Simon Winthrop mentalist hidden mechanisms of influence. Simon Winthrop - The Mentalist

A mentalist is a person who uses sharpness of mind, hypnosis and the power of suggestion. Master control of thoughts and behavior.

Who do you think knows you best? Maybe your spouse or spouse? Or maybe parents or friends?

Now imagine that you enter the room and after a couple of seconds you realize that you have been read as open book. A stranger you've never met before knows more about you than the closest and native person. This stranger can tell you about your profession, income level, and what you ate for breakfast. With piercing accuracy, he can point out your strengths and weak sides. Shed light on your deepest and deepest secrets, or even talk to one of your dead relatives.

It seems that this person has known you since infancy. No, even worse! It was as if he had been watching you since birth and every minute looked directly into your soul.

Who is this omniscient master?


Mentalists have been around us for centuries. IN ancient world they were called seers and oracles. For years they took on the role of heralds. Today you can meet some of them at carnivals and fairs, reading the hand of those who want to spend five dollars or so. Others claim to be "soul healers" or clairvoyants and claim to be able to communicate with the souls of the dead or read minds.

But the most famous mentalist of our time is Patrick Jane, main character popular television series Mentalist". Jane is a fictional character. As planned by the authors, with his ability to "read" people, he helps the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to solve the most terrible crimes.

Each episode begins with a definition: “A mentalist is a person who uses mental acuity, hypnosis, and the power of suggestion. The Master of Thought and Behavior.” Time after time, Patrick Jane demonstrates all of these abilities. And his unique method of catching criminals is often far more productive than forensic technology and other traditional methods CBD.

In the past, Jane was famous participant various TV shows where he claimed to be able to communicate with the dead. In one of these shows, the host asks Patrick's opinion about serial killer, which was operating in the city at that time. The criminal, enraged by the mentalist's response, declares him a fraud and kills his wife and little daughter. Tormented by remorse, Patrick goes into the shadows, gets rid of his popular mystical guise and starts working for the police as a consultant.

From this moment begins classic story a budding superhero who seeks to use his superpowers for good. Except for a small detail: these superpowers can be acquired by anyone. You, for example, can become a mentalist just as well as Patrick Jane.

Mentalist or magician?

You must have wondered what is the difference between a mentalist and a magician. Well, the difference is actually quite large. Many magicians are also mentalists, and vice versa. In both cases, they use arcane techniques and knowledge to create a mystical performance. The difference is that magicians talk about supernatural powers that help them make a cut rope whole again or keep finding desired card, while mentalists in their speeches rely on intellectual and thinking ability.

As I have already said, perhaps the most impressive art of mentalists is the ability, with apparent ease, through simple observation, to learn a frightening amount about a person already in the first minutes of the meeting. This kind of "instant observation" usually helps a lot when Patrick Jane is dealing with suspects or witnesses who have something to hide. Such tricks, by the way, not only help to display clean water liars, which are always a dime a dozen around, but will also come in handy if you want to establish contact with someone at the next party.

There is hardly a single area in your life that can be damaged by mental art. These techniques can be useful in the boardroom, on the playing field, or before a big purchase. Is the seller overcharging or really offering a good deal?

We all lack information. But won't it happen that we know too much? This interest Ask, and I'll talk more about it a little later, because sometimes I feel that this gift can become a heavy burden.

Do mentalists have supernatural powers?

Psychometry, in fact, is a form of so-called extrasensory perception. Extrasensory perception, in turn, is defined as the ability to receive information about a person or object in supernatural ways. The term "psychometry" was coined by a physician named Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in early XIX century. He created a theory according to which any object radiates certain emanations, or energies. Feeling them, a person can find out information about this item, as well as about its present or former owner.

Complete nonsense!

Let me explain in the most understandable terms that Jane is not clairvoyant and does not use any extrasensory perception. As, however, and I. In fact, Patrick Jane uses every opportunity to convict mediums and clairvoyants of lies. Himself for a long time fooled the public and therefore knows that all even the most convincing mediums are nothing more than showmen and swindlers. The object in your hand does not emit any emanations, but at least such that could tell what its owner ate for dinner.

In the life of each of us there have been moments when we inexplicably felt or knew something. At different people the level of sensitivity is not the same: someone has an acute hearing, someone has an increased susceptibility to smells. And it is certainly possible that in moments of "lightning" we simply listen better to our own feelings.

But we are not in a fictional reality, we are not heroes of comics or science fiction series. That's life. And in life, we can receive information about the owner of any object, being receptive and developing in ourselves the ability to skillfully observe. Clairvoyants claim that, unlike ordinary people have a gift that appears and disappears depending on the situation. And these so-called energies they use to push acceptance. certain decisions those who believe them.

Mediums have gone even further, they say they can communicate with the spirits of the dead. Their goal is also to use these abilities to make others face difficult choices. And they also call their abilities a gift, not a reliable skill. According to me, everyone can talk to spirits like that, only they have never answered anyone yet.

Not having supernatural powers, Patrick Jane is the Sherlock Holmes of today. With the help of his insight and ability to observe, he reaches incredible heights in his field. And everyone can master these skills.

Who am I?

You might have a perfectly legitimate question: who am I and why do I consider myself entitled to teach others the mental art?

Well, the thing is, I'm a magician and a mentalist myself.

I have honed my craft for decades and unraveled secrets that you will not learn from books and you will not find on the Internet. I'm already performing long years, many celebrities have been my audience, such as Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Clintons.

But more importantly, I'm just like you. I'm not superman, I don't have so-called supernatural powers. I sleep, eat, walk and talk just like you. But I have developed the ability of a mentalist. With absolute certainty, I say that my sensitivity is many times greater than yours. My memory is better and more accurate. When I talk to someone, I read them better than you could, even if you've known the person for many years.

This makes me a mentalist. And this gives me the right to claim that I can teach you the mental art.

Fundamentals of mental art

In this book, I will share with you the fundamentals that you will need to master if you want to become a mentalist. This does not mean that in a couple of days you will be able to repeat my show in Las Vegas. It will take a lot of time, patience and practice to learn everything I can. But this book will give you the basics to get started. own training explain the general principles.

Don't think too much, think smart

Patrick Jane works with ease and ease, doesn't he? In this chapter, I will explain how he does this. To help your brain perform at its best, I will teach you how to relieve stress, focus, and increase your mental productivity.

Impeccable Memory

Much of what Patrick knows is based on his impeccable ability to remember what is happening. Accurate knowledge of the past he applies to current situation and on the basis of this makes certain conclusions. Jane remembers the smallest details from the crime scene and the faces of people in certain place V certain moment time. All this helps him in investigating crimes, and you can do an excellent job in everyday life.

Observation is the key

In the series, Patrick is asked the question, "Are you a clairvoyant?" To which he replies: "No, I'm just attentive." Indeed, he notices things that most simply pass by. Jane has perfected his skill of observation so much that he does not miss even the smallest detail. It's a pity that too few people know about what can actually be achieved by simply becoming a little more attentive.

Lie detection

Jane's most useful quality for CBD is perhaps his ability to recognize lies. Often his colleague Teresa Lisbon pulls Patrick aside after the interrogation is over to get his opinion on how honest the suspect was. I will share with you the sure signs by which you can identify a liar, and show you a couple of reliable techniques to help you get to the bottom of the truth.

Control your audience

It is important that the mentalist is always in control of the situation, no matter where he is: at the interrogation or on stage in front of the audience. I will tell you how to feel confident under any circumstances and at the same time influence other people. Appearance and perception is the basis of power.


As I continue on the path to gaining control, I will explain the basics of hypnosis and what you can and cannot do when you have put a person into a trance. To Lisbon's annoyance, Jane often uses hypnosis to extract information from suspects and witnesses that they don't want to share for whatever reason. I will also teach you self-hypnosis to help you deal with many things that are difficult to do in other ways.


Few things can astonish the public as a detailed, accurate and impartial "reading". I will show you how much you can learn about a person simply by observing him and comparing what you see with what you already know about human states. Patrick Jane always uses "cold reading" to confuse the suspect and get him to talk.

Secrets of the profession

I'll show you how you can combine everything you've learned in this book into a couple of breathtaking tricks that will no doubt wow your friends and family.

Armed with the skills described above, you can start your journey as a mentalist and eventually become as wonderful and respected as Patrick Jane.

Chapter 1
Don't think too much, think smart

Most of us are constantly told by those around us that the one who works the hardest wins, no matter what the competition is. Therefore, we constantly work, work, work and work again, without a break, without giving ourselves time to think and, even worse, without giving the brain a second to rest.

So, if you used to make every effort to complete the "hard work", now you should switch to doing " smart work". At least that's what mentalists do.

The real secret of Patrick's charisma, charm and ability to think very fast lies in his ability to think smartly, not for a long time or a lot. Such a somewhat detached position, by the way, is not liked by many of his colleagues. It seems to them that he is not serious about his work, although, of course, they cannot complain about the results. If Jane had tried to work harder, instead of doing it "smartly", he would not have been able to achieve such an impressive clearance rate.

* The real secret of Patrick's charisma, charm and ability to think very quickly lies in his ability to think smartly, not for a long time or a lot.

In order to use the abilities inherent in each of us on full power, we must first learn to take care of our own mind, use it correctly and train it like a muscle. And most importantly, we must love him and treat him with due respect.

Getting rid of stress

Anyone who has ever watched the police in action could notice that they always rush towards dangerous situations from which ordinary people try to stay away. And most of the crime fighters will tell you they love it. They will say that risk and urgency make them give their all, make them more focused, allow them to better remember what is happening. They may be right, but only until life “on the edge” turns into painful anxiety for them. medical research show that the human body increased anxiety produces “stress hormones”, such as cortisol, which destroys brain cells.

And we all worry all the time. I'm right, right?

This is how the whole world lives today, modern society. We worry about letting our children go outside the house, then we worry about work. The whole working day we have a feeling of anxiety, and when we come home, we are worried that the children should eat properly and go to bed on time.

And then we lie in bed and worry about tomorrow before going to sleep.

So we live in constant stress, and, unfortunately, most people do not even consider it abnormal. But there are some extremely important reasons on which it is necessary to abandon such an attitude to life.

It is important to understand that stress negates our ability to see things that a person who wants to become a mentalist needs to see, which, of course, is our goal.

In this chapter, I will tell you about several simple ways reducing the level of anxiety. It has been repeatedly proven that under the influence of stress people tend to make erroneous decisions, and getting rid of stress, we begin to think smart.

But there is another reason why we should calm down and overcome anxiety - our health. Constant stress has a negative effect on health in the first place. There is a direct relationship between the level of our anxiety and physical well-being. So why not exclude pernicious influence stress on our lives right now?

* Constant stress is bad for health in the first place. There is a direct relationship between the level of our anxiety and physical well-being.

No stress - feeling better

Do not believe that stress can affect health? In vain. Because hundreds, if not thousands of different studies today unequivocally prove that stress is one of the main factors that worsen our physical state. You may have already heard that due to stress in our body, blood pressure rises, which leads to malfunctions of the heart muscle. Your worries can also manifest as headaches, ulcers, and worsened skin conditions. But that's not all...

Severe stress can contribute to the development of cancerous tumors in a person and a disease such as fibromyalgia. In addition, it reduces the protective properties immune system and impairs the body's ability to fight off colds and other infections.

These are the most worst case scenarios. If you are more lucky, then stress will simply not allow you to sleep and rest normally and, as a result, use brain resources to the maximum extent.

In order to master mental magic, you need to be healthy - physically and spiritually.

No stress - clearer thoughts

You are reading this book because you want to become a mentalist. You want to read people. You want to guess thoughts. Well, how do you want to read other people's minds when your own is clouded by worries and stress?

Yes, stress makes us think differently than we normally do in a calm, balanced state. I used the term "foggy" and it literally reflects reality. The fog of anxiety can turn us into paranoids and pessimists, can confuse us, lead us down the wrong path.

If you are under the pressure of stress, then think in terms of fear, anxiety and negativity and, accordingly, proceed from these feelings in your actions. Such emotions are not the strongest card in the mentalist's piggy bank, so you need to get rid of them before you start moving towards your goal.

The first step on the way to getting rid of stress and freeing thoughts from negativity for you should be the ability to relax and enjoy the moment. But it's not that easy. After so many years constant stress you can't just say, "Well, okay, I'll just take it and relax." It's almost like alcoholism, stress has become a drug for us.

* The first step towards getting rid of stress and freeing thoughts from negativity for you should be the ability to relax and enjoy the moment.

So, let me be your guarantor, the one to show you the way out of the fog of anxiety and stress. Let me show you the right remedy, meditation.

Fundamentals of Meditation

Meditation can be beneficial in almost every area of ​​our lives. But above all, in more meditation practices, which I will talk about, are used as a way to focus consciousness. You will learn to relax, concentrate and at the same time fine-tune your alertness.

Once I spent a whole month in one of the most beautiful places on Earth - the city of Bengaluru in India. Every morning I woke up in a place full of serenity and devoted my day to meditation and yoga classes. I met people who were strong spiritually and physically. There I learned the power of silence.

Believe it or not, I spent three whole days in silence. I did not utter a word or hear other voices during this time. Such an incredible practice helps to develop intuitive abilities to unimaginable heights. As you let the silence in, you begin to realize that words have a very different meaning from what we used to put into them. And the more prejudices and habits you can leave behind, the better your mental faculties can develop.

During meditation, you absorb the energy of the world around you. This is sometimes referred to as "surrendering to the flow of life." Your muscles relax, your mind calms down, and your intuition sharpens.

Scientists and researchers have identified numerous beneficial features meditation, for example:

♦ slowing down the aging process;

♦ pain relief;

♦ charge of vivacity;

♦ removal of cholesterol from the body;

♦ reduction in the number pathogenic bacteria;

♦ increased blood flow to the brain, which improves thinking ability and memory.

* Having let in the silence, you begin to understand that words have a completely different meaning from what we used to put into them.

* And the more prejudices and habits you can give up, the better your mental faculties can develop.

So let's learn to meditate!

Dear reader!

You are holding a special book in your hands. It opens up a whole new direction - a series of books called "The Mentalist *". For many of us, the very word "mentalist" is still unfamiliar. But in the West, "mentalists" have long been called those who use mental acuity, hypnosis or suggestion and control thoughts, behavior and situations. On this topic, they even shot such super-popular films and TV shows as: "Lie to me", "The Mentalist", "Psych".

We hope that the books in the Mentalist* series will also become your absolute mental advantage. They will allow you to control the situation and achieve your goals using methods and techniques that many people consider inaccessible, “parapsychological” and even “psychic”. Observation, the power of suggestion, hypnosis, knowledge of human nature, telepathy, lie detection, extrasensory sensitivity - all these and many other "superpowers" are not the lot of "magicians" and "psychics", but with appropriate training are available to every person and rely solely on power and the flexibility of our mind and body.

This book was truly written amazing person. His name is George Kreskin. He is the most famous mentalist of our time. Kreskin became famous for devoting his entire life to exploring the possibilities human consciousness. And he is ready to demonstrate his achievements both in front of the lenses of television cameras and on public speaking, and in the course of a real investigation of particularly complex cases.

Kreskin is paradoxical. When he was still a teenager, he won the TV show "The World's Youngest Hypnotist" (analogous to our "Psychic Battle"), but since then he has not ceased to repeat that there is nothing "psychic" in what he does and there can not. For more than 60 years of performances and concerts, he has flown more than 5,000,000 km, but has not “out of fashion” and continues to shock millions of people to this day. He regularly helps the FBI and the police investigate particularly complicated cases. Tom Hanks directed the film The Great Buck Howard about him, with the magnificent John Malkovich in leading role, but the secrets of his abilities remained shrouded in mystery.

Kreskin is called "Nostradamus of the 20th century". So, in 2004, he predicted with 100% accuracy the outcome of the elections to the Parliament of Canada, as well as the fact that exactly in 14 months this Parliament for the first time in the history of Canada will receive a vote of no confidence and be dissolved. And in December 2007, exactly 11 months before the US presidential election, he predicted that the next president would be the “dark horse” Barack Obama (although completely different candidates were considered the favorites at that time).

At the same time, Kreskin himself, as befits a real mentalist, always says to himself: “I am not a magician or a psychic. There is absolutely nothing supernatural in what I do. I I study the possibilities of human consciousness inherent in each of us from birth.

Nowadays, there are a great many methods for developing the "parapsychic" abilities of a person. And sometimes it's hard to figure them out. Someone wants to learn how to read other people's thoughts and immediately determine whether a person is telling the truth or a lie. The other plans to control the mood and behavior of other people. And the third seeks to develop its own psychic abilities. I am grateful for this book because it does not let me lose sight of the main thing. Under a light sauce of various mental tricks, techniques and examples from more than rich life Kreskin does not get tired of repeating again and again: the basic tool of a mentalist is not the knowledge of some individual psychological "special techniques", but his mind and body, capable at any moment, like a laser, to concentrate on the problem and achieve the goals. Each of us can learn this. And in this we are limited not by our capabilities, but by our expectations, primarily from ourselves.

Sincerely, editor Alexey Skokov


The preparation of this third book of mine was like giving birth to a child - and just like a child, she has two parents. It's me and Robert Bahr - talented writer and a man with a strange ability to think in unison with me. On these pages, he managed to convey my most subtle feelings with amazing accuracy and completeness.

Some of you will find this book a real paradox. By the time you've finished reading it, you'll already be using ESP and doing things you couldn't even think of before. However, I must tell you right now, and I will explain it in detail later: there is absolutely no need for the very concept of "extrasensory perception".

I am very critical of many statements by so-called "psychics" and the like. However, in my opinion, the darkest day in the life of the great Houdini was when, tired of demonstrating salvation from various deadly dangers and having failed as a magician, he devoted himself to exposing mediums. As you will learn throughout the pages of this book, while there are deceivers and swindlers among those who claim to be consciousness researchers, the facts - you will see them for yourself - cannot be ignored.

Many aspects of parapsychology - extrasensory perception, hypnotic trance, clairvoyance, and the like - are long awaited. scientific research. I am sure that from their ashes unparalleled knowledge of man's mental faculties will rise. This book is just the first step. It is based on unusual skills, mental abilities that I have devoted my whole life to developing. Since I was a child, I have used them to entertain other people, and there is no reason why you should not do the same. Some of the tricks you will do, especially in the beginning, are mere placebo illusions designed to establish the necessary relationship between you and your audience. Later, you will achieve amazing results that no one can explain - neither you nor I.

Whether you use this book as a speaking guide, give it to a friend to read, or read it in the quiet privacy of your home, I hope you enjoy it and turn out to be what it was meant to be, an amazing learning experience, a mixture of amazement, laughter, intrigue and joy, which is most easily appreciated in the theater of your consciousness. You just have to pull the curtain - I believe you will never want to draw it again.

Sincerely, Kreskin


In the beginning there was a word...

Everything is a miracle. The amazing order of nature, the circulation of hundreds of millions of worlds with approximately a million suns, the activity of light, the life of animals, all these are great and endless wonders.

"How do you do it?"

I get asked this question a hundred times a year both personally and by letter, and not just by those who have seen me perform in clubs, college campuses, special "concerts" or on television. Some of the curious are well-known celebrities.

My answer is always the same: I am not a psychic, I am not an occultist, I am not a fortune teller. I am not a telepath, not a medium, not a "hypnotist". There is nothing supernatural in what I do.

I am a scientist, a researcher in the field of developing the abilities of consciousness and "extrasensory" perception. And I show people what I have discovered.

Approximately 85 percent of a typical Kreskin "concert", as I call my performances, uses these mental laws, which is why I call myself a "mentalist". The remaining 15 percent of each concert is usually devoted to traditional magic tricks, intended mainly to establish contact with the audience.

Current page: 1 (the book has a total of 14 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 10 pages]

Simon Winthrop
Mentalist. Hidden mechanisms of influence on others (training book)

What is a mentalist?

A mentalist is a person who uses sharpness of mind, hypnosis and the power of suggestion. Master control of thoughts and behavior.

Who do you think knows you best? Maybe your spouse or spouse? Or maybe parents or friends?

Now imagine that you enter the room and after a couple of seconds you realize that you have been read like an open book. A stranger whom you have never met before knows more about you than the closest and dearest person. This stranger can tell you about your profession, income level, and what you ate for breakfast. He can point out your strengths and weaknesses with piercing accuracy. Shed light on your deepest and deepest secrets, or even talk to one of your dead relatives.

It seems that this person has known you since infancy. No, even worse! It was as if he had been watching you since birth and every minute looked directly into your soul.

Who is this omniscient master?


Mentalists have been around us for centuries. In the ancient world they were called seers and oracles. For years they took on the role of heralds. Today you can meet some of them at carnivals and fairs, reading the hand of those who want to spend five dollars or so. Others claim to be "soul healers" or clairvoyants and claim to be able to communicate with the souls of the dead or read minds.

But the most famous mentalist of our time is Patrick Jane, the protagonist of the popular television series " Mentalist". Jane is a fictional character. As planned by the authors, with his ability to "read" people, he helps the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to solve the most terrible crimes.

Each episode begins with a definition: “A mentalist is a person who uses mental acuity, hypnosis, and the power of suggestion. The Master of Thought and Behavior.” Time after time, Patrick Jane demonstrates all of these abilities. And his unique method of capturing criminals is often far more productive than forensic technology and other traditional CBD methods.

In the past, Jane was a famous participant in various TV shows, where he claimed to be able to communicate with the dead. According to the script in one of these shows, the host asks Patrick's opinion about a serial killer who was operating in the city at that time. The criminal, enraged by the mentalist's response, declares him a fraud and kills his wife and little daughter. Tormented by remorse, Patrick goes into the shadows, gets rid of his popular mystical guise and starts working for the police as a consultant.

From this moment begins the classic story of a budding superhero who seeks to use his superpowers in the name of good. Except for a small detail: these superpowers can be acquired by anyone. You, for example, can become a mentalist just as well as Patrick Jane.

Mentalist or magician?

You must have wondered what is the difference between a mentalist and a magician. Well, the difference is actually quite large. Many magicians are also mentalists, and vice versa. In both cases, they use arcane techniques and knowledge to create a mystical performance. The difference is that magicians talk about supernatural forces that help them make a cut rope whole again or find the right card all the time, while mentalists rely on intellectual and thinking abilities in their performances.

As I have already said, perhaps the most impressive art of mentalists is the ability, with apparent ease, through simple observation, to learn a frightening amount about a person already in the first minutes of the meeting. This kind of "instant observation" usually helps a lot when Patrick Jane is dealing with suspects or witnesses who have something to hide. Such tricks, by the way, not only help to bring to light liars, who are always a dime a dozen around, but also come in handy if you want to make contact with someone at the next party.

There is hardly a single area in your life that can be damaged by mental art. These techniques can be useful in the boardroom, on the playing field, or before a big purchase. Is the seller overcharging or really offering a good deal?

We all lack information. But won't it happen that we know too much? This is an interesting question, and I will elaborate on it a little later, because sometimes I feel that this gift can become a heavy burden.

Do mentalists have supernatural powers?

Psychometry, in fact, is a form of so-called extrasensory perception. Extrasensory perception, in turn, is defined as the ability to receive information about a person or object in supernatural ways. The term "psychometry" was coined by a physician named Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in the early 19th century. He created a theory according to which any object radiates certain emanations, or energies. Feeling them, a person can find out information about this item, as well as about its present or former owner.

Complete nonsense!

Let me explain in the most understandable terms that Jane is not clairvoyant and does not use any extrasensory perception. As, however, and I. In fact, Patrick Jane uses every opportunity to convict mediums and clairvoyants of lies. He himself has been fooling the public for a long time and therefore knows that all even the most convincing mediums are nothing more than showmen and swindlers. The object in your hand does not emit any emanations, at least not such that could tell what its owner ate for dinner.

In the life of each of us there have been moments when we inexplicably felt or knew something. Different people have different levels of sensitivity: someone has an acute hearing, someone has an increased susceptibility to smells. And it is certainly possible that in moments of "lightning" we simply listen better to our own feelings.

But we are not in a fictional reality, we are not heroes of comics or science fiction series. That's life. And in life, we can receive information about the owner of any object, being receptive and developing in ourselves the ability to skillfully observe. Clairvoyants claim that, unlike ordinary people, they have a gift that either appears or disappears depending on the situation. And they use these so-called energies to push those who believe them to make certain decisions.

Mediums have gone even further, they say they can communicate with the spirits of the dead. Their goal is also to use these abilities to make others face difficult choices. And they also call their abilities a gift, not a reliable skill. According to me, everyone can talk to spirits like that, only they have never answered anyone yet.

With no supernatural powers, Patrick Jane is the Sherlock Holmes of today. With the help of his insight and ability to observe, he reaches incredible heights in his field. And everyone can master these skills.

Who am I?

You might have a perfectly legitimate question: who am I and why do I consider myself entitled to teach others the mental art?

Well, the thing is, I'm a magician and a mentalist myself.

I have honed my craft for decades and unraveled secrets that you will not learn from books and you will not find on the Internet. I've been performing for many years, my audience has been many celebrities, such as Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Clintons.

But more importantly, I'm just like you. I'm not superman, I don't have so-called supernatural powers. I sleep, eat, walk and talk just like you. But I have developed the ability of a mentalist. With absolute certainty, I say that my sensitivity is many times greater than yours. My memory is better and more accurate. When I talk to someone, I read them better than you could, even if you've known the person for many years.

This makes me a mentalist. And this gives me the right to claim that I can teach you the mental art.

Fundamentals of mental art

In this book, I will share with you the fundamentals that you will need to master if you want to become a mentalist. This does not mean that in a couple of days you will be able to repeat my show in Las Vegas. It will take a lot of time, patience and practice to learn everything I can. But this book will give you a foundation to start your own training, explain the general principles.

Don't think too much, think smart

Patrick Jane works with ease and ease, doesn't he? In this chapter, I will explain how he does this. To help your brain perform at its best, I will teach you how to relieve stress, focus, and increase your mental productivity.

Impeccable Memory

Much of what Patrick knows is based on his impeccable ability to remember what is happening. He applies exact knowledge of the past to the current situation and, on the basis of this, makes certain conclusions. Jane remembers minute details from a crime scene and the faces of people in a certain place at a certain point in time. All this helps him in investigating crimes, and you can do an excellent job in everyday life.

Observation is the key

In the series, Patrick is asked the question, "Are you a clairvoyant?" To which he replies: "No, I'm just attentive." Indeed, he notices things that most simply pass by. Jane has perfected his skill of observation so much that he does not miss even the smallest detail. It's a pity that too few people know about what can actually be achieved by simply becoming a little more attentive.

Lie detection

Jane's most useful quality for CBD is perhaps his ability to recognize lies. Often his colleague Teresa Lisbon pulls Patrick aside after the interrogation is over to get his opinion on how honest the suspect was. I will share with you the sure signs by which you can identify a liar, and show you a couple of reliable techniques to help you get to the bottom of the truth.

Control your audience

It is important that the mentalist is always in control of the situation, no matter where he is: at the interrogation or on stage in front of the audience. I will tell you how to feel confident under any circumstances and at the same time influence other people. Appearance and perception are the basis of authority.


As I continue on the path to gaining control, I will explain the basics of hypnosis and what you can and cannot do when you have put a person into a trance. To Lisbon's annoyance, Jane often uses hypnosis to extract information from suspects and witnesses that they don't want to share for whatever reason. I will also teach you self-hypnosis to help you deal with many things that are difficult to do in other ways.


Few things can astonish the public as a detailed, accurate and impartial "reading". I will show you how much you can learn about a person simply by observing him and comparing what you see with what you already know about human conditions. Patrick Jane always uses "cold reading" to confuse the suspect and get him to talk.

Secrets of the profession

I'll show you how you can combine everything you've learned in this book into a couple of breathtaking tricks that will no doubt wow your friends and family.

Armed with the skills described above, you can start your journey as a mentalist and eventually become as wonderful and respected as Patrick Jane.

Chapter 1
Don't think too much, think smart

Most of us are constantly told by those around us that the one who works the hardest wins, no matter what the competition is. Therefore, we constantly work, work, work and work again, without a break, without giving ourselves time to think and, even worse, without giving the brain a second to rest.

So, if you used to do your best to complete the "hard work", now you should switch to doing the "smart work". At least that's what mentalists do.

The real secret of Patrick's charisma, charm and ability to think very fast lies in his ability to think smartly, not for a long time or a lot. Such a somewhat detached position, by the way, is not liked by many of his colleagues. It seems to them that he is not serious about his work, although, of course, they cannot complain about the results. If Jane had tried to work harder, instead of doing it "smartly", he would not have been able to achieve such an impressive clearance rate.

* The real secret of Patrick's charisma, charm and ability to think very quickly lies in his ability to think smartly, not for a long time or a lot.

In order to use the abilities inherent in each of us to the fullest, we must first learn to take care of our own mind, use it correctly and train it like a muscle. And most importantly, we must love him and treat him with due respect.

Getting rid of stress

Anyone who has ever watched the police in action could notice that they are always rushing towards dangerous situations from which ordinary people try to stay away. And most of the crime fighters will tell you they love it. They will say that risk and urgency make them give their all, make them more focused, allow them to better remember what is happening. They may be right, but only until life “on the edge” turns into painful anxiety for them. Medical research shows that the body of a person with increased anxiety produces "stress hormones", such as cortisol, which destroys brain cells.

And we all worry all the time. I'm right, right?

This is how the whole world today, modern society, lives. We worry about letting our children go outside the house, then we worry about work. The whole working day we have a feeling of anxiety, and when we come home, we are worried that the children should eat properly and go to bed on time.

And then we lie in bed and worry about tomorrow before going to sleep.

So we live in constant stress, and, unfortunately, most people do not even consider it abnormal. But there are several extremely important reasons why it is necessary to abandon this attitude to life.

It is important to understand that stress negates our ability to see things that a person who wants to become a mentalist needs to see, which, of course, is our goal.

In this chapter, I will tell you about a few simple ways to reduce anxiety levels. It has been repeatedly proven that under the influence of stress people tend to make erroneous decisions, and getting rid of stress, we begin to think smart.

But there is another reason why we should calm down and overcome anxiety - our health. Constant stress has a negative effect on health in the first place. There is a direct relationship between the level of our anxiety and physical well-being. So, why not eliminate the harmful effects of stress on our lives right now?

* Constant stress is bad for health in the first place. There is a direct relationship between the level of our anxiety and physical well-being.

No stress - feeling better

Do not believe that stress can affect health? In vain. Because hundreds, if not thousands of different studies today unequivocally prove that stress is one of the main factors that worsen our physical condition. You may have already heard that due to stress in our body, blood pressure rises, which leads to malfunctions of the heart muscle. Your worries can also manifest as headaches, ulcers, and worsened skin conditions. But that's not all...

Severe stress can contribute to the development of cancerous tumors in a person and a disease such as fibromyalgia. In addition, it reduces the protective properties of the immune system and impairs the body's ability to resist colds and other infections.

These are the worst scenarios. If you are more lucky, then stress will simply not allow you to sleep and rest normally and, as a result, use brain resources to the maximum extent.

In order to master mental magic, you need to be healthy - physically and spiritually.

No stress - clearer thoughts

You are reading this book because you want to become a mentalist. You want to read people. You want to guess thoughts. Well, how do you want to read other people's minds when your own is clouded by worries and stress?

Yes, stress makes us think differently than we normally do in a calm, balanced state. I used the term "foggy" and it literally reflects reality. The fog of anxiety can turn us into paranoids and pessimists, can confuse us, lead us down the wrong path.

If you are under the pressure of stress, then think in terms of fear, anxiety and negativity and, accordingly, proceed from these feelings in your actions. Such emotions are not the strongest card in the mentalist's piggy bank, so you need to get rid of them before you start moving towards your goal.

The first step on the way to getting rid of stress and freeing thoughts from negativity for you should be the ability to relax and enjoy the moment. But it's not that easy. After so many years of constant stress, you can't just say, "Well, okay, I'm going to take it easy now." It's almost like alcoholism, stress has become a drug for us.

* The first step towards getting rid of stress and freeing thoughts from negativity for you should be the ability to relax and enjoy the moment.

So, let me be your guarantor, the one to show you the way out of the fog of anxiety and stress. Let me show you the right remedy, meditation.

Fundamentals of Meditation

Meditation can be beneficial in almost every area of ​​our lives. But above all and to a greater extent, the meditation practices that I will talk about are used as a way to focus consciousness. You will learn to relax, concentrate and at the same time fine-tune your alertness.

Once I spent a whole month in one of the most beautiful places on Earth - the city of Bengaluru in India. Every morning I woke up in a place full of serenity and devoted my day to meditation and yoga classes. I met people who were strong spiritually and physically. There I learned the power of silence.

Believe it or not, I spent three whole days in silence. I did not utter a word or hear other voices during this time. Such an incredible practice helps to develop intuitive abilities to unimaginable heights. As you let the silence in, you begin to realize that words have a very different meaning from what we used to put into them. And the more prejudices and habits you can leave behind, the better your mental faculties can develop.

During meditation, you absorb the energy of the world around you. This is sometimes referred to as "surrendering to the flow of life." Your muscles relax, your mind calms down, and your intuition sharpens.

Scientists and researchers have identified numerous benefits of meditation, such as:

♦ slowing down the aging process;

♦ pain relief;

♦ charge of vivacity;

♦ removal of cholesterol from the body;

♦ reduction in the number of pathogenic bacteria;

♦ increased blood flow to the brain, which improves thinking ability and memory.

* Having let in the silence, you begin to understand that words have a completely different meaning from what we used to put into them.

* And the more prejudices and habits you can give up, the better your mental faculties can develop.

So let's learn to meditate!

What is a mentalist? Medium, hypnotist or ordinary manipulator? How in just a few minutes can he learn almost everything about a person just by watching him? The author of this book - Simon Winthrop - will reveal the main secrets of the hero of the series "The Mentalist" Patrick Jane. By mastering certain techniques, you will learn to "read" people like an open book, as well as control their thoughts and behavior. With this book, you can start your own way to the heights of mental art!

A series: mentalist

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by the LitRes company.


What is a mentalist?

A mentalist is a person who uses sharpness of mind, hypnosis and the power of suggestion. Master control of thoughts and behavior.

Who do you think knows you best? Maybe your spouse or spouse? Or maybe parents or friends?

Now imagine that you enter the room and after a couple of seconds you realize that you have been read like an open book. A stranger whom you have never met before knows more about you than the closest and dearest person. This stranger can tell you about your profession, income level, and what you ate for breakfast. He can point out your strengths and weaknesses with piercing accuracy. Shed light on your deepest and deepest secrets, or even talk to one of your dead relatives.

It seems that this person has known you since infancy. No, even worse! It was as if he had been watching you since birth and every minute looked directly into your soul.

Who is this omniscient master?


Mentalists have been around us for centuries. In the ancient world they were called seers and oracles. For years they took on the role of heralds. Today you can meet some of them at carnivals and fairs, reading the hand of those who want to spend five dollars or so. Others claim to be "soul healers" or clairvoyants and claim to be able to communicate with the souls of the dead or read minds.

But the most famous mentalist of our time is Patrick Jane, the protagonist of the popular television series " Mentalist". Jane is a fictional character. As planned by the authors, with his ability to "read" people, he helps the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to solve the most terrible crimes.

Each episode begins with a definition: “A mentalist is a person who uses mental acuity, hypnosis, and the power of suggestion. The Master of Thought and Behavior.” Time after time, Patrick Jane demonstrates all of these abilities. And his unique method of capturing criminals is often far more productive than forensic technology and other traditional CBD methods.

In the past, Jane was a famous participant in various TV shows, where he claimed to be able to communicate with the dead. According to the script in one of these shows, the host asks Patrick's opinion about a serial killer who was operating in the city at that time. The criminal, enraged by the mentalist's response, declares him a fraud and kills his wife and little daughter. Tormented by remorse, Patrick goes into the shadows, gets rid of his popular mystical guise and starts working for the police as a consultant.

From this moment begins the classic story of a budding superhero who seeks to use his superpowers in the name of good. Except for a small detail: these superpowers can be acquired by anyone. You, for example, can become a mentalist just as well as Patrick Jane.

Mentalist or magician?

You must have wondered what is the difference between a mentalist and a magician. Well, the difference is actually quite large. Many magicians are also mentalists, and vice versa. In both cases, they use arcane techniques and knowledge to create a mystical performance. The difference is that magicians talk about supernatural forces that help them make a cut rope whole again or find the right card all the time, while mentalists rely on intellectual and thinking abilities in their performances.

As I have already said, perhaps the most impressive art of mentalists is the ability, with apparent ease, through simple observation, to learn a frightening amount about a person already in the first minutes of the meeting. This kind of "instant observation" usually helps a lot when Patrick Jane is dealing with suspects or witnesses who have something to hide. Such tricks, by the way, not only help to bring to light liars, who are always a dime a dozen around, but also come in handy if you want to make contact with someone at the next party.

There is hardly a single area in your life that can be damaged by mental art. These techniques can be useful in the boardroom, on the playing field, or before a big purchase. Is the seller overcharging or really offering a good deal?

We all lack information. But won't it happen that we know too much? This is an interesting question, and I will elaborate on it a little later, because sometimes I feel that this gift can become a heavy burden.

Do mentalists have supernatural powers?

Psychometry, in fact, is a form of so-called extrasensory perception. Extrasensory perception, in turn, is defined as the ability to receive information about a person or object in supernatural ways. The term "psychometry" was coined by a physician named Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in the early 19th century. He created a theory according to which any object radiates certain emanations, or energies. Feeling them, a person can find out information about this item, as well as about its present or former owner.

Complete nonsense!

Let me explain in the most understandable terms that Jane is not clairvoyant and does not use any extrasensory perception. As, however, and I. In fact, Patrick Jane uses every opportunity to convict mediums and clairvoyants of lies. He himself has been fooling the public for a long time and therefore knows that all even the most convincing mediums are nothing more than showmen and swindlers. The object in your hand does not emit any emanations, at least not such that could tell what its owner ate for dinner.

In the life of each of us there have been moments when we inexplicably felt or knew something. Different people have different levels of sensitivity: someone has an acute hearing, someone has an increased susceptibility to smells. And it is certainly possible that in moments of "lightning" we simply listen better to our own feelings.

But we are not in a fictional reality, we are not heroes of comics or science fiction series. That's life. And in life, we can receive information about the owner of any object, being receptive and developing in ourselves the ability to skillfully observe. Clairvoyants claim that, unlike ordinary people, they have a gift that either appears or disappears depending on the situation. And they use these so-called energies to push those who believe them to make certain decisions.

Mediums have gone even further, they say they can communicate with the spirits of the dead. Their goal is also to use these abilities to make others face difficult choices. And they also call their abilities a gift, not a reliable skill. According to me, everyone can talk to spirits like that, only they have never answered anyone yet.

With no supernatural powers, Patrick Jane is the Sherlock Holmes of today. With the help of his insight and ability to observe, he reaches incredible heights in his field. And everyone can master these skills.

You might have a perfectly legitimate question: who am I and why do I consider myself entitled to teach others the mental art?

Well, the thing is, I'm a magician and a mentalist myself.

I have honed my craft for decades and unraveled secrets that you will not learn from books and you will not find on the Internet. I've been performing for many years, my audience has been many celebrities, such as Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Clintons.

But more importantly, I'm just like you. I'm not superman, I don't have so-called supernatural powers. I sleep, eat, walk and talk just like you. But I have developed the ability of a mentalist. With absolute certainty, I say that my sensitivity is many times greater than yours. My memory is better and more accurate. When I talk to someone, I read them better than you could, even if you've known the person for many years.

This makes me a mentalist. And this gives me the right to claim that I can teach you the mental art.

Fundamentals of mental art

In this book, I will share with you the fundamentals that you will need to master if you want to become a mentalist. This does not mean that in a couple of days you will be able to repeat my show in Las Vegas. It will take a lot of time, patience and practice to learn everything I can. But this book will give you a foundation to start your own training, explain the general principles.

Don't think too much, think smart

Patrick Jane works with ease and ease, doesn't he? In this chapter, I will explain how he does this. To help your brain perform at its best, I will teach you how to relieve stress, focus, and increase your mental productivity.

Impeccable Memory

Much of what Patrick knows is based on his impeccable ability to remember what is happening. He applies exact knowledge of the past to the current situation and, on the basis of this, makes certain conclusions. Jane remembers minute details from a crime scene and the faces of people in a certain place at a certain point in time. All this helps him in investigating crimes, and you can do an excellent job in everyday life.

Observation is the key

In the series, Patrick is asked the question, "Are you a clairvoyant?" To which he replies: "No, I'm just attentive." Indeed, he notices things that most simply pass by. Jane has perfected his skill of observation so much that he does not miss even the smallest detail. It's a pity that too few people know about what can actually be achieved by simply becoming a little more attentive.

Lie detection

Jane's most useful quality for CBD is perhaps his ability to recognize lies. Often his colleague Teresa Lisbon pulls Patrick aside after the interrogation is over to get his opinion on how honest the suspect was. I will share with you the sure signs by which you can identify a liar, and show you a couple of reliable techniques to help you get to the bottom of the truth.

Control your audience

It is important that the mentalist is always in control of the situation, no matter where he is: at the interrogation or on stage in front of the audience. I will tell you how to feel confident under any circumstances and at the same time influence other people. Appearance and perception are the basis of authority.

As I continue on the path to gaining control, I will explain the basics of hypnosis and what you can and cannot do when you have put a person into a trance. To Lisbon's annoyance, Jane often uses hypnosis to extract information from suspects and witnesses that they don't want to share for whatever reason. I will also teach you self-hypnosis to help you deal with many things that are difficult to do in other ways.

Few things can astonish the public as a detailed, accurate and impartial "reading". I will show you how much you can learn about a person simply by observing him and comparing what you see with what you already know about human conditions. Patrick Jane always uses "cold reading" to confuse the suspect and get him to talk.

Secrets of the profession

I'll show you how you can combine everything you've learned in this book into a couple of breathtaking tricks that will no doubt wow your friends and family.

Armed with the skills described above, you can start your journey as a mentalist and eventually become as wonderful and respected as Patrick Jane.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book Mentalist. Hidden mechanisms influencing others (Simon Winthrop, 2012) provided by our book partner -

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"Simon Winthrop, Mentalist. Hidden mechanisms of influence on others."

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What is a mentalist? Medium, hypnotist or ordinary manipulator? How, in just a few minutes, can he learn almost everything about a person just by watching him?

Having mastered certain techniques, you will learn to “read” people like an open book, as well as control their thoughts and behavior. With this book, you can start your own path to the heights of mental art!

Read more:

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