, what am I (same with other people)

    • I am quite a competent specialist!
    • People like me are always unlucky.
    • Ivan Petrovich is a loser.
  • Belief about meaning (correspondence).
    • If he's jealous, it means he loves you.
    • There is no beauty in life.
    • If you have hands, then you will feed your family.
  • Why know about beliefs.

    If it concerns other people, beliefs help us understand what this other person actually needs, why he reacts this way and what is the reason for his actions. Also, if you wish (both your own and the "client"), you can try to change these beliefs.

    For yourself, knowing your own beliefs (and how to change them) is a great tool for organizing yourself. the right way and getting rid of their own limitations.

    Based on materials from the site of Alexander

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