What is called the psychological inertia of thinking. Bleikher V.M

Any invention has many enemies. One of the most formidable psychological inertia of thinking. Let's get to know her better.

It must be said that psychologists do not recognize this term and instead give many others: low efficiency of thinking, unwillingness to make efforts to find a solution, etc. Maybe they are right, but the term "psychological inertia of thinking" expresses all this in a shorter and more understandable way. .

Psychological inertia of thinking this is a predisposition to any particular method and way of thinking when solving a problem, ignoring all possibilities, except for the one that was encountered at the very beginning. This definition quite clearly reflects the essence of the psychological inertia of thinking, although it does not cover all its diversity.

FROM psychological inertia thinking we meet all the time, it brings comfort and tranquility to our lives, although sometimes it can do a disservice. The habit of eating the same meals, dressing the same, sitting in the same place, and even writing with the same pen are all manifestations of psychological inertia.

The psychological inertia of thinking is the stronger, the more knowledge we possess. Having received information about something new and unknown, we strive to find an explanation for it within the framework of our knowledge system. If it does not fit in there because it is new, then attempts are made to somehow squeeze it into the existing system of knowledge or discard it. There are many examples of this. Let's remember how hard it is to accept scientific environment fundamentally new directions. Yes, there is no need to go far, remember how hard it is to introduce new original proposals.

All the activities of designers and designers are focused on the use of well-known, proven technical solutions available in the regulatory documentation, and when it becomes necessary to solve a non-standard problem, many come to a standstill or try to adapt known solutions. But this does not mean that all people are subject to the psychological inertia of thinking, and it is impossible to fight against it. There are people who by nature have a lively, mobile mind, well accepting everything new.

The psychological inertia of thinking causes great harm to the development of technology, so it must be combated. Let us consider carefully what the enemy is, in what forms and forms it manifests itself.

The most harmful manifestation of the psychological inertia of thinking is the rejection of fundamentally new ideas and decisions by people on whom further development and implementation of these ideas. The usual consequences of this delay in the use of ideas for years or decades, huge economic losses. History knows many examples of this kind. Let's consider a few of them.

The young American inventor Fulton once came to Napoleon and offered to replace the French sailing fleet steam powered ships. They could cross the English Channel in any weather and carry out landing operations at the most unexpected moments for the enemy. Ships without sails? The very idea seemed so incredible to the great commander that he ridiculed the inventor. According to British historians, England was saved from invasion in large part because Napoleon failed to appreciate Fulton's invention. AT this case the psychological inertia of thinking manifested itself in the form of a complete denial of a new idea without any special evidence.

So, we can single out the first form of manifestation of the psychological inertia of thinking.

Complete rejection and rejection of the new idea

It has two varieties. We considered the first of them: without proof of the absurdity and uselessness of the proposal. But another form of manifestation is also possible: with arguments that deny or limit the possibility of using the invention. Here it should be noted right away that cases are excluded from consideration when a person deliberately rejects new ideas in order to preserve his priority, prestige, position, knowledge, etc. We consider only cases of unconscious delusions.

A well-known Russian military thinker, an advanced man of his time, General Dragomirov, spoke of the new invention, the machine gun, as follows:

If the same person had to be killed several times, then this would be a wonderful weapon, since at 600 shots per minute there are 10 bullets per second. To the misfortune of fans of such a rapid release of bullets, it is enough to shoot a person once, and then shoot him in pursuit while he falls, as far as I know, there is no need.

So General Dragomirov convincingly proved the uselessness of a machine gun.

Even famous inventors sometimes fell under the influence of the psychological inertia of thinking. For example, T. Edison, the author of many inventions, including the telephone, categorically denied the possibility of ever talking on the phone through Atlantic Ocean. However, even during the life of Edison, this idea was realized.

The next form of manifestation of the psychological inertia of thinking.

Acceptance on faith of the provisions expressed by authoritative people

There is such historical example. Aristotle, great naturalist In ancient times, he wrote in one of his writings that the fly has 8 legs. This was sacredly believed for almost two millennia, until someone bothered to count the legs of an annoying insect. There were six of them.

A variation of this type of psychological inertia of thinking is stubborn upholding common point vision. This form of manifestation of the psychological inertia of thinking is characteristic of all times, not excluding our days.

Using old operating principles in new devices

The first steam locomotive pushed off the ground with its legs sticking out from behind. The first electric motor was a complete copy steam engine, only the piston was pulled in turn by two electromagnets switched by a spool, etc.

How does a carpenter plan boards? Forward stroke chips are removed, then the planer is retracted idling, then working stroke again, etc. It is difficult for a person to work in both directions, but for a machine? And now, it turns out, the same principle is laid down in longitudinal planing and grinding machines: one working move, one idle. Is it possible to make both moves work? Of course, it is possible, but the psychological inertia of thinking did not allow the designers to see this possibility, and modern machine tools equipped with microprocessors and manipulators use the old principle of operation.

Inability to transfer knowledge to related or other areas

Many examples can be cited that confirm this form of psychological inertia of thinking. The physicist Hertz, who discovered radio waves, could not agree that his discovery would find application in communication technology. "Don't argue," Hertz dismissed, "I discovered these waves myself. I know better." This continued until A. S. Popov, without arguing with Hertz, built the first radio station.

Another example.

Microbiologists performed thousands of experiments to find ways to defeat pathogenic bacteria. But the experiments were often interfered with by mold. Wherever she appeared, the microbes immediately died. Microbiologists desperately fought mold, protected laboratory glassware from it. And only 20 years later, the English researcher Fleming came to the conclusion that the mold contains some kind of substance that destroys microbes, and it can be used to treat diseases. This is how penicillin was born. His invention was 20 years late. During this time, about 20 million people who could have been saved died from various infectious diseases.

Next example. In the 1950s, metallurgical scientists tried to use high-frequency heating to melt metal. electromagnetic field. However, nothing worked, the metal heated up only at the surface and stubbornly did not want to heat up inside. Several years of experiments did not bring success, and the experiments were discontinued. And only ten years later, other scientists were able to use this property of the high-frequency field for surface heating and hardening of products. Again, the invention was late for many years due to the psychological inertia of thinking.

To the same form of psychological inertia of thinking can be attributed solution inventive problems within a narrow specialization.

Our century is the century of narrow specialization. A specialist in railway automation does not know how elevator automation works, an aircraft designer is very far from a combine designer, etc. Each of them uses literature only in his specialty, communicates only with colleagues, and strives to solve all problems only within his specialization. In many cases, it never occurs to anyone to look at how the same problems are solved in other areas of technology, in the animal and plant world, in the microworld, and so on.

Use of objects only for their intended purpose

This form of psychological inertia of thinking is also quite frequent occurrence. Few people think of using devices and technologies for other purposes. When it is possible to overcome the psychological inertia of thinking of this kind, inventions for application arise.

So, we can sum up. Psychological inertia is many-sided and ubiquitous. How to deal with it? First of all, know in what forms it manifests itself, and try to avoid it.

Inventive thought has accumulated a number of techniques and recommendations to overcome the psychological inertia of thinking in the course of solving problems.

Here is some of them:

  1. Rejection of terms. The terms impose the old idea of ​​the technology of the object, hide the features of substances and narrow the idea of ​​their possible states. When formulating the problem, it is necessary to replace the terms with simple, non-technical words, avoiding special terminology in every possible way.
  2. Reformulation of the problem for another area of ​​technology. This recommendation is based on known premise: creative human activity is productive in a new and unknown area for him. This technique is especially effective when setting a task in front of a group. narrow specialists. It is widely used in brainstorming.
  3. Develop the ability to see the hidden properties of an object.
  4. Find new uses for known objects.
  5. Develop associative thinking. To do this, we can recommend the exercise of making the longest possible chain. associations between two apparently completely unrelated expressions.

We have considered only a few types of manifestation of the psychological inertia of thinking. Of course, it is difficult to cover all their diversity, but even the materials presented here can help in the fight against this phenomenon.

Consists of a closed mind existing system, unwillingness to move away from current ideas and beliefs.

The inertia of thinking is useful and necessary in Everyday life. It frees one from having to decide what has already been decided.

At the same time, this is the main obstacle to the discovery of new things.

Often the inertia of thinking is characteristic not so much for people who are far from discoveries, but for those who make these discoveries.

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Following the outbreak of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, followed by ethnic oppression, on September 11, 1988, the first public call for the restoration of Estonian independence took place. And again, Soviet society reacted quite calmly to given fact. As well as the fact that already on November 16, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR, the Declaration on Sovereignty and the Declaration on union treaty. Lithuania, Latvia, Abkhazia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova - the parade of sovereignties that began simply shouted that the process of disintegration of the country was gaining momentum. But how did the Soviet society react to it? Absolutely calmly, trusting, as usual in Russia, that “they know better what they are doing”, “the bosses will figure it out”, “they didn’t feel like that”, etc. At the same time, “at the top” - one of the two either really knew what they were doing, or had no idea what to do. The so-called reform attempts Soviet system led to a deepening crisis in the country

A.V. Sopelnyak

per year by 2%. AT

The analytical center under the Russian government emphasizes that due to the stalling of the import substitution program, the prices of “all key socially significant food products” have increased significantly. This is import substitution! A similar picture is observed in all, without exception, sectors of the Russian Federation. How does Putin's "import substitution" differ from Gorbachev's "perestroika"? How do local conflicts on the outskirts of the USSR, the war in Afghanistan, in which thousands of Russian soldiers died, differ from the unresolved conflict in the Donbass and the war in Syria? Nothing. And the reaction of society, encouraged by the "victories" of television propaganda, is similar. Most people continue to follow the course of inertia thinking. Gorbachev, after four years of mediocre management, admitted that there was a crisis in the USSR. In 1989, the beginning of the economic crisis in the USSR was officially announced for the first time (economic growth is replaced by a fall). Putin, apparently, is not going to do this, especially since presidential elections are ahead.

called the following:


As in the late USSR, which lived out its last years, life of citizens in Putin's Russia possesses all the same psychological inertia. People who are generally accustomed or accustomed to thinking in certain cliches, living in a certain system of coordinates and methods set by propaganda, cannot go beyond their barriers, which ignores the perception of impending and already ongoing processes that are most difficult for the survival of the state. And not only global, but also concerning each person personally.

The chronology of the collapse of the Union among those who survived six years of the reign of M. S. Gorbachev was mainly fixed in their memory on the climactic events (and media personalities) of 1990-1991. As if only and exclusively they influenced the course and crash Soviet history. A lot of other milestones, facts, trends, and phenomena preceding the Belovezhskaya collusion were simply ignored by public opinion.

For example, in 1985, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, MS Gorbachev, and his supporters began the policy of perestroika. Few ordinary people were moved by this fact. The USSR, as the then propaganda claimed, was at the peak of its power, socialism was built, the state was moving towards building a communist society. Why did something need to be rebuilt? But the people "swallowed" this bait, practically without analyzing and without making any deep conclusions at that time.

What phenomena did perestroika give rise to? In addition to the fact that the political activity of the people has grown sharply, mass movements and organizations have formed, including radical and nationalist ones. great country rather sluggishly reacted to the intercommunal conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in 1987, which arose against the backdrop of a sharp rise national movements in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Following the outbreak of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, followed by ethnic oppression, on September 11, 1988, the first public call for the restoration of Estonian independence took place. And again, Soviet society reacted quite calmly to this fact. As well as the fact that already on November 16, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR, the Declaration of Sovereignty and the Declaration on the Union Treaty were adopted. Lithuania, Latvia, Abkhazia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova - the parade of sovereignties that began simply shouted that the process of disintegration of the country was gaining momentum. But how did the Soviet society react to it? Absolutely calmly, trusting, as usual in Russia, that “they know better what they are doing”, “the bosses will figure it out”, “they didn’t feel like that”, etc. At the same time, “at the top” - one of the two either really knew what they were doing, or had no idea what to do. The so-called attempts to reform the Soviet system led to a deepening crisis in the country.

In psychology, there is such a concept - the inertia of thinking. This is a predisposition to any particular method and way of thinking in solving a problem, ignoring all possibilities, except for the one encountered at the very beginning. As A.V. Sopelnyak writes, “the psychological inertia of thinking is the stronger, the more knowledge we have.” Any information is epistemologically perceived by a person and society within the framework of an existing or generally accepted system of knowledge.

An example of the inertia of thinking is the stubborn upholding of the generally accepted point of view or the acceptance on faith of the positions expressed by authoritative people, which are characteristic of all times, not excluding our days. Aristotle, the great naturalist of antiquity, wrote in one of his writings that the fly has eight legs. This was sacredly believed until someone bothered to count the legs of an annoying insect. There were six of them.

Let us recall how hard it is for the scientific community to accept fundamentally new directions or original proposals, which is a manifestation of the psychology of the inertia of thinking. They can be traced in world literature, drama and cinema. Around the world in 80 days is impossible. Going into space is impossible. Cloning a human is incredible. Phone video calls are fantastic. The collapse of the USSR - this cannot be, because it can never be. The people believed in this, as they now believe in the stability and steadfastness of the course of the ruling group in the Russian Federation.

Have you noticed how often we postpone the most difficult, the inevitable to the very end: the most difficult thing is the most disgusting, and at the mere thought of it, the brain seizes inhibition, which physiologists aptly called protective. Like Gorbachev's perestroika, in 2014 the Putin government announced a policy of import substitution in Russia. Three years of unproductive chatter, multibillion-dollar expenses for the so-called import substitution, juggling with individual figures in individual industries economy, but in general - an unattractive picture of complete failure.

For example, two thirds of domestic sausage products do not meet quality requirements. Instead of pork with beef - soy protein, starch and cellulose. Rosselkhoznadzor completely established that 80% of the cheese produced in our country is a fake made with the addition of vegetable fats. At the same time, the statistics of the Accounts Chamber as of January 1 current year stated that the number of cattle amounted to 19.2 million heads, having decreased by 2% over the year.

The Analytical Center under the Government of Russia emphasizes that due to the stalling of the import substitution program, the prices of “all key socially significant food products” have increased significantly. This is import substitution! A similar picture is observed in all, without exception, sectors of the Russian Federation. How does Putin's "import substitution" differ from Gorbachev's "perestroika"? How do local conflicts on the outskirts of the USSR, the war in Afghanistan, in which thousands of Russian soldiers died, differ from the unresolved conflict in the Donbass and the war in Syria? Nothing. And the reaction of society, encouraged by the "victories" of television propaganda, is similar. Most people continue to follow the course of inertia thinking. Gorbachev, after four years of mediocre management, admitted that there was a crisis in the USSR. In 1989, the beginning of the economic crisis in the USSR was officially announced for the first time (economic growth is replaced by a fall). Putin, apparently, is not going to do this, especially since presidential elections are ahead.

At present, among historians and political analysts there is no single point of view on the causes of the collapse of the USSR. Possible reasons include the following:

- centrifugal nationalist tendencies that arose as a result of the failure of the leadership of the USSR to fulfill the tasks civilizational development manifested in the form of interethnic contradictions and desire individual peoples independently develop their culture and economy;

- authoritarian nature Soviet society and gradual, expressed in the nobility of the "elite" - the party nomenklatura, which took shape as an exploiting class and the servility of the population, ideological narrow-mindedness, prohibitions, restrictions, censorship, the absence of a free and mass discussion of alternatives, but most importantly - in their rejection;

- the growing discontent of the population due to purposefully created interruptions in food and the most necessary goods (refrigerators, televisions, toilet paper etc.), ridiculous prohibitions and restrictions (on the size garden plot etc.), the lag in the standard of living from developed countries West;

— disproportions of the extensive economy (characteristic of the period that began after coup d'état 1953 and the Khrushchev “thaw”), which resulted in a constant shortage of consumer goods, a growing technical lag in all areas of the manufacturing industry (which in an extensive economy can only be compensated for by high-cost mobilization measures, a set of such measures under common name"Acceleration" was adopted in 1987, but there were no longer economic opportunities to implement it);

- crisis of confidence economic system: in the 1960s-1970s The main way to deal with the characteristic shortage of consumer goods was chosen to bet on the mass character, simplicity and cheapness of materials, most enterprises worked in three shifts, produced similar products from low-quality materials. The quantitative plan became after 1953 the only way performance evaluation of enterprises, quality control has been minimized. The result of this was a sharp drop in the quality of consumer goods produced in the USSR, as a result, already in the early 1980s. the term "Soviet" in relation to goods was synonymous with the term "low quality". The crisis of confidence in the quality of goods became a crisis of confidence in the entire economic system as a whole;

- row man-made disasters(air crash, Chernobyl accident, the crash of the Admiral Nakhimov, gas explosions, etc.) and the concealment of information about them;

- the decline in world oil prices, which shook the economy of the USSR;

— monocentric decision-making (only in Moscow), which led to inefficiency and loss of time;

- defeat in the arms race, the victory of "Reaganomics" in this race;

Afghan war, cold war, ongoing financial assistance to the countries of the socialist camp, the development of the military-industrial complex to the detriment of other sectors of the economy ruined the budget;

— interest Western states in the weakening of the USSR;

- subversive activities of foreign intelligence services;

- betrayal by the leaders of many departments of state interests and refusal to defend the Motherland in favor of robbing the Motherland in their own interests.

- the conceptual uncertainty of the management of the entire Russian civilization, then called the Soviet Union.

Adapting this list to the realities of Putin's Russia, we can conclude that all these processes did not stop in 1991, they were only frozen. Meanwhile, the same authoritarian nomenclature is now in power in the Russian Federation, who, in a state of uncertainty in the management of the state-civilization and the absence of a healing recipe, have consolidated their exploitative and predatory status. What pushed away (frightened away, disappointed, betrayed) a whole belt of states and republics friendly to Russia. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is downright “servility” of the population, the same ideological narrow-mindedness (now the presidential course is being served as an ideology), prohibitions, restrictions, censorship, repressions, and the absence of a free and mass discussion of alternatives. But the main thing is psychological inertia, which casts doubts, cowardice and indecision, and leads away from the answer, responsibility, action.

This is the most harmful manifestation of the inertia of thinking for society - the rejection of fundamentally new ideas and decisions by people on whom, perhaps, the viability of the state as such depends. This rejection leads to a delay in the implementation of the idea for years or decades, to the collapse of the destinies and hopes of millions of people.

That is why the ideas of the New Type Party about the need for a speedy legal transformation Russian statehood with such difficulty are fixed in the minds of people.

Inertia of thinking! We all face a huge task of overcoming it, that is, bringing the majority of people, our relatives, neighbors, colleagues to another level of consciousness. Where information stamps and political technology blanks are “erased”, change value judgments, old and familiar values ​​give way highest values and beliefs are transformed into knowledge and understanding.

When the inertia of thinking is stopped, then the understanding that without the creation of an opposition power group in Russia, a nationwide political structure becomes a conviction. And the implementation of fundamental "revolutionary" changes in the country for the benefit of the people and the state will become a recognized necessity.


* Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State"(ISIS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, UNA-UNSO, Taliban, Majlis Crimean Tatar people”, “Misanthropic Division”, “Brotherhood” Korchinsky, “Trident them. Stepan Bandera", "Organization Ukrainian nationalists» (OUN)

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Inflexibility, inertia, rigidity thought processes- a significant obstacle to educational work. Starting to study, the student learns many new requirements, rules, methods of action. These rules help him navigate educational material. However, the "sluggishness" of thought, the inertia of thinking often leads to the fact that the student seeks to act in an already fixed way, despite changes in working conditions.

Inertia of thinking, as shown psychological research, inhibits the development of the student's speech: the right words emerge in the mind of the student slowly, with great difficulty, the same words and phrases, once learned, are persistently repeated.

The “inertia of the mind” leads to the fact that a student who has learned something well applies this rule even in spite of the evidence. For example, having learned that insect-pollinated plants have a bright color and a strong smell, some schoolchildren claim both, even about such plants as linden and tulip. Of course they see that the linden has no bright colors, and the tulip does not have a strong smell, but they "taught so"; and the sluggishness of thought prevents them from relating general rule and exceptions to it.

It also happens vice versa: visually perceived external signs obscure the essence of the phenomenon being studied for the inert mind. Ranking a whale or a dolphin by outward signs to fish, the child experiences significant difficulties when he needs to understand that these animals are mammals. Often all the teacher's explanations that the whale breathes air and feeds its young with milk, seem to pass over the ears of the student, and he stubbornly continues to assert that the whale is a fish.

When moving from simple ways work to more complex difficulties at first experienced by almost all students. But for the inert mind they also arise when new way more simple. The main obstacle here is not the level of complexity, but the fact that this is a new, unusual way of working.

The difficulties of perestroika are most acutely felt where there is a need to move from direct method actions to the opposite (we gave such examples at the beginning). Observation of the peculiarities of the work of students in solving direct and inverse problems led psychologists to the following conclusions:

“The inverse problem, presented independently and independently of the direct one, in all cases was solved better and more confidently than when it was presented after the first one. The pattern noted above was very well revealed in the process of proving direct and inverse theorems. The proof of the converse theorem immediately after the direct line has always caused very great difficulties. At the same time, the students with noticeable constancy strayed into the course of reasoning that they learned in the proof of the direct theorem. Same converse theorem, considered independently of the straight line, caused much less difficulties.

The "tricky" of many tasks that baffle schoolchildren during control works or exams, is often explained by the fact that their conditions are not expressed in the usual physical language but in ordinary, everyday terms. Here, the student's ability to translate these concepts into scientific concepts will be for the examiner an undoubted proof of the flexibility of his mind.

Studies by a number of psychologists have shown that the systematic, purposeful development of mental forces, their persistent training for mobility and "switchability" can overcome the inertia of thinking even among the most obvious "heavy-minded". If homogeneous, “monotonous” exercises (it didn’t work out - do the same thing a hundred times until it works!) “in the bud” ruin the student’s mental activity, then the exercises are varied, specially selected so that it was necessary to vary the methods of work, switching from one on the other, make his thinking dynamic, flexible, able to cope with non-standard, unexpected tasks.

What can be done at home to develop the flexibility and mobility of the mind of a student? Significant opportunities for this are provided primarily by checking homework. The more inert the student's thinking, the more pronounced his inclination to word-for-word "memorization" of the material. When teaching a child, when retelling a text, not to reproduce it verbatim, but to state it in his own words, posing questions designed not for simple, mechanical reproduction of what has been learned, but for comprehending the material, establishing relationships and connections in it, “casting bridges” to other previously acquired knowledge, thus, we can help to make his thought “easy-going.” Another possibility for developing the mobility and flexibility of a student’s thinking is to develop his ability to apply old, previously acquired knowledge in new situations, at new stages of educational work. Old knowledge, even firmly acquired, if the student does not know how to apply it, does not connect with the new, is dead and motionless. The picture of such motionless, “not working”, not connecting with each other knowledge was superbly described by K. D. Ushinsky: “Concepts and even ideas lie in his head in such dead strings, as, according to legend, swallows, numb the row lies next to the other, not knowing about the existence of each other, and two ideas, the closest, the most related to each other, can live in such a truly dark head for decades and not see each other. If, on the other hand, we teach the student to constantly correlate new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge, to quickly retrieve, if necessary, old knowledge from memory and actively use it, if, while working on new material, the student gets used to asking himself: “What did I already know about this? And how can it be useful that I already know about it? etc., his knowledge will not be a “dead weight” and his very thought will become more flexible and mobile. It means a lot for the development of flexibility and mobility of thinking and the help that parents provide to children in such types of work as solving problems or proving theorems . If you do not just solve a problem together with a schoolchild (or, as sometimes happens, instead of him), but look for different variants her decisions, evaluating and comparing each option found, this and the immediate results will make it more successful and stable, and will provide a constant opportunity for training the child's mind. Various extracurricular activities, in particular games, activate the mental strength of children. Games like checkers and chess are based on thinking various options actions, on the need for a quick response to enemy actions, often unforeseen. These games are useful for developing the ability to think flexibly, quickly adapting to a constantly changing situation. standard ways solutions. With the inertia of thinking, at first glance, its other quality is similar - slowness. But the resemblance is purely superficial; it often hides a profound difference.

However, sometimes adults take out their irritation on the “slowers”: faster, faster, hurry up! V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote about the senselessness of such prodding: “Oh, how silent slow-thinkers suffer in the classroom. The teacher wants the student to quickly answer the question, he does not care much about how the child thinks, take it out and put a mark on it. He is unaware that it is impossible to speed up the course of a slow but mighty river. Let it flow in accordance with its nature, its waters will surely reach the intended milestone, but do not rush, please, do not be nervous, do not whip the mighty river with a birch vine mark - nothing will help.

Slow is not necessarily bad. The slowness of mental work can also be caused by the fact that the student thoroughly and carefully performs all the necessary “operations”, constantly controls himself. Special Studies showed that many of the slow-thinking children delve deeper into the content of what they are studying, they strive not to reproduce the text verbatim, but to find their own words to express its main thoughts. Deciding math problems, slow-thinking children often come up with more original paths. Slow-thinking is not uncommon among talented, productive scientists. Here is the statement of one of the mathematicians: “The difference between the two types mathematical mind: some quickly grasp and assimilate other people's ideas (erudite grow out of them), others think more original, but slower. Among creatively gifted mathematicians, and, moreover, very deep scientists, there are many slow-witted ones: they are not able to quickly solve even a relatively simple question, but they are able to think deeply and concentratedly for a long time on very difficult problems. Among the most promising students math classes there are guys who systematically fail at the olympiads, where it is required to solve difficult problems for short term. And at the same time, they solve much more difficult problems without being limited by any hard deadline.” So far, we have talked about the “good” slowness associated with the fact that the student thinks about his work independently and deeply. But there are more difficult variants of childish slowness.

Sixth-grader Tanya counts in her mind with lightning speed, quickly figure out how to solve a problem, but if she needs to come up with an offer for some grammar rule, she is lost, sad and thinks for a long, long time. She tries very hard, but the proposal “does not come up with”, “does not fit into her head” - that’s all. Mom, who sits with Tanya for lessons for a long time, gets angry, “spokes” the girl, but this does not make things go faster. Yes, and can not go; The fact is that the girl's abilities were not formed evenly: mathematical ones are much more developed than linguistic ones. And from haste, reproaches and reprimands, the missing ability, of course, will not develop. But you can help the girl. If it is difficult for her to come up with sentences (and this indicates underdevelopment speech), then it is better to start working on its development with easier, “intermediate” tasks that require active word processing. This may be "inventing" rows of words for a particular rule, the selection of synonyms or antonyms for certain words. If the offer with the desired grammatical construction stubbornly “not invented”, you can suggest the topic of the sentence or its first words, or let the finished sentence be redone so that it turns out to be a sentence with the desired grammatical construction. You can train a schoolgirl on specially selected offers with stylistic mistakes, teaching her to find and correct these mistakes, you can teach her to "collect" sentences from "scattered" words or phrases. The more interesting and fun the proposals that are “in work” are, the faster things will go. Gradually, but persistently, accustoming the girl to various forms of active work with words, you can ensure that she will feel much more confident in the world of words.

So, the cause of slowness may be the insufficient development of some of the abilities. By purposefully training it, you can achieve its “alignment” and accelerate the pace of work.

Another unfavorable variant of the “slow-temper” is the “crammer”, the student who works slowly because he spends great amount time to memorize the material without trying to understand it. Academic work takes a lot from these children more labor and strength than those who think, but unaccustomed and hostility in the active mental work, unwillingness and inability to think are so strong that the student prefers to spend a lot of work on memorization. This type of student is called "intellectually passive". Studies by psychologists have shown that intellectual passivity does not at all indicate that a student is naturally incapable of learning. Passive attitude children to mental work could develop under the influence of the most different reasons: gaps in knowledge, disbelief in one's own strength, negative emotional reaction to the demands of adults, etc.

An experiment was conducted with "intellectually passive" children: they were taught to solve problems in game form: a student who solved the problem correctly scored a certain number of points. And here are the same children who seemed lethargic and sluggish during the lessons, but in the conditions of the game they were transformed: they were cheerful, active, quick-witted and persistent guys, full of desire to solve the problem and win. And the tasks were one of those that were so difficult, reluctant and often unsuccessfully solved in the classroom. It turned out that now right decisions(for the same children!) had three times more, while the productivity of their work also increased three times. negative attitude to mental labor, then gradually this schoolboy will begin to think more actively even in the "ordinary" teaching, and all his further school activities will be easier and more successful. And faster.

And finally, another version of the slow-working student is a disorganized, unassembled child who is distracted during work. And if the reason for a student sitting for a long time at home is that he “digs”, gets distracted, tries to watch TV or read a detective story between two tasks, then just such children can and should be “accelerated”, accustomed to composure and organization, show them exactingness.

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As in the late Soviet Union, living out its last years, the life of citizens in Putin's Russia has the same psychological inertia. People who are generally accustomed or accustomed to thinking in certain cliches, living in a certain system of coordinates and methods set by propaganda, cannot go beyond their barriers, which ignores the perception of impending and already ongoing processes that are most difficult for the survival of the state. And not only global, but also concerning each person personally.

The chronology of the collapse of the Union among those who survived six years of the reign of M. S. Gorbachev was mainly fixed in their memory on the culminating events (and media personalities) of 1990–1991. As if only and exclusively they influenced the course and collapse of Soviet history. A lot of other milestones, facts, trends, and phenomena preceding the Belovezhskaya collusion were simply ignored by public opinion.

For example, in 1985, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, MS Gorbachev, and his supporters began the policy of perestroika. Few ordinary people were moved by this fact. The USSR, as the then propaganda claimed, was at the peak of its power, socialism was built, the state was moving towards building a communist society. Why did something need to be rebuilt? But the people "swallowed" this bait, practically without analyzing and without making any deep conclusions at that time.

What phenomena did perestroika give rise to? In addition to the fact that the political activity of the people has grown sharply, mass movements and organizations have formed, including radical and nationalist ones. The great country reacted rather sluggishly to the intercommunal conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in 1987, which arose against the backdrop of a sharp rise in national movements in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Following the outbreak of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, followed by ethnic oppression, on September 11, 1988, the first public call for the restoration of Estonian independence took place. And again, Soviet society reacted quite calmly to this fact. As well as the fact that already on November 16, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Estonian SSR, the Declaration of Sovereignty and the Declaration on the Union Treaty were adopted. Lithuania, Latvia, Abkhazia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova - the parade of sovereignties that began simply shouted that the process of the country's disintegration was gaining momentum. But how did the Soviet society react to it? Absolutely calmly, trusting, as usual in Russia, that “they know better what they are doing”, “the bosses will figure it out”, “they didn’t feel like that”, etc. At the same time, "at the top" - one of the two - either really knew what they were doing, or had no idea what to do. The so-called attempts to reform the Soviet system led to a deepening crisis in the country.

In psychology, there is such a thing - the inertia of thinking. This is a predisposition to any particular method and way of thinking in solving a problem, ignoring all possibilities, except for the one encountered at the very beginning. As A.V. Sopelnyak writes, “the psychological inertia of thinking is the stronger, the more knowledge we have.” Any information is epistemologically perceived by a person and society within the framework of an existing or generally accepted system of knowledge.

An example of the inertia of thinking is the stubborn upholding of the generally accepted point of view or the acceptance on faith of the positions expressed by authoritative people, which are characteristic of all times, not excluding our days. Aristotle, the great naturalist of antiquity, wrote in one of his writings that the fly has eight legs. This was sacredly believed until someone bothered to count the legs of an annoying insect. There were six of them.

Let us recall how hard it is for the scientific community to accept fundamentally new directions or original proposals, which is a manifestation of the psychology of the inertia of thinking. They can be traced in world literature, drama and cinema. Around the world in 80 days is impossible. Going into space is impossible. Cloning a human is incredible. Phone video calls are fantastic. The collapse of the USSR - this cannot be, because it can never be. The people believed in this, as they now believe in the stability and steadfastness of the course of the ruling group in the Russian Federation.

Have you noticed how often we postpone the most difficult, the inevitable to the very end: the most difficult thing is the most disgusting, and at the mere thought of it, the brain seizes inhibition, which physiologists aptly called protective. Like Gorbachev's perestroika, in 2014 the Putin government announced a policy of import substitution in Russia. Three years of unproductive chatter, multibillion-dollar expenses for the so-called import substitution, juggling with individual figures in certain sectors of the economy, and in general - an unattractive picture of a complete failure.

For example, two thirds of domestic sausage products do not meet quality requirements. Instead of pork with beef - soy protein, starch and cellulose. Rosselkhoznadzor completely established that 80% of the cheese produced in our country is a fake made with the addition of vegetable fats. At the same time, the statistics of the Accounts Chamber as of January 1 of this year stated that the number of cattle amounted to 19.2 million heads, having decreased by 2% over the year. AT

The analytical center under the Russian government emphasizes that due to the stalling of the import substitution program, the prices of “all key socially significant food products” have increased significantly. This is import substitution! A similar picture is observed in all, without exception, sectors of the Russian Federation. How does Putin's "import substitution" differ from Gorbachev's "perestroika"? How do local conflicts on the outskirts of the USSR, the war in Afghanistan, in which thousands of Russian soldiers died, differ from the unresolved conflict in the Donbass and the war in Syria? Nothing. And the reaction of society, encouraged by the "victories" of television propaganda, is similar. Most people continue to follow the course of inertia thinking. Gorbachev, after four years of mediocre management, admitted that there was a crisis in the USSR. In 1989, the beginning of the economic crisis in the USSR was officially announced for the first time (economic growth is replaced by a fall). Putin, apparently, is not going to do this, especially since the presidential elections are ahead.

At present, among historians and political analysts there is no single point of view on the causes of the collapse of the USSR. Possible reasons include the following:

Centrifugal nationalist tendencies that arose as a result of the failure of the leadership of the USSR to fulfill the tasks of civilizational development, manifested in the form of interethnic contradictions and the desire of individual peoples to independently develop their culture and economy;

The authoritarian nature of Soviet society and the gradual, expressed in the nobility of the "elite" - the party nomenklatura, which took shape as an exploiting class and the servility of the population, ideological narrow-mindedness, prohibitions, restrictions, censorship, the absence of a free and mass discussion of alternatives, but most importantly - in their rejection;

The growing dissatisfaction of the population due to deliberately created interruptions in food and the most necessary goods (refrigerators, televisions, toilet paper, etc.), ridiculous prohibitions and restrictions (on the size of a garden plot, etc.), a lag in living standards from developed countries of the West;

Disproportions in the extensive economy (characteristic of the period that began after the 1953 coup d'état and Khrushchev's "thaw"), which resulted in a constant shortage of consumer goods, a growing technical backwardness in all areas of the manufacturing industry (which, in an extensive economy, can only be compensated for by high-cost mobilization measures , a set of such measures under the general name "Acceleration" was adopted in 1987, but there were no longer economic opportunities to implement it);

Crisis of confidence in the economic system: in the 1960s–1970s. The main way to deal with the characteristic shortage of consumer goods was chosen to bet on the mass character, simplicity and cheapness of materials, most enterprises worked in three shifts, produced similar products from low-quality materials. After 1953, the quantitative plan became the only way to assess the effectiveness of enterprises, quality control was minimized. The result of this was a sharp drop in the quality of consumer goods produced in the USSR, as a result, already in the early 1980s. the term "Soviet" in relation to goods was synonymous with the term "low quality". The crisis of confidence in the quality of goods became a crisis of confidence in the entire economic system as a whole;

A number of man-made disasters (plane crashes, the Chernobyl accident, the crash of the Admiral Nakhimov, gas explosions, etc.) and the concealment of information about them;

The decline in world oil prices, which shook the economy of the USSR;

Monocentric decision-making (only in Moscow), which led to inefficiency and loss of time;

Defeat in the arms race, the victory of "Reaganomics" in this race;

The Afghan war, the Cold War, the ongoing financial assistance to the countries of the socialist bloc, the development of the military-industrial complex to the detriment of other sectors of the economy ruined the budget;

The interest of Western states in the weakening of the USSR;

Subversive activities of foreign intelligence services;

The betrayal by the leaders of many departments of state interests and the refusal to defend the Motherland in favor of robbing the Motherland in their own interests.

The conceptual uncertainty of managing the entire Russian civilization, then called the Soviet Union.

Adapting this list to the realities of Putin's Russia, we can conclude that all these processes did not stop in 1991, they were only frozen. Meanwhile, the same authoritarian nomenclature is now in power in the Russian Federation, who, in a state of uncertainty in the management of the state-civilization and the absence of a healing recipe, have consolidated their exploitative and predatory status. What pushed away (frightened away, disappointed, betrayed) a whole belt of states and republics friendly to Russia. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there is downright “servility” of the population, the same ideological narrow-mindedness (now the presidential course is being served as an ideology), prohibitions, restrictions, censorship, repressions, and the absence of a free and mass discussion of alternatives. But the main thing is psychological inertia, which casts doubts, cowardice and indecision, and leads away from the answer, responsibility, action.

This is the most harmful manifestation of the inertia of thinking for society - the non-acceptance of fundamentally new ideas and decisions by people on whom, perhaps, the viability of the state as such depends. This rejection leads to a delay in the implementation of the idea for years or decades, to the collapse of the destinies and hopes of millions of people.

That is why the ideas of the New Type Party about the need for the speedy legal transformation of the Russian statehood are fixed in the minds of people with such difficulty.

Inertia of thinking! We all face a huge task of overcoming it, that is, bringing the majority of people, our relatives, neighbors, colleagues to another level of consciousness. Where information clichés and political technology blanks are “erased”, value judgments change, old and familiar values ​​give way to higher values, and beliefs are transformed into knowledge and understanding.

When the inertia of thinking is stopped, the understanding that without the creation in Russia of an opposition power group of a nationwide political structure will become a conviction. And the implementation of fundamental "revolutionary" changes in the country for the benefit of the people and the state will become a recognized necessity.