The Black Sea was dug up by ukry. Fake: Ukrainian scientists believe that the Black Sea was dug up by ancient ukry

"Kievan Rus - ancient Russian state, during the existence of which East Slavic tribes formed in ancient Russian nationality, which later became the basis for the formation of three fraternal nationalities - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, ”says Bolshaya soviet encyclopedia.

They didn't understand what they wrote.
Years later, there were specialists who were able to correct them.
In the textbooks of the history of Ukraine for the 7th grade, it is directly said: no fraternal peoples did not exist:
“The Kiev state, law, culture were created by one nationality, the Ukrainian-Russian. Vladimir-Moscow - another, Great Russian. The Vladimir-Muscovite state was neither the heir nor the successor of the Kyiv state, it grew on its roots and the attitude of the Kyiv state towards it could be equated, for example, with the relations of the Roman state to its Gallic provinces.

"Rus" is an anachronism, "Introduction to the history of Ukraine", 5th grade:
“The name Ukraine was first used in the annals under 1187 regarding the Kiev region, Pereyaslav region and Chernihiv region. It comes from the word country, which meant motherland, native side, earth. Subsequently, the name Ukraine spread to all our land and gave the name to our people, displacing the former Rus from use.

“Ukraine has always been one of the components European civilization". As an example, the scope of the achievements of the Cossacks is given: they expelled the Turks, and the Poles were slapped, and Moscow was besieged.
"One of the benefits Cossack troops was an impeccable mastery of sapper art. The Cossacks were able to quickly and efficiently build strong fortifications during the battle. Polish and European engineers admired the fortifications of the Cossacks.”

Key Point: Everywhere we are talking about the Ukrainian state modern borders like it's always been that way. If Crimea, then this is Crimea, occupied by the Tatars, if Lvov, then dishonestly occupied by the Poles. Almost all textbooks are written backwards. On the maps in the textbooks it is written in the notation: “The states that divided Ukrainian lands". And the main enemy, of course, is Russia:
“From the middle of the fourteenth century, the position of the Moscow principality was strengthened. Muscovites also encroached on foreign territories. However, the population offered fierce resistance to the Muscovites, for which the governors betrayed many people to fire and sword.

“The prospectus of Peter I for 1703 was found in the archive of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was planned to wait for the death of Ivan Mazepa or kill him, liquidate the Cossack estate, destroy all those who disagree or evict from Ukraine, and populate the liberated lands with Russians and Germans. Sources have survived that testify to the existence of plans to transfer Ukrainian lands to Prince Menshikov and the English Duke of Marlborough.
Well, how can a Ukrainian schoolboy treat a country well, the king of which wanted to give his land to an English duke?! And how, tell me, could the progressive hetman Mazepa remain loyal to such a king? Here is what Strukevich writes in the chapter "Reasons for Ivan Mazepa's defection to the side of Charles XII":
"Promotion Swedish army towards Ukraine prompted the hetman to turn to Peter I for help on the allocation of 10 thousand rubles. regular troops to repel an attack. The tsar's answer confirmed his complete indifference to the problems of the Ukrainian allies: "I can't give not only 10,000, but even 10 people." So he thanked for the sacrifices made by the Ukrainians during Northern war. The refusal of Peter I to fulfill the duty of the defender of Ukraine freed Mazepa from obligations to the Moscow State. In the face of a powerful enemy capable of crushing Ukraine, what decision was Hetman Mazepa to make? He decided to unite with the Swedes in the war against Muscovy.

“Peter I started and successfully implemented the policy of colonization of Ukraine. Cut off from Europe, it became a market for Russian goods and a supplier of raw materials for its industry. Having subjugated Ukraine to its industrialists and merchants, Russian government sought to leave gold and silver money with the population of Russia. to Ukrainian money turnover official St. Petersburg launched as much copper money as possible.”

“The revival of Ukrainian sovereignty in the period 1917-20 was accompanied by an uninterrupted struggle with Russia, both red and white. From the Ukrainian side people's republic the war had a defensive just character. Russia acted as an aggressor in this conflict.”
What this textbook says about “de-curculation” and “liquidation of curculia as a class”, and I don’t want to retell, but in it, for example, in the most detailed way describes the "exploits" of the heroes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the SS division "Galicia". And the conclusion is made:
"UPA was people's army. Thousands of Ukrainians who were in the ranks of the UPA gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.”
In the textbook of the history of Ukraine, the concept of "Great Patriotic War" is replaced by " Soviet-German war". And it is said: “Many Ukrainians were in partisan detachments. However, many of these detachments were controlled by representatives of the NKVD, and these detachments acted on their orders.

“The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and labor of the ancient Ukrainians... As a result of the heroic labor of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug.”
"Arias (orias) - ancient name Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. They tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow.”
“The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the most ancient language in the world".
"There is reason to believe that Ovid wrote poetry in the ancient Ukrainian language."
"The glorious commander Spartak can be ranked among the brightest representatives of the Scythian-Aryan ethnic group, which gave the world modern Ukrainians."
"Ukrainians - great people, which once inhabited almost all of Europe. Gauls - residents of Galicia (Galicians - western Ukrainians), Galicia (in Spain), Gaul - in France and Northern Italy and Gels - Scots, as well as Irish - are one and the same people. Part of the Galicians also inhabited Thrace. So Spartak and Bandera - national heroes our homeland...

The digging of the Black Sea and the filling of the Carpathians from the excavated earth have long become boring. Therefore, a head with a forelock, recently found off the coast of Crimea, was immediately declared proof that the Ukrainians are the oldest of all, and Crimea is rightfully theirs. Scythians vs.

I have long been concerned about the question of why Ukraine so actively ascribes to itself other people's merits. Why does he make Ilya Muromets Ukrainian, founds Canada, wants to build a base on the moon and launches American rockets on his engines. Ukrainians also carefully rewrite the data on Wikipedia so that people who want to check the truth of certain statements see that the honest government of the chocolate king is not lying to them. Well, let's try to understand the root causes.

To do this, you will have to go a little deeper into history, and the history of other states that have nothing to do with Ukraine. Just to understand what the matter is and why Bandera suddenly became a hero.

What do we know about Japan? Samurai, ninja, Bushido code, "warriors of the sacred wind", the great Tokugawa shogun. A rich history, the basics of which every schoolchild knows. Someone knows Detachment 731 and Major Ishii, which the Japanese do not brag about at all. For some, the names "Akagi" and "Soryu" are not empty sound, as well as the encrypted message "Torah", which the Japanese, in general, are rightfully proud of.

Let's take Mongolia. The Great Hagan Genghis, the conquest of China, Russia and parts of Europe, the defeat of the Khorezm kingdom. Golden Horde which is taught in school.

Armenia. She is Colchis, where the famous Argonauts swam for the Golden Fleece, which was proved by experience by the wonderful researcher Tim Severin. The first country to officially adopt the main world religion- Christianity in 301 AD e. Mount Ararat (departed by the Treaty of Kars to Turkey), to which, according to legend, the biblical ark of the righteous Noah landed.

Ethiopia is the heir to the great Aksumite kingdom. Second state after Greater Armenia, which accepted christian religion at the official level. Aksum was the most powerful kingdom in the 3rd-8th centuries African continent. And the Ethiopians still know, even the most illiterate, that the great Russian poet Pushkin was from their lands. Let not himself, let his grandfather, what's the difference?

There is nothing to say about the states of the Near and Middle East. Together they make a great legacy Sumerian civilization; this is the first writing, astronomy, mathematics, metal smelting, the first legislation on the planet, the biblical Tower of Babel ...

Little Austria is rightfully proud of the great Mozart, Lebanon is proud of the Phoenician historical heritage. The assets of Hungary include King Bela I, who finally made the country Christian, and "the water of the Hungarian queen" - the world's first alcohol-based perfume, which marked the beginning of modern perfumery back in the 14th century. Also, the Hungarians dispute the famous Vlad Tepes from Romania, who for decades saved the region from the dominance of the Ottomans.

As the reader can see, many, even the smallest states, have reason to be proud of their past. And they never refuse it, even the most seemingly shameful and tragic pages.

Every state needs heroes. Bashkiria has its heroes in the form of Salavat Yulaev, an associate of Pugachev, Tatarstan has richest history, it's a legacy Khazar Khaganate and Volga Bulgaria, even in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, archaeologists are digging up tools up to 150 thousand years old! What speaks about the real cultural and civilizational antiquity of this region. The Yakut epic Olonkho was included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage.

The young American state acted very cleverly, the state of colonists, renegades, declassed elements from all over the world. They recognized themselves as the American people, the bearer of a whole heap different cultures, assigned to modern world themselves the right to punish and pardon, but never encroached on other people's historical values. In America, there were no heroes worthy of being sung in verse, except for the founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves (this separate topic, not discussed in this article) and Colonel Colt. And they chose own way cultural development and instilling pride in the country. All these Captains America, Rambo and other Batmans make up the culture of the modern American people. They are not fools to be proud of Field Marshal Amherst, who used biological weapons in the form of smallpox-infected blankets in the fight against the Indians! Therefore, the young American civilization created heroes for itself, invented, drew comics about them and made films. Of course, now there is a cruel propaganda campaign on the theme of the space palm tree (Alan Shepard), but the documents will not let you lie.

Now we are witnessing the birth of a new state, Ukrainian. After all, all 25 years that have passed since the collapse Soviet Union, Ukraine, like other republics of the USSR, is perceived in this way: former Soviets. And you can't get away from it. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new independent state, it is necessary to reformat the consciousness of people, to instill in their minds the idea that they are really great and independent, having the richest history.

But what if your own state history Ukraine does not have From the word at all. Either they are under the Poles, then under Lithuania, then Khmelnitsky presented them to Muscovy ... There is no heroic past either. Rather, there is a past, and a very heroic one, but with a small correction: exclusively as part of Muscovy / RI / USSR. Ukraine is afraid to challenge the United States for the right to Batman. And there is nothing more to invent, all superheroes have long been created, even the famous Superman. Therefore, it is necessary to grab something from someone, and even make it so that they believe in it.

About two years ago, I became interested in what kind of people such arose, Ancient Ukry. I know history quite well, I have been fond of it since childhood, so I could not miss these echoes of the ancient Aryans among the glades, Drevlyans and other Krivichi, Slavic tribes that settled about 40 thousand years ago from the territory of modern India. And on Wikipedia I found that there really was such a tribe. They lived along the Uker River, appeared there around the 6th century. n. e., the name of the tribe was self-appropriated from the name of the river. So it was customary: in the fields, a clearing, among the trees, the Drevlyans ... I won’t guess about the Krivichi. And on the river Uker, respectively, ukran, they are ukry in a different spelling.

After the scandal with the change in Wikipedia of the place of birth and nationality of Ilya Muromets, I was not at all surprised to see completely new data in the same article about Ukrainians. It is no longer written that 7th century This small tribe completely dissolved, assimilated. On the contrary, it says that the great, ( censored, but everyone understood), Ancient Ukraine in the tenth century. were part of the Lutich military alliance and were even independent! And then, later, in the XII century, they completely assimilated and became German-speaking. That's where the slogan "Ukraine is Europe" comes from. They, according to new Wikipedia data, are Germans.

Believe, reader, to a man who from infancy looked at Wall Clock with Roman numerals, it is simply impossible to confuse the number X with the numbers V, VI and VII. Yes, and I found an article dated 2010, where this data was preserved. The Internet remembers everything, however, if I knew that such a mess would begin, I would have taken a screenshot. That uncorrected page from the wiki.

Kievan Rus itself was created by the Novgorodians. Oleg was called the Prophet for a reason. He moved the capital from Veliky Novgorod to Kyiv, wisely reasoning that from Novgorod to Byzantium, as to Beijing in reverse, from Kyiv is much closer. And this is trade, economics. From Novgorod, you can only swim and walk to all sorts of Livonians and Swedes, but you can’t really bargain with them. So Kievan Rus modern Ukraine simply cannot take credit for itself.

So, we need a great hero from antiquity, whom everyone would know. And there is such a person in Ukraine, and then Little Russia. This is Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. And although he is still revered even by the most fierce Maidanites (which is strange for me personally), not a single monument was demolished to him (which is doubly strange, because they like to fight with monuments), he does not pull on the role of a truly all-Ukrainian hero. Just because it is he, according to the results Pereyaslav Rada, gave all of Little Russia to the Tsar of Muscovy Alexei Mikhailovich. He gave it to eternal use, and so successfully that it continued until 1917. Therefore, from it, by no means, can you blind someone who can be considered right here as the real batyr of All Ukraine.

There were many outstanding Ukrainians, I do not argue. Writers, military leaders, academicians... But all of them are so inextricably linked with Muscovy / Russian Empire / USSR that there is simply no one to take. They even denied Shevchenko and Gogol! Like, Ukrainians, but some wrong, too Russian.

So it turns out, reader, that Ukraine is trying to ascribe at least something to itself, because, by and large, there is nothing for it, the modern “High Live - Glory to the Heroes”, to shine from the depths of centuries.

In my opinion, reader, Independent Ukraine (it was independent when it, like Ukraine, was itself) has only one person who can be called a hero in at least something, this is Nestor Makhno. He rode himself on a cart, even tried to create a semblance of a state. Well, you at least choose him as a hero, idiots?! For all the duality of nature, the dad was quite an adequate person.

No, they found Bandera and Shukhevych. They took the ugliest, nastiest thing in their history, when they were, sort of, independent. So after all, it’s not that either, because they were under the German fascist occupation! I am not a psychologist, but even in my unassuming opinion, there is an inferiority complex here. So, reader, Nezalezhnaya is just trying to ascribe at least some merit to herself, because there simply aren’t any of her own, truly Ukrainian.

The digging of the Black Sea and the filling of the Carpathians from the excavated earth have long become boring. Therefore, a head with a forelock, recently found off the coast of Crimea, was immediately declared proof that the Ukrainians are the oldest of all, and Crimea is rightfully theirs. Scythians vs.

I have long been concerned about the question of why Ukraine so actively ascribes to itself other people's merits. Why does he make Ilya Muromets Ukrainian, founds Canada, wants to build a base on the moon and launches American rockets on his engines. Ukrainians also carefully rewrite the data on Wikipedia so that people who want to check the truth of certain statements see that the honest government of the chocolate king is not lying to them. Well, let's try to understand the root causes.
To do this, you will have to go a little deeper into history, and the history of other states that have nothing to do with Ukraine. Just to understand what the matter is and why Bandera suddenly became a hero.

What do we know about Japan? Samurai, ninja, Bushido code, "warriors of the sacred wind", the great Tokugawa shogun. A rich history, the basics of which every schoolchild knows. Someone knows Detachment 731 and Major Ishii, which the Japanese do not brag about at all. For some, the names "Akagi" and "Soryu" are not an empty phrase, like the encrypted message "Torah", which the Japanese, in general, are rightfully proud of.

Let's take Mongolia. The Great Hagan Genghis, the conquest of China, Russia and parts of Europe, the defeat of the Khorezm kingdom. The Golden Horde, which is studied at school.

Armenia. She is Colchis, where the famous Argonauts swam for the Golden Fleece, which was proved by experience by the wonderful researcher Tim Severin. The first country to officially adopt the main world religion - Christianity in 301 AD. e. Mount Ararat (departed by the Treaty of Kars to Turkey), to which, according to legend, the biblical ark of the righteous Noah landed.

Ethiopia is the heir to the great Aksumite kingdom. The second state after Great Armenia, which adopted the Christian religion at the official level. In the III-VIII centuries Aksum was the most powerful kingdom of the African continent. And the Ethiopians still know, even the most illiterate, that the great Russian poet Pushkin was from their lands. Let not himself, let his grandfather, what's the difference?

There is nothing to say about the states of the Near and Middle East. Together they constitute the great heritage of the Sumerian civilization; this is the first writing, astronomy, mathematics, metal smelting, the first legislation on the planet, the biblical Tower of Babel ...

Little Austria is rightfully proud of the great Mozart, Lebanon is proud of the Phoenician historical heritage. The assets of Hungary include King Bela I, who finally made the country Christian, and "the water of the Hungarian queen" - the world's first alcohol-based perfume, which marked the beginning of modern perfumery back in the 14th century. Also, the Hungarians dispute the famous Vlad Tepes from Romania, who for decades saved the region from the dominance of the Ottomans.

As the reader can see, many, even the smallest states, have reason to be proud of their past. And they never refuse it, even the most seemingly shameful and tragic pages.

Every state needs heroes. Bashkiria has its heroes in the form of Salavat Yulaev, an associate of Pugachev, Tatarstan has a rich history, this is the legacy of the Khazar Khaganate and Volga Bulgaria, even in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, archaeologists dig up tools up to 150 thousand years old! What speaks about the real cultural and civilizational antiquity of this region. The Yakut epic Olonkho was included in the UNESCO list of oral and intangible heritage.

The young American state acted very cleverly, the state of colonists, renegades, declassed elements from all over the world. They recognized themselves as the American people, the bearer of a whole heap of different cultures, appropriated in the modern world the right to punish and pardon, but never encroached on other people's historical values. In America, there were no heroes worth singing in verse, except for the founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, who freed the slaves (this is a separate topic not considered in this article) and Colonel Colt. And they chose their own path of cultural development and instilling in the people pride in the country. All these Captains America, Rambo and other Batmans make up the culture of the modern American people. They are not fools to be proud of Field Marshal Amherst, who used biological weapons in the form of smallpox-infected blankets in the fight against the Indians! Therefore, the young American civilization created heroes for itself, invented them, drew comics about them and made films. Of course, now there is a cruel propaganda campaign on the theme of the space palm tree (Alan Shepard), but the documents will not let you lie.

Now we are witnessing the birth of a new state, Ukrainian. After all, all 25 years that have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, like other republics of the USSR, is perceived in the same way: the former Soviets. And you can't get away from it. Therefore, it is necessary to build a new independent state, it is necessary to reformat the consciousness of people, to instill in their minds the idea that they are really great and independent, having the richest history.

But what if Ukraine does not have its own state history? From the word at all. Either they are under the Poles, then under Lithuania, then Khmelnitsky presented them to Muscovy ... There is no heroic past either. Rather, there is a past, and a very heroic one, but with a small correction: exclusively as part of Muscovy / RI / USSR. Ukraine is afraid to challenge the United States for the right to Batman. And there is nothing more to invent, all superheroes have long been created, even the famous Superman. Therefore, it is necessary to grab something from someone, and even make it so that they believe in it.

About two years ago, I became interested in what kind of people such arose, Ancient Ukry. I know history quite well, I have been fond of it since childhood, so I could not miss these echoes of the ancient Aryans among the glades, Drevlyans and other Krivichi, Slavic tribes that settled about 40 thousand years ago from the territory of modern India. And on Wikipedia I found that there really was such a tribe. They lived along the Uker River, appeared there around the 6th century. n. e., the name of the tribe was self-appropriated from the name of the river. So it was customary: in the fields, a clearing, among the trees, the Drevlyans ... I won’t guess about the Krivichi. And on the river Uker, respectively, ukran, they are ukry in a different spelling.

After the scandal with the change in Wikipedia of the place of birth and nationality of Ilya Muromets, I was not at all surprised to see completely new data in the same article about Ukrainians. It is no longer written there that by the 7th century this small tribe had completely dissolved, assimilated. On the contrary, it says that the great (blacked out by censorship, but everyone understood), Ancient Ukraine in the tenth century. were part of the Lutich military alliance and were even independent! And then, later, in the XII century, they completely assimilated and became German-speaking. That's where the slogan "Ukraine for Europe" comes from. They, according to new Wikipedia data, are Germans.

Believe me, reader, for a person who has looked at wall clocks with Roman numerals from infancy, it is simply impossible to confuse the number X with the numbers V, VI and VII. Yes, and I found an article dated 2010, where this data was preserved. The Internet remembers everything, however, if I knew that such a mess would begin, I would have taken a screenshot. That uncorrected page from the wiki.

Kievan Rus itself was created by the Novgorodians. Oleg was called the Prophet for a reason. He moved the capital from Veliky Novgorod to Kyiv, wisely reasoning that from Novgorod to Byzantium, as to Beijing in reverse, from Kyiv is much closer. And this is trade, economics. From Novgorod, you can only swim and walk to all sorts of Livonians and Swedes, but you can’t really bargain with them. Therefore, modern Ukraine simply cannot put Kievan Rus to its credit.

So, we need a great hero from antiquity, whom everyone would know. And there is such a person in Ukraine, and then Little Russia. This is Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. And although he is still revered even by the most fierce Maidanites (which is strange for me personally), not a single monument was demolished to him (which is doubly strange, because they like to fight with monuments), he does not pull on the role of a truly all-Ukrainian hero. Simply because it was he who, following the results of the Pereyaslav Rada, gave all of Little Russia to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich of Muscovy. He gave it to eternal use, and so successfully that it continued until 1917. Therefore, from it, by no means, can you blind someone who can be considered right here as the real batyr of All Ukraine.

There were many outstanding Ukrainians, I do not argue. Writers, military leaders, academicians... But all of them are so inextricably linked with Muscovy / Russian Empire / USSR that there is simply no one to take. They even denied Shevchenko and Gogol! Like, Ukrainians, but some wrong, too Russian.

So it turns out, reader, that Ukraine is trying to ascribe at least something to itself, because, by and large, there is nothing for it, the modern “High Live - Glory to the Heroes”, to shine from the depths of centuries.

In my opinion, reader, Independent Ukraine (it was independent when it, like Ukraine, was itself) has only one person who can be called a hero in at least something, this is Nestor Makhno. He rode himself on a cart, even tried to create a semblance of a state. Well, you at least choose him as a hero, idiots?! For all the duality of nature, the dad was quite an adequate person.

No, they found Bandera and Shukhevych. They took the ugliest, nastiest thing in their history, when they were, sort of, independent. So after all, it’s not that either, because they were under the German fascist occupation! I am not a psychologist, but even in my unassuming opinion, there is an inferiority complex here. So, reader, Nezalezhnaya is just trying to ascribe at least some merit to herself, because there simply aren’t any of her own, truly Ukrainian.

Original taken from pilgrim04 Spartak and Bandera are the national heroes of our country.

"Story Ukrainian people is 140 thousand years old

"The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and labor of the ancient Ukrainians. In time immemorial when our compatriots returned home from distant wanderings and talked about large spaces waters in foreign lands, it was decided to create a sea for themselves. As a result of the heroic labor of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug.
Another evidence is the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the lower layers of this reservoir, which is explained by its intensive use for washing and washing our ancestors.
"(Edmund Kvasiv." History of Ukrainians from the cradle to the present day", Kyiv, "Prosvita", 2006.

"... People are a fruitful branch of the Ukrainian national tree"
(candidate historical sciences Y. Dzhedzhula, "A Thousand Years of the Ukrainian Diaspora")

“Arias (orii) is the oldest name for Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. They tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow"
(S. Plachinda "Dictionary of ancient Ukrainian mythology", Kyiv).

Sanskrit is based on some mysterious language "samsar", brought to our planet from Venus. Isn’t it about the Ukrainian language?”
(Briefly-Kutynsky A. Phenomenon of Ukraine. "Evening Kyiv", 1993). (c)

"Ancient Ukrainian language- Sanskrit - became the mother of all Indo-European "languages"
(Plachinda S. Dictionary of ancient Ukrainian mythology. Kyiv, 1993). (c)

"The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the most ancient language in the world, from which the Caucasian-Japhetic, Proto-Hamitic and Proto-Semitic groups of languages ​​originated"
(Chepurko B. Ukrainians. "Osnova" No. 3. Kyiv, 1993). (c)

"Ukraine from ancient times headed civilizational development people of the white race, in every possible way ensured this development, favored it, even while in captivity. Will anyone else be able to find in himself that moral and Divine mighty power and pure historical truth and the ability to continue to be a conductor last civilization humanity."

Great Ukrainian Spartak?
Scythian general of gladiators Spartak his last battle lost against the Romans. But he won the war for the consciousness of subsequent generations of Scythians / Aryans, for whom his name became a symbol of the struggle for freedom and independence.
As historians of the time testify, the entire team of Spartak was fluent in Celtic and Hellenic, which only confirms their ethnic and cultural-historical belonging to the Scythian/Hellenic superethnos. In particular, the historian Salustius wrote about them that "they were people of a free spirit and glorified"...
Some may ask the question: “What does this mean for the current generations of Ukrainians? ..”.

It would be appropriate in this connection to testify famous historian M. Hrushevsky, who argued that Ukrainian culture is a culture of the Western European type, which has close relations with the Celtic culture of the Danube and the culture of the state of Mithridates (which Spartak served).
Therefore, we have reason to assert that the glorious commander Spartak can be ranked among the brightest representatives of the Scythian/Aryan ethnic group, which gave the world modern Ukrainians.

Valery Bebik,
professor, vice-rector
University "Ukraine"
Head of the All-Ukrainian Association
political science
"Voice of Ukraine".- No. 233 (4733).- 09.12.2009.- pp. 24-25

Ukrainians are a great people who once inhabited almost all of Europe. Gauls - residents of Galicia (Galicians - western Ukrainians), Galicia (in Spain), Gaul - in France and Northern Italy and Gels - Scots, as well as Irish - are one and the same people. Part of the Galicians also inhabited Thrace.
So that Spartak and Bandera are the national heroes of our country.

Commander-in-Chief of the Great Ukrainian army Petro Poroshenko and his henchman, the land admiral, complain that the ancient Ukrainians dug out the Black Sea for the Kyiv Navy, and everyone except Nezalezhnaya uses it.

The Kyiv authorities are trying to represent Ukraine "". Even the corresponding political mythology has formed - from completely crazy ideas about the "dug out sea" to more or less plausible stories about sea ​​voyages Zaporozhye Cossacks. True, what does Galicia have to do with it - the cradle of "Ukrainianism", where it was formed Ukrainian nationalism as such, has to sea, is not entirely clear. But Kyiv stubbornly refuses to admit it. Here is a recent speaker Verkhovna Rada Andrei Parubiy publicly stated that the sailors "". Just wondering how? After all, it is enough just to see what the Ukrainian fleet is like today, and even a person who is not well versed in military problems can appreciate its combat potential.

Sold for scrap

The history of the Naval Forces of Ukraine began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then the presidents of the two countries decided to divide the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR Navy and create on its basis the Black Sea Fleet of Russia and Naval Forces Ukraine. The Russian Black Sea Fleet took over the ships of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and continued to develop. Ukrainian leaders failed not only to improve the fleet, but also to save those ships that fell into their hands. Thus, in 1995, a special commission was set up to deal with the use of the Ukrainian part of the property of the Black Sea Fleet. Even by the name it is clear for what purpose it was created. At this time it was already full swing sale of naval property, which was at the disposal of Ukraine. The ships were sold for scrap - to pay off debts to various companies.

During more than twenty years of the post-Soviet history of Ukraine, the fleet of this country decreased in number every year. In 2012 alone, six warships were excluded from the Naval Forces of Ukraine, and in 2013 - 1 warship, 5 boats and 3 auxiliary vessels. At the same time, the number personnel The Ukrainian Navy in 2013 was about 14 thousand people. Most of the soldiers served in units coastal defense.

A new terrible blow befell the Naval Forces of Ukraine in 2014. "Crimean Spring" led to the fact that most of officers and sailors of the Ukrainian fleet, led by its commander, Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky, simply went over to the side of the Crimea, and then became part of Navy Russian Federation.

Nine ships of the general - admiral

Today, the Ukrainian Navy is very weak. Their number is only 6.5 thousand people. After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Ukraine lost naval base in Sevastopol and now the remnants of her fleet are based in Odessa. The Ukrainian Navy has only nine warships at its disposal: the Hetman Sahaidachny flagship frigate, the Yuriy Olefirenko medium landing ship, the Vinnytsia corvette, one landing boat, minesweeper and missile boat each, two Gyurza ships. But admirals - more than enough. After the Euromaidan, the number of admiral positions in the Ukrainian Navy was increased, and even the question arose of where to get so many "naval commanders" in Ukraine. In the end, it was allowed to replace four admiral positions with land generals.

By the way, since April 2016, the “land admiral” has been heading the Ukrainian fleet. Vice Admiral Igor Voronchenko actually has a very distant relation to the fleet. He is a tanker by military education, and since the beginning of the 1990s. served in the National Guard of Ukraine. Before he was finally approved by Petro Poroshenko in July 2016, Voronchenko held the rank of lieutenant general. He is considered one of the supporters of the "war party".

How to attack if the problem is to defend?

Thus, we see that with such a “mighty” composition of the fleet, Ukrainian sailors will not only not be able to capture the Crimea, but they will also not defend the sea borders of Ukraine in the event of an attack on them by a more or less serious enemy - not only Russia or Turkey, but also Romania or Bulgaria. There is no hope for naval aviation either - Ukraine has only 1 aviation and 1 helicopter squadron of naval aviation, and, of course, there are no aircraft carriers at all. The only more or less numerous and combat-ready component of the Ukrainian Navy is the Coastal Defense Forces. This is the 36th Marine Brigade named after Konstantin Olshansky, stationed in Nikolaev, as well as the 37th separate battalion marines in Odessa and the 25th coastal defense division. In addition, there are two units of special forces - the 73rd maritime center special operations Ukrainian Navy and 801st separate detachment fight against submarine sabotage forces and means. They are also deployed in Nikolaev and the Nikolaev region. But also marines the Ukrainian command, in fact, can only use as ordinary ground troops. After all, the whole brigade will not fit on one landing craft.

The dreams of Ukrainian politicians that the sailors will seize the Crimea, and Ukraine will turn into maritime power, will never become a reality. This is best understood by the officers and sailors of the Ukrainian Navy themselves. It is no coincidence that most of the personnel of the Ukrainian Navy went over to the side of Russia immediately after the start Crimean spring, and in modern Ukraine there was not a single admiral or senior officer who could lead the Ukrainian fleet, and as a result, a tanker, a National Guardsman, was hastily retrained as a naval commander.