Irkutsk National Research Technical University address. Irkutsk State Technical University

All more young people makes a choice in favor of technical universities. Specialists who have graduated from the walls of such universities are in demand in the labor market. They will be able to find work not only in their hometown but also beyond. One of the most popular among Irkutsk applicants was the Irkutsk Technical State University.

History of the university

Irkutsk has rich history. It was opened back in 1930. But then it was called the Siberian Mining Institute. Over the years, the institution has changed its name several times. So, a little later this was renamed to East Siberian Institute non-ferrous metals and gold. But this did not last long. Soon it was called the East Siberian Mining Institute, and then - the Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute. And only after that the name Irkutsk State Technical University appeared.

Institutes and faculties of ISTU

Currently, 6 institutes and main faculties are offered to applicants. Most different programs training is offered by the Irkutsk State Technical University. Specialties will be of interest not only to children who love physics and mathematics, but also to the humanities.

The Institute of Subsoil Use is one of the oldest departments of the university. Slightly younger - architectural and construction. In addition, applicants are offered the institute of aircraft engineering and transport. The Faculty of Physics and Technology is very popular among applicants. And the guys who want to connect their lives with culture and art will be interested in the institute fine arts and Social Sciences and Humanities ISTU. Despite the fact that the university is technical, humanities students who have made a choice in favor of ISTU receive excellent education in the direction they like. Or maybe you want to become a good economist and learn all the secrets of economic development? Well, you are welcome! The Institute of Economics, Management and Law is waiting for you.

In total, Irkutsk State Technical University trains specialists in 34 areas and 86 specialties. Students are given the opportunity to study both and the humanities. Irkutsk State Technical University offers a wide choice. Faculties here are very different. There are 18 of them in total, but the main ones are 4. These are the faculties of cybernetics, applied linguistics, chemical-metallurgical and energy.

Branch of ISTU

ISTU has representative offices in Siberia and cities Far East. They can be found in almost every major city.

But in Usolye-Sibirskoye there is not just a representative office, but a real branch. Here students receive knowledge that is in no way inferior to what is taught at the head university. But it is only worth considering that the choice of specialties is not so rich.

The attention of applicants is invited Faculty of Technology which is popular with both girls and boys. Except full-time, is offered by correspondence. Those who want to combine study with work should pay attention to the correspondence and evening faculty.

Everything for the convenience of students

All conditions have been created on the territory of the university so that students feel comfortable and receive as much knowledge as possible. The university has 10 main educational buildings equipped with computer technology. For out-of-town students, ISTU hostel is offered. Irkutsk State Technical University is very popular; every year, thousands of applicants apply for budgetary and commercial places. Do not worry that at least one of the applicants will be left without a place in the hostel, because there are 12 of them.

In addition, ISTU took care of its teachers. On campus there are houses designed specifically for them.

Students will be able to reinforce their strength in the dining room or in the cafe. Both there and there prices are moderate and will not hit too hard on the wallet. Those who are true patriots of their university are invited to buy things with symbols. It can be a badge, a T-shirt, a scarf or something else.

In order to play sports, all conditions are also provided. Students actively attend a well-equipped complex.

In addition, the university has its own sanatorium, where you can relax, improve your health and celebrate some event. Every year, freshmen are taken there so that they can get to know each other better.

The international cooperation

Like anyone modern university, ISTU has a large number of partners in other countries. University students who have proven themselves during their studies and have shown their extraordinary thirst for knowledge can go to one of the educational institutions that is on the list of university employees and undergo an internship. Even a short practice in another country will allow you to become even more noticeable in the labor market and find a well-paid job.

ISTU students have a chance to get Russian and German diplomas. There is also an opportunity to get acquainted with Korea.

Creative activity of students

ISTU students not only gnaw at the granite of science. They develop in different directions, one of which, of course, is creativity. The university has various associations of interest. These are both vocal and dance groups. Students will be able to experience the beauty folk song and demonstrate it to others in the Kalina circle. Help to become healthy and beautiful will help dance studio"Steps". Very unusual and beautiful performances of the guys who extracurricular time are engaged in the studio of plastic dance "Art-graphic". Discover your talents new area you can in the design studio "Pyramid".

And that's just short list those associations of interest in which students are engaged. Anyone who wants to discover their talents or learn something new will be able to choose what will be interesting to them.

Various concerts are held annually at the university, organized by students. Dancers, singers, actors and many other talented individuals demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and then defend the honor of their university on the all-Russian stage.

Sports life of the university

Not only creative guys, but also athletes will not stand aside. For those who are interested healthy lifestyle life, who wants to speak and compete for the honor of his university in competitions, a wide choice is offered. Students will be able to play in a team or show themselves in the individual competition.

Every year, the Spartakiad is held on the territory of the university. Students show who is the strongest, dexterous, fastest. All the guys who have physical training or the desire to acquire it, will be able to become members of the university football, basketball or volleyball team.

Admission to the University

You need to prepare for admission to a university long before graduation. It is better to start two years or at least a year before High school prom. At this time, you will need to decide future profession, choose the faculty that meets your desires and see what subjects you need to choose for passing the exam to go where you want.

It is worth remembering that each faculty has its own requirements. For example, in order to enter the Faculty of Chemical Technology, you will need to take chemistry. Are you interested in sociology? You have to take social studies. The university conducts some exams within its walls. So, for example, in order to enter the Faculty of Journalism, you will need to pass a mandatory creative competition at ISTU.

Irkutsk Polytechnical Institute

Motto Knowledge - for yourself, achievements - for the Fatherland!
Year of foundation
Rector Golovnykh Ivan Mikhailovich
Location Irkutsk
Legal address 664074, Irkutsk, Lermontov, 83

Irkutsk State Technical University- one of the largest technical universities in Russia, founded in 1930. As of 2006, 33,560 students study within its walls, including 24,557 students on a commercial basis, 11,003 on a budgetary basis. ISTU takes the 1st place among the regional universities of Russia according to the independent rating "Business Russia" for 2008.

Entrance to main building ISTU (hall, gym)

The university provides training in 10 profiles, 34 directions and 86 specialties in all forms of basic education, consists of 18 faculties, a branch in the city of Usolye-Sibirsky and 21 representative offices on the territory Irkutsk region and beyond. In 2005, a representative office of the university was opened in Mongolia. The university develops specialties of technical and technological profiles; construction and architecture; economics and Management; transport and communications; energy, power engineering and electrical engineering; computer science, culture and art, humanitarian and a number of other profiles. Implemented 8 educational programs middle vocational education in technical college ISTU.

On the permanent basis more than 3,000 employees work at the university, of which 1,102 are teachers. degree 165 people have Doctors of Sciences, 562 have Candidates of Sciences. In 2006, the volume of R&D reached more than 250 million rubles.

In 2000, a technopark was created at ISTU, which today includes educational, research and production centers, university service departments, IT structures, regional innovation structures, a business incubator and 16 science-intensive business enterprises.


On the campus of the university there are compactly located educational buildings, 12 dormitories, residential houses of teachers, a polyclinic, a sanatorium, sports facilities, shops, cafes, canteens.



In Irkutsk, the origins of vocational education are connected with the opening in 1745 of a geodetic school, which in 1754 was transformed into a school of navigation and geodesy, and in 1789 was attached to the Main People's School, an educational institution more high level. Here they taught general education disciplines, architecture, geometry, mechanics and physics.

In 1805 the Main public school came under the full jurisdiction of the men's gymnasium then opened in Irkutsk, the pupils of which had the right to enter universities upon graduation.

Industrial School ( late XIX in.)

But classical education did not meet the needs of the region in specialists technical direction. Therefore, in Irkutsk in 1866 a real gymnasium was opened with the teaching of technology. financial support Progymnasiums were run by gold miners, owners of distilleries, as well as townspeople. Subsequently, the gymnasium was transformed into technical school(1874), and the technical school - in the industrial (1890).

At the school in 1888 for practical exercises mechanical workshops were opened with the students steam engine, plumbing, electricity and modern machine tools. ultimate goal gymnasium and industrial school was the graduation of specialists in technical disciplines with a high educational level.

Mining School (late 19th century)

In 1893, another specialized secondary educational institution was opened - the Irkutsk Mining School, the main task of which was to train foremen-installers for the needs of the mining business, and especially for the gold industry. The duration of training was determined at 4 years.

In 1918, the school was transformed into a secondary mining technical school, and in 1920 - into Irkutsk polytechnic technical school. But soon the technical school was reorganized into the Irkutsk Polytechnic practical institute(Irpolprin).

Due to the heavy economic situation everything in the country is temporary educational establishments transferred to the content of the local budget. In August 1923, Irpolprin was reorganized into the East Siberian Polytechnic of regional significance.

Subsequently, the polytechnic became the basis for the opening of the Siberian Mining Institute in Irkutsk.

Mining Institute

The first building of the Mining Institute (1930)

In March 1929, Irkutsk became the center of the Siberian gold mining industry - the board of the Soyuzzoloto joint-stock company was transferred here from Moscow, and a scientific and technical center for gold and platinum was created here. The Mining Institute is located in one of the best buildings in the city on the street. Lenina, 3. The head of the geological exploration department of the board of Soyuzzoloto S.V. Sergeev was appointed its first director, deputy for educational and scientific work- Professor G.V. Klyuchansky.

Educational and administrative building No. 1 (since 1935)

At the same time, a working faculty (rabfak) was opened. He carried out pre-university education, and its significance in those years was enormous. In addition, for the heads of enterprises in Siberia and the Far East who do not have higher education, the institute organized accelerated training in the form of refresher courses.

Mining and Metallurgical Institute

The priority tasks in 1941-1945 were: scientific developments for military industry, all-round assistance to the front, the preservation of the contingent of students, the reception of new replenishment, the timely release of specialists. These tasks had to be carried out under extremely difficult conditions.

Two educational buildings with part of the equipment and transport had to be vacated for the military (cartridge) plant No. 540, a significant number of places in the dormitories were allocated to the workers of the plant. Another part of the equipment was transferred to the trust Vostsibugol. Required equipment and study guides were transferred to support the specialized evacuated universities - Leningrad and Dnepropetrovsk, many material assets were mothballed in warehouses.

In the first year of the war, the mining and metallurgical department changed several premises ( law school, Agricultural Institute), until in 1942 he received a building Pedagogical Institute on st. Transport, 3.

With moving from one room to another, part of the collection of the mineralogical museum was lost (out of 15 thousand samples, only 3.5 remained by 1947), library books, the equipment of laboratories and offices fell into disrepair. Material base created almost anew.

Construction of the ISTU campus (1950s)

Classes were held in three shifts - from morning to midnight. The reading room of the library had only 70 jobs, the sports room had only 25. Only 700 students were provided with dormitories, and the bulk of the dormitories were barracks to be demolished, because all their depreciation periods had long expired. Only at the end of 1951, the construction of a hostel for 446 people began. The construction of the new educational building of the institute was constantly postponed.

Construction of the ISTU campus (1950s)

In April 1955, Minister of Higher Education of the USSR V.P. Elyutin approved the assignment for the design of the institute, and in 1956 large-scale construction began, which the city did not yet know: a student campus was being created. At the same time, an institute, dormitories, residential buildings, a factory-kitchen were being built on a huge site.

Polytechnical Institute

On March 19, 1960, the Mining and Metallurgical Institute became known as the Polytechnic Institute. This name reflected the emerging multidisciplinary nature of the university, its connection with the developing economy of the country, especially East Siberian region, which by this time had turned into a continuous construction site. Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov, the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Plant, petrochemical industrial complexes and other facilities were being built at the same time. In this regard, there was an urgent need for specialists for many sectors of the national economy.

Technical University

The new status of the university was confirmed by Decree No. 6 of November 30, 1994 and license No. 16 G-082 of March 6, 1994 of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and later by an attestation certificate educational institution (1997), state accreditation(1998), giving the right to maintain educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate, professional additional education.

Flag of ISTU

In connection with obtaining a new status, a "Comprehensive Program for the Development and Transformation of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute into a Technical University" was developed.


  • 1930 - Siberian Mining Institute
  • 1931 Mining and metallurgical plant of non-ferrous metals, gold and platinum
  • Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Training Plant
  • 1932 - Siberian Mining Institute Vostokzoloto
  • - East Siberian Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold
  • 1935 - East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP of the USSR named after. A. P. Serebrovsky
  • - Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute
  • 1960- Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute
  • c Irkutsk State Technical University


  • Faculty of Transport Systems
  • Energy Faculty
  • Faculty of Technology and Computerization of Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy
  • Faculty of Geology, Geoinformatics and Geoecology
  • Faculty of Construction and Urban Economy
  • Architecture faculty
  • Faculty of Business and Management
  • Faculty of Law, Sociology and Media
  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Faculty of Applied Linguistics
  • Faculty of Military Training
  • Correspondence-evening faculty
  • International (preparatory) faculty
  • Faculty of advanced training of teachers
  • Faculty of Pre-University Education
  • Siberian-German Faculty of Engineering
  • Center fundamental research
  • Institute of Physics and Technology

ISTU includes:

  • Scientific library with 1,192,870 items located on an area of ​​3000 m2
  • Technical College
  • Museum of History of ISTU
  • Museum of Mineralogy - the largest mineralogical museum beyond the Urals
  • Military Glory Museum
  • Museum of the History of Computing
  • TV channel TV-23 for broadcasting educational programs and training future television specialists

International activity

ISTU is the first of the universities of the Siberian federal district for integration into international educational, scientific, cultural and information space created on its basis the Eurasian open university(EuroU), uniting scientific, educational, innovative, cultural and other organizations of Russia, Europe and Asia. Within the European Union work:


The university includes 23 representative offices in the following cities:

Irkutsk State Technical University

"National Research Irkutsk State Technical University"
original name

Irkutsk State Technical University

international name

Irkutsk State Technical University

Former names

Siberian Mining Institute,
East Siberian Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold,
East Siberian Mining Institute of the USSR NKTP,
Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute,
Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute


Knowledge - for yourself, achievements - for the Fatherland!

Year of foundation
Type of

National research university


35700 (as of 2008)

The doctors

Coordinates : 52°15′46″ s. sh. 104°15′43″ E d. /  52.262778° N sh. 104.261944° E d.(G) (O) (I)52.262778 , 104.261944

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State Technical University", informal name- Polytech)- one of the largest technical universities in Russia, founded in 1930. ISTU takes the 1st place among the regional universities of Russia according to the independent rating "Business Russia" for 2008. According to the results of a survey of 300 largest companies in Russia, ISTU took 11th place among all universities in the country and first place among universities in Siberia and the Far East. As of 2006, 33,560 students study at the university, including 24,557 students on a commercial basis, 11,003 on a budgetary basis. In June 2010, the university joined the "Association of Leading Universities" in Russia.

NI ISTU provides training in 10 profiles, 34 directions and 86 specialties in all forms of basic education, consists of 4 institutes, 18 faculties, a branch in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye and 21 representative offices in the Irkutsk region and beyond. In 2005, a representative office of the university was opened in Mongolia. The university develops specialties of technical and technological profiles, construction and architecture, economics and management, transport and communications, energy, power engineering and electrical engineering, computer science, nanotechnology, culture and art, humanitarian and a number of other profiles. Educational programs of secondary vocational education are being implemented.

More than 3,000 employees work at the university on a permanent basis, 1,102 of them are teachers. 165 people have the scientific degree of doctor of sciences, 562 people have candidates of sciences. The volume of research and development in 2006 reached more than 250 million rubles.

In 2000, a technopark was created at ISTU, which today includes educational, research and production centers, university service departments, IT structures, regional innovation structures, a business incubator and 16 science-intensive business enterprises.

In 2010, ISTU became the winner of the second competitive selection university development programs for which the category "National Research University" is established.

university campus

On the campus of the university there are 10 main educational buildings, 12 dormitories, residential houses of teachers, a polyclinic, a sanatorium, a sports complex, shops, cafes, canteens, as well as a technology park.



At the school in 1888, mechanical workshops with a steam engine, plumbing, electricity and modern machine tools were opened for practical training with students. The ultimate goal of the gymnasium and industrial school was to graduate specialists in technical disciplines with a high general educational level.

In 1893, another specialized secondary educational institution was opened - the Irkutsk Mining School, the main task of which was to train foremen-installers for the needs of the mining business, and especially for the gold industry. The duration of training was determined at 4 years.

In 1918, the school was transformed into a secondary mining technical school, and in 1920 - into the Irkutsk Polytechnic College. But soon the technical school was reorganized into the Irkutsk Polytechnic Practical Institute (Irpolprin).

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, all educational institutions were temporarily transferred to the maintenance of the local budget. In August 1923, Irpolprin was reorganized into the East Siberian Polytechnic of regional significance.

Subsequently, the polytechnic became the basis for the opening of the Siberian Mining Institute in Irkutsk.

Mining Institute

In March 1929, Irkutsk became the center of the Siberian gold mining industry - the board of the Soyuzzoloto joint-stock company was transferred here from Moscow, and a scientific and technical center for gold and platinum was created here. The Mining Institute is located in one of the best buildings in the city on the street. Lenina, 3. The head of the geological exploration department of the board of Soyuzzoloto S. V. Sergeev was appointed its first director, and Professor G. V. Klyuchansky was appointed deputy for educational and scientific work.

At the same time, a working faculty (rabfak) was opened. He carried out pre-university education, and its significance in those years was enormous. In addition, for the heads of enterprises in Siberia and the Far East, who do not have a higher education, the institute organized accelerated training in the form of advanced training courses.

Mining and Metallurgical Institute

Priority tasks in - 1945 were: scientific developments for the military industry, all-round assistance to the front, the preservation of the student body, the admission of new replenishment, the timely release of specialists. These tasks had to be carried out under extremely difficult conditions.

Two educational buildings with part of the equipment and transport had to be vacated for the military (cartridge) plant No. 540, a significant number of places in the dormitories were allocated to the workers of the plant. Another part of the equipment was transferred to the trust Vostsibugol. The necessary equipment and teaching aids were transferred to support the specialized evacuated universities - Leningrad and Dnepropetrovsk, many material assets were mothballed in warehouses.

In the first year of the war, the mining and metallurgical department changed several premises (law school, agricultural institute), until in 1942 it received the building of the Pedagogical Institute on the street. Transport, 3.

With moving from one room to another, part of the collection of the mineralogical museum was lost (out of 15 thousand samples by 1947, only 3.5 were left), library books, the equipment of laboratories and classrooms fell into disrepair. The material base was created almost anew.

Classes were in three shifts - from morning to midnight. The reading room of the library had only 70 jobs, the sports room had only 25. Only 700 students were provided with dormitories, and the bulk of the dormitories were barracks to be demolished, because all their depreciation periods had long expired. Only at the end of 1951, the construction of a hostel for 446 people began. The construction of the new educational building of the institute was constantly postponed.

In April 1955, the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR V.P. Elyutin approved the assignment for the design of the institute, and in 1956 large-scale construction began, which the city did not yet know: a student campus was being created. At the same time, an institute, dormitories, residential buildings, a factory-kitchen were being built on a huge site.

Polytechnical Institute

On March 19, 1960, the Mining and Metallurgical Institute became known as the Polytechnic Institute. This name reflected the emerging multidisciplinary nature of the university, its connection with the developing economy of the country, especially the East Siberian region, which by that time had turned into a continuous construction site. Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov, the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Plant, petrochemical industrial complexes and other facilities were being built at the same time. In this regard, there was an urgent need for specialists for many sectors of the national economy.

Technical University

The new status of the university was confirmed by Decree No. 6 of November 30, 1994 and license No. 16 G-082 of March 6, 1994 of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and later by a certificate of attestation of an educational institution (1997), state accreditation (1998), giving the right to conduct educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate, professional additional education.

Flag of NI ISTU

National Research Technical University

May 20, 2010 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation No. 461 ISTU was awarded the status of "National Research University" and the program was approved scientific development in the following priority areas:

  • Highly efficient technologies for subsoil use
  • Science-intensive, highly efficient technologies for the production of machinery and equipment
  • Science-intensive life support systems of urbanized and sparsely populated territories
  • Industry of nanosystems and nanomaterials

Names of Irkutsk Technical University

  • Siberian Mining Institute -
  • Mining and metallurgical plant of non-ferrous metals, gold and platinum
  • Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Training Plant
  • Siberian Mining Institute Vostokzoloto -
  • East Siberian Institute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold -
  • East Siberian Mining Institute of the USSR NKTP named after V.I. A. P. Serebrovsky -
  • Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute t -
  • Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute (IPI) -
  • Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU) since 1993

Structure of NI ISTU


  1. Institute of Architecture and Construction
  2. Institute of Aircraft Engineering and Transport
  3. Institute of Fine Arts and Social Sciences and Humanities, ISTU
  4. Institute of Economics, Management and Law of ISTU

Main faculties

  1. Faculty of Energy (EF)
  2. Faculty of Cybernetics (FC)
  3. Faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy (CMF)
  4. Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FPL)

Faculties of additional education

  • Correspondence-evening faculty
  • International (preparatory) faculty
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
  • Faculty of secondary vocational education
    • Geological Exploration College
    • Engineering College
    • Usolsky Chemical-Technological College

Irkutsk National Research Technical University(IrNITU) - higher education institution in Irkutsk. Founded in 1930.

In 2010, IRNITU became the winner of the second competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category " National Research University » .

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Dormitory №7

    ✪ How not to get lost in IRNITU



Structure of IRNITU


  1. Institute of Aircraft Engineering and Transport (IAMiT)
  2. Institute of Architecture and Construction (IAiS)
  3. Institute of Fine Arts and Social Sciences and Humanities (IIIiSGN)
  4. Institute of Cybernetics E. I. Popova (IKP)
  5. Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Technology. S. B. Leonova (IMiHT)
  6. Institute of Subsoil Use (IN)
  7. Institute of Food Engineering and Biotechnology (IPI)
  8. Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IEML)
  9. Energy Institute (IE)
  10. Physical-Technical Institute (PTI)
Main faculties
  1. Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FPL)
Faculties of additional education
  • Correspondence-evening faculty
  • International (preparatory) faculty
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
  • Faculty of secondary vocational education
    • Geological Exploration College
    • Engineering College
    • Usolsky Chemical-Technological College
Scientific and educational centers and institutions within the university
  • Center for Fundamental Research IRNITU
  • Baikal Nanotechnology Center
  • Scientific library with 1,192,870 items located on an area of ​​3000 m²
  • Museum of the History of IRNITU
  • Museum of Mineralogy- the largest mineralogical museum beyond the Urals
  • Military Glory Museum
  • Museum of the History of Computing
  • TV channel TV-23 for broadcasting educational programs and training future television specialists


  • Branch of IRNITU in Usolye-Sibirskoe
  1. Faculty of Technology
  2. Correspondence-evening faculty

International activity

IRNITU was the first of the universities of the Siberian Federal District to integrate into the international educational, scientific, cultural and information space created on its basis the Eurasian Open University (EurOU), which unites scientific, educational, innovative, cultural and other organizations of Russia, Europe and Asia. Within the European Union work:

  • Siberian-German Faculty of Engineering master's degree students with Russian and German diplomas
  • International (preparatory) faculty - preparatory faculty, licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Tempus-Tasis projects to create curricula Bachelor-Master with international accreditation
  • Regional Center for the Recognition of Foreign educational documents
  • . Scientist in the field of technology for the production of aircraft engines, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Honored Professor of MATI - Russian State Technical University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky;
  • Berdnikov, Dmitry Viktorovich(b. 1966) - 1988 graduate. Mayor of Irkutsk.