Is colonization of Mars possible? Is it really possible? Why Mars

Part of the materials and essentials (primarily oxygen, water, food  food) from local resources, this way of conducting research will generally be more cost-effective than sending returning expeditions or creating settlement stations for rotational work. In addition, in the future, Mars can become a convenient testing ground for large-scale scientific and technical experiments that are dangerous for the earth's biosphere.

As for mining, on the one hand, Mars may turn out to be quite rich in mineral resources, and due to the lack of free oxygen in the atmosphere, it is possible to have rich deposits of native metals on it, on the other hand, at the moment, the cost of delivering goods and organizing production in an aggressive environment (a rarefied atmosphere unsuitable for breathing and a large amount of dust) is so great that no wealth of deposits will ensure the payback of production.

For solutions demographic problems it will be necessary, firstly, to transfer the population from the Earth on a scale incomparable with the capabilities modern technology(at least - millions of people), and secondly - ensuring the full autonomy of the colony and the possibility of more or less comfortable life on the surface of the planet, which will require the creation of a breathable atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and the solution of problems of protection from cosmic radiation. Now all this can be considered only speculatively, as a prospect for the distant future.

Suitability for development

similarity to the earth


  • The force of gravity on Mars is approximately 2.63 times less than on Earth (0.38 g). It is still unknown if this is enough to avoid the health problems that come with weightlessness.
  • The surface temperature of Mars is much lower than Earth's. The maximum mark is +30 °C (at noon at the equator), the minimum is -123 °C (in winter at the poles). The temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere is always below zero.
  • Due to the fact that Mars is farther from the Sun, the amount of solar energy reaching its surface is about half that on Earth.
  • The orbit of Mars has a larger eccentricity, which increases the annual fluctuations in temperature and the amount of solar energy.
  • Atmospheric pressure on Mars is too low for humans to survive without an air suit. Living quarters on Mars will have to be equipped with airlocks, similar to those installed on spacecraft, which could maintain the earth's atmospheric pressure.
  • The Martian atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide (95%). Therefore, despite its low density, the partial pressure of CO 2 on the surface of Mars is 52 times greater than on Earth, which may allow vegetation to be maintained.
  • Mars has two natural satellites, Phobos and Deimos. They are much smaller and closer to the planet than the Moon is to the Earth. These satellites may prove useful [ ] when checking the means of colonization asteroids .
  • Mars' magnetic field is about 800 times weaker than Earth's. Together with a rarefied (by 100-160 times in comparison with the Earth) atmosphere, this significantly increases the amount of ionizing radiation reaching its surface. The magnetic field of Mars is not able to protect living organisms from cosmic radiation, and the atmosphere (subject to its artificial restoration) - from scattering by the solar wind.
  • The discovery by the Phoenix spacecraft, which landed near the North Pole of Mars in 2008, of perchlorates in the soil of Mars calls into question the possibility of growing terrestrial plants in the Martian soil without additional experiments or without artificial soil.
  • The radiation background on Mars is 2.2 times higher than radiation background on the International Space Station and is approaching the safety limits for astronauts.
  • Water, due to low pressure, boils on Mars already at a temperature of +10 °C. In other words, water from ice, almost bypassing liquid phase, quickly turns into steam.

Principal Reachability

The flight time from Earth to Mars (with current technology) is 259 days in a semi-ellipse and 70 days in a parabola. Basically, delivery to Mars necessary minimum equipment and supplies for initial period The existence of a small colony does not go beyond the capabilities of modern space technology, taking into account promising developments, the implementation period of which is estimated at one to two decades. At the moment, the fundamental unresolved problem is protection from radiation during the flight; if it is solved, the flight itself (especially if it is carried out “in one direction”) is quite real, although it requires the investment of huge financial resources and the solution of a number of scientific and technical issues of various scales.

At the same time, it should be noted that the "launch window" for a flight between the planets opens once every 26 months. Taking into account the flight time, even in the most ideal conditions(good location of the planets and the presence of a transport system in a state of readiness) it is clear that, unlike near-Earth stations or a lunar base, a Martian colony, in principle, will not be able to receive operational assistance from Earth or evacuate to Earth in the event of an emergency situation with which impossible to manage on your own. As a consequence of the foregoing, just to survive on Mars, a colony must have a guaranteed period of autonomy of at least three Earth years. Taking into account the possibility of occurrence during this period of a variety of emergency situations, equipment accidents, natural disasters it is clear that in order to ensure survival, the colony must have a significant reserve of equipment, production capacities in all branches of its own industry and, most importantly at first, power generating capacities, since all production and the entire life support of the colony will be highly dependent on the availability of electricity in sufficient quantities.

living conditions

Without protective equipment, a person will not be able to live on the surface of Mars for even a few minutes. However, compared to conditions on hot Mercury and Venus, cold outer planets, and devoid of atmosphere Moon and asteroids, the conditions on Mars are much more suitable for exploration. There are places on Earth explored by man in which natural conditions in many ways similar to the Martian. Earth's atmospheric pressure at 34,668 meters - the highest point reached by a balloon with a crew on board (May 4) - is approximately twice the maximum pressure on the surface of Mars.

results latest research show that there are significant and yet directly accessible deposits of water ice on Mars, the soil, in principle, is suitable for growing plants, and the atmosphere is present in sufficient quantities. in large numbers carbon dioxide . All this together makes it possible to count (if there is enough energy) on the possibility of producing plant foods, as well as extracting water and oxygen from local resources, which significantly reduces the need for closed-loop life support technologies that would be needed on the Moon, asteroids or on a remote planet. from Earth to a space station.

Main difficulties

The main dangers that await astronauts during the flight to Mars and stay on the planet are as follows:

Possible physiological problems while on Mars, the crew will have the following:

Ways to Terraform Mars

Main goals


  • A controlled collapse on the surface of Mars of a comet, one large or many small icy asteroids from the Main Belt or one of Jupiter's satellites, in order to warm up the atmosphere and replenish it with water and gases.
  • The launch of a massive body, an asteroid from the Main Belt (for example, Ceres) into the orbit of the satellite of Mars, in order to activate the effect of the planetary "dynamo", and strengthen the own magnetic field of Mars.
  • Change magnetic field by laying a ring around the planet from a conductor or superconductor with a connection to a powerful energy source.
  • Explosion on several polar caps nuclear bombs. The disadvantage of the method is radioactive contamination allocated water.
  • Placement in the orbit of Mars artificial satellites capable of collecting and focusing sunlight to the surface of the planet to warm it up.
  • Surface colonization by archaebacteria (see archaea) and other extremophiles, including genetically modified ones, to isolate the required quantities greenhouse gases or obtaining the necessary substances in large volumes from those already available on the planet. In April, the German Center for Aviation and Cosmonautics made a report that in the laboratory conditions of the simulation of the atmosphere of Mars (Mars Simulation Laboratory), some types of lichens and cyanobacteria adapted after 34 days of stay and showed the possibility of photosynthesis.

The methods of influence associated with the launch or fall of an asteroid require thorough calculations aimed at studying such an impact on the planet, its orbit, rotation speed, and much more.

A serious problem in the way of the colonization of Mars is the lack of a magnetic field that protects against solar radiation. For a full-fledged life on Mars, a magnetic field is indispensable.

It should be noted that almost all of the above actions to terraform Mars at the moment are nothing more than " thought experiments”, since for the most part they do not rely on any existing in reality and at least minimally proven technologies, and in terms of approximate energy costs they many times exceed the capabilities modern humanity. For example, to create pressure sufficient at least for growing in the open ground, without sealing, the most unpretentious plants, it is required to increase the available mass of the Martian atmosphere by 5-10 times, that is, to deliver to Mars or evaporate from its surface a mass of the order of 10 17 - 10 18 kg. It is easy to calculate that, for example, it will take approximately 2.25 10 12 TJ to evaporate such an amount of water, which is more than 4500 times higher than all modern annual energy consumption on Earth (see).


Manned flight to Mars

Building a spacecraft to fly to Mars is a difficult task. One of the main problems is the protection of astronauts from solar radiation particle flows. Several ways of solving this problem are proposed, for example, the creation of special protective materials for the hull or even the development of a magnetic shield similar in mechanism of action to a planetary one.

Mars One

"Mars One" is a private fundraising project run by Bass Lansdorp that involves flying to Mars, then establishing a colony on its surface and broadcasting everything that happens on television.

Inspiration Mars

The Inspiration Mars Foundation is an American non-profit organization (foundation) founded by Dennis Tito, planning to send a manned expedition to fly around Mars in January 2018.

Centenary spaceship

"Centennial spaceship" (Eng. Hundred-Year Starship) - a project whose overall goal is to prepare for an expedition to one of the neighboring planetary systems. One of the elements of preparation is the implementation of the project of irrevocably sending people to Mars in order to colonize the planet. The project has been developed since 2010 by the Ames Research Center - one of the main scientific laboratories NASA. The main idea of ​​the project is to send people to Mars in order for them to establish a colony there and continue to live in this colony without returning to Earth. Refusal to return will lead to a significant reduction in the cost of the flight, it will be possible to take more cargo and crew. Further flights will deliver new colonists and replenish their supplies. The possibility of a return flight will appear only when the colony, on its own, can organize the production of a sufficient amount of the necessary items and materials from local resources on the spot (first of all, we are talking about fuel and supplies of oxygen, water and food).

Communication with the Earth

To communicate with potential colonies, radio communication can be used, which has a delay of 3-4 minutes in each direction during the maximum approach of the planets (which repeats every 780 days) and about 20 minutes at the maximum removal of the planets; see Configuration  (astronomy). The delay of signals from Mars to Earth and vice versa is due to the speed of light. However, the use electromagnetic waves(including light) does not make it possible to maintain contact with the Earth directly (without a relay satellite) when the planets are in opposite points orbits relative to the Sun.

Possible locations for founding colonies

The best places for a colony gravitate towards the equator and lowlands. First of all it is:

  • Hellas depression - has a depth of 8 km, and at its bottom the pressure is the highest on the planet, due to which in this area the lowest level of background from cosmic rays on Mars [ ] .
  • The Marinera valley is not as deep as the Hellas depression, but it has the highest minimum temperatures on the planet, which expands the choice of structural materials [ ] .

In the case of terraforming, the first open water will appear in the Marinera Valley.

Colony (Forecast)

Although so far the design of Martian colonies has not gone beyond sketches, for reasons of proximity to the equator and high atmospheric pressure, they are usually planned to be established in different places in the Mariner Valley. Whatever heights space transport reaches in the future, the laws of conservation of mechanics determine the high cost of delivering goods between Earth and Mars, and limit the periods of flights, tying them to planetary confrontations.

The high price of delivery and 26-month inter-flight periods determine the requirements:

  • Guaranteed three-year self-sufficiency of the colony (additional 10 months for flight and ordering). This is possible only if structures and materials are accumulated on the territory of the future colony before the initial arrival of people.
  • Production in the colony of basic structural and consumable materials from local resources.

This means the need to create cement, brick, reinforced concrete, air and water production, as well as deploy ferrous metallurgy, metalworking and greenhouses. Saving food will require vegetarianism [ ] . The probable absence of coking materials on Mars would require the direct reduction of iron oxides by electrolytic hydrogen - and, accordingly, the production of hydrogen. Martian dust storms can make solar energy unusable for months, which, in the absence of natural fuels and oxidizers, makes it the only reliable, this moment, only nuclear energy. Large-scale hydrogen production and five times the amount of deuterium in the ice of Mars compared to Earth will lead to cheapness heavy water, which will make heavy-water nuclear reactors the most efficient and cost-effective for uranium mining on Mars.

  • High scientific or economic productivity of the colony. The similarity of Mars to the Earth determines the great value of Mars for geology, and in the presence of life - for biology. The economic profitability of the colony is possible only when large rich deposits of gold, platinoids or precious stones are discovered.
  • The first expedition must still explore convenient caves suitable for sealing and pumping air for the mass settlement of cities by builders. The habitation of Mars will begin from under its surface.
  • Another likely effect of the creation of grotto colonies on Mars may be the consolidation of earthlings, the rise of global awareness on Earth; planetary synchronization.
  • The physical image of a settler's rebirth is a body “dried” from triple weight loss, skeleton and muscle mass are lightened. Change in gait, manner of movement. There is also the danger of gaining excess weight. There is a possibility of changing the diet in the direction of reducing food intake.
  • The diet of the colonists can shift to lactic acid, products from cows from local hydroponic conveyor pastures arranged in mines.


In addition to the main arguments for criticizing the idea of ​​human space colonization (see Space colonization), there are objections specific to Mars:

  • The colonization of Mars is not effective way solutions to any problems facing humanity that can be considered as the goals of this colonization. Nothing valuable has yet been discovered on Mars that would justify the risk to people and the costs of organizing extraction and transportation, and there are still huge uninhabited territories for colonization on Earth, the conditions on which are much more favorable than on Mars, and the development of which will cost much more. cheaper, including Siberia, vast expanses of equatorial deserts, and even the whole mainland - Antarctica. As for the exploration of Mars itself, it is more economical to conduct it using robots.
  • As one of the main arguments against the colonization of Mars, an argument is made about its extremely small resource of key elements necessary for life (primarily hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon). However, in the light of recent studies that have discovered on Mars, in particular, huge reserves of water ice, at least in terms of hydrogen and oxygen, the question is removed.
  • Conditions on the surface of Mars require the development of innovative projects of life support systems for life on it. But since on earth's surface If there are no conditions close enough to Martian conditions, then it is not possible to verify them experimentally. This, in some respects, calls into question practical value most of them.
  • Also, the long-term influence of Martian gravity on people has not been studied (all experiments were carried out either in an environment with earth's gravity or in weightlessness). The degree of influence of gravity on human health when it changes from weightlessness to 1g has not been studied. An experiment (“Mars Gravity Biosatellite”) on mice is planned to be carried out in Earth orbit to study the effect of the Martian (0.38g) gravity force on the life cycle of mammals.
  • The second cosmic speed of Mars - 5 km / s - is quite high, although it is half that of the earth, which, with the current level of space technology, makes it impossible to achieve a breakeven level for the colony due to the export of materials. However, the density of the atmosphere, the shape (the radius of the mountain is about 270 km) and the height (21.2 km from the base) of Mount Olympus make it possible to use various kinds of electromagnetic mass accelerators (an electromagnetic catapult or a maglev, or a Gauss cannon, etc.) to remove cargo into the space. Atmospheric pressure at the top of Mount Olympus is only 2% of the pressure characteristic of the average level of the Martian surface. Considering that the pressure on the surface of Mars is less than 0.01 atmospheres, the rarefaction of the medium at the top of Olympus is almost the same as the vacuum of space.
  • It also raises concerns psychological factor. The duration of the flight to Mars and the further life of people in a confined space on it can become serious obstacles to the development of the planet.
  • Some are concerned about the possible "pollution" of the planet by terrestrial life forms. The question of the existence (at present or in the past) of life on Mars has not yet been resolved.
  • Until now, there is no technology for obtaining technical silicon without the use of charcoal, as well as a technology for the production of semiconductor silicon without technical. This means huge difficulties with the production of solar cells on Mars. There is no other technology for obtaining technical silicon, since the technology using charcoal is the cheapest in terms of the cheapness of this material and energy costs. On Mars, it is possible to use the metallothermic reduction of silicon from its magnesium dioxide to magnesium silicide, followed by decomposition of the silicide with hydrochloric or acetic acid to produce gaseous monosilane SiH4, which can be purified from impurities different ways, and then decomposed into hydrogen and pure silicon.
  • Recent studies in mice have shown that prolonged exposure to weightlessness (space) causes degenerative changes in the liver, as well as symptoms of diabetes. Humans have experienced similar symptoms after returning from orbit, but the causes of this phenomenon were unknown. But Mars has gravity, the acceleration of gravity at its equator is 3.711 m / s², which is 0.378 of the earth. The journey to Mars can either be accelerated to 69 days, or spend part or all of it under the influence of artificial gravity using centrifuges or rotating compartments.

In art

  • Soviet song “Apple trees will bloom on Mars” (music by V. Muradeli, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky).
  • "Residence - Mars" (Eng. Living on Mars) is a popular science film shot by National Geographic in 2009.
  • The song by Otto Dix - Utopia also has a reference ("... And apple trees will bloom on Mars, as on Earth ...")
  • The song of the artist Noize MC - "It's cool on Mars."
  • In the 1990 science fiction film Total Recall, the plot takes place on Mars.
  • Song by David Bowie - "Life on Mars", also by Ziggy Stardust (Eng. Ziggy Stardust) is a fictional character created by David Bowie and is central figure his concept glam rock album "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars".
  • Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles.
  • Isaac Asimov - Lucky Starr series. Book 1 - "David Starr, Space Ranger".
  • The film "Mission to Mars" tells about the rescue mission to the planet Mars after the disaster that befell the first expedition to the red planet.
  • On colonized Mars, the OVA Armitage III takes place.
  • The process of colonization and (in the second case) terraforming of Mars is devoted to the tabletop role-playing games "Mars Colony" and "Mars: New Air".
  • The terraforming and colonization of Mars is the main backdrop for the events of Kim Stanley Robinson's The Martian Trilogy.
  • A series of books by Edgar Burroughs about the fantasy world of Mars.
  • In the British television series Doctor Who in the series Waters of Mars on the surface of Mars, the first colony was developed in the crater Gusev "Bowie Base One".
  • Harry Harrison's science fiction short story "Training Flight" tells of the first manned mission to Mars. Special attention given to the psychological state of a person who is in a closed uncomfortable environment.
  • The novel by Andy Weir, The Martian, tells the story of a one and a half year struggle for the life of an astronaut left alone on Mars. In 2015, a film adaptation of this work was released.
  • John Carter (eng. John Carter) is a fantastic action adventure directed by Andrew Stanton, based on the book Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
  • The Martian is a film directed by Ridley Scott and released by 20th Century Fox.
  • Know the Unknown is a 2016 American feature film about a single space flight to Mars.
  • Applied Terraforming is a fantasy novel by Eduard Cutlas about the colonization of Mars.

The site browser found out what the first Martian colony might look like, what problems the first people on the Red Planet will have to face and how to solve them. Among the main tasks are the delivery of people to the planet, the cultivation of food, the extraction of water and the fight against radiation.

September 27, 2016 Elon Musk told about plans for the colonization of Mars and about the system of interplanetary transportation of people. The first ship with colonists can go to Mars as early as 2023-2025. But is humanity ready to populate the red planet and what technologies will help people survive at a distance of 225 million kilometers from Earth?

harsh beauty

Elon Musk knowingly chose Mars as a second home for earthlings - this is the most suitable planet for life in the solar system. True, the conditions there are harsh: the atmosphere of Mars is 96% carbon dioxide, the temperature ranges from +20 ° C to -127 ° C, and the radiation level is many times higher than in the vicinity of Chernobyl. But the planet has a lot of water and carbon dioxide, from which you can make breathable air and fuel for spacecraft. A day on Mars lasts almost as long as on Earth, and gravity is several times less than Earth's.

Curiosity's first Martian selfie

Delivery of people to Mars

The first problem SpaceX has to solve is getting people to the Red Planet. Mars is 400 million kilometers away, and passengers will have to fly for eight months to get there. In this case, you need to fly out at a certain period, when the Earth and Mars will approach at a minimum distance.

“So far, our attempts to fly to Mars have been pretty pathetic. And the Americans, and the Russians, and the Europeans, and the Japanese, and the Chinese, and the Indians sent 44 missiles there, most of which were either lost or broken. Only a third of the missions to Mars have been successful,” writes Stefan Petranek, author of How We Will Live on Mars.

Musk is also not all right with flight safety. Falcon 9 on September 1, 2016 was the second in SpaceX commercial launch history. Before that, the company lost a rocket and cargo for the ISS in June 2015 - the rocket exploded in the air due to a malfunction in the second stage. True, after that, SpaceX conducted nine successful launches, and Musk still has time to analyze the causes of disasters and avoid them in the future.

The very scheme of the flight to Mars will look like this: a rocket with astronauts will rise into earth orbit, after which its first stage will return beyond the Earth, a capsule with fuel will be loaded into it and again sent to the rocket with astronauts. After refueling, the ship will return the tanker with fuel to Earth again and begin its journey towards Mars. According to Musk, it will be the largest rocket in existence - the diameter of the ship will be 17 meters, and overall height launch complex - 122 meters.

At the end of September 2016, SpaceX successfully tested the Raptor methane rocket engine, which will be used in the interplanetary flight system (ITS).

Musk plans to make the first unmanned trip to Mars as early as 2018. After that, missions to the red planet will be sent every two years during the period of the closest approach of the planets. According to NASA, this project will cost Musk $320 million. The first missions will be unmanned, people will fly to Mars only after 8-10 years if the test flights are successful.

What will the Martian colonists eat and drink?

Water is at the top of the list of essentials for survival, but it is expensive and difficult to bring it from the ground, so the colonists will have to extract it right on the spot. The soil on Mars contains up to 60% water, and according to satellite data, many craters have layers of ice inside. Scientists suggest that in addition to glaciers on Mars, The groundwater. True, their extraction will require special equipment that will stop the freezing of water immediately after it rises to the surface.

Photo taken by Phoenix Lander in 2008. White matter is ice

Water on Mars can even be extracted from the atmosphere, which is often 100% humid. The water dehumidifier was created back in 1988 at the University of Washington and can be used in harsh Martian conditions.

In addition to water, NASA solved another problem - they figured out where to get the air that the astronauts will breathe. MIT scientist Michael Hecht has developed a machine called the Moxie that sucks in the Martian atmosphere and pumps oxygen out of carbon dioxide. Next big ship NASA, scheduled to launch in 2020, will be equipped with one of these devices. A test version of Moxie will be able to produce enough oxygen to sustain the life of one person.

With food, things are a little more complicated. According to Stefan Petranek, with the help of hydroponics (growing plants in water with nutrients), it will be possible to obtain no more than 15-20% of the food needed to feed the astronauts, the rest will have to be delivered from Earth in a dried form.

Theoretically, plants will be able to grow in soil based on Martian soil. But scientists who have studied rover samples so far are leaning toward the conclusion that the Martian soil may be too acidic or too alkaline and will need to be rehabilitated and replenished with nutrients like nitrogen. Therefore, at first, hydroponics will become a more reliable way to grow plants. Provided that the colonists have already established the extraction and storage of water in a liquid state.

Biologist Angelo Vermeulen, who lived for several months in a simulator of the Martian environment on Hawaiian Islands, I am sure that the first crops should take up little space and be as nutritious as possible. For example, it can be beans or potatoes, which became famous after the movie "The Martian". But green salads, dill and parsley will become a delicacy for the colonists - they are low in calories and take up a lot of space.

Do not hope that the Martian greenhouses will look like illustrations from Soviet magazines- most likely, they will be hidden under a thick layer of soil or in lava channels to avoid the effects of destructive solar radiation.

As for fertilizers for Martian plants, Jim Cleaves from research institute Blue Marble Space expressed the opinion that the Martians will be able to use the bodies of the colonists who died on the red planet to feed the soil.

“Astronauts are already breaking earthly taboos about waste by drinking recycled urine. If we can overcome the taboo of death, actively composting the human body will not be much different from burying it in the ground,” says Jim.

Where to live

Next key moment for the survival of the Martians, these are the premises where they will live. People will need to protect themselves not only from the cold, but also from cosmic radiation. On Earth, a dense atmosphere protects us from radiation, and the higher people rise, the more they are exposed to cosmic radiation.

Unlike Earth, there is practically no magnetic field on Mars and the settlers will receive slightly less radiation than in the open. interplanetary space- from 400 to 900 millisieverts of exposure per year. For comparison, the average inhabitant of the Earth during the year accumulates 3 millisieverts in his body, at 4000 mSv radiation sickness develops with a high probability of death, and 6000-7000 mSv is considered a lethal dose.

Colonization of other worlds- an indispensable attribute of any science fiction novel on a space theme. This is quite understandable, because an exclusively altruistic craving for knowledge of the unknown will never justify the costs that will be required. space travel. Sooner or later the question arises practical application results of all studies. And now the time has come when science can already oppose the theories of science fiction writers with real projects for the colonization of another planet.

Elon Musk, his space expansion and the colonization of Mars - The Night Air

Prerequisites for the colonization of Mars

Mars is the best choice for a number of reasons:

  • Relative. At current ship speeds, the flight will take less than a year.
  • Conditions similar to our planet: almost the same duration of the day, the axial tilt, due to which the seasons change, the land area, almost equal to the earth. Even the soil of Mars in many ways resembles the soil on Earth, which gives hope for the adaptation of the earth's flora to its conditions.
  • Presence of atmosphere. Despite its sparseness, it still serves as some protection from solar radiation.
  • Confirmed the existence of water on Mars, which facilitates the possibility of life support for a potential colony.

However, there are also pitfalls. Firstly, these are sharp temperature drops characteristic of the red planet, and in general this world is significantly colder than earth. We should not forget about the difference in gravity, that with a constant stay of people there, it can cause health problems, and in the future, in combination with increased level radiation - lead to various mutations. Low atmospheric pressure and the very composition of the atmosphere are also factors complicating the process of settling Mars.

colonizers of the red planet

Space colonization, when will colonization of Mars begin?

Terraforming - what is required for this?

Due to the above reasons, the organization of a colony on Mars will require the so-called terraforming, that is, bringing its conditions closer to those more suitable for earthlings.

First of all, this concerns the atmosphere, with the transformation of which the climate on the planet will change to a warmer side and water bodies will appear. Most likely to be habitable are areas adjacent to the equator. However, what looks so optimistic in theory does not promise to be easy to implement in practice. The fact is that some projects promising in as soon as possible to turn Mars almost into a beach paradise, are utopian and threaten to disrupt the natural balance to the extent of a global catastrophe.

Much more realistic is the idea to gradually, over many decades, form new atmosphere, gradually supplying frozen nitrogen to Mars, which will be mined in the solar system.

The possibility of sending cometary material, consisting mainly of water, to the surface of the planet, which will be released into the atmosphere in the form of steam, is also being considered. Ideas are being put forward and how to adjust the orbit and axial tilt of Mars to provide more stable climatic conditions.

But such large-scale work is still only a theory, while the colonization project developed by the Dutch company Mars One is designed for the foreseeable future, and in accordance with it, the first colonists should go to the red planet as early as 2023.

The first people on Mars - ch1 PlanetBase

What kind of difficulties await potential colonists?

Problems can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Technical;

The first generations of colonists will be especially dependent on the reliability of all systems and installations, because equipment failure in a strange, poorly adapted world is not just a nuisance, but a serious threat to life. The existing project is based on the installation of solar panels as the main source of energy, but there must be additional sources of it, because in winter the batteries will be practically useless, and their efficiency is not too high.

2. Biological;

Life on Mars will be possible only at the station, which should provide the colonists with air, heat, and food. And these systems will have to function for many years. If it is quite realistic to grow plants in the conditions of a built base, then it will be possible to diversify the diet with other products only through supplies from the Earth, but they will not be frequent, given the distance and cost of preparing the flight. And the self-sufficiency of the colony is a matter of the distant future.

In addition, many diseases and injuries that modern medicine has long learned to deal with will again become a serious problem in the absence of hospitals, equipment and specialists. In addition, it is not known what types of viruses and bacteria can be found on Mars, how seriously the lower gravity will affect the health of earthlings ... There are many more questions than answers here.

3. Psychological.

Perhaps these difficulties are the most unpredictable. No experiments and tests will prepare a person for such a test. Complete isolation from the familiar world, closed and very limited space, the same circle of people day after day for many years - breakdowns in such conditions will be inevitable. All proven approaches to crew recruitment are irrelevant here, the team will have to be formed in such a way that in the future, within its framework, the colonists can create families. And this is an additional risk: when people are forced to constantly intersect with each other, issues of love, jealousy, personal dislikes and other aspects of relationships become especially acute.

Many scientists will certainly be attracted by the opportunity to visit Mars, but the key word here is “visit”. Don't stay there for the rest of your life. It is possible that among the volunteers there are many frivolous people who do not understand what they are getting into, as well as adventurers.

Project ExoMars / film about space

One-Way Ticket - Mars One Seeks Volunteers

  • Despite the skepticism of many scientists, the authors of the Dutch project consider it quite feasible and have already announced the recruitment of volunteers who, after 8 years of preparation, will receive a one-way ticket. Both the selection procedure itself and the upcoming training sessions will be held in a reality show mode, which should become one of the main sources of funding for the project.
  • In 2016, a ship with the first batch of cargo necessary for future colonists should already start. In the future, several more ships will go there, which will become the base for the colonists.
  • It is difficult to say how promising this particular project is, but in any case, the exploration and colonization of Mars by the forces of a private company is hardly possible. To organize a full-fledged colony with an established infrastructure, and not just an island of Martian Robinsons, you will need long work and the combined efforts of specialists from all over the world, and then, perhaps, after a few centuries, the red planet will become a second home for mankind.

In the comments to the last post, many different versions flared up about the colonization of Mars. This article contains more detailed information about each point of the upcoming mission, so that you can finally strengthen your point of view on this issue

About the Mars One project

Mars One is a private organization whose task is to establish a colony on Mars using ready-made technologies. This is the first project that plans to finance such a global operation through real-time TV broadcasts, from the selection of astronauts on Earth to the solution of complex technical problems on the surface of Mars.


Many people believe that the desire to explore solar system is much more important achievement for all mankind than the local desires of individual nations. Like the Apollo moon landings, a human mission to Mars will make it clear to our generations that anything is possible in this world. The Mars One team believes not only in possibility this mission, but also in the fact that they obliged do everything possible to accelerate our understanding of the formation of the cosmos, the origin of life, and, last but not least, our raison d'etre in the universe.

Working mission

In 2011, the creation of the first plans began. During the first year, negotiations were held with many space agencies and corporations to test this idea for strength. The response letters contained a deep interest in the project.
Since it would be too expensive for corporations, and too risky for government enterprises, Mars One decided to take the path of integrating separate branches of existing technologies.


The plan is based on current technology from trusted vendors. The project itself is not an aerospace company and does not manufacture the equipment needed for the mission. All equipment will be developed by third parties and then combined into a single whole.
A complete mission kit will contain the following:
  • Launcher. This type of rocket will be used to deliver a payload from earth to orbit (or from orbit to Mars). The plan is to use the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket (an improved version of the Falcon 9 that SpaceX currently uses).
  • Mars transit module. The module will be responsible for the delivery of astronauts to Mars. It will consist of two fuel systems, a landing system and living quarters.
  • Descent vehicle. The Mars One team proposes using an extended version of the DragonCapsule, first tested in 2010. This is the same capsule that successfully docked with the ISS (International Space Station) in May 2012. The Martian mission will require a slightly expanded model of it, which will include:
    Life support module, which will contain air, water and energy generation systems
    The power module that will contain the food
    Biosphere module, which will store special inflatable sections that will allow the creation of large habitable areas on the surface of Mars
    Travel module in which astronauts will spend seven months before landing on the planet
    Mars rover module


In the role of the rover, it is planned to use a large semi-autonomous system with solar power, the tasks of which will include:
  • Intelligence service
  • Quick collection of small vehicles
  • Transportation of large hardware components
  • General assembly of large structures
Thus, it will rather not be a rover (in our usual sense), but a mobile factory on wheels.

martian suit

All astronauts will be required to wear suits when exposed to the Martian atmosphere. Like those used on the Moon, the suits will protect astronauts from extreme temperatures, thin airless atmospheres and harmful radiation.

Communication system

The system will transmit video streams along the chain Mars - communication satellite - Earth

Humanity on Mars

Tell you about something like this - "we are going to fly to Mars for permanent life" - you will have questions:
  • How will astronauts leave Earth? This is madness!
  • How will they prepare for life on Mars?
  • What can happen in seven months of travel?
  • What will astronauts do when they are away from home?
Let's try to answer these questions and more.

Emigration to Mars

Buying a one-way ticket is always more profitable than taking care of the return trip as well, but what do astronauts think about this? Everything will depend on who you ask. It is easy to see that most people would rather lose a leg than stay on a cold dangerous planet, saying "bye bye" to all their family and friends (with girlfriends translator's note), and knowing that they would never face them again after the Spartan journey to the Red Planet. However, there are also people for whom a trip to Mars is an old long-term dream. They are ready to face the planet one on one. For them, this is a unique opportunity to explore new world, to conduct hitherto unknown experiments, to build new house for Humanity and face the Unknown.
The Mars One team will give everyone the opportunity to join the ranks of astronauts. Are you the one who dreams about it? Then read on to find out what's in store for you! Would you rather lose your leg than go on such an adventure? Read on and make sure you make the right choice!


Each astronaut will participate in a mandatory ten-year training session. It will include numerous aptitude tests in a group of four. These tests will be carried out in a confined space for several months. The purpose of this is to understand how certain person responds to close proximity with the rest of the team. In addition to this, colonizers must learn many new skills. In the end, these people will be responsible for every aspect of the Martian colony: repairs, growing crops, as well as many different medical little things like fractures. (a dubious phenomenon in Martian gravity. approx. translator)

One way trip

The flight will take seven months. The astronauts will spend all this time in a very small space - much smaller than the main base will provide, moreover - without much luxury and frills. This will not be an easy task. The shower is not included in the program in advance - only wet wipes, like the visitors of the International space station. The main friends of the astronauts at this time are canned meat, the constant noise of fans and a three-hour warm-up. Against this background, getting into solar storm it will be a significant adventure - because you can panic a little and hide in a compartment with solar protection for a couple of days. There is no doubt that the trip will be tough, but the astronauts will endure - after all, this is a trip to their dream (dream can be translated as a dream, including in a negative context. approx. translator).

Living on Mars

Upon arrival on Mars, the astronauts will move into more comfortable rooms (50 square meters per person, with a total area of ​​200 for the entire team). These rooms will be based on inflatable components - a bedroom, a work area, a living room, a greenhouse for growing greenery. Thanks to these components, the colonists will be able to shower like normal people, cook fresh food, wear normal clothes, and lead an essentially normal life. The whole complex will be connected by a network of passages, but if someone wants to leave the base, he will need to put on a special suit. The installation of a residential complex will not take much time, and as soon as the task is solved, construction and research can begin.

Construction and research

Several main life support modules will arrive on Mars along with the first team of settlers. The task of the team will also include the preparation of modules for the following groups of people. All new modules from Earth will be gradually connected to the main base. Some of them will be duplicated for greater security and just for comfort. After some time, the colonists will have to take care of the construction of additional housing from local materials.
The planet will be rich in the amount of research needed. Astronauts will begin to study the influence of Mars on plants and their own bodies, to solve many geological and biological problems. Who knows in free time they might think: was there life on Mars before them?

Online broadcasts and television

All activities of the astronauts will be broadcast in real time to Earth. You will be able to keep abreast of all recent events (response time is about half an hour, without adjusting for data size approx. translator), as well as occasionally listening to the stories of the astronauts, who will definitely have something to say. What happens when you go to the surface? What is "adventure"? What does it feel like to experience gravity that is only 40% of Earth's? Answers to these and many other questions will be received very soon.


New groups of people are planned to land on Mars every two years. The size of the settlement will grow steadily. A little later, many of the living modules will be completed using local materials, so they will be large enough for a comfortable stay. The increase in the settlement will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the colonists, since they will have the opportunity to social life along with hard work.

Is it really possible?

Mars One is not the first organization to dream of a human mission to Mars. Many had similar plans. And yet, there was no success. Why should Mars One be successful?


Traveling to Mars is a one way trip. This fundamentally changes the requirements for the mission, completely removing the need to return equipment to Earth, which leads to a sharp decrease in the cost of the flight. Mars will become the new home for the colonists, where they will live and work, probably for the rest of their lives.
Although there is a small possibility of returning home, you should not think about it seriously. Returning a man to Earth will require several built and fully fueled rockets, each of which will be capable of a round-trip flight with a total duration of 14 months. It will cost significantly more than a one-way trip.
In addition, do not forget about gravity. After several years of living on Mars, a person will be unable to return to Earth. This is due to irreversible physiological changes in the body, such as a decrease in bone density, loss of muscle strength and a decrease in the potential of the circulatory system. Even after a short trip to the Mir station, the cosmonauts got back on their feet for two years, to say nothing about Mars.
Thus, under the condition of permanent residence on Mars, all problems boil down to providing the basics for life: clean air, drinking water, food, and artificial support for plant growth (for the first time)
While this all sounds complicated, the Mars One project can actually be implemented today. Humanity already owns the necessary technologies. Many of the data obtained from past space experiments can be applied to this mission.
In addition, Mars contains some essential elements and fossils. For the first settlement, for example, a site is chosen that contains water ice in the soil. This water can be used for drinking, bathing, irrigating fodder crops, and also for creating oxygen. Mars has natural sources of nitrogen - the main element of which is in the air (80%) - we breathe.

Solar panels

With this simple, reliable and plentiful source of energy, development and launch can be completely eliminated. nuclear reactor while saving time and money, and reducing risk in use. Solar panels will be a good light source of energy - after all, the colony does not need heavy fuels to launch rockets back. The first settlement will have to cover solar panels an area of ​​about 3000 square meters. Although Mars is significantly farther from the Sun than Earth, it has a thinner atmosphere. As a result of this compensation, a sufficient amount of energy reaches the surface - about 500 W per square meter(to Earth - 1000 W). In the early years, the batteries will be located exclusively on the surface of the planet. As power decreases due to dust deposits, a special robot will clean them.

Simple rovers

By using relatively simple rovers, money is saved that could have been spent on developing more complex systems. Such machines were chosen, which, although they allow you to comfortably move around the territory, are not able to maintain the atmosphere and pressure inside their hull - this will become the concern of the Martian suits. This choice is optimal, as it significantly reduces the cost of development and delivery. The rover will allow astronauts to travel up to 80 kilometers a day. It's not really about the rover - the battery on board holds a significant amount of energy - but the suits, alas, are not designed for work lasting more than 8 hours. The speed of the rover will not exceed 10 km per hour under direct control and will be even less with automatic control. Although this seems too small, it will be possible to explore about 5000 square kilometers in a year (when calculating, take into account the viewing range, and the corresponding route changes. approx. translator). Don't forget also that we are talking about the factory-on-wheels rover.

Lack of latest developments

The whole plan revolves around the use of real-life, time-tested technologies. Even if a component is not in stock, it is only a short matter of time, because there is no need for a fundamental change in the part. All suppliers have confirmed their readiness to build the necessary components right now.

Lack of politics

The only selection criterion is the balance of price and quality. The project is not interested in the nation of the supplier. This distinguishes it from large corporations that dictate their external and internal politics based on many personal factors. Does it provide significant assurance? good quality and prices? Not!

In this way, theoretical basis quite ready to start. What's next for us? Time will tell.
Based on materials from

Mars, given its orbit, surface and the presence of water ice at the poles, is one of the most attractive space objects for people. Concerns about the future of humanity are growing on Earth every day, and therefore the colonization of Mars is becoming more and more pressing problem. It is also impossible to discount economic interests, which further inflame attention to a distant cosmic brother.

Earth and Mars have a relative similarity. The Martian day or sol is very close to Earth day. A solar day on the fourth planet is 24 hours 30 minutes 35.244 seconds. The area is 28.4% of the Earth's area and is only slightly smaller than the earth's land. The radius is half that of the earth, and the mass is only one tenth.

The axial tilt is 25.19 degrees, while at the Earth it is 23.44 degrees. As a result, the seasons on the red planet are similar to those on Earth. But they last almost 2 times longer, since the Martian year is about 1.88 Earth years. And most importantly, Mars has water hidden under a crust of frozen carbon dioxide.

Now let's look at the differences between Mars and Earth. Here it must be said right away that even extremophilic organisms that survive on Earth in hostile conditions cannot withstand the extreme environment that is present on the surface of Mars.

Its surface gravity is 38% of Earth's. It should be noted here that microgravity causes health problems in humans. They lose muscle mass and demineralization of bones is observed. Is such a negative effect possible on the surface of the red planet? This is unknown, since scientific research related to the surface gravity of Mars has not yet been carried out on Earth.

The fourth planet is much colder than Earth. The average temperature is minus 50 degrees Celsius, and on Earth it is plus 15 degrees Celsius. The amount of solar energy reaching Mars is much less than Earth's, since it is 52% farther from the Sun than Earth. The solar constant is 43.3% of the earth's.

At the same time, the Martian atmosphere is thinner, and therefore a higher proportion of solar energy reaches the surface. But here we should not forget about year-round dust storms. They are able to block sunlight for several weeks. The absence of a magnetosphere makes the surface unprotected from solar wind.

Martian atmospheric pressure is below the Armstrong limit. The atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide. There is also nitrogen (3%), argon (1.6%) and traces of other gases, including oxygen (0.4%). In Martian air, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is 0.71 kPa compared to 0.031 kPa outside the Earth.

Carbon dioxide poisoning (hypercapnia) in humans begins at 0.1 kPa. Even for plants, 0.15 kPa is toxic. And this means only one thing - the air on Mars is toxic to plants, animals and humans. And in addition, it should be said that the thin atmosphere is not able to filter out ultraviolet sunlight.

Based on the foregoing, a well-reasoned conclusion suggests itself: the colonization of Mars is quite difficult task . The Martian environment is hostile to humans, and the difference in gravity will be detrimental to health. It will lead to weakening of bones and muscles, osteoporosis and cardiovascular problems.

The psychological factor must also be taken into account. People working on Mars will be tens of millions of kilometers from Earth. If the mission continues for 2.5 years, then the crew members will begin to experience feelings of isolation, longing, and depression. They will have the feeling that they are thrown into space, because the Earth in the Martian sky will look like a tiny bluish-green dot.

That's why great value during the colonization of Mars will have right choice of people. All of them are in without fail will have to go through a special psychological preparation. And when they return to Earth, they will need psychosocial sessions to reintegrate into human society.

And now let's talk about the most important thing - about the connection with the Earth.. I must say that Mars already has communication satellites. They will wear out over time, and therefore other orbital devices will be required until new advanced technologies are developed.

The delay of one-way communication at the closest approach of the planets is about 8 minutes. And when the planets are at a great distance from each other, it increases to 40 minutes. Also, direct communication is blocked for 2 weeks when the Sun is between the Earth and Mars. But in reality, a complete loss of communication can reach a whole month.

The only way out in this situation can be a whole cascade of communication satellites. But they will attract space dust and asteroids to them, which will negatively affect their work. The ideal option would be satellites equipped with ion engines. They will be able to move at low speed in their orbits and provide a continuous connection between Mars and the Earth.

What are the best places on Mars for a colony?? For these purposes, the equatorial region is suitable. There are many natural caves near volcanoes. These shelters will reliably protect the colonists from radiation and micrometeorites. There is also a version that geothermal energy is available in the equatorial region.

The second option is to place the colony in lava tubes. By analogy with the Earth, they must have long passages that will provide complete protection from radiation. It is also a big plus that they are easy to seal using local materials, especially in small areas.

In addition to all that has been said, the colonization of Mars implies terraforming. This term means changing the surface and climate of the red planet in such a way that it becomes suitable for human habitation. The conversation is, of course, about artificial changes in the environment.

Mars does not have a magnetosphere, which cushions the effects of solar radiation and holds the atmosphere. Therefore, to restore the atmosphere and the appearance of liquid water, magnetic poles or an artificial magnetosphere are needed. Japanese scientists put forward the idea of ​​creating an artificial magnetosphere by building cooled latitudinal superconducting rings with a sufficient magnitude direct current. There is another theory that suggests the deployment of a magnetic dipole shield at the Lagrange point of Mars L1.

Modeling shows that in the presence of a magnetosphere, an atmosphere will appear on the red planet in a few decades, and its pressure will be equal to half that of the earth. As a result, carbon dioxide frozen at the poles will begin to sublimate, that is, move from solid state into gaseous and warm the equator. Ice caps will begin to melt and oceans will appear. Volcanic degassing will also contribute to this.

With a sufficiently high atmospheric pressure, a person on the surface of Mars will no longer need a special protective pressure suit. He will only need a mask that provides 100% oxygen. The need for protection from the solar wind, radiation and extreme cold will also disappear. The situation will be like on Earth, only a person will walk in a mask with an oxygen cylinder.

Thus, the colonization of Mars within the framework of terraforming provides for the creation of a magnetosphere, an atmosphere and an increase in temperature. the main role here allotted carbon dioxide, due to which the greenhouse effect will increase, and the formation of the atmosphere and warming will complement each other.

All this is great, but what about oxygen? I wouldn't want to wear a mask all the time on the Martian surface. Most of the oxygen is present in the form of carbon dioxide. Oxygen is also available in metal oxides and in the soil as nitrates on the surface of the red planet. Analysis of soil samples showed the presence of perchlorate. It is used to release oxygen in chemical oxygen generators. Water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis if there is electricity and liquid water.

With the help of algae and other greens, you can add a small amount of oxygen to the atmosphere. But this will not be enough for people to be able to breathe freely, and the colonization of Mars has become a comfortable experience.

There is an option to create biodomes in which oxygen-containing cyanobacteria and photosynthetic algae will multiply to produce molecular oxygen. Such biodomes will need to be placed on Mars even before its colonization, so that people who arrive on the planet immediately find themselves in an oxygen environment. But this technology is intended only for isolated rooms, but there is no global planetary technology yet.

In conclusion, it should be said that, despite the apparent difficulties and the fantastic nature of many projects, a colony on Mars will certainly become a reality. This will happen in the very near future, as technological progress is advancing by leaps and bounds, and space exploration is a priority. Man will certainly settle down on the fourth planet, and then it will be the turn of others distant planets and satellites.

Vladislav Ivanov