Something is happening to the earth. Planet in agony

Former ideas about the Earth are now crumbling like old ice. What until recently seemed unshakable is melting under the hot rays of new discoveries. This is the current state of geology.

At the epicenter of the dispute was the question: are the continents moving or are they unshakably standing still? There are enough “for” facts, but no less facts “against” (they were discussed in detail on the pages of “Around the World” in the tenth issue of the magazine for 1971). On the one hand, the contours of the continents, which is especially obvious for America, Europe and Africa, are similar to each other: they can be “folded” along the coastal edge of the Atlantic and, without much effort, get a single whole. The similarity of the continents that lie along the shores of the Indian Ocean is also obvious to geologists. All this is now proved even mathematically. Random coincidences? Fullness! Where is this "accident" seen over many thousands of kilometers? Moreover, it turned out that geological structures one continent continues on another, as if the ocean is nothing more than scissors that cut the fabric of the upper layers of the earth's crust. So is it possible to doubt that the continents once touched each other, formed a single whole, and then parted?

Can. If the movement of continents over long distances is a reality, then, one wonders, why did the continents not “warp”? Why did a thin film of the earth's crust remain almost in its original form, if such huge masses were moving in it? In addition, the continents, moving, would have to move relative to their deep structures. What to do in this case, if the "roots" of continental faults can be traced hundreds of kilometers deep, and the thickness of the earth's crust under the continents is on average only 30-40 kilometers?

A new hypothesis of tectonic plates is now trying to link these and many other contradictions. The picture in the light of this hypothesis looks in such a way that the expansion of the oceans is a process of flooding the outskirts of the continents, "diving" of continental blocks to depths of hundreds of kilometers. Some contradictions are removed, but the operation is by no means painless. After all, the continents therefore rise above the oceans because they are composed of rocks lighter than the rocks of the oceanic bed, and even more so the rocks of the mantle on which the earth's crust rests. In this sense, the continents are like ice floes floating above the depths of the earth's firmament. It is not so easy to “flood” them without complex tricks of the theory.

We forgot to mention one more, extremely important circumstance, which has come to light only in recent years: the oceans are young! Deep drilling of the rocks of the ocean floor made it possible to determine the age of these rocks and, thus, the age of the oceans. It turned out that the oceans are many times younger than the continents!

This fact made an impression on geologists, perhaps no less than the appearance of the shadow of his father on Hamlet. It turns out that there were continents a hundred million years ago, but the World Ocean did not exist yet?! There were no oceans of the Earth, there were only seas like the Mediterranean?! What then was in place of the oceans?

Of course, the hope immediately arose that the drilling of individual sections of the ocean floor did not reflect the whole reality. That, perhaps, new drilling will undercut much more ancient rocks of the bed, and then everything will fall into place.

So far, these hopes have not materialized. There's a good chance they won't come true. The globe, as it has been established in the last twenty years, is surrounded by a network of giant oceanic faults (mid-ocean ridges and rifts), and observations indicate that these planetary faults are like sprawling seams.

Let's try to interpret them in an unconventional way. Let us assume that Earth expands.

The idea of ​​expanding the Earth looks new and unexpected. It is curious, however, that for the first time it was expressed back in 1889 by the now forgotten scientist I. O. Yarkovsky. She did not disappear without a trace, as one might expect (after all, then, in general, there was no serious facts to confirm it). On the contrary, the same idea later came to the mind of a variety of scientists, and more than once. So there was something to this idea? Only now can we fully appreciate it. Indeed: what was in place of the oceans when there were no oceans? Assuming that the Earth is expanding, this "damned" question is removed by itself: the Earth was smaller, and the continental blocks were right next to each other. Another "damned" question of modern geology: what is the system of all-planetary oceanic faults? Seam, already without any quotes. The seam along which the Earth “cracked” during expansion; seam, from where comes the inflow of deep matter, gradually forming the oceanic part of the earth's crust. Another "cursed" question. As is known, continental crust very different from the ocean. In terms of thickness: in the first case, the thickness of the earth's crust is 30-40 kilometers, in the second - 5-10. In terms of structure and composition, the continental zones of the earth's crust are, so to speak, "three-story" - a complex of sedimentary rocks on top, a complex of granitic rocks in the middle, and basalts at the base. And in ocean zones there is no granite complex in the earth's crust. If the Earth really expanded, then such a difference is natural. oceanic crust younger, therefore, simpler and thinner.

And what does the irreconcilable dispute of supporters of moving and supporters of fixed continents look like in the light of the hypothesis of the expanding Earth? It turns out that both of them are right. Here, jokingly, we get a variant of the popular song: "The continents move and do not move ..." Many actual contradictions are removed. The outlines and structures of the continents are similar, because the continents really once formed a single whole. Do the continents move without significant deformation, without a “separation” from their deep roots? And this is understandable: by themselves, the continents do not move, do not “float”. They, along with all their deep "roots", move like tubercles of a football chamber when it is inflated with air. I am far from thinking that the idea of ​​the Earth's expansion removes all contradictions, solves all the problems of tectonics, establishes order where before there was a chaos of mutually exclusive facts. It never happens that a hypothesis (and even a theory!) explains everything without exception. This is natural, because the diversity of nature is limitless. Therefore, new knowledge, resolving previous ambiguities, puts us before new riddles.

The hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth, of course, cannot be an exception. I do not want to dwell on secondary issues that are of interest to more specialists (for example: if the earth's crust was stretched, then how to explain the folding?). I will only note that there are explanations for such "inconsistencies"; how convincing they are for critics is another question. Here I want to dwell on more general problems. The question immediately arises: if the Earth has been expanding and expanding, then does its volume change, but does its mass remain constant? Or is it not only a change in volume, but also in the mass of the Earth?

There is simple formula, which relates the force of gravity on the planet with its mass and the distance of the surface from the center. Namely: gravity is proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center.

Therefore, there is a way to check if the Earth is expanding and how. If we find evidence that the force of gravity has not remained unchanged in all geological epochs, then the hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth ceases to be a "pure idea" that "conveniently" explains geological contradictions. As soon as it turns out that the force of gravity decreases with time, it means that the expansion of the Earth was due to an increase in its volume, and the mass remained unchanged. If, on the contrary, the force of gravity increases with time, then the matter is primarily in the increase in the mass of our planet.

Is there any evidence here by which we could test the Earth's expansion hypothesis?

It is known that with the release of life on land, the size of animals gradually increased in the course of evolution. Not all, of course, but increased. In general, this is understandable: a large and, therefore, a stronger creature is easier to resist predators. This enlargement reached its maximum in the Mesozoic, in the era of the dominance of reptiles - dinosaurs, when giants trampled the earth, in comparison with which the elephant is just a dwarf. But then there was a turning point. Giant dinosaurs gradually become smaller (relatively, of course), then die out. The leaders of land life are small mammals at first. After liberation from the tyranny of the dinosaurs, their size increases. But, firstly, this is a much weaker than before outbreak of gigantism. Secondly, in the last millions of years, there has been a steady decrease in the size of the largest mammals (the cave bear or deer was larger than modern bears and deer; the mastodon was larger than the mammoth, and the mammoth was larger than the elephant, and so on).

It is possible that there are some as yet unclear biological patterns But, at least, another interpretation is just as valid: on Earth, the force of gravity increased, and under these conditions, the "design" of the giants became less and less rational; the giants died, so to speak, crushed by their own weight.

Let's move on. Who among us did not build sand forts in childhood? Did not try to achieve an impressive steepness of the walls? But dry loose sand does not allow you to make a steep slope. Any loose rocks have their own, strictly defined angles of repose. They depend both on the properties of the rocks and on the force of gravity: what less power gravity, the other equal conditions steeper slope angle.

In ancient sedimentary rocks, one can find clear traces of "petrified" angles of inclination of loose formations (wind ripples on sand, ancient dunes, river sediments). So: measuring the slopes of ancient loose formations, the candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences L. S. Smirnov discovered that in the past steeper slopes were formed than now!

Does this mean that before the physical and chemical properties of loose rocks were different? It is highly doubtful. So the force of gravity was less?

Let's try to see if gravity is still growing. There is little data here (measurements began recently), but they are still there. Thus, according to observations in Washington from 1875 to 1928, gravity increased there from 980,098 to 980,120 milligals. For the regions of the Baltic States, Leningrad, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, according to the observations of 1955-1967, the force of gravity increased by an average of 0.05-0.10 milligal per year. Is it a lot or a little? Little, almost imperceptible, if we measure history in years and millennia. Many, many, if you keep track of millions and billions of years of the geological history of the Earth. The recorded rate of increase in gravity turned out to be approximately consistent with the theoretical calculations that we made: over a hundred million years, the gravity on the Earth's surface increased by about two and a half times, while the radial size of the planet doubled. And 600 million years ago it was 6-8 times smaller than today.

It should, of course, be noted that the rates of increase in gravity recorded by the instruments can be interpreted differently than we do. All this can be explained by a fluctuation, an episodic deviation (in one period of time, the force of gravity increases negligibly, in another, perhaps, it decreases, so that the average remains unchanged). And yet such an interpretation is nothing more than an assumption that has not been proven by anything. And how can it be proved or disproved if hundreds of years ago, not to mention thousands and millions, no one measured gravity and could not? The problem must be considered in totality, and this totality just convinces us that the size of the Earth and the force of gravity on it did not remain constant.

Of course, here the “killer” question immediately arises: how, due to what, did the mass of the planet increase? I don't want to give my own interpretation here. Let me just remind you that before the discovery of the laws of genetics, Darwin's theory (a theory, not a hypothesis!) literally hung in the air, because Darwin could not answer the question why favorable changes embrace a species, and do not dissolve in it. Time passed, and the answer was received.

I tried to show that the idea of ​​expanding the Earth is no longer just a "pure idea". That she is able to illuminate a lot in a new way. But, of course, only honed on the "whetstone of facts" can it lead to completely indisputable conclusions.

V. Neumann Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

The end of the world is a popular subject for science fiction films and novels, but there are quite real threats our existence, which can become a reality.

Humanity could be wiped off the face of the earth by an asteroid impact or a highly infectious pandemic that could wipe out virtually the entire population of the planet. And despite the fact that many of the apocalyptic scenarios sound a bit fantastic, there are very real risks that we should be wary of today.

Apocalypse Now

If humanity still avoids the end of the world in the near future, whether it be an asteroid or a nuclear catastrophe, scientists still argue that people will still disappear in 500 million years, and in 6 billion years all life on planet Earth will disappear, because it is too get very close to the sun. Our star, which is growing and tending to become a red giant, will almost melt the Earth over time.

Well, 500 million years is a long time for a species of mammals, but the assumptions of scientists often agree that the end of the species of reasonable people will come much sooner, through the fault of the reasonable themselves.

What scientists fear the most natural disasters caused by very intense global warming. Pandemics such as swine and bird flu and ebola are another threat to humanity. Last but not least, especially in connection with today's political tension, it is worth mentioning the threat of nuclear war.

More distant threats to the prosperity of the human race on the planet include biological weapons, failures in geoengineering and the development of hostile artificial intelligence.

If we take all this into account, the question arises: if the end of the world came right now, what would become of a planet without people? It won't take long for the Earth to "reset," but the process will be brutal.

Here is the timeline and changes that will take place on Earth if humanity disappears.

A few hours later

The planet will become dark. The electric lights will no longer be lit at night as the power plants run out of fuel. Even solar panels will quickly become covered in dust, and windmills will run out of turbine lubricant.

The only stations that will continue to operate are hydroelectric. Many grandiose dams will be able to work for several months and even years.

Two or three days later

Most stations and subway tunnels will be flooded because pumps shutting off water will stop working.

ten days later

Domestic and farm animals will die of starvation and dehydration. Animals on remote farms will be eaten by predators. At the same time, hungry dogs will huddle together and prey on other animals.

A mounth later

Cooling water for reactors nuclear power plants will evaporate. This will lead to a series nuclear disasters more destructive than Fukushima and Chernobyl. But in general, the planet will quickly and easily recover from radioactive contamination.

One year later

Satellites in orbit around the Earth will begin to fall, illuminating the sky with a strange glow of "shooting stars".

twenty five years later

Vegetation will almost completely cover the once concrete streets and alleys of megacities. Some cities like Dubai and Las Vegas will be buried in the sand.

Over time, the vegetation growing in the cities will attract herbivores, and predators will follow.

Without humans, endangered animal and plant species such as whales, snow leopards, tigers and others will thrive and multiply. Perhaps there will be new species.

The swamps that once covered large parts of the planet will reappear in the place of cities like London and St. Petersburg. Nature will take over.

Three hundred years later

Metal buildings, bridges and towers will begin to corrode and collapse, falling to the ground and becoming covered with vegetation or sinking under water.

Ten thousand years later

The only proof of the existence of people on earth will be grandiose stone structures such as the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China and Mount Rushmore.

What's happening?

Many people are now asking this question in one way or another. We notice the changes taking place in nature and society. It’s not just that chestnuts and cherries bloom in autumn, and icons “cry” in churches. There are many explanations for such phenomena, but they are all limited, since we are not able to look at ourselves from the outside. Is it possible to learn about what is happening on Earth from an outside observer?

It turns out - you can! We are not alone in the universe. We are surrounded by many intelligent and superintelligent Beings and Essences. Some of them are interested in our destiny. This is the so-called group of our support, who know everything about us and the planet, as well as about the coming New Era on Earth. We can learn a lot from reading their messages. They are all eager to give us lessons in their paths to help us understand our own path.

Who are these Beings and Essences? First of all, it is necessary to name a group that is an emanation of the Primary Creative Force of the Galaxy. This group (about 100,000 Beings) is busy reconfiguring the Earth's magnetic grid system in order to change our nature.

The solar group is made up of angels. These are the ones who are constantly watching us and transmit the most detailed information about the history of the universe. The solar group is also a source of practical advice. We know some of this group under the names of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Gabriel, Metatron and others.

The Creatures of the Arcturian Confederation take an active part in our destiny. AT Galactic Federation The Light Arcturians are known as masters of time and are distinguished for their ability in science and philosophy. The Arcturian reconnaissance vehicles are 12.2 to 22.9 m in diameter, and the planetary lenticular command ships are about 23 km in diameter. The Arcturians are actively channeling on Earth and are closely associated with the Ashtar Command.

The Ashtar team is helping the Earth in its evolution. On the spiritual plane, they are part of the Earth and faithfully serve it. The members of this team came from different parts Universe, and many of them lived more than one life on Earth or on planets in the constellation Pleiades. Their leader is Jesus Sananda and Ashtar is the administrator and commander. The creatures of this team are predominantly in the fifth dimension, but they can move between dimensions and become visible to us. They bring us a message of love and work mainly with young people.

The ascended masters constitute a special group. They are distinguished by the fact that they once lived on Earth. They are actively participating in what is happening on the planet right now, channeling instructions and information that can be useful to us in this. difficult time. We know them under the names of John the Baptist, King Solomon, King Arthur, many of the pharaohs, El Morya, Jesus Sananda, Saint Germain, Kut Khumi and many others who are unknown to the general public.

Representatives of our support group are not only in other realities, but also among us. These are the Pleiadians who make up the so-called group of Heralds of Light. The Pleiadian ancestors were among those who created the Original Plan for the Earth. The Pleiadians consider us to be their relatives, because during the creation of man they gave us their DNA, which is part of our DNA. The members of the Heralds of Light group are like us in that they share the same biology. Closer than them, we have no one. They live with us to watch us lovingly and give us advice. The Pleiadians are helping us to activate our DNA and memory bank so that we remember that we are Beings of Light.

Earth is a planet of free choice. Therefore, not only Beings and Essences of Light take part in our destiny. Some Dark Ones are allowed to be with humans. These Beings don't know who we are. They are attracted only by our qualities. For them, we are a kind of library. There are several such groups. One of them is looking for information about our emotions. Inhabiting people, they manifest themselves and their undeveloped dark qualities through them. These Beings are part of our evolutionary lesson.

Other Dark Ones are drawn to the way we carry out our evolutionary lesson. They feed on our fear and other negative emotions. Those who live in fear, hatred, aggression, etc. feed them daily. They actively invade the lives of such people, pulling them lower and lower, as they constantly need food. We have absolute power and superiority over them, but, unfortunately, we forgot about it! And as a result, they were captured by their densely woven network. They have kept us in it for the last 2000 years. Now they themselves are tired of restricting us, as they realized that our longing could blow up their prison. However, the network of the Dark Ones forced people to mature their astral bodies in order to figure out how to free themselves and our Dark masters from their fate. They have been involved in the third dimension for a long time and have learned their lessons. Now they want to move to a higher dimension, but those who have a long list of interventions cannot solve their problems until they pay off their debts. Now on Earth there are times when beings from other dimensions will enter our world without masks and props, and only when we are fully conscious and agree to their presence.

There are also Dark Ones who are like us. They have spaceships and are allowed to visit Earth. But the presence of highly developed science and technology in itself does not mean that they are Beings capable of bringing Light and Love. Their ships often got into an accident. The technologies of these Dark Ones are currently being secretly studied in some states.

What do these non-traditional sources of information say and, most importantly, how?

Mostly through channeling. What it is? Channeling (from the English channel) is a process that allows interested intelligent beings from other cosmic realities and civilizations to transmit messages, predictions, etc. to us. Channeling is a powerful means of spiritual development and conscious transformation of a person. Thanks to channeling, we can throw a bridge to the higher realms - to the Collective Higher Consciousness, which we usually call “God”, “Universal or Cosmic Mind”. Channeling allows you to find wise teacher that comes from within. Channeling can be used for healing, teaching, expanding your creativity in all aspects of life. From the higher realms one can draw knowledge, wisdom, inventions, works of art, philosophy, poetry, and a variety of discoveries. Channeling helps you connect to a constant, stable source of inspiration and information. It should be especially emphasized that channeling is always carried out under the control of our Soul. Before the Teacher can communicate with a specific person, he must obtain the consent of his Soul. The “broadcasting” of messages is primarily intended for the Soul, and it transmits messages to our mind. There are many techniques by which effective channeling can be done. They are collected in Catherine Rydall's book Channeling; theory and practice".

According to non-traditional sources of information, the processes currently developing on Earth will soon lead to the death of the usual physical reality based on electromagnetic energies. The "End of the World", which was expected in 1999, came imperceptibly in our minds! This is the end of awareness of 3D reality. From January 2002, we began to live with the new energies of the "Beginning of Light", as the Earth entered a phase of active planetary transformation. The ongoing events are predicted in the Bible as the Transfiguration (Ascension). In accordance with modern terminology these processes are called quantum leap or transition, change of dimensions, transition of the Earth into the fourth dimension.

The reason for these processes is the impact on the planet of special cosmic energies that come from the Galactic center and are known as the photon band. Our solar system, moving in an elliptical orbit around Alcyone (the central star of the Pleiades constellation) with an orbital period of approximately 26,000 years, crosses the photon band for 2,000 years every 11,000 years. When the Earth enters this band, the spiritual evolution of the planet and people accelerates, the poles shift and the frequency of light saturating the atmosphere of the planet increases many times over. The period of the Earth being inside the photon band is called the "Age of Light", "Golden Age" or "Age of Enlightenment".

What events are taking place now in our sector of the Galaxy? The Milky Way Galaxy has been moving through the space of the Universe in a huge cosmic spiral around the Great Central Sun for many billions of years. At the end point of the coil, it makes a qualitative leap. In the present era, our Galaxy is moving to a new round. In this regard, all star systems and their inhabitants simultaneously take the first step into a new evolutionary cycle. The constellation of Orion is on the eve of the deepest upheavals: the poles of every star and planet in this system will shift, many planets will evaporate. In this constellation, the galactic gateway to the center of the Galaxy and beyond will be restored. Sirius will rise to the position of the Galactic Mystery Spiritual School (now he is only responsible for his planetary system and the local arm of the Galaxy). The constellation Pleiades will change its position in relation to Orion. The Pleiades begin to orbit in the center, which is Sirius. Sirius will become the new Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy. The constellation of the Pleiades, in which our Sun enters as the eighth star, will be the seat of the Cities of Light. Cities of Light are places where the life of the population is dedicated to the service of the Divine Plan and it is at least at the level of Christ consciousness. The Earth and our solar system as a whole are the last in the constellation of the Pleiades to experience this shift. All other seven planetary systems The Pleiades have realized themselves as mystery schools and sites of Cities of Light.

Approximately 150 thousand years ago, our Galaxy began to cleanse itself of the "sins" of the past. Everything that remained unresolved at the previous evolutionary stage is brought to the fore for the purpose of transmutation. Now the "general cleaning" is over. In the near future, a new zodiac cycle of the Earth will begin. By this time, the Earth should have gone through the spiritual and physical cleansing. To withstand exposure to photonic high-frequency cosmic radiation, people need to properly attune the mind, emotions and physical processes in the body. The frequency of energy vibrations is now steadily increasing, and this will continue until the Galaxy as a whole and individual constellations in particular take their place in the new orbital structure.

At the beginning of 2003, the Earth entered the final phase of the quantum transition, as all the obstacles that prevented the impact of negative forces and energies on the planet were removed, the protective fields that lowered the energy were removed. photon radiation. The planet is in the final stage of pumping up energies to prepare for the quantum transition. To complete the stage, it is necessary to gain a certain energy potential. After its completion, the final stage of the quantum transition will come. Now the fate of each person as a cosmic unit depends on the effectiveness of the use of new energies. People are given the last chance to use the opportunity of co-creation with Higher Powers to have time to prepare their bodies and minds for the appointed time.

During the transitional period, people have access to all the knowledge of the past evolutionary cycle, although they use it most often unconsciously. In order to stay on Earth, everyone needs to decide whether he is ready to become spiritually responsible (a spiritual person, a wise person). Whoever does not wish to accept the new rules of the game will inevitably leave the Earth and, perhaps, his Soul will continue its evolution on another planet. Whoever intends to stay on Earth must learn the new rules of life in the Age of Light.

What are these rules? They are based on four evolutionary principles: firstly, the goal of a person on Earth should be the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual development; secondly, each person must consciously develop the Divine Essence, created from Light and Love; thirdly, free will is an absolute universal right, but its impeccable manifestation obliges the individual to submit to the Divine Will with faith and trust; fourthly, each person must realize that the entire Universe is sacred.

The New Gospel states that there is no dominant nation, only true religion and only the right way to Heaven, there is no fundamentally perfect philosophy and no invariably infallible political party or economic system. We need to rebuild ourselves around these assumptions. Everything that is contrary to these statements leads to isolation, which is unacceptable for the new Earth. WE ARE ALL ONE, WE ARE ONE, and this must enter into the flesh and blood of every person!

We, as representatives of the fifth root race, on the whole, have fulfilled the evolutionary task of merging the energy-information flows "Will-Mind" and "Love-Wisdom", at least at the level of the first and second synthesizing centers, that is, within the seven auric energy-information centers located below and above the diaphragm. Transformation is the birth of a spiritual Human, a full-fledged citizen of the Galaxy, whose main evolutionary task will be the integration of the above-mentioned divine qualities at the level of the third synthesizing center (or the first stellar), including the auric centers from the fifth to the ninth.

The new reality of the Earth, which is stabilizing on the planet after the quantum leap, will be significantly different from the three-dimensional one we are used to. We have the necessary potential to live in reality fourth dimension. However, the collective consciousness of people is far from being at a sufficiently high level in all aspects. For those who live at the expense of the energies of the three auric centers located below the diaphragm and providing energy and information only to the material interests of the individual, the threat of disintegration of their underdeveloped lower bodies during the quantum leap is very real. Everyone should strive to transmute their fears and complexes based on them into Love, Light and Wisdom. Otherwise, dark energies will become an obstacle on the way to a new reality. The necessary methods of transmutation of lower energies were timely transferred to people by Spiritual teachers.

We were created by the Creators as integrating systems through which many consciousnesses from various cosmic civilizations realize themselves. We were not created by one Creator. Many civilizations of our Galaxy took part in this process. Between the civilizations of the Light and Dark Rings, located in the fourth and fifth dimensions, there is intense competition for control over us and the planet, which has now significantly complicated the process of preparing the quantum transition. At the end of 2002, an energy blow was dealt to the subtle crystal of the Earth (the heart of the planetary Logos), which led to its partial destruction. Unfortunately, we, the people, initiated all this by violating the laws of the cosmos by carrying out human cloning. CLONAID's announcement of the birth of the first cloned human triggered similar work in other research centers. Cloning is considered perfect from the moment the cloned cell is introduced into the mother's body. This research boom has led to the automatic activation of space defense systems. The Dark Forces took advantage of this moment and inflicted energy blows on the nodal points of the planet's Light Body. The effectiveness of their strike was enhanced by testing a climate weapon on Earth, during which an electromagnetic pulse was directed at the planet's core. It usually takes hundreds of years to restore the planetary Crystal, but due to the quantum transition, the Earth is given time only until March 21, 2003.

Thanks to the incredible efforts of the Galactic, Solar, Planetary Hierarchies and their employees on Earth, the critical situation was stabilized and a set of measures was developed to create a “Crystal of the Universe” around the Earth. The "Crystal of the Universe" will include the entire solar system. The earth will be at its center. The planets of the solar system, the Sun itself, the constellations of the Zodiac, the Precessional constellations, the Galactic creative forces of the Milky Way and the Andromeda Nebulae will take part in the creation of the "Crystal of the Universe". We will greatly help our Mother Earth if we send her the energy of Love and pray for her. Try to visualize a powerful purple stream encircling the Earth and penetrating wherever your thought takes you.

Now the Creator's plan for our planet as a Cosmic Library is under threat. The critical situation forced the Galactic Karmic Council and the United Forces of the Space Confederation to take tough measures - all unprepared consciousnesses will be removed from the Earth with the loss of the accumulated evolutionary experience. This decision was made due to the huge energy and information costs for the creation of an unprecedented scale "Crystal of the Universe". For people, the total amount of debt repayment to Destiny is reduced to 20%. The Karmic Council took this step in order to maintain the minimum number of human population necessary for the accelerated development of the resources of the new Earth. Now every voluntary contribution, every positive thought, every fiery aspiration is valuable, since we are talking about salvation at the level of the Monad (Spark of the Creator).

The change of races (humanity's transition from the fifth to the sixth root race) takes place against the backdrop of a global restructuring of the planet itself, during which the Earth "shakes off" the products of the "creativity" of the previous race. Similar general cleanings were arranged more than once. Echoes of how this happened specifically have come down to us in the form of Flood myths. But the Flood is a consequence, and its cause was the change of the poles of the Earth, which was accompanied by global cataclysms. We have a similar change of the Earth's poles "on the nose". One of possible scenarios the cause of the polarity reversal will be the push caused by the collision of the Earth with an asteroid or a meteor swarm. The energy released by the impact will shift the poles.

However, the reason for the polarity reversal may not be so obvious. After all, quite recently (in 2001) the Sun reversed the direction of its magnetic field, but scientists do not know either the cause or the mechanism of this process. Moreover, a number of signs indicate that the Sun is about to explode, since the temperature of its core in a few recent years almost doubled. Calculations show that if the heating of the Sun continues at the same rate, then it can explode in six years.

According to extraterrestrial sources, in accordance with the evolutionary changes of the Solar Logos, our luminary had to be rebuilt back in the 70s of the last century (remember the hot summer of 1972!), but this process was delayed due to the fact that humanity at that time was not ready for the Transfiguration. During the transformation of the Sun, only the Transformation of people and their transition to the fourth dimension will save civilization. Now the time we have been lent to us is running out.

The pole shift is a rapid process: in 30-40 minutes the poles will move about 6000-7000 km. It is assumed that the north pole will be in the region of Tibet, and the south - near Easter Island. During the polarity reversal, it will appear to the observer that the sky is turning over and the stars are falling. If this time does not happen quantum leap, then according to the forecasts of representatives of ZetaTalk civilization during the change of poles and in the near future after this event, about 90% of the people living now on Earth may die. They believe that the polarity reversal is initiated by a wandering interorbital object, which is called the 12th planet. In fact, this is the planet Nelda, which is sometimes mistaken for a comet. Tragic consequences cannot be avoided if a third of humanity does not have time to change its energy-information parameters accordingly (overcome fear and anxiety) and thereby initiate a quantum transition.

Otherwise, during the change of poles, the waters of the Atlantic will sweep through Belarus, so salvation can be found on the high hills located along the rivers, which will serve as a return flow for the returning water. Over the next two years, as the ice in the Arctic melts, most of the territory of Belarus will disappear under water.

The population of Russia will be pleasantly surprised to find themselves in a warmer climate. In the center of the platform, earthquakes will not be as intense and long as on the faults. However, after the change of poles, flooding will become real for the survivors, due to the fact that the waters of the melting ice of the Arctic will absorb low-lying territories in Siberia and the European part of Russia in a few months. Residents will be forced to save themselves with the help of everything that keeps afloat. However, given the vast extent of the flooded lands, there will be nowhere to swim. The compass will not help people who are disorientated, as north and south will be reversed, and the stars will not be visible due to volcanic dust. Those who would like to survive and are away from mountains like the Urals need to prepare raft houses in advance and develop a course taking into account familiar milestones. Being afloat, they will be able, moving from community to community, to land, where they will be accepted, and where the land will definitely not go under water.

Ukraine will become warmer after the pole shift as it is close to the equator. Within two years of the pole shift, the melting ice of the Arctic will engulf the entire region, and the survivors will be forced to retreat to the mountains in Europe or Scandinavia. But not in the opposite direction, where there will be cold and barren lands. The pole shift itself will not be as severe as in many parts of the world, as Ukraine has no volcanoes and is located in the center of a large platform, not on faults.

People have a choice of three options:

take everything for granted and, without resisting, die;

prepare for the fact that everything will have to start almost from scratch;

accept the help offered by the developed civilizations of the Galactic Federation of Light, interested in our destiny.

The first option is the simplest and is likely to be chosen by many. This option excludes the Transfiguration, but opens up the possibility of the Resurrection. After ordinary death, we enter the third or fourth overtone of the fourth dimension and linger there for some time. When the Earth and all the people left on it make a quantum leap, the "dead" from the lower overtones of the fourth dimension will also rise to the level where those who made the Ascension will be. The Bible says that the time will come when the dead will be raised. This prediction briefly describes the result of the first option.

The second choice requires a clear understanding that this is the most difficult option, for which it is necessary to prepare both morally and practically. However, why “tear the veins” when this reality has no future and if it is possible to solve problems more usefully with help?

The third option promises a lot of new and unusual. It can be compared to how in the 17th and 18th centuries people went to America in search of a better life. As difficult as it was, they eventually won! The third option is the choice of a galactic mission. Such a choice is not very easy for many who think in terms of the patterns of our isolated existence.

The Galactic Federation of Light unites many civilizations of the Galaxy, among which in our galactic sector important place occupy highly developed civilizations of Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, Pleiades. It was these civilizations that took an active part in the creation of modern man and therefore their fate is connected with our fate. In order to save people from cataclysms, the Galactic Federation of Light proposed the idea of ​​a planetary "Noah's Ark". We humans are promised to save everyone, but this requires the personal consent of each. The Supreme Ruler of the Planet Earth JESUS ​​SANANDA (Supreme Hierarch of the 7th Level of the Violet Ray or the 7th Heaven) is responsible before the Creator of our Galaxy for the organization of events for the salvation of earthlings. For us, Jesus Sananda is the manifestation of Jesus Christ, whom we know as our Savior.

Since 2002 by channels space communications through channeling, messages are received from the Higher Cosmic Mind and the Spiritual Government of the Earth, the main leitmotif of which is the call to actively prepare for the Transformation and give consent to salvation from the upcoming cataclysms. In these documents, the Rescue Questionnaire is proposed. Everyone who wants to be saved from cataclysms and in physical body to experience the process of Transfiguration, thus becoming one of the "meek" who will inherit the Earth, must answer two questions. After two positive answers (“yes!”), the International Center of the Higher Cosmic Mind will include you in the number of those being saved. The technology of members of the Galactic Federation of Light allows you to immediately fix the mental response of each. Therefore, the Questionnaire with answers does not need to be sent anywhere or presented to someone, signed with blood, join some sect and there is no need to change one's religious beliefs and beliefs. After answering the questions of the questionnaire, it should be passed on to your relatives, friends, relatives, so that they can also make their informed choice.

However, the questions in the questionnaire are far from simple. In fact, this is an exam for maturity and the ability to be an inhabitant of a new, transformed Earth. From my humble experience, it follows that not everyone says "yes" twice. But I think that you can go for a re-examination! That's not the point. The main thing is to accept with your heart these questions-principles that will form the basis of the life of the future race, and also to have the determination and desire to improve yourself. If this is available, then they will sincerely and with all their might help you overcome the “sins” and shortcomings that have accumulated in the process of evolution of your Soul, and which now, under the curtain of this reality, is trying to realize the omissions of past incarnations. Well, if a person cannot answer “yes” in any way or partially accepts these principles, then his further fate is in his own hands and prayers. In the end, the fate of everyone is determined by his Soul, and it knows what is best for a particular person - life or death, to remain on the transformed Earth with a renewed body, or to leave this life through death and continue evolution on another planet in our Galaxy. Although, as follows from the messages of the Spiritual Government, if a person does not pass the maturity exam, the fate of the Soul itself can be very deplorable.

The questionnaire must be answered no later than July 31, 2003. Registration will close one minute before 12 midnight. After that, all the forces of the space fleet of the Galactic Federation of Light will be directed to the rescue of those who have given consent. The sooner everyone decides his fate, the better, because for the remaining very a short time it is necessary to prepare a person for the change of realities. And this is an energy problem. Each of us is a complexly organized energy-information system, the quality of the energies of which determines the possibility of being in one or another reality. For the higher overtones of the reality of the fourth dimension, our most coarse shells of the total cosmic body are heavily polluted with dark energies of aggression, hatred, anger, envy, greed, jealousy, perverted sex, etc. These energies are the result of the manifestation in us of specific Beings of the Dark Ring, who, using us, solve their evolutionary tasks.

In fact, we are a testing ground where many Creatures and Essences test their "I". These multiple "I", the manifestations of which are not always associated with spirituality and morality, are an integral part of our personality, supply us useful knowledge that belong to other cosmic realities. For our personality and Soul, this is a very important and necessary experience. However, on the eve of the quantum transition, the lower "Selves" must be urgently "reeducated", that is, put under the reliable guidance of the Higher Self (Soul). Otherwise, they will not allow us to free ourselves from the power of Darkness. Therefore, it is very important to work out your negative sides as actively as possible in order to be able to live on the new Earth. With people who have agreed to help, hard work cleaning them energy bodies from dark energies. Therefore, one must be ready for inconveniences, unexpected sensations and situations, accept all this calmly, completely, without doubts, entrusting one's fate to the Creator.

According to preliminary information, rescue activities will begin on August 5 and will continue until August 20, 2003. Three waves of evacuation are expected. The first one is from August 5th to 10th. The most trained, capable of receiving and teaching arriving people, as well as the elderly, the disabled and children, will be taken on board the spaceships. The second wave is from August 10th to 15th. It will include those who agreed to be rescued in 2002. The third wave is from August 15th to 20th and will include those who wished to be saved in 2003. As follows from brief preliminary reports, transportation to spaceships will not be burdensome: we will not have time to blink when we are in place! Spaceships of the Galactic Federation of Light, designed to save Earthlings, are in the 4th and 5th dimensions, outside of our physical reality, and they are able to receive the entire population of the planet.

Those who agree to a galactic mission will be transferred to other planets to learn the peculiarities of life in the fourth dimension, as well as the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairvoyance, levitation, teleportation, interplanetary flights and will be returned to a cleansed and renewed Earth so that they can use the acquired knowledge in creation new reality Earth. Apparently, a corps will be formed from among the "seconded", whose members will be called to spread the Gospel of the New Times, which we will receive in the near future.


Dear, our beloved!!! International Center The Higher Cosmic Intelligence is conducting a survey in order to make your life easier and your salvation from the upcoming cataclysms. To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

1. Do you agree that Love is the Source of the entire Universe and the Highest Feeling that will Save the Earth from destruction?

2. Are you aware of your divine origin on the ground?

In case of a positive answer and if you have difficulties in life that are insoluble for you, put them on a piece of paper with a request: “Great Creator! Help me, please, solve my life problems! The first thought that then appeared in your head should be written down on another piece of paper. You can ask the Higher Cosmic Mind any questions. You should try to send Love from your heart. The purer your thoughts, the higher Spiritual teachers you will be able to communicate and receive their advice. But the form of communication can be without words, for example, in a dream, through feelings, through everyday experience, or in some other way that the Higher intelligence and which your Soul will approve. The main thing in this communication is to exclude the interference of the mundane mind. For an effective connection with the Spiritual teacher, you need to consider that your relaxation must be conscious. You can not completely go into a trance with a complete shutdown of the mind. It is very important to disable the infinite internal dialogue, that is, the mind, but not the mind and awareness, remove the desire to reflect on your thoughts. Just watch the thoughts that come from Space. Do not wait hard for an answer, focusing on yourself. Try to expand your awareness to all space (home, city, planet, entire galaxy and beyond). Connect with Space, feel the powerful flow of energy that flows through you from Space to Earth and from Earth to Space. Do not resist this flow, let the energy permeate every cell of your body, flow through the places where you experience pain.

The salvation of children depends on the consent of their parents to their own salvation. Only by including them among the saved can save the physical bodies of their children. Children under 14 years old, both individually and in a group, can ask the question:

Do you agree to live with God and be happy?

The answer "YES" means the connection of the entire group to the bank of the Higher Cosmic Mind.

Children over 14 years of age must voluntarily answer the following question:

Do you believe in God and do you want to save the Earth and people on Earth from death?

So, the choice is ours! But in any case, whether we like it or not, the familiar three-dimensional reality will soon be gone. This is what the Earth itself wants, which is a living being and which solves its evolutionary tasks. We either accept with gratitude its will, or we change the planetary place of residence. It is assumed that the planet will soon move into the fourth, and eventually into the fifth dimension. If we accept the information reported in the books of Robert Monroe, this will happen in about 1500 years.

Since 2000, we have been living in a reality that is different from the one that was 10 - 20 years ago. According to the prophecies of the Mayan civilization, the quantum leap will take place in 2012. But Zeta Talk claims that the Mayan calendar is different from modern calendar. If we reconcile the Gregorian calendar with the Mayan calendar, then 2012 corresponds to 2003. In general, it is very difficult to talk about a specific period, since it is determined by many factors, an important place among which is how successfully we accept the energies of Love, Light, Goodness.

What is meant by the concept of measurement? Dimensions are realms of consciousness limited certain range energy vibration frequencies. The lower dimensions are the realms of form through which the Soul manifests itself, and in the higher dimensions there is no need for form to manifest consciousness. The third dimension can be defined as the range of visible light electromagnetic spectrum. The fourth dimension "is" in the ultraviolet range, and the fifth one can be "correlated" with the X-ray sector.

When talking about various levels measurements, analogy should be sought in music and harmonics, which are based on the concept of a sine wave. Wavelength is what distinguishes one reality from another. Everything, including our bodies, the planet, etc. are waveforms. It is the wavelength that determines the measurement. The levels of measurement are nothing more than different basic wavelengths. The basic wavelength of 3D reality is approximately 7.23 cm. As one rises to higher dimensional levels, the wavelength gets shorter and the energy gets higher. Going down the dimensions, you can find that the wavelength increases, and the energy decreases and becomes denser, until you "run into" the "wall" that separates the World from the Anti-World. In the universe of wave nature, there is an exact place where next level measurements. Most civilizations in the cosmos have this fundamental knowledge, and they know how to move from one dimension to another. We have forgotten all this.

Ascension is the transfer of the Soul, along with the mind and physical body, into the fourth dimension, bypassing death. The soul is our main aspect. We are threefold beings, consisting of body, mind and soul.

Our body is a kind of generalization of the Universe, since it correlates with certain forces of the cosmos and is shaped by them. The higher aspects of the Human Soul do not have any form, but consist of consciousness, forces, energies, light. The centers where cosmic energies enter our body are called chakras or energy centers. The body as a whole, its organs in particular, as well as each cell of the body are only the tips of icebergs, the bases of which are in other realities of the universe. Potentially, 12 independent bodies can be distinguished in the total structure of the human cosmic body, but in modern man, not all of them are manifested in his total consciousness. In addition to the physical body, one can really speak only about the manifestations of the astral, crystalline, lutal, mental, supramental and causal bodies. All bodies are united into a single whole by the ethereal body, represented in all 32 dimensions of our Galaxy. After the death of a person, the center of his consciousness moves to the astral body, which becomes for him as real as the physical before death. Many of the dead hardly realize that they have lost their physical body, but soon the new reality makes its own adjustments and the person adapts to other living conditions.

Our mind is not in the head, but in every cell of the body. The brain is in the head. Mind (and its derivative thought) is energy. Our brain is the largest and most complex biological mechanism human body. With the help of the brain, the body converts thought energy into physical impulses. The brain, like the body, are transducers. But each cell also has its own tiny transducer, since the cell has own intellect. This applies not only to cells, but also to organs and parts of the body.

The soul is the energy of life. Our Soul is not in the body. It is within us and around us. The soul includes the body, not vice versa. The soul is what unites all mankind into a single whole, just as the Soul of God contains the Universe and unites it into one whole. There is no place where the Soul of one person ends and another begins. And there is no place where our Soul ends and the Soul of God begins! Therefore, We are All One! This is both a metaphysical and a physical truth. However, in addition to the aspect of the universality of the Soul, one should also be aware of its individual aspect. We are all one, but at the same time each of us is a person. There is only one Great Soul who "feels" through many individual Souls, just as there is one Great Being and in it many individual beings. This is the so-called Divine duality, which assumes that two contradictory truths coexist simultaneously in one space and contribute to the development of each other. Awareness of this paradox is one of the tasks of the new evolutionary stage humanity.

Thirteen thousand years ago we knew that energy fields around our body have a certain geometry, can rotate around our body at a speed close to the speed of light, and their rotation is associated with our breathing. But in 3D reality, these energy fields have gradually slowed down and are now stationary. The living energy field is called the Body of Light or the Mer-Ka-Ba. A fully functioning Mer-Ka-Ba is 15-18 m in diameter. Outwardly, the Mer-Ka-Ba looks like a UFO (flying saucer). rotating in opposite directions fields of light bind all human bodies into a single whole. The Mer-Ka-Ba is an interdimensional vehicle that can take you from one dimension to another. But the possibilities of the Body of Light are not limited to this. They are a lot big. The Mer-Ka-Ba can create realities, not just pass through them. This ability of Carlos Castaneda's Body of Light art form described in the book "The Art of Dreaming" in the sections devoted to the "tenant".

There is another important point related to the Body of Light. Our memory depends on the Earth's magnetic field. If the Earth's magnetic field disappears and we do not have a means of protecting the memory, it will be erased. It is similar to suddenly turning off the power while working on a computer. The information of an unsaved file simply disappears. A similar thing happened to the inhabitants of Atlantis, who survived the disaster due to the failure of the experiment with an artificial Mer-Ka-Ba. The Atlanteans were people of great knowledge, but suddenly found themselves in a situation where they knew nothing. Therefore, the surviving people had to start from scratch: learn how to make fire and so on. This memory loss was due to the fact that they, like us, had forgotten their Mer-Ka-Bas.

The main factor that makes the Mer-Ka-Ba a living field of light is understanding, realization and experience. Divine Love. Without this factor, the Lightbody will be a machine with a number of limitations that will not allow the Soul that created it to reach the highest level consciousness.

The Ascension process is a consequence of the increasing frequency of the energy vibrations of the Earth, in which the planet and everything on it can no longer remain physical. In 3D reality, the ascending person becomes invisible and disappears. Ascension allows you to move to a new level of consciousness and a new plane of existence, where the bodies of a person are united in perfect interaction and the Soul is completely reunited with the mind and physical body, and the personality is subordinated to the guidance of the Soul. In the fourth dimension, all people are telepathically connected with each other, since they belong to one universal human Soul, although at the same time each individual person retains his individuality.

The events taking place now on Earth are the beginning of a huge leap for most of humanity into the higher spheres of being. At present, the Earth and all living on it have reached the phase of completion of the planetary cycle, and the time has come to take the exam for the maturity of the Soul before the Creator. That is why such close attention is now paid to our planet by various space civilizations. The preparatory phase of the quantum transition ended in August 2002. Currently, the final stage is unfolding, which is characterized by an increase in the number of natural and social disasters. The most difficult stage for people will come from March 2003. It depends on everyone personally - whether the energy flow will be beneficial for his body and mind or destructive. The most reliable medicine is to purify your thoughts, feelings and bodies. And almost everyone knows how to do it, but, unfortunately, they do not do it ... As soon as a third of humanity reaches harmony between the physical body, mind and Soul, a quantum transition will begin.

What are the symptoms of a quantum transition? As you master new energies, you can feel depression, dizziness, ringing in the ears, common mistakes memory, palpitations ("jumping heart"), fever, pain in the bones and joints (especially in the right shoulder), vibration of the physical body, muscle cramps (below the knees, in the upper back), tingling in the arms, legs and feet. You can observe weight gain, faster growth of hair and nails. Small red spots are found on the body in many places. More often, fatigue and a desire to sleep more are felt, as the body needs to integrate the changes that occur at the cellular level.

These are just some of the symptoms; there are many more. The physical symptoms will decrease and then disappear as the imbalances in the physical body are corrected and the emotional and mental problems are overcome. Therefore, everything must be taken calmly, sleep more often, drink more water, eat chicken meat, fish, vegetable products, excluding alcohol from the diet. Salt baths, massage, fresh air outside the city limits are very useful.

It is also necessary to take into account that on the eve of the transition, the manifestation of negative emotions (evil, hatred, greed, resentment, fear, depression, etc.) will increase. There will be a sharp increase in mortality, both adults and children, as well as the birth of children with disabilities. Disability among all segments of the population will increase. The collapse of long-cherished life plans will become common.

Signs of a quantum transition are the acceleration of time and development of the animal and flora, an increase in the speed of the flow of rivers and the volume of water mass on the planet, a drop in stability temperature regime, unexpected climate change during the year, etc.

It is necessary to realize that the time of logic is gone forever. Now you need to learn to accept events that do not correspond to the established worldview. During the transition period, you should treat Mother Earth with respect so that she does not reject you. The Earth is a living Being, integrating all forms of intelligence and sentience on the planet. Therefore, it is important to keep in your heart joy and love for all things, including yourself. You should be careful with everyone, do not forget to ask for forgiveness for misconduct and oversights from the living and the “non-living”. One must get used to observing the Law of Unity with everything outer space and not to close in your tiny little world. It is important to observe the law of Love, as it is the highest wisdom of the Universe. He obliges everyone to be compassionate. Everything that happens is the being of Existence, including everyone and everyone together. The survival formula should be: Love + Peace + Acceptance of everything, no matter what happens. You should not take responsibility for other people, except for disabled children, seriously ill people and children under 14 years of age. Each person has his own purpose and his own specific mission. We are not competent to give advice, decrees, criticize, condemn others.

How does the quantum transition develop in general? We can cite a generalized experience of transitions on other planets in our Galaxy. Usually the transition begins with a drop in the magnetic field strength, which then becomes unstable (the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been decreasing all the time for two thousand years, especially in the last 500 years). As we approach the moment of transition, the magnetic field generally “goes crazy” (since the 70s, changes in the structure of magnetic field lines have been noted on Earth, which primarily affected migratory birds). Eventually, the planet's magnetic field may flip over and the poles will be reversed, or the field will re-establish the same pole configuration but on a completely different axis.

The last stage before the transition usually lasts no more than two years. During this period, all systems that supported the existence of civilization disintegrate. This is the period when civilization is still in the third dimension, but is already ready to make the leap into a new dimension. Thanks to the help provided by the spiritual brothers of other civilizations, as well as due to a significant increase in general consciousness, it is possible to mitigate the dangers of this period and reduce it to three months.

It is quite possible that on Earth this period will be very short and will entail almost no destruction. Most likely, the number of warning signals will be minimal, and we will learn about the transition only the day before. It may be that one morning we wake up as usual, and in the evening we find ourselves as babies in another world!

Just before the quantum leap (5-6 hours) comes strange time when the fourth dimension begins to penetrate the world of the third dimension. For humans, this is a dangerous stage. At this time, it is advisable to enter a shelter made of natural materials, do not look out the window, but pray. If you look out the window, you can succumb to fear, and this is not at all necessary. You can suddenly see the inexplicable, observe color effects that have never been seen before. But these are all natural phenomena. The main thing is not to touch any of these objects. If you touch, you will be instantly drawn into the fourth dimension. Better not move so fast. During this period, all things made of synthetic materials, including modern houses, will collapse to one degree or another. Therefore, if your house is not made of natural materials, it is still better to leave it.

When the quantum leap really begins, there will be no doubts, since specific color changes occur that do not fit into human consciousness. Better to sit down and not move. Recall your Mer-Ka-Ba (of course, if you tried to activate it!). Begin to breathe consciously and relax into the flow of energy through your body. An active Mer-Ka-Ba will create a feeling of warmth and security. Soon the space will be filled with a red glowing mist, and it will seem that it has its own light source. Unusual sensations will cover the body. The mist will then change color successively to orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and finally ultraviolet. A powerful flash of bright white light will illuminate your consciousness, and it will seem to you that you are this light. This feeling will last for a long time. Slowly the white light will become transparent and the place where you are sitting will be revealed. Everything but your body will take on a metallic golden sheen. Imperceptibly, the metallic reality will become transparent, like golden glass. Gradually, the golden reality will begin to disappear, and, in the end, everything will be covered with blackness. In the enveloping darkness old world disappear forever. You will not be able to see anything, but you will be aware that you are firmly on your feet and at the same time, as it were, flying. It was you who entered the Void between the third and fourth dimensions. There is absolutely no sensory experience here. It remains only to wait. You can fall asleep. This is fine. Otherwise, it will seem that time stretches endlessly, but in fact it will take about three days. Then, in an instant, a blinding white light will pierce everything. Consider that the birth is over and you are in a new world!

From that moment on, you start to grow. Men in the fourth dimension have a height of 4.2-4.8 m, and women - 3-3.6 m. A baby in the new world is far from a helpless creature. This is a powerful Soul, capable of controlling reality with the help of thoughts. Whatever you think about, everything will happen instantly! Enlightened by this knowledge, people usually begin to improve themselves, reaching the physical ideal that they have always dreamed of.

It is extremely important to realize your new opportunities as soon as possible, as your survival in the new world depends on it. When a window opens into the fourth dimension, anyone can go through it, but not everyone will be able to stay there. People can be divided into three types. The first includes those who have prepared for a new life: they have learned to control their thoughts and transmute their fears into Love. Unlike them, people of the second type are completely unprepared for life in new conditions, as they are full of fear. They will inevitably be pushed back into the third dimension, though not to Earth any more.

The third group consists of those who are only partially ready for a new experience. They have enough potential to move into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there, as they brought their fears and complexes with them. In the new strange world all their worries begin to really manifest. For example, they see long-dead people, events from their past. The mind tries to put things in order and at some point decides that it is necessary to defend yourself with weapons. The thought is immediately followed by its realization: enemies instantly appear and they are “killed” on the spot!

If you came to new world with thoughts of Love and Harmony, trust in the Creator and yourself, then this is exactly what will manifest itself around you. Your meekness will let you stay in upper world and survive in it. Suddenly, you will notice two bright moving spots of light near where you are. This is your mother and father. Their love and care knows no bounds. Since you survived the initial period, they won't let anything bad happen to you. If you let Love guide you, there will come a time of great joy.

The above diagram briefly lists the processes of a typical quantum transition, but since the Earth belongs to the class of experimental planets in the Galaxy, our transition is likely to be something unusual. However, in any case, the development of events on Earth primarily depends on the degree of our love for each other. Remember this!

In this review, I used many sources, but the main place among them was occupied by materials presented on the sites and in the books listed below.

Spiritual movement "Consciousness" (( - here you can find a lot of very useful "channeled" information of the Galactic Federation of Light, documents of the Spiritual Government of the Earth, specific methodological techniques necessary for the development and purification of human energy bodies, description different kind meditations and a number of interesting books.

New Age Masters ( - this site contains high-quality popular science information about events on Earth in close connection with a quantum transition.

Zeta Talk website ( - in my opinion, the information of the site should be taken critically, but remember that there is no smoke without fire!

Cassiopeia (( - channeling of Essences who enjoy their chosen mode of existence and believe that our Souls made a mistake in the past, falling into the trap of sensuality.

Wanderer (( - here you can find the most compact idea of ​​the history of the Earth and the civilizations that existed and still exist on it. A very rich material for reflection!

Wave of Light (( - the site of the Heralds of Light, which expresses some aspects of the Pleiadians' point of view on ongoing events. The site contains very important and relevant books by S.V. Tsvelev (Oris), dedicated to the Transfiguration, in particular, "The Gospel of the Transfiguration from Christ", "The Gospel of the Transfiguration from the Mother of God", "IISSIIDI (Teaching about what is not, but what is more real than all that is)".

("The Urantia Book" (Fifth Epochal Revelation) (4 volumes) ( - high-quality "channeled" material that allows you to get an idea of ​​the Universe as a whole, our Galaxy, in particular, the history of the Earth in connection with the fifth root race, as well as a detailed chronology of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.After reading these books (if you have time!) You will learn about the evolution of the human personality and its transformation into the Spirit, and also understand why the activities to save earthlings are scheduled to be completed before August 21, 2003

From the analysis of many messages received through channeling, it is clear that humanity is on the eve of great upheavals. If we can adequately survive the change of the poles of the planet and meet the quantum transition, then in the near future we will see the revival of civilization and the planet as a whole. In the new reality, people will be united not by nation and religion, not by country and family, but by worldview. However, before the open spaces of new activity open up, it is necessary to understand that individually modern science, religion, philosophy are not able to master the new world outlook. Science has to realize the illusory nature of three-dimensional reality, become spiritualized and recognize the Cosmic Mind. Religion, which is based on faith in the Creator and which interprets Truth and Reality from a different angle, can help her in this. Using a philosophy based on wisdom, it is possible to fuse these three directions of the development of the mind on Earth into a single whole.

What specific steps need to be taken to make your own destiny and life easier? First of all - to be defined with the Questionnaire. This is the minimum that will allow you to at least take part in grandiose space events. Agree, polarity reversal and quantum transition do not happen often! If you hesitate to take responsibility and hope that the doubts will be resolved by the official civil or ecclesiastical authorities, then this is a delusion. The government relies in its decisions on the opinion of scientific and religious authorities. The subject of research

Message from Kryon and the Maya Masters

about what's going on in the world right now

Greetings dear ones. I am Kryon.

Today, together with me, in this interspace

the most important place of our new fellowship

the Maya Masters, Galactic Engineers and Architects from the Sirius Mothership "ATON" are present.

We will talk to you about what is happening now on your planet. And about how you can survive these changes, harmonizing subtly and timely every situation on the planet. Balancing all energies.

But in the beginning, about once again what is happening in reality. What people call catastrophes and tragedies is not a catastrophe and tragedy for the Earth. What you think needs to be prevented or corrected - the Earth considers it needs to be carried out now and this will change the whole situation with spirituality and awareness of earthlings on the planet. I hope you understand what I mean now. Yes, people are dying. Yes, a lot of suffering. But it all speaks of the BEGINNING OF WHAT YOU WANTED.

This is "X" hour, this is "X" time on your planet. The earth is shedding the shields, fetters and fortresses of ignorance that have fettered it and your consciousness and existence for a long time. Thousands years. What you see now in Japan is happening on the global stage of the world. The main thing is to correctly perceive what is happening.

Earth doesn't think it's a tragedy. Do not attribute your perception of what is happening to her! Gaia has watched ignorance, ingratitude and injustice for thousands of years, and she knows thousands of human destinies that have passed under the yoke of false reality, false knowledge and false religions. Laws imposed by beings who created them for only one purpose - to use the energy and resources of a single human race, which has been forgotten for many centuries.

I am addressing you today, not to calm you down and put you to sleep again. Not!!! Do not be calm, in the sense that blind people are calm when they do not want to see, and blind chickens are calm when they are slaughtered. But fear is a bad companion. As well as resistance and aggression. Embrace change and change with the world. In sync with your planet and the entire solar system. Changes will not stop. The Gaia Waltz, which consists in changing the poles, changes the entire solar system. These are the promised times! And these are your times! This is what you are here for. This is what you incarnated on Earth for in these times. Oh, how your Souls have been waiting for them!!! We were waiting for this great boldness of freedom - TO BE ON EARTH HERE AND NOW!!! If you didn't want it, if you were afraid of it, you might not incarnate. You had a choice.

Dance with Gaia and love her every day. All that is on it, because soon everything will change irreversibly. You will see a NEW PLANET, NEW LANDSCAPE, AND YOU WILL BREATH NEW AIR. You will see that you have become a NEW RACE! And now it's not someone, and somewhere - it's YOU!! And now I'll talk a little about why these changes occur, and who makes them. It is you! Your consciousness. The consciousness of the Earth as a whole, including humanity, animals, plants, and everything that is on the Earth, is changing, expanding and growing. This is YOUR SINGLE CONSCIOUSNESS, which now makes the matter, the globe, the poles and fields of the Earth change rapidly.

You are all ONE. And soon you will wake up. These are the promised times. Greet them. Gaia will continue this dance, Gaia is dancing NATARAJ. She conquers the demons of illusion and the very cause of false artificial consciousness. Gaia is merciful to her children, but ruthless to lies. Now she has gained freedom and strength. Hold on, fasten your seat belts! Gaia ascends and throws off everything that has become obsolete - all the old energies.

I already told you and I tell you this again -


All this will soon cease to exist on Earth. And you don't have to be around when they are destroyed.

For your information, Japan was the only manufacturer and supplier of ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND MEMORY CHIPS for all the states of the Earth that conducted tests on humans and used psychotronic influence and what we call "electronic warfare".

Many victims ... .. You see a lot of sadness among ordinary people who didn't know about it. These people have a contract, and this is the Higher Will of the Plan of each of them. But it will be much worse for everyone if the system false peace, built on the suppression of the will, and the erasure of the memory of people will continue to exist. But it won't. Gaia disagrees. And therefore, be prepared - it will destroy everything that does not correspond to the HIGHEST TRUTH. Not only around, but also within you.

And with it, you will be free. You see now a picture of the curtailment of the economy of this country. Those who used this beautiful country, the energy of love and strength of this people and all the people of the planet will never again be able to restore their false art.

And all countries, all states of the Earth, which used the services of those who stood behind the scenes and produced "artificial memory" for people, have now lost access to these programs and new technologies and developments. And your states need them more and more, and these methods must be more and more sophisticated in order to control the already almost raging consciousness of people. But an awakened genie cannot be kept in a bottle.

If your consciousness is awakened, despite all the tricks of the government elite and those who stand behind it, no one and nothing can stop you. You had your memory erased at night for many years. You have been intimidated for many years and for many years you have been implanted by other people's thoughts and desires. Know that those Souls who made sacrifices for the sake of saving and liberating the world did it in Joy. Even if they did not have time to realize this on Earth. You suffer with them. Cry. May your tears wash away the blood of the world, the sacrificial blood of the lambs, the innocent. And those who suffer now and will suffer in the future. Weep for the redemption and cleansing of the world. Don't hide your tears - Warriors of Light. Do not hide the tears of a man and a woman. Because I know how it hurts. I know it with you. YOU ARE ONE - HUMAN FAMILY!

Release in peace those who have already left. But know. That there is not a moment of injustice in what happened, because your whole world was unfair from beginning to end, your - artificially created - world without God. And without the Laws of Love and Freedom. This world has been unfair to children for centuries. To women. To the old people. To those who kept the truth and love, to those who brought it to Earth. I mean now the world of technology, the world of progress, pseudosciences and false religions. A world with a distorted time matrix.

There is still so much you do not know about yourself and your true world and origin. You still don't know so much about Love and the Earth. We simply could not transfer much knowledge before. For the reason that you would not have heard them and would have absorbed them with your heart. Alleluia! The earth is opening! And this means that the hearts are opening, the consciousness of people is opening. But now, soon, you yourself will see and understand everything. We don't need to talk about it. You become living Witnesses of the highest Mystery. There is nothing more precious than personal experience, and even the Messages of the Spirit will not replace it for you.

And now listen to what your ancient Galactic Mayan Ancestors and the Engineers of the ATON Spaceship are telling you:

Hello, Children of the Earth and the Sun! We are Maya. Your space ancestors. We have come to help you make this TRANSITION. And give support to EVERYONE OF YOU! And to all of you in general. But in the beginning, we want to reveal to you a little secret about our prophecy on 12/21/2012. Those of you who are familiar with the ancient works of the Maya know that we did not give a single inaccurate or unfulfilled prophecy. There are undeciphered by you. Completely misunderstood. And those that are intended for TIMES OUTSIDE. Why do you think our predictions are accurate? And why are they so timely? Do you really think that we just sat in one place and saw the future? Maybe you think that we only did this?

Yes, prophecy is our art. This is how we DO TIME. But you are now ready to know that we have already participated in each of our prophecies. Each of them has already been played as a good performance on the world stage of the Earth. This is our work - the adjustment of the Beam of Time and human consciousness. We have already been in the named dates and these times are so programmed. We have invested in them certain programs of evolution and transition. Therefore, our forecasts are accurate. We just "MADE" them ourselves.

We participate in the non-linear order of development of all Earth Times SIMULTANEOUSLY. And if you go on a journey through time, you can meet our work already there - in 2012, or when the Tunguska meteorite fell, or when Atlantis sank. We will explain the meaning of this work to you a little later. So that you do not think that the Mayans only predict death and destruction for you. No - we are destroyers of boundaries, especially the boundaries of the human mind and reasoning, but we are CREATORS in the cosmic sense. And to be Maya is destiny. This is our Destiny.

Now you are literally mesmerized by the date of 2012. The prophecy speaks of the COMPLETION OF THE CYCLE OF TIME. This is your TRANSITION. But it does not say that any of you cannot do this before the appointed time. Nothing is hidden from you. In 2012, your time will end - linear, artificial, the frequency supply to the Earth, which formed your world, will stop. Civilization. Worldview and Perception. And instantly, quantumly, another frequency will turn on, which you have never known when you were incarnated.

This is the frequency of the CREATOR. GOD frequency. Therefore, the Earth now, before accepting these super-frequencies of the true time, is being spiritually and physically cleansed and is preparing to receive them, is undergoing the Fiery Baptism of the Earth. And each of you in this cycle is like a cell of the planet. Together you will be able to experience these changes and accept what the evolution of Spirit, Soul and body offers you. If you do not close your consciousness, then you are waltzing along with Gaia in a synchronous flow and Gaia hears you, because you are open. The earth will take care of you, of each of you. If you trust her completely and accept irreversible changes.

You will leave your apartments, your cities and build new settlements. You will form clans and tribes and return to a natural outlook and a natural way of life. But all this is not before Gaia herself will let you know that it needs to be done. Everything must be done in a timely manner. Here and now. But you will not return to savagery and primitive way of life (Actually, savagery and primitiveness, on Earth, even among the first peoples who inhabited this planet, never existed, all this is simply imposed on you by the ignorant vision of linear science, the more ancient people you meet in time, the you will see great wisdom and strength in him).

As your system of the technoworld is turned off, you will actively and quickly restore the natural abilities of the living cosmic consciousness for telepathy, materialization and time travel. But first of all, now, in order to save your life, and help those who are nearby - you must RETURN TO EARTH.

In a spiritual sense. You must return as the prodigal son returns to his father and mother. You must return to it with your heart, and through the Temple of the Heart, and make the Earth hear you. You must tell her:

"Mother Earth, we are your children, we remembered you and ourselves. Forgive us. We returned to you, open the doors for us, let us into your House. Show us your true face take off your cover, we want to see you. Shelter and protect us, give us food and shelter. We are your Children, Mother Earth - we are on the Threshold and we are with you, remember us and forgive us and love us again, lead us"

What we give is not just words, it is a formula for your survival. But you can repeat it every day, you can even shout, but if your heart is closed to the Earth, you cannot do anything. If you want to learn how to talk to the planet, ask the child to talk to it, ask the children how they see the Spirit of their planet. And they will tell you and show you how to do it. For your wisest and most powerful ancestors are embodied in children. You are afraid for your children, you are afraid to think about what will happen to them during the Transition. It's funny, but they came to Earth to guide you through this TRANSITION. They came because that is their deep love and taking care of you.

For many thousands of years, these beings have been watching your paths on Earth. These are Priests, Shamans, Magicians, Immortal Masters, those whom you call Enlightened. Now they have incarnated to guide you. Do not be afraid for your children - they will take care of you. And They will indeed teach you to speak with Gaia. Now the Higher Hierarchy of Light again passes the Torch of Earth Preservation to mankind.

And so now everything depends on you. From how conscious you are, and how much Mother Gaia is not indifferent to you. Therefore, you will no longer say in indignation - "Why does God allow this?" or "Why doesn't God do this for the Earth...?!" - now you are KEEPERS OF THE EARTH again. And now GOD IS YOU AGAIN! And there is no one else to shift responsibility for their planet.

This is your planet - and today our main task is to GIVE IT TO YOU. Those who can hear the Earth will be able to smell the wind, the vibrations of storms and earthquakes, you will be able to "see" with skin cells, you will again learn to hear stones, understand animals and birds, and foresee floods. Soon you will have no connection other than your telepathy.

What will you do then? If you again harmoniously tune your consciousnesses to your planet and again, as before, become one with it, then you will be able to understand the elements and negotiate with them. You can't just manage everything here. Everyone here is an equal partner. And so the Sorceress of the Earth will be able to do EVERYTHING for you. When we first arrived on this planet, it was so unusual and unpredictable for us.

Our task was to become part of its inhabitants, part of the tribes of the Earth in order to bring Knowledge and Memory, synchronous Higher Plan God for the further evolution of man. But we were among the first to arrive. Gradually, as we acquired three-dimensional bodies, we began to need food and water in conditions that protect our lives. Every evening we all gathered together at the hearth, and told each other ancient Cosmic Legends, we sang Songs, and Gaia listened to us. She sang along with us. Because the first thing we did when we arrived was to establish spiritual telepathic contact with the planet. And she did it for us with great pleasure.

Sitting by the fire in the evenings, we turned to the planet with all the Respect and Love for this world and its Great Soul, and we told the Earth about everything that we needed, and about everything that we did not understand. Then we went to bed, and the spirits of the Earth came to us, Gaia taught us in a dream, and showed us how to live here on this planet, how to get our own food, what we can eat and drink, how to make dishes, what tools we need.

Gaia taught us her arts and taught us how to hunt - she let us survive. And she also created the right climate for us when we could not protect ourselves from frost or intense heat, she created springs for us in the deserts, and entire houses and even palaces where there were none before. Gaia - Great Sorceress. And we are living witnesses of this Magic, mercy of your planet and Mastery.

Later, when our First Tribe on Earth divided into many smaller tribes and we dispersed throughout the Earth according to our task and the Higher Plan, we retained the art of telepathy, despite the fact that the world was sinking more and more tightly into the third dimension, and we must preserve the connection through the dream was more and more difficult. For some time we kept in touch and memory of each other, and this time on Earth was wonderful - we built our Memory Star Cities synchronously, and left signs in all countries and on all continents - so that later, in oblivion, which we foresaw, remember our paths and our connection with each other and reconnect with the Earth and our holistic Telepathy.

Part of the First Tribe left the Earth, according to the task. Part of us is you. And we urge you to remember us now. And remember this planet. If you can reconnect with the Earth, and with all its spirits and elements, then your Transition will become a Holiday of Harmony and mutual assistance. In order for you to have EVERYTHING - you now need only one thing - Love for the Earth and understanding of the Mind and Spiritual Life of the Earth.

The planet is very attentive to every person. Be attentive to her too. Your spiritual connection to Mother Planet will give you food and shelter and healing and water and the right climate at the right times. You must return again. You must again teach yourself to dream with the planet in order to see your New level. Where you are going and who you will become, and what tools you need to get there. Gaia's treasury will open everything. And there is no greater wealth for a person than a conscious connection with Her. For the Earth itself will lead you to the Transition and beyond.

We are waiting for you every day to come back to us. So that you remember us and the Earth. The cycle of the old time is coming to an end. The world will change completely in the new frequencies of true time.

Comes new wave and a new cycle, but this flow will no longer be functional in the 3rd dimension and on the three-dimensional Earth. Therefore, for some, this is really the last time on the planet. But the whole Earth is now emerging from the old, hard and dense shell, from the hyper-shell of the third dimension. The new, pure, light and radiant Earth soars above the shell of ignorance and falsehood, and ascends like a New Star in the Universe.

Know that we have created the prophecies and the calendar, not to scare you, but to help you naturally move into the rhythms and frequencies of that wave of Time that will turn on at full power after the TRANSITION. We

We welcome all who read these lines, and honor all the Children of the Earth and the Sun.

With Much Love, Sefera.

Family of the Golden Planet-ATLANTIS.

City of Hierarchaim.

What is happening on planet Earth?
(analysis of domestic and foreign materials)

Information about what is happening now on planet Earth is growing like a snowball. Almost every day brings new materials from different sources. There are many websites dedicated to this topic, and it is gratifying to note that such domestic sites as have taken a strong place among them; ; ; and others. Not to mention the published materials of Kryon, Steve Rother, the Telos group, Kahu Fred Sterling and others, channeling materials regularly appear on the Internet through various contactees (Ronna Herman, Celia Fenn, Aurelia Jones, T. Mikushina and others).

It is clear that everyone receives information from their source, and it highlights certain aspects of the overall picture of the ongoing Ascension of the planet and humanity to a new level of consciousness more high dimensions. You can relate to such channelings in different ways (the voice of your Higher Self - your intuition will always tell you exactly how), but with an objective analysis, one can note the common thing that unites these materials. Almost all of them talk about the energy shift that took place at the end of 2006 and about the increasingly noticeable changes that are taking place in recent times.

Let's start with known sources that are trusted by many Lightworkers. High Spiritual Master Solara, an 11:11 passage seer who regularly posts monthly forecasts on her website, speaks of a "quantum tide" that began in the fall of 2006 and will continue into 2007-2008. She writes about the ongoing process of entering the Invisible - the "Lotus World".
In one of his last interviews, Drunvalo Melchizedek touched on the shift that has taken place and the opinion of the Mayan elders (whom he greatly trusts) on this issue. Here is what Drunvalo said: "... Even earlier, the Mayan elders noted that the ongoing processes are ahead of the "schedule" by 5 years... And now - on September 5, a few days ago, (according to their opinion) - we entered a shift (of measurements ) and did it ahead of their own deadline by another year!"
Drunvalo says he's seeing profound changes in people's perceptions of the world around them - from the mindset "Something's wrong here, I have to change it!" more and more people are moving to the understanding "All is one and good, I am safe and One with everything!"

Drunvalo here is referring to the information released earlier by the elders that the transition of 2012 will actually take place in 2007 (for more details, see the summaries of past years published on this button). It is interesting that Kryon raised this issue in one of his channelings last year (08/19/2006, San Diego, California). He said that this does not apply to all people, but only "a certain part of humanity - the one that will be ready to accept the energies of 2012 as early as next year."

Interesting information about the events taking place on Earth is contained on the domestic website These materials are received by a group of Lightworkers (KAIS group), which regularly meets for joint spiritual work. Their materials concern both global and cosmic aspects, they cover the entire history of man from the beginning of time to the present day and contain forecasts upcoming events. According to the materials of this group, the Earth began entering the photon belt in December 2006.

There are many scientific and esoteric materials about the photon belt. Adama, describing the point of view of the Lemurians, says that the photon belt consists of 12 huge vortices/vortices of intense waves of Light. "A photon band in the form of a huge circle, consisting of waves of light, was first discovered by your scientists in 1961." It is believed that the entry into the first funnel occurred in May 1998. According to the materials of the KAIS group, the meeting with the edge of the next wave of light from the photon belt, expected in January 2007, actually took place in early December 2006 and took place according to a mild version without chaos, power outages and any shocks. Those who are interested in these phenomena, accompanied by the time shift that has taken place and the changed energy characteristics of space / time, can learn more about this on the site

Many people are already noticing the effect of the energies of the photon belt on their well-being (drowsiness, fatigue, changes in sleep patterns and diet, etc.). It must be said that those who oppose the Light and the changes that it brings to the Earth will not be able to go through all 12 funnels. Therefore, it is very important to realize everything that is happening on Earth and prepare yourself for these new conditions.

We can say that the Light of the photon belt has high frequencies and properties of the Flame of Ascension. But the photon belt is not everything, the most important thing follows it. This is the band of Fire that we have to go through, those Fiery Energies, about which E.I. Roerich and which are mentioned in the channeling about the Fiery Baptism (Saint Germain), published in the materials of the scientific and esoteric almanac "VEST". Here are excerpts from this text, reproduced with the kind permission of the authors.

“Fire, Heat entered the body, embraced it. Instantly all the centers flared up, not only the main ones, but along the entire periphery of the body.
Here the Heat subsided, leaving a feeling of lightness, transparency and airiness of the whole body. Silence and Peace spread in the surrounding world. And it seemed that there was no fear of this burning fire, at some moments unbearable to such an extent that one wanted to shout: "Father, do you want to burn me?". But complete trust in the Father did not elicit not only a heart-rending cry, but even the shadow of murmuring did not arise inside the human heart.
Only under such conditions, in such cases, will human consciousnesses pass through the Band of Fire at the moment it is crossed by the planet's orbit. And this is not a photon band, … it is a Cosmic Fiery Stream, which is hidden behind the photon band from the "eyes" of not only physical devices, earthly scientists, but also from the eyes of clairvoyants and magicians of all stripes and ranks for a reason known only to the SOURCE. …

Fear nothing, dear friends and our students. Complete, Absolute Trust in God, in Heaven will help you joyfully and easily go through the Fiery Baptism, which was promised to all the Worlds back in time immemorial. Prepare your human nature… to pass first through the waves of Photon Light and then through the Crucible of Cosmic Fire. Get ready psychologically to accept Fire with Joy and Love, and He will answer you in the same way, and will not burn your bodies, but will instantly transform you into a new light state, behind which is immortality. This will be your Transition, that same Ascension in the body, which was spoken about earlier through many messengers of Heaven - the Workers of the Earth."

But what will the year 2007 be like? Teachers say that this year will bring us many new things. Solara believes that 2007 is a critical year that will be an all-or-nothing year. She calls it the Great Transition Year and the Mega Turning Point, after which there will be no return to the past. The KAIS group sings that "2007 is a year of change, open opportunities and pure creativity. The year will help open the eyes of all people on Earth, realize the presence subtle world and see the interaction with him…. This year is fertile and rich for those who breathe love ... (his) motto is to love with all your heart and create yourself with Love in the service of others.

And this is very consonant with the fact that Archangel Michael calls this year the Year of Love. And this year one of the most important events in the transition of the Earth to a new level of consciousness has already happened. This is the opening of the 8th gate on about. Mallorca in Spain hosted by Solara on February 11th with a large group of like-minded people joined by thousands of Lightworkers around the world. More than 40 anchor groups worked in Russia in support of this global event. We at the Flower of Life Center also did a special 11:11:11 meditation (February 11th exactly 11:11 am Mallorca time), uniting in spirit with all the Lightworkers on the planet on this momentous day.

Another one is expected this year. interesting events of our days, information about which came from Kryon. It says that September 9, 2007 - Indigo children will receive their "plan" which will be based on the universal delivery of energy to the new consciousness of children on this planet. The point is that all the Indigos of the Earth will be organized in some way. In fact, there will be a shift in consciousness; "Indigos will have a collective purpose. "Organization" - they will begin to intuitively realize their plan. And as always, they all have free choice and can do whatever they want. But you will see a slow and collective movement of the youth of the Earth towards the creation of very unusual advances that are now in the air ... ".
We are further advised not to be surprised if the Indigos "pull governments, create the seemingly impossible, resist systems, and discard some sacred rules, for this is the only way to create a New Jerusalem. The old paradigm must go. You will find them in Palestine and Israel, you you will find them in Jordan and Syria, you will find them in the Emirates and Kuwait, you will find them in Iraq and Iran… These are the places where the Indigo children will make the biggest change. We are giving you this date as the start of their plan…” .

Finally, information about Drunvalo's last interview, which he gave in January 2007 during the joint seminar "Earth-Sky/Live in the Heart" in Washington. In it, he summarizes the predictions of the aboriginal peoples, which surprisingly coincide, and information about the future, received by him from his spiritual guides. He says he was allowed to see into the future. And although he concludes optimistically that everything "will work out," nevertheless, we still have to go through that little "eye of the needle" when everything seems hopeless, to the very end. And then something will happen and the situation in the world will quickly change completely. But first, this will cause many people to leave in three waves in very short periods of time (Solara also talks about this in her book "Starborn", unfortunately not yet translated into Russian).
Native American prophecy says that the remaining people will come together in one heart and become practically one being. The division based on race and religion will disappear and they will become like one family. Then, with such a newfound high fortune consciousness, these remaining people will take the earth and fly on it, as on a spaceship that is being led to a new place, and a beautiful new life will begin on earth. (Here again, there is an interesting analogy with Solara, who sees the ascension of humanity as a huge bird rising up - a white dove, made up of ascending human souls, where each will be in its place.).

Drunvalo says that this will happen when Mother Earth is cleansed, and we will fix everything on her, but not through technology, but with the help of pure Consciousness. By its very essence. Mother Earth knows who these people will be, who will unite in one heart - in that sacred place, which is often called a lotus. "When you enter there, Mother Earth will take full care of you, protect you and provide you with everything you need ... Therefore, be fearless and just trust in the presence of God."