A mixture of languages. mixed language

The impact of one language can take place at all levels language system. However, different language levels in varying degrees permeable. AT least degree subject to foreign language influences phonetics.

“It happens that a new sound penetrates, apparently only to then disappear. By the time of Chaucer, the old Anglo-Saxon ü (written y) had lost its roundedness and turned into i, but a new sound ü appeared in a number of borrowed words from French such as due “due”, value “value”, nature “nature”. The new ü did not last long, it turned into a diphthong iu and merged with the original diphthong iw of such words as new “new”, slew “killed” (E. Sapir).

With contacts of languages, one of the languages ​​can borrow articulatory features another people. For example,

In Germanic languages, nasalized vowels are generally absent, but in Swabian (High German dialects adjacent to French, in which nasalized vowels are common, nasalized vowels are noted where there used to be a vowel + nasal consonant (E. Sapir).

  • in Bulgarian, Romanian, Albanian noted the presence reduced sounds, characteristic of the Proto-Slavic language state;
  • the Finnish Swedes acquired the articulation habits of the Finns;
  • Karelian Finns- Russian pronunciation features;
  • the vowel Ы is absent in other Indo-European languages, but is present in the Ural-Altaic languages ​​that are in contact with Russian.

The substratum influence can affect on an accent, for example, in Latvian there was a multi-place stress, under the influence of the Liv language, the stress moved to the first syllable, the same processes are observed in the Russian dialects of Zaonezhie.

Grammar system may also be subject to change. For example, the Yakut language is opposed to others Turkic languages due to its multi-case (in the grammar there are not 6, but 9 cases), there is an opinion that this manifested the influence of the Evenk and Even languages ​​belonging to the Tungus-Manchurian group;

in Turkic Chuvash under the influence of the Mari language, an article arises, the function of which begins to be performed by the possessive suffix 3 lit., singular. h.

Very susceptible to various external influences syntax.

The syntax of the Finno-Ugric languages ​​was originally similar to the Turkic syntax with a word order in which the definition precedes the defined, the verb occupies the final position, the subordinate clauses are poorly developed, they correspond to constructions with participles and participles. In modern Finno-Ugric languages, under the influence Indo-European languages free word order develops, widely used subordinate clauses.

The most receptive area for all kinds of foreign language influences is vocabulary. Cases of word borrowing and tracing have been noted in a wide variety of languages. Contacts of peoples are primarily reflected in the borrowing of culturally significant vocabulary.

But foreign words not only borrowed directly or tracing. The influence of a foreign language can contribute to expanding the range of meanings of native words. So, for example, as a result of long-term contacts with the Russian language, models of polysemy have developed in the Karelian language, which are not characteristic of other closely related languages. Types of language contacts: adstratum, substratum, superstratum

In science, it is now customary to distinguish the following types language contacts: adstratum, substratum, superstratum. These terms usually refer to the type of language contact and its result - a set of features of the language system that arose as a result of contact. When characterizing these types of language contacts, one should single out the base language and the language that affects it in a certain way.

Adstrat- coexistence and contact of languages ​​(usually in border areas) with their mutual influence; a set of features of a language system, explained as the result of the influence of one language on another in conditions of long-term coexistence.

I. Schmidt, studying the relations of the Balto-Slavic language group with Iranian and Germanic languages, discovered that the very fact of the neighborhood of languages ​​predetermines the presence of common elements in them.

This is a neutral type. language interaction, in which there is no ethnic assimilation and dissolution of languages ​​in each other. Adstratic phenomena form a layer between two independent languages.

An example of an adstratum is the lack of conjugation of verbs in the Manchu language under the influence of the Chinese language.

term superstrat determine the language that is layered on the language of the indigenous population and dissolves over time in this language; it is also a set of features of the language system that are not derived from internal laws development of the language and explained as the result of the dissolution of the language of alien ethnic groups in this language, assimilated by this language.

Superstratic phenomena manifest themselves primarily in grammar and phonetics. For example, the language of the Germanic-speaking Franks gave Latin the properties that made it French.

The superstratum is traces of the disappeared Turkic dialect of the Volga-Kama Bulgarians, who penetrated in the 7th century. to the Balkans and merged with local tribes Dacians and Thracians, as well as with alien Slavic tribes.

substrate- this is the language-underlying, which dissolves in the language layered on it; it is also a set of features of the language system that are not derived from the internal laws of development given language and ascending to the language spoken in the given territory.

AT Romance languages there is an influence of the Celtic substrate on Latin, a manifestation of which is the transition uü (durusdur); the formation of tens names according to the model "80 = 20 * 4", while in Latin: the model "80 = 8*10" worked.

The substrate can even tell the language constant inertia of development.

A. Meie explained the disintegration of the Indo-European proto-language by differences in the substrate of individual regions of Eurasia. V. Brendal believed that the Celtic substratum contributed to the transformation of Latin into Old French, French of the classical period into New French. G. Khaburgaev believed that the fate of combinations with smooth East Slavic languages (tart - torot) is the influence of the Baltic substrate.

The rapid increase in the number various languages, the Bible also provides the only satisfactory explanation. If all humans descended from the same ancestors, as most evolutionary anthropologists today believe, they must have all originally spoken the same language. As long as they lived together and continued to communicate with each other, the emergence of clear differences in language was impossible. Therefore, if anthropologists insist on an evolutionary explanation for differences in languages, then they must also assume the existence of extremely long periods of isolation and inbreeding of various tribes, almost as long as the history of mankind itself. This in turn means that each of the main language groups must correspond to one of the main racial groups. Therefore, each "race" must have a long evolutionary history, and it is natural to assume that some races have evolved into more, than others. Such a natural combination of racism with evolutionary philosophy is very revealing, it has become a pseudoscientific basis a wide range racist political and religious philosophies, which during years brought incalculable harm and suffering to people.

On the other hand, it seems obvious that all peoples, tribes and languages, no matter how they differ, really have common roots in the not so distant past. Representatives of different nations can enter into mixed marriages, have equal mental faculties and the same ability to learn. Even the Aborigines of Australia are quite capable of getting doctoral degree and some of them actually got it. And although languages ​​​​are very different from each other, they can all be classified according to linguistic categories and they can be learned by a person who speaks another language - which testifies in favor of one common source. In fact, there is only one genus people, namely the human race! And only one race - race of people.

Origin various languages cannot be explained in terms of evolution, although the existence different dialects and similar languages within the main groups, of course, due to the gradual development of the general source language. But the main groups are so different from each other that this difference cannot be explained by any naturalistic scheme.

Only the Bible provides a complete explanation. Initially, after the great flood, “the whole earth had one language and one speech” (Gen. 11:1). But when the people rebelled against God, refused to be scattered throughout the world, as He commanded, and gathered in the vicinity of Babylon, “the Lord confounded the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over all the earth” (Gen. 11:9).

If we take into account that seventy families are mentioned in the descendants of the sons of Noah from Genesis 10, then this "scattering" supposedly began with seventy original groups that laid the foundation for different nations and languages. In total there were about a thousand people, divided into three large generic groups:

sons of Japheth, sons of Ham, and sons of Shem. “These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their genealogy, among their nations. From them the nations spread over the earth after the flood” (Genesis 10:32).

It is not impossible that the people of Babylon resisted the Lord and wanted to build a tower with their own hands to reach heaven, as follows from Genesis 11:4 in the King James Version. The word "achieve" is not in the original; the original meaning of the passage obviously implies the erection of a huge tower to worship the "host of heaven" - a kind of temple that would unite all mankind in the worship and service of the creature, and not the Creator (Rom. 1:25). by the most effective way to prevent sacrilege and to force people to fulfill the command of God to spread over the Earth was a confusion of languages.

Since people could no longer communicate with each other, it was difficult for them to work together. The primitive confusion of languages ​​emphasizes a fact that is not realized modern people: the true difference between them is not racial, not physical, and not geographical, but linguistic. When people stopped understanding each other, they had no other choice but to split up.

If anyone is inclined to question such a reason for the deep differences between languages, let him offer a naturalistic version that would explain all the facts better. So far, no one has succeeded. Obviously, a miracle is involved here, for the seriousness of the attacks forced God to intervene in a special way.

Although the main language groups so different from each other that it is difficult to imagine how they were formed from one original language group (unless we assume - we talked about this above - that they went through a very a long period racial separation, as a result of which the races ended up at different levels evolutionary development), the very fact that all languages ​​can be classified on the basis of linguistic theory and what a person can learn foreign languages, suggests their origin from the same source. One of the world's leading linguists, Noam Chomsky, is convinced that languages, even if they differ greatly in appearance, show a deep commonality associated with the fundamental Uniqueness of the person himself.

Dr. Günter Stent, Prof. molecular biology in University of California(Berkeley) summarizes Chomsky's views in this way:

Chomsky believes that the grammar of a language is a system of transformational rules that establishes the relationship between sound and meaning. The weight includes syntactic, semantic and phonological components. The Surface Structure contains information related to the phonological component, while the Deep Structure contains information related to the semantic component, and the Syntactic component establishes the relationship between the Surface and Deep Structures. Consequently, only the phonological component has undergone significant differentiation in the course of human history, or, according to at least since the construction of the Tower of Babel.

Of course, for Stent, as well as for Chomsky, tower of babel- no more than a figure of speech, but it is appropriate precisely because the wonderful mixture of languages ​​in Babylon really provides the only meaningful explanation for the phenomenon of human languages.

Thus, the "phonological component" of speech (or its external form) is a set of sounds that convey certain meaning and by which people of the same tribe can communicate with each other. Each tribe has its own unique phonology, so one group cannot understand the other. However, at the semantic level, in the deep structure, in " universal grammar» ( inner man!) the thoughts of both groups, which find expression in words, are essentially the same. It is the phonological levels, or external forms languages, were supernaturally disunited in Babylon, so that although ordinary logic and awareness of reality remained the same for everyone, people could no longer work together and eventually dispersed simply because they no longer understood each other.

It is important that legends similar stories about Babylonian pandemonium, exist among various ancient peoples and even among primitive tribes. Although they are not as common as the legends of the great flood, many peoples still retained the memory of the times when all people spoke the same way, until the angry gods confused their languages.

Thus, there is every reason to consider the biblical story of the confusion of languages ​​in Babylon as a reliable description of how large language groups appeared in the world. Evolutionists certainly don't have a better answer, and modern scientists dismiss this version just because it was a miracle. However, to say that this could not be done is not only to deny the omnipotence of God, but also to assert that scientists know much more about the nature of language than they really know.

No one has yet fully understood how the brain works and how it controls human speech. Therefore, no one understands what physiological changes in the brain and central nervous system were necessary to force various groups people to connect with certain concepts various sounds. Perhaps future research will shed light on the this problem, but no explanation yet better than that, which God gave, saying: "Let us confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other" (Gen. 11:7).

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Confusion of languages

Dictionary of socio linguistic terms. - M.: Russian Academy Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Responsible editor: doctor philological sciences V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

See what "Mixing languages" is in other dictionaries:

    confusion of languages- (Babylonian) foreign language: stupid, noisy conversation (so that one does not understand the other) Cf. The touch struck a second time... Karachaev clapped his hands even more furiously and stamped his feet. A perfect mixture of languages ​​reigned in the hall. Grigorovich. Countryside… …

    Confusion of languages- A mixture of languages ​​​​(Babylonian) foreign language. stupid, noisy conversation (so that one does not understand the other). Wed The ink boomed a second time... Karachaev clapped his hands even more furiously and stamped his feet. A complete confusion reigned in the hall ... ...

    mixing French with Nizhny Novgorod- (inosk.) distorted French French Russians Cf. At large congresses, on parish holidays, Is there still a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod languages? Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 7. Chatsky. Wed We have anyone who can only ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Mixing French with Nizhny Novgorod- A mixture of French languages ​​with Nizhny Novgorod (foreigner) distorted French language of French Russians. Wed At large congresses, on parish holidays, Is there still a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod languages? Griboidov. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Mixing [languages] French with Nizhny Novgorod- Razg. Shuttle. Oh confused bad speech. /i>

    Babylonian confusion of languages.- (nonsense, where they do not understand each other). See TALK BITCH... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Babylonian confusion of languages- noun, number of synonyms: 2 stupid (181) Babylonian pandemonium (16) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

    MIXING- MIXING, mixing, pl. no, cf. (book). 1. Action according to Ch. mix in all values ​​except 4. Mix colors. Allow confusion. 2. Action and status according to Ch. mix in 1 and 2 digits. A mixture of languages. Confusion of concepts. 3. That ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    MIXING- [languages] French with Nizhny Novgorod. Razg. Shuttle. About confused, incorrect speech. /i> Quote from A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (1822–1824). BMS 1998, 534 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    1. Unmotivated bilingual transition in progress speech communication from one language to another, and the border of codes can pass even inside closely related phrase: Well, with the same harnesses yov troika (a mixture of Russian and gypsy:… … Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms


  • The measure is not of all things. The polylinguistic project of the collection "The Measure of Not All Things" undoubtedly grew out of the creative workshops of the artists Vik, V. Trofimov, A. Lotsman, S. Sergeev (in the early 90s they created a group ...

Phraseologism "Mixing languages" meaning

This expression is familiar to us from the biblical event, the so-called "". In ancient Babylon, people decided to build a tower, as high as the sky. However, God was angry with the people, and in order to prevent their proud plans, he mixed up all languages. People who previously spoke the same language suddenly began to speak many and ceased to understand each other.
The explanation for this legend is quite simple. ancient babylon stood at the crossroads trade routes and roads, therefore, there has always been a multilingual population. In those days, people did not understand why everyone does not speak the same way, but each in his own dialect. Many versions were invented, sometimes quite witty. The tale of the "Babylonian pandemonium" fit perfectly.

Curiously, even the name of the city of Babylon, according to some Hebrew books, means "mixing." However, this is an erroneous opinion, since the word "Babylon" ("Babilon" among the inhabitants of the city) comes from the word "Bab Ilu" from the ancient Akkadian, which means "Gate of God". For comparison: on Arabic: "Bab-el-Mandeb", which means "gate of tears", in Hebrew: Gabriel - "God's man", Michael - "like God", Raphael - "God's help". Legends, in order to look true, can very cleverly twist everything in their own way!

Today the expression confusion of languages' is used when we are talking about confusion, turmoil, a motley crowd in which nothing can be made out. “Since yesterday, there has been a complete mixture of languages ​​​​in the house - daughter graduation class finished!”

mixed language

mixed language(also contact language listen)) is a term for a language that arose under conditions of widespread bilingualism. The main difference between a mixed language and a pidgin is that when a pidgin appears, there is the language barrier- people in contact do not know each other's language and are forced to communicate in a pidgin to decide general issues. A mixed language, on the other hand, arises under conditions of complete bilingualism, when the representatives of the group know both languages ​​well enough to compare their elements and borrow one or another into a new language spontaneously constructed by them. At the same time, it is about creating language(with fixed rules, vocabulary, etc.), and not about the usual bilingual mixing codes.

Examples of "mixed languages"

It is believed that the emergence of a "mixed language" becomes the group's response to its need for its own identity; such a language is constructed for intra-group communication. For example, the Mednovian language arose as a result of the emergence of a new ethnic group- Russian old-timers (Creoles, descendants of marriages of Russian industrialists and Aleuts). Russian old-timers had Russian Empire higher social status than the root local population. Perhaps the language arose and was able to gain a foothold on long years precisely as an important ethnic marker of the new group.

Mixed languages ​​were first identified in the works of P. Bakker (in his 1994 dissertation and 1997 monograph). He also coined the term "mixed language" (eng. mixed language).

Formation of "mixed languages"

The formation of "mixed languages" usually occurs rapidly, during the life of one or two generations.

Somewhat roughening the situation, we can say that one generation "invents" the language (continuing to speak the other two, of which one is native), for the next generation new language(mixed) is already native and serves as a means of intragroup communication. The "parents" of the mixed language are also known to them and are used when communicating with other groups; in the future, one of the source languages, usually less prestigious, ceases to be used; thus, the Mednovians do not know “pure” Aleutian, the English Gypsies do not know “real” Gypsy, etc. (Vakhtin and Golovko, 2004; p. 156).

Criticism of the concept of "mixed language"

List of mixed languages

  • Anglo Romani (UK)
  • Wutunhua (China)
  • Yeniche (Germany)
  • Kaqchikel Quiche (Guatemala)
  • Callavalla (Bolivia)
  • Kahlo (Spain)
  • Kamto (South Africa)
  • Lomavren (Armenia)
  • Malawi lomwe (Malawi)
  • Mbugu (Tanzania)
  • Media Lengua (Ecuador)
  • Copper Aleutian (Russia)
  • Michif (USA)
  • Nguluwan (Micronesia)
  • Nko (Guinea)
  • Traveling Danish (Denmark)
  • Traveling Norwegian (Norway)
  • Romano-Greek (Greece)
  • Romano-Serbian (Serbia)
  • Tavringer Romani (Sweden)
  • Tagdal (Niger)
  • Trasyanka (Belarus)
  • Shelta (Ireland)
  • E (China)




  • All mixed languages ​​on the Ethnologue website
  • Society for the Propagation of the Russian Language and Culture in Greece

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Mixed language" is in other dictionaries:

    mixed language- 1. A language characterized by the genetic heterogeneity of its vocabulary, syntactic and morphological models, etc., which arose under the influence of contacting languages. = pure language, (structurally) homogeneous language 2.… … Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    mixed language Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    mixed language- 1. A language that arose under the influence of contacting languages, characterized by genetic heterogeneity of the lexical composition, morphological and syntactic models. 2. Variety of contact language, hybrid language... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

    Mixed language (contact language)- a term denoting a language that arose in conditions of widespread bilingualism. The main difference between a mixed language and a pidgin is that when a pidgin occurs, there is a language barrier - the people in contact do not know each other's language and ... ...

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    - (transitional language) in comparatively historical linguistics it's a language geographical area distribution of which is located between two other languages ​​\u200b\u200bbelonging to the same language family. Their position on the same line is usually ... ... Wikipedia

    Contact language- - a mixed language that spontaneously arises as a result of the need for interethnic (interethnic) communication in a multilingual territory as a result of linguistic contacts of ethnic groups whose native languages ​​are not mutually intelligible. Wed… … Language contacts: concise dictionary

    Mass emigration from the CIS countries to Germany in the 1990s. led to the spread among some emigrants of this wave of a special sublanguage and subculture. Due to its morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic features (see below), as well as ... ... Wikipedia

    Mass emigration from the CIS countries to Germany in the 1990s. led to the spread among some emigrants of this wave of a special sublanguage and subculture. Due to its morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic features (see below), as well as ... ... Wikipedia