What is colloquial speech examples. The culture of Russian speech

Spoken language is a functional variety of the literary language. It performs the functions of communication and influence. Conversational speech serves such a sphere of communication, which is characterized by the informality of relations between the participants and the ease of communication. It is used in everyday situations, family situations, at informal meetings, meetings, informal anniversaries, celebrations, friendly feasts, meetings, during confidential conversations between colleagues, a boss with a subordinate, etc.

The topics of colloquial speech are determined by the needs of communication. They can vary from narrow everyday to professional, industrial, moral and ethical, philosophical, etc.

An important feature of colloquial speech is its unpreparedness, spontaneity(lat. spontaneous - spontaneous). The speaker creates, creates his speech immediately "clean". As the researchers note, linguistic conversational features are often not recognized, not fixed by consciousness. Therefore, often when native speakers are presented with their own colloquial statements for normative assessment, they evaluate them as erroneous.

The next characteristic feature of colloquial speech is the direct nature of the speech act, that is, it is realized only with the direct participation of the speakers, regardless of the form in which it is realized - in dialogic or monologue. The activity of the participants is confirmed by utterances, replicas, interjections, and simply sounds made.

The structure and content of colloquial speech, the choice of verbal and non-verbal means of communication are greatly influenced by extralinguistic (extralinguistic) factors: personality of the addresser (the speaker) and the addressee (the listener), the degree of their acquaintance and closeness, background knowledge (the general stock of knowledge of the speakers), the speech situation (the context of the utterance). For example, to the question "Well, how?" depending on the specific circumstances, the answers can be very different: “Five”, “Met”, “I got it”, “Lost”, “Unanimously”. Sometimes, instead of a verbal answer, it is enough to make a gesture with your hand, give your face the right expression - and the interlocutor understands what the partner wanted to say. Thus, the extralinguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication. Without knowledge of this situation, the meaning of the statement may be incomprehensible. Gestures and facial expressions also play an important role in colloquial speech.

Spoken speech is uncodified speech, the norms and rules for its functioning are not fixed in various dictionaries and grammars. She is not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It actively uses forms that are qualified in dictionaries as colloquial. "Litter unfold does not discredit them, - writes the famous linguist M.P. Panov. - The litter warns: do not name the person with whom you are in strictly official relations dove, don't offer him anywhere penetrate, don't tell him that he lanky and at times grumbler... In official papers, do not use the words look, relish, go home, penny ... Sound advice, isn't it?

In this respect, colloquial speech is opposed to codified book speech. Conversational speech, like book speech, has oral and written forms. For example, a geologist is writing an article for a special journal about mineral deposits in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. The scientist makes a presentation on this topic at an international conference. His speech is bookish, but the form is oral. After the conference, he writes a letter to a work colleague about his impressions. The text of the letter - colloquial speech, written form.

At home, in the family circle, the geologist tells how he spoke at the conference, which old friends he met, what they talked about, what gifts he brought. His speech is colloquial, its form is oral.

Active study of colloquial speech began in the 60s. XX century. They began to analyze tape and hand recordings of unconstrained natural oral speech. Scientists have identified specific linguistic features of colloquial speech in phonetics, morphology, syntax, word formation, and vocabulary. For example, in the field of vocabulary, colloquial speech is characterized by a system of its own methods of nomination (naming): various types of contraction (evening - evening newspaper, motor - powerboat, act- in educational institution); non-one-word phrases (there are what to write?- pencil, pen, Give how to hide- a blanket, a blanket, a sheet); one-word derived words with a transparent internal form (opener - can-opener, ratchet - motorcycle), etc. Spoken words are highly expressive (porridge, okroshka- about confusion jelly, slurry- about a sluggish, spineless person).

It is used in various types of domestic relations of people, provided that communication is easy. Conversational speech is distinguished from written and written speech not only by the form (this is oral and, moreover, predominantly dialogic speech), but also by such features as unpreparedness, unplannedness, spontaneity (compare, for example, with reading a report, the text of which is written in advance), the immediacy of I contact between participants in the conversation.

The colloquial variety of the literary language, unlike the written one, is not subject to purposeful normalization, but it has certain norms as a result of the speech tradition. This kind of literary language is not so clearly divided into speech genres. However, there are also various speech features- depending on the conditions in which communication takes place, on the relationship of the participants in the conversation, etc. compare, for example, the conversation of friends, colleagues, a conversation at the table, a conversation between an adult and a child, a dialogue between a seller and a buyer, etc.

Spoken language samples:

And how old is she? - Nineteen. Right now, in February it will be nineteen. - Ah. - And I tell her: you look there carefully, because ... you know, different people there are, you don’t know anyone in Leningrad, and you go, and you go. And she laughs into the phone and to me Toko (only) everything is yes yes no. But it turns out that this young man was standing nearby ... (from a conversation over tea);

35th do you have slippers? - Beside. - But these boots are only red? - No, there are brown ones. - Is there a forty-third on the felt? - No (dialogue between buyer and seller); at the newsstand: - Tell me, was Novy Mir the third? - Not yet. - And second? - Sold.

General characteristics of colloquial speech

Speech plays a very important role in people's lives. This is the kind of language that is used everyday in the process of informal communication. Spoken language is one of the functional varieties of the literary language, it is mandatory in a true speech culture for everyday communication, but it is impossible in writing.

Lack of concern for the form of expression of thoughts, its minimum is characteristic of colloquial speech. This leads to the fact that many possibilities of the language are not actually used, its synonymous richness is not realized, the syntax is unwittingly simplified, speech inaccuracies are allowed, and sometimes errors. In the encyclopedia "Russian language" (Encyclopedia 1979) is given next characteristic colloquial speech: “Colloquial speech is a specific kind of literary language used in conditions of easy communication and opposed (within the literary language) to codified book speech.<…>Spoken language is oral, dialogical, informal, personally addressed informal speech. From conversational style it is distinguished by the obligatory oral form, while the colloquial style is also possible in writing (everyday letters, diaries). The conditions in which colloquial speech is realized determine its specificity.

Philologists decide which factor of colloquial speech determines its essence, discuss the boundaries of colloquial speech. It is undoubted that the features of colloquial speech are most pronounced when feeling relaxed, at ease, which happens, first of all, when communicating with relatives, friends, close acquaintances and less pronounced when communicating with strangers, people who meet by chance. In addition, colloquial speech is a means of communication not with the masses, but with one or two, less often five or six people. “This property of colloquial speech can be called the personality of communication (a person addresses personally to Ivan or Peter, whose interests, their ability to understand the topic, etc. are well known). At the same time, the features of colloquial speech are more clearly manifested in cases where the speakers not only hear, but also see each other, the objects in question, and less clearly - in telephone conversations. This property of colloquial speech can be called the situational nature of communication (reliance on the situation, the use of not only words and intonation, but also facial expressions and gestures to convey information).

In cases where the conversation takes place between unfamiliar people or the use of facial expressions and gestures is excluded (talking on the phone), colloquial speech loses a number of its characteristic features. It's like the periphery of colloquial speech. The periphery of colloquial speech and non-colloquial speech are often difficult to distinguish" (Sirotinina 1996, 47).

Colloquial speech has much in common with non-literary speech ( dialect speech, various jargons, vernacular), since they are united by the oral form, unpreparedness, informality and immediacy of communication. But dialects, jargons and vernacular are outside the literary language, and colloquial speech is one of the functional varieties of the literary language. However, when using colloquial speech, there is no question of the admissibility or inadmissibility of using one or another grammatical form, construction, etc., unless they give the impression of a sharp violation of the norms of the literary language. The speaker is free to invent neoplasms (Poems cannot be read in a whisper), to use inaccurate designations (We arrived with these ... spacesuits - instead of gas masks). He can sometimes use a non-literary word because of its expressiveness (mura, bullshit) and unexpectedly rearrange the phrase (He had nothing to do with linguistics, Bagrin had nothing). However, this does not mean complete freedom. Colloquial speech is not a codified, but a normalized variety of the literary language. The norms of colloquial speech are based on those features that are widespread in the speech of cultural native speakers of the Russian language and do not cause condemnation in the conditions of conversation. The use of jargon violates the norms of colloquial speech: And where are you chapa?, expressions (curses) unacceptable in the literary language, illiterate phrases like I don’t detain you a single gram. Of course, dialectal features in pronunciation (syastra), dialect words (chapelnik instead of a frying pan), colloquial tapericha, ottel, pokeda, go, starve, etc., turn out to be outside the scope of colloquial speech. These norms of colloquial speech coincide with the norms of other varieties of the literary language.

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6. Genres of speech communication: conversations, conversation, dispute, story, letter




Spoken language is the main functional variety of the codified literary language. It reveals the whole informal life of people, all the nuances of human behavior, relationships with other people, experiences and moods. The instantaneous, simultaneous nature of feeling-speech-thought hides the complexity of the process of verbal communication, its dependence on many factors: psychophysiological, age, social, cultural, intellectual, situational.

Spoken language is purposeful human behavior. The formation of the speaker's target setting begins with general processes of orientation and ends with a clear anticipation of what is being communicated (communicative intention). In speech, the speaker always declares himself as a person with his own individual characteristics of world perception and linguistic competence.

Spoken language has significant features at all language levels, and therefore it is often considered as a special language system. Since the linguistic features of colloquial speech are not fixed in grammars and dictionaries, it is called non-codified, thus opposing the codified functional varieties of the language. It is important to emphasize that colloquial speech is a special functional variety of the literary language. It is wrong to think that the language features of colloquial speech are speech errors that should be avoided. This implies an important requirement for the culture of speech: in the conditions of the manifestation of colloquial speech, one should not strive to speak in writing, although it must be remembered that there may be speech errors in colloquial speech, they must be distinguished from colloquial features.

The functional variety of the language "colloquial speech" has historically developed under the influence of the rules of linguistic behavior of people in various life situations, i.e. under the influence of the conditions of communicative interaction of people. All the nuances of the phenomenon of human consciousness find their expression in the genres of speech, in the ways of its organization.

1. The most important features of colloquial speech

The culture of speech develops the skills of selecting and using language means in the process of speech communication, helps to form a conscious attitude to their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks.

To be modern means also in the field of oral speech to proceed from the norms accepted at the present time, and one who seeks to influence others with his speech cannot afford non-normative elements. Knowledge of the norm is a prerequisite for competent and expressive speech, free and interesting communication.

“In order to fully communicate,” writes A.A. Leontiev, - a person must have a number of skills. He must quickly and correctly navigate in the conditions of communication; be able to plan your speech correctly, choose the right content for an act of communication, find adequate means to convey this content, and be able to provide feedback. If any of the links of the act of communication is violated, then it will not be effective.”

Serious work on yourself and your speech begins only when you clearly understand why you need it. Linguists, studying oral speech, concluded that it is structurally different from written language. Basically, they are similar, otherwise it would be impossible to retell what was read, and write down what was said. If in written speech there is one channel of information (the text itself), then in oral speech there are two: a) information that is contained in spoken words and b) information that is received in addition to words, which accompanies speech in one way or another is connected with words.

Conversational speech, due to its two-channel nature, is distinguished by great heuristic, creative possibilities. Writer and philosopher M.M. Prishvin repeatedly referred to this thesis: “To the last extreme, one must beware of the use of philosophical concepts and keep the language, we whisper about everything with a close friend, always understanding that with this language we can say more than philosophers tried to say something for a thousand years and did not say” [Rhetoric. Reader practical. Muranov A.A. M .: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997, 32 - 38 p.].

2. Examples of colloquial vocabulary

1. (not) rock the boat

2. CD blank

3. lawyer

4. a la naturel

5. anatomical

7. Aerosmiths

9. my friend (well, what are you, my friend ...)

10. head (simple)

11. Hippo

12. poor fellow (colloquial)

13. crazy

14. hopelessness

17. Shine much cooler

18. peppy

19. brisk

22. beard (in the sign of Santa Claus)

24. mumble (colloquial, disapproval)

25. piece of paper (in a sign document)

26. grumble

27. to rage (colloquial)

28. bully

29. baby frolain bambina

31. breeze

32. cool thing

33. work hard

35. war

36. embed

37. real

38. call an ambulance

39. show off

40. lawn mower

41. traffic cop

42. gamer

43. chief accountant

44. buckwheat

45. whopper (of a person)

46. ​​groupies (girl fans)

47. squabble

48. googling

51. Loser

52. Depechist (from the Depesh Mode group)

53. say

54. kid

55. kids

56. cheap

57. cheap tricks

58. jogging

59. for show off

60. idle (colloquial)

62. goofing off

63. eureka

64. greedy (colloquial, disapproving)

65. iron crab

66. hard dressing

67. live in poverty

68. terribly poisonous

69. horror (simple)

70. eatery

71. hang out

72. curl

73. drive (in sign. to sell)

74. to fool

75. have (a chance to make new friends)

77. bunny

78. boring (simple)

79. I'm sorry

80. record a cart (on a tape recorder)

81. patch

83. contagion (as applied to a person)

84. get ready

85. get sick

86. to hurt (simple)

87. little animals

88. beast

89. beast

90. green aliens

91. green (in terms of representatives of Green Peace)

3. Features of colloquial speech

Spoken language and literary literary languages ​​are contrasted as different language systems used in the same language community. The choice between them is determined by the relationship between speaking faces and terms of communication.

We did not know for a long time that we use two literary languages: one - at a lesson at school, at lectures, at meetings, in the media, etc., books, newspapers and magazines are written in it. This type of language developed gradually, and it is now in a state of continuous development. It is influenced by writers, poets and other masters of the word, creating new literary norms.

We use another language at home, in a circle of friends in a relaxed atmosphere without prior preparation and without fail with the direct participation of two (or more) friends. It has mainly an oral form, but we can write a letter, a note on it.

Spoken language appears only under certain conditions, with informal relations between speakers, it cannot be accurately and comprehensively fixed in writing. The peculiarity of colloquial words lies in the fact that these words are characteristic of everyday, colloquial speech, characterize an ordinary phenomenon.

People learn the spoken language at home from childhood. It is because of this that he remained unnoticed by researchers for a long time. Its true discovery took place in the 60s. last century. The first systematic recordings of him produced confusion: it seemed to many that this was a recording of the speech of "non-cultivated" people. Then the linguists who made these notes reported that the speech of people with a very high culture was recorded - professors, writers, academics. Little by little, philologists began to get used to the idea that such a system (one of the forms of the literary language) really exists.

The syntax of colloquial speech is characterized by: the absence of long completed periods; permutation of words; repetition of the same words; violation of the rules of canonical syntax; fragmentary; incompleteness, when intonation conveys what cannot be said in words.

Spoken language differs from bookish not only in syntax. It has peculiar phonetic patterns; he has his own set of morphological units (for example, participles and participles are not used - their role is played by other units).

How does the spoken language differ from the literary literary language?

At school they teach: the subject in Russian is expressed in the nominative case of a noun or pronoun: The boy is running. He yexal. Rumble growl. So in the literary language.

A в paзгoвopнoм языкe инaчe: Haд нaмu живёт /нa цeлoe лeтo в Kpым yexaлa // (В paзгoворнoм языкe тpyднo oпpeдeлить гpaницы пpeдложeния. Былo дaжe выcкaзaнo мнeниe что в paзгoвopнoм языкe нeт eдиницы, тoчнo сопocтaвлeннoй c пpeдлoжeниeм в литepaтурнoм языкe. Пoэтoмy вмecтo yкaзaния гpaниц punctuation means when recording colloquial speech designate: sign / - intonation of incompleteness, sign // - intonation of completion.)

There is no nominative case in this phrase, but it is clear that the combination above us lives refers to a person living above us, although there is neither a name nor the words woman, girl. Only a sign is named (with the help of a combination conjugated verb + indirect case with a preposition).

What syntactic role does this combination play? This is the designation of the actor (subject of action), i.e. that which in the bookish language is indicated by the subject. Such constructions expressing the subject can be with a nominal predicate, which usually begins with a particle:

- Through the streets nepekhodit / is this your teacher ?;

- Is it at the gate / is it from your class?;

- With a child / is this your neighbor?;

In glasses / this is Sergei's brother.

Spoken and bookish languages ​​are used by the same people, but in different conditions. Between these two languages ​​there is a significant external similarity, which hinders the understanding that these are different languages. Often the difference between them is not in the form of language units, but in their function, in how they behave in speech. In the colloquial language, the nominative case of the noun has a number of functions that are not characteristic of it in the book language.

1. The nominative case is widely used with explanations of various kinds, which have the character of an addition: - A note npuexal some officer / not a very high rank //; Who else has the second part / algebra //.

2. The nominative case of a qualitative definition is used with another noun: We have a Karelian birch cabinet (compare a Karelian birch cabinet). The nominative case of the noun in the role of a qualitative determinant of the subject is often an independent replica of the dialogue: - With what pie? - Meat/ puc/ hot //; - Pants from what material? - Cuntetuka // .

3. The nominative case can play the role of a quantitative definition of the subject: There is cheese / the rest // (the rest of the cheese); He told me nucmo / excerpt // (excerpt nucma); Do you have caxap / small nachka? (small sachet of caxap or saxap in small sachets)

4. The nominative case is often used in questions: - What type / your dog?, - What color do you / your bag?

5. The nominative case is used with verbs that in the book literary language necessarily require indirect cases: - Tell me / where is the Bayman telephone center located? - Bon on the other side / any trolleybus sit down //.

Colloquial speech is characterized by two opposite fundamental features - syncretism and dismemberment.

Example of dismemberment: "Give me something to write" instead of "Give me a pen."

An example of syncretism: the widespread use of words with a common pronominal, pragmatic meaning, for example, thing, thing, business.

An example of combining syncretism with dissection: "Give me this thing that cleans pencils." In writing, it would be: "Give me a penknife."

4. Features of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norm in colloquial speech

Conversational speech functions in the sphere of everyday, everyday communication. This speech is realized in the form of a relaxed, unprepared monologue or dialogic speech on everyday topics, as well as in the form of private, informal correspondence. The ease of communication is understood as the absence of an attitude to a message that is of an official nature (lecture, speech), an informal relationship between speakers and the absence of facts that violate the informality of communication, for example, strangers. Conversational speech only functions in the private sphere of communication (friendly, family), and in the sphere of mass communication it is unacceptable. Colloquial speech can affect not only everyday topics: for example, a conversation with a family that is in informal relations, about art, science, spot, conversations in public institutions (in a clinic). However, for example, colloquial speech is not prepared and the topic of conversation is related to professional activity speakers, so it uses scientific vocabulary (brain, biorobots, doctoral). The form of implementation is predominantly oral.

The colloquial and everyday style is opposed to book styles, as they function in various areas of social activity. However, colloquial speech includes not only specific language means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. Within the literary language, colloquial speech is opposed to the codified language as a whole (codified speech is speech in relation to which work is underway to preserve its norms, for its purity).

But the codified literary language and colloquial speech and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. The main features of the conversational style are the already indicated relaxed and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, all the richness of intonation, facial expressions, gestures is often used. One of the most important features is the reliance on an extralinguistic situation, that is, the immediate environment of speech in which communication takes place.

Spoken language has its own lexical and grammatical features. A characteristic feature of this speech is its lexical diversity. Here there are the most diverse groups of vocabulary in the thematic and stylistic terms: both general vocabulary, and terms, and foreign borrowings, some facts of vernacular, jargon. This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks, and secondly, by the implementation of colloquial speech in two keys - serious and playful, and in the latter case, it is possible to use various elements. Syntactic structures also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles and interjections are typical. The word order in this speech is different from that used in writing. Here the main information is concentrated at the beginning of the statement. And in order to accept attention to the main thing, they use intonational emphasis. [Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook (ed. by Prof. V.I. Maksimov. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 89 - 93 p.]

5. Ethics and etiquette of colloquial speech

Ethics is one of the oldest branches of philosophy, the science of morality (morality). This term was introduced by Aristotle, and ethics was considered a practical philosophy, which should answer the question: what should we do in order to do the right things, moral deeds. The ethics of colloquial speech is understood as a set of moral norms and rules that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in everyday life.

The ethics of verbal communication begins with the observance of the conditions for successful verbal communication: with a benevolent attitude towards the addressee, demonstrating interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attunement to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention. This prescribes to express one's thoughts in a clear form, focusing on the world of knowledge of the addressee. In idle-speech areas of communication in dialogues and polylogues of intellectual, as well as "playful" or emotional nature Of particular importance is the choice of topic and tone of conversation. Signals of attention, participation, correct interpretation and sympathy are not only regulatory cues, but also paralinguistic means - facial expressions, smile, gaze, gestures, posture. Special Role when conducting a conversation, belongs to the gaze.

Thus, speech ethics are the rules of due speech behavior based on moral norms, national and cultural traditions.

Ethical norms are embodied in special etiquette speech formulas and are expressed in statements by a whole ensemble of multi-level means: both full-significant word forms and words of non-significant parts of speech.

The main ethical principle of speech communication - respect for parity - finds its expression, starting with a greeting and ending with a farewell throughout the conversation.

Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct relating to the attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of address and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners). Etiquette has verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal) means. The culture of the Russian word is in the behavior of the speaker, it is important to consider what emotion is embedded in a particular word.

Etiquette formulas, phrases for the occasion - important component communicative competence; knowledge of them is an indicator of a high degree of language proficiency.

6 Genres of speech communication: conversations, conversation, dispute, story, writing

The genres of speech communication include conversation, conversation, dispute, writing, etc. Writing is the process of creating a text with its subsequent graphic fixation. For elementary school student writing is hard work, because includes various mental functions, as well as muscle energy of a still little trained hand. The letter emphasizes technique and content. Writing can be complete and abbreviated, and according to the degree of readiness - draft and white copy. Creating a test by a child is a separate speech action. To form a new mental action, it must first be given as an external action. L.S. Vygotsky interprets speech action as a process of posing a solution to a specific problem, as a process of a mental act. The scheme for generating a speech written statement looks like this:

1. Motive - speech intention (the writer knows what to write, but does not yet know how he will write it);

2. Internal programming;

3. Implementation of speech action.

Work on the text begins with thinking about a preliminary "strategic" plan for the statement. In the process of writing, it is continuously refined and changed. Thinking about the future text, the writer can rely on draft notes. And in the final processing of the written, the author compares the components of the text with the possible best options. Lexical preparation includes work on the meaning and use in speech of both new and partially familiar words, grouped into thematic groups. The text has been compiled, the author relies on the stock of language tools (lexicon, grammatical models) that he has accumulated in the process of speech practice. Another component of long-term memory is the stock of ideas formed at different moments of life.

Conversation is an oral form of pedagogical communication. A conversation involves a change of speakers. Allocate the main functions of conversation in the conditions of training: the beginning, motivation of educational and communicative activity of schoolchildren; teacher control and student coordination; information exchange; mutual communication, maintaining business and friendly contacts. During the conversation, children are exposed to 4 factors: the authority of the teacher; the content of the conversation; communicative readiness of the teacher; information on the topic of discussion.

According to the goals, the following types of conversations can be distinguished:

1. Informative conversations, the purpose of which is to clarify the educational material without affecting feelings;

2. Influencing conversations, the purpose of which is not only to clarify a new concept, but also to influence the feelings of children, to awaken their imagination;

3. Persuasive conversations, the purpose of which is to achieve some action, the impact not only on consciousness, feelings, but also on the will through discussion;

4. Event conversations related to any events.

By the nature of the relationship, informal (friendly) and official (business) conversations are distinguished.

A friendly conversation is not regulated by anything, a conversation on any topic, for as long as you like, each of the interlocutors knows the other well. This conversation is spontaneous, everyday topics, there is youthful jargon, there are few pauses of hesitation. Business conversation - the content, time and place of the meeting is strictly regulated, without the need for personal moments. This conversation is prepared, the sequence is predetermined and respected. [Kazartseva O.M. Culture of speech communication: theory and practice of teaching. - 2nd ed., - M.: FLINTA, science 1999 - 312s-346s.]

The story is a monologically consistent presentation of predominantly factual material.

A dispute is a type of dialogue in which the interlocutors initially have different or opposite opinions on one subject.

The purpose of the dispute is either an approximation to the truth in the assessment of a given subject, or the achievement of unity of views through evidence or persuasion. Plato calls the argument a "mental feast" and rightly so. With due mutual respect, polemicists, readiness to accept opposing arguments, the ability to listen and understand the dispute really turns into an exceptional means of increasing intellectual potentials personality, its speech and spiritual development. During a dispute, it is important to follow the unity of the subject, which should be clarified at the very beginning, as well as the circle of understanding by the interlocutors. In a dispute, it is important to see the sophistical arguments of the interlocutor and never resort to them yourself. The winner of the argument is the one who keeps in mind his entire syllogistic course, who will never be in a state of excessive affectation, who sees and exposes in time the sophistical tricks of the opponent.

During a conversation, the message is given by individual speakers, the interlocutors make the speech clear, unambiguous. The conversation has a beginning, some continuation and an end. [Rhetoric. Murashov A.A. Reader practical. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency. - 1997. 29s. - 31s.]

7. The relationship of the literary language and colloquial speech

The changes that occur in the language are a product of the development of society, its spiritual and material culture, science and technology. Replenishment vocabulary literary language is carried out by the transition of colloquial, vernacular words into written speech.

The trend of penetration into the literary language of colloquial and colloquial words has always taken place. But in recent years, this process has become more intense. Vernacular is characteristic of non-literary urban colloquial speech, which contains many recent dialect words, words colloquial origin, neoplasms that arise to characterize a variety of everyday phenomena, word-formation options neutral vocabulary. The colloquial word is used in the literary language as a stylistic means to give speech a tone of playful, dismissive, ironic, rude, etc. Often these words are expressive, expressive synonyms for words of neutral vocabulary.

Colloquial language in comparison with colloquial is rougher and its use is typical for a certain stratum modern society. Note that words related to the colloquial language can very often be negative. The degree of negative stylistic coloring of a word can affect the overall perception of the speaker's speech (or written text). This is a distinctive feature of colloquial words (a pronounced stylistic coloring, in most cases - negative).

In order to highlight the most important material out of the total mass of "conversation", one has to resort to various methods of expression. And this is often achieved by violating the stylistic uniformity of the text or by using colloquial words, vernacular, jargon and slang terms. Any article in a newspaper, speech on radio and television, communication with friends and colleagues is ultimately an "author's text", which reflects the author's position on the event in question. Such materials are characterized by some evaluativeness, stylistic coloring of words. Expression plays the main role in the evaluation vocabulary. It includes words that enhance the expressiveness of written and colloquial speech. Scientists note a significant number of examples when one neutral word has several expressive synonyms that differ in the degree of emotional stress. It should be noted that a significant part of the vocabulary is stylistically neutral, i.e. can be used in any kind of oral and written speech, without giving it any stylistic shades. However, when using words, one cannot ignore their belonging to a particular style of speech.

In the modern Russian language, a huge number of borrowed words from the English language appear, which is associated with computerization and the advent of the Internet, which has introduced many special terms (professionalisms) into the language.

In connection with the emergence of new means of communication, not only colloquial speech, but also the literary language is changing. In the literary language, variants are widely represented, either equal in their use, or stylistically distributed. The norm is fixed in the language only after its distribution to the broad masses of people who speak Russian. For example, too specific jargon words (jargonisms) are unlikely to become the property of the literary language, because they are designed for a certain circle of people and are not stylistically neutral. In this regard, it should be noted that stylistically neutral words belong to the literary norm. In addition, it must be emphasized that the modern Russian literary language is a national language in its processed form, serving as a means of communication and exchange of thoughts in all areas of life and activity.

In addition to vernacular and colloquial words, jargons penetrate into the literary language, especially into the journalistic style, as the most expressive and stylistically brightly colored representatives of the colloquial genre. Jargon is the speech of any social or professional group, containing a large number of specific words and expressions characteristic of this group.


colloquial language communication

Communication is a complex, multifaceted process that acts as a process of interaction between two or more people, in which there is an exchange of information, mutual influence, empathy, mutual understanding. In the process of communication, psychological and ethical relationships are formed and developed, which make up the culture of human interaction. At the verbal level, human speech is used as a means of transmitting information. It must be remembered that the success of communication is achieved not only by knowledge, methods and techniques, but also by a sincere, benevolent attitude towards a person. The effectiveness of communication is most often associated with the communicative side. The main purpose of the exchange of information is to develop a single point of view between those communicating, to establish agreement on the situation and the problem, while it is important that the transmitted information was correctly understood. The ability to accurately express one's thoughts and the ability to listen are components of the communicative side of communication.

In many situations of communication, a person is faced with the fact that his words are somehow incorrectly perceived by the interlocutor, "do not reach", i.e. there are difficulties and obstacles in the way of information transfer. In this case, one speaks of communicative barriers, which are divided into barriers of misunderstanding (phonetic, semantic, logical), barriers of socio-cultural difference, and barriers of attitude. The reasons for communicative failures are rooted in ignorance of language norms, in the difference in the background knowledge of the speaker and the listener, in the difference in their sociocultural stereotypes and psychology, and also in the presence of "external interference".

Bibliographic list

1. Zemskaya E.A. Russian colloquial speech. / Ed. M.V. Kitaygorodskoy, E.N. Shiryaev. - M.: Nauka, 1981.

2. Kazartseva O.M. Culture of speech communication: theory and practice of teaching. - 2nd ed. - M.: FLINTA, science 1999 - 312s-346s

3. Rhetoric. Reader practical. Muranov A.A. M .: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1997, 32 - 38 s

4. Rhetoric. Murashov A.A. Reader practical. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency. - 1997. 29s-31s.

5. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook (edited by Prof. V.I. Maksimov. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 89-93 p.

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The culture of colloquial speech

1. Conversational speech. Norm in colloquial speech.

2. Style and language features of colloquial speech.

3. Genres of colloquial speech

4. Colloquial speech and vernacular

Speaking. Norm in colloquial speech

Colloquial speech is a kind of modern Russian literary language. Conversational features are found in the speech of native speakers of the literary language, who are able to build speech in accordance with codified norms, are able to select linguistic means depending on the functional style. As a rule, exclusively codified language is rarely used in speech without the inclusion of elements of colloquial speech.

Colloquial speech is used in informal direct oral communication of acquaintances, friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. The main function of the language, which is realized in colloquial speech, is the function of communication (communicative). If the conversational style is used in the everyday sphere of communication, in a relaxed atmosphere, and the speech is spontaneous in nature, then are there any norms of colloquial speech? Norms exist, but they are less rigid than in other styles of literary language. The norms of colloquial speech are not fixed in dictionaries and reference books, i.e. are uncoded. Colloquial speech cannot be codified because it is spontaneous and hardly conscious of the speaker. The leading principle in colloquial speech is the economy of speech efforts. This is especially pronounced at the phonetic level (For example, when pronouncing patronymics: Iva [nch '], Pa [lch '], etc.).

Style and language features of colloquial speech

Speaking spontaneous, i.e. the formation of a thought and its expression in a word occurs simultaneously. The spontaneity of colloquial speech manifests itself at different language levels:

1) at the phonetic level:

§ pauses associated with thinking over the content of speech, reaction to an unexpected message, selection of the right words, sometimes these pauses are filled with vowels ( uh-uh-uh);

§ stretching of vowels is an auxiliary means of conveying meanings ( I don't know- expression of regret for the lack of information, some tone modulations can express a skeptical attitude towards information);

§ reduction of vowels (reduction of vowels): take [r'b] kzak;

§ syllable dropout ( o [b’z] definitely, [gr’t]);

loss of sounds then (l) ko, sko (l) ko);

self interruptions and pauses: We probably tomorrow// although not/ the day after tomorrow we will come/ uh-uh/ maybe tomorrow//

2) at the lexical level: new nominations ( stirrer, opener, how to stir);

3) at the morphological level: the frequency of interjections and particles: Well, you know / it’s always like this with us / Well, you know / Well, / After all, we can’t do it any other way /

4) at the syntactic level:

Using the nominative case instead of the indirect: Drama/ Please//;

repetition as a means of syntactic communication ( I run-run. I look-look);

3. Unfinished sentences ( You// No/ I myself go to/ Oh/ you better go//)

Spoken language is characterized situationality(colloquial speech depends on the speech situation). Therefore, pointer words are often used, which can mean miscellaneous items. Pronouns usually act as pointer words: Which one should I bring? - Bring that one. Forgot the big bag. - Take that one. The exact name is not necessary, since the situation in which the conversation takes place is known to the interlocutors.

In colloquial speech, words with a devastated meaning are used: thing, thing, thing. They take on specific meaning depending on the context or situation.

Often in colloquial speech, the words “sponges” are used. They are
either have very general meaning, or indefinite, which is specified by the situation or context. For example, the word "normal" can have different meanings: cheerful ( Is it boring with him? - No, he's normal.), healthy ( He is a normal child, can jump, run), stupid ( This is a normal guy, with him there is something to talk about), interesting ( This is a normal work), corresponding to the norm, ordinary ( This is normal).

The situational nature of colloquial speech is also manifested at the level of syntax. It is characterized by an abundance simple sentences, which are dominated by incomplete sentences varied structure: Please, two to Moscow. Show red, please. To you with ham? Such sentences are understandable and natural in a particular situation of communication. In the first example, the passenger buys two tickets to Moscow. In the second, the action takes place in the store. The third is about the sandwich.
The structure of simple sentences is characterized by a tendency not to name the subject of speech, but to describe it: In a black coat behind you? Do you have flu? These typical phrases of colloquial speech are possible due to the fact that the situation of speech, known to the interlocutors, allows one to omit the subject of naming.

Colloquial speech is used in informal communication, i.e. characteristic of her ease, which is manifested in the selection of language means different levels:

1) lexical:

used colloquial vocabulary reading room, smoking room, secretary, janitor, poke around);

Emotionally expressive vocabulary ( goner, whine);

2) derivational:

truncated calls are used ( Mash, Van);

Word-building means of subjective evaluation (suffixes -ushk-,

Yushk- (darling, goryushko), -urochk- (daughter), -ak-/-yak- (krepak, good-natured), etc.);

3) morphological: emotional interjections are widely used ( Ah, oh, oh, oh-hoo, woo, etc.);

5) syntactic: exclamatory sentences are frequent.

Conversational speech is always focused on a specific addressee. Therefore, the choice of topic always depends on the erudition of the interlocutor, his interests, mood. Not only the choice of topic depends on this, but also the perception of your speech. The success of communication depends on how well you speak the language. Speech errors that the interlocutor notices in your speech can affect his perception of you.

Genres of colloquial speech

Conversation as the most common genre of colloquial speech

Conversation is a genre of phatic communication (communication for the sake of communication). A conversation is an exchange of opinions and impressions. The conversation is characterized by a calm intonation, the mood of the interlocutors to communicate as a pleasant pastime. The topic of conversation in a casual conversation is not known in advance, it can change. During the conversation, disagreement must be expressed with restraint, briefly. There are the following types of conversation: conversation on common topics(small talk) - superficial discussion of topics such as weather, sports, breaking news, etc., family conversation; intimate conversation - a one-on-one conversation with a discussion of deeply personal, intimate topics.

spoken story- a monologic genre of a colloquial style of speech, small in volume and characterizing an event, as a rule, an event from the life of the narrator. Allocate a story-event, a story-memory, a story-retelling. In the story, a topic is chosen that is interesting to the listener. The narrator conveys the event in detail.

A conversational story has a beginning and an ending. In the beginning, there may be an indication of the genre, the topic of the story, the role of the speaker and the listener. The first phrase (beginning) may belong as a narrator ( I'll tell you this now; I need to tell you something; Let's talk about my trip) and listener ( Tell me how you're doing; Tell me how you live; You didn't tell me everything about yesterday's meeting). The ending is a standard sentence ( That's all; Such is the story; Such are the things). The main part of the spoken story usually corresponds to the course of events in question. The speaker accompanies the story with an expression of evaluation of the events being transmitted.

Dispute- this is an exchange of views on any issue, in which each of the parties defends its point of view.

A constructive beginning in a dispute is an emphasis on a common vision of a particular phenomenon or object.

Depending on the purpose of the dispute, there is a dispute for the sake of truth, a dispute to convince the enemy, a dispute for the sake of victory, a dispute for the sake of a dispute.

The dispute as a genre of colloquial speech differs from other disputes by the informality of relations between its participants, the ease of communication.

In domestic disputes, a change of topic is possible: Let's talk about sports better.

written genres colloquial speech are a personal letter, a note, a diary.

A note differs from the letter in brevity, sometimes the content of the note can be transmitted in the form of a hint.

Both the text of the letter and the text of the note can be corrected: more complete constructions are used in comparison with the first version; euphemisms, etc.

A diary differs from other genres of colloquial speech in that its author and addressee are the same person. This dictated the active use of the question-answer move, rhetorical questions, introductory words and sentences, synonyms. Diary entries - creative process. They help a person to hone the syllable and, of course, to improve.

Colloquial speech and vernacular

Colloquial speech must be distinguished from vernacular. Vernacular is a special form of the national language, which is typical for uneducated segments of the population who do not know literary norms.

What are the communicative and stylistic features of vernacular.

L.A. Vvedenskaya notes the following communicative features of vernacular:

1. Speech indistinguishability between the communicative spheres of official and informal communication.

2. Lack of special forms of etiquette.

3. Greater severity of the tendency to save speech costs.

4. Communicative inconsistency of the statement with the sphere of the addressee and impairment feedback, based on personal experience speaker.

Style signs of vernacular:

1. Appeal to "you" to strangers.

2. Mixing you and you within communication with one communicant.

3. Wide Range forms of address ( granny, old man, bro and etc.)

4. The abundance of diminutive forms.

5. Greater than in colloquial speech, reduction (reduction) of sounds, less clarity of pronunciation of sounds.

6. Structural and semantic violation of the statement, inconsistency of mutual replicas of the dialogue.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Business rhetoric: Textbook for universities. - 4th ed. - M .: ICC "MartT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2008. - 512 p. (Series "Training course").

2. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. ed. d.ph.s., prof. OK. Graudina and Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. E.N. Shiryaev. – M.: Norma, 2006. – 560 p.

SPEAKING, a kind of literary language, which is realized mainly in oral form in a situation of unprepared, unconstrained communication with direct interaction of communication partners. The main sphere for the implementation of colloquial speech is everyday everyday communication that takes place in an informal setting. Thus, one of the leading communicative parameters that determine the conditions for the implementation of colloquial speech is the parameter "informal communication"; according to this parameter, it is opposed to the book-written codified literary language that serves the sphere of official communication. The speakers of colloquial speech are people who know the literary language, i.e. in terms of the “native speaker” parameter, this variety is opposed primarily to dialects and vernacular.

Correlation of concepts colloquial - literary, colloquial - codified, colloquial - written, colloquial - dialect, colloquial - colloquial is filled with different content in different national languages ​​and is largely determined by the peculiarities of their historical development. For example, due to the greater activity of dialects on German soil, local features in German colloquial speech are more pronounced than in Russian. The linguistic status of colloquial speech and its place in the system of oppositions standard/substandard, language/speech, language/style are also heterogeneous. Thus, the place of colloquial speech in the system of the national language is specific. Features of the language situation and the correlation of colloquial speech with other subsystems within each particular language are often reflected in the name of this linguistic phenomenon (cf. Umgangssprache - German, Obecná čestina - Czech., La langue parlee - French, Conversational English – English, Styl potoczny - Polish and etc.).

Russian colloquial speech and its place in the system of the literary language in modern Russian studies is defined in different ways. Some researchers consider it as an oral variety as part of the literary language (O.A. Lapteva, B.M. Gasparov) or as a special style (O.B. Sirotinina). A group of scientists from the Institute of the Russian Language of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of E.A. Zemskaya developed a theoretical concept according to which Russian colloquial speech (RR), being an uncodified variety of the literary language, is opposed to the codified literary language (CLL) in general and differs from it both from the point of view of extralinguistic (conditions of use), and from the point of view of the language itself (specific system-structural properties). Thus, KLA and RR are two subsystems within the literary language, the implementation of which is determined by communicative conditions: KLYA serves the sphere of official communication (personal and public), RR - the sphere of unofficial unprepared personal communication. The socio-political changes that have taken place in recent years have had a certain impact on the Russian language situation: the binary division of the communicative space into official and unofficial has become less rigid, the boundaries of functional spheres have become more permeable, which, on the one hand, has led to a widespread intrusion of colloquial elements into the oral language. public speech, into the language of the mass media, and on the other hand - to the activation of the use of foreign words, elements of official business and special speech in everyday everyday communication. Thus, we can talk about socially conditioned changes that have affected the very conditions for the implementation of different types of speech (official/informal, personal/public, prepared/unprepared communication, etc.). This also applies to such a defining parameter as the speaker's attitude to one or another type of communication. The changed conditions of implementation influenced the nature of language processes in various communicative spheres, but nevertheless did not cancel the very division of the literary language into KLA and RR.

Many linguistic features of colloquial speech are determined by its close cohesion with the situation. Being a full integral part communicative act, the situation "melts" into speech, which is one of the reasons for the high ellipticity of colloquial utterances. A communicative act in colloquial speech is characterized by a close interaction of verbal and non-verbal (gestural-mimic) components. Various paralinguistic indicators, being actively included in the context, can replace the actual linguistic means of expression. Wed: BUT. Where did Sasha go? B. He ( tilts his head to his palms clasped together, gesturing"sleeping"). Close contact of colloquial speech with sign language allows us to speak about the coordination and mutual adaptation of two codes - verbal and visual, about the active interaction of sign and conversational grammar.

The predominantly oral nature of functioning, high consituational conditionality, and the important role of the gestural-mimic channel in the act of communication determine the proper linguistic features of colloquial speech, which manifest themselves at all language levels. The general feature of the system of colloquial speech, penetrating the phenomena of all its tiers, is the confrontation of two tendencies - the tendency to syncretism and the tendency to dismemberment. These tendencies manifest themselves in terms of expression and in terms of content, in syntagmatics and paradigmatics. So, for example, syncretism in phonetics (plan of expression) is found in a large number of phoneme neutralizations, in phonetic ellipsis, vowel contraction (cf. the pronunciation of such words as naturally naturally [sn], imagine[v] vomit), dismemberment, - in the appearance of prosthetic vowels, rarefying consonantal combinations: [rubl "]). Syncretism in terms of content is manifested in the appearance of generalized undifferentiated nominations like than to write(instead of a pen, pencil), dismemberment - in the wide distribution of derivative words, which are motivated designations of persons, processes, objects, etc. (type opener, cleaner). The tendency towards syncretism in paradigmatics reveals itself in the absence of specialized verbal and adjective forms for expressing semi-predication, the tendency towards dismemberment - in the presence of specialized vocative forms (such as Tan!;Tan-a-tan!;Tanya-a - Tanya!). Syncretism in syntagmatics is manifested in such phenomena as syntactic interference, polyfunctionality, etc. noun, dismemberment - in the wide distribution of constructions with nominative topics. The systemic nature of colloquial speech allows us to talk about the existence of a certain system of norms in it. A feature of colloquial norms is their high variability, often functionally not differentiated (cf., for example, the possible use of different types of nominations to designate the same object: can opener, opener than open; the presence of several pronunciation options for one word: jumped off[download"il, s:kach"il,]).

The phonetic system of colloquial speech is characterized by the same set of language units as the codified literary language, but each phoneme is represented here by a large set of sound representations. The specificity of the phonetic tier is manifested in the features of the implementation and compatibility of phonemes. So, in colloquial speech, a qualitative reduction (down to zero) of vowels (including high vowels) is possible in any syllable in relation to the stressed syllable (sor(o)kovy, s(u)new set, s(e)stra, ob( i) zat (e) lno, he asks (i) t), the loss of individual consonants or their combinations in different positions (ho (d) it, see (t) rite, (h) starts, (health) aste), ellipsis syllables and even larger sections of the speech chain, leading to a restructuring of the syllable and rhythmic structure of the word ( with someone- [with k" emn "it"], some- [k "it], because[tsh]). High-frequency words are exposed to the greatest phonetic deformation. The elliptical pronunciation of some of them is so typical of colloquial speech that these words in an abbreviated, reduced form are considered as colloquial lexical doublets. These include, for example, the sound forms of the following words: now[right now, right now], one thousand[thousand], means, generally in the meaning of introductory words [meaning, beginning, nasch; anyway, anyway] I say, He speaks[grue, grit], today[today, senya, senya]. Syllabic reduction and other phonetic phenomena of colloquial speech are closely related to its rhythmic and intonational properties. In particular, the degree of deformation of words largely depends on the degree of their stress in the phrase, their place in the syntagm (initial, middle, final), position in relation to the phrasal accent, and the rate of pronunciation. Thus, various phonetic features of colloquial speech are determined not only by the positional conditions for the realization of phonemes within a word, but also by the position of a word within a phrase.

In morphology, as in phonetics, there are no special differences from the codified literary language in the set of units itself. Nevertheless, there is a specificity here. For example, there are special colloquial vocative forms (such as pap!,Mom, and mom!). In colloquial speech, the quantitative ratio of certain grammatical classes of words and word forms is different than in the written language. Statistical Research recordings of live colloquial speech showed that in this subsystem, non-significant and semi-significant vocabulary is most frequent: conjunctions, particles, pronouns; the use of nouns is lower than that of verbs, and among the verb forms, gerunds and participles are the least common. These forms are practically not used in the function of secondary predication (i.e., as part of participial and adverbial phrases). Wed colloquial: Bring a book lies on the table(incl. book-writing: Bring a book, lying on the table); I'm completely bored removed that stain// (comm. book-letter: I'm completely worn out, removing this stain). The morphological system of colloquial speech is distinguished by pronounced features of analyticism, which confirms, for example, the active functioning various classes immutable significant words. In colloquial speech, these words are very common, numerous and varied. First of all, these are the so-called predicatives - immutable words that perform the function of a predicate in a personal sentence. These include, for example, interjectional-verbal words (such as la-la, bang, shoo-shoo-shoo, cf .: And they are sitting in a corner and shu-shu-shu between themselves); evaluation predicates (such as not ah, so-so, not that, cf. the weather was not ah; She sings so-so). Analytical adjectives are also highly active (units like air, auto, tele, beige and many others. etc.), having great independence in colloquial speech. Wed: (conversation in the mail) BUT. What kind of envelopes do you want? B. to me air and simple //; Did you find the book? Sberbank? Features of the morphology of colloquial speech are most clearly manifested in the specific functions of some grammatical forms. So, the infinitive often plays a syntactic role, usually characteristic of a noun: To swim did they come there? (subject); BUT. What are you looking for? B. I'm looking for drink it down(addition); This towel dry off(definition). Among the case forms of nouns, the most frequent forms are name. case. Named expansion. case in colloquial texts is manifested in the fact that its functional load is much greater. The nominative case occurs in oral speech in any prepositional and non-prepositional positions and acts as other cases: Petrushechka fresh I will buy now fresh parsley, i.e. blames. case), His disciples were our teachers(with our teachers - tv.p.), A pickle half can't take? (vm. half a pickle).

The specificity of colloquial speech is most clearly manifested at the syntactic level. Conversational speech is a speech stream, which is not always easy to divide into sentences. The sentence as the main syntactic unit stands out in the codified literary language and is characterized by the following features: predicativity (the severity of the categories of modality and time), the presence of links between the components, semantic and intonational completeness. In colloquial speech, not all segments of the speech flow are sentences. For example, one predicative unit can, in a particular situation, break up into several independent intonational fragments: (two friends agree to meet) BUT. See you tomorrow B. At five BUT. On Pushkinskaya. Or, on the contrary, parts of a complex predicative whole intonation merge into one speech segment, and the word located at the junction of the first and second "sentences" refers to both: They turned to Sretenka they have to go; I will give you tomorrow read you wanted an article. In the codified literary language, situationally conditioned formations are considered as "non-sentential". If we approach colloquial cues in the same way, then more than half of them should be excluded from syntactic analysis - after all, the “inclusion” of colloquial cues in a situation is an important feature of colloquial speech that determines its specificity at the system level. When segmenting the conversational continuum, an essential criterion for researchers is intonation-semantic completeness, and the main syntactic unit is the statement. speech stream is divided into intonationally independent segments - syntagmas. One or more syntagmas, characterized by intonational integrity and semantic completeness, form an utterance. When writing oral colloquial speech, due to its “non-sentence” nature, a special system of notation is used, the purpose of which is to adequately convey the features of the sound. Habitual in written texts punctuation marks - dashes, colons, periods and commas - are not put. Instead, they are used: / - a sign of intonational articulation of the statement when it is incomplete; //, ?, ! - signs of the completion of a statement uttered respectively with an affirmative, interrogative or exclamatory intonation; an ellipsis (...) denotes a pause in hesitation (search for a suitable word), a break in a statement, or a self-interruption. Compare, for example, a fragment of an oral story: Here this year / son / in ... in the spring he brought such ... He is a passionate son fisherman / he was on La ... on this ... not Ladoga / but Lake Peipus / caught fish / and brought from there / among the fish/ kitten/ little black kitten// And then I… when this kitten… He was fed/ from a pipette for the first days// And then/ I looked at this kitten and began to say that this is obviously a cross between cats and pikes such a strange kitten was// He threw himself at everyone who entered/ and tormented him//.

Many syntactic properties of colloquial speech are due to the peculiarities of its functioning - unpreparedness, spontaneity, close connection with the situation. In colloquial utterances, some grammatically and semantically necessary components. Their absence is possible only due to the “inclusion” of the statement in a certain situation. Wed the following examples (customer talking to salesperson in shoe department): Here those brown please show // (missing shoes); (conversation during breakfast) Would you like cheese or sausage? (not expressed do sandwich). The verbal ellipsis does not prevent the interlocutors from understanding each other: knowing the situation, they easily “complete” the missing fragments of the text. Statements of this type are called constructions with unreplaced syntactic positions. Most of these constructions are consituationally related, however, there are a number of constructions with null predicate verbs, the meanings of which are determined by the language system and do not require situation support. These include, for example, zero verbs of motion (I'm home//; We're at the dacha//; Are you not from the forest?); zero verbs with a general meaning of speech (What are you talking about? About the new film?; Are you talking about Katya?) and nek. etc. Widespread in colloquial speech constructions with nominative themes. The noun in the nominative case is taken to the absolute beginning of the statement, actualizing (highlighting) its theme. Further, the utterance may contain a correlative member, which acts as a "link" between the nominative case in preposition and the rest of the utterance. The correlative is usually pronouns or nouns that have the form like name. fall, so indirect cases. Wed: Dad / he has not had dinner yet / /, Dad/ dad haven't had dinner yet Flowers/ them I didn't buy Flowers/ colors I didn't buy.

Spoken language has specific kind the connection of two predicative constructions into one statement - the connection of a free connection. The semantic relations that develop on the basis of free connection bonds are very diverse and syncretic. Edit: Where is my wallet? lay here?; What is this transmission you have said will be on TV today?; Lena I know will not come//; Komarov you were are there many?; House we passed today already almost completed.

In colloquial speech, there are rules of word arrangement, closely related primarily to the features actual articulation statements. One of the most important tendencies that regulates the order of words in a statement is the tendency to preposition the communicatively most important component: Of bread go buy it at the bakery//; Sonya I'm worried today/I wouldn't get sick//. Spontaneity, unpreparedness of colloquial speech, the linear nature of its construction lead to the fact that the words in the statement "unfold" according to the principle of free associative attachment. As a result, semantically and grammatically related phrases often turn out to be disconnected, with the most meaningful word is taken to the beginning. Wed: Towel bring clean//; Hat didn't see where my? The weakening of the role of unions and allied words expressed in the fact that their place in the colloquial utterance is not fixed (unlike in the book-written language, where their syntactic position is rigidly fixed). For example: Tanya I don't know where left / / (cf. codif. I don’t know where Tanya went); I can’t leave the house / I’m waiting for a locksmith because// (cf. codif. I can't leave the house because I'm waiting for a locksmith). The order of words in colloquial speech is closely related to its intonational and rhythmic features. A colloquial utterance is often built as an intonationally dissected unit with two intonational centers, between which there are accentuated non-selected components (the so-called "intonation hole"). In such two-peak constructions, phrasal accents fall on the most important words that make up the communicative core of the utterance: Doctor you do not know when will he arrive?; Highly you have him independent//; Luda asked to call Tikhvinskaya//.

Colloquial word formation reveals less dependence on usage, on various kinds of grammatical and semantic restrictions. In the process of easy communication, the interlocutors often do not reproduce the words existing in the language, but produce, create them “just in case”, based on productive word-formation models. In the words formed in this way, the meaning prompted by a specific situation is actualized: And where do we purifier? The toilet is clogged / should be cleaned / / (instead of the word-term plunger the speaker uses the non-usual purifier, derived from the verb purify). In colloquial speech, there are specific ways of word production - univerbation and truncation. During univerbation, the original phrase (generating base), consisting of two or more components, is folded into one derivative word, which “absorbs” the meaning of the generating base: buckwheat - buckwheat, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" - "Komsomolskaya Pravda", a five-story building - five-story building; folding bed - cot. Another productive way of colloquial derivation is to truncate the generating stem. Nouns and adjectives are truncated: tape recorder - magician, teacher - prep, sandwich - buter, state exams - gosy, primitive - primitive, intimate - intimate. In colloquial speech, word-formation methods are more active, which also operate in the book-written language: suffix (open - opener(can opener), doctor - doctor, old - junk, synchronous - synchronize(engaged in simultaneous translation) and many others. etc.), prefix (She will have overprotection//; Dissect my sleeves!; it antisoup/ real porridge / / No liquid), prefix-suffix (cf. playful formations: We have sleeplessness/ forgot to buy matches//; Thank you! You me sandwiched//). Colloquial speech is characterized by the breadth of the use of various word-formation models, the weakening of the prohibitions on the compatibility of affixes with the generating base. Words that have a variety of lexical and grammatical properties can act as "source material". For example, borrowings, abbreviations, interjections: cinema - filmmaker, Moscow State University - emgeushny, oh! - ooh, bam! - bang and many others. etc. Phrases and even whole statements can serve as a generating basis: This teticatin scarf// (from aunt Katya); [mother to child] Stay out of the puddle! And that grandmother God-wash will be! (from My God!). In colloquial speech, a derivative word is often associated with a generating basis only by the most general meaning. As a result, many newly formed words are ambiguous and incomprehensible out of context. For example, core- it can be a cardiologist, and a person suffering from heart disease. The meanings of such words are clarified only in a specific speech situation. Wed: BUT. He who? Surgeon? B. No/ core//; My father has a heart / suffered three heart attacks / /. In the process of direct dialogical communication, the previous remark of the interlocutor may be an incentive for the formation of a non-usual word: BUT. I don't like / to me sorry// B. The point here is not pity//; BUT. Want cabbage soup? I ate//; BUT. Temirkanov did a great job conducting the Carmen Suite// B. Yes/ otkarmenil//.

In lexical and stylistic terms, colloquial texts are heterogeneous: in them you can find, first of all, words related to everyday life, everyday life, the so-called everyday words ( spoon, saucepan, frying pan, comb, hairpin, rag, broom etc.), words that have a pronounced colloquial, often reduced, connotation ( snag, get drunk, dirty etc.), stylistically neutral words that make up the main vocabulary of the modern literary language ( work, rest, young, now, no time and many others. etc.), special terminological vocabulary and, conversely, separate jargon inclusions. Such stylistic "omnivorousness" of colloquial speech is explained primarily by its wide thematic range. In an informal setting with people you know well, you can talk about any topic: about everyday household chores, work, politics, friends and acquaintances, illness of loved ones, a new film, etc. At the same time, the speaker's linguistic preferences: his tendency to joke, play with words, or, conversely, to widely include book and written vocabulary in speech, are most clearly manifested in a situation of relaxed direct communication. Compare, for example, fragments of a conversation between a female student and her mother. The topic of the conversation (a story about hydrological practice) and the professional studies of the informant, a student of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, determine the presence of special vocabulary in the text ( reconnaissance, slope, lot, echo sounder, take a count, depression, dredgers), the inclusion in the story of the words of youth, student jargon ( hesitated, prep), statements with bright colloquial coloring ( some kind of circus in the meaning of "funny situation", form just do vm. cod. generally, shvark) give an idea of ​​the age and social status narrators, and also testify to her emotional looseness during the conversation: Yes, everything was there / there was always some kind of circus / / With this / when we were on reconnaissance / we / all the teachers had a very interesting manner / We arrive / we say “we got a slope of three and a half centimeters per kilometer” / / “This / cannot be here” / /<…>With this bias, we shook them / / We nevertheless proved that we were right / / Then ... um ... let's go / there was also a reconnaissance / there / you measure with a manual lot / depth / / There is not a mechanical / not an echo sounder / namely, manual // That is, a rope / with a load / there is a shvark / and you take a countdown / /<…>We had Vadik with a lot//<…>We reach such a bottleneck / this means to the dredgers / / So this one is approaching us /<…>On the boat our prep / / They are waiting / / Vadik throws out the lot / and he himself is there like this ( shows) leaves// Depression/ twelve and a half meters//.

A typical feature of colloquial vocabulary is its semantic syncretism and polysemy. The so-called “sponges” words are widespread in colloquial speech, the meaning of which is determined by the situation. For example, the general meaning of the word makeshift- "something temporary", but depending on the specific conditions of the conversation, it can "absorb" different meanings: "temporary house, stairs, stove, extension", etc .; glass in everyday communication, any building with large showcase windows can be called: a store, a hairdresser, a savings bank, a canteen, an institution, etc. Some words with a generalized meaning (cf. simple, normal, empty, regular) under certain conditions can act as unmarked members of semantic oppositions, while in each specific situation a certain component of meaning is actualized. For example, simple - silk, simple - festive, simple - with syrup, simple - air (cf .: Look / silk how many dresses do you want simple no one//; BUT. Put on festive blouse// B. yes no / me simple/ I feel more comfortable in it//; What water will you be / simple or with syrup?; I have two envelopes air/ and one simple//); cf. also common colloquial combinations: empty potatoes - potatoes With butter, empty tea - sweet tea and more etc. In colloquial speech, there are ways of naming objects, signs or actions. In the process of direct, informal communication, it is easier for interlocutors to construct a new word “for the occasion” than to reproduce a lexical unit that already exists in a codified language. In addition to the highly productive word-formation models described above (suffixal univerbation, truncation, suffixal, prefixal, prefix-suffixal methods), other methods are also used to create colloquial nominations: substantiation (meat dish - meat; cf .: Something for me today meat I don’t want / I’d rather have vegetables / /, laboratory worklaboratory; treatment room - procedural etc.); semantic contraction of phrases by eliminating the defined or defining (thesis - diploma, viral influenza virus, perm - chemistry, Academic Council - advice, kindergarten - kindergarten, granulated sugar - sand); construction of nominations based on metonymic transfer (Yesterday in the book / Sasha Cherny(book by Sasha Cherny) bought / /, They said that us(our house) is being demolished//, Girl/ a lycra(pantyhose with lycra) do you have?, in dinner(during lunch break) meet//); verbal nominations, including verbum finitum and characterizing a person or object by its action ( Milk brings/ now on vacation / yes?, Just came into our room/ works in the inventory department//); verbal nominations consisting of a verb in the infinitive form and a relative pronoun ( What to write don't you have it?, bring it what to put on//, What flowers to put in that room//). The close cohesion of colloquial utterances with communicative act generates a special type of naming, called the "situation name". Behind such one-word nominations used by the speaker, there is a whole complex of meanings that is understandable to the interlocutor, "included" in the situation, but remains unclear to the rest, "uninitiated", and requires commentary. The speech signal of the name of the situation is an unusual combination of words in the text. Compare: A skis we changed our minds / yes? (i.e. changed their minds about discussing the details of the ski trip); Oh / a your birthday we didn't discuss // (didn't discuss how we will celebrate your birthday). Wed also expressions typical of everyday communication: turn off the fish, turn on the soup, turn down the pasta etc. (i.e. a burner on which stands fish, soup, pasta, etc.). Wide range of possibilities to use different models building nominations generates whole line doublet words: ladle, ladle, scoop, bottling, bottling, than bottling; lab work, lab, lab, lab etc.

Spoken texts are distinguished by a high degree of expression. As the researchers note, the ability of colloquial speech to exaggerate sometimes leads to exceptions from colloquial vocabulary words with neutral meaning. " emotional stress"colloquial utterances are created through a variety of means, such as, for example, the repetition of lexemes (Nam very very liked//; She was sad-sad today//; BUT. Do you want ice cream? B. Ouch want Want//); pronoun use such as a quality intensifier (Behind us such turn!; She is with you such clever / such a sweetheart / /). To express a high degree of intensity of a property, a metaphor is widely used - cf. typically colloquial assessments: a sea of ​​flowers, a mountain of gifts, a lot of claims and etc.; cf. See also: me today fall off my feet from fatigue//, We've been here for an hour sunbathing/waiting for you//, I called him all evening/ phone cut off/ busy all the time//; What the rubbish heap on your table!

In recent years, the focus of research interest has shifted from studying the system-structural features of colloquial speech to analyzing its textual characteristics. This explains the special attention to the genre stratification of colloquial speech. Speech genres as types of texts are realized under certain conditions and can be considered through the prism of a communicative situation and its participants. To characterize any communicative situation, such parameters as space (i.e., the place where communication takes place: at home or outside the home - at work, on the street, in a store, sanatorium, clinic, etc.), time (when communication takes place: on weekdays or on holidays, during working or free time, etc.), communication partners (their communicative roles - speaking / listening, family, professional roles, the nature of their ratio on the “higher” / “lower” scale, communicative goals of the speaker and listener, etc.), situational topic (for example, "Awakening", "Lunch", "Family holiday", "Shop", "Transport", etc.). Each of the situation parameters influences the speaker's choice of genre. So, for example, numerous situations of home communication are “cast” into different stereotypical micro-genres (depending on the time and topic of the conversation, family roles). Wed: [Morning. Awakening] BUT. [daughter's mother] Good morning// Mash/ get up/ oversleep school// B. Right now / I’m getting up / / Hello Mom / /; [Leaving Home] BUT. [husband wife] Well, I went// Bye// B. Happy// Don't linger there//; [Preparing dinner] BUT. [husband to wife entering the kitchen] What are you? Did you buy a pizza? B. Yeah// So as not to mess around// Right now, quickly put it in the oven/ and in fifteen minutes it's ready//. Equally stereotyped is our verbal behavior in situations outside the home: [On the street] BUT. "Children's World" / how to get there? B. Straight / then left around the corner / / BUT. Thanks//; [ Book store] BUT. [buyer] Please tell me / are there any manuals for the German language? B. [salesman] German department//. In colloquial speech, large and small, monologue and dialogic genres are distinguished. Large monologue and dialogic genres, for example, include story, conversation, conversation; small genres are monologues, microdialogues, stereotypes. Our daily speech communication represents a genre continuum. Observation of the specifics of the organization of this continuum allows us to identify the features of the everyday linguistic existence of modern speakers of the Russian literary language.


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