How much fresh water is left on earth. Fresh water reserves on Earth: approximate volumes, the problem of water shortage, interesting facts

While the deposits of "black gold" will last another hundred years, drinking water may end much earlier - by 2030. Scientists come to such a disappointing conclusion every time they sit down to calculate.

The problem is not the amount of water resources - in this respect, the Earth has an enormous reserve at both poles. However, glacial water remains only a theoretical reserve, which has yet to be learned how to extract and transport in the future. Now many regions of the world are experiencing environmental and humanitarian catastrophe due to lack drinking water.

As of 2006, only 42 percent of the world's population has access to clean water. AT next year this number will be reduced by another two percent. Every eight seconds, one child dies from diseases related to the quality and quantity of water. Such data were voiced by representatives of UNEP - the United Nations program on the environment. Senior UN officials seriously fear that the lack of fresh drinking water could lead to a violent struggle for it.

Fresh water makes up only 2.5% of the total water on the planet. However, this amount should be enough to meet all the needs of earthlings for the next 25 thousand years. The problem is that almost 70% of this reserve is concentrated in the ice of the Arctic and Antarctic. For comparison, we can say that traditional sources of water supply - rivers, lakes and artesian wells - contain only 0.26% of the world's fresh water.

Currently, scientists are looking for ways to desalinate and transport polar ice. Greatest Success achieved in this direction scientists of the Department Glaciology Institute of Geography RAS. They developed a technique to actually squeeze fresh ice out of icebergs and demonstrated its use in practice. If the proposed technology finds application in the industry, then in one day it is possible to produce fresh water in an amount sufficient to cover the needs of the entire Earth for a week.

Scientists are confident that desalinated water delivery systems in different regions the world can be built very easily. They refer to the fact that humanity already has experience in transporting another liquid substance– oil, which means that the use of pipelines and tankers can be applied in water production.

Serious concerns about the possibility of implementing this plan are expressed by environmentalists. According to the forecasts of the most radical experts in this field, by the end of this century, the average annual temperature on the planet will rise by 3 degrees Celsius. This will lead to an increase in the rate of ice melting, as a result of which the glaciers in the Alps will disappear, and the polar caps will decrease several times.

In accordance with modern scientific theories, the process of global warming precedes the new ice age and weakly associated with economic activity person. It turns out that the problem of drinking water would face the population of the Earth with any development of scientific and technological progress.

Water is life. And if a person can survive for a while without food, it is almost impossible to do this without water. Since the heyday of engineering, the water production industry has become too fast and without special attention contaminated by humans. Then the first calls about the importance of the preservation of water resources appeared. And if, in general, there is enough water, then the fresh water reserves on Earth make up a negligible fraction of this volume. Let's deal with this issue together.

Water: how much is it, and in what form does it exist

Water is important part our life. And it is she who makes up most of our planet. Mankind uses this extremely important resource on a daily basis: household needs, production needs, agricultural work and much more.

We used to think that water has one state, but in fact it has three forms:

AT liquid state it is found in all water basins on the surface of the Earth (rivers, lakes, seas, oceans) and in the depths of the soil (groundwater). In the solid state, we see it in snow and ice. In gaseous form, it appears in the form of clouds of steam, clouds.

For these reasons, it is problematic to calculate what is the supply of fresh water on Earth. But according to preliminary data, the total volume of water is about 1.386 billion cubic kilometers. Moreover, 97.5% is salty water(undrinkable) and only 2.5% is fresh.

Fresh water resources on earth

largest cluster fresh water is concentrated in the glaciers and snows of the Arctic and Antarctica (68.7%). Next come groundwater (29.9%) and only an incredibly small part (0.26%) is concentrated in rivers and lakes. It is from there that mankind draws the water resources necessary for life.

The global water cycle changes regularly, and from this numerical values change also. But in general, the picture looks exactly like this. The main reserves of fresh water on Earth are in glaciers, snow and groundwater, and its extraction from these sources is very problematic. Perhaps, in the not distant future, mankind will have to turn their eyes to these sources of fresh water.

Where is the most fresh water?

Let us consider in more detail the sources of fresh water, and find out which part of the planet has the most of it:

  • Snow and ice at the North Pole is 1/10 of the total fresh water reserve.
  • Groundwater today also serves as one of the main sources for the extraction of water.
  • Lakes and rivers fresh water are usually located at high elevations. This water basin contains the main reserves of fresh water on Earth. Canada's lakes contain 50% of the world's total freshwater lakes.
  • River systems cover about 45% of the land of our planet. Their number is 263 units of the water basin suitable for drinking.

From the above, it becomes obvious that the distribution of fresh water reserves is uneven. Somewhere there is more of it, and somewhere it is negligible. There is one more corner of the planet (except Canada), where the largest reserves of fresh water on Earth. These are the countries Latin America, 1/3 of the total world volume is located here.

The largest freshwater lake is Baikal. It is located in our country and is protected by the state, listed in the Red Book.

Scarcity of usable water

If we go from the opposite, then the mainland that most of all needs life-giving moisture is Africa. Many countries are concentrated here, and all have the same problem with the water resource. In some areas it is extremely scarce, and in others it simply does not exist. Where the rivers flow, the quality of the water leaves much to be desired, it is at a very low level.

For these reasons, more than half a million people do not receive water of the required quality, and, as a result, suffer from many infectious diseases. According to statistics, 80% of cases of diseases are associated with the quality of the fluid consumed.

Sources of water pollution

Water conservation measures are a strategically important part of our lives. The supply of fresh water is not an inexhaustible resource. And, moreover, its value is small relative to the total volume of all waters. Consider the sources of pollution to know how you can reduce or minimize these factors:

  • Wastewater. Numerous rivers and lakes were destroyed by sewage from various industries, from houses and apartments (household slag), agro-industrial complexes and much more.
  • Burial of household waste and equipment in the seas and oceans. This type of disposal of rockets and other space instruments that have served their time is very often practiced. It is worth considering that living organisms live in reservoirs, and this greatly affects their health and water quality.
  • Industry ranks first among the causes of water pollution and the entire ecosystem as a whole.
  • radioactive substances, spreading through water bodies, infect flora and fauna, make water unsuitable for drinking, as well as the life of organisms.
  • Leakage of oily products. Over time, metal containers in which oil is stored or transported are subject to corrosion, respectively, water pollution is the result of this. Atmospheric precipitation containing acids can affect the state of the reservoir.

There are many more sources, the most common of them are described here. In order to keep fresh water supplies on Earth as long as possible suitable for consumption, they must be taken care of now.

Water reserve in the bowels of the planet

We have already found out that the largest reserve of drinking water is in glaciers, snows and in the soil of our planet. In the bowels of fresh water reserves on Earth are 1.3 billion cubic kilometers. But, in addition to the difficulties in obtaining it, we are faced with problems that are associated with its chemical properties. Water is not always fresh, sometimes its salinity reaches 250 grams per 1 liter. Most often there are waters with a predominance of chlorine and sodium in their composition, less often - with sodium and calcium or sodium and magnesium. Fresh groundwater is located closer to the surface, and at a depth of up to 2 kilometers, salt water is most often found.

What are we using this valuable resource for?

We use almost 70% of our water to support the agricultural industry. In each region, this value fluctuates in different ranges. About 22% we spend on all world production. And only 8% of the rest goes to household needs.

A decrease in the water reserve of drinking water threatens more than 80 countries. It renders significant influence not only social but also economic well-being. It is necessary to look for a solution to this issue now. Thus, reduced consumption of drinking water is not a solution, but only exacerbates the problem. Every year, the fresh water supply decreases to a value of 0.3%, while not all sources of fresh water are available to us.

Looking at the map of the world, it seems to us that there is plenty of water, and there is no need to save it, especially since 75% of land is covered with water. But we all know that a person can only eat fresh water, and there is not so much of it, only 2.5% of the total water volume. This 2.5% includes: rivers, lakes, glaciers, precipitation (rain and snow). And it is important for us to learn how to save water, use it rationally, otherwise the water cycle in nature may be disturbed. Water will not have time to evaporate, go through the purification process and return to us. Accordingly, water supplies will be less and less.

BUT humanity needs a lot of water. Every person needs water, he needs to eat, wash. Considering that the world's population is constantly increasing, it is worth considering! For example, a resident of Singapore consumes per day 250 liters, Tashkent - 560 liters, in Israel average rate per person - 140 liters, but 90 liters dirty water cleaned up and used for irrigation. This is good example rational use of water.

Do not forget about domestic and wild animals, if a tiny hummingbird needs several milligrams of water a day, then a relatively small herd of elephants can drink an entire lake. Besides, agriculture required great amount water. As the saying goes: no water no food. It is known that to obtain one kilogram of rice, it takes 3 tons of water, a kilogram of wheat - a little more than a ton, and a kilogram of beef will require 16 tons of fresh water. And in order to enjoy one cup of coffee, it takes 140 liters of water.

This does not include cleaning the premises, watering gardens, washing cars, sidewalks and toilets. And how much water we lose from malfunctioning taps is hard to count! Humanity can only use one percent of the world's surface or underground freshwater resources. Modern scientists have calculated that in the next quarter of a century, humanity will begin to feel acute shortage water.

According to science, 9 3% of all atoms in the universe are hydrogen atoms- gas supplying water. At the same time, for the entire human history, we have not known all the secrets that water holds in itself, we have not explored its amazing properties. Until now, scientists are puzzling over the question: why frozen water turns into snowflakes of beautiful outlines, while each snowflake has its own pattern, not similar to the others.

In nature, all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. Water regularly follows this rule, but only up to a certain limit. Water is compressed while it is cooled to 4°C. It should be noted that at this temperature water has a maximum density, and hence weight. As it cools further, it expands. At zero, when it freezes, it turns into ice, and its expansion proceeds spasmodically, and the volume increases by about a tenth of the original.

Therefore, ice is slightly lighter than water and floats to its surface. This feature of water is of particular importance for all inhabitants of the Earth. If the water were compressed at a temperature below 4 ° C, then the ice would sink to the bottom, over time, all the reservoirs would freeze through and there would be no life in the reservoirs. Freezing water would lead to a sharp reduction in the rate of evaporation of water, therefore, the amount of precipitation would decrease. The climate of the planet would change dramatically, but thanks to the special property of water, our world exists.

The climate of our planet depends on another amazing properties water has a very high heat capacity. In terms of heat capacity, water is ten times greater than iron. Water retains this property in the form of ice and steam. Every day, accumulating heat in daylight hours days, the vast masses of water of the seas and oceans create a climate suitable for life. Water that has great strength surface tension, is inferior, therefore, the parameter is only mercury. Therefore, mercury in free fall takes the form of balls, which are slightly stretched due to air resistance.

Water has the ability to stick to other substances, wetting them. Water is a unique solvent, and this is another wonderful property water. Understanding the features of water, we can imagine how water has affected and still affects the substances contained in the earth's crust. Often they say: Water wears away the stone". Myriads of drops, the mass of which is multiplied by the force of surface gravity, have been hammered and deformed for many centuries rocks earth's crust. Given that water collects heat in itself and gives it away, alternately heating and cooling the substances with which the water comes into contact, it had a devastating effect on the earth's crust. Big mechanical work, done by water, was supplemented by mechanical, water dissolved everything that it could. Water stuck to solid particles, dragged them along into streams, rivers and carried them into the ocean.

No one doubts that the climate on our planet has begun to change. Scientists have several opinions on this: global warming and global cooling. These opinions are opposite, but scientists agree on one issue - in the near future, many states will experience water shortages. And, as we all know, life on the planet depends on this resource. Scientists have calculated and stated that by 2025, 2/3 of the population of our planet will feel the lack of water on themselves.

Russia, in terms of total water reserves, is a water power. We rank second after Brazil (the Amazon River with 6000 cubic kilometers of water flows through the territory of this country) in terms of river water flow into the ocean. The totality of our rivers is 4,000. Russia is different from other countries in that we have huge reserves of fresh water. clean water concentrated in lakes.

For example, Lake Baikal. He is unique system, which has no equal, where 23% of the fresh water of the entire Earth is concentrated. To compare and understand the volumes, it will take six years for the rivers of Russia to fill the Baikal depression.

10% of the world's river flow is the flow of rivers in Russia. It is this volume of water that the inhabitants of the planet spend on their needs. Russia's water resources can support the life of the entire planet. Quite recently, when there were talks about selling fresh water, such as oil or timber, all our compatriots were perplexed. And today, questions about the transportation of fresh water to other states are discussed at the official level.

But, according to experts, water transportation is a technically complex and expensive process. Despite the fact that channels have long been used artificial origin for shipping, it's very, very difficult. Experts agree that the process of processing Russian fresh water to needy regions is inefficient in economic terms, and also impossible, in principle. Meanwhile, the scarcity of clean water is increasing in some parts of the Earth. And the cessation of the increase in water scarcity is not expected.

Meanwhile, the world's population is growing every year. According to official figures, the world's population is already 6.5 billion people, but water consumption in rural area, and also, in industry, is not going to decrease. Scientists propose new technologies that save resources, for example, "drip irrigation" (instead of "rain"), this technology is used by a small number of countries. But nowhere is there real water savings yet.

There is another reason for the reduction of water reserves - their constant pollution with industrial waste, as well as human life. Of course, water is a renewable resource, but it is renewed very slowly, which leads to a shortage of clean water. And by the way, clean water is a resource that is practically never renewable.

As we already mentioned, humanity uses 10 percent of the total river flow, which raises questions about water scarcity, because as many as 90 percent remain. The fact is that using 10 percent of the water, it ends up in rivers as a dirty drain. It turns out that we spoil 90 percent of clean water, taking 10 percent that we need. And it turns out that this volume can no longer be used.

The most alarming thing is that water pollution in Russia is happening much faster than in developed countries. To meet our needs - we need only 2 percent of the stock Russian rivers. This volume passes through industrial enterprises, municipal services, and then, polluted gets into natural reservoirs. Thus, in our country, 2 percent of the water pollutes 98 percent. Many places don't treat drains properly, and some places don't treat drains at all.

The next factor in wastewater pollution is the washout of chemical fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural areas. For 15 years in Russia, the use of pesticides in the fields has been decreasing, which has a beneficial effect on the rivers. In some, even in most, minnows can be found living only in clean water.

We can observe manifestations of global climate change in the last twenty years. Average temperatures are rising all over the planet. But warming on Earth could be observed both 100 and 200 thousand years ago. Therefore, scientists cannot unequivocally answer that it is the impact of mankind that affects climate warming. But with regard to the impact on the state of the atmosphere and environment(and water) - already proven.

At present, winter in Russia is getting warmer every year, which leads to an increase in the winter flow of rivers. Not observed yet Negative consequences for rivers from climate warming in Russia. AT winter periods there is more water, and they do not freeze to the bottom. The work of urban water intakes has become more reliable.

As is known, in Russia water reserves are distributed unevenly over the territory. Water is only 99 percent sufficient. There are no problems with water in Siberia, but in such regions as Astrakhan, Saratov and Volgograd, there is a shortage of water. It seems that there should be no problems - the Volga is nearby, but here the problem is in the irrigation systems, which have dilapidated by now (canals are overgrown, pumps are malfunctioning).

Also, there is a problem with water in the territory. North Caucasus and Orenburg region. Everywhere the problem is the same - outdated equipment that is not able to meet the needs of the population, as well as economic facilities, large hydraulic structures on the Volga, on the Yenisei, on the Kama, on the Angara.

There are about 100 reservoirs on the territory of our country, and their total volume is more than 100 million cubic meters water. Moscow, for example, needs about 5 million cubic meters of water per day. Another worrying problem is abandoned ponds in rural areas. These ponds are not cleaned, their pipes are not checked, the hydraulic equipment and dams are not monitored. And ponds are just as much fresh water storage as larger bodies of water.

Security specialists natural resources are similar in their opinion that it is necessary to improve the quality of water in our cities. But this is impossible without wastewater treatment and water treatment. But there are still some advances in this matter. A prime example of cleaning Wastewater is Moscow. Here began to operate water treatment plants using modern technologies and the latest equipment.

But at the same time, in Moscow there is another problem - chemical reagents are used in order to accelerate the melting of snow. Some of the substances go to treatment facilities through storm drains, and the other part immediately into the Moscow River. Exhausts of gases that are full of heavy metals and oil products, settled on the soil, snow, asphalt.

Many settlements of the Moscow region carry out water intake from underground sources. Groundwater extraction has always been regulated in Russia. Recently for the installation of a new well to supply drinking water locality or cottage village required special permission. Now this law does not have this norm. And the increase in the number of wells for water supply of garden associations and cottage settlements began. Intensive pumping of water from drilled wells began, so that aquifers became depleted and polluted.

They left their mark in the pollution of sources and large quantities residential buildings located on the banks of rivers and lakes. One person who lives in country house constantly, uses as much water as in the city, and sometimes, this figure is higher. After all, as a rule, on the plots there are baths and pools, irrigation lawns and extensive flower beds. And greenhouses are generally an indispensable attribute. But it never occurs to anyone to create good treatment facilities, or people simply do not have enough funds for this.

Facilities that can carry out high-quality treatment of domestic wastewater should conduct biological and mechanical view cleaning. And everyone is already tired of talking about the inadmissibility of cottages with sewerage, which is brought directly into the river.

On the this moment one can see the concern of the government regarding the state of clean water resources in the country. Today, the main measure for the conservation of natural heritage can be called the adoption federal program under the motto Pure water”, according to which modern treatment facilities will be built throughout the country. Until 2020, it is planned to allocate 150-200 billion rubles for the program.

The goal of the wars of the second half of the 20th century, according to many analysts, was the desire to control resources, mainly hydrocarbons. Somehow such an important component of life remained in the shadows human society like fresh water. It would seem that there is no particular point in fighting because of her, here she is - open the tap and use it. Unfortunately, not all peoples are admitted to this great blessing. And soon, literally in a matter of decades, a disaster of thirst on a planetary scale may even come.

How much water is on earth

There is a lot of water on Earth, more than two-thirds of the planet's surface is covered with it. Its total volume is an impressive figure of 1386 million cubic kilometers. The problem is not in quantity, but in quality. Fresh water reserves around the world are only a fortieth part of its total mass (approximately 35 million cubic km), everything else is unsuitable for drinking and use in various consumption sectors (agricultural, industrial, domestic) due to high content table salt(HCl) and other impurities.

In addition, it should be noted that only a hundredth of all reserves are considered easily accessible. The rest of the volume requires serious labor and material costs for extraction, purification and delivery to the consumer.

But this is not a problem either: correct use these resources and their rational renewal, even existing volumes, would be enough for a long time. The fact is that fresh water in the world is unevenly distributed, its reserves are consumed, that is, they are decreasing, and the population of the planet is growing. Currently, about six and a half billion people live on the planet, while, according to the most conservative forecasts, by 2050 it will exceed 9 billion. Already, a third of the world's population is experiencing an acute shortage of water.

Geopolitical aspects

Part of the planet's population belongs to the so-called "golden billion" and has access to all the benefits of civilization that are considered normal for us (electricity, communications, television, water supply, sewerage, etc.).

Given the scarcity of virtually all resources, and in an effort to maintain high level consumption wealth, advanced economies are taking action to prevent rising living standards in the rest of the world. Fresh water today certain regions costs more than oil, and soon it will turn into a strategic commodity. The war unleashed in Libya, according to many estimates, occurred for several reasons of an economic nature. In particular, along with the introduction of the gold standard for the dinar, the large-scale water conduit project - if fully implemented - could take the entire North African region out of the US influence zone and Western Europe. Thus, it can be assumed that abundant fresh water resources currently pose a risk of military invasion no less than oil fields.

What is water used for

Water is a substance so universal that it can rightfully be called, if not the source of all human benefits, then certainly their indispensable condition. Without it, it is impossible to grow agricultural plant products. For example, a kilogram of grain "costs" 0.8 - 4 tons of moisture (depending on the climate), and rice - 3.5 tons. But there is also animal husbandry, whose production volumes are growing. consumes water and food industry. A kilogram of sugar - if you please, 400 liters. In general, with rather modest physiological needs (just to drink, a person needs two or three liters a day) developed country indirectly, together with products, it consumes up to three tons of water used for their production. It's daily.

In general, the fresh water of the planet is spent as follows:

  • the agricultural industry - 70% of this valuable resource;
  • all industry - 22%;
  • household consumers - 8%.

But this, of course, is an average ratio. There are many countries whose population is not spoiled by gastronomic delights, where the problem of fresh water is so acute that people sometimes simply have nothing to eat and drink.

Water quality in "third countries"

Today, by international standards, a person needs forty liters of water a day for all his needs, including hygiene. Approximately one billion people on the planet, however, can only dream of it, and another 2.5 billion experience a lack of it to one degree or another. According to various forecasts, already in 2025 the number of those in need will reach a critical share, when for two out of every three earthlings fresh water will become a luxury.

We, in our abundance, sometimes cannot even imagine what kind of water the inhabitants of the “third world” wash themselves with and what they drink. Every year, three million people die from diseases caused by poor sanitation. The main one is diarrhea. Every year, three thousand children die from it all over the world (most often in Africa).

The cause of eight out of every ten pathologies is the pollution of fresh water and their shortage.

Environmental considerations in biofuel production

Water is not only drunk, it is used in almost every industry. Moreover, our planet is a closed ecosystem, and therefore many interdependent and cross links. Developing or renewing one of important resources, humanity usually consumes the other, which, it seems, is still plentiful. So, for example, it happens in the production of synthetic hydrocarbons, designed to replace petroleum products. An alternative fuel, which is planned to increasingly use ethanol (aka ethanol, or alcohol), of course, much safer in ecological sense than gasoline, diesel fuel or kerosene, but in order to produce a ton of this product, again, fresh water is required, and in an amount greater than a thousand times. The fact is that the raw material for the synthesis is a biomaterial plant origin, and the technology itself is impossible without water resources.

Theoretical and practical sources

Availability of hydro resources in different countries and entire regions of the planet varies significantly. The problem of fresh water is felt most strongly in Africa and the Middle East. Its scale can be assessed by considering separately the sources from which consumption is carried out, as well as possible methods moisture extraction. Almost all water used for irrigation, industry and domestic needs comes from surface or underground water bodies, which are considered renewable (replenished) due to the natural cycle. There are also fossil reserves, which include, for example, the Libyan deposit. They make up about a fifth of all the water resources of the planet. They are not renewable, practically nothing is returned to them, but in regions experiencing a shortage, there is no alternative to them. Still on the planet there is ice, snow and deposits in the form of glaciers. In general, the possible fresh water resources can theoretically be divided into the following categories:

1. Ice and snow - 24.1 million cubic meters km (68.7%).

2. ground water- 10.5 million cubic meters km (30.1%).

3. Lakes - 91 thousand cubic meters km (0.26%).

4. Soil moisture - 16.5 thousand cubic meters. km (0.05%).

5. Swamps - 11.5 thousand cubic meters km (0.03%).

6. Rivers - 2.1 thousand cubic meters km (0.006%).

The practice of use, however, differs significantly from the theoretical possibilities. It has great value the availability of the resource and the cost of bringing it to consumption. Glaciers, which make up the largest supply of fresh water on Earth, today remain unused due to the high cost of production. Even desalination technologies are cheaper.


Despite the energy intensity and high cost of the product, desalination has become widespread in the countries of the Middle East (Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United United Arab Emirates), which had sufficient volume budget funds for implementation large-scale projects. In general, this strategy pays off, but some unexpected technological obstacles create significant problems. For example, the Omani water intake systems recently became clogged with poisonous algae, which paralyzed the operation of the distillation plants for a long time.

At the same time, Turkey has become the largest regional supplier of fresh water, directing significant investments into this specific sector of the economy. The country has no problems with water supply and sells the surplus to Israel and other states, transporting them in special tankers.

How water sources are destroyed

As is often the case, the problem is not so much a lack of resources, but a lack of frugality and irrational use of what is available. Major rivers turn into giant sewers, poisoned by toxic industrial effluents and household waste. But pollution of fresh waters, for all its perniciousness and obviousness, is not the whole problem.

In search of cheap ways to produce electricity, they are blocked by dams, which slows down their natural course and violates the temperature-dynamic characteristics of evaporation-reduction processes. As a result, the rivers become smaller. Such phenomena are observed everywhere. The level drops in the Colorado, Mississippi, Volga, Dnieper, Yellow River, Ganges and other great rivers, while smaller ones dry up completely. To ecological disaster led to artificial interference in the hydro circulation of the Aral Sea.

Who has water and who uses it

Of the available volume, the most large stock fresh water on the planet (about a third) is in South America. In Asia, another quarter. 29 countries, united not on geographical but on economic grounds (free market and Western-style democracy) in the OECD organization, own a fifth of the available volume of water resources. States former USSR- more than twenty percent. The rest, roughly 2%, is in the Middle East and North Africa. However, things are pretty bad in most of the entire territory of the Black Continent.

As for consumption, its highest level is observed in India, China, USA, Pakistan, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mexico and Russia.

At the same time, the most water is spent not always in those countries where its reserves are really large. There is a strong need for it in China, India and the United States.

The situation with water resources in Russia

Russia is rich in everything, including water. Most a prime example of what treasures our country has - Lake Baikal, in which one fifth of all water reserve planets, besides excellent quality. But most of population Russian Federation lives in its European part. Baikal is far away, you have to drink water from the nearest reservoirs, which, fortunately, are also plentiful. True, not always balanced and rational attitude to water (as well as to all other) riches, so characteristic of Soviet period, has not completely outlived its usefulness even now. It is hoped that over time this situation will be corrected.

In general, at the moment and in the foreseeable future, Russians are not threatened with thirst.