Characteristics for a kindergarten teacher from parents. Characteristic - performance

teacher educating children kindergarten needs to confirm their qualifications. A sample of characteristics for a teacher can be downloaded for free from the link.

A teacher educating kindergarten children needs to confirm his qualifications. After a certain period of work in kindergarten, the teacher provides a reference for his own certification. The characteristic can come from the head or parents. This characterizing paper is free to execute, with the exception of some obligatory points. A sample document can be downloaded for free from a direct link on the page. In the simplest doc format it can be independently edited and applied in practice.

Characteristics of a kindergarten teacher in this moment very important. Since a person changes throughout life, confirmation of qualification in creative activity with children is an important part. All factors that distinguish the teacher in question and his functioning in this kindergarten are taken into account. An integrated approach to writing characterizing material for a kindergarten teacher is necessary for the whole society. The circumstance is due to the fact that kindergarten students are emerging personalities, and special attention is applied to them.

Mandatory points of the characteristics of a kindergarten teacher

  • Paper name, date and details preschool;
  • Full name of the teacher, work experience in this institution, age and other individual components;
  • Achievements, temperament, skills, all positive and (if any) negative qualities;
  • Ability to deal with stress;
  • Programs, methods of work, the number of released groups;
  • The number of points characterizing the paper can be infinite. It all depends on the author of the text and the individual properties of the person being characterized;
  • Signature and transcript of the author, date and seal of the organization.
The complexity of the work of the educator lies in simultaneous learning pupils by playing with them. Not every teacher can find mutual language with all the children in the group. The incredible abilities of this profession are taught by higher pedagogical educational institutions. The complex of knowledge allows the kindergarten teacher to be an exceptional and unique person, which undoubtedly should be reflected in his characteristics. The combination of all qualities and skills in work are entered in the information sheet. April 8, 2016

Research conducted in preschools confirms close connection between the activities of teachers and kindergarten teachers. The peculiarity of such a specialty as an educator lies in the fact that a teacher working in a kindergarten teaches and educates children who have their own age features. In methodological work, educators attach great importance role playing, formation speech culture, communication skills.

Profession - educator: theoretical aspects

The formation of the personality of the kindergarten teacher himself involves constant increase qualifications, passing short-term professional course preparations. The teacher must set a goal, determine the motives, the subject of his activity, look for ways to implement the tasks set, and conduct their full analysis.

Qualities of an educator

Such a profession as an educator implies a relationship the following qualities: organizational, constructive, gnostic, communicative. Relationships with parents, the ability to avoid conflict situations, balance, and relationships with colleagues are also taken into account.

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Gnostic Skills

The gnostic skills that the educator uses in his work make it possible to identify the level cognitive activity children, assess their emotional state, select optimal conditions for finding children in preschool institutions. The educator also uses similar skills to study the family microenvironment of his pupils.

What should be included in a description?

Feature for the award preschool teacher should reflect the effectiveness of his work with parents, conducting gnostic activities using the psychology and physiology of children. The educator in his work is obliged to take into account the peculiarities of the development of the child, to understand his spiritual world. In order to study the characteristics of each child, the educator conducts conversations, special research experiments, uses sociometric methods, observes the behavior of children in Everyday life, monitors the relationship between children. Detailed characteristics on the senior educator necessarily reflects the full picture of the teacher's activities. Can be included in award sheet and figures obtained in anonymous sociological survey parents and colleagues.

The characteristic for the educator (for literacy) should reflect the skill of the teacher, his ability to sensitively respond to the behavior of children, to identify the problems of each child in a timely manner.

Differences in the classification of caregivers

Depending on how much the teacher understands the children, he is assigned a certain professional level(category). Low level the educator does not imply penetration into motivational sphere child. The teacher is limited to a partial study of the traits of the pupil. With such a qualification, a characteristic for a preschool teacher implies an indication of the inability of the teacher to give detailed description toddlers behavior. Most often, this level is typical for novice educators who do not have experience working with children. A teacher with low qualifications does not show initiative in matters related to the study of the microenvironment of a group, an individual pupil, is not interested in analyzing the personality of a child. The characteristic for a kindergarten teacher must necessarily reflect moments like this in order to fully appreciate the level of his professionalism.

Middle-level educators are characterized by deep knowledge and understanding of individual pupils, conducting comprehensive research in a group. A characteristic for a preschool teacher, written in detail, will help the teacher during certification. High-level professionals are able to independently diagnose the developmental process of an individual child, foresee further actions on the successful development of the personality of a preschooler, fruitfully cooperate with parents, involve specialists in the work: a speech therapist, a psychologist. The presence and assessment of these skills should include a characteristic for a kindergarten teacher.

constructive activity

The constructive activity of educators involves the design, planning joint work with parents and pupils, selection of material for a full-fledged educational and educational work. A characteristic for a kindergarten teacher necessarily contains information about the teacher's ownership of such activities. The constructive skills of a teacher lie in the ability to foresee problems in work, creation favorable conditions for their timely elimination. A true professional plans the child's activities not only in a separate lesson, but during the entire time spent in a preschool institution. The characteristic for the educator for awarding involves detailed description the work that the teacher does with parents: the use of the psychology of trust, love, understanding. Parents, in turn, expect sensitivity, kindness, justice, and reasonable rigor from the educator.

What points are noted in the characteristics of a kindergarten teacher?

A detailed description of a kindergarten teacher should contain information on the full compliance of the teacher with official duties. What is included in the structure of the characteristics of a preschool teacher?

  1. The presence of secondary vocational or higher pedagogical education.
  2. Length of service in this position.
  3. Availability of certificates of completion of short-term refresher courses, certificates of participation in webinars, seminars, pedagogical conferences.

The characteristic for the educator for awarding should contain information about the professional achievements of the educator: victories in competitions, conferences. In addition, you need to indicate all publications with work experience, master classes, seminars for colleagues. Full characteristic on the assistant educator should reflect the quality of supervision of pupils during classes, excursions, events. Childcare and cleanliness are also taken into account.

What should a kindergarten teacher know?

He is obliged to know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the basic laws in the field of education, the rights of children, the features of social and developmental child psychology. Any feature on junior educator contains a paragraph that describes the methods of work used by the teacher to implement successful educational process. Among the new requirements introduced into the duties of the educator and his assistant, we note the possession of the methodology for conducting monitoring for preschoolers. GEF involves a systematic analysis of the level of upbringing, preparation of preschoolers: for this, kindergarten teachers must conduct a variety of studies, analyze their results. Professional preschool teacher must master the psychology of relations, pedagogical ethics. The new education standards introduced in preschool institutions force educators to constantly improve their professionalism, involve the use of technology for diagnosing the occurrence of conflicts, prevention similar cases, their timely solution. To achieve the tasks set, the educator uses modern teaching aids, didactic materials, labor protection standards, design and research technologies.

Responsibilities of the educator

The teacher is engaged in planning and organizing the life of preschoolers. He spends a painstaking daily work to create favorable conditions for the social, psychological and labor adaptation of children. In his work, he must cooperate with a psychologist, speech therapist, medical worker. Based on the recommendations of a psychologist, the educator conducts a developmental and corrective work with individual pupils, as well as with the whole group of children. The educator develops and conducts measures to improve the health of preschoolers together with a medical worker. The characteristic for the teacher's assistant should also contain an assessment of the success of interaction with the teaching staff.

What should be reflected in the characteristics of a kindergarten teacher?

First, the surname, name, patronymic of the teacher is indicated. Further, the level of qualification, length of service in the position is noted. It is advisable to indicate the duration of work with separate group children. A characteristic (sample) for a teacher implies a reflection of those technologies that are used by the teacher in conducting educational and extracurricular activities, results educational activities. For example, one can note an increase in children's motivation for drawing, modeling, and the development of speech skills. Reflected in the personal characteristics and how effective was the training of children for certain period. For example, children junior group in 1 year we learned how to make beautiful applications from colored paper, cut out details different shapes, distinguish between living and inanimate nature. When compiling a characteristic for a kindergarten teacher, they note how successfully he contacts with children. It is important to note how the teacher treats each child, the parents of their pupils. You can also highlight such qualities as diligence, interest in work.

It would not be superfluous to indicate in the description the communication skills of the educator, the ability to establish friendly relations with colleagues.


In order for the educator to be able to successfully move through career ladder, count on prizes and awards by departmental awards, the characteristic for him should be drawn up clearly and logically. None emotional components in the description of the merits and personal qualities of the educator is not allowed. Such an official document as a characteristic implies a listing of the best professional and personal qualities of a teacher. You can draw up such a document on your own or ask colleagues for help. Special attention in professional characteristics, it is important to give responsibility, organization, creativity to his work, discipline, dedication to business. If the characteristic for a teacher or assistant teacher is intended to form award material for an employee, then two copies of the document are drawn up. One sample of the made characteristic is invested in the personal file of the educator, while the second is intended for award material. In order for the characteristic to be complete and valid, there must be a seal, as well as the signature of the head of the preschool institution.

2006/2007 academic year

Surname, name, patronymic Loenko Olga Alexandrovna

Position and place of work educator MDOU d / s No. 421

Date and place of birth 03/08/73. Novosibirsk region,

Kochkovsky district, with. sieves

Education secondary special, Novosibirsk

Pedagogical College No. 1 named after Makarenko, teacher of preschool institutions

Total work experience16 years

Work experience in the organization 8 years

Loenko Olga Alexandrovna has been working as a kindergarten teacher for six years, has her first qualification category. During the period of work in the preschool educational institution, she has established herself as an initiative, creative teacher using at work innovative methods, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers.

Olga Alexandrovna's professional knowledge coincides with her passion for teaching, which makes her work interesting, rich and productive. Priority direction its activity is "Development of creative imagination of children preschool age". In-depth work on this issue contributed to the achievement of the following results:

- children have significantly increased the level of creative imagination;

- expanded and enriched vocabulary;

- increased interest in art activities.

In preschool

In the institution, Olga Alexandrovna organizes work with children under the program "School 2100" (under the scientific editorship of A.A. Leontiev), while implementing an individual and differentiated approach to the development and education of children. In 2002, the teacher participated in the preparation and conduct of district seminar– workshop “Implementation and testing educational system"School 2100" (course "Journey to the beautiful").

Loenko O.A. is actively involved in pedagogical life garden. In 2006, she worked enthusiastically in creative team on the issue of "Influence emotional state child for personality development. The result of this activity was methodological material on the topic "Development of emotions in joint activities with the teacher." In 2007, she participated in the preparation of the regional seminar “Impact fiction on the development of preschool children. Sharing experience with colleagues this direction: open lesson"The impact of fiction on the development of the child", preparation and holding of the seminar "How to teach a child to love literature."

Pupils of Olga Alexandrovna are active participants in various exhibitions: "Gifts of Nature", "Autumn through the Eyes of Children", "Easter Fair".

Loenko Olga Alexandrovna is a talented and artistic teacher. At matinees in the preschool educational institution, Olga Alexandrovna pleases children with the performance of the roles of the Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Kikimora, etc.

AT given time Olga Alexandrovna improves her dancing skills by attending a dance school.

Loenko O.A. characterizes an emotional, warm, friendly attitude towards children. The group maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding. Olga Alexandrovna is well aware of the psychological and age-related features of the development of preschoolers, therefore she always finds individual approach to each student. The teacher recognizes the achievements of children, encourages their successes, supports them in moments of failure.

The educator skillfully organizes work with parents in order to interact on issues of education and training, involving medical workers and PEI specialists. Parents are the main helpers in the group. Acquired with their help teaching aids, made development material fine motor skills. Parents participate in all activities of the preschool educational institution: joint holidays, exhibitions, performances, excursions, etc.

The high level of professionalism of the teacher is noted by parents and colleagues. In 2006, Olga Alexandrovna was awarded a letter of thanks from the administration Central region per conscientious work and progress in educating the next generation.

Olga Alexandrovna constantly raises professional excellence. In 2004, she studied at advanced training courses at NIPKiPRO on the problem of "Polyartistic approach to raising a child." In 2006, she took courses in speech therapy at NIPKiPRO on the topic "Correctional and educational work with children with speech disorders in the conditions of special (speech therapy) groups of preschool educational institutions."

Olga Alexandrovna enjoys well-deserved respect teaching staff, parents, love children.

2007/2008 academic year

Full NameKuprina Oksana Nikolaevna

Position and place of worktutor of the first

qualification category,

MDOU - kindergarten No. 421

combined type

Education secondary special,


Pedagogical College No. 1

them. A.S. Makarenko,

educator of children

preschool age

General work experience 15 years

Work experience in the organization9 years

Kuprina Oksana Nikolaevna has been working as a kindergarten teacher for eight years, she has the first qualification category. During the period of work at the preschool educational institution, she has established herself as an initiative, creative teacher, using innovative methods, methods and techniques of working with preschoolers in her work.

Oksana Nikolaevna's professional knowledge coincides with her passion for teaching, which makes her work interesting, rich and productive. The priority direction of its activity is "Formation of ecological culture". The built system of work contributes to the development of the ecological consciousness of preschoolers, the clarification and systematization of knowledge about objects and natural phenomena. Special place in her professional activity is given to the formation of ideas about the environment natural world Siberia, the skills of keeping and caring for plants and animals through labor, play activities, art word, art. In-depth work on this issue contributed to the achievement of the following results:

It was possible to clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about the objects and phenomena of nature;

Visible positive dynamics in changing the attitude of preschoolers to the world around them, the development of ecological culture, in the formation of a sense of a small homeland and awareness of oneself as a part of big country, called the Motherland;

- expanded and enriched vocabulary.

In a preschool institution, Oksana Nikolaevna organizes work with children on the formation of an ecological culture, based on the program "Young Ecologist" by Nikolaeva S.N. (subroutine « environmental education preschoolers")while implementing an individual and differentiated approach to the development and education of children.

Kuprina O.N. actively participates in the pedagogical life of the garden. In 2006, she enthusiastically worked in the creative group on the problem of "Implementation of continuous pedagogical process on environmental education of preschool children. The result of this activity was a methodological material on the topic "Development of ecological culture", which was presented in the regional competition "Kindergarten - 2006". The system of Oksana Nikolaevna’s work on the formation of a sense of a small homeland and awareness of herself as part of a large country called the Motherland was reflected in teaching materials on the topic "My Motherland - Russia" in the city competition "Kindergarten of the Year - 2007". In 2008, Oksana Nikolaevna participated in the preparation of the regional seminar - workshop creativity children by means of theatrical activities. Together with music director Kuprina O.N. a children's musical performance "Puss in Boots" was prepared and presented to the teachers of the Central District. The children showed enough high level development of skills of collective creativity.

Pupils of Oksana Nikolaevna are active participants in various exhibitions: "Gifts of Nature", "Autumn through the Eyes of Children", "Easter Fair", etc.

Kuprina Oksana Nikolaevna is a talented and artistic teacher. At matinees at the preschool educational institution, Oksana Nikolaevna pleases children with the performance of the roles of Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Carlson, Leshy, etc.

The teacher pays special attention to the organization of the pedagogical process, saving health a child of preschool age and educating a value attitude to health. Oksana Nikolaevna herself is an example for children, their parents and colleagues in this direction, as she attends fitness classes.

Kuprin O.N. characterizes an emotional, warm, friendly attitude towards children. The group maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding. Oksana Nikolaevna knows well the psychological and age-related features of the development of preschoolers, therefore she always finds an individual approach to each of her pupils. The teacher recognizes the achievements of children, encourages their successes, supports them in moments of failure.

The teacher skillfully organizes work with parents in order to interact on issues of education and training, involving medical workers and specialists from preschool educational institutions. Parents are the main helpers in the group. With their help, teaching aids were purchased, material for the development of fine motor skills was made, and the group was repaired. Parents participate in all activities of the preschool educational institution: joint holidays, exhibitions, performances, excursions, etc.

The high level of professionalism of the teacher is noted by parents and colleagues. Since 2004, Oksana Nikolaevna has been successfully coping with the duties of the chairman of the trade union committee of the preschool educational institution. She was awarded a Letter of Appreciation from the Central District Public Trade Union Organization of Education and Science Workers for many years of public work on social support workers preschool education.

Oksana Nikolaevna constantly improves her professional skills. In 2007, she studied at advanced training courses at NIPKiPRO on the problem of "Organization of work on the correction of speech disorders in children." Also in 2007, she took courses at the SCRO on the topic “Fundamentals of working on a PC”.

Oksana Nikolaevna enjoys the well-deserved respect of the teaching staff, parents, and the love of children.

2008/2009 academic year

Full NameMazur Elena Alexandrovna

Position and place of workeducator of higher

qualification category,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 421

combined type"

Education higher

Tomsk Pedagogical University

Faculty of preschool education.

General work experience 10 years

10 years of experience in the organization

Mazur Elena Alexandrovna has been working as a kindergarten teacher for 10 years, has the highest qualification category.

During her work in a preschool institution, Elena Alexandrovna proved herself to be a highly professional specialist.

The priority direction of her work is "Formation of the feeling of a small homeland in the process of getting acquainted with the nature of the native land." In-depth work on this issue contributed to the development and testing of technology for the formation of a sense of a small homeland in older preschoolers through familiarization with the nature of their native land. Material on this topic is presented in the periodical press:

The article "Knowledge about the Siberian nature as a means of local history in work with older preschoolers" (" Siberian school young scientist. Volume 2. - Tomsk: Publishing House of the Tomsk Pedagogical University).

The article "The nature of the native land as a means of ethnology" ("Youth, science and education: problems and prospects". Volume 3. - Tomsk: Tomsk State University Publishing House).

Developed by Mazur E.A. technique, the main principle of which is the principle "from the particular to the general", was implemented in the center children's creativity Oktyabrsky district of the city of Tomsk, in the preschool educational institution No. 16 of the city of Tomsk, and the preschool educational institution No. 59 of the city of Seversk. The methodology is detailed in teaching aid"Nature Siberian region and children” (compiled by Z.N. Azhermacheva, Tomsk). The direction of work was supported by the Russian Humanitarian Foundation (1998-2000)

Qualitative analysis of changes occurring in the course of work Mazur E.A. with children showed the following:

- managed to clarify and systematize the knowledge of children about objects and natural phenomena, to promote the development of verbal and logical thinking and the development emotional sphere children.

- positive dynamics is visible in the change in the attitude of preschoolers to the world around them, the development of ecological culture, in the formation of a sense of a small homeland and awareness of oneself as part of a large country called the Motherland.

- this system of work makes it possible to fully implement the regional and partially federal components of the state educational standard.

In a preschool institution, Elena Alexandrovna organizes work with children on« The program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.- M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.Enrichment of the content of the educational process is carried out through programseducational system "School - 2100".

During 2005 and 2006 Mazur E.A. conducted experimental work with children on the problem: “Using the nature of the native land as a means of ethnology in activating cognitive activity children of senior preschool age and the formation of culture international communication". Elena Alexandrovna developed a system of work with children on this issue, during which the following tasks are solved:

- to teach to see and understand the beauty of the native land through acquaintance with the objects and phenomena of nature in the visual, musical professional and folk art.

- develop the foundations of verbal-logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination, etc. mental processes, emotional sphere, personal ecological culture by modeling the relationships between objects and phenomena in the ecosystems of the region ("Forest", "Reservoir"), fiction and scientific literature.

- to form in children an idea of ​​​​themselves as a carrier national culture and traditions, a sense of tolerance for people of other nationalities, to understand and recognize the right of everyone to be equal, but different.

At present, the system of work on the problem “Using the nature of the native land as a means of ethnology in enhancing the cognitive activity of older preschool children and the formation of a culture of interethnic communication” is being tested in preschool educational institution No. 421.

In 2006-2007, Mazur Elena Aleksandrovna was on maternity leave. Having left to work at the preschool educational institution in August 2008, Elena Aleksandrovna was actively involved in her professional activities.

With the active participation of Elena Aleksandrovna, the program of the MBDOU d / s No. 421 "Cultural and developing space as a condition for the social adaptation of preschoolers" was developed. At the Siberian fair "UCHSIB - 2009" in the nomination "Cultural and developing space as a condition for ensuring the quality of preschool education" this program was awarded a diploma for creating a model of social adaptation of preschoolers.

Elena Alexandrovna developed the project "Integration ( social adaptation) preschool children in modern society». This project took part in the district stage of the city competition of projects "Education - a resource innovative development cities". As part of the work XVII of the international educational exhibition "UCHSIB - 2009" Elena Alexandrovna held a presentationproject "Integration(social adaptation) of preschool children in modern society».

The teacher regularly participates in methodological activities preschool institution, in holding the pedagogical council "Ecological education of preschoolers", consults for teachers: "On the coordination of a noun with a numeral in the speech of children aged 5-6", "Formation of the principles of ecological culture by means of artistic and aesthetic expressiveness".

Elena Aleksandrovna in 2006 studied at advanced training courses at NIPKiPRO on the problem of "Ecology in the game."

Elena Alexandrovna is characterized by an emotional, warm, friendly attitude towards children. The group maintains an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding. The teacher recognizes the achievements of children, encourages their successes, supports them in moments of failure.

The teacher skillfully organizes work with parents in order to interact on issues of education and training, involving medical workers and specialists from preschool educational institutions. Parents participate in all activities of the preschool educational institution: joint holidays, exhibitions, performances, excursions, etc.

The high level of professionalism of the teacher is noted by parents and colleagues. In 2004, Elena Aleksandrovna was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Administration of the Central District for many years of work, professionalism, organization of the educational process and for active, creative participation in events in the Central Region.

2009/2010 academic year

Full NameGrishina Olga Viktorovna

Position and place of workteacher second

qualification category,

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 421

combined type"

Education higher, Novosibirsk

Pedagogical University

General work experience2 years

Work experience in the organization 2 years

Grishina Olga Viktorovna works educator MBDOU"Kindergarten

No. 421 of the combined type”, has the second qualification category. Since September 2009, she successfully combines the work of an educator with the duties of a teacher-psychologist. Is a student V NSPU course, teaching experience 2 years, in this position 2 years.

The teacher has good professional knowledge, is guided and creatively uses the achievements of modern pedagogy. The organization of pedagogical activity is carried out on the basis of personal - oriented approach, on the principles of consistency, consistency, and the individual capabilities of each child.

Olga Viktorovna pays special attention to correcting the level of aggressiveness of older preschoolers.development of phonemic and syllabic analysis as a necessary step in the early prevention of dysgraphia in children In-depth work on this problem contributed to the creation of a project of pedagogical activity. As a result of the implementation of the project to correct the level of aggressiveness of older preschoolers, the following results were achieved: a decrease in the level of aggressiveness in children; promotion psychological culture parents and teachers. In 2010, Olga Viktorovna became the winner of the city competition innovative projects"New School of Novosibirsk".

The work on educating a psychologically healthy person takes place in close cooperation with educators, the music director and parents, for whom consultations are regularly held.Organizing partnership interaction with the families of pupils, Olga Viktorovna uses innovative methods, such as joint development of projects, the organization of a club for parents "Mutual Understanding", the creation of an information newspaper "One - a word, two - a word."

Olga Viktorovna strives for professional growth, accepts Active participation in the methodological activities of a preschool institution: in conducting a consultation for teachers “The impact of the media on the level of anxiety in preschool children”; pedagogical council "Game as a priority means of development of preschoolers", etc. As part of the XV II International educational exhibition "UCHSIB - 2009"Olga Viktorovna was heldgame program "Formationsocial skills of children's behavior in the process gaming activity". In March 2010, Olga Viktorovna participated in the IV Forum of Young Teachers of the city of Novosibirsk "Pedagogical INTERRA".

Olga Viktorovna is the winner of the regional stage of the city competition for young teachers " new school - modern teacher" in the nomination"Best pedagogical project». Grishina Olga Viktorovna represented the Central District at the 1st city competition for young teachers "The New School - a Modern Teacher" in Novosibirsk.

The professional activity of Olga Viktorovna was marked by a letter of thanks from the mayor's office of the city of Novosibirsk in 2010.

In communication with colleagues, parents Grishina Olga Viktorovna has established herself as a communicative, competent teacher.

2010/2011 academic year

Surname, name, patronymic Makarovskaya Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Position, place of workteacher MBDOU "Kindergarten

No. 421 combined type "

Date and place of birth 05.12.82. With. Chernaki Krasnozersky

District of the Novosibirsk region

Education secondary special, Novosibirsk

state vocational

College of Education, economist

Pedagogical experience 4 years

Lyudmila Nikolaevnaresponsible and dedicated teacher, possessing good professional knowledge, creatively using the achievements of modern pedagogy. The organization of pedagogical activity is carried out on the basis of a personality-oriented approach, on the principles of consistency, systematicity, and the individual capabilities of each child.

Created Lyudmila Nikolaevnathe developing environment allows children to show enthusiasm and diligence in the classroom, openly express feelings and emotions. The teacher is actively looking for new approaches to the formationinterest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality in children of older preschool age. Lyudmila Nikolaevna developed a pedagogical project "Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality in children of senior preschool age through familiarization with the fine arts."

The teacher knows the basics of artistic embroidery. In 2009, Lyudmila Nikolaevna took part in the regional festival of arts and crafts "The world of creativity - the world of good." In the nomination "Artistic embroidery, hand weaving, author's doll" creative work The teacher was awarded an encouraging diploma.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna pays special attention to health-saving activities.The educator builds the educational process taking into account pedagogical diagnostics, the results of which make it possible to carry out the optimal right choice methods and techniques, age appropriate children, which achieves high effectiveness of pedagogical activity: positive dynamics of the physical and mental level of children's health, increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of the parents of pupils. In order to implement the tasks of health-saving activities, the teacher closely cooperates with the released specialists, medical workers and families of pupils. Under the guidance of a teacher, the parents of the pupils of the group actively participate in all activities organized by the preschool institution. For example: joint holidays “Health Day”, “Happy Birthday, Novosibirsk”, performances “Wolf and Seven Kids”, “Cinderella”, exhibitions “Gifts of Nature”, “Easter Fair”, etc.

Lyudmila Nikolaevna strives for professional growth,regularly participates in the methodological activities of a preschool institution, in conducting traditional literary quizbased on the work of A.S. Pushkin"What a delight these fairy tales are!", pedagogical council "United educational space Kindergarten - family» » , conducts consultations for teachers: “Improving physical condition and health of the child”, “Formation of the personality of the child in the process of familiarization with art”.Lyudmila Nikolaevna is a member of the creative group for the implementation of the program of experimental activities of MBDOU d / s No. 421 on the topic "Creation effective system methodical work aimed at improving the professional competence of teachers in the field of child development fine arts through self-education.

Makarovskaya Ludmila Nikolaevnaimproved her skills at NIPKiPRO in 2008 on topics: "Theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution", "Rhetoric", "Features of the upbringing of boys and girls."

Ludmila Nikolaevna -a passionate teacher, communicates with children with love and respect, knows how to find an individual approach to each child.The educator easily finds contact with the parents of pupils and work colleagues, has the ability to extinguish conflict situations, friendly, responsive, open to communication.

For conscientious work, success in professional activities, Lyudmila Nikolaevna was awarded in 2009 with a letter of thanks from the education department of the Central District Administration.




In 1974 N.N. graduated from Udmurt State University in the specialty "teacher of physical education", in 1982 - Sverdlovsk State pedagogical institute in the specialty "Oligofrenopedagogy", received the qualification "teacher of an auxiliary school".

General work experience N.N. is 38 years old. From 1995 to 2002, he worked as deputy head of the regional center administration. While working in this position, he constantly had to hold meetings with the population and resolve issues related to the improvement, gasification and maintenance of adjacent territories.

In the Zavyalovsky special (correctional) boarding school N.N. has been working for 25 years, since 2010 as an educator. In December 2011, he passed certification for compliance with the position of educator and training in courses at IPKiPRO on the topic: “Prevention and correction aggressive behavior". Qualification of an oligophrenopedagogue and his life experience help pupils in determining interaction with society. For the organization of classes with children and the implementation of evaluative reflection uses various methods and technology. Established school documentation is on paper and electronic media. N.N. constantly working on the study of forecasting techniques pedagogical results in the education of students with special health needs.

Systematically fills in diaries of observations, if deviations are detected, he makes adjustments to his professional activities.

The teacher is focused on creating a positive atmosphere with pupils, solves situations close to reality. He can identify factors hindering the development of the personality of students, and takes measures to provide them with various types of assistance. N.N. focuses on children's relationships and acts in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The theme of self-education of the educator is "Prevention of injuries in the educational process." Guidelines, labor protection rules, were repeatedly voiced at teachers' councils, meetings, interviews. N.N. organizes educational work cadets in the school. In 2010-11 academic year in school event"Initiation to the Cadets", showed initiative, invention and desire to make this day memorable for the pupils.

The educational work of a teacher is based on the principles of self-realization, humanization of relations between children and adults. Pupils N.N. are active in the collective creative affairs of the class, school. They are winners of competitions of drawings and creative teams on fire safety ( district competition“It is easier to prevent a fire than to put it out” II place, “Our friend is fire”). He skillfully uses his rich experience in the labor field, helps to make crafts from various materials, conducts workshops on instilling sanitary and hygienic skills in children, keeping the home and territory clean and tidy.

The forms of spending leisure time for pupils are interesting (reader conferences, excursions to the fire department, watching videos on fire safety, thematic weeks, joint events with firefighters), which are organized by N.N. . Every year there are excursions to nature, fishing trips, trips to the airport in order to observe the takeoff and landing of passenger aircraft. All the activities of the educator contribute to the better socialization of pupils.

Over the years of work at the school, he proved himself to be a knowledgeable, demanding and attentive specialist. He has modern general scientific knowledge in pedagogy and psychology. has an individual approach to children. Graduate students often turn to him for advice in the post-school period.

During his work, he gained respect in the school team. N.N. was awarded with diplomas of the school administration, in 1994 with the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science Udmurt Republic, in 2008 "Certificate of Honor State Council Udmurt Republic".

Head teacher:

Svetlana Savostyanova
An exemplary sample of writing a characteristic-representation for a teacher

caregiver(FULL NAME.) carries out pedagogical activity in our educational institution since ___ years. Graduated in ___ year (educational institution) by specialty (speciality). Has ___ qualification category by position « educator» .

(Name and patronymic) - educator with high creative potential, having a good theoretical and methodological training, successfully applying in his professional activity new modern approaches in the field of pedagogy.

(FULL NAME) constantly improving his level pedagogical excellence at courses, seminars, methodological associations of the city Moscow:

(listing of all completed advanced training courses, participation in conferences, webinars.)

(FULL NAME) respected by colleagues and parents. Children love their teacher very much. (Name and patronymic) possesses a competent, expressive, figurative speech. Always friendly, attentive and tactful in dealing with colleagues, parents and children. With great pleasure participates in all recreational activities for children, playing different the nature of the role. Very artistic, emotional, she selects and makes costumes and attributes necessary for the role. (Name and patronymic) always participates in district, district and city competitions in the nominations "Creativity of teachers and children." Repeatedly awarded with diplomas and commendations letters:

(list of diplomas, diplomas, letters of thanks)

(Name and patronymic) knows and observes all forms of moral behavior and applies moral standards in dealing with children and colleagues, observes the principles of professional ethics, tolerance, has a pedagogical tact. In pedagogical work with children, he always uses an individual approach, taking into account individual characteristics pupils. (FULL NAME.) can find strengths and development prospects for everyone pupil. He notes even the small achievements of the child, demonstrates to parents, peers, teachers of the preschool educational institution his successes.

The teacher has accumulated, developed and systematized a large number of exercises, games, manuals, developed lesson plans for working with children.

(Name and patronymic) enjoys authority and respect in the team, her performances at pedagogical councils and seminars is of interest to colleagues. She presents her work experience at various events in the preschool educational institution, district, district and city. Moscow:

(list of events)

(Name and patronymic) systematically analyzes the level of assimilation of program material pupils. Pedagogical work builds in accordance with regulatory framework and program and methodological requirements for the organization of work with children of preschool age. Organizes educational activities of children, taking into account age, individual and typological features preschoolers. In order to increase children's interest in learning and conscious assimilation of knowledge, (Name and patronymic) uses new technologies computer programs to carry out various activities.

(Name and patronymic) publishes his methodological developments in mass media:

(list of publications with certificate numbers)

(FULL NAME.)- kind and man of heart, builds its relationships with colleagues on trust, respect and exactingness, takes an active part in public life kindergarten.

for personal and professional quality (Name and patronymic) enjoys well-deserved authority and respect among colleagues and parents pupils.