Numbered borders of awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Battle Red Banners

Established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 7, 1928. Approved by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, adopted at the 4th session of the 4th convocation on December 15, 1928. The statute of the order was amended by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 7, 1936 and the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 19, 1943 and December 16, 1947. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 28, 1980, the Statute of the Order was approved in a new edition.

Statute of the order

This order was established to reward great labor services to the Soviet state and society in the field of production, science, culture, literature, art, public education, healthcare, in the state, public and other spheres of labor activity.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is awarded to:

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor can also be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the USSR, as well as enterprises, institutions, organizations and settlements of foreign states.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is awarded:

  • per great achievements in the development of industry Agriculture, transport, construction and other sectors of the national economy, in increasing the efficiency of social production, for top scores growth of labor productivity, improvement of product quality, development and introduction into production of more advanced technological processes;
  • for stable high results in the fulfillment and overfulfillment of planned targets and accepted socialist obligations;
  • per major successes in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops and the productivity of public animal husbandry, increasing the production and sale of agricultural products to the state;
  • for great merits in the development of science and technology, their implementation the latest achievements in National economy, for inventions and rationalization proposals of great technical and economic importance;
  • for great merits in strengthening the country's defense capability;
  • for especially fruitful activity in the field of Soviet culture, literature and art;
  • for great services in the education and communist education of the younger generation, the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of health care, the development of trade, Catering, housing and communal services, consumer services for the population, for special achievements in development physical education and sports;
  • for important services in the field of state and social activities, in strengthening socialist law and order;
  • for great merits in the development of economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between Union SSR and other states.

Order of the Red Banner of Labor worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other orders, is located after the Order of the Red Banner.

Description of the order

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is a sign depicting an unfolded Red Banner, covered with ruby-red enamel with the inscription "USSR", below which, along the circumference, there is an image of a cogwheel with the inscription "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" around the rim. The rim of the gear wheel and the inscription on it are oxidized. The inscription on the banner, the staff and the rims of the banner are gilded. In the inner part of the cogwheel there is a gilded wreath of oak leaves intertwined at the bottom with two narrow ribbons. In the center of the wreath are depicted a hydroelectric dam, a railway track laid over a bridge combined with a dam, and a river. Against their background are overhead gilded hammer and sickle. All images inside the wreath are oxidized, except for the image of the river, which is made in blue enamel. The background between the gear wheel rim and the wreath is covered with white enamel. At the bottom of the order is a wreath of two rows of ears of wheat. wreath and Bottom part gears are intertwined with a gilded ribbon, on which there is a five-pointed star, covered with ruby-red enamel with a gilded contour.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is made of silver. Silver content in the order - 33.218 ± 0.385 g (as of September 18, 1975). The total weight of the order is 36.5±1.75 g.

The order is 44 mm high and 37 mm wide.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the order is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a dark blue silk moiré ribbon with two longitudinal blue stripes along the edges. The width of the tape is 24 mm, the width of the strips is 3.5 mm.

History of the order

Order of the Red Banner of Labor - 2nd soviet order by the time of establishment (after the Order of the Red Banner).

Prior to the establishment of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets on December 28, 1920 established the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR, and somewhat later similar orders were established in other Soviet republics.

The first teams awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR were the Tula Arms and Cartridge Plants, the Okhtensky and Shostka Capsule Plants, awarded on April 25, 1921 for the implementation of the program for the production of rifles and cartridges during the period of the threat of the capture of Tula by Denikin's White Guard troops.

The Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory was twice awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR. The first award took place on September 19, 1922, and the second - in 1928. In addition to the Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory, no other team or person in the entire history of the existence of this distinction has been awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR.

Industrial enterprises were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in other republics as well. So in 1923 the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Ukrainian SSR The Kyiv plant "Arsenal" was awarded.

It is interesting to note that military units also received this, purely peaceful order. So, for example, for the heroism shown in the fight against flooding, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR was awarded to the 2nd Amur Rifle Division, the 220th Slavic Regiment, the 74th rifle division and the 19th Squadron "Far East Ultimatum".

The first private person to receive the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR was a peasant from the Bykhov district of the Gomel province Menchukov Nikita, who was awarded this award by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR of July 28, 1921 for selfless protection from the ice drift of the Chigirinsky bridge.

With the establishment in 1928 of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR, the awarding of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR and similar orders of others union republics was terminated, but the persons previously awarded these orders retained the rights and benefits provided for by the statutes of these orders.

The first to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR were Air Force mechanics V. Fedotov, A. Shelagin and M. Kvyatkovsky for Active participation in a rescue expedition to search for the airship "Italia", which had an accident in the area of ​​the North Pole.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR No. 1 was awarded to the staff of the Leningrad plant "Krasny Putilovets" (later the Kirov Plant) in connection with the 125th anniversary of its founding.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War in the USSR, more than 8 thousand awards were made with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, about 21,500 home front workers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR

Since the awards could be repeated for new labor achievements, there are holders of several orders of the Red Banner of Labor. The maximum number of awards known to us with this order is six. Smelyakov Nikolai Nikolaevich was awarded six Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as deputy chief metallurgist, shop manager and chief metallurgist of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in the city of Gorky. After the war, Nikolai Nikolayevich worked in many responsible positions: director of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, chairman of the Gorky Economic Council, USSR Minister of Mechanical Engineering and for more than a quarter of a century - Deputy Minister foreign trade USSR.

Five orders were awarded to the People's Artist of the USSR, Uzbek dancer Tamara Khanum, historian Academician Ilyichev L.F., physicists Leontovich M.A. and Shalnikov A.I. Among the holders of four orders are the world-famous ballerina Galina Ulanova, actress Natalya Uzhviy, composers Revutsky and Balanchivadze and others.

Colonel-General Shumilin Boris Tikhonovich became a four-time holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. During the war he was a member partisan detachment. After the war, he graduated from the Higher Party School, worked in various leadership positions in the party bodies of Belarus. For some time Shumilin headed the Ministry of Protection Public Order Belarus, and since 1967 was the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Four orders of the Red Banner of Labor were awarded to the Hero Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, Professor of the Tallinn Conservatory Eugen Arturovich Kapp.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor was awarded to and Foreign citizens. So, for example, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 9, 1945, this award was awarded to the second secretary of the British Embassy in the USSR Beers Arthur Herbert for " successful work in negotiations between leaders Soviet Union and the UK during Tehran Conference and at their subsequent meetings.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is the most common award for enterprises, organizations and institutions. After the Great Patriotic War, the awarding of enterprises became widespread. For example, we can cite the Moscow 2nd Watch Factory (1966); Moscow Mining Institute (1969); Moscow Operetta Theater (1977); Moscow road institute(1980); Leningrad association "Svetlana" (1942 and 1966); film studio "Lenfilm" (1976); Kyiv medical institute (1944); Kyiv Institute engineers civil aviation(1966) and many other enterprises and organizations.

From periodicals The newspapers Izvestiya (1949), Trud (1951), Moskovskaya Pravda (1968), Soviet Sport (1974), Pravda Ukrainy (1975), “ Soviet culture” (1979), the magazines “Worker” (1933), “Young Guard” (1969), “Soviet Trade Unions” (1977), “Young Communist” (1977), “Behind the Wheel” (1978) and dozens of others.

There are known cases of awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Labor to regular military units. So, for example, on the banner of the 19th Rifle Voronezh-Shumlinskaya Division, in addition to the Orders of the Red Banner and Suvorov, there is also the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The last athletes to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor were Master of Sports Gennady Vasilievich Kopeika and Honored Coach of the USSR, climber Alexander Vasilyevich Shevchenko. They were awarded high awards for organizing and participating in an expedition to climb the Lhotse summit along the South Face in Nepal.

One of the last holders of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was in 1991 the director of the Moscow Thermal Engineering Institute. Dzerzhinsky Olkhovsky G.G. He was awarded for the development and implementation of highly efficient equipment for thermal and nuclear power plants.

The last recipient of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in the history of the USSR was the head of the department Russian Academy theatrical art Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR Ioakim Georgievich Sharoev. He was awarded according to the Decree of the President of the USSR of December 21, 1991 "for merits in the development of Soviet musical and variety art."

As of January 1, 1995, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor has received approximately 1,224,590 awards.

You can find out about the features and varieties of medals on the website of the USSR Medals

Estimated value of the medal

How much does the Order of the Red Banner of Labor cost? Below we will give an approximate price for some rooms:

According to current legislation Russian Federation The purchase and / or sale of medals, orders, documents of the USSR and Russia is prohibited, all this is described in Article 324. Acquisition or sale of official documents and state awards. You can read about this in more detail in which the law is disclosed in more detail, as well as those medals, orders and documents that do not apply to this ban are described.

Order of the Red Banner of Labor(originally also spelled Order of the Red Banner of Labor) - a general civil award, awarded for labor merits. Established from .


Before the establishment of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets was established on December 28, 1920, and somewhat later similar orders were established in other Soviet republics.

The first recipient of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR was the peasant of the Bykhov district Menchukov Nikita, who was awarded this award by the Decree of the RSFSR of July 28, 1921 for selfless protection from the Chigirinsky bridge.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR No. 1 was awarded to the team in Leningrad.

In total, by the beginning of 1977, more than 1 million awards with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor had been made.

Cities awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor:

  • , (1970),
  • , , , (1971),
  • (1972)
  • , (1974),
  • (1975)
  • , (1977),
  • , (1978),
  • , (1979),
  • , (1980),

Established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of September 7, 1928. Approved by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, adopted at the 4th session of the 4th convocation on December 15, 1928. The statute of the order was amended by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of May 7, 1936 and the Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 19, 1943 and December 16, 1947. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 28, 1980, the Statute of the Order was approved in a new edition.

Statute of the order

This order was established to reward great labor services to the Soviet state and society in the field of production, science, culture, literature, art, public education, health care, in state, public and other areas of labor activity.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is awarded to:

  • citizens of the USSR;
  • enterprises, associations, institutions, organizations, union and autonomous republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, districts, cities and other settlements.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor can also be awarded to persons who are not citizens of the USSR, as well as enterprises, institutions, organizations and settlements of foreign states.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is awarded:

  • for great achievements in the development of industry, agriculture, transport, construction and other sectors of the national economy, in increasing the efficiency of social production, for the highest rates of growth in labor productivity, improving product quality, developing and introducing into production more advanced technological processes;
  • for stable high results in the fulfillment and overfulfillment of planned targets and accepted socialist obligations;
  • for major successes in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops and the productivity of public animal husbandry, increasing the production and sale of agricultural products to the state;
  • for great services in the development of science and technology, the introduction of their latest achievements in the national economy, for inventions and rationalization proposals of great technical and economic importance;
  • for great merits in strengthening the country's defense capability;
  • for especially fruitful activity in the field of Soviet culture, literature and art;
  • for great services in the education and communist education of the younger generation, the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of health care, the development of trade, public catering, housing and communal services, consumer services for the population, for special achievements in the development of physical culture and sports;
  • for important services in the field of state and social activities, in strengthening socialist law and order;
  • for great services in the development of economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between the USSR and other states.

Order of the Red Banner of Labor worn on the left side of the chest and, in the presence of other orders, is located after the Order of the Red Banner.

Description of the order

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is a sign depicting an unfolded Red Banner, covered with ruby-red enamel with the inscription "USSR", below which, along the circumference, there is an image of a cogwheel with the inscription "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" around the rim. The rim of the gear wheel and the inscription on it are oxidized. The inscription on the banner, the staff and the rims of the banner are gilded. In the inner part of the cogwheel there is a gilded wreath of oak leaves intertwined at the bottom with two narrow ribbons. In the center of the wreath are depicted a hydroelectric dam, a railway track laid over a bridge combined with a dam, and a river. Against their background are overhead gilded hammer and sickle. All images inside the wreath are oxidized, except for the image of the river, which is made in blue enamel. The background between the gear wheel rim and the wreath is covered with white enamel. At the bottom of the order is a wreath of two rows of ears of wheat. The wreath and the lower part of the cogwheel are intertwined with a gilded ribbon, on which there is a five-pointed star, covered with ruby-red enamel with a gilded outline.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is made of silver. Silver content in the order - 33.218 ± 0.385 g (as of September 18, 1975). The total weight of the order is 36.5±1.75 g.

The order is 44 mm high and 37 mm wide.

With the help of an eyelet and a ring, the order is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a dark blue silk moiré ribbon with two longitudinal blue stripes along the edges. The width of the tape is 24 mm, the width of the strips is 3.5 mm.

History of the order

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is the second Soviet order at the time of its establishment (after the Order of the Red Banner).

Prior to the establishment of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets on December 28, 1920 established the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR, and somewhat later similar orders were established in other Soviet republics.

The first teams awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR were the Tula Arms and Cartridge Plants, the Okhtensky and Shostka Capsule Plants, awarded on April 25, 1921 for the implementation of the program for the production of rifles and cartridges during the period of the threat of the capture of Tula by Denikin's White Guard troops.

The Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory was twice awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR. The first award took place on September 19, 1922, and the second - in 1928. In addition to the Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory, no other team or person in the entire history of the existence of this distinction has been awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR.

Industrial enterprises were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in other republics as well. So in 1923, the Kyiv plant "Arsenal" was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ukrainian SSR.

It is interesting to note that military units also received this purely peaceful order. So, for example, for the heroism shown in the fight against flooding, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR was awarded to the 2nd Amur Rifle Division, the 220th Slavic Regiment of the 74th Rifle Division and the 19th Aviation Squadron "Far Eastern Ultimatum".

The first private person to receive the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR was a peasant from the Bykhov district of the Gomel province Menchukov Nikita, who was awarded this award by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR of July 28, 1921 for selfless protection from the ice drift of the Chigirinsky bridge.

With the establishment in 1928 of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR, the awarding of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR and similar orders of other union republics was discontinued, but the persons previously awarded these orders retained the rights and benefits provided for by the statutes of these orders.

The first to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR were the mechanics of the Air Force V. Fedotov, A. Shelagin and M. Kvyatkovsky for their active participation in the rescue expedition to search for the airship “Italia”, which crashed near the North Pole.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR No. 1 was awarded to the staff of the Leningrad plant "Krasny Putilovets" (later the Kirov Plant) in connection with the 125th anniversary of its founding.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, more than 8,000 awards of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR were made in the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, about 21,500 home front workers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR

Since the awards could be repeated for new labor achievements, there are holders of several orders of the Red Banner of Labor. The maximum number of awards known to us with this order is six. Smelyakov Nikolai Nikolaevich was awarded six Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. During the Great Patriotic War, he worked as deputy chief metallurgist, shop manager and chief metallurgist of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in the city of Gorky. After the war, Nikolai Nikolayevich worked in many responsible positions: director of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, chairman of the Gorky Economic Council, USSR Minister of Mechanical Engineering and for more than a quarter of a century - Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR.

Five orders were awarded to the People's Artist of the USSR, Uzbek dancer Tamara Khanum, historian Academician Ilyichev L.F., physicists Leontovich M.A. and Shalnikov A.I. Among the holders of four orders are the world-famous ballerina Galina Ulanova, actress Natalya Uzhviy, composers Revutsky and Balanchivadze and others.

Colonel-General Shumilin Boris Tikhonovich became a four-time holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. During the war years, he was a member of the partisan detachment. After the war, he graduated from the Higher Party School, worked in various leadership positions in the party bodies of Belarus. For some time Shumilin headed the Ministry of Public Order of Belarus, and since 1967 he was the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Four orders of the Red Banner of Labor were awarded to the Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, Professor of the Tallinn Conservatory Eugen Arturovich Kapp.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor was also awarded to foreign citizens. So, for example, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 9, 1945, this award was awarded to the second secretary of the British Embassy in the USSR Beers Arthur Herbert for "successful work in the negotiations between the leaders of the Soviet Union and Great Britain during the Tehran Conference and at their subsequent meetings."

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor is the most common award for enterprises, organizations and institutions. After the Great Patriotic War, the awarding of enterprises became widespread. For example, we can cite the Moscow 2nd Watch Factory (1966); Moscow Mining Institute (1969); Moscow Operetta Theater (1977); Moscow Road Institute (1980); Leningrad association "Svetlana" (1942 and 1966); film studio "Lenfilm" (1976); Kyiv Medical Institute (1944); Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (1966) and many other enterprises and organizations.

Of the periodicals awarded this order, one can note the newspapers Izvestia (1949), Trud (1951), Moskovskaya Pravda (1968), Soviet Sport (1974), Pravda Ukrainy (1975), Sovetskaya culture” (1979), the magazines “Worker” (1933), “Young Guard” (1969), “Soviet trade unions” (1977), “Young Communist” (1977), “Behind the wheel” (1978) and dozens of others.

There are known cases of awarding regular military units with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. So, for example, on the banner of the 19th Rifle Voronezh-Shumlinskaya Division, in addition to the Orders of the Red Banner and Suvorov, there is also the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

The last athletes to be awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor were Master of Sports Gennady Vasilievich Kopeika and Honored Coach of the USSR, climber Alexander Vasilyevich Shevchenko. They were awarded high awards for organizing and participating in the expedition to climb the Lhotse summit along the South Face in Nepal.

One of the last holders of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was in 1991 the director of the Moscow Thermal Engineering Institute. Dzerzhinsky Olkhovsky G.G. He was awarded for the development and implementation of highly efficient equipment for thermal and nuclear power plants.

The last recipient of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in the history of the USSR was the head of the department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR Joakim Georgievich Sharoev. He was awarded according to the Decree of the President of the USSR of December 21, 1991 "for merits in the development of Soviet musical and pop art."

As of January 1, 1995, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor has received approximately 1,224,590 awards.

You can find out about the features and varieties of medals on the website of the USSR Medals

Estimated value of the medal

How much does the Order of the Red Banner of Labor cost? Below we will give an approximate price for some rooms:

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Second Soviet award, which appeared during the Civil War and lasted 70 years, was the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The history of its establishment is as follows. December 22, 1920 in Moscow, at the Bolshoi Theater, the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants', Red Army and Cossack Deputies opened.

The main issues on the agenda of the congress were the problems of economic construction. The congress called on the working people "to exert their will, their skill and their strength for the improvement of industry, transport and the organization of agriculture."

“In order to distinguish before the entire Republic of Soviets those groups of workers and individual citizens who have shown special dedication, initiative, diligence and organization in solving economic problems,” the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets on December 28, 1920 established the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and its sign.

On April 25, 1921, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted the first resolution on awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR. It was awarded to teams of four factories that showed heroism on the labor front during the Civil War. Among them are the famous Tula arms and cartridge factories. In addition to them, the orders were awarded to the teams of the Okhta and Shostka capsule factories.

On February 16, 1922, the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was awarded a new order - for the great energy and solid work shown by the working people of the republic in digging an irrigation canal with a length of about 50 miles by forces local population in the order of crowded subbotniks.

On July 28, 1921, N. Z. Menchukov, a peasant from the village of Chigirinki, Bykhov District, Gomel Region, was the first to receive a personal Order of the Red Banner of Labor. On the night of March 19-20, 1921, an ice jam arose near the Chigiinksky bridge under construction. Attempts to undermine it with dynamite were unsuccessful. Menchukov voluntarily went down to the ice and, at the risk of his life, broke the traffic jam by hand, saving the bridge from destruction.

Among his first holders of orders was the 14-year-old peasant boy Misha Alymov, who was presented for an award on January 9, 1922 by the Kursk Provincial Executive Committee "for exemplary housekeeping and early surrender tax in kind".

Among the teams awarded this order, there were entire institutes and laboratories. On May 11, 1922, V. I. Lenin wrote to the People's Commissar of Posts of the RSFSR V. S. Dovgalevsky: “Today I read in Izvestia a message that the Nizhny Novgorod City Council filed a petition with the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to grant the Nizhny Novgorod Radio Laboratory the Order of the Red Labor Banner and on the inclusion of Professors Bonch-Bruevich and Vologdin on the Red Board.

I ask for your feedback. For my part, I would consider it necessary to support this petition.

September 19 of the same year outstanding achievements in the field of radio engineering, the staff of the Nizhny Novgorod laboratory was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the RSFSR. In 1928, the same team - the only one in the country - was awarded the order again.

In late 1923 - early 1924, several outstanding innovators and scientists became holders of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Among them are the aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev, one of the founders of aerodynamics S. A. Chaplygin, the famous naturalist V. R. Williams, the director of the Central Institute of Labor A. K. Gastev.

On February 8, 1926, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for almost half a century of cultural and educational work in the village of Zakamelye, Suzdal district, Vladimir province, was awarded to teacher T. I. Shumilovskaya, who by 1925 managed to completely eliminate illiteracy among village residents under the age of 50 years.

Since 1928, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, established in Soviet Russia, became the order of the USSR. This happened on September 7, 1928: “to commemorate exceptional services to the Union in the field of production, scientific activity, state or public service". This order existed until the end Soviet era. The sculptor V. V. Golenetsky became the author of the project for a new order.

Here's what it looked like: “The badge of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor has an oval shape. The edges of the sign are made in the form of a gear wheel, top part which is covered with a banner of ruby-red enamel. In the center of the front side of the order is a gilded image of a hammer and sickle. Below the image is framed by a golden oak wreath in the form of a semicircle. On the cogwheel framing the order there is an inscription: “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” On the banner panel there is an inscription in gold letters “USSR”. In the lower part of the order, along the cogwheel, wheat ears diverge to the right and left, intercepted in the middle by a wide ribbon, on which a red five-pointed star is depicted. Silver badge, size 44 by 37 mm. The order is worn on a five-pointed block, covered with a dark blue ribbon with two longitudinal blue stripes along the edges.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR No. 1 was awarded to the staff of the Putilov (now Kirov) plant in Leningrad for exemplary fulfillment of state tasks for the creation of new equipment.

The first cavaliers of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the USSR were mechanics Air Force V. Fedotov, A. Shelagin and M. Kvyatkovsky. They were awarded for their active participation in the rescue expedition to search for the airship "Italia", which crashed near the island of Svalbard.

The flight of the airship was led by the famous polar explorer Umberto Nobile. Starting from Svalbard, he flew safely to North Pole, but on way back his airship crashed. Of the 16 crew members, eight survived. Nobile himself was saved by the Swedish pilot Lundborg, and seven were taken off the ice by the Soviet icebreaker Krasin. Without the help of pilots, this rescue expedition could hardly have ended successfully.

And here is another page of the history of the Arctic.

In 1932, the crew of the Soviet icebreaker Alexander Sibiryakov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. For the first time in the history of "Sibiryakov" in one navigation - 65 days - the entire Northern sea ​​route from the White to the Bering Sea.

Today, when people think about the Alexander Sibiryakov icebreaker, they also talk about its military epic, which took place ten years later - in August 1942. Then the icebreaker, changing its former name on the "Ice-6" and turned from a peaceful ship into a warship, was part of the icebreaking detachment of the Belomorskaya military flotilla. It was equipped with two 76-mm and two 45-mm guns and several machine guns. On August 25, in the Kara Sea, near Belukha Island, the icebreaker met with the German cruiser Admiral Scheer and died in unequal battle. But its crew showed extraordinary courage during the battle, it was not for nothing that this icebreaker was nicknamed the “Northern Varyag”.

Per prewar years Order of the Red Banner of Labor received more than 8 thousand advanced workers and dozens labor collectives. During the Great Patriotic War, this order crowned labor exploits not only adults, but also children. The latter, like their 10-12-year-old peers who fought at the front, spared no effort, worked in the name of victory over the enemy.

On October 22, 1943, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was awarded to vocational school No. 28 of Moscow and vocational school No. 13 of metallurgists of Magnitogorsk successful execution government assignments for the training of skilled workers (energy and metallurgists) and excellent performance special assignments for the needs of the country's defense.

After the war, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was awarded to more than 20 different vocational schools, thousands of labor collectives and personally more than a million workers and collective farmers, teachers and doctors, writers and artists, engineers and scientists.

Orders of the "Red Banners" are the first awards Soviet state. They were established to reward for the manifestation of special bravery, dedication and courage in the defense of the Fatherland. In addition, ships, public and state organizations. Until 1930, the order was the highest degree of encouragement in the Soviet Union.

In 1918, a few days before the celebration of the first anniversary of the October socialist revolution, in the country of the Soviets, the first badge was approved - the Order of the Red Banner. There was this award in two versions: Combat and Labor. In September 1918, the statute of this sign was first approved, and then, a month later, he himself appeared.

A bit of history

It is a well-known fact that the Bolsheviks, having come to power in 1917, abolished all the awards and distinctions that existed in pre-revolutionary period the history of our country. Initially, all rewards that marked any merits to the Motherland were replaced by nominal gifts: cigarette cases, watches, weapons. However, the longer the civil war in Russia lasted, the more clearly the need for the appearance of award signs that would clearly demonstrate the merits of this or that person to new country and new government. Thus, they would stimulate to even more selfless activity those who have already received such encouragement, and those who only aspired to this.

As a result, in 1918 on the initiative of Sverdlov Ya. This group is headed by Abel Safronovich Yenukidze, and the work on the sketch of the order is entrusted to the artist Denisov V.I. and his son Denisov V.V. badge. Of several options, they chose the one that included all the elements symbolizing the young Soviet power. This is a red star, a developing red banner, a hammer and sickle, a plow and a bayonet, which are symbols of the unification of peasants, workers and soldiers. The final design sketch was approved in October 1918 by the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Thus, the young state marked the first anniversary of the Great October Revolution by issuing the Orders of the Labor and Battle Red Banner.

Award Statute

The statute for the Orders of the Battle and Labor Red Banner was very short. It contained some specifics about what actions a person can be awarded with this award. This is explained by the fact that the "Red Banners" were the only badges of their kind and in the system of the young state in principle. In particular, this was mentioned in a special explanation. The Red Banner was the only encouragement that could be awarded to the soldiers of the Red Army for their military merits. They were noted for courage, special courage and selflessness, both individuals and military units (companies, regiments, units, etc.), and public organizations. Cavaliers awarded with the order Red Banner, were called "Red Banner", and the teams - "Red Banner". In the future, the statute of this badge was edited and supplemented several times.

All the first "Red Banners" were supplemented by special certificates, which stated who, when and for what merits it was awarded this award. Such a letter was a very important and necessary attribute, certifying the right of the encouraged person to wear such a badge. According to the original statute, only commissars and commanders of the Red Army, volunteer detachments and fleet had the right to be presented to the order. However, over time, the list of promising gentlemen was expanded.

Description of the award

"Red Banners" were made of silver in the form of a laurel wreath (gilded), serving as its basis. At the bottom of it was a ribbon on which was written in gold letters "USSR". The top of the order was covered by an unfolded red banner, on which was written "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" A little below the center, the pole of the flag crosses with the torch. Their lower ends protrude slightly beyond the wreath. The flame of the torch on the order should symbolize immortal feat heroes of the revolution. In the center of the badge on a white background are a crossed hammer, plow and bayonet, which are covered by a five-pointed inverted red star. In its center is a golden laurel wreath, inside of which a gilded hammer and sickle are placed on a white field.

On repeated orders of the Red Banner, a small enamel shield was placed directly under the ribbon. white color, the numbers 2, 3, 4 and so on were put on it. They indicate the number of awards with this sign. Banner, ribbon and ends five pointed star covered with ruby-red enamel, and the images of the hammer and plow are oxidized, the rest of the images and inscriptions are gilded.


The Order of the Red Banner of Labor, like its combat version, was made of silver. Its content in this award is 22.719 grams ±1.389. The total weight of the badge is 25.134 grams ±1.8. The order is 41 mm high and 36.3 mm wide. With the help of a ring and an eye, the award is connected to the shoe rectangular shape, which is covered with a moire silk ribbon, 24 mm wide. In its center there is a white longitudinal strip, the width of which is eight millimeters, closer to the edges are two more white stripes seven millimeters wide each and two white stripes one millimeter wide. Cavaliers of this order wear it on the left side of the chest.

First Cavalier

The first owner of this honorary award was Vasily Konstantinovich Blucher, in 1918 he was chairman of the Chelyabinsk Revolutionary Committee. He received the Red Banner for the fact that he managed to unite under his command several armed detachments, with which he made his legendary campaign to the Urals. This military operation was accompanied by fierce and heavy battles with detachments of the White Guards. The 10,000-strong army led by Blucher passed through the rear of the enemy and covered 1,500 kilometers in forty days, after which the partisans joined up with regular Soviet units. For the accomplishment of this feat on September 30, 1918, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee presents Blucher to the government award - the Order of the Red Banner for the first number. Subsequently, for the entire period civil war he was introduced three more times to this honorary award. And Vasily Blucher receives his fifth Order of the Red Banner for his work in China, where he was a military adviser to the revolutionary government. However, it should be noted that all these merits did not save Soviet marshal from repression and death.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Second World War, "Red" (as the soldiers of the Red Army called the order) was awarded 305,035 times. Many soldiers deserved several of these awards at once. quantity without any words speaks of high degree heroism and self-sacrifice shown by Russian soldiers. Usually the "Red Banner of Victory" was received by commanders various compounds, as well as pilots for successfully carried out attack / bombing, downed enemy vehicles. The junior commanders of the Red Army, and even more so private and non-commissioned officers rarely received this honor.

Exceptions to the rules

However, unique cases have also been recorded. For example, the young partisan Volodya Dubinin was awarded this badge at the age of 13, though posthumously; and 14-year-old Igor Pakhomov had two orders at once. Another Kyiv student at the age of 12 received this award for having preserved two regimental banners during the occupation.

Full list of awardees

In total, from 1918 to 1991, this award was issued more than 580 thousand times, including the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Moreover, some persons became five-time, six-time, and some even seven-time cavaliers. The first who was able to receive in 1967 an order with the number seven on the front side was Major General of Aviation M. I. Burtsev. Later, the famous ace pilot, Air Marshal I.N. Kozhedub became another seven-time owner of this badge. Today, this government award has been abolished, but the most famous units and formations of the armed forces continue to be called the Red Banner ones.