Why do people become cruel psychology. Where does aggression come from and why are people angry? Why are people so mean? Because they are people

People have become cruel, too cruel. It is especially scary to watch today's news: someone was beaten with bats, someone was tortured, someone was shot, someone was bombed ... We are already literally shaking from cruelty, can it really be even worse? What is happening with our world? Why do people become angry and cruel? And how, in the end, to stop this bacchanalia of pain, horror and despair?

Why are some people kind and some cruel?
Why exactly modern people become particularly violent?
Why kind people become violent? Under what circumstances does this happen?
How to stop cruelty in the world? How to change the world for the better?

When the world begins to seem wrong, and people are too cruel - this signal. Not to the fact that you need to pout, close in the apartment, be afraid of everyone around, be offended or angry. Not! This is a call to action. This is a signal that it is worth changing the world so that it becomes better, kinder, more welcoming. But we should remember that the world does not change when we yell at each other or hand out leaflets with calls "Thou shalt not kill!" at the nearest intersection. All this will not give absolutely nothing. You can change the world only by bringing changes into it, that is, you will have to start with yourself. And it will be difficult, but after all, the desire is not small: to turn the world upside down and make people stop being cruel. Only the walking one can master this road.

Why do we see the world the way we see it?

The most common complaint that can be heard from the lips of fighters for kindness and peace throughout the world is that people simply do not see all the threats that they themselves create. People are cruel, evil and do not even think about changing. And we, kind and good, no matter how we knock on them, we can’t get through. It is obvious that if everyone saw the world in all its glory of cruelty, then it would be transformed into one continuous kindness. And you think so too, right? Then keep in mind that you really do exactly what it seems.

To get an answer to the question why people are so cruel, you need to try to see the world through the eyes of others, try to understand what drives people.

To see the world as it is, it is necessary to rely on something. In the case of the study of the inanimate world, it is best to apply knowledge of physics - in this way, we learn the forces and laws that we obey. In the case of studying flora, you will have to turn to botany, and in the case of animals, to biology. Of course, when studying a person, one can turn to anatomy and physiology, but this will be a study of only the human body. And in order to understand its essence, one will have to turn to the study of his psyche - system-vector psychology. This latest science for the first time precisely defines human psychotypes through their desires and properties.

It is through system-vector psychology that one can see people as they are. Moreover, one can understand why we ourselves see the world the way we see it, that is, with a slight distortion in our direction. For example, only the owners of the visual vector, it seems that the world is full of cruel people, and they all deliberately do cruel things. It is the spectators who divide the world into good and evil, defining by good all their best performance, and evil - everything that seems unpleasant to them. So, a visual person cannot kill, injure anyone creature, therefore, anyone who kicks a dog or kills a chicken is defined by him as cruel and evil person. At the same time, the viewer himself is very emotional and all people who also have this quality are perceived by him as kind, good people.

Other people see the world differently. For example, people with a skin vector divide people into economic principle and social superiority, in relation to time and quantity. Through their slit, they also see only a piece of the world and, as a result, they do not suffer at all from the fact that people have become cruel, but they are very worried that they have less wealth than others, that they cannot afford to buy a house, a car and a yacht. That's how they view the world, that's how they talk. Never a skin person will say "What people are cruel."

And so in each vector, in each person - his own piece of the world, his own slit into which he peeps.

This is the reason why we make mistakes. Not every emotional person- good and kind. Not every rich person is a thief. And so on.

Why do people become violent?

But, even learning to see vectors and human life values, we unfortunately discovered that the world does not shine with positivity. There is a lot of violence in the world, people have really become cruel. Information about war and horror settled in everyday news and became familiar.

Through systems-vector psychology, we have the opportunity to see real reasons such human behavior.

When we go beyond ourselves, many things become obvious. People have become so cruel, not because they are evil or want evil, but because they suffer. They do not get enough happiness, they cannot find what would bring pleasure. Of course, they rush about in search - and pray in churches, and change jobs, and go to success trainings, and try to get directions in horoscopes and fortunetellers, but all in vain.

It's like having a bad tooth. It hurts and there is nowhere to go from this pain, even climb the wall. Where to run, what to do? We drink analgin, and the pain goes away, for a while. This is not relief, not joy, but so ... a temporary lull, when you know that the pain will definitely return. Moreover, the same medicine, one tablet, will not help further - you will have to increase the dose to drown out the pain.

So it is here: people suffer, and in order to suffer less, they let off steam. Where? In other people: violence, crime, cruelty. Even just having a fight, shouting, it becomes a little easier for us. But this relief is akin to an analgesic - a short-term analgesic effect will pass very quickly and suffering will come flooding back with more greater strength. And even the kindest of us become cruel too. Those who yesterday could not even kill a fly, today are screaming about the opportunity to throw off atomic bomb on those who interfere with their lives.

How to change the world - how to make people stop being cruel?

It is impossible to take painkillers away from a person with a bad tooth - he will hate you. In the same way, it is impossible to take away from a suffering person the only opportunity to let off steam: to get angry, offended, scream, chafe, or just quietly hate everyone.

The only thing we can do is to become happy and become an example for others. Show that you can live differently - in a different way, without suffering. Just like with a bad tooth - after all, everyone goes to the dentist for a reason, but because doctors can really help and toothache really go away. So here - you need to feel happiness in yourself. Of course, in no case is it implied some kind of self-deception or affirmation, prayer or conspiracy, when we wind ourselves up, forcefully smile and say "I am the most happy man in the world", but inside there is emptiness, melancholy and depression.

No, it's different. We become happy only when we begin to truly understand ourselves, the reasons for our behavior, and find answers to our inner questions. When in response to internal question"Stop, why am I doing this? Where am I going? Am I living the right way?" there are not some abstractions, but exact, definite answers. All this comes when we begin to understand the world as a whole, understand the actions of people, the reasons for their behavior.

And it is precisely those painful "points" that disturb us that are guidelines where it is necessary to make an effort. If it seems that there is too little good around, then our own visual vector feels suffering and it is necessary to find a way to fill it. If it sounds like no one understands you, then you should ask yourself the question - who do you understand yourself? If it seems that there is a lack of justice, then we are already suffocating from the injustice that we ourselves create, among other things. If there are only thieves around, you yourself must take will into a fist and stop thinking,

Human society has been constantly and intensively developing for many centuries. Some eras are replaced by others, progress in all spheres of activity has put a person on a pedestal dominant species On the Earth.

One thing is bad: everything changes on the path of progress, but no one, with all the aspirations, forces and opportunities, could neither prohibit, nor overcome, nor cancel cruelty. This character trait, like many others, is manifested in different situations changing a person to unpredictable consequences.

What is cruelty?

Cruelty is selfish selfishness, envy, hatred and malice towards other people, towards life and towards oneself. This is the result of a lack of success in achieving one's own goals and objectives with intentional or accidental harm to everything around.

It's no secret: what you sow, you reap - cruelty breeds cruelty. Causing harm to everything around in order to obtain benefits for themselves, people do not think about the consequences that will not take long to wait.

Forms of manifestation of cruelty

Cruelty has different forms manifestations: causing physical pain living being without any pity and compassion, hurtful words, all kinds of actions and even inaction, and often - unhealthy fantasies. She finds a loophole in straightforwardness and stubbornness, in mockery and deceit, in anger and unfriendliness, in intolerance for the mistakes of others.

The worst thing is when cruelty brings moral or physical pleasure. This is sadism. Moreover, people, animals, plants, buildings, monuments, transport, places of leisure, etc. suffer from harmful consequences.

Causes of cruelty

People are not born cruel. In society, there have always been norms of behavior, ethics and morality, on the border of which cruelty dozed. Violent people become violent for many reasons:

  1. Overestimated or underestimated self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with life and yourself.
  2. The concepts of morality and morality have lost their power.
  3. Self-affirmation in a distorted form as a misunderstanding of the ways of self-preservation.
  4. Children's fears, preserved in adulthood in people who are faced with indifference, cruel punishments and strict regime upbringing in childhood.
  5. Demonstration of one's greatness and power in humiliating, mocking words, oppression and suppression, violence, murders. Sadism - highest form cruelty.
  6. Pride and, as a result, a sense of revenge.
  7. Concealment of personal complexes due to inferiority and weakness.
  8. The manifestation of inhumanity in inaction, the enjoyment of it, the deliberate refusal to help.

Permissible cruelty

To better understand what cruelty is, one must consider it as a reaction to intolerable circumstances, existentially threatening person. And the more violent they are, the more the response goes off scale.

The psychology of cruelty is a fine line on which good and evil balance. Is it possible to be a harmless, sympathetic, compliant person for everyone if you are faced with meanness, injustice, humiliation and insults? I think no. And the cruel ones are feared, shunned, sometimes even respected.

The tough man is strong personality. Kindness cannot be opposed to cruelty, if it depends human life. Therefore, cruelty must be developed not for violence, but in order to resist it.

Why do cruel people exist? Man by nature is a predator. If you look back at the whole history, then the wars with the most severe destruction of all living things cannot be counted. Therefore, in any developed society, laws are necessary, the violation of which is fraught with severe punishment. Cruelty is an integral part of life, which means that you need to learn to live and fight with it, to look for new models of behavior.

Examples of cruelty in everyday life

Every person at least once asked what is also cruelty, examples of which are found all the time. All information tools just full of reports of atrocities and violence. Television, radio, press, Internet, art and scientific literature, history books - everywhere you can encounter examples of cruelty.

Any historical social order, kings, serfdom, wars, repression - everything is riddled with cruelty. The cult of cruelty in religions, sacrifice, aggression, intimidation, abuse of power, the off-scale level of crime and impunity, terrorism are also cruelty.

AT family life examples of cruelty can be the suppression of will, energy vampirism, the creation of obstacles in the implementation of intellectual, creative and professional opportunities, all kinds of prohibitions in planning offspring, budget, leisure, etc.

And of course, cruel attitude to animals is an abyss from which it is impossible to get out. If a person is able to offend a dumb creature, then it is already difficult to call him a person.

What is cruelty in the children's world

Very often, cruelty manifests itself in children who are out of control. The cruelty of children is primarily associated with unfavorable relationships in the family. Lack of respect between family members frequent quarrels in the presence of children, they reduce the level of trust in parents, which causes anger and aggression in the child.

Attention, care, patience, frankness will help protect children from cruelty. A personal role model is very important. The absence of cruelty on the part of parents towards children and people around them will raise proper level respect in the family. Seeing and appreciating a child's personality, taking into account his opinions and interests, trying to see the world through his eyes is the key to success in the eternal problem of fathers and children.

How to overcome cruelty?

Knowing and understanding what cruelty is, you can take certain measures to protect yourself from it. Among them simple methods and work on yourself:

  1. If you realize that cruelty is evil, then this is the first step towards solving the issue of getting rid of it.
  2. It is necessary to love yourself, people and the whole world around you, thereby getting rid of internal fears.
  3. You need to give to the world what you yourself want to receive: mercy, compassion, kindness.
  4. Increasing self-esteem, striving for success, public recognition is one of the effective ways combat cruelty.
  5. Restriction of the circle of communication. Surrounded by kind and decent people the world becomes cleaner.

Thus, cruelty is due to both external and internal factors that are instilled in a person from childhood. We talked not only about own skill to be cruel, but also about the very attitude towards such a manifestation of other people. Therefore, it is necessary to fight and prevent this property of character from childhood, instilling in the child kindness and mercy towards the people around him.

Every day, a continuous negative of various scales penetrates into our lives. The media obligingly report who killed, robbed, and shot down whom. Constantly various sources information bring to our attention information about new cataclysms, political turmoil. And the positive, in comparison with the amount of negative news, is negligible. It seems that there is absolutely no good and good in the world. Unfortunately, this flow has “littered” the heads so much that today no one even thinks why people are so cruel? How to change it? And is it really modern humanity so soulless?

Main reasons

Why so much cruel people? The answer to this question should be sought in the causes of aggression. It should be noted that the manifestation of cruelty is quite many-sided. However, it is not difficult to recognize her. A person who hurts another by making him suffer, whether morally or physically, who is fully aware of this and seeks to cause harm, is cruel.

historical brutality

The older generation likes to wonder - why did so many cruel people appear? Everyone was better before. Listening to their complaints, you involuntarily agree. One has only to open a newspaper or watch the news.

People used to be kinder. Worth thinking about. And before - when? Thousands of years ago, when cannibalism flourished? Well, these people can be by and large even somehow justified. They were primitive. And about humane attitude did not know about the neighbor at all. Or maybe those who lived in the era of the Inquisition were kinder? Or during the reign of Stalin? Many people were imprisoned thanks to denunciations. How many such "good people" sincerely tried to give their neighbor a "gift"!

Why does it feel like there are so many cruel people today? Of course, the media did their bit. In the age of democracy, they more attention give to manifestations of cruelty. It should be noted that the level of humanity in humanity has also increased, which is why aggression is so striking.

Relations with relatives

All people tend to show cruelty. For some this happens very rarely. Others often show aggression. At the same time, anyone can commit a cruel act, and quite often such outbursts occur in really kind people. Unfortunately, all the negativity spills out on the closest relatives and friends. For those who are truly loved and very dear. Why are people so cruel? What makes them "tear off" anger at their relatives, and restrain outbursts of anger with others? Why is it impossible to control your behavior when communicating with loved ones?

Yes, because relatives are not going anywhere. Communicating with strangers, a person restrains himself. There are many reasons: both the desire to win over the interlocutor, and the fear of losing an interesting friend. In the case of the boss, intemperance can threaten with dismissal. But when you get into the circle of relatives, especially in bad mood, even one word can piss a person off. That's when the scandal flares up completely empty place. Of course, this is fundamentally wrong, but the accumulated negative needs to be discharged. That is why it pours out on the closest relatives and friends. They, even if they are strongly offended and quarreled with them, love so much that they will forgive them anyway.

root of evil

The feeling of anger is given by nature. It is necessary in order to mobilize all forces for the struggle at dangerous moments. But how it will be used by a person depends on the moral standards instilled in childhood. If parents show aggression towards a child, it will definitely come back to haunt. Relationships between children and fathers, based on fear, are likely to be adopted by a teenager in communication with peers. It is in the family that one should look for the root of evil. Such upbringing clearly explains why people become cruel.

Although in this situation, the child may develop another model of behavior: he decides that he is bad and is to blame for everything. This teenager becomes a victim abuse peers. Often he does not even look for methods of protection, believing that he deserved this.

Sometimes the cause of aggression may not be violence at all, but overprotection. This method of education puts a sense of permissiveness into the subconscious of the child. A teenager considers himself the most important and demands unquestioning obedience. Unfortunately, a person who has not been taught by his parents to respect others will not gain this wisdom anywhere else. He will not even notice how he humiliates.

Instability in society

An indirect cause of cruelty is the growing anxiety. Social inequality, instability give rise to a feeling of discomfort. From TV screens, people see cruelty again. A person whose psyche is formed is able to distinguish the grain from the husk, he will not accept aggression as a call to action. The child will absorb, like a sponge, on-screen scenes of violence. And he can perceive all this as a kind of school of life. It is important to realize how much such television hurts the child's psyche, and the answer to the question: "Why did people become cruel?" will be received instantly.

Feeling rejected

It is especially developed in adolescence. However, many adults carry these feelings into adult life. Quite often, one can observe a picture when a baby exclaims loudly on the street and points a finger at a person with a different skin color or a physical handicap.

Adults react very differently. On a subconscious level, they experience a sense of danger. This is where the desire to self-destruct comes in. But for some it manifests itself in cruelty and violence. It is this feeling that sometimes makes teenagers mock peers who are different from them. Why are people so cruel? Again, the instilled skills of tolerance and respect in the family will not allow a teenager or an adult to behave this way.

How to defend the victim

Psychologists say that in a team it is quite easy to determine which people are cruel and who are the “lamb”. Therefore, the victim of aggression is advised to identify the following signs:

  • lack of self-esteem;
  • full acceptance of the opinion that trouble is deserved.

You should start with the awareness of your "I". Every person has a number of advantages and disadvantages. He is what he is. And no one has the right to offend him. Only by fully accepting this truth can one move further along the path of raising self-esteem, developing a sense of success. Parents can help the child in this realization. For an adult, since the behavior model has taken root, it is better to use the help of a professional psychologist.

As a rule, a hobby for some new business helps a lot. You can even enroll in a martial arts class.

It is very important to think over the reaction to the offender. He will perceive you very differently if the answer is different from his expectations. In some cases, a sense of humor helps. Try not to succumb to irritation and direct a difficult conflict into the mainstream of a joke. At the same time, learn to perceive less acutely unpleasant situations.

How to deal with your own aggression?

The reasons described above give an idea of ​​why kind people become cruel. But how to deal with such manifestations? What to do if you start to boil internally?

Great for clearing negativity physical exercise. After all, sport teaches conscious control over your emotions and body. Psychologists often recommend mastering breathing exercises. It will allow you to control both the body and the spirit.

Find a safe outlet for the accumulated negativity. Throw out your emotions with a cry. Just not for relatives and not for a colleague. Shout where you need it. For example, become an ardent football fan or attend rock concerts.

By the way, psychologists recommend this technique: stand near railway in the evening. When the train passes, yell at the top of your lungs, as loud as you can. The noise of the wheels will drown out any sound. No one will hear you, and the body will receive the necessary discharge.


Remember that only you can deal with the feeling of cruelty that arises inside you. And this is completely within your power. If you want to find the answer to the question "why are people so cruel", start with yourself. Analyze your behavior. Get rid of the toxic feeling, because sooner or later it threatens to turn into a severe depression.

It is scary to face ruthlessness precisely because it is difficult to imagine situations that could provoke it. Failure to understand how a humane person by nature is capable of cruel acts makes us powerless in the fight against this problem.

There are a number of important factors that affect mental condition person. Only some of them lead to inhumanity in certain cases, namely:

  • fear for one's own life;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • low self-esteem;
  • imitation.

I will defend!

There is nothing more amazing than the instinct of self-preservation. In a rush to save or protect themselves from an external threat, people demonstrate frenzied strength and ingenuity. But such talents are not always used with good intentions. When a person panics, his conscience is muffled, which means that in protecting himself, he may well hurt someone else.

strange pleasure

Stress is not as dangerous as its consequences. protracted depression, constant worries, frequent quarrels with friends and relatives - all this sooner or later undermines mental health. As a result, a person shows cruelty, not realizing that he is doing wrong. It sometimes comes to the point that inflicting pain seems pleasant to him.

Recognize me

Self-doubt is often compensated by strength. Earn respect by showing, faster and easier than any other known way. And now people are faced with an eternal choice: to use force and get what they want here and now, or to achieve the recognition of others for a long time, doing good deeds every day?

Want like you

There are more independent people than independent individuals. Adapting to life and society, a person can take a model of behavior from someone whose life seems to him correct and desirable. Children copy the actions of their parents, friends usually do the same when they find themselves in similar situations. This suggests the following: at the sight of cruelty emanating from the ideal, the hero of the film or to, the idol, imitative personalities themselves unconsciously act ruthlessly.

Cruelty is seen by people not as a horror, but as a solution to problems, not as a bad deed, but as a way to show one's strength, not as a character trait, but as a short-term insanity. However, closing one's eyes to inhumanity once, there is a huge risk of not having time to prevent it the next time.

The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is peculiar only to man. No animal can compare with man in terms of the power of manifestations of hatred towards his own kind. Why are people so mean?

Every day in the means mass media we face examples of terrible cruelty. Beatings, murders, massacres, torture ...

The guy killed the girl because she laughed at him in the company. 122 blows were found on the victim's body. The examination found that the first blow was fatal. A psychiatric examination showed the sanity of the perpetrator.

Where does this inhuman cruelty come from?

The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is peculiar only to man. No animal can compare with man in terms of the power of manifestations of hatred towards his own kind. Why are people so mean? Let's try to understand from a scientific point of view.

Man is an animal

Laureate Nobel Prize German zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz, impressed by the horrors of the Second World War, decided to find out the nature of human aggression. As a zoologist and devotee evolutionary theory, he decided to start with a study of the nature of aggression in animals. Lorentz found that all animals have mechanisms of hostile behavior towards members of their own species, that is, innate intraspecific aggression, which, as he argues, ultimately serves to preserve the species.

Intraspecific aggression performs a number of important biological functions:

    distribution living space so that the animal finds its own food; the animal guards its territory, aggression stops as soon as the boundaries are restored;

    sexual selection: only the strongest male gets the right to leave his offspring; in mating battles, the weak one is usually not finished off, but driven away;

    protection of offspring from the encroachment of strangers and their own; parents drive away but do not kill offenders;

    hierarchical function - determines the system of power and subordination in the community, the weak obeys the strong;

    partnership function - coordinated manifestations of aggression, for example, to expel a relative or a stranger;

    feeding function is built into species that live in places poor in food resources (for example, the Balkhash perch eats its own juveniles).

It is believed that the main forms of intraspecific aggression are competitive and territorial aggression, as well as aggression caused by fear and irritation.

Are animals kinder than people?

However, after analyzing the behavior of more than 50 species, Konrad Lorenz noticed that animals that have natural weapons in their arsenal in the form of huge horns, deadly fangs, strong hooves, strong beaks, etc., have developed behavioral analogues of morality in the process of evolution. It is an instinctive prohibition against using one's natural weapons against an animal of one's own kind, especially when the vanquished is showing submissiveness.

That is, in aggressive behavior animal built automatic system stops, which is instantly triggered on certain types postures indicating dependence and defeat. As soon as the wolf, in a fierce fight for the female, substitutes the jugular vein on the neck, the second wolf only slightly squeezes his mouth, but never bites through to the end. In the battle of deer, as soon as one deer feels weaker, it becomes sideways, exposing the enemy to an unprotected abdominal cavity. The second deer, even in a fighting impulse, only touches the opponent's stomach with its horns, stopping at the last second, but not completing the final deadly movement. The stronger the natural weapons of the animal, the more clearly the “stop system” works.

Conversely, poorly armed animal species do not have instinctive prohibitions on lethal aggression towards their relative, since the harm caused cannot be significant and the victim always has the opportunity to escape. In captivity, when the defeated enemy has nowhere to run, he is guaranteed to die from a stronger opponent. In any case, as Konrad Lorenz emphasizes, in the animal world, intraspecific aggression serves exclusively the purpose of preserving the species.

Lorenz considers a man by nature to be a weakly armed species, therefore, having no instinctive prohibitions on harming his own kind. With the invention of weapons (stone, ax, gun), man became the most armed species, but evolutionarily devoid of "natural morality", therefore easily killing representatives of his own species.

There is one nuance here. We humans, unlike animals, are conscious. This difference hides the root of man's cruelty to man in comparison with the intraspecific aggression of an animal.

Man is an animal that is never enough

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that consciousness was formed gradually as a result of the growth of our shortcomings. Animals do not have such a volume of desires as a person, they are completely balanced and perfect in their own way.

Man always wants more. More than he has, more than he can get, and if he got it, then more than he can eat. Lack is when “I want, but I can’t get”, “I want, but I can’t”. It was this lack that made it possible for the development of thought, which became the beginning of a separation from the animal state, the beginning of the development of consciousness.

Dislike as an engine of progress

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan claims that a person, unlike animals, feels his own uniqueness, separation from another.

For a long time, experiencing hunger and not being able to fill it (our species was the weakest in the savannah - without claws, teeth, hooves), a person for the first time felt his neighbor as an object that can be used for himself, for food. However, having arisen, this desire was immediately limited. In the delta between the desire to use one's neighbor in oneself and the restriction on this desire, a feeling of hostility towards the other is born.

But that's not all, once bursting beyond the limits of the animal volume, our desires continue to grow. They double. Today they bought a Cossack - tomorrow they wanted a foreign car, today they bought a foreign car - tomorrow they wanted a Mercedes. On this simple example it is clear that a person is never satisfied with what he has received.

Our ever-growing desire to receive constantly leads to the growth of dislike. Lorentz proved that animals have an intraspecific unconscious coherent instinct that does not allow intraspecific aggression to destroy the species. For humans, intraspecific hostility still poses a threat to survival - as it is constantly growing. At the same time, it is also an incentive for us to develop. It was in order to limit hostility that we first created the law, then culture and morality.

Why are people so mean? Because they are people!

Man is a lack of pleasure, a desire. Our desires are not satisfied - we immediately feel hostility. Mom didn't buy ice cream: "Bad mom!" The woman does not meet my expectations: " bad woman! I feel bad, I don’t know what I want: “Everyone is bad. The world is cruel and unfair! Moral and cultural norms not in vain are vaccinated a child with early childhood. Mutual assistance, sympathy, empathy for another help us cope with our selfish desires for pleasure.

Today, our desires continue to grow, and the existing constraints on them cease to work. Skin law and visual culture have almost worked themselves out. Today we are rapidly rushing into the future, where a person is no longer moral (because his desires are too high to be limited by morality and morality), but not yet spiritual. Today we are ready to eat anyone, to consume the whole world, if only we were well, real troglodytes - but this does not mean degradation. This is another step in our growth, the answer to which should be the emergence of new level limiters.

The path from animal to human

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that in the conditions of increased desires and increased hostility, no restrictions on hostility will work anymore. Our coexistence in the future will be built not on prohibitions, but on the complete disappearance of hostility as such.

In contrast to the awareness of one's uniqueness and the other as an object to saturate one's lacks systems thinking gives awareness of another person as oneself, as well as awareness of integrity human species. It - new level consciousness, much higher than the intraspecific animal unconscious instinct. This is the awareness of oneself as a part of all mankind and the awareness of another person as a part of oneself. And, as a result, the inability to harm another. Just as a person cannot harm himself on purpose, so he will not be able to harm another, because he will feel his pain as his own.

In fact, people are not evil and not worse than animals, people are just not yet mature enough. We have grown so much mentally that we invented the hadron collider, but we still have not matured to self-awareness. Daily outbursts of aggression, violation of all norms of morality and morality at the level of entire states are evidence that the time has come.

And stopping aggression is easier than it seems at first glance. Just needs to be seen underlying causes happening and eliminate them. To understand that the picture of the world around us with cruelty, murders, crimes is the result of the fact that each of us considers himself the only one and feels only his desires. And for the sake of his "I want" he is even ready to kill, if necessary. But the paradox is that even this will not fill a person with happiness. Neither the one who shows aggression, nor the one against whom it is directed, can actually feel joy, and will be equally unhappy.

You can fix this by realizing true desires and opportunities for each of us. realizing internal potential of a person and his intentions, we will be able to clearly understand what can be expected from our environment and how to most adequately express ourselves among others. When we deeply understand another person and their motives from within, we do not become victims of unexpected aggression, because the actions of people become easily predictable and predictable. Moreover, we can consciously choose our environment in which we feel comfortable and safe. It would be ideal if every person in the world could do this and everyone would be happy, but even if this is still far away, it is worth starting with yourself.

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The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»