that washes the southern ocean. Southern Ocean: location, area, currents, climate

South ocean- the youngest among all the oceans of the planet. Located exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, it washes Antarctica, and merges with all oceans except the Northern.

South ocean

As already mentioned, the boundaries of the Southern Ocean are conditional, from the south the border of the ocean is the coast of Antarctica, from the north the encircling border is considered to be 60 degrees south latitude. The territory of the ocean is 20.327 million km².
The deepest part of the Southern Ocean South Sandwich Trench. It is equal to 8428 m.

To the Southern (Antarctic) Ocean (there are 13 in total):

  1. mawson,
  2. Ross,
  3. Somov,
  4. Durvel,
  5. astronauts,
  6. Lazarev,
  7. Bellingshausen,
  8. Riiser-Larsen and
  9. Amundsen.

Islands in those places look something like this

Climate conditions in the Southern Ocean

Temperature indicators range from -2 to 10º C. Starting from 40 degrees south. latitudes to the polar circle, the strongest average winds on the planet are observed. In winter, the air above the ocean freezes to the level of 55-65 degrees below zero. Because of the huge temperature difference between ice and ocean waters, an intense cyclonic storm movement rages east of Antarctica.

the air over those latitudes is crystal clear, unpolluted by emissions or exhaust gases. Thanks to this, the sky of the Southern Ocean is striking in its beauty.

and quantity visible stars. Where else can you see such a gorgeous picture of the night sky over the ocean?

You can meet icebergs in those Antarctic latitudes throughout the Southern Ocean. Some of the icebergs in Antarctica reach enormous sizes and are between 6 and 15 years old.

It is estimated that up to 200 super-large icebergs exist in Antarctic waters at the same time. Smaller icebergs, their fragments and ice often create great difficulties for ships.

Life in the Southern Ocean

Seas of the Southern Ocean, the fifth ocean that exists on our planet. Unlike others, sailors and geographers, for the most part, do not distinguish the seas of this area into a separate cluster.

South ocean

Its waters are made up of water areas Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean. The conditional border separating it from them is the 60th degree of southern latitude. His total area is approximately 20.327 million km². Thus surpassing the area of ​​the Arctic. The deepest place in this ocean is the South Sandwich Trench. In the very deep place reaching 8248 m. The Antarctic shelf has a submergence of up to 500 m.
The very concept of "" first appeared back in 1650, it was formulated by the geographer from Holland Benhard Varenius. Already in the 18th century, this one began to be mapped. It was at this time that systematic research began this region. Enough long time there was such a designation as the Southern Arctic Ocean. This concept and its boundaries were defined in 1845. This event, took place in London, and was an achievement of the Royal Geographical Society.
This ocean received its modern borders in 1937. The reason for this was the Antarctic circumpolar current that unites these waters and the absence of clear boundaries in this area of ​​the three oceans. The International Hydrographic Organization adopted a division into 5 oceans in 2000. But to date, this decision has not been ratified and formally there are four oceans on the planet.

Seas of the Southern Ocean - list

This ocean washes only one continent - Antarctica. In addition, within its boundaries are such large islands as: South Orkney, South Shetland Islands, Berkner Islands, Balleny and Kerguelen.

It includes 13 seas:
- Amundsen;
— Bellingshausen;
— Ross;
- Somova;
— ;
— ;
— ;
- Lazareva;
— ;
— Mawson;
- Cosmonauts;
- D'Urville;
— Riiser-Larsen.

These seas are characterized by a rather cool climate and the strongest average winds on the planet. The average temperature of the seas varies from about -2 to 10 °C. Their waters are often ice-bound from the mainland, up to 55 - 60 degrees south latitude. Also found there great amount icebergs of various sizes and ages.
Due to all these factors, the waters of the seas of the Southern Ocean are among the most dangerous for navigation on the planet.
Also noteworthy is the richness and diversity of marine life that exists in these places.

Detailed information about the country: Southern Ocean. Photos, maps, population, cities, economy, climate, statistics compiled by the US CIA / World factbook

Introduction South ocean
The name of the country:

South ocean
southern ocean


By the decision of the International Hydrographic Organization, adopted in the spring of 2000, the boundaries of the fifth world ocean, formed from the southern parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. The new ocean extends from the coast of Antarctica north to 60°S. sh., which is the internationally recognized boundary of Antarctica. The Southern Ocean is now the fourth largest of the world's five oceans (after the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, but larger than the Arctic).

Geography South ocean

body of water from the coast of Antarctica north to the 60th parallel

Geographical coordinates:

60°00'S, 90°00'E (nominal), but the Southern Ocean has the unique feature of being a large body of water around the pole, completely surrounding Antarctica; this ring of waters lies between the 60th parallel and the coast of Antarctica, enclosing 360 degrees of longitude

Map link:

Antarctic Region

Show map: Southern Ocean:
Country area:

total area: 20,327,000 sq. km
note: including the Amundsen Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, part of the Drake Passage, Ross Sea, a small part of the Scottish Sea, the Weddell Sea, other bodies of water

5th place / Compare with other countries: / Dynamics of change:
Area in comparison:

somewhat larger than double the size of the US

Coast length:

17,968 km

Climate South ocean

sea ​​temperature varies from about 10 °C to -2 °C; cyclonic storms move in eastbound around the continent are often very strong due to the temperature contrast between the ice area and open ocean; in the ocean region from about 40 ° S. sh. to the Antarctic Arctic Circle strong winds than anywhere else on Earth; in winter, the ocean freezes to 65 ° S. sh. in the Pacific Ocean sector, up to 55 ° S. sh. in the Atlantic Ocean sector, surface temperatures drop well below 0°C; in some parts of the coast due to constant winds from the continent coastline stays ice-free all winter


The Southern Ocean is mostly deep (from 4,000 to 5,000 m), with small areas of shallow water; Antarctic continental shelf mostly narrow and unusually deep, its edge lies at depths of 400 to 800 m (with a world average of 133 m); Antarctic pack ice occupies an average area of minimum value in 2.6 million sq. km. in March to about 18.8 million sq. km. in September, increasing more than sevenfold; The Antarctic Polar Current (21,000 km long) is constantly moving eastward, it is the largest ocean current in the world, carrying 130 million cubic meters of water per second, that is, a hundred times more than all the rivers of the world

Height above sea level:

lowest point: -7,235 m at the southern end of the Sandwich Basin;
highest point: sea level 0 m

Natural resources:

large and even huge reserves of oil and gas are likely on the shelf of the continent, manganese ores, deposits of gold, sand and gravel are possible, fresh water in the form of icebergs, squid, whales, seals (none of the above is mined); krill and fish

Natural disasters:

huge icebergs with a draft of up to several hundred meters; smaller ice floes and fragments of icebergs; sea ​​ice(usually 0.5 to 1 m thick) experiencing short-term dynamic variations and large annual and seasonal variations; deep continental shelf with ice deposits, the thickness of which varies greatly even at short distances; strong winds and high waves throughout most of the year; icing of ships, especially in May-October; most of region is not accessible to search and rescue facilities


growing as a result of education in recent years ozone hole sunny over Antarctica ultraviolet radiation reduces the productivity of the sea (phytoplankton) by about 15% and damages the DNA of some fish; illegal, hidden and unregulated fishing in recent years, especially 5-6 times the legal fishing of Patagonian toothfish (fish of the Nototheniidae family), which may affect the abundance of the species; a large number of deaths of seabirds from long net fishing for toothfish;
note: the now protected seal population is rapidly recovering from the barbarian hunting in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Environment - international agreements:

The Southern Ocean is the subject of all international agreements on the oceans, in addition, it is the object of agreements specifically for this region; The International Fisheries Commission prohibits commercial whaling south of 40°S. (south of 60° S between 50° and 130° W); The Antarctic Seal Protection Treaty restricts seal hunting; The Convention for the Conservation of the Living Marine Resources of Antarctica regulates fisheries;
note: many countries (including the US) prohibit exploration mineral resources and their prey south of the volatile polar front (Antarctic Convergence), which lies in the middle of the Antarctic Polar Current and serves as a dividing line between cold polar surface waters south and beyond. warm waters to North

Geography - note:

the narrowest point is the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica; the polar front is the best natural definition of the northern limit of the Southern Ocean; the polar front and the current pass around the whole of Antarctica, reaching 60 ° S. near New Zealand and almost 48°S. in the South Atlantic, coinciding with the direction of most westerly winds

Population South ocean
Control South ocean
Economy South ocean
Economics - overview:

For the fishing season in 2005-2006. caught 128 081 metric tons fish products, of which 83% are krill and 9.7% Patagonian toothfish, compared with the 2004-2005 season, in which 147,506 tons were caught, where 86% krill and 8% Patagonian toothfish. At the end of 1999, international agreements were adopted to reduce illegal, hidden, indiscriminate fishing. For the period of the Antarctic summer 2006-2007. The Southern Ocean and Antarctica were visited by 35,552 tourists, most of whom arrived by sea.

Communication / Internet South ocean
Transport South ocean

McMurdo, Palmer

Transport - addition:

The Drake Passage is an alternative passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean to the Panama Canal.

Defense South ocean
Miscellaneous South ocean

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The Southern Ocean is a part of the World Ocean, covering the waters of the Pacific, Indian and surrounding Antarctica.
The Southern Ocean formed about 30 million years ago when South America separated from Antarctica to form the Drake Passage.

In the Southern Ocean, there is a huge amount of plankton and krill - the main elements of the diet of whales. One of the most common whale species in the Southern Ocean, the humpback whale is also one of the most agile whales that loves to perform spectacular acrobatic stunts by jumping high out of the water.
On most marine navigation charts there is no such thing as the Southern Ocean. Mariners also do not use it in practical purposes. Moreover, in scientific environment no agreement on exact definition its boundaries.
The boundaries of this ocean are extremely conditional because the very definition of the location of the ocean is in question. As a separate ocean, it was marked on maps as early as 1650 by the geographer of German-Dutch origin Bernhard Waren, also called Bernhardus Varenius (1622-1650). AT Last year Varenius's life came out main work"General geography: a general scientific systematic description of the surface of the Earth", in which Varenius tried to collect all the geographical knowledge accumulated by that time by mankind.
The reason why Varenius combined the Antarctic regions of the three oceans into one - the Southern - is that at that time it had not yet been discovered, as well as all other regions above the Antarctic Circle.
In 1845 the Royal geographical society in London tried to introduce the name "South Arctic Ocean', but it didn't stick.
The Southern Ocean attended geographical maps up to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1937, the International Hydrographic Organization used the name "Southern Ocean" in a number of publications. Moreover, many editions of geographical atlases referred to the Southern Ocean and the territory of the ice-covered continent of Antarctica. At the same time, the latitude of the Antarctic Circle (66°33"44"" S) was considered the boundary of the Southern Ocean.
By the beginning of the XX century. southern regions three oceans have already been sufficiently studied, and disputes have begun in the scientific community regarding the boundary of the Southern Ocean. Each science considered its own way of determining the boundaries of the ocean to be the only true one. Hydrologists and climatologists drew the boundary of the Southern Ocean on the basis of the circulation of water and the atmosphere: 35 ° S. sh. Marine geologists, having studied the nature of the bottom, insisted on drawing a boundary along 60 ° S. sh. When compiling the Atlas of the Antarctic in 1969, oceanologists of the USSR drew the boundary of the Southern Ocean at 55 ° S. sh. - the northern border of the Antarctic convergence zone (zones of convergence of northern, relatively warmer, and southern, colder surface water).
In 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization adopted a division into five oceans, but this decision has not been finally ratified.
As practical value selection separate ocean did not, gradually the issue of the Southern Ocean disappeared from the practice of navigation, it ceased to be mentioned in maritime manuals. Currently, the topic of the Southern Ocean is sometimes raised by scientists specializing in very narrow branches of oceanology.
The question of the boundary of the Southern Ocean has remained controversial, but as a compromise, most experts draw the northern boundary at 60 ° N. sh., and the southern - along the coast of Antarctica. In accordance with this, the Southern Ocean can be considered the fourth largest.


The Southern Ocean is located in the South Polar Region of the Earth. Most often, this is the name given to the southern parts of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans adjacent to Antarctica. Behind southern border ocean is considered to be the coast of Antarctica, northern border conditionally carried out approximately along the parallel of 60 ° S. sh. Here (more precisely, up to 55 ° S. latitude) is the northern boundary of the Antarctic surface waters (Antarctic circumpolar current).
"Roaring Forties" sailors called the oceanic space between 40 ° and 50 ° latitude in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, where strong and steady westerly winds constantly blow, causing frequent storms.
A distinctive feature of the Southern Ocean is atmospheric circulation air masses moving a considerable distance over the open ocean, never encountering obstacles in the form of mountains or large areas of flat land.
Over the water area of ​​the Southern Ocean, intense cyclonic activity is extremely developed. Most cyclones move from west to east. This zone is included in the area between the 60th and 70th parallels of south latitude, called the "howling sixties" because of the strongest wind, constantly dominant in this region, reaching a speed of 145 km / h and raising waves 15 m high and above.
Another one distinguishing feature Southern Ocean - the current of the Western winds, which spreads throughout the entire thickness of the waters and carries them in an easterly direction. To the south of this current, the Western Coastal Current is formed. Formed here cold and dense water masses move from the coast of Antarctica along the ocean floor far to the north.
It is here, in the Southern Ocean, that the largest icebergs are formed, constantly breaking off from the Antarctic ice sheet. At the same time, there are more than 200 thousand icebergs in the Southern Ocean. Average length iceberg - about 500 m, but colossal ice floes up to 180 km long and several tens of kilometers wide come across. Currents carry icebergs to the north, and they can even reach 35-40 ° S. sh .: a significant mass melts under the sun long time. Average duration the existence of an iceberg in the Southern Ocean - 6 years, but there are also "veterans" aged 12-15 years.

Flora and fauna

Climatic conditions for the flora and fauna of the Southern Ocean only seem harsh. On the contrary, plants and animals have perfectly adapted to use the cold as a protective element. The Southern Ocean is different gigantic clusters phyto- and zooplankton, krill, many species of sponges and echinoderms live on the bottom. There are several families of fish here, but nototheniids predominate.
Birds are very peculiar: the southern giant petrel, black-browed albatross, skuas are able to travel long distances through the air, and the flightless penguin can walk on ice. The abundance of food explains the exceptional species diversity of whales (blue whale, fin whale, sei whale, humpback whale) and seals (Weddell seal, crabeater seal, leopard seal, fur seal). Industrial fishing for cetaceans has seriously reduced their numbers, and now whaling is prohibited. Among other dangers that threaten the number of local fauna are poachers overfishing, breeding of rats on the Antarctic islands, where the number of bird nests is very high.


On the islands and the continental coast South Sea the population is unstable and not numerous: it is primarily polar explorers. Other settlers in accordance with the Convention on Antarctica cannot be there, since the continent and islands located south of 60 ° S. sh., cannot belong to any state, and only scientific activity. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the States Parties to the Convention do not have territorial claims: very large territories on the continent, Great Britain, Norway, Australia are considered their own, since 1908 Great Britain claims to be, since 1940 - Chile, since 1943 - Argentina. The US and Russia also have their sights set on them. Since 1929, Norway has claimed the island of Peter I. There are a number of disputed islands in the Southern Ocean, but there is no permanent population on all of them, only in summer the islands are visited by scientific expeditions.

general information

Location : Southern Hemisphere.
Composition: water area around Antarctica (southern regions of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans).

Seas: Atlantic Ocean (Lazarev, Riiser-Larsen, Skosha,), Indian (Davis, Cosmonauts, Mawson, Commonwealth), Pacific (Amundsen, Bellingshausen, Durville, Somov).

Geographic boundaries: northern - 60 ° S sh., southern - the coast of Antarctica.

Largest islands: Ross, Adelaide, archipelagos: Palmera South Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands, including completely surrounded shelf ice largest islands Antarctica: Alexander I Land, Berkner, Thurston.


Area: 20.327 million km 2.

Average depth: 3500 m.

Max Depth: South Sandwich Trench (Atlantic Ocean, 8428 m).

Depth of the Antarctic shelf: up to 500 m.

Ice cover area in September-October: 1819 million km 2, in January-February - 2-3 million km 2.

Natural: Ross Ice Shelf, Una Peaks (Le Mer Canal), Bunger Oasis ( West Side Wilkes Lands), tabular icebergs, bird colonies.

Curious facts

■ The 60th parallel of south latitude is not only the northern boundary of the Southern Ocean, but also the northern boundary of the demilitarized zone free from nuclear weapons(Antarctic Treaty 1959).

■ In the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, 61% of its surface is occupied by water, and in the Southern - 81%.

■ Sectors are distinguished in the Southern Ocean: Atlantic - between northern tip Antarctic Peninsula and Cape Meridian Good Hope, Indian - between the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope and the meridian of the South East Cape on Tasmania, and the Pacific - between the meridian of the South East Cape on Tasmania and the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula.

■ The South Sandwich Trench is not only the deepest in the Southern Ocean, but also the second deepest in Atlantic Ocean- after the Puerto Rico trench (8742 m).

■ Most of the southern ocean species of fauna that live at water temperatures close to freezing (up to -1.9 ° C) have in the blood and other body fluids a similarity of an automobile “anti-freeze”: glycoproteins - special connection Sugars with proteins that prevent the formation of ice in the body.

■ The grey-headed albatross is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the bird with the fastest horizontal flight: 127 km/h, the speed the albatross maintained for more than 8 hours while returning to its nest on South Georgia Island. The wandering albatross living there has the largest wingspan among birds: up to 325 cm.

■ Another record holder among Antarctic birds is the gentoo penguin with Falkland Islands, developing under water at a speed of 36 km / h, is the fastest of all penguins.

Representatives of the older generation in geography lessons at school studied 4 oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. However, not so long ago, part of the educational community identified the fifth ocean - the South. The International Hydrographic Association has agreed to allocate this ocean since 2000, but so far this decision has not been recognized by everyone.

What is the Southern Ocean? Who opened it and under what circumstances? Where is he located? What shores does it wash and what currents circulate in it? The answers to these and many other questions are waiting for you in the article.

History of Fifth Ocean Exploration

It is in the 21st century that there are no unexplored places left on the world map for a person. Technical progress allowed not only to see previously inaccessible territories on the satellite image, but also to get there relatively comfortably.

During the period new history did not yet exist space satellites, nor powerful icebreakers capable of breaking through the layer permafrost, no engines internal combustion. Man had only his own physical forces and mental flexibility. It is not surprising that the first mention of the Southern Ocean is theoretical.

The first mention of the ocean

Back in the 17th century, in 1650, the Dutch explorer-geographer Verenius announced the existence of a continent in the south, as yet unexplored, pole of the Earth, washed by the waters of the ocean. The idea was originally expressed in the form of a theory, since humanity was unable to unambiguously confirm or refute it.

"Random" discoveries

Like many geographical discoveries, the first "swims" towards the South Pole occurred by accident. Thus, Dirk Geeritz's ship was caught in a storm and strayed off course, sailing past 64 degrees south latitude and stumbling into the South Orkney Islands. In a similar way South Georgia, Bouvet Island, and Kargelan Island were also explored.

First expeditions to the South Pole

In the 18th century maritime powers carried out active research this region. Until that time, a purposeful study of the pole was not carried out.

One of the first serious expeditions to the southern part the globe historians call the expedition of the Englishman Cook, who passed arctic circle at the 37th degree east longitude. Buried in impenetrable ice fields, having spent significant forces to overcome them, Cook had to deploy his ships. In the future, he wrote a description of the Southern Ocean so colorfully that the next daredevil went to storm the South Pole only at the beginning of the 19th century.

Bellingshausen expedition

In the early thirties of the nineteenth century Russian researcher Bellingshausen circled the South Pole for the first time in history. At the same time, the navigator discovered the island of Peter I and Alexander I Land. The fact that he traveled on light maneuverable ships that were not at all designed to deal with ice gives special weight to the traveler's merit.

Expedition of Dumont-Derville

The campaign of the French in 1837 was crowned with the discovery of Louis-Philippe Land. The expedition also discovered Adélie Land and the Clari Coast. The expedition was complicated by the fact that the Dumont-Derville ships were "captured" by the ice, from which they had to be rescued with the help of ropes and human strength.

American expeditions

A significant contribution to the study of the Southern Ocean was made by the then "young" United States of America. During the expedition of 1839, a group of ships led by Villis tried to pass from the Archipelago of Tierra del Fuego to the south, but ran into ice barriers and turned around.

In 1840, an expedition led by Wilkes discovered part of the territory East Antarctica, which later became known as Wilkes Land.

Where is the Southern Ocean located?

Geographers call the southern part of the World Ocean, consisting of the most southern parts of the Indian, Pacific, Atlantic. The waters of the Southern Ocean wash Antarctica on all sides. The fifth ocean does not have such clear island boundaries as the other four.

To date, it is customary to limit the boundaries of the Southern Ocean to the 60th parallel of south latitude - an imaginary line that goes around the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

The problem of determining the actual boundaries is quite relevant today. The researchers tried to designate the boundaries of the fifth ocean using the currents of the Southern Ocean. This attempt was not crowned with success, as the currents gradually change their trajectory. It also turned out to be problematic to establish the island boundaries of the "new" ocean. Thus, the unequivocal answer to the question of where the Southern Ocean is located is: beyond the 60th parallel of south latitude.

Some interesting facts

The deepest point of the fifth ocean is almost 8300 meters (South Sandwich Trench). The average depth is 3300 meters. The length of the ocean coast reaches 18 thousand kilometers.

The length of the Southern Ocean from north to south is determined very conditionally, since there are no reference points from which to count. Until now, geographers do not have a common opinion about the boundaries of the ocean.

What seas does the fifth ocean consist of?

The oceans are the largest hydrographic features in modern geography. Each consists of several seas adjacent to land or expressed using the relief of the Earth, which is under water.

Consider the ocean. To date, geographers identify 20 seas that are part of the "new" ocean. Five of them were opened by Russian and Soviet researchers.

sea ​​name

Sea of ​​Lazarev

From 0 to 15 degrees east longitude

Sea of ​​King Haakon VII

20 to 67 degrees south latitude

Riiser-Larsen Sea

From 14th to 34th degrees of east longitude

Weddell Sea

10 to 60 degrees west longitude, 78 to 60 degrees south latitude

Sea of ​​Cosmonauts

Longitude 34 to 45 East

sea ​​scotia

Longitude 30 to 50 East, Latitude 55 to 60 South

Commonwealth Sea

Longitude 70 to 87 East

Bellingshausen Sea

Longitude 72 to 100 degrees west

Davis Sea

Longitude 87 to 98 East

Amundsen Sea

Longitude 100 to 123 West

Mawson Sea

From 98th to 113th degrees of east longitude

Ross Sea

Longitude 170 East to Longitude 158 West

Durville Sea

Longitude 136 to 148 East

Sea of ​​Somov

Longitude 148 to 170 East

It should be noted that geographers rarely single out the Sea of ​​King Haakon VII because of the adjacent territories with the Lazarev Sea. However, the Norwegian side, which opened it, insists on separating the Sea of ​​King Haakon VII and does not recognize the borders of the Lazarev Sea.

Currents of the Southern Ocean

The main current characteristic of the ocean is the Antarctic Current - the most powerful flow of water in the oceans. Geographers call it Circular because it flows around the mainland - Antarctica. This is the only current that crosses absolutely all the meridians of the globe. Another, more romantic name is the current of the West Winds. It carries its waters between the subtropical zone and the Antarctic zone. If expressed in degrees, then it flows within the 34-50th degrees of south latitude.

Speaking of the course of the West Winds, it is impossible not to note that interesting fact that it is divided almost along its entire length into two symmetrical streams located from the northern and southern edges of the current. In these streams, a fairly high speed is recorded - up to 42 centimeters per second. Between them, the current is weaker, moderate. Thanks to this phenomenon, enclosing Antarctica in a continuous ring, the Antarctic waters cannot leave their circulation. This conditional band is called the Antarctic Convergence.

In addition, there is another zone of water circulation in the ocean. It is located at 62-64 degrees south latitude. Here, the speed of the currents is noticeably weaker than in the Antarctic Convergence, and is up to 6 centimeters per second. The currents of this area are mainly directed to the east.

Currents near Antarctica make it possible to talk about the circulation of water around the mainland already in opposite direction- to the west. However, this theory has not been proven to date. main reason this is served by periodic changes in currents that occur quite often.

An interesting feature of the water circulation in the fifth ocean, which distinguishes it from other hydrographic objects of this category, is the depth of the water circulation. We are talking about the fact that the current in the Southern Ocean moves water masses not only on the surface, but also to the very bottom. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of special gradient currents, exciting and deep waters. In addition, the density and uniformity of water in the "new" ocean is higher than in others.

Temperature regime of the ocean

The temperature range on the mainland and in the ocean surrounding it is very wide. The most heat, recorded in Antarctica, was 6.5 degrees Celsius. lowest temperature- minus 88.2 degrees.

As for the average ocean temperature, it ranges from minus 2 degrees to 10 degrees Celsius.

Most low temperatures cover Antarctica in August, and the highest - in January.

Interestingly, during the day the temperature in Antarctica is lower than at night. This phenomenon is still unresolved.

The climate of the Southern Ocean is clearly characterized by the level of glaciation of the mainland. Scientists have found that the glaciation of the mainland is slowly, but beginning to decrease. This suggests that the average air temperature in Antarctica and the fifth ocean is increasing. True, in this case we are talking about the so-called global warming, which covers not only the South Pole, but the entire Earth. The main proof of this theory is the parallel decrease in glaciation at the North Pole.


gradual melting Antarctic ice leads to the appearance of icebergs - huge pieces of ice that break off the mainland and set sail on the oceans. The largest of them can measure hundreds of meters and cause great trouble to ships that meet on their way. The "lifespan" of such icebergs drifting in the ocean can be up to 16 years. This fact significantly increases the risk of damage to the ship when sailing in these latitudes.

Some experiencing countries are trying to use giant icebergs for its mining. To do this, icebergs are caught and towed to specially equipped mining sites. fresh water.

Ocean dwellers

Despite the difficult climatic conditions, the area of ​​the ocean is quite densely populated by fauna.

The most prominent representatives of the animal world of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean are penguins. These flightless seabirds feed in waters teeming with plankton and small fish.

Of the other birds, petrels and skuas are the most common.

The Southern Ocean is a habitat for many species of whales. The humpback whale, blue whale and other species live here. On the south pole seals are also common.