Kindergartens during the war. Conversations about the war

Summary of Conversations with children 4-5 years old for the holiday Victory Day

Teacher of the 1st category Golovina Valentina Mikhailovna.
Description: This material will be useful preschool educators, parents of pupils.
Target: To continue work on the education of patriotism among middle preschoolers. To consolidate the knowledge of children that May 9 is Victory Day. To instill in children a sense of pride in their people, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Tasks: 1. To acquaint with the events of the Great Patriotic War, to consolidate knowledge about how people defended their country.
2. To cultivate patriotic feelings, a sense of pride in one's people, love for one's Motherland.
Materials and equipment: military uniforms, medals, "Eternal Flame", "Military Train" models, illustrations, crafts, toys, drawings, resumes about veterans.
Preliminary work: conversation with parents, watching videos about the war with children, reading about war hero children, looking at a stand, illustrations.
Conversation flow:
Host: Victory Day is celebrated annually on May 9 in honor of Russia's victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted from 1941 to 1945. On this day, congratulations are given to veterans who fought at the front and behind enemy lines and those who created tanks and planes, shells and cartridges, bringing Victory Day closer. This is a holiday with tears in our eyes, we rejoice over the victory and mourn for the dead.
Leading: Guys, do you know when the Great Patriotic War began? (Children's answers)
Leading: Early in the morning of June 22, 1941, when all the people were still sleeping, German troops attacked our country. The Great Patriotic War began. The war destroyed the lives of millions of people. Every person felt the breath of war: the lingering wars of sirens, volleys of anti-aircraft guns. Planes dropped bombs on cities. Artillery shot civilians. Enemy soldiers walked across our land, but the people were not afraid, they got up and went towards the enemy forces. By sacrificing their lives, they became the defenders of the fatherland. The war went on for four long years, and yet the enemy was defeated and peace on earth was restored, but this victory was not easy for the soldiers. Many people were wounded and many died, and now we all live and rejoice that there is no war and that we are all free.
Leading:(Survey of children) terms, concepts by military theme: what is war, victory, soldiers, veterans, army, military uniform, military professions, military weapon and technique.

Presenter: Do you know about children-heroes. (Survey of children)

Children-heroes of the Second World War.
Before the war, they were the most ordinary boys and girls. They studied, helped the elders, played, bred pigeons, sometimes even took part in fights. These were ordinary children and teenagers, known only to relatives, classmates and friends.
But the time has come severe trials and they proved how huge can be an ordinary small baby heart when sacred love for the Motherland flares up in him, pain for the fate of his people and hatred for enemies. Together with adults, the weight of hardships, disasters, grief of the war years fell on their fragile shoulders. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit more courageous, more resilient. And no one expected that it was these boys and girls who were able to accomplish a great feat for the glory of the freedom and independence of their Motherland!
Not! - we said to the fascists, -
Our people will not tolerate
To fragrant Russian bread
It was called "bro".
Where is the power in the world
To break us down
Bent us under the yoke
In those parts where in the days of victory
Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers
Feasted so many times? ..
... And from the sea to the sea
Russian regiments got up.
We got up, we are united with the Russians,
Belarusians, Latvians,
People of free Ukraine,
Both Armenians and Georgians
Moldovans, Chuvashs...
... Glory to our generals,
Glory to our admirals
And ordinary soldiers ...
On foot, swimming, horseback,
Hardened in hot battles!
Glory to the fallen and the living,
I thank them from the bottom of my heart!
Let's not forget those heroes
What lie in the damp earth,
Giving life on the battlefield
For the people - for you and me.
Excerpts from S. Mikhalkov's poem "A True Story for Children".

Brief stories about child heroes and their exploits: Marat Kazei, Lenya Golikov, Volodya Dubinin, Petya Klypa, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnaya, Borya Tsarikov, Sasha Chekarin.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers
And among us, our friends and relatives, there were and are veterans who took part in the Second World War. Photographs, awards, front-line letters and memories of them have been preserved.
Several children from our group, together with their parents, prepared short stories about their relatives who participated in the war. (Lilya Rogova, Ksyusha Krapivina, Azat Fatrakhmanov, Maxim Rachev)
Attached is a presentation of the talk.

Presentation on the topic: Conversation with children Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

L. Kassil.

Monument to the Soviet soldier.

The war went on for a long time.

Our troops began to advance on enemy soil. The Nazis are already farther and have nowhere to run. They settled in the main German city Berlin.

Our troops hit Berlin. The last battle of the war began. No matter how the Nazis fought back, they could not resist. The soldiers of the Soviet Army in Berlin began to take street after street, house after house. But the Nazis don't give up.

And suddenly I saw one of our soldiers, a kind soul, during a battle on the street a small German girl. Apparently, she has fallen behind her. And they forgot about her out of fright ... The poor fellow was left alone in the middle of the street. And she has nowhere to go. There is a fight all around. Fire blazes from every window, bombs explode, houses collapse, bullets whistle from all sides. It’s about to crush it with a stone, knock it down with a fragment ... He sees our soldier - the girl disappears ... “Oh, you, miserable woman, where did this bring you, something was wrong! ..”

A soldier rushed across the street right under the bullets, picked up a German girl in his arms, covered her with his shoulder from the fire and carried her out of the battle.

And soon our fighters have already raised the red flag over the main building of the German capital.

Fascists surrendered. And the war is over. We won. The world has begun.

And now a huge monument has been built in the city of Berlin. High above the houses, on a green hill, stands a hero made of stone - a soldier of the Soviet Army. In one hand he has a heavy sword, with which he defeated the Nazi enemies, and in the other - a little girl. She pressed herself against the broad shoulder of the Soviet soldier. Saved her soldiers from death, saved all the children in the world from the Nazis and menacingly looks today from a height, are they going to evil enemies start a war again and destroy the peace.

Sergei Alekseev.

First column.

(Sergey Alekseev's stories about Leningraders and the feat of Leningrad).

In 1941, the Nazis blockaded Leningrad. Cut off the city from the whole country. It was possible to get to Leningrad only by water, along Lake Ladoga.

Frosts set in in November. It froze, the waterway stopped.

The road has stopped - it means that there will be no delivery of food, that means there will be no delivery of fuel, there will be no delivery of ammunition. Like air, like oxygen, Leningrad needs a road.

There will be a road! people said.

will freeze Ladoga lake, will be covered hard ice Ladoga (this is the abbreviated name for Lake Ladoga). Here the road will pass through the ice.

Not everyone believed in such a path. Restless, capricious Ladoga. Blizzards will rage, a piercing wind - siverik - will sweep over the lake, - cracks and gullies will appear on the ice of the lake. Ladoga breaks his ice armor. Even the most severe frosts cannot completely bind Lake Ladoga.

Capricious, insidious Lake Ladoga. And yet there is no other way out. Nazis around. Only here, along Lake Ladoga, the road to Leningrad can pass.

The most difficult days in Leningrad. Communication with Leningrad was cut off. People are waiting for the ice on Lake Ladoga to become strong enough. And this is not a day, not two. Look at the ice, at the lake. Ice thickness is measured. Old-timer fishermen also watch the lake. How is the ice on Ladoga?


Is growing.

Takes strength.

People are worried, time is running out.

Faster, faster, they shout to Ladoga. - Hey, don't be lazy, frost!

Hydrological scientists arrived at Lake Ladoga (these are those who study water and ice), builders and army commanders arrived. The first decided to go through the fragile ice.

Hydrologists passed - the ice withstood.

The builders passed - the ice withstood.

Major Mozhaev, the commander of the road maintenance regiment, rode on horseback - he withstood the ice.

The horse-drawn cart marched across the ice. The sleigh survived on the road.

General Lagunov - one of the commanders Leningrad front- I drove a car on ice. It crackled, creaked, the ice got angry, but let the car pass.

On November 22, 1941, the first automobile column went on the still not fully strengthened ice of Lake Ladoga. 60 trucks was in a column. From here, from West Bank, from the side of Leningrad, cars left for cargo on the east coast.

Ahead is not a kilometer, not two - twenty-seven kilometers ice road. They are waiting on the western Leningrad coast for the return of people and convoys.

Will they return? Get stuck? Will they return? Get stuck?

Days passed. And so:

They're coming!

That's right, cars are coming, the convoy is returning. In the back of each of the cars there are three, four bags of flour. Haven't taken more yet. Fragile ice. True, sleds were pulled by cars in tows. The sleigh also contained sacks of flour, two or three.

From that day it began constant movement on the ice of Lake Ladoga. Soon severe frosts hit. The ice is strong. Now each truck took 20, 30 bags of flour. Transported on the ice and other heavy loads.

The road was not easy. There were not always good luck here. The ice broke under the pressure of the wind. Cars sometimes sank. Fascist planes bombed columns from the air. And again we suffered losses. Motors froze on the way. Drivers froze on ice. And yet, neither day nor night, neither in a snowstorm, nor in the most severe frost, the ice road across Lake Ladoga did not stop working.

The most hard days Leningrad. Stop the road - death to Leningrad.

The road didn't stop. "Dear life" Leningraders called it.

Sergei Alekseev.

Tanya Savicheva.

Hunger death goes through the city. Leningrad cemeteries do not accommodate the dead. People were dying at the machines. They died in the streets. They went to bed at night and didn't wake up in the morning. More than 600 thousand people died of starvation in Leningrad.

Among the Leningrad houses, this house also rose. This is the Savichevs' house. Above the sheets notebook the girl bowed. Her name is Tanya. Tanya Savicheva keeps a diary.

Notebook with alphabet. Tanya opens a page with the letter "Zh". Writes:

Zhenya is Tanya's sister.

Soon Tanya again sits down at her diary. Opens a page with the letter "B". Writes:

“Grandma died on Jan 25. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon 1942. New page from Tanya's diary. Page on the letter "L". Reading:

Another page from Tanya's diary. Page on the letter "B". Reading:

“Uncle Vasya died on April 13. at 2 am. 1942". One more page. Also the letter "L". But it is written on the back of the sheet: “Uncle Lyosha. May 10 at 4 p.m. 1942. Here is the page with the letter "M". We read: “Mom May 13 at 7:30 am. morning 1942. Tanya sits over the diary for a long time. Then opens the page with the letter "C". He writes: "The Savichevs are dead."

Opens the page to the letter "U". Clarifies: "Everyone died."

I sat down. I looked at the diary. Opened the page to the letter "O". She wrote: “There is only Tanya left.”

Tanya was saved from starvation. They took the girl out of Leningrad.

But Tanya did not live long. From hunger, cold, loss of loved ones, her health was undermined. Tanya Savicheva was also gone. Tanya passed away. The diary remains. "Death to the Fascists!" shouts the diary.

Sergey Alekseev

Fur coat.

A group of Leningrad children was taken out of Leningrad besieged by the Nazis "Dear Life". The car took off.

January. Freezing. The cold wind is whipping. The driver Koryakov is sitting at the steering wheel. Leads exactly one and a half.

Children hugged each other in the car. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. And here is another one. The smallest, the most puny. All the guys are thin, thin, like children's thin books. And this one is completely skinny, like a page from this book.

Guys gathered from different places. Some are from Okhta, some are from Narva, some are from the Vyborg side, some are from Kirovsky Island, some are from Vasilyevsky. And this one, imagine, from Nevsky Prospekt. Nevsky Prospekt is the central, main street of Leningrad. The boy lived here with his father, with his mother. A shell hit, there were no parents. Yes, and others, those who are now traveling in the car, were also left without mothers, without fathers. Their parents also died. Who died of starvation, who was hit by a fascist bomb, who was crushed by a collapsed house, whose life was cut short by a shell. The boys were all alone. Aunt Olya accompanies them. Aunt Olya herself is a teenager. Less than fifteen years old.

The guys are coming. They hugged each other. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. In the very middle is a crumb. The guys are coming. January. Freezing. Blows children in the wind. Aunt Olya wrapped her arms around them. From these warm hands it seems warmer to everyone.

There is a lorry and a half on the January ice. Ladoga froze to the right and left. More and more, stronger frost over Ladoga. Childish backs stiffen. Not children are sitting - icicles.

Here would be a fur coat now.

And suddenly... She slowed down, the lorry stopped. The driver Koryakov got out of the cab. He took off his warm soldier's sheepskin coat. He threw Olya up, shouting: . - Catch!

Olya picked up a sheepskin coat:

But how can you ... Yes, really, we ...

Take it, take it! shouted Koryakov and jumped into his cabin.

Guys look - a fur coat! From one kind it is warmer.

The driver sat down in his driver's seat. The car started up again. Aunt Olya covered the children with a sheepskin coat. The children huddled closer to each other. Girl, girl, girl again. Boy, girl, boy again. In the very middle is a crumb. The sheepskin coat turned out to be big and kind. Warmth ran down the children's backs.

Koryakov took the guys to east coast Lake Ladoga, delivered to the village of Kobona. From here, from Kobona, they still had distant - distant path. Koryakov said goodbye to Aunt Olya. I started saying goodbye to the guys. He is holding a sheepskin coat. He looks at the sheepskin coat, at the guys. Oh, if the guys had a sheepskin coat on the road ... So, after all, it’s official, not your sheepskin coat. The authorities will immediately remove the head. The driver looks at the guys, at the sheepskin coat. And suddenly...

Oh, it wasn't! Koryakov waved his hand.

He was not scolded by his superiors. Got a new coat.

Stories by Sergei Alekseev


The soldiers of one of the Siberian divisions in those days when the division went to the front, fellow countrymen gave a little bear cub. Mishka got used to the soldier's car. Importantly went to the front.

Toptygin came to the front. The teddy bear turned out to be extremely smart. And most importantly, from birth he had a heroic character. Not afraid of bombings. It did not clog into corners during artillery shelling. He only grumbled with displeasure if the shells were bursting very close.

Mishka visited Southwestern Front, then - as part of the troops that smashed the Nazis near Stalingrad. Then for some time he was with the troops in the rear, in the front-line reserve. Then he got into the 303rd rifle division to the Voronezh front, then to the Central, again to the Voronezh. He was in the armies of generals Managarov, Chernyakhovsky, again Managarov. The teddy bear grew up during this time. It resounded in the shoulders. The bass cut through. It became a boyar fur coat.

In the battles near Kharkov, the bear distinguished himself. At the crossings he walked with a convoy in an economic column. So it was this time. There were heavy, bloody battles. Once the economic column fell under swipe fascists. The Nazis surrounded the column. The forces are unequal, it's hard for ours. The soldiers took up defense. Only the defense is weak. The Soviet soldiers would not leave.

Yes, but suddenly the Nazis hear some kind of terrible roar! "What would it be?" - guess the Nazis. Listened, watched.

Ber! Ber! Bear! someone shouted.

That's right - Mishka got up on his hind legs, growled and went to the Nazis. The Nazis did not expect, they rushed to the side. And ours hit at that moment. Escaped from the environment.

The bear walked in heroes.

He would be rewarded, - the soldiers laughed.

He received a reward: a plate of fragrant honey. Ate and growled. I licked the plate to a shine, to a shine. Added honey. Added again. Eat, eat, hero. Toptygin!

Soon the Voronezh Front was renamed the 1st Ukrainian. Together with the troops of the front, Mishka went to the Dnieper.

Bear grew up. Quite a giant. Where are the soldiers during the war to mess with such a bulk! The soldiers decided: we will come to Kyiv - we will settle him in the zoo. We will write on the cage: the bear is a well-deserved veteran and participant great battle.

However, the road to Kyiv passed. Their division passed by. The bear was not left in the menagerie. Even the soldiers are happy now.

From Ukraine Mishka got to Belarus. He took part in the battles near Bobruisk, then ended up in the army, which was going to Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a paradise for animals and birds. The best place on the entire planet. The soldiers decided: this is where we will leave Mishka.

That's right: under his pines. Under the fir.

That's where he is expanse.

Our troops liberated the area of ​​Belovezhskaya Pushcha. And now the hour of parting has come. Fighters and a bear are standing in a forest clearing.

Farewell, Toptygin!

Play freely!

Live, start a family!

Mishka stood in the clearing. He got up on his hind legs. Looked at the green bushes. The smell of the forest inhaled through the nose.

He went with a rolling gait into the forest. From paw to paw. From paw to paw. The soldiers look after:

Be happy, Mikhail Mikhalych!

And suddenly a terrible explosion thundered in the clearing. The soldiers ran to the explosion - dead, motionless Toptygin.

A bear stepped on a fascist mine. We checked - there are many of them in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

The war goes on without mercy. War has no weariness.

Stories by Sergei Alekseev


Our troops liberated Moldova. The Nazis were pushed back beyond the Dnieper, beyond Reut. They took Floreshty, Tiraspol, Orhei. We approached the capital of Moldova, the city of Chisinau.

Here two of our fronts advanced at once - the 2nd Ukrainian and the 3rd Ukrainian. Near Chisinau, Soviet troops were supposed to surround a large fascist group. Fulfill the fronts of the indication of the Rate. To the north and west of Chisinau, the 2nd Ukrainian Front is advancing. East and south - the 3rd Ukrainian Front. Generals Malinovsky and Tolbukhin were at the head of the fronts.

Fedor Ivanovich, - General Malinovsky calls General Tolbukhin, - how is the offensive developing?

Everything is going according to plan, Rodion Yakovlevich, - General Tolbukhin answers General Malinovsky.

Troops march forward. They bypass the enemy. Ticks begin to squeeze.

Rodion Yakovlevich, - General Tolbukhin calls General Malinovsky, - how is the environment developing?

The encirclement is proceeding normally, Fyodor Ivanovich, - General Malinovsky answers General Tolbukhin and clarifies: - Exactly according to plan, on time.

And then the giant pincers closed. Eighteen fascist divisions turned out to be in a huge bag near Chisinau. Our troops began to defeat the fascists who fell into the bag.

Satisfied soviet soldiers:

The beast will be slammed again with a trap.

There was talk: now the fascist is not terrible, at least take it with your bare hands.

However, the soldier Igoshin had a different opinion:

A fascist is a fascist. The serpentine character is serpentine. A wolf and a wolf in a trap.

The soldiers laugh

So it was at what time!

Now another price for a fascist.

A fascist is a fascist, - again Igoshin about his own.

That's because the character is harmful!

Everything is more difficult in the bag for the Nazis. They began to surrender. They also surrendered at the site of the 68th Guards Rifle Division. Igoshin served in one of her battalions.

A group of fascists came out of the forest. Everything is as it should be: hands up, a white flag is thrown over the group.

Clear - go to surrender.

The soldiers revived, shouting to the Nazis:

Please, please! It is high time!

The soldiers turned to Igoshin:

Well, why is your fascist terrible?

Soldiers are crowding, they are looking at the Nazis going to surrender. There are newcomers in the battalion. For the first time, the Nazis are seen so close. And they, the newcomers, are also not at all afraid of the Nazis - after all, they are going to surrender.

The Nazis are getting closer, closer. Close at all. And suddenly burst burst. The Nazis began to shoot.

A lot of ours would have died. Yes, thanks to Igoshin. He kept his weapon at the ready. The retaliatory immediately opened fire. Then others helped.

The firing went off on the field. The soldiers approached Igoshin:

Thank you brother. And the fascist, look, with a snake indeed, it turns out, a sting.

The Chisinau “cauldron” brought a lot of trouble to our soldiers. The fascists rushed. Rushed into different sides. Went to deceit, to meanness. They tried to leave. But in vain. Soldiers clamped them with a heroic hand. Clamped. Squeezed. The snake's sting was pulled out.

Mityaev A.V. Bag of oatmeal

That autumn there were long cold rains. The ground was soaked with water, the roads became muddy. On the country roads, bogged down along the very axis in the mud, there were military trucks. With the supply of food became very bad. In the soldiers' kitchen, the cook cooked only cracker soup every day: in hot water sprinkled cracker crumbs and seasoned with salt.
On such and such hungry days, the soldier Lukashuk found a sack of oatmeal. He was not looking for anything, just leaned his shoulder against the wall of the trench. A block of damp sand collapsed, and everyone saw the edge of a green duffel bag in the hole.
Well, what a find! the soldiers rejoiced. There will be a feast on the mountain of Kashu sva-rim!
One ran with a bucket for water, others began to look for firewood, and still others had already prepared spoons.
But when it was possible to fan the fire and it was already beating at the bottom of the bucket, an unfamiliar soldier jumped into the trench. He was thin and red. Eyebrows over blue eyes redheads too. Overcoat worn, short. On the legs are windings and trampled shoes.
- Hey brother! he shouted in a hoarse, cold voice. “Give the bag over here!” Do not put do not take.
He simply stunned everyone with his appearance, and the bag was given to him immediately.
And how could you not give up? According to the front-line law, it was necessary to give. Duffel bags were hidden in trenches by soldiers when they went on the attack. To make it easier. Of course, there were bags left without an owner: either it was impossible to return for them (this is if the attack was successful and it was necessary to drive the Nazis), or the soldier died. But since the owner has come, the conversation is short to give.
The soldiers watched in silence as the redhead carried the precious sack over his shoulder. Only Lukashuk could not stand it, he quipped:
- He's skinny! They gave him an extra ration. Let it burst. If it doesn't break, it might get fatter.
The cold has come. Snow. The earth froze, became solid. The delivery has improved. The cook cooked cabbage soup with meat, pea soup with ham in the kitchen on wheels. Everyone forgot about the red-haired soldier and his oatmeal.

A big offensive was being prepared.
Long lines of infantry battalions marched along hidden forest roads, along ravines. At night, tractors were dragging guns to the front line, tanks were moving.
Lukashuk and his comrades were also preparing for the offensive. It was still dark when the guns opened fire. Airplanes hummed in the sky.
They threw bombs on Nazi dugouts, fired machine guns at enemy trenches.

The planes took off. Then the tanks roared. Behind them, the infantrymen rushed to the attack. Lukashuk and his comrades also ran and fired from a machine gun. He threw a grenade into the German trench, wanted to throw more, but did not have time: the bullet hit him in the chest. And he fell. Lukashuk lay in the snow and did not feel that the snow was cold. Some time passed, and he stopped hearing the roar of battle. Then the light ceased to see him, it seemed to him that a dark, still night had come.
When Lukashuk regained consciousness, he saw an orderly. The orderly bandaged the wound, put such plywood sledges in Lukashuk's boat. The sleigh slid and swayed in the snow. Lukashuk's head began to spin from this quiet swaying. And he didn't want his head to spin, he wanted to remember where he had seen this orderly, red-haired and thin, in a well-worn overcoat.
- Hold on, brother! Do not be shy to live! .. He heard the words of the orderly.
It seemed to Lukashuk that he had known this voice for a long time. But where and when he heard it before, he could no longer remember.
Lukashuk regained consciousness when he was transferred from the boat to a stretcher to be taken to a large tent under the pines: here, in the forest, a military doctor was pulling out bullets and shrapnel from the wounded.
Lying on a stretcher, Lukashuk saw the sled-boat on which he was taken to the hospital. Three dogs were tied to the sled with straps. They lay in the snow. Icicles are frozen on the wool. The muzzles were overgrown with frost, the eyes of the dogs were half closed.
The nurse approached the dogs. In his hands was a helmet full of oatmeal. Steam poured from her. The orderly stuck his helmet into the snow to cool the dogs harmfully hot. The orderly was thin and red-haired. And then Lukashuk remembered where he had seen him. It was he who then jumped into the trench and took the bag of oatmeal from them.
Lukashuk smiled at the orderly with his lips, and, coughing and panting, said:
-And you, redhead, never got fat. One ate a bag of oatmeal, but still thin.
The orderly also smiled and, stroking the nearest dog, answered:
- They ate oatmeal. But they got you on time. And I recognized you right away. As I saw in the snow, I recognized it.
And he added with conviction: You will live! Don't be shy!

"Tankman's Tale" Alexander Tvardovsky

What's his name, I forgot to ask.

Ten or twelve years old. troublesome,
Of those that are the leaders of children,
Of those in the front-line towns
They greet us like honored guests.

The car is surrounded in parking lots,
Carrying water in buckets for them is not difficult,
They bring soap with a towel to the tank
And unripe plums stick ...

There was a fight outside. The fire of the enemy was terrible,
We broke through to the square ahead.
And he nails - do not look out of the towers -
And the devil will understand where it hits from.

Here, guess what house
He perched - so many holes,
And suddenly a boy ran up to the car:
- Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!

I know where their gun is. I unraveled...
I crawled up, they are over there, in the garden ...
- Yes, where, where? .. - Let me go
On the tank with you. I'll bring it straight.

Well, the fight doesn't wait. - Get in here, buddy! -
And here we are rolling to the place four of us.
There is a boy - mines, bullets whistle,
And only a shirt with a bubble.

We drove up. - Here. - And with a turn
We go to the rear and give full throttle.
And this gun, along with the calculation,
We sank into loose, greasy black earth.

I wiped off the sweat. Suffocated fumes and soot:
There was a big fire going from house to house.
And, I remember, I said: - Thank you, lad! -
And shook his hand like a friend...

Was tough fight. Everything now, as if awake,
And I just can't forgive myself
Of the thousands of faces I would recognize the boy,
But what's his name, I forgot to ask him.

Work individually or in a small group (5-6 children). It is better to divide the training into three sessions ( 1. "On the battlefields" : At the forefront; decisive battle; Bombing, air raid, blockade; Honey. service. 2. "Heroes of hard times" Partisans; Children and war; Rear assistance; Victory Awards. 3. "Thunder of victory, resound!" Weapons of Victory; Things of war; Capture of Berlin; Victory parade.). After some time (2-3 weeks) it is advisable to repeat the show to consolidate the mastered material and control the quality of its development by children.

On the battlefields. Introductory lesson dedicated directly to the events on the fronts. Start with an introductory conversation: “Every country, every nation has its own holidays. Please remember what holidays we have ( New Year, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day). And what holiday do our people celebrate on May 9? (Victory Day). rulers since ancient times different countries sought to expand their territories and conquer other peoples. These rulers started wars that claimed the lives of many people. More than 70 years ago our Motherland was attacked by fascists, foreign invaders...” Explain why the war is called the Great Patriotic War. "Indeed, the war took huge territories of our country, tens of millions of people took part in it, it lasted four long years, participation in it demanded from our people an enormous exertion of all physical and spiritual forces. It is called the Patriotic War because this war is just, aimed at protecting the Fatherland. The first lesson will give the children an idea about the invasion of the enemy, about heroic deeds our army during the war. We conclude the lesson with a story about those who saved the wounded, carried them out of the battlefield - military doctors.

Heroes of hard times.“Our VICTORY was forged not only at the front! Not only soldiers and officers fought for the freedom of our Motherland. Our entire vast country has risen to fight the enemy. Men and women, elderly people and children brought victory closer to our rear and fought behind enemy lines.” Review the cards. Tell us that the main motto of those difficult years was the words: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!". End the session with a talk about rewards.

Thunder of victory, resound! To defeat a strong enemy, it was necessary to arm our troops well. Tell the children about VICTORY weapons. Then consider the things of war. These silent participants and witnesses historical events also helped to bring Victory closer. Finish the lesson with a story about the capture of Berlin and the Victory Parade.

Be sure to summarize:“Now you know that one of the most cruel and bloody wars in the history of Russia is called the Great Patriotic War. The victory of our Army and all our people is the main event in the history of Russia in the 20th century! Evil and cruel enemies received a worthy rebuff. Courageous and brave soldiers never lost their spirit, fought to the last, defending their Motherland, their home. We won because all the people of our country rose up to defend it. To remember the war and those who brought victory means to fight for peace. The war must not be forgotten. When a war is forgotten, the ancients said, a new one begins, because memory is the main enemy of war.

Extra work. Reading fiction: A. Mityachev “Why is the Army dear to everyone”, M. Jamil “Girls from Menzelinsk”, M. Svetlov “Soldier of the Soviet Army”, A. Likhanov “Borya Tsarikov”, S. Alekseev “For the sake of life on earth”, S. Alekseev "Stories about the Second World War", collections of stories "Children - Heroes of the Second World War", "Heroes of the Second World War", "Stories about the Second World War". "Malchish-Kibalchish" A.P. Gaidar, "Son of the Regiment" V.P. Kataeva, "My Dear Boys" L.A. Kassilya, "Girl from the city" L.F. Voronkova. Meetings and conversations with veterans. Conducting excursions to places of military glory, visiting museums, memorable memorials. Stories about members of your family who took part in the war.


Difficult, hungry and cold war years are often called military hard times - dashing, evil years. They were hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for the children. Many were left orphans - their fathers died in the war, others lost their parents during the bombing, the third lost not only their relatives, but also their home, the fourth ended up in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth were captured by the Germans. The children found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless force of fascism. Many of them stood on a par with adults shoulder to shoulder in defense of their homeland.

Invite the children to think about what a “feat” is. It is always a bold, courageous act. And what is the name of the person who accomplished the feat? (Hero.) Read stories about the exploits of children who helped adults during the Great Patriotic War. They blew up trains and ammunition depots, worked as orderlies in hospitals, went to reconnaissance on a par with adults. Tell at least one story of your choice: Zina Portnova, Leni Golikov, Valya Kotik, Nadia Bogdanova, Marat Kazei, Lara Mikheenko, etc.

Open to the children one more page of the topic “Children and War” - the sons of the regiment ... Hungry and frozen, these boys were brought to headquarters dugouts. The commanders and soldiers fed them hot stew and patiently urged them to return home. But many of them had nowhere to return - the war took away their home, relatives. And the harsh commanders themselves or at the insistence of experienced soldiers surrendered, violating instructions. The grown-up sons of the regiment returned to peaceful life, having passed the difficult roads of the war. Over the years. During the Great Patriotic War, hundreds of young heroes were awarded military orders and medals.

Questions for consolidation. Who was especially hard during the war? What is the name of the person who accomplished the feat? Which child hero do you know? Who is the son of the regiment?

hard times, feat, hero, fearlessness, courage.


During the Great Patriotic War, people who distinguished themselves in battle were awarded by the command - orders and medals. Orders and medals could be awarded for the fact that a soldier, being in a tank on fire, continued to perform a combat mission; for incapacitating at least two tanks or three enemy aircraft in combat; for the fact that the soldier was the first to break into the territory of the enemy and with personal courage helped the success of the common cause; captured an enemy officer. Among the awarded were many scouts who, on night campaigns, destroyed enemy warehouses with military equipment, at the cost of own life obtained valuable information, thereby saving the lives of many people. The best artists of the country of that time worked on the creation of orders and medals. With the help of symbols, they showed what exactly this or that medal was awarded to the owner.

For exploits on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 11,603 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 104 of them received this title twice, and G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin - three times. During the Great Patriotic War, 12 orders, 25 medals were established, which were awarded to Soviet soldiers, participants partisan movement, underground workers, home front workers, militias. In the relevant directory, you can find their names, find out for what merits they were awarded to the military.

Many orders and medals are named after famous generals: Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov and so on. Suggest to think why awards are named after these generals? Tell us that more than 7 million people were awarded orders and medals.

Questions for consolidation. What military awards do you know? Why did the command give people awards - orders and medals? And what awards do your older relatives have?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: award, award, symbol, order, medal, order bearer, hero.


Fascist planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs fell on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings. Fire bombs often started fires. Civilians were on duty on the roofs of houses, extinguishing incendiary bombs in boxes of sand, during the bombing they hid in cellars, basements, and in the subway. Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of our country plunged into complete darkness. At that time, there was always a blackout on the windows, which hid the light of a sometimes burning candle or a kerosene lamp, the glass in the frames was glued with paper crosswise, because they could be broken by an explosive wave. The life of the people in those days was difficult and disturbing. There was no heat in the houses, food was given out on cards, because most of the food was sent to the front. Speaking about the blockade of Leningrad, tell us that the Nazis blocked the entrances to the city so that food could not be delivered there, and the inhabitants of the city were forced to starve. Blockade ration - 125 grams of bread from a mixture of sawdust and flour ... Tell us about the Road of Life, which alone connected Leningraders with the mainland. In winter, Lake Ladoga froze over, and now trucks drove across it. They brought food, medicines, ammunition for the troops to Leningrad. And people exhausted from hunger and cold were taken out of the city.

Air defense held back enemy attacks. When enemy planes appeared in the air, our artillery hit the enemy on higher altitude. Guns that fired upwards at air targets were called anti-aircraft guns. "Anti-aircraft guns" defended the city from enemy air raids.

Questions for consolidation. How civilians fled from fascist bombings? What is a blockade? What is a pack? How did air defense work?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: air raid, bombing, bomb, incendiary projectile, blackout, bomb shelter, anti-aircraft gun.


The wounded on the battlefields were helped by orderlies, nurses, paramedics and doctors. Nurses carried soldiers from the battlefield, bandaged them, sent them to hospitals. Each fighter and commander knew that in battle there was a “sister”, a fearless person who would not leave in trouble, would provide first aid, drag him to shelter, hide from the bombing. A medical battalion or a mobile military hospital was often located somewhere in a grove, where the cannonade of a nearby front could be heard. Under the canopy of a spacious canvas tent, there were tables shifted in one row, covered with oilcloth. In such tents, military doctors performed operations: they removed fragments, treated wounds. special group physicians were staff of sanitary trains. Under bombardment, they took out the seriously wounded to the rear of the country. In the rear military hospitals, nurses, paramedics and doctors nursed the wounded soldiers. Most of the doctors of that time were women, someone's mothers, sisters, daughters. The main burden of military everyday life fell on their shoulders, because almost the entire male population was at the forefront.

Talk about the types of injuries. Remember heroic story pilot A. Maresyev.

Each soldier must be able to help his comrade if he is wounded. Conduct a training game "Wound". A nurse girl with green paint in her hand. Two boy nurses, clasping their hands like a "high chair", seat the "wounded" on the "high chair". They bring him to the "medical unit", where the nurse smears the sore knee with brilliant green or iodine. Or the wounded lies on the mat, the orderlies run up to him in turn and bandage some part of the body with a bandage - a leg, an arm, a head.

Questions for consolidation. Who carried the wounded from the battlefield? Who operated on them? What is a medical battalion? What was the ambulance for?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: orderly, operation, injury, shrapnel, shell shock, paramedic, surgeon, military doctor, medical battalion, hospital, ambulance train, cannonade.


The Nazis boasted that they would celebrate the New Year in Moscow, but the Soviet troops managed to stop their advance. Our tankers, under a red banner, beat the Nazis on the ground. And the pilots, with red stars on the fuselages of the planes, beat the Nazis in the sky. And the sailors, in peakless caps and vests, beat the Nazis on the seas. And gunners well-aimed shots beat the treacherous fascists.

The most stubborn and decisive battle It was at the beginning of the winter of 1941 near Moscow. Enemies stood at the gates of the capital. They were sure that they completely surrounded Moscow and brought it to its knees. The capital became a front-line city. At this time, the commander of our troops, General G. Zhukov, was developing a plan for the defense of Moscow. He foresaw everything so that the Germans could not break through to the capital and capture it. On the outskirts of the city, civilians dug barrage ditches, built fortifications - they were preparing to repulse the enemy. Pilots of the Red Army showed miracles of courage: they shot down and destroyed enemy planes. There were 30 kilometers to Moscow when our army, having gathered all its forces, went on the offensive and defeated the Nazis. Many divisions distinguished themselves in the battles near Moscow. The soldiers were not afraid of the terrifying "tigers" and "panthers", they fought to the death, fought in burning tanks, went to ram. The enemy suffered huge losses and stepped back. Moscow survived.

And along Red Square, ours marched solemnly, and not German soldiers. The victory near Moscow was the first heavy defeat fascist army, which until then was reputed to be invincible.

Questions for consolidation. How did Moscow prepare for defense? Who commanded our troops?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: Forced march - marching (fast) movement of troops. Attack - a swift, offensive movement of troops. A raid is a surprise attack. Defense is a type of military action. Ramming - an attack on the enemy by striking with your aircraft, tank, ship.


Consider the picture. Standing behind the tree old man(you can say, an old man), and next to him are young people, all of them with weapons. Look into their eyes, look at their intense looks. What does it say? They are from partisan detachment, sit in ambush, carefully look at the road, waiting for the enemy. Soviet people, who found themselves in the territory occupied by the enemy, as well as soldiers and commanders who were surrounded, went into the forests, created partisan detachments and entered the fight against the Nazi invaders. They tried with all their might and means to help the Soviet troops fighting at the front. The partisans blew up bridges, damaged the enemy's telegraph and telephone communications, set fire to warehouses, pursued and destroyed enemies at every turn. fighting partisans inflicted huge damage manpower and equipment of the enemy. More than 1 million people participated in the partisan movement, the partisans disabled over 1 million enemy soldiers, blew up more than 20 thousand trains and 1600 bridges.

The game "Echelon derailed". Two teams are playing. The first team has "explosives", it must be "laid" under the enemy train. The task of the other team is to detect explosives and clear the railway tracks. An adult observes the opposition and tells the children that they are dexterous, brave, fast, attentive.

Contest "Deliver the ammo". Parents and the child move with a ball sandwiched between their foreheads, they must run to the target and put the "cartridge" in the bag, and return back running. Pass the baton to another couple.

Questions for consolidation. Who are the partisans? How did the soldiers find themselves behind enemy lines? How did they help our troops? Why were the bridges blown up? What is sabotage?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: partisan, occupation, encirclement, sabotage, echelon, slope, bridge, explosion, communication (telegraph, telephone).


Consider binoculars, a soldier's bowler hat, a flask, a lighter, a tablet, etc. Talk about how these things have been applied in practice. Play situations where a flask, for example, saved the life of a fighter, and the lack of binoculars or a lighter prevented him from completing an important task. Perhaps old things are kept in your house - silent witnesses of historical events: a fragment that was pulled out of your great-grandfather's leg in the hospital, a military ID or a belt. Let the child admire these treasures, touch, examine from all sides.

Tell us about the front "triangles". Letters were written on pieces of paper most often with a pencil, because there was no ink or pen in the trenches. There used to be such chemical pencils, very similar to simple ones, but if the tip of the lead of the chemical pencil was wetted, then it began to write like ink. There was no table, no chair, no table lamp in the trenches. Soldiers had to write letters on their knees, on a stump, in the uncertain light of a home-made lamp or the moon. There were no envelopes and no return address in the war. In moments of calm, the written letter was folded into a “soldier's triangle”, the destination address was written, and instead of the return address, the field mail number. The military postman collected letters and sent them to the rear on passing transport. To receive such a "triangle" was a great happiness. But people were afraid of letters in envelopes from the front. Suggest thinking why? (The envelopes came with a funeral or a notice that someone was missing).

Teach the children how to fold the front triangle.


To defeat a strong enemy, it was necessary to arm our troops well. Tell us about the military equipment and weapons of those years. The T-34 tank is the best among the tanks of those heroic years. High speed and great combat characteristics made it the most popular Soviet tank. He played a decisive role in the victory. And the armored personnel carriers were a good and reliable support for the infantry. They delivered shells to the battlefield. The wounded were taken out under continuous enemy fire. Not only tanks and armored personnel carriers took part in the battles. The artillery gun, which the soldiers affectionately called the "forty-five", became just as legendary. This anti-tank gun was also the most massive weapon of the war. Shortened guns were called howitzers, most often they were used in the capture of cities, to destroy enemy fortifications. They were lighter and more long-range, they were mounted on tracked vehicles, so they could maneuver well during the battle. At the very beginning of the war, Soviet designers created a combat missile - a rocket for the famous Katyusha mortar. "Katyusha" fired rockets at rail guides, and its firing range was 8 km. Tell about military aviation. The IL-2 attack aircraft attacked from the air not only manpower, but also various military equipment of the enemy. And the Pe-2 bomber had 4 machine guns and up to 1000 kg of bombs on board. These aircraft participated in battles on all fronts.

Questions for consolidation. What types of military equipment do you know? What is heavy military equipment? What is artillery? What shells did the Katyusha fire? How do the types differ firearms? (Size, purpose, combat range, cartridge caliber, type of ammunition, lethal force).

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: tank, armored personnel carrier, mortar, howitzer, anti-aircraft weapon, rocket, machine gun, machine gun, battery, volley.


Plants and factories of the country worked smoothly and smoothly, day and night, every month increasing the output of military products: grenades, guns, cartridges, mines, sewed military uniform. Invite the children to think about who stayed at home, who produced all this, if all the men went to the front.

It was hard work! Daily, heavy, long - without days off and often without sleep. But at the same time, at home, it was necessary to feed and educate small children, support those old people who could no longer work, write letters to the front to their husbands, fathers and sons.

The children immediately grew up, because it was necessary to help adults in all matters. They worked in factories that made shells for the front, parts for cars, boilers for camp kitchens. Instead of carefree happy childhood with fun games and fun, children worked for 10-12 hours a day on the machines, helping adults make weapons and things to defeat the enemy. Poorly dressed, swollen from hunger, never getting enough sleep, they worked on a par with adults. Often they did not reach the workbench or machine, and they made special stands from boxes. In the heat or in the bitter cold (in the workshop there was often only a roof, but there were no walls), biting their lips to blood, they did not surrender to fatigue. They did not leave the machine for days. Such Vanya and Sani, Petya and Vovka forged victory in the rear: grenades, cartridges, rifles. But not all children could work in factories or fight. What else could children do during the war? They knitted warm clothes for the front: mittens, socks, sewed and embroidered tobacco pouches, helped the wounded in hospitals, gave concerts to support their fighting spirit, so that our defenders would not miss their loved ones.

Questions for consolidation. How did children help adults in the rear? What does the words "forge victory" mean?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: rear, plant, factory, workshop, workbench, shells, cartridges, machine tool, pouch, care, warmth.


At dawn on June 21, 1941, when the cities and villages of our Motherland were sleeping peacefully, they took off from the airfields german planes with bombs. Thunder all over western border gunshots fired. The air was filled with the rumble of tanks and trucks. Fascist Germany treacherously, without declaring war, attacked our country. The Germans tried to deprive our people of freedom, to seize lands and cities. The enemy expected to deal with us with a quick and swift blow.

But they miscalculated deeply. As one, our people rose to defend their homeland and freedom. Every day, the echelons took the soldiers to the front (this is the line of disposition of troops), to the front line (the first line of battles). Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes. At the forefront of hunger, heat or cold, explosions rumble, bullets whistle ... Not knowing the rest, the soldiers dug trenches (shelters for firing and protection from fire), dragged heavy cannons, fired aimed fire and died for their country Heavy and bloody there was a war. But the fighters did not spare themselves, defending their homeland. "Victory will be ours!" - these words sounded everywhere.

Discuss with the children why it was necessary to dig trenches and trenches on the front line. Try to imagine what it was like to sit in a damp trench all day and night, periodically rising to the attack under heavy enemy fire. Tell me what the only defense from bad weather there was an overcoat and a cape. Raincoat-tent protected from rain, wind and snow. The overcoat often served the soldiers not only as clothes, but also as a blanket and saved them from the cold at night.

Questions for consolidation. When did WWII start? Who attacked our country and why? What does the word "perfidious" mean? What is an advanced?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary. War, front, enemy, front line, trench, trench, bullet, explosion, soldier, officer, overcoat, cape.


For many years it continued bloody war, but the enemy was defeated, and Germany signed an act on unconditional surrender(a document in which the Nazis recognized themselves as defeated). On May 9, 1945, thousands of bitterns took to the streets of the capital. The people rejoiced and sang, couples were spinning in the streets in a victorious waltz. People laughed, cried, strangers hugged each other. It was a holiday of the whole people with tears in their eyes! Everyone rejoiced at the great victory over the enemy and mourned the dead. And on June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. The victorious warriors marched in orderly rows across Red Square. They carried the banners of the defeated enemy and threw them on the paving stones of the ancient square. Since then, this holiday has become a truly national celebration!

In honor of this wonderful holiday, every year on May 9, celebrations are held in all cities of Russia. In the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, a military parade is taking place on Red Square. The streets bloom with smiles of joy, lush bouquets of flowers and bright balloons, solemn music sounds. AT memorable places capitals - on Poklonnaya Hill, at the Grave Unknown Soldier, on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater, veterans-front-line soldiers, shining with orders and medals, gather. They share with us, their grateful descendants, stories about the dashing military time, meet with their fighting friends. We are grateful to them for the fact that they won the fierce battle with the enemy, defended their native land for us and peaceful life. We will be worthy of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!

Questions for consolidation. When and where was the act of unconditional surrender signed? When was the first Victory Parade held in Moscow? Why is the holiday of May 9 called a holiday with tears in the eyes? For what should we be grateful to war veterans?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: capitulation, victory, winner, parade, front-line veterans, Eternal Flame, memory, gratitude.


The war ended in May 1945. Soviet soldiers liberated from the Nazis not only our country, but also other European countries. The last battles were in Berlin - the capital of Germany. There were battles for every street, for every house. But Soviet soldiers, at the cost of their own lives, saved Berliners from bullets and shells. And finally, our soldiers took the Reichstag (the building where the German government worked) and installed a red banner on its roof. This meant the victory of our country in the Great Patriotic War.

Suggest thinking about what word can be used instead of the word "flag"? (Banner.) The word "flag" appeared in Russia during the time of Peter the Great. The word "banner" is much older. It is solemn, and the flag banner is necessarily large. The flag may be small, but the banner may not. Warriors fought under the banner in battle. It happened that people gave their lives just to save the banner, not to let the enemies capture it. In battle, hoisting a banner over the enemy camp meant victory.

Play in team game"Raise the banner." A gymnastic bench is placed against each team, then there is an arc and three circles of cardboard lie. At the signal "Forward!" the guide with the flag runs along the gymnastic bench, crawls under the arc, jumps from one circle to another and returns to his team, passes the flag to the next participant. The last participant runs up to the stand and sets the flag in it. After that, all players run up to their flag, stand around it and shout “Victory!” in unison.

Questions for consolidation. When did the Great Patriotic War end? What is the Reichstag? What did the installation of a banner on the roof of the Reichstag mean?

Words to enrich the children's vocabulary: liberation, hoisting, banner, flag, victorious warrior.

See also:

Since 1945, since that happy May, which brought collapse to fascism and freedom to the peoples of the world, this day has become the most important holiday for our people.

Once our mothers, grandparents told us about that great war. Love for the motherland is brought up from childhood - and we, still small, walked with carnations to the Eternal Flame, drew postcards for veterans, taught poems and songs. And today we must already tell our children about the Victory - so that memory does not break, so that the eternal fire of gratitude to the soldiers who gave their lives for us does not die out.

But how to tell children about the Great Patriotic War? After all, the topic is not easy, even painful. How many losses did the war bring, how many people had to endure until the moment when the scarlet banner unfolded over the Reichstag? But it is necessary to speak: after all, for those who do not remember the past, there is no future either.

The Child's Speech project has prepared for you, dear readers, ready plan conversations with the child about those events and the great Victory. You can add it yourself family stories, own stories, find more songs and poems - and it will be wonderful! But even if you just read our little story, This will important step to the education in their souls of love for the Motherland and respect for the great feat of their ancestors.

it May 9 Victory Day- the most joyful and saddest holiday in the world. On this day, joy and pride shine in the eyes of people. great victory, which their fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers won many years ago. But this joy is mixed with sadness: people remember those who died in that war. Many people died from enemy bullets and bombs, from hunger and hard work. Therefore, it is said that Victory Day is "joy with tears in the eyes"; that is, a day both joyful and sad.

Listen with your child to the song “Victory Day”

But let's see: what kind of war was it? And why is victory in it so important that the whole country celebrates it even many years later?

Maybe you have already heard its name - The Great Patriotic War. They called it Great because they had never seen the light of a war so huge, so destructive. Never before have so many soldiers, so many planes and tanks encountered in battles, never before have so many cities been destroyed, so many people killed. It was a terrible war! And she is called Patriotic because in that war our soldiers defended their fatherland - their native fields, houses, beloved wives and children. They defended the freedom of their native country from evil fascists.

And who are the fascists? They were evil cruel people. They decided that only their people, whom they considered the best, should remain on the whole Earth. And they wanted to destroy all other peoples. Where the Nazi army passed, there were destroyed cities and villages, burned houses, and dead people.

Our free peaceful country did not want to submit to the Nazis! The enemy had a plan: to quickly, with one blow, break our homeland, reach Moscow itself and conquer it, destroy it. But the soldiers stood to death on the border: we won't let them in! Across the country, men capable of fighting went to the front, replacing the dead. And women and children instead of men stood at the factory machines, worked in the fields, grew bread and built tanks. The whole nation, from the smallest children to old grandparents, decided to fight the enemy! And then for the first time it sounded: people's war, holy war!

Listen to the song "Holy War"

But the enemy kept coming and coming. The Nazis had many soldiers, many planes and tanks, many bombs and shells. It was hard for our army! Our soldiers retreated for a long time, and only when Moscow, the capital, the heart of our country, was behind us, it became clear to everyone: there was nowhere to retreat, Moscow cannot be given to the enemy. At the cost of terrible heavy fighting, at the cost of their lives, the soldiers stopped the fascist hordes near the Nara River, not far from Moscow.

After this great battle, our soldiers slowly but already inevitably advanced, pressed the Nazis, drove them from their native land, liberated the captured cities and people.

All the way to Berlin, where the main fascists were hiding, they drove the invaders away, and in the spring of 1945 they finally broke into this distant city and won a complete victory. final victory. On May 8, 1945, the defeated Nazis finally surrendered, and May 9 became a great holiday - Victory Day.

And now, on this day, all of Russia is celebrating the liberation of the country from the fascist invaders. This is a great day of remembrance and gratitude: we thank our grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers and mothers for terrible years they did not flinch, did not submit to the enemy, defended our freedom, paid with their lives for our happy life and peaceful skies. And you remember this day! This feat must never be forgotten.

After you have talked with your child about the war, you can ask him a few questions:

  • What holiday do we celebrate on May 9?
  • When did WWII start?
  • Why is she called that?
  • Which country started the war?
  • Who are the fascists? What did they want to do with our people?
  • Did the Germans manage to take Moscow?
  • When did the war end? Who has won?
  • Why do we need to remember about the war?
  • Who do we thank on this day and for what?

If someone in your family fought, be sure to tell your child about it. Show military photographs, awards, memorabilia, perhaps you have letters from the front.

Let the child himself ask grandparents about the war, if possible. Such conversations are the most The best way tell children about the Great Patriotic War.

Download the materials in this article to make it easier and more convenient for you to prepare for a conversation with your child about the War.

Alena Volkova, your consultant for the development of children's speech

Speech pathologist, teacher, twice mother, author of the system "Through the development of speech - to harmonious development child", author and leader of the project "Child's Speech" and the online club speech development"Chat-ka", Chief Editor magazine "Child's Speech", author of articles, webinars, trainings, books and collections on the development of children's speech.

Natalia Kashirina
Conversation "Children about the Great Patriotic War"

Target: Raise children as patriots of their Motherland, who know its historical past.

Tasks: create conditions for:

Expanding children's knowledge about war by getting to know the events Great Patriotic War;

Development in children of a sense of pride in their people;

Raising a sense of patriotism in children in the process of viewing photo slides.

Dear children, you were born and live in Peaceful time and don't know what it is war. But not everyone can experience such happiness. In many places on our Earth, there are military conflicts in which people die, residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc. are destroyed. But this cannot be compared with what it was The Great Patriotic War.

Guys answer me, do you know who your people fought with? Who attacked our country?

Yes, guys, it was fascist Germany, a country in which a man was in power who wanted to subjugate himself as much as possible more territory with all factories, factories, cities, villages and thus make your country (Germany) richest and most powerful in the world. Slide number 2.

Now I'll tell you a little about her. But first, you and I will listen to a song about the beginning wars: song "Get up, huge country".

Guys what is this song like?

The kids are in charge (scary, frightening)

Was the most short night in a year. The people slept peacefully. And suddenly:

- War! War!

On June 22, 1941, our Motherland was attacked German fascists. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. They wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them their servants and slaves. started The Great Patriotic War. It lasted for four years. Slide #3

The road to victory was not easy. Enemies attacked us unexpectedly. They had more tanks and planes. Our armies were retreating. The battles were on the ground, in the sky, at sea. Slides №4,5

The Germans captured city after city, killing people. Across the country, the call to the army, our Red Army, began. All men who could bear arms were called to war to defend their homeland. Fathers, older brothers went to the front, even many girls went to the front. Slide №6,7,8

What do you guys think our girls could serve as? How did they help our soldiers?

That's right, our girls served as nurses, were pilots, snipers.

All the hard work fell on the shoulders of women, children and the elderly. They plowed the land, grew bread, sewed clothes for the front, dug trenches.

It was especially scary for women and children during the attack of fascist planes, when bombs were flying from the sky, and there was nowhere to hide from them. It was a terrible time.

After the battles, destroyed cities, villages, and villages remained. The soldiers defended every piece of their land with all their might.

The attack was quick, unexpected, but did not bring the desired results - the Russian army put up stronger resistance than the Germans expected, and war dragged on for many years.

Difficult, hungry and cold war years are called military dashing, evil years. They were hard for all our people, but it was especially hard for the little ones. children.

Many children were left orphans, their fathers died on war, others lost their parents during the bombing, the third lost not only their relatives, but also their father's home, the fourth ended up in the territory occupied by the enemies, the fifth were captured by the Germans.

Children - weak, helpless, found themselves face to face with the cruel, merciless, evil force of fascism. Slides #14-19

War- not a place for children

War- not a place for children!

There are no books or toys here.

Explosions of mines and the roar of guns,

And a sea of ​​blood and death.

War- not a place for children!

There were children who went to the front and fought on an equal footing with the soldiers.

I will now tell you about child heroes. Slides #19, 20, 21

Valya Kotik

He was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka, Shepetovsky district, Khmelnitsky region. He studied at school number 4 in the city of Shepetovka, was a recognized leader of the pioneers, his peers. When the Nazis broke into Shepetovka, Valya Kotik and his friends decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battlefield, which the partisans then transported to the detachment in a wagon of hay. Looking closely at the boy, the partisans entrusted Valya to be a liaison and intelligence officer in their underground organization. He learned the location of enemy posts, the order of the changing of the guard. The Nazis planned a punitive operation against the partisans, and Valya, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punishers, killed him. When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The boy, who had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, freeing his native land. On his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the order Patriotic War 1 degree, medal "Partisan Patriotic War"2 degree. Valya Kotik died as a hero in February 1944 in the city of Izyaslavl, defending an ammunition depot. The Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov

He grew up in the village of Lukino, on the banks of the Polo River, which flows into the legendary Ilmen Lake. When the enemy captured his native village, the boy went to the partisans. More than once he went to reconnaissance, brought important information to the partisan detachment. And enemy trains and cars flew downhill, bridges collapsed, enemy warehouses burned. There was a battle in his life that Lenya fought one on one with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy knocked out a car. A Nazi with a briefcase in his hands got out of it and, shooting back, rushed to run. Lenya is behind him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally killed him. The portfolio turned out to be very important documents. The headquarters of the partisans immediately sent them by plane to Moscow. There were many more battles in his short life! And the young hero who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults never flinched. He died near the village of Ostraya Luka in the winter of 1943, when the enemy was especially fierce, feeling that the earth was burning under his feet, that there would be no mercy for him. On April 2, 1944, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published on awarding the partisan pioneer Lena Golikov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In Novgorod there is a monument to this young hero wars(slide number 12).

Zina Portnova

War found the Leningrad pioneer Zina Portnova in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays - this is not far from the Obol station Vitebsk region. An underground Komsomol youth organization was created in Obol " young avengers", and Zina was elected a member of her committee. She participated in daring operations against the enemy, in sabotage, distributed leaflets, conducted reconnaissance on the instructions of the partisan detachment .. It was December 1943. Zina was returning from a mission. In the village of Mostishche, she was betrayed by a traitor. The Nazis captured Zina's silence, her contempt and hatred, her determination to fight to the end was the answer to the enemy. Zina tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook her.The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but before last minute remained steadfast, courageous, unbending. And the Motherland posthumously celebrated her feat with her highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Millions of people, including children, worked at factory machines and in the fields of the country. Slides №23,24,25. Soviet people (Soviet Union- that was the name of our country in those years) did everything to stop the Nazis. Even on the most difficult days, they firmly believed: "The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

And then the day came when the offensive of the invaders was stopped. Soviet armies drove the Nazis from their native land.

Again, battles, battles, battles, battles. More and more powerful, more and more indestructible blows Soviet troops. And the most long-awaited, the most great day. Our soldiers reached the borders of Germany and stormed the capital of the Nazis - the city of Berlin. It was 1945. Spring blossomed. It was the month of May.

The Nazis admitted their complete defeat on May 9. Since then, this day has become ours great holiday - Victory Day. Slides #20, 21

Miracles of heroism and courage were shown by our people, defending their native land from the Nazis.

The Brest fortress stood on the very border. The Nazis attacked her on the first day wars. Thought: day - and the fortress is in their hands. Our soldiers held out for a whole month. And when there was no strength left and the Nazis broke into the fortress, its last defender wrote with a bayonet on wall: "I'm dying but not giving up".

Let's listen with you now to a song that was written for Victory Day and sounds at all parades of the country on May 9th.

penalty "Victory Day" .

Guys, what kind of song is this? Remember, here we are at the beginning of our conversations listened to a song with you, she called on everyone to defend the Motherland, but what is this song about? What do you think?

Heroes. Heroes. Exploits. Exploits. There were thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands.

Many years have passed since that terrible time when the Nazis attacked our country. Remember kind word their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all those who brought us victory. Bow to the heroes Great Patriotic War. Heroes great war with the Nazis!