Scientific literature. David Matsumoto

11 books in which famous scientists from different areas sciences share their experiences, observations and theories in a way that is understandable, interesting and useful to everyone.

Stephen Fry. "The Book of General Delusions"

Stephen Fry on his book general delusions":" If we liken all the knowledge accumulated by mankind to sand, then even the most brilliant intellectual will be like a person to whom one or two grains of sand accidentally stuck.

Annotation. The Book of Common Delusions is a collection of 230 questions and answers. Stephen Fry helps the reader get rid of commonly encountered pseudoscientific prejudices, myths, false facts through a chain of reasoning and real evidence. The reader will find in the book answers to completely different questions: what color is Mars really, where is the driest place on Earth, who invented penicillin and more. It's all written in typical Stephen Fry style - witty and engaging. Critic Jennifer Kay argues that The Book of Common Misconceptions will not make us feel stupid, but will make us more curious.

Richard Dawkins. "The Greatest Show on Earth: Evidence for Evolution"

Comments by Neil Shubin, associate of Richard Dawkins and best-selling author of The Inner Fish: “To call this book an apology for evolution would be to miss the point. “The Greatest Show on Earth” is a celebration of one of the most significant ideas… Reading Dawkins, one is in awe of the beauty of this theory and bows to the ability of science to answer some of the the greatest mysteries life."

Annotation. worldwide famous biologist Richard Dawkins considers evolution to be the only possible theory of the origin of all living things and supports his point of view with evidence. The Greatest Show on Earth: Evidence for Evolution explains how nature works and how certain animal species, including humans, appeared on Earth. After reading his book, even an adherent divine theory will not find arguments against evolution. Dawkins' bestseller came out on the 200th anniversary of Darwin and the 150th anniversary of his On the Origin of Species.

Stephen Hawking. "A Brief History of Time"

Stephen Hawking on his book Short story time”: “All my life I have been amazed at the main questions that we have to face, and tried to find a scientific answer for them. Maybe that's why I sold more books about physics than Madonna about sex.”

Annotation. In his youth, Stephen Hawking was permanently paralyzed by atrophic sclerosis, only his fingers right hand remained mobile, with which he controls his chair and voice computer. In 40 years of activity, Stephen Hawking has done as much for science as a whole generation of healthy scientists has not done. In A Brief History of Time, the famous English physicist trying to find answers to eternal questions about the origin of our universe. Each person at least once thought about how the Universe began, whether it is immortal, whether it is infinite, why there is a person in it and what the future holds for us. The author took into account that the general reader needs fewer formulas and more visibility. The book was published back in 1988 and, like any work by Hawking, was ahead of its time, so it is a bestseller to this day.

David Bodanis. "E=mc2. Biography of the most famous equation in the world

Annotation. David Bodanis leads teaching activities in European universities, writes brilliant popular science books and popularizes in every possible way Technical science. Inspired revolutionary discovery Albert Einstein in 1905, with the equation E=mc2, David Bodanis opened up new ways to understand the Universe. He decided to write simple book about the complex, likening it to an exciting detective story. The heroes in it are outstanding physicists and thinkers such as Faraday, Rutherford, Heisenberg, Einstein.

David Matsumoto. “Man, culture, psychology. Amazing mysteries, research and discoveries»

David Matsumoto about the book: “When studying culture and psychology, cultural differences, natural questions arise about how they arose and what makes people so different.

Annotation. Psychology professor and Ph.D. David Matsumoto contributed huge contribution both in the practice of psychology and intercultural relations, and in the world of martial arts. In all his works, Matsumoto refers to the diversity of human connections, and in the new book he is looking for answers to strange questions, for example, about the incompatibility of Americans and Arabs, about the relationship between GDP and emotionality, about people's everyday thoughts ... Despite the easy presentation, the book is scientific labor, and not a collection of conjectures. “Man, culture, psychology. Amazing riddles, research and discovery" treatise but rather an adventure novel. Both scientists and ordinary readers will find food for thought in it.

Frans de Waal. "The origins of morality. In search of the human in primates"

Frans de Waal on his Origins of Morality: "Moral is not purely human property, and its origins must be sought in animals. Empathy and other manifestations of a kind of morality are inherent in monkeys, and dogs, and elephants, and even reptiles.

Annotation. For many years, the world-renowned biologist Frans de Waal has studied the lives of chimpanzees and bonobos. After researching the animal world, the scientist was struck by the idea that morality is inherent not only in humans. A scientist has studied life for many years great apes and found real emotions in them, such as grief, joy and sadness, then he found the same in other species of animals. Frans de Waal touched upon issues of morality, philosophy, and religion in the book.

Armand Marie Leroy. "Mutants"

Armand Marie Leroy on "Mutants": "This book is about how the human body is created. About techniques that allow a single cell, immersed in the dark nooks and crannies of the womb, to become an embryo, fetus, child, and finally an adult. It provides an answer, albeit tentative and incomplete, yet clear at its core, to the question of how we become what we are.”

Annotation. Armand Marie Leroy traveled with early childhood, became a renowned evolutionary biologist, Ph.D., and teacher. In Mutants, biologist Armand Marie Leroy explores the body through the shocking stories of mutants. Siamese twins, hermaphrodites, fused limbs... Once Cleopatra, being interested in human anatomy, ordered pregnant slaves to rip open their stomachs... Now such barbaric methods are in the past and science is developing with the help of humane research. Formation human body still not fully understood, and Armand Marie Leroy shows how the human anatomy remains stable despite genetic diversity.

John Lehrer. "How We Make Decisions"

Foreword by Jonah Lehrer to her book: "Each of us is capable of coming to a successful decision."

Annotation. The world-famous popularizer of science, John Lehrer, has gained a reputation as a connoisseur of psychology and talented journalist. He is interested in neuroscience and psychology. In her book How We Make Decisions, Jonah Lehrer describes the mechanics of decision making. He explains in detail why a person chooses what he chooses, when to indulge intuition, how to do right choice. The book helps to better understand yourself and the choices of other people.

Frith Chris. “Brain and soul. How nervous activity shapes our inner world

Frith Chris on the book "Brain and Soul": "We need to look a little more at the connection between our psyche and the brain. This connection must be close ... This connection between the brain and the psyche is imperfect.

Annotation. The famous English neuroscientist and neuropsychologist Frith Chris studies the device human brain. On this topic, he wrote 400 publications. In the book "Brain and Soul" he talks about where images and ideas about the world come from in the head, as well as how real these images are. If a person thinks that he sees the world as it is in reality, then he is greatly mistaken. Inner world, according to Frith, is almost richer than the outside world, since our mind itself conjectures the past, present and future.

Michio Kaku. "Physics of the Impossible"

Quote by Michio Kaku from the book "Physics of the Impossible": "I have been told more than once that in real life we have to give up the impossible and settle for the real. For my short life I have often seen how what was previously considered impossible turns into an established scientific fact.

Michio Kaku is Japanese by origin and American by citizenship, is one of the authors of string theory, a professor, and a popularizer of science and technology. Most of his books are international bestsellers. In his book Physics of the Impossible, he talks about incredible phenomena and the laws of the universe. From this book, the reader will learn what will become possible in the near future: force fields, invisibility, mind reading, communication with extraterrestrial civilizations and space travel.

Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner. Freakonomics

“Stephen Levitt tends to see a lot of things very differently than anyone else. average person. His point of view is not like the usual thoughts of the average economist. It can be great or terrible, depending on how you think about economists in general.” – New York Times Magazine

Annotation. The authors seriously analyze the economic background of everyday things. A non-standard explanation of such strange economic issues as quackery, prostitution and others. Shocking, unexpected, even provocative topics are considered through logical economic laws. Steven Levitt and Steven Dubner sought to awaken interest in life and deservedly received many flattering reviews. Freakonomics was written not by ordinary economists, but by real creatives. She was even included in the list best books decades according to the Russian Reporter.

10 most popular and interesting scientific books from the most diverse areas of human knowledge, of course, will not make you a scientist immediately after reading them. But they will help you better understand how a person works, our whole world, and the rest of the universe.

"Big, small and human mind". Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, Abner Shimoni, Nancy Cartwright.

The book is based on the Tenner Lectures delivered in 1995 by the famous English astrophysicist Roger Penrose and the controversy they provoked with equally famous English scientists Abner Shimoni, Nancy Cartwright and Stephen Hawking. The range of issues discussed includes paradoxes quantum mechanics, questions of astrophysics, theory of knowledge, artistic perception.

"Big Atlas of Anatomy". Johannes V. Roen, Chihiro Yokochi, Elke Lutyen - Drekoll.

This edition is a worldwide bestseller. The reader is offered: unique photos anatomical sections, most accurately conveying color and structural features organ structures; tutorials that complement and explain the gorgeous color photographs of anatomical sections; didactic material illuminating functional aspects structures of organs and systems; the principle of studying sections "from external to internal", when parrying in the laboratory and in clinical work; an introduction to the description modern methods visualization of structural features of organs and body systems. For the convenience of the professional reader, the names of organs and systems are given in Russian and Latin.

"A Brief History of Almost Everything". Bill Bryson.

This book is one of the major popular science bestsellers of our day, a classic of popular science. Fitted in it Big Bang and subatomic particles, primeval oceans and ancient continents, under its cover giant lizards roam and hunt down their prey primitive hunters... But this book is not only about the distant past: it tells about cutting edge science, about the incredible discoveries made by scientists, about global threats and the future of our civilization.

"Hyperspace. Scientific odyssey through Parallel Worlds, holes in time and the tenth dimension". Michio Kaku.

Instinct tells us that our world is three-dimensional. Based on this idea, for centuries were built and scientific hypotheses. According to outstanding physicist Michio Kaku, this is the same prejudice as the belief of the ancient Egyptians that the Earth was flat. The book is devoted to the theory of hyperspace. The idea of ​​multidimensionality of space caused skepticism, was ridiculed, but is now recognized by many authoritative scientists. The significance of this theory lies in the fact that it is able to combine all known physical phenomena into a simple structure and lead scientists to the so-called theory of everything. However, serious and available literature for non-specialists almost none. This gap is filled by Michio Kaku, explaining with scientific point vision and the origin of the Earth, and the existence parallel universes, and time travel, and many other seemingly fantastic phenomena.

"Microcosm. E. coli and new science about life". Carl Zimmer.

E. coli, or coli, is a microorganism that we encounter almost daily, but which is one of the most important tools of biological science. Many are associated with it. major events in the history of biology, from the discovery of DNA to the latest achievements genetic engineering. E. coli is the most studied creature on the ground. Interestingly, E. coli is a social microbe. The author draws surprising and disturbing parallels between the life of E. coli and our own life. He shows how this microorganism is changing almost before the eyes of researchers, revealing to their astonished eyes the billions of years of evolution encoded in its genome.

"Earth. Illustrated Atlas. Michael Allaby.

A comprehensive picture of all processes occurring on the Earth, inside and around it. The publication contains: detailed maps continents and oceans. Impressive colorful photos. Popularly stated complex concepts. Wide view environmental issues. An exciting story of life on Earth. Explanatory diagrams and drawings. Reconstruction of geological processes. Terminological dictionary and alphabetical index. Atlas will become indispensable reference guide and table book for readers of all ages.

"History of the Earth. From stardust- to a living planet. The first 4,500,000,000 years". Robert Hazen.

The book of the famous popularizer of science, Professor Robert Hazen, introduces us to a fundamentally new approach to the study of the Earth, in which the history of the origin and development of life on our planet and the history of the formation of minerals are intertwined. An excellent storyteller, Hazen engages the reader from the very beginning with a dynamic narrative of the cooperative and interdependent development of a living and inanimate nature. Together with the author, the reader, holding his breath, makes a journey through billions of years: the emergence of the Universe, the appearance of the first chemical elements, stars, solar system and finally education and detailed history Earth. The movement of entire continents through thousands of kilometers, the rise and fall of huge mountain ranges, the destruction of thousands of species of terrestrial life and the complete change of landscapes under the influence of meteorites and volcanic eruptions Reality turns out to be much more interesting than any myth.

"The evolution of man. In 2 books. Alexander Markov.

A new book Alexandra Markova is a fascinating story about the origin and structure of man, based on latest research in anthropology, genetics and evolutionary psychology. The two-volume book "The Evolution of Man" answers many questions that have long interested Homo sapiens. What does it mean to be human? When and why did we become human? In what are we superior to our neighbors on the planet, and in what are we inferior to them? And how can we better use our main difference and dignity - a huge, difficult organized brain? One way is to read this book thoughtfully. Alexander Markov - doctor of biological sciences, presenter Researcher Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His book on the evolution of living beings, The Birth of Complexity (2010), has become an event in non-fiction literature and has been widely acclaimed by readers.

"The Selfish Gene". Richard Dawkins.

We are created by our genes. We animals exist to preserve them and serve only as machines to ensure their survival. The world of the selfish gene is a world of fierce competition, ruthless exploitation and deceit. But what about acts of altruism seen in nature: bees committing suicide when they sting an enemy to protect a hive, or birds risking their lives to warn a flock of a hawk's approach? Does this contradict the fundamental law of gene selfishness? In no case! Dawkins shows that the selfish gene is also the cunning gene. And he cherishes the hope that kind of Homo sapiens - the only one in everything the globe- able to rebel against the intentions of the selfish gene.
The translation is verified according to the jubilee English edition 2006.

"Pseudoscience and paranormal activity. Critical view. Jonathan Smith.

Confidently operating on the data of psychology, physics, logical analysis, stories, Jonathan Smith leads the reader through the mysterious territories of the unknown, not letting him get lost among the complex scientific concepts and helping to distinguish between incredible truth and plausible deception.

Scientific literature

a set of works of writing and printing that are created as a result of scientific research or theoretical generalizations and distributed to inform professionals about recent achievements science, progress and results of research. Regardless of the specific branch of knowledge, the subject of the content of N. l. is science itself - ideas and facts, laws and categories discovered by scientists. Scientific work is not considered completed if its results are not enshrined in writing for transfer to others (in the event of a question about assigning priority to scientific discovery publication of scientific essays is required). By social function and appointment in N.'s society of l. - not only a product, but also a tool mental labor, “... an instrument is no less important than a research instrument. A well-established publication of scientific literature is an indispensable condition for the high efficiency of scientists' work. This is both a form of reporting, and an arena for the competition of ideas, and a means of implementation. scientific achievements into practice” (“Pravda”, 1966, December 15, p. 2).

Early scientific works were created in the genres of treatises, dialogues, reasoning, "teachings", "journeys", biographies and even in poetic genres (odes and poems). Gradually, these forms were replaced by new forms: monographs, reviews, articles, reports, reviews, biographical, geographical and other descriptions (essays), short communications, abstracts, abstracts or abstracts of reports and messages distributed in the form of publications appeared. To modern forms N. l. include non-published ones - research reports, dissertations (on which monographs can subsequently be created and published). The style of modern N. l. differs in objectivity ("impersonality") and strict logic of presentation, clarity and accuracy literary language in combination with the use of the sign apparatus of science (terms, symbols, formulas, graphs, diagrams, drawings, etc.); there is a trend towards internationalization scientific style, which manifests itself, in particular, in the desire for compositional uniformity of scientific works (goal, results of predecessors, method, material, experimental base, the result obtained and its assessment, assumptions for the future).

Scientific and technological revolution of the middle of the 20th century. brought to life an "information explosion", characterized by an avalanche-like increase in the flow of scientific publications, which also causes certain changes in the structure of the publications of N. l. There is an increase in the number and volume of periodicals and continuing publications, with a slight decrease in book-type publications; the trend of turning one-off (non-periodic) collections into ongoing publications, and the latter into magazines and bulletins. There are "journals of brief communications" and "letters to the editor" (leading publications of a priority nature). New forms of distribution are being introduced scientific works: deposit system, when a print-ready job is deposited in the appropriate information centre who publishes short message about it, and upon receipt of a request, issues a copy of the work; preprint system - reproduction and distribution in a small number of copies scientific message to get to know him narrow circle specialists. Distinguished and formed in independent group printed works scientific information literature, the content of which is the results of analytical and synthetic processing of primary scientific publications in the form of bibliographic descriptions, abstracts, abridged publications or review documents (see Abstract journal, Express information, Signal information). As a consequence of the differentiation of science and the deepening isolation individual industries scientific knowledge scientific and reference publications of an industry nature are being distributed (see Reference literature).

In the USSR, N. l. published by the Nauka publishing house and the publishing houses of the academies of sciences union republics(“Naukova Dumka” in the Ukrainian SSR, “Science and Technology” in the BSSR, etc.); they publish 55% of all N. l.; in addition, N. l. publishing houses "Thought", "Mir", "Progress", central industry publishing houses, largest universities, many research institutes. In 1972, 6,992 titles of books and pamphlets of a research nature were published with a circulation of over 23 million copies. (in 1960 - 5.1 thousand titles with a circulation of 12.9 million copies).

Scientific and information literature published by all-Union, central branch and intersectoral institutes and centers of scientific and technical information, in 1972 there were 7834 titles with a circulation of 4.8 million copies. (in 1966 - 2.2 thousand titles with a circulation of 1.4 million copies).

By type of publications N. l. is very diverse: collected works of classics of science and modern Soviet and foreign scientists are published, a series of general scientific (“Classics of Science”, “ Literary monuments”) or special (for example, “Philosophical heritage”, “Mechanics space flight”) type, publication historical documents, single-volume and multi-volume, one-time and serial (for example, "Literary Heritage"), single-volume and multi-volume monographs, individual authors and teams (for example, 10-volume " The World History"). The growth of scientific periodicals and ongoing publications is characteristic. Of these, bulletins and collections of the continuing type (Trudy, Uchenye zapiski, and others) accounted for 59.3% in 1940 and 79.7% in 1972 of the total output of all periodicals and continuing publications.

According to the UN, the release book editions by section international classification pure sciences (" Theoretical Sciences”) for 1968-70 in most countries decreased by 0.5-5% in specific gravity titles; at the same time, there is a steady growth of titles in the section Social sciencis (“ Social Sciences”) ranging from 1 to 6% of the total output. By absolute number titles in the "Theoretical Sciences" and "Social Sciences" sections of the USSR occupies a leading place in the world: in 1970 the USSR issued 6.6 thousand and 19.3 thousand titles, respectively, Great Britain - 3.4 thousand and 6 thousand, USA - 2 .5 thousand and 1.3 thousand, Germany - 2.5 thousand and 13.7 thousand, Japan - 2.1 thousand and 7 thousand, France - 1.2 thousand and 5.1 thousand names ( Statistical yearbook 1972, N. Y., 1973). See also Scientific journal.

Lit.: Lenin V. I., On science and higher education. [Sb.], M., 1967; Gilyarevsky R. S., On the future of scientific and technical books, in the collection; Book. Research and materials, 1964, No. 9; Liechtenstein E. S., Science and Book, ibid., 1967, No. 15; Senkevich M. P., Literary editing scientific works, M., 1970; Modern scientific and technological revolution, 2nd ed., M., 1970; Fokin S. Ya., Scientific literature and numbers scientists in the USSR, in the collection: Book. Research and materials, 1966, No. 13.

B. G. Tyapkin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Scientific Literature" is in other dictionaries:

    Science Magazine"Issues of history" Scientific literature is a set of written works that are created as a result of research, theoretical generalizations made within the framework of scientific method. Scientific literature is intended to inform scientists ... Wikipedia

    Scientific literature- in rhetoric: a type of literature in which SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENTATION is presented in rhetoric: a type of argumentation that assumes the equality of the participants in the discussion, provided that they are sufficient special trainingRhetoric: Dictionary Reference

    scientific literature- in rhetoric: a type of literature in which an objective truth is presented that does not depend on the personal views of the author, presented in an abstract and generalized form, suggesting specialized terminology and symbolism; N.l. designed for anyone... Dictionary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Literature of Bashkortostan Literature of the multinational Republic of Bashkortostan. “My dear land, Sweet rivers, fields, Birch and black trees, The Urals rearing up into the sky, I melt one dream: to sing my Motherland. ... Over the expanses of glades My Ural, my ... ... Wikipedia

    LITERATURE AND LITERATURE. A strict distinction should not be made between the two terms, and one can almost always use both equally. If, however, we still look for differences in their meaning, then the first one will be attributed to the works ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Literature and literature- LITERATURE AND LITERATURE. A strict distinction should not be made between the two terms, and one can almost always use both equally. If, however, we still look for differences in their meaning, then the first one will be attributed to ... ... Dictionary literary terms

    - (Latin lit(t)eratura, literally written), writings of public importance (for example, fiction, scientific literature, epistolary literature). Literature is usually understood as fiction… … Modern Encyclopedia

    Merton College Library Literature (lat. lit (t) eratura, written, from lit ... Wikipedia

    s; and. [lat. litteratura] 1. The whole set of scientific, artistic, philosophical, etc. works of this or that people, epoch or all mankind. Extensive l. previous generations. 2. Kind of art, hallmark which is ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    This article provides a list of research in the field Slavic mythology, divided chronologically and according to the degree of scientificity. Content 1 Literature XVIII first half of the 19th century ... Wikipedia


  • Leonid Andreev and Literature of the Silver Age. Selected Works, L. A. Iezuitova. The volume contains for the first time the works of L. A. Jezuitova, a prominent representative of the St. Petersburg philological school, whose teaching and scientific activity was bound by the chair of the History of Russian ...

    Administrative reforms in Russia: history and modernity. - M., 2006.

    Gradovsky A.D. Beginnings of Russian state law. – In 2 vols. – M., 2006.*

    Grekov B.D. Kievan Rus. - M., 1953.

    Gumilyov L.N. Ancient Russia and Great Steppe. - M., 1989.

    Drama Russian history: Bolsheviks and Revolution. - M., 2002.

    Zimin A.A. Reforms of Ivan the Terrible. - M., 1960.

    History of entrepreneurship in Russia. - In 2 books. - M., 1999.

    Kamensky A.B. From Peter I to Paul I. Reforms in Russia XVIII century: The experience of a holistic analysis. - M., 1999.

    Karamzin N.M. History of Russian Goverment. - In 5 vols. – M., 1989–1993.*

    Klyuchevsky V.O. Russian history course. – In 9 vols. – M., 1989.*

    Kovalchenko I.D. Methods historical research. – M., 2003.*

    Kostomarov N.I. Russian history in the biographies of its most important figures. – M., 1990–1992.*

    Kumanev G.A. Problems military history Fatherland (1938-1945) - M., 2007.

    Milov L.V. Great Russian plowman and features of the Russian historical process. - M., 1998.

    Mironov B.N. Social history of Russia in the period of the empire (XVIII - early XX century). – In 2 vols. – St. Petersburg, 1999–2003.*

    Nikolsky N.M. History of the Russian Church. – M., 1983*

    Pisarkova L.F. Public administration Russia since late XVII before late XVIII century: evolution bureaucratic system. - M., 2007.

    Pikhoya R.G. Soviet Union: History of power. 1945–1991 - M., 1998.

    Platonov S.F. Lectures on Russian history. – M., 1993.*

    Platonov S.F. Essays on the history of unrest in the Muscovite state of the XVI-XVII centuries. - M., 1995.

    Presnyakov A.E. Formation of the Great Russian state. - M., 1998.

    Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. - M., 2002.

    NEP Russia. - M., 2002.

    Rybakov B.A. Kievan Rus and Russians principalities XII-XIII centuries - M., 1993.

    Rybakov B.A. Paganism Ancient Russia. - M., 2001.

    Sedov V.V. Eastern Slavs in the VI-XIII centuries. - M., 1982.

    Land ownership in Russia: history and modernity. - M., 2002.

    Soloviev S.M. History of Russia since ancient times. - In 18 books. – M., 1959-1966.*

    Trubachev O.N. Ethnogenesis and culture ancient Slavs. - M., 2002.

    Utkin A.I. Second World War. - M., 2002.

    Utkin A.I. The challenge of the West and the response of Russia. - M., 2003.

    Froyanov I.Ya. Kievan Rus. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

    Schilder N.K. Emperor Paul I. - M., 2007.

    Shinakov E.A. Education Old Russian state. - M., 2009.

Reference literature

    Higher and central state institutions Russia. 1801–1917 - In 4 vols. - St. Petersburg, 1998-2004.

    State power of the USSR. Supreme bodies authorities and administrations and their leaders. 1923-1991. Historical and biographical reference book. - M., 1999.

    State Duma of Russia: Encyclopedia. – In 2 vols. - M., 2006.

    provinces Russian Empire. History and leaders. 1708–1917 - M., 2003.

    Historians of Russia. Biographies. - M., 2001.

    The history of homeland. Encyclopedic Dictionary. – M., 1999.*

    Public thought of Russia in the 18th - early 20th centuries. Encyclopedia. - M., 2005.

    Political parties of Russia. Late XIX- the first third of the twentieth century. Encyclopedia. - M., 1996.

    Pokhlebkin V.V. Foreign policy of Russia, Russia and the USSR for 1000 years in names, dates, facts: a Handbook. - M., 1992-1998.

    Russia. Chronicle of the main events. IX-XX centuries. - M., 2002.

    Dictionary historical terms. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

    Soviet historical encyclopedia. - In 16 vols. - M., 1960-1976.

    Chronology of Russian history. - M., 1994.

    Central Committee of the CPSU, VKP(b), RCP(b), RSDLP(b): Historical and biographical reference book. - M., 2005.

    Economic history of Russia (from ancient times to 1917): Encyclopedia. – In 2 vols. – M., 2008–2009.