Subjects of the Russian Federation bordering European countries. What countries border Russia? Geopolitical position of the state

The total length of Russia's borders is the largest in the world and reaches 62,269 km. Of these, the length of the maritime borders is 37636.6 km and land - 24625.3 km. Of the maritime borders, the coast of the Arctic, or the Russian Arctic sector, accounts for 19724.1 km, and on the coast of the seas - 16997.9 km.

Maritime boundaries run at a distance of 12 nautical miles (22.7 km) from the coast, separating internal territorial waters from international ones. At 200 nautical miles(about 370 km) from the coast is the border of the sea economic zone Russia. Within this zone, navigation of any countries is allowed, but the development and extraction of all types of natural resources located in the waters, on the bottom and in the bowels, is carried out only by Russia. Other countries can mine here Natural resources only in agreement with the Russian government. The northern borders of the country completely pass through the waters of the seas:, East Siberian and (follow the map). Except, all of them all year round covered with drifting multi-year pack ice, so navigation on the seas is difficult and possible only with the use of nuclear-powered icebreakers.

The eastern borders of Russia pass mainly along the waters Pacific Ocean and its seas: Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese. The closest maritime neighbors of our country here are Japan and. The length of the maritime border with is 194.3 km, and with the United States - 49 km. The narrow La Perouse Strait separates Russian territorial waters from both the island of Hokkaido.

In the south and southwest of Russia maritime boundaries pass with the countries ( , and ), as well as with the waters of the sea. By waters and seas - with Ukraine and. connects our country with, and and they follow it waterways to Europe and Thus, Russia belongs to the great maritime powers and it has both a merchant fleet and a navy.

The land borders of our Motherland are very long. In the northwest our neighbors are Norway and Finland. The length of the border with Finland is 219.1 km, and with Finland - 1325.8 km. The length of the border along the coast Baltic Sea is 126.1 km. Along the western border of Russia are the states: Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and. On the territory of the Kaliningrad region land border passes with and Lithuania. Section of the maritime boundary near the southeastern part of the Baltic Sea ( sea ​​coast Kaliningrad region) is 140 km. In addition, the length of the river border of the region with Lithuania is 206.6 km, the lake border - 30.1 km, and with Poland - 236.3 km.

The length of the land border of Russia with Estonia is 466.8 km, with Latvia - 270.6 km, with - 1239 km, with Ukraine - 2245.8 km. The length of the Black Sea sea border is 389.5 km, along the Caspian Sea - 580 km, and along - 350 km.

The southern border of Russia with Georgia and Azerbaijan runs along the mountain ranges of the Main Caucasian (Dividing) Range and the spurs of the Samur Range. The length of the border with Georgia is 897.9 km, with Azerbaijan - 350 km. On the coast of the Caspian Sea southern border Russia with Kazakhstan passes through the Caspian lowland, along the plains and uplands of the Urals and Trans-Urals, the southern outskirts of the lowland and along the river valley approaches the foothills. The total length of the land border with Kazakhstan reaches 7598.6 km.

Russian border guards also guard land borders in the mountains and. The total length of the Tajik border reaches 1909 km.

Further east, the southern border of Russia with and passes along high mountains Altai, Western and. To the east of Mongolia, Russia again borders China along the Argun and Ussuri, which are used by both countries. The total length of land borders with China is 4209.3 km, and with - 3485 km.

In the extreme southeast, Russia borders on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The length of the border is 39.4 km.

As you can see, most of the borders of our country run along natural boundaries: seas, rivers and mountains. Some of them hinder international contacts. These are covered with multi-year pack ice and high mountain ranges in the south of Russia. European, Barents, Baltic, Black, Azov and border rivers and river valleys contribute to the diverse ties between Russia and foreign countries.

because of long distance in longitude in Russia there is a large difference in time - it is 10 . Accordingly, the entire territory of the country is divided into 10 time zones. In sparsely populated areas and on the seas, the boundaries of time zones pass along the meridians. In densely populated areas, they are carried out along the borders of administrative regions, territories and autonomous republics, going around big cities. This is done to make it easier to calculate time. Within administrative divisions established common time. in many time zones is accompanied by a number of inconveniences and difficulties. So, the programs of Central Television from Moscow have to be repeated especially for residents eastern regions countries, since many transmissions take place there on deep into the night or early morning. At the same time, the time difference allows you to maneuver the use of electricity. With the help of powerful transmission line systems, the maximum supply of electricity moves after the sun, which makes it possible to manage with fewer power plants.

Every place on earth has its own the local time. In addition, there is summer and winter local time. This is when, by order of the government of a number of states, in March-April the clock hands are moved 1 hour ahead, and in September-October - 1 hour back. For the convenience of international and intercity communications, the so-called standard time is introduced. In Russia, the timetable for trains and planes is drawn up according to Moscow time.

In the USSR for more rational use Since 1930, during the daylight hours, clocks have been moved forward 1 hour everywhere - this is standard time. Decree time of the 2nd time zone in which Moscow is located is called Moscow time.

The local time of the inhabitants of the Kaliningrad region is 1 hour (more precisely, 54 minutes) different from the local Moscow time, since Kaliningrad region located in the first time zone.

The role and importance of time in the economy and people's lives is enormous. Humans and all plant and animal organisms have a “biological clock”. This is conventionally called the ability of living organisms in time. Watch the animals and you will see what they have strict regime day. Plants also have a certain rhythm of life.

The biological clock works under the influence of the main daily rhythm of the Earth - its rotation around its axis, which determines the change in illumination, air, cosmic radiation, gravity, electricity, length of day and night. Life processes inside human body are also subject to earthly rhythms. Rhythms biological clock” of living organisms are encoded in the cells of organisms and are inherited by natural selection, through chromosomes.

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The total length of Russia's borders is the longest in the world, because our country is the largest on the planet. In terms of the number of neighbors, we are also ahead of everyone - 18

And our country, like no other, has enclaves, exclaves and semi-exclaves, that is, territories belonging to Russian Federation, but not having with her common border- taken out on the territory of other countries.

Some discrepancies

62,262 kilometers is the total length of the land and it is divided like this - the sea border, stretching for 37,636.6 kilometers, is much longer than the land border, equal to 24,625.3 km. It should be noted that the data in some sources differ. Inconsistencies occur due to the annexation of the Crimea. Of the total length of the maritime boundaries, most, namely 19,724.1 km, falls on the Arctic sector, that is, northern border Russia.

border in the north

The eastern border also runs exclusively along the seas, but already in the Pacific Ocean - it accounts for 16,997.9 km of the total water border of Russia. The length of Russia's maritime borders is one of the longest in the world. Its shores are washed by 13 seas, and according to this indicator, our country is the first in the world. On what seas do the cordons of our country pass? In the north, Russia is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean. Located from west to east, they follow in this order: Barents and Kara, Laptev and East Siberian.

The easternmost is In the western part there is also the White Sea, washing Russia, but it is completely inland. In addition to part of the westernmost Barents, all the rest are covered with pack (slipped from mainland glaciers) perennial ice floes, which makes it very difficult for ships to pass through them and is possible only with the help of True, now the ice is melting so much that unknown islands appear from under them. All area from northern shores to the pole belongs to Russia. And all the islands, except for a few in the Svalbard archipelago, belong to our country.

Eastern Frontiers

The maritime borders themselves pass at a distance of 22 km from coastline. In addition, there is such a thing as a maritime economic zone. It extends from the mainland and the islands for 370 km. What does it mean? And the fact that ships from all over the world can sail in these waters, and extract minerals from the bottom of the seas and lead another economic activity Only Russia has the right.

The length of Russia's borders in the east, as mentioned above, is 16,997.9 km. Here the borders pass through the following seas: Bering, Okhotsk and Japan, which does not freeze in winter, belonging to the Pacific Ocean. Eastern neighbors are the US and Japan. With the United States, the border, the length of which is 49 km, passes through between the islands of Romanov and Kruzenshtern. The first belongs to Russia, the second belongs to the USA. The border between Russia and Japan runs along the La Perouse Strait with a total length of 194.3 km.

Borders passing along the western and southern seas

The nine seas of the north and east are listed. What are the names of the other four along which the border passes? Baltic, Caspian, Black and Azov. With what countries does Russia border on these seas? The total length of the western border of Russia is 4222.2 km, of which 126.1 km fall on the coast of the Baltic Sea. The northern part of this sea freezes in winter, and the movement of ships is possible only with the help of icebreakers. "Window to Europe" allows you to trade with all

On the Black and Azov Seas, Russia borders on Ukraine, on the Caspian - on Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. It should be noted that in total length Russia's borders include 7 thousand km, passing along the rivers, and 475 km, going along the lakes.

The length of the frontiers with neighbors in the west

The land border runs mainly along the west and south of Russia. Here neighbors are Norway and Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. With Poland Russia. In the south, we are neighbors with Abkhazia, Georgia (its common border with Russia is torn in the middle by the border of South Ossetia), Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and North Korea in the southeast.

The total length of the borders of Russia, passing by land, between the neighbors is divided as follows. With Norway, the land border is 195.8 km, of which 152.8 km are along the seas, rivers and lakes. With Finland, our land borders stretched for 1271.8 km (180.1). With Estonia - 324 km (235.3), with Latvia - 270.5 km (133.3), with Lithuania (Kaliningrad region) - 266 km (233.1). The Kaliningrad region has a border with Poland of 204.1 km (0.8). Further on, a completely land border with Belarus stretches for 1239 km. The length of the borders of Russia with Ukraine is 1925.8 km (425.6).

southern neighbors

The border with Georgia is 365 km, the share of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is 329 km. The Georgian-Russian border itself split into two parts - western and eastern, between which the 70-kilometer Russian-South Ossetian border was wedged. The Russian-Azerbaijani border is 390.3 km. The longest border between Russia and Kazakhstan is 7512.8 (1576.7 km passes through the seas, rivers and lakes). 3485 km - the length of the Russian-Mongolian borders. Further, the border with China stretches for 4209.3 km, and with the DPRK it is only 30 km. 183 thousand border guards guard the borders of our vast country.


Russian border - a line and a vertical surface passing along this line, defining the limits state territory(land, water, subsoil and airspace) of Russia, the spatial limit of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

The protection of the state border is carried out Border Guard Service FSB of Russia within the border area, as well as Armed Forces Russian Federation (air defense and naval forces) - in the airspace and underwater environment. The arrangement of border points is in charge federal agency on arrangement of the state border of the Russian Federation.

Russia recognizes the presence of borders with 16 states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the USA, as well as partially recognized by the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. length Russian border is 62,269 km

The main territory of the Russian Federation borders on land with 14 UN member states and two partially recognized states(Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia). Only the semi-exclave Kaliningrad Oblast borders Poland and Lithuania. A small enclave of Sankovo-Medvezhye, which is part of Bryansk region, surrounded on all sides by the border with Belarus. On the border with Estonia there is an enclave of Dubki.

A Russian citizen can freely, having only an internal passport, cross the border with the Republic of Abkhazia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and South Ossetia.

All sections of the border, except for the border with Belarus, are allowed to be crossed only at established checkpoints in compliance with all procedures prescribed by law. The only exception is the border with Belarus. It can be crossed anywhere, there is no border control on it. Since 2011, any form of control has been abolished on the Russian-Belarusian border.

Not all land borders are protected.

By sea, Russia borders on twelve states . With the USA and Japan, Russia has only a maritime border. With Japan, these are narrow straits: La Perouse, Kunashirsky, Treason and Soviet, separating Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands from the Japanese island of Hokkaido. And with the United States - this is the Bering Strait, the border along which separates Ratmanov Island from Kruzenshtern Island. The length of the border with Japan is approximately 194.3 kilometers, with the United States - 49 kilometers. Also along the sea lies a section of the border with Norway (Barents Sea), Finland and Estonia (Gulf of Finland), Lithuania and Poland (Baltic Sea), Ukraine (Azov and Black Sea), Abkhazia - the Black Sea, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan (the Caspian Sea), and North Korea (the Sea of ​​Japan).

The total length of the borders of the Russian Federation is 60,932 km.

Of these, 22,125 km are land borders (including 7,616 km along rivers and lakes).

The length of Russia's maritime borders is 38,807 km. Of them:

in the Baltic Sea - 126.1 km;

in the Black Sea - 389.5 km;

in the Caspian Sea - 580 km;

in the Pacific Ocean and its seas - 16,997.9 km;

in the Northern Arctic Ocean and its seas - 19,724.1 km.


Russian Federation- a huge country, ranking first in the world in terms of area occupied by the territory. The states bordering Russia are located on all sides of the world, and the border itself reaches almost 61 thousand km.

Border types

The border of a state is a line that delimits its actual area. Territory includes land, water, underground minerals and air space located within the country.

In the Russian Federation, there are 3 types of borders: sea, land and lake (river). The sea border is the longest of all, it reaches about 39 thousand km. The land border has a length of 14.5 thousand km, and the lake (river) - 7.7 thousand km.

General information about all states bordering the Russian Federation

With which states does the Federation recognize its neighborhood with 18 countries.

Name of states bordering Russia: South Ossetia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Abkhazia, Ukraine, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, United States of America, Japan, Mongolia, China The countries of the first order are listed here .

Capitals of states bordering Russia: Tskhinvali, Minsk, Sukhum, Kyiv, Warsaw, Oslo, Helsinki, Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Astana, Tbilisi, Baku, Washington, Tokyo, Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Pyongyang.

South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia are partially recognized, because not all countries of the world have recognized these countries as independent. Russia did this in relation to these states, therefore, approved the neighborhood with them and the borders.

Some states bordering Russia argue about the correctness of these borders. For the most part, disagreements appeared after the end of the existence of the USSR.

Land borders of the Russian Federation

The states bordering Russia by land are located on the Eurasian continent. They also include lake (river). Not all of them are protected today, some of them can be crossed without hindrance, having only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is not always in without fail checked.

States bordering Russia on the mainland: Norway, Finland, Belarus, South Ossetia, Ukraine, Republic of Abkhazia, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, People's Republic of China, North Korea.
With some of them there is also a border by water.

Available Russian territories which are surrounded on all sides foreign countries. These sites include the Kaliningrad region, Medvezhye-Sankovo ​​and Dubki.

You can travel to the Republic of Belarus without a passport and any border control on any of the possible roads.

Maritime borders of the Russian Federation

What countries borders Russia by sea? The maritime boundary is considered to be a line 22 km or 12 nautical miles from the coast. The territory of the country includes not only 22 km of water, but also all the islands in this sea area.

States bordering Russia by sea: Japan, United States of America, Norway, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, North Korea. There are only 12 of them. The length of the borders is more than 38 thousand km. Russia has only a maritime border with the USA and Japan; the dividing line with these countries does not pass by land. There are borders with other states both by water and by land.

Settled disputed sections of the border

At all times there have been disputes between countries over territories. Some of the disputing countries have already agreed and are no longer raising the issue. These include: Latvia, Estonia, People's Republic of China and Azerbaijan.

The dispute between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan occurred over a hydroelectric complex and water intake facilities that belonged to Azerbaijan, but were in fact in Russia. In 2010, the dispute was resolved, and the border was moved to the middle of this hydroelectric complex. Now water resources This hydroelectric complex of the country is used in equal shares.

After the collapse of the USSR, Estonia considered it unfair that the right bank of the Narva River, Ivangorod and the Pechora region remained the property of Russia (Pskov region). In 2014, countries signed an agreement on the absence territorial claims. There were no significant changes to the border.

Latvia, as well as Estonia, began to lay claim to one of the districts of the Pskov region - Pytalovsky. The agreement with this state was signed in 2007. The territory remained in the ownership of the Russian Federation, the border did not suffer any changes.

The dispute between China and Russia ended with the demarcation of the border in the center of the Amur, which led to joining the Chinese People's Republic parts of the disputed territories. The Russian Federation transferred southern neighbor 337 square kilometers, including two sites in the region and Tarabarov and one site near Bolshoi Island. The signing of the agreement took place in 2005.

Unsettled disputed sections of the border

Some disputes over the territory are not closed to this day. It is not yet known when the contracts will be signed. Russia has such disputes with Japan and Ukraine.
The disputed territory between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is Crimean peninsula. Ukraine considers the 2014 referendum illegal and Crimea occupied. The Russian Federation established its border unilaterally, while Ukraine issued a law establishing a free economic zone on the peninsula.

The dispute between Russia and Japan is over four Kuril Islands. The countries cannot come to a compromise, because both believe that these islands should belong to her. These islands include Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai.

Borders of the exclusive economic zones of the Russian Federation

An exclusive economic zone is a strip of water adjacent to the border of the territorial sea. It cannot be wider than 370 km. In this zone, the country has the right to develop subsoil resources, as well as to explore and preserve them, to create artificial structures and their use, on the study of water and the bottom.

Other countries have the right to move freely through this territory, build pipelines and otherwise use this water, while they must take into account the laws of the coastal state. Russia has such zones in the Black, Chukchi, Azov, Okhotsk, Japanese, Baltic, Bering and Barents Seas.

Abstract keywords: territory and borders of Russia, territory and water area, sea and land borders, economic and geographical position.

Russian borders

The total length of the borders is 58.6 thousand km, of which 14.3 thousand km are land, and 44.3 thousand km are sea. The maritime borders are 12 nautical miles(22.7 km) from the coast, and the border of the maritime economic zone - in 200 nautical miles(about 370 km).

On the west The country borders on Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Belarus. The Kaliningrad region has a border with Lithuania and Poland. In the southwest, Russia borders on Ukraine; on South– with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China and North Korea. Russia has the longest (7200 km) land border with Kazakhstan. On the east- maritime borders with Japan and the United States. On the north the borders of the Russian sector of the Arctic are drawn along the meridians of Ratmanov Island and the extreme northern point land border with Norway to the North Pole.

The largest islands in Russia are New Earth, Sakhalin, Novosibirsk, Severnaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land.

The largest peninsulas of Russia are Taimyr, Kamchatka, Yamal, Gdansk, Kola.

Description of the border of the Russian Federation

Northern and eastern border marine, and the western and southern - mainly land. The large length of the state borders of Russia is determined by the size of its territory and the outlines of the coastlines.

Western border starts on the coast Barents Sea from the Varangerfjord and passes first along the hilly tundra, then along the valley of the Paz River. In this section, Russia borders on Norway. Russia's next neighbor is Finland. The border goes along the Maanselkä upland, through a heavily swampy area, along the slope of the low Salpausselkä ridge, and 160 km southwest of Vyborg comes to the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea. In the extreme west, on the shores of the Baltic Sea and its Gdansk Bay, is the Kaliningrad region of Russia, which borders Poland and Lithuania. Most of The border of the region with Lithuania runs along the Neman (Nemunas) and its tributary - the Sheshup River.

From Gulf of Finland the border goes along the Narva River, Peipus and Pskov lakes and further mainly along low plains, crossing more or less significant uplands (Vitebsk, Smolensk-Moscow, southern spurs of the Central Russian, Donetsk Ridge) and rivers (upper reaches of the Western Dvina, Dnieper, Desna and Seim, Seversky Donets and Oskol), sometimes on secondary river valleys and small lakes, through wooded hilly spaces, ravine-beam forest-steppe and steppe, mostly plowed, expanses to the Taganrog Bay Sea of ​​Azov. Here, Russia's neighbors for over 1000 km are Estonia, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine.

southern border starts from Kerch Strait connecting the Sea of ​​Azov with the Black Sea, and passes through the territorial waters of the Black Sea to the mouth of the Psou River. The land border with Georgia and Azerbaijan passes here: along the Psou valley, then mainly along the Main Caucasian Range, passing to the Side Range in the area between the Roki and Kodori passes, then again goes along Dividing Range to Mount Bazarduzu, from where it turns north to the Samur River, along the valley of which it reaches the Caspian Sea. Thus, in the region of the Greater Caucasus, the border of Russia is clearly fixed by natural, natural boundaries, steep high mountain slopes. The length of the border in the Caucasus is more than 1000 km.

Further, the border of Russia passes through the waters of the Caspian Sea, from the coast of which, near the eastern margin of the Volga delta, the land border of Russia with Kazakhstan begins. It passes through the deserts and dry steppes of the Caspian lowland, in the area of ​​​​the junction of Mugodzhar with the Urals, along the southern steppe part Western Siberia and the Altai mountains. Russia's border with Kazakhstan is the longest (over 7,500 km), but almost not fixed by natural boundaries. On the territory of the Kulunda Plain, at a distance of about 450 km, the border runs from northwest to southeast almost in a straight line, parallel to the direction of the Irtysh. True, about 1500 km of the border runs along the rivers Maly Uzen (Caspian), Ural and its left tributary Ilek, along the Tobol and along its left tributary - the Uy River (the longest river border with Kazakhstan), as well as along a number of smaller tributaries of the Tobol.

Eastern part of the border- in Altai - orographically distinctly expressed. It runs along the ridges separating the Katun basin from the Bukhtarma basin - the right tributary of the Irtysh (Koksuysky, Kholzunsky, Listvyaga, in short stretches - Katunsky and Southern Altai).

Almost the entire border of Russia from Altai to the Pacific Ocean runs along the mountain belt. In the junction of the Southern Altai, Mongolian Altai and Sailyugem ranges, there is a mountain junction Tavan-Bogdo-Ula (4082 m). The borders of three states converge here: China, Mongolia and Russia. The length of the Russian border with China and Mongolia is 100 km longer than the Russian-Kazakh border.

The border runs along the Saylyugem ridge, the northern outskirts of the Ubsunur basin, the mountain ranges of Tuva, the Eastern Sayan (Big Sayan) and Transbaikalia (Dzhidinsky, Erman, etc.). Then it goes along the rivers Argun, Amur, Ussuri and its left tributary - the Sungach River. More than 80% of the Russian-Chinese border runs along rivers. The state border crosses the northern part of the water area of ​​Lake Khanka, runs along the Pogranichny and Chernye Gory ridges. On the far south Russia borders on the DPRK along the Tumannaya River (Tumynjiang). The length of this border is only 17 km. Along the river valley, the Russian-Korean border goes to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan to the south of Posyet Bay.

Eastern border of Russia passes through the water expanses of the Pacific Ocean and its seas - the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. Here Russia borders on Japan and the United States. The border runs along more or less wide sea straits: with Japan - along the Laperouse, Kunashirsky, Treason and Sovetsky straits, separating the Russian islands of Sakhalin, Kunashir and Tanfilyev (Small Kuril Ridge) from the Japanese island of Hokkaido; with the United States of America in the Bering Strait, where the Diomede Islands group is located. It is here that the narrow (5 km) strait between the Russian island of Ratmanov and the American island of Kruzenshtern passes state border Russia and USA.

northern border goes through the seas of the Arctic Ocean.

water area

Twelve seas three oceans wash the shores of Russia. One sea belongs to the inner drainless basin of Eurasia. The seas are located at different latitudes and climatic zones, differ in origin, geological structure, sizes of sea basins and bottom topography, as well as temperatures and salinity sea ​​waters, biological productivity and other natural features.

Table. The seas surrounding the area
Russia and their characteristics.

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