The state budget. The history of the formation of the state reserve

State reserve is a special federal (all-Russian) stock of material assets intended for use for the purposes and in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of December 29, 1994 No. 79-ФЗ “On the State Material Reserve”.

The state reserve consists of:

- mobilization reserve, which includes stocks of materials for the mobilization needs of the state, intended to ensure the deployment of the production of military products, repair military equipment and property in a special period, the deployment in wartime of work to restore the railway and highways, sea and river ports, airfields, communications facilities, gas pipelines and oil product pipelines, power supply and water supply systems, to organize the uninterrupted operation of industry, transport and communications, to provide medical care;

- material reserve, including stocks of strategic materials and goods, stocks of material assets to ensure urgent work during the aftermath emergencies, providing support to sectors of the state economy and organizations, providing humanitarian assistance and regulating the impact on the market.

Thus, the state reserve is intended for:

Providing mobilization needs Russian Federation;

Ensuring urgent work during the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations;

Rendering state support various industries National economy, organizations, constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to stabilize the economy in case of temporary supply disruptions the most important types raw materials and fuel and energy resources, food;

Providing humanitarian assistance;

Providing regulatory impact on the market.

History of creation. Reserves existed in the ancient world. well known bible story about the wise Joseph - the creator and manager strategic reserves food in Ancient Egypt. Skillfully using the strategic food supply he created, he managed to become the master of Egypt. The life of not only the Egyptians, but also the neighboring peoples, who did not timely take care of creating their own food supplies, depended on his will.

Archaeological finds show that the Slavs had public food supplies long before the modern chronology.

In ancient Russia, large stocks of food were stored in monasteries, castles, estates, on the territory of which there were necessarily outbuildings and premises: cellars, dungeons, pits, barns and other devices in which food was stored.

From the middle of the 15th century, under the reign of Ivan Kalita (1462-1505), a complex process of unification of the principalities around the growing strength of Muscovite Russia began.

Using the patronage of the Khan of the Golden Horde, Ivan 1 received the right to collect tribute from the Russian lands. An easy tribute made it possible to accumulate the resources necessary to strengthen Muscovite Russia, conquer and annex new lands to it.

Ivan Kalita founded stores in all cities where stocks of bread were stored based on a 3-year need for the population of cities. Every year, 1/3 of the stocks were sold and fresh bread was harvested instead. The quantity and quality of food stocks were subjected to revision - verification.

Peter I transformed the storage system by creating a chain of stores. In these stores, in excess of the planned norm of bread, it was prescribed to have stocks of bread at the rate of the two-year needs of the city garrison. Under Peter I, state raw materials and industrial reserves were created (reserves for iron and copper smelters). In 1700, the "Provision Order" was created - a body for managing state food reserves, which completed the construction of a system of state reserves in Russia.

FROM late XVI II century in Russia, capitalist relations are emerging. State stocks are procured in a contract (market) way, under contracts with suppliers-contractors, and commission purchases arise as a variation of it.

After the war with Turkey (1877-1878), attempts were made to accumulate supplies of food and fodder for the period of mobilization in case of war. The war with Japan showed that the Russian army was poorly provided not only with food, but also with weapons, ammunition, and equipment. This war demonstrated the urgent need to create state reserves material resources and their management.

With the outbreak of the war in 1914, significant food supplies began to accumulate. In the centralized order, the government in 1914-1915 prepared 305 million poods of grain, in 1915-1916 - 502 million poods, and in 1916-1917 - 540 million poods. Such a massive withdrawal from circulation of food naturally led to a sharp shortage and rise in price of food, which was another important reason for the growth of discontent among the population. royal authorities. The revolutionary parties quite skillfully took advantage of this discontent.

The first years after the revolutions passed in conditions of famine, mass poverty and devastation. Despite this, in 1926, the foundation was laid for the formation of a permanent state food fund. The management and control of the fund was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Foreign and Internal Trade, the Council of Labor and Defense. In 1927, a wheat mobilization fund was created in the amount of 1.6 million tons. By 1931, stocks of grain in the amount of 2 million tons were created.

In connection with the expansion of the range of goods and materials put into the reserve, the increased volumes of accumulation, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of October 17, 1931, the Committee of Reserves under the Council of Labor and Defense was formed. V.V. was appointed the first head of the Committee of Reserves. Kuibyshev. In the regions, departments and inspections of reserves were organized under the authorized NKVD.

With the formation of the Committee of Reserves, all mobilization stocks located in various institutions and enterprises, as well as the mobilization and state grain funds, were transferred to its jurisdiction. The Committee of Reserves, departments and inspections under the authorized NKVD in the field were entrusted with the tasks of replenishing stocks, their accounting and control.

In 1937, the Council of Labor and Defense was abolished, the Reserves Committee was transformed into the State Reserves Administration under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the departments and inspections of reserves from the NKVD system were transferred directly to the State Reserves Administration.

Starting from 1939, products and materials for the production of weapons, as well as medical and sanitary property, began to be pawned. Tables for equipping medical equipment were developed special formations. Expendable medical property ( medicines, dressings) for evacuation hospitals was designed for a three-month need, and the complex and expensive equipment used in medical institutions in peacetime, was assigned to special formations for the mobilization period.

In the first years of the Great Patriotic War, the huge losses of raw materials, materials, and food were replenished mainly at the expense of state reserves. The state reserve ensured the uninterrupted supply of the front and industry with everything necessary. Despite the most difficult food situation in the country, by the end of the war, it was possible not only to restore the spent reserves, but also to increase them. The volume of state reserves for bread and canned meat increased by 1.8 times. At the expense of state reserves, humanitarian assistance was provided to the residents of Vienna and other liberated European cities.

For post-war period The work of the system of state reserves is characterized by repeated structural transformations of the governing bodies and storage bases. During the period from 1946 to 1960, the central bodies changed their name four times, the system was divided into parallel structures twice and merged twice.

On the state of the state reserves system in the 1980s significant influence caused a stagnation in the country's economy, a decline in agricultural production, and the beginning of deep social and economic transformations.

Since December 1990, a new structure has been organized in the system of state reserves - the Department of Material Resources for Emergency Situations. Stocks of material resources for emergency situations are used in the elimination of emergency situations on a nationwide scale.

In 1991-1992 - in connection with the collapse of the USSR, there was a division unified system state reserves of the USSR and the formation of a system of state reserves of the Russian Federation.

An important point in modern history state reserves was the introduction at the end of 1994 of the federal law "On the state material reserve".

In 2004, the State Committee for Reserves was renamed the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) and it became subordinate to the Ministry economic development and trade in Russia.

AT last years The reserve was used in many operations to eliminate the consequences of emergencies in the Russian Federation, and also ensured the prompt provision of humanitarian assistance to many foreign countries.

When asked by journalists how long the country's strategic reserves would last, A.A. Grigoriev, the head of the Federal Reserve, replied: "for 90 days from the date of the complete cessation of supply." It is difficult to judge how accurate these data are - after all, any information about the volume of the state reserve is a strict state secret.

The state budget(from English. budget - bag, wallet) is an estimate of the state's income and expenditure on certain period time, compiled with an indication of the sources of receipt of state revenues and directions, channels for spending money.

Functions state budget:

 regulates the cash flows of the state, strengthens ties between the center and the subjects of the federation;

 legally controls the actions of the government;

 carries information about the intentions of the government to participants in economic activity;

 determines the parameters of economic policy and sets the framework possible actions government.

In view of the special importance of the state budget for all areas economic life its drafting, approval and implementation occur at the level of laws. At the same time, the state budget itself is a law.

The state budget serves as a prerequisite and financial basis for the functioning of the state and the implementation by it of those functions that society has authorized it to perform. With the help of the budget, issues of financial regulation at the macro level and on the scale of the entire economy are solved. Economic importance budget consists in the fact that it forms a significant part of the final demand (due to its funds, most of the income from the population is formed, large volumes of products are purchased, and state reserves are created).

Basic requirements to the budget are:

 it should not have a rigid binding of income to expenses. The government should be able to freely decide which tasks are top priorities, and in what ways to solve them. This ensures the flexibility of economic policy;

 Hierarchy of budgets must be respected. That is, in the budget federal level flows of other levels should not be included, which contributes to the autonomy of budgets;

 The budget should include all revenues and expenditures controlled by the government.

The most important parts of the state budget are its profitable and consumable parts:

revenue side - shows the sources of budget funds;

expenditure part - shows for what purposes the funds accumulated by the state are directed.

The formation of budget revenues is carried out in accordance with the budget and tax legislation Russian Federation.

Cash are considered to have been received in budget revenue from the moment the credit institution operations for their crediting to the account of the body executing the budget.

Budget revenues generated through tax and non-tax types of income. In addition, budget revenues current year the balance of funds at the end of the previous year is credited.

tax revenue constitute federal, regional and local taxes and fees provided for by tax legislation, as well as penalties and fines. They are divided into two groups: straight and indirect taxes.

Indirect taxes- the main part of the tax revenues of the state budget (these are taxes on the consumer). They consist of VAT, excises and customs duties and fees. They influence the price level (included in the price) and the structure of consumption.

Direct taxes These are taxes levied directly at the source of their formation. Direct taxes include:

income tax;

income tax from individuals;

taxes on total income.

To indirect taxes , accounting for up to 70-90% of all tax revenues to the state budget, include:

Value Added Tax (VAT);

Customs duties and fees. At the same time, VAT is important in this group (up to 40% in the group of indirect taxes). excises - this is a federal (state in a unitary state) tax, which is levied on a small group of goods, main feature of which - high profitability (oil, natural gas, cars, motor gasoline, ethyl alcohol and spirits, tobacco and tobacco products). Customs payments, duties and fees are paid only to the state budget.

Direct taxes are charged to the state (federal), regional and local budgets. It also depends on territorial location enterprise and on its scale (profit tax). Direct taxes, in addition to income tax, also include income taxes on individuals (citizens). His rates are different various countries and are charged on a progressive scale depending on the taxable base (income): from 6-7 to 45%. Income tax is also levied on a progressive scale, its value ranges from 12-15 to 35%. Direct taxes this is the second component all income received by the budget. In other words, the revenue base of the state budget depends mainly on taxes. The assignment of tax to one or another level of the state budget is carried out in accordance with the current national legislation.

Taxes are divided into federal, regional and local.

To federal taxes include: income tax, personal income tax, VAT, excises, customs duties and fees.

Regional taxes and fees are recognized that are obligatory for payment in the federal territories of the state. It's property tax legal entities, sales tax, regional license fees, etc.

Local taxes and fees enacted by legislative acts are recognized local authorities self-government. special attention deserves VAT, an indirect tax that occupies a leading position in the revenue side of the state budget. The higher the value added tax, the higher the degree of processing of the goods, i.e., the additional value added to the initial cost of the goods.

Non-tax income are:

 income from the use of state or municipal property;

 income from the sale of state or municipal property;

 Income from paid services provided by public authorities and local government;

 fines, compensations;

 revenues received from the budgets of other levels of the budget system in the form of financial assistance and government loans.

The spending of state budget funds is carried out in the directions and in the amounts determined by the federal law, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the subjects of state power.

State budget expenditures can be classified according to various features, the most important of which is the financing by the state of its functions: economic, social, defense, etc.

The following expenses are financed from the federal budget:

national defense ;

science funding ;

real sector financing ;

state education. reserves ;

service and repayment of public debt (internal and external);

regulation of the financial potential of state entities (federal or unitary).

The expenses financed jointly from the state budget, federal and municipal budgets include:

 state support for industries (construction, Agriculture, transport, communication);

 providing law enforcement;

 ensuring fire safety;

 science and socio-cultural activities.

The main principle of delimitation of expenditures between budgets is their adequacy to the powers assigned to appropriate level authorities.

Budget expenditures are also divided according to the principle of their participation in the process of expanded reproduction.

According to the principle of participation in the process of expanded reproduction, budget expenditures are divided into current and capital expenditure.

Current expenses- this is:

 current spending on defense, science, social sphere;

 Separate compensation expenses by sectors of the economy.

Capital expenditures are divided into:

 new construction;

 reconstruction important objects state and municipal property.

Among the priority expenditures of the state budget are:

 social spending;

 military spending;

 education and healthcare.

Structure expenditure part of the budget in developed countries:

social needs (at least 50% of all expenses);

maintaining the country's defense capability (about 20%);

public debt service ;

granting enterprises;

infrastructure development (roads, communications, transport, external energy supply, landscaping, etc.).

The structure of the expenditure part of the budget is determined by the relevance of the tasks set and the ways to solve them in accordance with the concept of the state's economic policy.

budget policy includes determining the ratio between the revenue and expenditure parts of the state budget. Here three options are possible:

balanced budget - budget expenditures are equal to revenues. Exactly this optimal condition budget;

deficit budget - budget expenditures are higher than revenues. Deficit - the difference between expenditures and budget revenues;

surplus budget - Budget revenues are higher than expenditures. A surplus is the difference between budget revenues and expenditures.

The sources of covering the budget deficit are:

Government loans(policy of deficit budget financing);

Domestic loans - loans within the country from firms and households through the issuance of securities (government bonds);

External loans - foreign countries, foreign banks and international organizations;

Money issue (issue of money) by the Central Bank in exchange for government obligations. As a result of printing additional money, there is a threat of inflation (an increase in the unsecured money supply, resulting in an increase in prices), as additional demand for goods and services is created. If inflation assumes alarming proportions, then it is urgent to cut budgetary spending.

The following factors influence the state budget:

Long-term trends in tax revenues and government spending;

Phase business cycle in the country;

current state policy.

15th century

Creation in Russia of material reserves for a targeted national purpose

During the reign of Ivan III (1462-1505), national material reserves were created, primarily for defense purposes. For the first time in Russian history, a list and norms for the accumulation of stocks were established, as well as the procedure for maintaining their qualitative and quantitative safety: “to create stocks so that it is possible to withstand a siege for three years and annually refresh one third.” By order of Ivan III, permanent government institutions were founded, later called orders. One of these orders, called Zhitny, was engaged in the procurement and storage of grain reserves. In order to mitigate the disastrous consequences of frequent crop failures, stores were established in all cities of the Grand Duchy to store grain supplies.

XVI-XVII centuries.

Establishment of special monetary and grain orders for the collection of food supplies for military purposes

The formation of a unified Russian state with the central administration and united army put forward the task of creating centralized system supply troops and increase state stocks of food and weapons.

From the end XVI in. the storage and distribution of the state grain of the army was carried out by the grain yards created in all cities - local state institutions in the Zhitny order system. Strict accounting was kept of state grain reserves, they were inviolable and could only be spent on orders from the capital.

Government acts of this time contain numerous instructions on how to maintain food supplies. In the "Mandate memory of the storage of grain stocks", sent to 1629 the year of the tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Oskol governor Danila Yablochkov, says: “And to keep the granaries and grain reserves great, so that the granaries are covered, and in the granaries our grain reserves have not deteriorated in any way, and there are no losses in grain reserves alone did not have".


Creation of the Provisional Order - the central body for managing state food stocks, which completed the construction of a system of state reserves in Russia

The reign of Peter I entered the history of the Russian state as an era of large-scale transformations. The emergence of a unified system of state reserves also dates back to this time, covering not only food, but later also reserves for the emerging industry.

18th of Febuary1700 G. The Provisional Order was established, the duty of which was to create state food supplies for the army. This made it possible to introduce conscription and create regular army, which was fully supported by the state.

By the end of the reign of Peter I was developed and formulated in principle new approach to solve the problem of providing the population with food - to direct the efforts of the authorities not to combat the consequences of the crisis, but to prevent manifestations of "people's need". AT 1723 year Peter I ordered to create special unit Chamber College, which was supposed to control the food situation in the country. However, the idea of ​​creating state reserves for the population was not fully implemented either under Peter I or under his successors, although it was repeatedly returned to both in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Publication of a set of government regulations and laws governing the creation of permanent stocks to supply the army and civilian population

The first legislative act of Paul I, concerning the management of state reserves, was the "Institution of imperial family» 1797 of the year, which provided for the creation of spare stores in the settlements of specific peasants "to prevent a shortage that could happen from a shortage of bread." AT 1799 In the year Paul I ordered the creation of spare bread shops also in state-owned and owner's villages.

At the beginning of the reign of Alexander I, a reform of the system of central state bodies was carried out. As part of the 1802 The year of the Ministry of the Military Ground Forces included all the institutions responsible for the supply and creation of stocks for the army: the Provision, Commissariat, Artillery and Engineering Expeditions.

Within the Ministry of the Interior in 1802 The First Expedition began its work in 1991, the functions of which included providing the tax-paying population with bread in lean years. The food department in each province was entrusted to the People's Food Commission. FROM 1822 the provinces are given the right to choose their own means of combating crop failure - to create money capital or reserves in grain. As a result, money capital was established in 12 provinces, and spare shops with bread were established in 40. However, the measures taken did not save the population from starvation in 1833 year.

AT 1834 In the year under Nicholas I, the “Regulations on reserves for food allowances” were issued, in which it was again ordered to introduce reserve bread shops in all provinces and at the same time create food money capital.

AT 1838-1839 gg. Nicholas I issued a “Code of Military Decrees”, which entrusted the Provisional Department with supplying the army with food, creating food supplies, building spare stores, as well as collecting information about the harvest and prices for bread.


State stocks in the second halfXIXcentury and on the eve of the revolution of 1917

Russia's defeat in the Crimean War 1853-1856 gg. marked the beginning military reform 1860s. AT 1864 The Main Quartermaster Directorate of the Ministry of War was created in 1997, which was in charge of supplying the army, including food supplies. Stocks were divided into three groups: economic (stocks for the current supply of the army), serfs (to provide food for garrisons in case of war) and inviolable (to ensure the supply of troops at the initial stage of the war).

AT 1870 In 1993, the factory of the St. Petersburg entrepreneur Aziber produced the first samples of tin canned meat that could withstand long-term storage. AT 1875 In 1999, the Main Quartermaster's Office decided to put canned food in storage to meet the needs of the army.

After the war between Russia and Turkey 1877-1878 gg. attempts were made to accumulate stocks of food and fodder in quantities sufficient for the period of mobilization and concentration of troops at the initial stage of the war. However, such stocks could only be created in areas along western borders, the situation with reserves in the Far East remained especially difficult.

War with Japan 1903-1905 gg. showed that the Russian army was defeated not only because of the lack of military equipment, but also clothing, shoes, food. The need to create significant food supplies in all border areas became obvious.

Since the beginning of the war 1914 For years, food difficulties were growing every day, and the threat of starvation hung over the army and the population. AT 1915 In the same year, the commanders of the military districts received the right to prohibit the export of foodstuffs necessary for the army from the subordinate provinces, to set prices for products at their own discretion and to requisition them if they refuse to sell voluntarily. In an attempt to solve the problem, the government centrally in 1914-1917 gg. procured 1340 million poods of grain. However, the supply of food to the civilian population remained insufficient, and the government was forced to transfer food to the population from army stocks.

29th of November 1916 The Minister of Agriculture signed a decree on the implementation of a forced surplus appraisal, which was never implemented. the day before February Revolution 1917 There were no food supplies at the disposal of the government for a year.


Formation of the state grain fund

AT 1925-1926 gg. in the Soviet state, work begins to restore food supplies lost during the years of revolutions and civil war. AT 1926 In the same year, the foundation was laid for the creation of a reserve state fund of grain, at first in the amount of 50 million poods. AT 1927 the stock of grain reached 1.6 million tons. At the same time, a mobilization fund for wheat, oats, and cereals was formed in the People's Commissariat for Foreign and Domestic Trade.

AT 1927-1928 gg. in accordance with the new economic and political setting, the task of the coming years was determined: the formation of budgetary, currency, grain, commodity, raw materials and fuel reserves necessary both for economic maneuvering and for ensuring the country's defense capability.


Establishment of the Committee of Reserves under the Council of Labor and Defense

Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated17 October1931 A specialized body was created that combined the main functions of managing state reserves - the Committee of Reserves under the Council of Labor and Defense (the Committee of Reserves). All mobilization stocks located in various institutions and enterprises, as well as the mobilization and state grain funds, previously under the control of the People's Commissariat for Supply, were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Committee of Reserves. The Committee of Reserves, departments and inspections under the authorized NKVD in the field were entrusted with accounting for reserves and monitoring their spending strictly within the plan approved by the government.

AT 1931 In 2009, the nomenclature of reserves for strategic materials of domestic production was approved from 11 items, for imported goods - from 68.

Stocks of the state reserve were used to fight hunger 1932-1933 gg.


Formation of territorial management bodies of state reserves - territorial administrations and inspections

AT 1937 year, the Committee of Reserves under the Council of Labor and Defense was transformed, while maintaining all its functions, into the Department of State Reserves under the Council People's Commissars USSR.

Since November 1937 Departments and inspections of reserves from the NKVD system were transferred to the direct jurisdiction of the State Reserves Department. 16 departments and 19 inspections were organized throughout the country.


Creation of scientific and training base state reserve systems

AT 1938 a polytechnic school was opened in Torzhok - Training Center training of specialists for work in the system of state reserves.

AT 1939 In 1999, the Central Research Laboratory began to work as part of the State Reserves Administration, on the basis of which the Research Institute for Storage Problems was created. Thus, the system of state reserves received a scientific center for the development of technologies for the long-term storage of goods and materials.


State Reserve on the eve of the Great Patriotic War

AT 1939 16 territorial administrations with a total number of 1,500 people are already included in the system of state reserves of the USSR. Each territorial administration manages from 2 to 10 bases and thousands of custody points. During this period, the construction of the first specialized tank farms began in the system of state reserves.

The total value of state material reserves for pre-war year increased by 1.9 times, the range of goods stored for storage was significantly expanded. January 1st 1941 d. in the state reserve there were 5876 million tons of bread; 42.9 thousand tons of meat; 108.5 thousand conditional cans of canned meat; 310 thousand tons of sugar; 3.0 thousand tons of natural rubber; 1583.7 thousand tons of oil products; 501.2 thousand tons of crude oil; about 30 types of metals, 20 types of cable products and other materials strategic purpose. The mobilization stocks of the industry increased by almost 60%, but even this was not enough. The government planned to send to the reserve raw materials, materials and goods in the amount of 6.3% of the country's total national income. These missions were not completed due to the attack Nazi Germany on the USSR.


State Reserve during the Great Patriotic War

From June 22 1941 d. in the central office of the Department of Material Reserves, in all territorial departments and bases of the system of state reserves, round the clock work. The system was tasked with providing reserves to ensure mobilization deployment Red Army and Navy, unbooking mobilization reserves at enterprises for the transition to the production of defense products, evacuation of stocks from threatened territories to the eastern regions of the country.

In connection with the redeployment of state reserves to eastern districts countries built new bases in the regions of the Volga, the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. In May 1942 of the year State Committee Defense made a decision to build oil depots for the state reserve, according to which, during the war years, the first phases of six oil depots were put into operation.

During the war years, about 20 million tons of bread, about 3 million tons of food products, about 2 million tons of metals, 16 million tons of coal, 9 million tons of oil products, 6 million cubic meters of timber were released from the state reserve for the needs of the army and the economy. A significant part of the products and materials supplied by the Allied powers under Lend-Lease also passed through the bases of the state reserve, from where they were distributed to the army and defense industry.

By May 1945 the number of territorial departments was brought up to 40, territorial inspections - up to 11. Total population employees of territorial departments amounted to 2246 people.

The volume of state reserves during the war years not only did not decrease, but as a result of the enormous strain of forces and the austerity of resources, they almost doubled in some types.


Post-war recovery

plan post-war reconstruction the national economy, a significant increase in state reserves was envisaged. There was not a single branch of the national economy that would not have been allocated resources from the state reserve. At the same time, work was underway to restore the destroyed and build new bases. In a short time, unique elevator and storage facilities, large food bases and the first refrigerators were built.

The system was assigned the most important task- ensure the abolition of the card supply system. In the end 1947 years, several teams were formed in the central office, which went to the regions to ensure the simultaneous release of accumulated stocks for trade throughout the country.

1st of January 1948 The government abolished the card system. Only from that day on, the state reserve system switched from wartime to peaceful work.


Peacetime State Reserve

1960 years have become a time rapid development and deep transformations in the system of state reserves. The range of materials placed in the state reserve, especially metals and their compounds, has significantly increased, many goods have appeared organic chemistry, fuel materials.

FROM 1965 years, a permanent the international cooperation with the bodies of the CMEA member countries in charge of the storage of state material reserves.

To 1970 In 2007, the total volume of food storage tanks increased by 144% compared to the level of 1959, in particular, refrigeration tanks - by 262%, reservoirs - by 380%, heated storage - by 698%.

AT 1972 In 1999, an information computing center was created in the system of state reserves.

Employees of the state reserve took part in the elimination of the consequences of earthquakes in Tashkent ( 1967 year), Spitak ( 1988 year). AT 1986 thousand tons of lead for the construction of a sarcophagus over the power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in as soon as possible were shipped from special storage facilities of the state reserve. From the end 1990 2009, work began in the system of the state reserve on the creation of a special fund of goods and materials intended for taking priority measures in the aftermath of emergency situations and the provision of humanitarian assistance.


The division of the system of state reserves of the USSR and the creation of the state reserve of Russia

In connection with the proclamation by the Union Republics of the USSR of their sovereignty and independence, the Committee on State Reserves under the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR November 23 1991 Mr.. issued an order to establish a liquidation commission. She was instructed to transfer the objects of the system of state reserves and material assets located in the territories of the former union republics administered by the governments of sovereign states. By December 15 1991 year, the transfer of fixed assets and reserves was completed.

Decree of the President of the RSFSR of November 25 1991 The Committee on State Reserves under the Government of the RSFSR was formed.

AT 1990 In the 1990s, the system of state reserves made a significant contribution to maintaining socio-political stability: up to 50 percent of the monthly food consumption in some regions was provided by the state reserve. As a result, over the years of perestroika, state reserves in terms of stocks of food products decreased by 2.5-3 times for meat products, more than 3 times for vegetable oil, and 4.5 times for sugar.

AT 1990 1990s, by order of the government, non-ferrous metals, fuel, rare earth elements were released from the state and mobilization reserves, food products were purchased with the proceeds from the sale.

December 29th 1994 was accepted the federal law No. 79-FZ "On the state material reserve", which established general principles formation, storage and use of stocks of the state material reserve.

2003 - today

Strategic reserve of the state

AT 2003 In 1999, financing of expenses for the maintenance of the state reserve system was established at the expense of the federal budget. Earlier in the period from 1992 on 2002 year, the federal budget did not provide funding for the state reserve. Stocks, with the inevitable costs of their refreshment and maintenance of fixed assets, were reduced, but the state reserve was largely preserved.

In March 2004 of the year by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Russian agency on state reserves was transformed into the Federal Agency for State Reserves (Rosrezerv) and transferred to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, which is entrusted with the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of the state material reserve.

In the end 2004 year, in the wake of integration processes in the CIS space, on the initiative of the Federal Reserve Agency, an Advisory Council of Heads of State (Executive) Authorities that manage state material reserves in the CIS member states was created.

The state reserve system ensures the supply of the necessary goods and materials for urgent work to eliminate the consequences natural Disasters and man-made disasters on the territory of the Russian Federation. Over the past 10 years, 82 actions to provide humanitarian assistance to 40 states have been carried out at the expense of the resources of the state material reserve.

December 28th 2010 d. amendments to the Federal Law “On the State Material Reserve” were adopted, significantly expanding the powers of the Federal Reserve. The changes are aimed at improving the norms governing the operation of the state material reserve system and bringing them into line with the new economic conditions and the norms of modern legislation.

November 23 2016 of the year by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed Decree No. 620 on the transfer of management of activities federal agency on state reserves to the Government of the Russian Federation. By the same decree, the Rosrezerv was transferred the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of managing the state material reserve, which were previously assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.


IN ACCORDANCE with our legislation, “state material reserve is a special federal (all-Russian) stock of material assets. Stocks are divided into two main parts.

First - state reserve- civilian reserve. These are strategic materials and goods for the stable operation of the country's economy, materials and goods for emergency work in the aftermath of emergencies and assistance to the affected population, including citizens of foreign states. As a recent example, we most recently provided humanitarian assistance to Kosovo's Serb minority in the amount of about $1.5 million. The stocks of flour, butter and vegetable oil, meat, grain, sugar, as well as oil products, metals, powerful construction equipment, mobile power plants, medical equipment, and many other material assets stored in the state reserve are located in one and a half hundred combines (storage bases). The State Reserve is managed using the Unified Automated System.

Second - mobilization reserve to meet the country's defense needs. The mob-reserve is stored in organizations - executors of mobilization tasks, and not at our bases.

The functions of the Federal Reserve cover all stages of the technological cycle that goods go through at our plants. From storage, control and maintenance required quality during long-term storage before being released to the consumer. Things are different with respect to the mobile reserve. Due to the fact that the number of organizations where it is stored is currently several thousand, the control of the safety of mobile reserves is carried out only periodically. But this control is very strict and is carried out at the initiative of the Federal Reserve together with the Accounts Chamber, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and other authorities. Unfortunately, there are still cases of unauthorized spending of stocks and even theft. On these facts, administrative and criminal cases are initiated annually. But it is important to note that as a result joint work the number and volume of unauthorized spending and theft since 2001 have decreased significantly.

Citizens have the right to know

AT SOVIET times information about state reserves was a closed topic. Why is the public now aware of this?

Citizens of Russia, as taxpayers, have the right to know where the money they earn goes. These are the requirements of the president - to respect his people. In addition, the awareness of the population about the availability and possibilities of the state reserve leaves no room for spontaneous or inspired mass fears in tense moments. That is, it contributes to socio-political and economic stability in society.

Openness has its limits. Recall that with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, state reserve facilities were the primary targets German aviation. The location of our plants is not subject to disclosure. The norms, actual volumes and nomenclature of our reserves remain secret. Let's remember: the state reserve is a material resource national security.

It is known that food prices are rising all over the world. Moreover, there are forecasts that the world community will face a real food shortage in the foreseeable future. Does it threaten Russia?

No. Here is a simple example: in the critical 1990s, the state reserve system became a real economic shield for the country and made it possible to prevent a social explosion and the collapse of Russia. Thus, subsidized regions covered over 50% of their food needs at the expense of the state reserve. The total amount of reserves spent during this period is comparable to the years of the Great Patriotic War. And then the front and rear were given about 20 million tons of grain, millions of tons of other products and material values. Today, thanks to the efforts of the country's leadership, the state of the state reserve is such that it is able to provide every inhabitant of the country with everything necessary for three months.

We do not deal with intermediaries

- Are you familiar with the state reserves of other countries? Do you keep in touch with colleagues?

There are state reserves in almost all states. But their structure, nomenclature and volumes differ markedly. Cooperation with colleagues is, first of all, scientific and technical and in the aftermath of emergency situations, the provision of humanitarian assistance. An industry body of the CIS, created on the initiative of the Federal Reserve Agency, is actively operating - the Advisory Council of Heads of State Reserve Bodies.

From the latest examples - in 2007, the Federal Reserve held an International scientific and practical conference, which was attended by delegations from 26 CIS countries, European Union and USA. An agreement was reached to similar meetings regular.

At the end of 2007, negotiations were held with the leadership of the state reserve of the PRC. Agreed on cooperation. We also work intensively with colleagues from Mongolia. Since September in our Torzhok polytechnic college training of future specialists of the state reserve of this country will begin.

- Material values ​​are stored in other industries. What is the difference between the state reserve?

It has its own specifics. The main thing is the duration of storage and at the same time ensuring the quality of material assets so that they can be used for their intended purpose or sold on the market at any time. The shelf life of stocks in other industries is many times shorter. During the release of products, our products must be absolutely fit for use and at the end of the shelf life (I emphasize: “storage”, not “fitness”!) Competitive in the market. This circumstance determines the special requirements for the quality of goods stored for storage. Rosrezerv carries out pre-contract quality control, starting with a thorough examination production base supplier. Rosrezerv has nothing to do with intermediaries, but works only directly with manufacturers.

Human Resource

- All this requires specialists of special qualifications.

There are many specialties in the state reserve system, but none of them has higher educational institutions personnel are not prepared for us in a targeted way. We train mid-level specialists for ourselves on our own - in the unique Torzhok Polytechnic College. For workers with higher education on the this stage the way out is their retraining under programs that take into account the specifics of the state reserve. This is all the more important because, as the elected President of Russia D. Medvedev noted, today it is necessary to continuously update theoretical and practical knowledge specialists in connection with the increased requirements for the level of qualification and possession of modern methods of solving professional problems. The scientific and methodological support of this work was entrusted to our Research Institute for Storage Problems. By decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, it became the Commonwealth's base organization for the scientific and technical development of state reserves systems.

The State Reserve is intended for use in crisis and emergency situations. This significantly increases the requirements for staff. But a significant part of the most professionally trained specialists and managers in market conditions is employed not in the public sector, but in the private sector. The US experience is known. The so-called National Reserve of Leading Personnel has been created there. Head federal body executive power to carry out emergency programs, the US President delegated the right to mobilize civilian personnel from the reserve of leading personnel. We propose to provide for legislative framework mobilization preparation of the Russian economy, the possibility and mechanism of additional staffing of the relevant governing bodies and organizations with specialists employed in peacetime in other industries and sectors of the economy.

The country's leadership has chosen an innovative development path. How does this decision affect the Rosrezerv, a generally conservative structure?

And we did not expect this decision. Russia's state reserve turned out to be in a very difficult position. early XXI century. Depreciation of fixed assets reached 70% in some positions. There was only one way out - implementation innovative technologies in branch.

Take, for example, a tank farm for storing millions of tons of petroleum products. In 2003, the government approved our proposals for its modernization within a limited timeframe and with minimal budgetary outlays. One of the unique innovative technologies is the creation and operation of storage facilities for high-quality motor fuels at a depth of up to one and a half kilometers. Rosrezerv has developed and implemented a technology that ensures the achievement of the goal. Compared to traditional technologies, capital costs for the construction of reservoirs are reduced by 2 times, construction time - by 2-3 times, operating costs - by half. The terms of storage of oil products increase by 3-4 times without loss of their quality. Three orders of magnitude, that is, thousands of times (!), reduces the risk of emergencies, and the loss of stored oil products is almost completely eliminated.

- And how do you solve the problem of retaining staff?

It is interesting to work with us - our organizations are equipped with the most modern technology and scientific equipment, employees are provided with good living conditions. There is a permanent health Camp in outskirts of Moscow. The children of employees from all over Russia have a rest in it. The construction of their housing has been resumed. Yes, in Nizhny Novgorod a residential building with 90 apartments has recently been occupied. People value belonging to the system also because young employees and children of Rosrezerv employees study at our Torzhok College. Especially from the outback, where they hardly had the opportunity to get a decent and sought-after education.

The income of our employees is unlikely to reach the level of the business community in the near future. But the feeling of belonging to the most important public affairs, awareness of its importance plays for many no less a role than the level of monetary reward. Therefore, significant efforts are directed to the care of employees and veterans. To create truly decent working conditions and simply the lives of our employees and their families.

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