What foods contain and how does vitamin H affect human health. Influence on your rivals

Speaking of the subconscious, most often they mean any actions under the influence of unconscious thoughts. But now this concept is much broader and includes fast memory - a storehouse of thoughts of an automatic nature. What we attach special importance to and what we most often reproduce in our actions.

Two sides of the same coin

Freud was the first to divide the human psyche into the conscious and the unconscious. His claims were disputed then and now. But with what human psyche two sides with various functions everyone agrees.

Very often we make our choice without thinking, comprehending what happened later. This can be called intuition or reflexes, but in fact the reason is the subconscious. It can help in achieving the goal or hinder.

Having revealed the degree of influence of the subconscious on a person's life, one can understand what is hidden inside us. Often people themselves do not understand what is hidden inside them. Are they talented? Do they have creativity? What are their goals and dreams really. For example, a person does not remember anything about his first day in kindergarten, but the subconscious mind remembers, because it scans every experienced event and every emotion. human subconscious- this is what can convince you of the correctness of the chosen decision, relieve fears and help you achieve what you want.

If we imagine a person as a kind of metaphysical “tree”, then the subconscious is its root.

How the subconscious affects our lives: attitudes

When you face any difficulty in life path, they are not always related to external circumstances. A huge percentage of such troubles are based on internal contradictions and limited perspectives. To sort out this issue in more detail, it makes sense to turn to the help of a professional psychic.

Depending on how you program yourself on a subconscious level, and it will add up life credo and attitude to everything that surrounds you. This affects self-esteem, and is the "root" of character.

Everything that significantly changes a person's personality is all the influence on the subconscious. Fortunately, the subconscious is not a cobblestone, but clay - a plastic, amenable to influence material. Without an inner desire to change, your "I" will remain the same as it was. You won’t be able to “tie up” with an addiction, earn a large amount of money, you won’t be able to change yourself. The problems that you face in life will not be solved. Problems will not go away, they are too deep inside.

takes place. The school of healing will help you understand all the subtleties of this issue. You can control your destiny by controlling your subconscious mind.

Amazing features of the subconscious

Or maybe we ourselves distort our lives without realizing it? This is not entirely true, the whole point is that the main thing is to deal with your inner “I” in time.

In fact, the subconscious mind is neutral, does not distinguish between good and bad. They take everything for granted. Before the beginning public speaking a person keeps repeating in his head: “This will be a failure, a real shame, everything that I taught flew out of my head.” And on a subconscious level, it will. You will actually forget what you wanted to say, you will be confused and blush. And all because you initially programmed yourself that way.

The first step to change is thinking. After all, they constantly return to the most important thing for us. So, if you have a desire to change reality, you should start with thoughts.

How do subconscious attitudes change?

Every second a lot of thoughts “spin” in the mind of a person. They can be positive, or, on the contrary, carry one negative. The way we think is one of our habits.

Focus on how and what you think. And then, without hesitation, you can direct the “searchlight of thoughts” to anything - pluses, goals, success. Of course, it will be difficult, nothing is given just like that, but isn't the ability to face your destiny, to suppress fear and insecurity worth it?

Such a habit will certainly become useful. Draw more analogies between yourself and the world around you. Make peace with yourself. Images of health, success and good luck should reign in your mind.

The goals laid down in daily reasoning are the most powerful key tool. habitual thinking attracts to man specific events, forming the line of fate.

Only you can do this, no one else. Reading and understanding is not enough. The action will start only if it is used in a particular life situation.

There are other methods by which new beliefs are created in the subconscious. They will make it possible to rebuild only on positive thoughts.

In order to achieve influence over others, you will need to exceed the standards of all expectations and reach the heights of excellence, as well as have absolute confidence in your abilities and what you intend to achieve. Serve as a source of words, wisdom and prosperity in what other people only want to get. Understand the significance social influence first for yourself, and then enlighten other people about what they can do in this life.


Impact on employees

    Gain confidence. You can influence other people, thereby collecting the fruits of your authority as respect from your colleagues. Confident people are much more likely to become leaders than their less confident counterparts. A courageous stance and an appropriate tone of voice, combined with optimism, indicate the presence of self-control and power, which are two traits that people covet.

    • One way to sound more confident is to avoid words like "maybe" and "try." For example, instead of saying "We will try to solve this problem", say, "We will solve this problem and here's how..." By getting rid of the words of hesitation, people will sincerely believe that you really have the answer to the question and, therefore, they are more likely to follow you.
    • Franklin Roosevelt had a very strong influence on the American people with their confident statements, such as: "The American people will win a crushing victory" in his 1941 speech on the attack on Pearl Harbor: "No matter how long it takes to recover from this insidious attack, the American people, with their pious intent will get a crushing victory over the enemy."
  1. Gain knowledge and explore. Decide what you really want to achieve and learn everything you can about your goal. You should know almost everything by which you want to influence other people. Also, be prepared to answer any questions from your potential followers. After all, knowledge is power! Proper research will give you an absolute understanding of your business, which will help you gain impressive freedom and dexterity in the area you need.

    • After all, nature itself points us to obedience to those who know more. We want their advice common sense and wisdom.
  2. Study the person you want to influence. As Dale Carnegie once remarked in his How to Win Friends and Influence People: "...talk to a man about his worries and you will be listened to for hours." People will immediately begin to feel sympathy for you if you show interest in them. Find out what the person likes and dislikes, what his hobbies and activities are, what his favorite sports team is, etc. Learn more about the person and get his sympathy, which will soon grow into trust in you and your opinion.

    Be honest, keeping your nature and absoluteness. Spreading outright lies will only get you into trouble if you get caught. Being untrue can convince people to no longer trust you, which will negate your ability to influence people.

    Influence on your rivals

    1. Study your opponent's point of view. Understand their point of view and fully understand the root causes of their opinion. It is very important to know the answers to all questions, both from your side and from them. If you know their various answers, then you can justify why your opinion is better. Accept that their statements can also make sense, and also have an understanding of why they formed this or that opinion.

      • Use positive arguments on their part to improve your position by juxtaposing and comparing the facts, and conclude by saying why your side is suggesting the best option for you. specific situation solution.
      • Provide compelling examples and state your intention as the best.
      • Don't underestimate your opponent's opinion. Treat him as an equal, and simply tell him with calm persuasiveness that with your help, both of you can succeed.
    2. Show your dedication in action. Your opponent will try to question your sincerity by asking "why". Your opponents will also find everything negative in your offer, but you can beat their tricks by showing devotion to your knowledge.

      Demonstrate that you are an expert and that you are absolutely sure of it. As we saw earlier, people listen to those who have knowledge and experience. If you show your professionalism regarding the object in question, your opponents will also want to get the same education and perception as you.

      • They, too, may consider themselves experts, but if they see how much you convey your point of view, they will begin to doubt their point of view. If they think that you sincerely believe that you are right, then they will begin to believe in it too.

    Achieving Influence in Trade

    1. Master the unwavering power of persuasion. Persuasion usually consists of tempting offers done in a very attractive manner. Think about who you want to influence and why. Think about how you want to influence them and articulate your thoughts into sentences that grab their attention and hearts.

      • Wordplay is a very powerful communication weapon that can be incredibly productive when trying to win over a customer by selling certain services and products. For example, say: "With us, you don't spend money on creating a logo, you invest in a completely new marketing solution."
      • Don't confuse persuasion with manipulation. You still want to keep their trust, and this can be achieved by giving more attention important facts and aspects.
    2. Benefit from the wave of compliance and social spillovers. The majority of the population tends to agree with the opinion of the majority. People think that by following the majority, they will be positively received and invited to a strong group. influential people, so they will diligently try to adjust their opinion to certain social standards in order to achieve membership in the majority party. Use this trump card to your advantage in the process of selling services or products in your region, which also has a certain prevailing and fundamentally established public opinion.

      • You, too, are part of the universe.
      • Give examples showing the reasons why your product will be popular (using concrete facts, of course). "Most Kolotushki villagers buy Zenith products because their batteries are charged to half in just 20 minutes, saving you both time and money!"
    3. Believe that your product is truly the best. If you managed to convince yourself of this, then you can easily convince other people!

    • Make more friends than enemies. And even if you have enemies, then loyalty to them should be equal to loyalty to your friends.
    • If you are trying to influence the enemy, then stay true to your words.
    • Never betray those who were faithful to you on your "rainy" day, which can significantly undermine your reputation.

Components of human health

Definition 1

Human health is a state in which there is complete well-being, both physically and socially and spiritually.

From a psychophysiological point of view, health can be considered as a necessary and enough level mental and physical performance when implementing different types labor. The magnitude of health loss reflects the degree of impairment in the structures and functions of the body and is characterized by indicators of morbidity and disability.

used to characterize the health status of the population. soreness index, which reflects the prevalence of diseases. The prevalence of diseases is determined by the product of the ratio of diseases per year per 1000 and refers to the average population. This indicator is a collective designation negative indicators health, considered in sanitary statistics as criteria for the state of health.

The human natural environment includes a combination of natural (biotic and abiotic), anthropogenic factors.

Biotic and abiotic factors affecting humans

Biotic and abiotic factors can be combined into natural factors, which characterize the impact on the human body of some features of the area of ​​residence:

  • climatic (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.);
  • geological (geological structure, relief, underground and surface water, the degree of dissection of the relief);
  • biological (the presence of natural prerequisites for diseases, flora and fauna).

Remark 1

The complex of factors that determine the conditions of life is united by various mutual connections. Nature determines the most significant parameters of the economy, however, it is in big addiction from human activities.

The life activity of people and their health directly and through socio-economic conditions are influenced as separate elements. natural environment, as well as their aggregates.

The most significant impacts are:

  • the surface layer of the atmosphere with the phenomena and processes occurring in it;
  • natural waters;
  • geological structure territories;
  • soil cover.

In areas where there is close connection between management and use biological resources(logging, hunting, etc.), in people's lives important role play the surrounding flora and wild animals.

After contact with poisonous plants and animals, the biological components of the landscape can become sources of severe poisoning, serious infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are carried by animals and persist in nature. Along with the natural ingredients landscapes have a wide commercial value.

Natural disasters pose a great danger to the health and life of the population:

  • sat down;
  • earthquakes;
  • tsunami;
  • floods;
  • landslides;
  • hurricanes;
  • avalanches.

The impact of natural conditions is reflected in the demographic behavior of people. There is a close relationship between the level of health of the population, due to external factors and demographic behavior, ongoing demographic processes in the population.

Deficiency or excess of biologically active elements in the chain geological formations → soils → crops → foodstuffs lead to the emergence and development of serious diseases: endemic goiter, cretinism, hypofluorosis, hyperfluorosis, Urov's disease, endemic gout, etc. Among the population that constantly consumes ultra-fresh water, the cardiovascular system is more often seriously affected.

The vital activity of any community of people is inextricably linked with another population. Specific communities with other people unite:

  • business skills;
  • religion;
  • cultural traditions;
  • trade;
  • economic processes;
  • education system;
  • protection from the enemy and much more.

Human communities can feel Negative influence from unintentional or special interference in the processes of their vital activity of other people. This and brought from other regions infectious diseases and ubiquitous military conflicts.

Influence of anthropogenic factors on humans

Remark 2

Usually, anthropogenic factors, whose existence is due economic activity of a person, have a negative impact on the person himself, his health and living conditions.

Man is both a product and a creator of his environment, which provides him physical basis for life and the possibility of moral, intellectual, spiritual and social development.

The quality of life of the population directly depends on the level of development of economic activity.

When researching modern societies people associated with industrial production, consider two sides of the same problem:

  1. The economy as a source of life comfort and material wealth.
  2. The economy as a source of industrial injuries, stress, psychological fatigue, environmental degradation.

In the last article I talked about some ways of manipulating or managing people, today I want to close the gap and introduce you to what psychology of influence on a person.

Psychological influence on a person occurs always and everywhere, but not everyone is familiar with how and what kind of influence on a person occurs. Therefore, I propose to consider and find out what is psychology of influence on a person..

Greetings, dear readers of the blog, I wish you all mental health.

Psychology of influence on a person

Psychological influence on a person can be intentional and unintentional (influence only from presence). Intentional psychology of influencing a person occurs for something, and for some reason (i.e., there is a goal), and unintentional - only for some reason (i.e., it has only a reason, for example, charm).

Exist non-mandatory ways psychological influence per person(request, advice, persuasion, praise, support and consolation; and imperative influence (orders, demands, prohibitions and coercions. There is still disciplinary methods of influencing a person(warnings, reprimands and punishments); threats (intimidation); self-praise and self-edification; criticism; rumors and gossip.

Let us consider in more detail what non-imperative "psychology of influence on a person" is:

Request as a psychology of influence on a person used when they don't want to make an impact official or when someone needs help. In many cases, people (especially children and subordinates) are flattered that instead of an order, a demand, a senior in age or position uses a form of addressing them, in which some element of the supplicant's dependence on the one to whom he addresses is manifested. This immediately changes the attitude of the subject to such an impact: in his mind, an understanding of his significance in the situation that has arisen may arise.
Request has a great psychological impact on a person if clothed
in clear and polite terms and accompanied by respect for his right to refuse if the request causes him any inconvenience.

Advice as a psychology of influence on a person. To offer someone something means to present this something for discussion as a known possibility (option) for solving a problem. Acceptance by the subject of the proposed depends on the degree of hopelessness of the situation in which he is, on the authority of the person who offers, on the attractiveness of the proposed, on the characteristics of the personality of the subject himself. So, in relation to the concept (types of human temperament), the following is noted: a choleric person will rather respond to a proposal with resistance, a sanguine person will show curiosity towards him, a melancholic person will respond with avoidance, and a phlegmatic person will refuse or delay time, since he needs to understand the proposal. (Test: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire)

Beliefs as a psychology of influence on a person. Persuasion is a method of influencing the consciousness of the individual through appeal to her own critical judgment. The basis of persuasion is the clarification of the essence of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, the allocation of social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Persuasion can be considered successful, i.e. psychological influence is obtained if a person becomes able to independently justify decision, evaluating its positive and negative sides. Persuasion appeals to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic, evidence prevails and the persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved. Persuasion as a psychology of influence on a person should create in him a conviction that the other person is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Praise as a psychology of influence on a person. One of the types of positive psychological influence on a person is praise, that is, an approving review of him, high mark his work or deed. Every person has a psychological need for praise.

Woman feels the need for her work to be noted by others. Therefore, housewives and retired women often suffer from an unmet need for recognition, neglect of family members and underestimation of their work.

The male also likes to be praised for his work, but at the same time, if he is sure that he did the job well, then he will have a high opinion of himself even if his work is not recognized by others. Consequently, men are more independent in self-assessments from the opinions of others.

Support and consolation as a psychology of influence on a person.

Words of encouragement can convince, encourage, inspire, soothe, comfort, or amuse. Supporting doesn't mean making false claims or telling people what they want to hear. When words of encouragement don't line up with facts, they can trigger destructive behavior.

To comfort means to help a person perceive himself and his situation more positively. Consolation is associated with an empathic (sympathetic) response to the failure or grief of the interlocutor and shows that he is understood, sympathized with him and accepted.
Consoling, support the interlocutor, calm him down.

Suggestion (suggestion) as a psychology of influence on a person.
Suggestion is understood as the psychological influence of one person (inspirer) on another (suggestible), carried out with the help of speech and not speech means communication and characterized by reduced argumentation on the part of the inspirer and low criticality in the perception of the transmitted content on the part of the suggested.
When suggesting, the one who is inspired believes in the arguments of the person who inspires, expressed even without evidence. In this case, he focuses not so much on the content of the suggestion as on its form and source, that is, on the suggester. The suggestion received by the person who is suggested becomes his internal installation, which directs and stimulates its activity in the formation of intention.
There are three forms of suggestion: strong persuasion, pressure, and emotional-volitional influence.

Now consider what is the imperative psychology of influence on a person:

Order, demand and prohibition as the psychology of influence on a person.
Order- psychological influence on a person in the form of an official order of the one who is invested with power.
Requirement- this is a psychological influence on a person expressed in a decisive, categorical form in the form of a request for what should be done, for which the one who requires it has the right.
Ban- a form of psychological influence on a person, in which a person is not allowed to do or use anything.
These forms of psychological influence on a person can be used in cases where one person has the right to control the behavior of another (others).

At the same time, it should be taken into account that these forms of influence are psychologically perceived by the subject as a manifestation of his power to others, as coercion, and even in some cases - as violence against his personality. Naturally, this leads to internal resistance put forward requirements and prohibitions, since a person does not want to be an obedient toy in the hands of another. He wants the requirements to have a certain significance for him, to meet his needs, attitudes, moral principles.
Take off this backlash possible by carefully arguing the proposed requirement.

Coercion as a psychology of influence on a person.
Coercion, as a psychological influence on a person, is usually used in cases where other forms of influence on the motivation and behavior of the subject are ineffective or when there is no time to use them. This way of influencing a person is expressed in a direct requirement to agree with the proposed opinion or decision, to accept a ready-made standard of behavior, etc. if the subject does not agree with this.

The positive side of the psychological influence on a person in the form of coercion is that it can contribute to the removal conflict situation on the this segment time and performance by the subject necessary action. In addition, this is one of the ways to cultivate a sense of duty. “A person who does not know how to force himself to do what he does not want will never achieve what he wants,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky.

Psychology of influence on a person in the form of disciplinary measures of influence.

Warning as an influence on a person, is the mildest disciplinary action. Speaking in bureaucratic language, this is “putting it in sight”. It means that next time the impact will be more severe.

Reprimand as an influence on a person, which is exactly what it is. It is drawn up by order of the head, entered into a personal file and is the basis for the dismissal of the employee.

Punishment as an influence on a person, involves depriving a person of something significant for him (if this is a child - deprivation of a walk, watching a movie, etc.; an employee - deprivation of bonuses, vacations in summer time etc.; soldier - layoffs on weekends, etc .; most high measure punishment is imprisonment).

The psychological impact on a person in the form of disciplinary measures is determined by the severity of the offense, taking into account the age of the offender, the scale of his deed and other factors.

Threat (intimidation) as a psychology of influence on a person.

Threats are another way of psychological influence on a person. A threat is a promise to cause a person trouble, evil. It is used to cause anxiety or fear in a person: an alarmed, and even more frightened, person is easily
subject to other people's influence.

As a factor of psychological influence on a person, intimidation is most common in such social relationships, the rupture of which is difficult or impossible (army, family, educational establishments, prison).

“Innocent” blackmail is also used to psychologically influence a person (friendly hints at mistakes, mistakes made by a person in the past; playful mention of “old sins” or personal secrets of a person).

Self-praise and self-edification as a psychology of influence on a person.

In order to influence other people through their authority, some people resort to self-praise. Sometimes this leads to the desired effect: people begin to treat such a person with more respect. However, most often the "self-promoter" achieves reverse effect. Having "seen" him, people begin to perceive him as an empty, importunate, narrow-minded and narcissistic bouncer or as a person with low self-esteem. Therefore, this method of influencing others must be approached with caution.

self-edification aims to make others feel guilty. To do this, a person sets himself as an example: “I am at your age ...” - parents say to their children, pointing to their achievements. A person representing himself as a role model seeks to emphasize his exemplary, exemplary
thoughts and actions, so that the interlocutor, against his background, realizes his own worthlessness and guilt for it. The calculation here is that it is unpleasant for a person to feel guilty, he seeks to get rid of this experience, wants to “make amends” and therefore becomes easily manageable.

Criticism as a psychology of influence on a person.

People are very sensitive to the slightest hint of criticism. This happens because, in general, negative information turns out to be more significant for people than positive information, since, being less common, it attracts more attention to itself.

Rumors and gossip as the psychology of influence on a person.
Rumors- this is specific kind informal interpersonal communication, this is a message (coming from one or more persons) about some events, not officially confirmed, orally transmitted in a mass of people from one person to another.
Rumors are a means of psychological influence on changing opinions, attitudes, moods, and behavior. Rumors can be used to strengthen the authority of their distributors, cause people to distrust each other, and generate doubts. different kind.
Contribute to the spread of rumors lack of information, subjective ambiguity of events. They either arise spontaneously, or are fabricated and distributed purposefully.

Gossip are rumors based on inaccurate or deliberately false information about someone. The purpose of gossip is to sow distrust, anger, envy towards this or that person. As a rule, gossip spreads in time and space very quickly if not stopped in time. Gossip is characterized by a combination of lies and truth, and there were fables. This makes her at first timid, weak, but then she grows non-stop, acquiring new conjectures.
The only protection from gossip is its public refutation and the discovery of its inconsistency.

So this article on the psychology of influencing a person has ended, I hope you found something important for yourself in it?

I wish you all good luck!

Today we will discuss about the impact of H1,H2,…,H5 heading tags.

There are many myths about the influence of these tags. Today I will dispel many of these myths.

Undoubtedly greatest influence H1 than H2, H3, H4, H5.

The usual structure for writing tags is as follows:

H1- 1 main keyword
H2- 4-6 inclusions of this tag are placed on the page, a sentence is placed in each tag, where the rest of the keywords are included.

Who did not understand or in the tank (or maybe I explained so poorly), I will show with an example:

Let's say we are given keywords: key1, key2, key3, key4,…key8





This is the most optimal distribution of keys in title tags. If you notice, I place only H1 and H2 tags in the text of the page. The rest of the tags I just don't use.

I do not use it for two reasons -

1. The influence of H3,H4,H5 tags is negligible
2. Including keywords in H3,H4,H5 can lead to page spamming keywords.

Remember once and for all:

By internal optimization of the site, we show first of all that we have a SMALL predominance of keywords on the page, but not so obvious.

Therefore, there is no need to re-optimize the text with keywords and the H3, H4, H5 tags are superfluous here. They are simply not needed. We have already marked the priority of the keywords we need with H1 and H2 tags.

If you don't use H3,H4,H5 tags, but my competitor does, will he rank higher than me?

He will not rank higher than you. Most likely his site will fall under the filter.

Can H1 be used multiple times in the text of a page?

Yes, you can, but you don't have to use it. Or rather, it won't do much good.
… I know, I know that now many will say that more than one H1 on a website page is a big sin and is considered spam. By at least this is official information.

… But this is only official information. In practice, the opposite is true.

At one time I worked at the hosting company Majordomo and displayed their website on request "hosting" in the regions of St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Sites brought out in both regions (Moscow - 8th place, St. Petersburg - 1st place). So on this site H1 occurs 5 times on each page.

There are no sanctions from Yandex. Of course, I tried to remove 4 extra H1s, but no movements from Yandex were noticed.
Now there is still 5 H1 on each page and everything is fine in the TOP, and in the megaTOP.

I hope I dispelled the myth about sanctions for several H1s on one page.
But at the same time, there is no point in putting several H1s on the page. Just because it won't make much sense.

Make one H1, that's enough.

Is it possible to enter one phrase in Title and H1?

A very common question. Sometimes for the same titles and H1 pissemizes the page, but not always, it all depends on the level of trust of the site.
In general, the spelling of the same phrase in the Title and H1 is hardcoded in many popular engines. For example, in WordPress, the title and H1 are the same. I have a WordPress blog and the title and H1 are the same and fine :)
But then again, it doesn’t happen once at a time, sometimes it really pissemizes for such a double.
I have one thought about this:

If engines automatically set titles and H1 to be the same, then there are no sanctions. And if the engines do not automatically do this, then Yandex considers this unnatural. Therefore, sometimes for this reason, unnaturalness pissemizes the site.

In general, on client sites, I try to include part of the phrase from the title in H1 and be sure to add neutral words.

In general, it's all about title tags.