Negroes in America. African Americans

AFRO-AMERICANS (Negroes of the USA), an ethno-racial community in the composition of Americans, the black population of the USA. Population 36.4 million (2000 census). Over 55% of African Americans live in southern states USA. They speak American of English language, the dialect of southern blacks (“black English”) is also preserved, 60% of believers are Baptists, over 20% are Methodists, there are Pentecostals, Adventists, followers of spiritualist cults, Catholics, Muslims (“black Muslims”), Jews (“black Jews” ) and etc.

African Americans are the descendants of African slaves brought into North America in the 17th and 19th centuries. Despite laws strictly prohibiting interracial marriages and extramarital affairs, by the middle of the 19th century, over 30% of free African Americans and 10% of slaves were mulattoes; by the 1930s, mulattoes made up 75% of African Americans. Social status mulattoes practically did not differ from the situation of blacks. African Americans participated in the abolitionist movement (D. Douglas, G. Tubman, and others). The abolition of slavery in the United States as a result of the American Civil War of 1861-65 accelerated the integration of African Americans into American society and the processes of social stratification. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Negro industrial and agricultural proletariat, farming, the bourgeoisie, and the intelligentsia had formed. However, the constitutions adopted in 1890-1910 in the southern states legalized racial discrimination and segregation of African Americans - the "Jim Crow" system. With mass migrations of African Americans to the cities and from the South (where 85.3% of African Americans lived in 1910) to the North and West, this system spread throughout the country (by 1940, interracial marriages were strictly prohibited by law in 31 states).

The concept of "Negro" in the United States is conditional, since the definition of race had a socio-political and ethno-cultural significance and was carried out differently in different states; since 1977, it has been supplanted by the concept of "black". In the 2000 census, for the first time, respondents were asked to determine their own race. The self-consciousness of African Americans is dual: the desire for full integration is combined in it with a tendency to separate into a special ethno-racial community, expressed in various forms of “black” nationalism and separatism (the movement of supporters of M. Garvey “Back to Africa!”, etc.), Afrocentrism, "black racism", the ideology of the "Nation of Islam" L. Farrahap and so on. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first large organizations of African Americans appeared - the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the "City League", in the middle of the 20th century - the Southern Conference of Christian Leadership, headed by M. L. King and others. As a result of the struggle of African Americans for civil rights in 1950s-60s a series of acts was passed to prohibit racial discrimination and segregation: repeal of bans on interracial marriages of 1940-67, prohibition of racial segregation in schools Supreme Court United States in 1954, civil rights laws of 1964, 1965, and 1968. These measures led to the growth of the educational and professional level of African Americans, representation in the political, state and military spheres; however, social disparities between African Americans and whites persist. African Americans are the most urbanized group of Americans: more than half of them live in large cities, including poor black neighborhoods (“black ghettos”). Among them, more than among white Americans, the unemployed, people without higher education, with low incomes and the poor.

The folklore and religious practices of African Americans retain the influence of African traditions. African Americans have made a significant contribution to the general American culture: music, literature (W. E. B. Dubois, R. Wright, J. Baldwin, L. Hughes, R. Ellison, etc.), sports (J. B. Louis, Ali Muhammad , J. Owens, W. Rudolf, M. Tyson and others).

Music. Since the 1860s, Negro music has exploded in popularity in the United States. From the end of the 19th century, the styles of blues and ragtime developed, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, jazz was formed by merging various styles and genres. The main varieties of cult music are spiritual, gospel. Among the largest jazz musicians are L. Armstrong, Duke Ellington, E. Fitzgerald, among world-class classical singers - M. Anderson (the first African American to perform on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera), J. Norman.

Dance. Negro folklore entered the US dance culture as one of the defining phenomena. In the bowels of the minstrel theater in the 19th century, a choreographic style was born that melted down European and Negro traditions. Jig, tap, back and wing, clog, breakdown, etc. prepared the appearance of jazz dance in the 20th century. Significant influence The development of American and world dance art was influenced by the era of the so-called Harlem Renaissance of the 1920-50s with its “black revues”, the Savoy dance hall, the Cotton club, and so on. Such tap stars as B. Robinson, the Berry brothers, the Nicholas brothers and others performed here. They brought their art to the stages of Broadway and Hollywood screens. At the end of the 19th century, Negro folklore gave a powerful impetus to the development of salon (ballroom) dances, which then became widespread in Europe (cake walk, Charleston, shimmy, and the like). The African American tradition has played a significant role in the evolution of modern dance. In the 1940s, the pioneers of the "new black style" were K. Dunham ("Tropics and Hot Jazz - from Haiti to Harlem", 1940) and P. Primus ("African Ceremonial", 1943). In the second half of the 20th century, this trend was continued in the work of T. Beatty, D. McKeil, and especially in the performances of the A. Ailey American Dance Theater. In the 1960s, for the first time, an African American, A. Mitchell, took the leading position as a classical dancer of the largest American troupe "New York City Ball". In 1971, he organized the Harlem Dance Theater, a black dance company. The African tradition fed the youth subculture born in the 1970s in the New York neighborhoods of the Bronx, which was called "hip-hop" and gave life to new dance styles: break, smurf, hip and so on.

. African Americans in the United States were not allowed on the stage for a long time. A. Aldridge, who became famous in Europe, became the first outstanding African-American actor in the 19th century. The growth of abolitionist sentiments contributed to the emergence of the so-called protest drama (the most famous and successful was the staging of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by G. Beecher Stowe in 1852). After 1865, African Americans organized their own minstrel troupes (Lew Johnson's Plantation Minstrel Company, Georgia Minstrels, etc.). In the 1920s, such actors as P. Robson, C. Gilpin, R. McClendon became famous in the plays of Y. O'Neill, P. Green, and others. However, it was not until the late 1950s and early 1960s that African-American playwrights gained access to Broadway, where L. Hansberry's "Raisin in the Sun" (1959) and J. Baldwin's "Blues for Mr. Charlie" (1964) sounded sharp. ). In the 1960s, with the growth national identity African Americans, many Negro theaters appeared (Negro Ensemble, New Lafayette Theater, etc.). Actors J. E. Jones, O. Davis, R. Dee, S. Poitier, directors D. T. Ward, D. Macbeth, D. O'Neill, O. Scott made a significant contribution to the theatrical art of the United States.

Movie. The problematics and aesthetics of the Negro movement in the United States quickly moved from the periphery to the center of attention of filmmakers, since African Americans constituted a significant, and in some periods, the predominant part of the film audience. Initially, the role of black characters was reduced to the images of slaves (in particular, in several early film adaptations of G. Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin), and the main roles were played by white "recolored" actors (the so-called blackface). In Hollywood productions, the meaning of the African-American theme has evolved significantly. In the late 1920s-1930s, several masterpieces based on Negro folklore and played by African-American actors appeared on the screens: "Hallelujah" by K. Vidor (1929), "Emperor Jones" by D. Murphy (1933, in the main the role of P. Robson), "Green Pastures" by W. Cayley (1936), in 1943 - two musicals: "Stormy Weather" by E. Stone and "Cabin in the Sky" by V. Minnelli. After the 2nd World War, separate anti-racist films were released, serious African American dramatic actors appeared. The most famous among them - S. Poitier - became a Hollywood "star" ("Guess who's coming to dinner" S. Kramer, 1967, etc.). In the 1970s, there was a growing wave of "blackexploitation" - commercially successful films about black supermen, starting with the detective "Shaft" G. Parks (1971). In 1977, the television adaptation of A. Haley's novel "Roots" (directed by M. Chomsky) enjoyed a sensational success, telling about the greatness of black America on an epic scale. Since that time, films with two heroes - black and white - have become the most popular. Among the notable African-American film actors of the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries are E. Murphy, W. Smith, L. Fishburne, D. Washington, H. Berry, V. Goldberg, S. Jackson, and others. Among the directors, S. Lee is the most famous. His bright and temperamental films, which are usually set among African Americans, cause heated controversy and are successful at festivals (She's Gotta Get It, 1986; Do the Right Thing, 1989; Malcolm X, 1992). year, etc.).

The art of African Americans retained an obvious connection with its African roots only in decorative and applied products, otherwise completely following the trends of “white culture” (for example, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, R. S. Duncanson painted romantic landscapes in the spirit of the “Hudson River School”, and the style of H. O. Tanner is close to symbolism). However, in the 1920s, the New Negro movement, or the Harlem Renaissance (see Harlem School), accelerated the rise of national identity, which was reflected in art, where autonomous trends began to dominate, combining historical and modern African American themes with features of naive art (X . Pippin), as well as social expressionism and regionalism. This process became particularly intense and diverse in the 2nd half of the 20th century, when a number of African-American painters came to the forefront of US culture (like R. Bearden and J. Lawrence with their “neo-expressionist” images) and group forms of neo-avant-garde creativity spread, including including those associated with murals by movement. By the end of the 20th century, the contacts of the North American, African and Caribbean branches of Negro artistic culture were also strengthened.

Lit .: Nitoburg E. L. Negros of the USA, XVII - early XX centuries: Historical and ethnographic essay. M., 1979; he is. African American Church in the USA. M., 1995; Landry B. The new Black middle class. Berk., 1987; Black art ancestral legacy. Dallas, 1989; Patton S.F. African-american art. Oxf.; N.Y., 1998; Igoe L. M. 250 years of Afro-American art: an annotated bibliography. N.Y., 1981.

E. L. Nitoburg; N. E. Zvenigorodskaya (dance); T. V. Butrova (theater); K. E. Razlogov (film); M. N. Sokolov (art).

Long, but correct.

In fact, everything is correct (although there are excesses). For many years I was a math consultant (tutor) at a high school in New York. There I sometimes talked with a black woman, an English teacher. She told me, "I always tell my black students that you have to do twice as well as white students to be successful in life. But, they don't listen to me." Something like this was said to the Jews in the Soviet Union. But they followed this advice. The trouble with the Negro communities in America is that among them there are no leaders like this teacher.

"There is no escape from a slave who has become king" - Rudyard Kiplig. Blumenfeld's translation.

It is the same in the parables of Solomon.

Negroes in America.

How did it happen that for more than 30 years we have been humiliating ourselves before a people who are at the lowest level of development not only in America, but also on the planet. Below is perhaps the Bushmen, but the indigenous Australians.

In Africa, for thousands of years, they have not even created a semblance of civilization.

Not in any country! Having in antiquity neighbors such highly developed countries as Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Judea, Persia and Greece with Rome, they did not adopt anything from them! No technology, no science, no legislation. None of the black tribes still have even a written language and they use the languages ​​​​and writing of the European peoples, who once ruled them well and taught them at least to wash and walk in pants. I'm not talking about roads, electricity and medicine.

Even by the 21st century, they have not created anything, ending in thousands western universities and schools, and are wearing out the fruits of the civilization of Western Europeans left over from the time of colonialism. The Republic of South Africa, which flourished 25 years ago, perished as soon as power passed from whites to blacks. It is devastated, everyone who could have left this beautiful country in the past, and now it is buried in the mud, in which there are collapsing cities and farms. Cities without electricity, without transport, dangerous even in broad daylight. Few whites live there in walled cities, behind concrete walls, barbed wire and armed guards around the clock!

In America, things are no better.

The Negro quarters of our cities are also drowning in mud, houses are destroyed and the white population is afraid to look there. Not even the police go there! In Denver, houses are sold for symbolic numbers. They are afraid to buy! Bankrupt city. The mayor and 80% of the city's population are blacks. Slavery, abolished 150 years ago, did not push for serious development either. The heroic efforts of white America over the past 50 years have also not yielded noticeable results in raising their cultural level and well-being. Until now, even a high school diploma is not available to 75% of Negro children. They cannot learn to read and simply drop out of school by the age of 14-15! According to the integral, this people remains illiterate, lazy and stupid in any territory from Africa to America and the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. It is worth noting that any other child overcomes reading with the help of parents in two or three weeks and by the age of seven is already fluent in his native language.

You can't change nature. Their backwardness is especially visible next to the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and other Asian peoples. Those in their homeland have been developing their cultures and technologies for centuries, millennia. And in America, in terms of their abilities and achievements, they are in no way behind white Americans! And often ahead of them!

If American white society normally accepts the successes of the Chinese, Koreans and other non-white citizens.

If none of the representatives of the mentioned non-white citizens ever complain about racism and harassment, then talk about racism has no basis! Even our president and attorney general are black! And, alas, the most unfortunate of all American politicians.

No one, even the most rabid liberal, can refute these obvious truths.

This is all now widely covered by the American media!

The only thing that a liberal uses in such conversations is the cries of a racist, a fascist, or, at best, insists that today Negroes are still behind, but in the future they will be no worse than us. This is what even very intelligent people say, who think that a different position is offensive to them and to Negroes.

Not at all! The current state of affairs is insulting, first of all, for us, white people, the creators of modern America and modern civilization on the planet!

After all, for reasons of political correctness, we should not just prostrate before them!

There is a popular "theory" that we are with them on different steps of the common ladder of development. That one should only wait and they will rise in the future along it to our level. Lie!

We are standing on different ladders, and even a thousand years of waiting will not close this gap, as it has not reduced it so far! This gap is in natural abilities, which no one can change, and in life attitudes, brought up from birth.

What is the future, I ask?

If for 4-5 millennia things have not moved a single step.

If over these millennia the white race has gone from the absence of writing to quantum physics and rovers, then how much longer to wait for the blacks to at least learn to read and write correctly? And often talk.

And why, until this happens, we forcibly push them to the most high positions right up to the administration of the state, where they invariably show complete unsuitability, we give them diplomas from prestigious universities.

Well, okay, let's wait until they develop and then entrust them with the levers of governing the country and culture. Isn't it premature now?

We didn't just give them equal opportunities. That wouldn't be so bad. They mostly live at the expense of society, loafing, debauchery, drugging themselves, organizing gangs that terrorize cities. They smash and burn neighborhoods in largest cities country in case of any discontent. The arrest, and even more so the conviction of a black criminal, is perceived by American blacks as racial persecution, and then they rob shops and houses before our eyes, and behave impudently in public places.

D at school or university leads to court on charges of racism!

And we give them five! We feed them, we pay for their housing, we do not allow them to be criticized. We cannot make them work according to their level, not their requirements. We do not resist, we have been kneeling before them for a long time, and they, impudent from permissiveness, behave like occupiers in a conquered country. If a fairly literate wife of the President says in front of microphones that she only fell in love with America when she moved into White House, then can blacks be considered reliable Citizens of America?

More like enemies. What kind of family do we have in the White House?

White Americans are now acquiring arms in quantities never seen before. There are 80 million barrels of only registered guns in the country and 8 million members of the American Association of Gun Owners and Fanciers. Why so many in a country where there is a police force, a national guard and an army? Weapons are not cheap. Not cheaper on average

600$ per unit. For 50 cartridges for a standard pistol or revolver, we now pay between $15 and $22. To be ready to use it, you need to regularly shoot at the shooting range! Train. And we shoot. And shooting gallery is not cheap!

I am 80 years old. Playing soldiers at my age is not appropriate. Why do I need three barrels of 0.38 caliber for $450 each?? I am not a gun collector. Why do I shoot at the shooting range every week, spending money and time on it? Because now I'm afraid to go out into the street without a weapon. I'm afraid to go to bed without a gun on the night table! Americans buy not only weak pistols like mine. Assault rifles, sniper rifles, heavy shotguns, assault rifles and machine guns, and even bazookas are bought by the thousands not for hunting. This is a combat weapon!

Why? The answer is the same.

We are afraid of the Negroes, the government too, and fawns over them, and is largely made up of them. The state will not protect us in the inevitable impending racial conflict, which will quickly turn into bloody clashes. Calls for war with whites have recently appeared on the American Internet and TV broadcasts.

How did we get here?

Serious analysis is required. So far I have no answer, especially since no one dares to make such an analysis, and there is nowhere to read what others think about it. The matter is all the more difficult because the situation seems absolutely absurd! A country of 320 million does NOT WANT to curb just 35 million blacks who are leading the cause of the destruction of the country, and instead are armed to the teeth, like an army going into battle with a strong and dangerous enemy!

Don't ask me "what do you suggest?" My task is to understand what is happening. How did we let this happen! Paint a true picture and show it to everyone who is interested. I speak as a sociologist, not a politician. Let them decide what to do. And as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

It should be especially emphasized that I am not at all advocating for the restriction of the rights of the Negroes of America in comparison with other races living in the country. They are citizens of America, and there can be no talk of any restrictions! But the situation that has developed before my eyes, and I have been living in America for almost 35 years, is completely intolerable. Blacks are now allowed what other races and peoples, including whites, do not think about and do not even want. They are allowed to live without working!

And idleness is the mother of all crimes.

Right now, the son of Martin Luther King, who was killed 50 years ago by a Negro political leader, is on TV. His father called for a peaceful resolution of the racial conflict that really existed then. The conflict is gone. America has a black president! And the son of King, sitting down, yells (I can’t pick up another word), constantly wiping the sweat from his face, about the struggle, about the blows to the racists, about the irreconcilable war, about the retaliatory strikes, that the war continues! And the crowd, warmed up by such speeches, is worried, making noise, waving flags, the crowd is mostly black, ready to rush into battle! And it will rush if the existing situation is not sharply changed.

American blacks are not to be envied. Their incomes are much lower than the incomes of whites, Asians and other peoples of the United States. A disproportionate number of their young people are in prison. The incredible majority of murders and robberies are accounted for by them as perpetrators! About 75% of black children are born out of wedlock to mothers who have not reached adulthood, and they do not even know who their father is.

And strangely enough, this is the result of the fact that for at least four decades they have enjoyed privileges that no one else has. Their children received high school diplomas without learning to read, they were placed in universities, regardless of their abilities. They were released several times from arrest for "petty pranks" until they got caught by big ones. The absurd specialty "African American Studies" was invented for them, so that at least one of them could get a degree in the history of African American civilization, which did not exist and still does not exist.

Personnel departments have been set up in the country to ensure that the number of blacks in a company or other organization is not less than their percentage in the country as a whole. And yet, in such fields as mathematics, physics, chemistry and mechanics, I have not met a single black in my 15 years of work at the Physics and Mathematics Department of the University of Houston. And besides, with scientific purposes I have been to the most top universities countries. They are nowhere! These disciplines are incomprehensible to them! Against the backdrop of permissiveness, complete freedom from criticism, having practically unlimited public funds for juvenile, but mothers of many children, American blacks see with surprise and growing anger that, no matter what, they are the least successful people in the country. And the further, the less. Understand why, they do not want and even can not!

Not realizing that a diploma obtained out of competition is not a certificate of qualification and even literacy, occupying positions corresponding to diplomas, but not doing work corresponding to a diploma, they again blame racists for their problems! A people that does not have a family as an institution, that has lost the concept of decency, that has raised in the third generation people with exorbitant appetites for privileges and social security and prefers to do nothing, cannot claim equal incomes with peoples who do not have these pernicious privileges and tendencies and having only one advantage - diligence, combined with abilities.

We must honestly admit that American Negroes have sunk morally and even physically, in many respects, far below the level they were only 50 years ago. We must admit that all this is the result of the privileges they receive in increasing numbers. A people protected from competition, from criticism, endowed with public handouts for idleness and laziness, cannot be successful! Among blacks, the unemployment rate is twice as high as among the rest of the peoples of the country. We import millions of Mexicans for jobs that do not require a university or even a good school education. Blacks do not want and will not work in the so-called "unskilled work". They are so full. Mexicans diligently clean up garbage, mow lawns, build and repair houses and roads. They work in the fields and gardens by the thousands, looking after the animals. And you don't even need a high school diploma to do it. Yes, they don't have it. I have never seen blacks in these works. And won't see if they will still live at my expense.

I always think of the Jews when I think about this topic. Jews have been oppressed and persecuted all over the world for 2000 years. The Negroes of America never dreamed of the humiliation and beatings that the Jews were subjected to in Spain, France and Germany in the Middle Ages and beyond. Only in late XIX century, i.e. much later than blacks, they got the opportunity to study at a normal school and at the university. They got the opportunity to work where they want and in the specialty that he chose. And with what resistance from the whole society they received all these opportunities to which all other peoples of the countries where they lived were entitled.

The Jews demanded nothing more than the right to be equal! The only thing they

They wanted to be left alone. Through anti-Semitism, reaching the Holocaust, through unbearable everyday anti-Semitism, they made their way into the most educated and successful sections of society. No privileges, only hard work, only the desire to provide your children with the best education! And now, by the middle of the twentieth century, at least 60% of Nobel Laureates for scientific achievements were Jewish origin. And the Jews passed the exams as if for 2000 years they had only been doing what they were preparing for them. This is what is most successful way fight against racism! There is no other and cannot be!

What did the Negroes achieve by freeing themselves from slavery, having received all the opportunities that the Jews could not even dream of just 70 years ago? Only unheard-of privileges and nothing more.

Even in sports, where they had no equal, they began to noticeably yield to whites. Bad habits: gluttony free food, smoking and drugs, debauchery and permissiveness crushed this race, great in sports and very successful in the past in dance and jazz.

Even in boxing, in heavyweight and heavyweight, where blacks have not been equal for 60 years if not more, white athletes have dominated for at least 10 years. There is not a single black among the Ukrainians equal to the Klitschko brothers and several other Russian heavyweights.

Not wanting to look at themselves, not wanting to change their vicious way of life, the American Negroes are more aggressive than before demanding more and more concessions. They have become dangerous! This is a dangerous path for all of us, not just blacks. No indulgences can replace diligence, ability and the right life. This is the only key to success. We white people need to stop feeling guilty about blacks and feel sorry for them. Let them pity themselves. We have done much more for them than we should have. They have legally received more from us than we have ourselves! White American women don't get paid for every child they have. Spin as you wish!

If you sum up the demands of black activists, you get an absurd set. Give us high-paying positions in equal numbers with whites. Don't you dare search blacks, even when the police have good reason to do so. This is racism! Give us the same comfortable houses and areas in which whites live, etc. Provide us with jobs so that the unemployment rate for us and for whites is the same.

The fact that among blacks there are at least three times less fully literate people than among whites is not taken into account. That an illiterate person cannot claim to Good work and payment is not considered. The fact that the Negroes have made the areas provided to them by the state uninhabitable is not discussed practically for free. Give us everything without us being worthy of these blessings! Without us EARNING them! We don't want to earn them! For nothing! We will smash the glass in the houses where we live, shoot at the lamps for lighting roads and entrances, throw garbage into the streets and shoot from military weapons in all directions, paint houses with obscene graffiti. And give us new houses and areas when it will be impossible to live in the old ones. And the cycle will resume!

Interestingly, their activists do not speak English well, are semi-literate, and their main "work" is street agitation and inciting blacks against whites. In practice, their demands boil down to one thing: “Give us free of charge equality in living standards with white citizens, but do not demand from us what you demand from yourself”; those. hard work, education, respect for the law and a decent family life. Can the state provide these 35 million people without the risk of ruin? The answer is not required, especially since we are already on the verge of bankruptcy.

And our Negroes never got out of slavery, but now it is not our fault. It turned out that they do not need freedom, where they have to work hard, decide their own destiny and live, relying only on themselves. Most of them, still young people, prefer complete dependence on the state, i. essentially slavery, for true free man the idea that his life depends on the owner is disgusting. They do not work, do not study, and are still content with the crumbs that fall to them from the master's table, but they demand for themselves all the benefits obtained by others. hard work! And woe to us and to them if they cease to be content with what they are given. Then the Civil War under the slogan familiar to us "take away and divide everything." The rumble of this coming war already heard by a few sensitive Americans and for the first time, albeit timidly, they started talking about it

And the last. You should not think that I consider any Negro mentally retarded in comparison with others. I fully admit that among them there may be brilliantly gifted people. But where are they? For the entire foreseeable history of mankind! After all, even their most fierce defenders as national pride can not name anyone except Martin Luther King. None of my American liberal acquaintances could tell me a single name of any well-known Negro scientist, engineer, physician, or writer. Where are their artists, poets, composers or sculptors? After all, even an opera from Negro life was written by a talented Jew Gershwin! Where are these names? Nobody, except athletes and famous jazzmen in the past, before whom we all bow.

It would be good for blacks to drop the very word racism. Racism is the oppression or destruction of a race. There is nothing like it in the civilized world for a long time. The accusation of racism silences anyone who tries to tell the truth about the life and behavior of blacks in America. Only a clear understanding of their true problems, which are the result of their racial characteristics and our connivance, will allow American society to solve these problems. The study of these features should become legal. This is sociology, science, not racism. It's time to stop considering all nations the same. It is absurd to consider the population of the Earth as one people. We are all different.

Mark Salzberg, Houston. August 2013

Hello dear lovers interesting facts. Today we will analyze in detail why blacks have a large reproductive organ. This question is often exaggerated on various Internet resources, topics and medicine. Indeed, why can representatives of the Negroid race boast of more impressive "dignities" than their white counterparts?

Where do legs grow from?

The topic of penis size is controversial. The community concerned is divided into two parts. Some gentlemen argue that stories about the "gigantism" inherent in Africans are nothing more than myths. The question is very intriguing. So there is a lot of gossip and fiction, one more fantastic than the other.

lovers films for adults, comparing the parameters of white and black actors, tend to the opposite opinion. Europeans are not at all comforted by their relatively modest size, but rather the opposite. Many Europeans were literally devastated by the fact that blacks have more than whites. The one who has been to Asian countries and could contemplate local men “in all their glory” claims that white guys have absolutely nothing to be sad about.

The hype around penis size did not arise from the heyday of the porn industry, which provided viewers with different countries opportunity to compare. It all started much earlier and for a different reason.

white slavery

Jealous and envious comparison of the genitals arose in the era of the colonization and Christianization of Africa. Arriving at the new shores, the white hidalgos of the Old World were amazed at the picture that opened up. It turned out that the natives living in the thick of the mainland had penises of a very respectable size.

Historians studying the US south before the Civil War believe that the physical data of black slaves - who were just taken out of Africa - inspired their owners with genuine horror. This partly explains the cruelty of many slave owners. It is much easier to spread rot on a giant slave than to constantly wait for his wife to betray him (which happened not so rarely).

The white conquerors of the new continents fell into the slavery of their own stereotypes and inexorable laws nature. A hardy black man with great "dignity" is a strong contender in the struggle for the attention of not spoiled by the sexual diversity of southern women. Puritan customs reigned in Europe at that time, and aristocratic girls were brought up very strictly.

With a ruler around the world

One can argue endlessly about whether Africans have especially large members or not. For the sake of truth, it is worth getting acquainted with the statistical data. Many researchers dealt with the issue of the size of penises among representatives of different nations.

In 2005, the well-known Institute of Men's Health (Tomsk) published the results of an unusual survey. It was attended by about 6 thousand men different nationality. The study was conducted in countries that used to be part of the USSR.

Doctors found out that the owners of the largest reproductive organs live in the south of the CIS, in Georgia. The average penis length here is 17.6 cm. In second place are the Russians and Ukrainians with an indicator of 16.2 cm. The Baltics are quite a bit behind them (16 cm).

On a global scale, the study was carried out by different scientists. The data they obtained was collected and systematized by Sujata Gundersen, a Syrian-born researcher. The lady presented the results of this work in the form of a penis size map, unique in its kind, which was posted on the Target Map platform.

Relentless statistics

The victory in this tacit international competition was won by the exceptionally gifted gentlemen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The average length of the excited penis here is 17.9 cm. At the same time, the owners of 20- Ticentimetric organs are quite common.

In total, the Gabonese and Guineans are inferior to them by 0.1-0.2 cm. In general, nature gave the largest reproductive organs to dark-skinned men in Central America, Brazil and Africa (17.9-16.1 cm). In second place are Canadians, Argentines, Arabs and, oddly enough, the inhabitants of cold Greenland (14.8 cm).

The average parameter of 13.4 cm was recorded in the USA, Russia and Australia. The Indians, Chinese and Indonesian natives (10-11 cm) were not at all lucky. So the rumors about the royal size of the reproductive organs of black men are not fiction at all.

Why are blacks penis larger?

Scientists believe that the reason for the rapid growth of some parts of the body of Africans or African Americans lies in a combination of factors. It is influenced by genetics, diet, cultural characteristics and, to a lesser extent, climate.

Referring to the Gundersen map, it is easy to see that men with large penises live closer to the equator. It is warmer here, and the temperament of the local residents is “out of the fence”. The heat causes the blood to boil in the veins and the growth of anything that can grow.

On the other hand, why are Indians and Indonesians - also southerners - so modestly gifted? After all, they live in the same latitudes as the "large-sized" Africans. The conclusion suggests itself: the climate is not a decisive factor when it comes to the penis. Even in the ice-bound Greenland, the penises of the guys are 3-4 cm longer than those of the inhabitants of China, Thailand and India.

Lots of meat - lots of sex

This is precisely the relationship between the described male parameters and the diet. This explains the difference between men from Africa and the same India. The equatorial pagan tribes lived for thousands of years by hunting. You will not meet farmers in the wilds of Africa.

The population here is reared on the meat of freshly killed game, which, in view of favorable climate always full. High-quality animal protein is an excellent building material for organs and tissues. So why shouldn't the men here also be gifted in the physical sense?

India and China have a different story. In this part the globe world religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism were born. While Africans hunted macaques, wild pigs and their neighbors, Indians and Tibetans preached love for all living creatures inhabiting the planet.

Tibet is the cradle of humanism, the search for spiritual truth and, of course, vegetarianism. Vegetable food perfectly cleanses the body, promotes spiritual enlightenment and tranquility, but definitely does not give physical strength.

The population of these countries massively switched to a vegetarian diet more than a thousand years ago. During this time, not only men's penises have greatly decreased in size, but people themselves have become undersized. No wonder the Chinese, Japanese and their southern neighbors are considered the smallest inhabitants of the planet.

Hello Darwin!

The decisive word in this matter still remains with genetics. If the father has a “king-size”, then the son will probably not blush for his “well done” in the bedroom. But why are king sizes found among Africans? Here local cultural traditions played a role.

Unburdened by puritanical morality, dark-skinned ladies could always choose the strongest sexual partners. For this, they had all the trump cards in their hands: naked male bodies in front of their eyes, the cult of fertility, free sexual relations.

Aborigines of Africa from time immemorial profess the cult of the body. They emphasize their dignity with tattoos, painting, jewelry, scars. Only in an atmosphere of such sexual emancipation could a device called “koteka” (a special case for the penis) appear. A true symbol of male power!

It is unlikely that under such conditions, guys with tiny members could pass on their genes to their descendants. Women simply did not choose them. So it turned out that from generation to generation, hardy men with large reproductive organs bred in African forests. The law of natural selection.

I hope now you roughly understand why blacks have such a large genital organ, so we don’t think that anyone needs to be complex about this. The size does not play a special role, according to at least In most cases.

The editors of Webfacts magazines do not use the word "Negro" as a racist statement. We apologize if this word offended anyone.

Blacks are not liked in America. The white population is sure that blacks are lazy, stupid and can only organize themselves into gangs in order to kill each other and random passers-by who wandered into their area.

Well, that's what white people think. Blacks think otherwise. They say that hundreds of years of slavery have discouraged them from making a career, working, people in black areas are forced to live on welfare for generations. But even on him, blacks manage to be part of a consumer society and fulfill their civic duty - to buy, buy and buy goods with services. In this they see their civic duty.

Born in the black ghetto, there are no prospects. Getting the knowledge that will allow you to go to college is impossible in principle in their schools. Buy a gun and drugs - that's it. Knowledge is not. Without education and knowledge in America, you can’t really take a selfie. Who will hire an uneducated black guy to work? Sweeping floors at night in the office? A loader in a supermarket? A pizza delivery guy? Well, maybe they will, but no more.

The salary of an unskilled worker is little more than the allowance. Despite the poor grades in school, blacks understand this. Elementary arithmetic, of course. And of course, it is better for them to do nothing than to work hard, but have the same amount.

Despite a thriving democracy in the US, this is not Norway. The social money that the blacks pay is not enough for anything. Black guys go out to the patch so that there, in the company of the same guys, they figure out how to cut down the dough for food. They also want to live beautifully. The consumer society dictates its own laws. And they take up arms, resell drugs, commit crimes.

The police must fight crime. The white law enforcement officer sees a Negro running with a knife. It is necessary to detain him, take away his weapon, plant him.

The policemen are also tired of risking their lives for a penny. The bosses got them, they got the black guys who the whites think are animals. Any reaction can be expected from a cornered black man with a weapon. Including that he can get a gun and start shooting at the policemen who surrounded him.

A black boy from Baltimore had his spine broken, he died. Like they shot a black guy from Ferguson before. As it happens almost every month for the last two hundred years in the USA.

Were those killed by criminals? Undoubtedly. Did the whites have the right to kill them? Of course not. But everyone has their own truth. Blacks have their own, whites have another.

The population of Baltimore peacefully protested for several days. Officially - against police brutality, in fact - against a system in which there is no place for blacks. None of the American media paid attention to the protests in Baltimore. People who wanted to change the rules of the game in American society were only noticed when they began to destroy stores. And the response was inadequate.

There are tanks in the city. National Guard shooting at civilians. The state governor is yelling about law enforcement and putting things in order in Baltimore. The US authorities do not want to see a systemic problem, it is more profitable for them to present what is happening as rampant crime.

Having a systemic problem is always a revolution. No, this is not a showdown between police officers and criminals, this is - revolutionary situation which the US authorities do not want to recognize or address. And therefore it is unsolvable and will be repeated regularly here and there.

What is the difference between the Kyiv Maidan and the riots in Baltimore? Essentially, nothing. And here and there, pogroms and looting. And here, and here - a revolutionary situation. But our opposition, singing along to the short-sighted US authorities, is actively pedaling the topic of redneck showdowns. Moreover, our liberals call only blacks cattle. What is this if not racism?

However, there is nothing to be surprised here. Our liberal party itself professes social racism. Considering 85% of the population to be cattle, they dream of seizing power by driving the people into a ghetto. Such an American model social structure is their dream.

Therefore, today they are laughing on their Twitters about the murders of the black population of Baltimore, as a couple of months ago they mocked people from Ferguson. Racism, including social, is close to them. That is why Akhedzhakova asks for forgiveness from the fascist Bandera, but not from the blacks.

Who are you for in this black and white confrontation in the USA?

The beginning of the importation of slaves into the territory of the modern United States of America coincided with the entry of England into the era of colonial conquests,

The first permanent settlement of English colonists in America, Jamestown, was founded in 1607. Twelve years later, in 1619, the first ship landed on the shores of North America, bringing blacks 2 .

The importation of Negroes and the introduction of slavery were the result of the need for labor power "in the south of North America, where on the lands distributed by the kings to their confidants, large agricultural ~ farms were set up - tobacco, rice and other plantations. In the North, where the plantation economy, in force special economic and climatic conditions, was less common, slavery was never used on such a scale as in the South.Nevertheless, in the northern states there were slaves, mainly domestic servants, agricultural laborers, etc.

The first Negroes were brought to America as indentured laborers, but very soon the contracting system was officially replaced by the more profitable system of slavery. In 1641 in Massachusetts the term of service for slaves was made for life, and a 1661 law in Virginia made slavery of the mother hereditary for children. Similar laws establishing slavery were passed in Maryland (1663), New York (1665), South Carolina (1682) and North Carolina (1715), etc.

So the blacks became slaves.

The black slaves imported into America were mostly residents west coast Africa, a much smaller part belonged to the tribes of Central and South Africa, as well as North Africa and the islands of Madagascar. Among them were Negroes of the Fulbe, Wolof, Yoruba tribes, for, Ashanti, Fanti, Hausa, Dahomeans, Bantu, etc. 1 .

The Negro tribes of Africa were at various stages of social and economic development, had their own customs and spoke languages ​​that were divided into three main linguistic families - the Semitic-Hamitic Bantu and the Sudanese 2 . Some tribes had slavery for prisoners of war and criminals, as well as slavery on an economic basis (debt).

Until the end of the XVII century. slave trade in English colonies in America it was a monopoly of the Royal African Company, but in 1698 this monopoly was abolished, and the colonies received the right to independently engage in the slave trade. The slave trade took on even greater proportions after 1713, when England won the right of asiento - the exclusive right to trade in Negro slaves. Blacks were caught, bought, goods were exchanged for them, they were loaded into the fetid holds of ships and taken to America. The whole of Africa has become, in the words of K. Marx, "a reserved hunting ground for blacks" 3 . Slave factories sprang up along the western coast of Africa from Cape Verde to the equator, where slave factories were herded in batches, bound by the neck with ropes and chained. Here, in dirty, cramped barracks, they waited for the arrival of slave ships. Documents show that at least 600 slaves were loaded onto a ship with a displacement of 120 tons. Negroes shackled in shackles were driven into the hold on shelves, the distance between which was so small that there was less space for each person than in a coffin.

Slaves died in masses in the barracks of trading posts and during transportation. But although for one surviving Negro there were often five dead on the road - suffocated from lack of air, died of illness, went crazy or simply threw themselves into the sea, preferring death to slavery - slave traders received fabulous profits: the demand for Negroes was so great and slaves were so cheap and paid for themselves so quickly. The Negroes were so cheap that it was more profitable for the planters to torture a slave in overwork in a short time than to exploit him longer, but more prudently. The average life expectancy of a plantation slave in some areas of the South did not exceed six or seven years.

Slavery developed slowly at first. So, in 1670, there were only about 2 thousand slaves in Virginia (about 5% of the total population). But already by 1715, slaves made up about one-third of the population of Virginia, North and South Carolina and Maryland (46,000 out of 123,000). As the plantation economy grew, there was a further increase in the import of slaves. According to the US Census Bureau, before January 1, 1808, when the importation of slaves was prohibited by law, about 400,000 blacks were imported into the United States. Since the beginning of the XIX century. by 1860, the number of slaves increased from 893 thousand to 4 million.

Despite the prohibition of the importation of slaves in 1808, the slave trade did not stop. It existed in a hidden form until the official emancipation of the Negroes during the civil war of 1861-1865. Negroes were now smuggled in, which further increased the death rate during transportation. It is estimated that between 1808 and 1860 about half a million slaves were smuggled into the United States. In addition, Negroes specially "grown" for sale in some slave states of the South (especially in South Carolina and Virginia) became the subject of trade.

Bourgeois racist historians love to contrast the Negroes with Indians - free hunters who died but did not submit to slave owners. From this it is concluded that slavery is the natural state of the Negroes. However, the very premise of such opposition is a falsification of history. "A Negro is a Negro, only under certain conditions does he become a slave," wrote K. Marx 1 . The Negroes were made slaves, but they were never submissive slaves. Often Negroes raised uprisings on ships. This is evidenced by special kind shipowners' insurance to cover losses specifically in the event of a slave uprising on the ship. But even on the plantations where Negroes lived, brought from different parts of Africa, representatives of various tribes who spoke different languages, the slaves managed to overcome tribal strife and unite in the fight against their common enemy - the planters. So, already in 1663 and 1687. large conspiracies of Negroes in Virginia were revealed, and in 1712 the New York garrison with with great difficulty managed to prevent the capture of the city by the rebellious Negro slaves. During the period from 1663 to 1863, when Negro slavery was abolished, more than 250 Negro uprisings and conspiracies were recorded, 2 including such large ones as the uprisings led by Cato (1739) in Stono (South Carolina), Gabriel, sometimes name of the owner Gabriel Prosser (1800), in Henrico (Virginia), Denmark Vezi (1822) in Charleston (South Carolina) and Nat Turner (1831) in Southampton (Virginia).

The uprisings of the Negroes were brutally suppressed. But even these scattered outbreaks of despair among the oppressed slaves made the planters tremble with fear. Almost every plantation had its own armory, groups of planters kept guard detachments, prowling the roads at night. "The entire social system in the southern states," notes F. Foner, "was based on the direct suppression of Negroes by force of arms" 1 .

Negro slaves also expressed their protest in other forms, such as damage to tools, murder of overseers and masters, suicide, escapes, etc. Flight demanded great courage and courage from the Negro, because if a runaway slave was caught, his ears were cut off , and sometimes, if he offered armed resistance, and hands, or branded him with a red-hot iron. Nevertheless, the Negroes - men, women and even children - fled to the forests, to the Indians, to the North, where to late XVII 1st century slavery was abolished (see below). According to H. Apteker 2 , at least 60,000 fugitives reached the northern states between 1830 and 1860. The number of Negroes who died on the road or were captured and executed by slave owners will never be known.

Escapes of slaves from plantations became especially massive during the revolution of 1774-1783. The blacks played important role in the fight American colonies against English rule. George Washington, who for a long time did not dare to recruit Negroes as soldiers, in 1776 was forced to resort to this measure in view of the advance of the British and the general difficult situation in the country. According to some estimates, there were at least 5 thousand blacks in the army of Washington, many of whom distinguished themselves in the fight: Crisp Attacks, Peter Salem, Austin Debney, James Armistead, Deborah Gennet and others. stva, increased the number of free blacks of the North and South. But the revolution of 1774-1783. did not solve the issue of slavery and its abolition. New constitution essentially proceeded from the recognition of slavery, as can be seen from a number of its articles 3 . Under pressure from slave owners, in 1793 a nationwide law on fugitive slaves was adopted. Other questions about slavery were left to the discretion of the individual states. However, during and shortly after the revolution, slavery was abolished in the northern and northwestern states.

The slave uprisings, their struggle for their emancipation not only sowed fear among the planters; they awakened the consciousness of the Americans, contributed to the development of a broad democratic movement, which, together with the struggle of the Negroes themselves, ultimately led to the abolition of slavery.

The earliest anti-slavery protests in North America date back to the late 17th century. Their authors - Quakers and representatives of some other religious sects - denied slavery as contrary to the principles of the Christian religion and morality. In 1775, the first local anti-slavery society in America was formed in Philadelphia. One of the organizers of the society was Benjamin Franklin. In the 90s of the XVIII century. similar societies already existed in many states. But at the beginning of the XIX century. there is a certain decline in the movement for the emancipation of the Negroes, and the illusion is becoming widespread that after the prohibition of the importation of slaves, slavery should die out of itself. In reality, however, it happened differently.

The invention of the cotton gin, which accelerated the gin many times over, caused an upswing in cotton growing and greatly increased the demand for slaves, and the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe, and then in the United States, further increased the demand for both cotton and slaves. The price of a slave rose from $300 in 1795 to $900 in 1849 and to $1500-2000 on the eve of the Civil War. The intensification of slave labor and the exploitation of slaves sharply increased.

All this led to a new sharpening of class contradictions, to a new rise freedom movement blacks and their white allies. The wave of Negro uprisings that engulfed in the first half of the XJX century. the entire south of the United States, was also associated with revolutionary movement blacks in the West Indies late XVIII and at the beginning of the 19th century. By the 30s of the XIX century. includes the formation in the United States of a nationwide organized abolitionist movement (the movement of supporters of the liberation of blacks).

Prominent abolitionist leaders were William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass. Harrison (1805-1879) is credited with the creation in 1833 in Philadelphia of the American Anti-Slavery Society and a whole network of abolitionist societies, the number of which in the 50s of the XIX century. exceeded 2 thousand. The American Anti-Slavery Society united both white abolitionists and free blacks. The society's declaration, adopted at its convention in Philadelphia in December 1833, stated that the slavery in which Americans kept their fellow citizens was contrary to "the principles of natural justice, the republican form of government, and the Christian religion, undermines the welfare of the country, and threatens the peace, the union, and the freedoms of states." Further, the demand was put forward for the immediate, without resettlement in Africa, the liberation of the Negroes, by "convincing fellow citizens with arguments addressed to their mind and conscience" 1 .

The main demand contained in the declaration - the demand for the immediate release of slaves without ransom and without expatriation - was revolutionary. The weakness of the society's program lies in the lack of understanding of the real path to the liberation of the Negroes, in the rejection of the political struggle and the reassessment of the role of moral exhortation and propaganda.

W.-L. Garrison for 34 years until 1865 published and edited the central organ of the abolitionists, the Liberator magazine, which denounced slavery and slave owners. The first issue of the magazine appeared in 1831, the year of the slave uprising led by Nat Turner.

Douglas (1817-1895), an illustrious leader of the Negro people, was vice president of the Anti-Slavery Society. His mother is a Negro slave, his father is white; Douglas himself and his brothers and sisters were slaves. In 1838, Douglas fled to the North and became a remarkable public figure - a fighter for his people, for his political organization, a brilliant speaker and writer. From 1838, Douglas published the most popular pre-Civil War newspaper, the North Star, later known as the Frederick Douglass' paper.

Abolitionism was not a homogeneous movement. Here, the struggle of farmers and workers against slavery, and the activities of a part of the northern industrial bourgeoisie interested in the elimination of slavery as economically unprofitable, and the sincere indignation of the liberal, democratic-minded intelligentsia at the disgrace of slavery, merged into a single democratic front. The most active abolitionists were the Negroes themselves. Between the various currents in the abolitionist movement there were serious disagreements on many political issues, and, in particular, but on the question of the use of force in the fight against slavery - disagreements that later led to a split.

The activities of the abolitionists proceeded in an atmosphere of terror and persecution by the planters and their accomplices. Nuyasho had extraordinary courage to oppose slavery not only in the southern states, but also in the North. So, in 1837, a prominent abolitionist, I. Lovjoy, was killed in the northern state of Illinois.

Among the abolitionists, one should also mention the names of Wendell Phillips, Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1851) greatly contributed to the gathering of abolitionist forces, and others. American Marxists Joseph Weidemeier, Friedrich Sorge, Adolf Due and others. Some of them fought during the civil war in the ranks of the northerners.

A significant contribution to the development of the abolitionist movement was made by pamphlets and books by Negro abolitionists: the famous Walker's Appeal (1829), which called the slaves to an armed uprising, articles and open letters by G. Garnet, pamphlets by W. Nell, an appeal by F. Douglas “The claims of the Negroes, considered from the point of view of ethnology” (“Claims of Negroes ethnologically concerned”, 1854) and others. W. W. Brown and D. Pennington traveled to the cities of the USA and other countries, conducting anti-slavery propaganda and collecting funds, necessary for the fight.

One of the most remarkable figures of the abolitionist movement is the former slave Harriet Tubman, the most active participant in the "secret road" (underground railway). The "Secret Road" was a chain of refuges for runaway slaves on their way from the slave states to Canada. Thousands of blacks and whites took part in the work of the "secret road", many of whom are known only under pseudonyms. Making trip after trip from the southern states to the North, H. Tubman personally freed over 300 blacks from slavery and inspired thousands to flee. For the head of G. Tubman in 1856, the planters announced a reward of 40 thousand dollars, but they failed to grab it. During the civil war, G. Tubman fought in the troops of the northerners and in partisan detachments.

By the middle of the XIX century. slavery has outlived itself. The invention of spinning machines and the introduction of various technical improvements increased labor productivity in industry and sharply increased the demand for cotton. The labor of slaves, even under the conditions of its most severe exploitation, remained unproductive, its productivity did not meet the new requirements of industry. The system of slavery also hampered the development of capitalism in the United States and the formation of a single domestic national market. The abolition of slavery thus became necessary condition for the further development of capitalism. In addition, by denying all human rights to a section of the people, the system of slavery was a threat to the welfare and civil liberties of the entire American people and caused a growing protest of blacks and a broad anti-slavery movement among different layers the American population.

However, the planters were not going to voluntarily give up power. In 1820, as a result of the Missouri Compromise, they achieved the establishment of the border of slavery at 36 ° 30 "N. In 1850, under pressure from the planters, Congress passed new law on fugitive slaves, much more severe than the law of 1793. 1 J and in 1854, thanks to the Kansas and Nebraska Bill, which provided a solution to the question of slavery in one or another new territory to the settlers themselves, any legal barriers to the spread of slavery throughout the United States were destroyed. However, all this in turn led to increased slave unrest and to the growth of the abolitionist movement in the decade leading up to the civil war.

The pre-storm outbreak of the civil war in the United States was the Kansas Civil War, followed by the John Brown Rebellion (1859). Brown (1800-1859), a white farmer from Richmond (Ohio), a prominent abolitionist and leader of the "secret road", planned to make a campaign in Virginia, raise a general uprising of slaves and form in the mountains of Maryland and Virginia free state as a base for the struggle for the emancipation of all slaves. On the night of October 16, 1859, Brown, with a small detachment of 22 people (five of them blacks), moved to the city of Harper's Ferry and captured the arsenal. However, John Brown's campaign turned out to be insufficiently prepared. Left without support, Brown's detachment was surrounded and defeated after a fierce battle. The badly wounded John Brown was captured, charged with treason and inciting slaves to rebellion, and sentenced to be hanged. In his last speech At the trial, Brown denied all the charges brought against him and pleaded guilty to only one thing - the intention to free the slaves 2 .

The execution of John Brown caused an outburst of indignation throughout the world, and brought the crisis that erupted in 1861 closer. , and in early 1861 northerners attacked at Fort Sumter. Thus began the civil war between the North and the South.

In the civil war of 1861-1865. the tasks were the bourgeois-democratic transformation of society, the abolition of slavery and the transfer of political and economic power throughout the country into the hands of the industrialists of the North. In the article “Civil War in North America”, K. Marx described the situation as follows: “ modern wrestling between the South and the North is ... nothing but a struggle between two social systems- systems of slavery and systems of free labor... It can end only with the victory of one of these systems” 3 .

The war took on a protracted character due to the indecisive policy of the government of Abraham Lincoln, which reflected the real contradictions of the forces clashing in the war, and at the same time the fluctuations of the bourgeoisie. Lincoln saw the main goal of the war in preserving the union of the states, in returning the 11 rebellious states of the South to the union, and not in the destruction of slavery. And only when the northerners suffered a series of defeats and the situation on the fronts became threatening, under pressure from the masses and with the enormous activity of the Negroes themselves, Lincoln signed the law on the confiscation of slaves of the rebel planters (August 6, 1861), on the prohibition of the extradition of fugitive slaves (March 31, 1862 d.) and on the release with ransom of Negroes in the District of Columbia (April 16, 1862). And finally, on September 22, 1862, the historic Emancipation proclamation was published, according to which, from January 1, 1863, all slaves in the rebellious states, if the rebellion was not stopped, received freedom "from now and forever." From January 1, 1863, the slaves, however, only in the deposed states, received personal freedom.

After the victory of the Northerners and the liberation of the Negroes, the most important question became the question of restructuring the entire political and economic life in the South, the question of the reconstruction of the South. In March 1865, the Bureau of freedmen, refugees and abandoned lands was established, headed by General O.-O. Howard. The tasks of the Bureau included comprehensive assistance to the liberated Negroes in new conditions for them. The bureau existed until 1868, and its activities were of great positive significance.

However, the Negroes were freed without a ransom, but also without land, without a livelihood. Large plantation landownership was not destroyed, the political power of the slave owners was only for a while shaken, but not broken. And although the Negroes themselves, with weapons in their hands, took part in the struggle for their liberation, although over 200 thousand Negroes fought in the army of the northerners and 37 thousand of them fell in this war, the Negroes did not receive a single real freedom and, moreover, equality. Having been freed from slavery by the planters, they fell into bondage to the same planters and were forced to work under enslaving conditions for their former owners as hired workers or tenants. "Slavery has been abolished, long live slavery!" - this is how one of the reactionary leaders of that era defined the situation.

After the assassination of Lincoln on April 14, 1865, and the coming to power of E. Johnson, who pursued a policy of concessions towards the planters, the reaction in the southern states again raised its head. In 1865-1866, so-called "black codes" were introduced in various states of the South, essentially restoring the slavery of blacks. Typical, for example, are the laws passed in 1865 in the state of Mississippi 1 . Under these laws, blacks, under pain of life imprisonment, were denied the right to marry whites, it was forbidden to carry weapons, civil liberties of blacks were curtailed, and their right to own land was limited. In almost all southern states, suffrage was contested among Negroes, and Negroes were effectively excluded from participating in political life. According to the Apprentice law, all Negroes - teenagers under 18 years old, without parents, or children of poor parents (poor minors), were given into the service of whites, who could forcibly keep them in service, return them in case of escape in court and subject to corporal punishment. Negroes were allowed only to the most difficult and dirty work. Vagrant laws existed in many states, according to which blacks who were not employed in permanent work were declared vagrants, imprisoned and sent to hard labor brigades or forcibly returned to work with former planters. The vagrancy laws were extremely widely applied, and they were always given an interpretation that pleased the planters. In the southern states, a system of bonded peonage flourished, using the labor of convicts, who were often chained to one chain and had to do the work of laying roads or other hard work carried out in one state or another. A system of social isolation and segregation (separation) of Negroes, the system of Jim Crowism, was also established. This meant that Negroes could settle only in certain, strictly limited areas, visit only certain and lower-class hotels, restaurants, theaters, travel only in cars with the inscription "for colored people." This meant thousands of small and large humiliations, which are still subjected to varying degrees to Negroes in modern America.

The result of the mass protest movement of both blacks and white Republicans against the "black codes" and events in the South of the United States was the approval by Congress of the 13th amendment to the constitution to abolish slavery (1865), the 14th amendment on the civil rights of blacks (1868) and 15 1st Negro Suffrage Amendment (1870). In 1867-1868. Congress approved the Southern Reconstruction Acts, which divided the southern states into five military districts and introduced a military dictatorship there, carried out by the troops of the northerners. The states elected their provisional governments on the basis of universal suffrage (including Negroes), and the Confederates, who were former active participants in the rebellion, were deprived of the right to vote. Negroes were elected to the legislature of a number of states. Thus, G. Epteker points out 1 that in the state of Mississippi after the elections of 1870 there were 30 Negroes in the House of Representatives, and five in the Senate. “In 1866,” W. Foster writes about the South, “the decade of the broadest democratic development of the states began, the like of which was neither before nor after” 2 . During this period, a number of progressive bourgeois-democratic transformations were carried out: universal suffrage for men and new rights for women were established, a state school system and a system for providing for the elderly were established, civil equality was introduced, “black codes” were abolished, etc.

But the main task of the revolution - the redistribution of land, the destruction of the plantation economy, and thereby the political and economic power and dominance of the slave owners - was not resolved. This made it possible for the reaction in the southern states to gather forces and go on the offensive. Numerous terrorist groups began to form, committing murders, beatings and other acts of violence against blacks and their white allies and inciting racial hatred.

One such group was the Ku Klux Klan, organized in 1865 in Tennessee. The Ku Klux Klan 3 emerged as a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization of slave owners to suppress and intimidate liberated blacks. The Ku Klux Klan was a secret organization, its activities were surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery, a ritual was adopted Masonic lodges four . Dressed in become traditional shape- white hoodies with slits for the eyes and mouth, with a cross on the chest, on dark nights the "knights" of the Ku Klux Klan committed their bloody and dirty deeds - raids, arson, murders - and disappeared without a trace. They killed blacks and progressive whites, staged black pogroms. One of the bloodiest pogroms occurred in 1866 in New Orleans.

The favored method of the Ku Klux Klan was lynching. Lynch 1 - lynching, cruel and bloody massacre without trial. Lynching is not just murder. It is accompanied by the most sophisticated sadistic torture and mockery of the victim, who is usually hanged or burned alive, doused with kerosene or pitch. The lynching was used by the planters to establish a reign of terror over the liberated blacks. In 1871, the terror of the Ku Klux Klan reached such proportions that President W. Grant was forced to appoint an investigation and issue a law banning the Ku Klux Klan. After that, the Ku Klux Klan went underground, but its criminal activities did not stop.

Having achieved their goals and fearing a further deepening of the revolution, the bourgeoisie of the North made a deal with the slave owners to organize a united front against the workers' and farmers' movement and the national liberation struggle of the Negro people. By the 80s of the XIX century. a conspiracy took shape between the capitalists of the North and the planters of the South, which in history bears the name of compromise, or betrayal, Hayes-Tilden (1877). Hayes, the presidential candidate of the Republican party, the party of the northern bourgeoisie, received the support of the planters and was elected president after promising to withdraw northern troops from the South. This compromise ended the reconstruction period.

The liberated Negroes found themselves in extremely difficult conditions in the South. The American bourgeoisie "... tried on the basis of "free" republican-democratic capitalism to restore everything possible, to do everything possible and impossible for the most shameless and vile oppression of the Negroes. Negroes - that's what the American South is," wrote V. I. Lenin 2 .

Most Negroes continued to work as sharecroppers in the cotton fields and farms, often owned by the former owners or their children. The sharecropping system that developed in the southern states after the Civil War placed the tenant entirely at the mercy of the landowner. The sharecropper had no property, no land, no means of production, no livestock, no money, nothing but labor. Sharecroppers lived in deep poverty, paying the planter for the right to use the land half, and sometimes two-thirds of the crop. At the same time, "black codes" are being restored everywhere in the southern states and laws are being introduced that, under one pretext or another, deprive blacks of electoral and civil rights. The segregation of blacks and whites is again established in public places, in schools, etc.

The entry of the USA into the stage of imperialism was marked by an intensification of reaction in all spheres of life. Anti-Negro protests and pogroms also became more frequent. The lynching curve went up sharply. At the same time, pogromists from literature (Dixon, Page, and others) came forward, whose works contained direct calls for reprisals against Negroes. Once again, the tried and tested ideological weapon of the slave owners, the "theory" of the superiority of the white race, was put into play. The reactionary forces of capitalism found more and more new forms of enslavement of the Negro population, considering it as a source of superprofits. By 1915, the Ku Klux Klan was reorganized and turned into an instrument of struggle of big capital and monopolies against the communists, the trade union movement, the Negro national liberation movement, and against other progressive forces in America.

During the First World War, in order to justify the entry of the United States into the imperialist slaughter and to recruit Negroes into the army, the American bourgeoisie proclaimed its goal to protect world civilization, culture and democracy from the German barbarians and promised the Negroes to radically change their situation after the war. Many Negroes were deceived by these promises. Over 400 thousand Negroes served in american army during the first world war. Hundreds of American Negroes received the highest French, Belgian and American awards for bravery and courage. But when the Negro soldiers began to understand the predatory, unjust aims and essence of the First World War, they refused to sail across the ocean and serve as cannon fodder for the interests of the American imperialists. So, in August 1917, the rebel soldiers of the Negro regiment in Houston (Texas) killed the officers and refused to go to Europe. The uprising was brutally suppressed, many Negro soldiers were shot, and 200 soldiers were sentenced to many years of hard labor.

When the war ended and the Negro soldiers returned to America, nothing had changed for them there. The Negroes who entered factories and factories during the war were now fired. In connection with the crisis of the post-war period, the situation of Negro farmers and agricultural laborers, in particular, deteriorated sharply. Many Negro soldiers who returned from the army were lynched for daring to go out into the streets in military uniforms and orders. Frightened by the ever-increasing anger of the Negro people, the American bourgeoisie turned to methods of direct violence and inspired in 1917 and 1919. mass Negro pogroms that swept across the country. Especially bloody was the pogrom in St. Louis in the summer of 1917. In 1919 in Chicago, where the pogromists were former soldiers there were real street fights.

The sharp discontent and indignation of the Negro soldiers, the petty bourgeoisie, and part of the workers and farm laborers were used by the adventurer Mark Garvey, who led the movement of the Negroes for the return to Africa 1 . The reactionary utopian bourgeois-nationalist slogans of Garvey - the creation of an African Negro empire, "Africa for Africans" - did not receive the support of the advanced part of the Negro people. It soon became clear that Garvey had entered into an agreement with the Ku Klux Klan and achieved his non-interference in his affairs, declaring his organization anti-communist. These revelations caused a mass exodus of Negroes from the Harvest organizations. After Garvey's arrest for fraud with public money, garvism gradually fades away. In the 1920s, the Negro nationalist movement weakened due to America's entry into the period of the so-called "prosperity".

The crisis of 1929-1933 that unfolded at the base general crisis capitalist system economy, put an end to illusions about the strength of American "prosperity" and caused a further exacerbation class struggle. In these years, more clearly than ever before, the demarcation of the forces of democracy and progress, on the one hand, and the forces of reaction and fascism, on the other, is taking place in America. Numerous fascist and pro-fascist organizations and groups appear in the USA, the lynching curve goes up again (according to official data, 19-20 lynchings per year were recorded in the 1920s, in 1631-79, in 1934-84), was failed in the Senate because of the obstruction of the southern senators anti-lynching law judiciary individual states and their transfer to the federal authorities and the federal court). But the 1930s were a period of growing unity and organization of the American working class, which they manifested in grandiose mass strikes. It was a time of great political activity by the American proletariat and progressive intelligentsia, especially in the election campaigns of 1932 and 1936, when the US Communist Party put forward its candidates William Foster and the Negro Communist James Ford.

In the 1930s, the character of the Negro liberation movement changed. Until then, the liberation movement was led by the Negro bourgeoisie, which sought to direct it along a false, bourgeois-nationalist path. Now the leader of the movement is the Negro proletariat, which grew up as a result of the proletarianization of Negroes and their movement to the industrial regions of the North during the First World War and after it.

For the first time in the broad labor movement of the 1930s, Negro workers felt themselves part of the American working class. Their struggle against racial discrimination joined the general front of the struggle against capitalist slavery. That is why American workers responded so enthusiastically to trials in Scottsboro (Alabama) in 1931 and in Atlanta (Georgia) in 1937. In 1931 in Scottsboro they were sentenced to death penalty falsely accused of raping white women by nine Negro youths, the youngest of whom was thirteen years old and the oldest barely nineteen. The joint action of white and black workers, the protest of the public around the world forced the US Supreme Court to reconsider the case; seven youths were released, two were sentenced to prison, but their lives were spared.

In Atlanta, the black communist Angelo Herndon, who in 1932 organized a joint demonstration of white and black unemployed and proclaimed the class solidarity of workers regardless of skin color, was sentenced to 20 years of hard labor under the law on prosecution for sedition, introduced during the Civil War. An extensive campaign of protest by workers in America and around the world forced the court to release Herndon on bail. In the shortest possible time, the amount necessary for making a deposit was collected in the form of voluntary donations. And in July 1937, the law that convicted Angelo Herndon was declared unconstitutional.

In 1936-1938, when the struggle of the people against the fascist rebels was going on in Spain, the Negro Committee for the Assistance of Spanish Democracy was created. Many Negroes fought in the ranks of the volunteers of the International Brigade. Some of them died the death of heroes in this struggle - Alonzo Watson, Oliver Lowe, Milton Herndon (brother of Angelo Herndon) and others.

During these years, the American Communist Party, the only party that consistently defended the interests of the Negro people, did a great deal of explanatory and organizational work among the Negroes during these years. At the call of the Communist Party, a powerful demonstration was held on March 6, 1930, and a number of other demonstrations of white and Negro unemployed. The Communists involved Negro workers and sharecroppers in the strike movement, fought in the unions against discrimination against Negroes carried out by reactionary leaders, led campaigns for the release of the youths from Scotsboro and Angelo Herndon. Numerous books and pamphlets by American Communists have popularized the Communist Party's point of view on the Negro issue.

During the years of the so-called New Deal, the Negroes won some specific concessions from the government of F. D. Roosevelt, which attracted individual Negroes to state machine, though for minor posts. However, the Roosevelt government did not carry out any significant reforms - lynching and segregation were not legally prohibited, the poll tax that exists in many states, and discrimination against blacks, etc. were not abolished.

Negroes took part in the second world war; they hated fascism and its racist theories and understood that if there is no democracy for them now, it will be even worse if fascism wins. Of great importance was also the fact that the United States fought in the Second World War in the same camp as the Soviet Union - a country of freedom and equality of nations.

About 1 million Negroes joined or were drafted into the US Army in this war. In the liberation struggle against fascism, the Negroes showed themselves to be excellent soldiers, many of them were awarded orders and medals for military prowess. However, the policy of racial discrimination, segregation and Jim Crowism continued to be the official policy of the US ruling circles. Blacks were discriminated against even when drafted into the army and while serving. They did military service in special units, they tried not to be admitted to naval and flight schools, they tried not to give them special qualifications. Thus, out of 19 thousand Negroes who served in the Navy, over 4 thousand were used as cooks and waiters, and the rest - in heavy non-combatant work. In most cases, the so-called Negro aviation units were also engaged in auxiliary work. By the end of World War II, only 8,600 Negroes had officer ranks (of which: 1 general and 34 colonels and lieutenant colonels; the highest rank of a Negro in the Navy is lieutenant).

Discrimination against Negroes intensified especially after the end of the Second World War in connection with the general offensive of reaction in the USA. On August 27, 1949, at Peekskill, near New York, a fascist provocation against the Negro people and the solidarity of American workers. On this day, a gang of fascist hooligans attacked spectators who had gathered to listen to the songs of a wonderful Negro singer and progressive public figure Paul Robeson, and wanted to lynch him. During the whole evening, several dozen whites and blacks selflessly beat off the attacks of drunken thugs, who acted with the connivance of the police. However, the impudent sortie of the American fascists did not intimidate the working people. Exactly one week later, on September 3, a Paul Robeson concert took place in Peekskill, attended by at least 25,000 people. This was a great victory for the progressive people of the USA. The concert was guarded by special detachments of black and white volunteer workers who thwarted all attempts by hooligans to prevent Robson from singing.

1955-1956 marked by a new upsurge in the struggle of blacks for freedom and equality. The National Liberation Movement of the Negro People is one of the broadest democratic movements in modern America. As stated in the draft resolution of the 16th Congress of the US Communist Party, 1 modern stage The development of the Negro liberation movement is characterized, in particular, by the increased role of the Negro urban population and the Negro proletariat, the strengthening of ties with the trade union movement, the transfer of the center of the struggle to the South, to the citadel of racism, where, due to industrialization, the number of workers has significantly increased and where, along with the Negro workers in broad strata of the intelligentsia, priests, etc. are involved in the struggle. The slogan "Achieve freedom by 1963" is now very popular among the Negroes. (i.e., the centenary of the emancipation from slavery). Illustrative facts are given, for example, in an article by Eslanda Robson 2 . Negroes intensify the struggle in all spheres of life: they move from the ghetto to the nearby "white" areas, despite the fierce resistance of the Ku Klux Klan, wage a stubborn struggle in labor unions, etc. Negro politicians began a campaign against racist congressmen, seeking them feedback from Congress.

The Negroes began to realize their political power. Increasingly widespread is now headed by the priest M.-JI. King's movement to ensure that at least 5 million blacks of the southern states took part in the presidential elections of 1960. The Negroes intend to exercise their political rights and force the government to abandon the policy of racial discrimination. The Negroes also realized their great economic strength, successfully using it in economic boycotts. Negroes in Montgomery, Alabama, showed excellent self-restraint and organization, for example, in Montgomery, Alabama, where for a year from December 1955 the population boycotted a bus company that discriminated against Negroes. Rallies were held across the country in support of the Montgomery Negroes and funds were raised. Local authorities arrested and tried on charges of conspiracy 90 leaders of the boycott, including all the Negro priests of the city. But it was not possible to break or intimidate the Negroes. The struggle ended with the victory of the Negro population of Montgomery, who forced the bus company in December 1956 to abolish discriminatory orders and segregation. Similar boycotts were held in other cities in the South.

On May 17, 1954, as a result of many years of struggle between Negroes and all democratic forces in the United States, as well as strong pressure from world public opinion, the US Supreme Court decided to prohibit racial segregation in public schools. However, the implementation of this decision was largely left to the Negroes themselves.

In Washington and some cities in the states of Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky and others, certain successes have been achieved. But in the extreme South the reactionary local authorities refused to comply with the decision of the Supreme Court, as a result of which an extremely tense situation was created in the southern states. Serious clashes broke out in a number of cities, and federal troops were brought in to restore order.

Nevertheless, the Negroes are determined to achieve the realization of their rights. This is evidenced, for example, by the grandiose demonstration that took place in Washington at the Lincoln Monument on May 17, 1957, on the day of the third anniversary of the decision by the Supreme Court to prohibit segregation. On this day to Washington, to express their protest against the anti-Negro terror in the southern states and declare their solidarity with those fighting for civil rights and freedom, more than 50,000 Negroes came from all over the country.

The events that unfolded in September 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas, where the racist Governor Faubus tried to force nine Negro children out of a school that had previously accepted only whites, became known throughout the world. The actions of Faubus and the atrocities of the local Ku Klux Klans caused great outrage throughout the country. Federal troops were sent to Little Rock. For three months, Negro schoolchildren went to school under the protection of soldiers, courageously making their way through the system of brutal hooligans, and won a difficult victory.

On the side of American blacks - everyone honest people The United States and the whole world who understand that the struggle of American blacks for freedom and equality is part of the general struggle against imperialism, racism and colonial oppression that is going on all over the world.