Types of dependencies. Different Types of Addiction and Their Best Treatments

Addiction is an obsessive need felt by a person for a particular activity or object. I will not consider in this short note the causes of addiction, I will write a separate article about this later.

All people are dependent on what life is impossible without: on the presence of oxygen, on a certain climate, on water, food ... These and other factors ensure the survival of the individual.

And a person also depends on the society in which he lives, on the presence of self-realization in his own life, social recognition, new knowledge and aesthetic impressions, respect and love. These are physiological and social dependencies they are normal for everyone.

But there are pathological addictions, they limit the freedom of a person and negatively affect his health. Sometimes it is difficult to establish unequivocally and clearly the boundary between attachment to someone or something, passion for someone or something, and pathological dependence. Where is the boundary between hobby and activity addiction, between love and emotional addiction, between interest in work and workaholism?

We can talk about pathological dependence (addiction) when a person cannot actually do anything else, because he is forced to satisfy the needs dictated to him, even if it causes discomfort. This is called "addictive behavior" or attraction disorder. dependent person not that he experiences pleasure from contact with the object of his dependence: without this contact, he experiences pronounced discomfort, displeasure.

Addiction is essentially an escape from reality, for this different ways, often by changing one's psychological state (changed psychological condition- it seems that reality has changed, because it looks from a different point of perception). In the case of addiction, what a person is dependent on seems to him to be something super-valuable that has no replacement.

Addiction therapy is complex, including data: " Make it so that I get everything I need from this particular object, and I don’t want to from anywhere else"…

That is, as soon as a person has used something and at least temporarily got rid of discomfort, he immediately notes it for himself as pleasant and begins to resort to this method again and again. Moreover, as soon as he abandoned this pleasant thing, the uncomfortable state repeats and the person again turns to what already (he now knows this practically) helped him get rid of discomfort, he cannot imagine how one can live without an object of dependence.

In addiction therapy important condition success is to work not only with the addict, but also with the environment of the addict, mostly members of his family, there is the term “co-dependent”. The family is psychologically a single organism and everyone in it plays its own role, from this role there is a certain (often not realized) benefit. It is hard for people to part with these roles, because behavior is predetermined by these roles, habitually, predictably.

A wife who deliberately persecutes her husband for constant drunkenness, complaining about his behavior, outwardly suffering "from such a family life" is not such an innocent victim, she benefits from drunkenness. In the process of working with such women, it is often revealed that her father used alcohol, and her mother "struggled" with his behavior. Often the question is - why did you marry an alcoholic? - the answer follows - so he didn’t drink then, but when they got married, he started.

The same can be said about the parents of drug addicts, "fighting" with their disease, but in fact (as in the case of the wife of an alcoholic) their overprotective hold them in childhood. Co-dependence, like addiction, is one of the variants of social-hierarchical games: the “co-dependent” gets the opportunity for hierarchical self-realization through “dictatorship through guardianship” and thus fulfills his unconscious need for power.

Working with addictions is complicated by the fact that some addictions are considered "socially approved". For example, addiction to ideology, religion, parents, workaholism, shopaholism, Internet addiction, and sometimes more severe forms are regarded as approved and supported by society.

In countries with a totalitarian regime, there are more dependents, people do not have the habit of independently managing their lives and the ability to use their personal freedom, the state, ruler, leader, etc. “thinks and decides” for them. The word “we” is much closer to the heart of the dependent than the word “I”, which is why it is so easy for various, also dependent “leaders” to manipulate society.

It can be stated that the difference between addiction and passion is that it interferes with life, primarily for the person himself, and not just for his environment. The environment calls this or that way of escaping from the reality of a member of his society dependence because a person in this way runs away from them, from their power, pressure, in fact, from violence against himself.

Man does not live in a vacuum, but in real world with real problems: those who cannot resist the challenges of reality run away into destructive illusions - they become addicts, and those who manage their own lives and know how to make decisions deal with problems "in working order" and move on to their own goals.

When working with addictions, it is important to help a person learn to use his own (after all, he does not have an outside master of his fate) independence and freedom, make independent (and not protest “exactly the opposite”) decisions, taking into account social realities, set his own own goals, resist third-party pressure, take responsibility for their decisions and actions, first of all, to themselves.

Often, people simply lack the courage and determination to implement all this, there is little knowledge about possible reactions their surroundings, little knowledge about themselves as a person and their capabilities. We'll fix it.

Here is a list of the most common types of dependencies:

  • Alcohol, drug, substance abuse, tobacco smoking - chemical dependence. There is a substance that the human body gets used to.
  • Gambling addiction, Internet, shopaholism, sexaholism, food addiction, workaholism, greed, love
  • Conformity, perfectionism, religious fanaticism, TV, mobile phone

the list goes on, these are not chemical addictions

Mankind often likes to defend its right to freedom. AT global scale. At the same time, each of us is a prisoner of this or that addiction. For example, we cannot live without sweets, watching TV series, reading newspapers, etc. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with these innocent addictions. But, digging deeper, you can see that any bondage acts destructively: if not on the physical level, then on the moral and spiritual.

Addiction: what is it?

Every morning for most of us begins with aromatic coffee. We pour it into a cup, inhale the pleasant smell, slowly savor each sip. Are you saying it's not an addiction? You are wrong, because this is the real slavery. Try cutting out your favorite morning ritual and you'll see that it takes exactly the same amount of effort as quitting smoking or drinking alcohol. Nerves, irritability and anger are what you will encounter in the first days. Further, the symptoms can appear already at the physical level: trembling in the hands, pressure surges, headaches.

Addiction is the need to periodically perform one or another action. On the simple example with coffee, we see that sometimes we have absolutely no control over the situation, rather, on the contrary, we ourselves are in its captivity. Even if one or another of our addictions is completely innocent, it slowly destroys our "I", makes us not free, and in the future - weak and weak-willed. Addiction is always getting used to one or another object, action, phenomenon or person. Having lost the object of addiction, we do not find a place for ourselves. And sometimes it takes many years to get rid of unnecessary bondage.

Dependence on the physical level

Our unhealthy addictions manifest themselves in different ways. There are the following main types of dependence: physical and mental. The first type is the most dangerous, as it harms our health, leads to addiction of this kind involves the intake of certain chemical or other substances, as a result of which changes occur in the body, addiction and an urgent need develop.

The most common physical addiction is alcoholism. First, a person drinks to relax, relieve stress. But gradually gets used to the next dose of alcohol and "requires" it every day. The same thing happens when taking drugs, which additionally can cause hallucinations, mental disorders and

To physical addictions the drug also applies - taking drugs (hypnotics, cough or pressure) in very large doses and a pathological unwillingness to give them up. And, of course, smoking is also a variant of "slavery" when the body cannot function normally without another dose of nicotine.

mental addiction

This is the endless craving of a person for a certain activity, a way of leisure. The most common manifestation mental addiction is gambling, or the need for gambling. In this case, slot machines, roulette, cards, sweepstakes become the meaning of human life. The first reason why people start playing is the desire to get rich, to win a valuable prize. But gradually a person gets so involved that he spends all his money, sells property to win back, gets into debt, starts stealing, etc.

At the psychological level, there are also such types of addiction as workaholism and shopaholism. In the first case, a person simply dissolves in work, he spends time around the clock in the office and on business trips. Of course, career growth is important for each of us, but when it completely replaces family, leisure, hobbies and other joys of life, then we can talk about addiction. As for shopaholism, women are usually prone to it. The desire to acquire new things becomes obsessive, as a result of which absolutely unnecessary items are bought every day (clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.).

Internet addiction in teenagers

This phenomenon should be discussed separately, since recently the problem has become so serious that it can be called a mass epidemic. Internet addiction has its subtypes: web surfing, compulsive wandering from site to site, virtual communication in social networks, dating, correspondence, computer games. A teenager spends all his free time at the monitor, he stops sleeping and eating normally, skips classes, does not go in for sports and does not communicate with peers. As a result, he develops obesity, vision and stomach problems, school performance declines, and problems begin.

Internet addiction in teenagers can be prevented. Prevention is complete control over the child: you should always know what your son or daughter is doing on the Web. Also, parents can become a so-called guide for their child: show that there is a lot of interesting things on the Internet besides games and social networks. Organize the leisure of a minor, persuade him to sign up for various sport sections, the whole family actively rest. In this case, the chances of the child becoming Internet addicted will be minimal.

Other types of slavery

The most common types of addictions have been described above. But psychological dependence also has other guises, rarer, but no less dangerous. For example, religious fanaticism. A person falls under the influence of a particular creed or sect. not only follow the often meaningless laws of this or that association of fanatics, but also put all their savings there. Recently, cases of such dependence are becoming more common. The same can be said about emotional bondage - the inability to live without a loved one, parents or children. A person is so strongly attached to them that this feeling becomes the basis of life. If there is a parting with the object of adoration, the addict falls into depression, ends up in a lunatic asylum, or commits suicide.

Psychological dependence can overtake a person in the form of bulimia - there is always a pathological desire. A patient in just one day can absorb 10-20 kilograms of products. Bulimia is often caused by stress, nervous tension. Also, one cannot help but recall perfectionism - the manic desire to look perfect, as a result of which people constantly resort to plastic surgery. This is also an addiction, which is more often influenced by women related to show business.

Main symptoms

Each of them manifest themselves in different ways, but there are common, characteristic signs for all. For example, dependent behavior. It is characterized by the same type of actions of the patient. A person works out the same pattern of behavior over and over again, rejecting even the opportunity to re-evaluate the situation and react to it. Such actions are unproductive, they leave no way for creativity, self-development, possible social adaptation ability to find a way out of the current situation.

Let's take a player as an example. Even if he has already lost a large amount of money in the casino, he still continues to try to hit the jackpot. Every day he will make new bets, lose, but again return to cards or roulette. His behavior is fixated on the same pattern: a person does not allow the opportunity to stop in order to save the remaining finances and property. As for alcoholics, many of them claim that they drink because of depression. This condition, in turn, often becomes a consequence of excessive drinking, as a result of which people again reach for the bottle. Addiction is a mania that takes on the shape of a vicious circle.

Signs of Addiction

Very often, pathological cravings are incurable. Even if a drug addict or alcoholic does not drink for several years, he can break at any moment. For the rest of his life, he will not be able to control his use. psychotropic substances or alcohol: a healthy person who knows the measure and can always stop, he will no longer become.

Addiction is a disease. It develops gradually, has its stages. Addiction progresses, often like a snowball rushing down a mountain. With each new second, it flies even faster, acquiring new layers. Therefore, if the patient breaks down, it turns out that during abstinence, his addiction not only did not subside, but, on the contrary, gained strength.

Some forms of addiction are deadly. A drug addict can die from an overdose, get high in an accident, commit suicide. An alcoholic is waiting for cirrhosis of the liver or a fight in which he will be stabbed with a knife. Very often, such people pass away much earlier than expected.

Is it possible to stop?

Addiction treatment is a very long and painstaking process. The most difficult thing is to get rid of cravings for drugs and alcohol. Usually the patient cannot cope with the addiction on his own, and he needs specialized treatment. Anonymous circles and specialized clinics have been organized for this group of addicts. Doctors and psychologists are developing a comprehensive treatment that will surely lead to a happy ending. The main thing is that the patient strives to get on the right path and work on himself.

Other types of addiction do not require hospitalization, in these cases only willpower is needed. For example, a person can quit smoking on his own, for this it is important to formulate the motivation for such an act. Gamblers, shopaholics, workaholics and other addicts need the help of close people who will distract them from harmful cravings and organize an interesting pastime.

Addiction is a combination of physiological and mental desires in which the use of substances begins to occupy highest place in the human value system. The main characteristic of addiction is an irresistible need to take chemical and psychoactive substances.

Female alcoholism is a terrible disease that requires immediate treatment. Occupational Therapy help deal with the problem.

Substance abuse has much in common with drug addiction, so the formation, consequences, and principles of treatment of these diseases are similar.

"Salt" is synthetic drugs that have a devastating effect on humans. There is no such system of the body that would not be subjected to their negative influence.

Spice damage

Spice is a smoking mixture containing a drug in its composition. They have a devastating effect on the psyche and health of a person. Especially dire consequences Drug use has an effect on the brain.

Verbosity is a serious symptom that indicates the presence of very serious disorders in mental state person. This is a definite reason to consult a specialist.

Emotional dependency

Emotional dependency is a serious psychological disorder that significantly impairs the patient's quality of life. Treatment of psychological problems can restore the ability to normal life.

food addiction

Food addiction is a psychological disorder that needs to be treated. It most often occurs when there is a lack positive emotions In human life.

Gambling (slot machines, sports betting, casino, lottery) can form a strong psychological addiction that requires the help of a professional.

Narcissism is a psychological illness

Narcissism is a serious psychological addiction that interferes with the normal perception of reality and requires qualified treatment.

Religious fanaticism (sects and cults)

Religious fanaticism is a kind of psychological disorder. It requires immediate treatment to a specialist who will help a person return to normal life.

internet addiction

Internet addiction is a psychological disorder associated with painful desire be online all the time. It is fraught with serious consequences for health and social realization personality.


"Perm State National research university»

Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology

Department of General and clinical psychology


Completed by a student of the CPE of the professional retraining program "Clinical Psychology" Tsipris S.O.

supervisor Assistant of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology Kryazhevskikh Olga Valerievna

1. Introduction

pp. 28 – 33


5. References


1. Introduction

At the end of the twentieth century, the Internet entered mass consumption. It has become an informational, gaming and communication space for many. The Internet has entered the life of every modern person. The development of modern children and adolescents takes place in close connection with new technologies. Under the influence of the Internet is the development and formation of personality modern teenager. Modern researchers they start talking about a homo-medium.

According to the Public Opinion Foundation, there are people aged 11 to 24 on the Internet. Many of them spend most of their personal time on the Internet. Researcher Voiskunsky A.E. introduces the term "Internet-addicted behavior".

In adolescence, a person is in a state of deep crisis. It is experienced by at least 80% of adolescents, from 11 to 15 years old. These teenagers are subject to various negative impacts. And this can lead them to an excessive interest in the Internet, which leads to problems with learning, communication with the world, in which relatives and peers play a big role.

This work is devoted to the problem of Internet addiction. Some researchers believe that Internet addiction exists and every year more and more teenagers are exposed to it. They experience many problems in connection with this, primarily related to communication with the world. Most of the researchers around the world agree with this point of view.

Other researchers believe that there is no Internet addiction. Talking about Internet addiction is the same as talking about communication addiction. Less than one-third of researchers agree with this.

In this paper, adolescents aged 13-14 years old are examined for the possibility of developing or having Internet addiction. Representatives of three groups are identified: independent, prone to addiction and dependent. The personality structure characteristic of each of these groups is considered according to the Cattell method.

According to various studies on Internet addiction in adolescents in grades 7-8, Internet-dependent behavior varies from 37% to 0.9%, depending on the country where the studies were conducted.

The purpose of this work is to consider a group of adolescents aged 13-14 years, to identify their presence or absence of Internet addiction. Consider in percentage terms the propensity to one of the three levels of dependence, i.e. from no dependency to established dependency.

In the case of identifying Internet-addicted adolescents, consider their personality structure. Compare with the personality structure of adolescents from other groups.

Compare the findings with existing studies.

2. Analysis of studies on the problem of Internet addiction

2.1 Research approaches to the problem of adolescent Internet addiction

Not all psychologists agree that there is Internet addiction in literally this word. John Suler suggests calling this phenomenon internet addiction. He also says that before the advent of the Internet, humanity was faced with computer addiction. There is such a phenomenon as dependence on SMS or on communication and games on the phone. Suler believes that all this will be combined into a single technology, which is already active and happening, and "computer, phone and video can successfully combine into one, very addictive being." interesting term The one Suler uses is an "addictive creature". He also talks about "cyberaddiction" - dependence on virtual environment created thanks to computer technology. John Suler believes that "Internet addiction or pathological manifestations in cyberspace are possible when real life is isolated from the virtual."

The American psychologist Grohol J. believes that society goes through three stages in the development of information technology: charm, disappointment, balance. At the first stage, society experiences a cycle - this is perceived by others as a psychological dependence. And he goes on to say that there is no reason to consider internet addiction a "total problem". Foreign researchers Griffiths M., Moreihan-Martin J., Stern S., etc. agree with him.

Mark Griffiths writes that researchers are divided into three groups. Some say that there is a pathology of Internet addiction, others say that there is a pathology of addiction to online games, and others seek to combine these two approaches into a single one. Online gaming addiction is included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as "Internet Gaming Disorder". . In his writings, Griffiths writes that "online gaming disorder and Internet addictive behavior are not the same." Griffiths writes that prior to the publication of the latest (fifth) edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) by the American Psychiatric Association, there was debate about whether "internet addiction" should be included in the text of the manual as a separate disorder." And Section 3 of the DSM-5 included the notion game internet- addiction or gambling - internet disorder.

Kimberly S. Young, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh, works a lot on the topic of Internet addiction. She considers this a serious problem, believes that many people devote a lot of time to the Internet. They refuse to communicate with friends and relatives, stop doing their daily duties at work or at home. She highlights the following problems: People neglect their own daily duties. Reduced time spent with real people. Financial problems may arise. There are problems with the work where they use work time for personal purposes. May be harmful to health. There was such a problem as cybersexual attraction. This can affect interpersonal relationships.

Russian psychologist Voiskunsky A.E. writes about Internet addiction as an Internet addiction. He highlights such problems: Unwillingness or inability to be distracted from the Internet. Annoyance and irritation with forced distractions. Inability to plan the time of entry and exit of the Internet. Spending more and more money to work on the Internet. Willingness to lie, downplaying the length of time spent on the Internet. Forgetting about household chores, studying, important meetings, loss of social circle, neglect of one's health, etc.

Vaiskurin identifies varieties of Internet addiction: computer addiction, information overload or "electronic vagrancy", compulsive use of the Internet, i.e. pathological addiction to games, auctions, shopping, addiction to cyber relationships, addiction to cyber sex.

Learning the Internet is not only learning negative influence on the life of mankind, but the study of the impact on the life of man and mankind in general. The Internet is being studied all over the world today. Exist whole line internet research. In Russia, the study of human activity on the Internet is carried out by adherents of the cultural-historical school of L. Vygotsky. The main problem that can be identified is the problem related to how the human psyche develops in the process of interaction with the Internet environment. Voykunsky writes that this direction is connected with the study of the features of personality formation in conjunction with the virtual environment.

Modern researchers talk about changes and transformations of culture in general, under the influence of the Internet environment.

Now, let's look at approaches regarding the Internet, virtual space and other things in relation to teenagers. Malygin V.L., Iskandirova A.B., Smirnova E.A., Khomeriki N.S., Elshansky S.P. - representatives of Russian medical psychology, wrote about Internet addiction as an addiction, especially when it comes to adolescents. But they mentioned that addictive behavior is not yet diviant behavior, but a pre-morbid stage. If we consider Internet addiction as an addictive behavior, then we still cannot talk about the disease, but we are talking about the prenosological stage. They attribute Internet addiction to non-chemical addictions, referring to the works of Korolenko Ts.P. He singled out a number of non-chemical addictions that can be supplemented: dependence on a computer and the Internet. In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders"Internet gambling addiction" was included, in 2017 it is likely that such a concept will be included in the ICD-11.

How is internet addiction defined? Griffiths defines it as "non-chemical addiction to the use of the Internet." It is characterized by an obsessive desire to get online when you are offline, and an inability to get off when you are already online.

Teenagers are the most vulnerable group for Internet addiction. This is due to personal immaturity and instability. The same group of psychologists identifies risk factors in the formation of Internet addiction and individually - the psychological properties of adolescents with Internet addiction. According to the researchers, they are characterized by: anxiety, distractibility, lack of concentration, difficulty in self-control, a tendency to affective response and increased personal frustration. Adolescents with Internet addiction are also characterized by a reduced emotional intelligence as a system of skills to identify and understand emotions. Further, excitability, reduced self-control, a high level of anxiety, a tendency to introversion, as well as insufficient development of social intelligence are revealed.

Over-enthusiasm for the Internet, characteristic of adolescents, leads to violations of social adaptation, conflicts in the family, with peers, and to general infantilization. Scientists also identify attractive aspects in the activities of adolescents on the Internet: the ability to have their own intimate world that adults do not have access to, the ability to avoid responsibility for what is happening, the ability to feel the realism of processes and completely abstract from the world around them, the ability to correct any mistake through instant attempts, the ability to independently make any decisions, reduce the risks of communication.

The study conducted by Malygin V.L., Khomeriki N.S., Antonenko A.A. showed that adolescents addictive behavior are highly impulsive, highly active in response to weak provocative impulses, are restless, have difficulty concentrating attention, have low level self-control over their emotions, prone to affective response, social competence Internet-addicted teenagers have lower

Korean researchers were among the first to tackle the problem of teenage Internet addiction. They found an association between internet addiction and depression and suicidal tendencies. In addition, researchers have linked Internet addiction with a tendency to commit dangerous actions for themselves.

By studying and identifying Internet addiction, researchers have developed various questionnaires and tests.

The study of Internet addiction began at the end of the last century and continues to this day, becoming more and more topical issue. K. Young, a clinical psychologist, raised the topic of Internet addiction in 1995. The researcher created a web-based questionnaire and identified five types of internet addiction: computer addiction like, obsessive need for the Internet, addiction to virtual dating, information overload and cybersex addiction. She developed one of the first psychological test to identify Internet addiction.

One of the most recent researchers who studies Internet addiction is M. Griffiths, an expert from the UK. He believes that Internet gambling addiction develops like any other addiction. He comes to the conclusion that addiction to online games is a specific form of gambling addiction.

Griffiths singles out the components of video game addiction by modifying the criteria for video game addiction. psychoactive substances Ian Brown. With regard to video games, he highlights:

Significance." Video games are becoming the most important part human life."

Mood change. "Subjective experiences resulting from overindulgence in video games."

Tolerance." To achieve the desired effect, it becomes necessary for a person to play video games for an increasing amount of time.

withdrawal syndrome. " Unpleasant feelings or the physical sensations that occur when a person suddenly stops playing or starts playing less frequently (eg, tremors, mood swings, irritability)."

Conflicts. "Conflicts between the player and his environment ( interpersonal conflicts), as well as conflicts with other activities (e.g. work, school, social life hobbies and interests) and self-conflicts (i.e., intrapsychic conflicts and/or subjective feelings of loss of control)".

"Relapse is a return to the usual gaming activity after a long break."

Scientists G. Kim and J. Kim described a multidimensional model of the problematic use of online games. This model identified 5 characteristics of addiction: euphoria, health problems, conflict, inability to control oneself, and preference for virtual relationships.

Griffith conducts research on a teenage group of more than 2,000 people. Internet gambling is more common in men, Internet addiction is positively associated with online communication, online games and use of social networks. Russian scientists believe that men are more prone to Internet addiction than women. This is also proven by various studies.

Suler John tried to summarize the manifestations of Internet addiction and compiled a test questionnaire:

1. Is your behavior causing you to avoid important tasks?

2. Is your behavior causing you to end your relationship with significant people?

3. Does your behavior irritate or upset people close to you?

4. Are you defensive (or irritated) when criticized for your behavior?

5. Do you feel guilty or anxious about what you are doing?

6. Do you try to keep your behavior a secret, hide from others?

7. Do you make unsuccessful attempts to stop behaving in this way?

8. To be honest with myself, is there any hidden reason your behaviour?

Grohol D. notes that the quantitative approach, where important role the number of hours online is not enough to recognize an Internet addiction.

Researchers Malygina V.L., Iskandirova A.B., Smirnova E.A., Khomeriki N.S., Elshansky S.P. conduct research on the topic of identifying some features of the personal properties of Internet addicts. They studied 25 people who scored 50 or more points on the propensity to Internet addiction and made a psychological portrait of a teenager prone to developing Internet addiction. Emotional detachment, instability emotional manifestations, decreased ability to manage emotions and moods, find an adequate explanation for them, dependence on the group, timidity in interpersonal communication, low stress resistance, increased degree of concern, a tendency to feel guilty. These researchers have conducted significant research to date. They used Chen's Internet Addiction School. The scale of Chinese specialists, developed by them in 2003. This test includes 5 rating scales:

1. Scale of compulsive symptoms

2. Scale of withdrawal symptoms

3. Scale of tolerance

4. Scale of intrapersonal and health-related problems

5. Time management scale

The test also has criteria for the negative consequences of using the Internet, and allows you to determine the level of Internet-dependent behavior.

Initially, the work used the method of comparing the opinions of parents and children about the level of their dependence on the Internet. We used the methodology of the developer Kulakov S.D.: Is your child addicted? This technique is good for eliciting parents' opinions on the issues of evaluating their children's addictions. But she relies only on the subjective opinion of parents, who can either underestimate or overestimate the problem.

K. Yang's methodology is entirely based on a teenager's subjective assessment of his Internet addiction, or independence. Since a teenager cannot really reflect on his behavior, this test-questionnaire has subjective assessment adolescent level of his Internet addiction.

Studying certain methods, the Chen Internet Addiction Scale seemed to be the most appropriate.

It makes it possible to divide adolescents into three groups and consider each group separately. For each group, the personality questionnaire of Cattell D. was used and the average indicators of their personality were calculated for 14 factors.

AT this study a group of adolescents from 13 to 14 years old is allocated in the amount of 41 people. According to the results of the Chen scale, they are divided into three groups of dependent behavior. Further, these three groups are compared according to the 14-factor Cattell personality questionnaire.

In the studies of Granovskaya, standards for the adolescent version of the Cattell test are given.

All three groups of dependents are compared with age standards and each of the groups is considered for compliance with these standards.

So you can trace the deviations of groups with different Internet addiction from age standards identified by other researchers.

The purpose of the study: to analyze a group of teenagers from 13 to 14 years old on the possibility of forming and consolidating their Internet addiction. Analyze them personality traits. And compare them depending on the degree of involvement in the Internet, identified during the study.

Research objectives: based on the Cattell methodology for adolescents aged 12-16, based on the Chen Internet addiction scale, to analyze three groups of adolescents according to the degree of their involvement in the Internet.

Based on the methodology of Kulakova D.: Is your child addicted? and, based on the Chen Scale, to compare the degree of assessment of adolescents' Internet addiction and the opinion of their parents.

As a working hypothesis, it was suggested that depending on the involvement of adolescents in the Internet environment, their health problems increase, communication with peers and parents deteriorates, which is associated not only with the characteristics of adolescence, but also with emerging Internet addiction.

Also the hypothesis that parents believe that their teenagers are more involved in the Internet than teenagers themselves believe.


1. Suler J. "Computer and Internet addiction" article http://banderus2.narod.ru/77314.html).

2. Griffiths M. Problematic online game: disagreements, debates and disputes // medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific magazine - 2015. - N 4 (33). – P. 5 [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://mprj.ru

3. Yang K.S. Diagnosis - Internet addiction / K.S. Young // World of the Internet. - 2000. - No. 2. - S. 24–29.

4. Malygin V.L., Khomeriki N.S., Antonenko A.A. Individual psychological properties of adolescents as risk factors for the formation of Internet-addicted behavior // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific magazine - 2015. - N 7 (30). – P. 7 [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://mprj.ru

5. Voiskunsky A.E. Internet Addiction Phenomenon // Humanities Studies in the Internet. - M., 2000, p. 100-131

6. Rybaltovich D.G., Zaitsev V.V. Internet addiction: a real pathology or the norm of the development of informational humanity? // Bulletin of psychotherapy. - 2011. - No. 40 (45). – pp. 23–34

7. Malygin V.L., Iskandirova A.B., Smirnova E.A., Khomeriki N.S., Elshansky S.P. Pathological gambling, Internet addiction: features of the clinic and nosological affiliation. [Electronic resource] // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific magazine 2010. N 1. URL: http://medpsy.ru

2.2 Methods for researching Internet addiction

In my work, I am interested in teenagers from 11 to 15 years old. AT this case I am guided by the classification of Elkonin D. He singles out this age as the most important period in a person's life. At this age, in his opinion, a teenager is characterized by a desire for adulthood.

Further, Vygotsky's classification is interesting, in which he singles out periods of crises. And, in his opinion, the teenage crisis occurs at the age of 13 years. That is why adolescents during this period are especially interesting and became the object of this study.

The psychologist Piaget agrees with Vygotsky's classification. He singles out the crisis of 13 years as a period of formation of a new mechanism of thinking. During this period, a teenager develops logical thinking and becomes obsessed with his appearance.

Looping on one's appearance can be the reason for going into virtual reality, where one can design one's virtual appearance at one's own discretion. If a teenager leaves reality for the virtual world, then he has less time to take care of his real appearance, by improving the virtual image. So the virtual and real images may not correspond to each other. And a teenager can go more and more into the virtual world, where communication can be less dangerous than in the real world.

Deepening into the virtual world can be harmful real life. It can adversely affect the health of a teenager and external data: visual impairment, the acquisition of stoop. Being in virtual world, a teenager may form a misconception about their appearance. A group of Russian scientists, led by Malygin V.L., is studying this side of the formation of the image of oneself under the influence of the Internet. They write that "the tendency to excessive control of impulses is manifested in physical tightness, stiffness. Considering that the image of the body is a certain basis, and on the basis and in close connection with which the self-image, self-concept and, as a result, identity are formed, we can say and about the lack of integrity of the self-image, its rigidity and strong divergence from reality. Studying this phenomenon Malygin V.L. and his group publish a number of studies online and in psychological journals. To study this phenomenon, he and his group use the Chen scale and the drawing test.

In this work, the Chen Scale is used because it includes a scale that shows intrapersonal problems and health problems. This scale is actively used by Russian scientists. It is presented in the adaptation of Feklisov K.A. and Malygin V.L. Based on it, they studied Russian schoolchildren, and came to the conclusion that about 3.69% of all surveyed are subject to Internet addiction. These data of 2011 will be able to confirm or refute in this work.

In Russia, the K. Young test, adapted by Burovaya, is often used to identify Internet addiction. But in the process of using this test, we can say that it is based on a person's subjective opinion about himself, on his self-reflection. It is difficult for adolescents to conduct self-reflection, especially during the crisis of 13 years. And therefore, these methods of K. Yang seem subjective. But they provide an opportunity to analyze the teenager's opinion about his idea of ​​involvement in the Internet environment. So this technique was used at work.

Methodology Kulakov S.D. Is your child addicted? - seemed interesting for the study of parents' ideas about the degree of involvement of their child in the Internet environment. Their opinion may differ or, on the contrary, coincide with the opinion of a teenager about his involvement in the Internet environment. But it is also subjective, and is based only on the opinion of parents, who can exacerbate the situation or, on the contrary, underestimate, which depends on how much they themselves are involved in the Internet environment.

You should also take into account the fact that parents themselves may suffer from Internet addiction, and contribute to the child's enthusiasm for the Internet environment. This may be the subject of a separate study, in which the degree of involvement of parents in the Internet environment can be compared with the degree of involvement in the virtual space and their children and adolescents.

If you pay attention to the formation of a teenager's personality under the influence of the Internet environment, then you can use the Cattell R. Personality Questionnaire Kettell R. was used for this purpose by Malygin V.L. and his group of scientists and also American scientists to identify features characteristic of Internet-addicted teenagers. Malygin and other researchers found that Internet-addicted adolescents are characterized by lower scores on factor C, which "measures the ability to adequately discharge their impulses at a particular moment."

According to factor D, which is typical only for adolescents. Internet-addicted adolescents are characterized by reduced indicators for this factor, which indicates their rigidity, an underestimated reaction to what is happening.

According to the H factor, which is associated with the nervous system. It is assumed that this factor should be higher in Internet-addicted adolescents.

According to the Q3 factor, adolescents with a higher involvement in the Internet environment should have more low grades, which indicates lower self-control, difficulties with organizing time.

And the last factor Q4, with a higher Internet addiction, may be lower. Although it may be associated with the characteristics of the personality itself.

Malygin and other researchers compared two groups of adolescents, those who, according to surveys, have a high degree of involvement in the Internet environment, can be characterized as Internet dependent, and those who are not involved in the Internet environment, and can be characterized as Internet independent. Those. The researchers compared two groups of teenagers.

Our study attempts to compare three groups of teenagers. This is due to the fact that the Chen Scale, as well as the K. Yang test, have three normative test intervals: the 1st interval is characterized as the absence of Internet addiction, the 2nd Internet abuse.

Since the Chen Scale was used to identify Internet addiction, in this work it was possible to compare not two, but three groups of adolescents, according to the degree of involvement in the Internet environment, guided by the method of Cattell R.

And it was possible to compare these three groups according to the above factors: C, D, H, Q3, Q4, as well as other factors used in the Cattell R method.

This study using the Chen School of Testing will have to reveal the percentage of internet addicted teenagers. To identify the number of adolescents prone to Internet addiction and those with no Internet addiction. Compare them on five scales: compulsive symptoms, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance symptoms, intrapersonal and health problems, and time management problems. It is assumed that the indicators on these scales will increase according to the degree of involvement in the Internet environment.

Also, these three groups will be compared by Cattell's factors. And it is assumed that the indicators for the identified 4 factors will also vary in terms of the degree of involvement of adolescents in the Internet environment.

And the last thing that is supposed to be analyzed is the index of teenagers according to the method of K. Yang of involvement in the Internet environment with the indicators of parents according to the Kulakov method: Is your child dependent. It is assumed that parents will have an opinion about the higher involvement of adolescents in the Internet environment than that of adolescents themselves.

These studies are interesting in connection with the formation of a new Internet environment, and with the increasing enthusiasm for the Internet. According to some experts in Russia, the problem of Internet addiction and the removal of adolescents from the virtual environment is yet to be faced. This is very acute in China, where rehabilitation centers for Internet-addicted teenagers are beginning to open. Public opinion is divided into supporters and opponents of such centers.

Russia is yet to face this problem, so this study seems relevant to the author.

The method of data processing to the Chen scale was presented in a textbook for students of the Faculty of Clinical Psychology in the discipline of specialization " Psychological correction addictive behavior” MSMSD.

To diagnose the personality of adolescents, a teenage version of the Cattell R. test was taken for adolescents from 12 to 18 years old, consisting of 142 questions, adapted by Alexandrovskaya E.M. and the key to this test. The materials are presented in the appendix.

To calculate data using the Kulakov method: Is your child dependent? a five-point scale is made: 1 - very rarely, 2 - sometimes, 3 - often, 4 - very often, 5 - always. The result varies between three levels: up to 50 points, from 50 points to 79, from 80 points and above. According to Kulakov, if more than 50 points are scored, then parents should think about the impact of the Internet environment on the life of a teenager, if a teenager scores more than 80 points, then you should contact a specialist.


1. Malygin V.L., Iskandirova A.I., Feklisov K.A., Merkurieva Yu.A. Internet addictive behavior in adolescents. Risk factors for formation, clinical manifestations, prevention. MGMSU, Moscow. [email protected] 1-5

2. Malygin V.L., Khomeriki N.S., Antonenko A.A. Individual psychological properties of adolescents as risk factors for the formation of Internet-addicted behavior // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. scientific magazine - 2015. - N 7 (30). – P. 7 [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://mprj.ru

3. Study guide “Internet-addicted behavior. Criteria and methods of diagnostics” compiled by the head. department, professor V.L. Malygin, clinical psychologist K.A. Feklisov, associate professor of the department A.S. Iskandirova, graduate students of the department A.A. Antonenko, E.A. Smirnova, N.S. Khomeriki.

2.3 Study of internet addiction among teenagers

The study of Internet addiction and the identification of Internet addictive behavior among adolescents is a challenge. Teenagers are a difficult group. According to D. Elkonin, 80% of adolescents experience a teenage crisis in modern society. AT traditional societies teenagers do not experience a teenage crisis. Scientists who study teenage years in traditional societies that have survived in various parts of the globe.

By various studies held in different countries the percentage of adolescents suffering from Internet addiction varies from 3.7% to 37.9%. The largest figure is given by Hong Kong researchers for 2004. In Russia, this figure is not the highest. But there is a possibility that it will increase, because. Modern generations use the Internet more actively.

In this study, adolescents aged 13-14 were tested. They were tested using the Chen Internet Addiction Scale, which consists of 5 scales: compulsive symptoms, withdrawal symptoms, tolerance symptoms, intrapersonal and health problems, and time management problems. It was also intended to install percentage between 3 groups of adolescents according to the degree of Internet addiction, from its absence to pathology.

The class of a secondary school consisting of 41 people was taken as the basis, all of them are students of the school, 7th grade

They were given a Chen test consisting of 26 questions. It was supposed to identify among them the percentage of schoolchildren with no Internet addiction, their score varies from 27 to 42, with a tendency to Internet addiction, from 43 to 64 points, and with pronounced addictive behavior, these are teenagers, gaining from 65 points and above.

Next, it was supposed to analyze all the resulting groups for percentages and for symptoms: compulsions, withdrawals, health problems, time management. Consider how these problems increase with the degree of involvement of adolescents in the Internet environment.

Com (compulsive symptoms)

Wit (withdrawal symptoms)

Tol (symptoms of tolerance)

IH (Intrapersonal and Health Problems)

TM (problems with time management)

IA-Sym (Key Symptoms of Internet Addiction) = Com + Wit + Tol

IA-RP (Internet Addiction Issues) =IH+TM

Total CIAS score = Com + Wit + Tol + IH + TM

The students were offered a test scale of Chen's Internet addiction in the amount of 26 questions. Next, the researcher calculated the results. All students answered positively to the first question of the test, so each of the teenagers was tested. The result of each is taken into account. All respondents answered the first question: Have you used the Internet in the last 6 months? Yes.

A sample of 41 people, secondary school, grade 7, age from 13 to 14 years. They were tested according to Chen's method. 26 questions were asked.

All one hundred percent of those surveyed said that they have been Internet users for the last 6 months.

Among the respondents, those who are not Internet addicts, those who are prone to Internet addiction, and those. who abuse the internet. The following ratio was obtained: 17 people scored from 27 to 42 points, which is 41.4% of the entire group. 22 people scored from 43 to 64 points, which is 53.7% of the tested. From 65 points and above, 2 people from the subjects scored, this is 4.9%.

Table No. 1 Data obtained from a survey of adolescents using the Chen method

1.Com(compulsive symptoms):

a) Minimum risk of Internet addiction: 7

b) Tendency to develop Internet addictive behavior: 12

2. Wit (withdrawal symptoms):

a) Minimum risk of Internet addiction: 5.7

b) Tendency to develop Internet addictive behavior: 9.9

c) Pronounced and persistent pattern of Internet addictive behavior: 11.5

3. Tol (symptoms of tolerance):

a) Minimum risk of Internet addiction: 4.3

b) Tendency to develop Internet addictive behavior: 7.2

c) Pronounced and persistent pattern of Internet addictive behavior: 10.5

4. IH (intrapersonal and health problems):

a) Minimum risk of Internet addiction: 8.7

b) Tendency to develop Internet addictive behavior: 11.3

c) Pronounced and persistent pattern of Internet addictive behavior: 17.2

5.TM(problems with time management):

a) Minimum risk of Internet addiction: 10.3

b) Tendency to develop Internet addictive behavior: 12.2

c) Pronounced and persistent pattern of Internet addictive behavior: 15.8

Table No. 2 Data from adolescents surveyed on the Chen Internet Addiction Scale

scales Group1 Group2 Group3
COM 11,5
WIT 5,7 9,9 11,5
TOL 4,3 7,2 10,5
IH 8,7 11,3 17,2
TM 10,3 12,2 15,8
IA-SYM 29,1 33,5
IA-RP 23,5
CIAS 52,6 66,5




Further, these three groups did the Cattell R test. Teenagers answered 142 questions. Further, their average results were compared depending on the three groups identified on the Chen Internet addiction scale, according to the degree of involvement in the Internet environment.

Table No. 3 Results obtained by the method of Cattell R. 14 PF 142 questions

factors standard 1st gr. 2nd gr. 3rd gr.
BUT 12,7 7,7 17,1 16,5
With 12,1 9,3 13,1 9,1
D 13,5 11,6 7,3 8,1
E 13,8 11,5 11,1 14,1
F 13,9 8,5 14,5 12,5
G 14,2 8,1 14,5 12,5
H 8,5 16,1 17,5
I 14,7 12,7 10,1
J 12,7 10,8 8,3 9,5
O 15,0 13,5 8,5 10,5
Q2 13,8 12,3 10,8 11,5
Q3 14,4 14,5 16,1 10,5
Q4 13,5 13,6 10,5 10,1

Interpretation of results:

Factor A /schizotemia-affectomia/.

Factor C /degree of emotional stability/.

“Low scores: sensitive, emotionally less stable. High marks: emotionally stable. mature type. Realistic attitude towards life.

Factor D /phlegmatic-excitability/. According to the researchers, this important factor. Lower scores are typical for adolescents prone to addiction. Lower scores for this factor indicate rigidity. Underreaction to what is happening.

Factor E /passivity-dominance/.

“Low marks: compliant, obsessive in behavior. Depends on others. High grades: in relation to others acts as a leader. But that doesn't correlate with true leadership and real ability."

Factor F /caution-frivolity/.

“Low grades: sober, cautious, silent, unhurried. Caution sometimes appears in combination with gloominess and pessimism. High marks: careless, impulsive, lively, cheerful, enthusiastic, active, talkative.

Factor G /degree of acceptance of moral norms/

“Low scores: instability in achieving the goal, the surface. Avoids rules, feels little responsibility. High grades: conscious, persistent, you can rely on them. Degree in behavior, demanding of themselves. Obligatory, persistent, guided by a sense of duty, responsible, full of plans. Not easy to communicate."

Factor H /timidity, shyness - courage, adventurism/

Researchers suggest that this factor should be higher for Internet addicts. This is due to the desire for something new, and with a penchant for adventurism, new emotions.

Factor I /realism - sensitivity/

“Low scores: practical, complacent. Contribute to the cohesion of the integration of the group, realistic, courageous, independent. High scores: high emotional sensitivity. Usually do not show altruism. There is a tendency to avoid responsibility in work and personal relationships. Characteristic unreasonable anxiety. The factor correlates with the anxiety scale.”

J factor /neurasthenia, Hamlet factor/

“Low scores: enterprising, prefer group activities. They love attention and are energetic. host general rules and ratings. For them, the totality of people is important. High scores: individualistic, internally reserved, introspective. AT common cause not very effective, as they are very fastidious. They are very cold in their assessments.”

Factor O / self-confidence - a tendency to feel guilty /

“Low scores: serene, trusting, calm mood prevails, unperturbed. High marks: depressive, bad mood prevails. Characterized by gloomy forebodings, reflections, anxiety, anxiety in difficult situations, a subjective feeling that he is not accepted by the group. Ineffective speakers.

Factor Q2 /degree of group dependence/

“Low scores: addicts, followers, callers, joiners. They prefer to make decisions together with other people. They love the process of communication. High marks: independent, inclined to go their own way, make their own decisions, act independently. They do not take into account public opinion. They don't always dominate.

Factor Q3 / degree of self-control /

According to the researchers, this factor should be reduced in adolescents involved in the Internet environment, this is due to the inability to control their emotions and having difficulty organizing time.

Factor Q4 /degree internal stress/

This factor, according to the researchers, should be lower. Although it may be related to the personality itself. “Low grades: prone to satisfaction. Relaxation can lead to laziness, to low achievement. The motivation for activity is usually reduced. Easily adaptable. High scores: overactive, excitable, restless, impatient. At group work not very pleasant."

Further, the parents of these three groups were interviewed according to the method of Kulakov A.S.: Is your child dependent? According to the methodology, they were asked 20 questions. And the results had to correspond to one of three indicators: 20-49 points for the average user of the network, 50-79 points for the average user who experiences some problems, 80 and above - the Internet is becoming a serious problem.

As a result, parents were divided into two groups: those who scored from 20 to 49 points, i.e., those who consider their child an average user, and those who scored from 80 to 100 points, i.e. those who believe that their child has significant problems with the Internet.

Table No. 4 Data of parents interviewed according to the method of Kulakov S.D.

If the indicators of parents are compared with what teenagers think about their involvement in the Internet environment, then the following numbers are obtained:

Table No. 5 Comparison of data from parents and adolescents on the degree of Internet addiction

Most parents believe that their children do not have Internet addiction. Others believe that their children have already formed an Internet addiction. But the latter are much less. Parental and teenage scores diverge.


1. Kapustina A.N. Multifactorial personality technique of R. Kettell. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004 - 104 p.

2. Malygin V.L., Khomeriki N.S., Antonenko A.A. Individual psychological properties of adolescents as risk factors for the formation of Internet-addicted behavior // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. Scientific Journal. - 2015. - N 7 (30). – P. 7 [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://mprj.ru

In this work, the goal was to analyze a group of adolescents aged 13-14 years for the possibility of forming and consolidating their Internet addiction. For this purpose, the Chen scale-dependence technique was used, adapted by Feklisov K.A., Malygin V.L. The results obtained showed that the majority of adolescents believe that the majority of adolescents are at the 2nd level of the scale, i.e. at the level of propensity to form Internet-addicted behavior. This result was scored by 53.7% of the adolescents surveyed. 41.1% of teenagers believe that they do not have an Internet addiction. And only 4.9% of the respondents scored a number of points that showed they have an Internet addiction.

These adolescents were further examined on five Chen scales: Com compulsive symptoms, Wit withdrawal symptoms, Tol tolerance symptoms, IH intrapersonal and health problems, TM time management problems.

Table No. 2 Comparison of the obtained data on the Chen scale

scales Group1 Group2 Group3
COM 11,5
WIT 5,7 9,9 11,5
TOL 4,3 7,2 10,5
IH 8,7 11,3 17,2
TM 10,3 12,2 15,8
IA-SYM 29,1 33,5
IA-RP 23,5
CIAS 52,6 66,5

The data in Table 2 showed that the data increase on all five scales. Thus, the more involved in the Internet environment a teenager experiences, the more difficulties he experiences with health, with time management, the more tolerant attitude towards the Internet, the more he experiences the feeling of lack of the Internet. But on the Compulsive Symptoms Scale, the second group scored higher than the first. This means that the second group has a high desire to periodically access the Internet.

Feklisov K.A., Malygin V.L. in their studies of Internet addictive behavior, they lead their indicators to each of the scales. Thus, in this paper, we can compare the performance of 2011 with our performance.

Table No. 6 Comparison of data on the Chen scale for 2011 and 2016

2011 2016
Scales Group 1 Group2 Group3 Group 1 Group 2 Group3
Com 7.5 9.9 13.5 11.5
Wit 7.9 11.5 17.5 5.7 9.9 11.5
tol 6.5 7.9 11.7 4.3 7.2 10.5
IH 8.9 11.9 17.2 8.7 11.3 17.5
TM 7.25 10.6 15.8 10.3 12.2 15.8
IA-SYM 21.9 29.5 42.6 29.1 33.5
IA-RP 16.1 22.9 23.5
CIAS 52.4 52.6 66.5

The average score is almost the same in the second group. The first group evaluates Internet involvement on average lower than in 2011. The same is true for group 3. Adolescents rate their involvement in the Internet environment lower.

You can also compare the data identified by the same group of scientists with the data identified in the work on the number of Internet addicts. Feklisov K.A. and Malygin V.L. cite the following figures: in 2011, 3.69% of all respondents were identified as Internet addicts. In this work, this figure is 4.9. But this may depend on a wider sample of Malygin V.L., Feklisov K.A. They examined 1082 schoolchildren. In this work, 41 schoolchildren were examined.

Further, all three groups were examined according to the method of Cattell R. It was supposed to trace their personality characteristics by factors C, D, H, Q3, Q4. Malygin believes that data on these 4 factors should be different for Internet-addicted and Internet-independent teenagers. In this study, not two groups were compared, but three groups: with no Internet addiction, with a tendency to Internet addiction, and with Internet addiction.

Malygin and other researchers found that Internet-addicted adolescents are characterized by lower scores in factor C, which "measures the ability to adequately discharge their impulses at a particular moment." According to the study, group 1 and group 3 showed a lower score.

According to factor D, which is typical only for adolescents. Internet-addicted adolescents are characterized by reduced indicators for this factor, which indicates their rigidity, an underestimated reaction to what is happening. In all three groups, this indicator is below the norm. But in group 2 and group 3 this figure is significantly lower.

Malygin and other researchers believe that adolescents with Internet addiction should have higher indicators of the H factor, which is associated with the nervous system. In table No. 3, the first group has a low factor H, in groups 2 and group 3 this factor increases.

And two more factors that should differ for independent and dependent: factor Q3, Q4.

According to the Q3 factor, teenagers with a higher involvement in the Internet environment should have lower grades, which indicates lower self-control, difficulties with organizing time. Only in group 3, which we define as Internet addicts, this factor is on the decline. The second group is even higher than the first. This may indicate that group 2 seeks greater control over their emotions and time spent on the Internet.

And the last factor Q4, with a higher Internet addiction, may be lower. Although it may be associated with the characteristics of the personality itself. Our table shows that if group 1 has normal numbers, then in groups 2 and 3 these indicators are declining.

If we compare groups 1,2, 3, we see that group 1 has low indicators for factor A, and in groups 2 and group 3 the indicators are on the rise.

We also see low scores for factors F, G, H among Internet-dependent teenagers. And these factors increase among Internet-addicted teenagers.

It can be said that Internet addicted teenagers have high scores on factor A, and teenagers not prone to internet addiction have significantly lower scores on this factor. Adolescents with identified Internet addiction for factor C have the same indicator as adolescents without Internet addiction. In group 2 adolescents prone to Internet addiction, this figure is higher.

But if factor D is taken into account, then adolescents of groups 2 and 3 have rather low rates, which, according to the researchers, indicates their rigidity and underestimated reaction to what is happening.

The data presented in table No. 3 confirm already existing research. Internet-addicted teenagers and teenagers prone to Internet addiction have a high score on the A scale. A high score on the A scale may indicate a tendency to depression. A low score on the C scale is about the inability to adequately discharge one's impulses at a particular moment. Index D indicates a tendency to rigidity and an underestimated reaction to what is happening. Indicator Q3 indicates low self-control and difficulties with organizing time. Q4 indicates low motivation.

If we give the result on the Chen scale, then Internet-addicted teenagers feel difficulties on the scale of intrapersonal problems and health problems and strong problems with time management.

An analysis of a group of adolescents showed that Internet-addicted adolescents do experience difficulties with health, with time management and organization, they are more prone to depression, are not always able to adequately discharge their emotions, tend to seek new experiences, while prone to rigidity and an underestimated reaction to what is happening, in addition, there may be problems with motivation and self-control.

But this does not mean that teenagers who are not prone to Internet addiction do not have problems. But Internet-addicted adolescents have slightly higher health problems, with managing emotions and time, and with motivation than adolescents who have not been identified with Internet addiction.

Thus, we can say that we have confirmed the first hypothesis and Internet-addicted adolescents do experience certain difficulties associated with their involvement in the Internet.

Now let's consider the second hypothesis about what parents think about their children's involvement in the Internet environment.

Here the numbers are somewhat different from what was expected at the beginning. Most parents believe that their children are average netizens who do not experience any problems with the Internet, i.e. it does not affect their health, does not affect the organization of their time, does not represent this moment no threat. According to surveys, many parents are not active Internet users and believe that their children need the Internet. They themselves contribute to the active familiarization of adolescents with the Internet.

The other part of the parents believe that their teenagers already need the help of a specialist, that they already abuse the Internet, experience significant problems with health, study and communication. If teenagers who admit their Internet addiction are 4.9%, then parents who believe that their teenagers have problems with the Internet are 12.1%.

None of the parents believe that their child has a tendency to develop Internet addiction. Parents were divided into two groups, those who underestimate the involvement of a teenager in the Internet environment and those who have already encountered problems and believe that their children need specialist help.


1. Malygin V.L., Khomeriki N.S., Antonenko A.A. Individual psychological properties of adolescents as risk factors for the formation of Internet-addicted behavior // Medical psychology in Russia: electron. Scientific Journal. - 2015. - N 7 (30). – P. 7 [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://mprj.r


In this work, adolescents 13-14 years old were considered. They study in the 7th grade of a comprehensive school in a large city. The researcher of this work was interested to know how many teenagers at this age are prone to Internet addiction. The interest was related to the increased problems in China and elsewhere.

Most teenagers are drawn into the Internet space. Their development and personality structure, according to scientists, should be different from how teenagers developed before the advent of the Internet.

In this work, conclusions were drawn that not all adolescents are Internet addicts. A small number of teenagers consider themselves Internet addicts. But most teenagers still understand that they are experiencing difficulties with the Internet and are fully aware that they may be in the group of addicts.

The evidence that Internet addiction can affect the personality of a teenager is quite justified. Dependent adolescents according to the indicators of the test - the questionnaire of Kettell R. and on the Chen scale

Experiencing health problems

Having difficulty managing time

More rigid, have an underestimated reaction to what is happening

Have lower motivation

Have difficulty controlling their emotions

But the line between those who do not consider themselves involved in the Internet environment and those who consider themselves not involved in the Internet environment is quite thin and is based on personal opinion teenager. Therefore, the transition of adolescents from one group to another is possible.

Adolescents with high involvement in the Internet environment believe that they experience significant health problems, are prone to intrapersonal conflict have difficulty managing time.

According to the method of Kulakov S.D. it turned out that the majority of parents do not associate certain difficulties with the Internet in adolescents, they do not see a threat from the Internet and, according to surveys, they believe that the Internet does not interfere, but, on the contrary, contributes to the development of adolescents. They talk about what the Internet helps to do homework, makes it possible to spend less time transmitting messages and other things. Parents argue that the Internet is necessary in modern life. The threat from the Internet is seen by a smaller number of parents who have already faced negative consequences adolescent addictions. Such parents in every possible way limit the use of the Internet and other electronic media, but believe that it is no longer possible to do so.

Many parents who do not see the Internet as a threat to their teenager are themselves less involved in the Internet environment. Most of them do not use the Vkontakte network and other social networks.

Thus, the problem of Internet addiction hangs in the air. Some overestimate the threat of Internet addiction, while others underestimate it.

Adults have little understanding of all the problems that teenagers can face on the Internet. And they themselves contribute to the development of Internet addiction.

Scientists in all countries where Internet addiction has become more widespread see the solution in making the Internet environment and reality more intertwined.

When teenagers are left alone with the Internet, their actions on the Internet become aimless. Those teenagers who seek new sensations, who have problems in relationships with loved ones, fall into Internet addiction.

In Russia, the problem of Internet addiction among adolescents is little studied. No serious studies have been conducted since 2011. Methods for the study of Internet addiction are mainly under development. The most serious among them can be called the “Chen Internet Addiction Scale” adapted by Feklisov K.A. and Malygin V.L. This technique can be considered as the only serious technique to date for identifying Internet addiction.


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When there is too much love: Prevention of love addiction Moskalenko Valentina Dmitrievna

Roots and branches of the dependency tree

What is this book about? The fact that we feel great all day if we had a good morning, if we got up “on the wrong foot.” The fact that many relationship problems simply do not arise in people who grew up in functional (healthy) families and had a happy childhood.

What a morning - such a day, what childhood - such a life. Is this true? Yes and no. Much can be corrected during the day, even more - during the life. But we can only fix what we understand. For this, it is necessary to reflect on childhood, on the origins of our personality.

Let's visualize some of the difficulties of our life. To do this, we use the image of a tree (see Fig. 1). love addiction, as you already understood from the above text, this is not random bad luck, but one of the forms of addiction. All addictions have common roots, that is, causes.

Rice. one. Love addiction among other addictions

Recovery from addictions, including love addiction, involves gradually growing beautiful fruits on the tree. We will fertilize this tree with new skills (for example, eye contact, active listening), water this tree with real love. The roots can be reborn and become the reliable foundation of our life. At the foundation of recovery, we will put trust, acceptance, security, security (see Figure 2).

Rice. 2. Tree of recovery from love addiction

Then the roots of the tree of life will no longer nourish the problems that are undesirable for us, which are in the crown.

Between the roots and the crown is the trunk of life. This is our system of thoughts and feelings. Worldview and stereotypes of reactions (all this is also called a foreign word - mentality).

Let's get right down to the practical work. I invite you to fill out a questionnaire taken from the book American professor Brian Robinson "Heal Your Self-Esteem" With this questionnaire, you can check your way of thinking and feeling, they are always inextricably linked.

Exercise: "Assess our way of thinking"

1 - it never happens to me;

2 - it rarely happens to me;

3 - it often happens to me;

4 - it always happens to me.

Put the number next to the question that corresponds to your way of thinking.

1. I'm afraid to let other people get to know me.

2. I am afraid of the unexpected.

3. I look for disadvantages instead of advantages in most situations.

4. I feel unworthy (unworthy) of love.

5. I feel like I'm worse than other people.

6. I have a tendency to workaholism, overeating, gambling, alcohol consumption.

7. I take little care of myself, preferring to take care of other people.

8. I can't get rid of overwhelming feelings coming from my past, such as anger, fear, shame, sadness.

9. I seek praise and recognition by making people happy, striving for excellence and super achievements.

10. I am too serious (serious), and it is difficult for me to play, fool around, have fun.

11. I developed health problems due to constant anxiety, stress and “self-immolation”.

12. I have a strong need to control others, to dictate my will to them.

13. I have difficulty expressing my feelings.

14. I don't like myself.

15. Crisis situations are frequent in my life.

16. It seems to me that I have become (a) a victim of difficult circumstances.

17. I am afraid of being rejected by those I love.

18. I sharply criticize myself, I am not afraid even to crush myself with critical self-reproaches.

19. I expect the worst in most situations.

20. When I make a mistake, I appear to myself as a worthless person.

21. I hold others to blame for all my misfortunes.

22. I live in memories.

23. I am closed to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

24. I get upset for a long time because of troubles.

25. I feel lonely (by them) and isolated, even if I am surrounded by people.

Sum of points:

So, count the points, and most importantly - think about each question. It's not every day that we think about things like this. If your score is:

from 25 to 54 - your way of thinking is independent of the experiences of the past; you have every reason to be lucky in love.

from 55 to 69 - your way of thinking is moderately dependent on the experiences of the past; beware of relationships that harm you.

from 70 to 100 - your way of thinking is highly dependent on the experiences of the past and you need to work on the root system of your tree of life. There is a possibility of unhealthy relationships.

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