Biography of Karamzin poor Lisa works. "Poor Liza (compilation)" Nikolai Karamzin

At the heart of the story Poor Lisa» Karamzin is the story of the unhappy love of a peasant woman for a nobleman. The work, written and published in 1792, influenced further development Russian literature - here for the first time "people acted, the life of the heart and passions was depicted in the midst of ordinary everyday life." The story has become an example of sentimentalism: the images of the heroes of the story and the author's position are ambiguous, the feeling is supreme value, is revealed first inner world simple person.

The story "Poor Lisa" is studied in the 9th grade literature course. In order to get acquainted with the plot and characters of the work, we suggest reading summary"Poor Lisa".

main characters

Lisa- a peasant girl, selflessly loves Erast. Mentally rich, open, sensitive nature.

Erast- nobleman Kind, but weak in character, unable to think about the consequences of his actions.

Other characters

The narratorsentimental person empathizes with his characters. He loves "those objects that touch the heart and make you shed tears of tender sorrow."

Lisa's mother- a simple peasant woman, dreams of a happy marriage of her daughter.

The narrator, on behalf of whom the narration is being conducted, knows the surroundings of Moscow very well. His favorite place is the mountain where the Simonov Monastery is located. From here you can enjoy an amazingly beautiful view of Moscow.

In the neighborhood of the monastery, there is, collapsing, an empty shack. Thirty years ago, Lisa and her mother lived in it. After the death of his father, wealthy peasant, his wife and daughter lived in poverty. The widow grieved over the death of her husband, weakened every day and could not work. Liza, who was only fifteen in the year of her father's death, "sparing her rare beauty, worked day and night." She wove canvases, knitted, picked berries and flowers and sold them all in Moscow.

Once the heroine, as usual, came to the city to sell lilies of the valley. On one of the streets she met young man good-looking and offered to buy flowers for him. Instead of the five kopecks that Liza asked for, the young man wanted to pay a ruble for "lilies of the valley plucked by the hands of a beautiful girl," but Liza did not take the extra money. Then he told the girl that he would like to always be her only customer. The stranger asked Lisa where she lived, and the girl answered.

Arriving home, Lisa told her mother about the meeting.

The next day, having collected the best lilies of the valley, Liza went to Moscow, but she never met yesterday's stranger.

In the evening, sadly sitting at the yarn, the girl suddenly saw under the window a recent acquaintance (his name was Erast) and was very happy. The old mother told him about her grief and the "nice qualities" of her daughter. Mother really liked Erast, and she dreamed that Lisa's fiancé would be just like that. However, Lisa objected that this was impossible - after all, he was a “master”, and they were peasants.

Erast, a nobleman by birth, "with a fair mind and good heart, kind by nature, but weak and windy”, longed only for entertainment. The beauty and naturalness of Lisa impressed him so much that the young man decided: he had found his happiness.

Lisa slept restlessly at night - the image of Erast disturbed and excited the imagination. Even before sunrise, the girl went to the banks of the Moscow River and, sitting on the grass, watched the awakening nature. Suddenly, the silence of the morning was broken by the sound of oars, and Lisa saw Erast floating in a boat.

In a moment the young man jumped out of the boat, ran up to Liza, took her by the hands, kissed her and confessed his love. This confession echoed in the soul of the girl with delightful music - and Erast heard from her that we also love. The young man swore eternal love to Lisa.

Since then, Liza and Erast met every evening, talked about their love, kissed, "their hugs were pure and immaculate." The girl aroused Erast's admiration, and all past secular amusements seemed insignificant. He was sure that he could never harm his beloved "shepherdess".

At the request of Lisa, Erast often visited her mother, who always rejoiced at the arrival of a young man.

Meetings of young people continued. Once Lisa came to her beloved in tears. It turned out that the son of a wealthy peasant wants to marry her, and Lisa's mother is happy about this, because she does not know that her daughter has a "dear friend."

Erast said that he values ​​\u200b\u200bthe happiness of his beloved, and after the death of his mother, they will live together, "like in paradise." After these words, Lisa threw herself into the arms of Erast - "and at this hour the chastity should have perished", the heroes became close.

They still met, says the author, but "how everything has changed!". Platonic love was replaced by feelings that were not new to Erast. Lisa loved "only lived and breathed." Erast began to come less often, and once he did not appear for several days, and when he finally came on a date, he said that he had to say goodbye for a while - there is a war, he is in the service, and his regiment goes on a campaign. On the day of parting, saying goodbye to Erast, Liza "said goodbye to her soul." Both of them were crying.

The days of separation were filled for Lisa with bitterness and longing. Almost two months passed, the girl went to Moscow for rose water for her mother. Walking down the street, she drew attention to a rich carriage and saw Erast in it. At the gate of the house where the carriage drove in, Liza went up to Erast and hugged him. He was cold, explained to Lisa that he was engaged, - life circumstances force him to marry. He asked to forget about him, said that he loved Lisa and loves, wishes her well. Putting a hundred rubles in the girl's pocket, he ordered the servant to "escort her out of the yard."

Erast was indeed at war, but he did not fight, but lost his fortune at cards. To improve things, the young man decided to marry a rich widow who had long been in love with him.

"I'm dead!" - only from this could Liza think, going where her eyes look, after meeting with her beloved. She woke up, finding herself on the shore of a pond, where she and Erast often saw each other. Memories of a happy time "shook her soul." Seeing the neighbor's daughter Anyuta, the girl gave her money and her apologies for her mother. She herself threw herself into the waters of the pond and drowned. The mother, unable to bear the death of her beloved daughter, died. Erast, who learned about Liza's death, blamed himself for her death, he never found happiness in life. Shortly before the death of Erast, a storyteller met him, and he told him his story.


In his work, Karamzin proclaimed a timeless idea - any person, regardless of origin and position in society, is worthy of love, respect and compassion. This humanistic position of the author deserves attention in modern life.

A brief retelling of "Poor Lisa" is only the first step towards getting to know the story. Full text will allow you to comprehend the depth of the author's intention and appreciate the beauty and conciseness of the language of the work.

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In the outskirts of Moscow, not far from the Simonov Monastery, once a young girl Liza lived with her old mother. After the death of Lisa's father, a rather prosperous peasant, his wife and daughter became impoverished. The widow grew weaker day by day and could not work. Only Liza, not sparing her tender youth and rare beauty, worked day and night - weaving canvases, knitting stockings, picking flowers in the spring, and selling berries in the summer in Moscow.

One spring, two years after her father's death, Liza came to Moscow with lilies of the valley. A young, well-dressed man met her on the street. Upon learning that she was selling flowers, he offered her a ruble instead of five kopecks, saying that "beautiful lilies of the valley plucked by the hands of a beautiful girl are worth a ruble." But Lisa refused the offered amount. He did not insist, but said that from now on he would always buy flowers from her and would like her to pick them only for him.

Arriving home, Liza told her mother everything, and the next day she picked the best lilies of the valley and again came to the city, but this time she did not meet the young man. Throwing flowers into the river, she returned home with sadness in her soul. The next evening, a stranger himself came to her house. As soon as she saw him, Liza rushed to her mother and excitedly announced who was coming to them. The old woman met the guest, and he seemed to her very kind and nice person. Erast - that was the name of the young man - confirmed that he was going to buy flowers from Lisa in the future, and she did not have to go to the city: he himself could call on them.

Erast was a rather wealthy nobleman, with a fair mind and a naturally kind heart, but weak and windy. He led a distracted life, thinking only about his own pleasure, looking for it in secular amusements, and not finding it, he got bored and complained about his fate. The immaculate beauty of Liza at the first meeting shocked him: it seemed to him that in her he found exactly what he had been looking for for a long time.

This was the start of their long relationship. Every evening they saw each other either on the banks of the river, or in a birch grove, or under the shade of hundred-year-old oaks. They embraced, but their embrace was pure and innocent.

So several weeks passed. It seemed that nothing could interfere with their happiness. But one evening Lisa came to the meeting sad. It turned out that the groom, the son of a rich peasant, was wooing her, and the mother wanted her to marry him. Erast, comforting Lisa, said that after the death of his mother, he would take her to him and would live with her inseparably. But Lisa reminded the young man that he could never be her husband: she was a peasant woman, and he noble family. You offend me, Erast said, for your friend, your soul is most important, sensitive, innocent soul, you will always be closest to my heart. Liza threw herself into his arms - and in this hour, purity was to perish.

The delusion passed in one minute, giving way to surprise and fear. Liza cried, saying goodbye to Erast.

Their dates continued, but how everything had changed! Liza was no longer an angel of purity for Erast; platonic love gave way to feelings that he could not be "proud of" and which were not new to him. Liza noticed a change in him, and it saddened her.

Once, during a date, Erast told Lisa that he was being drafted into the army; they will have to part for a while, but he promises to love her and hopes to never part with her upon his return. It is not difficult to imagine how hard Liza felt the separation from her beloved. However, hope did not leave her, and every morning she woke up with the thought of Erast and their happiness upon his return.

So it took about two months. Once Lisa went to Moscow and on one of big streets I saw Erast passing by in a magnificent carriage, which stopped near a huge house. Erast went out and was about to go to the porch, when he suddenly felt himself in Liza's arms. He turned pale, then, without saying a word, led her into the study and locked the door. Circumstances have changed, he announced to the girl, he is engaged.

Before Lisa could come to her senses, he led her out of the study and told the servant to escort her out of the yard.

Finding herself on the street, Liza went aimlessly, unable to believe what she heard. She left the city and wandered for a long time, until suddenly she found herself on the shore of a deep pond, under the shade of ancient oaks, which, a few weeks before, had been silent witnesses of her delights. This memory shocked Lisa, but after a few minutes she fell into deep thought. Seeing a neighbor girl walking along the road, she called her, took all the money out of her pocket and gave it to her, asking her to pass it on to her mother, kiss her and ask her to forgive poor daughter. Then she threw herself into the water, and they could not save her.

Liza's mother, learning about terrible death daughter, could not stand the blow and died on the spot. Erast was unhappy until the end of his life. He did not deceive Lisa when he told her that he was going to the army, but instead of fighting the enemy, he played cards and lost all his fortune. He had to marry an elderly rich widow who had been in love with him for a long time. Upon learning of Liza's fate, he could not console himself and considered himself a murderer. Now, perhaps, they have already reconciled.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826) one of the greatest Russian writers of the times of sentimentalism. He was called the "Russian Stern". Historian, creator of the first generalizing historical work"History of the Russian State" in 12 volumes.

The history of the creation of the work

Wherever the name of N. M. Karamzin occurs, his story “Poor Liza” immediately comes to mind. Having glorified young poet, she is one of bright works in Russian . This work is considered the first sentimental story that brought fame and popularity to the author.

In 1792, Nikolai Karamzin, who was 25 years old, worked as the editor of the Moscow Journal. In it, the story "Poor Lisa" was first published. According to contemporaries, at that time Karamzin lived in the vicinity of the Simonov Monastery at Beketov's dacha. He knew those places well and transferred all their beauty to the pages of his work. Sergius Pond, allegedly dug by S. Radonezhsky, subsequently became the center of attention for couples in love who came there for walks. Later the pond was renamed "Lizin's pond".

Literary direction

From the end of the 17th century, the era triumphed with its clear rules and genres. Therefore, the sentimentalism that came to replace it, with its sensuality and simplicity of presentation, close to simple speech, translated literature into new level. With his story, N. Karamzin laid the foundation for noble sentimentalism. He did not advocate the abolition of serfdom, but at the same time showed all the humanity and beauty lower class.


Karamzin is the creator of a short novel - a "sensitive story". Prior to this, multi-volume works were widespread in the 18th century. "Poor Lisa" - the first psychological tale based on moral conflict.

Creative method and style

An innovative approach in the story is the very image of the narrator. The story is told on behalf of the author, a person who is not indifferent to the fate of the main characters. His empathy and participation is conveyed in a manner of presentation, which makes the story consistent with all the laws of sentimentalism. The narrator sympathizes with the heroes, worries about them and does not condemn anyone, although in the course of the story he gives vent to his emotions and writes that he is ready to curse Erast, that he is crying, that his heart is bleeding. Describing the thoughts and feelings of his characters, the author addresses them, argues with them, suffers with them - all this was also new in literature and also corresponded to the poetics of sentimentalism.

Karamzin was also able to show the landscape in a new way in the story. Nature in the work is no longer just a background, it harmonizes and corresponds to the feelings experienced by the characters of the story. Becomes an active artistic force of the work. So, after Erast's declaration of love, all nature rejoices with Lisa: birds sing, the sun shines brightly, flowers are fragrant. When young people could not resist the call of passion, a storm roars with a formidable warning, and rain pours from black clouds.

Problems of the work

  • Social: the story of lovers belonging to different social strata, despite all the beauty and tenderness of feelings, leads to tragedy, and not to a happy ending, which is used to in old novels.
  • Philosophical: the struggle of the mind with strong natural feelings.
  • Moral: the moral conflict of the story. wonderful feelings between the peasant woman Lisa and the nobleman Erast. As a result, after short moments of happiness, the sensitivity of the heroes leads Lisa to death, and Erast remains unhappy and will forever reproach himself for Lisa's death; it was he, according to the narrator, who told him this story and showed Liza the grave.

Characteristics of heroes

Lisa. The main character is a peasant girl. The author showed her true image, not similar to the general idea of ​​peasant women: “a beautiful body and soul villager”, “tender and sensitive Liza”, loving daughter your parents. She works, protects her mother from anxiety, not showing her suffering and tears. Even in front of the pond, Lisa remembers her mother. She decides on a fatal act, confident that she helped her mother in any way she could: she handed over the money to her. After meeting Erast, Lisa dreamed that her lover was born a simple shepherd. This emphasizes all the disinterestedness of her soul, as well as the fact that she really looked at things and understood that there could be nothing in common between a peasant woman and a nobleman.

Erast. In the novel, his image corresponds social society in which he grew up. A wealthy nobleman, in the rank of an officer, who led a wild life in search of solace in secular amusements. But not finding what he wanted, he was bored and complained about his fate. Karamzin in the image of Erast showed new type hero - a disillusioned aristocrat. He was not a "treacherous seducer" and sincerely fell in love with Lisa. Erast is also a victim of tragedy, and he has his own punishment. Subsequently, many more heroes of works of Russian literature are represented in the image of " extra person”, weak and unadapted to life. The author emphasizes that Erast was kind by nature, but a weak and windy person. He was dreamy, imagined life in pink color by reading novels and lyric poems. Therefore, his love did not stand the test of real life.

Lisa's mother. The image of mother Lisa often remains out of sight, as the main attention of the reader is riveted to the main actors. Nevertheless, we should not forget that the famous words of Karamzin “and peasant women know how to love” do not refer to Lisa, but to her mother. It was she who devotedly loved her Ivan, lived with him in happiness and harmony. long years and took his death very hard. The only thing that kept her on the ground was her daughter, whom she could not leave alone, which is why she dreams of marrying Lisa in order to be calm for her future. The old woman cannot stand the grief that has befallen her - the news of Lisa's suicide - and dies.

Plot and composition

All events of the story take place over three months. However, the author tells about them as about the events of thirty years ago. In addition to the psychology of the characters, which is revealed to the smallest detail in the story, the ending is also influenced by external events who pushed main character take a decisive step.

The story begins and ends with a description of the surroundings of the Simonov Monastery, which remind the narrator of the deplorable fate of poor Liza. Near her grave, he likes to sit in thought under the canopy of trees and look at the pond. This description was made by Karamzin so accurately and picturesquely that the pilgrimage of fans of the story to the monastery began, the search for the place where the hut was, the search for Lisa's grave, etc. Readers believed that this story really happened.

What was new and unusual in the story was that instead of the expected (according to the usual novels) happy ending, the reader met with the bitter truth of life.

As Karamzin said about the story "Poor Lisa": "The tale is not very intricate." Erast is a young, wealthy nobleman who falls in love with the daughter of a settler, Lisa. But due to class inequality, their marriage is impossible. He is looking for a friend in her, but friendly communication develops into deeper mutual feelings. But he quickly lost interest in the girl. While in the army, Erast loses his fortune and, in order to improve his financial situation, marries a wealthy elderly widow. Having accidentally met Erast in the city, Liza decides that his heart belongs to another. Unable to come to terms with this, Lisa drowns herself in the very pond near which they once met. Erast remains unhappy until the end of his days, he suffers from the pangs of repentance for many years and opens this story to the narrator a year before his death. “Now, maybe they have already reconciled!” - with these words, Karamzin concludes his story.

The meaning of the work

N. M. Karamzin, having created “Poor Lisa”, laid the foundation for a cycle of literature about “little people”. Created a modern literary language, which was spoken not only by nobles, but also by peasants. Moved the story closer colloquial speech, which added even more to the plot of reality and closeness with the reader.

Ramzin began new era Russian literature,” Belinsky argued. This era was primarily characterized by the fact that literature gained influence on society, it became for readers a "textbook of life", that is, that on which the glory of Russian literature of the 19th century is based. The significance of Karamzin's activity for Russian literature is great. Karamzin's word echoes Pushkin and Lermontov. Most big influence subsequent literature was influenced by Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" "Poor Liza" (1729) - the most popular and the best story this writer. Its plot, presented to the reader as a "sad story", is extremely simple, but full of dramatic tension.

Talking about the love of a poor peasant girl Lisa for the aristocrat Erast, who tricked her into committing suicide, the author does not emphasize the class opposition of the hero and heroine. He clearly sees this opposite, but does not want to admit that it was precisely this that caused the death of “poor Lisa.” The entire story depicts the life of the characters through secular and sentimental idealization. The characters in the story are embellished. The deceased father of Liza, an exemplary family man, because he loves work, plowed the land well and was quite prosperous, everyone loved him. Lisa's mother, "a sensitive, kind old woman," is weakening from incessant tears for her husband, or even peasant women know how to feel. She touchingly loves her daughter and admires nature with religious tenderness. Neither Lisa's mother nor the heroine herself resembles genuine peasant women. Most of all, the heroine of the story is idealized - “a beautiful body and soul of a settler”, “tender and sensitive Lisa.”

Warmly loving her parents, she cannot forget about her father, but hides her sadness and tears so as not to disturb her mother. She tenderly took care of her mother, got her medicines, worked day and night (“weaving canvases, knitting stockings, picking flowers in the spring, and taking berries in the summer and selling them in Moscow”) The author is sure that such activities fully ensure the life of the old woman and her daughters. According to his plan, Lisa is completely unfamiliar with the book, but after meeting with Erast, she dreams of how good it would be if her lover “was born a simple peasant shepherd ... ..” these words are completely in the spirit of Lisa. Lisa not only speaks like a book, but also thinks. Nevertheless, the psychology of Lisa, who fell in love with a girl for the first time, is revealed in detail and in a natural sequence. The following moments are psychological and interesting: the desire to see Erast the next day after they met and “some kind of sadness” when this desire did not come true, joyful fright and excitement at the unexpected appearance of Erast under the window of her hut, the author depicts the same feeling with the help of details in at the beginning of the story, wonder how she could have lived before without knowing Erast; anxiety at the thought that Erastubarin should not be the husband of a simple peasant woman; fear of losing a loved one and hope for his return, finally, hopeless despair after Erast escorted her out of the office. Before throwing herself into the pond, Lisa remembered her mother, she took care of the old woman as best she could, left her money, but this time the thought of her was no longer able to keep Lisa from decisive step.

As a result, the character of the heroine is idealized, but internally whole. The author in the story raises not only the topic " little man" and social inequality, but also such a topic as fate and circumstances, nature and man, love-woe and love-happiness. Erast, his character is much different from the character of Lisa. Erast is described more in line with the one who raised him social environment than Lisa. This is a “rather rich nobleman”, who led a dispersed life, thought only about his pleasure, looked for it in secular amusements, but often did not find it, got bored and complained about his fate”, endowed with “a fair mind and a kind heart, kind by nature, but weak and windy”, “he read novels. In the image of Erast, for the first time, the type of a disappointed Russian aristocrat is outlined. Liza is a child of nature, her soul and character are close to the people. Erast recklessly falls in love with Liza, breaking the rule that she is not a girl of his circle. Lisa is naive and it is not clear to her that at the time in which she lives, she is considered a small person and they do not give her the right to love, after learning that Erast loves her, Lisa surrenders to her love selflessly without thinking about anything. At first, Erast acts in the same way, but then comes crucial moment, the hero does not stand the test of love, low feelings win.

Wednesday prevents the hero's soul from resurrecting and forces him to lie to Lisa. Only circumstances allow the heroine to open the deception. The minute Lisa begins to see clearly, fate acts as a punishment for sin. Lisa is punished for her love. Erast is punished for not keeping his oath. The author's position in the story is the position of a humanist. Before us is Karamzin the artist and Karamzin the philosopher. He sang the beauty of love, described love as a feeling that can transform a person, The writer teaches that a moment of love is beautiful, but long life and strength gives only the mind.

Karamzin laid the foundation for a huge cycle of literature about "little people", took the first step into this hitherto unknown topic. It was he who opened the way for such classics of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others.

XVIII century, which glorified many wonderful people, including the writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. By the end of this century, he publishes his most famous creation - the story "Poor Liza". It was it that brought him great fame and great popularity among readers. The book is based on two characters: the poor girl Lisa and the nobleman Erast, which appear in the course of the plot in their attitude towards love.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin contributed huge contribution in cultural development homeland in the late 18th century. After numerous trips to Germany, England, France and Switzerland, the prose writer returns to Russia, and while relaxing at the dacha at famous traveler Peter Ivanovich Beketov In the 1790s, he takes on a new literary experiment. The local surroundings near the Simonov Monastery greatly influenced the idea of ​​the work "Poor Lisa", which he hatched during his travels. Nature for Karamzin had great value, he truly loved her and often changed the bustle of the city to forests and fields, where he read his favorite books and immersed himself in thought.

Genre and direction

"Poor Lisa" is the first Russian psychological story that contains the moral disagreement of people. different classes. Lisa's feelings are clear and understandable to the reader: for a simple bourgeois, happiness is love, so she loves blindly and naively. Erast's feelings, on the contrary, are more confused, because he himself cannot understand them in any way. At first, the young man wants to simply fall in love just like in the novels he read, but it soon becomes clear that he is not able to live love. City life, full of luxury and passion, rendered a huge impact on the hero, and he discovers for himself a carnal attraction that completely destroys spiritual love.

Karamzin is an innovator, he can rightfully be called the founder of Russian sentimentalism. Readers took the work admiringly, since the society has already long time wished for something like this. The audience was exhausted by the moralizing of the classic direction, the basis of which is the worship of reason and duty. Sentimentalism shows soul feelings, feelings and emotions of the characters.

About what?

According to the writer, this story is “a rather uncomplicated fairy tale.” Indeed, the plot of the work is simple to genius. It begins and ends with an outline of the area of ​​the Simonov Monastery, which evokes in the memory of the narrator thoughts about the tragic turn in the fate of poor Liza. This is a love story of a poor provincial woman and a wealthy young man from the privileged class. The acquaintance of the lovers began with the fact that Lisa was selling lilies of the valley collected in the forest, and Erast, wanting to start a conversation with the girl he liked, decided to buy flowers from her. He was subdued natural beauty and Lisa's kindness, and they started dating. However, soon the young man was fed up with the charm of his passion and found a more profitable party. The heroine, unable to withstand the blow, drowned herself. Her lover regretted it all his life.

Their images are ambiguous, first of all, the world of simple natural man, unspoiled by the bustle of the city and greed. Karamzin described everything in such detail and picturesquely that readers believed in this story and fell in love with his heroine.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. The main character of the story is Lisa, a poor village girl. AT early age she lost her father and was forced to become a breadwinner for her family, accepting any job. The hardworking provincial is very naive and sensitive, she sees in people only good traits and lives with his emotions, following the call of his heart. She takes care of her mother day and night. And even when the heroine decides on a fatal act, she still does not forget about her family and leaves her money. Lisa's main talent is the gift of love, because for the sake of her loved ones she is ready to do anything.
  2. Lisa's mother is a kind and wise old woman. She experienced the death of her husband Ivan very hard, as she devotedly loved him and lived happily with him for many years. Her only consolation was her daughter, whom she sought to marry to a worthy and wealthy man. The character of the heroine is internally solid, but a little bookish and idealized.
  3. Erast is a wealthy nobleman. He leads a wild life, thinking only about fun. He is smart, but very fickle, spoiled and weak-willed. Without thinking about the fact that Lisa is from a different class, he fell in love with her, but still he cannot overcome all the difficulties of this unequal love. Erast cannot be named villain because he admits his guilt. He read and was inspired by novels, was dreamy, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Therefore it real love and did not survive the test.


  • The main theme in sentimental literature is the sincere feelings of a person in a collision with indifference. real world. Karamzin was one of the first to decide to write about the spiritual happiness and suffering of the common people. He reflected in his work the transition from civic theme, which was extended in the Enlightenment, to the personal one, in which the main subject of interest is spiritual world individual. Thus, the author, having described in depth the inner world of the characters together with their feelings and experiences, began to develop such literary device like psychology.
  • Theme of love. Love in "Poor Liza" is a test that tests the heroes for strength and loyalty to their word. Liza completely surrendered to this feeling, her author exalts and idealizes for this ability. She is the embodiment of the feminine ideal, one that completely dissolves in the adoration of her beloved and is faithful to him until her last breath. But Erast could not stand the test and turned out to be cowardly and pathetic person, incapable of self-giving in the name of something more important than material wealth.
  • Contrasting city and countryside. The author prefers countryside, it is there that natural, sincere and kind people who know no temptation. But in big cities they acquire vices: envy, greed, selfishness. Erast's position in society was dearer than love, he was fed up with her, because he was not able to experience a strong and deep feeling. Lisa, on the other hand, could not live after this betrayal: if love died, she follows her, because without her she cannot imagine her future.


Karamzin in the work "Poor Liza" affects various problems: social and moral. The problematic of the story is based on opposition. The main characters differ both in quality of life and in character. Lisa is a pure, honest and naive girl from the lower class, and Erast is a spoiled, weak-willed, young man belonging to the nobility who thinks only about his own pleasures. Lisa, having fallen in love with him, cannot go a single day without thinking about him, while Erast, on the contrary, began to move away as soon as he got what he wanted from her.

The result of such fleeting moments of happiness for Lisa and Erast is the death of a girl, after which the young man cannot stop blaming himself for this tragedy and remains unhappy until the end of his life. The author showed how class inequality led to an unhappy ending and served as a pretext for the tragedy, as well as the responsibility a person bears for those who trusted him.

the main idea

The plot is not the most important thing in this story. Emotions and feelings awakened while reading are worthy more attention. a huge role the narrator himself plays, because he tells with sadness and sympathy about the life of a poor rural girl. For Russian literature, the image of an empathic narrator who knows how to empathize emotional state heroes, turned out to be a revelation. Any dramatic moment makes his heart bleed, as well as sincerely shed tears. Thus, main idea The story "Poor Lisa" is that one should not be afraid of one's feelings, love, worry, sympathize with the full breast. Only then can a person overcome immorality, cruelty and selfishness in himself. The author starts with himself, because he, a nobleman, describes the sins of his own class, and gives sympathy to a simple village girl, urging people of his position to become more humane. The inhabitants of poor huts sometimes outshine the gentlemen from old estates with their virtue. This is the main idea of ​​Karamzin.

The attitude of the author to the protagonist of the story also became an innovation in Russian literature. So Karamzin does not blame Erast, when Lisa dies, he demonstrates social conditions, which caused tragic event. Big city influenced the young man, destroying his moral principles and making him depraved. Liza, on the other hand, grew up in the village, her naivety and simplicity played with her bad joke. The writer also demonstrates that not only Liza, but also Erast was subjected to the hardships of fate, becoming a victim of sad circumstances. The hero experiences guilt throughout his life, never becoming truly happy.

What does it teach?

The reader has the opportunity to learn something from the mistakes of others. The clash of love and selfishness - hot topic, since anyone at least once in their life experienced unrequited feelings, or experienced betrayal loved one. Analyzing Karamzin's story, we gain important life lessons We become more humane and more responsive to each other. The creations of the era of sentimentalism have a single property: they help people to enrich themselves spiritually, and also bring up the best humane and moral qualities in us.

The story "Poor Lisa" has gained popularity among readers. This work teaches a person to be more responsive to other people, as well as the ability to sympathize.

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